diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_be.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_be.properties index b559a248b7..b640d5c957 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_be.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_be.properties @@ -1886,6 +1886,7 @@ onset.turrets = Units are effective, but [accent]turrets[] provide better defens onset.turretammo = Supply the turret with [accent]beryllium ammo.[] onset.walls = [accent]Walls[] can prevent oncoming damage from reaching buildings.\nPlace some \uf6ee [accent]beryllium walls[] around the turret. onset.enemies = Enemy incoming, prepare to defend. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = The enemy is vulnerable. Counter-attack. onset.cores = New cores can be placed on [accent]core tiles[].\nNew cores function as forward bases and share a resource inventory with other cores.\nPlace a \uf725 core. onset.detect = The enemy will be able to detect you in 2 minutes.\nSet up defenses, mining, and production. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_bg.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_bg.properties index ff7771fc5f..7e287c4463 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_bg.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_bg.properties @@ -1899,6 +1899,7 @@ onset.turrets = Units are effective, but [accent]turrets[] provide better defens onset.turretammo = Supply the turret with [accent]beryllium ammo.[] onset.walls = [accent]Walls[] can prevent oncoming damage from reaching buildings.\nPlace some \uf6ee [accent]beryllium walls[] around the turret. onset.enemies = Enemy incoming, prepare to defend. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = The enemy is vulnerable. Counter-attack. onset.cores = New cores can be placed on [accent]core tiles[].\nNew cores function as forward bases and share a resource inventory with other cores.\nPlace a \uf725 core. onset.detect = The enemy will be able to detect you in 2 minutes.\nSet up defenses, mining, and production. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ca.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ca.properties index 166189e37d..cc72d72090 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ca.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ca.properties @@ -1908,6 +1908,7 @@ onset.turrets = Les unitats són efectives, però les [accent]torretes[] proporc onset.turretammo = Subministreu [accent]munició de beril·li[] a la torreta. onset.walls = Els [accent]murs[] poden evitar que el dany arribi a les estructures importants.\nConstruïu alguns \uf6ee [accent]murs de beril·li[] al voltant de la torreta. onset.enemies = S’apropa un enemic. Prepareu la defensa. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = L’enemic és vulnerable. Contraataqueu. onset.cores = Els nuclis nous es poden construir en [accent]caselles de nucli[].\nEls nuclis nous funcionen com a bases i comparteixen un inventari de recursos amb altres nuclis.\nConstruïu un \uf725 nucli. onset.detect = L’enemic us detectarà d’aquí 2 minuts.\nEstabliu les defenses i les explotacions mineres i de producció. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_cs.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_cs.properties index d96220ed35..031ded45ef 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_cs.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_cs.properties @@ -1902,6 +1902,7 @@ onset.turrets = Units are effective, but [accent]turrets[] provide better defens onset.turretammo = Supply the turret with [accent]beryllium ammo.[] onset.walls = [accent]Walls[] can prevent oncoming damage from reaching buildings.\nPlace some \uf6ee [accent]beryllium walls[] around the turret. onset.enemies = Enemy incoming, prepare to defend. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = The enemy is vulnerable. Counter-attack. onset.cores = New cores can be placed on [accent]core tiles[].\nNew cores function as forward bases and share a resource inventory with other cores.\nPlace a \uf725 core. onset.detect = The enemy will be able to detect you in 2 minutes.\nSet up defenses, mining, and production. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_da.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_da.properties index aea8011160..c7994a4626 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_da.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_da.properties @@ -1888,6 +1888,7 @@ onset.turrets = Units are effective, but [accent]turrets[] provide better defens onset.turretammo = Supply the turret with [accent]beryllium ammo.[] onset.walls = [accent]Walls[] can prevent oncoming damage from reaching buildings.\nPlace some \uf6ee [accent]beryllium walls[] around the turret. onset.enemies = Enemy incoming, prepare to defend. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = The enemy is vulnerable. Counter-attack. onset.cores = New cores can be placed on [accent]core tiles[].\nNew cores function as forward bases and share a resource inventory with other cores.\nPlace a \uf725 core. onset.detect = The enemy will be able to detect you in 2 minutes.\nSet up defenses, mining, and production. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_de.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_de.properties index d148a01445..b273f5e222 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_de.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_de.properties @@ -1922,6 +1922,7 @@ onset.turrets = Einheiten sind effektiv, aber [accent]Geschütze[] sind beim Ver onset.turretammo = Versorge das Geschütz mit [accent]Berylliummunition[]. onset.walls = [accent]Mauern[] können andere Blöcke vor Schaden schützen.\nBaue \uf6ee [accent]Berylliummauern[] um die Geschütze. onset.enemies = Feinde kommen bald, bereite dich vor. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = Der Feid ist verwundbar. Greife ihn an. onset.cores = Neue Kerne können auf [accent]Kernzonen[] platziert werden.\nNeue Kerne funktionieren als Außenposten und haben alle Zugriff auf dasselbe Kerninventar.\nBaue einen \uf725 Kern. onset.detect = Der Feind wird dich in zwei Minuten entdecken.\nStelle Verteidigung, Bergbau und Produktion auf. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_es.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_es.properties index 41b25772f8..22c9668909 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_es.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_es.properties @@ -1915,6 +1915,7 @@ onset.turrets = Las unidades son efectivas, pero las [accent]torretas[] pueden o onset.turretammo = Suministra [accent]munición de berilio[] a la torreta. onset.walls = Los [accent]muros[] pueden evitar que las estructuras reciban daño.\nColoca unos \uf6ee [accent]muros de berilio[] alrededor de la torreta. onset.enemies = Se aproxima un enemigo, prepárate para defenderte. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = El enemigo es ahora vulnerable. Contraataca. onset.cores = Se pueden colocar nuevos núcleos sobre las [accent]zonas de núcleo[].\nLos núcleos adicionales funcionan como bases avanzadas y comparten el inventario de recursos con otros núcleos.\nColoca un \uf725 núcleo. onset.detect = El enemigo te detectará en 2 minutos.\nEstablece sistemas de defensa, minería, y producción. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_et.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_et.properties index 0c088e1193..566d618295 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_et.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_et.properties @@ -1888,6 +1888,7 @@ onset.turrets = Units are effective, but [accent]turrets[] provide better defens onset.turretammo = Supply the turret with [accent]beryllium ammo.[] onset.walls = [accent]Walls[] can prevent oncoming damage from reaching buildings.\nPlace some \uf6ee [accent]beryllium walls[] around the turret. onset.enemies = Enemy incoming, prepare to defend. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = The enemy is vulnerable. Counter-attack. onset.cores = New cores can be placed on [accent]core tiles[].\nNew cores function as forward bases and share a resource inventory with other cores.\nPlace a \uf725 core. onset.detect = The enemy will be able to detect you in 2 minutes.\nSet up defenses, mining, and production. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_eu.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_eu.properties index 50325ca09e..f53df1eb0f 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_eu.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_eu.properties @@ -1890,6 +1890,7 @@ onset.turrets = Units are effective, but [accent]turrets[] provide better defens onset.turretammo = Supply the turret with [accent]beryllium ammo.[] onset.walls = [accent]Walls[] can prevent oncoming damage from reaching buildings.\nPlace some \uf6ee [accent]beryllium walls[] around the turret. onset.enemies = Enemy incoming, prepare to defend. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = The enemy is vulnerable. Counter-attack. onset.cores = New cores can be placed on [accent]core tiles[].\nNew cores function as forward bases and share a resource inventory with other cores.\nPlace a \uf725 core. onset.detect = The enemy will be able to detect you in 2 minutes.\nSet up defenses, mining, and production. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_fi.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_fi.properties index e657836822..734cde678b 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_fi.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_fi.properties @@ -1890,6 +1890,7 @@ onset.turrets = Units are effective, but [accent]turrets[] provide better defens onset.turretammo = Supply the turret with [accent]beryllium ammo.[] onset.walls = [accent]Walls[] can prevent oncoming damage from reaching buildings.\nPlace some \uf6ee [accent]beryllium walls[] around the turret. onset.enemies = Enemy incoming, prepare to defend. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = The enemy is vulnerable. Counter-attack. onset.cores = New cores can be placed on [accent]core tiles[].\nNew cores function as forward bases and share a resource inventory with other cores.\nPlace a \uf725 core. onset.detect = The enemy will be able to detect you in 2 minutes.\nSet up defenses, mining, and production. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_fil.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_fil.properties index bb9ea59e67..5f9a9fed8b 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_fil.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_fil.properties @@ -1887,6 +1887,7 @@ onset.turrets = Units are effective, but [accent]turrets[] provide better defens onset.turretammo = Supply the turret with [accent]beryllium ammo.[] onset.walls = [accent]Walls[] can prevent oncoming damage from reaching buildings.\nPlace some \uf6ee [accent]beryllium walls[] around the turret. onset.enemies = Enemy incoming, prepare to defend. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = The enemy is vulnerable. Counter-attack. onset.cores = New cores can be placed on [accent]core tiles[].\nNew cores function as forward bases and share a resource inventory with other cores.\nPlace a \uf725 core. onset.detect = The enemy will be able to detect you in 2 minutes.\nSet up defenses, mining, and production. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_fr.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_fr.properties index 5219de9fe4..c8c32b782f 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_fr.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_fr.properties @@ -1925,6 +1925,7 @@ onset.turrets = Les unités sont efficaces, mais les [accent]tourelles[] ont de onset.turretammo = Approvisionnez les tourelles avec du [accent]béryllium[]. onset.walls = Les [accent]murs[] peuvent encaisser les dégâts des attaques ennemies avant qu'elles atteignent vos constructions.\nPlacez quelques \uf6ee [accent]murs de béryllium[] autour de la tourelle. onset.enemies = Ennemis en approche, préparez-vous à défendre. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = L'ennemi est vulnérable. Contre-attaquez ! onset.cores = Les noyaux peuvent être placés sur des [accent]tuiles de noyau[].\nCes nouveaux noyaux servent à faire avancer votre base et partager vos ressources avec d'autres noyaux.\nPlacez un noyau \uf725. onset.detect = L'ennemi sera capable de vous détecter dans 2 minutes.\nAméliorez vos défenses, vos exploitations minières ainsi que votre production. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_hu.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_hu.properties index 1f125341c4..7cbe7378b3 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_hu.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_hu.properties @@ -1926,6 +1926,7 @@ onset.turrets = Az egységek hatékonyak, de a [accent]lövegtornyok[] jobb véd onset.turretammo = Lásd el a lövegtornyokat [accent]Berillium[] lőszerrel. onset.walls = A [accent]Falak[] megakadályozhatják, hogy az épületekben károk keletkezzenek.\nÉpíts \uf6ee [accent]Berillium Fal[]akat a lövegtornyok körül. onset.enemies = Az ellenség közeledik, készülj fel a védekezésre. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = Az ellenség most sebezhető. Ellentámadásra fel. onset.cores = Új Mag csak a [accent]Mag Csempé[]re építhető.\nAz új Magok előretolt bázisként működnek, és megosztják a nyersanyagkészletüket más Magokkal.\nÉpíts egy új \uf725 Magot. onset.detect = Az ellenség 2 percen belül észrevesz téged.\nÁllíts fel védelmet, bányássz és termelj. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_id_ID.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_id_ID.properties index 37ac2fac03..f2f82e0061 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_id_ID.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_id_ID.properties @@ -1914,6 +1914,7 @@ onset.turrets = Units are effective, but [accent]turrets[] provide better defens onset.turretammo = Supply the turret with [accent]beryllium ammo.[] onset.walls = [accent]Walls[] can prevent oncoming damage from reaching buildings.\nPlace some \uf6ee [accent]beryllium walls[] around the turret. onset.enemies = Enemy incoming, prepare to defend. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = The enemy is vulnerable. Counter-attack. onset.cores = New cores can be placed on [accent]core tiles[].\nNew cores function as forward bases and share a resource inventory with other cores.\nPlace a \uf725 core. onset.detect = The enemy will be able to detect you in 2 minutes.\nSet up defenses, mining, and production. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_it.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_it.properties index 962f742aa3..09643a8557 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_it.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_it.properties @@ -1900,6 +1900,7 @@ onset.turrets = Units are effective, but [accent]turrets[] provide better defens onset.turretammo = Supply the turret with [accent]beryllium ammo.[] onset.walls = [accent]Walls[] can prevent oncoming damage from reaching buildings.\nPlace some \uf6ee [accent]beryllium walls[] around the turret. onset.enemies = Enemy incoming, prepare to defend. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = The enemy is vulnerable. Counter-attack. onset.cores = New cores can be placed on [accent]core tiles[].\nNew cores function as forward bases and share a resource inventory with other cores.\nPlace a \uf725 core. onset.detect = The enemy will be able to detect you in 2 minutes.\nSet up defenses, mining, and production. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ja.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ja.properties index 83af7e6755..3381c785c3 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ja.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ja.properties @@ -1903,6 +1903,7 @@ onset.turrets = ユニットは効果的ですが、[accent]タレット[] は onset.turretammo = タレットに[accent]ベリリウム弾[]を供給してください。 onset.walls = [accent]壁[]は建物に対するダメージを防ぐことができます。\n砲台の周囲に \uf6ee [accent]ベリリウムの壁[] をいくつか配置しましょう。 onset.enemies = 敵が迫ってきました、防御する準備をしてください。 +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = 敵は脆弱です。反撃しましょう! onset.cores = 新しいコアは [accent]コアタイル[] に配置できます。\n新しいコアは前線基地として機能し、リソースインベントリを他のコアと共有します。\n\uf725 コアを配置しましょう。 onset.detect = 敵は 2 分以内にあなたを見つけます。\n防御、採掘、生産を用意しましょう。 diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ko.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ko.properties index fafa137270..9b304fe9c8 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ko.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ko.properties @@ -1901,6 +1901,7 @@ onset.turrets = 기체는 유용하지만, [accent]포탑[]은 사용하기에 onset.turretammo = 포탑에 [accent]베릴륨 탄약[]을 공급하세요. onset.walls = [accent]벽[]은 건물로 날아오는 공격을 막을 수 있습니다. \n포탑 주변에 \uf6ee [accent]베릴륨 벽[]을 배치하세요. onset.enemies = 적이 다가옵니다, 방어 태세를 갖추세요. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = 적은 취약한 상태입니다. 반격하세요. onset.cores = 새로운 코어는 [accent]코어 타일[]위에 배치할 수 있습니다.\n새로운 코어는 전진기지 역할을 하며 다른 코어와 저장된 자원을 공유합니다.\n \uf725 코어를 배치하세요. onset.detect = 적은 2분 이내에 당신을 탐지할 것입니다.\n생산, 채굴, 방어시설을 구성하세요. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_lt.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_lt.properties index bc785a4c78..2ff4e70fda 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_lt.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_lt.properties @@ -1888,6 +1888,7 @@ onset.turrets = Units are effective, but [accent]turrets[] provide better defens onset.turretammo = Supply the turret with [accent]beryllium ammo.[] onset.walls = [accent]Walls[] can prevent oncoming damage from reaching buildings.\nPlace some \uf6ee [accent]beryllium walls[] around the turret. onset.enemies = Enemy incoming, prepare to defend. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = The enemy is vulnerable. Counter-attack. onset.cores = New cores can be placed on [accent]core tiles[].\nNew cores function as forward bases and share a resource inventory with other cores.\nPlace a \uf725 core. onset.detect = The enemy will be able to detect you in 2 minutes.\nSet up defenses, mining, and production. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_nl.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_nl.properties index 6e747d38bf..d0aa7e286e 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_nl.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_nl.properties @@ -1901,6 +1901,7 @@ onset.turrets = Units are effective, but [accent]turrets[] provide better defens onset.turretammo = Supply the turret with [accent]beryllium ammo.[] onset.walls = [accent]Walls[] can prevent oncoming damage from reaching buildings.\nPlace some \uf6ee [accent]beryllium walls[] around the turret. onset.enemies = Enemy incoming, prepare to defend. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = The enemy is vulnerable. Counter-attack. onset.cores = New cores can be placed on [accent]core tiles[].\nNew cores function as forward bases and share a resource inventory with other cores.\nPlace a \uf725 core. onset.detect = The enemy will be able to detect you in 2 minutes.\nSet up defenses, mining, and production. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_nl_BE.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_nl_BE.properties index ea3d7db054..921b927630 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_nl_BE.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_nl_BE.properties @@ -1888,6 +1888,7 @@ onset.turrets = Units are effective, but [accent]turrets[] provide better defens onset.turretammo = Supply the turret with [accent]beryllium ammo.[] onset.walls = [accent]Walls[] can prevent oncoming damage from reaching buildings.\nPlace some \uf6ee [accent]beryllium walls[] around the turret. onset.enemies = Enemy incoming, prepare to defend. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = The enemy is vulnerable. Counter-attack. onset.cores = New cores can be placed on [accent]core tiles[].\nNew cores function as forward bases and share a resource inventory with other cores.\nPlace a \uf725 core. onset.detect = The enemy will be able to detect you in 2 minutes.\nSet up defenses, mining, and production. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_pl.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_pl.properties index 2c7d6c9586..d2edf5e359 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_pl.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_pl.properties @@ -1909,6 +1909,7 @@ onset.turrets = Jednostki są efektywne, ale [accent]działka[] zapewniają leps onset.turretammo = Dostarcz [accent]beryl[] do działka. onset.walls = [accent]Mury[] chronią budynki przed obrażeniami.\nPostaw parę \uf6ee [accent]berylowych murów[] naokoło działka. onset.enemies = Nadchodzi wróg, przygotuj obronę. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = Wróg jest wrażliwy na atak. Przeprowadź kontratak. onset.cores = Nowe rdzenie mogą być postawione tylko w [accent]strefach rdzenia[].\nNowy rdzeń działa tak samo jak każdy poprzedni. Rdzenie współdzielą surowce.\nPostaw nowy \uf725 rdzeń. onset.detect = Wróg wykryje cię za 2 minuty.\nPrzygotuj obronę, wydobywaj surowce i je produkuj. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_pt_BR.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_pt_BR.properties index 75e2a23295..6117d4e3be 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_pt_BR.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_pt_BR.properties @@ -1909,6 +1909,7 @@ onset.turrets = Units are effective, but [accent]turrets[] provide better defens onset.turretammo = Supply the turret with [accent]beryllium ammo.[] onset.walls = [accent]Walls[] can prevent oncoming damage from reaching buildings.\nPlace some \uf6ee [accent]beryllium walls[] around the turret. onset.enemies = Enemy incoming, prepare to defend. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = The enemy is vulnerable. Counter-attack. onset.cores = New cores can be placed on [accent]core tiles[].\nNew cores function as forward bases and share a resource inventory with other cores.\nPlace a \uf725 core. onset.detect = The enemy will be able to detect you in 2 minutes.\nSet up defenses, mining, and production. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_pt_PT.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_pt_PT.properties index 208e560ca3..a296ea5dc4 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_pt_PT.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_pt_PT.properties @@ -1888,6 +1888,7 @@ onset.turrets = Units are effective, but [accent]turrets[] provide better defens onset.turretammo = Supply the turret with [accent]beryllium ammo.[] onset.walls = [accent]Walls[] can prevent oncoming damage from reaching buildings.\nPlace some \uf6ee [accent]beryllium walls[] around the turret. onset.enemies = Enemy incoming, prepare to defend. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = The enemy is vulnerable. Counter-attack. onset.cores = New cores can be placed on [accent]core tiles[].\nNew cores function as forward bases and share a resource inventory with other cores.\nPlace a \uf725 core. onset.detect = The enemy will be able to detect you in 2 minutes.\nSet up defenses, mining, and production. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ro.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ro.properties index 62a12c2af2..33ed099aa0 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ro.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ro.properties @@ -1903,6 +1903,7 @@ onset.turrets = Units are effective, but [accent]turrets[] provide better defens onset.turretammo = Supply the turret with [accent]beryllium ammo.[] onset.walls = [accent]Walls[] can prevent oncoming damage from reaching buildings.\nPlace some \uf6ee [accent]beryllium walls[] around the turret. onset.enemies = Enemy incoming, prepare to defend. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = The enemy is vulnerable. Counter-attack. onset.cores = New cores can be placed on [accent]core tiles[].\nNew cores function as forward bases and share a resource inventory with other cores.\nPlace a \uf725 core. onset.detect = The enemy will be able to detect you in 2 minutes.\nSet up defenses, mining, and production. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ru.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ru.properties index ae5eadb2d5..3e35984df8 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ru.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_ru.properties @@ -1904,6 +1904,7 @@ onset.turrets = Боевые единицы эффективны, но [accent] onset.turretammo = Снабдите турель [accent]бериллиевыми боеприпасами.[] onset.walls = [accent]Стены[] могут предотвратить повреждение близлежащих построек.\nПоставьте \uf6ee [accent]бериллиевые стены[] вокруг турели. onset.enemies = Враг на подходе, приготовьтесь защищаться. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = Враг уязвим. Начните контратаку. onset.cores = Новые ядра могут быть поставлены на [accent]зоны ядра[].\nНовые ядра функционируют как передовые базы и имеют общий инвентарь между другими ядрами.\nПоставьте \uf725 ядро. onset.detect = Враг обнаружит вас через 2 минуты.\nПриготовьте оборону, добычу и производство. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_sr.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_sr.properties index 25a0778287..cca8cf3f33 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_sr.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_sr.properties @@ -1906,6 +1906,7 @@ onset.turrets = Jedinice su efikasne, ali [accent]platforme[] imaju veći odbram onset.turretammo = Snabdevajte platformu sa [accent]berilijumskom municijom.[] onset.walls = [accent]Zidovi[] mogu da spreče da se šteta nanese na građevine.\nPostavite nekoliko \uf6ee [accent]berilijumskih zidova[] oko platformi. onset.enemies = Neprijatelj dolazi, spremite se. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = The enemy is vulnerable. Counter-attack. onset.cores = Nova jezgra se mogu postaviti na [accent]poljima jezgra[].\nNova jezgra funkcionišu kao prednje baze i dele resursni invetar sa ostalim jezgrima.\nPostavi \uf725 jezgro. onset.detect = Neprijatelj će te primetiti za 2 minuta.\nPostavite odbranu, rudu i proizvodnju. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_sv.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_sv.properties index f5e12f5995..b5565cfac1 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_sv.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_sv.properties @@ -1888,6 +1888,7 @@ onset.turrets = Units are effective, but [accent]turrets[] provide better defens onset.turretammo = Supply the turret with [accent]beryllium ammo.[] onset.walls = [accent]Walls[] can prevent oncoming damage from reaching buildings.\nPlace some \uf6ee [accent]beryllium walls[] around the turret. onset.enemies = Enemy incoming, prepare to defend. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = The enemy is vulnerable. Counter-attack. onset.cores = New cores can be placed on [accent]core tiles[].\nNew cores function as forward bases and share a resource inventory with other cores.\nPlace a \uf725 core. onset.detect = The enemy will be able to detect you in 2 minutes.\nSet up defenses, mining, and production. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_th.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_th.properties index b3702b3e69..4bf30afe08 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_th.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_th.properties @@ -1912,6 +1912,7 @@ onset.turrets = ยูนิตนั้นมีประสิทธิภา onset.turretammo = เติมกระสุนให้แก่ป้อมปืนด้วย[accent]กระสุนเบริลเลี่ยม[] onset.walls = [accent]กำแพง[]สามารถป้องกันความเสียหายที่จะมาถึงให้ไม่ไปโดนสิ่งก่อสร้างได้\nวางกำแพง \uf6ee [accent]กำแพงเบริลเลี่ยม[]รอบๆ ป้อมปืน onset.enemies = ศัตรูกำลังจะเข้ามา เตรียมตัวป้องกันให้ดี +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = ศัตรูอ่อนแอลงแล้ว ตอบโต้กลับ onset.cores = แกนกลางใหม่สามารถวางได้บน[accent]โซนแกนกลาง[]\nแกนกลางใหม่จะทำหน้าที่เป็นฐานทัพหน้าด่านและจะแบ่งปันทรัพยากรกับแกนกลางอื่นๆ\nวาง \uf725 แกนกลาง onset.detect = ศัตรูจะสามารถตรวจจับการมีอยู่ของคุณได้ในอีก 2 นาที\nจัดตั้งกองกำลังป้องกัน ปฏิบัติการขุด และการผลิต diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_tk.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_tk.properties index 32b50b9a54..dcfda82e40 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_tk.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_tk.properties @@ -1888,6 +1888,7 @@ onset.turrets = Units are effective, but [accent]turrets[] provide better defens onset.turretammo = Supply the turret with [accent]beryllium ammo.[] onset.walls = [accent]Walls[] can prevent oncoming damage from reaching buildings.\nPlace some \uf6ee [accent]beryllium walls[] around the turret. onset.enemies = Enemy incoming, prepare to defend. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = The enemy is vulnerable. Counter-attack. onset.cores = New cores can be placed on [accent]core tiles[].\nNew cores function as forward bases and share a resource inventory with other cores.\nPlace a \uf725 core. onset.detect = The enemy will be able to detect you in 2 minutes.\nSet up defenses, mining, and production. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_tr.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_tr.properties index b26237acc4..b7b44fecb5 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_tr.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_tr.properties @@ -1903,6 +1903,7 @@ onset.turrets = Birimler etkili, ancak [accent]taretler[] daha iyi bir savunma s onset.turretammo = Tareti [accent]berilyum mermi[] ile besle. onset.walls = [accent]Duvarlar[] gelen hasarı engelleyebilir.\nSilahların etrafına, koruma amçlı\uf8ae [accent]Berilyum Duvar[] inşa et. onset.enemies = DÜŞMAN GELİYO!!! Hazırlan. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = Düşman zayıf! Hemen geri dal! onset.cores = [accent]Merkez Zemin[]lerinin üzerine yeni merkezler inşa edilebilir.\nTüm merkezler birbirleri ile malzemeleri paylaşır.\n\uf725 Bir merkez inşa et. onset.detect = Düşman seni 2 dakika içinde tespit edicek.\nSavunma, maden ve üretime başla. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_uk_UA.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_uk_UA.properties index 88d02346da..ea1123f93b 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_uk_UA.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_uk_UA.properties @@ -1919,6 +1919,7 @@ onset.turrets = Одиниці ефективні, але [accent]башти[] onset.turretammo = Забезпечте башту [accent]берилієвими боєприпасами[]. onset.walls = [accent]Стіни[] cможе запобігти потраплянню зустрічної шкоди на будівлі.\nРозмістіть декілька \uf6ee [accent]берилієвих стін[] навколо башти. onset.enemies = Ворог наступає, готуйтеся до оборони. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = Ворог беззахисний. Контратакуйте. onset.cores = Нові ядра можуть бути розміщені на плитках [accent]зони ядра[].\nНові ядра функціонують як передові бази й мають спільний інвентар ресурсів з іншими ядрами.\nРозмістіть \uf725 ядро. onset.detect = Ворог зможе виявити вас за 2 хвилини.\nОрганізуйте оборону, видобуток корисних копалин та виробництво. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_vi.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_vi.properties index a7fa4af8c4..b8196e4826 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_vi.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_vi.properties @@ -1904,6 +1904,7 @@ onset.turrets = Các đơn vị rất tốt, nhưng [accent]súng[] cung cấp k onset.turretammo = Tiếp đạn cho súng bằng [accent]beryllium[]. onset.walls = [accent]Tường[] có thể ngăn chặn sát thương đến các công trình.\nĐặt một số \uf6ee [accent]tường beryllium[] xung quanh súng. onset.enemies = Quân địch đang đến, hãy chuẩn bị phòng thủ. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = Quân địch đã suy yếu.\nHãy phản công. onset.cores = Các căn cứ có thể được đặt trên [accent]ô căn cứ[].\nCác căn cứ mới có thể được đặt ở bất kỳ đâu trên bản đồ.\nĐặt một \uf725 căn cứ. onset.detect = Quân địch sẽ phát hiện bạn trong vòng 2 phút.\nHãy chuẩn bị phòng thủ, khai thác và sản xuất. diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_zh_CN.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_zh_CN.properties index 46dabee5b7..ba530fd635 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_zh_CN.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_zh_CN.properties @@ -1920,6 +1920,7 @@ onset.turrets = 使用单位防御很有效,但合理使用[accent]炮塔[]可 onset.turretammo = 给炮塔供给[accent]铍[]。 onset.walls = [accent]墙[]可以防止建筑受到伤害。\n在炮塔周围放置一些\uf6ee[accent]铍墙[]。 onset.enemies = 敌人来袭,准备防御。 +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = 敌军基地十分脆弱。 发动反攻。 onset.cores = 你可以在[accent]核心地块[]上建造新的核心。\n新核心的功能类似于前沿基地,且与其他核心共享资源仓库。\n放置一个\uf725核心。 onset.detect = 敌军将在2分钟内发现你。\n设立防御,挖掘矿物,并建造生产设施。 diff --git a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_zh_TW.properties b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_zh_TW.properties index deb30b3855..a4d0aca9c9 100644 --- a/core/assets/bundles/bundle_zh_TW.properties +++ b/core/assets/bundles/bundle_zh_TW.properties @@ -1913,6 +1913,7 @@ onset.turrets = Units are effective, but [accent]turrets[] provide better defens onset.turretammo = Supply the turret with [accent]beryllium ammo.[] onset.walls = [accent]Walls[] can prevent oncoming damage from reaching buildings.\nPlace some \uf6ee [accent]beryllium walls[] around the turret. onset.enemies = Enemy incoming, prepare to defend. +onset.defenses = [accent]Set up defenses:[lightgray] {0} onset.attack = The enemy is vulnerable. Counter-attack. onset.cores = New cores can be placed on [accent]core tiles[].\nNew cores function as forward bases and share a resource inventory with other cores.\nPlace a \uf725 core. onset.detect = The enemy will be able to detect you in 2 minutes.\nSet up defenses, mining, and production.