On [Day 59](day59.md) we provisioned a virtual machine using Terraform to our local FREE virtualbox environment. In this section we are going to be deploy a Docker container with some configuration to our local Docker environment.
First up we are going to use the code block below, the outcome of the below is that we would like a simple web app to be deployed into docker and to publish this so that it is available to our network. We will be using nginx and we will make this available externally on our laptop over localhost and port 8000. We are using a docker provider from the community and you can see the docker image we are using also stated in our configuration.
The above is a very simple demo of what can be done with Terraform plus Docker and how we can now manage this under the Terraform state. We covered docker compose in the containers section and there is a little crossover in a way between this, infrastructure as code as well as then Kubernetes.
For the purpose of showing this and how Terraform can handle a little more complexity, we are going to take the docker compose file for wordpress and mysql that we created with docker compose and we will put this to Terraform. You can find the [docker-wordpress.tf](/Days/IaC/Docker-Wordpress/docker-wordpress.tf)
We can then also navigate to our WordPress front end. Much like when we went through this process with docker-compose in the containers section we can now run through the setup and our wordpress posts would be living in our MySQL database.
Obviously now we have covered containers and Kubernetes in some detail, we probably know that this is ok for testing but if you were really going to be running a website you would not do this with containers alone and you would look at using Kubernetes to achieve this, Next up we are going to take a look using Terraform with Kubernetes.
If you have no other alternative and adding this complexity to your code is the place to go then you can do this by running something similar to the following block of code.
The remote-exec provisioner invokes a script on a remote resource after it is created. This could be used for something OS specific or it could be used to wrap in a configuration management tool. Although notice that we have some of these covered in their own provisioners.
Modules are a good way to separate your infrastructure resources as well as being able to pull in third party modules that have already been created so you do not have to re invent the wheel.
For example if we wanted to use the same project to build out some VMs, VPCs, Security Groups and then also a Kubernetes cluster we would likely want to split our resources out into modules to better define our resources and where they are grouped.
I have listed a lot of resources down below and I think this topic has been covered so many times out there, If you have additional resources be sure to raise a PR with your resources and I will be happy to review and add them to the list.