2020-04-15 00:59:55 +07:00
"Language" "french"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_1_NAME" "Bagarreur"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_1_DESC" "Détruire 1 000 unités ennemies."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_2_DESC" "Détruire 100 000 unités ennemies."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_5_NAME" "Livraison Sans Fin"
Rework and Update of the french bundles (Steam and bundle_fr) (#4350)
* Complete rework of bundle_fr
# Complete rework of bundle_fr
## Overview
Hello players. I made a pull in [Mindustry-Suggestions](https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry-Suggestions/issues/1743) about merging bundle_fr and bundle_fr_be. The cat told he was unable to do that because:
> I don't understand either language, so I would be unable to merge the two bundles with any degree of accuracy. This is best discussed and implemented by other speakers of the language(s).
So I decided to do that with the help of senri on discord and Voila. There is the updated version of the french bundle for Belgians, Frenchs, Quebecois and everyone else who speaks or learns french !
## Changes
There are the words I changed that you may argue about:
Raccourci clavier -> Touches
Foreshadow -> Présage
Mace -> Titan
Scepter -> Destructeur
Reign -> Eradicateur
Lancier -> Perforateur (Its just an idea)
Chat -> Tchat
Minuterie -> Compte à rebours (Makes more sense for the waves i think)
Minimap -> Mini-carte
Supporté -> Pas pris en charge (For errors, makes more sense)
Hébergeur -> Hôte (the shorter the better)
Foreuse à vérin -> foreuse pneumatique (I don't think being super precise might help normal players)
Onde -> Vague
Percussion -> Percuteur (C'est un nom qui percute !)
- Deleted the (e) until the file is reviewed by more people
- Made the whole file more coherent, I mean there were upper/lower case letters where it shouldn't be.
- Added translations for V6 content like logic blocks, sector description, turrets, units...
- Some more stuff I may have forgotten
## Lines to verify in priority
There are the lines I was strugulling with
16, 23, 27, 37, 100, 109, 128, 129, 140, 153, 159, 189, 204, 229, 251, 282, 291, 321, 341, 421, 468, 482, 515, 536, [598 -> 613], 703, 705, 715, 751, 777, 1254, 1402
## conclusion
Like I said, I merged fr and fr_be, taking the best translations one by one and translating the missing lines. That would be cool if you look quickly in the file and find some errors I could have made. Thank you for reading and I wish you a good day, or night...
* Hotfix
* Updated steam translations
Updated the achievements and Added the new ones. The only problem I had is the "NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_26_1_DESC", I think there's better translation for that but I'm unable to figure it out for some reasons.
Co-authored-by: Anuken <arnukren@gmail.com>
2021-01-20 03:18:38 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_5_DESC" "Transférer 100 000 ressources."
2020-04-15 00:59:55 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_6_NAME" "Conquérant"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_6_DESC" "Remporter 10 matchs en mode Attaque."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_7_NAME" "Champion"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_7_DESC" "Remporter 10 matchs en mode PvP."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_8_DESC" "Détruire le noyau ennemi en 5 vagues ou moins."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_9_NAME" "Pluie de Noyau"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_9_DESC" "Lancer votre Noyau dans une zone 30 fois."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_10_DESC" "Survivre 100 vagues."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_12_NAME" "Chercheur"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_12_DESC" "Rechercher toutes les technologies."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_14_NAME" "Surcharge"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_14_DESC" "Toucher un ennemi couvert d'eau avec un tir électrique."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_15_NAME" "Déflexion"
2021-10-11 00:52:19 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_15_DESC" "Détruire une unité avec la réflexion de ses propres balles."
2020-04-15 00:59:55 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_17_NAME" "Une Grave Erreur"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_17_DESC" "Rechercher le Routeur."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_18_DESC" "Placer 10 000 blocs."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_19_NAME" "Dévaster"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_19_DESC" "Détruire 1 000 blocs ennemis."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_20_NAME" "Un Désastre Spectaculaire"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_20_DESC" "Provoquer l'explosion d'un Réacteur à Thorium en le faisant surchauffer."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_21_NAME" "Cartographe"
Rework and Update of the french bundles (Steam and bundle_fr) (#4350)
* Complete rework of bundle_fr
# Complete rework of bundle_fr
## Overview
Hello players. I made a pull in [Mindustry-Suggestions](https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry-Suggestions/issues/1743) about merging bundle_fr and bundle_fr_be. The cat told he was unable to do that because:
> I don't understand either language, so I would be unable to merge the two bundles with any degree of accuracy. This is best discussed and implemented by other speakers of the language(s).
So I decided to do that with the help of senri on discord and Voila. There is the updated version of the french bundle for Belgians, Frenchs, Quebecois and everyone else who speaks or learns french !
## Changes
There are the words I changed that you may argue about:
Raccourci clavier -> Touches
Foreshadow -> Présage
Mace -> Titan
Scepter -> Destructeur
Reign -> Eradicateur
Lancier -> Perforateur (Its just an idea)
Chat -> Tchat
Minuterie -> Compte à rebours (Makes more sense for the waves i think)
Minimap -> Mini-carte
Supporté -> Pas pris en charge (For errors, makes more sense)
Hébergeur -> Hôte (the shorter the better)
Foreuse à vérin -> foreuse pneumatique (I don't think being super precise might help normal players)
Onde -> Vague
Percussion -> Percuteur (C'est un nom qui percute !)
- Deleted the (e) until the file is reviewed by more people
- Made the whole file more coherent, I mean there were upper/lower case letters where it shouldn't be.
- Added translations for V6 content like logic blocks, sector description, turrets, units...
- Some more stuff I may have forgotten
## Lines to verify in priority
There are the lines I was strugulling with
16, 23, 27, 37, 100, 109, 128, 129, 140, 153, 159, 189, 204, 229, 251, 282, 291, 321, 341, 421, 468, 482, 515, 536, [598 -> 613], 703, 705, 715, 751, 777, 1254, 1402
## conclusion
Like I said, I merged fr and fr_be, taking the best translations one by one and translating the missing lines. That would be cool if you look quickly in the file and find some errors I could have made. Thank you for reading and I wish you a good day, or night...
* Hotfix
* Updated steam translations
Updated the achievements and Added the new ones. The only problem I had is the "NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_26_1_DESC", I think there's better translation for that but I'm unable to figure it out for some reasons.
Co-authored-by: Anuken <arnukren@gmail.com>
2021-01-20 03:18:38 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_21_DESC" "Créer une nouvelle carte 10 fois."
2020-04-15 00:59:55 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_22_NAME" "Navigateur"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_22_DESC" "Télécharger une carte sur le Workshop."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_23_NAME" "Créateur"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_23_DESC" "Publier une carte sur le Workshop."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_24_DESC" "Vaincre un boss."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_25_NAME" "Explorateur"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_25_DESC" "Débloquer toutes les zones de la campagne."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_29_NAME" "Matériau II"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_29_DESC" "Débloquer le Thorium."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_31_NAME" "Matériau I"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_20_31_DESC" "Débloquer le Titane."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_0_NAME" "Kamikaze"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_0_DESC" "Remplir votre Mécha de matériaux explosifs et mourir en créant une explosion."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_1_NAME" "Le Commencement"
Rework and Update of the french bundles (Steam and bundle_fr) (#4350)
* Complete rework of bundle_fr
# Complete rework of bundle_fr
## Overview
Hello players. I made a pull in [Mindustry-Suggestions](https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry-Suggestions/issues/1743) about merging bundle_fr and bundle_fr_be. The cat told he was unable to do that because:
> I don't understand either language, so I would be unable to merge the two bundles with any degree of accuracy. This is best discussed and implemented by other speakers of the language(s).
So I decided to do that with the help of senri on discord and Voila. There is the updated version of the french bundle for Belgians, Frenchs, Quebecois and everyone else who speaks or learns french !
## Changes
There are the words I changed that you may argue about:
Raccourci clavier -> Touches
Foreshadow -> Présage
Mace -> Titan
Scepter -> Destructeur
Reign -> Eradicateur
Lancier -> Perforateur (Its just an idea)
Chat -> Tchat
Minuterie -> Compte à rebours (Makes more sense for the waves i think)
Minimap -> Mini-carte
Supporté -> Pas pris en charge (For errors, makes more sense)
Hébergeur -> Hôte (the shorter the better)
Foreuse à vérin -> foreuse pneumatique (I don't think being super precise might help normal players)
Onde -> Vague
Percussion -> Percuteur (C'est un nom qui percute !)
- Deleted the (e) until the file is reviewed by more people
- Made the whole file more coherent, I mean there were upper/lower case letters where it shouldn't be.
- Added translations for V6 content like logic blocks, sector description, turrets, units...
- Some more stuff I may have forgotten
## Lines to verify in priority
There are the lines I was strugulling with
16, 23, 27, 37, 100, 109, 128, 129, 140, 153, 159, 189, 204, 229, 251, 282, 291, 321, 341, 421, 468, 482, 515, 536, [598 -> 613], 703, 705, 715, 751, 777, 1254, 1402
## conclusion
Like I said, I merged fr and fr_be, taking the best translations one by one and translating the missing lines. That would be cool if you look quickly in the file and find some errors I could have made. Thank you for reading and I wish you a good day, or night...
* Hotfix
* Updated steam translations
Updated the achievements and Added the new ones. The only problem I had is the "NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_26_1_DESC", I think there's better translation for that but I'm unable to figure it out for some reasons.
Co-authored-by: Anuken <arnukren@gmail.com>
2021-01-20 03:18:38 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_1_DESC" "Construire une Usine d'unités terrestres'."
2020-04-15 00:59:55 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_2_NAME" "Attaque Directe "
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_2_DESC" "Utiliser la commande Attaque du Centre de Commandement."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_3_DESC" "Avoir 100 unités actives en même temps."
Rework and Update of the french bundles (Steam and bundle_fr) (#4350)
* Complete rework of bundle_fr
# Complete rework of bundle_fr
## Overview
Hello players. I made a pull in [Mindustry-Suggestions](https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry-Suggestions/issues/1743) about merging bundle_fr and bundle_fr_be. The cat told he was unable to do that because:
> I don't understand either language, so I would be unable to merge the two bundles with any degree of accuracy. This is best discussed and implemented by other speakers of the language(s).
So I decided to do that with the help of senri on discord and Voila. There is the updated version of the french bundle for Belgians, Frenchs, Quebecois and everyone else who speaks or learns french !
## Changes
There are the words I changed that you may argue about:
Raccourci clavier -> Touches
Foreshadow -> Présage
Mace -> Titan
Scepter -> Destructeur
Reign -> Eradicateur
Lancier -> Perforateur (Its just an idea)
Chat -> Tchat
Minuterie -> Compte à rebours (Makes more sense for the waves i think)
Minimap -> Mini-carte
Supporté -> Pas pris en charge (For errors, makes more sense)
Hébergeur -> Hôte (the shorter the better)
Foreuse à vérin -> foreuse pneumatique (I don't think being super precise might help normal players)
Onde -> Vague
Percussion -> Percuteur (C'est un nom qui percute !)
- Deleted the (e) until the file is reviewed by more people
- Made the whole file more coherent, I mean there were upper/lower case letters where it shouldn't be.
- Added translations for V6 content like logic blocks, sector description, turrets, units...
- Some more stuff I may have forgotten
## Lines to verify in priority
There are the lines I was strugulling with
16, 23, 27, 37, 100, 109, 128, 129, 140, 153, 159, 189, 204, 229, 251, 282, 291, 321, 341, 421, 468, 482, 515, 536, [598 -> 613], 703, 705, 715, 751, 777, 1254, 1402
## conclusion
Like I said, I merged fr and fr_be, taking the best translations one by one and translating the missing lines. That would be cool if you look quickly in the file and find some errors I could have made. Thank you for reading and I wish you a good day, or night...
* Hotfix
* Updated steam translations
Updated the achievements and Added the new ones. The only problem I had is the "NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_26_1_DESC", I think there's better translation for that but I'm unable to figure it out for some reasons.
Co-authored-by: Anuken <arnukren@gmail.com>
2021-01-20 03:18:38 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_4_DESC" "Avoir 10 Megas actifs en même temps."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_5_NAME" "Roboticien"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_5_DESC" "Construire chaque type d'unité."
2020-04-15 00:59:55 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_6_DESC" "Construire 1000 unités total."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_9_NAME" "Tu Aurais Dû Écouter"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_9_DESC" "Mourir dans la zone d'exclusion du point d'apparition ennemi."
Rework and Update of the french bundles (Steam and bundle_fr) (#4350)
* Complete rework of bundle_fr
# Complete rework of bundle_fr
## Overview
Hello players. I made a pull in [Mindustry-Suggestions](https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry-Suggestions/issues/1743) about merging bundle_fr and bundle_fr_be. The cat told he was unable to do that because:
> I don't understand either language, so I would be unable to merge the two bundles with any degree of accuracy. This is best discussed and implemented by other speakers of the language(s).
So I decided to do that with the help of senri on discord and Voila. There is the updated version of the french bundle for Belgians, Frenchs, Quebecois and everyone else who speaks or learns french !
## Changes
There are the words I changed that you may argue about:
Raccourci clavier -> Touches
Foreshadow -> Présage
Mace -> Titan
Scepter -> Destructeur
Reign -> Eradicateur
Lancier -> Perforateur (Its just an idea)
Chat -> Tchat
Minuterie -> Compte à rebours (Makes more sense for the waves i think)
Minimap -> Mini-carte
Supporté -> Pas pris en charge (For errors, makes more sense)
Hébergeur -> Hôte (the shorter the better)
Foreuse à vérin -> foreuse pneumatique (I don't think being super precise might help normal players)
Onde -> Vague
Percussion -> Percuteur (C'est un nom qui percute !)
- Deleted the (e) until the file is reviewed by more people
- Made the whole file more coherent, I mean there were upper/lower case letters where it shouldn't be.
- Added translations for V6 content like logic blocks, sector description, turrets, units...
- Some more stuff I may have forgotten
## Lines to verify in priority
There are the lines I was strugulling with
16, 23, 27, 37, 100, 109, 128, 129, 140, 153, 159, 189, 204, 229, 251, 282, 291, 321, 341, 421, 468, 482, 515, 536, [598 -> 613], 703, 705, 715, 751, 777, 1254, 1402
## conclusion
Like I said, I merged fr and fr_be, taking the best translations one by one and translating the missing lines. That would be cool if you look quickly in the file and find some errors I could have made. Thank you for reading and I wish you a good day, or night...
* Hotfix
* Updated steam translations
Updated the achievements and Added the new ones. The only problem I had is the "NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_26_1_DESC", I think there's better translation for that but I'm unable to figure it out for some reasons.
Co-authored-by: Anuken <arnukren@gmail.com>
2021-01-20 03:18:38 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_10_NAME" "Il y a des unités navales pour ça..."
2020-04-15 00:59:55 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_10_DESC" "Réussir à couler."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_11_NAME" "Collectionneur"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_11_DESC" "Remplir le Noyau au maximum de sa capacité avec tous les types de matériaux."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_12_DESC" "Héberger un serveur avec 10 joueurs connectés."
Rework and Update of the french bundles (Steam and bundle_fr) (#4350)
* Complete rework of bundle_fr
# Complete rework of bundle_fr
## Overview
Hello players. I made a pull in [Mindustry-Suggestions](https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry-Suggestions/issues/1743) about merging bundle_fr and bundle_fr_be. The cat told he was unable to do that because:
> I don't understand either language, so I would be unable to merge the two bundles with any degree of accuracy. This is best discussed and implemented by other speakers of the language(s).
So I decided to do that with the help of senri on discord and Voila. There is the updated version of the french bundle for Belgians, Frenchs, Quebecois and everyone else who speaks or learns french !
## Changes
There are the words I changed that you may argue about:
Raccourci clavier -> Touches
Foreshadow -> Présage
Mace -> Titan
Scepter -> Destructeur
Reign -> Eradicateur
Lancier -> Perforateur (Its just an idea)
Chat -> Tchat
Minuterie -> Compte à rebours (Makes more sense for the waves i think)
Minimap -> Mini-carte
Supporté -> Pas pris en charge (For errors, makes more sense)
Hébergeur -> Hôte (the shorter the better)
Foreuse à vérin -> foreuse pneumatique (I don't think being super precise might help normal players)
Onde -> Vague
Percussion -> Percuteur (C'est un nom qui percute !)
- Deleted the (e) until the file is reviewed by more people
- Made the whole file more coherent, I mean there were upper/lower case letters where it shouldn't be.
- Added translations for V6 content like logic blocks, sector description, turrets, units...
- Some more stuff I may have forgotten
## Lines to verify in priority
There are the lines I was strugulling with
16, 23, 27, 37, 100, 109, 128, 129, 140, 153, 159, 189, 204, 229, 251, 282, 291, 321, 341, 421, 468, 482, 515, 536, [598 -> 613], 703, 705, 715, 751, 777, 1254, 1402
## conclusion
Like I said, I merged fr and fr_be, taking the best translations one by one and translating the missing lines. That would be cool if you look quickly in the file and find some errors I could have made. Thank you for reading and I wish you a good day, or night...
* Hotfix
* Updated steam translations
Updated the achievements and Added the new ones. The only problem I had is the "NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_26_1_DESC", I think there's better translation for that but I'm unable to figure it out for some reasons.
Co-authored-by: Anuken <arnukren@gmail.com>
2021-01-20 03:18:38 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_13_NAME" "Invulnérable"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_13_DESC" "Construire le Meltdown, le Spectre et le Présage."
2020-04-15 00:59:55 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_14_NAME" "Décollage"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_14_DESC" "Utiliser la Plateforme de Lancement."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_16_NAME" "Hérésie"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_16_DESC" "Construire deux routeurs côte à côte."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_17_NAME" "Gardien Solitaire"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_17_DESC" "Survivre 10 vagues sur n'importe quelle zone sans placer un seul bloc."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_18_NAME" "Incinérer"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_18_DESC" "Utiliser de la Pyratite dans n'importe quelle tourelle."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_19_NAME" "Efficacité"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_19_DESC" "Refroidir une tourelle avec de l'eau ou du liquide cryogénique."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_20_NAME" "Mode Classique"
2021-10-11 00:52:19 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_20_DESC" "Activer la pixellisation."
2020-04-15 00:59:55 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_21_DESC" "Ouvrir le Wiki depuis le jeu."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_22_NAME" "Avantage"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_22_DESC" "Démarrer une zone en emportant 10 000 ressources ou plus."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_23_NAME" "Allumage"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_23_DESC" "Lancer un Réacteur à Impact."
Rework and Update of the french bundles (Steam and bundle_fr) (#4350)
* Complete rework of bundle_fr
# Complete rework of bundle_fr
## Overview
Hello players. I made a pull in [Mindustry-Suggestions](https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry-Suggestions/issues/1743) about merging bundle_fr and bundle_fr_be. The cat told he was unable to do that because:
> I don't understand either language, so I would be unable to merge the two bundles with any degree of accuracy. This is best discussed and implemented by other speakers of the language(s).
So I decided to do that with the help of senri on discord and Voila. There is the updated version of the french bundle for Belgians, Frenchs, Quebecois and everyone else who speaks or learns french !
## Changes
There are the words I changed that you may argue about:
Raccourci clavier -> Touches
Foreshadow -> Présage
Mace -> Titan
Scepter -> Destructeur
Reign -> Eradicateur
Lancier -> Perforateur (Its just an idea)
Chat -> Tchat
Minuterie -> Compte à rebours (Makes more sense for the waves i think)
Minimap -> Mini-carte
Supporté -> Pas pris en charge (For errors, makes more sense)
Hébergeur -> Hôte (the shorter the better)
Foreuse à vérin -> foreuse pneumatique (I don't think being super precise might help normal players)
Onde -> Vague
Percussion -> Percuteur (C'est un nom qui percute !)
- Deleted the (e) until the file is reviewed by more people
- Made the whole file more coherent, I mean there were upper/lower case letters where it shouldn't be.
- Added translations for V6 content like logic blocks, sector description, turrets, units...
- Some more stuff I may have forgotten
## Lines to verify in priority
There are the lines I was strugulling with
16, 23, 27, 37, 100, 109, 128, 129, 140, 153, 159, 189, 204, 229, 251, 282, 291, 321, 341, 421, 468, 482, 515, 536, [598 -> 613], 703, 705, 715, 751, 777, 1254, 1402
## conclusion
Like I said, I merged fr and fr_be, taking the best translations one by one and translating the missing lines. That would be cool if you look quickly in the file and find some errors I could have made. Thank you for reading and I wish you a good day, or night...
* Hotfix
* Updated steam translations
Updated the achievements and Added the new ones. The only problem I had is the "NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_26_1_DESC", I think there's better translation for that but I'm unable to figure it out for some reasons.
Co-authored-by: Anuken <arnukren@gmail.com>
2021-01-20 03:18:38 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_24_NAME" "Accélération"
2021-10-11 00:52:19 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_24_DESC" "Activer l'Accélérateur Interplanétaire."
Rework and Update of the french bundles (Steam and bundle_fr) (#4350)
* Complete rework of bundle_fr
# Complete rework of bundle_fr
## Overview
Hello players. I made a pull in [Mindustry-Suggestions](https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry-Suggestions/issues/1743) about merging bundle_fr and bundle_fr_be. The cat told he was unable to do that because:
> I don't understand either language, so I would be unable to merge the two bundles with any degree of accuracy. This is best discussed and implemented by other speakers of the language(s).
So I decided to do that with the help of senri on discord and Voila. There is the updated version of the french bundle for Belgians, Frenchs, Quebecois and everyone else who speaks or learns french !
## Changes
There are the words I changed that you may argue about:
Raccourci clavier -> Touches
Foreshadow -> Présage
Mace -> Titan
Scepter -> Destructeur
Reign -> Eradicateur
Lancier -> Perforateur (Its just an idea)
Chat -> Tchat
Minuterie -> Compte à rebours (Makes more sense for the waves i think)
Minimap -> Mini-carte
Supporté -> Pas pris en charge (For errors, makes more sense)
Hébergeur -> Hôte (the shorter the better)
Foreuse à vérin -> foreuse pneumatique (I don't think being super precise might help normal players)
Onde -> Vague
Percussion -> Percuteur (C'est un nom qui percute !)
- Deleted the (e) until the file is reviewed by more people
- Made the whole file more coherent, I mean there were upper/lower case letters where it shouldn't be.
- Added translations for V6 content like logic blocks, sector description, turrets, units...
- Some more stuff I may have forgotten
## Lines to verify in priority
There are the lines I was strugulling with
16, 23, 27, 37, 100, 109, 128, 129, 140, 153, 159, 189, 204, 229, 251, 282, 291, 321, 341, 421, 468, 482, 515, 536, [598 -> 613], 703, 705, 715, 751, 777, 1254, 1402
## conclusion
Like I said, I merged fr and fr_be, taking the best translations one by one and translating the missing lines. That would be cool if you look quickly in the file and find some errors I could have made. Thank you for reading and I wish you a good day, or night...
* Hotfix
* Updated steam translations
Updated the achievements and Added the new ones. The only problem I had is the "NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_26_1_DESC", I think there's better translation for that but I'm unable to figure it out for some reasons.
Co-authored-by: Anuken <arnukren@gmail.com>
2021-01-20 03:18:38 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_25_NAME" "La Spirale"
2021-10-11 00:52:19 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_25_DESC" "Tourner en rond, ça va ..."
Rework and Update of the french bundles (Steam and bundle_fr) (#4350)
* Complete rework of bundle_fr
# Complete rework of bundle_fr
## Overview
Hello players. I made a pull in [Mindustry-Suggestions](https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry-Suggestions/issues/1743) about merging bundle_fr and bundle_fr_be. The cat told he was unable to do that because:
> I don't understand either language, so I would be unable to merge the two bundles with any degree of accuracy. This is best discussed and implemented by other speakers of the language(s).
So I decided to do that with the help of senri on discord and Voila. There is the updated version of the french bundle for Belgians, Frenchs, Quebecois and everyone else who speaks or learns french !
## Changes
There are the words I changed that you may argue about:
Raccourci clavier -> Touches
Foreshadow -> Présage
Mace -> Titan
Scepter -> Destructeur
Reign -> Eradicateur
Lancier -> Perforateur (Its just an idea)
Chat -> Tchat
Minuterie -> Compte à rebours (Makes more sense for the waves i think)
Minimap -> Mini-carte
Supporté -> Pas pris en charge (For errors, makes more sense)
Hébergeur -> Hôte (the shorter the better)
Foreuse à vérin -> foreuse pneumatique (I don't think being super precise might help normal players)
Onde -> Vague
Percussion -> Percuteur (C'est un nom qui percute !)
- Deleted the (e) until the file is reviewed by more people
- Made the whole file more coherent, I mean there were upper/lower case letters where it shouldn't be.
- Added translations for V6 content like logic blocks, sector description, turrets, units...
- Some more stuff I may have forgotten
## Lines to verify in priority
There are the lines I was strugulling with
16, 23, 27, 37, 100, 109, 128, 129, 140, 153, 159, 189, 204, 229, 251, 282, 291, 321, 341, 421, 468, 482, 515, 536, [598 -> 613], 703, 705, 715, 751, 777, 1254, 1402
## conclusion
Like I said, I merged fr and fr_be, taking the best translations one by one and translating the missing lines. That would be cool if you look quickly in the file and find some errors I could have made. Thank you for reading and I wish you a good day, or night...
* Hotfix
* Updated steam translations
Updated the achievements and Added the new ones. The only problem I had is the "NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_26_1_DESC", I think there's better translation for that but I'm unable to figure it out for some reasons.
Co-authored-by: Anuken <arnukren@gmail.com>
2021-01-20 03:18:38 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_26_NAME" "Escalade"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_26_DESC" "Construire une unité de niveau 5."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_27_NAME" "Architecte"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_27_DESC" "Créer 20 schémas."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_28_NAME" "Domination Globale"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_28_DESC" "Capturer tous les secteurs de Serpulo."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_29_NAME" "Transport Aérien"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_29_DESC" "Transporter une unité de niveau 5 avec un Oct."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_30_NAME" "La Forme de vie Suprême"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_30_DESC" "Rejoignez-les."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_31_NAME" "Production I"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_21_31_DESC" "Atteindre 5 000 objets/min de production totale dans la campagne."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_26_0_NAME" "Production II"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_26_0_DESC" "Atteindre 50,000 items/min de production totale dans la campagne."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_26_1_NAME" "Victoire Assurée"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_26_1_DESC" "Capturer un secteur pendant que vous jouez dans un autre."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_26_2_NAME" "Petit Empire"
2021-10-11 00:52:19 +07:00
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_26_2_DESC" "Contrôler 10 secteurs à la fois."
2020-04-15 00:59:55 +07:00