mirror of
synced 2025-01-28 00:19:57 +07:00
New pathfinding implementation on separate thread
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,164 +1,249 @@
package io.anuke.mindustry.ai;
package io.anuke.mindustry.ai;
import io.anuke.arc.Events;
import io.anuke.annotations.Annotations.*;
import io.anuke.arc.collection.IntArray;
import io.anuke.arc.*;
import io.anuke.arc.collection.IntQueue;
import io.anuke.arc.collection.*;
import io.anuke.arc.math.geom.Geometry;
import io.anuke.arc.function.*;
import io.anuke.arc.math.geom.Point2;
import io.anuke.arc.math.geom.*;
import io.anuke.arc.util.*;
import io.anuke.arc.util.*;
import io.anuke.mindustry.game.EventType.TileChangeEvent;
import io.anuke.arc.util.async.*;
import io.anuke.mindustry.game.EventType.WorldLoadEvent;
import io.anuke.mindustry.core.GameState.*;
import io.anuke.mindustry.game.Team;
import io.anuke.mindustry.game.EventType.*;
import io.anuke.mindustry.game.Teams.TeamData;
import io.anuke.mindustry.game.*;
import io.anuke.mindustry.net.Net;
import io.anuke.mindustry.gen.*;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.Pos;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.*;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.Tile;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.meta.*;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.meta.BlockFlag;
import static io.anuke.mindustry.Vars.*;
import static io.anuke.mindustry.Vars.*;
public class Pathfinder{
public class Pathfinder implements Runnable{
private static final long maxUpdate = Time.millisToNanos(4);
private static final long maxUpdate = Time.millisToNanos(4);
private PathData[] paths;
private static final int updateFPS = 60;
private IntArray blocked = new IntArray();
private static final int updateInterval = 1000 / updateFPS;
private static final int impassable = -1;
/** tile data, see PathTileStruct */
private int[][] tiles;
/** unordered array of path data for iteration only. DO NOT iterate ot access this in the main thread.*/
private Array<PathData> list = new Array<>();
/** Maps teams + flags to a valid path to get to that flag for that team. */
private PathData[][] pathMap = new PathData[Team.all.length][PathTarget.all.length];
/** Grid map of created path data that should not be queued again. */
private GridBits created = new GridBits(Team.all.length, PathTarget.all.length);
/** handles task scheduling on the update thread. */
private TaskQueue queue = new TaskQueue();
/** current pathfinding thread */
private @Nullable Thread thread;
public Pathfinder(){
public Pathfinder(){
Events.on(WorldLoadEvent.class, event -> clear());
Events.on(WorldLoadEvent.class, event -> {
Events.on(TileChangeEvent.class, event -> {
if(net.client()) return;
for(Team team : Team.all){
tiles = new int[world.width()][world.height()];
TeamData data = state.teams.get(team);
pathMap = new PathData[Team.all.length][PathTarget.all.length];
if(state.teams.isActive(team) && data.team != event.tile.getTeam()){
created = new GridBits(Team.all.length, PathTarget.all.length);
update(event.tile, data.team);
list = new Array<>();
for(int x = 0; x < world.width(); x++){
for(int y = 0; y < world.height(); y++){
tiles[x][y] = packTile(world.rawTile(x, y));
update(event.tile, event.tile.getTeam());
Events.on(TileChangeEvent.class, event -> updateTile(event.tile));
/** Packs a tile into its internal representation. */
private int packTile(Tile tile){
return PathTile.get(tile.cost, tile.getTeamID(), (byte)0, (!tile.solid() || tile.breakable()) && tile.floor().drownTime <= 0f);
/** Starts or restarts the pathfinding thread. */
private void start(){
thread = Threads.daemon(this);
/** Stops the pathfinding thread. */
private void stop(){
if(thread != null){
thread = null;
/** Update a tile in the internal pathfinding grid. Causes a completely pathfinding reclaculation. */
public void updateTile(Tile tile){
if(net.client()) return;
int packed = packTile(tile);
int x = tile.x, y = tile.y;
tiles[x][y] = packed;
for(PathData[] arr : pathMap){
for(PathData path : arr){
if(path != null){
path.target.getTargets(tile.getTeam(), path.targets);
queue.post(() -> {
for(PathData data : list){
updateTargets(data, x, y, packed);
public void updateSolid(Tile tile){
/** Thread implementation. */
update(tile, tile.getTeam());
public void run(){
if(net.client() || state.is(State.menu)) return;
public void update(){
if(net.client() || paths == null) return;
for(Team team : Team.all){
//total update time no longer than maxUpdate
for(PathData data : list){
updateFrontier(team, maxUpdate);
updateFrontier(data, maxUpdate / list.size);
}catch(InterruptedException e){
//stop looping when interrupted externally
public Tile getTargetTile(Team team, Tile tile){
/** Gets next tile to travel to. Main thread only. */
float[][] values = paths[team.ordinal()].weights;
public Tile getTargetTile(Tile tile, Team team, PathTarget target){
if(tile == null) return tile;
if(values == null || tile == null) return tile;
PathData data = pathMap[team.ordinal()][target.ordinal()];
float value = values[tile.x][tile.y];
if(data == null){
//if this combination is not found, create it on request
if(!created.get(team.ordinal(), target.ordinal())){
created.set(team.ordinal(), target.ordinal());
//grab targets since this is run on main thread
IntArray targets = target.getTargets(team, new IntArray());
queue.post(() -> createFor(team, target, targets));
return tile;
Tile target = null;
int[][] values = data.weights;
float tl = 0f;
int value = values[tile.x][tile.y];
Tile current = null;
int tl = 0;
for(Point2 point : Geometry.d8){
for(Point2 point : Geometry.d8){
int dx = tile.x + point.x, dy = tile.y + point.y;
int dx = tile.x + point.x, dy = tile.y + point.y;
Tile other = world.tile(dx, dy);
Tile other = world.tile(dx, dy);
if(other == null) continue;
if(other == null) continue;
if(values[dx][dy] < value && (target == null || values[dx][dy] < tl) &&
if(values[dx][dy] < value && (current == null || values[dx][dy] < tl) && !other.solid() && other.floor().drownTime <= 0 &&
!other.solid() && other.floor().drownTime <= 0 &&
!(point.x != 0 && point.y != 0 && (world.solid(tile.x + point.x, tile.y) || world.solid(tile.x, tile.y + point.y)))){ //diagonal corner trap
!(point.x != 0 && point.y != 0 && (world.solid(tile.x + point.x, tile.y) || world.solid(tile.x, tile.y + point.y)))){ //diagonal corner trap
target = other;
current = other;
tl = values[dx][dy];
tl = values[dx][dy];
if(target == null || tl == Float.MAX_VALUE) return tile;
if(current == null || tl == impassable) return tile;
return target;
return current;
public float getValueforTeam(Team team, int x, int y){
/** @return whether a tile can be passed through by this team. Pathfinding thread only.*/
return paths == null || paths[team.ordinal()].weights == null || team.ordinal() >= paths.length ? 0 : Structs.inBounds(x, y, paths[team.ordinal()].weights) ? paths[team.ordinal()].weights[x][y] : 0;
private boolean passable(int x, int y, Team team){
int tile = tiles[x][y];
return PathTile.passable(tile) || (PathTile.team(tile) != team.ordinal() && PathTile.team(tile) != Team.derelict.ordinal());
private boolean passable(Tile tile, Team team){
return ((!tile.solid()) || (tile.breakable() && (tile.getTeam() != team))) && tile.floor().drownTime <= 0f;
* Clears the frontier, increments the search and sets up all flow sources.
* Clears the frontier, increments the search and sets up all flow sources.
* This only occurs for active teams.
* This only occurs for active teams.
private void update(Tile tile, Team team){
private void updateTargets(PathData path, int x, int y, int tile){
//make sure team exists
if(!Structs.inBounds(x, y, path.weights)) return;
if(paths != null && paths[team.ordinal()] != null && paths[team.ordinal()].weights != null && Structs.inBounds(tile.x, tile.y, paths[team.ordinal()].weights)){
PathData path = paths[team.ordinal()];
if(path.weights[tile.x][tile.y] <= 0.1f){
if(path.weights[x][y] == 0){
//this was a previous target
//this was a previous target
}else if(!path.frontier.isEmpty()){
//impassable tiles have a weight of float.max
if(!passable(tile, team)){
path.weights[tile.x][tile.y] = Float.MAX_VALUE;
//increment search, clear frontier
path.lastSearchTime = Time.millis();
}else if(!path.frontier.isEmpty()){
//skip if this path is processing
//add all targets to the frontier
//assign impassability to the tile
for(Tile other : indexer.getEnemy(team, BlockFlag.target)){
if(!passable(x, y, path.team)){
path.weights[other.x][other.y] = 0;
path.weights[x][y] = impassable;
path.searches[other.x][other.y] = (short)path.search;
//increment search, clear frontier
//add targets
for(int i = 0; i < path.targets.size; i++){
int pos = path.targets.get(i);
int tx = Pos.x(pos), ty = Pos.y(pos);
path.weights[tx][ty] = 0;
path.searches[tx][ty] = (short)path.search;
private void createFor(Team team){
/** Created a new flowfield that aims to get to a certain target for a certain team.
PathData path = new PathData();
* Pathfinding thread only. */
path.weights = new float[world.width()][world.height()];
private void createFor(Team team, PathTarget target, IntArray targets){
path.searches = new short[world.width()][world.height()];
PathData path = new PathData(team, target, world.width(), world.height());
path.frontier.ensureCapacity((world.width() + world.height()) * 3);
paths[team.ordinal()] = path;
pathMap[team.ordinal()][target.ordinal()] = path;
//grab targets from passed array
//fill with impassables by default
for(int x = 0; x < world.width(); x++){
for(int x = 0; x < world.width(); x++){
for(int y = 0; y < world.height(); y++){
for(int y = 0; y < world.height(); y++){
Tile tile = world.tile(x, y);
path.weights[x][y] = impassable;
if(state.teams.areEnemies(tile.getTeam(), team)
&& tile.block().flags.contains(BlockFlag.target)){
path.weights[x][y] = 0;
path.searches[x][y] = (short)path.search;
path.weights[x][y] = Float.MAX_VALUE;
updateFrontier(team, -1);
//add targets
for(int i = 0; i < path.targets.size; i++){
int pos = path.targets.get(i);
path.weights[Pos.x(pos)][Pos.y(pos)] = 0;
private void updateFrontier(Team team, long nsToRun){
/** Update the frontier for a path. Pathfinding thread only. */
PathData path = paths[team.ordinal()];
private void updateFrontier(PathData path, long nsToRun){
long start = Time.nanos();
long start = Time.nanos();
while(path.frontier.size > 0 && (nsToRun < 0 || Time.timeSinceNanos(start) <= nsToRun)){
while(path.frontier.size > 0 && (nsToRun < 0 || Time.timeSinceNanos(start) <= nsToRun)){
Tile tile = world.tile(path.frontier.removeLast());
Tile tile = world.tile(path.frontier.removeLast());
if(tile == null || path.weights == null) return; //something went horribly wrong, bail
if(tile == null || path.weights == null) return; //something went horribly wrong, bail
float cost = path.weights[tile.x][tile.y];
int cost = path.weights[tile.x][tile.y];
//pathfinding overflowed for some reason, time to bail. the next block update will handle this, hopefully
//pathfinding overflowed for some reason, time to bail. the next block update will handle this, hopefully
if(path.frontier.size >= world.width() * world.height()){
if(path.frontier.size >= world.width() * world.height()){
@ -166,14 +251,13 @@ public class Pathfinder{
if(cost < Float.MAX_VALUE){
if(cost != impassable){
for(Point2 point : Geometry.d4){
for(Point2 point : Geometry.d4){
int dx = tile.x + point.x, dy = tile.y + point.y;
int dx = tile.x + point.x, dy = tile.y + point.y;
Tile other = world.tile(dx, dy);
Tile other = world.tile(dx, dy);
if(other != null && (path.weights[dx][dy] > cost + other.cost || path.searches[dx][dy] < path.search)
if(other != null && (path.weights[dx][dy] > cost + other.cost || path.searches[dx][dy] < path.search) && passable(dx, dy, path.team)){
&& passable(other, team)){
if(other.cost < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tile cost cannot be negative! " + other);
if(other.cost < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tile cost cannot be negative! " + other);
path.frontier.addFirst(Pos.get(dx, dy));
path.frontier.addFirst(Pos.get(dx, dy));
path.weights[dx][dy] = cost + other.cost;
path.weights[dx][dy] = cost + other.cost;
@ -184,27 +268,71 @@ public class Pathfinder{
private void clear(){
/** A path target defines a set of targets for a path.*/
public enum PathTarget{
enemyCores((team, out) -> {
paths = new PathData[Team.all.length];
for(Tile other : indexer.getEnemy(team, BlockFlag.core)){
for(Team team : Team.all){
PathData path = new PathData();
paths[team.ordinal()] = path;
rallyPoints((team, out) -> {
for(Tile other : indexer.getAllied(team, BlockFlag.rally)){
public static final PathTarget[] all = values();
private final BiConsumer<Team, IntArray> targeter;
PathTarget(BiConsumer<Team, IntArray> targeter){
this.targeter = targeter;
/** Get targets. This must run on the main thread.*/
public IntArray getTargets(Team team, IntArray out){
targeter.accept(team, out);
return out;
/** Data for a specific flow field to some set of destinations. */
class PathData{
class PathData{
float[][] weights;
/** Team this path is for. */
short[][] searches;
final Team team;
int search = 0;
/** Flag that is being targeted. */
long lastSearchTime;
final PathTarget target;
IntQueue frontier = new IntQueue();
/** costs of getting to a specific tile */
final int[][] weights;
/** search IDs of each position - the highest, most recent search is prioritized and overwritten */
final short[][] searches;
/** search frontier, these are Pos objects */
final IntQueue frontier = new IntQueue();
/** all target positions; these positions have a cost of 0, and must be synchronized on! */
final IntArray targets = new IntArray();
/** current search ID */
int search = 1;
PathData(Team team, PathTarget target, int width, int height){
this.team = team;
this.target = target;
this.weights = new int[width][height];
this.searches = new short[width][height];
this.frontier.ensureCapacity((width + height) * 3);
/** Holds a copy of tile data for a specific tile position. */
class PathTileStruct{
//traversal cost
byte cost;
//team of block, if applicable (0 by default)
byte team;
//type of target; TODO remove
byte type;
//whether it's viable to pass this block
boolean passable;
@ -227,8 +227,6 @@ public class Logic implements ApplicationListener{
collisions.collideGroups(bulletGroup, playerGroup);
collisions.collideGroups(bulletGroup, playerGroup);
if(!net.client() && !world.isInvalidMap() && !state.isEditor()){
if(!net.client() && !world.isInvalidMap() && !state.isEditor()){
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public abstract class FlyingUnit extends BaseUnit{
public void update(){
public void update(){
if(target != null && !Units.invalidateTarget(target, team, x, y)){
if(target != null && !Units.invalidateTarget(target, team, x, y)){
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import io.anuke.arc.math.*;
import io.anuke.arc.math.geom.*;
import io.anuke.arc.math.geom.*;
import io.anuke.arc.util.*;
import io.anuke.arc.util.*;
import io.anuke.mindustry.*;
import io.anuke.mindustry.*;
import io.anuke.mindustry.ai.Pathfinder.*;
import io.anuke.mindustry.entities.*;
import io.anuke.mindustry.entities.*;
import io.anuke.mindustry.entities.bullet.*;
import io.anuke.mindustry.entities.bullet.*;
import io.anuke.mindustry.entities.units.*;
import io.anuke.mindustry.entities.units.*;
@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ public abstract class GroundUnit extends BaseUnit{
protected void moveToCore(){
protected void moveToCore(){
Tile tile = world.tileWorld(x, y);
Tile tile = world.tileWorld(x, y);
if(tile == null) return;
if(tile == null) return;
Tile targetTile = pathfinder.getTargetTile(team, tile);
Tile targetTile = pathfinder.getTargetTile(tile, team, PathTarget.enemyCores);
if(tile == targetTile) return;
if(tile == targetTile) return;
@ -246,7 +247,7 @@ public abstract class GroundUnit extends BaseUnit{
Tile tile = world.tileWorld(x, y);
Tile tile = world.tileWorld(x, y);
if(tile == null) return;
if(tile == null) return;
Tile targetTile = pathfinder.getTargetTile(enemy, tile);
Tile targetTile = pathfinder.getTargetTile(tile, team, PathTarget.enemyCores);
TileEntity core = getClosestCore();
TileEntity core = getClosestCore();
if(tile == targetTile || core == null || dst(core) < 120f) return;
if(tile == targetTile || core == null || dst(core) < 120f) return;
@ -20,5 +20,7 @@ public enum Category{
/** Things that upgrade the player such as mech pads. */
/** Things that upgrade the player such as mech pads. */
/** Things for storage or passive effects. */
/** Things for storage or passive effects. */
public static final Category[] all = values();
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public class PlacementFragment extends Fragment{
Array<Block> returnArray = new Array<>();
Array<Block> returnArray = new Array<>();
Array<Category> returnCatArray = new Array<>();
Array<Category> returnCatArray = new Array<>();
boolean[] categoryEmpty = new boolean[Category.values().length];
boolean[] categoryEmpty = new boolean[Category.all.length];
Category currentCategory = Category.distribution;
Category currentCategory = Category.distribution;
Block hovered, lastDisplay;
Block hovered, lastDisplay;
Tile lastHover;
Tile lastHover;
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public class PlacementFragment extends Fragment{
int i = 0;
int i = 0;
for(KeyCode key : inputCatGrid){
for(KeyCode key : inputCatGrid){
input.block = getByCategory(Category.values()[i]).first();
input.block = getByCategory(Category.all[i]).first();
currentCategory = input.block.buildCategory;
currentCategory = input.block.buildCategory;
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ public class PlacementFragment extends Fragment{
ButtonGroup<ImageButton> group = new ButtonGroup<>();
ButtonGroup<ImageButton> group = new ButtonGroup<>();
//update category empty values
//update category empty values
for(Category cat : Category.values()){
for(Category cat : Category.all){
Array<Block> blocks = getByCategory(cat);
Array<Block> blocks = getByCategory(cat);
categoryEmpty[cat.ordinal()] = blocks.isEmpty() || !unlocked(blocks.first());
categoryEmpty[cat.ordinal()] = blocks.isEmpty() || !unlocked(blocks.first());
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ public class PlacementFragment extends Fragment{
Array<Category> getCategories(){
Array<Category> getCategories(){
returnCatArray.sort((c1, c2) -> Boolean.compare(categoryEmpty[c1.ordinal()], categoryEmpty[c2.ordinal()]));
returnCatArray.sort((c1, c2) -> Boolean.compare(categoryEmpty[c1.ordinal()], categoryEmpty[c2.ordinal()]));
return returnCatArray;
return returnCatArray;
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ public class Door extends Wall{
entity.open = open;
entity.open = open;
Door door = (Door)tile.block();
Door door = (Door)tile.block();
Effects.effect(door.openfx, tile.drawx(), tile.drawy());
Effects.effect(door.openfx, tile.drawx(), tile.drawy());
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public class CoreBlock extends StorageBlock{
solid = true;
solid = true;
update = true;
update = true;
hasItems = true;
hasItems = true;
flags = EnumSet.of(BlockFlag.target, BlockFlag.producer);
flags = EnumSet.of(BlockFlag.core, BlockFlag.producer);
activeSound = Sounds.respawning;
activeSound = Sounds.respawning;
activeSoundVolume = 1f;
activeSoundVolume = 1f;
layer = Layer.overlay;
layer = Layer.overlay;
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package io.anuke.mindustry.world.blocks.units;
import io.anuke.arc.collection.*;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.*;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.meta.*;
public class RallyPoint extends Block{
public RallyPoint(String name){
update = solid = true;
flags = EnumSet.of(BlockFlag.rally);
@ -1,22 +1,19 @@
package io.anuke.mindustry.world.meta;
package io.anuke.mindustry.world.meta;
/** Stores special flags of blocks for easy querying. */
public enum BlockFlag{
public enum BlockFlag{
/** General important target for all types of units. */
/** Enemy core; primary target for all units. */
/** Rally point for units.*/
/** Producer of important goods. */
/** Producer of important goods. */
/** A turret. */
/** A turret. */
/** Only the command center block.*/
/** Only the command center block.*/
/** Repair point. */
/** Repair point. */
public final static BlockFlag[] all = values();
public final static BlockFlag[] all = values();
public final float cost;
BlockFlag(float cost){
if(cost < 0) throw new RuntimeException("Block flag costs cannot be < 0!");
this.cost = cost;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user