Tungsten walls

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Anuken 2021-12-13 14:42:16 -05:00
parent 0e99e121e8
commit 5ac3e08b1d
15 changed files with 164 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -484,3 +484,6 @@

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@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public class Blocks{
powerSource, powerVoid, itemSource, itemVoid, liquidSource, liquidVoid, payloadSource, payloadVoid, illuminator,
copperWall, copperWallLarge, titaniumWall, titaniumWallLarge, plastaniumWall, plastaniumWallLarge, thoriumWall, thoriumWallLarge, door, doorLarge,
copperWall, copperWallLarge, titaniumWall, titaniumWallLarge, plastaniumWall, plastaniumWallLarge, tungstenWall, tungstenWallLarge, thoriumWall, thoriumWallLarge, door, doorLarge,
phaseWall, phaseWallLarge, surgeWall, surgeWallLarge,
mender, mendProjector, overdriveProjector, overdriveDome, forceProjector, shockMine,
scrapWall, scrapWallLarge, scrapWallHuge, scrapWallGigantic, thruster, //ok, these names are getting ridiculous, but at least I don't have humongous walls yet
@ -128,6 +128,9 @@ public class Blocks{
additiveReconstructor, multiplicativeReconstructor, exponentialReconstructor, tetrativeReconstructor,
repairPoint, repairTurret,
//unit - erekir
//TODO small deconstructor
payloadConveyor, payloadRouter, payloadPropulsionTower, smallDeconstructor, deconstructor, constructor, largeConstructor, payloadLoader, payloadUnloader,
@ -1355,6 +1358,19 @@ public class Blocks{
schematicPriority = 10;
tungstenWall = new Wall("tungsten-wall"){{
requirements(Category.defense, with(Items.tungsten, 6));
health = 180 * wallHealthMultiplier;
armor = 7f;
tungstenWallLarge = new Wall("tungsten-wall-large"){{
requirements(Category.defense, ItemStack.mult(tungstenWall.requirements, 4));
health = 180 * wallHealthMultiplier * 4;
armor = 7f;
size = 2;
thoriumWall = new Wall("thorium-wall"){{
requirements(Category.defense, with(Items.thorium, 6));
health = 200 * wallHealthMultiplier;
@ -3293,6 +3309,15 @@ public class Blocks{
acceptCoolant = true;
//region units - erekir
tankAssembler = new UnitAssembler("tank-assembler"){{
size = 3;
output = UnitTypes.vanquish;
requirements = BlockStack.list(Blocks.thoriumWallLarge, 4);
//region payloads

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@ -2446,7 +2446,7 @@ public class UnitTypes{
mirror = false;
x = 0f;
y = 0;
shadow = 30f;
shadow = 28f;
bullet = new BasicBulletType(7f, 50){{
sprite = "missile-large";
@ -2465,45 +2465,6 @@ public class UnitTypes{
trailLength = 8;
hitEffect = despawnEffect = Fx.blastExplosion;
//TODO better bullet / weapon
bullet = new ArtilleryBulletType(2f, 20, "shell"){{
hitEffect = Fx.massiveExplosion;
knockback = 0.8f;
lifetime = 100f;
width = height = 14f;
collidesTiles = false;
splashDamageRadius = 60f;
splashDamage = 60f;
backColor = Color.valueOf("feb380");
frontColor = Color.white;
width = 9f;
height = 15f;
status = StatusEffects.blasted;
lightning = 5;
trailLength = 28;
trailWidth = 4f;
trailEffect = Fx.none;
trailColor = backColor;
shrinkX = 0.1f;
shrinkY = 0.5f;
fragBullets = 9;
fragVelocityMin = 0.7f;
fragLifeMin = 0f;
fragBullet = new BasicBulletType(3.5f, 15){{
width = 7f;
height = 9f;
lifetime = 25f;
backColor = Color.valueOf("feb380");
frontColor = Color.white;
int i = 0;
@ -2526,7 +2487,7 @@ public class UnitTypes{
hitColor = backColor = trailColor = Color.valueOf("feb380");
frontColor = Color.white;
trailWidth = 1.5f;
trailLength = 6;
trailLength = 4;
hitEffect = despawnEffect = Fx.hitBulletColor;
@ -2708,9 +2669,6 @@ public class UnitTypes{
height = 12f;
shootEffect = Fx.sparkShoot;
smokeEffect = Fx.shootBigSmoke;
pierceCap = 2;
pierce = true;
pierceBuilding = true;
hitColor = backColor = trailColor = Pal.bulletYellowBack;
frontColor = Color.white;
trailWidth = 1.5f;

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@ -510,4 +510,9 @@ public class Damage{
float scaled = Mathf.lerp(1f - dist / radius, 1f, falloff);
return damage * scaled;
/** @return resulting armor calculated based off of damage */
public static float applyArmor(float damage, float armor){
return Math.max(damage - armor, minArmorDamage * damage);

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@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ abstract class BuildingComp implements Posc, Teamc, Healthc, Buildingc, Timerc,
damage = health + 1;
damage /= dm;
damage = Damage.applyArmor(damage, block.armor) / dm;
Call.tileDamage(self(), health - handleDamage(damage));

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@ -3,11 +3,10 @@ package mindustry.entities.comp;
import arc.util.*;
import mindustry.annotations.Annotations.*;
import mindustry.content.*;
import mindustry.entities.*;
import mindustry.game.*;
import mindustry.gen.*;
import static mindustry.Vars.*;
abstract class ShieldComp implements Healthc, Posc{
@Import float health, hitTime, x, y, healthMultiplier;
@ -24,11 +23,8 @@ abstract class ShieldComp implements Healthc, Posc{
public void damage(float amount){
//apply armor
amount = Math.max(amount - armor, minArmorDamage * amount);
amount /= healthMultiplier;
//apply armor and scaling effects
rawDamage(Damage.applyArmor(amount, armor) / healthMultiplier);

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@ -3,20 +3,24 @@ package mindustry.entities.comp;
import arc.math.*;
import arc.math.geom.*;
import arc.util.*;
import mindustry.*;
import mindustry.annotations.Annotations.*;
import mindustry.content.*;
import mindustry.entities.*;
import mindustry.gen.*;
import mindustry.type.*;
import mindustry.world.*;
import mindustry.world.blocks.environment.*;
import static mindustry.Vars.*;
abstract class TankComp implements Posc, Flyingc, Hitboxc, Unitc, ElevationMovec{
@Import float x, y, hitSize, rotation;
@Import float x, y, hitSize, rotation, speedMultiplier;
@Import boolean hovering;
@Import UnitType type;
transient private float treadEffectTime;
transient private float treadEffectTime, lastSlowdown = 1f;
transient float treadTime;
transient boolean walked;
@ -43,6 +47,22 @@ abstract class TankComp implements Posc, Flyingc, Hitboxc, Unitc, ElevationMovec
//calculate overlapping tiles so it slows down when going "over" walls
//TODO is this a necessary mechanic?
int r = Math.max(Math.round(hitSize * 0.6f / tilesize), 1);
int solids = 0, total = (r*2+1)*(r*2+1);
for(int dx = -r; dx <= r; dx++){
for(int dy = -r; dy <= r; dy++){
Tile t = Vars.world.tileWorld(x + dx*tilesize, y + dy*tilesize);
if(t == null || t.solid()){
solids ++;
lastSlowdown = Mathf.lerp(1f, type.crawlSlowdown, Mathf.clamp((float)solids / total / type.crawlSlowdownFrac));
//trigger animation only when walking manually
if(walked || net.client()){
float len = deltaLen();
@ -51,6 +71,14 @@ abstract class TankComp implements Posc, Flyingc, Hitboxc, Unitc, ElevationMovec
public float floorSpeedMultiplier(){
Floor on = isFlying() || hovering ? Blocks.air.asFloor() : floorOn();
//TODO take into account extra blocks
return on.speedMultiplier * speedMultiplier * lastSlowdown;
public @Nullable Floor drownFloor(){

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
package mindustry.type;
import arc.struct.*;
import mindustry.content.*;
import mindustry.world.*;
public class BlockStack implements Comparable<BlockStack>{
public Block block = Blocks.router;
public int amount = 1;
public BlockStack(Block block, int amount){
this.block = block;
this.amount = amount;
public BlockStack(Block block){
this.block = block;
public BlockStack(){
public static BlockStack[] with(Object... items){
var stacks = new BlockStack[items.length / 2];
for(int i = 0; i < items.length; i += 2){
stacks[i / 2] = new BlockStack((Block)items[i], ((Number)items[i + 1]).intValue());
return stacks;
public static Seq<BlockStack> list(Object... items){
Seq<BlockStack> stacks = new Seq<>(items.length / 2);
for(int i = 0; i < items.length; i += 2){
stacks.add(new BlockStack((Block)items[i], ((Number)items[i + 1]).intValue()));
return stacks;
public int compareTo(BlockStack stack){
return block.compareTo(stack.block);
public boolean equals(Object o){
return this == o || (o instanceof BlockStack stack && stack.amount == amount && block == stack.block);
public String toString(){
return "BlockStack{" +
"block=" + block +
", amount=" + amount +

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@ -67,9 +67,7 @@ public class ItemStack implements Comparable<ItemStack>{
public boolean equals(Object o){
if(this == o) return true;
if(!(o instanceof ItemStack stack)) return false;
return amount == stack.amount && item == stack.item;
return this == o || (o instanceof ItemStack stack && stack.amount == amount && item == stack.item);

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@ -134,6 +134,8 @@ public class Block extends UnlockableContent{
public Attributes attributes = new Attributes();
/** tile entity health */
public int health = -1;
/** damage absorption, similar to unit armor */
public float armor = 0f;
/** base block explosiveness */
public float baseExplosiveness = 0f;
/** bullet that this block spawns when destroyed */
@ -429,6 +431,9 @@ public class Block extends UnlockableContent{
stats.add(Stat.health, health, StatUnit.none);
if(armor > 0){
stats.add(Stat.armor, armor, StatUnit.none);
if(canBeBuilt() && requirements.length > 0){

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package mindustry.world.blocks.units;
import arc.math.geom.*;
import arc.struct.*;
import arc.util.*;
import arc.util.io.*;
import mindustry.content.*;
import mindustry.gen.*;
import mindustry.graphics.*;
@ -20,8 +21,12 @@ import static mindustry.Vars.*;
* */
public class UnitAssembler extends PayloadBlock{
public int areaSize = 10;
public UnitType unitType;
public int unitsCreated = 4;
public UnitType droneType;
public int dronesCreated = 4;
//TODO should be different for every tier.
public Seq<BlockStack> requirements = new Seq<>();
public UnitType output = UnitTypes.vanquish;
public UnitAssembler(String name){
@ -47,17 +52,19 @@ public class UnitAssembler extends PayloadBlock{
Drawf.dashRect(valid ? Pal.accent : Pal.remove, Tmp.r1);
public class UnitAssemblerBuild extends PayloadBlockBuild<Payload>{
public class UnitAssemblerBuild extends PayloadBlockBuild<BuildPayload>{
public Seq<Unit> units = new Seq<>();
public Seq<BuildPayload> payloads = new Seq<>();
//TODO how should payloads be stored? counts of blocks? intmap? references?
//public Seq<BuildPayload> payloads = new Seq<>();
public void updateTile(){
units.removeAll(u -> !u.isAdded() || u.dead);
if(consValid() && units.size < unitsCreated){
if(consValid() && units.size < dronesCreated){
//TODO build animation? distribute spawning?
var unit = unitType.create(team);
var unit = droneType.create(team);
if(unit instanceof BuildingTetherc bt){
@ -69,12 +76,29 @@ public class UnitAssembler extends PayloadBlock{
//TODO drones need to indicate that they are in position
//TODO drones need to indicate that they are in position and actually play an animation
public void handlePayload(Building source, Payload payload){
//super.handlePayload(source, payload);
public boolean acceptPayload(Building source, Payload payload){
return super.acceptPayload(source, payload);
return payload instanceof BuildPayload bp && requirements.contains(b -> b.block == bp.block());
public void write(Writes write){
public void read(Reads read, byte revision){
super.read(read, revision);