diff --git a/android/res/values-ru/strings.xml b/android/res/values-ru/strings.xml index 686a1ea4c7..6eb672b67a 100644 --- a/android/res/values-ru/strings.xml +++ b/android/res/values-ru/strings.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ 1 Доллар 2 Доллара - 5 Доллара + 5 Долларов 10 Долларов 15 Долларов 25 Долларов diff --git a/android/res/values-uk/strings.xml b/android/res/values-uk/strings.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f1303715ff --- /dev/null +++ b/android/res/values-uk/strings.xml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + + Mindustry + + 1 Доллар + 2 Доллара + 5 Долларів + 10 Долларів + 15 Долларів + 25 Долларів + 50 Долларів + + + diff --git a/core/assets-raw/sprites/ui/logotext.png b/core/assets-raw/sprites/ui/logotext.png index cc22dab5c7..fbe5a07d36 100644 Binary files a/core/assets-raw/sprites/ui/logotext.png and b/core/assets-raw/sprites/ui/logotext.png differ diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle.properties index d6eade2eba..1226ab8965 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle.properties @@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ text.server.kicked.nameInUse = There is someone with that name\nalready on this text.server.kicked.nameEmpty = Your chosen name is invalid. text.server.kicked.idInUse = You are already on this server! Connecting with two accounts is not permitted. text.server.kicked.customClient = This server does not support custom builds. Download an official version. +text.server.kicked.gameover = Game over! text.host.info = The [accent]host[] button hosts a server on port [scarlet]6567[]. \nAnybody on the same [LIGHT_GRAY]wifi or local network[] should be able to see your server in their server list.\n\nIf you want people to be able to connect from anywhere by IP, [accent]port forwarding[] is required.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]Note: If someone is experiencing trouble connecting to your LAN game, make sure you have allowed Mindustry access to your local network in your firewall settings. text.join.info = Here, you can enter a [accent]server IP[] to connect to, or discover [accent]local network[] servers to connect to.\nBoth LAN and WAN multiplayer is supported.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]Note: There is no automatic global server list; if you want to connect to someone by IP, you would need to ask the host for their IP. text.hostserver = Host Game diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_cs.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_cs.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bc230d8ef4 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_cs.properties @@ -0,0 +1,791 @@ +text.credits.text = Vytvořil [ROYAL]Anuken[] - [SKY]anukendev@gmail.com[] +text.credits = Kredity +text.contributors = Překladatelé a Sponzoři +text.discord = Připoj se k Mindustry na Discordu! +text.link.discord.description = Oficiální Mindustry chatroom na Discordu! +text.link.github.description = Zdrojový kód hry +text.link.dev-builds.description = Nestabilní verze vývoje hry +text.link.trello.description = Oficiální Trello board pro plánované funkce +text.link.itch.io.description = itch.io stránka pro stažení PC nebo webové verze +text.link.google-play.description = Google Play store +text.link.wiki.description = Oficiální Mindustry wiki +text.linkfail = Nepodařilo se otevřít odkaz!\nURL byla zkopírována do schránky. +text.screenshot = Snímek obrazovky uložen {0} +text.gameover = Konec hry +text.gameover.pvp = [accent] {0}[] Tým Vyhrál! +text.sector.gameover = Tento sektor byl ztracen. Znovu obsadit? +text.sector.retry = Znovu +text.highscore = [accent]Nový Rekord! +text.wave.lasted = Vydržel jsi do vlny [accent]{0}[]. +text.level.highscore = Nejvyšší skóre: [accent]{0} +text.level.delete.title = Potvrdit smazání +text.map.delete = Jsi si jistý že chceš smazat mapu "[accent]{0}[]"? +text.level.select = Výběr levelu +text.level.mode = Herní mód: +text.construction.desktop = K odznačení bloku nebo k zastavení stavby, [accent]stiskni mezerník[]. +text.construction.title = Návod ke stavbě bloků +text.construction = Právě jsi vybral [accent]mód stavby bloků[].\n\nK pokládání, jednoduše klikni na vhodnou lokaci poblíž tvé lodi.\nJakmile jsis vybral nějaké bloky, stiskni pole potvrzení, a tvoje loď je začne sama stavět.\n\n- [accent]Odstranění bloků[] z tvého výběru kliknutím na ně.\n- [accent]Formace výběru[] provedeš podržením a táhnutím do libovolného směru.\n- [accent]Položení bloků v řadě[] Provedeš stisknutím na prázdné pole a tažením do libovolného směru.\n- [accent]Zrušení stavby nebo výběru[] provedeš stisknutím X v levém dolním rohu. +text.deconstruction.title = Návod k dekonstrukci bloků. +text.deconstruction = Právě jsi vybral [accent]Mód dekonstrukce bloků[].\n\nK boření staveb, jednoduše vyber blok poblíž tvé lodi.\nJakmile jsis vybral nějaké bloky, stiskni pole potvrzení, a tvoje loď je začne sama dekonstruovat.\n\n- [accent]Odstranění bloků[] z tvého výběru kliknutím na ně.\n- [accent]Odstranění bloků v oblasti[] provedeš stisknutím prázdného pole a přetažením do jakéhokoliv směru.\n- [accent]Zrušení dekonstrukce nebo výběru[] stisknutím X v levém dolním rohu. +text.showagain = Znovu neukazovat ! +text.coreattack = < Jádro je pod útokem! > +text.unlocks = Odemykatelné +text.savegame = Uložit hru +text.loadgame = Načíst hru +text.joingame = Připojit se ke hře +text.addplayers = Přidat/Odebrat hráče +text.customgame = Vlastní hra +text.sectors = Sektory +text.sector = Sektor: [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} +text.sector.time = Čas: [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} +text.sector.deploy = Výsadek +text.sector.abandon = Opustit +text.sector.abandon.confirm = Jsi si jistý že chceš opustit veškerý postup v tomto sektoru?\nTento krok je nevratný! +text.sector.resume = Pokračovat +text.sector.locked = [scarlet][[Incomplete] +text.sector.unexplored = [accent][[Unexplored] +text.missions = Mise:[LIGHT_GRAY] {0} +text.mission = Mise:[LIGHT_GRAY] {0} +text.mission.main = Hlavní mise:[LIGHT_GRAY] {0} +text.mission.info = Informace o misi +text.mission.complete = Mise splněna! +text.mission.complete.body = Sektor {0},{1} Byl dobyt. +text.mission.wave = Udrž se[accent] {0}/{1} []Vln\nVlna za {2} +text.mission.wave.enemies = Udrž se[accent] {0}/{1} []vln\n{2} Nepřátel +text.mission.wave.enemy = Udrž se[accent] {0}/{1} []vln\n{2} Nepřátel +text.mission.wave.menu = Udrž se[accent] {0}[] vln +text.mission.battle = Znič nepřátelské jádro +text.mission.resource.menu = Získej {0} x{1} +text.mission.resource = Získej {0}:\n[accent]{1}/{2}[] +text.mission.block = Vytvoř {0} +text.mission.unit = Vytvoř {0} Jednotek +text.mission.command = Pošli rozkaz {0} jednotkám +text.mission.linknode = Propoj energetický uzel +text.mission.display = [accent]Mise:\n[LIGHT_GRAY]{0} +text.mission.mech = Změň na Mecha[accent] {0}[] +text.mission.create = Vytvoř[accent] {0}[] +text.none = +text.close = Zavřít +text.quit = Ukončit +text.maps = Mapy +text.continue = Pokračovat +text.nextmission = Další Mise +text.maps.none = [LIGHT_GRAY]Žádné mapy nebyly nalezeny! +text.about.button = O hře +text.name = Name: +text.noname = Nejdřív si vyber[accent] herní jméno[]. +text.filename = Jméno složky: +text.unlocked = Nový blok odemknut! +text.unlocked.plural = Nové bloky odemknuty! +text.players = {0} hráčů online +text.players.single = {0} hráč online +text.server.closing = [accent]Zavírám server... +text.server.kicked.kick = Byl jsi vykopnut ze serveru! +text.server.kicked.serverClose = Server je zavřený. +text.server.kicked.sectorComplete = Sektor Dokončen. +text.server.kicked.sectorComplete.text = Tvá mise je dokončena.\nServer teď bude pokračovat v dalším sektoru. +text.server.kicked.clientOutdated = Zastaralý klient hry! Aktualizuj si hru! +text.server.kicked.serverOutdated = Zastaralý server! Řekni hostiteli o aktualizaci! +text.server.kicked.banned = Jsi zabanován na tomto serveru. +text.server.kicked.recentKick = Před nedávnem jsi byl vykopnut.\nPočkej než se znovu připojíš. +text.server.kicked.nameInUse = Někdo se stejným jménem\nje aktuálně na serveru. +text.server.kicked.nameEmpty = Tvé jméno je neplatné. +text.server.kicked.idInUse = Již jsi na tomhle serveru připojen! Připojování se dvěma účty není povoleno. +text.server.kicked.customClient = Tento server nepodporuje vlastní verze hry. Stáhni si oficiální verzi. +text.host.info = [accent]hostitel[] hostuje server na portu [scarlet]6567[]. \nKdokoliv na stejné [LIGHT_GRAY]wifi nebo místní síti[] by měl vidět server ve svém listu serverů.\n\nJestli chcete aby se uživatelé připojovali odkudkoliv pomocí IP, [accent]přesměrování portů[] je nutné.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]Poznámka: Jestli někdo má problém s připojením ke své LAN hře, ujistěte se že má Mindustry povolený přístup k místní síti v nastavení Firewallu. +text.join.info = Tady můžeš vložit [accent]IP serveru[] ke kterému se chceš připojit, nebo objevit [accent]Servery Místní sítě[] ke kterým se chceš připojit.\nLAN i Multiplayer jsou podporovány.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]Poznámka: Není žádný globální seznam serverů; Pokud se budeš chtít připojit k někomu pomocí IP, budeš jí muset znát od hostitele. +text.hostserver = Hostovat hru +text.hostserver.mobile = Hostovat\nHru +text.host = Hostitel +text.hosting = [accent]Otevírám server... +text.hosts.refresh = Obnovit +text.hosts.discovering = Hledám hry LAN +text.server.refreshing = Obnovuji servery +text.hosts.none = [lightgray]Žádné místní hry nebyly nalezeny! +text.host.invalid = [scarlet]Nejde se připojit k hostiteli. +text.trace = Vystopovat hráče +text.trace.playername = Jméno hráče: [accent]{0} +text.trace.ip = IP: [accent]{0} +text.trace.id = Unikátní ID: [accent]{0} +text.trace.android = Android Klient: [accent]{0} +text.trace.modclient = Vlastní Klient: [accent]{0} +text.trace.totalblocksbroken = Bloků zničeno celkem: [accent]{0} +text.trace.structureblocksbroken = Bloky struktůr zničeno : [accent]{0} +text.trace.lastblockbroken = Poslední zničený blok: [accent]{0} +text.trace.totalblocksplaced = Bloků položeno celkem: [accent]{0} +text.trace.lastblockplaced = Poslední blok položen: [accent]{0} +text.invalidid = Neplatná IP klienta! Poslat zprávu o chybě. +text.server.bans = Bany. +text.server.bans.none = Žádní hráči s banem nebyli nalezeni. +text.server.admins = Admini +text.server.admins.none = Žádní admini nebyli nalezeni. +text.server.add = Přidat server +text.server.delete = Jsi si jistý že chceš smazat tento server? +text.server.hostname = Hostitel: {0} +text.server.edit = Upravit server +text.server.outdated = [crimson]Zastaralý server![] +text.server.outdated.client = [crimson]Zastaralý klient![] +text.server.version = [lightgray]Verze: {0} {1} +text.server.custombuild = [yellow]Vlastní verze +text.confirmban = Jsi si jistý že chceš zabanovat tohoto hráče? +text.confirmkick = Jsi si jistý že chceš vykopnout tohoto hráče? +text.confirmunban = Jsi si jistý že chceš odbanovat tohoto hráče +text.confirmadmin = Jsi si jistý že chceš tohoto hráče pasovat na admina? +text.confirmunadmin = Jsi si jistý že chceš odebrat práva tomuto hráči? +text.joingame.title = Připojit se ke hře +text.joingame.ip = Adresa: +text.disconnect = Odpojen. +text.disconnect.data = Chyba načtení dat světa! +text.connecting = [accent]Připojuji se... +text.connecting.data = [accent]Načítám data světa... +text.server.port = Port: +text.server.addressinuse = Adresu již někdo používá! +text.server.invalidport = Neplatné číslo portu! +text.server.error = [crimson]Chyba při hostování serveru: [accent]{0} +text.save.old = Tato uložená pozice je pro starší verzi hry a již není možno jí použít.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]Zpětná kompatibilita bude implementována v plné verzi 4.0. +text.save.new = Nové uložení +text.save.overwrite = Jsi si jistý že chceš přepsat\ntento ukládaci slot? +text.overwrite = Přepsat +text.save.none = Žádné uložené pozice nebyly nalezeny +text.saveload = [accent]Ukládám... +text.savefail = Nepodařilo se uložit hru! +text.save.delete.confirm = Jsi si jistý že chceš smazat toto uložení? +text.save.delete = Smazat +text.save.export = Exportovat uložení +text.save.import.invalid = [accent]Toto uložení je neplatné! +text.save.import.fail = [crimson]Nepodařilo se importovat uložení: [accent]{0} +text.save.export.fail = [crimson]Nepodařilo se exportovat uložení: [accent]{0} +text.save.import = Importovat uložení +text.save.newslot = Uložit hru: +text.save.rename = Přejmenovat +text.save.rename.text = Nové jméno: +text.selectslot = Vyber uložení. +text.slot = [accent]Slot {0} +text.save.corrupted = [accent]Uložení je poškozené nebo neplatné\nPokud jsi právě aktualizoval svou hru, je to možná změnou formátu pro ukládání a [scarlet]NE[] chyba hry. +text.sector.corrupted = [accent]Byla nalezena uložená pozice pro tentosektor, ale načtení se nezdařilo.\nNová pozice byla vytvořena. +text.empty = +text.on = On +text.off = Off +text.save.autosave = Automatické uložení: {0} +text.save.map = Mapa: {0} +text.save.wave = Vlna {0} +text.save.difficulty = Obtížnost: {0} +text.save.date = Naposledy uloženo: {0} +text.save.playtime = Herní čas: {0} +text.confirm = Potvrdit +text.delete = Smazat +text.ok = OK +text.open = Otevřít +text.cancel = Zrušit +text.openlink = Otevřít Odkaz +text.copylink = Zkopírovat Odkaz +text.back = Zpět +text.quit.confirm = Jsi si jistý že chceš ukončit ? +text.changelog.title = Záznam změn +text.changelog.loading = Načítání záznamu změn... +text.changelog.error.android = [accent]Berte v potaz že záznam změn někdy nefunguje na Android 4.4 a níž!\nJe to kvůli interní chybě v systému Android. +text.changelog.error.ios = [accent]Záznam změn nění aktuálně podporován v systému IOS. +text.changelog.error = [scarlet]Chyba v načítání záznamu změn!\nZkontrolujte své připojení k internetu. +text.changelog.current = [yellow][[Aktuální verze] +text.changelog.latest = [accent][[nejnovější verze] +text.loading = [accent]Načítám... +text.saving = [accent]Ukládám... +text.wave = [accent]Vlna {0} +text.wave.waiting = [LIGHT_GRAY]Vlna za {0} +text.waiting = [LIGHT_GRAY]Čekám... +text.waiting.players = Čekání na hráče... +text.wave.enemies = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} Nepřátel zbývá +text.wave.enemy = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} Nepřítel zbývá +text.loadimage = Nahrát obrázek +text.saveimage = Uložit obrázek +text.unknown = Neznámý +text.custom = Vlastní +text.builtin = Zabudovaný +text.map.delete.confirm = Jsi si jistý žechceš tuto mapu smazat? tato akce je nevratná! +text.map.random = [accent]Náhodná mapa +text.map.nospawn = Tato mapa nemá žádná jádra pro hráče ke spawnutí! přidej[ROYAL] blue[] jádro na tuto mapu v editoru. +text.map.nospawn.pvp = Tato mapa nemá žádné nepřátelské jádra pro hráče ke spawnutí! přidej[SCARLET] red[] jádro na tuto mapu v editoru. +text.map.invalid = Chyba v načítání mapy: poškozený nebo neplatný soubor mapy. +text.editor.brush = Štětec +text.editor.slope = \\ +text.editor.openin = Otevřít v editoru. +text.editor.oregen = Generovat nerostné zdroje. +text.editor.oregen.info = Generování nerostných zdrojů: +text.editor.mapinfo = Informace o mapě +text.editor.author = Autor: +text.editor.description = Popis: +text.editor.name = Jméno: +text.editor.teams = Týmy +text.editor.elevation = Výška +text.editor.errorimageload = Chyba při načítání souboru:\n[accent]{0} +text.editor.errorimagesave = Chyba při ukládání souboru:\n[accent]{0} +text.editor.generate = Generovat +text.editor.resize = Změnit velikost +text.editor.loadmap = Načíst mapu +text.editor.savemap = Uložit mapu +text.editor.saved = Uloženo! +text.editor.save.noname = Tvoje mapa nemá jméno! Jméno nastavíš v Informacích o mapě. +text.editor.save.overwrite = Tvoje mapa přepisuje vestavěnou mapu! Vyber odlišné jméno v Informacích o mapě. +text.editor.import.exists = [scarlet]Není možno importovat:[] vestavěná mapa jménem '{0}' již existuje! +text.editor.import = Import +text.editor.importmap = Importovat mapu +text.editor.importmap.description = Importovat již existující mapu +text.editor.importfile = Importovat soubor +text.editor.importfile.description = Importovat externí soubor mapy +text.editor.importimage = Importovat Legacy Obrázek +text.editor.importimage.description = Importovat exrerní obrázek mapy +text.editor.export = Export +text.editor.exportfile = Exportovat soubor +text.editor.exportfile.description = Exportovat soubor mapy +text.editor.exportimage = Exportovat obrázek terénu +text.editor.exportimage.description = Exportovat obrázek souboru mapy +text.editor.loadimage = Importovat terén +text.editor.saveimage = Exportovat terén +text.editor.unsaved = [scarlet]Máš neuložené změny![]\nPřesto chceš ukončit? +text.editor.resizemap = Změnit velikost mapy +text.editor.mapname = Jméno mapy: +text.editor.overwrite = [accent]Varování!\nToto přepíše již existující mapu. +text.editor.overwrite.confirm = [scarlet]Varování![] Mapa s tímto jménem již existuje. Jsi si jistý že ji chceš přepsat? +text.editor.selectmap = Vyber mapu k načtení: +text.width = Šířka: +text.height = Výška: +text.menu = Hlavní menu +text.play = Hrát +text.load = Načíst +text.save = Uložit +text.fps = FPS: {0} +text.tps = TPS: {0} +text.ping = Odezva: {0}ms +text.language.restart = Prosím restartuj hru aby se provedla změna jazyka! +text.settings = Nastavení +text.tutorial = Tutoriál +text.editor = Editor +text.mapeditor = Editor map +text.donate = Darovat + +text.connectfail = [crimson]Nepovedlo se připojení k serveru:\n\n[accent]{0} +text.error.unreachable = Server je nedostupný.\nJe adresa napsaná správně? +text.error.invalidaddress = Neplatná adresa. +text.error.timedout = Čas vypršel!\nUjisti se že hostitel má nastavené přesměrování portů a adresa je napsaná správně! +text.error.mismatch = Chyba Packetu:\nKlient/Verze serveru se neshodují.\nUjisti se že máš nejnovější verzi Mindustry! +text.error.alreadyconnected = Již připojeno. +text.error.mapnotfound = Soubor mapy nebyl nalezen! +text.error.any = neznámá chyba sítě. + +text.settings.language = Jazyk +text.settings.reset = nastavit výchozí +text.settings.rebind = Přenastavit +text.settings.controls = Ovládání +text.settings.game = Hra +text.settings.sound = zvuky +text.settings.graphics = Zobrazení +text.settings.cleardata = Resetovat data hry... +text.settings.clear.confirm = Jsi si jistý že chceš resetovat obsah hry?\nTento krok je nevratný! +text.settings.clearall.confirm = [scarlet]Varování![]\nToto vyresetuje všechna data, včetně uložení, map, odemykatelných a nastavení ovládání.\nJakmile stiskneš 'ok' data se vymažou a hra se automaticky ukončí. +text.settings.clearsectors = Vymazaní sektorů +text.settings.clearunlocks = Vymazání odemykatelných +text.settings.clearall = Vymazat všechno +text.paused = [accent]< Pauza > +text.yes = Ano +text.no = Ne +text.info.title = Informace +text.error.title = [crimson]Objevila se chyba +text.error.crashtitle = Objevila se chyba +text.blocks.unknown=[LIGHT_GRAY]??? +text.blocks.blockinfo = Informace o bloku +text.blocks.powercapacity = Kapacita energie +text.blocks.powershot = Energie na výstřel +text.blocks.targetsair = Zaměřuje vzdušné jednotky +text.blocks.itemspeed = Zpracování +text.blocks.shootrange = Dostřel +text.blocks.size = velikost +text.blocks.liquidcapacity = Kapacita tekutin +text.blocks.maxitemssecond = Max předmětů +text.blocks.powerrange = Rozsah energie +text.blocks.poweruse = Spotřebuje energie +text.blocks.powerdamage = Energie na poškození +text.blocks.inputitemcapacity = Kapacita vstupních předmětů +text.blocks.outputitemcapacity = Kapacita výstupních předmětů +text.blocks.itemcapacity = kapacita předmětů +text.blocks.basepowergeneration = Základní generování energie +text.blocks.powertransferspeed = Přenos energie +text.blocks.craftspeed = Rychlost produkce +text.blocks.inputliquid = Vstupní tekutiny +text.blocks.inputliquidaux = Aux tekutina +text.blocks.inputitem = Vstupní předmět +text.blocks.inputitems = Vstupní předměty +text.blocks.outputitem = Výstupní předmět +text.blocks.drilltier = Vrtatelné +text.blocks.drillspeed = Základní rychlost vrtu +text.blocks.liquidoutput = Výstup tekutin +text.blocks.liquidoutputspeed = Rychlost výstupu tekutin +text.blocks.liquiduse = Spotřebuje tekutin +text.blocks.coolant = Chlazení +text.blocks.coolantuse = Spotřeba chlazení +text.blocks.inputliquidfuel = Palivo-tekutina +text.blocks.liquidfueluse = Spotřeba Paliva-tekutiny +text.blocks.boostitem = Předmět pro zrychlení +text.blocks.boostliquid = Tekutina pro zrychlení +text.blocks.health = Životy +text.blocks.inaccuracy = Nepřesnost/výchylka +text.blocks.shots = Střely +text.blocks.reload = Střely za sekundu +text.blocks.inputfuel = Palivo +text.blocks.fuelburntime = Čas spalování paliva +text.blocks.inputcapacity = Vstupní kapacita +text.blocks.outputcapacity = Výstupní kapacita +text.unit.blocks = Bloky +text.unit.powersecond = jednotek energie/sekunda +text.unit.liquidsecond = jednotek tekutin/sekundu +text.unit.itemssecond = předmětů/sekundu +text.unit.pixelssecond = pixelů/sekundu +text.unit.liquidunits = jednotek tekutin +text.unit.powerunits = jednotek energie +text.unit.degrees = úhly +text.unit.seconds = sekundy +text.unit.items = předměty +text.category.general = Všeobecné +text.category.power = Energie +text.category.liquids = Tekutiny +text.category.items = Předměty +text.category.crafting = Vyžaduje +text.category.shooting = Střílí +text.category.optional = Volitelné vylepšení +setting.indicators.name = Indikátor pro spojence +setting.autotarget.name = Automaticky zaměřuje +setting.fpscap.name = Max FPS +setting.fpscap.none = žádný +setting.fpscap.text = {0} FPS +setting.difficulty.training = Trénink +setting.difficulty.easy = lehká +setting.difficulty.normal = normální +setting.difficulty.hard = težká +setting.difficulty.insane = šílená +setting.difficulty.name = Obtížnost: +setting.screenshake.name = Třes obrazu +setting.effects.name = Zobrazit efekty +setting.sensitivity.name = Citlivost ovladače +setting.saveinterval.name = Interval automatického ukládání +setting.seconds = {0} Sekund +setting.fullscreen.name = Celá obrazovka +setting.fps.name = Ukázat snímky/sekundu +setting.vsync.name = Vertikální synchronizace +setting.lasers.name = Ukázat laser energie +setting.minimap.name = Ukázat minimapu +setting.musicvol.name = Hlasitost hudby +setting.mutemusic.name = Ztišit hudbu +setting.sfxvol.name = SFX hlasitost +setting.mutesound.name = Ztišit zvuky +setting.crashreport.name = Poslat anonymní spis o zhroucení hry +text.keybind.title = Přenastavit klávesy +category.general.name = Všeobecné +category.view.name = Pohled +category.multiplayer.name = Multiplayer +command.attack = Útok +command.retreat = Ústup +command.patrol = Hlídkovat +keybind.gridMode.name = Výběr bloků +keybind.gridModeShift.name = Výběr kategorie +keybind.press = Stiskni klívesu... +keybind.press.axis = Stiskni osu nebo klávesu... +keybind.screenshot.name = Sníměk mapy +keybind.move_x.name = Pohyb na X +keybind.move_y.name = Pohyb na Y +keybind.select.name = Vybrat/Střílet +keybind.break.name = Ničit +keybind.deselect.name = Odznačit +keybind.shoot.name = Střílet +keybind.zoom_hold.name = Přiblížení-podržení +keybind.zoom.name = přiblížení +keybind.menu.name = Hlavní nabídka +keybind.pause.name = pauza +keybind.dash.name = Sprint +keybind.chat.name = Chat +keybind.player_list.name = Seznam hráčů +keybind.console.name = Konzole +keybind.rotate.name = Otočit +keybind.toggle_menus.name = Přepínání nabídek +keybind.chat_history_prev.name = Předchozí historie chatu +keybind.chat_history_next.name = Další historie chatu +keybind.chat_scroll.name = Chat posun +keybind.drop_unit.name = Zahodit jednotku +keybind.zoom_minimap.name = Přiblížit minimapu +mode.text.help.title = Popis módů +mode.waves.name = Vlny +mode.waves.description = Normální mód. Limitované zdroje a automaticky přicházející Vlny nepřátel. +mode.sandbox.name = Sandbox +mode.sandbox.description = Nekonečné zdroje a žádný čas pro vlny nepřátel. +mode.freebuild.name = Freebuild +mode.freebuild.description = Limitované zdroje a žádný čas pro vlny nepřátel. +mode.pvp.name = PvP +mode.pvp.description = Bojuj proti ostatním hráčům v lokální síti. +mode.attack.name = Útok +mode.attack.descrption = Žádné vlny, cílem je zničit nepřátelskou základnu. +content.item.name = Předměty +content.liquid.name = Tekutiny +content.unit.name = jednotky +content.recipe.name = Bloky +content.mech.name = Mechy +item.stone.name = Kámen +item.stone.description = Běžný, nespracovaný materiál ,Používá se k separaci a přečišťování do jiných materiáů na roztavení na lávu. +item.copper.name = Měď +item.copper.description = Užitečný strukturální materiál. Používá se rozsáhle v ostatních typech bloků. +item.lead.name = Olovo +item.lead.description = Základní počáteční materiál. Požívá se rozsáhle v elektronice a v blocích pro transport tekutin. +item.coal.name = Uhlí +item.coal.description = Běžné a snadno dostupné palivo, pochází z Ostravy. +item.dense-alloy.name = Hustá Slitina +item.dense-alloy.description = Těžká slitina z Olova a Mědi. Používá se v pokročilých transportních blocích a ve vyšší třídě vrtů. +item.titanium.name = Titánium +item.titanium.description = Vzácný, velice lehký kov, používá se rozsáhle v trasportu tekutin, vrtech a letounech. +item.thorium.name = Thorium +item.thorium.description = Hustý, radioaktivní materiál, používá se jako strukturální podpora a jako nuklearní palivo. +item.silicon.name = Křemík +item.silicon.description = Extrémně užitečný polovodič, aplikuje se v solárních panelech a v komplexní elektronice. +item.plastanium.name = Plastanium +item.plastanium.description = Lehký, kujný materiál, používá se v pokročilém letectví a jako fragmentační střelivo. +item.phase-fabric.name = Fázová tkanina +item.phase-fabric.description = Skoro beztížná substance používaná v pokročilé elektronice a v sebeopravné technologii. +item.surge-alloy.name = Impulzní slitina +item.surge-alloy.description = Pokročilá slitina s unikátními elektronickými vlastnostmi. +item.biomatter.name = BioHmota +item.biomatter.description = Shluk organické kaše; Používá se k přeměně na ropu nebo jako jednoduché palivo. +item.sand.name = Písek +item.sand.description = Běžný materiál rozšířeně používaný v spalování slitin. +item.blast-compound.name = Výbušná směs +item.blast-compound.description = Těkavá směs používaná v bombácha a výbušninách. Dá se spalovat ale jako palivo se nedoporučuje. +item.pyratite.name = Pyratite +item.pyratite.description = Extrémně vznětlivá substance, používá ve vznětovém střelivu. +liquid.water.name = Voda +liquid.lava.name = Láva +liquid.oil.name = Ropa +liquid.cryofluid.name = Cryofluid +mech.alpha-mech.name = Alfa +mech.alpha-mech.weapon = Těžký Opakovač +mech.alpha-mech.ability = Roj dronů +mech.alpha-mech.description = Standartní mech. Má slušnou rychlost a poškození; Může vytvořit až 3 drony Pro zvýšenou ofenzivní způsobilost. +mech.delta-mech.name = Delta +mech.delta-mech.weapon = Obloukový generátor +mech.delta-mech.ability = Průtok +mech.delta-mech.description = Rychlý, Lehce obrněný mech vytvořený pro udeř a uteč akce. Působí malé poškození vůči struktůrám, ale může zneškodnit velkou skupinu nepřátelských jednotek velmi rychle svýmy elektro-obloukovými zbraněmi +mech.tau-mech.name = Tau +mech.tau-mech.weapon = Restruktní Laser +mech.tau-mech.ability = Opravná dávka +mech.tau-mech.description = Podpůrný mech. Léčí spojenecké stavby a jednotky střelbou do nich. Může léčit i spojence ve svém poli působení. +mech.omega-mech.name = Omega +mech.omega-mech.weapon = Rojové střely +mech.omega-mech.ability = Obrněná Konfigurace +mech.omega-mech.description = Objemný a velice dovře obrněný mech, určen pro útok v přední linii. Jeho schopnost obrnění blokuje až 90% příchozího poškození. +mech.dart-ship.name = Šipka +mech.dart-ship.weapon = Opakovač +mech.dart-ship.description = Standartní loď. Poměrně rychlý a lehký, má malou ofenzívu a pomalou rychlost těžení. +mech.javelin-ship.name = Oštěp +mech.javelin-ship.description = Loď stylu udeř a uteč. Zpočátku pomalý ale umí akcelerovat do obrovské rychlosti a létat u nepřátelských základen a působit značné škody svými elektrickými zbraněmi a raketami. +mech.javelin-ship.weapon = Dávka Raket +mech.javelin-ship.ability = Výbojový Posilovač +mech.trident-ship.name = Trojzubec +mech.trident-ship.description = Těžký bombardér. Docela dobře obrněný. +mech.trident-ship.weapon = Bombová zátoka +mech.glaive-ship.name = Glaiva +mech.glaive-ship.description = Obrovská, Dobře obrněná střelecká loď. Vybavena zápalným opakovačem. Dobrá akcelerace a maximální rychlost. +mech.glaive-ship.weapon = Plamenný Opakovač +text.item.explosiveness = [LIGHT_GRAY]Výbušnost: {0}% +text.item.flammability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Zápalnost: {0}% +text.item.radioactivity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Radioaktivita: {0}% +text.item.fluxiness = [LIGHT_GRAY]Tok energie: {0}% +text.unit.health = [LIGHT_GRAY]Životy: {0} +text.unit.speed = [LIGHT_GRAY]Rychlost: {0} +text.mech.weapon = [LIGHT_GRAY]Zbraň: {0} +text.mech.armor = [LIGHT_GRAY]Brnění: {0} +text.mech.itemcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Kapacita předmětů: {0} +text.mech.minespeed = [LIGHT_GRAY]Rychlost těžení: {0} +text.mech.minepower = [LIGHT_GRAY]Síla těžení: {0} +text.mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Schopnost: {0} +text.liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Kapacita teploty: {0} +text.liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Viskozita: {0} +text.liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]Teplota: {0} +block.constructing = {0} [LIGHT_GRAY](Constructing) +block.spawn.name = Nepřátelský Spawn +block.core.name = Jádro +block.metalfloor.name = Kovová podlaha +block.deepwater.name = Hluboká voda +block.water.name = Voda +block.lava.name = Láva +block.tar.name = Tar +block.blackstone.name = Černý kámen +block.stone.name = Kámen +block.dirt.name = Hlína +block.sand.name = Písek +block.ice.name = Led +block.snow.name = Sníh +block.grass.name = Tráva +block.shrub.name = Keř +block.rock.name = Kámen +block.blackrock.name = Černý kámen +block.icerock.name = Ledový kámen +block.copper-wall.name = Měděná zeď +block.copper-wall-large.name = Velká měděná zeď +block.dense-alloy-wall.name = Zeď husté slitiny +block.dense-alloy-wall-large.name = Velká zeď husté slitiny +block.phase-wall.name = Fázová stěna +block.phase-wall-large.name = Velká fázová stěna +block.thorium-wall.name = Thoriová stěna +block.thorium-wall-large.name = Velká thoriová stěna +block.door.name = Dveře +block.door-large.name = Velké dveře +block.duo.name = Duo +block.scorch.name = Scorch +block.hail.name = Hail +block.lancer.name = Lancer +block.conveyor.name = Dopravník +block.titanium-conveyor.name = Titániový dopravník +block.junction.name = Křižovatka +block.router.name = Směrovač +block.distributor.name = Distributor +block.sorter.name = Dělička +block.sorter.description = Třídí předměty. Jestli je předmět shodný s výběrem, je mu dovoleno projít. Naopak neshodné předměty jsou vypuštěny do prava nebo do leva. +block.overflow-gate.name = Brána přetečení +block.overflow-gate.description = Kombinace distributoru a děličky která má výstup do leva nebo do prava jen pokud je přední strana zablokovaná. +block.smelter.name = Pec +block.arc-smelter.name = Oblouková Pec +block.silicon-smelter.name = Silicon Smelter +block.phase-weaver.name = Tkalcovna pro fázovou tkaninu +block.pulverizer.name = Rozmělňovač +block.cryofluidmixer.name = Cryofluid mixér +block.melter.name = Tavírna +block.incinerator.name = Spalovna +block.biomattercompressor.name = Kompresor na Biohmotu +block.separator.name = Separátor +block.centrifuge.name = Centrifuga +block.power-node.name = Energetický uzel +block.power-node-large.name = Velký energetický uzel +block.battery.name = Baterie +block.battery-large.name = Velká baterie +block.combustion-generator.name = Spalovací generátor +block.turbine-generator.name = Turbínový generátor +block.mechanical-drill.name = Mechanický vrt +block.pneumatic-drill.name = Pneumatický vrt +block.laser-drill.name = Laserový vrt +block.water-extractor.name = Vodní extraktor +block.cultivator.name = Kultivátor +block.alpha-mech-pad.name = Plošina pro Alfa Mech +block.dart-ship-pad.name = Plošina pro Šipka Mech +block.delta-mech-pad.name = Plošina pro Delta Mech +block.javelin-ship-pad.name = Plošina pro Oštěp Mech +block.trident-ship-pad.name = Plošina pro loď Trojzubec +block.glaive-ship-pad.name = Plošina pro loď Glaiva +block.omega-mech-pad.name = Plošina pro Omega Mech +block.tau-mech-pad.name = Plošina pro Tau Mech +block.conduit.name = Potrubí +block.mechanical-pump.name = Mechanická pumpa +block.itemsource.name = Zdroj předmětů +block.itemvoid.name = Prázdnota pro předměty +block.liquidsource.name = Zdroj tekutin +block.powervoid.name = Prázdnota pro energii +block.powerinfinite.name = Nekonečný zdroj energie +block.unloader.name = Odbavovač +block.vault.name = Trezor +block.wave.name = Vlna +block.swarmer.name = Rojiště +block.salvo.name = Salva +block.ripple.name = Vlnění +block.phase-conveyor.name = Fázový přepravník +block.bridge-conveyor.name = Mostový přepravník +block.plastanium-compressor.name = Kompresor na Plastanium +block.pyratite-mixer.name = Pyratit mixér +block.blast-mixer.name = Výbušninový mixér +block.solidifer.name = Krystalizér +block.solar-panel.name = Solární panel +block.solar-panel-large.name = Velký solární panel +block.oil-extractor.name = Ropný Extraktor +block.spirit-factory.name = Továrna na Spirit Drony +block.phantom-factory.name = Továrna na Fantom Drony +block.wraith-factory.name = Továrna na Wraithy +block.ghoul-factory.name = Továrna na Ghůl Bombardéry +block.dagger-factory.name = Továrna na Dagger Mechy +block.titan-factory.name = Továrna na Titán Mechy +block.fortress-factory.name = Továrna na Fortress Mechy +block.revenant-factory.name = Továrna na Revenanty +block.repair-point.name = Opravný Bod +block.pulse-conduit.name = Pulzní potrubí +block.phase-conduit.name = Fázové potrubí +block.liquid-router.name = Směrovač tekutin +block.liquid-tank.name = Nádrž na tekutiny +block.liquid-junction.name = Křižovatka tekutin +block.bridge-conduit.name = Mostové potrubí +block.rotary-pump.name = Rotační pumpa +block.thorium-reactor.name = Thoriový Reaktor +block.command-center.name = Příkazové centrum +block.mass-driver.name = Hromadný Distributor +block.blast-drill.name = Tlakovzdušný vrt +block.thermal-pump.name = Termální pumpa +block.thermal-generator.name = Termální Generátor +block.alloy-smelter.name = Slitinová pec +block.mend-projector.name = Opravný projektor +block.surge-wall.name = Impulzní stěna +block.surge-wall-large.name = Velká Impulzní stěna +block.cyclone.name = Cyklón +block.fuse.name = Fůze +block.shock-mine.name = Šoková mina +block.overdrive-projector.name = Vysokorychlostní projektor +block.force-projector.name = Silový projektor +block.arc.name = Oblouk +block.rtg-generator.name = RTG Generátor +block.spectre.name = Spektr +block.meltdown.name = Meltdown +block.container.name = Kontejnér +block.core.description = Ta nejdůležitější stavba ve hře. +team.blue.name = modrá +team.red.name = červená +team.orange.name = oranžová +team.none.name = šedá +team.green.name = zelená +team.purple.name = fialová +unit.alpha-drone.name = Alfa Dron +unit.spirit.name = Spirit Dron +unit.spirit.description = Startovní dron. Standartně se objevuje u jádra. Automaticky těží rudy a opravuje stavby. +unit.phantom.name = Fantom Dron +unit.phantom.description = Pokročilý dron. Automaticky těží rudy a opravuje stavby. Podstatně víc efektivní než Spirit dron. +unit.dagger.name = Dagger +unit.dagger.description = Základní pozemní jednotka. Efektivní ve velkém počtu. +unit.titan.name = Titán +unit.titan.description = Pokročilá, obrněná pozemní jednotka. Útočí jak na pozemní tak vzdušné nepřátelské jednotky. +unit.ghoul.name = Ghůl Bombardér +unit.ghoul.description = Těžký, kobercový bombardér. +unit.wraith.name = Bojovník Wraith +unit.wraith.description = Rychlý, udeř a uteč stíhací letoun. +unit.fortress.name = Pevnost +unit.fortress.description = Težká, pozemní artilérní jednotka. +unit.revenant.name = Revenant +unit.revenant.description = Težká laserová plošina. +tutorial.begin = Tvá mise tady je vyhladit [LIGHT_GRAY] nepřítele[].\n\nZačneš tím že[accent] budeš těžit měd[]. Klikni na měděnou rudu poblíž tvého jádra pro těžbu. +tutorial.drill = Manuální zěžba je neefektivní.\n[accent]Vrty []budou těžit automaticky.\npolož jeden na měděnou rudu. +tutorial.conveyor = [accent]Dopravníky[] jsou zapotřebí k dopravě materiálu k jádru.\nVytvoř řadu dopravníku od vrtu až k jádru. +tutorial.morecopper = Je za potřebí více mědi.\n\nBuď ho můžeš natěžit manuáně nebo polož více vrtů. +tutorial.turret = Defenzivní stavby musí být postaveny za účelem obrany vůči[LIGHT_GRAY] nepříteli[].\nPostav střílnu Duo blízko svého jádra. +tutorial.drillturret = Duo střílny požadují[accent] měd jako střelivo []ke střelbě.\nPolož vrt blízko střílny pro zásobování mědí. +tutorial.waves = [LIGHT_GRAY] nepřítel[] je přibližuje.\n\nBraň své jádro po dobu dvou vln, postav více střílen. +tutorial.lead = Více rud je zde dostupných. Najdi a těž[accent] Olovo[].\n\nPřetáhni od tvojí jednotky k jádru pro přesun materiálu. +tutorial.smelter = Měd a olovo jsou slabé materiály.\nLepší[accent] hustá slitina[] může být vytvořena v peci.\n\npostav si jednu pec. +tutorial.densealloy = Pec teď bude produkovat slitinu.\nVyráběj si ji.\nZvyš počet produkce pokud je nutno. +tutorial.siliconsmelter = Jádro teď vytvoří[accent] spirit drona[] pro těžení a opravu bloků.\n\nTovárny pro ostatní jednotky mohou být vytvořeny za pomocí [accent] Křemíku.\nPostav Křemíkovou pec. +tutorial.silicondrill = Křemík vyžaduje[accent] uhlí[] a[accent] písek[].\nZačni tím že položíš pár vrtů. +tutorial.generator = Tato technologie vyžaduje energii k provozu.\nVytvoř[accent] spalovací generátor[]k produkci energie. +tutorial.generatordrill = Spalovací generátory vyžadujou palivo.\nZásobuj ho uhlím z vrtu. +tutorial.node = Energie vyžaduje přenos.\nVytvoř[accent] energetický uzel[] vedle svého generátoru pro přenos energie. +tutorial.nodelink = Energie může být přenášena zkrz kontakt s energetickými bloky a generátory, nebo propojením zkrze energetické uzly.\n\nPropoj energii kliknutím na uzel a následným výběrem generátoru a křemíkovou pecí. +tutorial.silicon = Křemík se teď produkuje. Vyráběj si.\n\nJe doporučeno zvýšit produkci. +tutorial.daggerfactory = Postav[accent] Továrnu na Dagger mechy.[]\n\nToto bude využito pro konstrukci útočné síly. +tutorial.router = Továrny potřebujou k provozu materiál.\nPolož na dopravník směrovač pro oddělení části nákladu k továrně. +tutorial.dagger = Propoj energetické uzly s továrnou.\nJakmile jsou požadavky splněny, Mechy se začnou stavět.\n\nPokládej vrty, generátory a dopravníky dle libosti. +tutorial.battle = [LIGHT_GRAY] Nepřítel[] prozradil lokaci svého jádra.\nZnič ho svými bojovými jednotkami. +block.copper-wall.description = Levný defenzivní blok.\nUžitečný k obraně tvého jádra a střílen v prvotních vlnách nepřátel. +block.copper-wall-large.description = Levný defenzivní blok.\nUžitečný k obraně tvého jádra a střílen v prvotních vlnách nepřátel.\nZabírá více polí. +block.dense-alloy-wall.description = Standartní defenzivní blok.\nAdekvátní obrana vůči nepřátelům. +block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = Standartní defenzivní blok.\nAdekvátní obrana vůči nepřátelům.\nZabírá více polí. +block.thorium-wall.description = Sílný defenzivní blok.\nDobrá obrana vůči nepřátelům. +block.thorium-wall-large.description = Sílný defenzivní blok.\nDobrá obrana vůči nepřátelům..\nZabírá více polí. +block.phase-wall.description = Né tak silná jako zeď Thoria ale odráží nepřátelské projektily dokud nejsou moc silné. +block.phase-wall-large.description = Né tak silná jako zeď Thoria ale odráží nepřátelské projektily dokud nejsou moc silné.\nZabírá více polí. +block.surge-wall.description = Nejsilnější defenzivní blok.\nMá malou šanci vystřelit elektrický paprsek vůči útočníkovi. +block.surge-wall-large.description = Nejsilnější defenzivní blok.\nMá malou šanci vystřelit elektrický paprsek vůči útočníkovi.\nZabírá více polí. +block.door.description = Malé dveře, které se dají otevřít nebo zavřít kliknutím na ně.\nKdyž otevřené nepřátelé mohou střílet a dostat se skrz. +block.door-large.description = Velké dveře, které se dají otevřít nebo zavřít kliknutím na ně.\nKdyž otevřené nepřátelé mohou střílet a dostat se skrz.\nZabírá více polí. +block.mend-projector.description = Kontinuálně léčí bloky ve poli svého působení. +block.overdrive-projector.description = Zrychluje funkce blízkých struktůr jako jsou vrty a dopravníky. +block.force-projector.description = Vytvoří okolo sebe šestihrané silové pole, chrání jednotky a budovy uvnitř sebe vůči střelám. +block.shock-mine.description = Působí poškození nepřátelským jednotkám při sešlápnutí. Skoro neviditelné nepřáteli. +block.duo.description = Malá, levná střílna. +block.arc.description = Malá střílna, která střílí elektřinu v náhodném oblouku po nepřátelských jednotkách. +block.hail.description = Malá artilérní střílna. +block.lancer.description = Středně velká střílna, která střílí nabité elektrické paprsky. +block.wave.description = Středně vělká, rychle pálící střílna, která střílí krystalizované bubliny. +block.salvo.description = Středně velká střílna, která střílí v salvách. +block.swarmer.description = Středně velká střílna, která střílí rakety v dávkách. +block.ripple.description = Velká artilérní střílna, která vystřelí několik projektilů najednou. +block.cyclone.description = Velká rychle pálící střílna. +block.fuse.description = Velká střílna, která střílí paprsky krátkého dosahu. +block.spectre.description = Velká střílna, která vystřelí dva mocné projektily naráz. +block.meltdown.description = Velká střílna, která vystřelí mocný paprsek dalekého dosahu. +block.conveyor.description = Základní blok přepravy předmětů. Nese předměty kupředu a automaticky plní střílny nebo bloky výroby do kterých směřují. dá se otáčet do různých směrů. +block.titanium-conveyor.description = Pokročilý blok přepravy předmětů. Nese předměty rychleji jak standartní dopravníky. +block.phase-conveyor.description = Pokročilý blok přepravy předmětů. Využívá energii k přepravě od jednoho bodu k druhému po velice dlouhé vzdálenosti. +block.junction.description = Chová se jako most pro dva křížící se pásy dopravníků. Užitečný při situaci kdy dva rozdílné dopravníky dopravují dva rozdílné materiálny na rozdílné místa. +block.mass-driver.description = Ultimátní blok přepravy předmětů. Sbírá několik druhů předmětů a vystřelí je k dalšímu hromadnému distributoru přes veliké vzdálenosti. +block.smelter.description = Spaluje uhlí, měd a olovo pro vytvoření husté slitiny. +block.arc-smelter.description = Spaluje měd a olovo za pomocí externího energetického zdroje. +block.silicon-smelter.description = Redukuje písek s vysoce čistým koksem za účelem výroby křemíku. +block.plastanium-compressor.description = Produkuje plastánium za pomocí titánia a ropy. +block.phase-weaver.description = Produkuje fázovou tkaninu z radioaktivního thoria a velkého množství písku. +block.alloy-smelter.description = Produkuje impulzní slitinu z titánia, olova, křemíku a mědi. +block.pulverizer.description = Drtí kámen na písek. Užitečné když se v oblasti nenalézá písek. +block.pyratite-mixer.description = Míchá uhlí, olovo a písek do velice hořlavého pyratitu. +block.blast-mixer.description = Používá ropu k přeměně pyratitu do méně hořlavé ale více explozivní těkavé směsi. +block.cryofluidmixer.description = Kombinuje vodu a titánium do cryofluid, která je více efektivní pro chlazení. +block.solidifer.description = Velice rychle chladí lávu na kámen. +block.melter.description = Taví kámen při velice vysokých teplotách na lávu. +block.incinerator.description = Zbaví tě přebytku předmětů. +block.biomattercompressor.description = Stlačuje biohmotu k získání ropy. +block.separator.description = Vystaví kámen velkému tlaku vody k získání různých materiálů obsažené v kameni. +block.centrifuge.description = Více efektivní než separátor. Za to více nákladný na provoz ke které vyžaduje energii. +block.power-node.description = Vysílá energii mezi propojenými uzly. Dokáže se propojit až se čtyřmi uzly či stavbami najednou. Uzel bude dostávat zásobu energie a bude ji distribuovat mezi připojené bloky. +block.power-node-large.description = Má větší dosah než standartní energetický uzel and a dokáže propojit až 6 staveb nebo uzly. +block.battery.description = Ukládá energii kdykoliv kdy je nadbytek ,poskytuje energii kdykolik když je pokles energie v síti, tak dlouho doku zbývá kapacita. +block.battery-large.description = Uloží více energie než standartní baterie. +block.combustion-generator.description = Generuje energii spalováním ropy nebo jinných hořlavých materiálů. +block.turbine-generator.description = Více efektivní než spalovací generátor, ale vyžaduje dodatečný přísun vody. +block.thermal-generator.description = Generuje obrovské množství energie z lávy. +block.solar-panel.description = Poskytuje malé množství energie ze slunce. +block.solar-panel-large.description = Poskytuje mnohem lepší zdroj energie než standartní solární panel, za to je mnohem nákladnější na stavbu. +block.thorium-reactor.description = Generuje obrovské množství energie z radioaktivního thoria. Vyžaduje konstantní chlazení. Způsobí velikou explozi je-li zásobován nedostatečným množstvím chlazení. Výstup energie závisí na plnosti obsahu generátoru, základní generování energie se aktivuje při poloviční kapacitě. +block.rtg-generator.description = Rádioizotopní Termoelektrický Generátor nevyžaduje chlazení, za to generuje méně energie než Thoriový generátor. +block.unloader.description = Vykládá předměty z kontejnéru, trezoru nebo jádra na dopravník nebo přímo do produktivních bloků. Druh předmětu pro vykládání lze měti kliknutím na odbavovač. +block.container.description = Ukládá malé množství předmětů každého typu. Připojené kontejnéry, trezory nebo jádra se budou chovat jako samostatné skladovací jednotky. [LIGHT_GRAY] Odbavovač[] lze použít pro odbavení předmětů z kontejnéru. +block.vault.description = Ukládá velké množství předmětů každého typu. Připojené kontejnéry, trezory nebo jádra se budou chovat jako samostatné skladovací jednotky. [LIGHT_GRAY] Odbavovač[] lže použít pro odbavení předmětů z trezoru. +block.mechanical-drill.description = Levný vrt. Při položení na vhodné pole, natrvalo a pomalu produkuje materiál na který byl položen. +block.pneumatic-drill.description = Vylepšený vrt, který je rychlejší a je schopen zpracovat trdší materiály za pomocí tlaku. +block.laser-drill.description = Dovoluje vrtat ještě rychleji díky laserové technologii, požaduje energii k provozu. Dodatečně, dokáže vrtat žíly radioaktivního thoria. +block.blast-drill.description = Ultimátní vrt, vyžaduje velké množství energie k provozu. +block.water-extractor.description = Extrahuje vodu ze země. Vhodný k použití když se v oblasti nenachází zdroj vody. +block.cultivator.description = Kultivuje půdu vodou za účelem získání biohmoty. +block.oil-extractor.description = Vyžaduje velké množství energie na extrakci ropy z písku. Použíj ho když se v oblasti nenachází žádný zdroj ropy. +block.dart-ship-pad.description = Zanech zde své aktuální plavidlo a žměn ho na klasický bojový letoun.\nPoužíj ho poklikáním když se nacházíš nad ním. +block.trident-ship-pad.description = Zanech zde své aktuální plavidlo a změň ho do docela dobře obrněného těžkého bombardéru.\nPoužíj ho poklikáním když se nacházíš nad ním. +block.javelin-ship-pad.description = Zanech zde své aktuální plavidlo a změn ho na silný a rychlý stíhač s bleskovými zbraněmi.\nPoužíj ho poklikáním když se nacházíš nad ním. +block.glaive-ship-pad.description = Zanech zde své aktuální plavidlo a změn ho na velkou, dobře obrněnou střeleckou loď.\nPoužíj ho poklikáním když se nacházíš nad ním. +block.tau-mech-pad.description = Zanech zde své aktuální plavidlo a změn ho na na podpůrného mecha, který léčí spojenecké budovy a jednotky.\nPoužíj ho poklikáním když se nacházíš nad ním. +block.delta-mech-pad.description = Zanech zde své aktuální plavidlo a změn ho na rychlého, lehce obrněného mecha určeného pro udeř a uteč operace.\nPoužíj ho poklikáním když se nacházíš nad ním. +block.omega-mech-pad.description = Zanech zde své aktuální plavidlo a změn ho na objemného dobře obrněného mecha, určeného pro útok v přední linii.\nPoužíj ho poklikáním když se nacházíš nad ním. +block.spirit-factory.description = Produkuje lehké drony, kteří teží minerály a opravují budovy +block.phantom-factory.description = Produkuje pokročilé drony kteří jsou podstatně efektivnější jak spirit droni. +block.wraith-factory.description = Produkuje rychlé, udeř a uteč stíhače. +block.ghoul-factory.description = Produkuje těžké kobercové bombardéry. +block.dagger-factory.description = Produkuje standartní pozemní jednotky. +block.titan-factory.description = Produkuje pokročilé, orněné pozemní jednotky. +block.fortress-factory.description = Produkuje těžké artilérní, pozmení jednotky. +block.revenant-factory.description = Produkuje vzdušné, težké laserové stíhače.. +block.repair-point.description = Kontinuálně léčí nejbližší budovy a jednotky. +block.command-center.description = Dovoluje měnit umělou inteligenci spojeneckých jednotek. Aktuálně, útok, ztáhnout se a hlídkuj příkazy jsou podporovány. +block.conduit.description = Základní blok přepravy tekutin. Funguje jako dopravník, ale na tekutiny, chápeš ne ? Užívá se s extraktory, pumpami nebo jiným potrubím. +block.pulse-conduit.description = Pokročilý blok přepravy tekutin. Přepravuje tekutiny rychleji a více než standartní potrubí. +block.phase-conduit.description = Pokročilý blok přepravy tekutin. Používá energii k teleportu tekutin do druhého bodu přez několik polí. +block.liquid-router.description = Příjmá tekutiny z jednoho směru a vypouští je rovnoměrně do zbylých tří směrů. Dokáže uložit na krátkou dobu nějaký obsah tekutin. Užitečný při rozdělení jednoho zdroje směřující do různých cílů. +block.liquid-tank.description = Uloží velké množství tekutin. Použíj ho pro vyrovnávací zásoby vody když je příděl nestabilní nebo jako záložní chlazení pro generátory. +block.liquid-junction.description = Chová se jako most pro dvě křížící se potrubí. Užitečný v situacích když dvě rozdílné potrubí nesou rozdílný obsah na rozdílná místa. +block.bridge-conduit.description = Pokročilý blok přepravy tekutin. Dovoluje transportovat tekutiny až přez tři pole jakéhokoliv terénu nebo budovy. +block.mechanical-pump.description = Levná pumpa s pomalým tokem, ale nevyžaduje nergii k provozu. +block.rotary-pump.description = Pokročilá pumpa která, zdvojnásobuje přísun tekutin za použití energie. +block.thermal-pump.description = Ultimátní pumpa. Trojnásobně rychlejší než mechanická pumpa a jediná pumpa která dokáže pracovat s lávou. +block.router.description = Příijmá předměty z jednoho směru a posílá je rovnoměrně do zbylých tří směrů. Užitečný při rozdělení jednoho zdroje směřující do různých cílů. +block.distributor.description = Pokročilý směrovač, který z libovolného počtu vstupů vytvoří libovolný počet výstupu a rozdělí přísun předmětů rovnoměrně do každého z nich, obdoba Multiplexeru a Demultiplexeru. +block.bridge-conveyor.description = Pokročilý blok přepravy předmětů. Dovoluje transport předmětů až přez tři pole jakéhokoliv terénu nebo budovy. +block.alpha-mech-pad.description = Když je dodán dostatek energie, Přestaví tvoji loď na[accent] Alfa[] mecha. +block.itemsource.description = Nekonečný zdroj předmětů. Jen pro Sandbox. +block.liquidsource.description = Nekonečný zdroj tekutin. Jen pro Sandbox. +block.itemvoid.description = Likviduje jakéhokoliv vstupní předmět bež použití energie. Jen pro Sandbox. +block.powerinfinite.description = Nekonečný zdroj energie. Jen pro Sandbox. +block.powervoid.description = Prázdnota pro veškerou energii vstupující do něj. Jen pro Sandbox. +liquid.water.description = Nejčastěji se používá ke chlazení a zpracování odpadu. +liquid.lava.description = Může být transformován na[LIGHT_GRAY] kámen[], nebo pro generátor energie nebo jako střelivo pro určitý druh střílen. +liquid.oil.description = Může být spálen, vybouchnout nebo použit jako chlazení. +liquid.cryofluid.description = Nejefektivnější tekutina pro chlazení. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_fr.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_fr.properties index f8351c8f7b..42f1fd7640 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_fr.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_fr.properties @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ text.link.discord.description = Le discord officiel de mindustry text.link.github.description = Code source du jeu text.link.dev-builds.description = Versions instables du jeu text.link.trello.description = Trello officiel pour les futurs ajouts . -text.link.itch.io.description = page itch.io avec le lien du téléchargement pour PC et la version web . -text.link.google-play.description = listing par le store google play -text.link.wiki.description = wiki officiel de mindustry . +text.link.itch.io.description = Page itch.io avec le lien du téléchargement pour PC et la version web . +text.link.google-play.description = Listing par le Google Play Store +text.link.wiki.description = Wiki officiel de mindustry . text.linkfail = Erreur lors de l'ouverture du lien !\nL'URL a été copié avec succès. text.gameover = Partie terminée. text.gameover.pvp = L'équipe [accent] {0}[] a gagnée ! @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ text.level.mode = Mode de jeu : text.construction.desktop = Pour désélectionner un bloc ou arrêter de construire, appuyer sur [accent]espace[]. text.construction.title = Guide de construction des blocs text.construction = Vous venez de sélectionner le mode [accent]construction de blocs[].\n\nPour commencez à placer des blocs, appuyez simplement sur un emplacement valide proche de votre vaisseau.\nUne fois que vous avez sélectionné quelques emplacements, Appuyez sur le bouton valider pour confirmer, et votre vaisseau commencera à construire.\n\n- [accent]Enlevez des blocs[] de votre sélection en appuyant dessus.\n- [accent]Déplacez la sélection[] en restant appuyé puis en déplaçant n'importe quel bloc de la sélection.\n- [accent]Placez les blocs en ligne[] En restant appuyé sur un espace vide, puis en étirant dans une direction.\n- [accent]Annulez la construction ou la sélection[] en appuyant sur le X en bas à droite. -text.deconstruction.title = Block Deconstruction Guide +text.deconstruction.title = Guide de destruction de blocs text.deconstruction = Vous venez de sélectionner le mode [accent]destruction de blocs[].\n\nPour commencez à détruire des blocs, appuyez simplement sur un bloc proche de votre vaisseau.\nUne fois que vous avez sélectionné quelques blocs, Appuyez sur le bouton valider pour confirmer, et votre vaisseau commencera à détruire.\n\n- [accent]Enlevez des blocs[] de votre sélection en appuyant dessus.\n- [accent]Déplacez la sélection[] en restant appuyé puis en déplaçant n'importe quel bloc de la sélection.\n- [accent]Placez les blocs en ligne[] En restant appuyé sur un espace vide, puis en étirant dans une direction.\n- [accent]Annulez la construction ou la sélection[] en appuyant sur le X en bas à droite. text.showagain = Ne pas montrer la prochaine fois text.coreattack = [scarlet] @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ text.mission.info = Infos sur la Mission text.mission.complete = Mission terminée! text.mission.complete.body = Le secteur {0},{1} a été conquis. text.mission.wave = Survivez à[accent] {0}/{1} []vague\nLa vague commence dans {2} -text.mission.wave.enemies = Survivez à[accent] {0}/{1} []vagues\n{2} Ennemis -text.mission.wave.enemy = Survivez à[accent] {0}/{1} []vagues\n{2} Ennemi +text.mission.wave.enemies = Survivez à[accent] {0}/{1} []vagues\n{2} ennemis +text.mission.wave.enemy = Survivez à[accent] {0}/{1} []vagues\n{2} ennemi text.mission.wave.menu = Survivez à[accent] {0} []vagues text.mission.battle = Détruisez la base ennemie text.mission.resource.menu = Obtenez {0} x{1} @@ -71,19 +71,19 @@ text.nextmission = Prochaine mission text.maps.none = [LIGHT_GRAY]Aucune carte trouvée! text.about.button = À propos text.name = Nom: -text.filename = File Name: +text.filename = Nom du fichier: text.unlocked = Nouveau bloc débloqué! text.unlocked.plural = Nouveaux blocs débloqués! text.players = {0} joueurs en ligne text.players.single = {0} joueur en ligne text.server.closing = [accent]Fermeture du serveur... text.server.kicked.kick = Vous avez été expulsé du serveur! -text.server.kicked.serverClose = Server closed. +text.server.kicked.serverClose = Serveur fermé. text.server.kicked.sectorComplete = Secteur terminé. text.server.kicked.sectorComplete.text = Votre mission est complète .\nLe serveur va maintenant aller au prochain secteur . text.server.kicked.clientOutdated = Client dépassé! Mettez à jour votre jeu! text.server.kicked.serverOutdated = Serveur dépassé! Demandez à l'hôte de le mettre à jour! -text.server.kicked.banned = Vous êtes banni sur ce serveur. +text.server.kicked.banned = Vous avez été banni sur ce serveur. text.server.kicked.recentKick = Vous avez été expulsé récemment.\nAttendez avant de vous connecter à nouveau. text.server.kicked.nameInUse = Il y a déjà quelqu'un avec ce nom\nsur ce serveur. text.server.kicked.nameEmpty = Votre nom doit contenir au moins une lettre ou un chiffre. @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ text.editor.slope = \\ text.editor.openin = Ouvrir dans l'éditeur text.editor.oregen = Génération de minerais text.editor.oregen.info = Génération de minerais: -text.editor.mapinfo = Info de la carte +text.editor.mapinfo = Infos sur la carte text.editor.author = Auteur: text.editor.description = Description: text.editor.name = Nom: @@ -302,13 +302,13 @@ text.blocks.powerdamage = Énergie/Dégâts text.blocks.inputitemcapacity = Capacité d'entrée text.blocks.outputitemcapacity = Capacité de sortie text.blocks.itemcapacity = Stockage -text.blocks.basepowergeneration = Base Power Generation +text.blocks.basepowergeneration = Generation d'énergie minimale text.blocks.powertransferspeed = Vitesse de transfert d'énergie text.blocks.craftspeed = Vitesse de production text.blocks.inputliquid = Liquide requis text.blocks.inputliquidaux = Liquide optionnel -text.blocks.inputitem = Input Item -text.blocks.inputitems = objets utilisés +text.blocks.inputitem = Objets en entrée +text.blocks.inputitems = Objets utilisés text.blocks.outputitem = Objet produit text.blocks.drilltier = Forable text.blocks.drillspeed = Vitesse de forage de base @@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ setting.difficulty.normal = normal setting.difficulty.hard = difficile setting.difficulty.insane = Extreme setting.difficulty.name = Difficulté: -setting.screenshake.name = Tremblement d'écran +setting.screenshake.name = Tremblement de l'écran setting.effects.name = Montrer les effets setting.sensitivity.name = Sensibilité de la manette setting.saveinterval.name = Intervalle des sauvegardes auto @@ -403,11 +403,11 @@ keybind.drop_unit.name = drop unit keybind.zoom_minimap.name = Zoom minimap mode.text.help.title = Description des modes de jeu mode.waves.name = Vagues -mode.waves.description = le mode de jeu normal. Ressource limitée et vagues d'ennemis. +mode.waves.description = Le mode de jeu normal. Ressources limitées et vagues d'ennemis. mode.sandbox.name = bac à sable mode.sandbox.description = Ressources infinies et pas de timer pour les vagues. mode.freebuild.name = construction libre -mode.freebuild.description = Ressource limitée et pas de timer pour les vagues. +mode.freebuild.description = Ressources limitées et pas de timer pour les vagues. mode.pvp.name = JcJ mode.pvp.description = Battez-vous contre d'autres joueurs en local. content.item.name = Objets @@ -418,24 +418,24 @@ content.mech.name = Méchas item.stone.name = Pierre item.stone.description = Un matériau brut commun. Peut être séparé et raffiné en d'autres matériaux, ou fondu en lave. item.copper.name = Cuivre -item.copper.description = Un matériau de construction utile.Utilisé intensivement dans tout les blocs. +item.copper.description = Un matériau de construction utile. Utilisé intensivement dans tout les blocs. item.lead.name = Plomb -item.lead.description = Un matériau de départ . Utilisé intensivement en électronique et pour le transport de blocs. +item.lead.description = Un matériau de départ. Utilisé intensivement en électronique et pour le transport de blocs. item.coal.name = Charbon item.coal.description = Un carburant commun et facile à obtenir. item.dense-alloy.name = Alliage lourd -item.dense-alloy.description = Un alliage résistant fait de plomb et de cuivre. Utilisé dans les blocs de transports avancés et les foreuses de haut niveau. +item.dense-alloy.description = Un alliage résistant fait de plomb et de cuivre. Utilisé dans les blocs de transports avancés et dans les foreuses de haut niveau. item.titanium.name = Titane -item.titanium.description = Un métal rare super-léger largement utilisé dans le transport de liquides et d'objets ainsi que dans les foreuses de haut-niveau et l'aviation .item.thorium.name=Thorium +item.titanium.description = Un métal rare super-léger largement utilisé dans le transport de liquides et d'objets ainsi que dans les foreuses de haut-niveau et l'aviation. item.thorium.name = Thorium -item.thorium.description = Un métal dense, et radioactif utilisé comme support structurel et comme carburant nucléaire. +item.thorium.description = Un métal dense et radioactif utilisé comme support structurel et comme carburant nucléaire. item.silicon.name = Silicone -item.silicon.description = Un matériau semi-conducteur extrêmement utile, avec des utilisations dans les panneaux solaires et beaucoup d'autre composants électroniques complexes. +item.silicon.description = Un matériau semi-conducteur extrêmement utile, avec des utilisations dans les panneaux solaires et dans beaucoup d'autre composants électroniques complexes. item.plastanium.name = Plastanium item.plastanium.description = Un matériau léger et docile utilisé dans l'aviation avancée et dans les munitions à fragmentation. item.phase-fabric.name = Tissu phasé item.phase-fabric.description = Une substance au poids quasiment inexistant utilisé pour l'électronique avancé et la technologie auto-réparatrice. -item.surge-alloy.name = alliage superchargé +item.surge-alloy.name = Alliage superchargé item.surge-alloy.description = Un alliage avancé avec des propriétés électriques avancées. item.biomatter.name = Biomasse item.biomatter.description = Un mélange de matières organiques; utilisé pour la transformation en huile ou en tant que carburant de base. @@ -448,42 +448,42 @@ item.pyratite.description = Une substance extrêmement inflammable utilisée dan liquid.water.name = Eau liquid.lava.name = Lave liquid.oil.name = Pétrole -liquid.cryofluid.name = liquide cryogénique +liquid.cryofluid.name = Liquide cryogénique mech.alpha-mech.name = Alpha -mech.alpha-mech.weapon = fusil automatique +mech.alpha-mech.weapon = Fusil automatique mech.alpha-mech.ability = Essaim de drone -mech.alpha-mech.description = Le mécha standard.A une vitesse et des dégâts décents; Il peut aussi créer jusqu'à 3 drones pour des faire des dégâts supplémentaires. +mech.alpha-mech.description = Le mécha standard. À une vitesse et des dégâts décents; Il peut aussi créer jusqu'à 3 drones pour infliger des dégâts supplémentaires. mech.delta-mech.name = Delta mech.delta-mech.weapon = Arc électrique mech.delta-mech.ability = Décharge -mech.delta-mech.description = Un mécha rapide avec une armure légère fait pour des tactiques de harcèlements. Il fait par contre peu de dégâts au structures, néanmoins il peut tuer de grand groupes d'ennemis très rapidement avec ses arcs électriques . +mech.delta-mech.description = Un mécha rapide, avec une armure légère, fait pour des tactiques de harcèlements. Il inflige, par contre, peu de dégâts aux structures, néanmoins il peut tuer de grand groupes d'ennemis très rapidement avec ses arcs électriques. mech.tau-mech.name = Tau mech.tau-mech.weapon = Laser restructurant -mech.tau-mech.ability = explosion réparante -mech.tau-mech.description = Un mécha de support . Soigne les blocs alliés en tirant dessus. Il peut aussi éteindre les feux et soigner ses alliés en zone avec sa Compétence . +mech.tau-mech.ability = Explosion réparante +mech.tau-mech.description = Un mécha de support. Soigne les blocs alliés en tirant dessus. Il peut aussi éteindre les feux et soigner ses alliés en zone avec sa compétence. mech.omega-mech.name = Omega mech.omega-mech.weapon = Essaim de missiles auto-guidés mech.omega-mech.ability = Armure -mech.omega-mech.description = Un mécha cuirassé et large fait pour les assauts frontaux . Sa Compétence "Armure" lui permet de bloquer 90% des dégâts. +mech.omega-mech.description = Un mécha cuirassé et large fait pour les assauts frontaux. Sa compétence "Armure" lui permet de bloquer 90% des dégâts. mech.dart-ship.name = Dard -mech.dart-ship.weapon = pistolet automatique -mech.dart-ship.description = Le vaisseau standard. Raisonnablement rapide et léger , Il a néanmoins peu d'attaque et une faible vitesse de minage. +mech.dart-ship.weapon = Pistolet automatique +mech.dart-ship.description = Le vaisseau standard. Raisonnablement rapide et léger. Il a néanmoins peu d'attaque et une faible vitesse de minage. mech.javelin-ship.name = Javelin -mech.javelin-ship.description = Un vaisseau qui bien que lent au départ peut accélerer pour atteindre de très grandes vitesses et voler jusqu'au avant-postes ennemis, faisant d'énormes dégâts avec ses arc électriques obtenus à vitesse maximum et ses missiles. +mech.javelin-ship.description = Un vaisseau qui, bien que lent au départ, peut accélerer pour atteindre de très grandes vitesses et voler jusqu'aux avant-postes ennemis, faisant d'énormes dégâts avec ses arc électriques obtenus à vitesse maximum et ses missiles. mech.javelin-ship.weapon = Missiles explosifs autoguidés mech.javelin-ship.ability = Décharge de propulseur mech.trident-ship.name = Trident mech.trident-ship.description = Un bombardier lourd raisonnablement cuirassé. -mech.trident-ship.weapon = Largage de bombe +mech.trident-ship.weapon = Largage de bombes mech.glaive-ship.name = Glaive -mech.glaive-ship.description = Un grand vaisseau de combat cuirassé . Equipé avec un fusil automatique à munitions incendiaires . Il a aussi une bonne accéleration ainsi qu'une bonne Vitesse maximale. +mech.glaive-ship.description = Un grand vaisseau de combat cuirassé. Equipé avec un fusil automatique à munitions incendiaires. Il a aussi une bonne accéleration ainsi qu'une bonne vitesse maximale. mech.glaive-ship.weapon = Fusil automatique incendiaire text.item.explosiveness = [LIGHT_GRAY]Explosivité: {0} text.item.flammability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Inflammabilité: {0} text.item.radioactivity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Radioactivité: {0} text.item.fluxiness = [LIGHT_GRAY]Flux de Puissance: {0} -text.unit.health = [LIGHT_GRAY]Health: {0} -text.unit.speed = [LIGHT_GRAY]Speed: {0} +text.unit.health = [LIGHT_GRAY]Santé: {0} +text.unit.speed = [LIGHT_GRAY]Rapidité: {0} text.mech.weapon = [LIGHT_GRAY]Arme: {0} text.mech.armor = [LIGHT_GRAY]Armure: {0} text.mech.itemcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Capacité de stockage: {0} @@ -493,25 +493,25 @@ text.mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Compétence: {0} text.liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Capacité Thermique: {0} text.liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Viscosité: {0} text.liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]Température: {0} -block.constructing = {0}\n[LIGHT_GRAY](Constructing) -block.spawn.name = Générateur d'ennemi +block.constructing = {0}\n[LIGHT_GRAY](En Construction) +block.spawn.name = Générateur d'ennemis block.core.name = Base block.metalfloor.name = Sol en métal -block.deepwater.name = eau profonde -block.water.name = eau -block.lava.name = lave -block.tar.name = pétrole -block.blackstone.name = roche sombre -block.stone.name = roche -block.dirt.name = terre -block.sand.name = sable +block.deepwater.name = Eau profonde +block.water.name = Eau +block.lava.name = Lave +block.tar.name = Pétrole +block.blackstone.name = Roche sombre +block.stone.name = Roche +block.dirt.name = Terre +block.sand.name = Sable block.ice.name = glace -block.snow.name = neige -block.grass.name = herbe -block.shrub.name = buisson -block.rock.name = pierre -block.blackrock.name = pierre sombre -block.icerock.name = pierre gelée +block.snow.name = Neige +block.grass.name = Herbe +block.shrub.name = Buisson +block.rock.name = Pierre +block.blackrock.name = Pierre sombre +block.icerock.name = Pierre gelée block.copper-wall.name = Mur de cuivre block.copper-wall-large.name = Grand mur de cuivre block.dense-alloy-wall.name = Mur en alliage lourd @@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ block.wave.name = Vague block.swarmer.name = Essaim block.salvo.name = Salve block.ripple.name = Ripple -block.phase-conveyor.name = convoyeur phasé +block.phase-conveyor.name = Convoyeur phasé block.bridge-conveyor.name = Pont block.plastanium-compressor.name = Compresseur de Plastanium block.pyratite-mixer.name = Mixeur à Pyratite @@ -623,16 +623,16 @@ block.rtg-generator.name = G.T.R. block.spectre.name = Spectre block.meltdown.name = Meltdown block.container.name = Conteneur -block.core.description = Le batiment le plus important du jeu . -team.blue.name = bleu -team.red.name = rouge -team.orange.name = orange -team.none.name = gris -team.green.name = vert -team.purple.name = violet +block.core.description = Le batiment le plus important du jeu. +team.blue.name = Bleu +team.red.name = Rouge +team.orange.name = Orange +team.none.name = Gris +team.green.name = Vert +team.purple.name = Violet unit.alpha-drone.name = Alpha Drone unit.spirit.name = Drone sppirituel -unit.spirit.description = L'unité de soutien de départ.Apparaît dans la base par défaut .Mine automatiquement les minerais, récupère les objets au sol et répare les blocs. +unit.spirit.description = L'unité de soutien de départ. Apparaît dans la base par défaut. Mine automatiquement les minerais, récupère les objets au sol et répare les blocs. unit.phantom.name = Drone Fantôme unit.phantom.description = Une unité de soutien avancée. Mine automatiquement les minerais, récupère les objets au sol et répare les blocs. Bien plus efficace qu'un drone spirituel. unit.dagger.name = Poignard diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_fr_BE.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_fr_BE.properties index 0dc8fba05b..a4af1a5971 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_fr_BE.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_fr_BE.properties @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ text.map.nospawn = Cette carte ne possède pas de base pour que le joueur puisse text.map.nospawn.pvp = Cette carte ne contient aucune base ennemi dans lequel le joueur apparaît!\nAjoutez des bases[SCARLET] rouge[] à cette carte dans l'éditeur. text.map.invalid = Erreur lors du chargement de la carte: carte corrompue ou invalide. text.editor.brush = Pinceau -text.editor.slope = \\ +text.editor.slope = Pente text.editor.openin = Ouvrir dans l'éditeur text.editor.oregen = Génération des minerais text.editor.oregen.info = Génération de minerais: @@ -382,6 +382,8 @@ category.multiplayer.name = Multijoueur command.attack = Attaquer command.retreat = Retraite command.patrol = Patrouiller +keybind.gridMode.name = Sélectionnez le bloc +keybind.gridModeShift.name = Sélection de la catégorie keybind.press = Appuyez sur une touche ... keybind.press.axis = Appuyez sur un axe ou une touche... keybind.move_x.name = Mouvement X diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_in_ID.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_in_ID.properties index 387e2f6bf3..a3d1721f67 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_in_ID.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_in_ID.properties @@ -1,98 +1,98 @@ text.credits.text = Created by [ROYAL]Anuken[] - [SKY]anukendev@gmail.com[]\n\n[GRAY](In case you can't tell, this text is currently unfinished.\nTranslators, don't edit it yet!) -text.credits = Credits -text.discord = Bergabunglah dengan Discord Mindustry! -text.link.discord.description = the official Mindustry discord chatroom -text.link.github.description = Game source code -text.link.dev-builds.description = Unstable development builds -text.link.trello.description = Official trello board for planned features -text.link.itch.io.description = itch.io page with PC downloads and web version -text.link.google-play.description = Google Play store listing -text.link.wiki.description = official Mindustry wiki -text.linkfail = Failed to open link!\nThe URL has been copied to your cliboard. +text.credits = Kredit +text.discord = Mari bergabung di Discord Mindustry! +text.link.discord.description = grup Discord Mindustry resmi +text.link.github.description = Source code permainan +text.link.dev-builds.description = Bentukan pengembang (kurang stabil) +text.link.trello.description = Papan trello resmi untuk fitur-fitur terencana +text.link.itch.io.description = Halaman itch.io dengan unduhan PC dan versi web +text.link.google-play.description = Google Play store +text.link.wiki.description = wiki resmi Mindustry +text.linkfail = Gagal membuka link!\nURL telah disalin ke papan salin. text.gameover = Intinya hancur. -text.gameover.pvp = The[accent] {0}[] team is victorious! -text.sector.gameover = This sector has been lost. Re-deploy? -text.sector.retry = Retry +text.gameover.pvp = Tim [accent] {0}[] menang! +text.sector.gameover = Sektor ini telah hancur. Ulangi? +text.sector.retry = Ulangi text.highscore = [YELLOW]Rekor baru! -text.wave.lasted = You lasted until wave [accent]{0}[]. +text.wave.lasted = Kamu bertahan sampai gelombang ke [accent]{0}[]. text.level.highscore = Skor Tinggi: [accent]{0} text.level.delete.title = Konfirmasi Hapus -text.map.delete = Are you sure you want to delete the map "[accent]{0}[]"? +text.map.delete = Apakah kamu yakin ingin menghapus peta "[orange]{0}[]"? text.level.select = Pilih Level text.level.mode = Modus permainan: -text.construction.desktop = Desktop controls have been changed.\nTo deselect a block or stop building, [accent]use space[]. +text.construction.desktop = Kontrol desktop telah berubah.\nUntuk membatalkan blok atau menghentikan pembangunan, [accent]gunakan spasi[]. text.construction.title = Block Construction Guide text.construction = You've just selected [accent]block construction mode[].\n\nTo begin placing, simply tap a valid location near your ship.\nOnce you have selected some blocks, press the checkbox to confirm, and your ship will begin constructing them.\n\n- [accent]Remove blocks[] from your selection by tapping them.\n- [accent]Shift the selection[] by holding and dragging any block in the selection.\n- [accent]Place blocks in a line[] by tapping and holding an empty spot, then dragging in a direction.\n- [accent]Cancel construction or selection[] by pressing the X at the bottom left. text.deconstruction.title = Block Deconstruction Guide text.deconstruction = You've just selected [accent]block deconstruction mode[].\n\nTo begin breaking, simply tap a block near your ship.\nOnce you have selected some blocks, press the checkbox to confirm, and your ship will begin de-constructing them.\n\n- [accent]Remove blocks[] from your selection by tapping them.\n- [accent]Remove blocks in an area[] by tapping and holding an empty spot, then dragging in a direction.\n- [accent]Cancel deconstruction or selection[] by pressing the X at the bottom left. -text.showagain = Don't show again next session -text.coreattack = < Core is under attack! > -text.unlocks = Unlocks +text.showagain = Jangan tampilkan lagi di sesi berikutnya +text.coreattack = < Intinya sedang diserang! > +text.unlocks = Pencapaian text.savegame = Simpan Permainan text.loadgame = Lanjutkan text.joingame = Bermain Bersama -text.addplayers = Add/Remove Players -text.customgame = Custom Game -text.sectors = Sectors -text.sector = Selected Sector: [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} -text.sector.time = Time: [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} -text.sector.deploy = Deploy -text.sector.abandon = Abandon -text.sector.abandon.confirm = Are you sure you want to abandon all progress at this sector?\nThis cannot be undone! -text.sector.resume = Resume -text.sector.locked = [scarlet][[Incomplete] -text.sector.unexplored = [accent][[Unexplored] -text.missions = Missions:[LIGHT_GRAY] {0} -text.mission = Mission:[LIGHT_GRAY] {0} -text.mission.main = Main Mission:[LIGHT_GRAY] {0} -text.mission.info = Mission Info -text.mission.complete = Mission complete! -text.mission.complete.body = Sector {0},{1} has been conquered. -text.mission.wave = Survive[accent] {0}/{1} []waves\nWave in {2} -text.mission.wave.enemies = Survive[accent] {0}/{1} []waves\n{2} Enemies -text.mission.wave.enemy = Survive[accent] {0}/{1} []waves\n{2} Enemy -text.mission.wave.menu = Survive[accent] {0} []waves -text.mission.battle = Destroy the enemy base. -text.mission.resource.menu = Obtain {0} x{1} -text.mission.resource = Obtain {0}:\n[accent]{1}/{2}[] -text.mission.block = Create {0} -text.mission.unit = Create {0} Unit -text.mission.command = Send Command {0} To Units -text.mission.linknode = Link Power Node -text.mission.display = [accent]Mission:\n[LIGHT_GRAY]{0} -text.mission.mech = Switch to mech[accent] {0}[] -text.mission.create = Create[accent] {0}[] -text.none = -text.close = Close +text.addplayers = Tambah/Hapus Pemain +text.customgame = Game Bebas +text.sectors = Sektor +text.sector = Sektor Dipilih: [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} +text.sector.time = Waktu: [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} +text.sector.deploy = Pasang +text.sector.abandon = Batalkan +text.sector.abandon.confirm = Apakah kamu yakin ingin membatalkan all progress at this sector?\nIni tidak dapat diubah kembali! +text.sector.resume = Lanjutkan +text.sector.locked = [scarlet][[Belum Selesai] +text.sector.unexplored = [accent][[Belum Ditelusuri] +text.missions = Misi:[LIGHT_GRAY] {0} +text.mission = Misi:[LIGHT_GRAY] {0} +text.mission.main = Misi Utama:[LIGHT_GRAY] {0} +text.mission.info = Info Misi +text.mission.complete = Misi selesai! +text.mission.complete.body = Sektor {0},{1} telah dikuasai. +text.mission.wave = Bertahanlah selama [accent]{0}[] gelombang. +text.mission.wave.enemies = Bertahanlah selama[accent] {0}/{1} []gelombang\n{2} Musuh +text.mission.wave.enemy = Bertahanlah selama[accent] {0}/{1} []gelombang\n{2} Musuh +text.mission.wave.menu = Bertahanlah selama[accent] {0} []gelombang +text.mission.battle = Hancurkan markas musuh. +text.mission.resource.menu = Dapatkan {0} x{1} +text.mission.resource = Dapatkan {0}:\n[accent]{1}/{2}[] +text.mission.block = Buat {0} +text.mission.unit = Buat {0} Pasukan +text.mission.command = Beri Perintah {0} Ke Pasukan +text.mission.linknode = Gabungkan Power Node +text.mission.display = [accent]Misi:\n[LIGHT_GRAY]{0} +text.mission.mech = Ganti ke robot[accent] {0}[] +text.mission.create = Buat[accent] {0}[] +text.none = +text.close = Tutup text.quit = Keluar -text.maps = Maps -text.continue = Continue -text.nextmission = Next Mission -text.maps.none = [LIGHT_GRAY]No maps found! +text.maps = Peta +text.continue = Lanjutkan +text.nextmission = Tugas Berikut +text.maps.none = [LIGHT_GRAY]Peta tidak ditemukan! text.about.button = Tentang text.name = Nama: -text.filename = File Name: -text.unlocked = New Block Unlocked! -text.unlocked.plural = New Blocks Unlocked! +text.filename = Nama file: +text.unlocked = Blok Baru Terbuka! +text.unlocked.plural = Blok Baru Terbuka! text.players = {0} pemain online text.players.single = {0} pemain online text.server.closing = [accent]Menutup server... text.server.kicked.kick = Anda telah dikeluarkan dari server! -text.server.kicked.serverClose = Server closed. -text.server.kicked.sectorComplete = Sector completed. -text.server.kicked.sectorComplete.text = Your mission is complete.\nThe server will now continue at the next sector. +text.server.kicked.serverClose = Server ditutup. +text.server.kicked.sectorComplete = Sektor selesai. +text.server.kicked.sectorComplete.text = Misi Anda telah selesai.\nServer akan melanjutkan ke sektor selanjutnya. text.server.kicked.clientOutdated = Client versi lama! Update game Anda! -text.server.kicked.serverOutdated = Server versi lama! Tanyakan host untuk mengupdate! -text.server.kicked.banned = You are banned on this server. -text.server.kicked.recentKick = You have been kicked recently.\nWait before connecting again. -text.server.kicked.nameInUse = There is someone with that name\nalready on this server. -text.server.kicked.nameEmpty = Your name must contain at least one character or number. -text.server.kicked.idInUse = You are already on this server! Connecting with two accounts is not permitted. -text.server.kicked.customClient = This server does not support custom builds. Download an official version. -text.host.info = The [accent]host[] button hosts a server on ports [scarlet]6567[] and [scarlet]6568.[]\nAnybody on the same [LIGHT_GRAY]wifi or local network[] should be able to see your server in their server list.\n\nIf you want people to be able to connect from anywhere by IP, [accent]port forwarding[] is required.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]Note: If someone is experiencing trouble connecting to your LAN game, make sure you have allowed Mindustry access to your local network in your firewall settings. -text.join.info = Here, you can enter a [accent]server IP[] to connect to, or discover [accent]local network[] servers to connect to.\nBoth LAN and WAN multiplayer is supported.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]Note: There is no automatic global server list; if you want to connect to someone by IP, you would need to ask the host for their IP. +text.server.kicked.serverOutdated = Server versi lama! Tanyakan host untuk memperbaharuinya! +text.server.kicked.banned = Anda telah di-ban dari server ini. +text.server.kicked.recentKick = Kamu baru saja dikeluarkan.\nTunggu sebentar sebelum terhubung kembali. +text.server.kicked.nameInUse = Ada seseorang dengan nama\nitu di server ini. +text.server.kicked.nameEmpty = Nama Anda harus mengandung setidaknya satu karakter atau angka. +text.server.kicked.idInUse = Kamu sudah ada di server ini! Menghubungkan dengan dua akun tidak diizinkan. +text.server.kicked.customClient = Server ini tidak mendukung bentukan khusus. Unduh versi resmi. +text.host.info = Tombol [accent]host[] akan membuat server dengan port [scarlet]6567[] dan [scarlet]6568.[]\nSiapa saja yang terhubung ke [LIGHT_GRAY]WiFi atau jaringan lokal[] dapat melihat server Anda di daftar server.\n\nJika Anda ingin orang-orang agar dapat terhubung dari mana saja melalui IP, diperlukan [accent]port forwarding[].\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]Catatan: Jika seseorang mengalami kesulitan untuk bergabung, pastikan bahwa Anda telah mengizinkan akses Mindustry ke jaringan lokal Anda di pengaturan firewall. +text.join.info = Di sini, Anda dapat memasukan [accent]IP server[] yang akan dihubungkan, atau menemukan server di [accent]jaringan lokal[] untuk dihubungkan.\nKedua jaringan LAN dan WAN didukung.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]Catatan: There is no automatic global server list; if you want to connect to someone by IP, you would need to ask the host for their IP. text.hostserver = Host Server -text.hostserver.mobile = Host\nGame +text.hostserver.mobile = Host\nPermainan text.host = Host text.hosting = [accent]Membuka server... text.hosts.refresh = Segarkan @@ -100,34 +100,34 @@ text.hosts.discovering = Mencari game LAN text.server.refreshing = Menyegarkan server text.hosts.none = [lightgray]Tidak ada game LAN yang ditemukan! text.host.invalid = [scarlet]Tidak dapat terhubung ke host. -text.trace = Trace Player -text.trace.playername = Player name: [accent]{0} +text.trace = Lacak Pemain +text.trace.playername = Nama pemain: [accent]{0} text.trace.ip = IP: [accent]{0} -text.trace.id = Unique ID: [accent]{0} -text.trace.android = Android Client: [accent]{0} -text.trace.modclient = Custom Client: [accent]{0} -text.trace.totalblocksbroken = Total blocks broken: [accent]{0} -text.trace.structureblocksbroken = Structure blocks broken: [accent]{0} -text.trace.lastblockbroken = Last block broken: [accent]{0} -text.trace.totalblocksplaced = Total blocks placed: [accent]{0} -text.trace.lastblockplaced = Last block placed: [accent]{0} -text.invalidid = Invalid client ID! Submit a bug report. -text.server.bans = Bans -text.server.bans.none = No banned players found! -text.server.admins = Admins -text.server.admins.none = No admins found! +text.trace.id = ID Unik: [accent]{0} +text.trace.android = Klien Android: [accent]{0} +text.trace.modclient = Klien Khusus: [accent]{0} +text.trace.totalblocksbroken = Jumlah blok dihancurkan: [accent]{0} +text.trace.structureblocksbroken = Blok struktur dihancurkan: [accent]{0} +text.trace.lastblockbroken = Blok terakhir dihancurkan: [accent]{0} +text.trace.totalblocksplaced = Jumlah dipasang: [accent]{0} +text.trace.lastblockplaced = Blok terakhir dipasang: [accent]{0} +text.invalidid = ID klien tidak valid! Kirim laporan bug. +text.server.bans = Ban +text.server.bans.none = Tidak ada pemain di-ban! +text.server.admins = Admin +text.server.admins.none = Tidak ada admin yang ditemukan! text.server.add = Tambahkan Server text.server.delete = Yakin ingin menghapus server ini? text.server.hostname = Host: {0} text.server.edit = Sunting Server -text.server.outdated = [crimson]Outdated Server![] -text.server.outdated.client = [crimson]Outdated Client![] -text.server.version = [lightgray]Version: {0} -text.server.custombuild = [yellow]Custom Build -text.confirmban = Are you sure you want to ban this player? -text.confirmkick = Are you sure you want to kick this player? -text.confirmunban = Are you sure you want to unban this player? -text.confirmadmin = Are you sure you want to make this player an admin? +text.server.outdated = [crimson]Server kedaluarsa![] +text.server.outdated.client = [crimson]Klien kedaluarsa![] +text.server.version = [lightgray]Versi: {0} +text.server.custombuild = [yellow]Bentukan khusus +text.confirmban = Apakah Anda yakin ingin melarang pemain ini? +text.confirmkick = Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengeluarkan pemain ini? +text.confirmunban = Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengizinkan pemain ini? +text.confirmadmin = Apakah Anda yakin ingin menjadikan pemain ini sebagai admin? text.confirmunadmin = Are you sure you want to remove admin status from this player? text.joingame.title = Bermain Bersama text.joingame.ip = IP: diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ko.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ko.properties index e72a97601e..00d11c78d8 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ko.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ko.properties @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ text.link.wiki.description = 공식 Mindustry 위키 (영어) text.linkfail = 링크를 여는데 실패했습니다! URL이 기기의 클립보드에 복사되었습니다. text.gameover = 코어가 터졌습니다. 게임 오버! text.gameover.pvp = [accent]{0}[] 팀이 승리했습니다! -text.sector.gameover = 이 지역을 공략하는데 실패했습니다. 포기 하시겠습니까? +text.sector.gameover = 이 지역을 공략하는데 실패했습니다. 다시 시도하시겠습니까? text.sector.retry = 아니오 text.highscore = [YELLOW]최고점수 달성! text.wave.lasted = [accent]{0}[] 까지 버티셨습니다. @@ -84,11 +84,12 @@ text.server.kicked.sectorComplete.text = 임무 성공.\n서버가 다음지역 text.server.kicked.clientOutdated = 오래된 버전의 클라이언트 입니다! 게임을 업데이트 하세요! text.server.kicked.serverOutdated = 오래된 버전의 서버입니다! 서버 호스트 관리자에게 문의하세요! text.server.kicked.banned = 뭘 하셨는지는 모르겠지만, 이제 영원히 서버에 접속할 수 없습니다. -text.server.kicked.recentKick = 방금 추방처리 되었습니다. 잠시 기다린 후에 접속 해 주세요. +text.server.kicked.recentKick = 방금 추방처리 되었습니다.\n잠시 기다린 후에 접속 해 주세요.\n참고 : [accent]계속해서 접속을 시도하면 강퇴 시간이 길어집니다. text.server.kicked.nameInUse = 이 닉네임이 이미 서버에서 사용중입니다. text.server.kicked.nameEmpty = 닉네임에는 반드시 영어 또는 숫자가 있어야 합니다. text.server.kicked.idInUse = 이미 서버에 접속중입니다! 다중 계정은 허용되지 않습니다. text.server.kicked.customClient = 이 서버는 직접 빌드한 버전을 지원하지 않습니다. 공식 버전을 사용하세요. +text.server.kicked.gameover = 게임 오버로 인해 서버에서 추방되었습니다. text.host.info = [accent]호스트[] 버튼은 현재 네트워크의 [scarlet]6567[] 포트를 사용합니다.\n[LIGHY_GRAY]같은 Wi-Fi 또는 로컬 네트워크[] 에서 서버 목록을 볼 수 있습니다.\n\n만약 플레이어들이 이 IP를 통해 어디에서나 연결할 수 있게 하고 싶다면, 공유기 설정에서 [accent]포트 포워딩[]을 해야 합니다.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]참고 : LAN 게임 연결에 문제가 있는 사람이 있다면, 방화벽 설정에서 Mindustry 가 로컬 네트워크에 액세스하도록 허용했는지 확인 해 주세요. text.join.info = 여기서 [accent]서버 IP[]를 입력하여 다른 서버에 접속할 수 있습니다.\n또는 [accent]로컬 네트워크(LAN)[] 서버를 검색하여 접속할 수 있습니다.\nLAN 및 WAN 멀티 플레이어 모두 지원됩니다.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]참고:여기에서는 자동으로 글로벌 서버를 추가하지 않습니다. IP로 다른 사람의 서버에 접속할려면 서버장에게 IP를 요청해야 합니다. text.hostserver = 서버 열기 @@ -345,7 +346,7 @@ text.category.liquids = 액체 text.category.items = 아이템 text.category.crafting = 제작 text.category.shooting = 사격 -text.category.optional = 선택적 향상 +text.category.optional = 선택적 가속 setting.autotarget.name = 자동 조준 setting.fpscap.name = 최대 FPS setting.fpscap.none = 없음 @@ -378,6 +379,8 @@ category.multiplayer.name = 멀티플레이 command.attack = 공격 command.retreat = 후퇴 command.patrol = 순찰 +keybind.gridMode.name = 블록 선택 +keybind.gridModeShift.name = 카테고리 선택 keybind.press = 키를 누르세요... keybind.press.axis = 축 또는 키를 누르세요... keybind.move_x.name = 오른쪽/왼쪽 이동 @@ -418,7 +421,7 @@ content.mech.name = 기체 item.stone.name = 돌 item.stone.description = 주로 용암을 사용하여 얻을 수 있는 자원입니다. item.copper.name = 구리 -item.copper.description = 모든 유형의 블록에서 광범위하게 사용되는 자원입니다. +item.copper.description = 모든 종류의 블록에서 광범위하게 사용되는 자원입니다. item.lead.name = 납 item.lead.description = 쉽게 구할 수 있으며, 전자 및 액체 수송 블록에서 광범위하게 사용되는 자원입니다. item.coal.name = 석탄 @@ -430,17 +433,17 @@ item.titanium.description = 파이프 재료나 고급 드릴, 비행기/기체 item.thorium.name = 토륨 item.thorium.description = 건물의 재료, 포탑의 탄약 또는 핵연료로 사용되는 방사성 금속입니다. item.silicon.name = 실리콘 -item.silicon.description = 매우 유용한 반도체로, 태양 전지판과 복잡한 전자 제품에 사용할 수 있습니다. +item.silicon.description = 매우 유용한 반도체로, 기체를 만들거나 태양 전지판 등 전자 건물에 사용할 수 있습니다. item.plastanium.name = 플라스터늄 item.plastanium.description = 고급 항공기 및 분열 탄약에 사용되는 가벼운 연성 재료. item.phase-fabric.name = 메타 item.phase-fabric.description = 최첨단 전자 제품과 자기수리 기술에 사용되는 거의 무중력에 가까운 물질입니다. item.surge-alloy.name = 설금 -item.surge-alloy.description = 주로 건물의 재료로 사용되는 자원입니다 +item.surge-alloy.description = 독특한 전기 특성을 가진 고급 합금입니다. item.biomatter.name = 바이오메터 item.biomatter.description = 이것은 유기농 덤불입니다!\n압축기에 넣어 석유로 바꿀 수 있습니다. item.sand.name = 모래 -item.sand.description = 고밀도 합금이나 플럭스 등에서 제련시 광범위하게 사용되는 일반적인 재료입니다. +item.sand.description = 고밀도 합금 제작이나 제련시 이 광물을 사용하여 소모 재료를 줄이는 등 광범위하게 사용되는 일반적인 재료입니다. item.blast-compound.name = 폭발물 item.blast-compound.description = 포탑 및 건설의 재료로 사용되는 휘발성 폭발물.\n연료로도 사용할 수 있지만, 별로 추천하지는 않습니다. item.pyratite.name = 피라테 @@ -464,24 +467,24 @@ mech.tau-mech.description = 지원형 기체.\n총을 발사하여 건물을 치 mech.omega-mech.name = 오메가 mech.omega-mech.weapon = 전방 유도미사일 mech.omega-mech.ability = 방어모드 -mech.omega-mech.description = 지상 기체 최종판이자 건물 파괴용으로 적합한 부피가 크고 튼튼한 기체. 방어 모드는 최대 90% 의 피해를 줄일 수 있습니다. +mech.omega-mech.description = 지상 기체 최종판이자 건물 파괴용으로 적합한 부피가 크고 튼튼한 기체.\n방어 모드는 최대 90% 의 피해를 줄일 수 있습니다. mech.dart-ship.name = 다트 mech.dart-ship.weapon = 소총 -mech.dart-ship.description = 표준 비행선. 빠르고 가볍지만 공격력이 거의 없고 채광 속도가 느립니다. +mech.dart-ship.description = 표준 비행선.\n빠르고 가볍지만 공격력이 거의 없고 채광 속도가 느립니다. mech.javelin-ship.name = 자비린 -mech.javelin-ship.description = 치고 빠지는 공격을 위한 비행선. 처음에는 느리지만, 가속도가 붙어 엄청난 속도로 미사일 피해를 입힐 수 있으며, 전격 능력을 사용할 수 있습니다. +mech.javelin-ship.description = 치고 빠지는 공격을 위한 비행선.\n처음에는 느리지만, 가속도가 붙어 엄청난 속도로 미사일 피해를 입힐 수 있으며, 전격 능력을 사용할 수 있습니다. mech.javelin-ship.weapon = 유도 미사일 mech.javelin-ship.ability = 가속 전격 생성기 mech.trident-ship.name = 삼지창 -mech.trident-ship.description = 대형 공중 폭격기. 당연하게도 엄청 단단합니다. +mech.trident-ship.description = 대형 공중 폭격기.\n당연하게도 엄청 단단합니다. mech.trident-ship.weapon = 폭탄 저장고 mech.glaive-ship.name = 글레브 -mech.glaive-ship.description = 크고 잘 무장된 총을 가진 비행선. 방화용 리피터가 장착되어 있으며, 가속도와 최대속도가 높습니다. +mech.glaive-ship.description = 크고 잘 무장된 총을 가진 비행선.\n방화용 리피터가 장착되어 있으며, 가속도와 최대속도가 높습니다. mech.glaive-ship.weapon = 방화총 -text.item.explosiveness = [LIGHT_GRAY]폭발력 : {0} +text.item.explosiveness = [LIGHT_GRAY]폭발성 : {0} text.item.flammability = [LIGHT_GRAY]인화성 : {0} text.item.radioactivity = [LIGHT_GRAY]방사능 : {0} -text.item.fluxiness = [LIGHT_GRAY]플럭스 파워 : {0} +text.item.fluxiness = [LIGHT_GRAY]유동성 : {0} text.unit.health = [LIGHT_GRAY]체력 : {0} text.unit.speed = [LIGHT_GRAY]속도 : {0} text.mech.weapon = [LIGHT_GRAY]무기 : {0} @@ -605,7 +608,7 @@ block.bridge-conduit.name = 다리 파이프 block.rotary-pump.name = 동력 펌프 block.thorium-reactor.name = 토륨 원자로 block.command-center.name = 명령 본부 -block.mass-driver.name = 물질 이동기 +block.mass-driver.name = 자원 발사기 block.blast-drill.name = 고속 발열 드릴 block.thermal-pump.name = 화력 펌프 block.thermal-generator.name = 열발전기 @@ -618,7 +621,7 @@ block.fuse.name = 퓨즈 block.shock-mine.name = 전격 지뢰 block.overdrive-projector.name = 오버드라이브 프로젝터 block.force-projector.name = 보호막 프로젝터 -block.arc.name = Arc +block.arc.name = 아크 block.rtg-generator.name = 토륨 발전소 block.spectre.name = 스펙터 block.meltdown.name = 멜트다운 @@ -631,21 +634,21 @@ team.green.name = 그린팀 team.purple.name = 보라색팀 unit.alpha-drone.name = 알파 드론 unit.spirit.name = 스피릿 드론 -unit.spirit.description = 기본 드론 유닛. 기본적으로 코어에서 1개가 스폰됩니다. 자동으로 채광하며 아이템을 수집하고, 블록을 수리합니다. +unit.spirit.description = 기본 드론 유닛. 기본적으로 코어에서 1개가 스폰됩니다.\n자동으로 채광하며 아이템을 수집하고, 블록을 수리합니다. unit.phantom.name = 팬텀 드론 -unit.phantom.description = 첨단 드론 유닛. 광석을 자동으로 채광하며, 아이템을 수집하고 블록을 수리합니다. 일반 드론보다 훨씬 효과적입니다. +unit.phantom.description = 첨단 드론 유닛.\n광석을 자동으로 채광하며, 아이템을 수집하고 블록을 수리합니다. 일반 드론보다 훨씬 효과적입니다. unit.dagger.name = 디거 -unit.dagger.description = 기본 지상 유닛입니다. 스웜과 같이 쓰면 유용합니다. +unit.dagger.description = 기본 지상 유닛입니다.\n플레이어 기체처럼 드론을 소환하지는 않습니다. unit.titan.name = 타이탄 -unit.titan.description = 고급 지상 유닛입니다. 고밀도 합금을 탄약으로 사용하며 지상과 공중 둘다 공격할 수 있습니다. +unit.titan.description = 고급 지상 유닛입니다.\n원거리 총 대신에 근접 화염 방사기를 가지고 있으며, 지상과 공중 둘다 공격할 수 있습니다. unit.ghoul.name = 구울 폭격기 -unit.ghoul.description = 무거운 지상 폭격기 입니다. 폭발물 또는 피라테를 탄약으로 사용합니다. +unit.ghoul.description = 무겁고 튼튼한 지상 폭격기 입니다.\n주로 적 건물로 이동하여 엄청난 폭격을 가합니다. unit.wraith.name = 유령 전투기 -unit.wraith.description = 코어를 집중적으로 공격하는 방식을 사용하는 전투기 입니다. +unit.wraith.description = 적 핵심 건물 및 유닛을 집중적으로 공격하는 방식을 사용하는 전투기 입니다. unit.fortress.name = 포트리스 -unit.fortress.description = 중포 지상 유닛. 높은 공격력과 체력을 가지고 있습니다. +unit.fortress.description = 중포 지상 유닛.\n높은 공격력을 가진 총과 높은 체력을 가지고 있습니다. unit.revenant.name = 레비던트 -unit.revenant.description = 대형 레이저를 발사하는 공중 유닛입니다. +unit.revenant.description = 튼튼하고 강력한 대형 레이저를 발사하는 공중 유닛입니다. tutorial.begin = 플레이어의 주요 목표는 [LIGHT_GRAY]적군[]을 제거하는 것입니다.\n\n이 게임은 [accent]구리를 채광[]하는 것으로 시작합니다.\n이것을 하기 위해 플레이어의 중심부 근처에 있는 구리 광맥을 누르세요. tutorial.drill = 수동으로 채광하는 것은 효율이 낮습니다.\n[accent]드릴[]은 자동으로 채광 작업을 합니다.\n구리 광맥에 표시된 영역에 드릴을 하나를 놓으세요. tutorial.conveyor = [accent]컨베이어[]를 사용하여 아이템을 코어로 운반합니다.\n드릴에서 코어까지 컨베이어 라인을 만드세요. @@ -667,38 +670,38 @@ tutorial.daggerfactory = 이[accent] 디거 기체 공장[]은\n\n공격하는 tutorial.router = 공장을 작동시키기 위해 자원이 필요합니다.\n컨베이어에 운반되고 있는 자원을 분할할 분배기를 만드세요. tutorial.dagger = 전력 노드를 공장에 연결하세요.\n일단 요구 사항이 충족되면 기체 생산을 시작합니다.\n\n필요에 따라 드릴 및 발전기, 컨베이어를 더 많이 만들 수 있습니다. tutorial.battle = [LIGHT_GRAY]적[]의 코어가 드러났습니다.\n당신의 부대와 디거를 사용하여 파괴하세요. -block.core.description = 게임에서 가장 중요한 건물.\n파괴되면 게임이 끝납니다. -block.copper-wall.description = 구리로 만든 벽. -block.copper-wall-large.description = 구리로 만든 큰 벽. -block.dense-alloy-wall.description = 고밀도 합금으로 만든 벽. 구리벽보다 체력이 높습니다. -block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = 고밀도 합금으로 만든 큰 벽. -block.thorium-wall.description = 토륨으로 만든 벽. -block.thorium-wall-large.description = 토륨으로 만든 큰 벽. -block.phase-wall.description = 날라오는 모든 총알을 튕겨내고 데미지를 입는 특수한 벽입니다. -block.phase-wall-large.description = 메타로 제작한 큰 벽. 날라오는 총알을 모두 튕겨냅니다. +block.core.description = 게임에서 가장 중요한 건물.\n코어가 1개밖에 없을때 파괴되면 게임에서 패배합니다. +block.copper-wall.description = 구리로 만든 방어벽.\n가장 약한 방어벽입니다. +block.copper-wall-large.description = 구리로 만든 큰 방어벽.\n일반 구리벽의 4개를 합쳐놓은 벽이며, 가장 약한 방어벽입니다. +block.dense-alloy-wall.description = 고밀도 합금으로 만든 방어벽.\n구리벽보다 체력이 높습니다. +block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = 고밀도 합금으로 만든 큰 방어벽.\n일반 고밀도 합금 벽을 4개 합쳐놓은 벽이며, 내구성이 좋습니다. +block.thorium-wall.description = 토륨으로 만든 방어벽.\n아무 기능이 없는 튼튼한 방어벽입니다. +block.thorium-wall-large.description = 토륨으로 만든 큰 방어벽.\n토륨벽을 4개 합쳐놓은 벽이며, 내구성이 뛰어납니다. +block.phase-wall.description = 메타로 제작하는 방어벽.날라오는 모든 총알을 튕겨내고 데미지를 입는 특수한 벽입니다. +block.phase-wall-large.description = 메타로 제작한 큰 방어벽.\n날라오는 총알을 모두 튕겨냅니다. block.surge-wall.description = 데미지를 입으면 번개를 일으켜 대상에게 피해를 입히는 특수한 벽입니다. -block.surge-wall-large.description = 설금을 재료로 한 큰 벽.\n데미지를 입으면 번개를 일으켜 대상에게 피해를 입힙니다. -block.door.description = 유닛이 지나갈 수 있도록 만든 문. 클릭하면 열고 닫습니다. -block.door-large.description = 유닛이 자나갈 수 있도록 만든 큰 문. 클릭하면 열고 닫습니다. -block.mend-projector.description = 주위 건물을 치료하는 건물입니다. -block.overdrive-projector.description = 범위 내 모든 행동의 속도를 높여주는 보조형 건물입니다. +block.surge-wall-large.description = 설금을 재료로 한 큰 방어벽.\n데미지를 입으면 번개를 일으켜 대상에게 피해를 입힙니다. +block.door.description = 유닛이 지나갈 수 있도록 만든 문.\n클릭하면 열고 닫습니다. +block.door-large.description = 유닛이 자나갈 수 있도록 만든 큰 문.\n클릭하면 열고 닫습니다. +block.mend-projector.description = 주위 건물을 넓은 범위로 치료하는 건물입니다. +block.overdrive-projector.description = 범위 내 모든 행동의 속도를 2배 높여주는 보조형 건물입니다. block.force-projector.description = 보호막을 생성하는 건물.\n기본적으로 전력만 있으면 작동하지만, 메타를 넣어 보호막의 범위를 크게 확장시킬 수 있습니다. block.shock-mine.description = 적이 이 블록을 지나가면 전격 공격을 하는 함정형 방어 건물입니다. -block.duo.description = 범용성을 가진 터렛.\n지상 및 공중공격을 하며, 초중반에 유용합니다. +block.duo.description = 범용성을 가진 터렛.\n지상 및 공중공격을 하며, 초반에 유용합니다. block.arc.description = 목표 방향으로 전격 공격을 하는 포탑입니다. -block.hail.description = 장거리 지상 공격을 하는 터렛입니다.\n적이 오기 전에 쓸어버릴 수 있습니다. +block.hail.description = 장거리 지상 공격을 하는 터렛입니다.\n적이 공격하기 전에 쓸어버릴 수 있습니다. block.lancer.description = 중거리 레이져 포탑입니다.\n적을 관통하기 때문에 뭉쳐있는 적들에게 매우 효과적입니다. -block.wave.description = 적이 있는 자리에 액체를 뿌립니다.\n이 포탑을 활용하여 액체를 뿌린 곳에 불을 붙이거나 적을 느리게 할 수 있습니다. +block.wave.description = 적이 있는 자리에 액체를 뿌립니다.\n이 포탑을 활용하여 액체를 뿌린 곳에 불을 붙이거나 적을 느리게 할 수 있습니다. block.salvo.description = 명중률이 높고, 3발씩 끊어 발사하는 포탑입니다. block.swarmer.description = 4발씩 끊어서 유도체를 발사하는 포탑입니다 block.ripple.description = 4개의 탄약으로 나눠 발사하여 명중률이 낮지만, 사거리가 매우 긴 포탑입니다. -block.cyclone.description = 낮은 명중률과 높은 RPM 을 가진 포탑입니다.\n탄약이 남아있는 한 멈추지 않고 계속 연사합니다. +block.cyclone.description = 낮은 명중률과 높은 RPM 을 가진 포탑입니다.\n사격하는데 쿨타임이 거의 없습니다. block.fuse.description = 단거리에서 범위형 레이저를 발사하는 포탑입니다. block.spectre.description = 높은 명중률과 RPM 을 가진 포탑입니다.\n탄약이 남아있는 한 멈추지 않고 계속 연사합니다. -block.meltdown.description = 목표를 따라 초대형 레이져를 발사하는 포탑입니다.\n뭉쳐있는 몹에게 매우 효과가 좋습니다. +block.meltdown.description = 목표를 따라 초대형 레이져를 발사하는 포탑입니다.\n조준 시간이 길어 공중에는 적합하지 않지만 뭉쳐있는 몹에게 매우 효과가 좋습니다. block.conveyor.description = 느린 속도로 자원을 수송할 수 있는 컨베이어. block.titanium-conveyor.description = 빠른 속도로 자원을 수송할 수 있는 컨베이어. -block.phase-conveyor.description = 자원을 순간이동 시켜 주는 컨베이어 입니다. +block.phase-conveyor.description = 자원을 지정된 방향으로 바로 이동시켜 주는 컨베이어 입니다. block.junction.description = 컨베이어를 교차시켜 자원을 수송할 때 사용할 수 있는 블록입니다. block.mass-driver.description = 자원을 받아서 다른 물질 이동기로 전달할 수 있는 블록입니다.\n엄청난 사거리를 가지고 있으며, 주로 컨베이어가 접근할 수 없는 곳에 유용하게 사용됩니다. block.smelter.description = 고밀도 합금을 제작할 수 있는 건물입니다. @@ -714,8 +717,8 @@ block.cryofluidmixer.description = 냉각수를 제작할 수 있는 건물입 block.solidifer.description = 용암을 돌로 만들 수 있는 건물입니다. block.melter.description = 돌로 용암을 만들 수 있는 건물입니다. block.incinerator.description = 불필요한 아이템을 소각시켜 줄 수 있는 건물입니다. -block.biomattercompressor.description = 잔디밭에서 바이오메터를 추출할 수 있는 건물입니다. -block.separator.description = 돌을 분해하여 각종 자원으로 재활용 할 수 있게 해 주는 건물입니다. +block.biomattercompressor.description = 잔디밭에서 바이오메터를 추출할 수 있는 건물입니다. +block.separator.description = 돌을 분해하여 각종 자원으로 재활용 할 수 있게 해 주는 건물입니다. block.centrifuge.description = 돌을 분해하여 각종 자원으로 재활용 할 수 있게 해 주는 건물이지만, 이 건물은 좀 더 다양한 자원을 얻을 수 있게 해 줍니다. block.power-node.description = 생성된 전력를 다른 건물로 전달하기 위한 전력 노드입니다. block.power-node-large.description = 생성된 전력를 다른 건물로 전달하기 위한 건물이며, 일반 노드보다 더 많은 전력을 이동시킬 수 있습니다. @@ -729,33 +732,33 @@ block.solar-panel-large.description = 태양열을 받아 자기 스스로 전 block.thorium-reactor.description = 토륨을 원료로 하는 토륨 원자로 입니다.\n많은 전력을 생산하지만 엄청난 열을 발생시키기 때문에, 많은 량의 물 또는 냉각수가 있어야 터지지 않고 작동합니다. block.rtg-generator.description = 냉각은 필요 없지만 토륨 원자로보다 적은량의 전력을 생산하는 방사선 동위원소 열전자 발전기. block.unloader.description = 해당 창고 및 코어에서 자원을 빼내는데 사용됩니다. -block.container.description = 아이템을 임시로 저장할 수 있는 소형 창고입니다. -block.vault.description = 아이템을 임시로 저장할 수 있는 대형 창고입니다. +block.container.description = 아이템을 저장할 수 있는 소형 창고입니다. +block.vault.description = 아이템을 저장할 수 있는 대형 창고입니다. block.mechanical-drill.description = 구리로 제작할 수 있는 기본 드릴입니다. block.pneumatic-drill.description = 돌, 티타늄을 채광할 수 있는 고급 드릴입니다. block.laser-drill.description = 토륨을 채광할 수 있는 최고급 드릴입니다.\n전력과 물을 공급하여 빠른 속도로 채광할 수 있습니다. -block.blast-drill.description = 최상위 드릴입니다. 엄청난 양의 전력과 물을 소모하는 대신, 매우 빠른 속도로 채광합니다. +block.blast-drill.description = 최상위 드릴입니다.\n엄청난 양의 전력과 물을 소모하는 대신, 매우 빠른 속도로 채광합니다. block.water-extractor.description = 바닥에서 물을 추출하여 건물에 공급할 수 있는 건물입니다. block.cultivator.description = 잔디에서 바이오메터를 추출할 수 있는 건물입니다. block.oil-extractor.description = 석유를 추출 해 주는 건물입니다. -block.dart-ship-pad.description = 다트 비행선으로 바꿀 수 있는 패드입니다. -block.trident-ship-pad.description = 삼지창 비행선으로 바꿀 수 있는 패드입니다. -block.javelin-ship-pad.description = 자비린 비행선으로 바꿀 수 있는 패드입니다. -block.glaive-ship-pad.description = 글레브 비행선으로 바꿀 수 있는 패드입니다. -block.tau-mech-pad.description = 타우 기체로 바꿀 수 있는 패드 -block.delta-mech-pad.description = 델타 기체로 바꿀 수 있는 패드입니다. -block.omega-mech-pad.description = 오메가 기체로 바꿀 수 있는 패드 -block.spirit-factory.description = 스피릿 유닛을 생산하는 공장입니다. -block.phantom-factory.description = 유닛 팬텀을 생산하는 공장입니다. -block.wraith-factory.description = 유닛 유령 전투기를 소환하는 공장입니다. -block.ghoul-factory.description = 구울 유닛을 생산하는 공장입니다. -block.dagger-factory.description = 디거를 생산하는 공장입니다. -block.titan-factory.description = 타이탄 유닛을 생산할 수 있는 공장입니다. -block.fortress-factory.description = 포트리스를 생산하는 공장입니다. -block.revenant-factory.description = 레비던트 유닛을 생산할 수 있는 공장입니다. -block.repair-point.description = 근처 유닛들을 수리하는 건물입니다. +block.dart-ship-pad.description = 다트 비행선으로 바꿀 수 있는 패드입니다.\n\n누르거나 클릭하여 이 기체로 바꿉니다. +block.trident-ship-pad.description = 대형 폭격기 역할을 하는 삼지창 비행선으로 바꿀 수 있는 패드입니다.\n\n누르거나 클릭하여 이 기체로 바꿉니다. +block.javelin-ship-pad.description = 처음에는 느리지만 가속도가 붙어 다른 비행선보다 5배 이상 빠르게 움직일 수 있으며, 적에게 부딛쳐서 공격할 수 있는 자비린 패드입니다.\n\n누르거나 클릭하여 이 기체로 바꿉니다. +block.glaive-ship-pad.description = 글레브 비행선으로 바꿀 수 있는 패드입니다.\n\n누르거나 클릭하여 이 기체로 바꿉니다. +block.tau-mech-pad.description = 주위 건물이나 기체를 치료하는 타우 기체로 바꿀 수 있는 패드입니다.\n\n누르거나 클릭하여 이 기체로 바꿉니다. +block.delta-mech-pad.description = 전방에 전격 공격을 하는 델타 기체로 바꿀 수 있는 패드입니다.\n\n누르거나 클릭하여 이 기체로 바꿉니다. +block.omega-mech-pad.description = 건물 파괴용 기체의 끝판왕이며, 공격시 방어모드로 전환되어 최대 90% 피해를 줄일 수 있는 오메가 기체로 바꿀 수 있는 패드입니다.\n\n누르거나 클릭하여 이 기체로 바꿉니다. +block.spirit-factory.description = 코어에 기본적으로 스폰되는 드론인 스피릿 유닛을 생산하는 공장입니다. +block.phantom-factory.description = 일반 드론보다 좀 더 효율적이며 빠른 새 드론인 팬텀을 생산하는 공장입니다. +block.wraith-factory.description = 지상 및 공중을 공격할 수 있으며, 공격후 빠지고 다시 공격하는 방식을 사용하는 유령 전투기를 소환하는 공장입니다. +block.ghoul-factory.description = 지상만 공격할 수 있으며, 건물을 집중 폭격하는데 목적이 있는 구울 비행선 유닛을 생산하는 공장입니다. +block.dagger-factory.description = 지상 및 공중을 공격할 수 있으며, 플레이어 기본 기체인 디거를 생산하는 공장입니다. +block.titan-factory.description = 지상 및 공중을 공격할 수 있으며, 총알 대신 근접 화염 방사기를 가진 타이탄 유닛을 생산할 수 있는 공장입니다. +block.fortress-factory.description = 지상 유닛의 최종판이며, 강력한 총을 가진 포트리스를 생산하는 공장입니다. +block.revenant-factory.description = 공중 유닛의 최종판이며, 강력한 레이저 총을 가진 레비던트 유닛을 생산할 수 있는 공장입니다. +block.repair-point.description = 근처 유닛들을 수리하는 건물입니다.\n커맨드 센터에서 후퇴 명령시 공중 유닛이 이 건물로 이동하여 수리를 받습니다. block.command-center.description = 생산된 유닛들을 제어할 수 있는 건물.\n첫번째 버튼은 적 기지로 공격하며, 두번째는 대기 상태, 세번째는 기지 근처를 돌며 정찰합니다. -block.conduit.description = 일반 파이프. 액체가 지나갈 수 있도록 해 줍니다. +block.conduit.description = 일반 파이프.\n액체가 지나갈 수 있도록 해 줍니다. block.pulse-conduit.description = 티타늄으로 만들어 졌으며, 일반 파이프보다 액체 수용량이 높습니다. block.phase-conduit.description = 물을 먼거리로 순간이동 시켜 주는 장치입니다. block.liquid-router.description = 물펌프를 다른 방향으로 분배할 수 있게 하는 블럭입니다. @@ -767,7 +770,7 @@ block.rotary-pump.description = 일반 물 펌프보다 더 빠른 속도로 물 block.thermal-pump.description = 기계식 펌프보다 3배 빠른 속도로 액체를 퍼올릴 수 있는 펌프이며, 용암도 퍼올릴 수 있는 유일한 펌프입니다. block.router.description = 한 방향에서 아이템을 받은 후 최대 3개의 다른 방향으로 동일하게 출력합니다.\n재료를 한곳에서 여러 대상으로 분할하여 운반하는데 유용합니다. block.distributor.description = 아이템을 최대 7개의 다른 방향으로 똑같이 분할하는 고급 분배기. -block.bridge-conveyor.description = 고급 자원 수송 블록.\n지형이나 건물을 넘어 최대 3개 타일을 건너뛰고 자원을 운송할 수 있습니다. +block.bridge-conveyor.description = 고급 자원 수송 블록.\n지형이나 건물을 넘어 최대 3개 타일을 건너뛰고 자원을 운송할 수 있습니다. block.alpha-mech-pad.description = 알파 기체로 바꿀 수 있는 패드입니다. block.itemsource.description = 자원을 선택하면 그 자원이 무한하게 생성되는 블록입니다. block.liquidsource.description = 무한한 액체를 출력해냅니다. @@ -778,3 +781,5 @@ liquid.water.description = 지상 유닛이 이 위를 지나가면 이동속도 liquid.lava.description = 지상 유닛이 이 위를 지나가면 이동속도가 매우 느려지고, 지속적으로 데미지를 입습니다. liquid.oil.description = 일부 조합 블록에서 사용되는 자원입니다. liquid.cryofluid.description = 포탑 및 토륨 원자로에서 사용되는 자원입니다. + +setting.indicators.name = 인디게이터 표시 diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_pl.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_pl.properties index 93a78942b5..5c602156e2 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_pl.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_pl.properties @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ text.credits.text = Created by [ROYAL]Anuken[] - [SKY]anukendev@gmail.com[]\n\n[GRAY](In case you can't tell, this text is currently unfinished.\nTranslators, don't edit it yet!) text.credits = Zasłużeni -text.discord = Odwiedź nasz serwer Discord +text.discord = Odwiedź nasz serwer Discord! text.link.discord.description = Oficjalny serwer Discord Mindustry text.link.github.description = Kod Gry text.link.dev-builds.description = Niestabilne wersje gry @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ text.linkfail = Nie udało się otworzyć linku!\nURL został skopiowany. text.gameover = Rdzeń został zniszczony. text.gameover.pvp = The[accent] {0}[] team is victorious! text.sector.gameover = This sector has been lost. Re-deploy? -text.sector.retry = Retry +text.sector.retry = Spróbuj ponownie text.highscore = [YELLOW] Nowy rekord! -text.wave.lasted = You lasted until wave [accent]{0}[]. +text.wave.lasted = Wytrwałeś do [accent]{0}[] fali. text.level.highscore = Rekord: [accent]{0} text.level.delete.title = Potwierdź usuwanie text.map.delete = Jesteś pewny, że chcesz usunąć "[accent]{0}[]"? @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ text.construction = Wybrałeś [accent]tryb tworzenia bloków[].\n\nAby zacząć text.deconstruction.title = Poradnik niszczenia bloków text.deconstruction = Wybrałeś [accent]tryb niszczenia bloków[].\n\nAby zacząć niszczenie, po prostu kliknij na blok obok twojego statku.\nKiedy wybrałeś kilka bloków, kliknij ptaszek i twój statek zacznie niszczyć bloki.\n\n- [accent]Anuluj bloki[] z twojej kolekcji przez klikanie ich(?)\n- [accent]Usuwaj bloki na obszrze[] przez zaznacznie ich.\n- [accent]Anuluj niszcznie [] przez kliknięcie X w lewym dolnym rogu. text.showagain = Nie pokazuj tego więcej -text.coreattack = < Core is under attack! > +text.coreattack = < Rdzeń jest atakowany! > text.unlocks = Lista przedmiotów text.savegame = Zapisz Grę text.loadgame = Wczytaj grę @@ -37,37 +37,37 @@ text.sectors = Sektory text.sector = Wybrany Sektor: [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} text.sector.time = Czas: [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} text.sector.deploy = Wejdź -text.sector.abandon = Abandon -text.sector.abandon.confirm = Are you sure you want to abandon all progress at this sector?\nThis cannot be undone! +text.sector.abandon = Opuść +text.sector.abandon.confirm = Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz porzucić cały postęp w tym sektorze?\nProces jest nieodwracalny! text.sector.resume = Wznów text.sector.locked = [scarlet][[Niegotowy] text.sector.unexplored = [accent][[Nieodkryty] -text.missions = Missions:[LIGHT_GRAY] {0} -text.mission = Mission:[LIGHT_GRAY] {0} -text.mission.main = Main Mission:[LIGHT_GRAY] {0} -text.mission.info = Mission Info -text.mission.complete = Mission complete! -text.mission.complete.body = Sector {0},{1} has been conquered. -text.mission.wave = Survive[accent] {0}/{1} []waves\nWave in {2} -text.mission.wave.enemies = Survive[accent] {0}/{1} []waves\n{2} Enemies -text.mission.wave.enemy = Survive[accent] {0}/{1} []waves\n{2} Enemy -text.mission.wave.menu = Survive[accent] {0} []waves -text.mission.battle = Destroy the enemy base. -text.mission.resource.menu = Obtain {0} x{1} -text.mission.resource = Obtain {0}:\n[accent]{1}/{2}[] -text.mission.block = Create {0} -text.mission.unit = Create {0} Unit -text.mission.command = Send Command {0} To Units -text.mission.linknode = Link Power Node -text.mission.display = [accent]Mission:\n[LIGHT_GRAY]{0} +text.missions = Misje:[LIGHT_GRAY] {0} +text.mission = Misja:[LIGHT_GRAY] {0} +text.mission.main = Główna misja:[LIGHT_GRAY] {0} +text.mission.info = Informacje o misji +text.mission.complete = Misja zakończona sukcesem! +text.mission.complete.body = Sektor {0},{1} został podbity. +text.mission.wave = Przetrwaj[accent] {0}/{1} []fal\nNastępna fala w {2} +text.mission.wave.enemies = Przetrwaj[accent] {0}/{1} []fal\nPozostało {2} przeciwników +text.mission.wave.enemy = Przetrwaj[accent] {0}/{1} []fal\nPozostał{2} przeciwnik +text.mission.wave.menu = Przetrwaj[accent] {0} []fal +text.mission.battle = Zniszcz bazę przeciwnika +text.mission.resource.menu = Wydobądź {0} x{1} +text.mission.resource = Wydobądź {0}:\n[accent]{1}/{2}[] +text.mission.block = Stwórz {0} +text.mission.unit = Utwórz {0} jednostkę +text.mission.command = Wyślij komendę {0} do Jednostek +text.mission.linknode = Połącz Węzeł prądu +text.mission.display = [accent]Misja:\n[LIGHT_GRAY]{0} text.mission.mech = Switch to mech[accent] {0}[] -text.mission.create = Create[accent] {0}[] +text.mission.create = Utwórz[accent] {0}[] text.none = text.close = Zamknij text.quit = Wyjdź text.maps = Mapy -text.continue = Continue -text.nextmission = Next Mission +text.continue = Kontynuuj +text.nextmission = Następna misja text.maps.none = [LIGHT_GRAY]Nie znaleziono żadnych map! text.about.button = O grze text.name = Nazwa: @@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ text.players = {0} graczy online text.players.single = {0} gracz online text.server.closing = [accent] Zamykanie serwera... text.server.kicked.kick = Zostałeś wyrzucony z serwera! -text.server.kicked.serverClose = Server closed. -text.server.kicked.sectorComplete = Sector completed. -text.server.kicked.sectorComplete.text = Your mission is complete.\nThe server will now continue at the next sector. +text.server.kicked.serverClose = Serwer został zamknięty. +text.server.kicked.sectorComplete = Sektor ukończony. +text.server.kicked.sectorComplete.text = Twoja misja została ukończona.\nSerwer kontynuuje w następnym sektorze. text.server.kicked.clientOutdated = Nieaktualna gra! Zaktualizują ją! text.server.kicked.serverOutdated = Nieaktualny serwer! text.server.kicked.banned = Zostałeś zbanowany na tym serwerze. @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ text.server.kicked.customClient = Ten serwer nie wspomaga wersji deweloperskich. text.host.info = Przycisk [accent]host[] hostuje serwer na porcie [scarlet]6567[] i [scarlet]6568.[]\nKtokolwiek z tym samym [LIGHT_GRAY]wifi lub hotspotem[] powinien zobaczyć twój serwer.\n\nJeśli chcesz, aby każdy z twoim IP mógł dołączyć, [accent]przekierowywanie portów[] jest potrzebne.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]Notka:Jeśli ktokolwiek ma problem z dołączeniem do gry, upewnij się, że udostępniłeś Mindustry dostęp do sieci. text.join.info = Tutaj możesz wpisać [accent]IP serwera[], aby dołączyć lub wyszukaj [accent]serwery wifi[], do których chcesz dołączyć .\nGra wieloosobowa na LAN i WAN jest wspomagana.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]Notka: Nie ma automatycznej listy wszystkich serwerów; jeśli chcesz dołączyć przez IP, musisz zapytać się hosta o IP. text.hostserver = Stwórz Serwer -text.hostserver.mobile = Host\nGame +text.hostserver.mobile = Hostuj\ngrę text.host = Host text.hosting = [accent] Otwieranie serwera... text.hosts.refresh = Odśwież @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ text.host.invalid = [scarlet] Nie można połączyć się z hostem. text.trace = Zlokalizuj gracza text.trace.playername = Nazwa gracza: [accent]{0} text.trace.ip = IP: [accent]{0} -text.trace.id = Wyjątkowae ID: [accent]{0} +text.trace.id = Wyjątkowe ID: [accent]{0} text.trace.android = Klient Androida: [accent]{0} text.trace.modclient = Zmodowany klient: [accent]{0} text.trace.totalblocksbroken = Łączna liczba zniszczonych bloków: [accent]{0} @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ text.trace.structureblocksbroken = Zniszczone bloki struktur: [accent]{0} text.trace.lastblockbroken = Ostatni zniszczony blok: [accent]{0} text.trace.totalblocksplaced = Łączna liczba zbudowanych bloków: [accent]{0} text.trace.lastblockplaced = Ostatni postawiony blok: [accent]{0} -text.invalidid = Złe ID klienta! Udostępnij report błędu. +text.invalidid = Złe ID klienta! Udostępnij raport błędu. text.server.bans = Bany text.server.bans.none = Nie znaleziono zbanowanych osób! text.server.admins = Admini @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ text.server.outdated.client = [crimson]Przestarzały klient![] text.server.version = [lightgray]Wersja: {0} text.server.custombuild = [yellow]Zmodowany klient text.confirmban = Jesteś pewny, że chcesz zbanować tego gracza? -text.confirmkick = Are you sure you want to kick this player? +text.confirmkick = Jesteś pewny, że chcesz wyrzucić tego gracza? text.confirmunban = Jesteś pewny, że chcesz odbanować tego gracza? text.confirmadmin = Jesteś pewny, że chcesz dać rangę admina temu graczowi? text.confirmunadmin = Jesteś pewny, że chcesz zabrać rangę admina temu graczowi? @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ text.save.rename.text = Zmień nazwę text.selectslot = Wybierz zapis. text.slot = [accent]Slot {0} text.save.corrupted = [accent]Zapis gry jest uszkodzony lub nieprawidłowy! -text.sector.corrupted = [accent]A save file for this sector was found, but loading failed.\nA new one has been created. +text.sector.corrupted = [accent]Zapis sektora został znaleziony, ale nie można go otworzyć.\nNowy sektor został utworzony. text.empty = text.on = Włączone text.off = Wyłączone @@ -190,9 +190,9 @@ text.saving = [accent]Zapisywanie... text.wave = [accent]Fala {0} text.wave.waiting = Fala za {0} text.waiting = Oczekiwanie... -text.waiting.players = Waiting for players... -text.wave.enemies = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} Enemies Remaining -text.wave.enemy = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} Enemy Remaining +text.waiting.players = Oczekiwanie na graczy... +text.wave.enemies = Pozostało [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} wrogów +text.wave.enemy = Pozostał [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} wróg text.loadimage = Załaduj obraz text.saveimage = Zapisz obraz text.unknown = Nieznane @@ -201,8 +201,8 @@ text.builtin = Wbudowane text.map.delete.confirm = Jesteś pewny, że chcesz usunąć tę mapę? Nie będzie można jej przywrócić. text.map.random = [accent]Losowa mapa text.map.nospawn = Ta mapa nie zawiera żadnego rdzenia! Musisz dodać [ROYAL]niebieski[] rdzeń do tej mapy. -text.map.nospawn.pvp = This map does not have any enemy cores for player to spawn into! Add[SCARLET] red[] cores to this map in the editor. -text.map.invalid = Error loading map: corrupted or invalid map file. +text.map.nospawn.pvp = Ta mapa nie ma żadnego rdzenia przeciwnika, aby mogli się zrespić przeciwnicy! Dodaj[SCARLET] czerwony[] rdzeń do mapy w edytorze. +text.map.invalid = Error podczas ładowania mapy: uszkodzony lub niepoprawny plik mapy. text.editor.brush = Pędzel text.editor.slope = \\ text.editor.openin = Otwórz w edytorze @@ -260,13 +260,13 @@ text.editor = Edytor text.mapeditor = Edytor map text.donate = Wspomóż nas text.connectfail = [crimson]Nie można połączyć się z serwerem: [accent] {0} -text.error.unreachable = Server unreachable. -text.error.invalidaddress = Invalid address. -text.error.timedout = Timed out!\nMake sure the host has port forwarding set up, and that the address is correct! -text.error.mismatch = Packet error:\npossible client/server version mismatch.\nMake sure you and the host have the latest version of Mindustry! -text.error.alreadyconnected = Already connected. -text.error.mapnotfound = Map file not found! -text.error.any = Unkown network error. +text.error.unreachable = Serwer niedostępny. +text.error.invalidaddress = Niepoprawny adres. +text.error.timedout = Przekroczono limit czasu!/nUpewnij się, że host ma ustawione przekierowanie portu oraz, czy adres jest poprawny! +text.error.mismatch = Błąd pakietu:\nprawdopodobne niedopasowanie klienta/serwera.\nUpewnij się, że ty i host macie najnowszą wersję Mindustry! +text.error.alreadyconnected = Jesteś już połączony. +text.error.mapnotfound = Plik mapy nie został znaleziony! +text.error.any = Nieznany błąd sieci. text.settings.language = Język text.settings.reset = Przywróć domyślne text.settings.rebind = Zmień przyciski @@ -274,12 +274,12 @@ text.settings.controls = Sterowanie text.settings.game = Gra text.settings.sound = Dźwięk text.settings.graphics = Grafika -text.settings.cleardata = Clear Game Data... +text.settings.cleardata = Wyczyść dane gry... text.settings.clear.confirm = Are you sure you want to clear this data?\nWhat is done cannot be undone! text.settings.clearall.confirm = [scarlet]WARNING![]\nThis will clear all data, including saves, maps, unlocks and keybinds.\nOnce you press 'ok' the game will wipe all data and automatically exit. -text.settings.clearsectors = Clear Sectors -text.settings.clearunlocks = Clear Unlocks -text.settings.clearall = Clear All +text.settings.clearsectors = Wyczyść sektory +text.settings.clearunlocks = Wyczyść listę przedmiotów +text.settings.clearall = Wyczyść wszystko text.paused = Wstrzymano text.yes = Jasne! text.no = Nie ma mowy! @@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ text.blocks.liquidcapacity = Pojemność cieczy text.blocks.maxitemssecond = Maksymalna liczba przedmiotów / Sekunda text.blocks.powerrange = Zakres mocy text.blocks.poweruse = Zużycie prądu -text.blocks.powerdamage = Power/Damage +text.blocks.powerdamage = Moc/Zniszczenia text.blocks.inputitemcapacity = Pojemność materiałów text.blocks.outputitemcapacity = Pojemność produktów text.blocks.itemcapacity = Pojemność przedmiotów @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ text.blocks.outputitem = Produkty text.blocks.drilltier = Co może wykopać text.blocks.drillspeed = Postawowa szybkość kopania text.blocks.liquidoutput = Wyprodukowany płyn -text.blocks.liquidoutputspeed = Liquid Output Speed +text.blocks.liquidoutputspeed = Prędkość odpływu cieczy text.blocks.liquiduse = Zużycie płynów text.blocks.coolant = Płyn chłodzący text.blocks.coolantuse = Zużycie płynu chłodzącego @@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ setting.autotarget.name = Auto-Target setting.fpscap.name = Max FPS setting.fpscap.none = None setting.fpscap.text = {0} FPS -setting.difficulty.training = training +setting.difficulty.training = trening setting.difficulty.easy = łatwy setting.difficulty.normal = normalny setting.difficulty.hard = trudny @@ -370,16 +370,16 @@ setting.musicvol.name = Głośność muzyki setting.mutemusic.name = Wycisz muzykę setting.sfxvol.name = Głośność dźwięków setting.mutesound.name = Wycisz dźwięki -setting.crashreport.name = Send Anonymous Crash Reports +setting.crashreport.name = Wysyłaj anonimowo dane o crashu gry text.keybind.title = Zmień ustawienia przycisków category.general.name = General -category.view.name = View +category.view.name = Wyświetl category.multiplayer.name = Multiplayer -command.attack = Attack -command.retreat = Retreat +command.attack = Atakuj +command.retreat = Wycofaj command.patrol = Patrol -keybind.press = Press a key... -keybind.press.axis = Press an axis or key... +keybind.press = Naciśnij wybrany klawisz... +keybind.press.axis = Naciśnij oś lub klawisz... keybind.move_x.name = Poruszanie w poziomie keybind.move_y.name = Poruszanie w pionie keybind.select.name = Wybieranie @@ -388,9 +388,9 @@ keybind.deselect.name = Deselect keybind.shoot.name = Strzelanie keybind.zoom_hold.name = Inicjator przybliżania keybind.zoom.name = Przybliżanie -keybind.menu.name = menu -keybind.pause.name = pauza -keybind.dash.name = przyśpieszenie +keybind.menu.name = Menu +keybind.pause.name = Pauza +keybind.dash.name = Przyspieszenie keybind.chat.name = Chat keybind.player_list.name = Lista graczy keybind.console.name = Konsola @@ -399,35 +399,35 @@ keybind.toggle_menus.name = Toggle menus keybind.chat_history_prev.name = Chat history prev keybind.chat_history_next.name = Chat history next keybind.chat_scroll.name = Chat scroll -keybind.drop_unit.name = drop unit -keybind.zoom_minimap.name = Zoom minimap +keybind.drop_unit.name = Wyrzuć przedmiot +keybind.zoom_minimap.name = Powiększenie mapy mode.text.help.title = Opis trybów mode.waves.name = Fale mode.waves.description = Normalny tryb. Normalne surowce i fale. -mode.sandbox.name = sandbox +mode.sandbox.name = Sandbox mode.sandbox.description = Nieskończone surowce i fale bez odliczania. Dla przedszkolaków! -mode.freebuild.name = budowanie +mode.freebuild.name = Budowanie mode.freebuild.description = Normalne surowce i fale bez odliczania. mode.pvp.name = PvP -mode.pvp.description = fight against other players locally. +mode.pvp.description = Walcz lokalnie przeciwko innym graczom. content.item.name = Przedmioty content.liquid.name = Płyny -content.unit.name = Units +content.unit.name = Jednostki content.recipe.name = Bloki content.mech.name = Mechs -item.stone.name = kamień +item.stone.name = Kamień item.stone.description = Zwkły surowy materiał. Używany do separacji i zamiany w inne surowce lub lawę. Już jaskiniowcy go używali. item.copper.name = Copper item.copper.description = A useful structure material. Used extensively in all types of blocks. item.lead.name = Ołów item.lead.description = Podstawowy matriał. Używany w przesyle przemiotów i płynów. Nie jest on przypadkiem szkodliwy? -item.coal.name = węgiel +item.coal.name = Węgiel item.coal.description = Zwykły i łatwo dostępny materiał energetyczny. item.dense-alloy.name = Dense Alloy item.dense-alloy.description = A tough alloy made with lead and copper. Used in advanced transportation blocks and high-tier drills. -item.titanium.name = tytan +item.titanium.name = Tytan item.titanium.description = Rzadki i bardzo lekki materiał. Używany w bardzo zaawansowanym przewodnictwie, wiertłach i samolotach. Poczuj się jak Tytan! -item.thorium.name = uran +item.thorium.name = Uran item.thorium.description = Zwarty i radioaktywny materiał używany w struktucrach i paliwie nuklearnym. Nie trzymaj go w rękach! item.silicon.name = Krzem item.silicon.description = Niesamowicie przydatny półprzewodnk uźywany w panelach słonecznych i skomplikowanej elektronice. Nie, w Dolinie Krzemowej już nie ma krzemu. @@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ item.surge-alloy.name = Niezwykły Stop item.surge-alloy.description = An advanced alloy with unique electrical properties. item.biomatter.name = Biomateria item.biomatter.description = Zbita organiczna papka używana jako materiał do ropy lub jako podstawowy materiał energetyczny. Wegańska! -item.sand.name = piasek +item.sand.name = Piasek item.sand.description = Zwykły materiał używany pospolicie w przepalaniu, stopach i jako topnik. Dostanie piaskiem po oczach nie jest przyjemne. item.blast-compound.name = Wybuchowy związek item.blast-compound.description = Lotny związek używany w pirotechnice. Może być używany jako materiał energetyczny, ale nie polecam. BOOOM! @@ -482,52 +482,52 @@ text.item.explosiveness = [LIGHT_GRAY]Wybuchowość: {0} text.item.flammability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Palność: {0} text.item.radioactivity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Promieniotwórczość: {0} text.item.fluxiness = [LIGHT_GRAY]Moc topnika: {0} -text.unit.health = [LIGHT_GRAY]Health: {0} -text.unit.speed = [LIGHT_GRAY]Speed: {0} -text.mech.weapon = [LIGHT_GRAY]Weapon: {0} -text.mech.armor = [LIGHT_GRAY]Armor: {0} -text.mech.itemcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Item Capacity: {0} -text.mech.minespeed = [LIGHT_GRAY]Mining Speed: {0} -text.mech.minepower = [LIGHT_GRAY]Mining Power: {0} -text.mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Ability: {0} +text.unit.health = [LIGHT_GRAY]Zdrowie: {0} +text.unit.speed = [LIGHT_GRAY]Prędkość: {0} +text.mech.weapon = [LIGHT_GRAY]Broń: {0} +text.mech.armor = [LIGHT_GRAY]Uzbrojenie: {0} +text.mech.itemcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Pojemność przedmiotów: {0} +text.mech.minespeed = [LIGHT_GRAY]Prędkość kopania: {0} +text.mech.minepower = [LIGHT_GRAY]Moc kopania: {0} +text.mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Umiejętność: {0} text.liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Wytrzymałość na przegrzewanie: {0} text.liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Lepkość: {0} text.liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]Temperatura: {0} -block.constructing = {0}\n[LIGHT_GRAY](Constructing) -block.spawn.name = Enemy Spawn -block.core.name = Core -block.metalfloor.name = Metal Floor -block.deepwater.name = deepwater -block.water.name = water -block.lava.name = lava -block.tar.name = Tar -block.blackstone.name = blackstone -block.stone.name = stone -block.dirt.name = dirt -block.sand.name = sand -block.ice.name = ice -block.snow.name = snow -block.grass.name = grass -block.shrub.name = shrub -block.rock.name = rock -block.blackrock.name = blackrock -block.icerock.name = icerock -block.copper-wall.name = Copper Wall -block.copper-wall-large.name = Large Copper Wall +block.constructing = {0}\n[LIGHT_GRAY](Budowa) +block.spawn.name = Spawn wrogów +block.core.name = Rdzeń +block.metalfloor.name = Podłoga metalowa +block.deepwater.name = Głęboka woda +block.water.name = Woda +block.lava.name = Lawa +block.tar.name = Smoła +block.blackstone.name = Czarny kamień +block.stone.name = Kamień +block.dirt.name = Ziemia +block.sand.name = Piasek +block.ice.name = Lód +block.snow.name = Śnieg +block.grass.name = Trawa +block.shrub.name = Krzak +block.rock.name = Skała +block.blackrock.name = Czarna skała +block.icerock.name = Lodowa skała +block.copper-wall.name = Miedziana ściana +block.copper-wall-large.name = Duża miedziana ściana block.dense-alloy-wall.name = Dense Alloy Wall block.dense-alloy-wall-large.name = Large Dense Alloy Wall block.phase-wall.name = Phase Wall block.phase-wall-large.name = Large Phase Wall block.thorium-wall.name = Torowa Ściana block.thorium-wall-large.name = Duża Torowa Ściana -block.door.name = drzwi -block.door-large.name = duże drzwi +block.door.name = Drzwi +block.door-large.name = Duże drzwi block.duo.name = Podwójne działko block.scorch.name = Ogniste działko block.hail.name = Święte działko block.lancer.name = Lancer block.conveyor.name = Przenośnik -block.titanium-conveyor.name = Tytanowy Transporter +block.titanium-conveyor.name = Tytanowy przenośnik block.junction.name = Węzeł block.router.name = Rozdzielacz block.distributor.name = Dystrybutor @@ -552,10 +552,10 @@ block.battery.name = Bateria block.battery-large.name = Duża Bateria block.combustion-generator.name = Generator Spalinowy block.turbine-generator.name = Generator Turbinowy -block.mechanical-drill.name = Mechanical Drill -block.pneumatic-drill.name = Pneumatic Drill -block.laser-drill.name = Laserowe Wiertło -block.water-extractor.name = Ekstraktor wody +block.mechanical-drill.name = Wiertło Mechaniczne +block.pneumatic-drill.name = Wiertło Pneumatyczne +block.laser-drill.name = Wiertło Laserowe +block.water-extractor.name = Ekstraktor Wody block.cultivator.name = Spluchniacz block.alpha-mech-pad.name = Alpha Mech Pad block.dart-ship-pad.name = Dart Ship Pad @@ -567,11 +567,11 @@ block.omega-mech-pad.name = Omega Mech Pad block.tau-mech-pad.name = Tau Mech Pad block.conduit.name = Rura block.mechanical-pump.name = Mechaniczna Pompa -block.itemsource.name = DEBUG Źródło przedmiotów -block.itemvoid.name = Item Void -block.liquidsource.name = DEBUG Źródło płynów -block.powervoid.name = Power Void -block.powerinfinite.name = DEBUG Nieskończony Prąd +block.itemsource.name = Źródło przedmiotów +block.itemvoid.name = Próżnia przedmiotów +block.liquidsource.name = Źródło płynów +block.powervoid.name = Próżnia prądu +block.powerinfinite.name = Nieskończony Prąd block.unloader.name = Wyciągacz block.vault.name = Magazyn block.wave.name = Działo Płynowe @@ -603,33 +603,33 @@ block.liquid-tank.name = Zbiornik Płynów block.liquid-junction.name = Łącznik Płynów block.bridge-conduit.name = Most Płynów block.rotary-pump.name = Wirowa Pompa -block.thorium-reactor.name = Thorium Reactor -block.command-center.name = Command Center +block.thorium-reactor.name = Reaktor Torowy +block.command-center.name = Centrum dowodzenia block.mass-driver.name = Mass Driver block.blast-drill.name = Blast Drill -block.thermal-pump.name = Thermal Pump -block.thermal-generator.name = Thermal Generator +block.thermal-pump.name = Pompa Termalna +block.thermal-generator.name = Generator Termalny block.alloy-smelter.name = Alloy Smtler block.mend-projector.name = Mend Projector block.surge-wall.name = Surge Wall block.surge-wall-large.name = Large Surge Wall block.cyclone.name = Cyclone block.fuse.name = Fuse -block.shock-mine.name = Shock Mine +block.shock-mine.name = Mina block.overdrive-projector.name = Overdrive Projector block.force-projector.name = Force Projector block.arc.name = Arc -block.rtg-generator.name = RTG Generator +block.rtg-generator.name = Generator RTG block.spectre.name = Spectre block.meltdown.name = Meltdown block.container.name = Container -block.core.description = The most important building in the game. -team.blue.name = blue -team.red.name = red -team.orange.name = orange -team.none.name = gray -team.green.name = green -team.purple.name = purple +block.core.description = Najważniejszy budynek w grze. +team.blue.name = niebieski +team.red.name = czerwony +team.orange.name = pomarańczowy +team.none.name = szary +team.green.name = zielony +team.purple.name = fioletowy unit.alpha-drone.name = Alpha Drone unit.spirit.name = Spirit Drone unit.spirit.description = The starter drone unit. Spawns in the core by default. Automatically mines ores, collects items and repairs blocks. @@ -756,25 +756,25 @@ block.revenant-factory.description = Produces heavy laser ground units. block.repair-point.description = Continuously heals the closest damaged unit in its vicinity. block.command-center.description = Allows changing friendly AI behavior. Currently, attack, retreat and patrol commands are supported. block.conduit.description = Basic liquid transport block. Works like a conveyor, but with liquids. Best used with extractors, pumps or other conduits. -block.pulse-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Transports liquids faster and stores more than standard conduits. -block.phase-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Uses power to teleport liquids to a connected phase conduit over several tiles. +block.pulse-conduit.description = Zaawansowany blok do przenoszenia cieczy. Transports liquids faster and stores more than standard conduits. +block.phase-conduit.description = Zaawansowany blok do przenoszenia cieczy. Używa prądu, aby przenieść ciecz do połączonego phase conduit przez kilka bloków. block.liquid-router.description = Accepts liquids from one direction and outputs them to up to 3 other directions equally. Can also store a certain amount of liquid. Useful for splitting the liquids from one source to multiple targets. block.liquid-tank.description = Stores a large amount of liquids. Use it for creating buffers when there is a non-constant demand of materials or as a safeguard for cooling vital blocks. -block.liquid-junction.description = Acts as a bridge for two crossing conduits. Useful in situations with two different conduits carrying different liquids to different locations. -block.bridge-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Allows transporting liquids over up to 3 tiles of any terrain or building. -block.mechanical-pump.description = A cheap pump with slow output, but no power consumption. -block.rotary-pump.description = An advanced pump which doubles up speed by using power. +block.liquid-junction.description = Działa jak most dla dwóch krzyżujących się rur. Przydatne w sytuacjach, kiedy dwie rury mają różne ciecze do różnych lokacji. +block.bridge-conduit.description = Zaawansowany blok przenoszący ciecze. Pozwala na przenoszenie cieczy nawet do 3 bloków na każdym terenie, przez każdy budynek. +block.mechanical-pump.description = Tania pompa o niskiej przepustowości. Nie wymaga prądu. +block.rotary-pump.description = Zaawansowana pompa, dwukrotnie większa przepustowość od mechanicznej pompy. Wymaga prądu. block.thermal-pump.description = The ultimate pump. Three times as fast as a mechanical pump and the only pump which is able to retrieve lava. -block.router.description = Accepts items from one direction and outputs them to up to 3 other directions equally. Useful for splitting the materials from one source to multiple targets. -block.distributor.description = An advanced router which splits items to up to 7 other directions equally. -block.bridge-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Allows transporting items over up to 3 tiles of any terrain or building. +block.router.description = Akceptuje przedmioty z jednego miejsca i rozdziela je do trzech innych kierunków. Przydatne w rozdzielaniu materiałów z jednego źródła do wielu celów. +block.distributor.description = Zaawansowany rozdzielacz, rozdzielający przedmioty do 7 innych kierunków. +block.bridge-conveyor.description = Zaawansowany blok transportujący. Pozwala na przenoszenie przedmiotów nawet do 3 bloków na każdym terenie, przez każdy budynek. block.alpha-mech-pad.description = When given enough power, rebuilds your ship into the[accent] Alpha[] mech. -block.itemsource.description = Infinitely outputs items. Sandbox only. -block.liquidsource.description = Infinitely outputs liquids. Sandbox only. -block.itemvoid.description = Destroys any items which go into it without using power. Sandbox only. -block.powerinfinite.description = Infinitely outputs power. Sandbox only. -block.powervoid.description = Voids all power inputted into it. Sandbox only. -liquid.water.description = Commonly used for cooling machines and waste processing. -liquid.lava.description = Can be transformed into[LIGHT_GRAY] stone[], used for generating power or used as ammo for certain turrets. -liquid.oil.description = Can be burnt, exploded or used as a coolant. -liquid.cryofluid.description = The most efficient liquid for cooling things down. +block.itemsource.description = Wydziela przedmioty w nieskończoność. Dostępny tylko w trybie sandbox. +block.liquidsource.description = Wydziela ciecz w nieskończoność. Dostępny tylko w trybie sandbox. +block.itemvoid.description = Niszczy wszystkie przedmioty, które idą do tego bloku, który nie wymaga prądu. Dostępny tylko w trybie sandbox. +block.powerinfinite.description = Wydziela prąd w nieskończoność. Dostępny tylko w trybie sandbox. +block.powervoid.description = Niszczy całą energię wprowadzoną do tego bloku. Dostępny tylko w trybie sandbox. +liquid.water.description = Powszechnie używana do schładzania budowli i przetwarzania odpadów. +liquid.lava.description = Może być przekształcona w [LIGHT_GRAY] kamień[]; używana do generowania prądu lub używana jako amunicja dla niektórych działek. +liquid.oil.description = Może się palić, eksplodować lub być używana do schładzania. +liquid.cryofluid.description = Najefektywniejsza ciecz do schładzania budowli. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_zh_TW.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_zh_TW.properties index 7800279a14..d7f8aaf123 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_zh_TW.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_zh_TW.properties @@ -384,6 +384,8 @@ category.multiplayer.name = 多人 command.attack = 攻擊 command.retreat = 撤退 command.patrol = 巡邏 +keybind.gridMode.name = 方塊選取 +keybind.gridModeShift.name = 類別選取 keybind.press = 按一下鍵…… keybind.press.axis = 按一下軸心或鍵…… keybind.screenshot.name = 地圖截圖 diff --git a/core/assets/sprites/sprites.atlas b/core/assets/sprites/sprites.atlas index 0796c49985..d5145aeba9 100644 --- a/core/assets/sprites/sprites.atlas +++ b/core/assets/sprites/sprites.atlas @@ -6,5138 +6,5187 @@ filter: Nearest,Nearest repeat: none force-projector-top rotate: false - xy: 327, 1503 + xy: 359, 949 size: 96, 96 orig: 96, 96 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 mend-projector-top rotate: false - xy: 1065, 1655 + xy: 719, 1587 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 overdrive-projector-top rotate: false - xy: 1263, 1787 + xy: 785, 1653 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 bridge-conveyor rotate: false - xy: 295, 747 + xy: 869, 999 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 bridge-conveyor-bridge rotate: false - xy: 329, 781 + xy: 869, 965 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 bridge-conveyor-end rotate: false - xy: 295, 713 + xy: 879, 931 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 conveyor-0-1 rotate: false - xy: 329, 339 + xy: 1273, 1660 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 conveyor-0-2 rotate: false - xy: 295, 271 + xy: 739, 850 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 conveyor-0-3 rotate: false - xy: 329, 305 + xy: 1041, 1487 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 conveyor-1-0 rotate: false - xy: 295, 237 + xy: 1041, 1453 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 conveyor-1-1 rotate: false - xy: 329, 271 + xy: 1075, 1495 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 conveyor-1-2 rotate: false - xy: 295, 203 + xy: 1075, 1461 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 conveyor-1-3 rotate: false - xy: 329, 237 + xy: 1115, 1561 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 conveyor-2-0 rotate: false - xy: 295, 169 + xy: 1149, 1561 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 conveyor-2-1 rotate: false - xy: 329, 203 + xy: 1980, 1949 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 conveyor-2-2 rotate: false - xy: 295, 135 + xy: 1980, 1915 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 conveyor-2-3 rotate: false - xy: 329, 169 + xy: 1980, 1881 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 conveyor-3-0 rotate: false - xy: 295, 101 + xy: 2014, 1957 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 conveyor-3-1 rotate: false - xy: 329, 135 + xy: 2014, 1923 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 conveyor-3-2 rotate: false - xy: 295, 67 + xy: 2014, 1889 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 conveyor-3-3 rotate: false - xy: 329, 101 + xy: 913, 1321 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 conveyor-4-0 rotate: false - xy: 329, 67 + xy: 913, 1287 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 conveyor-4-1 rotate: false - xy: 301, 33 + xy: 913, 1253 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 conveyor-4-2 rotate: false - xy: 335, 33 + xy: 913, 1219 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 conveyor-4-3 rotate: false - xy: 401, 913 + xy: 913, 1185 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titanium-conveyor-0-1 rotate: false - xy: 1917, 1297 + xy: 829, 788 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titanium-conveyor-0-2 rotate: false - xy: 1951, 1297 + xy: 795, 720 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titanium-conveyor-0-3 rotate: false - xy: 1985, 1289 + xy: 829, 754 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titanium-conveyor-1-0 rotate: false - xy: 369, 879 + xy: 795, 686 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titanium-conveyor-1-1 rotate: false - xy: 403, 879 + xy: 829, 720 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titanium-conveyor-1-2 rotate: false - xy: 437, 879 + xy: 795, 652 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titanium-conveyor-1-3 rotate: false - xy: 371, 845 + xy: 829, 686 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titanium-conveyor-2-0 rotate: false - xy: 405, 845 + xy: 795, 618 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titanium-conveyor-2-1 rotate: false - xy: 439, 845 + xy: 829, 652 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titanium-conveyor-2-2 rotate: false - xy: 397, 811 + xy: 795, 584 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titanium-conveyor-2-3 rotate: false - xy: 397, 777 + xy: 829, 618 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titanium-conveyor-3-0 rotate: false - xy: 431, 811 + xy: 795, 550 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titanium-conveyor-3-1 rotate: false - xy: 397, 743 + xy: 829, 584 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titanium-conveyor-3-2 rotate: false - xy: 431, 777 + xy: 795, 516 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titanium-conveyor-3-3 rotate: false - xy: 397, 709 + xy: 829, 550 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titanium-conveyor-4-0 rotate: false - xy: 431, 743 + xy: 795, 482 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titanium-conveyor-4-1 rotate: false - xy: 397, 675 + xy: 829, 516 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titanium-conveyor-4-2 rotate: false - xy: 431, 709 + xy: 829, 482 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titanium-conveyor-4-3 rotate: false - xy: 397, 641 + xy: 863, 788 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 junction rotate: false - xy: 363, 67 + xy: 1049, 853 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 mass-driver-turret rotate: false - xy: 327, 1209 + xy: 359, 655 size: 96, 96 orig: 96, 96 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 phase-conveyor-arrow rotate: false - xy: 1713, 1401 + xy: 637, 286 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 phase-conveyor-bridge rotate: false - xy: 1747, 1435 + xy: 637, 252 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 phase-conveyor-end rotate: false - xy: 1781, 1469 + xy: 637, 218 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 warp-gate rotate: false - xy: 425, 1111 + xy: 555, 1439 size: 96, 96 orig: 96, 96 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 warp-gate-top rotate: false - xy: 523, 1209 + xy: 555, 1341 size: 96, 96 orig: 96, 96 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 blast-drill rotate: false - xy: 131, 1414 + xy: 131, 148 size: 96, 96 orig: 96, 96 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 blast-drill-rim rotate: false - xy: 131, 1316 + xy: 131, 50 size: 96, 96 orig: 96, 96 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 blast-drill-rotator rotate: false - xy: 131, 1218 + xy: 261, 1733 size: 96, 96 orig: 96, 96 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 blast-drill-top rotate: false - xy: 131, 1120 + xy: 261, 1635 size: 96, 96 orig: 96, 96 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 laser-drill rotate: false - xy: 933, 1655 + xy: 785, 1785 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 laser-drill-rotator rotate: false - xy: 1131, 1787 + xy: 653, 1587 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 laser-drill-top rotate: false - xy: 1065, 1721 + xy: 719, 1653 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 mechanical-drill rotate: false - xy: 999, 1655 + xy: 785, 1719 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 mechanical-drill-rotator rotate: false - xy: 1197, 1787 + xy: 851, 1785 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 mechanical-drill-top rotate: false - xy: 1131, 1721 + xy: 653, 1521 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 oil-extractor rotate: false - xy: 425, 1307 + xy: 457, 753 size: 96, 96 orig: 96, 96 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 oil-extractor-liquid rotate: false - xy: 523, 1405 + xy: 261, 459 size: 96, 96 orig: 96, 96 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 oil-extractor-rotator rotate: false - xy: 621, 1503 + xy: 359, 557 size: 96, 96 orig: 96, 96 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 oil-extractor-top rotate: false - xy: 229, 1013 + xy: 457, 655 size: 96, 96 orig: 96, 96 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 plasma-drill rotate: false - xy: 943, 1919 + xy: 131, 1368 size: 128, 128 orig: 128, 128 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 plasma-drill-rim rotate: false - xy: 1073, 1919 + xy: 131, 1238 size: 128, 128 orig: 128, 128 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 plasma-drill-rotator rotate: false - xy: 1203, 1919 + xy: 131, 1108 size: 128, 128 orig: 128, 128 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 plasma-drill-top rotate: false - xy: 1333, 1919 + xy: 131, 978 size: 128, 128 orig: 128, 128 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 pneumatic-drill rotate: false - xy: 1329, 1721 + xy: 917, 1719 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 pneumatic-drill-rotator rotate: false - xy: 1263, 1655 + xy: 983, 1785 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 pneumatic-drill-top rotate: false - xy: 1461, 1787 + xy: 653, 1389 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 water-extractor rotate: false - xy: 1791, 1721 + xy: 1115, 1719 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 water-extractor-liquid rotate: false - xy: 1725, 1655 + xy: 1181, 1785 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 water-extractor-rotator rotate: false - xy: 1857, 1721 + xy: 851, 1389 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 water-extractor-top rotate: false - xy: 1791, 1655 + xy: 917, 1455 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 blackrock1 rotate: false - xy: 963, 1413 + xy: 879, 1237 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 block-icon-blackrock rotate: false - xy: 963, 1413 + xy: 879, 1237 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +blackrockshadow1 + rotate: false + xy: 879, 1203 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 blackstone1 rotate: false - xy: 997, 1413 + xy: 879, 1169 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 block-icon-blackstone rotate: false - xy: 997, 1413 + xy: 879, 1169 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 blackstone2 rotate: false - xy: 1031, 1413 + xy: 879, 1135 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 blackstone3 rotate: false - xy: 1065, 1413 + xy: 129, 16 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 blackstoneedge rotate: false - xy: 1812, 1605 + xy: 1848, 1801 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 coal1 rotate: false - xy: 329, 747 + xy: 879, 897 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 coal2 rotate: false - xy: 295, 679 + xy: 915, 1033 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 coal3 rotate: false - xy: 329, 713 + xy: 903, 999 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 copper1 rotate: false - xy: 435, 913 + xy: 913, 1151 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 copper2 rotate: false - xy: 499, 1011 + xy: 947, 1329 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 copper3 rotate: false - xy: 533, 1011 + xy: 947, 1295 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 dirt2 rotate: false - xy: 1469, 1521 + xy: 981, 1295 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 dirt3 rotate: false - xy: 1475, 1487 + xy: 981, 1261 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 dirtedge rotate: false - xy: 885, 1497 + xy: 629, 1189 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 generic-cliff-edge rotate: false - xy: 927, 1277 + xy: 1998, 1817 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ice-cliff-edge rotate: false - xy: 927, 1277 + xy: 1998, 1817 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 generic-cliff-edge-1 rotate: false - xy: 363, 645 + xy: 1998, 1783 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ice-cliff-edge-1 rotate: false - xy: 363, 645 + xy: 1998, 1783 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 generic-cliff-edge-2 rotate: false - xy: 961, 1277 + xy: 947, 1125 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ice-cliff-edge-2 rotate: false - xy: 961, 1277 + xy: 947, 1125 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 generic-cliff-side rotate: false - xy: 363, 611 + xy: 981, 1125 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ice-cliff-side rotate: false - xy: 363, 611 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -grass2 - rotate: false - xy: 995, 1277 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -grass3 - rotate: false - xy: 363, 577 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -grassedge - rotate: false - xy: 1035, 1547 - size: 48, 48 - orig: 48, 48 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -ice2 - rotate: false - xy: 363, 475 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -ice3 - rotate: false - xy: 1131, 1277 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -iceedge - rotate: false - xy: 935, 1447 - size: 48, 48 - orig: 48, 48 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -icerock2 - rotate: false - xy: 363, 441 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -lavaedge - rotate: false - xy: 1135, 1547 - size: 48, 48 - orig: 48, 48 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -lead1 - rotate: false - xy: 1053, 1243 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -lead2 - rotate: false - xy: 1019, 1209 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -lead3 - rotate: false - xy: 1087, 1243 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -metalfloor2 - rotate: false - xy: 1189, 1209 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -metalfloor3 - rotate: false - xy: 1257, 1243 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -metalfloor4 - rotate: false - xy: 1223, 1209 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -metalfloor5 - rotate: false - xy: 1291, 1243 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -metalfloor6 - rotate: false - xy: 1257, 1209 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -metalflooredge - rotate: false - xy: 1135, 1497 - size: 48, 48 - orig: 48, 48 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -rock2 - rotate: false - xy: 1815, 1401 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -sand2 - rotate: false - xy: 1781, 1333 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -sand3 - rotate: false - xy: 1815, 1367 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -sandedge - rotate: false - xy: 1085, 1447 - size: 48, 48 - orig: 48, 48 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -snow2 - rotate: false - xy: 1917, 1433 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -snow3 - rotate: false - xy: 1917, 1399 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -snowedge - rotate: false - xy: 1185, 1497 - size: 48, 48 - orig: 48, 48 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -spaceedge - rotate: false - xy: 1135, 1447 - size: 48, 48 - orig: 48, 48 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -stone-cliff-edge - rotate: false - xy: 1985, 1527 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -stone-cliff-edge-1 - rotate: false - xy: 1985, 1493 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -stone-cliff-edge-2 - rotate: false - xy: 1985, 1459 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -stone-cliff-side - rotate: false - xy: 1985, 1425 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -stone2 - rotate: false - xy: 1961, 1561 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -stone3 - rotate: false - xy: 1995, 1561 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -stoneedge - rotate: false - xy: 1235, 1497 - size: 48, 48 - orig: 48, 48 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -taredge - rotate: false - xy: 1335, 1547 - size: 48, 48 - orig: 48, 48 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -thorium1 - rotate: false - xy: 1713, 1299 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -thorium2 - rotate: false - xy: 1747, 1299 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -thorium3 - rotate: false - xy: 1781, 1299 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -titanium1 - rotate: false - xy: 1815, 1299 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -titanium2 - rotate: false - xy: 1849, 1299 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -titanium3 - rotate: false - xy: 1883, 1297 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -water-cliff-edge - rotate: false - xy: 397, 607 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -water-cliff-edge-1 - rotate: false - xy: 431, 641 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -water-cliff-edge-2 - rotate: false - xy: 397, 573 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -water-cliff-side - rotate: false - xy: 431, 607 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -wateredge - rotate: false - xy: 1285, 1447 - size: 48, 48 - orig: 48, 48 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-border - rotate: false - xy: 1591, 1567 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-elevation - rotate: false - xy: 1625, 1571 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-middle - rotate: false - xy: 199, 8 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -pump-liquid - rotate: false - xy: 199, 8 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-slope - rotate: false - xy: 233, 15 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -border - rotate: false - xy: 267, 15 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -conduit-liquid - rotate: false - xy: 329, 475 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -cross-1 - rotate: false - xy: 1407, 1403 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -cross-2 - rotate: false - xy: 663, 1073 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -cross-3 - rotate: false - xy: 229, 1503 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -cross-4 - rotate: false - xy: 594, 1797 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -place-arrow - rotate: false - xy: 1815, 1503 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -ripples - rotate: false - xy: 1385, 1505 - size: 40, 40 - orig: 40, 40 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -rubble-1-0 - rotate: false - xy: 1527, 1787 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -rubble-1-1 - rotate: false - xy: 1461, 1721 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -rubble-2-0 - rotate: false - xy: 1395, 1655 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -rubble-2-1 - rotate: false - xy: 1593, 1787 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -rubble-3-0 - rotate: false - xy: 523, 1307 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -rubble-3-1 - rotate: false - xy: 523, 1307 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -bridge-conduit-arrow - rotate: false - xy: 303, 815 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -bridge-conveyor-arrow - rotate: false - xy: 303, 815 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -bridge-conduit-bridge - rotate: false - xy: 337, 815 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -bridge-conduit-end - rotate: false - xy: 295, 781 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -conduit-bottom - rotate: false - xy: 329, 611 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -conduit-bottom-0 - rotate: false - xy: 295, 543 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -conduit-bottom-1 - rotate: false - xy: 329, 577 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -conduit-bottom-2 - rotate: false - xy: 295, 509 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -conduit-bottom-3 - rotate: false - xy: 329, 543 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -conduit-bottom-4 - rotate: false - xy: 295, 475 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -conduit-bottom-5 - rotate: false - xy: 329, 509 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -conduit-bottom-6 - rotate: false - xy: 295, 441 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -conduit-top-0 - rotate: false - xy: 295, 407 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -conduit-top-1 - rotate: false - xy: 329, 441 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -conduit-top-2 - rotate: false - xy: 295, 373 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -conduit-top-3 - rotate: false - xy: 329, 407 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -conduit-top-4 - rotate: false - xy: 295, 339 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -conduit-top-5 - rotate: false - xy: 329, 373 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -conduit-top-6 - rotate: false - xy: 295, 305 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -liquid-router-bottom - rotate: false - xy: 1189, 1243 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -liquid-router-liquid - rotate: false - xy: 1155, 1209 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -liquid-router-top - rotate: false - xy: 1223, 1243 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -liquid-tank-bottom - rotate: false - xy: 425, 1405 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -liquid-tank-liquid - rotate: false - xy: 523, 1503 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -liquid-tank-top - rotate: false - xy: 229, 1111 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -phase-conduit-arrow - rotate: false - xy: 1747, 1469 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -phase-conduit-bridge - rotate: false - xy: 1781, 1503 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -phase-conduit-end - rotate: false - xy: 1679, 1367 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -pulse-conduit-top-0 - rotate: false - xy: 1781, 1435 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -pulse-conduit-top-1 - rotate: false - xy: 1815, 1469 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -pulse-conduit-top-2 - rotate: false - xy: 1849, 1503 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -pulse-conduit-top-3 - rotate: false - xy: 1713, 1333 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -pulse-conduit-top-4 - rotate: false - xy: 1747, 1367 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -pulse-conduit-top-5 - rotate: false - xy: 1781, 1401 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -pulse-conduit-top-6 - rotate: false - xy: 1815, 1435 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -alpha-mech-pad - rotate: false - xy: 229, 775 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-alpha-mech-pad - rotate: false - xy: 229, 775 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -battery - rotate: false - xy: 929, 1413 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-battery - rotate: false - xy: 929, 1413 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -battery-large - rotate: false - xy: 131, 1512 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-battery-large - rotate: false - xy: 131, 1512 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -combustion-generator-top - rotate: false - xy: 295, 645 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -fusion-reactor - rotate: false - xy: 1, 1074 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -fusion-reactor-bottom - rotate: false - xy: 1, 944 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -fusion-reactor-light - rotate: false - xy: 1, 814 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -fusion-reactor-plasma-0 - rotate: false - xy: 1, 684 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -fusion-reactor-plasma-1 - rotate: false - xy: 1, 554 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -fusion-reactor-plasma-2 - rotate: false - xy: 1, 424 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -fusion-reactor-plasma-3 - rotate: false - xy: 1, 294 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -fusion-reactor-top - rotate: false - xy: 1, 164 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -power-node - rotate: false - xy: 1679, 1333 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -power-node-large - rotate: false - xy: 1395, 1721 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -powerinfinite - rotate: false - xy: 1713, 1367 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -powervoid - rotate: false - xy: 1747, 1401 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -rtg-generator-top - rotate: false - xy: 1849, 1435 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -thorium-reactor-center - rotate: false - xy: 621, 1405 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -thorium-reactor-lights - rotate: false - xy: 229, 915 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -turbine-generator-top - rotate: false - xy: 1725, 1721 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -alloy-smelter - rotate: false - xy: 1983, 1983 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-alloy-smelter - rotate: false - xy: 1983, 1983 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -alloy-smelter-top - rotate: false - xy: 1983, 1917 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -arc-smelter - rotate: false - xy: 621, 1218 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-arc-smelter - rotate: false - xy: 621, 1218 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -arc-smelter-top - rotate: false - xy: 229, 709 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -silicon-smelter-top - rotate: false - xy: 229, 709 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -biomattercompressor - rotate: false - xy: 229, 643 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -biomattercompressor-frame0 - rotate: false - xy: 229, 577 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -biomattercompressor-frame1 - rotate: false - xy: 229, 511 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -biomattercompressor-frame2 - rotate: false - xy: 229, 445 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -biomattercompressor-liquid - rotate: false - xy: 229, 379 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -biomattercompressor-top - rotate: false - xy: 229, 313 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -blast-mixer - rotate: false - xy: 229, 247 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-blast-mixer - rotate: false - xy: 229, 247 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -centrifuge-liquid - rotate: false - xy: 597, 1077 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -cryofluidmixer-bottom - rotate: false - xy: 729, 1073 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -cryofluidmixer-liquid - rotate: false - xy: 795, 1073 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -cryofluidmixer-top - rotate: false - xy: 861, 1073 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -cultivator - rotate: false - xy: 927, 1073 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -cultivator-middle - rotate: false - xy: 801, 1787 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -cultivator-top - rotate: false - xy: 801, 1721 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -lavasmelter - rotate: false - xy: 985, 1209 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -oilrefinery - rotate: false - xy: 993, 1107 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -phase-weaver - rotate: false - xy: 1329, 1787 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -phase-weaver-bottom - rotate: false - xy: 1263, 1721 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -phase-weaver-weave - rotate: false - xy: 1197, 1655 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -plastanium-compressor-top - rotate: false - xy: 1395, 1787 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -pulverizer - rotate: false - xy: 1849, 1469 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -pulverizer-rotator - rotate: false - xy: 1747, 1333 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -separator-liquid - rotate: false - xy: 1883, 1331 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -smelter - rotate: false - xy: 1917, 1467 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -core-open - rotate: false - xy: 637, 1699 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -core-top - rotate: false - xy: 637, 1601 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -sortedunloader - rotate: false - xy: 1951, 1467 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-1 - rotate: false - xy: 1235, 1413 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-1-top - rotate: false - xy: 1269, 1413 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-2 - rotate: false - xy: 229, 181 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-2-top - rotate: false - xy: 229, 115 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-3 - rotate: false - xy: 131, 1022 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-3-top - rotate: false - xy: 131, 924 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-4 - rotate: false - xy: 1, 1594 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-4-top - rotate: false - xy: 204, 1797 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -arc - rotate: false - xy: 861, 1406 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -arc-heat - rotate: false - xy: 895, 1413 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -cyclone - rotate: false - xy: 229, 1405 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -duo - rotate: false - xy: 363, 713 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -fuse - rotate: false - xy: 229, 1209 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -hail - rotate: false - xy: 1097, 1277 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -hail-heat - rotate: false - xy: 1435, 1555 - size: 40, 40 - orig: 40, 40 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -lancer - rotate: false - xy: 1065, 1787 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -lancer-heat - rotate: false - xy: 999, 1721 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -meltdown - rotate: false - xy: 1, 34 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -meltdown-heat - rotate: false - xy: 813, 1919 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -ripple - rotate: false - xy: 327, 1111 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -ripple-heat - rotate: false - xy: 425, 1209 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -salvo - rotate: false - xy: 1527, 1721 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -salvo-heat - rotate: false - xy: 1461, 1655 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -salvo-panel-left - rotate: false - xy: 1659, 1787 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -salvo-panel-right - rotate: false - xy: 1593, 1721 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -scatter - rotate: false - xy: 1883, 1501 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -scorch - rotate: false - xy: 1883, 1467 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -scorch-shoot - rotate: false - xy: 1883, 1433 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -spectre - rotate: false - xy: 1853, 1919 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -swarmer - rotate: false - xy: 1659, 1721 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -wave - rotate: false - xy: 1857, 1655 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -wave-liquid - rotate: false - xy: 1923, 1785 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -dagger-factory-top - rotate: false - xy: 867, 1787 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -dagger-factory-top-open - rotate: false - xy: 801, 1655 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -fortress-factory - rotate: false - xy: 229, 1307 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -fortress-factory-top - rotate: false - xy: 327, 1405 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -ghoul-factory-top - rotate: false - xy: 327, 1405 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -titan-factory-top - rotate: false - xy: 327, 1405 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -fortress-factory-top-open - rotate: false - xy: 425, 1503 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -ghoul-factory-top-open - rotate: false - xy: 425, 1503 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -titan-factory-top-open - rotate: false - xy: 425, 1503 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -ghoul-factory - rotate: false - xy: 327, 1307 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -phantom-factory-top - rotate: false - xy: 1197, 1721 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -phantom-factory-top-open - rotate: false - xy: 1131, 1655 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -reconstructor-open - rotate: false - xy: 1329, 1655 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -repair-point-turret - rotate: false - xy: 1781, 1367 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -revenant-factory - rotate: false - xy: 1463, 1919 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -revenant-factory-top - rotate: false - xy: 1593, 1919 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -revenant-factory-top-open - rotate: false - xy: 1723, 1919 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -spirit-factory-top - rotate: false - xy: 1527, 1655 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -spirit-factory-top-open - rotate: false - xy: 1725, 1787 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -titan-factory - rotate: false - xy: 327, 1013 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -wraith-factory-top - rotate: false - xy: 1923, 1719 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -wraith-factory-top-open - rotate: false - xy: 1923, 1653 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -deflector-wall - rotate: false - xy: 1441, 1385 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -deflector-wall-large - rotate: false - xy: 933, 1787 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -door-large-open - rotate: false - xy: 867, 1721 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -door-open - rotate: false - xy: 363, 747 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -beam - rotate: false - xy: 465, 795 - size: 4, 48 - orig: 4, 48 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -beam-end - rotate: false - xy: 229, 841 - size: 72, 72 - orig: 72, 72 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -bullet - rotate: false - xy: 1504, 1601 - size: 52, 52 - orig: 52, 52 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -bullet-back - rotate: false - xy: 1558, 1601 - size: 52, 52 - orig: 52, 52 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -casing - rotate: false - xy: 2027, 1820 - size: 8, 16 - orig: 8, 16 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -command-attack - rotate: false - xy: 329, 679 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -command-idle - rotate: false - xy: 295, 611 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -command-patrol - rotate: false - xy: 329, 645 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -command-retreat - rotate: false - xy: 295, 577 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -enemyarrow - rotate: false - xy: 893, 1274 - size: 32, 28 - orig: 32, 28 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -error - rotate: false - xy: 985, 1547 - size: 48, 48 - orig: 48, 48 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -laser - rotate: false - xy: 2027, 1770 - size: 4, 48 - orig: 4, 48 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -laser-end - rotate: false - xy: 425, 1037 - size: 72, 72 - orig: 72, 72 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -laserfull - rotate: false - xy: 523, 1135 - size: 72, 72 - orig: 72, 72 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -minelaser - rotate: false - xy: 465, 745 - size: 4, 48 - orig: 4, 48 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -minelaser-end - rotate: false - xy: 724, 1806 - size: 72, 72 - orig: 72, 72 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -missile - rotate: false - xy: 1477, 1559 - size: 36, 36 - orig: 36, 36 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -missile-back - rotate: false - xy: 1515, 1563 - size: 36, 36 - orig: 36, 36 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -scale_marker - rotate: false - xy: 327, 915 - size: 4, 4 - orig: 4, 4 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -scorch1 - rotate: false - xy: 2019, 1357 - size: 28, 100 - orig: 28, 100 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -scorch2 - rotate: false - xy: 2019, 1255 - size: 28, 100 - orig: 28, 100 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -scorch3 - rotate: false - xy: 397, 351 - size: 28, 100 - orig: 28, 100 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -scorch4 - rotate: false - xy: 397, 249 - size: 28, 100 - orig: 28, 100 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -scorch5 - rotate: false - xy: 397, 147 - size: 28, 100 - orig: 28, 100 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -shell - rotate: false - xy: 1989, 1800 - size: 36, 36 - orig: 36, 36 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -shell-back - rotate: false - xy: 1989, 1762 - size: 36, 36 - orig: 36, 36 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -shot - rotate: false - xy: 1917, 1501 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -transfer - rotate: false - xy: 2027, 1720 - size: 4, 48 - orig: 4, 48 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -transfer-arrow - rotate: false - xy: 431, 675 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -transfer-end - rotate: false - xy: 621, 1284 - size: 72, 72 - orig: 72, 72 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -blackstone-cliff-edge - rotate: false - xy: 1099, 1413 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -blackstone-cliff-edge-1 - rotate: false - xy: 1133, 1413 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -blackstone-cliff-edge-2 - rotate: false - xy: 1167, 1413 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -blackstone-cliff-side - rotate: false - xy: 1201, 1413 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-arc - rotate: false - xy: 1659, 1571 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-biomattercompressor - rotate: false - xy: 229, 49 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-blast-drill - rotate: false - xy: 131, 826 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-bridge-conduit - rotate: false - xy: 1693, 1571 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -bridge-conduit - rotate: false - xy: 1693, 1571 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-bridge-conveyor - rotate: false - xy: 1727, 1571 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-centrifuge - rotate: false - xy: 735, 1740 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -centrifuge - rotate: false - xy: 735, 1740 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-combustion-generator - rotate: false - xy: 1761, 1571 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -combustion-generator - rotate: false - xy: 1761, 1571 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-command-center - rotate: false - xy: 735, 1674 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -command-center - rotate: false - xy: 735, 1674 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-conduit - rotate: false - xy: 1795, 1571 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-container - rotate: false - xy: 735, 1608 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -container - rotate: false - xy: 735, 1608 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-conveyor - rotate: false - xy: 1829, 1571 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -conveyor-0-0 - rotate: false - xy: 1829, 1571 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-copper-wall - rotate: false - xy: 1863, 1571 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -copper-wall - rotate: false - xy: 1863, 1571 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-copper-wall-large - rotate: false - xy: 810, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -copper-wall-large - rotate: false - xy: 810, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-core - rotate: false - xy: 131, 728 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -core - rotate: false - xy: 131, 728 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-cryofluidmixer - rotate: false - xy: 876, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-cultivator - rotate: false - xy: 942, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-cyclone - rotate: false - xy: 131, 630 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-dagger-factory - rotate: false - xy: 1008, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-dart-ship-pad - rotate: false - xy: 1074, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -dart-ship-pad - rotate: false - xy: 1074, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-deepwater - rotate: false - xy: 1897, 1569 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -deepwater - rotate: false - xy: 1897, 1569 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-delta-mech-pad - rotate: false - xy: 1140, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -delta-mech-pad - rotate: false - xy: 1140, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-dense-alloy-wall - rotate: false - xy: 1373, 1463 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -dense-alloy-wall - rotate: false - xy: 1373, 1463 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-dense-alloy-wall-large - rotate: false - xy: 1206, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -dense-alloy-wall-large - rotate: false - xy: 1206, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-dirt - rotate: false - xy: 1373, 1429 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -dirt1 - rotate: false - xy: 1373, 1429 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-distributor - rotate: false - xy: 1272, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -distributor - rotate: false - xy: 1272, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-door - rotate: false - xy: 1407, 1471 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -door - rotate: false - xy: 1407, 1471 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-door-large - rotate: false - xy: 1338, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -door-large - rotate: false - xy: 1338, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-duo - rotate: false - xy: 1407, 1437 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-force-projector - rotate: false - xy: 131, 532 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -force-projector - rotate: false - xy: 131, 532 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-fortress-factory - rotate: false - xy: 131, 434 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-fuse - rotate: false - xy: 131, 336 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-fusion-reactor - rotate: false - xy: 1, 1464 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-ghoul-factory - rotate: false - xy: 131, 238 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-glaive-ship-pad - rotate: false - xy: 131, 140 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -glaive-ship-pad - rotate: false - xy: 131, 140 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-grass - rotate: false - xy: 839, 1372 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -grass1 - rotate: false - xy: 839, 1372 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-hail - rotate: false - xy: 839, 1338 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-ice - rotate: false - xy: 873, 1372 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -ice1 - rotate: false - xy: 873, 1372 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-icerock - rotate: false - xy: 873, 1338 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -icerock1 - rotate: false - xy: 873, 1338 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-incinerator - rotate: false - xy: 907, 1379 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -incinerator - rotate: false - xy: 907, 1379 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-itemsource - rotate: false - xy: 907, 1345 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -itemsource - rotate: false - xy: 907, 1345 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-itemvoid - rotate: false - xy: 941, 1379 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -itemvoid - rotate: false - xy: 941, 1379 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-javelin-ship-pad - rotate: false - xy: 1404, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -javelin-ship-pad - rotate: false - xy: 1404, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-junction - rotate: false - xy: 975, 1379 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-lancer - rotate: false - xy: 1470, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-laser-drill - rotate: false - xy: 1536, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-lava - rotate: false - xy: 941, 1345 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -lava - rotate: false - xy: 941, 1345 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-liquid-junction - rotate: false - xy: 1009, 1379 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -liquid-junction - rotate: false - xy: 1009, 1379 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-liquid-router - rotate: false - xy: 975, 1345 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-liquid-tank - rotate: false - xy: 131, 42 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-liquidsource - rotate: false - xy: 1043, 1379 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -liquidsource - rotate: false - xy: 1043, 1379 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-mass-driver - rotate: false - xy: 245, 1699 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -mass-driver - rotate: false - xy: 245, 1699 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-mechanical-drill - rotate: false - xy: 1602, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-mechanical-pump - rotate: false - xy: 1009, 1345 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -mechanical-pump - rotate: false - xy: 1009, 1345 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-meltdown - rotate: false - xy: 334, 1797 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-melter - rotate: false - xy: 1077, 1379 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -melter - rotate: false - xy: 1077, 1379 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-mend-projector - rotate: false - xy: 1668, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -mend-projector - rotate: false - xy: 1668, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-metalfloor - rotate: false - xy: 1043, 1345 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -metalfloor1 - rotate: false - xy: 1043, 1345 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-oil-extractor - rotate: false - xy: 343, 1699 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-omega-mech-pad - rotate: false - xy: 441, 1699 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -omega-mech-pad - rotate: false - xy: 441, 1699 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-overdrive-projector - rotate: false - xy: 1734, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -overdrive-projector - rotate: false - xy: 1734, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-overflow-gate - rotate: false - xy: 1111, 1379 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -overflow-gate - rotate: false - xy: 1111, 1379 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-phantom-factory - rotate: false - xy: 1800, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-phase-conduit - rotate: false - xy: 1077, 1345 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -phase-conduit - rotate: false - xy: 1077, 1345 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-phase-conveyor - rotate: false - xy: 1145, 1379 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -phase-conveyor - rotate: false - xy: 1145, 1379 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-phase-wall - rotate: false - xy: 1111, 1345 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -phase-wall - rotate: false - xy: 1111, 1345 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-phase-wall-large - rotate: false - xy: 1866, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -phase-wall-large - rotate: false - xy: 1866, 1853 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-phase-weaver - rotate: false - xy: 303, 849 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-plasma-drill - rotate: false - xy: 1, 1334 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-plastanium-compressor - rotate: false - xy: 401, 947 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -plastanium-compressor - rotate: false - xy: 401, 947 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-pneumatic-drill - rotate: false - xy: 499, 1045 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-power-node - rotate: false - xy: 1179, 1379 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-power-node-large - rotate: false - xy: 597, 1143 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-powerinfinite - rotate: false - xy: 1145, 1345 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-powervoid - rotate: false - xy: 1213, 1379 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-pulse-conduit - rotate: false - xy: 1179, 1345 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-pulverizer - rotate: false - xy: 1247, 1379 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-pyratite-mixer - rotate: false - xy: 719, 1535 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -pyratite-mixer - rotate: false - xy: 719, 1535 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-reconstructor - rotate: false - xy: 719, 1469 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -dagger-factory - rotate: false - xy: 719, 1469 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -phantom-factory - rotate: false - xy: 719, 1469 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -reconstructor - rotate: false - xy: 719, 1469 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -spirit-factory - rotate: false - xy: 719, 1469 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -wraith-factory - rotate: false - xy: 719, 1469 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-repair-point - rotate: false - xy: 1213, 1345 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -repair-point - rotate: false - xy: 1213, 1345 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-revenant-factory - rotate: false - xy: 464, 1797 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-ripple - rotate: false - xy: 539, 1699 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-rock - rotate: false - xy: 1247, 1345 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -rock1 - rotate: false - xy: 1247, 1345 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-rotary-pump - rotate: false - xy: 719, 1403 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -rotary-pump - rotate: false - xy: 719, 1403 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-router - rotate: false - xy: 1281, 1379 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -router - rotate: false - xy: 1281, 1379 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-rtg-generator - rotate: false - xy: 707, 1337 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -rtg-generator - rotate: false - xy: 707, 1337 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-salvo - rotate: false - xy: 695, 1271 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-sand - rotate: false - xy: 1281, 1345 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -sand1 - rotate: false - xy: 1281, 1345 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-scorch - rotate: false - xy: 893, 1304 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-separator - rotate: false - xy: 927, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -separator - rotate: false - xy: 927, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-shock-mine - rotate: false - xy: 961, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -shock-mine - rotate: false - xy: 961, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-shrub - rotate: false - xy: 995, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -shrub - rotate: false - xy: 995, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-silicon-smelter - rotate: false - xy: 687, 1205 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -silicon-smelter - rotate: false - xy: 687, 1205 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-snow - rotate: false - xy: 1029, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -snow1 - rotate: false - xy: 1029, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-solar-panel - rotate: false - xy: 1063, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -solar-panel - rotate: false - xy: 1063, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-solar-panel-large - rotate: false - xy: 245, 1601 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -solar-panel-large - rotate: false - xy: 245, 1601 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-solidifer - rotate: false - xy: 1097, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -solidifer - rotate: false - xy: 1097, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-sorter - rotate: false - xy: 1131, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -sorter - rotate: false - xy: 1131, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-space - rotate: false - xy: 1165, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -space - rotate: false - xy: 1165, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-spawn - rotate: false - xy: 1199, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -spawn - rotate: false - xy: 1199, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-spectre - rotate: false - xy: 1, 1204 - size: 128, 128 - orig: 128, 128 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-spirit-factory - rotate: false - xy: 663, 1139 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-stone - rotate: false - xy: 1233, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -stone1 - rotate: false - xy: 1233, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-surge-wall - rotate: false - xy: 1267, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -surge-wall - rotate: false - xy: 1267, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-surge-wall-large - rotate: false - xy: 729, 1139 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -surge-wall-large - rotate: false - xy: 729, 1139 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-swarmer - rotate: false - xy: 753, 1205 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-tar - rotate: false - xy: 1301, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -tar - rotate: false - xy: 1301, 1311 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-tau-mech-pad - rotate: false - xy: 761, 1271 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -tau-mech-pad - rotate: false - xy: 761, 1271 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-thermal-generator - rotate: false - xy: 773, 1337 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -thermal-generator - rotate: false - xy: 773, 1337 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-thermal-pump - rotate: false - xy: 795, 1139 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -thermal-pump - rotate: false - xy: 795, 1139 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-thorium-reactor - rotate: false - xy: 343, 1601 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -thorium-reactor - rotate: false - xy: 343, 1601 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-thorium-wall - rotate: false - xy: 1553, 1538 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -thorium-wall - rotate: false - xy: 1553, 1538 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-thorium-wall-large - rotate: false - xy: 819, 1205 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -thorium-wall-large - rotate: false - xy: 819, 1205 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-titan-factory - rotate: false - xy: 441, 1601 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-titanium-conveyor - rotate: false - xy: 1587, 1533 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -titanium-conveyor-0-0 - rotate: false - xy: 1587, 1533 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-trident-ship-pad - rotate: false - xy: 827, 1271 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -trident-ship-pad - rotate: false - xy: 827, 1271 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-turbine-generator - rotate: false - xy: 861, 1139 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -turbine-generator - rotate: false - xy: 861, 1139 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-unloader - rotate: false - xy: 131, 8 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -unloader - rotate: false - xy: 131, 8 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-vault - rotate: false - xy: 539, 1601 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -vault - rotate: false - xy: 539, 1601 - size: 96, 96 - orig: 96, 96 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-water - rotate: false - xy: 165, 8 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -water - rotate: false - xy: 165, 8 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-water-extractor - rotate: false - xy: 885, 1205 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-wave - rotate: false - xy: 927, 1139 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -block-icon-wraith-factory - rotate: false - xy: 1932, 1851 - size: 64, 64 - orig: 64, 64 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -deepwater-cliff-edge - rotate: false - xy: 1435, 1521 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -deepwater-cliff-edge-1 - rotate: false - xy: 1441, 1487 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -deepwater-cliff-edge-2 - rotate: false - xy: 1441, 1453 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -deepwater-cliff-side - rotate: false - xy: 1441, 1419 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -dirt-cliff-edge - rotate: false - xy: 1475, 1453 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -dirt-cliff-edge-1 - rotate: false - xy: 1475, 1419 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -dirt-cliff-edge-2 - rotate: false - xy: 1475, 1385 - size: 32, 32 - orig: 32, 32 - offset: 0, 0 - index: -1 -dirt-cliff-side - rotate: false - xy: 363, 781 + xy: 981, 1125 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 grass-cliff-edge rotate: false - xy: 1029, 1277 + xy: 983, 1057 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 grass-cliff-edge-1 rotate: false - xy: 363, 543 + xy: 1017, 1057 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 grass-cliff-edge-2 rotate: false - xy: 1063, 1277 + xy: 1005, 1023 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 grass-cliff-side rotate: false - xy: 363, 509 + xy: 1005, 989 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +grass2 + rotate: false + xy: 965, 1091 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +grass3 + rotate: false + xy: 999, 1091 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +grassedge + rotate: false + xy: 679, 1189 + size: 48, 48 + orig: 48, 48 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +ice2 + rotate: false + xy: 1039, 989 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +ice3 + rotate: false + xy: 1015, 955 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +iceedge + rotate: false + xy: 779, 1289 + size: 48, 48 + orig: 48, 48 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +icerock2 + rotate: false + xy: 1015, 921 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +icerockshadow1 + rotate: false + xy: 1049, 955 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +rockshadow1 + rotate: false + xy: 1049, 955 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +icerockshadow2 + rotate: false + xy: 1049, 921 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +rockshadow2 + rotate: false + xy: 1049, 921 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +lavaedge + rotate: false + xy: 779, 1239 + size: 48, 48 + orig: 48, 48 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +lead1 + rotate: false + xy: 1509, 1725 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +lead2 + rotate: false + xy: 777, 856 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +lead3 + rotate: false + xy: 811, 856 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +metalfloor2 + rotate: false + xy: 263, 288 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +metalfloor3 + rotate: false + xy: 263, 254 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +metalfloor4 + rotate: false + xy: 263, 220 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +metalfloor5 + rotate: false + xy: 263, 186 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +metalfloor6 + rotate: false + xy: 263, 152 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +metalflooredge + rotate: false + xy: 729, 1139 + size: 48, 48 + orig: 48, 48 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +rock2 + rotate: false + xy: 659, 706 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +sand2 + rotate: false + xy: 659, 638 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +sand3 + rotate: false + xy: 659, 604 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +sandedge + rotate: false + xy: 779, 1189 + size: 48, 48 + orig: 48, 48 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +shrubshadow + rotate: false + xy: 659, 502 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +snow2 + rotate: false + xy: 693, 497 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +snow3 + rotate: false + xy: 739, 816 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +snowedge + rotate: false + xy: 629, 989 + size: 48, 48 + orig: 48, 48 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +spaceedge + rotate: false + xy: 679, 1039 + size: 48, 48 + orig: 48, 48 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +stone-cliff-edge + rotate: false + xy: 727, 510 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +stone-cliff-edge-1 + rotate: false + xy: 727, 476 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +stone-cliff-edge-2 + rotate: false + xy: 761, 782 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +stone-cliff-side + rotate: false + xy: 761, 748 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +stone2 + rotate: false + xy: 727, 578 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +stone3 + rotate: false + xy: 727, 544 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +stoneedge + rotate: false + xy: 779, 1139 + size: 48, 48 + orig: 48, 48 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +taredge + rotate: false + xy: 629, 939 + size: 48, 48 + orig: 48, 48 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +thorium1 + rotate: false + xy: 761, 578 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +thorium2 + rotate: false + xy: 761, 544 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +thorium3 + rotate: false + xy: 761, 510 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +titanium1 + rotate: false + xy: 761, 476 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +titanium2 + rotate: false + xy: 795, 788 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +titanium3 + rotate: false + xy: 795, 754 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +water-cliff-edge + rotate: false + xy: 863, 720 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +water-cliff-edge-1 + rotate: false + xy: 863, 686 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +water-cliff-edge-2 + rotate: false + xy: 863, 652 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +water-cliff-side + rotate: false + xy: 863, 618 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +wateredge + rotate: false + xy: 679, 939 + size: 48, 48 + orig: 48, 48 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-border + rotate: false + xy: 621, 422 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-elevation + rotate: false + xy: 245, 424 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-middle + rotate: false + xy: 743, 884 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +pump-liquid + rotate: false + xy: 743, 884 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-slope + rotate: false + xy: 777, 890 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +border + rotate: false + xy: 811, 890 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +conduit-liquid + rotate: false + xy: 551, 333 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +cross-1 + rotate: false + xy: 947, 1261 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +cross-2 + rotate: false + xy: 1254, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +cross-3 + rotate: false + xy: 457, 1145 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +cross-4 + rotate: false + xy: 1, 978 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +place-arrow + rotate: false + xy: 637, 184 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +ripples + rotate: false + xy: 629, 897 + size: 40, 40 + orig: 40, 40 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +rubble-1-0 + rotate: false + xy: 851, 1587 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +rubble-1-1 + rotate: false + xy: 917, 1653 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +rubble-2-0 + rotate: false + xy: 983, 1719 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +rubble-2-1 + rotate: false + xy: 1049, 1785 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +rubble-3-0 + rotate: false + xy: 457, 459 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +rubble-3-1 + rotate: false + xy: 457, 459 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +bridge-conduit-arrow + rotate: false + xy: 845, 890 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +bridge-conveyor-arrow + rotate: false + xy: 845, 890 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +bridge-conduit-bridge + rotate: false + xy: 847, 1033 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +bridge-conduit-end + rotate: false + xy: 881, 1033 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +conduit-bottom + rotate: false + xy: 937, 999 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +conduit-bottom-0 + rotate: false + xy: 937, 965 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +conduit-bottom-1 + rotate: false + xy: 947, 931 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +conduit-bottom-2 + rotate: false + xy: 947, 897 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +conduit-bottom-3 + rotate: false + xy: 971, 999 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +conduit-bottom-4 + rotate: false + xy: 971, 965 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +conduit-bottom-5 + rotate: false + xy: 981, 931 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +conduit-bottom-6 + rotate: false + xy: 981, 897 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +conduit-top-0 + rotate: false + xy: 585, 333 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +conduit-top-1 + rotate: false + xy: 619, 320 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +conduit-top-2 + rotate: false + xy: 231, 38 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +conduit-top-3 + rotate: false + xy: 231, 4 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +conduit-top-4 + rotate: false + xy: 1247, 1694 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +conduit-top-5 + rotate: false + xy: 1239, 1660 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +conduit-top-6 + rotate: false + xy: 1281, 1694 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +liquid-router-bottom + rotate: false + xy: 1015, 819 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +liquid-router-liquid + rotate: false + xy: 1049, 819 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +liquid-router-top + rotate: false + xy: 263, 322 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +liquid-tank-bottom + rotate: false + xy: 359, 753 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +liquid-tank-liquid + rotate: false + xy: 457, 851 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +liquid-tank-top + rotate: false + xy: 261, 557 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +phase-conduit-arrow + rotate: false + xy: 603, 184 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +phase-conduit-bridge + rotate: false + xy: 603, 150 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +phase-conduit-end + rotate: false + xy: 603, 116 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +pulse-conduit-top-0 + rotate: false + xy: 605, 48 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +pulse-conduit-top-1 + rotate: false + xy: 639, 82 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +pulse-conduit-top-2 + rotate: false + xy: 639, 48 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +pulse-conduit-top-3 + rotate: false + xy: 605, 14 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +pulse-conduit-top-4 + rotate: false + xy: 639, 14 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +pulse-conduit-top-5 + rotate: false + xy: 671, 842 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +pulse-conduit-top-6 + rotate: false + xy: 705, 837 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +alpha-mech-pad + rotate: false + xy: 555, 699 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-alpha-mech-pad + rotate: false + xy: 555, 699 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +battery + rotate: false + xy: 879, 1271 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-battery + rotate: false + xy: 879, 1271 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +battery-large + rotate: false + xy: 131, 246 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-battery-large + rotate: false + xy: 131, 246 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +combustion-generator-top + rotate: false + xy: 903, 965 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +fusion-reactor + rotate: false + xy: 1, 848 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +fusion-reactor-bottom + rotate: false + xy: 1, 718 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +fusion-reactor-light + rotate: false + xy: 1, 588 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +fusion-reactor-plasma-0 + rotate: false + xy: 1, 458 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +fusion-reactor-plasma-1 + rotate: false + xy: 1, 328 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +fusion-reactor-plasma-2 + rotate: false + xy: 1, 198 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +fusion-reactor-plasma-3 + rotate: false + xy: 1, 68 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +fusion-reactor-top + rotate: false + xy: 464, 1831 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +power-node + rotate: false + xy: 637, 150 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +power-node-large + rotate: false + xy: 719, 1455 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +powerinfinite + rotate: false + xy: 637, 116 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +powervoid + rotate: false + xy: 605, 82 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +rtg-generator-top + rotate: false + xy: 659, 672 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +thorium-reactor-center + rotate: false + xy: 555, 1733 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +thorium-reactor-lights + rotate: false + xy: 555, 1635 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +turbine-generator-top + rotate: false + xy: 917, 1521 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +alloy-smelter + rotate: false + xy: 555, 831 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-alloy-smelter + rotate: false + xy: 555, 831 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +alloy-smelter-top + rotate: false + xy: 555, 765 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +arc-smelter + rotate: false + xy: 555, 633 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-arc-smelter + rotate: false + xy: 555, 633 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +arc-smelter-top + rotate: false + xy: 555, 567 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +silicon-smelter-top + rotate: false + xy: 555, 567 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +biomattercompressor + rotate: false + xy: 555, 501 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +biomattercompressor-frame0 + rotate: false + xy: 668, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +biomattercompressor-frame1 + rotate: false + xy: 734, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +biomattercompressor-frame2 + rotate: false + xy: 800, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +biomattercompressor-liquid + rotate: false + xy: 866, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +biomattercompressor-top + rotate: false + xy: 932, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +blast-mixer + rotate: false + xy: 998, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-blast-mixer + rotate: false + xy: 998, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +centrifuge-liquid + rotate: false + xy: 1188, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +cryofluidmixer-bottom + rotate: false + xy: 1320, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +cryofluidmixer-liquid + rotate: false + xy: 1386, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +cryofluidmixer-top + rotate: false + xy: 1452, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +cultivator + rotate: false + xy: 1518, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +cultivator-middle + rotate: false + xy: 1584, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +cultivator-top + rotate: false + xy: 1650, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +lavasmelter + rotate: false + xy: 1475, 1725 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +oilrefinery + rotate: false + xy: 297, 289 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +phase-weaver + rotate: false + xy: 653, 1455 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +phase-weaver-bottom + rotate: false + xy: 719, 1521 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +phase-weaver-weave + rotate: false + xy: 785, 1587 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +plastanium-compressor-top + rotate: false + xy: 851, 1653 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +pulverizer + rotate: false + xy: 659, 808 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +pulverizer-rotator + rotate: false + xy: 659, 774 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +separator-liquid + rotate: false + xy: 693, 565 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +core-open + rotate: false + xy: 261, 949 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +core-top + rotate: false + xy: 359, 1047 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +sortedunloader + rotate: false + xy: 727, 748 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-1 + rotate: false + xy: 767, 958 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-1-top + rotate: false + xy: 829, 1076 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-2 + rotate: false + xy: 1064, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-2-top + rotate: false + xy: 1130, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-3 + rotate: false + xy: 359, 1733 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-3-top + rotate: false + xy: 261, 1537 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-4 + rotate: false + xy: 1, 1628 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-4-top + rotate: false + xy: 204, 1831 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +arc + rotate: false + xy: 621, 456 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +arc-heat + rotate: false + xy: 879, 1305 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +cyclone + rotate: false + xy: 261, 851 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +duo + rotate: false + xy: 1173, 1619 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +fuse + rotate: false + xy: 457, 949 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +hail + rotate: false + xy: 1039, 1023 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +hail-heat + rotate: false + xy: 87, 26 + size: 40, 40 + orig: 40, 40 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +lancer + rotate: false + xy: 653, 1653 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +lancer-heat + rotate: false + xy: 719, 1719 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +meltdown + rotate: false + xy: 131, 1628 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +meltdown-heat + rotate: false + xy: 131, 1498 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +ripple + rotate: false + xy: 359, 459 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +ripple-heat + rotate: false + xy: 457, 557 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +salvo + rotate: false + xy: 719, 1389 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +salvo-heat + rotate: false + xy: 785, 1455 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +salvo-panel-left + rotate: false + xy: 851, 1521 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +salvo-panel-right + rotate: false + xy: 917, 1587 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +scatter + rotate: false + xy: 693, 735 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +scorch + rotate: false + xy: 693, 701 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +scorch-shoot + rotate: false + xy: 693, 667 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +spectre + rotate: false + xy: 131, 458 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +swarmer + rotate: false + xy: 1115, 1785 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +wave + rotate: false + xy: 983, 1521 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +wave-liquid + rotate: false + xy: 1049, 1587 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +dagger-factory-top + rotate: false + xy: 1716, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +dagger-factory-top-open + rotate: false + xy: 1782, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +fortress-factory + rotate: false + xy: 457, 1047 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +fortress-factory-top + rotate: false + xy: 261, 753 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +ghoul-factory-top + rotate: false + xy: 261, 753 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +titan-factory-top + rotate: false + xy: 261, 753 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +fortress-factory-top-open + rotate: false + xy: 359, 851 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +ghoul-factory-top-open + rotate: false + xy: 359, 851 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +titan-factory-top-open + rotate: false + xy: 359, 851 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +ghoul-factory + rotate: false + xy: 261, 655 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +phantom-factory-top + rotate: false + xy: 851, 1719 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +phantom-factory-top-open + rotate: false + xy: 917, 1785 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +reconstructor-open + rotate: false + xy: 785, 1521 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +repair-point-turret + rotate: false + xy: 659, 740 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +revenant-factory + rotate: false + xy: 131, 848 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +revenant-factory-top + rotate: false + xy: 131, 718 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +revenant-factory-top-open + rotate: false + xy: 131, 588 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +spirit-factory-top + rotate: false + xy: 983, 1653 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +spirit-factory-top-open + rotate: false + xy: 1049, 1719 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +titan-factory + rotate: false + xy: 555, 1537 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +wraith-factory-top + rotate: false + xy: 1115, 1653 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +wraith-factory-top-open + rotate: false + xy: 1181, 1719 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +deflector-wall + rotate: false + xy: 981, 1329 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +deflector-wall-large + rotate: false + xy: 1848, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +door-large-open + rotate: false + xy: 1914, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +door-open + rotate: false + xy: 1075, 1427 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +beam + rotate: false + xy: 1107, 1537 + size: 4, 48 + orig: 4, 48 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +beam-end + rotate: false + xy: 555, 1267 + size: 72, 72 + orig: 72, 72 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +bullet + rotate: false + xy: 204, 1777 + size: 52, 52 + orig: 52, 52 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +bullet-back + rotate: false + xy: 1544, 1797 + size: 52, 52 + orig: 52, 52 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +casing + rotate: false + xy: 1005, 971 + size: 8, 16 + orig: 8, 16 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +command-attack + rotate: false + xy: 913, 931 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +command-idle + rotate: false + xy: 913, 897 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +command-patrol + rotate: false + xy: 931, 1067 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +command-retreat + rotate: false + xy: 949, 1033 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +enemyarrow + rotate: false + xy: 1980, 1851 + size: 32, 28 + orig: 32, 28 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +error + rotate: false + xy: 679, 1239 + size: 48, 48 + orig: 48, 48 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +laser + rotate: false + xy: 975, 1405 + size: 4, 48 + orig: 4, 48 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +laser-end + rotate: false + xy: 555, 1119 + size: 72, 72 + orig: 72, 72 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +laserfull + rotate: false + xy: 555, 1045 + size: 72, 72 + orig: 72, 72 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +minelaser + rotate: false + xy: 689, 105 + size: 4, 48 + orig: 4, 48 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +minelaser-end + rotate: false + xy: 555, 971 + size: 72, 72 + orig: 72, 72 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +missile + rotate: false + xy: 621, 746 + size: 36, 36 + orig: 36, 36 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +missile-back + rotate: false + xy: 621, 708 + size: 36, 36 + orig: 36, 36 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +scale_marker + rotate: false + xy: 965, 1067 + size: 4, 4 + orig: 4, 4 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +scorch1 + rotate: false + xy: 897, 659 + size: 28, 100 + orig: 28, 100 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +scorch2 + rotate: false + xy: 927, 693 + size: 28, 100 + orig: 28, 100 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +scorch3 + rotate: false + xy: 957, 693 + size: 28, 100 + orig: 28, 100 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +scorch4 + rotate: false + xy: 653, 320 + size: 28, 100 + orig: 28, 100 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +scorch5 + rotate: false + xy: 671, 218 + size: 28, 100 + orig: 28, 100 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +shell + rotate: false + xy: 621, 612 + size: 36, 36 + orig: 36, 36 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +shell-back + rotate: false + xy: 621, 574 + size: 36, 36 + orig: 36, 36 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +shot + rotate: false + xy: 693, 531 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +transfer + rotate: false + xy: 1005, 695 + size: 4, 48 + orig: 4, 48 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +transfer-arrow + rotate: false + xy: 863, 754 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +transfer-end + rotate: false + xy: 555, 897 + size: 72, 72 + orig: 72, 72 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +blackstone-cliff-edge + rotate: false + xy: 163, 16 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +blackstone-cliff-edge-1 + rotate: false + xy: 197, 16 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +blackstone-cliff-edge-2 + rotate: false + xy: 779, 1026 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +blackstone-cliff-side + rotate: false + xy: 767, 992 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-arc + rotate: false + xy: 245, 390 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-biomattercompressor + rotate: false + xy: 1196, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-blast-drill + rotate: false + xy: 359, 1635 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-bridge-conduit + rotate: false + xy: 245, 356 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +bridge-conduit + rotate: false + xy: 245, 356 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-bridge-conveyor + rotate: false + xy: 279, 425 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-centrifuge + rotate: false + xy: 1262, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +centrifuge + rotate: false + xy: 1262, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-combustion-generator + rotate: false + xy: 313, 425 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +combustion-generator + rotate: false + xy: 313, 425 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-command-center + rotate: false + xy: 1328, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +command-center + rotate: false + xy: 1328, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-conduit + rotate: false + xy: 279, 391 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-container + rotate: false + xy: 1394, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +container + rotate: false + xy: 1394, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-conveyor + rotate: false + xy: 347, 425 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +conveyor-0-0 + rotate: false + xy: 347, 425 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-copper-wall + rotate: false + xy: 279, 357 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +copper-wall + rotate: false + xy: 279, 357 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-copper-wall-large + rotate: false + xy: 1460, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +copper-wall-large + rotate: false + xy: 1460, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-core + rotate: false + xy: 457, 1733 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +core + rotate: false + xy: 457, 1733 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-cryofluidmixer + rotate: false + xy: 1526, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-cultivator + rotate: false + xy: 1592, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-cyclone + rotate: false + xy: 261, 1439 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-dagger-factory + rotate: false + xy: 1658, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-dart-ship-pad + rotate: false + xy: 1724, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +dart-ship-pad + rotate: false + xy: 1724, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-deepwater + rotate: false + xy: 313, 391 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +deepwater + rotate: false + xy: 313, 391 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-delta-mech-pad + rotate: false + xy: 1790, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +delta-mech-pad + rotate: false + xy: 1790, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-dense-alloy-wall + rotate: false + xy: 381, 425 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +dense-alloy-wall + rotate: false + xy: 381, 425 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-dense-alloy-wall-large + rotate: false + xy: 1856, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +dense-alloy-wall-large + rotate: false + xy: 1856, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-dirt + rotate: false + xy: 313, 357 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +dirt1 + rotate: false + xy: 313, 357 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-distributor + rotate: false + xy: 1922, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +distributor + rotate: false + xy: 1922, 1983 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-door + rotate: false + xy: 347, 391 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +door + rotate: false + xy: 347, 391 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-door-large + rotate: false + xy: 555, 435 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +door-large + rotate: false + xy: 555, 435 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-duo + rotate: false + xy: 415, 425 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-force-projector + rotate: false + xy: 359, 1537 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +force-projector + rotate: false + xy: 359, 1537 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-fortress-factory + rotate: false + xy: 457, 1635 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-fuse + rotate: false + xy: 261, 1341 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-fusion-reactor + rotate: false + xy: 1, 1498 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-ghoul-factory + rotate: false + xy: 359, 1439 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-glaive-ship-pad + rotate: false + xy: 457, 1537 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +glaive-ship-pad + rotate: false + xy: 457, 1537 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-grass + rotate: false + xy: 347, 357 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +grass1 + rotate: false + xy: 347, 357 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-hail + rotate: false + xy: 381, 391 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-ice + rotate: false + xy: 449, 425 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +ice1 + rotate: false + xy: 449, 425 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-icerock + rotate: false + xy: 381, 357 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +icerock1 + rotate: false + xy: 381, 357 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-incinerator + rotate: false + xy: 415, 391 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +incinerator + rotate: false + xy: 415, 391 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-itemsource + rotate: false + xy: 483, 425 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +itemsource + rotate: false + xy: 483, 425 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-itemvoid + rotate: false + xy: 415, 357 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +itemvoid + rotate: false + xy: 415, 357 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-javelin-ship-pad + rotate: false + xy: 594, 1936 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +javelin-ship-pad + rotate: false + xy: 594, 1936 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-junction + rotate: false + xy: 449, 391 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-lancer + rotate: false + xy: 594, 1870 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-laser-drill + rotate: false + xy: 660, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-lava + rotate: false + xy: 517, 425 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +lava + rotate: false + xy: 517, 425 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-liquid-junction + rotate: false + xy: 449, 357 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +liquid-junction + rotate: false + xy: 449, 357 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-liquid-router + rotate: false + xy: 483, 391 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-liquid-tank + rotate: false + xy: 261, 1243 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-liquidsource + rotate: false + xy: 483, 357 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +liquidsource + rotate: false + xy: 483, 357 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-mass-driver + rotate: false + xy: 359, 1341 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +mass-driver + rotate: false + xy: 359, 1341 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-mechanical-drill + rotate: false + xy: 726, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-mechanical-pump + rotate: false + xy: 517, 391 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +mechanical-pump + rotate: false + xy: 517, 391 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-meltdown + rotate: false + xy: 334, 1831 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-melter + rotate: false + xy: 517, 357 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +melter + rotate: false + xy: 517, 357 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-mend-projector + rotate: false + xy: 792, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +mend-projector + rotate: false + xy: 792, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-metalfloor + rotate: false + xy: 551, 401 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +metalfloor1 + rotate: false + xy: 551, 401 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-oil-extractor + rotate: false + xy: 457, 1439 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-omega-mech-pad + rotate: false + xy: 261, 1145 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +omega-mech-pad + rotate: false + xy: 261, 1145 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-overdrive-projector + rotate: false + xy: 858, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +overdrive-projector + rotate: false + xy: 858, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-overflow-gate + rotate: false + xy: 585, 401 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +overflow-gate + rotate: false + xy: 585, 401 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-phantom-factory + rotate: false + xy: 924, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-phase-conduit + rotate: false + xy: 551, 367 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +phase-conduit + rotate: false + xy: 551, 367 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-phase-conveyor + rotate: false + xy: 585, 367 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +phase-conveyor + rotate: false + xy: 585, 367 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-phase-wall + rotate: false + xy: 619, 388 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +phase-wall + rotate: false + xy: 619, 388 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-phase-wall-large + rotate: false + xy: 990, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +phase-wall-large + rotate: false + xy: 990, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-phase-weaver + rotate: false + xy: 1056, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-plasma-drill + rotate: false + xy: 1, 1368 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-plastanium-compressor + rotate: false + xy: 1122, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +plastanium-compressor + rotate: false + xy: 1122, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-pneumatic-drill + rotate: false + xy: 1188, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-power-node + rotate: false + xy: 619, 354 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-power-node-large + rotate: false + xy: 1254, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-powerinfinite + rotate: false + xy: 229, 310 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-powervoid + rotate: false + xy: 229, 276 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-pulse-conduit + rotate: false + xy: 229, 242 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-pulverizer + rotate: false + xy: 229, 208 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-pyratite-mixer + rotate: false + xy: 1320, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +pyratite-mixer + rotate: false + xy: 1320, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-reconstructor + rotate: false + xy: 1386, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +dagger-factory + rotate: false + xy: 1386, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +phantom-factory + rotate: false + xy: 1386, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +reconstructor + rotate: false + xy: 1386, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +spirit-factory + rotate: false + xy: 1386, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +wraith-factory + rotate: false + xy: 1386, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-repair-point + rotate: false + xy: 229, 174 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +repair-point + rotate: false + xy: 229, 174 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-revenant-factory + rotate: false + xy: 1, 1238 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-ripple + rotate: false + xy: 359, 1243 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-rock + rotate: false + xy: 229, 140 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +rock1 + rotate: false + xy: 229, 140 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-rotary-pump + rotate: false + xy: 1452, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +rotary-pump + rotate: false + xy: 1452, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-router + rotate: false + xy: 229, 106 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +router + rotate: false + xy: 229, 106 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-rtg-generator + rotate: false + xy: 1518, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +rtg-generator + rotate: false + xy: 1518, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-salvo + rotate: false + xy: 1584, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-sand + rotate: false + xy: 229, 72 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +sand1 + rotate: false + xy: 229, 72 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-scorch + rotate: false + xy: 709, 905 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-separator + rotate: false + xy: 903, 1355 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +separator + rotate: false + xy: 903, 1355 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-shock-mine + rotate: false + xy: 937, 1363 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +shock-mine + rotate: false + xy: 937, 1363 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-shrub + rotate: false + xy: 867, 1101 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +shrub + rotate: false + xy: 867, 1101 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-silicon-smelter + rotate: false + xy: 1650, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +silicon-smelter + rotate: false + xy: 1650, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-smelter + rotate: false + xy: 863, 1067 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +smelter + rotate: false + xy: 863, 1067 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-snow + rotate: false + xy: 671, 876 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +snow1 + rotate: false + xy: 671, 876 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-solar-panel + rotate: false + xy: 705, 871 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +solar-panel + rotate: false + xy: 705, 871 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-solar-panel-large + rotate: false + xy: 457, 1341 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +solar-panel-large + rotate: false + xy: 457, 1341 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-solidifer + rotate: false + xy: 801, 992 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +solidifer + rotate: false + xy: 801, 992 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-sorter + rotate: false + xy: 801, 958 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +sorter + rotate: false + xy: 801, 958 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-space + rotate: false + xy: 813, 1026 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +space + rotate: false + xy: 813, 1026 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-spawn + rotate: false + xy: 901, 1101 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +spawn + rotate: false + xy: 901, 1101 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-spectre + rotate: false + xy: 1, 1108 + size: 128, 128 + orig: 128, 128 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-spirit-factory + rotate: false + xy: 1716, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-stone + rotate: false + xy: 897, 1067 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +stone1 + rotate: false + xy: 897, 1067 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-surge-wall + rotate: false + xy: 835, 992 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +surge-wall + rotate: false + xy: 835, 992 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-surge-wall-large + rotate: false + xy: 1782, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +surge-wall-large + rotate: false + xy: 1782, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-swarmer + rotate: false + xy: 1848, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-tar + rotate: false + xy: 835, 958 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +tar + rotate: false + xy: 835, 958 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-tau-mech-pad + rotate: false + xy: 1914, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +tau-mech-pad + rotate: false + xy: 1914, 1917 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-thermal-generator + rotate: false + xy: 660, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +thermal-generator + rotate: false + xy: 660, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-thermal-pump + rotate: false + xy: 726, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +thermal-pump + rotate: false + xy: 726, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-thorium-reactor + rotate: false + xy: 261, 1047 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +thorium-reactor + rotate: false + xy: 261, 1047 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-thorium-wall + rotate: false + xy: 743, 918 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +thorium-wall + rotate: false + xy: 743, 918 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-thorium-wall-large + rotate: false + xy: 792, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +thorium-wall-large + rotate: false + xy: 792, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-titan-factory + rotate: false + xy: 359, 1145 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-titanium-conveyor + rotate: false + xy: 777, 924 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +titanium-conveyor-0-0 + rotate: false + xy: 777, 924 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-trident-ship-pad + rotate: false + xy: 858, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +trident-ship-pad + rotate: false + xy: 858, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-turbine-generator + rotate: false + xy: 924, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +turbine-generator + rotate: false + xy: 924, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-unloader + rotate: false + xy: 811, 924 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +unloader + rotate: false + xy: 811, 924 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-vault + rotate: false + xy: 457, 1243 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +vault + rotate: false + xy: 457, 1243 + size: 96, 96 + orig: 96, 96 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-water + rotate: false + xy: 845, 924 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +water + rotate: false + xy: 845, 924 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-water-extractor + rotate: false + xy: 990, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-wave + rotate: false + xy: 1056, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +block-icon-wraith-factory + rotate: false + xy: 1122, 1851 + size: 64, 64 + orig: 64, 64 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +deepwater-cliff-edge + rotate: false + xy: 947, 1227 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +deepwater-cliff-edge-1 + rotate: false + xy: 947, 1193 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +deepwater-cliff-edge-2 + rotate: false + xy: 947, 1159 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +deepwater-cliff-side + rotate: false + xy: 971, 1363 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +dirt-cliff-edge + rotate: false + xy: 981, 1227 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +dirt-cliff-edge-1 + rotate: false + xy: 981, 1193 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +dirt-cliff-edge-2 + rotate: false + xy: 981, 1159 + size: 32, 32 + orig: 32, 32 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 +dirt-cliff-side + rotate: false + xy: 1307, 1660 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 lava-cliff-edge rotate: false - xy: 951, 1243 + xy: 1339, 1725 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 lava-cliff-edge-1 rotate: false - xy: 951, 1209 + xy: 1373, 1725 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 lava-cliff-edge-2 rotate: false - xy: 985, 1243 + xy: 1407, 1725 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 lava-cliff-side rotate: false - xy: 1019, 1243 + xy: 1441, 1725 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 liquid-icon-cryofluid rotate: false - xy: 1121, 1243 + xy: 879, 829 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 liquid-icon-lava rotate: false - xy: 1087, 1209 + xy: 913, 829 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 liquid-icon-oil rotate: false - xy: 1155, 1243 + xy: 947, 829 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 liquid-icon-water rotate: false - xy: 1121, 1209 + xy: 981, 829 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 mech-icon-alpha-mech rotate: false - xy: 1085, 1497 + xy: 829, 1289 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 mech-icon-dart-ship rotate: false - xy: 1035, 1447 + xy: 629, 1039 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 mech-icon-delta-mech rotate: false - xy: 1185, 1547 + xy: 679, 1089 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 mech-icon-omega-mech rotate: false - xy: 924, 1597 + xy: 917, 1397 size: 56, 56 orig: 56, 56 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 mech-icon-tau-mech rotate: false - xy: 982, 1597 + xy: 983, 1463 size: 56, 56 orig: 56, 56 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 mech-icon-trident-ship rotate: false - xy: 1040, 1597 + xy: 1049, 1529 size: 56, 56 orig: 56, 56 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 trident-ship rotate: false - xy: 1040, 1597 + xy: 1049, 1529 size: 56, 56 orig: 56, 56 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 metalfloor-cliff-edge rotate: false - xy: 1291, 1209 + xy: 263, 118 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 metalfloor-cliff-edge-1 rotate: false - xy: 993, 1175 + xy: 263, 84 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 metalfloor-cliff-edge-2 rotate: false - xy: 993, 1141 + xy: 297, 323 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 metalfloor-cliff-side rotate: false - xy: 1027, 1175 + xy: 331, 323 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-coal-blackstone1 rotate: false - xy: 1027, 1141 + xy: 365, 323 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-coal-blackstone2 rotate: false - xy: 1061, 1175 + xy: 297, 255 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-coal-blackstone3 rotate: false - xy: 993, 1073 + xy: 331, 289 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-coal-grass1 rotate: false - xy: 1027, 1107 + xy: 399, 323 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-coal-grass2 rotate: false - xy: 1061, 1141 + xy: 297, 221 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-coal-grass3 rotate: false - xy: 1095, 1175 + xy: 331, 255 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-coal-ice1 rotate: false - xy: 1027, 1073 + xy: 365, 289 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-coal-ice2 rotate: false - xy: 1061, 1107 + xy: 433, 323 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-coal-ice3 rotate: false - xy: 1095, 1141 + xy: 297, 187 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-coal-sand1 rotate: false - xy: 1129, 1175 + xy: 331, 221 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-coal-sand2 rotate: false - xy: 1061, 1073 + xy: 365, 255 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-coal-sand3 rotate: false - xy: 1095, 1107 + xy: 399, 289 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-coal-snow1 rotate: false - xy: 1129, 1141 + xy: 467, 323 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-coal-snow2 rotate: false - xy: 1163, 1175 + xy: 297, 153 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-coal-snow3 rotate: false - xy: 1095, 1073 + xy: 331, 187 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-coal-stone1 rotate: false - xy: 1129, 1107 + xy: 365, 221 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-coal-stone2 rotate: false - xy: 1163, 1141 + xy: 399, 255 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-coal-stone3 rotate: false - xy: 1197, 1175 + xy: 433, 289 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-copper-blackstone1 rotate: false - xy: 1129, 1073 + xy: 501, 323 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-copper-blackstone2 rotate: false - xy: 1163, 1107 + xy: 297, 119 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-copper-blackstone3 rotate: false - xy: 1197, 1141 + xy: 331, 153 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-copper-grass1 rotate: false - xy: 1231, 1175 + xy: 365, 187 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-copper-grass2 rotate: false - xy: 1163, 1073 + xy: 399, 221 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-copper-grass3 rotate: false - xy: 1197, 1107 + xy: 433, 255 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-copper-ice1 rotate: false - xy: 1231, 1141 + xy: 467, 289 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-copper-ice2 rotate: false - xy: 1265, 1175 + xy: 297, 85 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-copper-ice3 rotate: false - xy: 1197, 1073 + xy: 331, 119 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-copper-sand1 rotate: false - xy: 1231, 1107 + xy: 365, 153 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-copper-sand2 rotate: false - xy: 1265, 1141 + xy: 399, 187 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-copper-sand3 rotate: false - xy: 1231, 1073 + xy: 433, 221 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-copper-snow1 rotate: false - xy: 1265, 1107 + xy: 467, 255 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-copper-snow2 rotate: false - xy: 1265, 1073 + xy: 501, 289 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-copper-snow3 rotate: false - xy: 369, 33 + xy: 331, 85 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-copper-stone1 rotate: false - xy: 1299, 1175 + xy: 365, 119 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-copper-stone2 rotate: false - xy: 1299, 1141 + xy: 399, 153 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-copper-stone3 rotate: false - xy: 1299, 1107 + xy: 433, 187 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-lead-blackstone1 rotate: false - xy: 1299, 1073 + xy: 467, 221 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-lead-blackstone2 rotate: false - xy: 1325, 1243 + xy: 501, 255 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-lead-blackstone3 rotate: false - xy: 1325, 1209 + xy: 365, 85 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-lead-grass1 rotate: false - xy: 1333, 1175 + xy: 399, 119 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-lead-grass2 rotate: false - xy: 1333, 1141 + xy: 433, 153 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-lead-grass3 rotate: false - xy: 1333, 1107 + xy: 467, 187 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-lead-ice1 rotate: false - xy: 1333, 1073 + xy: 501, 221 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-lead-ice2 rotate: false - xy: 1503, 1525 + xy: 399, 85 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-lead-ice3 rotate: false - xy: 1509, 1491 + xy: 433, 119 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-lead-sand1 rotate: false - xy: 1509, 1457 + xy: 467, 153 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-lead-sand2 rotate: false - xy: 1509, 1423 + xy: 501, 187 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-lead-sand3 rotate: false - xy: 1509, 1389 + xy: 433, 85 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-lead-snow1 rotate: false - xy: 1543, 1504 + xy: 467, 119 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-lead-snow2 rotate: false - xy: 1543, 1470 + xy: 501, 153 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-lead-snow3 rotate: false - xy: 1543, 1436 + xy: 467, 85 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-lead-stone1 rotate: false - xy: 1543, 1402 + xy: 501, 119 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-lead-stone2 rotate: false - xy: 1577, 1499 + xy: 501, 85 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-lead-stone3 rotate: false - xy: 1577, 1465 + xy: 265, 50 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-thorium-blackstone1 rotate: false - xy: 1577, 1431 + xy: 265, 16 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-thorium-blackstone2 rotate: false - xy: 1577, 1397 + xy: 299, 51 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-thorium-blackstone3 rotate: false - xy: 1543, 1368 + xy: 299, 17 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-thorium-grass1 rotate: false - xy: 1577, 1363 + xy: 333, 51 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-thorium-grass2 rotate: false - xy: 1509, 1355 + xy: 333, 17 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-thorium-grass3 rotate: false - xy: 1543, 1334 + xy: 367, 51 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-thorium-ice1 rotate: false - xy: 1577, 1329 + xy: 367, 17 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-thorium-ice2 rotate: false - xy: 1611, 1499 + xy: 401, 51 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-thorium-ice3 rotate: false - xy: 1611, 1465 + xy: 401, 17 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-thorium-sand1 rotate: false - xy: 1611, 1431 + xy: 435, 51 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-thorium-sand2 rotate: false - xy: 1611, 1397 + xy: 435, 17 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-thorium-sand3 rotate: false - xy: 1611, 1363 + xy: 469, 51 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-thorium-snow1 rotate: false - xy: 1611, 1329 + xy: 469, 17 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-thorium-snow2 rotate: false - xy: 1621, 1533 + xy: 503, 51 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-thorium-snow3 rotate: false - xy: 1655, 1537 + xy: 503, 17 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-thorium-stone1 rotate: false - xy: 1689, 1537 + xy: 535, 299 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-thorium-stone2 rotate: false - xy: 1723, 1537 + xy: 569, 299 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-thorium-stone3 rotate: false - xy: 1757, 1537 + xy: 535, 265 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-titanium-blackstone1 rotate: false - xy: 1791, 1537 + xy: 535, 231 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-titanium-blackstone2 rotate: false - xy: 1825, 1537 + xy: 569, 265 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-titanium-blackstone3 rotate: false - xy: 1859, 1537 + xy: 535, 197 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-titanium-grass1 rotate: false - xy: 1893, 1535 + xy: 569, 231 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-titanium-grass2 rotate: false - xy: 1645, 1499 + xy: 535, 163 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-titanium-grass3 rotate: false - xy: 1645, 1465 + xy: 569, 197 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-titanium-ice1 rotate: false - xy: 1645, 1431 + xy: 535, 129 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-titanium-ice2 rotate: false - xy: 1645, 1397 + xy: 569, 163 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-titanium-ice3 rotate: false - xy: 1645, 1363 + xy: 535, 95 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-titanium-sand1 rotate: false - xy: 1645, 1329 + xy: 569, 129 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-titanium-sand2 rotate: false - xy: 1679, 1503 + xy: 569, 95 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-titanium-sand3 rotate: false - xy: 1679, 1469 + xy: 537, 61 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-titanium-snow1 rotate: false - xy: 1713, 1503 + xy: 537, 27 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-titanium-snow2 rotate: false - xy: 1679, 1435 + xy: 571, 61 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-titanium-snow3 rotate: false - xy: 1713, 1469 + xy: 571, 27 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-titanium-stone1 rotate: false - xy: 1747, 1503 + xy: 603, 286 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-titanium-stone2 rotate: false - xy: 1679, 1401 + xy: 603, 252 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ore-titanium-stone3 rotate: false - xy: 1713, 1435 + xy: 603, 218 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 sand-cliff-edge rotate: false - xy: 1849, 1401 + xy: 659, 570 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 sand-cliff-edge-1 rotate: false - xy: 1815, 1333 + xy: 659, 536 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 sand-cliff-edge-2 rotate: false - xy: 1849, 1367 + xy: 693, 803 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 sand-cliff-side rotate: false - xy: 1849, 1333 + xy: 693, 769 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 snow-cliff-edge rotate: false - xy: 1917, 1365 + xy: 773, 822 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 snow-cliff-edge-1 rotate: false - xy: 1917, 1331 + xy: 807, 822 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 snow-cliff-edge-2 rotate: false - xy: 1927, 1535 + xy: 841, 822 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 snow-cliff-side rotate: false - xy: 1951, 1501 + xy: 727, 782 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 space-cliff-edge rotate: false - xy: 1951, 1433 + xy: 727, 714 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 space-cliff-edge-1 rotate: false - xy: 1951, 1399 + xy: 727, 680 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 space-cliff-edge-2 rotate: false - xy: 1951, 1365 + xy: 727, 646 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 space-cliff-side rotate: false - xy: 1951, 1331 + xy: 727, 612 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 tar-cliff-edge rotate: false - xy: 1985, 1391 + xy: 761, 714 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 tar-cliff-edge-1 rotate: false - xy: 1985, 1357 + xy: 761, 680 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 tar-cliff-edge-2 rotate: false - xy: 1985, 1323 + xy: 761, 646 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 tar-cliff-side rotate: false - xy: 1679, 1299 + xy: 761, 612 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 unit-icon-dagger rotate: false - xy: 1385, 1547 + xy: 779, 1089 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 unit-icon-fortress rotate: false - xy: 1659, 1655 + xy: 983, 1587 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 unit-icon-titan rotate: false - xy: 1857, 1787 + xy: 1049, 1653 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 unit-icon-wraith rotate: false - xy: 1335, 1497 + xy: 829, 1139 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 wraith rotate: false - xy: 1335, 1497 + xy: 829, 1139 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 item-biomatter rotate: false - xy: 1165, 1277 + xy: 1015, 887 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 item-blast-compound rotate: false - xy: 363, 407 + xy: 1049, 887 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 item-coal rotate: false - xy: 1199, 1277 + xy: 983, 1429 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 item-copper rotate: false - xy: 363, 373 + xy: 1305, 1752 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 item-dense-alloy rotate: false - xy: 1233, 1277 + xy: 1339, 1759 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 item-lead rotate: false - xy: 363, 339 + xy: 1373, 1759 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 item-phase-fabric rotate: false - xy: 1267, 1277 + xy: 1407, 1759 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 item-plastanium rotate: false - xy: 363, 305 + xy: 1441, 1759 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 item-pyratite rotate: false - xy: 1301, 1277 + xy: 1475, 1759 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 item-sand rotate: false - xy: 363, 271 + xy: 1509, 1759 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 item-silicon rotate: false - xy: 363, 237 + xy: 879, 863 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 item-stone rotate: false - xy: 363, 203 + xy: 913, 863 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 item-surge-alloy rotate: false - xy: 363, 169 + xy: 947, 863 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 item-thorium rotate: false - xy: 363, 135 + xy: 981, 863 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 item-titanium rotate: false - xy: 363, 101 + xy: 1015, 853 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 liquid-icon rotate: false - xy: 1053, 1209 + xy: 845, 856 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 alpha-mech rotate: false - xy: 1612, 1605 + xy: 1648, 1801 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 alpha-mech-base rotate: false - xy: 1662, 1605 + xy: 1698, 1801 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 alpha-mech-leg rotate: false - xy: 1712, 1605 + xy: 1748, 1801 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 delta-mech rotate: false - xy: 835, 1440 + xy: 629, 1289 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 delta-mech-base rotate: false - xy: 885, 1547 + xy: 629, 1239 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 delta-mech-leg rotate: false - xy: 935, 1547 + xy: 679, 1289 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 omega-mech rotate: false - xy: 1098, 1597 + xy: 1115, 1595 size: 56, 56 orig: 56, 56 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 omega-mech-armor rotate: false - xy: 1156, 1597 + xy: 1181, 1661 size: 56, 56 orig: 56, 56 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 omega-mech-base rotate: false - xy: 1214, 1597 + xy: 1247, 1728 size: 56, 56 orig: 56, 56 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 omega-mech-leg rotate: false - xy: 1272, 1597 + xy: 1312, 1793 size: 56, 56 orig: 56, 56 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 tau-mech rotate: false - xy: 1446, 1597 + xy: 1486, 1793 size: 56, 56 orig: 56, 56 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 tau-mech-base rotate: false - xy: 1285, 1497 + xy: 679, 989 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 tau-mech-leg rotate: false - xy: 1235, 1447 + xy: 729, 1039 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 dart-ship rotate: false - xy: 835, 1490 + xy: 1948, 1801 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 glaive-ship rotate: false - xy: 866, 1597 + xy: 1988, 1991 size: 56, 56 orig: 56, 56 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 mech-icon-glaive-ship rotate: false - xy: 866, 1597 + xy: 1988, 1991 size: 56, 56 orig: 56, 56 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 javelin-ship rotate: false - xy: 1035, 1497 + xy: 679, 1139 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 mech-icon-javelin-ship rotate: false - xy: 1035, 1497 + xy: 679, 1139 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 javelin-ship-shield rotate: false - xy: 985, 1447 + xy: 729, 1189 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 blank rotate: false - xy: 810, 1924 + xy: 258, 1828 size: 1, 1 orig: 1, 1 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 circle rotate: false - xy: 1, 1724 + xy: 1, 1758 size: 201, 201 orig: 201, 201 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 clear rotate: false - xy: 242, 1794 + xy: 2046, 2046 size: 1, 1 orig: 1, 1 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 shape-3 rotate: false - xy: 801, 1590 + xy: 1247, 1786 size: 63, 63 orig: 63, 63 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 button rotate: false - xy: 1962, 1595 + xy: 621, 784 size: 36, 27 split: 12, 12, 12, 12 orig: 36, 27 @@ -5145,7 +5194,7 @@ button index: -1 button-down rotate: false - xy: 204, 1768 + xy: 594, 1841 size: 36, 27 split: 12, 12, 12, 12 orig: 36, 27 @@ -5153,7 +5202,7 @@ button-down index: -1 button-edge-1 rotate: false - xy: 785, 1411 + xy: 729, 1010 size: 36, 27 split: 12, 12, 12, 12 orig: 36, 27 @@ -5161,7 +5210,7 @@ button-edge-1 index: -1 button-edge-2 rotate: false - xy: 1335, 1468 + xy: 779, 1060 size: 36, 27 split: 12, 12, 12, 12 orig: 36, 27 @@ -5169,7 +5218,7 @@ button-edge-2 index: -1 button-edge-3 rotate: false - xy: 204, 1739 + xy: 829, 1110 size: 36, 27 split: 12, 12, 12, 12 orig: 36, 27 @@ -5177,7 +5226,7 @@ button-edge-3 index: -1 button-edge-4 rotate: false - xy: 823, 1411 + xy: 671, 910 size: 36, 27 split: 12, 12, 12, 12 orig: 36, 27 @@ -5185,7 +5234,7 @@ button-edge-4 index: -1 button-over rotate: false - xy: 43, 5 + xy: 621, 842 size: 36, 27 split: 12, 12, 12, 12 orig: 36, 27 @@ -5193,7 +5242,7 @@ button-over index: -1 button-right rotate: false - xy: 1962, 1624 + xy: 729, 952 size: 36, 27 split: 12, 12, 12, 12 orig: 36, 27 @@ -5201,7 +5250,7 @@ button-right index: -1 button-right-down rotate: false - xy: 81, 5 + xy: 729, 981 size: 36, 27 split: 12, 12, 12, 12 orig: 36, 27 @@ -5209,7 +5258,7 @@ button-right-down index: -1 button-right-over rotate: false - xy: 1335, 1439 + xy: 621, 813 size: 36, 27 split: 12, 12, 12, 12 orig: 36, 27 @@ -5217,7 +5266,7 @@ button-right-over index: -1 button-select rotate: false - xy: 371, 819 + xy: 537, 1 size: 24, 24 split: 4, 4, 4, 4 orig: 24, 24 @@ -5225,868 +5274,868 @@ button-select index: -1 check-off rotate: false - xy: 1931, 1569 + xy: 897, 795 size: 28, 32 orig: 28, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 check-on rotate: false - xy: 2019, 1527 + xy: 927, 795 size: 28, 32 orig: 28, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 check-on-over rotate: false - xy: 2019, 1493 + xy: 897, 761 size: 28, 32 orig: 28, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 check-over rotate: false - xy: 2019, 1459 + xy: 957, 795 size: 28, 32 orig: 28, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 clear rotate: false - xy: 695, 1346 + xy: 582, 1990 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 cursor rotate: false - xy: 295, 61 + xy: 773, 816 size: 4, 4 orig: 4, 4 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 discord-banner rotate: false - xy: 724, 1880 + xy: 582, 2002 size: 84, 45 orig: 84, 45 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 empty-sector rotate: false - xy: 363, 679 + xy: 2014, 1855 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-crafting rotate: false - xy: 543, 1117 + xy: 927, 675 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-defense rotate: false - xy: 2007, 1660 + xy: 671, 137 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-distribution rotate: false - xy: 319, 15 + xy: 563, 9 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-effect rotate: false - xy: 345, 921 + xy: 987, 727 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-liquid rotate: false - xy: 479, 1019 + xy: 963, 675 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-power rotate: false - xy: 427, 324 + xy: 1013, 747 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-production rotate: false - xy: 427, 306 + xy: 1031, 765 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-turret rotate: false - xy: 427, 180 + xy: 927, 657 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-units rotate: false - xy: 427, 144 + xy: 963, 657 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-upgrade rotate: false - xy: 426, 108 + xy: 1067, 801 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 controller-cursor rotate: false - xy: 1989, 1660 + xy: 965, 1073 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-about rotate: false - xy: 1303, 1413 + xy: 913, 1135 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-add rotate: false - xy: 1537, 1547 + xy: 535, 341 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-admin rotate: false - xy: 785, 1592 + xy: 1323, 1736 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-admin-small rotate: false - xy: 687, 1276 + xy: 660, 1994 size: 6, 6 orig: 6, 6 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-areaDelete rotate: false - xy: 798, 1868 + xy: 767, 1027 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-arrow rotate: false - xy: 1303, 1429 + xy: 204, 1759 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-arrow-16 rotate: false - xy: 1303, 1429 + xy: 204, 1759 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-arrow-down rotate: false - xy: 119, 22 + xy: 245, 344 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-arrow-left rotate: false - xy: 798, 1856 + xy: 727, 825 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-arrow-right rotate: false - xy: 119, 10 + xy: 817, 1077 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-arrow-up rotate: false - xy: 204, 1727 + xy: 582, 1978 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-back rotate: false - xy: 301, 15 + xy: 632, 1852 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-ban rotate: false - xy: 397, 68 + xy: 929, 1135 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-break rotate: false - xy: 327, 921 + xy: 1173, 1601 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-cancel rotate: false - xy: 425, 1019 + xy: 983, 1039 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-chat rotate: false - xy: 2036, 1855 + xy: 582, 1966 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-check rotate: false - xy: 1961, 1543 + xy: 1017, 1445 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-copy rotate: false - xy: 428, 468 + xy: 1305, 1734 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-cursor rotate: false - xy: 1335, 1277 + xy: 935, 1123 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-dev-builds rotate: false - xy: 413, 68 + xy: 817, 1060 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-discord rotate: false - xy: 403, 52 + xy: 299, 1 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-donate rotate: false - xy: 403, 36 + xy: 315, 1 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-dots rotate: false - xy: 391, 17 + xy: 331, 1 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-editor rotate: false - xy: 391, 1 + xy: 347, 1 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-egg rotate: false - xy: 565, 1101 + xy: 363, 1 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-elevation rotate: false - xy: 443, 1019 + xy: 21, 3 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-eraser rotate: false - xy: 561, 1117 + xy: 222, 1759 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-exit rotate: false - xy: 581, 1101 + xy: 379, 1 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-file rotate: false - xy: 579, 1117 + xy: 945, 675 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-file-image rotate: false - xy: 337, 15 + xy: 671, 119 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-file-text rotate: false - xy: 565, 1085 + xy: 395, 1 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-fill rotate: false - xy: 363, 921 + xy: 581, 9 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-floppy rotate: false - xy: 581, 1085 + xy: 411, 1 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-floppy-16 rotate: false - xy: 461, 1019 + xy: 987, 709 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-folder rotate: false - xy: 565, 1069 + xy: 427, 1 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-folder-parent rotate: false - xy: 581, 1069 + xy: 443, 1 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-generated rotate: false - xy: 1085, 1547 + xy: 629, 1089 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-github rotate: false - xy: 565, 1053 + xy: 459, 1 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-google-play rotate: false - xy: 581, 1053 + xy: 475, 1 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-grid rotate: false - xy: 355, 15 + xy: 39, 3 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-hold rotate: false - xy: 1321, 1435 + xy: 659, 859 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-holdDelete rotate: false - xy: 547, 967 + xy: 659, 847 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-home rotate: false - xy: 597, 1061 + xy: 491, 1 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-host rotate: false - xy: 613, 1061 + xy: 507, 1 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-info rotate: false - xy: 216, 1727 + xy: 729, 940 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-itch.io rotate: false - xy: 629, 1061 + xy: 1067, 767 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-item rotate: false - xy: 2036, 1843 + xy: 603, 321 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-items-none rotate: false - xy: 1315, 1345 + xy: 594, 1831 size: 8, 8 orig: 8, 8 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-line rotate: false - xy: 381, 921 + xy: 240, 1759 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-link rotate: false - xy: 645, 1061 + xy: 1067, 751 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-liquid-small rotate: false - xy: 1347, 1277 + xy: 833, 1064 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-load rotate: false - xy: 467, 1003 + xy: 673, 103 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-load-image rotate: false - xy: 373, 15 + xy: 57, 3 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-load-map rotate: false - xy: 428, 450 + xy: 863, 480 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-loading rotate: false - xy: 427, 432 + xy: 1013, 801 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-locked rotate: false - xy: 427, 414 + xy: 1013, 783 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-logic rotate: false - xy: 228, 1727 + xy: 265, 4 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-map rotate: false - xy: 483, 1003 + xy: 673, 87 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-menu rotate: false - xy: 419, 56 + xy: 523, 5 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-menu-large rotate: false - xy: 427, 396 + xy: 1031, 801 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-missing rotate: false - xy: 419, 44 + xy: 935, 1111 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-mission-background rotate: false - xy: 523, 1115 + xy: 1, 1 size: 18, 18 orig: 18, 18 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-mission-battle rotate: false - xy: 661, 1061 + xy: 947, 1113 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-mission-defense rotate: false - xy: 673, 1061 + xy: 947, 1101 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-mission-done rotate: false - xy: 685, 1061 + xy: 277, 4 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-none rotate: false - xy: 697, 1061 + xy: 658, 490 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-nullitem rotate: false - xy: 1335, 1289 + xy: 903, 1345 size: 8, 8 orig: 8, 8 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-paste rotate: false - xy: 427, 378 + xy: 1013, 765 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-pause rotate: false - xy: 709, 1061 + xy: 655, 478 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-pencil rotate: false - xy: 427, 360 + xy: 1031, 783 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-pencil-small rotate: false - xy: 467, 987 + xy: 673, 71 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-pick rotate: false - xy: 427, 342 + xy: 1049, 801 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-play rotate: false - xy: 721, 1061 + xy: 670, 490 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-play-2 rotate: false - xy: 467, 971 + xy: 673, 55 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-players rotate: false - xy: 733, 1061 + xy: 655, 466 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-power-small rotate: false - xy: 745, 1061 + xy: 667, 478 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-quit rotate: false - xy: 483, 987 + xy: 673, 39 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-redo rotate: false - xy: 427, 288 + xy: 1049, 783 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-refresh rotate: false - xy: 499, 995 + xy: 673, 23 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-rename rotate: false - xy: 467, 955 + xy: 881, 482 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-resize rotate: false - xy: 427, 270 + xy: 1031, 747 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-rotate rotate: false - xy: 483, 971 + xy: 1323, 1720 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-rotate-arrow rotate: false - xy: 499, 979 + xy: 2032, 1839 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-rotate-left rotate: false - xy: 515, 995 + xy: 2032, 1823 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-rotate-right rotate: false - xy: 483, 955 + xy: 2032, 1807 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-save rotate: false - xy: 499, 963 + xy: 2032, 1791 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-save-image rotate: false - xy: 427, 252 + xy: 1049, 765 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-save-map rotate: false - xy: 427, 234 + xy: 1049, 747 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-settings rotate: false - xy: 757, 1061 + xy: 655, 454 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-terrain rotate: false - xy: 427, 216 + xy: 1191, 1601 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-tools rotate: false - xy: 515, 979 + xy: 75, 5 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-touch rotate: false - xy: 769, 1061 + xy: 667, 466 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-touchDelete rotate: false - xy: 781, 1061 + xy: 655, 442 size: 10, 10 orig: 10, 10 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-trash rotate: false - xy: 531, 995 + xy: 923, 641 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-trash-16 rotate: false - xy: 427, 198 + xy: 1017, 1427 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-trello rotate: false - xy: 515, 963 + xy: 923, 625 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-tutorial rotate: false - xy: 531, 979 + xy: 939, 641 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-undo rotate: false - xy: 427, 162 + xy: 945, 657 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-unlocked rotate: false - xy: 426, 126 + xy: 987, 691 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-unlocks rotate: false - xy: 547, 995 + xy: 939, 625 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-wiki rotate: false - xy: 531, 963 + xy: 955, 641 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-zoom rotate: false - xy: 426, 90 + xy: 1067, 783 size: 16, 16 orig: 16, 16 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 icon-zoom-small rotate: false - xy: 547, 979 + xy: 955, 625 size: 14, 14 orig: 14, 14 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 info-banner rotate: false - xy: 621, 1358 + xy: 1, 21 size: 84, 45 orig: 84, 45 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 inventory rotate: false - xy: 431, 565 + xy: 987, 787 size: 24, 40 split: 10, 10, 10, 14 orig: 24, 40 @@ -6094,14 +6143,14 @@ inventory index: -1 logotext rotate: false - xy: 1, 1927 - size: 810, 120 - orig: 810, 120 + xy: 1, 1961 + size: 579, 86 + orig: 579, 86 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 pane rotate: false - xy: 1998, 1838 + xy: 621, 650 size: 36, 27 split: 12, 12, 12, 12 orig: 36, 27 @@ -6109,7 +6158,7 @@ pane index: -1 pane-2 rotate: false - xy: 1553, 1572 + xy: 621, 679 size: 36, 27 split: 12, 12, 12, 12 orig: 36, 27 @@ -6117,7 +6166,7 @@ pane-2 index: -1 scroll rotate: false - xy: 428, 486 + xy: 897, 622 size: 24, 35 split: 10, 10, 6, 5 orig: 24, 35 @@ -6125,7 +6174,7 @@ scroll index: -1 scroll-horizontal rotate: false - xy: 1989, 1678 + xy: 621, 490 size: 35, 24 split: 6, 5, 10, 10 orig: 35, 24 @@ -6133,7 +6182,7 @@ scroll-horizontal index: -1 scroll-knob-horizontal-black rotate: false - xy: 1, 8 + xy: 621, 871 size: 40, 24 split: 11, 10, 10, 10 orig: 40, 24 @@ -6141,7 +6190,7 @@ scroll-knob-horizontal-black index: -1 scroll-knob-vertical-black rotate: false - xy: 428, 523 + xy: 987, 745 size: 24, 40 split: 10, 10, 6, 10 orig: 24, 40 @@ -6149,63 +6198,63 @@ scroll-knob-vertical-black index: -1 sector-edge rotate: false - xy: 1883, 1399 + xy: 693, 633 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 sector-select rotate: false - xy: 1883, 1365 + xy: 693, 599 size: 32, 32 orig: 32, 32 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 selection rotate: false - xy: 428, 570 + xy: 767, 952 size: 1, 1 orig: 1, 1 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 slider rotate: false - xy: 242, 1784 + xy: 258, 1818 size: 1, 8 orig: 1, 8 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 slider-knob rotate: false - xy: 397, 533 + xy: 863, 578 size: 29, 38 orig: 29, 38 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 slider-knob-down rotate: false - xy: 397, 493 + xy: 863, 538 size: 29, 38 orig: 29, 38 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 slider-knob-over rotate: false - xy: 397, 453 + xy: 863, 498 size: 29, 38 orig: 29, 38 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 slider-vertical rotate: false - xy: 893, 1271 + xy: 767, 955 size: 8, 1 orig: 8, 1 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 underline rotate: false - xy: 1989, 1704 + xy: 621, 516 size: 36, 27 split: 12, 12, 12, 12 orig: 36, 27 @@ -6213,7 +6262,7 @@ underline index: -1 underline-2 rotate: false - xy: 1989, 1733 + xy: 621, 545 size: 36, 27 split: 12, 12, 12, 12 orig: 36, 27 @@ -6221,14 +6270,14 @@ underline-2 index: -1 white rotate: false - xy: 1577, 1533 + xy: 693, 837 size: 3, 3 orig: 3, 3 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 window-empty rotate: false - xy: 397, 84 + xy: 671, 155 size: 27, 61 split: 8, 8, 44, 11 orig: 27, 61 @@ -6236,203 +6285,203 @@ window-empty index: -1 alpha-drone rotate: false - xy: 1998, 1867 + xy: 1598, 1801 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 dagger rotate: false - xy: 785, 1490 + xy: 753, 1339 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 dagger-base rotate: false - xy: 785, 1440 + xy: 803, 1339 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 dagger-leg rotate: false - xy: 835, 1540 + xy: 853, 1339 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 fortress rotate: false - xy: 999, 1787 + xy: 653, 1785 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 fortress-base rotate: false - xy: 933, 1721 + xy: 653, 1719 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titan-base rotate: false - xy: 933, 1721 + xy: 653, 1719 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 fortress-leg rotate: false - xy: 867, 1655 + xy: 719, 1785 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ghoul rotate: false - xy: 327, 939 + xy: 555, 1193 size: 72, 72 orig: 72, 72 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 unit-icon-ghoul rotate: false - xy: 327, 939 + xy: 555, 1193 size: 72, 72 orig: 72, 72 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 phantom rotate: false - xy: 1330, 1597 + xy: 1370, 1793 size: 56, 56 orig: 56, 56 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 unit-icon-phantom rotate: false - xy: 1330, 1597 + xy: 1370, 1793 size: 56, 56 orig: 56, 56 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 power-cell rotate: false - xy: 1388, 1597 + xy: 1428, 1793 size: 56, 56 orig: 56, 56 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 revenant rotate: false - xy: 131, 1610 + xy: 131, 344 size: 112, 112 orig: 112, 112 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 unit-icon-revenant rotate: false - xy: 131, 1610 + xy: 131, 344 size: 112, 112 orig: 112, 112 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 spirit rotate: false - xy: 1285, 1547 + xy: 729, 1089 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 unit-icon-spirit rotate: false - xy: 1285, 1547 + xy: 729, 1089 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titan rotate: false - xy: 1593, 1655 + xy: 785, 1389 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 titan-leg rotate: false - xy: 1791, 1787 + xy: 851, 1455 size: 64, 64 orig: 64, 64 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 artillery-equip rotate: false - xy: 1762, 1605 + xy: 1798, 1801 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 blaster-equip rotate: false - xy: 1862, 1605 + xy: 1898, 1801 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 bomber-equip rotate: false - xy: 1912, 1603 + xy: 653, 1339 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 missiles-equip rotate: false - xy: 1912, 1603 + xy: 653, 1339 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 chain-blaster-equip rotate: false - xy: 785, 1540 + xy: 703, 1339 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 flakgun-equip rotate: false - xy: 935, 1497 + xy: 729, 1289 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 flamethrower-equip rotate: false - xy: 885, 1447 + xy: 629, 1139 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 heal-blaster-equip rotate: false - xy: 985, 1497 + xy: 729, 1239 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 shockgun-equip rotate: false - xy: 1235, 1547 + xy: 829, 1239 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 swarmer-equip rotate: false - xy: 1185, 1447 + xy: 829, 1189 size: 48, 48 orig: 48, 48 offset: 0, 0 diff --git a/core/assets/sprites/sprites.png b/core/assets/sprites/sprites.png index 8bcee82bbc..eb3273ed02 100644 Binary files a/core/assets/sprites/sprites.png and b/core/assets/sprites/sprites.png differ diff --git a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/Liquids.java b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/Liquids.java index 9ff4a489ea..c366b4a79a 100644 --- a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/Liquids.java +++ b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/Liquids.java @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import io.anuke.mindustry.type.ContentType; import io.anuke.mindustry.type.Liquid; public class Liquids implements ContentList{ - public static Liquid water, lava, oil, cryofluid; + public static Liquid water, slag, oil, cryofluid; @Override public void load(){ @@ -24,34 +24,28 @@ public class Liquids implements ContentList{ } }; - lava = new Liquid("lava", Color.valueOf("e37341")){ - { - temperature = 1f; - viscosity = 0.8f; - tier = 2; - effect = StatusEffects.melting; - } - }; + slag = new Liquid("slag", Color.valueOf("e37341")){{ + temperature = 1f; + viscosity = 0.8f; + tier = 2; + effect = StatusEffects.melting; + }}; - oil = new Liquid("oil", Color.valueOf("313131")){ - { - viscosity = 0.7f; - flammability = 0.6f; - explosiveness = 0.6f; - heatCapacity = 0.7f; - tier = 1; - effect = StatusEffects.tarred; - } - }; + oil = new Liquid("oil", Color.valueOf("313131")){{ + viscosity = 0.7f; + flammability = 0.6f; + explosiveness = 0.6f; + heatCapacity = 0.7f; + tier = 1; + effect = StatusEffects.tarred; + }}; - cryofluid = new Liquid("cryofluid", Color.SKY){ - { - heatCapacity = 0.9f; - temperature = 0.25f; - tier = 1; - effect = StatusEffects.freezing; - } - }; + cryofluid = new Liquid("cryofluid", Color.SKY){{ + heatCapacity = 0.9f; + temperature = 0.25f; + tier = 1; + effect = StatusEffects.freezing; + }}; } @Override diff --git a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/Recipes.java b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/Recipes.java index 58610befc8..eada479dc9 100644 --- a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/Recipes.java +++ b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/Recipes.java @@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ public class Recipes implements ContentList{ new Recipe(defense, DefenseBlocks.copperWall, new ItemStack(Items.copper, 12)).setAlwaysUnlocked(true); new Recipe(defense, DefenseBlocks.copperWallLarge, new ItemStack(Items.copper, 12 * 4)).setAlwaysUnlocked(true); - new Recipe(defense, DefenseBlocks.denseAlloyWall, new ItemStack(Items.densealloy, 12)); - new Recipe(defense, DefenseBlocks.denseAlloyWallLarge, new ItemStack(Items.densealloy, 12 * 4)); + new Recipe(defense, DefenseBlocks.denseAlloyWall, new ItemStack(Items.titanium, 12)); + new Recipe(defense, DefenseBlocks.denseAlloyWallLarge, new ItemStack(Items.titanium, 12 * 4)); - new Recipe(defense, DefenseBlocks.door, new ItemStack(Items.densealloy, 12), new ItemStack(Items.silicon, 8)); - new Recipe(defense, DefenseBlocks.doorLarge, new ItemStack(Items.densealloy, 12 * 4), new ItemStack(Items.silicon, 8 * 4)); + new Recipe(defense, DefenseBlocks.door, new ItemStack(Items.titanium, 12), new ItemStack(Items.silicon, 8)); + new Recipe(defense, DefenseBlocks.doorLarge, new ItemStack(Items.titanium, 12 * 4), new ItemStack(Items.silicon, 8 * 4)); new Recipe(defense, DefenseBlocks.thoriumWall, new ItemStack(Items.thorium, 12)); new Recipe(defense, DefenseBlocks.thoriumWallLarge, new ItemStack(Items.thorium, 12 * 4)); @@ -42,19 +42,19 @@ public class Recipes implements ContentList{ new Recipe(defense, DefenseBlocks.surgeWall, new ItemStack(Items.surgealloy, 12)); new Recipe(defense, DefenseBlocks.surgeWallLarge, new ItemStack(Items.surgealloy, 12 * 4)); - new Recipe(effect, StorageBlocks.container, new ItemStack(Items.densealloy, 200)); - new Recipe(effect, StorageBlocks.vault, new ItemStack(Items.densealloy, 500), new ItemStack(Items.thorium, 250)); + new Recipe(effect, StorageBlocks.container, new ItemStack(Items.titanium, 200)); + new Recipe(effect, StorageBlocks.vault, new ItemStack(Items.titanium, 500), new ItemStack(Items.thorium, 250)); new Recipe(effect, StorageBlocks.core, - new ItemStack(Items.copper, 2000), new ItemStack(Items.densealloy, 2000), + new ItemStack(Items.copper, 2000), new ItemStack(Items.titanium, 2000), new ItemStack(Items.silicon, 1750), new ItemStack(Items.thorium, 1000), new ItemStack(Items.surgealloy, 500), new ItemStack(Items.phasefabric, 750) ); //projectors - new Recipe(effect, DefenseBlocks.mendProjector, new ItemStack(Items.lead, 200), new ItemStack(Items.densealloy, 150), new ItemStack(Items.titanium, 50), new ItemStack(Items.silicon, 180)); - new Recipe(effect, DefenseBlocks.overdriveProjector, new ItemStack(Items.lead, 200), new ItemStack(Items.densealloy, 150), new ItemStack(Items.titanium, 150), new ItemStack(Items.silicon, 250)); - new Recipe(effect, DefenseBlocks.forceProjector, new ItemStack(Items.lead, 200), new ItemStack(Items.densealloy, 150), new ItemStack(Items.titanium, 150), new ItemStack(Items.silicon, 250)); + new Recipe(effect, DefenseBlocks.mendProjector, new ItemStack(Items.lead, 200), new ItemStack(Items.titanium, 150), new ItemStack(Items.titanium, 50), new ItemStack(Items.silicon, 180)); + new Recipe(effect, DefenseBlocks.overdriveProjector, new ItemStack(Items.lead, 200), new ItemStack(Items.titanium, 150), new ItemStack(Items.titanium, 150), new ItemStack(Items.silicon, 250)); + new Recipe(effect, DefenseBlocks.forceProjector, new ItemStack(Items.lead, 200), new ItemStack(Items.titanium, 150), new ItemStack(Items.titanium, 150), new ItemStack(Items.silicon, 250)); new Recipe(effect, DefenseBlocks.shockMine, new ItemStack(Items.lead, 50), new ItemStack(Items.silicon, 25)) .setDependencies(Items.blastCompound); diff --git a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/blocks/Blocks.java b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/blocks/Blocks.java index 16618bb039..8ce81e4667 100644 --- a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/blocks/Blocks.java +++ b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/blocks/Blocks.java @@ -90,20 +90,6 @@ public class Blocks extends BlockList implements ContentList{ minimapColor = Color.valueOf("506eb4"); }}; - lava = new Floor("lava"){{ - drownTime = 100f; - liquidColor = Color.valueOf("ed5334"); - speedMultiplier = 0.2f; - damageTaken = 0.5f; - status = StatusEffects.melting; - statusIntensity = 0.8f; - variants = 0; - liquidDrop = Liquids.lava; - isLiquid = true; - cacheLayer = CacheLayer.lava; - minimapColor = Color.valueOf("ed5334"); - }}; - tar = new Floor("tar"){{ drownTime = 150f; liquidColor = Color.valueOf("292929"); @@ -119,14 +105,12 @@ public class Blocks extends BlockList implements ContentList{ stone = new Floor("stone"){{ hasOres = true; - drops = new ItemStack(Items.stone, 1); blends = block -> block != this && !(block instanceof OreBlock); minimapColor = Color.valueOf("323232"); playerUnmineable = true; }}; blackstone = new Floor("blackstone"){{ - drops = new ItemStack(Items.stone, 1); minimapColor = Color.valueOf("252525"); playerUnmineable = true; hasOres = true; diff --git a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/blocks/CraftingBlocks.java b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/blocks/CraftingBlocks.java index c72235c8d1..84ba6b2709 100644 --- a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/blocks/CraftingBlocks.java +++ b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/blocks/CraftingBlocks.java @@ -12,23 +12,10 @@ import io.anuke.mindustry.world.blocks.production.*; public class CraftingBlocks extends BlockList implements ContentList{ public static Block arcsmelter, siliconsmelter, plastaniumCompressor, phaseWeaver, alloySmelter, pyratiteMixer, blastMixer, - cryofluidmixer, melter, separator, centrifuge, biomatterCompressor, pulverizer, solidifier, incinerator; + cryofluidmixer, melter, separator, biomatterCompressor, pulverizer, solidifier, incinerator; @Override public void load(){ - arcsmelter = new PowerSmelter("arc-smelter"){{ - health = 90; - craftEffect = BlockFx.smeltsmoke; - result = Items.densealloy; - craftTime = 30f; - size = 2; - - useFlux = true; - fluxNeeded = 2; - - consumes.items(new ItemStack(Items.copper, 1), new ItemStack(Items.lead, 2)); - consumes.power(0.1f); - }}; siliconsmelter = new PowerSmelter("silicon-smelter"){{ health = 90; @@ -127,42 +114,21 @@ public class CraftingBlocks extends BlockList implements ContentList{ melter = new PowerCrafter("melter"){{ health = 200; - outputLiquid = Liquids.lava; + outputLiquid = Liquids.slag; outputLiquidAmount = 1f; itemCapacity = 20; craftTime = 10f; + size = 2; hasLiquids = hasPower = true; consumes.power(0.1f); - consumes.item(Items.stone, 1); + consumes.item(Items.scrap, 1); }}; separator = new Separator("separator"){{ results = new ItemStack[]{ - new ItemStack(null, 10), - new ItemStack(Items.sand, 10), - new ItemStack(Items.stone, 9), - new ItemStack(Items.copper, 4), - new ItemStack(Items.lead, 2), - new ItemStack(Items.coal, 2), - new ItemStack(Items.titanium, 1), - }; - filterTime = 40f; - itemCapacity = 40; - health = 50; - - consumes.item(Items.stone, 2); - consumes.liquid(Liquids.water, 0.3f); - }}; - - centrifuge = new Separator("centrifuge"){{ - results = new ItemStack[]{ - new ItemStack(null, 13), - new ItemStack(Items.sand, 12), - new ItemStack(Items.stone, 11), new ItemStack(Items.copper, 5), new ItemStack(Items.lead, 3), - new ItemStack(Items.coal, 3), new ItemStack(Items.titanium, 2), new ItemStack(Items.thorium, 1) }; @@ -177,9 +143,8 @@ public class CraftingBlocks extends BlockList implements ContentList{ spinnerSpeed = 3f; size = 2; - consumes.item(Items.stone, 2); - consumes.power(0.2f); - consumes.liquid(Liquids.water, 0.5f); + consumes.power(0.1f); + consumes.liquid(Liquids.slag, 0.2f); }}; biomatterCompressor = new Compressor("biomattercompressor"){{ @@ -209,18 +174,6 @@ public class CraftingBlocks extends BlockList implements ContentList{ consumes.power(0.05f); }}; - solidifier = new GenericCrafter("solidifer"){{ - liquidCapacity = 21f; - craftTime = 14; - output = Items.stone; - itemCapacity = 20; - health = 80; - craftEffect = BlockFx.purifystone; - hasLiquids = hasItems = true; - - consumes.liquid(Liquids.lava, 1f); - }}; - incinerator = new Incinerator("incinerator"){{ health = 90; }}; diff --git a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/blocks/TurretBlocks.java b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/blocks/TurretBlocks.java index 3bb6f8ba72..4249c80b19 100644 --- a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/blocks/TurretBlocks.java +++ b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/blocks/TurretBlocks.java @@ -84,13 +84,13 @@ public class TurretBlocks extends BlockList implements ContentList{ }}; lancer = new ChargeTurret("lancer"){{ - range = 90f; - chargeTime = 60f; + range = 170f; + chargeTime = 50f; chargeMaxDelay = 30f; chargeEffects = 7; shootType = AmmoTypes.lancerLaser; recoil = 2f; - reload = 100f; + reload = 120f; cooldown = 0.03f; powerUsed = 20f; powerCapacity = 60f; @@ -107,13 +107,13 @@ public class TurretBlocks extends BlockList implements ContentList{ arc = new PowerTurret("arc"){{ shootType = AmmoTypes.arc; - reload = 85f; - shootShake = 1f; + reload = 20f; + shootShake = 0f; shootCone = 40f; rotatespeed = 8f; - powerUsed = 10f; + powerUsed = 3f; powerCapacity = 30f; - range = 150f; + range = 50f; shootEffect = ShootFx.lightningShoot; heatColor = Color.RED; recoil = 1f; diff --git a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/bullets/TurretBullets.java b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/bullets/TurretBullets.java index 1bce07f371..fb0c69b0e2 100644 --- a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/bullets/TurretBullets.java +++ b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/content/bullets/TurretBullets.java @@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ public class TurretBullets extends BulletList implements ContentList{ } }; - lancerLaser = new BulletType(0.001f, 140){ + lancerLaser = new BulletType(0.001f, 60){ Color[] colors = {Palette.lancerLaser.cpy().mul(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.4f), Palette.lancerLaser, Color.WHITE}; float[] tscales = {1f, 0.7f, 0.5f, 0.2f}; float[] lenscales = {1f, 1.1f, 1.13f, 1.14f}; - float length = 100f; + float length = 170f; { hiteffect = BulletFx.hitLancer; @@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ public class TurretBullets extends BulletList implements ContentList{ } }; - arc = new BulletType(0.001f, 26){ + arc = new BulletType(0.001f, 8){ { lifetime = 1; despawneffect = Fx.none; diff --git a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/core/Platform.java b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/core/Platform.java index ca4fd9d2f9..049e262da1 100644 --- a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/core/Platform.java +++ b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/core/Platform.java @@ -34,41 +34,6 @@ public abstract class Platform { Core.input.setOnscreenKeyboardVisible(false); }; Core.input.getTextInput(input); - /* - Dialog dialog = new Dialog("", "dialog"); - dialog.setFillParent(true); - dialog.content().top(); - dialog.content().defaults().height(65f); - - TextField[] use = {null}; - - dialog.content().addImageButton("icon-copy", "clear", 16*3, () -> use[0].copy()) - .visible(() -> !use[0].getSelection().isEmpty()).width(65f); - - dialog.content().addImageButton("icon-paste", "clear", 16*3, () -> - use[0].paste(Core.app.getClipboard().getContents(), false)) - .visible(() -> Core.app.getClipboard() != null && Core.app.getClipboard().getContents() != null && !Core.app.getClipboard().getContents().isEmpty()).width(65f); - - TextField to = dialog.content().addField(field.getText(), t-> {}).pad(15).width(250f).get(); - to.setMaxLength(maxLength); - to.keyDown(KeyCode.ENTER, () -> dialog.content().find("okb").fireClick()); - - use[0] = to; - - dialog.content().addButton("$text.ok", () -> { - field.clearText(); - field.appendText(to.getText()); - field.change(); - dialog.hide(); - Core.input.setOnscreenKeyboardVisible(false); - }).width(90f).name("okb"); - - dialog.show(); - Time.runTask(1f, () -> { - to.setCursorPosition(to.getText().length()); - Core.scene.setKeyboardFocus(to); - Core.input.setOnscreenKeyboardVisible(true); - });*/ }); } /**Update discord RPC.*/ diff --git a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/core/Renderer.java b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/core/Renderer.java index 756ed9945c..3f2fc94c94 100644 --- a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/core/Renderer.java +++ b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/core/Renderer.java @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ public class Renderer implements ApplicationListener{ public void clampScale(){ float s = io.anuke.arc.scene.ui.layout.Unit.dp.scl(1f); - targetscale = Mathf.clamp(targetscale, Math.round(s * 1), Math.round(s * 6)); + targetscale = Mathf.clamp(targetscale, Math.round(s * 2), Math.round(s * 6)); } public void takeMapScreenshot(){ diff --git a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/editor/OperationStack.java b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/editor/OperationStack.java index 0fcdbeb361..aa53bb3afa 100755 --- a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/editor/OperationStack.java +++ b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/editor/OperationStack.java @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public class OperationStack{ stack.add(action); if(stack.size > maxSize){ - stack.removeAt(0); + stack.remove(0); } } diff --git a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/input/MobileInput.java b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/input/MobileInput.java index 1a8e0b68ab..b8fc6c00cd 100644 --- a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/input/MobileInput.java +++ b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/input/MobileInput.java @@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ public class MobileInput extends InputHandler implements GestureListener{ PlaceRequest request = removals.get(i); if(request.scale <= 0.0001f){ - removals.removeAt(i); + removals.remove(i); i--; } } diff --git a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/ui/fragments/BackgroundFragment.java b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/ui/fragments/BackgroundFragment.java index 942a22a7c7..de0b8851cb 100644 --- a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/ui/fragments/BackgroundFragment.java +++ b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/ui/fragments/BackgroundFragment.java @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class BackgroundFragment extends Fragment{ Draw.shader(); boolean portrait = Core.graphics.getWidth() < Core.graphics.getHeight(); - float logoscl = (int) Unit.dp.scl(1) * (portrait ? 0.5f : 0.75f); + float logoscl = (int) Unit.dp.scl(1); TextureRegion logo = Core.atlas.find("logotext"); float logow = logo.getWidth() * logoscl; float logoh = logo.getHeight() * logoscl; diff --git a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/ui/fragments/LoadingFragment.java b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/ui/fragments/LoadingFragment.java index ab4c92efef..f378c5571c 100644 --- a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/ui/fragments/LoadingFragment.java +++ b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/ui/fragments/LoadingFragment.java @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public class LoadingFragment extends Fragment{ public void setButton(Runnable listener){ button.visible(true); - button.getListeners().removeAt(button.getListeners().size - 1); + button.getListeners().remove(button.getListeners().size - 1); button.clicked(listener); } diff --git a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/world/blocks/SelectionTrait.java b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/world/blocks/SelectionTrait.java index 177ce8a5ce..437f7b1bbd 100644 --- a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/world/blocks/SelectionTrait.java +++ b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/world/blocks/SelectionTrait.java @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public interface SelectionTrait{ ImageButton button = cont.addImageButton("white", "clear-toggle", 24, () -> {}).group(group).get(); button.changed(() -> consumer.accept(button.isChecked() ? item : null)); button.getStyle().imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(item.region); - button.setChecked(holder.get() == item); + button.update(() -> button.setChecked(holder.get() == item)); if(i++ % 4 == 3){ cont.row(); diff --git a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/world/blocks/production/Separator.java b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/world/blocks/production/Separator.java index 1328077c5d..1a706644e9 100644 --- a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/world/blocks/production/Separator.java +++ b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/world/blocks/production/Separator.java @@ -2,20 +2,19 @@ package io.anuke.mindustry.world.blocks.production; import io.anuke.arc.Core; import io.anuke.arc.graphics.Color; +import io.anuke.arc.graphics.g2d.Draw; +import io.anuke.arc.graphics.g2d.Lines; import io.anuke.arc.graphics.g2d.TextureRegion; -import io.anuke.mindustry.content.Items; -import io.anuke.mindustry.content.Liquids; +import io.anuke.arc.math.Mathf; import io.anuke.mindustry.entities.TileEntity; import io.anuke.mindustry.type.Item; import io.anuke.mindustry.type.ItemStack; import io.anuke.mindustry.world.Block; import io.anuke.mindustry.world.Tile; import io.anuke.mindustry.world.blocks.production.GenericCrafter.GenericCrafterEntity; +import io.anuke.mindustry.world.consumers.ConsumeItem; import io.anuke.mindustry.world.meta.BlockStat; import io.anuke.mindustry.world.meta.values.ItemFilterValue; -import io.anuke.arc.graphics.g2d.Draw; -import io.anuke.arc.graphics.g2d.Lines; -import io.anuke.arc.math.Mathf; /** * Extracts a random list of items from an input item and an input liquid. @@ -41,9 +40,6 @@ public class Separator extends Block{ solid = true; hasItems = true; hasLiquids = true; - - consumes.item(Items.stone); - consumes.liquid(Liquids.water, 0.1f); } @Override @@ -103,7 +99,7 @@ public class Separator extends Block{ int count = 0; Item item = null; - //TODO possible desync since items are random + //TODO guaranteed desync since items are random for(ItemStack stack : results){ if(i >= count && i < count + stack.amount){ item = stack.item; @@ -112,8 +108,11 @@ public class Separator extends Block{ count += stack.amount; } - entity.items.remove(consumes.item(), consumes.itemAmount()); - if(item != null){ + if(consumes.has(ConsumeItem.class)){ + entity.items.remove(consumes.item(), consumes.itemAmount()); + } + + if(item != null && entity.items.get(item) < itemCapacity){ offloading = true; offloadNear(tile, item); offloading = false; diff --git a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/world/blocks/units/CommandCenter.java b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/world/blocks/units/CommandCenter.java index 810e270658..57de75effc 100644 --- a/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/world/blocks/units/CommandCenter.java +++ b/core/src/io/anuke/mindustry/world/blocks/units/CommandCenter.java @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public class CommandCenter extends Block{ for(UnitCommand cmd : UnitCommand.values()){ buttons.addImageButton("command-" + cmd.name(), "clear-toggle", 8*3, () -> Call.onCommandCenterSet(players[0], tile, cmd)) - .size(38f).checked(entity.command == cmd).group(group); + .size(38f).group(group).update(b -> b.setChecked(entity.command == cmd)); } table.add(buttons); table.row();