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synced 2025-03-13 19:39:04 +07:00
Automatic bundle update
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@ -1016,6 +1016,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Множнік Хуткасці Будоўлі
stat.reactive = Рэагуе
stat.immunities = Імунітэт
stat.healing = Аднаўленне
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Сіловое Поле
ability.forcefield.description = Projects a force shield that absorbs bullets
@ -1030,6 +1030,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Множител на скорост за изгра
stat.reactive = Реагира
stat.immunities = Имунитет
stat.healing = Лечение
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Енергийно поле
ability.forcefield.description = Проектира силово поле, което поглъща куршуми
@ -1030,6 +1030,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Multiplicador de velocitat de construcció
stat.reactive = Reacciona amb
stat.immunities = Immunitats
stat.healing = Reparador
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Camp de força
ability.forcefield.description = Projecta un camp de força que absorbeix les bales.
@ -1030,6 +1030,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Nasobič Rychlostí Stavby
stat.reactive = Reaguje
stat.immunities = Imunity
stat.healing = Léčí se
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Silové pole
ability.forcefield.description = Projects a force shield that absorbs bullets
@ -1017,6 +1017,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Build Speed Multiplier
stat.reactive = Reacts
stat.immunities = Immunities
stat.healing = Healing
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Kraftfelt
ability.forcefield.description = Projects a force shield that absorbs bullets
@ -1041,6 +1041,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Baugeschwindigkeit-Multiplikator
stat.reactive = Reagiert mit
stat.immunities = Immunitäten
stat.healing = Heilung
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Kraftfeld
ability.forcefield.description = Projeziert ein Kraftfeld, welches Kugeln aufhält
@ -1036,6 +1036,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Multiplicador de velocidad de construcción
stat.reactive = Reacciona con
stat.immunities = Inmune a
stat.healing = Curación
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Área de Escudo
ability.forcefield.description = Projecta un campo de fuerza que absorve balas
@ -1020,6 +1020,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Build Speed Multiplier
stat.reactive = Reacts
stat.immunities = Immunities
stat.healing = Healing
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Force Field
ability.forcefield.description = Projects a force shield that absorbs bullets
@ -1019,6 +1019,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Build Speed Multiplier
stat.reactive = Reacts
stat.immunities = Immunities
stat.healing = Healing
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Force Field
ability.forcefield.description = Projects a force shield that absorbs bullets
@ -1018,6 +1018,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Rakennusnopeuskerroin
stat.reactive = Reagoi
stat.immunities = Immuuni
stat.healing = Parantuu
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Voimakenttä
ability.forcefield.description = Projects a force shield that absorbs bullets
@ -1023,6 +1023,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Multiplier ng Bilis ng Pag-buo
stat.reactive = Reacts
stat.immunities = Immunities
stat.healing = Healing
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Force Field
ability.forcefield.description = Projects a force shield that absorbs bullets
@ -1042,6 +1042,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Multiplicateur de vitesse de construction
stat.reactive = Réactions
stat.immunities = Immunités
stat.healing = Guérison
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Champ de Force
ability.forcefield.description = Projects a force shield that absorbs bullets
@ -1047,6 +1047,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Építési sebességszorzó
stat.reactive = Reakciók
stat.immunities = Immunitások
stat.healing = Gyógyulás
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Erőpajzs
ability.forcefield.description = Olyan erőpajzsot vetít ki, amely elnyeli a lövedékeket
@ -1047,6 +1047,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Penggandaan Kecepatan Membangun
stat.reactive = Reaksi
stat.immunities = Kekebalan
stat.healing = Menyembuhkan
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Bidang Kekuatan
ability.forcefield.description = Memproyeksikan perisai kekuatan yang menyerap peluru
@ -1022,6 +1022,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Moltiplicatore velocità di costruzione
stat.reactive = Reacts
stat.immunities = Immunità
stat.healing = Rigenerazione
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Campo di Forza
ability.forcefield.description = Projects a force shield that absorbs bullets
@ -1028,6 +1028,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = 建築速度倍率
stat.reactive = 反応
stat.immunities = 耐性
stat.healing = 治癒
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = フォースフィールド
ability.forcefield.description = Projects a force shield that absorbs bullets
@ -1046,6 +1046,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = 건설속도 배수
stat.reactive = 작용 받음
stat.immunities = 상태이상 면역
stat.healing = 회복량
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = 보호막 필드
ability.forcefield.description = 탄약을 흡수하는 보호막을 만들어냄
@ -1017,6 +1017,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Build Speed Multiplier
stat.reactive = Reacts
stat.immunities = Immunities
stat.healing = Healing
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Force Field
ability.forcefield.description = Projects a force shield that absorbs bullets
@ -1029,6 +1029,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Productiesnelheid Vermenigvuldiger
stat.reactive = Reageert
stat.immunities = Immuniteiten
stat.healing = Genezing
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Krachtveld
ability.forcefield.description = Projects a force shield that absorbs bullets
@ -1017,6 +1017,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Build Speed Multiplier
stat.reactive = Reacts
stat.immunities = Immunities
stat.healing = Healing
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Force Field
ability.forcefield.description = Projects a force shield that absorbs bullets
@ -1026,6 +1026,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Mnożnik Prędkości Budowania
stat.reactive = Reaguje
stat.immunities = Odporności
stat.healing = Leczy
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Pole Siłowe
ability.forcefield.description = Projects a force shield that absorbs bullets
@ -1048,6 +1048,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Multiplicador de Velocidade de Construção
stat.reactive = Reage
stat.immunities = Imunidades
stat.healing = Reparo
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Campo de Força
ability.forcefield.description = Projects a force shield that absorbs bullets
@ -1044,6 +1044,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Multiplicador de Velocidade de COnstrução
stat.reactive = Reações
stat.immunities = Imunidade
stat.healing = Reparação
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Campo de Força
ability.forcefield.description = Cria um campo de força que absorve as balas
@ -1028,6 +1028,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Multiplicator Viteză Construcție
stat.reactive = Reacționează la
stat.immunities = Immunities
stat.healing = Reparare
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Câmp de Forță
ability.forcefield.description = Projects a force shield that absorbs bullets
@ -1031,6 +1031,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Множитель скорости строител
stat.reactive = Реактивен
stat.immunities = Невосприимчив
stat.healing = Ремонт
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Силовое поле
ability.forcefield.description = Создает силовой щит, поглощающий пули
@ -1030,6 +1030,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Umnožavač brzine gradnje
stat.reactive = Reaguje sa
stat.immunities = Imuniteti
stat.healing = Popravlja
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Polje Sile
ability.forcefield.description = Projects a force shield that absorbs bullets
@ -1017,6 +1017,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Build Speed Multiplier
stat.reactive = Reacts
stat.immunities = Immunities
stat.healing = Healing
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Force Field
ability.forcefield.description = Projects a force shield that absorbs bullets
@ -1031,6 +1031,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = พหุคูณความเร็วการ
stat.reactive = ปฏิกิริยา
stat.immunities = ต่อต้านสถานะ
stat.healing = การรักษา
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = โล่พลังงาน
ability.forcefield.description = ฉายโล่พลังงานที่ดูดซับกระสุนต่างๆ
@ -1017,6 +1017,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Build Speed Multiplier
stat.reactive = Reacts
stat.immunities = Immunities
stat.healing = Healing
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Force Field
ability.forcefield.description = Projects a force shield that absorbs bullets
@ -1027,6 +1027,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = İnşa Hızı Çarpanı
stat.reactive = Tepki Verir
stat.immunities = Bağışıklıklar
stat.healing = Tamir Eder
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Güç Kalkanı
ability.forcefield.description = Mermilere karşı bir güç kalkanı açar
@ -1038,6 +1038,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Множник швидкості будування
stat.reactive = Реактивний
stat.immunities = Імунітети
stat.healing = Відновлювання
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Силовий щит
ability.forcefield.description = Створює силове поле, який поглинає кулі
@ -1047,6 +1047,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Hệ số tốc độ xây dựng
stat.reactive = Phản ứng
stat.immunities = Miễn nhiễm
stat.healing = Hồi phục
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = Khiên trường lực
ability.forcefield.description = Phát một khiên trường lực hấp thụ các loại đạn
@ -1039,6 +1039,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = 建造速度倍率
stat.reactive = 反应
stat.immunities = 免疫
stat.healing = 治疗
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = 力墙场
ability.forcefield.description = 投射一个能吸收子弹的力场护盾
@ -1041,6 +1041,7 @@ stat.buildspeedmultiplier = 建造速度加成
stat.reactive = 狀態傷害加成
stat.immunities = 免疫
stat.healing = 治癒
stat.efficiency = [stat]{0}% Efficiency
ability.forcefield = 防護力場
ability.forcefield.description = 投射一個可以吸收子彈的防護力場
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