Moved drawMining to UnitType

This commit is contained in:
Anuken 2024-04-23 09:42:05 -04:00
parent 9dd17ca16b
commit 7d3c94de9b
2 changed files with 33 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -123,31 +123,4 @@ abstract class MinerComp implements Itemsc, Posc, Teamc, Rotc, Drawc{
public void draw(){
if(!mining()) return;
float focusLen = hitSize / 2f + Mathf.absin(Time.time, 1.1f, 0.5f);
float swingScl = 12f, swingMag = tilesize / 8f;
float flashScl = 0.3f;
float px = x + Angles.trnsx(rotation, focusLen);
float py = y + Angles.trnsy(rotation, focusLen);
float ex = mineTile.worldx() + Mathf.sin(Time.time + 48, swingScl, swingMag);
float ey = mineTile.worldy() + Mathf.sin(Time.time + 48, swingScl + 2f, swingMag);
Draw.z(Layer.flyingUnit + 0.1f);
Draw.color(Color.lightGray, Color.white, 1f - flashScl + Mathf.absin(Time.time, 0.5f, flashScl));
Drawf.laser(Core.atlas.find("minelaser"), Core.atlas.find("minelaser-end"), px, py, ex, ey, 0.75f);
Lines.stroke(1f, Pal.accent);
Lines.poly(mineTile.worldx(), mineTile.worldy(), 4, tilesize / 2f * Mathf.sqrt2, Time.time);

View File

@ -429,7 +429,8 @@ public class UnitType extends UnlockableContent implements Senseable{
//(undocumented, you shouldn't need to use these, and if you do just check how they're drawn and copy that)
public TextureRegion baseRegion, legRegion, region, previewRegion, shadowRegion, cellRegion, itemCircleRegion,
softShadowRegion, jointRegion, footRegion, legBaseRegion, baseJointRegion, outlineRegion, treadRegion;
softShadowRegion, jointRegion, footRegion, legBaseRegion, baseJointRegion, outlineRegion, treadRegion,
mineLaserRegion, mineLaserEndRegion;
public TextureRegion[] wreckRegions, segmentRegions, segmentOutlineRegions;
public TextureRegion[][] treadRegions;
@ -917,6 +918,9 @@ public class UnitType extends UnlockableContent implements Senseable{
legBaseRegion = Core.atlas.find(name + "-leg-base", name + "-leg");
baseRegion = Core.atlas.find(name + "-base");
cellRegion = Core.atlas.find(name + "-cell", Core.atlas.find("power-cell"));
mineLaserRegion = Core.atlas.find("minelaser");
mineLaserEndRegion = Core.atlas.find("minelaser-end");
//when linear filtering is on, it's acceptable to use the relatively low-res 'particle' region
softShadowRegion =
squareShape ? Core.atlas.find("square-shadow") :
@ -1195,6 +1199,8 @@ public class UnitType extends UnlockableContent implements Senseable{
boolean isPayload = !unit.isAdded();
Mechc mech = unit instanceof Mechc ? (Mechc)unit : null;
@ -1298,6 +1304,32 @@ public class UnitType extends UnlockableContent implements Senseable{
public void drawMining(Unit unit){
if(!unit.mining()) return;
float focusLen = unit.hitSize / 2f + Mathf.absin(Time.time, 1.1f, 0.5f);
float swingScl = 12f, swingMag = tilesize / 8f;
float flashScl = 0.3f;
float px = unit.x + Angles.trnsx(unit.rotation, focusLen);
float py = unit.y + Angles.trnsy(unit.rotation, focusLen);
float ex = unit.mineTile.worldx() + Mathf.sin(Time.time + 48, swingScl, swingMag);
float ey = unit.mineTile.worldy() + Mathf.sin(Time.time + 48, swingScl + 2f, swingMag);
Draw.z(Layer.flyingUnit + 0.1f);
Draw.color(Color.lightGray, Color.white, 1f - flashScl + Mathf.absin(Time.time, 0.5f, flashScl));
Drawf.laser(mineLaserRegion, mineLaserEndRegion, px, py, ex, ey, 0.75f);
Lines.stroke(1f, Pal.accent);
Lines.poly(unit.mineTile.worldx(), unit.mineTile.worldy(), 4, tilesize / 2f * Mathf.sqrt2, Time.time);
public <T extends Unit & Payloadc> void drawPayload(T unit){
Payload pay = unit.payloads().first();