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synced 2025-02-13 12:16:53 +07:00
Update bundle_fi.properties
+ translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ mod.enable = Käytä
mod.requiresrestart = Peli suljetaan jotta muutokset voisivat toteutua.
mod.reloadrequired = [scarlet]Vaatii Uudelleenkäynnistystä
mod.import = Tuo modi
mod.import.github = Import GitHub Mod
mod.item.remove = This item is part of the[accent] '{0}'[] mod. To remove it, uninstall that mod.
mod.import.github = Tuo GitHub Modi
mod.item.remove = Tämä esine on osa[accent] '{0}'[] modia. Poistaaksesi sen, Poista tuon modin asennus.
mod.remove.confirm = Tämä modi poistetaan.
mod.author = [LIGHT_GRAY]Author:[] {0}
mod.missing = This save contains mods that you have recently updated or no longer have installed. Save corruption may occur. Are you sure you want to load it?\n[lightgray]Mods:\n{0}
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ players = {0} pelaajaa paikalla
players.single = {0} pelaaja paikalla
server.closing = [accent]Suljetaan palvelinta...
server.kicked.kick = Sinut on potkittu palvelimelta!
server.kicked.whitelist = You are not whitelisted here.
server.kicked.whitelist = Sinua ei ole lisätty sallittujen luetteloon tällä palvelimella.
server.kicked.serverClose = Palvelin suljettu.
server.kicked.vote = Sinut on äänetetty pois. Hyvästi.
server.kicked.clientOutdated = Pelisi on vanhentunut! Päivitä se!
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ joingame.ip = Osoite:
disconnect = Yhteys katkaistu.
disconnect.error = Yhteysvirhe.
disconnect.closed = Yhteys poistettu.
disconnect.timeout = Timed out.
disconnect.timeout = Yhteys aikakatkaistiin.
disconnect.data = Failed to load world data!
cantconnect = Unable to join game ([accent]{0}[]).
connecting = [accent]Connecting...
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ off = Pois
save.autosave = Automaattitallennus: {0}
save.map = Kartta: {0}
save.wave = Taso {0}
save.mode = Gamemode: {0}
save.mode = Pelimuoto: {0}
save.date = Viimeksi tallennettu: {0}
save.playtime = Peliaika: {0}
warning = Varoitus.
@ -249,9 +249,9 @@ cancel = Peruuta
openlink = Avaa linkki
copylink = Kopioi linkki
back = Takaisin
data.export = Export Data
data.import = Import Data
data.exported = Data exported.
data.export = Vie Data
data.import = Tuo Data
data.exported = Data viety.
data.invalid = This isn't valid game data.
data.import.confirm = Importing external data will overwrite[scarlet] all[] your current game data.\n[accent]This cannot be undone![]\n\nOnce the data is imported, your game will exit immediately.
classic.export = Export Classic Data
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ editor.resize = Säädä kokoa
editor.loadmap = Lataa kartta
editor.savemap = Tallenna kartta
editor.saved = Tallennettu!
editor.save.noname = Your map does not have a name! Set one in the 'map info' menu.
editor.save.noname = Kartallasi ei ole nimeä! Aseta sellainen 'Kartan tiedot' valikossa.
editor.save.overwrite = Your map overwrites a built-in map! Pick a different name in the 'map info' menu.
editor.import.exists = [scarlet]Unable to import:[] a built-in map named '{0}' already exists!
editor.import = Tuo...
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ resume = Resume Zone:\n[lightgray]{0}
bestwave = [lightgray]Paras taso: {0}
launch = < LAUNCH >
launch.title = Onnistunut laukaisu
launch.next = [lightgray]next opportunity at wave {0}
launch.next = [lightgray]seuraava mahdollisuus tasolla {0}
launch.unable2 = [scarlet]Unable to LAUNCH.[]
launch.confirm = Tämä laukaisee kaikki resurssit ytimestäsi.\nEt voi enää palata takaisin.
launch.skip.confirm = Jos ohitat nyt, voit laukaista vasta myöhemmillä tasoilla.
@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ keybind.move_x.name = Move x
keybind.move_y.name = Move y
keybind.mouse_move.name = Follow Mouse
keybind.dash.name = Dash
keybind.schematic_select.name = Select Region
keybind.schematic_select.name = Valitse alue
keybind.schematic_menu.name = Kaavio Valikko
keybind.schematic_flip_x.name = Flip Schematic X
keybind.schematic_flip_y.name = Flip Schematic Y
@ -750,14 +750,14 @@ rules.infiniteresources = Ikuiset resurssit
rules.reactorexplosions = Reaktorien räjähtäminen
rules.wavetimer = Tasojen aikaraja
rules.waves = Tasot
rules.attack = Attack Mode
rules.attack = Hyökkäystila
rules.enemyCheat = Infinite AI (Red Team) Resources
rules.unitdrops = Unit Drops
rules.unitbuildspeedmultiplier = Unit Production Speed Multiplier
rules.unithealthmultiplier = Unit Health Multiplier
rules.blockhealthmultiplier = Block Health Multiplier
rules.playerhealthmultiplier = Player Health Multiplier
rules.playerdamagemultiplier = Player Damage Multiplier
rules.playerhealthmultiplier = Pelaajan elämäpisteiden kerroin
rules.playerdamagemultiplier = Pelaajan vahingon kerroin
rules.unitdamagemultiplier = Unit Damage Multiplier
rules.enemycorebuildradius = Enemy Core No-Build Radius:[lightgray] (tiles)
rules.respawntime = Respawn Time:[lightgray] (sec)
@ -859,10 +859,10 @@ block.moss.name = Moss
block.shrubs.name = Shrubs
block.spore-moss.name = Spore Moss
block.shalerocks.name = Shale Rocks
block.scrap-wall.name = Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Large Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Huge Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Gigantic Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall.name = Romuseinä
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Suuri Romuseinä
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Valtava Romuseinä
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Jättiläismäinen Romuseinä
block.thruster.name = Thruster
block.kiln.name = Kiln
block.graphite-press.name = Grafiittipuristin
@ -912,18 +912,18 @@ block.ignarock.name = Igna Rock
block.hotrock.name = Hot Rock
block.magmarock.name = Magma Rock
block.cliffs.name = Cliffs
block.copper-wall.name = Copper Wall
block.copper-wall-large.name = Large Copper Wall
block.titanium-wall.name = Titanium Wall
block.titanium-wall-large.name = Large Titanium Wall
block.plastanium-wall.name = Plastanium Wall
block.plastanium-wall-large.name = Large Plastanium Wall
block.copper-wall.name = Kupariseinä
block.copper-wall-large.name = Suuri Kupariseinä
block.titanium-wall.name = Titaaniseinä
block.titanium-wall-large.name = Suuri Titaaniseinä
block.plastanium-wall.name = Plastaniumiseinä
block.plastanium-wall-large.name = Suuri Plastaniumiseinä
block.phase-wall.name = Phase Wall
block.phase-wall-large.name = Large Phase Wall
block.thorium-wall.name = Thorium Wall
block.thorium-wall-large.name = Large Thorium Wall
block.door.name = Door
block.door-large.name = Large Door
block.door.name = Ovi
block.door-large.name = Suuri Ovi
block.duo.name = Duo
block.scorch.name = Scorch
block.scatter.name = Scatter
@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ block.armored-conveyor.description = Moves items at the same speed as titanium c
block.junction.name = Junction
block.router.name = Router
block.distributor.name = Distributor
block.sorter.name = Sorter
block.sorter.name = Lajittelija
block.inverted-sorter.name = Inverted Sorter
block.message.name = Message
block.illuminator.name = Illuminator
@ -955,10 +955,10 @@ block.power-node.name = Power Node
block.power-node-large.name = Large Power Node
block.surge-tower.name = Surge Tower
block.diode.name = Battery Diode
block.battery.name = Battery
block.battery-large.name = Large Battery
block.battery.name = Akku
block.battery-large.name = Suuri Akku
block.combustion-generator.name = Combustion Generator
block.turbine-generator.name = Steam Generator
block.turbine-generator.name = Höyrygeneraattori
block.differential-generator.name = Differential Generator
block.impact-reactor.name = Impact Reactor
block.mechanical-drill.name = Mechanical Drill
@ -992,8 +992,8 @@ block.bridge-conveyor.name = Bridge Conveyor
block.plastanium-compressor.name = Plastanium Compressor
block.pyratite-mixer.name = Pyratite Mixer
block.blast-mixer.name = Blast Mixer
block.solar-panel.name = Solar Panel
block.solar-panel-large.name = Large Solar Panel
block.solar-panel.name = Aurinkopaneeli
block.solar-panel-large.name = Suuri Aurinkopaneeli
block.oil-extractor.name = Oil Extractor
block.command-center.name = Command Center
block.draug-factory.name = Draug Miner Drone Factory
@ -1011,7 +1011,7 @@ block.pulse-conduit.name = Pulse Conduit
block.plated-conduit.name = Plated Conduit
block.phase-conduit.name = Phase Conduit
block.liquid-router.name = Liquid Router
block.liquid-tank.name = Liquid Tank
block.liquid-tank.name = Nestesäiliö
block.liquid-junction.name = Liquid Junction
block.bridge-conduit.name = Bridge Conduit
block.rotary-pump.name = Rotary Pump
@ -1037,13 +1037,13 @@ block.meltdown.name = Meltdown
block.container.name = Container
block.launch-pad.name = Launch Pad
block.launch-pad-large.name = Large Launch Pad
team.blue.name = blue
team.crux.name = red
team.blue.name = sininen
team.crux.name = punainen
team.sharded.name = orange
team.orange.name = orange
team.orange.name = oranssi
team.derelict.name = derelict
team.green.name = green
team.purple.name = purple
team.green.name = vihreä
team.purple.name = violetti
unit.spirit.name = Spirit Repair Drone
unit.draug.name = Draug Miner Drone
unit.phantom.name = Phantom Builder Drone
Reference in New Issue
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