It works, but badly

This commit is contained in:
Anuken 2023-11-06 22:51:47 -05:00
parent cfb0ea1c8c
commit d6d9a52ef9
2 changed files with 140 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -9,10 +9,12 @@ import arc.struct.*;
import arc.util.*;
import mindustry.annotations.Annotations.*;
import mindustry.content.*;
import mindustry.core.*;
import mindustry.gen.*;
import mindustry.ui.*;
import static mindustry.Vars.*;
import static*;
@ -49,14 +51,14 @@ public class HierarchyPathFinder{
int cwidth, cheight;
//TODO: make thread-local (they are dereferenced rarely anyway)
static PathfindQueue frontier = new PathfindQueue();
//node index -> total cost
static IntFloatMap costs = new IntFloatMap();
static IntSet usedEdges = new IntSet();
static IntSeq bfsQueue = new IntSeq();
static LongSeq tmpEdges = new LongSeq();
//node index (NodeIndex struct) -> node it came from
static IntIntMap cameFrom = new IntIntMap();
@ -94,7 +96,9 @@ public class HierarchyPathFinder{
for(int cy = 0; cy < cheight; cy++){
var cluster = clusters[cost][cy * cwidth + cx];
if(cluster != null){
Lines.rect(cx * clusterSize * tilesize - tilesize/2f, cy * clusterSize * tilesize - tilesize/2f, clusterSize * tilesize, clusterSize * tilesize);
@ -110,13 +114,13 @@ public class HierarchyPathFinder{
portalToVec(cluster, cx, cy, d, i, Tmp.v1);
Lines.ellipse(30, Tmp.v1.x, Tmp.v1.y, width / 2f, height / 2f, d * 90f - 90f);
LongSeq connections = cluster.portalConnections[d] == null ? null : cluster.portalConnections[d][i];
if(connections != null){
for(int coni = 0; coni < connections.size; coni ++){
long con = connections.items[coni];
@ -150,21 +154,50 @@ public class HierarchyPathFinder{
int node = findClosestNode(, 0, player.tileX(), player.tileY());
int dest = findClosestNode(, 0, World.toTile(Core.input.mouseWorldX()), World.toTile(Core.input.mouseWorldY()));
if(node != Integer.MAX_VALUE && dest != Integer.MAX_VALUE){
var result = clusterAstar(0, node, dest);
if(result != null){
for(int i = -1; i < result.size - 1; i++){
int current = i == -1 ? node : result.items[i], next = result.items[i + 1];
portalToVec(0, NodeIndex.cluster(current), NodeIndex.dir(current), NodeIndex.portal(current), Tmp.v1);
portalToVec(0, NodeIndex.cluster(next), NodeIndex.dir(next), NodeIndex.portal(next), Tmp.v2);
Lines.line(Tmp.v1.x, Tmp.v1.y, Tmp.v2.x, Tmp.v2.y);
nodeToVec(dest, Tmp.v1);
Fonts.outline.draw(clusterNodeHeuristic(0, node, dest) + "", Tmp.v1.x, Tmp.v1.y);
void portalToVec(Cluster cluster, int cx, int cy, int d, int i, Vec2 out){
int pos = cluster.portals[d].items[i];
Vec2 nodeToVec(int current, Vec2 out){
portalToVec(0, NodeIndex.cluster(current), NodeIndex.dir(current), NodeIndex.portal(current), out);
return out;
void portalToVec(int pathCost, int cluster, int direction, int portalIndex, Vec2 out){
portalToVec(clusters[pathCost][cluster], cluster % cwidth, cluster / cwidth, direction, portalIndex, out);
void portalToVec(Cluster cluster, int cx, int cy, int direction, int portalIndex, Vec2 out){
int pos = cluster.portals[direction].items[portalIndex];
int from = Point2.x(pos), to = Point2.y(pos);
int addX = moveDirs[d * 2], addY = moveDirs[d * 2 + 1];
int addX = moveDirs[direction * 2], addY = moveDirs[direction * 2 + 1];
float average = (from + to) / 2f;
x = (addX * average + cx * clusterSize + offsets[d * 2] * (clusterSize - 1) + nextOffsets[d * 2] / 2f) * tilesize,
y = (addY * average + cy * clusterSize + offsets[d * 2 + 1] * (clusterSize - 1) + nextOffsets[d * 2 + 1] / 2f) * tilesize;
x = (addX * average + cx * clusterSize + offsets[direction * 2] * (clusterSize - 1) + nextOffsets[direction * 2] / 2f) * tilesize,
y = (addY * average + cy * clusterSize + offsets[direction * 2 + 1] * (clusterSize - 1) + nextOffsets[direction * 2 + 1] / 2f) * tilesize;
out.set(x, y);
@ -260,7 +293,7 @@ public class HierarchyPathFinder{
//TODO: how the hell to identify a vertex?
//cluster (i16) | direction (i2) | index (i14)
//TODO: clear portal connections. also share them?
//TODO: clear portal connections
for(int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++){
var portals = cluster.portals[direction];
@ -296,7 +329,7 @@ public class HierarchyPathFinder{
otherX = (moveDirs[otherDir * 2] * otherAverage + ox),
otherY = (moveDirs[otherDir * 2 + 1] * otherAverage + oy);
//HOW (redundant nodes?)
//duplicate portal; should never happen.
if(Point2.pack(x, y) == Point2.pack(otherX, otherY)){
@ -321,8 +354,6 @@ public class HierarchyPathFinder{
//TODO: can there be duplicate edges??
cluster.portalConnections[direction][i].add(IntraEdge.get(otherDir, j, connectionCost));
cluster.portalConnections[otherDir][j].add(IntraEdge.get(direction, i, connectionCost));
//* tilesize, y * tilesize, 0f, Color.purple, new Vec2[]{new Vec2(x, y).scl(tilesize), new Vec2(otherX, otherY).scl(tilesize)});
@ -351,6 +382,7 @@ public class HierarchyPathFinder{
//TODO: this can be faster and more memory efficient by making costs a NxN array... probably?
costs.put(startPos, 0);
frontier.add(startPos, 0);
@ -385,13 +417,10 @@ public class HierarchyPathFinder{
float newCost = costs.get(current) + add;
//a cost of 0 means "not set"
if(newCost < costs.get(next, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY)){
costs.put(next, newCost);
float priority = newCost + heuristic(next, goalPos);
frontier.add(next, priority);
//cameFrom.put(next, current);
@ -413,9 +442,74 @@ public class HierarchyPathFinder{
dir = 1;
cy --;
return NodeIndex.get(cx + cy * cwidth, dir, portal);
//uses BFS to find the closest node index to specified coordinates
//this node is used in cluster A*
/** @return MAX_VALUE if no node is found */
private int findClosestNode(int team, int pathCost, int tileX, int tileY){
int cx = tileX / clusterSize, cy = tileY / clusterSize;
if(cx < 0 || cy < 0 || cx >= cwidth || cy >= cheight){
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
PathCost cost = ControlPathfinder.costGround;
Cluster cluster = clusters[pathCost][cx + cy * cwidth];
int minX = cx * clusterSize, minY = cy * clusterSize, maxX = Math.min(minX + clusterSize - 1, wwidth - 1), maxY = Math.min(minY + clusterSize - 1, wheight - 1);
int bestPortalPair = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
float bestCost = Float.MAX_VALUE;
if(cluster != null){ //TODO create on demand??
//A* to every node, find the best one (I know there's a better algorithm for this, probably dijkstra)
for(int dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++){
var portals = cluster.portals[dir];
if(portals == null) continue;
for(int j = 0; j < portals.size; j++){
other = portals.items[j],
otherFrom = Point2.x(other), otherTo = Point2.y(other),
otherAverage = (otherFrom + otherTo) / 2,
ox = cx * clusterSize + offsets[dir * 2] * (clusterSize - 1),
oy = cy * clusterSize + offsets[dir * 2 + 1] * (clusterSize - 1),
otherX = (moveDirs[dir * 2] * otherAverage + ox),
otherY = (moveDirs[dir * 2 + 1] * otherAverage + oy);
float connectionCost = innerAstar(
team, cost,
minX, minY, maxX, maxY,
tileX + tileY * wwidth,
otherX + otherY * wwidth,
(moveDirs[dir * 2] * otherFrom + ox),
(moveDirs[dir * 2 + 1] * otherFrom + oy),
(moveDirs[dir * 2] * otherTo + ox),
(moveDirs[dir * 2 + 1] * otherTo + oy)
//better cost found, update and return
if(connectionCost != -1f && connectionCost < bestCost){
bestPortalPair = Point2.pack(dir, j);
bestCost = connectionCost;
if(bestPortalPair != Integer.MAX_VALUE){
return makeNodeIndex(cx, cy, Point2.x(bestPortalPair), Point2.y(bestPortalPair));
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
//distance heuristic: manhattan
private float clusterNodeHeuristic(int pathCost, int nodeA, int nodeB){
@ -424,10 +518,9 @@ public class HierarchyPathFinder{
portalA = NodeIndex.portal(nodeA),
clusterB = NodeIndex.cluster(nodeB),
dirB = NodeIndex.dir(nodeB),
portalB = NodeIndex.portal(nodeB);
int rangeA = clusters[pathCost][clusterA].portals[dirA].items[portalA];
int rangeB = clusters[pathCost][clusterB].portals[dirB].items[portalB];
portalB = NodeIndex.portal(nodeB),
rangeA = clusters[pathCost][clusterA].portals[dirA].items[portalA],
rangeB = clusters[pathCost][clusterB].portals[dirB].items[portalB];
averageA = (Point2.x(rangeA) + Point2.y(rangeA)) / 2f,
@ -442,13 +535,24 @@ public class HierarchyPathFinder{
@Nullable IntSeq clusterAstar(int pathCost, int startNodeIndex, int endNodeIndex){
var v1 = nodeToVec(startNodeIndex, Tmp.v1);
var v2 = nodeToVec(endNodeIndex, Tmp.v2);, v1.y, 1);, v2.y, 1);
if(startNodeIndex == endNodeIndex){
//TODO alloc
return IntSeq.with(startNodeIndex);
costs.put(startNodeIndex, 0);
frontier.add(endNodeIndex, 0);
cameFrom.put(startNodeIndex, startNodeIndex);
costs.put(startNodeIndex, 0);
frontier.add(startNodeIndex, 0);
boolean foundEnd = false;
while(frontier.size > 0){
@ -459,19 +563,17 @@ public class HierarchyPathFinder{
//tmpEdges holds intra edges
int cluster = NodeIndex.cluster(current), dir = NodeIndex.dir(current), portal = NodeIndex.portal(current);
int cx = cluster % wwidth, cy = cluster / wwidth;
int cx = cluster % cwidth, cy = cluster / cwidth;
Cluster clust = clusters[pathCost][cluster];
LongSeq innerCons = clust.portalConnections[dir][portal];
LongSeq innerCons = clust.portalConnections[dir] == null || portal >= clust.portalConnections[dir].length ? null : clust.portalConnections[dir][portal];
//edges for the cluster the node is 'in'
if(innerCons != null){
checkEdges(pathCost, current, cx, cy, innerCons);
//edges that this node 'faces' from the other side
int nextCx = cx + Geometry.d4[dir].x, nextCy = cy + Geometry.d4[dir].y;
if(nextCx >= 0 && nextCy >= 0 && nextCx < cwidth && nextCy < cheight){
int nextClusteri = nextCx + nextCy * cwidth;
@ -500,6 +602,10 @@ public class HierarchyPathFinder{
return null;
static void line(Vec2 a, Vec2 b){, a.y, 0f,, new Vec2[]{a.cpy(), b.cpy()});
void checkEdges(int pathCost, int current, int cx, int cy, LongSeq connections){
for(int i = 0; i < connections.size; i++){
long con = connections.items[i];
@ -511,8 +617,12 @@ public class HierarchyPathFinder{
if(newCost < costs.get(next, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY)){
costs.put(next, newCost);
frontier.add(next, newCost + clusterNodeHeuristic(pathCost, current, next));
cameFrom.put(next, current);
//TODO debug
line(nodeToVec(current, Tmp.v1), nodeToVec(next, Tmp.v2));

View File

@ -2584,7 +2584,7 @@ public class Fx{
if(!( instanceof Vec2[] vec)) return;
if(vec.length == 2){
Lines.line(vec[0].x, vec[0].y, vec[1].x, vec[1].y);