mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 07:30:35 +07:00
it launches
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ public class EntityProcess extends BaseProcessor{
ObjectMap<String, Stype> componentNames = new ObjectMap<>();
ObjectMap<Stype, Array<Stype>> componentDependencies = new ObjectMap<>();
ObjectMap<Stype, Array<Stype>> defComponents = new ObjectMap<>();
ObjectMap<Svar, String> varInitializers = new ObjectMap<>();
ObjectSet<String> imports = new ObjectSet<>();
@ -161,7 +162,9 @@ public class EntityProcess extends BaseProcessor{
//add initializer if it exists
if(tree.getInitializer() != null){
String init = tree.getInitializer().toString();
varInitializers.put(f, init);
if(!isFinal) fbuilder.addModifiers(Modifier.PROTECTED);
@ -377,19 +380,24 @@ public class EntityProcess extends BaseProcessor{
write(def.builder, imports.asArray());
//store nulls
TypeSpec.Builder nullsBuilder = TypeSpec.classBuilder("Nulls").addModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC).addModifiers(Modifier.FINAL);
//create mock types of all components
for(Stype interf : interfaces){
Array<Stype> dependencies = interf.allInterfaces();
Log.info(interf + ": sub " + interf.allSuperclasses() + " " + interf.allInterfaces());
//indirect interfaces to implement methods for
Array<Stype> dependencies = interf.allInterfaces().and(interf);
Array<Smethod> methods = dependencies.flatMap(Stype::methods);
//used method signatures
ObjectSet<String> signatures = new ObjectSet<>();
TypeSpec.Builder nullBuilder = TypeSpec.classBuilder("Null" + interf.name().substring(0, interf.name().length() - 1))
.addModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC, Modifier.FINAL);
//create null builder
String baseName = interf.name().substring(0, interf.name().length() - 1);
String className = "Null" + baseName;
TypeSpec.Builder nullBuilder = TypeSpec.classBuilder(className)
@ -397,11 +405,21 @@ public class EntityProcess extends BaseProcessor{
String signature = method.toString();
if(signatures.contains(signature)) continue;
Stype type = method.type();
Stype compType = interfaceToComp(method.type());
MethodSpec.Builder builder = MethodSpec.overriding(method.e).addModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC, Modifier.FINAL);
builder.addStatement("return " + getDefault(method.ret().toString()));
builder.addStatement("return true");
Svar variable = compType == null || method.params().size > 0 ? null : compType.fields().find(v -> v.name().equals(method.name()));
if(variable == null || !varInitializers.containsKey(variable)){
builder.addStatement("return " + getDefault(method.ret().toString()));
String init = varInitializers.get(variable);
builder.addStatement("return " + (init.equals("{}") ? "new " + variable.mirror().toString() : "") + init);
@ -409,10 +427,12 @@ public class EntityProcess extends BaseProcessor{
nullsBuilder.addField(FieldSpec.builder(interf.cname(), Strings.camelize(baseName)).initializer("new " + className + "()").addModifiers(Modifier.FINAL, Modifier.STATIC, Modifier.PUBLIC).build());
Log.info("Methods to override for {0}:\n{1}\n\n", interf, methods.toString("\n", s -> "&lg> &lb" + s));
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public class Stype extends Selement<TypeElement>{
public Array<Stype> allInterfaces(){
return interfaces().flatMap(Stype::allInterfaces).distinct();
return interfaces().flatMap(s -> s.allInterfaces().and(s)).distinct();
public Array<Stype> superclasses(){
@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ public class Stype extends Selement<TypeElement>{
public Array<Stype> allSuperclasses(){
//this is truly PEAK efficiency
return superclasses().flatMap(Stype::allSuperclasses).distinct();
return superclasses().flatMap(s -> s.allSuperclasses().and(s)).distinct();
public Stype superclass(){
@ -73,6 +73,10 @@ public class Vars implements Loadable{
public static final float worldBounds = 100f;
/** units outside of this bound will simply die instantly */
public static final float finalWorldBounds = worldBounds + 500;
/** mining range for manual miners */
public static final float miningRange = 70f;
/** range for building */
public static final float buildingRange = 220f;
/** ticks spent out of bound until self destruct. */
public static final float boundsCountdown = 60 * 7;
/** for map generator dialog */
@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ public class NetClient implements ApplicationListener{
Call.onClientShapshot(lastSent++, player.x, player.y,
player.pointerX, player.pointerY, player.rotation, player.baseRotation,
player.vel().x, player.vel().y,
player.isBoosting, player.isShooting, ui.chatfrag.shown(), player.isBuilding,
Core.camera.position.x, Core.camera.position.y,
@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ public class NetServer implements ApplicationListener{
player.isTyping = chatting;
player.isBoosting = boosting;
player.isShooting = shooting;
@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ public class EntityComps{
public void type(UnitDef type){
this.type = type;
@ -678,19 +679,7 @@ public class EntityComps{
abstract static class PlayerComp implements UnitController, Entityc, Syncc, Timerc{
//TODO mock these properly
private static final Unitc noUnit = GenericUnitEntity.create();
private static final Builderc noBuilder = GenericBuilderEntity.create().with(s -> s.requests(new Queue<BuildRequest>(){
public void addLast(BuildRequest object){
public void addFirst(BuildRequest object){
@NonNull @ReadOnly Unitc unit = noUnit;
@NonNull @ReadOnly Unitc unit = Nulls.unit;
@ReadOnly Team team = Team.sharded;
String name = "noname";
@ -739,7 +728,7 @@ public class EntityComps{
public void clearUnit(){
public Unitc unit(){
@ -751,23 +740,24 @@ public class EntityComps{
return unit;
public Minerc miner(){
return !(unit instanceof Minerc) ? Nulls.miner : (Minerc)unit;
public Builderc builder(){
if(!(unit instanceof Builderc)){
return noBuilder;
return (Builderc)unit;
return !(unit instanceof Builderc) ? Nulls.builder : (Builderc)unit;
public void unit(Unitc unit){
if(unit == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unit cannot be null. Use clearUnit() instead.");
this.unit = unit;
if(unit != noUnit){
if(unit != Nulls.unit){
boolean dead(){
return unit == noUnit;
return unit == Nulls.builder;
String uuid(){
@ -1223,8 +1213,6 @@ public class EntityComps{
static abstract class MinerComp implements Itemsc, Posc, Teamc, Rotc{
static float miningRange = 70f;
transient float x, y, rotation;
@Nullable Tile mineTile;
@ -1308,7 +1296,6 @@ public class EntityComps{
abstract static class BuilderComp implements Unitc{
static final float placeDistance = 220f;
static final Vec2[] tmptr = new Vec2[]{new Vec2(), new Vec2(), new Vec2(), new Vec2()};
transient float x, y, rotation;
@ -1318,7 +1305,7 @@ public class EntityComps{
//boolean building;
void updateBuilding(){
float finalPlaceDst = state.rules.infiniteResources ? Float.MAX_VALUE : placeDistance;
float finalPlaceDst = state.rules.infiniteResources ? Float.MAX_VALUE : buildingRange;
Iterator<BuildRequest> it = requests.iterator();
@ -1402,7 +1389,7 @@ public class EntityComps{
void drawBuildRequests(){
for(BuildRequest request : requests){
if(request.progress > 0.01f || (buildRequest() == request && request.initialized && (dst(request.x * tilesize, request.y * tilesize) <= placeDistance || state.isEditor()))) continue;
if(request.progress > 0.01f || (buildRequest() == request && request.initialized && (dst(request.x * tilesize, request.y * tilesize) <= buildingRange || state.isEditor()))) continue;
request.animScale = 1f;
@ -1479,7 +1466,7 @@ public class EntityComps{
BuildRequest request = buildRequest();
Tile tile = world.tile(request.x, request.y);
if(dst(tile) > placeDistance && !state.isEditor()){
if(dst(tile) > buildingRange && !state.isEditor()){
@ -1804,6 +1791,10 @@ public class EntityComps{
return ((Object)this) == player || ((Object)this) instanceof Unitc && ((Unitc)((Object)this)).controller() == player;
boolean isNull(){
return false;
<T> T as(Class<T> type){
return (T)this;
@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ public class DesktopInput extends InputHandler{
public void buildUI(Group group){
group.fill(t -> {
t.bottom().update(() -> t.getColor().a = Mathf.lerpDelta(t.getColor().a, player.isBuilding() ? 1f : 0f, 0.15f));
t.bottom().update(() -> t.getColor().a = Mathf.lerpDelta(t.getColor().a, player.builder().isBuilding() ? 1f : 0f, 0.15f));
t.visible(() -> Core.settings.getBool("hints") && selectRequests.isEmpty());
t.touchable(() -> t.getColor().a < 0.1f ? Touchable.disabled : Touchable.childrenOnly);
t.table(Styles.black6, b -> {
b.label(() -> Core.bundle.format(!player.isBuilding ? "resumebuilding" : "pausebuilding", Core.keybinds.get(Binding.pause_building).key.toString())).style(Styles.outlineLabel);
b.label(() -> Core.bundle.format(!isBuilding ? "resumebuilding" : "pausebuilding", Core.keybinds.get(Binding.pause_building).key.toString())).style(Styles.outlineLabel);
b.label(() -> Core.bundle.format("cancelbuilding", Core.keybinds.get(Binding.clear_building).key.toString())).style(Styles.outlineLabel);
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public class DesktopInput extends InputHandler{
player.isShooting = false;
isShooting = false;
if(!state.is(State.menu) && Core.input.keyTap(Binding.minimap) && !scene.hasDialog() && !(scene.getKeyboardFocus() instanceof TextField)){
@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ public class DesktopInput extends InputHandler{
mode = none;
if(player.isShooting && !canShoot()){
player.isShooting = false;
if(isShooting && !canShoot()){
isShooting = false;
@ -272,9 +272,9 @@ public class DesktopInput extends InputHandler{
int rawCursorX = world.toTile(Core.input.mouseWorld().x), rawCursorY = world.toTile(Core.input.mouseWorld().y);
// automatically pause building if the current build queue is empty
if(Core.settings.getBool("buildautopause") && player.isBuilding && !player.isBuilding()){
player.isBuilding = false;
player.buildWasAutoPaused = true;
if(Core.settings.getBool("buildautopause") && isBuilding && !player.builder().isBuilding()){
isBuilding = false;
buildWasAutoPaused = true;
@ -290,11 +290,11 @@ public class DesktopInput extends InputHandler{
if(Core.input.keyTap(Binding.schematic_select) && !Core.scene.hasKeyboard()){
@ -346,8 +346,8 @@ public class DesktopInput extends InputHandler{
player.isBuilding = !player.isBuilding;
player.buildWasAutoPaused = false;
isBuilding = !isBuilding;
buildWasAutoPaused = false;
if((cursorX != lastLineX || cursorY != lastLineY) && isPlacing() && mode == placing){
@ -376,12 +376,12 @@ public class DesktopInput extends InputHandler{
deleting = true;
}else if(selected != null){
//only begin shooting if there's no cursor event
if(!tileTapped(selected) && !tryTapPlayer(Core.input.mouseWorld().x, Core.input.mouseWorld().y) && (player.builder().requests().size == 0 || !player.isBuilding) && !droppingItem &&
!tryBeginMine(selected) && player.getMineTile() == null && !Core.scene.hasKeyboard()){
player.isShooting = true;
if(!tileTapped(selected) && !tryTapPlayer(Core.input.mouseWorld().x, Core.input.mouseWorld().y) && (player.builder().requests().size == 0 || !player.builder().isBuilding()) && !droppingItem &&
!tryBeginMine(selected) && player.miner().mineTile() == null && !Core.scene.hasKeyboard()){
isShooting = true;
}else if(!Core.scene.hasKeyboard()){ //if it's out of bounds, shooting is just fine
player.isShooting = true;
isShooting = true;
}else if(Core.input.keyTap(Binding.deselect) && isPlacing()){
block = null;
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import arc.util.*;
import mindustry.annotations.Annotations.*;
import mindustry.content.*;
import mindustry.entities.*;
import mindustry.gen.*;
import mindustry.entities.units.*;
import mindustry.game.EventType.*;
import mindustry.game.*;
@ -25,8 +24,8 @@ import mindustry.game.Teams.*;
import mindustry.gen.*;
import mindustry.graphics.*;
import mindustry.input.Placement.*;
import mindustry.net.*;
import mindustry.net.Administration.*;
import mindustry.net.*;
import mindustry.type.*;
import mindustry.ui.fragments.*;
import mindustry.world.*;
@ -55,6 +54,7 @@ public abstract class InputHandler implements InputProcessor, GestureListener{
public int rotation;
public boolean droppingItem;
public Group uiGroup;
public boolean isShooting, isBuilding = true, buildWasAutoPaused = false;
protected @Nullable Schematic lastSchematic;
protected GestureDetector detector;
@ -627,14 +627,14 @@ public abstract class InputHandler implements InputProcessor, GestureListener{
boolean canTapPlayer(float x, float y){
return Mathf.dst(x, y, player.x, player.y) <= playerSelectRange && player.unit().stack().amount > 0;
return player.within(x, y, playerSelectRange) && player.unit().stack().amount > 0;
/** Tries to begin mining a tile, returns true if successful. */
boolean tryBeginMine(Tile tile){
//if a block is clicked twice, reset it
player.setMineTile(player.getMineTile() == tile ? null : tile);
player.miner().mineTile(player.miner().mineTile() == tile ? null : tile);
return true;
return false;
@ -642,10 +642,10 @@ public abstract class InputHandler implements InputProcessor, GestureListener{
boolean canMine(Tile tile){
return !Core.scene.hasMouse()
&& tile.drop() != null && tile.drop().hardness <= player.mech.drillPower
&& tile.drop() != null && player.miner().canMine(tile.drop())
&& !(tile.floor().playerUnmineable && tile.overlay().itemDrop == null)
&& player.unit().acceptsItem(tile.drop())
&& tile.block() == Blocks.air && player.dst(tile.worldx(), tile.worldy()) <= Playerc.mineDistance;
&& tile.block() == Blocks.air && player.dst(tile.worldx(), tile.worldy()) <= miningRange;
/** Returns the tile at the specified MOUSE coordinates. */
@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@ public abstract class InputHandler implements InputProcessor, GestureListener{
//update shooting if not building, not mining and there's ammo left
if(!isBuilding() && getMineTile() == null){
if(!isBuilding() && mineTile() == null){
if(target == null){
@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ public abstract class InputHandler implements InputProcessor, GestureListener{
if(target != null){
}else if(target.isValid() || (target instanceof Tilec && ((Tilec)target).damaged() && target.team() == team && mech.canHeal && dst(target) < mech.range)){
@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ public class MobileInput extends InputHandler implements GestureListener{
/** Down tracking for panning.*/
private boolean down = false;
private Teamc target;
//region utility methods
/** Check and assign targets for a specific position. */
@ -70,19 +72,20 @@ public class MobileInput extends InputHandler implements GestureListener{
Unitc unit = Units.closestEnemy(player.team(), x, y, 20f, u -> !u.dead());
if(unit != null){
player.target = unit;
target = unit;
Tile tile = world.ltileWorld(x, y);
if(tile != null && tile.synthetic() && player.team().isEnemy(tile.team())){
Tilec entity = tile.entity;
player.target = entity;
}else if(tile != null && player.mech.canHeal && tile.entity != null && tile.team() == player.team() && tile.entity.damaged()){
player.target = tile.entity;
target = entity;
//TODO implement healing
}//else if(tile != null && player.unit().canHeal && tile.entity != null && tile.team() == player.team() && tile.entity.damaged()){
/// player.miner().mineTile(null);
// target = tile.entity;
// }
@ -250,9 +253,9 @@ public class MobileInput extends InputHandler implements GestureListener{
Boolp schem = () -> lastSchematic != null && !selectRequests.isEmpty();
group.fill(t -> {
t.bottom().left().visible(() -> (player.isBuilding() || block != null || mode == breaking || !selectRequests.isEmpty()) && !schem.get());
t.bottom().left().visible(() -> (player.builder().isBuilding() || block != null || mode == breaking || !selectRequests.isEmpty()) && !schem.get());
t.addImageTextButton("$cancel", Icon.cancel, () -> {
mode = none;
block = null;
@ -375,8 +378,6 @@ public class MobileInput extends InputHandler implements GestureListener{
Teamc target = player.target;
//draw targeting crosshair
if(target != null && !state.isEditor()){
if(target != lastTarget){
@ -431,7 +432,7 @@ public class MobileInput extends InputHandler implements GestureListener{
public void useSchematic(Schematic schem){
selectRequests.addAll(schematics.toRequests(schem, world.toTile(player.x), world.toTile(player.y)));
selectRequests.addAll(schematics.toRequests(schem, player.tileX(), player.tileY()));
lastSchematic = schem;
@ -467,7 +468,7 @@ public class MobileInput extends InputHandler implements GestureListener{
lastLineY = tileY;
}else if(!tryTapPlayer(worldx, worldy) && Core.settings.getBool("keyboard")){
//shoot on touch down when in keyboard mode
player.isShooting = true;
isShooting = true;
@ -602,11 +603,11 @@ public class MobileInput extends InputHandler implements GestureListener{
player.isShooting = false;
isShooting = false;
if(player.isShooting && !canShoot()){
player.isShooting = false;
if(isShooting && !canShoot()){
isShooting = false;
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import arc.util.ArcAnnotate.*;
import mindustry.annotations.Annotations.*;
import mindustry.ctype.*;
import mindustry.entities.units.*;
import mindustry.game.*;
import mindustry.gen.*;
import mindustry.graphics.*;
import mindustry.ui.*;
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ import mindustry.ui.*;
public class UnitDef extends UnlockableContent{
//TODO implement
public @NonNull Prov<? extends UnitController> defaultController = AIController::new;
public @NonNull Prov<? extends Unitc> constructor;
public boolean flying;
public float speed = 1.1f, boostSpeed = 0.75f, rotateSpeed = 0.2f, baseRotateSpeed = 0.1f;
public float drag = 0.3f, mass = 1f, accel = 0.1f;
@ -45,14 +47,26 @@ public class UnitDef extends UnlockableContent{
public Array<Weapon> weapons = new Array<>();
public TextureRegion baseRegion, legRegion, region, cellRegion;
public UnitDef(String name){
public UnitDef(String name, Prov<Unitc> constructor){
this.constructor = constructor;
public UnitDef(String name){
this(name, () -> Nulls.unit);
public UnitController createController(){
return defaultController.get();
public Unitc create(Team team){
Unitc unit = constructor.get();
return unit;
public void displayInfo(Table table){
ContentDisplay.displayUnit(table, this);
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import mindustry.core.GameState.*;
import mindustry.core.*;
import mindustry.desktop.steam.*;
import mindustry.game.EventType.*;
import mindustry.gen.*;
import mindustry.net.*;
import mindustry.net.Net.*;
import mindustry.type.*;
@ -136,9 +137,9 @@ public class DesktopLauncher extends ClientLauncher{
boolean[] isShutdown = {false};
Events.on(ClientLoadEvent.class, event -> {
player.name = SVars.net.friends.getPersonaName();
Core.settings.defaults("name", SVars.net.friends.getPersonaName());
Core.settings.put("name", player.name);
Core.settings.put("name", player.name());
//update callbacks
Core.app.addListener(new ApplicationListener(){
@ -260,8 +261,8 @@ public class DesktopLauncher extends ClientLauncher{
gameMapWithWave += " | Wave " + state.wave;
gameMode = state.rules.pvp ? "PvP" : state.rules.attackMode ? "Attack" : "Survival";
if(net.active() && playerGroup.size() > 1){
gamePlayersSuffix = " | " + playerGroup.size() + " Players";
if(net.active() && Groups.player.size() > 1){
gamePlayersSuffix = " | " + Groups.player.size() + " Players";
if(ui.editor != null && ui.editor.isShown()){
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ public class SNet implements SteamNetworkingCallback, SteamMatchmakingCallback,
if(result == SteamResult.OK){
currentLobby = steamID;
smat.setLobbyData(steamID, "name", player.name);
smat.setLobbyData(steamID, "name", player.name());
smat.setLobbyData(steamID, "mapname", world.getMap() == null ? "Unknown" : state.rules.zone == null ? world.getMap().name() : state.rules.zone.localizedName);
smat.setLobbyData(steamID, "version", Version.build + "");
smat.setLobbyData(steamID, "versionType", Version.type);
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import mindustry.content.*;
import mindustry.entities.units.*;
import mindustry.game.EventType.*;
import mindustry.game.Stats.*;
import mindustry.gen.*;
import mindustry.type.*;
import static mindustry.Vars.*;
@ -53,18 +54,18 @@ public class SStats implements SteamUserStatsCallback{
private void checkUpdate(){
SStat.maxUnitActive.max(unitGroup.count(t -> t.team() == player.team()));
SStat.maxUnitActive.max(Groups.unit.count(t -> t.team() == player.team()));
if(unitGroup.count(u -> u.getType() == UnitTypes.phantom && u.team() == player.team()) >= 10){
if(Groups.unit.count(u -> u.type() == UnitTypes.phantom && u.team() == player.team()) >= 10){
if(unitGroup.count(u -> u.getType() == UnitTypes.crawler && u.team() == player.team()) >= 50){
if(Groups.unit.count(u -> u.type() == UnitTypes.crawler && u.team() == player.team()) >= 50){
for(Tilec entity : player.team().cores()){
if(!content.items().contains(i -> i.type == ItemType.material && entity.items().get(i) < entity.block.itemCapacity)){
if(!content.items().contains(i -> i.type == ItemType.material && entity.items().get(i) < entity.block().itemCapacity)){
@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ public class SStats implements SteamUserStatsCallback{
Events.on(Trigger.newGame, () -> Core.app.post(() -> {
if(campaign() && player.closestCore() != null && player.closestCore().items.total() >= 10 * 1000){
if(campaign() && player.closestCore() != null && player.closestCore().items().total() >= 10 * 1000){
@ -216,7 +217,7 @@ public class SStats implements SteamUserStatsCallback{
Events.on(PlayerJoin.class, e -> {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user