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synced 2025-03-09 04:09:07 +07:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
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@ -348,15 +348,15 @@ command.rebuild = Reconstrueix
command.assist = Assisteix al jugador
command.move = Mou
command.boost = Sobrevola
command.loadUnits = Load Units
command.loadBlocks = Load Blocks
command.unloadPayload = Unload Payload
stance.stop = Cancel Orders
stance.shoot = Stance: Shoot
stance.holdfire = Stance: Hold Fire
stance.pursuetarget = Stance: Pursue Target
stance.patrol = Stance: Patrol Path
stance.ram = Stance: Ram\n[lightgray]Straight line movement, no pathfinding
command.loadUnits = Carrega unitats
command.loadBlocks = Carrega blocs
command.unloadPayload = Descarrega
stance.stop = Cancel·la les ordres
stance.shoot = Comportament: Dispara
stance.holdfire = Comportament: Mantén el foc
stance.pursuetarget = Comportament: Persegueix l’objectiu
stance.patrol = Comportament: Patrulla el camí
stance.ram = Comportament: Senzill\n[lightgray]Mou-te en línia recta, sense encaminador
openlink = Obre l’enllaç
copylink = Copia l’enllaç
back = Enrere
@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ marker.shapetext.name = Forma del text
marker.minimap.name = Minimapa
marker.shape.name = Forma
marker.text.name = Text
marker.line.name = Line
marker.line.name = Línia
marker.background = Fons
marker.outline = Contorn
@ -970,9 +970,9 @@ ability.movelightning = Moviment llampec
ability.shieldarc = Escut de descàrregues
ability.suppressionfield = Regen Suppression Field
ability.energyfield = Camp de força
ability.energyfield.sametypehealmultiplier = [lightgray]Same Type Healing: [white]{0}%
ability.energyfield.maxtargets = [lightgray]Max Targets: [white]{0}
ability.regen = Regeneration
ability.energyfield.sametypehealmultiplier = [lightgray]Mateix tipus de guarició: [white]{0} %
ability.energyfield.maxtargets = [lightgray]Objectius màx.: [white]{0}
ability.regen = Regeneració
bar.onlycoredeposit = Només es permet depositar al nucli.
bar.drilltierreq = Cal una perforadora millor.
@ -1067,7 +1067,7 @@ setting.backgroundpause.name = Pausa automàtica quan s’estigui en segon pla
setting.buildautopause.name = Pausa automàtica quan es construeixi
setting.doubletapmine.name = Dos tocs/clics per a extreure recursos
setting.commandmodehold.name = Mantén per al mode de comandament
setting.distinctcontrolgroups.name = Limit One Control Group Per Unit
setting.distinctcontrolgroups.name = Limita a un grup de control per unitat
setting.modcrashdisable.name = Desactiva els mods quan no es pugui iniciar el joc
setting.animatedwater.name = Animacions del terreny
setting.animatedshields.name = Animacions dels escuts
@ -1114,7 +1114,7 @@ setting.position.name = Mostra la posició del jugador
setting.mouseposition.name = Mostra la posició del ratolí
setting.musicvol.name = Volum de la música
setting.atmosphere.name = Mostra l’atmosfera del planeta
setting.drawlight.name = Draw Darkness/Lighting
setting.drawlight.name = Dibuixa la foscor/llum
setting.ambientvol.name = Volum del so ambiental
setting.mutemusic.name = Silencia la música
setting.sfxvol.name = Volums dels efectes de so
@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@ keybind.title = Personalització dels controls
keybinds.mobile = [scarlet]La majoria de dreceres no estan disponibles en les versions per a pantalles tàctils. Només està inclòs el moviment bàsic.
category.general.name = General
category.view.name = Control de la vista i altres
category.command.name = Unit Command
category.command.name = Ordre d’unitat
category.multiplayer.name = Multijugador
category.blocks.name = Selecció d’estructures per construir
placement.blockselectkeys = \n[lightgray]Tecles: [{0},
@ -1159,23 +1159,23 @@ keybind.mouse_move.name = Segueix el ratolí
keybind.pan.name = Desplaça la vista
keybind.boost.name = Sobrevola
keybind.command_mode.name = Mode de comandament
keybind.command_queue.name = Unit Command Queue
keybind.create_control_group.name = Create Control Group
keybind.cancel_orders.name = Cancel Orders
keybind.unit_stance_shoot.name = Unit Stance: Shoot
keybind.unit_stance_hold_fire.name = Unit Stance: Hold Fire
keybind.unit_stance_pursue_target.name = Unit Stance: Pursue Target
keybind.unit_stance_patrol.name = Unit Stance: Patrol
keybind.unit_stance_ram.name = Unit Stance: Ram
keybind.unit_command_move = Unit Command: Move
keybind.unit_command_repair = Unit Command: Repair
keybind.unit_command_rebuild = Unit Command: Rebuild
keybind.unit_command_assist = Unit Command: Assist
keybind.unit_command_mine = Unit Command: Mine
keybind.unit_command_boost = Unit Command: Boost
keybind.unit_command_load_units = Unit Command: Load Units
keybind.unit_command_load_blocks = Unit Command: Load Blocks
keybind.unit_command_unload_payload = Unit Command: Unload Payload
keybind.command_queue.name = Cua d’ordres d’unitat
keybind.create_control_group.name = Crea un grup de control
keybind.cancel_orders.name = Cancel·la les ordres
keybind.unit_stance_shoot.name = Comportament: Dispara
keybind.unit_stance_hold_fire.name = Comportament: Mantén el foc
keybind.unit_stance_pursue_target.name = Comportament: Persegueix l’objectiu
keybind.unit_stance_patrol.name = Comportament: Patrulla
keybind.unit_stance_ram.name = Comportament: Senzill
keybind.unit_command_move = Comportament: Mou
keybind.unit_command_repair = Comportament: Repara
keybind.unit_command_rebuild = Comportament: Reconstrueix
keybind.unit_command_assist = Comportament: Assisteix
keybind.unit_command_mine = Comportament: Extrau
keybind.unit_command_boost = Comportament: Sobrevola
keybind.unit_command_load_units = Comportament: Carrega unitats
keybind.unit_command_load_blocks = Comportament: Carrega blocs
keybind.unit_command_unload_payload = Comportament: Descarrega
keybind.rebuild_select.name = Reconstrueix la regió
keybind.schematic_select.name = Selecciona una regió
keybind.schematic_menu.name = Menú de plànols
@ -1239,7 +1239,7 @@ mode.pvp.description = Lluiteu contra altres jugadors localment.\n[gray]Cal que
mode.attack.name = Atac
mode.attack.description = Destruïu la base enemiga. \n[gray]Cal que al mapa hi hagi un nucli vermell.
mode.custom = Regles personalitzades
rules.invaliddata = Invalid clipboard data.
rules.invaliddata = Dades del porta-retalls no vàlides.
rules.hidebannedblocks = Amaga els blocs no permesos
rules.infiniteresources = Recursos infinits
@ -2274,10 +2274,10 @@ lst.cutscene = Manipula la càmera del jugador.
lst.setflag = Estableix un senyal global que es podrà llegir en tots els processadors.
lst.getflag = Obtén un senyal global.
lst.setprop = Estableix una propietat d’una unitat o estructura.
lst.effect = Create a particle effect.
lst.sync = Sync a variable across the network.\nOnly invoked 10 times a second at most.
lst.makemarker = Create a new logic marker in the world.\nAn ID to identify this marker must be provided.\nMarkers currently limited to 20,000 per world.
lst.setmarker = Set a property for a marker.\nThe ID used must be the same as in the Make Marker instruction.
lst.effect = Crea un efecte de particula.
lst.sync = Sincronitza una variable a través de la xarxa.\nS’invoca com a molt 10 vegades per segon.
lst.makemarker = Crea una marca lògica al món.\nS’ha de donar un ID per a identificar-la.\nEs poden establir fins a 20.000 marcadors per món.
lst.setmarker = Estableix una propietat per a la marca.\nL’ID que es faci servir ha de ser el mateix que el de la instrucció de crear la marca.
logic.nounitbuild = [red]Aquí no es permet construir blocs de tipus lògic.
@ -586,3 +586,4 @@
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ public class Blocks{
message, switchBlock, microProcessor, logicProcessor, hyperProcessor, largeLogicDisplay, logicDisplay, memoryCell, memoryBank,
canvas, reinforcedMessage,
worldProcessor, worldCell, worldMessage,
worldProcessor, worldCell, worldMessage, worldSwitch,
launchPad, interplanetaryAccelerator
@ -5944,6 +5944,13 @@ public class Blocks{
privileged = true;
worldSwitch = new SwitchBlock("world-switch"){{
requirements(Category.logic, BuildVisibility.editorOnly, with());
targetable = false;
privileged = true;
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import mindustry.gen.*;
import mindustry.world.*;
import mindustry.world.meta.*;
import static mindustry.Vars.state;
public class SwitchBlock extends Block{
public Sound clickSound = Sounds.click;
@ -25,7 +27,26 @@ public class SwitchBlock extends Block{
config(Boolean.class, (SwitchBuild entity, Boolean b) -> entity.enabled = b);
public boolean accessible(){
return !privileged || state.rules.editor;
public boolean canBreak(Tile tile){
return accessible();
public class SwitchBuild extends Building{
public void damage(float damage){
if(privileged) return;
public boolean collide(Bullet other){
return !privileged;
public boolean configTapped(){
@ -910,6 +910,37 @@ public class ServerControl implements ApplicationListener{
handler.register("loadautosave", "Loads the last auto-save.", arg -> {
err("Already hosting. Type 'stop' to stop hosting first.");
Fi newestSave = saveDirectory.findAll(f -> f.name().startsWith("auto_")).min(Fi::lastModified);
if(newestSave == null){
err("No auto-saves found! Type `config autosave true` to enable auto-saves.");
err("No (valid) save data found for slot.");
Core.app.post(() -> {
state.rules.sector = null;
info("Save loaded.");
}catch(Throwable t){
err("Failed to load save. Outdated or corrupt file.");
handler.register("load", "<slot>", "Load a save from a slot.", arg -> {
err("Already hosting. Type 'stop' to stop hosting first.");
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
"name": "Chaotic Neutral",
"address": ["c-n.ddns.net:7012", "c-n.ddns.net:7013", "c-n.ddns.net:7014", "c-n.ddns.net:7015", "c-n.ddns.net:7016", "c-n.ddns.net:7017", ""]
"address": ["c-n.ddns.net:7012", "c-n.ddns.net:7013", "c-n.ddns.net:7014", "c-n.ddns.net:7015", "c-n.ddns.net:7016", "c-n.ddns.net:7017", "c-n.ddns.net:7003", ""]
"name": "io",
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
"name": "Fish",
"address": ["", "", "", ""]
"address": ["", "", "", "", "c-n.ddns.net:7003"]
"name": "The Devil",
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
"name": "Cyandustry",
"address": ["","", "", ""]
"address": ["","", "", "", "", "", ""]
"name": "Four Family",
@ -255,5 +255,9 @@
"name": "MineCore",
"address": [""]
"name": "Atomic",
"address": ["", "atomic-lab.ddns.net:30315"]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user