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synced 2025-02-21 20:18:06 +07:00
New tile edge algorithms / Struct value type generation
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public class Annotations{
/**Marks a field of a struct. Optional.*/
public @interface StructField{
/**Size of a struct field in bits. Not valid on booleans or floating point numbers.*/
@ -9,14 +9,17 @@ import io.anuke.annotations.Annotations.StructField;
import javax.annotation.processing.*;
import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter;
import javax.tools.Diagnostic.Kind;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
/**Generates ""value types"" classes that are packed into integer primitives of the most aproppriate size.
* It would be nice if Java didn't make crazy hacks like this necessary.*/
@ -44,31 +47,114 @@ public class StructAnnotationProcessor extends AbstractProcessor{
Set<TypeElement> elements = ElementFilter.typesIn(roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(Struct.class));
for(TypeElement elem : elements){
TypeName type = TypeName.get(elem.asType());
Utils.messager.printMessage(Kind.ERROR, "All classes annotated with @Struct must have their class names end in 'Struct'.", elem);
TypeSpec.Builder classBuilder = TypeSpec.classBuilder(packageName + "." + elem.getSimpleName().toString());
String structName = elem.getSimpleName().toString().substring(0, elem.getSimpleName().toString().length() - "Struct".length());
String structParam = structName.toLowerCase();
int offset = 0;
TypeSpec.Builder classBuilder = TypeSpec.classBuilder(structName)
.addModifiers(Modifier.FINAL, Modifier.PUBLIC);
for(VariableElement var : ElementFilter.fieldsIn(Collections.singletonList(elem))){
Utils.messager.printMessage(Kind.ERROR, "All struct fields must be primitives.", var);
List<VariableElement> variables = ElementFilter.fieldsIn(elem.getEnclosedElements());
int structSize = variables.stream().mapToInt(StructAnnotationProcessor::varSize).sum();
int structTotalSize = (structSize <= 8 ? 8 : structSize <= 16 ? 16 : structSize <= 32 ? 32 : 64);
if(variables.size() == 0){
Utils.messager.printMessage(Kind.ERROR, "making a struct with no fields is utterly pointles.", elem);
StructField an = var.getAnnotation(StructField.class);
int size = an == null ? typeSize(var.asType().getKind()) : an.value();
//obtain type which will be stored
Class<?> structType = typeForSize(structSize);
MethodSpec.Builder getter = MethodSpec.methodBuilder(var.getSimpleName().toString());
MethodSpec.Builder setter = MethodSpec.methodBuilder(var.getSimpleName().toString());
//[constructor] get(fields...) : structType
MethodSpec.Builder constructor = MethodSpec.methodBuilder("get") //TODO 'get'..?
.addModifiers(Modifier.STATIC, Modifier.PUBLIC)
StringBuilder cons = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder doc = new StringBuilder();
doc.append("Bits used: ").append(structSize).append(" / ").append(structTotalSize).append("\n");
int offset = 0;
for(VariableElement var : variables){
int size = varSize(var);
TypeName varType = TypeName.get(var.asType());
String varName = var.getSimpleName().toString();
//add val param to constructor
constructor.addParameter(varType, varName);
//[get] field(structType) : fieldType
MethodSpec.Builder getter = MethodSpec.methodBuilder(var.getSimpleName().toString())
.addModifiers(Modifier.STATIC, Modifier.PUBLIC)
.addParameter(structType, structParam);
//[set] field(structType, fieldType) : structType
MethodSpec.Builder setter = MethodSpec.methodBuilder(var.getSimpleName().toString())
.addModifiers(Modifier.STATIC, Modifier.PUBLIC)
.addParameter(structType, structParam).addParameter(varType, "value");
if(varType == TypeName.BOOLEAN){
//bools: single bit, is simplified
getter.addStatement("return ($L & (1L << $L)) != 0", structParam, offset);
}else if(varType == TypeName.FLOAT){
//floats: need conversion
getter.addStatement("return Float.intBitsToFloat((int)(($L >> $L) & $L))", structParam, offset, bitString(size, structTotalSize));
//bytes, shorts, chars, ints
getter.addStatement("return ($T)(($L >> $L) & $L)", varType, structParam, offset, bitString(size, structTotalSize));
//[setter] + [constructor building]
if(varType == TypeName.BOOLEAN){
cons.append(" | (").append(varName).append(" ? ").append("1L << ").append(offset).append("L : 0)");
//bools: single bit, needs special case to clear things
setter.addStatement("return ($T)(($L & ~(1L << $LL)))", structType, structParam, offset);
setter.addStatement("return ($T)(($L & ~(1L << $LL)) | (1L << $LL))", structType, structParam, offset, offset);
}else if(varType == TypeName.FLOAT){
cons.append(" | (").append("(").append(structType).append(")").append("Float.floatToIntBits(").append(varName).append(") << ").append(offset).append("L)");
//floats: need conversion
setter.addStatement("return ($T)(($L & $L) | (($T)Float.floatToIntBits(value) << $LL))", structType, structParam, bitString(offset, size, structTotalSize), structType, offset);
cons.append(" | (").append("(").append(structType).append(")").append(varName).append(" << ").append(offset).append("L)");
//bytes, shorts, chars, ints
setter.addStatement("return ($T)(($L & $L) | (($T)value << $LL))", structType, structParam, bitString(offset, size, structTotalSize), structType, offset);
doc.append("<br> ").append(varName).append(" [").append(offset).append("..").append(size + offset).append("]\n");
//add finished methods
offset += size;
//add constructor final statement + add to class and build
constructor.addStatement("return ($T)($L)", structType, cons.toString().substring(3));
JavaFile.builder(packageName, classBuilder.build()).build().writeTo(Utils.filer);
}catch(IllegalArgumentException e){
Utils.messager.printMessage(Kind.ERROR, e.getMessage(), elem);
JavaFile.builder(packageName, classBuilder.build()).build().writeTo(Utils.filer);
return true;
@ -78,8 +164,53 @@ public class StructAnnotationProcessor extends AbstractProcessor{
static String bitString(int offset, int size, int totalSize){
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0; i < offset; i++) builder.append('0');
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) builder.append('1');
for(int i = 0; i < totalSize - size - offset; i++) builder.append('0');
return "0b" + builder.reverse().toString() + "L";
static String bitString(int size, int totalSize){
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) builder.append('1');
for(int i = 0; i < totalSize - size; i++) builder.append('0');
return "0b" + builder.reverse().toString() + "L";
static int varSize(VariableElement var) throws IllegalArgumentException{
throw new IllegalArgumentException("All struct fields must be primitives: " + var);
StructField an = var.getAnnotation(StructField.class);
if(var.asType().getKind() == TypeKind.BOOLEAN && an != null && an.value() != 1){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Booleans can only be one bit long... why would you do this?");
if(var.asType().getKind() == TypeKind.FLOAT && an != null && an.value() != 32){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Float size can't be changed. Very sad.");
return an == null ? typeSize(var.asType().getKind()) : an.value();
static Class<?> typeForSize(int size) throws IllegalArgumentException{
if(size <= 8){
return byte.class;
}else if(size <= 16){
return short.class;
}else if(size <= 32){
return int.class;
}else if(size <= 64){
return long.class;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many fields, must fit in 64 bits. Curent size: " + size);
/**returns a type's element size in bits.*/
static int typeSize(TypeKind kind){
static int typeSize(TypeKind kind) throws IllegalArgumentException{
return 1;
@ -91,11 +222,8 @@ public class StructAnnotationProcessor extends AbstractProcessor{
case CHAR:
case INT:
return 32;
case LONG:
case DOUBLE:
return 64;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid type kind: " + kind);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid type kind: " + kind + ". Note that doubles and longs are not supported.");
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 506 B |
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 588 B |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 303 B |
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 9.7 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1013 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1013 KiB |
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
package io.anuke.mindustry.content;
import io.anuke.arc.Core;
import io.anuke.arc.graphics.Color;
import io.anuke.arc.graphics.g2d.Draw;
import io.anuke.arc.graphics.g2d.TextureRegion;
import io.anuke.mindustry.game.ContentList;
import io.anuke.mindustry.graphics.CacheLayer;
import io.anuke.mindustry.type.Category;
@ -32,8 +34,9 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
public static Block
air, part, spawn, space, metalfloor, deepwater, water, tar, stone, craters, charr, blackstone, dirt, sand, ice, snow, iceSnow,
grass, holostone, holostoneSnow, shrub, rock, icerock, blackrock, rocks, icerocks, cliffs, pine, whiteTree, sporeCluster,
air, part, spawn, deepwater, water, tar, stone, craters, charr, sand, ice, snow,
grass, holostone, rocks, icerocks, cliffs, pine, whiteTree, whiteTreeDead, sporeCluster,
siliconSmelter, graphitePress, plastaniumCompressor, multiPress, phaseWeaver, surgeSmelter, pyratiteMixer, blastMixer, cryofluidMixer,
@ -83,6 +86,12 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
public void draw(Tile tile){}
public void load(){}
public void init(){}
public TextureRegion[] variantRegions(){
if(variantRegions == null){
variantRegions = new TextureRegion[]{Core.atlas.find("clear")};
return variantRegions;
part = new BlockPart();
@ -97,18 +106,6 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
new BuildBlock("build" + i);
space = new Floor("space"){{
placeableOn = false;
variants = 0;
cacheLayer = CacheLayer.space;
solid = true;
minimapColor = Color.valueOf("000001");
metalfloor = new Floor("metalfloor"){{
variants = 6;
deepwater = new Floor("deepwater"){{
liquidColor = Color.valueOf("546bb3");
speedMultiplier = 0.2f;
@ -161,16 +158,6 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
minimapColor = Color.valueOf("323232");
blackstone = new Floor("blackstone"){{
minimapColor = Color.valueOf("252525");
playerUnmineable = true;
hasOres = true;
dirt = new Floor("dirt"){{
minimapColor = Color.valueOf("6e501e");
sand = new Floor("sand"){{
itemDrop = Items.sand;
minimapColor = Color.valueOf("988a67");
@ -184,13 +171,12 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
minimapColor = Color.valueOf("b8eef8");
snow = new Floor("snow"){{
minimapColor = Color.valueOf("c2d1d2");
holostone = new Floor("holostone"){{
hasOres = true;
iceSnow = new Floor("ice-snow"){{
snow = new Floor("snow"){{
minimapColor = Color.valueOf("c2d1d2");
variants = 3;
grass = new Floor("grass"){{
@ -198,8 +184,6 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
minimapColor = Color.valueOf("549d5b");
shrub = new Rock("shrub");
cliffs = new StaticWall("cliffs"){{
variants = 1;
fillsTile = false;
@ -218,19 +202,18 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
variants = 0;
whiteTree = new TreeBlock("white-tree-dead"){{
whiteTreeDead = new TreeBlock("white-tree-dead"){{
whiteTree = new TreeBlock("white-tree"){{
sporeCluster = new Rock("spore-cluster"){{
variants = 3;
holostone = new Floor("holostone"){{
hasOres = true;
holostoneSnow = new Floor("holostone-snow"){{
iceSnow = new Floor("iceSnow"){{
variants = 3;
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ public class MapEditorDialog extends Dialog implements Disposable{
editor.beginEdit(data, meta.tags, false);
}catch(Exception e){
ui.showError(Core.bundle.format("editor.errormapload", Strings.parseException(e, false)));
ui.showError(Core.bundle.format("editor.errorimageload", Strings.parseException(e, false)));
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ public class FloorRenderer{
int chunksx = Mathf.ceil((float) (world.width()) / chunksize),
chunksy = Mathf.ceil((float) (world.height()) / chunksize) ;
cache = new Chunk[chunksx][chunksy];
SpriteCache sprites = new SpriteCache(world.width() * world.height() * 3, (world.width() / chunksize) * (world.height() / chunksize) * 2, false);
SpriteCache sprites = new SpriteCache(world.width() * world.height() * 5, (world.width() / chunksize) * (world.height() / chunksize) * 2, false);
cbatch = new CacheBatch(sprites);
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import io.anuke.mindustry.maps.MapTileData.TileDataMarker;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.Block;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.Tile;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.blocks.OreBlock;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.blocks.StaticWall;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.blocks.storage.CoreBlock;
import static io.anuke.mindustry.Vars.*;
@ -89,7 +90,8 @@ public class MapGenerator extends Generator{
int newX = Mathf.clamp((int)(simplex.octaveNoise2D(1, 1, 1.0 / scl, x, y) * distortion + x), 0, data.width()-1);
int newY = Mathf.clamp((int)(simplex.octaveNoise2D(1, 1, 1.0 / scl, x + 9999, y + 9999) * distortion + y), 0, data.height()-1);
if(tiles[newX][newY].block() != Blocks.spawn && !tile.block().synthetic()&& !tiles[newX][newY].block().synthetic()){
if(tile.block() instanceof StaticWall
&& tiles[newX][newY].block() instanceof StaticWall){
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ public class Block extends BlockStorage{
protected Array<Tile> tempTiles = new Array<>();
protected TextureRegion[] icons = new TextureRegion[Icon.values().length];
protected TextureRegion[] generatedIcons;
protected TextureRegion[] variants;
protected TextureRegion[] variantRegions;
protected TextureRegion region;
public Block(String name){
@ -503,10 +503,10 @@ public class Block extends BlockStorage{
public TextureRegion[] variantRegions(){
if(variants == null){
variants = new TextureRegion[]{icon(Icon.full)};
if(variantRegions == null){
variantRegions = new TextureRegion[]{icon(Icon.full)};
return variants;
return variantRegions;
public boolean hasEntity(){
@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ public class LegacyColorMapper implements ContentList{
public void load(){
defaultValue = new LegacyBlock(Blocks.stone, Blocks.air);
map("ff0000", Blocks.dirt, 0);
//TODO remap colors later
// map("ff0000", Blocks.dirt, 0);
map("00ff00", Blocks.stone, 0);
map("323232", Blocks.stone, 0);
map("646464", Blocks.stone, 1);
@ -28,15 +29,15 @@ public class LegacyColorMapper implements ContentList{
map("5ab464", Blocks.grass, 1);
map("506eb4", Blocks.water, 0);
map("465a96", Blocks.deepwater, 0);
map("252525", Blocks.blackstone, 0);
map("575757", Blocks.blackstone, 1);
//map("252525", Blocks.blackstone, 0);
//map("575757", Blocks.blackstone, 1);
map("988a67", Blocks.sand, 0);
map("e5d8bb", Blocks.sand, 1);
map("c2d1d2", Blocks.snow, 0);
map("c4e3e7", Blocks.ice, 0);
map("f7feff", Blocks.snow, 1);
map("6e501e", Blocks.dirt, 0);
map("ed5334", Blocks.blackstone, 0);
//map("6e501e", Blocks.dirt, 0);
//map("ed5334", Blocks.blackstone, 0);
map("292929", Blocks.tar, 0);
map("c3a490", OreBlock.get(Blocks.stone, Items.copper), 0);
map("161616", OreBlock.get(Blocks.stone, Items.coal), 0);
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import io.anuke.arc.graphics.Color;
import io.anuke.arc.graphics.g2d.Draw;
import io.anuke.arc.graphics.g2d.TextureRegion;
import io.anuke.arc.math.Mathf;
import io.anuke.arc.math.geom.Geometry;
import io.anuke.arc.math.geom.Point2;
import io.anuke.mindustry.content.Fx;
import io.anuke.mindustry.content.StatusEffects;
import io.anuke.mindustry.type.Item;
@ -51,8 +53,9 @@ public class Floor extends Block{
public float heat = 0f;
/** if true, this block cannot be mined by players. useful for annoying things like sand. */
public boolean playerUnmineable = false;
protected TextureRegion[] regions;
protected TextureRegion[][] edges;
protected byte eq = 0;
public Floor(String name){
@ -65,24 +68,26 @@ public class Floor extends Block{
//load variant regions for drawing
if(variants > 0){
regions = new TextureRegion[variants];
variantRegions = new TextureRegion[variants];
for(int i = 0; i < variants; i++){
regions[i] = Core.atlas.find(name + (i + 1));
variantRegions[i] = Core.atlas.find(name + (i + 1));
regions = new TextureRegion[1];
regions[0] = Core.atlas.find(name);
variantRegions = new TextureRegion[1];
variantRegions[0] = Core.atlas.find(name);
int size = (int)(tilesize / Draw.scl);
edges = Core.atlas.find(name + "-edge").split(size, size);
region = regions[0];
if(Core.atlas.has(name + "-edge")){
edges = Core.atlas.find(name + "-edge").split(size, size);
region = variantRegions[0];
public TextureRegion[] variantRegions(){
return regions;
public TextureRegion[] generateIcons(){
return new TextureRegion[]{Core.atlas.find(Core.atlas.has(name) ? name : name + "1")};
@ -98,12 +103,57 @@ public class Floor extends Block{
public void draw(Tile tile){
Draw.rect(regions[Mathf.randomSeed(tile.pos(), 0, Math.max(0, regions.length - 1))], tile.worldx(), tile.worldy());
Draw.rect(variantRegions[Mathf.randomSeed(tile.pos(), 0, Math.max(0, variantRegions.length - 1))], tile.worldx(), tile.worldy());
public TextureRegion[] generateIcons(){
return new TextureRegion[]{Core.atlas.find(Core.atlas.has(name) ? name : name + "1")};
protected void drawEdges(Tile tile){
eq = 0;
Floor floor = tile.floor();
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
Point2 point = Geometry.d8[i];
Tile other = tile.getNearby(point);
if(other != null && other.floor().id < floor.id && other.floor().edges != null){
eq |= (1 << i);
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
Point2 point = Geometry.d8[i];
Tile other = tile.getNearby(point);
TextureRegion region = edge(other.floor(), type(i), 2-(point.x + 1), 2-(point.y + 1));
Draw.rect(region, tile.worldx(), tile.worldy());
int type(int i){
if(!eq(i - 1) && !eq(i + 1)){
//case 0: touching
return 0;
}else if(eq(i - 1) && eq(i - 2) && eq(i + 1) && eq(i + 2)){
//case 2: surrounded
return 2;
}else if(eq(i - 1) && eq(i + 1)){
//case 1: flat
return 1;
//case 0 is rounded, so it's the safest choice, should work for most possibilities
return 0;
boolean eq(int i){
return (eq & (1 << Mathf.mod(i, 8))) != 0;
TextureRegion edge(Floor block, int type, int x, int y){
return block.edges[x + type*3][2-y];
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public class OreBlock extends Floor{
public void draw(Tile tile){
Draw.rect(regions[Mathf.randomSeed(tile.pos(), 0, Math.max(0, regions.length - 1))], tile.worldx(), tile.worldy());
Draw.rect(variantRegions[Mathf.randomSeed(tile.pos(), 0, Math.max(0, variantRegions.length - 1))], tile.worldx(), tile.worldy());
public static Block get(Block floor, Item item){
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import io.anuke.mindustry.type.Item;
import io.anuke.mindustry.type.Mech;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.Block;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.Block.Icon;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.blocks.Floor;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.blocks.OreBlock;
import static io.anuke.mindustry.Vars.content;
@ -143,6 +144,31 @@ public class Generators {
ImagePacker.generate("edges", () -> {
for(Block block : content.blocks()){
if(!(block instanceof Floor)) continue;
Floor floor = (Floor)block;
if(ImagePacker.has(floor.name + "-edge")){
Image image = ImagePacker.get(floor.generateIcons()[0]);
Image edge = ImagePacker.get("edge-stencil");
for(int x = 0; x < edge.width(); x++){
for(int y = 0; y < edge.height(); y++){
edge.draw(x, y, edge.getColor(x, y).mul(image.getColor(x % image.width(), y % image.height())));
edge.save(floor.name + "-edge");
}catch(Exception ignored){}
@ -111,6 +111,10 @@ public class ImagePacker{
return get(Core.atlas.find(name));
static boolean has(String name){
return Core.atlas.has(name);
static Image get(TextureRegion region){
Reference in New Issue
Block a user