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synced 2025-03-03 22:21:17 +07:00
Mod browser cleanup
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,6 +41,12 @@ be.ignore = Ignore
be.noupdates = No updates found.
be.check = Check for updates
mod.featured.title = Mod browser
mod.featured.dialog.title = Mod Browser
mods.browser.selected = Selected mod
mods.browser.add = Install Mod
mods.github.open = Open in Github
schematic = Schematic
schematic.add = Save Schematic...
schematics = Schematics
@ -40,6 +40,12 @@ be.ignore = Ignorieren
be.noupdates = Keine Aktualisierungen gefunden.
be.check = Auf Aktualisierungen prüfen
mod.featured.title = Mod Browser
mod.featured.dialog.title = Mod Browser
mods.browser.selected = Ausgewählter Mod
mods.browser.add = Mod installieren
mods.github.open = Auf GitHub ansehen
schematic = Entwurf
schematic.add = Entwurf speichern...
schematics = Entwürfe
@ -41,6 +41,12 @@ be.ignore = Ignorar
be.noupdates = No se encontraron actualizaciones.
be.check = Buscar actualizaciones
mod.featured.title = Explorador de mods
mod.featured.dialog.title = Explorador de Mods
mods.browser.selected = Mod seleccionado
mods.browser.add = Installar Mod
mods.github.open = Abrir en Github
schematic = Plantilla
schematic.add = Guardar plantilla...
schematics = Plantillas
@ -38,6 +38,12 @@ be.ignore = Ignorer
be.noupdates = Aucune mise à jour trouvée.
be.check = Vérifiez les mises à jour
mod.featured.title = Explorateur de mods
mod.featured.dialog.title = Explorateur de Mods
mods.browser.selected = Mod sélectionné
mods.browser.add = Installer le mod
mods.github.open = Ouvrir au Github
schematic = Schéma
schematic.add = Sauvegarder le schéma...
schematics = Schémas
@ -41,6 +41,12 @@ be.ignore = Abaikan
be.noupdates = Tidak ada pembaruan yang ditemukan.
be.check = Cek versi baru
mod.featured.title = Browser mod
mod.featured.dialog.title = Browser Mod
mods.browser.selected = Mod yang Dipilih
mods.browser.add = Unduh Mod
mods.github.open = Buka di GitHub
schematic = Skema
schematic.add = Menyimpan skema...
schematics = Kumpulan skema
@ -41,6 +41,12 @@ be.ignore = 무시
be.noupdates = 업데이트가 없습니다.
be.check = 업데이트 확인
mod.featured.title = 모드 탐색기
mod.featured.dialog.title = 모드 탐색
mods.browser.selected = 선택된 모드
mods.browser.add = 모드 설치
mods.github.open = 깃허브 사이트 열기
schematic = 설계도
schematic.add = 설계도 저장하기
schematics = 설계도들
@ -41,6 +41,12 @@ be.ignore = Zignoruj
be.noupdates = Nie znaleziono aktualizacji.
be.check = Sprawdź aktualizacje
mod.featured.title = Wyszukiwarka Modów
mod.featured.dialog.title = Wyszukiwarka Modów
mods.browser.selected = Wybrany Mod
mods.browser.add = Zainstaluj Moda
mods.github.open = Otwórz w GitHub'ie
schematic = Schemat
schematic.add = Zapisz schemat...
schematics = Schematy
@ -104,6 +110,7 @@ committingchanges = Zatwierdzanie Zmian
done = Gotowe
feature.unsupported = Twoje urządzenie nie wspiera tej funkcji.
mods.alphainfo = Pamiętaj, że mody są wersji alpha, i[scarlet] mogą być pełne błędów[].\nZgłaszaj wszystkie znalezione problemy na Mindustry GitHub lub Discord.
mods = Mody
mods.none = [lightgray]Nie znaleziono modów!
@ -40,6 +40,12 @@ be.ignore = Игнорировать
be.noupdates = Обновления не найдены.
be.check = Проверить обновления
mod.featured.title = Обозреватель модов
mod.featured.dialog.title = Обозреватель модов
mods.browser.selected = Выбранный мод
mods.browser.add = Установить мод
mods.github.open = Открыть GitHub страницу
schematic = Схема
schematic.add = Сохранить схему…
schematics = Схемы
@ -38,6 +38,12 @@ be.ignore = Hayır
be.noupdates = Yeni güncelleme bulunamadı.
be.check = Güncellemeleri kontrol et
mod.featured.title = Mod Tarayıcısı
mod.featured.dialog.title = Mod Tarayıcısı
mods.browser.selected = Seçilen Mod
mods.browser.add = Modu İndir
mods.github.open = Modun GitHub Sayfasını Aç
schematic = Şema
schematic.add = Şemayı Kaydet...
schematics = Şemalar
@ -55,6 +55,13 @@ schematic.delete.confirm = Ви справді хочете видалити ц
schematic.rename = Перейменувати схему
schematic.info = {0}x{1}, блоків: {2}
schematic.disabled = [scarlet]Схеми вимкнені[]\nВам не дозволяється використовувати схеми на цій [accent]мапі[] чи [accent]сервері.
mod.featured.title = Переглядач модифікацій
mod.featured.dialog.title = Переглядач модифікацій
mods.browser.selected = Обрана модифікація
mods.browser.add = Установити модифікацію
mods.github.open = Відкрити в Github
stats = Статистика
stat.wave = Хвиль відбито:[accent] {0}
stat.enemiesDestroyed = Противників знищено:[accent] {0}
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import static mindustry.gen.Tex.*;
public class Styles{
//TODO all these names are inconsistent and not descriptive
public static Drawable black, black9, black8, black6, black3, black5, none, flatDown, flatOver;
public static ButtonStyle defaultb, waveb;
public static ButtonStyle defaultb, waveb, modsb;
public static TextButtonStyle defaultt, squaret, nodet, cleart, discordt, nonet, infot, clearPartialt, clearTogglet, clearToggleMenut, togglet, transt, fullTogglet, logict;
public static ImageButtonStyle defaulti, nodei, righti, emptyi, emptytogglei, selecti, logici, geni, colori, accenti, cleari, clearFulli, clearPartiali, clearPartial2i, clearTogglei, clearTransi, clearToggleTransi, clearTogglePartiali;
public static ScrollPaneStyle defaultPane, horizontalPane, smallPane;
@ -53,6 +53,12 @@ public class Styles{
over = buttonOver;
disabled = buttonDisabled;
modsb = new ButtonStyle(){{
down = flatOver;
up = underline;
over = underlineWhite;
waveb = new ButtonStyle(){{
up = wavepane;
@ -6,14 +6,17 @@ import arc.files.*;
import arc.func.*;
import arc.graphics.*;
import arc.graphics.g2d.*;
import arc.input.*;
import arc.scene.style.*;
import arc.scene.ui.TextButton.*;
import arc.struct.*;
import arc.util.*;
import arc.util.io.*;
import arc.util.serialization.*;
import mindustry.ctype.*;
import mindustry.gen.*;
import mindustry.graphics.*;
import mindustry.mod.*;
import mindustry.mod.Mods.*;
import mindustry.ui.*;
@ -22,6 +25,8 @@ import java.io.*;
import static mindustry.Vars.*;
public class ModsDialog extends BaseDialog{
private String searchtxt = "";
private @Nullable Seq<ModListing> modList;
public ModsDialog(){
@ -54,6 +59,25 @@ public class ModsDialog extends BaseDialog{
void getModList(Cons<Seq<ModListing>> listener){
if(modList == null){
Core.net.httpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Anuken/MindustryMods/master/mods.json", response -> {
String strResult = response.getResultAsString();
var status = response.getStatus();
Core.app.post(() -> {
if(status != HttpStatus.OK){
ui.showErrorMessage(Core.bundle.format("connectfail", status));
listener.get(modList = new Json().fromJson(Seq.class, ModListing.class, strResult));
}, error -> Core.app.post(() -> ui.showException(error)));
void setup(){
float h = 110f;
float w = mobile ? 440f : 524f;
@ -110,22 +134,82 @@ public class ModsDialog extends BaseDialog{
Core.settings.put("lastmod", text);
//Try to download the 6.0 branch first, but if it doesn't exist, try master.
githubImport("6.0", text, e1 -> {
githubImport("master", text, e2 -> {
githubImport("main", text, e3 -> {
ui.showErrorMessage(Core.bundle.format("connectfail", e2));
t.button("@mod.featured.title", Icon.star, bstyle, () -> {
Runnable[] rebuildBrowser = {null};
BaseDialog browser = new BaseDialog("$mod.featured.dialog.title");
browser.cont.table(table -> {
table.field(searchtxt, res -> {
searchtxt = res;
browser.cont.pane(tablebrow -> {
rebuildBrowser[0] = () -> {
getModList(listings -> {
for(ModListing mod : listings){
if(!searchtxt.isEmpty() && !mod.repo.contains(searchtxt)) continue;
tablebrow.button(btn -> {
btn.table(con -> {
con.add("[lightgray]Name:[] " + mod.name + "\n[lightgray]Author:[] " + mod.author + "\n[accent]\uE809 " + mod.stars)
.width(388f).wrap().growX().pad(0f, 6f, 0f, 6f).left().labelAlign(Align.left);
con.add().growX().pad(0f, 6f, 0f, 6f);
}).fillY().growX().pad(0f, 6f, 0f, 6f);
}, Styles.modsb, () -> {
var sel = new BaseDialog((Core.bundle.get("mods.browser.selected")) + ": " + mod.name);
sel.cont.add(mod.description).width(mobile ? 400f : 500f).wrap().pad(4f).labelAlign(Align.center, Align.left);
sel.buttons.defaults().size(200f, 54f).pad(2f);
sel.buttons.button("@back", Icon.left, () -> {
sel.buttons.button("@mods.browser.add", Icon.download, () -> {
sel.buttons.button("@mods.github.open", Icon.link, () -> {
Core.app.openURI("https://github.com/" + mod.repo);
sel.keyDown(KeyCode.escape, sel::hide);
sel.keyDown(KeyCode.back, sel::hide);
@ -315,7 +399,20 @@ public class ModsDialog extends BaseDialog{
private void githubImport(String branch, String repo, Cons<HttpStatus> err){
private void githubImportMod(String name){
//try several branches
//TODO use only the main branch as specified in meta
githubImportBranch("6.0", name, e1 -> {
githubImportBranch("master", name, e2 -> {
githubImportBranch("main", name, e3 -> {
ui.showErrorMessage(Core.bundle.format("connectfail", e2));
private void githubImportBranch(String branch, String repo, Cons<HttpStatus> err){
Core.net.httpGet("https://api.github.com/repos/" + repo + "/zipball/" + branch, loc -> {
if(loc.getStatus() == HttpStatus.OK){
if(loc.getHeader("Location") != null){
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