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synced 2025-02-11 11:17:11 +07:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
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@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
phaseWeaver = new GenericCrafter("phase-weaver"){{
requirements(Category.crafting, with(Items.silicon, 130, Items.lead, 120, Items.thorium, 75));
craftEffect = Fx.smeltsmoke;
outputItem = new ItemStack(Items.phasefabric, 1);
outputItem = new ItemStack(Items.phaseFabric, 1);
craftTime = 120f;
size = 2;
hasPower = true;
@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
surgeSmelter = new GenericSmelter("alloy-smelter"){{
requirements(Category.crafting, with(Items.silicon, 80, Items.lead, 80, Items.thorium, 70));
craftEffect = Fx.smeltsmoke;
outputItem = new ItemStack(Items.surgealloy, 1);
outputItem = new ItemStack(Items.surgeAlloy, 1);
craftTime = 75f;
size = 3;
hasPower = true;
@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
disassembler = new Separator("disassembler"){{
requirements(Category.crafting, with(Items.graphite, 140, Items.titanium, 100, Items.silicon, 150, Items.surgealloy, 70));
requirements(Category.crafting, with(Items.graphite, 140, Items.titanium, 100, Items.silicon, 150, Items.surgeAlloy, 70));
results = with(
Items.sand, 4,
Items.graphite, 2,
@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
phaseWall = new Wall("phase-wall"){{
requirements(Category.defense, with(Items.phasefabric, 6));
requirements(Category.defense, with(Items.phaseFabric, 6));
health = 150 * wallHealthMultiplier;
chanceDeflect = 10f;
flashHit = true;
@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
surgeWall = new Wall("surge-wall"){{
requirements(Category.defense, with(Items.surgealloy, 6));
requirements(Category.defense, with(Items.surgeAlloy, 6));
health = 230 * wallHealthMultiplier;
lightningChance = 0.05f;
@ -885,25 +885,25 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
healPercent = 11f;
phaseBoost = 15f;
health = 80 * size * size;
overdriveProjector = new OverdriveProjector("overdrive-projector"){{
requirements(Category.effect, with(Items.lead, 100, Items.titanium, 75, Items.silicon, 75, Items.plastanium, 30));
size = 2;
overdriveDome = new OverdriveProjector("overdrive-dome"){{
requirements(Category.effect, with(Items.lead, 200, Items.titanium, 130, Items.silicon, 130, Items.plastanium, 80, Items.surgealloy, 120));
requirements(Category.effect, with(Items.lead, 200, Items.titanium, 130, Items.silicon, 130, Items.plastanium, 80, Items.surgeAlloy, 120));
size = 3;
range = 200f;
speedBoost = 2.5f;
useTime = 300f;
hasBoost = false;
consumes.items(with(Items.phasefabric, 1, Items.silicon, 1));
consumes.items(with(Items.phaseFabric, 1, Items.silicon, 1));
forceProjector = new ForceProjector("force-projector"){{
@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
cooldownLiquid = 1.2f;
cooldownBrokenBase = 0.35f;
@ -978,7 +978,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
phaseConveyor = new ItemBridge("phase-conveyor"){{
requirements(Category.distribution, with(Items.phasefabric, 5, Items.silicon, 7, Items.lead, 10, Items.graphite, 10));
requirements(Category.distribution, with(Items.phaseFabric, 5, Items.silicon, 7, Items.lead, 10, Items.graphite, 10));
range = 12;
canOverdrive = false;
hasPower = true;
@ -1104,7 +1104,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
phaseConduit = new LiquidBridge("phase-conduit"){{
requirements(Category.liquid, with(Items.phasefabric, 5, Items.silicon, 7, Items.metaglass, 20, Items.titanium, 10));
requirements(Category.liquid, with(Items.phaseFabric, 5, Items.silicon, 7, Items.metaglass, 20, Items.titanium, 10));
range = 12;
hasPower = true;
canOverdrive = false;
@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
surgeTower = new PowerNode("surge-tower"){{
requirements(Category.power, with(Items.titanium, 7, Items.lead, 10, Items.silicon, 15, Items.surgealloy, 15));
requirements(Category.power, with(Items.titanium, 7, Items.lead, 10, Items.silicon, 15, Items.surgeAlloy, 15));
size = 2;
maxNodes = 2;
laserRange = 40f;
@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
rtgGenerator = new DecayGenerator("rtg-generator"){{
requirements(Category.power, with(Items.lead, 100, Items.silicon, 75, Items.phasefabric, 25, Items.plastanium, 75, Items.thorium, 50));
requirements(Category.power, with(Items.lead, 100, Items.silicon, 75, Items.phaseFabric, 25, Items.plastanium, 75, Items.thorium, 50));
size = 2;
powerProduction = 4.5f;
itemDuration = 60 * 18f;
@ -1197,7 +1197,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
largeSolarPanel = new SolarGenerator("solar-panel-large"){{
requirements(Category.power, with(Items.lead, 100, Items.silicon, 145, Items.phasefabric, 15));
requirements(Category.power, with(Items.lead, 100, Items.silicon, 145, Items.phaseFabric, 15));
size = 3;
powerProduction = 0.95f;
@ -1214,7 +1214,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
impactReactor = new ImpactReactor("impact-reactor"){{
requirements(Category.power, with(Items.lead, 500, Items.silicon, 300, Items.graphite, 400, Items.thorium, 100, Items.surgealloy, 250, Items.metaglass, 250));
requirements(Category.power, with(Items.lead, 500, Items.silicon, 300, Items.graphite, 400, Items.thorium, 100, Items.surgeAlloy, 250, Items.metaglass, 250));
size = 4;
health = 900;
powerProduction = 130f;
@ -1553,7 +1553,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
Items.blastCompound, Bullets.missileExplosive,
Items.pyratite, Bullets.missileIncendiary,
Items.surgealloy, Bullets.missileSurge
Items.surgeAlloy, Bullets.missileSurge
reloadTime = 30f;
shots = 4;
@ -1592,7 +1592,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
segment = new PointDefenseTurret("segment"){{
requirements(Category.turret, with(Items.silicon, 130, Items.thorium, 80, Items.phasefabric, 40));
requirements(Category.turret, with(Items.silicon, 130, Items.thorium, 80, Items.phaseFabric, 40));
health = 250 * size * size;
range = 160f;
@ -1698,7 +1698,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
Items.metaglass, Bullets.fragGlass,
Items.blastCompound, Bullets.fragExplosive,
Items.plastanium, Bullets.fragPlastic,
Items.surgealloy, Bullets.fragSurge
Items.surgeAlloy, Bullets.fragSurge
xRand = 4f;
reloadTime = 8f;
@ -1716,9 +1716,9 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
foreshadow = new ItemTurret("foreshadow"){{
float brange = range = 500f;
requirements(Category.turret, with(Items.copper, 1000, Items.metaglass, 600, Items.surgealloy, 300, Items.plastanium, 200, Items.silicon, 600));
requirements(Category.turret, with(Items.copper, 1000, Items.metaglass, 600, Items.surgeAlloy, 300, Items.plastanium, 200, Items.silicon, 600));
Items.surgealloy, new PointBulletType(){{
Items.surgeAlloy, new PointBulletType(){{
shootEffect = Fx.instShoot;
hitEffect = Fx.instHit;
smokeEffect = Fx.smokeCloud;
@ -1756,7 +1756,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
spectre = new ItemTurret("spectre"){{
requirements(Category.turret, with(Items.copper, 900, Items.graphite, 300, Items.surgealloy, 250, Items.plastanium, 175, Items.thorium, 250));
requirements(Category.turret, with(Items.copper, 900, Items.graphite, 300, Items.surgeAlloy, 250, Items.plastanium, 175, Items.thorium, 250));
Items.graphite, Bullets.standardDenseBig,
Items.pyratite, Bullets.standardIncendiaryBig,
@ -1782,7 +1782,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
meltdown = new LaserTurret("meltdown"){{
requirements(Category.turret, with(Items.copper, 1200, Items.lead, 350, Items.graphite, 300, Items.surgealloy, 325, Items.silicon, 325));
requirements(Category.turret, with(Items.copper, 1200, Items.lead, 350, Items.graphite, 300, Items.surgeAlloy, 325, Items.silicon, 325));
shootEffect = Fx.shootBigSmoke2;
shootCone = 40f;
recoilAmount = 4f;
@ -1890,7 +1890,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
exponentialReconstructor = new Reconstructor("exponential-reconstructor"){{
requirements(Category.units, with(Items.lead, 2000, Items.silicon, 1000, Items.titanium, 2000, Items.thorium, 750, Items.plastanium, 450, Items.phasefabric, 600));
requirements(Category.units, with(Items.lead, 2000, Items.silicon, 1000, Items.titanium, 2000, Items.thorium, 750, Items.plastanium, 450, Items.phaseFabric, 600));
size = 7;
@ -1911,11 +1911,11 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
tetrativeReconstructor = new Reconstructor("tetrative-reconstructor"){{
requirements(Category.units, with(Items.lead, 4000, Items.silicon, 3000, Items.thorium, 1000, Items.plastanium, 600, Items.phasefabric, 600, Items.surgealloy, 800));
requirements(Category.units, with(Items.lead, 4000, Items.silicon, 3000, Items.thorium, 1000, Items.plastanium, 600, Items.phaseFabric, 600, Items.surgeAlloy, 800));
size = 9;
consumes.items(with(Items.silicon, 1000, Items.plastanium, 600, Items.surgealloy, 500, Items.phasefabric, 350));
consumes.items(with(Items.silicon, 1000, Items.plastanium, 600, Items.surgeAlloy, 500, Items.phaseFabric, 350));
consumes.liquid(Liquids.cryofluid, 3f);
constructTime = 60f * 60f * 4;
@ -2048,7 +2048,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
hyperProcessor = new LogicBlock("hyper-processor"){{
requirements(Category.logic, with(Items.lead, 450, Items.silicon, 150, Items.thorium, 75, Items.surgealloy, 50));
requirements(Category.logic, with(Items.lead, 450, Items.silicon, 150, Items.thorium, 75, Items.surgeAlloy, 50));
consumes.liquid(Liquids.cryofluid, 0.08f);
hasLiquids = true;
@ -2067,7 +2067,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
memoryBank = new MemoryBlock("memory-bank"){{
requirements(Category.logic, with(Items.graphite, 80, Items.silicon, 80, Items.phasefabric, 30));
requirements(Category.logic, with(Items.graphite, 80, Items.silicon, 80, Items.phaseFabric, 30));
memoryCapacity = 512;
size = 2;
@ -2082,7 +2082,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
largeLogicDisplay = new LogicDisplay("large-logic-display"){{
requirements(Category.logic, with(Items.lead, 200, Items.silicon, 150, Items.metaglass, 100, Items.phasefabric, 75));
requirements(Category.logic, with(Items.lead, 200, Items.silicon, 150, Items.metaglass, 100, Items.phaseFabric, 75));
displaySize = 176;
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import mindustry.ctype.*;
import mindustry.type.*;
public class Items implements ContentList{
public static Item scrap, copper, lead, graphite, coal, titanium, thorium, silicon, plastanium, phasefabric, surgealloy,
public static Item scrap, copper, lead, graphite, coal, titanium, thorium, silicon, plastanium, phaseFabric, surgeAlloy,
sporePod, sand, blastCompound, pyratite, metaglass;
@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ public class Items implements ContentList{
cost = 1.3f;
phasefabric = new Item("phase-fabric", Color.valueOf("f4ba6e")){{
phaseFabric = new Item("phase-fabric", Color.valueOf("f4ba6e")){{
cost = 1.3f;
radioactivity = 0.6f;
surgealloy = new Item("surge-alloy", Color.valueOf("f3e979")){{
surgeAlloy = new Item("surge-alloy", Color.valueOf("f3e979")){{
sporePod = new Item("spore-pod", Color.valueOf("7457ce")){{
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ public class TechTree implements ContentList{
node(Items.plastanium, with(Items.titanium, 10000, Items.silicon, 10000), () -> {
node(plastaniumCompressor, () -> {
node(Items.phasefabric, with(Items.thorium, 15000, Items.sand, 30000, Items.silicon, 5000), () -> {
node(Items.phaseFabric, with(Items.thorium, 15000, Items.sand, 30000, Items.silicon, 5000), () -> {
node(phaseWeaver, () -> {
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ public class TechTree implements ContentList{
node(Items.scrap, with(Items.copper, 20000, Items.sand, 10000), () -> {
node(Liquids.slag, with(Items.scrap, 4000), () -> {
node(melter, () -> {
node(Items.surgealloy, with(Items.thorium, 20000, Items.silicon, 30000, Items.lead, 40000), () -> {
node(Items.surgeAlloy, with(Items.thorium, 20000, Items.silicon, 30000, Items.lead, 40000), () -> {
node(surgeSmelter, () -> {
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import static mindustry.Vars.*;
* Control module.
* Handles all input, saving, keybinds and keybinds.
* Handles all input, saving and keybinds.
* Should <i>not</i> handle any logic-critical state.
* This class is not created in the headless server.
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ public class ApplicationTests{
tile.build.items.add(Items.coal, 5);
tile.build.items.add(Items.titanium, 50);
assertEquals(tile.build.items.total(), 55);
tile.build.items.remove(Items.phasefabric, 10);
tile.build.items.remove(Items.phaseFabric, 10);
tile.build.items.remove(Items.titanium, 10);
assertEquals(tile.build.items.total(), 45);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user