Changed tutorial to cover power blocks

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Anuken 2017-12-10 20:33:09 -05:00
parent 5ea8f0b8e2
commit a5f3ddcb2b
8 changed files with 115 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
_Keep in mind that this is just a basic outline of planned features, and will be constantly changing!_
### 3.0 Release
- New tutorial with the power blocks
- [DONE] New tutorial with the power blocks
- [DONE] New SFX for specific blocks, especially turrets
- [DONE] Block drawing layers. Refactor/remove `Block#drawOver()`, add `Layer` enum. Should fix 'glitchy' lasers and conveyor clipping
- [DONE] Balance nuclear reactor, improve effectiveness as they are currently underpowered

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@ -158,6 +158,19 @@ public class Tutorial{
world.tile(corex, corey - 2).setBlock(Blocks.air);
world.tile(corex, corey - 3).setBlock(Blocks.air);
world.tile(corex, corey - 3).setFloor(Blocks.stone);
world.tile(corex + 1, corey - 7).setFloor(Blocks.iron);
world.tile(corex - 1, corey - 7).setFloor(Blocks.coal);
int r = 10;
for(int x = -r; x <= r; x ++){
for(int y = -r; y <= r; y ++){
if(world.tile(corex + x, corey + y).block() == Blocks.rock){
world.tile(corex + x, corey + y).setBlock(Blocks.air);
enum Stage{
@ -169,7 +182,7 @@ public class Tutorial{
desktopOnly = true;
text = "To move, use the [orange][[WASD][] keys. Use the [orange]scrollwheel[] to zoom in or out.";
text = "To move, use the [orange][[WASD][] keys. Hold [orange]shift[] to boost. Hold [orange]CTRL[] while using the [orange]scrollwheel[] to zoom in or out.";
@ -205,7 +218,7 @@ public class Tutorial{
blockPlaceX = 0;
blockPlaceY = -2;
targetBlock = DistributionBlocks.conveyor;
text = "Use [orange][[R][] to rotate the conveyor to face [orange]forwards[], then place it in the [yellow]marked location[] using the [orange][[left mouse button][].";
text = "Use the [orange][[scrollwheel][] to rotate the conveyor to face [orange]forwards[], then place it in the [yellow]marked location[] using the [orange][[left mouse button][].";
@ -250,6 +263,12 @@ public class Tutorial{
canBack = true;
text = "If you want to learn more about a block, you can tap the [orange]question mark[] in the top right to read its description.";
desktopOnly = true;
@ -436,7 +455,7 @@ public class Tutorial{
canBack = false;
text = "In later waves, you might need to use [yellow]pumps[] to distribute liquids for extractors.";
text = "In later waves, you might need to use [yellow]pumps[] to distribute liquids for generators or extractors.";
@ -448,7 +467,7 @@ public class Tutorial{
targetBlock = ProductionBlocks.pump;
blockPlaceX = 6;
blockPlaceY = -2;
text = "Pumps work similarly to drills, except that they produce liquids instead of items. Try placing a pump on the [yellow]designated water[].";
text = "Pumps work similarly to drills, except that they produce liquids instead of items. Try placing a pump on the [yellow]designated oil[].";
void onSwitch(){
@ -509,59 +528,124 @@ public class Tutorial{
world.tile(blockPlaceX + control.core.x, blockPlaceY + control.core.y).setBlock(Blocks.air);
canBack = false;
canForward = false;
showBlock = true;
canPlace = true;
targetBlock = ProductionBlocks.coalpurifier;
targetBlock = ProductionBlocks.combustiongenerator;
blockPlaceX = 4;
blockPlaceY = 0;
text = "Now, place a [orange]coal extractor[] block at the end of the conduit.";
text = "Now, place a [orange]combustion generator[] block at the end of the conduit.";
void onSwitch(){
world.tile(blockPlaceX + control.core.x, blockPlaceY + control.core.y).setBlock(Blocks.air);
Vars.control.addItem(Item.steel, 60);
Vars.control.addItem(Item.iron, 60);
canBack = false;
text = "The extractor will now produce [orange]coal[] from the stone and water, then move it to the core.";
text = "This generator will now create [yellow]power[] from the oil.";
canBack = false;
canForward = false;
showBlock = true;
canPlace = true;
text = "Power is distributed using [yellow]power lasers[]. Rotate and place one here.";
blockPlaceX = 4;
blockPlaceY = 4;
blockRotation = 2;
targetBlock = DistributionBlocks.powerlaser;
void onSwitch(){
for(int i = -2; i <= 2; i ++){
world.tile(control.core.x + i + 4, control.core.y + 2).setBlock(ProductionBlocks.stonedrill);
world.tile(control.core.x + i + 4, control.core.y + 2).setFloor(Blocks.stone);
world.tile(control.core.x + 3, control.core.y).setBlock(DistributionBlocks.conveyor, 2);
world.tile(control.core.x + 2, control.core.y).setBlock(DistributionBlocks.junction, 2);
world.tile(control.core.x + 2, control.core.y + 1).setBlock(DistributionBlocks.conveyor, 0);
world.tile(control.core.x + 3, control.core.y + 1).setBlock(DistributionBlocks.conveyor, 0);
world.tile(control.core.x + 4, control.core.y + 1).setBlock(DistributionBlocks.conveyor, 3);
world.tile(control.core.x + 5, control.core.y + 1).setBlock(DistributionBlocks.conveyor, 2);
world.tile(control.core.x + 6, control.core.y + 1).setBlock(DistributionBlocks.conveyor, 2);
canBack = false;
text = "The generator will now move power into the laser block. An [yellow]opaque[] beam means that it is currently transmitting power, "
+ "and a [yellow]transparent[] beam means it is not.";
canBack = false;
text = "You can check how much power a block has by hovering over it and checking the [yellow]yellow bar[] at the top.";
canBack = false;
canForward = false;
showBlock = true;
canPlace = true;
canBack = false;
blockPlaceX = 1;
blockPlaceY = 4;
targetBlock = DefenseBlocks.repairturret;
text = "This laser can be used to power a [lime]repair turret[]. Place one here.";
void onSwitch(){
canBack = false;
text = "As long as it has power, this turret will [lime]repair nearby blocks.[] When playing, make sure you get one in your base as quickly as possible!";
canBack = false;
canForward = false;
showBlock = true;
canPlace = true;
canBack = false;
blockPlaceX = 0;
blockPlaceY = -6;
targetBlock = ProductionBlocks.smelter;
text = "Many blocks require [orange]steel[] to make, which requires a [orange]smelter[] to craft. Place one here.";
void onSwitch(){
Vars.control.addItem(Item.stone, 40);
Vars.control.addItem(Item.iron, 40);
canBack = false;
canPlace = true;
text = "The [orange]smeltery[] and [orange]crucible[] blocks work similarly to extractors, except they accept only items.";
text = "This smelter will now produce [orange]steel[] from the input coal and iron.";
void onSwitch(){
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i ++){
world.tile(control.core.x, control.core.y - 5 + i).setBlock(DistributionBlocks.conveyor, 1);
world.tile(control.core.x+1, control.core.y - 7).setBlock(ProductionBlocks.irondrill);
world.tile(control.core.x-1, control.core.y - 7).setBlock(ProductionBlocks.coaldrill);
world.tile(control.core.x+1, control.core.y - 6).setBlock(DistributionBlocks.conveyor, 2);
world.tile(control.core.x-1, control.core.y - 6).setBlock(DistributionBlocks.conveyor, 0);
text = "And that concludes the tutorial!";
text = "And that concludes the tutorial! Good luck!";
canBack = false;

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@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ public class BlocksFragment implements Fragment{
Table top = new Table();
top.add(new Image(Draw.region(*5 * recipe.result.width).units(Unit.dp);
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ public class BlocksFragment implements Fragment{
if(statlist.size > 0){
table.add("[coral][[extra block info]:").padTop(6).padBottom(5).left();
table.add("[accent]extra block info:").padTop(6).padBottom(5).left();

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