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# 90DaysOfDevOps
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이 리포지토리는 "DevOps"의 기본적인 지식을 학습해 나가기 위한 나의 여정을 문서화 하기 위해 사용합니다. 2022년 1월 1일에 여정을 시작할 예정이며 90일이 소요됩니다. 딱 마침 1월 1일부터 3월 31일까지 입니다.
최근 들어 문서를 만드는 이유는 다른 사람들이 나의 문서를 통해 무엇인가를 얻을 수 있고, 또한 자료들이 많이 강화될 수 있다고 믿기 때문입니다.
목표는 하루 한 시간씩 90일 동안 "DevOps"의 13가지 영역에 대한 기본적인 지식을 학습하는 것입니다.
"DevOps"에 대한 **모든 것들을 다루지는 않습니다** 하지만, 전반적인 이해화 학습을 돕는 영역에 대해서 다루게 됩니다.
트위터를 통해서 저와 가장 빠르게 연락을 닿을 수 있습니다. [@MichaelCade1](https://twitter.com/MichaelCade1)
## 과정
- [✔️] ♾️ 1 > [개요](Days/day01.md)
### What is and why do we use DevOps
- [✔️] ♾️ 2 > [Responsibilities of a DevOps Engineer](Days/day02.md)
- [✔️] ♾️ 3 > [DevOps Lifecycle - Application Focused](Days/day03.md)
- [✔️] ♾️ 4 > [DevOps & Agile](Days/day04.md)
- [✔️] ♾️ 5 > [Plan > Code > Build > Testing > Release > Deploy > Operate > Monitor >](Days/day05.md)
- [✔️] ♾️ 6 > [DevOps - The real stories](Days/day06.md)
### Learning a Programming Language
- [✔️] ⌨️ 7 > [The Big Picture: DevOps & Learning a Programming Language](Days/day07.md)
- [✔️] ⌨️ 8 > [Setting up your DevOps environment for Go & Hello World](Days/day08.md)
- [✔️] ⌨️ 9 > [Let's explain the Hello World code](Days/day09.md)
- [✔️] ⌨️ 10 > [The Go Workspace & Compiling & running code](Days/day10.md)
- [✔️] ⌨️ 11 > [Variables, Constants & Data Types](Days/day11.md)
- [✔️] ⌨️ 12 > [Getting user input with Pointers and a finished program](Days/day12.md)
- [✔️] ⌨️ 13 > [Tweet your progress with our new App](Days/day13.md)
### Knowing Linux Basics
- [✔️] 🐧 14 > [The Big Picture: DevOps and Linux](Days/day14.md)
- [✔️] 🐧 15 > [Linux Commands for DevOps (Actually everyone)](Days/day15.md)
- [✔️] 🐧 16 > [Managing your Linux System, Filesystem & Storage](Days/day16.md)
- [✔️] 🐧 17 > [Text Editors - nano vs vim](Days/day17.md)
- [✔️] 🐧 18 > [SSH & Web Server(LAMP)](Days/day18.md)
- [✔️] 🐧 19 > [Automate tasks with bash scripts](Days/day19.md)
- [✔️] 🐧 20 > [Dev workstation setup - All the pretty things](Days/day20.md)
### Understand Networking
- [✔️] 🌐 21 > [The Big Picture: DevOps and Networking](Days/day21.md)
- [✔️] 🌐 22 > [The OSI Model - The 7 Layers](Days/day22.md)
- [✔️] 🌐 23 > [Network Protocols](Days/day23.md)
- [✔️] 🌐 24 > [Network Automation](Days/day24.md)
- [✔️] 🌐 25 > [Python for Network Automation](Days/day25.md)
- [✔️] 🌐 26 > [Building our Lab](Days/day26.md)
- [✔️] 🌐 27 > [Getting Hands-On with Python & Network](Days/day27.md)
### Stick to one Cloud Provider
- [✔️] ☁️ 28 > [The Big Picture: DevOps & The Cloud](Days/day28.md)
- [✔️] ☁️ 29 > [Microsoft Azure Fundamentals](Days/day29.md)
- [✔️] ☁️ 30 > [Microsoft Azure Security Models](Days/day30.md)
- [✔️] ☁️ 31 > [Microsoft Azure Compute Models](Days/day31.md)
- [✔️] ☁️ 32 > [Microsoft Azure Storage & Database Models](Days/day32.md)
- [✔️] ☁️ 33 > [Microsoft Azure Networking Models + Azure Management](Days/day33.md)
- [✔️] ☁️ 34 > [Microsoft Azure Hands-On Scenarios](Days/day34.md)
### Use Git Effectively
- [✔️] 📚 35 > [The Big Picture: Git - Version Control](Days/day35.md)
- [✔️] 📚 36 > [Installing & Configuring Git](Days/day36.md)
- [✔️] 📚 37 > [Gitting to know Git](Days/day37.md)
- [✔️] 📚 38 > [Staging & Changing](Days/day38.md)
- [✔️] 📚 39 > [Viewing, unstaging, discarding & restoring](Days/day39.md)
- [✔️] 📚 40 > [Social Network for code](Days/day40.md)
- [✔️] 📚 41 > [The Open Source Workflow](Days/day41.md)
### Containers
- [✔️] 🏗️ 42 > [The Big Picture: Containers](Days/day42.md)
- [✔️] 🏗️ 43 > [What is Docker & Getting installed](Days/day43.md)
- [✔️] 🏗️ 44 > [Docker Images & Hands-On with Docker Desktop](Days/day44.md)
- [✔️] 🏗️ 45 > [The anatomy of a Docker Image](Days/day45.md)
- [✔️] 🏗️ 46 > [Docker Compose](Days/day46.md)
- [✔️] 🏗️ 47 > [Docker Networking & Security](Days/day47.md)
- [✔️] 🏗️ 48 > [Alternatives to Docker](Days/day48.md)
### Kubernetes
- [✔️] ☸ 49 > [The Big Picture: Kubernetes](Days/day49.md)
- [✔️] ☸ 50 > [Choosing your Kubernetes platform](Days/day50.md)
- [✔️] ☸ 51 > [Deploying your first Kubernetes Cluster](Days/day51.md)
- [✔️] ☸ 52 > [Setting up a multinode Kubernetes Cluster](Days/day52.md)
- [✔️] ☸ 53 > [Rancher Overview - Hands On](Days/day53.md)
- [✔️] ☸ 54 > [Kubernetes Application Deployment](Days/day54.md)
- [✔️] ☸ 55 > [State and Ingress in Kubernetes](Days/day55.md)
### Learn Infrastructure as Code
- [✔️] 🤖 56 > [The Big Picture: IaC](Days/day56.md)
- [✔️] 🤖 57 > [An intro to Terraform](Days/day57.md)
- [✔️] 🤖 58 > [HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL)](Days/day58.md)
- [✔️] 🤖 59 > [Create a VM with Terraform & Variables](Days/day59.md)
- [✔️] 🤖 60 > [Docker Containers, Provisioners & Modules](Days/day60.md)
- [✔️] 🤖 61 > [Kubernetes & Multiple Environments](Days/day61.md)
- [✔️] 🤖 62 > [Testing, Tools & Alternatives](Days/day62.md)
### Automate Configuration Management
- [✔️] 📜 63 > [The Big Picture: Configuration Management](Days/day63.md)
- [✔️] 📜 64 > [Ansible: Getting Started](Days/day64.md)
- [✔️] 📜 65 > [Ansible Playbooks](Days/day65.md)
- [✔️] 📜 66 > [Ansible Playbooks Continued...](Days/day66.md)
- [✔️] 📜 67 > [Using Roles & Deploying a Loadbalancer](Days/day67.md)
- [✔️] 📜 68 > [Tags, Variables, Inventory & Database Server config](Days/day68.md)
- [✔️] 📜 69 > [All other things Ansible - Automation Controller, AWX, Vault](Days/day69.md)
### Create CI/CD Pipelines
- [✔️] 🔄 70 > [The Big Picture: CI/CD Pipelines](Days/day70.md)
- [✔️] 🔄 71 > [What is Jenkins?](Days/day71.md)
- [✔️] 🔄 72 > [Getting hands on with Jenkins](Days/day72.md)
- [✔️] 🔄 73 > [Building a Jenkins pipeline](Days/day73.md)
- [✔️] 🔄 74 > [Hello World - Jenkinsfile App Pipeline](Days/day74.md)
- [✔️] 🔄 75 > [GitHub Actions Overview](Days/day75.md)
- [✔️] 🔄 76 > [ArgoCD Overview](Days/day76.md)
### Monitoring, Log Management, and Data Visualisation
- [✔️] 📈 77 > [The Big Picture: Monitoring](Days/day77.md)
- [✔️] 📈 78 > [Hands-On Monitoring Tools](Days/day78.md)
- [✔️] 📈 79 > [The Big Picture: Log Management](Days/day79.md)
- [✔️] 📈 80 > [ELK Stack](Days/day80.md)
- [✔️] 📈 81 > [Fluentd & FluentBit](Days/day81.md)
- [✔️] 📈 82 > [EFK Stack](Days/day82.md)
- [✔️] 📈 83 > [Data Visualisation - Grafana](Days/day83.md)
### Store & Protect Your Data
- [✔️] 🗃️ 84 > [The Big Picture: Data Management](Days/day84.md)
- [✔️] 🗃️ 85 > [Data Services](Days/day85.md)
- [✔️] 🗃️ 86 > [Backup all the platforms](Days/day86.md)
- [✔️] 🗃️ 87 > [Hands-On Backup & Recovery](Days/day87.md)
- [✔️] 🗃️ 88 > [Application Focused Backups](Days/day88.md)
- [✔️] 🗃️ 89 > [Disaster Recovery](Days/day89.md)
- [✔️] 🗃️ 90 > [Data & Application Mobility](Days/day90.md)
## License
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This work is licensed under a
[Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License][cc-by-nc-sa].
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