link.discord.description=Zvanično discord ćaskanje za Mindustry
link.reddit.description=Mindustry subreddit
link.github.description=Izvorni kod za igru
link.changelog.description=Lista promena za ažuriranja verzije u razvoju
link.trello.description=Zvanična Trello tabla za planirane dodatke. stranica, gde se igra skida za PC Play stranice igre
link.f-droid.description=F-Droid stranice igrečna Mindustry wikipedia
link.suggestions.description=Preloži nove dodatke
link.bug.description=Pronašao si grešku? Prijavi je ovde
linkfail=Nemoguće otvoriti link!\nURL adresa je iskopirana
screenshot=Snimak ekrana snimljen {0}
screenshot.invalid=Mapa je prevelika, moguće je da nema dovoljno memorije za snimanje ekrana.
gameover=Igra gotova.
gameover.disconnect=Prekini vezu
gameover.pvp=[accent] {0}[] tim je pobedio!
gameover.waiting=[accent]Čeka se na sledeću mapu...
highscore=[accent]Novi rekord!
indev.notready=Ovaj deo igre još uvek nije spreman.
indev.campaign=[accent]Čestitamo! Došli ste to kraja kampanje![]\n\nOvo je najdalje dokle sadržaj igre ide za sad. Međuplanetarno putovanje će biti dotato u budućim verzijama..
be.update=Nova razvojna verzija je spremna!
be.update.confirm=Skinuti sad i restartovati igru?
be.noupdates=Nema dostupnih ažuriranja.
be.check=Proveri za ažuriranja
mods.browser=Pregledač modova
mods.browser.selected=Izabrani mod
mods.browser.reinstall=Reinstaliraj repo
mods.browser.sortdate=Sortiraj od najnovijeg to najstarijeg
mods.browser.sortstars=Sortiraj po broju "zvezdica"
schematic.add=Snimi šemu
schematic.replace=Već postoji šema pod ovim imenom. Zameniti?
schematic.exists=Šema sa ovimn imenom već postoji.
map.delete=Da li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati ovu mapu "[accent]{0}[]"?
level.highscore=Najbolji rezultat: [accent]{0} nivo
level.mode=Režim igre:
coreattack=< Jezgro je napadnuto! >
nearpoint=[[ [scarlet]NAPUSTI ZONU DOLASKA TRENUTNO[] ]\nauništenje trenutno
database=Baza podataka
database.button=Baza podataka
savegame=Snimi igru
loadgame=Učitaj igrz
joingame=Priključi se na igru
customgame=Podesiva igra
newgame=Nova igra
none.found=[lightgray]<ništa nije pronađeno>
none.inmap=[lightgray]<ne postoji na ovoj mapi>
save.quit=Snimi i izađi
maps.browse=Pretraži mape
maps.none=[lightgray]Nijedna mapa nije pronađena!
pickcolor=Izaberi boju
preparingconfig=Spremanje konfiguracije
preparingcontent=Spremanje sadržaja
uploadingcontent=Kačenje sadržaja na internet
uploadingpreviewfile=Kačenje pregledne datoteke na internet.
committingchanges=Vršenje izmena
feature.unsupported=Vaš uređaj ne podržava uvo funkciju
mods.initfailed=[red]⚠[] Mindustry se nije mogao podići prethodni put.. To je verovatno izazvano greškom u vezi modova.\n\nDa bi se sprečilo večno ispadanje, [red]svi modovi su onemogućeni..[]
mods.none=[lightgray]Modovi nisu pronađeni!č za modovanje grešku
mods.openfolder=Otvori folder
mods.viewcontent=Pregledaj sadržaj
mods.reload=Ponovno učitaj
mods.reloadexit=Igra će se sada ugasiti, da ponovo učita modove.
mod.display=[gray]Mod:[orange] {0}
mod.multiplayer.compatible=[gray]Kompatibilan sa multiplejerom
mod.delete.error=Nemoguće izbrisati mod, datoteka je možda u upotrebi.
mod.requiresversion=[scarletMinimalna verzija igre: [accent]{0}
mod.outdated=[scarlet]Nekompatibilan sa verzijom 6 (nema minGameVersion: 105)
mod.errors=Greške su nastale tokom učitavanja sadržaja.
mod.noerrorplay=[scarlet]Imate modove sa greškama.[] Onemogućite te modove, ili ispravite greške.
mod.nowdisabled=[scarlet]Mod '{0}'nema potrebne zavisne modove:[accent] {1}\n[lightgray]Ove modove treba instalirati prvo.\nMod se automatski onemogućava.
mod.requiresrestart=Igra će se zatvoriti da ažurira modove.
mod.reloadrequired=[scarlet]Ponovno pokretanje potrebno
mod.import=Uvezi mod
mod.import.file=Uvezi datoteku
mod.import.github=Uvezi sa GitHub-a
mod.jarwarn=[scarlet]JAR modovi su često nepouzdani i nebezbedni.[]\nBudite sigurni da je mod skinut sa verodostojnog izvora!
mod.item.remove=Ova stavka je deo [accent] '{0}'[] moda. Da je uklonite, onemogućite mod.
mod.remove.confirm=Mod će biti izbrisan.[lightgray]Autor:[] {0}
mod.missing=Ovaj snimak sadrži modove koji su ili promenjeni ili onemogućeni. Može doći do korupcije snimka. Da li ste sigurni da ga želite učitati?\n[lightgray]Modovi:\n{0}
mod.preview.missing=Pre objavljivanja moda u radionicu, neophodno je staviti sliku za mod.\nPostaviti sliku sa imenom: [accent] preview.png[] u folder moda i pokušati ponovo.
mod.folder.missing=Mod mora biti u obliku foldera da bi se objavio na radionicu.\nDa pretvorite bilo koji mod u folder, ekstraktujte fajl u neko folder, izbrišite stari .zip, ponovo pokrenite igru i učitajte modove.
mod.scripts.disable=Vaš uređaj ne podržava modove sa skriptama. Onemogućite te modove.
available=Nova tehnologija dostupna za izučavanje!
unlock.incampaign=< Otključajte u kampanji za više detalja >
techtree=Drvo tehnologija
research.legacy=Podaci iz verzije [accent]5.0[] su pronađeni.\nDa li želite da ih [accent]učitate[], ili [accent] odbacite ih[] i nastaviti kampanju (druga opcija je preporučena)?
researched=[lightgray]{0} izučeno.
research.progress={0}% završeno
players={0} broj igrača
players.single={0} igračži
players.notfound=[gray]igrači nisu pronađeni
server.closing=[accent]Zatvaranje servera...
server.kicked.kick=Izbačeni ste iz servera!
server.kicked.whitelist=Ne nalazite se na beloj listi servera.
server.kicked.serverClose=Server zatvoren.. je da budete izbačeni. Doviđenja.
server.kicked.clientOutdated=Zastarela igra - ažurirajte igru!
server.kicked.serverOutdated=Zastareli server - tražite od vlasnika servera da ažurira!
server.kicked.banned=Trajno ste izbačeni iz ovog servera.
server.kicked.typeMismatch=Ovaj server nije kompatibilan sa vašom verzijom igre.
server.kicked.playerLimit=Server je pun. Sačekajte da se oslobodi mesto.
server.kicked.recentKick=You have been kicked recently.\nWait before connecting again.
server.kicked.nameInUse=There is someone with that name\nalready on this server.
server.kicked.nameEmpty=Your chosen name is invalid.
server.kicked.idInUse=Već ste na ovom serveru, a prisustvo sa da naloga je zabranjeno.
server.kicked.customClient=This server does not support custom builds. Download an official version.
server.kicked.gameover=Game over!
server.kicked.serverRestarting=The server is restarting. [accent]host[] button hosts a server on port [scarlet]6567[]. \nAnybody on the same [lightgray]wifi or local network[] should be able to see your server in their server list.\n\nIf you want people to be able to connect from anywhere by IP, [accent]port forwarding[] is required.\n\n[lightgray]Note: If someone is experiencing trouble connecting to your LAN game, make sure you have allowed Mindustry access to your local network in your firewall settings. Note that public networks sometimes do not allow server discovery., you can enter a [accent]server IP[] to connect to, or discover [accent]local network[] or [accent]global[] servers to connect to.\nBoth LAN and WAN multiplayer is supported.\n\n[lightgray]If you want to connect to someone by IP, you would need to ask the host for their IP, which can be found by googling "my ip" from their device.
hostserver=Host Multiplayer Game
invitefriends=Invite Friends Game
hosting=[accent]Opening server...
hosts.discovering=Discovering LAN games
hosts.discovering.any=Discovering games
server.refreshing=Refreshing server
hosts.none=[lightgray]No local games found!
host.invalid=[scarlet]Can't connect to host.
servers.local=Local Servers
servers.local.steam=Open Games & Local Servers
servers.remote=Remote Servers Servers
servers.disclaimer=Community servers are [accent]not[] owned or controlled by the developer.\n\nServers may contain user-generated content that is not appropriate for all ages.
servers.showhidden=Show Hidden Servers
trace=Trace Player
trace.playername=Player name: [accent]{0}
trace.ip=IP: [accent]{0} [accent]{0} Client: [accent]{0}
trace.modclient=Custom Client: [accent]{0}
trace.times.joined=Times Joined: [accent]{0}
trace.times.kicked=Times Kicked: [accent]{0}
invalidid=Invalid client ID! Submit a bug report.
server.bans.none=No banned players found!
server.admins.none=No admins found!
server.add=Add Server
server.delete=Are you sure you want to delete this server?
data.import.confirm=Importing external data will overwrite[scarlet] all[] your current game data.\n[accent]This cannot be undone![]\n\nOnce the data is imported, your game will exit immediately.
quit.confirm=Are you sure you want to quit?
respawn=[accent][[{0}][] to respawn in core
cancelbuilding=[accent][[{0}][] to clear plan
selectschematic=[accent][[{0}][] to select+copy
pausebuilding=[accent][[{0}][] to pause building
resumebuilding=[scarlet][[{0}][] to resume building
enablebuilding=[scarlet][[{0}][] to enable building
showui=UI hidden.\nPress [accent][[{0}][] to show UI.
map.publish.confirm=Are you sure you want to publish this map?\n\n[lightgray]Make sure you agree to the Workshop EULA first, or your maps will not show up! what you would like to do with this item. Info
changelog=Changelog (optional):
eula=Steam EULA
missing=This item has been deleted or moved.\n[lightgray]The workshop listing has now been automatically un-linked.
publish.confirm=Are you sure you want to publish this?\n\n[lightgray]Make sure you agree to the Workshop EULA first, or your items will not show up!
publish.error=Error publishing item: {0}
steam.error=Failed to initialize Steam services.\nError: {0}
editor.cliffs=Walls To Cliffs
editor.openin=Open In Editor
editor.oregen=Ore Generation Generation:
editor.mapinfo=Map Info
editor.nodescription=A map must have a description of at least 4 characters before being published.
sector.groundZero.description=Savršena lokacija za ponovni početak. Niska neprijateljska pretnja, ali i mala količina resursa.\nSakupite sav bakar i svo olovo koje možete. Nastavite dalje.
sector.frozenForest.description=Čak i ovde, u blizini planina, spore su se proširile… ledene temperature ih neće večno zadržati.\n\nZapočnite upotrebu elektriciteta. Graditei sagorevne generatore. Naučite primenu popravljača.
sector.saltFlats.description=Na ivici pustinja nalaze se Slane Ravnice. Retko šta od resursa se može naći ovde..\n\nNeprijatelj je sazidao skladišno postrenje ovde. Uništite njihovo Jezgro. Sravnite sve sa zemljom.
sector.craters.description=Voda se nakupila u ovim kraterima, ostacima davnih ratova... Povratite sektor. Kopajte pesak. Topite olovno staklo. Pumpajte vodu da ohladite topove i bušilice.
sector.ruinousShores.description=Posle pustinja leži obala. Davno, ovde se nalazio sistem obalske odbrane. Malo šta od njega ostade do danas. Samo najosnovnije odbrane ostadoše, sve ostalo je svedeno na opiljke.\nNastavite širenje ka spoljašnjosti. Povratite tehnologiju.
sector.stainedMountains.description=Dalje u unutrašnjosti nalaze se planine, još nezagađene sporama. \nKopajte titanijum, koji je prisutan u značajnoj količini. Naučite sve njegove primene. .\n\nNeprijateljsko prisustvo ovde je veće… ne dajte im vremena da pošalju svoje najmoćnije jedinice...
sector.overgrowth.description=Ova oblast je potpuno zarasla, već bliska izvoru spora.\nNeprijatelj je ovde podigao utvrdu. Koristeći “Topuz” jedinice, uništite je.
sector.tarFields.description=Početak zone ekstrakcije nafte, između planina i pustinja. Jedna od retkih oblasti sa upotrebljivim rezervama katrana.\nIako je oblast napuštena, ovde se nalaze smažne neprijateljske jedinice. Ne potcenjujte ih..\n\n[lightgray]Izučite tehnologiju prerade nafte ako ste u mogućnosti.
sector.desolateRift.description=Zona ogromne opasnosti. Mnogo resursa, ali malo prostora. Povucite se čim je moguće. Ne dajte se prevariti dugačkim razmacima između neprijateljskih napada.
sector.nuclearComplex.description=Bivše postrojenje za proizvodnju i preradu torijuma, sada ništa više od ruševina..\n[lightgray]Izuči torijum i njegove brojne primene.\n\nNeprijatlje je ovde prisutan u velikim brojevima, stalno tražeći nove pretnje...
sector.fungalPass.description=Prelazna oblast između planina i nižih, sporama obraslim oblastima. Neprijatelj ovde ima malu izvidničku bazu.\nRazorite je..\nKoristite “Bodež” i “Puzač” jedinice. Uništite dva Jezgra.
sector.biomassFacility.description=Poreklo spora. Ovo je postrojenje gde su prvo otkrivene i proizvedene.\nIzučtei tehnologiju koja leži unutra. Proizvodi spore za kompresiju u ugalj i plastiku.\n\n[lightgray]Po propasti ovog zlosrećnog postrojenja, spore behu oslobođene. Ništa u lokalnom ekosistemu se nije moglo takmičiti sa tako invazivnim organizmom...
sector.windsweptIslands.description=Dalje nakon obale leže zabačena ostrva. Izveštaji pokazuju da su se ovde nalazile strukture za proizvodnju [accent]Plastaniuma[].\n\nOterajte neprijateljsku mornaricu. Sagradite bazu na ostrvu. Izučite novu tehnologiju tih fabrika.
sector.extractionOutpost.description=Zabačena utvrda, sagrađena od strane neprijatelja za lansiranje resursa u druge sektore..\n\nMeđusektorski transport je kljulčan za dalje osvajanje. Zauzmite bazu. Izučite njihove Lansirne Rampe.
sector.impact0078.description=Ovde padošei ostaci međuzvezdane transportne letelice koja je prva ušla u sistem..\n\nSakupite sve što je ostalo celo, nađite primenu za tu novu tehnologiju.
sector.planetaryTerminal.description=Krajnji cilj.\n\nOva obalska struktura ima objekat sposoban za lansiranje Jezgara na druge planete. Maksimalno je čuvan.\n\nProizvodite brodove. Elimiši neprijatelja što brže moguće. Sagradi Interplanetarni Akcelerator po osvanjanju sektora.
settings.clear.confirm=Are you sure you want to clear this data?\nWhat is done cannot be undone!
settings.clearall.confirm=[scarlet]WARNING![]\nThis will clear all data, including saves, maps, unlocks and keybinds.\nOnce you press 'ok' the game will wipe all data and automatically exit.
settings.clearsaves.confirm=Are you sure you want to clear all your saves?
settings.clearsaves=Clear Saves
settings.clearresearch=Clear Research
settings.clearresearch.confirm=Are you sure you want to clear all of your campaign research?
settings.clearcampaignsaves=Clear Campaign Saves
settings.clearcampaignsaves.confirm=Are you sure you want to clear all of your campaign saves? Player Bubble Chat Weather Graphics
public.confirm=Do you want to make your game public?\n[accent]Anyone will be able to join your games.\n[lightgray]This can be changed later in Settings->Game->Public Game Visibility.
public.confirm.really=If you want to play with friends, use [green]Invite Friend[] instead of a [scarlet]Public server[]!\nAre you sure you want to make your game [scarlet]public[]?
public.beta=Note that beta versions of the game cannot make public lobbies.
uiscale.reset=UI scale has been changed.\nPress "OK" to confirm this scale.\n[scarlet]Reverting and exiting in[accent] {0}[] seconds...
uiscale.cancel=Cancel & Exit
keybind.title=Rebind Keys[scarlet]Most keybinds here are not functional on mobile. Only basic movement is supported. Select
placement.blockselectkeys=\n[lightgray]Key: [{0}, Unit Building a key... an axis or key... Screenshot Power Lasers
hint.placeDrill=Select the \ue85e [accent]Drill[] tab in the menu at the bottom right, then select a \uf870 [accent]Drill[] and click on a copper patch to place it. the \ue85e [accent]Drill[] tab in the menu at the bottom right, then select a \uf870 [accent]Drill[] and tap on a copper patch to place it.\n\nPress the \ue800 [accent]checkmark[] at the bottom right to confirm.
hint.placeConveyor=Conveyors move items from drills into other blocks. Select a \uf896 [accent]Conveyor[] from the \ue814 [accent]Distribution[] tab.\n\nClick and drag to place multiple conveyors.\n[accent]Scroll[] to rotate. move items from drills into other blocks. Select a \uf896 [accent]Conveyor[] from the \ue814 [accent]Distribution[] tab.\n\nHold down your finger for a second and drag to place multiple conveyors.
hint.placeTurret=Place \uf861 [accent]Turrets[] to defend your base from enemies.\n\nTurrets require ammo - in this case, \uf838copper.\nUse conveyors and drills to supply them. the \ue817 [accent]hammer[] in the bottom right and tap to break blocks.\n\nHold down your finger for a second and drag to break in a selection.
hint.blockInfo=View information of a block by selecting it in the [accent]build menu[], then selecting the [accent][[?][] button at the right.
hint.derelict=[accent]Derelict[] structures are broken remnants of old bases that no longer function.\n\nThese structures can be [accent]deconstructed[] for resources.
hint.launch=Once enough resources are collected, you can [accent]Launch[] by selecting nearby sectors from the \ue827 [accent]Map[] in the bottom right. enough resources are collected, you can [accent]Launch[] by selecting nearby sectors from the \ue827 [accent]Map[] in the \ue88c [accent]Menu[].
hint.boost=Hold [accent][[L-Shift][] to fly over obstacles with your current unit.\n\nOnly a few ground units have boosters.
hint.command=Press [accent][[G][] to command nearby units of [accent]similar type[] into formation.\n\nTo command ground units, you must first control another ground unit.[accent][[Double-tap][] your unit to command nearby units into formation.
hint.payloadPickup=Press [accent][[[] to pick up small blocks or units.[accent]Tap and hold[] a small block or unit to pick it up.
hint.payloadDrop=Press [accent]][] to drop a payload.[accent]Tap and hold[] an empty location to drop a payload there.
hint.waveFire=[accent]Wave[] turrets with water as ammunition will automatically put out nearby fires.
hint.generator=\uf879 [accent]Combustion Generators[] burn coal and transmit power to adjacent blocks.\n\nPower transmission range can be extended with \uf87f [accent]Power Nodes[].[accent]Guardian[] units are armored. Weak ammo such as [accent]Copper[] and [accent]Lead[] is [scarlet]not effective[].\n\nUse higher tier turrets or \uf835 [accent]Graphite[] \uf861Duo/\uf859Salvo ammunition to take Guardians down.
hint.coreUpgrade=Cores can be upgraded by [accent]placing higher-tier cores over them[].\n\nPlace a [accent]Foundation[] core over the [accent]Shard[] core. Make sure it is free from nearby obstructions.
hint.presetLaunch=Gray [accent]landing zone sectors[], such as [accent]Frozen Forest[], can be launched to from anywhere. They do not require capture of nearby territory.\n\n[accent]Numbered sectors[], such as this one, are [accent]optional[].
hint.presetDifficulty=This sector has a [scarlet]high enemy threat level[].\nLaunching to such sectors is [accent]not recommended[] without proper technology and preparation.
hint.coreIncinerate=After the core is filled to capacity with an item, any extra items of that type it receives will be [accent]incinerated[].
hint.coopCampaign=When playing the [accent]co-op campaign[], items that are produced in the current map will also be sent [accent]to your local sectors[].\n\nAny new research done by the host also carries over.
item.copper.description=Koristi se za sve strukture.
item.copper.details=Bakar. Nenormalno prisutan na Serupulu, strukturno je slab ako nije ojačan.
item.lead.description=Koristi se za transport tečnosti i elektroniku.
item.lead.details=Gusto. Inertno. Veoma primenljivo za baterije.\nNapomena: verovatno otrovno po biološke oblike života. Nije kao da ih je ovde mnogo ostalo.
item.metaglass.description=Koristi se za transport i skladište tečnosti.
item.graphite.description=Koristi se kao električna komponenta i municija za topove.
item.sand.description=Koristan za preradu drugih materijala.
item.coal.description=Koristi se za gorivo i preradu drugih materijala.
item.coal.details=Izgleda da je biološkog porekla, fosilizovan davno pre Zasejavanja...
item.titanium.description=Koristi se za transport tečnosti, izgradnju struktura, topova i jedinica.
item.thorium.description=Koristi se kao izdržljiv građevinski materijal, municija i nuklearno gorivo.
item.scrap.description=Pretapa i melje se za preradu u druge materijale.
item.scrap.details=Ostaci davnašnjih jedinica i struktura.
item.silicon.description=Koristi se za solarne ploče, topove, jedinice i naprednu elektroniku. Od silicijuma se pravi dirigovana municija.
item.plastanium.description=Koristi se za napredne jedinice, izloaciju i fragmentacionu municiju.
item.phase-fabric.description=Koristi se za naprednu elektroniku i samopopravljajuće strukture.
item.surge-alloy.description=Koristi se kao municija i reaktivna odbrana.
item.spore-pod.description=Prerađuje se u naftu ili plastiku, može se spaljivati kao gorivo.
item.spore-pod.details=Spore. Verovatno sintetički obliki života. Emituje gasove otrovne po ostali život. Ekstremno invazivne. Visoko zapaljive u određenim uslovima.
item.blast-compound.description=Koristi se za bombe i eksplozivnu municiju.
item.pyratite.description=Koristi se kao zapaljiva municija i odlično gorivo za elektrane.
liquid.water.description=Koristi se za hlađenje mašina i preradu otpada.
liquid.slag.description=Može se preraditi u Razdvajačima u druge resurse, može se sipati na neprijatelje kao oružje.
liquid.oil.description=Koristi se za proizvodnju naprednih materijala. Može se koristi kao pojačivač vatre ako se sipa na neprijatelja dok gori.
liquid.cryofluid.description=Rashladna tečnost za fabrike, reaktore i topove.
block.payload-void.description=Destroys any payloads. Sandbox only.
block.copper-wall.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.copper-wall-large.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.titanium-wall.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.titanium-wall-large.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.plastanium-wall.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles. Absorbs lasers and electric arcs. Blocks automatic power connections.
block.plastanium-wall-large.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles. Absorbs lasers and electric arcs. Blocks automatic power connections.
block.thorium-wall.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.thorium-wall-large.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.phase-wall.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles, reflecting most bullets upon impact.
block.phase-wall-large.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles, reflecting most bullets upon impact.
block.surge-wall.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles, periodically releasing electric arcs upon contact.
block.surge-wall-large.description=Protects structures from enemy projectiles, periodically releasing electric arcs upon contact.
block.door.description=A wall that can be opened and closed.
block.door-large.description=A wall that can be opened and closed.
block.mender.description=Periodically repairs blocks in its vicinity.\nOptionally uses silicon to boost range and efficiency.
block.mend-projector.description=Repairs blocks in its vicinity.\nOptionally uses phase fabric to boost range and efficiency.
block.overdrive-projector.description=Increases the speed of nearby buildings.\nOptionally uses phase fabric to boost range and efficiency.
block.force-projector.description=Creates a hexagonal force field around itself, protecting buildings and units inside from damage.\nOverheats if too much damage is sustained. Optionally uses coolant to prevent overheating. Phase fabric increases shield size.
block.shock-mine.description=Releases electric arcs upon enemy unit contact.
block.plastanium-conveyor.description=Transports items forward in batches. Accepts items at the back, and unloads them in three directions at the front. Requires multiple loading and unloading points for peak throughput.
block.conduit.description=Moves liquids forward. Used in conjunction with pumps and other conduits.
block.pulse-conduit.description=Moves liquids forward. Transports faster and stores more than standard conduits.
block.plated-conduit.description=Moves liquids forward. Does not accept input from the sides. Does not leak.
block.liquid-router.description=Accepts liquids from one direction and outputs them to up to 3 other directions equally. Can also store a certain amount of liquid.
block.combustion-generator.description=Generates power by burning flammable materials, such as coal.
block.thermal-generator.description=Generates power when placed in hot locations.
block.steam-generator.description=Generates power by burning flammable materials and converting water to steam.
block.differential-generator.description=Generates large amounts of energy. Utilizes the temperature difference between cryofluid and burning pyratite.
block.rtg-generator.description=Uses the heat of decaying radioactive compounds to produce energy at a slow rate. a small amount of power from the sun. a small amount of power from the sun. More efficient than the standard solar panel.
block.thorium-reactor.description=Generates significant amounts of power from thorium. Requires constant cooling. Will explode violently if insufficient amounts of coolant are supplied.
block.impact-reactor.description=Creates massive amounts of power at peak efficiency. Requires a significant power input to kickstart the process.
block.mechanical-drill.description=When placed on ore, outputs items at a slow pace indefinitely. Only capable of mining basic resources.
block.pneumatic-drill.description=An improved drill, capable of mining titanium. Mines at a faster pace than a mechanical drill.
block.laser-drill.description=Allows drilling even faster through laser technology, but requires power. Capable of mining thorium.
block.blast-drill.description=The ultimate drill. Requires large amounts of power.
block.water-extractor.description=Extracts groundwater. Used in locations with no surface water available.
block.cultivator.description=Cultivates tiny concentrations of atmospheric spores into spore pods.
block.cultivator.details=Recovered technology. Used to produce massive amounts of biomass as efficiently as possible. Likely the initial incubator of the spores now covering Serpulo.
block.oil-extractor.description=Uses large amounts of power, sand and water to drill for oil.
block.core-shard.description=Core of the base. Once destroyed, the sector is lost.
block.core-shard.details=The first iteration. Compact. Self-replicating. Equipped with single-use launch thrusters. Not designed for interplanetary travel.
block.core-foundation.description=Core of the base. Well armored. Stores more resources than a Shard.
block.core-foundation.details=The second iteration.
block.core-nucleus.description=Core of the base. Extremely well armored. Stores massive amounts of resources.
block.core-nucleus.details=The third and final iteration.
block.vault.description=Stores a large amount of items of each type. Contents can be retrieved with an unloader.
block.container.description=Stores a small amount of items of each type. Contents can be retrieved with an unloader.
block.unloader.description=Unloads the selected item from nearby blocks.
block.launch-pad.description=Launches batches of items to selected sectors.
block.duo.description=Fires alternating bullets at enemies.
block.scatter.description=Fires clumps of lead, scrap or metaglass flak at enemy aircraft.
block.scorch.description=Burns any ground enemies close to it. Highly effective at close range.
block.hail.description=Fires small shells at ground enemies over long distances.
block.wave.description=Fires streams of liquid at enemies. Automatically extinguishes fires when supplied with water.
block.lancer.description=Charges and fires powerful beams of energy at ground targets.
block.arc.description=Fires arcs of electricity at ground targets.
block.swarmer.description=Fires homing missiles at enemies.
block.salvo.description=Fires quick salvos of bullets at enemies.
block.fuse.description=Fires three close-range piercing blasts at nearby enemies.
block.ripple.description=Shoots clusters of shells at ground enemies over long distances.
block.cyclone.description=Fires explosive clumps of flak at nearby enemies.
block.spectre.description=Fires large armor-piercing bullets at air and ground targets.
block.meltdown.description=Charges and fires a persistent laser beam at nearby enemies. Requires coolant to operate.
block.foreshadow.description=Fires a large single-target bolt over long distances. Prioritizes enemies with higher max health. repairs the closest damaged unit in its vicinity.
block.segment.description=Damages and destroys incoming projectiles. Laser projectiles are not targeted.
block.parallax.description=Fires a tractor beam that pulls in air targets, damaging them in the process.
block.tsunami.description=Fires powerful streams of liquid at enemies. Automatically extinguishes fires when supplied with water.
block.silicon-crucible.description=Refines silicon from sand and coal, using pyratite as an additional heat source. More efficient in hot locations.
block.disassembler.description=Separates slag into trace amounts of exotic mineral components at low efficiency. Can produce thorium.
block.payload-conveyor.description=Moves large payloads, such as units from factories.
block.payload-router.description=Splits input payloads into 3 output directions.
block.command-center.description=Controls unit behavior with several different commands.
block.ground-factory.description=Produces ground units. Output units can be used directly, or moved into reconstructors for upgrading.
block.air-factory.description=Produces air units. Output units can be used directly, or moved into reconstructors for upgrading.
block.naval-factory.description=Produces naval units. Output units can be used directly, or moved into reconstructors for upgrading.
block.additive-reconstructor.description=Upgrades inputted units to the second tier.
block.multiplicative-reconstructor.description=Upgrades inputted units to the third tier.
block.exponential-reconstructor.description=Upgrades inputted units to the fourth tier.
block.tetrative-reconstructor.description=Upgrades inputted units to the fifth and final tier.
block.switch.description=A toggleable switch. State can be read and controlled with logic processors.
block.micro-processor.description=Runs a sequence of logic instructions in a loop. Can be used to control units and buildings.
block.logic-processor.description=Runs a sequence of logic instructions in a loop. Can be used to control units and buildings. Faster than the micro processor.
block.hyper-processor.description=Runs a sequence of logic instructions in a loop. Can be used to control units and buildings. Faster than the logic processor.
block.memory-cell.description=Stores information for a logic processor.
block.memory-bank.description=Stores information for a logic processor. High capacity.
block.logic-display.description=Displays arbitrary graphics from a logic processor.
block.large-logic-display.description=Displays arbitrary graphics from a logic processor.
block.interplanetary-accelerator.description=A massive electromagnetic railgun tower. Accelerates cores to escape velocity for interplanetary deployment. repairs the closest damaged unit in its vicinity. Optionally accepts coolant.
block.payload-propulsion-tower.description=Long-range payload transport structure. Shoots payloads to other linked payload propulsion towers.
unit.dagger.description=Ispaljuje standardne metke na sve neprijatelje u dometu.
unit.mace.description=Ispaljuje mlazeve plamena na sve neprijatelje u dometu.
unit.fortress.description=Ispaljuje dalekometne artiljerijske granate na mete na zemlji.
unit.scepter.description=Ispaljuje rafale naelektrisanih metaka na sve mete u dometu.
unit.reign.description=Ispaljuje rafale ogromnih probijajućih metaka na sve mete u dometu.
unit.nova.description=Ispaljuje lasere koji popravljaju savezničke, a oštećuju protivničke strukure i jedinice. Može leteti.
unit.pulsar.description=Ispaljuje munje koji oštećuju neprijatelje, a popravljaju saveznike.
unit.quasar.description=Ispaljuje probijajuće lasere na sve mete u dometu. Laseri oštećuju neprijatelje, a popravljaju saveznike. Može leteti. Ima energetski štit.
unit.vela.description=Ispaljuje ogromni konstantni laserski zrak koji popravlja saveznike, a oštećuje i pali neprijatelje. Ima dva popravna zraka. Može leteti.
unit.corvus.description=Fires a massive laser blast that damages enemies and repairs allied structures. Can step over most terrain.
unit.crawler.description=Dolazi do nepprijatelja i samouništava se, izazivaćuji veliku eksploziju.
unit.atrax.description=Ispaljuje pregrejanu šljaku na neprijatelje u dometu. Može pregaziti preko većine terena i zgrada.
unit.spiroct.description=Fires sapping laser beams at enemies, repairing itself in the process. Can step over most terrain.
unit.arkyid.description=Fires large sapping laser beams at enemies, repairing itself in the process. Can step over most terrain.
unit.toxopid.description=Fires large electric cluster-shells and piercing lasers at enemies. Can step over most terrain.
unit.flare.description=Fires standard bullets at nearby ground targets.
unit.horizon.description=Drops clusters of bombs on ground targets.
unit.zenith.description=Fires salvos of missiles at all nearby enemies.
unit.antumbra.description=Fires a barrage of bullets at all nearby enemies.
unit.eclipse.description=Fires two piercing lasers and a barrage of flak at all nearby enemies.
unit.mono.description=Automatically mines copper and lead, depositing it into the core.
unit.poly.description=Automatically rebuilds destroyed structures and assists other units in construction.
unit.mega.description=Automatically repairs damaged structures. Capable of carrying blocks and small ground units.
unit.quad.description=Drops large bombs on ground targets, repairing allied structures and damaging enemies. Capable of carrying medium-sized ground units.
unit.oct.description=Protects nearby allies with its regenerating shield. Capable of carrying most ground units.
unit.risso.description=Fires a barrage of missiles and bullets at all nearby enemies.
unit.minke.description=Fires shells and standard bullets at nearby ground targets.
unit.bryde.description=Fires long-range artillery shells and missiles at enemies.
unit.sei.description=Fires a barrage of missiles and armor-piercing bullets at enemies.
unit.omura.description=Fires a long-range piercing railgun bolt at enemies. Constructs flare units.
unit.alpha.description=Defends the Shard core from enemies. Builds structures.
unit.beta.description=Defends the Foundation core from enemies. Builds structures.
unit.gamma.description=Defends the Nucleus core from enemies. Builds structures.
unit.retusa.description=Fires homing torpedoes at nearby enemies. Repairs allied units.
unit.oxynoe.description=Fires structure-repairing streams of flame at nearby enemies. Targets nearby enemy projectiles with a point defense turret.
unit.cyerce.description=Fires seeking cluster-missiles at enemies. Repairs allied units.
unit.aegires.description=Shocks all enemy units and structures that enter its energy field. Repairs all allies.
unit.navanax.description=Fires explosive EMP projectiles, dealing significant damage to enemy power networks and repairing allied structures. Melts nearby enemies with 4 autonomous laser turrets. a number from a linked memory cell.
lst.write=Write a number to a linked memory cell.
lst.print=Add text to the print buffer.\nDoes not display anything until [accent]Print Flush[] is used.
lst.draw=Add an operation to the drawing buffer.\nDoes not display anything until [accent]Draw Flush[] is used.
lst.drawflush=Flush queued [accent]Draw[] operations to a display.
lst.printflush=Flush queued [accent]Print[] operations to a message block.
lst.getlink=Get a processor link by index. Starts at 0.
lst.control=Control a building.
lst.radar=Locate units around a building with range.
lst.sensor=Get data from a building or unit.
lst.set=Set a variable.
lst.operation=Perform an operation on 1-2 variables.
lst.end=Jump to the top of the instruction stack.
lst.wait=Wait a certain number of seconds.
lst.lookup=Look up an item/liquid/unit/block type by ID.\nTotal counts of each type can be accessed with:\n[accent]@unitCount[] / [accent]@itemCount[] / [accent]@liquidCount[] / [accent]@blockCount[]
lst.jump=Conditionally jump to another statement.
lst.unitbind=Bind to the next unit of a type, and store it in [accent]@unit[].
lst.unitcontrol=Control the currently bound unit.
lst.unitradar=Locate units around the currently bound unit.
lst.unitlocate=Locate a specific type of position/building anywhere on the map.\nRequires a bound unit.
logic.nounitbuild=[red]Unit building logic is not allowed here.
lenum.type=Type of building/unit.\ne.g. for any router, this will return [accent]@router[].\nNot a string.
lenum.shoot=Shoot at a position.
lenum.shootp=Shoot at a unit/building with velocity prediction.
lenum.config=Building configuration, e.g. sorter item.
lenum.enabled=Whether the block is enabled.
laccess.color=Illuminator color.
laccess.controller=Unit controller. If processor controlled, returns processor.\nIf in a formation, returns leader.\nOtherwise, returns the unit itself.
laccess.dead=Whether a unit/building is dead or no longer valid.
laccess.controlled=Returns:\n[accent]@ctrlProcessor[] if unit controller is processor\n[accent]@ctrlPlayer[] if unit/building controller is player\n[accent]@ctrlFormation[] if unit is in formation\nOtherwise, 0.
laccess.commanded=[red]Deprecated. Will be removed![]\nUse [accent]controlled[] instead.
laccess.progress=Action progress, 0 to 1.\nReturns production, turret reload or construction progress.
graphicstype.clear=Fill the display with a color.
graphicstype.color=Set color for next drawing operations.
graphicstype.stroke=Set line width.
graphicstype.line=Draw line segment.
graphicstype.rect=Fill a rectangle.
graphicstype.linerect=Draw a rectangle outline.
graphicstype.poly=Fill a regular polygon.
graphicstype.linepoly=Draw a regular polygon outline.
graphicstype.triangle=Fill a triangle.
graphicstype.image=Draw an image of some content.\nex: [accent]@router[] or [accent]@dagger[].
lenum.always=Always true.
lenum.idiv=Integer division.
lenum.div=Division.\nReturns [accent]null[] on divide-by-zero.
lenum.equal=Equal. Coerces types.\nNon-null objects compared with numbers become 1, otherwise 0.
lenum.notequal=Not equal. Coerces types.
lenum.strictequal=Strict equality. Does not coerce types.\nCan be used to check for [accent]null[].