WIP launch animation progress

This commit is contained in:
Anuken 2021-07-27 17:43:12 -04:00
parent 00e3a59463
commit 737fa4fa69
7 changed files with 55 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ buildscript{
//note that later versions, like alpha05, fail to work correctly
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:7.1.0-alpha02'
@ -18,7 +19,6 @@ configurations{ natives }
maven{ url "https://maven.google.com" }
jcenter() //remove later once google/JetBrains fixes the dependency
task deploy(type: Copy){

View File

@ -103,8 +103,6 @@ public class Vars implements Loadable{
public static final float invasionGracePeriod = 20;
/** min armor fraction damage; e.g. 0.05 = at least 5% damage */
public static final float minArmorDamage = 0.1f;
/** launch animation duration */
public static final float launchDuration = 140f;
/** land animation duration */
public static final float coreLandDuration = 150f;
/** size of tiles in units */

View File

@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ public class Control implements ApplicationListener, Loadable{
core.items.each((i, a) -> i.unlock());
if(Core.input.keyTap(Binding.pause) && !scene.hasDialog() && !scene.hasKeyboard() && !ui.restart.isShown() && (state.is(State.paused) || state.is(State.playing))){
if(Core.input.keyTap(Binding.pause) && !renderer.isCutscene() && !scene.hasDialog() && !scene.hasKeyboard() && !ui.restart.isShown() && (state.is(State.paused) || state.is(State.playing))){
state.set(state.is(State.playing) ? State.paused : State.playing);

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public class Renderer implements ApplicationListener{
private static final float cloudScaling = 1700f, cfinScl = -2f, cfinOffset = 0.3f, calphaFinOffset = 0.25f;
private static final float[] cloudAlphas = {0, 0.5f, 1f, 0.1f, 0, 0f};
private static final float cloudAlpha = 0.81f;
private static final float[] thrusterSize = {0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0.3f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 0f};
private static final float[] thrusterSizes = {0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0.3f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 0f};
private static final Interp landInterp = Interp.pow3;
public final BlockRenderer blocks = new BlockRenderer();
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public class Renderer implements ApplicationListener{
//current duration of screen shake
//for landTime > 0: if true, core is currently *launching*, otherwise landing.
private boolean isLaunching;
private boolean launching;
private Vec2 camShakeOffset = new Vec2();
public Renderer(){
@ -129,7 +129,9 @@ public class Renderer implements ApplicationListener{
landTime -= Time.delta;
camerascale = landInterp.apply(minZoomScl, Scl.scl(4f), 1f - landTime / coreLandDuration);
float fin = landTime / coreLandDuration;
if(!launching) fin = 1f - fin;
camerascale = landInterp.apply(minZoomScl, Scl.scl(4f), fin);
weatherAlpha = 0f;
//snap camera to cutscene core regardless of player input
@ -312,7 +314,8 @@ public class Renderer implements ApplicationListener{
void updateLandParticles(){
float tsize = Mathf.sample(thrusterSize, (landTime + 35f) / coreLandDuration);
float time = launching ? coreLandDuration - landTime : landTime;
float tsize = Mathf.sample(thrusterSizes, (time + 35f) / coreLandDuration);
landPTimer += tsize * Time.delta;
if(landCore != null && landPTimer >= 1f){
@ -331,9 +334,12 @@ public class Renderer implements ApplicationListener{
var clouds = assets.get("sprites/clouds.png", Texture.class);
if(landTime > 0 && build != null){
float fout = landTime / coreLandDuration;
if(launching) fout = 1f - fout;
float fin = 1f - fout;
//draw core
var block = (CoreBlock)build.block;
TextureRegion reg = block.fullIcon;
float scl = Scl.scl(4f) / camerascale;
@ -341,7 +347,15 @@ public class Renderer implements ApplicationListener{
float s = reg.width * Draw.scl * scl * 3.6f * Interp.pow2Out.apply(fout);
float rotation = Interp.pow2In.apply(fout) * 135f, x = build.x + Mathf.range(shake), y = build.y + Mathf.range(shake);
float thrustOpen = 0.25f;
float frame = fin >= thrustOpen ? 1f : fin / thrustOpen;
float thrusterFrame = fin >= thrustOpen ? 1f : fin / thrustOpen;
float thrusterSize = Mathf.sample(thrusterSizes, fin);
//when launching, thrusters stay out the entire time.
Interp i = Interp.pow2Out;
thrusterFrame = i.apply(Mathf.clamp(fout*13f));
thrusterSize = i.apply(Mathf.clamp(fout*9f));
//TODO spikier heat
@ -351,20 +365,20 @@ public class Renderer implements ApplicationListener{
float pfin = Interp.pow3Out.apply(fin), pf = Interp.pow2In.apply(fout);
//draw particles
Angles.randLenVectors(1, pfin, 100, 800f * scl * pfin, (ax, ay, ffin, ffout) -> {
Lines.stroke(scl * ffin * pf * 3f);
Lines.lineAngle(build.x + ax, build.y + ay, Mathf.angle(ax, ay), (ffin * 20 + 1f) * scl);
Draw.mixcol(Color.white, Interp.pow2In.apply(fout));
Draw.mixcol(Color.white, Interp.pow5In.apply(fout));
//thruster flame
float strength = (1f + (block.size - 3)/2.5f) * scl * Mathf.sample(thrusterSize, fin) * (0.95f + Mathf.absin(2f, 0.1f));
//draw thruster flame
float strength = (1f + (block.size - 3)/2.5f) * scl * thrusterSize * (0.95f + Mathf.absin(2f, 0.1f));
float offset = (block.size - 3) * 3f * scl;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
@ -379,12 +393,12 @@ public class Renderer implements ApplicationListener{
Fill.circle(Tmp.v1.x + x, Tmp.v1.y + y, 3.5f * strength);
drawThrusters(block, x, y, rotation, frame);
drawThrusters(block, x, y, rotation, thrusterFrame);
Drawf.spinSprite(block.region, x, y, rotation);
drawThrusters(block, x, y, rotation, frame);
drawThrusters(block, x, y, rotation, thrusterFrame);
Drawf.spinSprite(block.teamRegions[build.team.id], x, y, rotation);
@ -393,8 +407,8 @@ public class Renderer implements ApplicationListener{
//draw clouds
if(state.rules.cloudColor.a > 0.0001f){
float scaling = cloudScaling;
float sscl = Math.max(1f + Mathf.clamp(fin + cfinOffset)* cfinScl, 0f) * camerascale;
@ -472,16 +486,18 @@ public class Renderer implements ApplicationListener{
public void showLanding(){
isLaunching = false;
launching = false;
camerascale = minZoomScl;
landTime = coreLandDuration;
cloudSeed = Mathf.random(1f);
public void showLaunch(){
isLaunching = true;
launching = true;
landCore = player.team().core();
cloudSeed = Mathf.random(1f);
landTime = coreLandDuration;
//TODO other stuff.

View File

@ -913,6 +913,7 @@ public class PlanetDialog extends BaseDialog implements PlanetInterfaceRenderer{
CoreBlock block = from.info.bestCoreType instanceof CoreBlock b ? b : (CoreBlock)Blocks.coreShard;
//TODO load launchFrom sector right before launching so animation is correct
loadouts.show(block, from, () -> {
@ -923,7 +924,8 @@ public class PlanetDialog extends BaseDialog implements PlanetInterfaceRenderer{
Time.runTask(launchDuration, () -> control.playSector(from, sector));
//run with less delay, as the loading animation is delayed by several frames
Time.runTask(coreLandDuration - 8f, () -> control.playSector(from, sector));
}else if(mode == select){

View File

@ -545,11 +545,21 @@ public class HudFragment extends Fragment{
public void showLaunchDirect(){
public void showLaunch(){
float margin = 30f;
Image image = new Image();
image.color.a = 0f;
image.touchable = Touchable.disabled;
image.actions(Actions.fadeIn(launchDuration / 60f, Interp.pow2In), Actions.delay(8f / 60f), Actions.remove());
image.actions(Actions.delay((coreLandDuration - margin) / 60f), Actions.fadeIn(margin / 60f, Interp.pow2In), Actions.delay(6f / 60f), Actions.remove());
image.update(() -> {
@ -558,9 +568,10 @@ public class HudFragment extends Fragment{
image.color.a = 1f;
image.touchable = Touchable.disabled;
image.actions(Actions.fadeOut(0.8f), Actions.remove());
image.actions(Actions.fadeOut(35f / 60f), Actions.remove());
image.update(() -> {

View File

@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ public class LoadingFragment extends Fragment{
public void toFront(){
public void setProgress(Floatp progress){
bar.visible = true;