text.about=Created by [ROYAL]Anuken.[]\nOriginally an entry in the [orange]GDL[] MM Jam.\n\nCredits:\n- SFX made with [YELLOW]bfxr[]\n- Music made by [GREEN]RoccoW[] / found on [lime]FreeMusicArchive.org[]\n\nSpecial thanks to:\n- [coral]MitchellFJN[]: extensive playtesting and feedback\n- [sky]Luxray5474[]: wiki work, code contributions\n- All the beta testers on itch.io and Google Play\n
text.discord=Join the mindustry discord!
text.gameover=The core was destroyed.
text.highscore=[YELLOW]New highscore!
text.lasted=You lasted until wave
text.level.highscore=High Score: [accent] {0}
text.level.delete.title=Confirm Delete
text.level.delete=Are you sure you want to delete\nthe map "[orange]{0}"?
text.error.crashmessage=[SCARLET]An unexpected error has occured, which would have caused a crash. []Please report the exact circumstances under which this error occured to the developer: \n[ORANGE]anukendev@gmail.com[]
tutorial.intro.text=[yellow]Welcome to the tutorial.[] To begin, press 'next'.
tutorial.moveDesktop.text=To move, use the [orange][[WASD][] keys. Hold [orange]shift[] to boost. Hold [orange]CTRL[] while using the [orange]scrollwheel[] to zoom in or out.
tutorial.shoot.text=Use your mouse to aim, hold [orange]left mouse button[] to shoot. Try practicing on the [yellow]target[].
tutorial.moveAndroid.text=To pan the view, drag one finger across the screen. Pinch and drag to zoom in or out.
tutorial.placeSelect.text=Try selecting a [yellow]conveyor[] from the block menu in the bottom right.
tutorial.placeConveyorDesktop.text=Use the [orange][[scrollwheel][] to rotate the conveyor to face [orange]forwards[], then place it in the [yellow]marked location[] using the [orange][[left mouse button][].
tutorial.placeConveyorAndroid.text=Use the [orange][[rotate button][] to rotate the conveyor to face [orange]forwards[], drag it into position with one finger, then place it in the [yellow]marked location[] using the [orange][[checkmark][].
tutorial.placeConveyorAndroidInfo.text=Alternatively, you can press the crosshair icon in the bottom left to switch to [orange][[touch mode][], and place blocks by tapping on the screen. In touch mode, blocks can be rotated with the arrow at the bottom left. Press [yellow]next[] to try it out.
tutorial.placeDrill.text=Now, select and place a [yellow]stone drill[] at the marked location.
tutorial.blockInfo.text=If you want to learn more about a block, you can tap the [orange]question mark[] in the top right to read its description.
tutorial.deselectDesktop.text=You can de-select a block using the [orange][[right mouse button][].
tutorial.deselectAndroid.text=You can deselect a block by pressing the [orange]X[] button.
tutorial.drillPlaced.text=The drill will now produce [yellow]stone,[] output it onto the conveyor, then move it into the [yellow]core[].
tutorial.drillInfo.text=Different ores need different drills. Stone requires stone drills, iron requires iron drills, etc.
tutorial.drillPlaced2.text=Moving items into the core puts them in your [yellow]item inventory[], in the top left. Placing blocks uses items from your inventory.
tutorial.moreDrills.text=You can link many drills and conveyors up together, like so.
tutorial.deleteBlock.text=You can delete blocks by clicking the [orange]right mouse button[] on the block you want to delete. Try deleting this conveyor.
tutorial.deleteBlockAndroid.text=You can delete blocks by [orange]selecting the crosshair[] in the [orange]break mode menu[] in the bottom left and tapping a block. Try deleting this conveyor.
tutorial.placeTurret.text=Now, select and place a [yellow]turret[] at the [yellow]marked location[].
tutorial.placedTurretAmmo.text=This turret will now accept [yellow]ammo[] from the conveyor. You can see how much ammo it has by hovering over it and checking the [green]green bar[].
tutorial.turretExplanation.text=Turrets will automatically shoot at the nearest enemy in range, as long as they have enough ammo.
tutorial.waves.text=Every [yellow]60[] seconds, a wave of [coral]enemies[] will spawn in specific locations and attempt to destroy the core.
tutorial.coreDestruction.text=Your objective is to [yellow]defend the core[]. If the core is destroyed, you [coral]lose the game[].
tutorial.pausingDesktop.text=If you ever need to take a break, press the [orange]pause button[] in the top left or [orange]space[] to pause the game. You can still select and place blocks while paused, but cannot move or shoot.
tutorial.pausingAndroid.text=If you ever need to take a break, press the [orange]pause button[] in the top left to pause the game. You can still place select and place blocks while paused.
tutorial.purchaseWeapons.text=You can purchase new [yellow]weapons[] for your mech by opening the upgrade menu in the bottom left.
tutorial.switchWeapons.text=Switch weapons by either clicking its icon in the bottom left, or using numbers [orange][[1-9][].
tutorial.spawnWave.text=Here comes a wave now. Destroy them.
tutorial.pumpDesc.text=In later waves, you might need to use [yellow]pumps[] to distribute liquids for generators or extractors.
tutorial.pumpPlace.text=Pumps work similarly to drills, except that they produce liquids instead of items. Try placing a pump on the [yellow]designated oil[].
tutorial.conduitUse.text=Now place a [orange]conduit[] leading away from the pump.
tutorial.conduitUse2.text=And a few more...
tutorial.conduitUse3.text=And a few more...
tutorial.generator.text=Now, place a [orange]combustion generator[] block at the end of the conduit.
tutorial.generatorExplain.text=This generator will now create [yellow]power[] from the oil.
tutorial.lasers.text=Power is distributed using [yellow]power lasers[]. Rotate and place one here.
tutorial.laserExplain.text=The generator will now move power into the laser block. An [yellow]opaque[] beam means that it is currently transmitting power, and a [yellow]transparent[] beam means it is not.
tutorial.laserMore.text=You can check how much power a block has by hovering over it and checking the [yellow]yellow bar[] at the top.
tutorial.healingTurret.text=This laser can be used to power a [lime]repair turret[]. Place one here.
tutorial.healingTurretExplain.text=As long as it has power, this turret will [lime]repair nearby blocks.[] When playing, make sure you get one in your base as quickly as possible!
tutorial.smeltery.text=Many blocks require [orange]steel[] to make, which requires a [orange]smelter[] to craft. Place one here.
tutorial.smelterySetup.text=This smelter will now produce [orange]steel[] from the input coal and iron.
tutorial.end.text=And that concludes the tutorial! Good luck!
weapon.blaster.description=Shoots a slow, weak bullet.
weapon.triblaster.description=Shoots 3 bullets in a spread.
weapon.multigun.description=Shoots inaccurate bullets with a high\nrate of fire.
weapon.flamer.description=Shoots a stream of fire.
weapon.railgun.description=Shoots one long-range bullet.
weapon.mortar.description=Shoots a slow, but damaging shell.
block.stonewall.name=stone wall
block.stonewall.fulldescription=A cheap defensive block. Useful for protecting the core and turrets in the first few waves.
block.ironwall.name=iron wall
block.ironwall.fulldescription=A basic defensive block. Provides protection from enemies.
block.steelwall.name=steel wall
block.steelwall.fulldescription=A standard defensive block. adequate protection from enemies.
block.titaniumwall.name=titanium wall
block.titaniumwall.fulldescription=A strong defensive block. Provides protection from enemies.
block.duriumwall.name=dirium wall
block.duriumwall.fulldescription=A very strong defensive block. Provides protection from enemies.
block.compositewall.name=composite wall
block.steelwall-large.name=large steel wall
block.steelwall-large.fulldescription=A standard defensive block. Spans multiple tiles.
block.duriumwall-large.fulldescription=A very strong defensive block. Spans multiple tiles.
block.titaniumshieldwall.name=shielded wall
block.titaniumshieldwall.fulldescription=A strong defensive block, with an extra built-in shield. Requires power. Uses energy to absorb enemy bullets. It is recommended to use power boosters to provide energy to this block.
block.repairturret.name=repair turret
block.repairturret.fulldescription=Repairs nearby damaged blocks in range at a slow rate. Uses small amounts of power.
block.shieldgenerator.fulldescription=An advanced defensive block. Shields all the blocks in a radius from attack. Uses power at a slow rate when idle, but drains energy quickly on bullet contact.
block.door.fulldescription=A block than can be opened and closed by tapping it.
block.door.description=Opens and closes.\n[interact]Tap to toggle
block.door-large.name=large door
block.door-large.fulldescription=A block than can be opened and closed by tapping it.
block.door-large.description=Opens and closes.\n[interact]Tap to toggle
block.conduit.fulldescription=Basic liquid transport block. Works like a conveyor, but with liquids. Best used with pumps or other conduits. Can be used as a bridge over liquids for enemies and players.
block.pulseconduit.name=pulse conduit
block.pulseconduit.fulldescription=Advanced liquid transport block. Transports liquids faster and stores more than standard conduits.
block.liquidrouter.name=liquid router
block.liquidrouter.fulldescription=Works similarly to a router. Accepts liquid input from one side and outputs it to the other sides. Useful for splitting liquid from a single conduit into multiple other conduits.
block.liquidrouter.description=Splits input liquid into 3 directions.
block.conveyor.fulldescription=Basic item transport block. Moves items forward and automatically deposits them into turrets or crafters. Rotatable. Can be used as a bridge over liquids for enemies and players.
block.steelconveyor.name=steel conveyor
block.steelconveyor.fulldescription=Advanced item transport block. Moves items faster than standard conveyors.
block.poweredconveyor.name=pulse conveyor
block.poweredconveyor.fulldescription=The ultimate item transport block. Moves items faster than steel conveyors.
block.router.fulldescription=Accepts items from one direction and outputs them to 3 other directions. Can also store a certain amount of items.Useful for splitting the materials from one drill into multiple turrets.
block.router.description=Split input materials into 3 directions.
block.junction.fulldescription=Acts as a bridge for two crossing conveyor belts. Useful in situations with two different conveyors carrying different materials to different locations.
block.junction.description=Serves as a conveyor junction.
block.conveyortunnel.fulldescription=Transports item under blocks. To use, place one tunnel leading into the block to be tunneled under, and one on the other side. Make sure both tunnels face opposite directions, which is towards the blocks they are inputting or outputting to.
block.conveyortunnel.description=Transports items under blocks.
block.liquidjunction.name=liquid junction
block.liquidjunction.fulldescription=Acts as a bridge for two crossing conduits. Useful in situations with two different conduits carrying different liquids to different locations.
block.liquiditemjunction.fulldescription=Acts as a bridge for crossing conduits and conveyors.
block.liquiditemjunction.description=Serves as a junction for items and liquids.
block.powerbooster.name=power booster
block.powerbooster.fulldescription=Distributes power to all blocks within its radius.
block.powerbooster.description=Distributes power within a radius.
block.powerlaser.name=power laser
block.powerlaser.fulldescription=Creates a laser that transmits power to the block in front of it. Does not generate any power itself. Best used with generators or other lasers.
block.powerlaser.description=Transmits power.
block.powerlaserrouter.name=laser router
block.powerlaserrouter.fulldescription=Laser that distributes power to three directions at once. Useful in situations where it is required to power multiple blocks from one generator.
block.powerlaserrouter.description=Splits input power into 3 lasers.
block.powerlasercorner.name=laser corner
block.powerlasercorner.fulldescription=Laser that distributes power to two directions at once. Useful in situations where it is required to power multiple blocks from one generator, and a router is imprecise.
block.powerlasercorner.description=Splits input power into 2 lasers.
block.teleporter.fulldescription=Advanced item transport block. Teleporters input items to other teleporters of the same color. Does nothing if no teleporters of the same color exist. If multiple teleporters exist of the same color, a random one is selected. Tap and click the arrows to change color.
block.teleporter.description=[interact]Tap block to config[]
block.sorter.fulldescription=Sorts item by material type. Material to accept is indicated by the color in the block. All items that match the sort material are outputted forward, everything else is outputted to the left and right.
block.sorter.description=[interact]Tap block to config[]
block.pump.fulldescription=Pumps liquids from a source block- usually water, lava or oil. Outputs liquid into nearby conduits.
block.pump.description=Pumps liquids into nearby conduits.
block.fluxpump.fulldescription=An advanced version of the pump. Stores more liquid and pumps liquid faster.
block.fluxpump.description=Pumps liquids into nearby conduits.
block.smelter.fulldescription=The essential crafting block. When inputted 1x iron and 1x coal, outputs one steel.
block.smelter.description=Converts coal + iron to steel.
block.crucible.fulldescription=An advanced crafting block. When inputted 1x titanium and 1x steel, outputs one dirium.
block.crucible.description=Converts steel + titanium to dirium.
block.coalpurifier.name=coal extractor
block.coalpurifier.fulldescription=A basic extractor block. Outputs coal when supplied with large amounts of water and stone.
block.coalpurifier.description=Converts stone + water to coal.
block.titaniumpurifier.name=titanium extractor
block.titaniumpurifier.fulldescription=A standard extractor block. Outputs titanium when supplied with large amounts of water and iron.
block.titaniumpurifier.description=Converts iron + water to titanium.
block.oilrefinery.name=oil refinery
block.oilrefinery.fulldescription=Refines large amounts of oil into coal items. Useful for fueling coal-based turrets when coal veins are scarce.
block.oilrefinery.description=Converts oil to coal.
block.stoneformer.name=stone former
block.stoneformer.fulldescription=Soldifies liquid lava into stone. Useful for producing massive amounts of stone for coal purifiers.
block.stoneformer.description=Converts lava to stone.
block.combustiongenerator.fulldescription=Generates power from oil. Outputs power as lasers to its 4 sides.
block.combustiongenerator.description=Generates power from oil.
block.rtgenerator.name=RTG generator
block.rtgenerator.fulldescription=Generates small amounts of power from the radioactive decay of uranium. Outputs power as lasers to its 4 sides.
block.rtgenerator.description=Generates power from uranium.
block.nuclearreactor.name=nuclear reactor
block.nuclearreactor.fulldescription=An advanced version of the RTG Generator, and the ultimate power generator. Generates power from uranium. Requires constant water cooling. Highly volatile; will explode violently if insufficient amounts of coolant are supplied.
block.turret.fulldescription=A basic, cheap turret. Uses stone for ammo. Has slightly more range than the double-turret.
block.turret.description=[turretinfo]Ammo: stone
block.doubleturret.name=double turret
block.doubleturret.fulldescription=A slightly more powerful version of the turret. Uses stone for ammo. Does significantly more damage, but has a lower range. Shoots two bullets.
block.doubleturret.description=[turretinfo]Ammo: stone
block.machineturret.name=gattling turret
block.machineturret.fulldescription=A standard all-around turret. Uses iron for ammo. Has a fast fire rate with decent damage.
block.machineturret.description=[turretinfo]Ammo: iron
block.shotgunturret.name=splitter turret
block.shotgunturret.fulldescription=A standard turret. Uses iron for ammo. Shoots a spread of 7 bullets. Lower range, but higher damage output than the gattling turret.
block.shotgunturret.description=[turretinfo]Ammo: iron
block.flameturret.name=flamer turret
block.flameturret.fulldescription=Advanced close-range turret. Uses coal for ammo. Has very low range, but very high damage. Good for close quarters. Recommended to be used behind walls.
block.sniperturret.fulldescription=Advanced long-range turret. Uses steel for ammo. Very high damage, but low fire rate. Expensive to use, but can be placed far away from enemy lines due to its range.
block.mortarturret.fulldescription=Advanced splash-damage turret. Uses coal for ammo. Very slow fire rate and bullets, but very high single-target and splash damage. Useful for large crowds of enemies.
block.waveturret.fulldescription=Advanced multi-target turret. Uses power. Medium range. Never misses.Average to low damage, but can hit multiple enemies simultaneously with chain lighting.
block.chainturret.fulldescription=The ultimate rapid-fire turret. Uses uranium as ammo. Shoots large slugs at a high fire rate. Medium range. Spans multiple tiles. Extremely tough.
block.titancannon.fulldescription=The ultimate long-range turret. Uses uranium as ammo. Shoots large splash-damage shells at a medium rate of fire. Long range. Spans multiple tiles. Extremely tough.