text.about=Erstellt von [ROYAL] Anuken. [] \nUrsprünglich ein Eintrag im [orange] GDL [] MM Jam.\n\nCredits: \n- SFX gemacht mit [yellow] bfxr [] - Musik gemacht von [green] RoccoW [] / gefunden auf [lime] FreeMusicArchive.org [] \n\nBesonderer Dank geht an: \n- [coral] MitchellFJN []: Umfangreicher Spieletest und Feedback \n- [sky] Luxray5474 []: Wiki-Arbeit, Code-Beiträge \n- Alle Beta-Tester auf itch.io und Google Play\n
text.discord=Trete dem Mindustry Discord bei!
text.gameover=Der Kern wurde zerstört.
text.highscore=[YELLOW] Neuer Highscore!
text.lasted=Du hast bis zur folgenden Welle überlebt
text.level.highscore=High Score: [accent] {0}
text.level.delete.title=Löschen bestätigen
text.level.select=Level Auswahl
text.savegame=Spiel speichern
text.loadgame=Spiel laden
text.joingame=Spiel beitreten
text.players={0} Spieler online
text.players.single={0} Spieler online
text.server.mismatch=Paketfehler: Mögliche Client / Server-Version stimmt nicht überein. Stell sicher, dass du und der Host die neueste Version von Mindustry haben!
text.server.kicked.kick=Du wurdest vom Server gekickt!
text.link.discord.description=the official Mindustry discord chatroom
text.link.github.description=Game source code
text.link.dev-builds.description=Unstable development builds
text.link.trello.description=Official trello board for planned features
text.link.itch.io.description=itch.io page with PC downloads and web version
text.link.google-play.description=Google Play store listing
text.link.wiki.description=official Mindustry wiki
text.linkfail=Failed to open link!\nThe URL has been copied to your cliboard.
text.editor.web=The web version does not support the editor!\nDownload the game to use it.
text.web.unsupported=The web version does not support this feature! Download the game to use it.
text.multiplayer.web=This version of the game does not support multiplayer!\nTo play multiplayer from your browser, use the "multiplayer web version" link at the itch.io page.
text.host.web=The web version does not support hosting games! Download the game to use this feature.
text.map.delete=Are you sure you want to delete the map "[orange]{0}[]"?
text.construction.title=Block Construction Guide
text.construction=You've just selected [accent]block construction mode[].\n\nTo begin placing, simply tap a valid location near your ship.\nOnce you have selected some blocks, press the checkbox to confirm, and your ship will begin constructing them.\n\n- [accent]Remove blocks[] from your selection by tapping them.\n- [accent]Shift the selection[] by holding and dragging any block in the selection.\n- [accent]Place blocks in a line[] by tapping and holding an empty spot, then dragging in a direction.\n- [accent]Cancel construction or selection[] by pressing the X at the bottom left.
text.deconstruction=You've just selected [accent]block deconstruction mode[].\n\nTo begin breaking, simply tap a block near your ship.\nOnce you have selected some blocks, press the checkbox to confirm, and your ship will begin de-constructing them.\n\n- [accent]Remove blocks[] from your selection by tapping them.\n- [accent]Remove blocks in an area[] by tapping and holding an empty spot, then dragging in a direction.\n- [accent]Cancel deconstruction or selection[] by pressing the X at the bottom left.
text.showagain=Don't show again next session
text.addplayers=Add/Remove Players
text.maps.none=[LIGHT_GRAY]No maps found!
text.unlocked=New Block Unlocked!
text.unlocked.plural=New Blocks Unlocked!
text.server.closing=[accent]Closing server...
text.server.kicked.fastShoot=You are shooting too quickly.
text.server.kicked.clientOutdated=Outdated client! Update your game!
text.server.kicked.serverOutdated=Outdated server! Ask the host to update!
text.server.kicked.banned=You are banned on this server.
text.server.kicked.recentKick=You have been kicked recently.\nWait before connecting again.
text.server.kicked.nameInUse=There is someone with that name\nalready on this server.
text.server.kicked.nameEmpty=Your name must contain at least one character or number.
text.server.kicked.idInUse=You are already on this server! Connecting with two accounts is not permitted.
text.server.kicked.customClient=This server does not support custom builds. Download an official version.
text.host.info=The [accent]host[] button hosts a server on ports [scarlet]6567[] and [scarlet]6568.[]\nAnybody on the same [LIGHT_GRAY]wifi or local network[] should be able to see your server in their server list.\n\nIf you want people to be able to connect from anywhere by IP, [accent]port forwarding[] is required.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]Note: If someone is experiencing trouble connecting to your LAN game, make sure you have allowed Mindustry access to your local network in your firewall settings.
text.join.info=Here, you can enter a [accent]server IP[] to connect to, or discover [accent]local network[] servers to connect to.\nBoth LAN and WAN multiplayer is supported.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]Note: There is no automatic global server list; if you want to connect to someone by IP, you would need to ask the host for their IP.
text.confirmban=Are you sure you want to ban this player?
text.confirmunban=Are you sure you want to unban this player?
text.confirmadmin=Are you sure you want to make this player an admin?
text.confirmunadmin=Are you sure you want to remove admin status from this player?
text.disconnect.data=Failed to load world data!
text.server.addressinuse=Address already in use!
text.save.difficulty=Difficulty: {0}
text.copylink=Copy Link
text.changelog.loading=Getting changelog...
text.changelog.error.android=[orange]Note that the changelog sometimes does not work on Android 4.4 and below!\nThis is due to an internal Android bug.
text.changelog.error.ios=[orange]The changelog is currently not supported in iOS.
text.changelog.error=[scarlet]Error getting changelog!\nCheck your internet connection.
text.changelog.current=[yellow][[Current version]
text.changelog.latest=[orange][[Latest version]
text.map.delete.confirm=Are you sure you want to delete this map? This action cannot be undone!
text.map.random=[accent]Random Map
text.map.nospawn=This map does not have any cores for the player to spawn in! Add a [ROYAL]blue[] core to this map in the editor.
text.editor.openin=Open In Editor
text.editor.oregen=Ore Generation
text.editor.oregen.info=Ore Generation:
text.editor.mapinfo=Map Info
text.editor.save.noname=Your map does not have a name! Set one in the 'map info' menu.
text.editor.save.overwrite=Your map overwrites a built-in map! Pick a different name in the 'map info' menu.
text.editor.import.exists=[scarlet]Unable to import:[] a built-in map named '{0}' already exists!
text.editor.importmap=Import Map
text.editor.importmap.description=Import an already existing map
text.editor.importfile=Import File
text.editor.importfile.description=Import an external map file
text.editor.importimage=Import Terrain Image
text.editor.importimage.description=Import an external map image file
text.editor.exportfile=Export File
text.editor.exportfile.description=Export a map file
text.editor.exportimage=Export Terrain Image
text.editor.exportimage.description=Export a map image file
text.editor.overwrite.confirm=[scarlet]Warning![] A map with this name already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?
text.fps=FPS: {0}
text.tps=TPS: {0}
text.ping=Ping: {0}ms
text.language.restart=Please restart your game for the language settings to take effect.
text.save.old=This save is for an older version of the game, and can no longer be used.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]Save backwards compatibility will be implemented in the full 4.0 release.