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synced 2025-03-09 04:09:07 +07:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
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@ -813,6 +813,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = Аптымальнае месца каб пачаць. Нізкая варожая пагроза. Мала рэсурсаў.\nВазімце як мага болей свінца і медзі.\nІ рухайцеся далей.
sector.frozenForest.description = Нават тут, бліжэй да гор, распаўсюдзіліся споры. Ледзяныя тэмпературы не могуць утрымліваць іх заўсёды.\n\nПачніце выкарыстоўваць энергію. Пабудуйце генератары на цвёрдым паліве. Даведайцеся як выкарыстоуваць рэгенератары.
@ -840,6 +841,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = Пачатак
sector.aegis.name = Ахова
sector.lake.name = Рака
@ -2062,6 +2064,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Сцяна, пакрытая спецыяльны
block.phase-wall-large.description = Сцяна, пакрытая спецыяльным фазавым адлюстроўваюць складам. Адлюстроўвае большасць куль пры ўдары. \nРазмяшчаецца на некалькіх плітках.
block.surge-wall.description = Вельмі трывалы ахоўны блок. \nНакаплвае зарад пры кантакце з куляй, выпускаючы яго выпадковым чынам.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Вельмі трывалы ахоўны блок. \nНакаплвает зарад пры кантакце з куляй, выпускаючы яго выпадковым чынам. \nРазмяшчаецца на некалькіх плітках.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Маленькая дзверы. Можна адкрыць або зачыніць націскам.
block.door-large.description = Вялікая дзверы. Можна адкрыць і закрыць націскам. \nРазмяшчаецца на некалькіх плітках.
block.mender.description = Перыядычна рамантуе блокі ў непасрэднай блізкасці. Захоўвае сродкі абароны ў цэласнасці паміж хвалямі. \nОпцонально выкарыстоўвае крэмній для павелічэння далёкасці і эфектыўнасці.
@ -822,6 +822,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = Перфектното място за започване отначало. Ниска заплаха. Ниски ресурси.\nСъбери колкото можеш мед и олово.\nПродължи напред.
sector.frozenForest.description = Дори тук, близо до планините, спорите са се разпространили. Мразовитите температури не могат да ги задържат вечно.\n\nОвладейте електричеството. Постройте горивни генератори. Научете се да ползвате възстрановители.
@ -849,6 +850,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = The Onset
sector.aegis.name = Aegis
sector.lake.name = Lake
@ -2074,6 +2076,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Защитава структури от враж
block.phase-wall-large.description = Защитава структури от вражески огън, отразявайки повечето куршуми при удар.
block.surge-wall.description = Защитава структури от вражески огън, периодично освобождавайки волтови дъги при контакт.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Защитава структури от вражески огън, периодично освобождавайки волтови дъги при контакт.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Стена, която може да бъде отворена и затворена.
block.door-large.description = Стена, която може да бъде отворена и затворена.
block.mender.description = Периодично поправя близки блокове.\nОпционално използва силикон за да увеличи обхвата и ефективността си.
@ -826,6 +826,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = El lloc adequat per a començar de nou. Amenaça enemiga baixa. Pocs recursos.\nRecolliu tot el coure i plom que pugueu.\nDesprés, continueu en un altre sector.
sector.frozenForest.description = Les espores han arribat fins aquí, prop de les muntanyes. Les temperatures baixes no les podran contenir per sempre.\n\nComenceu el camí del poder. Construïu generadors a combustió. Apreneu a fer servir els reparadors.
@ -853,6 +854,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = El principi
sector.aegis.name = L’ègida
@ -2084,6 +2086,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Protegeix les estructures dels projectils enemics
block.phase-wall-large.description = Protegeix les estructures dels projectils enemics, reflectint la majoria de munició que hi impacta.
block.surge-wall.description = Protegeix les estructures dels projectils enemics, alliberant descàrregues elèctriques periòdicament quan algun enemic el toca.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Protegeix les estructures dels projectils enemics, alliberant descàrregues elèctriques periòdicament quan algun enemic el toca.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Un mur que es pot obrir i tancar.
block.door-large.description = Un mur gros que es pot obrir i tancar.
block.mender.description = Repara blocs propers periòdicament.\nTambé pot usar silici per a potenciar el seu abast i eficiència.
@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = Optimální místo, kde znovu začít. Nízký výskyt nepřátel. Několik málo surovin.\nPosbírej co nejvíce olova a mědi.\nBěž dál.
sector.frozenForest.description = Dokonce až sem, blízko hor, se dokázaly spóry rozrůst. Mráz je však nemůže zadržet navěky.\n\nPusť se do práce za pomocí energie. Stav spalovací generátory. Nauč se, jak používat opravovací věže.
@ -851,6 +852,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = Nástup
sector.aegis.name = Aegis
sector.lake.name = Jezero
@ -2079,6 +2081,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Chrání konstrukce před nepřátelskými střel
block.phase-wall-large.description = Chrání konstrukce před nepřátelskými střelami, reflecting most bullets upon impact.
block.surge-wall.description = Chrání konstrukce před nepřátelskými střelami. Při doteku opakovaně vydává energetické výboje.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Chrání konstrukce před nepřátelskými střelami. Při doteku opakovaně vydává energetické výboje.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Zeď, která může být otevřena a zavřena.
block.door-large.description = Zeď, která může být otevřena a zavřena.
block.mender.description = Opakovaně opravuje bloky ve svém dosahu.\nVolitelně umí použít křemík pro posílení dosahu a efektivity.
@ -814,6 +814,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = The optimal location to begin once more. Low enemy threat. Few resources.\nGather as much lead and copper as possible.\nMove on.
sector.frozenForest.description = Even here, closer to mountains, the spores have spread. The frigid temperatures cannot contain them forever.\n\nBegin the venture into power. Build combustion generators. Learn to use menders.
@ -841,6 +842,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = The Onset
sector.aegis.name = Aegis
sector.lake.name = Lake
@ -2062,6 +2064,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = En væg legeret med specielt, reflekterende fase-
block.phase-wall-large.description = En væg legeret med specielt, reflekterende fase-stof. Reflekterer de fleste slags skud.\nFylder flere felter.
block.surge-wall.description = En ekstremt hård væg.\nOpbygger en ladning ved at absorbere skud. Ladningen affyres tilfældigt
block.surge-wall-large.description = En ekstremt hård væg.\nOpbygger en ladning ved at absorbere skud. Ladningen affyres tilfældigt.\nFylder flere felter.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = En bette dør. Kan åbnes og lukkes ved at trykke på den.
block.door-large.description = En stor dør. Kan åbnes og lukkes ved at trykke på den.\nFylder flere felter.
block.mender.description = Reparerer løbende blokke i nærheden. Hjælper til at holde forsvaret oppe mellem bølger.\nSilicium kan bruges til at øge rækkevidde og effektivitet.
@ -834,6 +834,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = Der optimale Ort, um anzufangen. Schwache Gegner und weniger Ressourcen.\nSammele so viel Kupfer und Blei wie möglich.\nGeh weiter.
sector.frozenForest.description = Auch hier, näher an den Bergen, sind die Sporen. Sogar die niedrigen Temperaturen können sie nicht zurückhalten.\n\nLerne, Strom zu verwenden. Baue Verbrennungsgeneratoren und Reparateure.
@ -861,6 +862,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = Der Anfang
sector.aegis.name = Aegis
@ -2105,6 +2107,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Beschützt Blöcke vor Gegnern, indem sie die mei
block.phase-wall-large.description = Beschützt Blöcke vor Gegnern, indem sie die meisten Schüsse reflektiert.
block.surge-wall.description = Beschützt Blöcke vor Gegnern und greift Gegner mit Lichtbögen an.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Beschützt Blöcke vor Gegnern und greift Gegner mit Lichtbögen an.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Ein Tor, das geöffnet und geschlossen werden kann.
block.door-large.description = Ein großes Tor, das geöffnet und geschlossen werden kann.
block.mender.description = Repariert regelmäßig Blöcke in seiner Umgebung.\nVerwendet optional Silizium, um Reichweite und Effizienz zu steigern.
@ -830,6 +830,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = La ubicación adecuada para empezar una vez más. Baja amenaza enemiga. Pocos recursos.\nReúne la mayor cantidad de plomo y cobre posible y sigue adelante.
sector.frozenForest.description = Incluso aquí, cerca de las montañas, se han extendido las esporas. Las gélidas temperaturas no las contendrán para siempre.\nDescubre la energía eléctrica. Construye generadores de combustión. Aprende a usar reparadores.
@ -857,6 +858,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = El Inicio
sector.aegis.name = Égida
@ -2097,6 +2099,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Protege estructuras de proyectiles enemigos. Pued
block.phase-wall-large.description = Protege estructuras de proyectiles enemigos. Puede reflejar la mayoría de proyectiles al impactar.
block.surge-wall.description = Protege estructuras de proyectiles enemigos. Al contaco, libera arcos eléctricos periódicamente.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Protege estructuras de proyectiles enemigos. Al contaco, libera arcos eléctricos periódicamente.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Un muro que puede estar cerrado o abierto, permitiendo el paso a través de él.
block.door-large.description = Un muro que puede estar cerrado o abierto, permitiendo el paso a través de él.
block.mender.description = Repara estructuras cercanas constantemente. Puede usar silicio para potenciar su alcance y eficiencia.
@ -814,6 +814,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = The optimal location to begin once more. Low enemy threat. Few resources.\nGather as much lead and copper as possible.\nMove on.
sector.frozenForest.description = Even here, closer to mountains, the spores have spread. The frigid temperatures cannot contain them forever.\n\nBegin the venture into power. Build combustion generators. Learn to use menders.
@ -841,6 +842,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = The Onset
sector.aegis.name = Aegis
sector.lake.name = Lake
@ -2064,6 +2066,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Tugev kaitsekonstruktsioon, mis on kaetud erilise
block.phase-wall-large.description = Tugev kaitsekonstruktsioon, mis on kaetud erilise faaskangapõhise peegeldava ühendiga. Pakub kaitset peaaegu kõiki tüüpi kuulide ja mürskude eest.\nUlatub üle mitme bloki.
block.surge-wall.description = Äärmiselt tugev kaitsekonstruktsioon.\nKuulidega kokkupõrkel neelab energiat, vabastades seda suvalistel hetkedel.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Äärmiselt tugev kaitsekonstruktsioon.\nKuulidega kokkupõrkel neelab energiat, vabastades seda suvalistel hetkedel.\nUlatub üle mitme bloki.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Väike uks, mida saab avada ja sulgeda sellele vajutades.
block.door-large.description = Suur uks, mida saab avada ja sulgeda sellele vajutades.\nUlatub üle mitme bloki.
block.mender.description = Parandab perioodiliselt enda ümber olevaid konstruktsioone, hoides neid lahingulainete järel töökorras ja tervena. Ulatuse ja efektiivsuse parendamiseks on võimalik kasutada räni.
@ -816,6 +816,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = The optimal location to begin once more. Low enemy threat. Few resources.\nGather as much lead and copper as possible.\nMove on.
sector.frozenForest.description = Even here, closer to mountains, the spores have spread. The frigid temperatures cannot contain them forever.\n\nBegin the venture into power. Build combustion generators. Learn to use menders.
@ -843,6 +844,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = The Onset
sector.aegis.name = Aegis
sector.lake.name = Lake
@ -2066,6 +2068,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Fasez osatutako konposatu islatzaile batez estali
block.phase-wall-large.description = Fasez osatutako konposatu islatzaile batez estalitako horma bat. Talkan jasotako bala gehienak desbideratzen ditu.\nHainbat lauza hartzen ditu.
block.surge-wall.description = Defentsarako bloke nabarmen iraunkorra.\nKarga hartzen du balakadak jasotzean, hau edonora askatuz.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Defentsarako bloke nabarmen iraunkorra.\nKarga hartzen du balakadak jasotzean, edonora askatuz.\nHainbat lauza hartzen ditu.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Ate txiki bat. Sakatuz ireki eta itxi daiteke.
block.door-large.description = Ate handi bat. Sakatuz ireki eta itxi daiteke.\nHainbat lauza hartzen ditu.
block.mender.description = Aldiro inguruko blokeak konpontzen ditu. Defentsak bere onean mantentzen ditu boladen artean.\nAukeran silizioa erabili dezake irismena eta eraginkortasuna hobetzeko.
@ -814,6 +814,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = Optimaalinen sijainti aloittaa jälleen kerran. Matala vihollisuhka. Vähän resursseja.\nKerää niin paljon kuparia ja lyijyä, kuin mahdollista.\nJatka matkaa.
sector.frozenForest.description = Itiöt ovat levittäytyneet jopa tänne, lähemmäs vuoria. Jäätävät lämpötilat eivät voi torjua niitä ikuisesti.\n\nAloita seikkailusi virtaan. Rakenna polttogeneraattoreita. Opi käyttämään korjaajia.
@ -841,6 +842,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = Alku
sector.aegis.name = Aegis
sector.lake.name = Lake
@ -2066,6 +2068,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Muuri, joka on päällystetty erityisellä kiihto
block.phase-wall-large.description = Muuri, joka on päällystetty erityisellä kiihtokuitupohjaisella heijastavalla yhdisteellä. Torjuu useimmat ammukset näiden törmätessä.\nKattaa useita laattoja.
block.surge-wall.description = Äärimmäisen kestävä puolustava palikka.\nVaraa jännitteen ammusten iskeytyessä, vapauttaen sen satunnaisesti.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Äärimmäisen kestävä puolustava palikka.\nVaraa jännitteen ammusten iskeytyessä, vapauttaen sen satunnaisesti.\nKattaa useita laattoja.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Pieni ovi. Voidaan avata ja sulkea painamalla.
block.door-large.description = Suuri ovi. Voidaan avata ja sulkea painamalla.\nKattaa useita laattoja.
block.mender.description = Korjaa läheisiä palikoita ajoittain. Pitää puolustuksia korjattuna tasojen aikana ja välillä.\nKäyttää valinnaisesti piitä tehostaakseen kantamaa ja tehoa.
@ -814,6 +814,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = Ang pinakamainam na lokasyon upang magsimulang muli. Mababang banta ng kaaway. Kaunting mapagkukunan.\nMagtipon ng mas maraming tingga at tanso hangga't maaari.\nItuloy.
sector.frozenForest.description = Kahit dito, mas malapit sa mga bundok, ang mga spore ay kumalat. Ang napakalamig na temperatura ay hindi maaaring maglaman ng mga ito magpakailanman.\n\nSimulan ang pakikipagsapalaran sa kapangyarihan. Bumuo ng mga generator ng pagkasunog. Matutong gumamit ng mga mender.
@ -841,6 +842,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = The Onset
sector.aegis.name = Aegis
sector.lake.name = Lake
@ -2063,6 +2065,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Isang pader na pinahiran ng espesyal na phase-bas
block.phase-wall-large.description = Isang pader na pinahiran ng espesyal na phase-based na reflective compound. Pinapalihis ang karamihan sa mga bala kapag natamaan.\nGumagamit ng maraming tile.
block.surge-wall.description = Isang napakatibay na defensive block.\nNagpapalaki ng singil sa bullet contact, na ilalabas ito nang random.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Isang napakatibay na defensive block.\nBumubuo ng singil sa bullet contact, ilalabas ito nang random.\nGumagamit ng maraming tile.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Isang maliit na pinto. Maaaring buksan o isara sa pamamagitan ng pag-tap.
block.door-large.description = Isang malaking pinto. Maaaring buksan at isara sa pamamagitan ng pag-tap.\nSpans maramihang mga tile.
block.mender.description = Pana-panahong nag-aayos ng mga blocks sa paligid nito. Pinapanatiling maayos ang mga depensa sa pagitan ng mga alon.\nOpsyonal na gumagamit ng silicon upang palakasin ang saklaw at kahusayan.
@ -837,6 +837,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = Un endroit optimal pour commencer. Avec une menace ennemie faible et peu de ressources disponibles.\nRassemblez autant de cuivre et de plomb que possible pour continuer votre exploration.
sector.frozenForest.description = Même ici, près des montagnes, les spores se sont propagées. Les températures glaciales ne pourront pas les contenir indéfiniment.\n\nCommencez votre production d'énergie en construisant des générateurs à combustion et apprenez à utiliser les bâtiments de soin.
@ -864,6 +865,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = The Onset
sector.aegis.name = Aegis
@ -2105,6 +2107,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Ce mur est moins puissant qu'un mur en thorium, m
block.phase-wall-large.description = Ce mur est moins puissant qu'un mur en thorium, mais il peut dévier les balles, sauf si elles sont trop puissantes.
block.surge-wall.description = Le plus puissant bloc défensif.\nA une faible chance d'envoyer des éclairs vers les ennemis.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Le plus puissant bloc défensif.\nA une faible chance d'envoyer des éclairs vers les ennemis.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Une petite porte pouvant être ouverte et fermée en appuyant dessus.\nSi elle est ouverte, les ennemis peuvent passer à travers.
block.door-large.description = Une grande porte pouvant être ouverte et fermée en appuyant dessus.\nSi elle est ouverte, les ennemis peuvent passer à travers.
block.mender.description = Soigne périodiquement les bâtiments autour de lui, ce qui permet de remettre les défenses en bon état entre les vagues ennemies.\nPeut utiliser du silicium pour booster la portée et l'efficacité.
@ -840,6 +840,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atollok
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = Az ideális helyszín, hogy ismét belekezdjünk. Alacsony ellenséges fenyegetés. Kevés nyersanyag.\nGyűjts annyi rezet és ólmot, amennyit csak tudsz.\nHaladj tovább.
sector.frozenForest.description = Még itt, a hegyekhez közel is elterjedtek a spórák. A fagypont alatti hőmérséklet nem tudja örökké fogva tartani őket.\n\nFedezd fel az elektromosság erejét! Építs égetőerőműveket! Tanuld meg a foltozók használatát!
@ -868,6 +869,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = A kezdet
sector.aegis.name = Égisz
@ -2112,6 +2114,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Megvédi az épületeket az ellenséges lövedék
block.phase-wall-large.description = Megvédi az épületeket az ellenséges lövedékektől, a legtöbb lövedék visszapattan róla.
block.surge-wall.description = Megvédi az épületeket az ellenséges lövedékektől, periodikusan elektromos kisüléseket generál, ha hozzáérnek.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Megvédi az épületeket az ellenséges lövedékektől, periodikusan elektromos kisüléseket generál, ha hozzáérnek.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Nyitható és zárható fal.
block.door-large.description = Nyitható és zárható fal.
block.mender.description = Időnként javítja a közeli épületeket.\nSzilíciummal növelhető a hatósugara és hatékonysága.
@ -839,6 +839,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = Lokasi yang optimal untuk bermain satu kali lagi. Sangat sedikit musuh. Sedikit sumber daya.\nKumpulkan timah dan tembaga sebanyak yang Anda bisa.\nMulai dari sini.
sector.frozenForest.description = Di sini, dekat dengan gunung, spora sudah menyebar. Suhu dingin tidak dapat menahannya.\n\nMulailah hasilkan listrik. Bangun generator pembakar. Pelajari cara menggunakan mender.
@ -866,6 +867,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = Serangan Awal
sector.aegis.name = Aegis
@ -2109,6 +2111,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Melindungi bangunan dari tembakan musuh, dan dapa
block.phase-wall-large.description = Melindungi bangunan dari tembakan musuh, dan dapat memantulkan beberapa jenis peluru senjata.
block.surge-wall.description = Melindungi bangunan dari tembakan musuh, dan dapat mengeluarkan setruman listrik.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Melindungi bangunan dari tembakan musuh, dan dapat mengeluarkan setruman listrik.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Dinding yang bisa dibuka dan ditutup.
block.door-large.description = Dinding yang bisa dibuka dan ditutup.
block.mender.description = Menyembuhkan blok di sekelilingnya secara berkala.\nGunakan silikon untuk meningkatkan jangkauan dan efisiensi (Opsional).
@ -820,6 +820,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = La posizione ottimale per ricominciare. Bassa minaccia nemica. Poche risorse.\nRaccogli quanto più piombo e rame possibile.\nParti.
sector.frozenForest.description = Anche qui, più vicino alle montagne, le spore si sono diffuse. Le temperature gelide non possono contenerle per sempre.\n\nInizia l'avventura nell'energia. Costruisci generatori a combustione. Impara a usare i riparatori.
@ -847,6 +848,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = The Onset
sector.aegis.name = Aegis
sector.lake.name = Nome
@ -2075,6 +2077,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Protegge le strutture dai proiettili nemici rifle
block.phase-wall-large.description = Protegge le strutture dai proiettili nemici riflettendone la maggior parte all'impatto.
block.surge-wall.description = Protegge le strutture dai proiettili nemici rilasciando periodicamente archi elettrici al contatto.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Protegge le strutture dai proiettili nemici rilasciando periodicamente archi elettrici al contatto.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Un muro che può essere aperto o chiuso.
block.door-large.description = Un muro che può essere aperto o chiuso.
block.mender.description = Ripara periodicamente i blocchi nelle sue vicinanze.\nAccetta silicio per aumentare la portata e l'efficienza.
@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = 奪回を始めるには最適な場所です。敵の脅威は小さいですが、資源が乏しいです。\nできるだけ多くの銅と鉛を集めましょう。\n始めましょう。
sector.frozenForest.description = ここでさえ、山に近づくほど胞子が広がっています。\n極寒の気候もでさえ胞子を永遠に封じ込めることはできませんでした。\n\n電気に挑みましょう。\n火力発電機を建設し、修復機の使い方を学びましょう。
@ -851,6 +852,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = オンセット
sector.aegis.name = イージス
sector.lake.name = レイク
@ -2079,6 +2081,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = トリウムの壁ほど強固ではないが、
block.phase-wall-large.description = トリウムの壁ほど強固ではないが、強力な弾でなければ弾き返すことができます。
block.surge-wall.description = 最も硬い防壁ブロックです。\n攻撃されるとたまに放電して敵を攻撃します。
block.surge-wall-large.description = 最も硬い大型防壁ブロックです。\n攻撃されるとたまに放電して敵を攻撃します。
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = 小さなドアブロックです。タップすることで開閉することができます。\nただし、ドアが開いている場合、弾や敵も通過できます。
block.door-large.description = 大型のドアブロックです。タップすることで開閉することができます。\nただし、ドアが開いている場合、弾や敵も通過できます。
block.mender.description = 定期的に周囲のブロックを修復します。ウェーブの間も修復し続けます。\nオプションでシリコンを利用して、さらに効率的に修復が出来ます。
@ -825,6 +825,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = 이 장소는 다시 시작하기에 최적의 환경을 지녔습니다. 적은 위협적이지 않지만, 자원도 풍부하진 않습니다.\n가능한 한 많은 양의 구리와 납을 수집하십시오.\n이제 출격할 시간입니다!
sector.frozenForest.description = 산과 가까운 이곳에도, 포자가 퍼졌습니다. 혹한의 추위조차 포자가 퍼지는 것을 억누를 수 없습니다.\n화력 발전기를 건설하고, 멘더를 사용하는 방법을 배워야 합니다.
@ -852,6 +853,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = 시작
sector.aegis.name = 보호
sector.lake.name = 호수
@ -2077,6 +2079,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = 적 발사체로부터 아군 구조물을 보호
block.phase-wall-large.description = 적 발사체로부터 아군 구조물을 보호합니다. 충돌한 탄환 대부분을 반사합니다. \n여러 타일을 차지합니다.
block.surge-wall.description = 적 발사체로부터 아군 구조물을 보호합니다. 접촉 시 무작위로 전격 아크를 방출합니다.
block.surge-wall-large.description = 적 발사체로부터 아군 구조물을 보호합니다. 접촉 시 무작위로 전격 아크를 방출합니다.\n여러 타일을 차지합니다.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = 탭하여 열거나 닫을 수 있는 벽입니다.
block.door-large.description = 탭하여 열거나 닫을 수 있는 벽입니다.\n여러 타일을 차지합니다.
block.mender.description = 주변 블록을 주기적으로 수리합니다.\n선택적으로 실리콘을 사용하여 범위와 효율성을 향상할 수 있습니다.
@ -814,6 +814,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = The optimal location to begin once more. Low enemy threat. Few resources.\nGather as much lead and copper as possible.\nMove on.
sector.frozenForest.description = Even here, closer to mountains, the spores have spread. The frigid temperatures cannot contain them forever.\n\nBegin the venture into power. Build combustion generators. Learn to use menders.
@ -841,6 +842,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = The Onset
sector.aegis.name = Aegis
sector.lake.name = Lake
@ -2064,6 +2066,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Siena padengta specialiu faziniu pagrindu sukurtu
block.phase-wall-large.description = Siena padengta specialiu faziniu pagrindu sukurtu junginiu. Atmuša daugumą šovinių.\nUžima kelias vietas.
block.surge-wall.description = Ypač patvarus gynybinis blokas.\nKaupia krūvį kontakto metu su šoviniu atsitiktinai jį išleisdamas.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Ypač patvarus gynybinis blokas.\nKaupia krūvį kontakto metu su šoviniu atsitiktinai jį išleisdamas.\nUžima kelias vietas.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Mažos durys. Gali būti atidarytos ir uždarytos paspaudus.
block.door-large.description = Didelės durys. Gali būti atidarytos ir uždarytos paspaudus.\nUžima kelias vietas.
block.mender.description = Periodiškai taiso blokus pasiekiamame plote. Palaiko gynybines konstrukcijas pataisytas tarp bangu.\nPapildomai naudoja silicį atstumo ir efektyvumo padidinimui.
@ -825,6 +825,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = De optimale locatie om nog een keer te beginnen. Lage vijandelijke dreiging. Enkele grondstoffen.\nVerzamel zoveel mogelijk lood en koper.\nGa door.
sector.frozenForest.description = Zelfs hier, dichter bij de bergen, hebben de schimmels zich verspreid. De koude temperaturen kunnen ze niet eeuwig tegenhouden.\n\nBegin de onderneming in energie. Bouw verbrandingsgeneratoren. Leer herstellers te gebruiken.
@ -852,6 +853,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = The Onset
sector.aegis.name = Aegis
@ -2077,6 +2079,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Not as strong as a thorium wall but will deflect
block.phase-wall-large.description = Not as strong as a thorium wall but will deflect bullets unless they are too powerful.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.surge-wall.description = The strongest defensive block.\nHas a small chance of triggering lightning towards the attacker.
block.surge-wall-large.description = The strongest defensive block.\nHas a small chance of triggering lightning towards the attacker.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = A small door that can be opened and closed by tapping on it.\nIf opened, enemies can shoot and move through.
block.door-large.description = A large door that can be opened and closed by tapping on it.\nIf opened, enemies can shoot and move through.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.mender.description = Periodically repairs blocks in its vicinity. Keeps defenses repaired in-between waves.\nOptionally uses silicon to boost range and efficiency.
@ -814,6 +814,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = The optimal location to begin once more. Low enemy threat. Few resources.\nGather as much lead and copper as possible.\nMove on.
sector.frozenForest.description = Even here, closer to mountains, the spores have spread. The frigid temperatures cannot contain them forever.\n\nBegin the venture into power. Build combustion generators. Learn to use menders.
@ -841,6 +842,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = The Onset
sector.aegis.name = Aegis
sector.lake.name = Lake
@ -2064,6 +2066,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Not as strong as a thorium wall but will deflect
block.phase-wall-large.description = Not as strong as a thorium wall but will deflect bullets unless they are too powerful.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.surge-wall.description = The strongest defensive block.\nHas a small chance of triggering lightning towards the attacker.
block.surge-wall-large.description = The strongest defensive block.\nHas a small chance of triggering lightning towards the attacker.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = A small door that can be opened and closed by tapping on it.\nIf opened, enemies can shoot and move through.
block.door-large.description = A large door that can be opened and closed by tapping on it.\nIf opened, enemies can shoot and move through.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.mender.description = Periodically repairs blocks in its vicinity. Keeps defenses repaired in-between waves.\nOptionally uses silicon to boost range and efficiency.
@ -822,6 +822,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = Optymalna lokalizacja, aby rozpocząć jeszcze raz. Niskie zagrożenie. Niewiele zasobów.\nZbierz możliwie jak najwięcej miedzi i ołowiu.\nPrzejdź do następnej strefy jak najszybciej.
sector.frozenForest.description = Nawet tutaj, bliżej gór, zarodniki się rozprzestrzeniały. Niskie temperatury nie mogą ich zatrzymać na zawsze.\n\nZacznij od produkcji prądu. Buduj generatory spalinowe. Naucz się korzystać z naprawiaczy.
@ -849,6 +850,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = Początek
sector.aegis.name = Egida
@ -2085,6 +2087,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Mur pokryty specjalną mieszanką opartą o Włó
block.phase-wall-large.description = Mur pokryty specjalną mieszanką opartą o Włókna Fazowe, która odbija większość pocisków.\nObejmuje wiele kratek.
block.surge-wall.description = Ekstremalnie wytrzymały blok obronny.\nMa niewielką szansę na wywołanie błyskawicy w kierunku atakującego.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Ekstremalnie wytrzymały blok obronny.\nMa niewielką szansę na wywołanie błyskawicy w kierunku atakującego.\nObejmuje wiele kratek.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Małe drzwi, które można otwierać i zamykać, klikając na nie.\nJeśli są otwarte, wrogowie mogą przez nie strzelać oraz nimi przechodzić.
block.door-large.description = Duże drzwi, które można otwierać i zamykać, klikając na nie.\nJeśli są otwarte, wrogowie mogą przez nie strzelać oraz nimi przechodzić.\nObejmują wiele kratek.
block.mender.description = Co jakiś czas naprawia bloki w zasięgu. Utrzymuje struktury obronne w dobrym stanie.\nOpcjonalnie używa krzemu do zwiększenia zasięgu i szybkości naprawy.
@ -830,6 +830,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = Um lugar bom para recomeçar. Baixa ameaça inimiga. Poucos recursos.\nConsiga o máximo possível de chumbo e cobre.\nContinue.
sector.frozenForest.description = Mesmo aqui, perto das montanhas, os esporos se espalharam. As temperaturas baixas não conseguirão contê-los para sempre.\n\nComeçe a aventura com energia. Construa geradores a combustão. Aprenda a usar reparadores.
@ -857,6 +858,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = O Começo
sector.aegis.name = Aegis
@ -2093,6 +2095,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Um muro revestido com tecido de fase. Reflete a m
block.phase-wall-large.description = Um muro revestido com tecido de fase. Reflete a maioria das balas ao impacto. Ocupa múltiplos blocos.
block.surge-wall.description = Um bloco defensivo extremamente durável. Se carrega com eletricidade no contato com as balas, soltando-as aleatoriamente.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Um bloco defensivo extremamente durável. Se carrega com eletricidade no contato com as balas, soltando-as aleatoriamente. Ocupa multiplos blocos.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Uma pequeda porta. Pode ser aberta e fechada ao tocar.
block.door-large.description = Uma grande porta. Pode ser aberta e fechada ao tocar. Ocupa múltiplos blocos.
block.mender.description = Periodicamente repara blocos vizinhos.\nOpicionalmente usa silício para aumentar o alcance e a eficácia.
@ -814,6 +814,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = The optimal location to begin once more. Low enemy threat. Few resources.\nGather as much lead and copper as possible.\nMove on.
sector.frozenForest.description = Even here, closer to mountains, the spores have spread. The frigid temperatures cannot contain them forever.\n\nBegin the venture into power. Build combustion generators. Learn to use menders.
@ -841,6 +842,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = The Onset
sector.aegis.name = Aegis
sector.lake.name = Lake
@ -2064,6 +2066,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Um muro revestido com um composto especial basead
block.phase-wall-large.description = Um muro revestido com um composto especial baseado em tecido de fase. Desvia a maioria das balas no impacto.\nSOcupa múltiplos blocos.
block.surge-wall.description = Um bloco defensivo extremamente durável.\nSe carrega com eletricidade no contato com as balas, soltando-s aleatoriamente.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Um bloco defensivo extremamente durável.\nSe carrega com eletricidade no contato com as balas, soltando-s aleatoriamente.\nOcupa multiplos blocos.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Uma pequeda porta. Pode ser aberta e fechada ao tocar.
block.door-large.description = Uma grande porta. Pode ser aberta e fechada ao tocar.\nOcupa múltiplos blocos.
block.mender.description = Periodicamente repara blocos vizinhos. Mantem as defesas reparadas em e entre ondas.\nPode usar silício para aumentar o alcance e a eficiência.
@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = Locația optimă pt a începe încă odată. Risc de inamici scăzut. Puține resurse.\nAdună cât de mult plumb și cupru se poate.\nMergi mai departe.
sector.frozenForest.description = Chiar și aici, aproape de munți, sporii s-au împrăștiat. Temperaturile reci nu-i pot reține la infinit.\n\nÎncepe călătoria către electricitate. Construiește generatoare de combustie. Învață să folosești reparatoare.
@ -851,6 +852,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = The Onset
sector.aegis.name = Aegis
sector.lake.name = Lake
@ -2079,6 +2081,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Protejează clădirile de proiectilele inamice, r
block.phase-wall-large.description = Protejează clădirile de proiectilele inamice, reflectând majoritatea gloanțelor la impact.
block.surge-wall.description = Protejează clădirile de proiectilele inamice, lansând periodic lasere electrice la contactul cu gloanțele.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Protejează clădirile de proiectilele inamice, lansând periodic lasere electrice la contactul cu gloanțele.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Un perete care poate fi deschis sau închis.
block.door-large.description = Un perete care poate fi deschis sau închis.
block.mender.description = Repară periodic blocurile din vecinătate. \nPoate folosi silicon pt a îmbunătăți raza de acțiune și eficiența.
@ -825,6 +825,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = Оптимальная локация для повторных игр. Низкая вражеская угроза. Немного ресурсов.\nСоберите как можно больше свинца и меди.\nДвигайтесь дальше.
sector.frozenForest.description = Даже здесь, ближе к горам, споры распространились. Холодные температуры не могут сдерживать их вечно.\n\nНачните вкладываться в энергию. Постройте генераторы внутреннего сгорания. Научитесь пользоваться регенератором.
@ -852,6 +853,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = Начало
sector.aegis.name = Защита
@ -2081,6 +2083,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Защищает постройки от враж
block.phase-wall-large.description = Защищает постройки от вражеских снарядов, отражая большинство пуль при ударе.
block.surge-wall.description = Защищает постройки от вражеских снарядов, периодически выпускает электрический разряд при ударе.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Защищает постройки от вражеских снарядов, периодически выпускает электрический разряд при ударе.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Стена, которую можно открыть или закрыть нажатием.
block.door-large.description = Стена, которую можно открыть или закрыть нажатием.
block.mender.description = Периодически ремонтирует блоки в непосредственной близости.\nОпционально использует кремний для увеличения дальности и эффективности.
@ -825,6 +825,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = Savršena lokacija za ponovni početak. Niska neprijateljska pretnja, ali i mala količina resursa.\nSakupite sav bakar i svo olovo koje možete. Nastavite dalje.
sector.frozenForest.description = Čak i ovde, u blizini planina, spore su se proširile… ledene temperature ih neće večno zadržati.\n\nZapočnite upotrebu elektriciteta. Graditei sagorevne generatore. Naučite primenu popravljača.
@ -852,6 +853,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = Žačetak
sector.aegis.name = Okrilje
@ -2082,6 +2084,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila,
block.phase-wall-large.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila, odbijajući većinu metaka pri udaru.
block.surge-wall.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila, povremeno uzrokavajući električne udare pri kontaktu.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila, povremeno uzrokavajući električne udare pri kontaktu.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Zid koji se može otvarati i zatvarati.
block.door-large.description = Zid koji se može otvarati i zatvarati.
block.mender.description = Povremeno popravlja blokove u okolini.\nMože koristiti silicijum da poveća domet i efikasnost.
@ -814,6 +814,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = The optimal location to begin once more. Low enemy threat. Few resources.\nGather as much lead and copper as possible.\nMove on.
sector.frozenForest.description = Even here, closer to mountains, the spores have spread. The frigid temperatures cannot contain them forever.\n\nBegin the venture into power. Build combustion generators. Learn to use menders.
@ -841,6 +842,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = The Onset
sector.aegis.name = Aegis
sector.lake.name = Lake
@ -2064,6 +2066,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = A wall coated with special phase-based reflective
block.phase-wall-large.description = A wall coated with special phase-based reflective compound. Deflects most bullets upon impact.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.surge-wall.description = An extremely durable defensive block.\nBuilds up charge on bullet contact, releasing it randomly.
block.surge-wall-large.description = An extremely durable defensive block.\nBuilds up charge on bullet contact, releasing it randomly.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = A small door. Can be opened or closed by tapping.
block.door-large.description = A large door. Can be opened and closed by tapping.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.mender.description = Periodically repairs blocks in its vicinity. Keeps defenses repaired in-between waves.\nOptionally uses silicon to boost range and efficiency.
@ -826,6 +826,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = อะทอลส์
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = จุดที่ดีที่สุดในการตั้งต้นใหม่อีกครั้งนึง ศัตรูน้อย ทรัพยากรน้อย\nเก็บ[accent]ตะกั่ว[]และ[accent]ทองแดง[]ให้ได้มากที่สุด\nแล้วลุยต่อ
sector.frozenForest.description = แม้แต่ที่นี่ ณ ที่ที่อยู่ใกล้กับภูเขา [accent]สปอร์[]ก็ยังแพร่มาถึงที่นี่ได้ อากาศอันแสนเย็นเยือกไม่สามารถหยุดยั้งพวกมันได้ตลอดไป\n\nเริ่มต้นการใช้ไฟฟ้า สร้างเครื่องกำเนิดไฟฟ้าเผาไหม้ เรียนรู้ที่จะใช้เครื่องซ่อมแซม
@ -853,6 +854,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = การเริ่มต้น
sector.aegis.name = อีจีส
@ -2092,6 +2094,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = ป้องกันสิ่งก่อสร
block.phase-wall-large.description = ป้องกันสิ่งก่อสร้างจากศัตรู ทนทานและแข็งแรง\nเคลือบด้วยวัสดุพิเศษที่สะท้อนกระสุนส่วนใหญ่ที่รับมา\nครอบคลุมหลายช่อง
block.surge-wall.description = ป้องกันสิ่งก่อสร้างจากศัตรู แข็งแกร่งอย่างมาก\nจะปล่อยพลังงานสายฟ้าออกมาเป็นระยะๆ เมื่อถูกโจมตี
block.surge-wall-large.description = ป้องกันสิ่งก่อสร้างจากศัตรู แข็งแกร่งอย่างมาก\nจะปล่อยพลังงานสายฟ้าออกมาเป็นระยะๆ เมื่อถูกโจมตี\nครอบคลุมหลายช่อง
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = กำแพงที่สามารถเปิดและปิดได้ ไว้ใช้เพื่อให้ยูนิตเดินผ่าน
block.door-large.description = กำแพงที่สามารถเปิดและปิดได้ ไว้ใช้เพื่อให้ยูนิตเดินผ่าน\nครอบคลุมหลายช่อง
block.mender.description = ซ่อมแซมสิ่งก่อสร้างในวงของมันอย่างช้าๆ\nสามารถใช้ซิลิกอนเพื่อเพิ่มระยะและประสิทธิภาพได้
@ -814,6 +814,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = The optimal location to begin once more. Low enemy threat. Few resources.\nGather as much lead and copper as possible.\nMove on.
sector.frozenForest.description = Even here, closer to mountains, the spores have spread. The frigid temperatures cannot contain them forever.\n\nBegin the venture into power. Build combustion generators. Learn to use menders.
@ -841,6 +842,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = The Onset
sector.aegis.name = Aegis
sector.lake.name = Lake
@ -2064,6 +2066,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Not as strong as a thorium wall but will deflect
block.phase-wall-large.description = Not as strong as a thorium wall but will deflect bullets unless they are too powerful.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.surge-wall.description = The strongest defensive block.\nHas a small chance of triggering lightning towards the attacker.
block.surge-wall-large.description = The strongest defensive block.\nHas a small chance of triggering lightning towards the attacker.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = A small door that can be opened and closed by tapping on it.\nIf opened, enemies can shoot and move through.
block.door-large.description = A large door that can be opened and closed by tapping on it.\nIf opened, enemies can shoot and move through.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.mender.description = Periodically repairs blocks in its vicinity. Keeps defenses repaired in-between waves.\nOptionally uses silicon to boost range and efficiency.
@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = Yeniden başlamak için ideal bölge. Düşük düşman tehlikesi ve az miktarda kaynak mevcut. Mümkün olduğunca çok bakır ve kurşun topla.\nİlerle.
sector.frozenForest.description = Burada, dağlara yakın bölgelerde bile sporlar etrafa yayıldı. Dondurucu soğuk onları sonsuza dek durduramaz.\n\nEnerji kullanmaya başla. Termik jeneratörler inşa et. Tamircileri kullanmayı öğren.
@ -851,6 +852,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = Yeni Başlangıç
sector.aegis.name = Siper
sector.lake.name = Göletçik
@ -2079,6 +2081,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Özel faz örgüsü bazlı yansıtıcı materyal
block.phase-wall-large.description = Özel faz bazlı yansıtıcı bileşik ile kaplanmış bir duvar. Çoğu mermi çarpma anında geri sektirir.\nBirçok blok alan kaplar.
block.surge-wall.description = Son derece dayanıklı bir savunma bloğu.\nMermi temasıyla yükü toplar ve bu yükü rastgele serbest bırakır.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Son derece dayanıklı bir savunma bloğu.\nMermi temasıyla yükü toplar ve bu yükü rastgele serbest bırakır.\nBirçok blok alan kaplar.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Küçük bir kapı. Dokunarak açılabilir veya kapatılabilir.
block.door-large.description = Büyük bir kapı. Dokunarak açılabilir veya kapatılabilir.\nBirçok blok alan kaplar.
block.mender.description = Çevresindeki blokları periyodik olarak tamir eder. Savunmaları dalgalar arasında tamir eder.\nİsteğe bağlı olarak menzili ve verimi arttırmak için silikon kullanılabilir.
@ -833,6 +833,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = Оптимальне місце для повторних ігор. Низька ворожа загроза. Мало ресурсів.\nЗберіть якомога більше свинцю та міді.\nНе затримуйтесь і йдіть далі.
sector.frozenForest.description = Навіть тут, ближче до гір, уже поширилися спори. Холодна температура не змогла стримати їх назавжди.\n\nЗважтесь створити енергію. Побудуйте генератори внутрішнього згорання. Навчіться користуватися регенераторами.
@ -860,6 +861,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = Перший наступ
sector.aegis.name = Егіда
@ -2102,6 +2104,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Англійська назва: Phase Wall\nЗа
block.phase-wall-large.description = Англійська назва: Phase Wall Large\nЗахищає споруди від ворожих снарядів, відбиває більшість куль у разі зіткненні.
block.surge-wall.description = Англійська назва: Surge Wall\nЗахищає споруди від ворожих снарядів, періодично випускає електричні дуги в разі зіткненні.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Англійська назва: Surge Wall Large\nЗахищає споруди від ворожих снарядів, періодично випускає електричні дуги в разі зіткненні.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Англійська назва: Door\nСтіна, яку можна відчинити й зачинити.
block.door-large.description = Англійська назва: Door Large\nСтіна, яку можна відчинити й зачинити.
block.mender.description = Англійська назва: Mender\nПеріодично ремонтує блоки у своєму радіусі дії.\nЗа бажанням можна використати кремній задля підвищення радіусу дії й ефективності.
@ -840,6 +840,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = Vị trí tối ưu để bắt đầu một lần nữa. Mối đe dọa của kẻ địch thấp. Ít tài nguyên.\nThu thập càng nhiều đồng và chì càng tốt.\nTiến lên.
sector.frozenForest.description = Dù ở đây, gần núi cao, các bào tử vẫn bắt đầu phát tán. Nhiệt độ lạnh giá không thể giữ chúng lại mãi.\n\nBắt đầu tạo năng lượng. Hãy xây dựng máy phát điện đốt. Học cách sử dụng máy sửa chữa.
@ -868,6 +869,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = The Onset
sector.aegis.name = Aegis
@ -2112,6 +2114,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = Bảo vệ các công trình khỏi đạn của
block.phase-wall-large.description = Bảo vệ các công trình khỏi đạn của kẻ địch, phản hầu hết đạn khi va chạm.
block.surge-wall.description = Bảo vệ các công trình khỏi đạn của kẻ địch, thường phóng ra các tia điện khi đạn va chạm.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Bảo vệ các công trình khỏi đạn của kẻ địch, thường phóng ra các tia điện khi đạn va chạm.
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = Một bức tường có thể mở và đóng.
block.door-large.description = Một bức tường có thể mở và đóng.
block.mender.description = Sửa chữa định kỳ các khối trong vùng lân cận.\nTùy chọn sử dụng silicon để tăng phạm vi và hiệu quả.
@ -834,6 +834,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = 踏上旅程的最佳位置。 这里的敌人威胁很小,但资源也少。\n\n尽你所能收集铅和铜,出发吧!
sector.frozenForest.description = 一个靠近山脉的地方。 哪怕是在这里,也有了孢子扩散的痕迹。\n连极寒也无法长久地约束它们。\n\n开始运用电力,建造火力发电机并学会使用修理器。
@ -861,6 +862,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = 始发地区
sector.aegis.name = 庇护前哨
@ -2102,6 +2104,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = 保护己方建筑,挡下敌方炮弹。 受大
block.phase-wall-large.description = 保护己方建筑,挡下敌方炮弹。 受大多数子弹攻击时有概率将其反弹。
block.surge-wall.description = 保护己方建筑,挡下敌方炮弹。 受攻击时间断释放电弧。
block.surge-wall-large.description = 保护己方建筑,挡下敌方炮弹。 受攻击时间断释放电弧。
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = 可以开关的墙。
block.door-large.description = 可以开关的墙。
block.mender.description = 定期修复附近的建筑。\n可使用硅提高范围和效率。
@ -830,6 +830,7 @@ sector.atolls.name = Atolls
sector.testingGrounds.name = Testing Grounds
sector.seaPort.name = Sea Port
sector.weatheredChannels.name = Weathered Channels
sector.mycelialBastion.name = Mycelial Bastion
sector.groundZero.description = 再次開始的最佳位置。敵人威脅程度低。資源少。\n盡可能地採集鉛與銅。\n繼續前進。
sector.frozenForest.description = 即使是在如此靠近山脈的地方,孢子也已經擴散了。低溫無法永遠遏止它們。\n\n開始探索電力。建造火力發電機。學習如何修理方塊。
@ -857,6 +858,7 @@ sector.polarAerodrome.description = WIP, map submission by hhh i 17
sector.testingGrounds.description = WIP, map submission by dnx2019
sector.seaPort.description = WIP, map submission by inkognito626
sector.weatheredChannels.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.mycelialBastion.description = WIP, map submission by Skeledragon
sector.onset.name = 著陸點
sector.aegis.name = 神盾
@ -2091,6 +2093,10 @@ block.phase-wall.description = 沒有釷牆那麼堅固但特殊的相位化合
block.phase-wall-large.description = 沒有釷牆那麼堅固但特殊的相位化合物塗層會使大多的子彈偏離。\n佔據多個方塊。
block.surge-wall.description = 最強的防禦方塊。\n有低機率對攻擊者觸發閃電。
block.surge-wall-large.description = 最強的防禦方塊。\n有低機率對攻擊者觸發閃電。\n佔據多個方塊。
block.scrap-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-huge.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.door.description = 可以通過點擊打開和關閉的一扇小門。\n如果打開,敵人可以穿過它射擊和移動。
block.door-large.description = 可以通過點擊打開和關閉的一扇大門。\n如果打開,敵人可以穿過它射擊和移動。\n佔據多個方塊。
block.mender.description = 定期修復附近的建築物。在每一波之間保持防禦力的修復。\n可選擇使用矽來提高範圍和效率。
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