# Day 47 - Let's build an App in Python Let's create a simple blog app with the help of [Flask](https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.2.x/) that supports posts in [markdown.](https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/) ## Initiating virtual env and installing packages Let's create a directory for our blog project. After you have created your project directory, create virtual environment using the following commands: - Windows ``` bash c:\>python -m venv c:\path\to\myenv ``` - Linux//MacOs ``` bash python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment ``` Activate the virtual environment: - Windows cmd ``` bash C:\> \Scripts\activate.bat ``` - Windows powershell ``` powershell \Scripts\Activate.ps1 ``` - Linux//MacOs ``` bash source /bin/activate ``` Now let's use `pip` to install required modules and packages that we will be using in this project. ``` bash pip install flask markdown ``` ## Creating the flask app First, create a new Flask app, by creating a file in root of the project directory called `main.py`: ``` python from flask import Flask, render_template import markdown app = Flask(__name__) ``` Define a route for the home page: ``` python @app.route('/') def home(): return render_template('index.html') ``` Define a route to handle requests for individual blog posts: ``` python @app.route('/posts/') def post(path): with open(f'posts/{path}.md', 'r') as file: content = file.read() html = markdown.markdown(content) return render_template('post.html', content=html) ``` Create templates for the home page and individual blog posts, we can do this by creating a new directory in root of project called `templates`. And then further create the two following `html` files: - `index.html`: ``` html My Blog

My Blog

{% for post in posts %}

{{ post }}

{% endfor %} ``` - `post.html`: ``` html {{ title }}

{{ title }}

{{ content|safe }}
``` Modify the home route to display a list of blog post titles: ``` python @app.route('/') def home(): posts = [] for file in os.listdir('posts'): if file.endswith('.md'): title = file[:-3] posts.append(title) return render_template('index.html', posts=posts) ``` ## Adding markdown posts Now before running the app, let's add few posts. Create a directory called `posts` and add some Markdown files with blog post content. Let's add a `hello.md`: ``` markdown # Hello This is my first blog post ### Heading level 3 #### Heading level 4 ##### Heading level 5 ###### Heading level 6 I just love **bold text**. ``` Now, let's run the app, type the following command: ``` bash python main.py ``` And you should see the following output in the termainal: ``` bash  python main.py * Serving Flask app 'main' * Debug mode: on WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead. * Running on Press CTRL+C to quit * Restarting with stat * Debugger is active! ``` Here is how it would look, I have 2 blog posts and have some gifs in my blog posts. Navigate to `` in a browser window: ![Home Page of our blog](/2023/images/day48-1.png) If we click on the `hello` blog post: ![Hello blog post](/2023/images/day48-2.png)