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synced 2025-03-04 22:50:29 +07:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ link.f-droid.description = F-Droid stranica igre
link.wiki.description = Zvanična Mindustry vikipedia
link.suggestions.description = Preloži nove dodatke
link.bug.description = Pronašao si grešku? Prijavi je ovde
linkopen = This server has sent you a link. Are you sure you want to open it?\n\n[sky]{0}
linkopen = Ovaj server vam je poslao link. Da li ste sigurni da ga želite otvoriti?\n\n[sky]{0}
linkfail = Nemoguće otvoriti link!\nURL adresa je iskopirana
screenshot = Snimak ekrana snimljen {0}
screenshot = Snimanje ekrana izvršeno {0}
screenshot.invalid = Mapa je prevelika, moguće je da nema dovoljno memorije za snimanje ekrana.
gameover = Igra gotova.
gameover.disconnect = Prekini vezu
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ mod.scripts.disable = Vaš uređaj ne podržava modove sa skriptama. Onemogućit
about.button = Više Informacija
name = Ime:
noname = Izaberite [accent] ime igrača[] prvo.
search = Search:
search = Pretraži:
planetmap = Mapa Planete
launchcore = Lansirajte Jezgro
filename = Ime datoteke:
@ -238,14 +238,14 @@ server.shown = Prikazano
server.hidden = Skriveno
viewplayer = Viewing Player: [accent]{0}
trace = Trace Player
trace.playername = Player name: [accent]{0}
trace = Nadgledaj Igrača
trace.playername = Ime igrača: [accent]{0}
trace.ip = IP: [accent]{0}
trace.id = ID: [accent]{0}
trace.mobile = Mobile Client: [accent]{0}
trace.modclient = Custom Client: [accent]{0}
trace.times.joined = Times Joined: [accent]{0}
trace.times.kicked = Times Kicked: [accent]{0}
trace.mobile = Telefonski Klijent: [accent]{0}
trace.modclient = Svojehodni Klijent: [accent]{0}
trace.times.joined = Puta Povezano: [accent]{0}
trace.times.kicked = Puta Izbačeno: [accent]{0}
invalidid = Invalid client ID! Submit a bug report.
server.bans = Bans
server.bans.none = No banned players found!
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ server.version = [gray]v{0} {1}
server.custombuild = [accent]Svjojehodna Verzija
confirmban = Da li ste sigurni da želite da [scarlet]trajno[] izbacite "{0}[white]"?
confirmkick = Da li ste sigurni da želite da izbacite "{0}[white]"?
confirmvotekick = Are you sure you want to vote-kick "{0}[white]"?
confirmvotekick = Da li ste sigurni da želite putem glasova da izbacite "{0}[white]"?
confirmunban = Are you sure you want to unban this player?
confirmadmin = Da li ste sigurni da želite da pretvorite "{0}[white]" u administratora?
confirmunadmin = Da li ste sigurni da želite ukloni čin administratora sa "{0}[white]"?
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ save.playtime = Vreme igre: {0}
warning = Upozorenje.
confirm = Potvrdi
delete = Izbriši
view.workshop = View In Workshop
view.workshop = Pogledaj u radionici
workshop.listing = Edit Workshop Listing
ok = OK
open = Otvori
@ -331,8 +331,8 @@ objective = Zadatak
crash.export = Export Crash Logs
crash.none = No crash logs found.
crash.exported = Crash logs exported.
data.export = Export Data
data.import = Import Data
data.export = Izvezi Podatke
data.import = Uvezi Podatke
data.openfolder = Open Data Folder
data.exported = Data exported.
data.invalid = This isn't valid game data.
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ wave.enemycore = [accent]{0}[lightgray] Neprijateljskog Jezgra
wave.enemy = [lightgray]{0} Neprijatelj Ostalo
wave.guardianwarn = Čuvar dolazi za [accent]{0}[] talasa.
wave.guardianwarn.one = Čuvar dolazi za [accent]{0}[] talas.
loadimage = Load Image
loadimage = Nareži Sliku
saveimage = Sačuvaj Sliku
unknown = Nepoznato
custom = Tkana
@ -376,13 +376,13 @@ workshop.error = Error fetching workshop details: {0}
map.publish.confirm = Are you sure you want to publish this map?\n\n[lightgray]Make sure you agree to the Workshop EULA first, or your maps will not show up!
workshop.menu = Select what you would like to do with this item.
workshop.info = Item Info
changelog = Changelog (optional):
updatedesc = Overwrite Title & Description
changelog = Lista Promena (nije neophodna):
updatedesc = Prereži Ime i Opis
eula = Steam EULA
missing = This item has been deleted or moved.\n[lightgray]The workshop listing has now been automatically un-linked.
publishing = [accent]Publishing...
publishing = [accent]Objavljivanje...
publish.confirm = Are you sure you want to publish this?\n\n[lightgray]Make sure you agree to the Workshop EULA first, or your items will not show up!
publish.error = Error publishing item: {0}
publish.error = Greška pri objavljivanju: {0}
steam.error = Failed to initialize Steam services.\nError: {0}
editor.planet = Planeta:
editor.sector = Sektor:
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ editor.seed = Seme:
editor.cliffs = Zidovi u Litice
editor.brush = Četka
editor.openin = Open In Editor
editor.openin = Otvori u Editoru
editor.oregen = Generacija Rude
editor.oregen.info = Generacija Rude:
editor.mapinfo = Informacije o Mapi
@ -401,9 +401,9 @@ editor.waves = Talasi:
editor.rules = Pravila:
editor.generation = Generisanje:
editor.objectives = Zadaci
editor.ingame = Edit In-Game
editor.ingame = Izmeni "U Igri"
editor.playtest = Testiranje
editor.publish.workshop = Publish On Workshop
editor.publish.workshop = Objavi u Radionicu
editor.newmap = Nova Mapa
editor.center = Centar
editor.search = Pretraži Mape...
@ -413,9 +413,9 @@ editor.filters.type = Tip Mape:
editor.filters.search = Pretraži U:
editor.filters.author = Autor
editor.filters.description = Opis
editor.shiftx = Shift X
editor.shifty = Shift Y
workshop = Workshop
editor.shiftx = Pomeri X
editor.shifty = Pomeri Y
workshop = Radionica
waves.title = Talasi
waves.remove = Ukloni
waves.every = svakih
@ -506,8 +506,8 @@ toolmode.replace = Zamena
toolmode.replace.description = Samo crtaj na čvrstim blokovima.
toolmode.replaceall = Zameni Sve
toolmode.replaceall.description = Zameni sve blokove na mapi.
toolmode.orthogonal = Orthogonal
toolmode.orthogonal.description = Draws only orthogonal lines.
toolmode.orthogonal = Ortogonalno
toolmode.orthogonal.description = Crta u samo ortogonalnim crtama.
toolmode.square = Kocka
toolmode.square.description = Kockasta četka.
toolmode.eraseores = Obriši Rude
@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ toolmode.underliquid.description = Crtaj podove ispod tečnosti.
filters.empty = [lightgray]Nema filtera! Dodaj jedan preko dugmati ispod.
filter.distort = Distort
filter.distort = Poremeti
filter.noise = Noise
filter.enemyspawn = Odabir Neprijateljske Tvorbe
filter.spawnpath = Put od Tvorbe
@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ filter.rivernoise = River Noise
filter.mirror = Ogledalo
filter.clear = Očisti
filter.option.ignore = Ignoriši
filter.scatter = Scatter
filter.scatter = Razbaci
filter.terrain = Teren
filter.option.scale = Razmera
@ -594,8 +594,8 @@ requirement.onsector = Sleti Na Sektor: {0}
launch.text = Lansiraj
research.multiplayer = Only the host can research items.
map.multiplayer = Only the host can view sectors.
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
uncover = Razotkrij
configure = Configuriši Zalihe
objective.research.name = Izuči
objective.produce.name = Dobij
objective.item.name = Preuzmi Materijal
@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ add = Dodaj...
guardian = Čuvar
connectfail = [scarlet]Greška u povezivanju:\n\n[accent]{0}
error.unreachable = Server unreachable.\nIs the address spelled correctly?
error.unreachable = Server je nedostižan.\nDa li je adresa ispravno napisana?
error.invalidaddress = Adresa nije validna.
error.timedout = Timed out!\nMake sure the host has port forwarding set up, and that the address is correct!
error.mismatch = Packet error:\npossible client/server version mismatch.\nMake sure you and the host have the latest version of Mindustry!
@ -751,10 +751,10 @@ sector.intersect.name = Raskrsnica
sector.atlas.name = Atlas
sector.split.name = Split
sector.basin.name = Sliv
sector.marsh.name = Marsh
sector.peaks.name = Peaks
sector.ravine.name = Ravine
sector.caldera-erekir.name = Caldera
sector.marsh.name = Bara
sector.peaks.name = Vrhovi
sector.ravine.name = Klisura
sector.caldera-erekir.name = Kaldera
sector.onset.description = Tutorijalni sektor. Ovaj zadatak još nije izrađen. Sakečajte za dodatne informacije.
sector.aegis.description = Neprijatelj je zaštićen pomoću štita. Eksperimentalni razbijač štitova je uočen u sektoru.\nLocirajte ovu građevinu. Transportujte je sa volframskom municijom i uništite neprijateljsku bazu.
sector.lake.description = Istopljen metali u ovom sektoru smanjuje količinu korisnih jedinica. Lebdeća jedinica je jedina opcija.\nIzuči [accent]fabrikator brodova[] i proizvedi [accent]izvrda[] jedinicu što pre moguće.
@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ status.freezing.name = Zamrzavanje
status.wet.name = Mokar
status.muddy.name = Blatnjav
status.melting.name = Topljenje
status.sapped.name = Sapped
status.sapped.name = Sapiran
status.electrified.name = Elektrifikovan
status.spore-slowed.name = Usporen Sporama
status.tarred.name = Tarred
@ -790,27 +790,27 @@ settings.controls = Kontrole
settings.game = Igra
settings.sound = Zvuk
settings.graphics = Grafika
settings.cleardata = Clear Game Data...
settings.clear.confirm = Are you sure you want to clear this data?\nWhat is done cannot be undone!
settings.clearall.confirm = [scarlet]WARNING![]\nThis will clear all data, including saves, maps, unlocks and keybinds.\nOnce you press 'ok' the game will wipe all data and automatically exit.
settings.cleardata = Rasčisti podatke igre...
settings.clear.confirm = Da li ste sigurni da želite rasčistiti ove podatke?\nŠta je bilo ne može se vratiti!
settings.clearall.confirm = [scarlet]UPOZORENJE![]\nThis will clear all data, including saves, maps, unlocks and keybinds.\nOnce you press 'ok' the game will wipe all data and automatically exit.
settings.clearsaves.confirm = Are you sure you want to clear all your saves?
settings.clearsaves = Clear Saves
settings.clearresearch = Clear Research
settings.clearresearch.confirm = Are you sure you want to clear all of your campaign research?
settings.clearresearch = Očisti Izučavanja
settings.clearresearch.confirm = Da li ste sigurni da želite obrisati sva izučavanja unutar kampanje?
settings.clearcampaignsaves = Clear Campaign Saves
settings.clearcampaignsaves.confirm = Are you sure you want to clear all of your campaign saves?
paused = [accent]< Pauzirano >
clear = Clear
clear = Očisti
banned = [scarlet]Nedozvoljeno
unsupported.environment = [scarlet]Unsupported Environment
unsupported.environment = [scarlet]Ne Podržava Prirodnu Sredinu
yes = Da
no = Ne
info.title = Informacije
error.title = [scarlet]Greška se desila
error.crashtitle = Greška se desila
unit.nobuild = [scarlet]Jedinica ne može graditi
lastaccessed = [lightgray]Last Accessed: {0}
lastcommanded = [lightgray]Last Commanded: {0}
lastaccessed = [lightgray]Poslednji Pristupio: {0}
lastcommanded = [lightgray]Poslednji Upravljao: {0}
block.unknown = [lightgray]???
stat.showinmap = <Učitajte mapu da se vidi>
@ -899,7 +899,7 @@ ability.statusfield = {0} Statusno polje
ability.unitspawn = {0} Fabrika
ability.shieldregenfield = Brzina obnove štita
ability.movelightning = Munje pri kretanju
ability.shieldarc = Shield Arc
ability.shieldarc = Lučni Štit
ability.energyfield = Energetsko Polje: [accent]{0}[] štete ~ [accent]{1}[] polja / [accent]{2}[] maksimalnih meta
bar.onlycoredeposit = Only Core Depositing Allowed
@ -983,15 +983,15 @@ category.crafting = Ulaz/izlaz
category.function = Funkcija
category.optional = Dotatna Poboljšanja
setting.skipcoreanimation.name = Preskoči animacije sletanja i poletanja Jezgra.
setting.landscape.name = Lock Landscape
setting.landscape.name = Zaključaj Orijentaciju
setting.shadows.name = Senke
setting.blockreplace.name = Automatski Predlogi Blokova
setting.linear.name = Linear Filtering
setting.linear.name = Linearni Filteri
setting.hints.name = Hints
setting.logichints.name = Logic Hints
setting.backgroundpause.name = Pauziraj u Pozadini
setting.buildautopause.name = Automatski Pauziraj Gradnju
setting.doubletapmine.name = Double-Tap to Mine
setting.doubletapmine.name = Pritisni Dva Puta za Iskopavanje
setting.commandmodehold.name = Drži za Upravljački Mod
setting.modcrashdisable.name = Disable Mods On Startup Crash
setting.animatedwater.name = Animirana Površina
@ -1014,9 +1014,9 @@ setting.difficulty.hard = Hard
setting.difficulty.insane = Insane
setting.difficulty.name = Difficulty:
setting.screenshake.name = Screen Shake
setting.bloomintensity.name = Bloom Intensity
setting.bloomblur.name = Bloom Blur
setting.effects.name = Display Effects
setting.bloomintensity.name = Bloom Intezitet
setting.bloomblur.name = Bloom Magliranje
setting.effects.name = Prikazuj Efekte
setting.destroyedblocks.name = Prikazuj Uništene Blokove
setting.blockstatus.name = Prikazuj Status Blokova
setting.conveyorpathfinding.name = Conveyor Placement Pathfinding
@ -1030,41 +1030,41 @@ setting.borderlesswindow.name.windows = Ceo Bezgranični Ekran
setting.borderlesswindow.description = Restartovanje je zahtevano da bi se učitale promene.
setting.fps.name = Prikazuj FPS i Ping
setting.console.name = Osposobi Konzolu
setting.smoothcamera.name = Smooth Camera
setting.smoothcamera.name = Glatka Kamera
setting.vsync.name = VSync
setting.pixelate.name = Pixelate
setting.pixelate.name = Pikselizuj
setting.minimap.name = Prikaži Minimapu
setting.coreitems.name = Display Core Items
setting.coreitems.name = Prikaži Materijale Unutar Jezgra
setting.position.name = Prikaži Poziciju Igrača
setting.mouseposition.name = Prilaži Poziciju Miša
setting.musicvol.name = Jačina Muzike
setting.atmosphere.name = Prikaži Atmosferu Planete
setting.ambientvol.name = Jačina Zvuka Ambijenta
setting.mutemusic.name = Mute Music
setting.sfxvol.name = SFX Volume
setting.sfxvol.name = Jačina Zvučnih Efekata
setting.mutesound.name = Mute Sound
setting.crashreport.name = Send Anonymous Crash Reports
setting.savecreate.name = Auto-Create Saves
setting.publichost.name = Public Game Visibility
setting.publichost.name = Vidljivost Javne Igre
setting.playerlimit.name = Limit Igrača
setting.chatopacity.name = Chat Opacity
setting.lasersopacity.name = Power Laser Opacity
setting.bridgeopacity.name = Bridge Opacity
setting.playerchat.name = Display Player Bubble Chat
setting.chatopacity.name = Prozirnost Četa
setting.lasersopacity.name = Prozirnost Energetskih Lasera
setting.bridgeopacity.name = Prozirnost Mostova
setting.playerchat.name = Prikazuj Čet Mehure Igrača
setting.showweather.name = Show Weather Graphics
setting.hidedisplays.name = Hide Logic Displays
public.confirm = Do you want to make your game public?\n[accent]Anyone will be able to join your games.\n[lightgray]This can be changed later in Settings->Game->Public Game Visibility.
public.confirm.really = If you want to play with friends, use [green]Invite Friend[] instead of a [scarlet]Public server[]!\nAre you sure you want to make your game [scarlet]public[]?
public.confirm = Da li ste sigurni da želite da vam igra bude javna?\n[accent]Svako će moći se pridruži vašoj igri.\n[lightgray]Ovo se može posle promeniti u Podešavanja->Igra->Vidljivost Javne Igre.
public.confirm.really = Ako hoćete da igrate sa prijateljima, koristite [green]Pozovi Prijatelje[] umesto [scarlet]Javnog servera[]!\nDa li ste sigurni da želite da vam igra bude [scarlet]javna[]?
public.beta = Note that beta versions of the game cannot make public lobbies.
uiscale.reset = UI scale has been changed.\nPress "OK" to confirm this scale.\n[scarlet]Reverting and exiting in[accent] {0}[] seconds...
uiscale.cancel = Cancel & Exit
uiscale.cancel = Obustavi i Izađi
setting.bloom.name = Bloom
keybind.title = Rebind Keys
keybinds.mobile = [scarlet]Most keybinds here are not functional on mobile. Only basic movement is supported.
category.general.name = General
category.view.name = View
category.multiplayer.name = Multiplayer
category.blocks.name = Block Select
category.blocks.name = Biranje Blokova
placement.blockselectkeys = \n[lightgray]Key: [{0},
keybind.respawn.name = Respawn
keybind.control.name = Kontrološi Jedinicu
@ -1081,25 +1081,25 @@ keybind.pan.name = Pan View
keybind.boost.name = Boost
keybind.command_mode.name = Upravljački Mod
keybind.schematic_select.name = Izageri Region
keybind.schematic_menu.name = Schematic Menu
keybind.schematic_flip_x.name = Flip Schematic X
keybind.schematic_flip_y.name = Flip Schematic Y
keybind.category_prev.name = Previous Category
keybind.category_next.name = Next Category
keybind.schematic_menu.name = Menu Šema
keybind.schematic_flip_x.name = Okreni Šemu X
keybind.schematic_flip_y.name = Okreni Šemu Y
keybind.category_prev.name = Prethodna Kategorija
keybind.category_next.name = Sledeća Kategorija
keybind.block_select_left.name = Block Select Left
keybind.block_select_right.name = Block Select Right
keybind.block_select_up.name = Block Select Up
keybind.block_select_down.name = Block Select Down
keybind.block_select_01.name = Category/Block Select 1
keybind.block_select_02.name = Category/Block Select 2
keybind.block_select_03.name = Category/Block Select 3
keybind.block_select_04.name = Category/Block Select 4
keybind.block_select_05.name = Category/Block Select 5
keybind.block_select_06.name = Category/Block Select 6
keybind.block_select_07.name = Category/Block Select 7
keybind.block_select_08.name = Category/Block Select 8
keybind.block_select_09.name = Category/Block Select 9
keybind.block_select_10.name = Category/Block Select 10
keybind.block_select_up.name = Odabir Bloka Gore
keybind.block_select_down.name = Odabir Bloka Dole
keybind.block_select_01.name = Kategorija/Blok Odabir 1
keybind.block_select_02.name = Kategorija/Blok Odabir 2
keybind.block_select_03.name = Kategorija/Blok Odabir 3
keybind.block_select_04.name = Kategorija/Blok Odabir 4
keybind.block_select_05.name = Kategorija/Blok Odabir 5
keybind.block_select_06.name = Kategorija/Blok Odabir 6
keybind.block_select_07.name = Kategorija/Blok Odabir 7
keybind.block_select_08.name = Kategorija/Blok Odabir 8
keybind.block_select_09.name = Kategorija/Blok Odabir 9
keybind.block_select_10.name = Kategorija/Blok Odabir 10
keybind.fullscreen.name = Toggle Fullscreen
keybind.select.name = Izaberi/Pucaj
keybind.diagonal_placement.name = Diagonalo Postavljanje
@ -1119,12 +1119,12 @@ keybind.research.name = Izuči
keybind.block_info.name = O Bloku
keybind.chat.name = Čet
keybind.player_list.name = Lista Igrača
keybind.console.name = Console
keybind.rotate.name = Rotate
keybind.rotateplaced.name = Rotate Existing (Hold)
keybind.console.name = Konzola
keybind.rotate.name = Rotiraj
keybind.rotateplaced.name = Rotiraj Postojeće (Drži)
keybind.toggle_menus.name = Toggle Menus
keybind.chat_history_prev.name = Chat History Prev
keybind.chat_history_next.name = Chat History Next
keybind.chat_history_prev.name = Istorija Četa (Prethodna)
keybind.chat_history_next.name = Istorija Četa (Naredna)
keybind.chat_scroll.name = Chat Scroll
keybind.chat_mode.name = Change Chat Mode
keybind.drop_unit.name = Drop Unit
@ -1148,7 +1148,7 @@ rules.coreincinerates = Core Incinerates Overflow
rules.disableworldprocessors = Onesposobi Svetovne Procesore
rules.schematic = Šeme Su Dozvoljene
rules.wavetimer = Wave Timer
rules.wavesending = Wave Sending
rules.wavesending = Slanje Talasa
rules.waves = Talasi
rules.attack = Mod Napada
rules.rtsai = RTS AI
@ -1202,8 +1202,8 @@ rules.weather.duration = Dužina:
content.item.name = Materijali
content.liquid.name = Tečnosti
content.unit.name = Jedinice
content.block.name = Blocks
content.status.name = Status Effects
content.block.name = Blokovi
content.status.name = Statusni Efekti
content.sector.name = Sektori
content.team.name = Factions
wallore = (Zid)
@ -1236,7 +1236,7 @@ liquid.slag.name = Šljaka
liquid.oil.name = Nafta
liquid.cryofluid.name = Kriotečnost
liquid.neoplasm.name = Neoplazma
liquid.arkycite.name = Arkycite
liquid.arkycite.name = Lučar
liquid.gallium.name = Gallium
liquid.ozone.name = Ozon
liquid.hydrogen.name = Vodonik
@ -1524,12 +1524,12 @@ block.large-constructor.name = Vekiki Zidar
block.large-constructor.description = Proizvodi građevine do 4x4 veličine.
block.deconstructor.name = Deconstructor
block.deconstructor.description = Razgrađuje građevine i jedinice koje uđu unutra. Vraća se 100% cene gradnje.
block.payload-loader.name = Payload Loader
block.payload-loader.description = Load liquids and items into blocks.
block.payload-unloader.name = Payload Unloader
block.payload-unloader.description = Unloads liquids and items from blocks.
block.payload-loader.name = Punilac Tovara
block.payload-loader.description = Puni u blokove tečnosti i materijale.
block.payload-unloader.name = Praznilac Tovara
block.payload-unloader.description = Prazni iz blokova tečnosti i materijale.
block.heat-source.name = Izvor Toplote
block.heat-source.description = 1x1 blok koji tehnički proizvodi beskonačno toplote.
block.heat-source.description = 1x1 blok koji tehnički proizvodi beskonačno toplote. Isključivo za Sandbox mod.
block.empty.name = Prazno
block.rhyolite-crater.name = Riolitni Krateri
block.rough-rhyolite.name = Grub Riolit
@ -1538,18 +1538,18 @@ block.yellow-stone.name = Žuta Stena
block.carbon-stone.name = Ugljenična Stena
block.ferric-stone.name = Železna Stena
block.ferric-craters.name = Železni Krateri
block.beryllic-stone.name = Beryllic Stone
block.beryllic-stone.name = Berilijumska Stena
block.crystalline-stone.name = Kristalinska Stena
block.crystal-floor.name = Kristalni Pod
block.yellow-stone-plates.name = Ploče Žute Stene
block.red-stone.name = Crvena Stena
block.dense-red-stone.name = Gusta Crvena Stena
block.red-ice.name = Crveni Led
block.arkycite-floor.name = Arkycite Floor
block.arkyic-stone.name = Arkyic Stone
block.arkycite-floor.name = Lučarni Pod
block.arkyic-stone.name = Lučarna Stena
block.rhyolite-vent.name = Riolitni Gejzir
block.carbon-vent.name = Ugljenični Gejzir
block.arkyic-vent.name = Arkyic Vent
block.arkyic-vent.name = Lučarni Gejzir
block.yellow-stone-vent.name = Gejzir Žute Stene
block.red-stone-vent.name = Gejzir Crvene Stene
block.redmat.name = Redmat
@ -1560,8 +1560,8 @@ block.yellow-stone-wall.name = Zid Žute Stene
block.rhyolite-wall.name = Riolitni Zid
block.carbon-wall.name = Ugljenični Zid
block.ferric-stone-wall.name = Zid Železne Stene
block.beryllic-stone-wall.name = Beryllic Stone Wall
block.arkyic-wall.name = Arkyic Wall
block.beryllic-stone-wall.name = Zid Berilijumske Stene
block.arkyic-wall.name = Lučarni Zid
block.crystalline-stone-wall.name = Zid Kristalinske Stene
block.red-ice-wall.name = Zid Crvenog Leda
block.red-stone-wall.name = Zid Crvene Stene
@ -1571,9 +1571,9 @@ block.pur-bush.name = Pur Bush
block.yellowcoral.name = Žuti Koral
block.carbon-boulder.name = Ugljenični Kamen
block.ferric-boulder.name = Železni Kamen
block.beryllic-boulder.name = Beryllic Boulder
block.yellow-stone-boulder.name = Yellow Stone Boulder
block.arkyic-boulder.name = Arkyic Boulder
block.beryllic-boulder.name = Berilijumski Kamen
block.yellow-stone-boulder.name = Kamen Žute Stene
block.arkyic-boulder.name = Lučarni Kamen
block.crystal-cluster.name = Crystal Cluster
block.vibrant-crystal-cluster.name = Vibrant Crystal Cluster
block.crystal-blocks.name = Kristalni Blokovi
@ -1617,7 +1617,7 @@ block.large-shield-projector.name = Veliki Projektor Štita
block.armored-duct.name = Oklopljeni Kanal
block.overflow-duct.name = Prelivni Kanal
block.underflow-duct.name = Podlivni Kanal
block.duct-unloader.name = Duct Unloader
block.duct-unloader.name = Kanalni Praznilac
block.surge-conveyor.name = Impulsna Traka
block.surge-router.name = Impulsni Ruter
block.unit-cargo-loader.name = Utovarivač Tovarnih Jedinica
@ -1629,9 +1629,9 @@ block.reinforced-bridge-conduit.name = Armirana Mostna Cev
block.reinforced-liquid-router.name = Armirani Tečni Ruter
block.reinforced-liquid-container.name = Armirani Tečni Rezervoar
block.reinforced-liquid-tank.name = Armirani Tečni Tanker
block.beam-node.name = Beam Node
block.beam-tower.name = Beam Tower
block.beam-link.name = Beam Link
block.beam-node.name = Snopna Dioda
block.beam-tower.name = Snopni Toranj
block.beam-link.name = Snopni Link
block.turbine-condenser.name = Turbinski Kondezator
block.chemical-combustion-chamber.name = Elektrana Hemijskog Sagorevanja
block.pyrolysis-generator.name = Pirolizna Elektrana
@ -1640,7 +1640,7 @@ block.cliff-crusher.name = Planinolom
block.plasma-bore.name = Plasma Bore
block.large-plasma-bore.name = Large Plasma Bore
block.impact-drill.name = Udarna Drobilica
block.eruption-drill.name = Eruption Drill
block.eruption-drill.name = Eruptivna Drobilica
block.core-bastion.name = Jezgro: Bastilja
block.core-citadel.name = Core Citadel
block.core-acropolis.name = Core Acropolis
@ -1662,7 +1662,7 @@ block.ship-assembler.name = Monter Brodova
block.mech-assembler.name = Monter Mečana
block.reinforced-payload-conveyor.name = Armirana Tovarna Traka
block.reinforced-payload-router.name = Armirani Tovarni Ruter
block.payload-mass-driver.name = Payload Mass Driver
block.payload-mass-driver.name = Tovarni Akcelerator
block.small-deconstructor.name = Small Deconstructor
block.canvas.name = Kanvas
block.world-processor.name = Svetovni Procesor
@ -1758,131 +1758,131 @@ item.spore-pod.description = Prerađuje se u naftu ili plastiku, može se spalji
item.spore-pod.details = Spore. Verovatno sintetički obliki života. Emituje gasove otrovne po ostali život. Ekstremno invazivne. Visoko zapaljive u određenim uslovima.
item.blast-compound.description = Koristi se za bombe i eksplozivnu municiju.
item.pyratite.description = Koristi se kao zapaljiva municija i odlično gorivo za elektrane.
item.beryllium.description = Used in many types of construction and ammunition on Erekir.
item.tungsten.description = Used in drills, armor and ammunition. Required in the construction of more advanced structures.
item.oxide.description = Used as a heat conductor and insulator for power.
item.carbide.description = Used in advanced structures, heavier units, and ammunition.
item.beryllium.description = Korišćen u raznim građevinama i municiji na Erekir-u.
item.tungsten.description = Korišćena u drobilicama, oklopu i kao municija. Potrebna za gradnju naprednijih građevina.
item.oxide.description = Korišćen kao preusmeravač toplote i električni izolator.
item.carbide.description = Korišćena u naprednim građevinama, većim jedinicama i municiji.
liquid.water.description = Koristi se za hlađenje mašina i preradu otpada.
liquid.slag.description = Može se preraditi u Razdvajačima u druge resurse, može se sipati na neprijatelje kao oružje.
liquid.oil.description = Koristi se za proizvodnju naprednih materijala. Može se koristi kao pojačivač vatre ako se sipa na neprijatelja dok gori.
liquid.cryofluid.description = Rashladna tečnost za fabrike, reaktore i topove.
liquid.arkycite.description = Used in chemical reactions for power generation and material synthesis.
liquid.ozone.description = Used as an oxidizing agent in material production, and as fuel. Moderately explosive.
liquid.hydrogen.description = Used in resource extraction, unit production and structure repair. Flammable.
liquid.cyanogen.description = Used for ammunition, construction of advanced units, and various reactions in advanced blocks. Highly flammable.
liquid.nitrogen.description = Used in resource extraction, gas creation and unit production. Inert.
liquid.neoplasm.description = A dangerous biological byproduct of the Neoplasia reactor. Quickly spreads to any adjacent water-containing block it touches, damaging them in the process. Viscous.
liquid.neoplasm.details = Neoplasm. An uncontrollable mass of rapidly-dividing synthetic cells with a sludge-like consistency. Heat-resistant. Extremely dangerous to any structures involving water.\n\nToo complex and unstable for standard analysis. Potential applications unknown. Incineration in slag pools is recommended.
liquid.ozone.description = Korišćen kao oksidaciono sredstvo za proizvodnju materijala, i kao gorivo. Srednje eksplozivan.
liquid.hydrogen.description = Korišćen za iskopavanje ruda, proizvodnju jedinica i za popravke. Zapaljiv.
liquid.cyanogen.description = Korišćena za izgradnju većih jedinica, kao municija i za razne reakcije u naprednim građevinama. Izuzetno Zapaljiv.
liquid.nitrogen.description = Korišćen za iskopavanje ruda, proizvodnju gasova i proizvodnju jedinica. Inertan.
liquid.neoplasm.description = Opasni biološki njusproizvod Neoplasia reaktora. Brzo se širi na svaki povezani blok koji sadrži vodu koju dotakne, oštećuju ih u procesu. Viskozna.
liquid.neoplasm.details = Neoplazma. An uncontrollable mass of rapidly-dividing synthetic cells with a sludge-like consistency. Heat-resistant. Extremely dangerous to any structures involving water.\n\nToo complex and unstable for standard analysis. Potential applications unknown. Incineration in slag pools is recommended.
block.derelict = [lightgray]Zabačen
block.armored-conveyor.description = Moves items forward. Does not accept inputs from the sides.
block.illuminator.description = Emits light.
block.message.description = Stores a message for communication between allies.
block.graphite-press.description = Compresses coal into graphite.
block.multi-press.description = Compresses coal into graphite. Requires water as coolant.
block.silicon-smelter.description = Refines silicon from sand and coal.
block.kiln.description = Smelts sand and lead into metaglass.
block.plastanium-compressor.description = Produces plastanium from oil and titanium.
block.armored-conveyor.description = Usmerava materijale ispred. Nema prijema sa bokova.
block.illuminator.description = Osvetljava okolinu.
block.message.description = Skladišti poruku radi komunikacije među saveznicima.
block.graphite-press.description = Pritiska ugalj, pretvarajući ga u grafit.
block.multi-press.description = Pritiska ugalj, pretvarajući ga u grafit. Zahteva vodu za hlađenje.
block.silicon-smelter.description = Rafinira silicijum iz peska i uglja.
block.kiln.description = Topi pesak i olovo u meta-staklo.
block.plastanium-compressor.description = Proizvodi plastanijum iz nafte i titanijuma.
block.phase-weaver.description = Synthesizes phase fabric from thorium and sand.
block.surge-smelter.description = Fuses titanium, lead, silicon and copper into surge alloy.
block.cryofluid-mixer.description = Mixes water and fine titanium powder to produce cryofluid.
block.blast-mixer.description = Produces blast compound from pyratite and spore pods.
block.pyratite-mixer.description = Mixes coal, lead and sand into pyratite.
block.cryofluid-mixer.description = Meša vodu sa finom titanijumskom prašinom u kriotečnost.
block.blast-mixer.description = Proizvodi eksplozivnu smešu iz piratita i kapsula spora.
block.pyratite-mixer.description = Meša ugalj, pesak i olovo u piratit.
block.melter.description = Melts down scrap into slag.
block.separator.description = Separates slag into its mineral components.
block.spore-press.description = Compresses spore pods into oil.
block.pulverizer.description = Crushes scrap into fine sand.
block.coal-centrifuge.description = Transforms oil into coal.
block.incinerator.description = Vaporizes any item or liquid it receives.
block.power-void.description = Voids all power inputted. Sandbox only.
block.power-source.description = Bezkrajno ispušta energiju. Sandbox only.
block.item-source.description = Infinitely outputs items. Sandbox only.
block.item-void.description = Destroys any items. Sandbox only.
block.liquid-source.description = Bezkrajno ispušta tečnosti. Sandbox only.
block.liquid-void.description = Uništava svaku tečnost. Sandbox only.
block.payload-source.description = Infinitely outputs payloads. Sandbox only.
block.payload-void.description = Destroys any payloads. Sandbox only.
block.copper-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.copper-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.titanium-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.titanium-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.plastanium-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles. Absorbs lasers and electric arcs. Blocks automatic power connections.
block.plastanium-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles. Absorbs lasers and electric arcs. Blocks automatic power connections.
block.thorium-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.thorium-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.phase-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles, reflecting most bullets upon impact.
block.phase-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles, reflecting most bullets upon impact.
block.surge-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles, periodically releasing electric arcs upon contact.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles, periodically releasing electric arcs upon contact.
block.door.description = A wall that can be opened and closed.
block.door-large.description = A wall that can be opened and closed.
block.mender.description = Periodically repairs blocks in its vicinity.\nOptionally uses silicon to boost range and efficiency.
block.mend-projector.description = Repairs blocks in its vicinity.\nOptionally uses phase fabric to boost range and efficiency.
block.overdrive-projector.description = Increases the speed of nearby buildings.\nOptionally uses phase fabric to boost range and efficiency.
block.spore-press.description = Pritiska kapsule spora, pretvarajući je u naftu.
block.pulverizer.description = Drobi opiljke u fini pesak.
block.coal-centrifuge.description = Transformiše naftu u ugalj.
block.incinerator.description = Spaljuje svaki materijal ili tečnost koju primi.
block.power-void.description = Negira svu povezanu energiju. Isključivo za Sandbox mod.
block.power-source.description = Bezkrajno ispušta energiju. Isključivo za Sandbox mod.
block.item-source.description = Bezkrajno ispušta materijale. Isključivo za Sandbox mod.
block.item-void.description = Uništava svaki ubačeni materijal. Isključivo za Sandbox mod.
block.liquid-source.description = Bezkrajno ispušta tečnosti. Isključivo za Sandbox mod.
block.liquid-void.description = Uništava svaku ubačenu tečnost. Isključivo za Sandbox mod.
block.payload-source.description = Bezkrajno ispušta tovar. Isključivo za Sandbox mod.
block.payload-void.description = Uništava sav ubačen tovar. Isključivo za Sandbox mod.
block.copper-wall.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila.
block.copper-wall-large.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila.
block.titanium-wall.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila.
block.titanium-wall-large.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila.
block.plastanium-wall.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila. Upija lasere i električne udare. Ne dopušta automatska povezivanja energije.
block.plastanium-wall-large.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila. Upija lasere i električne udare. Ne dopušta automatska povezivanja energije.
block.thorium-wall.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila.
block.thorium-wall-large.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila.
block.phase-wall.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila, odbijajući većinu metaka pri udaru.
block.phase-wall-large.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila, odbijajući većinu metaka pri udaru.
block.surge-wall.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila, povremeno uzrokavajući električne udare pri kontaktu.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila, povremeno uzrokavajući električne udare pri kontaktu.
block.door.description = Zid koji se može otvarati i zatvarati.
block.door-large.description = Zid koji se može otvarati i zatvarati.
block.mender.description = Povremeno popravlja blokove u okolini.\nMože koristiti silicijum da poveća domet i efikasnost.
block.mend-projector.description = Popravlja blokove u okolini.\nMože koristiti faznu tkaninu da poveća domet i efikasnost.
block.overdrive-projector.description = Ubrzava okolne građevine.\nMože koristiti faznu tkaninu da poveća domet i efikasnost.
block.force-projector.description = Creates a hexagonal force field around itself, protecting buildings and units inside from damage.\nOverheats if too much damage is sustained. Optionally uses coolant to prevent overheating. Phase fabric increases shield size.
block.shock-mine.description = Releases electric arcs upon enemy unit contact.
block.conveyor.description = Transports items forward.
block.titanium-conveyor.description = Transports items forward. Faster than a standard conveyor.
block.plastanium-conveyor.description = Transports items forward in batches. Accepts items at the back, and unloads them in three directions at the front. Requires multiple loading and unloading points for peak throughput.
block.shock-mine.description = Oslobađa električne udare pri kontaktu sa neprijateljskim jedinicama.
block.conveyor.description = Usmerava materijale ispred.
block.titanium-conveyor.description = Usmerava materijale ispredd. Brži od standardnog transportera.
block.plastanium-conveyor.description = Usmerava materijale ispred u bačvama. Prima materijale od pozadi, I izbacuje na tri strane spreda. Zahteva više ulaznih i izlaznih tačaka za maksimalni protok.
block.junction.description = Acts as a bridge for two crossing conveyor belts.
block.bridge-conveyor.description = Transports items over terrain or buildings.
block.phase-conveyor.description = Instantly transports items over terrain or buildings. Longer range than the item bridge, but requires power.
block.sorter.description = If an input item matches the selection, it passes forward. Otherwise, the item is outputted to the left and right.
block.inverted-sorter.description = Similar to a standard sorter, but outputs selected items to the sides instead.
block.router.description = Distributes input items to 3 output directions equally.
block.router.details = A necessary evil. Using next to production inputs is not advised, as they will get clogged by output.
block.distributor.description = Distributes input items to 7 output directions equally.
block.overflow-gate.description = Only outputs items to the left and right if the front path is blocked.
block.underflow-gate.description = Opposite of an overflow gate. Outputs to the front if the left and right paths are blocked.
block.mass-driver.description = Long-range item transport structure. Collects batches of items and shoots them to other mass drivers.
block.mechanical-pump.description = Pumps and outputs liquids. Does not require power.
block.rotary-pump.description = Pumps and outputs liquids. Requires power.
block.impulse-pump.description = Pumps and outputs liquids.
block.conduit.description = Moves liquids forward. Used in conjunction with pumps and other conduits.
block.pulse-conduit.description = Moves liquids forward. Transports faster and stores more than standard conduits.
block.plated-conduit.description = Moves liquids forward. Does not accept input from the sides. Does not leak.
block.liquid-router.description = Accepts liquids from one direction and outputs them to up to 3 other directions equally. Can also store a certain amount of liquid.
block.liquid-container.description = Stores a sizeable amount of liquid. Outputs to all sides, similarly to a liquid router.
block.liquid-tank.description = Stores a large amount of liquid. Outputs to all sides, similarly to a liquid router.
block.bridge-conveyor.description = Prebacuje materijale preko terena i građevina.
block.phase-conveyor.description = Momentalno prebacuje materijale preko terena i građevina. Veći domet nego premostna traka, ali zahteva energiju.
block.sorter.description = Ako je prijemni materijal slaže sa izabranim, ide napred. U suprotnosti, materijal ide sa strane.
block.inverted-sorter.description = Kao standardni sorter, ali izabrani materijali idu sa strane.
block.router.description = Distribuiše primljene materijale podjednako u 3 pravca.
block.router.details = Neophodno zlo. Predlaže se da se ne postavlja pored proizvodnog prijema, pošto će nastati zastoj od proizvoda.
block.distributor.description = Distribuiše primljene materijale podjednako u 7 pravaca.
block.overflow-gate.description = Samo otpušta materijale sa strane u slučaju da je prednja strana nepropusna.
block.underflow-gate.description = Suprostnost nadlivne kapije. Otpušta materijale napred samo kad su obe strane nepropusne.
block.mass-driver.description = Visoko-dometna tranportna građevina za materijale. Skuplja bačve materijala i ispaljuje ih na druge akceleratore.
block.mechanical-pump.description = Pumpa tečnosti. Ne zahteva energiju.
block.rotary-pump.description = Pumpa tečnosti. Zahteva energiju.
block.impulse-pump.description = Pumpa tečnosti.
block.conduit.description = Usmerava tečnosti ka zadatom pravcu. Korišćen sa drugim cevima i pumpama.
block.pulse-conduit.description = Usmerava tečnosti ka zadatom pravcu. Ima veći kapacitet i brže prenosi od standardnih cevi.
block.plated-conduit.description = Usmerava tečnosti ka zadatom pravcu. Does not accept input from the sides. Ne curi.
block.liquid-router.description = Prima tečnosti iz jednog pravca i otpušta podjednako u 3 pravca. Takođe može da skladišti nešto tečnosti.
block.liquid-container.description = Skladišti dobru količinu tečnosti. Slično tečnom ruteru, otpušta u svaki pravac.
block.liquid-tank.description = Skladišti veliku količinu tečnosti. Slično tečnom ruteru, otpušta u svaki pravac.
block.liquid-junction.description = Acts as a bridge for two crossing conduits.
block.bridge-conduit.description = Transports liquids over terrain or buildings.
block.phase-conduit.description = Transports liquids over terrain or buildings. Longer range than the bridge conduit, but requires power.
block.power-node.description = Transmits power to connected nodes. The node will receive power from or supply power to any adjacent blocks.
block.power-node-large.description = An advanced power node with greater range.
block.surge-tower.description = A long-range power node with fewer available connections.
block.bridge-conduit.description = Prebacuje tečnosti preko terena ili građevina.
block.phase-conduit.description = Momentalno prebacuje tečnosti preko terena i građevina. Veći domet nego premostna cev, ali zahteva energiju.
block.power-node.description = Distribuiše energiju sa drugim čvorovima. Čvor takođe šalje i prima energiju sa susednim blokovima.
block.power-node-large.description = Napredni čvor sa većim dometom.
block.surge-tower.description = Dugo-dometni čvor sa samo nekoliko dostupnih povezivanja.
block.diode.description = Moves battery power in one direction, but only if the other side has less power stored.
block.battery.description = Stores power in times of surplus energy. Outputs power in times of deficit.
block.battery-large.description = Stores power in times of surplus energy. Outputs power in times of deficit. Higher capacity than a regular battery.
block.combustion-generator.description = Generates power by burning flammable materials, such as coal.
block.thermal-generator.description = Generates power when placed in hot locations.
block.steam-generator.description = Generates power by burning flammable materials and converting water to steam.
block.differential-generator.description = Generates large amounts of energy. Utilizes the temperature difference between cryofluid and burning pyratite.
block.rtg-generator.description = Uses the heat of decaying radioactive compounds to produce energy at a slow rate.
block.solar-panel.description = Provides a small amount of power from the sun.
block.solar-panel-large.description = Provides a small amount of power from the sun. More efficient than the standard solar panel.
block.battery.description = Skladišti višak energije. Otpušta energiju kad je deficit.
block.battery-large.description = Skladišti višak energije. Otpušta energiju kad je deficit. Veći kapacitet od standardne baterije.
block.combustion-generator.description = Stvara energiju prilikom sagorevanja zapaljivih materijala, potput uglja.
block.thermal-generator.description = Stvara energiju kada se nalazim u toploj sredini.
block.steam-generator.description = Stvara energiju prilikom sagorevanja zapaljivih materijala i sa tim vode u paru.
block.differential-generator.description = Stvara velku količinu energije. Koristi temperaturnu razliku između kriotečnosti i zapaljenog piratita.
block.rtg-generator.description = Koristi toplotu pri polakom razlaganju radioaktivnih elemenata za proizvodnju energije.
block.solar-panel.description = Proizvodi malu količinu energije od sunca.
block.solar-panel-large.description = Proizvodi malu količinu energije od sunca, ali više od standardnog panela.
block.thorium-reactor.description = Generates significant amounts of power from thorium. Requires constant cooling. Will explode violently if insufficient amounts of coolant are supplied.
block.impact-reactor.description = Creates massive amounts of power at peak efficiency. Requires a significant power input to kickstart the process.
block.mechanical-drill.description = When placed on ore, outputs items at a slow pace indefinitely. Only capable of mining basic resources.
block.pneumatic-drill.description = An improved drill, capable of mining titanium. Mines at a faster pace than a mechanical drill.
block.laser-drill.description = Allows drilling even faster through laser technology, but requires power. Capable of mining thorium.
block.blast-drill.description = The ultimate drill. Requires large amounts of power.
block.water-extractor.description = Extracts groundwater. Used in locations with no surface water available.
block.cultivator.description = Cultivates tiny concentrations of atmospheric spores into spore pods.
block.mechanical-drill.description = Kada je postavljeno na rudi, polako i trajno otpušta materijale. Može samo iskopavati jednostavne resurse.
block.pneumatic-drill.description = Poboljšana drobilica, može iskopavati titanijm. Otkopava brže nego mehanička drobilica.
block.laser-drill.description = Omugućava još brže iskopavanje pomoću tehnologije lasera, ali zahteva energiju. Može iskopavati torijum.
block.blast-drill.description = Najefikasnija drobilica. Zahteva veliku količinu energije.
block.water-extractor.description = Prikuplja podzemne vode. Korišćeno na mestima bez nadzemne vode.
block.cultivator.description = Prikuplja malu količinu atmosfernih kultura spora u kapsule spora.
block.cultivator.details = Recovered technology. Used to produce massive amounts of biomass as efficiently as possible. Likely the initial incubator of the spores now covering Serpulo.
block.oil-extractor.description = Uses large amounts of power, sand and water to drill for oil.
block.core-shard.description = Core of the base. Once destroyed, the sector is lost.
block.core-shard.description = Jezgro baze. Jednom uništeno gubi se sector.
block.core-shard.details = The first iteration. Compact. Self-replicating. Equipped with single-use launch thrusters. Not designed for interplanetary travel.
block.core-foundation.description = Core of the base. Well armored. Stores more resources than a Shard.
block.core-foundation.description = Jezgro baze. Dobro oklopljeno. Skladišti više resursa nego Krhotina.
block.core-foundation.details = The second iteration.
block.core-nucleus.description = Core of the base. Extremely well armored. Stores massive amounts of resources.
block.core-nucleus.description = Jezgro baze. Veoma dobro oklopljeno. Skladišti veliku količinu resursa.
block.core-nucleus.details = The third and final iteration.
block.vault.description = Stores a large amount of items of each type. Contents can be retrieved with an unloader.
block.container.description = Stores a small amount of items of each type. Contents can be retrieved with an unloader.
block.unloader.description = Unloads the selected item from nearby blocks.
block.launch-pad.description = Launches batches of items to selected sectors.
block.vault.description = Skladišti veliku količinu od svake vrste materijala. Contents can be retrieved with an unloader.
block.container.description = Skladišti malu količinu od svake vrste materijala. Contents can be retrieved with an unloader.
block.unloader.description = Istovaruje određeni materijal iz obližnih blokova.
block.launch-pad.description = Lansira bačve resursa u izabrani sektor.
block.launch-pad.details = Sub-orbital system for point-to-point transportation of resources. Payload pods are fragile and incapable of surviving re-entry.
block.duo.description = Fires alternating bullets at enemies.
block.duo.description = Ispaljuje metke naizmenično na neprijatelje.
block.scatter.description = Fires clumps of lead, scrap or metaglass flak at enemy aircraft.
block.scorch.description = Burns any ground enemies close to it. Highly effective at close range.
block.hail.description = Fires small shells at ground enemies over long distances.
@ -1890,29 +1890,29 @@ block.wave.description = Fires streams of liquid at enemies. Automatically extin
block.lancer.description = Charges and fires powerful beams of energy at ground targets.
block.arc.description = Fires arcs of electricity at ground targets.
block.swarmer.description = Fires homing missiles at enemies.
block.salvo.description = Fires quick salvos of bullets at enemies.
block.salvo.description = Ispaljuje brze rafale na neprijatelje.
block.fuse.description = Fires three close-range piercing blasts at nearby enemies.
block.ripple.description = Shoots clusters of shells at ground enemies over long distances.
block.cyclone.description = Fires explosive clumps of flak at nearby enemies.
block.spectre.description = Fires large armor-piercing bullets at air and ground targets.
block.meltdown.description = Charges and fires a persistent laser beam at nearby enemies. Requires coolant to operate.
block.foreshadow.description = Fires a large single-target bolt over long distances. Prioritizes enemies with higher max health.
block.repair-point.description = Continuously repairs the closest damaged unit in its vicinity.
block.repair-point.description = Stalno popravlja najbližu oštećenu jedinicu u okolini.
block.segment.description = Damages and destroys incoming projectiles. Laser projectiles are not targeted.
block.parallax.description = Fires a tractor beam that pulls in air targets, damaging them in the process.
block.tsunami.description = Fires powerful streams of liquid at enemies. Automatically extinguishes fires when supplied with water.
block.silicon-crucible.description = Refines silicon from sand and coal, using pyratite as an additional heat source. More efficient in hot locations.
block.silicon-crucible.description = Rafiniše silicijum iz peska i uglja, korišteći piratit kao dodatni izvor toplote. Efikasnija u toploj sredini.
block.disassembler.description = Separates slag into trace amounts of exotic mineral components at low efficiency. Can produce thorium.
block.overdrive-dome.description = Increases the speed of nearby buildings. Requires phase fabric and silicon to operate.
block.payload-conveyor.description = Moves large payloads, such as units from factories.
block.payload-router.description = Splits input payloads into 3 output directions.
block.ground-factory.description = Produces ground units. Output units can be used directly, or moved into reconstructors for upgrading.
block.air-factory.description = Produces air units. Output units can be used directly, or moved into reconstructors for upgrading.
block.naval-factory.description = Produces naval units. Output units can be used directly, or moved into reconstructors for upgrading.
block.additive-reconstructor.description = Upgrades inputted units to the second tier.
block.multiplicative-reconstructor.description = Upgrades inputted units to the third tier.
block.exponential-reconstructor.description = Upgrades inputted units to the fourth tier.
block.tetrative-reconstructor.description = Upgrades inputted units to the fifth and final tier.
block.overdrive-dome.description = Ubrzava rad okolnih građevina. Za rad zahteva silicijum i faznu tkaninu.
block.payload-conveyor.description = Usmerava tovar, potput jedinica iz fabrika.
block.payload-router.description = Deli tovarni skup u 3 pravca.
block.ground-factory.description = Proizvodi zemne jedinice. Proizvod se može odmah koristiti, ili pomeren u rekonstruktore za doradu.
block.air-factory.description = Proizvodi vazdušne jedinice. Proizvod se može odmah koristiti, ili pomeren u rekonstruktore za doradu.
block.naval-factory.description = Proizvodi morske jedinice. Proizvod se može odmah koristiti, ili pomeren u rekonstruktore za doradu.
block.additive-reconstructor.description = Dorađuje ubačene jedinice u drugi tier.
block.multiplicative-reconstructor.description = Dorađuje ubačene jedinice u treći tier.
block.exponential-reconstructor.description = Dorađuje ubačene jedinice u četvrti tier.
block.tetrative-reconstructor.description = Dorađuje ubačene jedinice u peti i konačni tier.
block.switch.description = A toggleable switch. State can be read and controlled with logic processors.
block.micro-processor.description = Runs a sequence of logic instructions in a loop. Can be used to control units and buildings.
block.logic-processor.description = Runs a sequence of logic instructions in a loop. Can be used to control units and buildings. Faster than the micro processor.
@ -1924,11 +1924,11 @@ block.large-logic-display.description = Displays arbitrary graphics from a logic
block.interplanetary-accelerator.description = A massive electromagnetic railgun tower. Accelerates cores to escape velocity for interplanetary deployment.
block.repair-turret.description = Continuously repairs the closest damaged unit in its vicinity. Optionally accepts coolant.
block.payload-propulsion-tower.description = Long-range payload transport structure. Shoots payloads to other linked payload propulsion towers.
block.core-bastion.description = Core of the base. Armored. Once destroyed, the sector is lost.
block.core-citadel.description = Core of the base. Very well armored. Stores more resources than a Bastion core.
block.core-acropolis.description = Core of the base. Exceptionally well armored. Stores more resources than a Citadel core.
block.core-bastion.description = Jezgro baze. Oklopljeno. Jednom uništeno gubi se sektor.
block.core-citadel.description = Jezgro baze. Izuzetno dobro oklopljeno. Skladišti više resursa od Bastilje jezgra.
block.core-acropolis.description = Jezgro baze. Izvrsno dobro oklopljeno. Skladišti više resursa od Citadele jezgra.
block.breach.description = Fires piercing beryllium or tungsten ammunition at enemy targets.
block.diffuse.description = Fires a burst of bullets in a wide cone. Pushes enemy targets back.
block.diffuse.description = Ispaljuje rafale metaka u širokom uglu. Gura neprijateljske jedinice nazad.
block.sublimate.description = Fires a continuous jet of flame at enemy targets. Pierces armor.
block.titan.description = Fires a massive explosive artillery shell at ground targets. Requires hydrogen.
block.afflict.description = Fires a massive charged orb of fragmentary flak. Requires heating.
@ -1937,81 +1937,81 @@ block.lustre.description = Fires a slow-moving single-target laser at enemy targ
block.scathe.description = Launches a powerful missile at ground targets over vast distances.
block.smite.description = Fires bursts of piercing, lightning-emitting bullets.
block.malign.description = Fires a barrage of homing laser charges at enemy targets. Requires extensive heating.
block.silicon-arc-furnace.description = Refines silicon from sand and graphite.
block.oxidation-chamber.description = Converts beryllium and ozone into oxide. Emits heat as a by-product.
block.electric-heater.description = Heats facing blocks. Requires large amounts of power.
block.silicon-arc-furnace.description = Rafiniše silicijum iz peska i grafita.
block.oxidation-chamber.description = Pretvara berilijum i ozom u kiseonik. Ispušta toplotu kao njusproizvod.
block.electric-heater.description = Greje usmerene blokove. Zahteva veliku količinu energije.
block.slag-heater.description = Heats facing blocks. Requires slag.
block.phase-heater.description = Heats facing blocks. Requires phase fabric.
block.heat-redirector.description = Redirects accumulated heat to other blocks.
block.electrolyzer.description = Converts water into hydrogen and ozone gas.
block.atmospheric-concentrator.description = Concentrates nitrogen from the atmosphere. Requires heat.
block.surge-crucible.description = Forms surge alloy from slag and silicon. Requires heat.
block.phase-synthesizer.description = Synthesizes phase fabric from thorium, sand, and ozone. Requires heat.
block.carbide-crucible.description = Fuses graphite and tungsten into carbide. Requires heat.
block.cyanogen-synthesizer.description = Synthesizes cyanogen from arkycite and graphite. Requires heat.
block.phase-heater.description = Greje usmerene blokove. Zahteva faznu tkaninu.
block.heat-redirector.description = Preusmerava sakupljenu toplotu u druge blokove.
block.electrolyzer.description = Deli vodu na gasove vodonik i ozon.
block.atmospheric-concentrator.description = Koncentriše azot iz atmosfere. Zahteva toplotu.
block.surge-crucible.description = Forms surge alloy from slag and silicon. Zahteva toplotu.
block.phase-synthesizer.description = Synthesizes phase fabric from thorium, sand, and ozone. Zahteva toplotu.
block.carbide-crucible.description = Pretvara volfram i grafit u karbid. Zahteva toplotu.
block.cyanogen-synthesizer.description = Synthesizes cyanogen from arkycite and graphite. Zahteva toplotu.
block.slag-incinerator.description = Incinerates non-volatile items or liquids. Requires slag.
block.vent-condenser.description = Condenses vent gases into water. Consumes power.
block.plasma-bore.description = When placed facing an ore wall, outputs items indefinitely. Requires small amounts of power.
block.vent-condenser.description = Kondezuje ventilacione gasove u vodu. Koristi energiju.
block.plasma-bore.description = Kada je postavljeno u smeru zidne rude, beskonačno ispušta materijale. Zahteva malo energije.
block.large-plasma-bore.description = A larger plasma bore. Capable of mining tungsten and thorium. Requires hydrogen and power.
block.cliff-crusher.description = Crushes walls, outputting sand indefinitely. Requires power. Efficiency varies based on type of wall.
block.impact-drill.description = When placed on ore, outputs items in bursts indefinitely. Requires power and water.
block.eruption-drill.description = An improved impact drill. Capable of mining thorium. Requires hydrogen.
block.reinforced-conduit.description = Moves fluids forward. Doesn't accept non-conduit inputs to the sides.
block.reinforced-liquid-router.description = Distributes fluids equally to all sides.
block.cliff-crusher.description = Beskonačno ispušta pesak lomeći stene. Zahteva energiju. Efikasnost zavisi od vrste zida.
block.impact-drill.description = Kada je postavljeno na rudi, beskonačno ispušta materijale u bačvama. Zahteva energiju i vodu.
block.eruption-drill.description = Poboljšana udarna drobilica. Može iskopavati torijum. Zahteva vodonik
block.reinforced-conduit.description = Usmerava tečnosti napred. Ne prihvata unos sa strane od blokova koje nisu cevi.
block.reinforced-liquid-router.description = Jednako distribuiše tečnosti u svim pravcima.
block.reinforced-junction.description = Acts as a bridge for two crossing conduits.
block.reinforced-liquid-tank.description = Stores a large amount of fluids.
block.reinforced-liquid-container.description = Stores a sizeable amount of fluids.
block.reinforced-bridge-conduit.description = Transports fluids over structures and terrain.
block.reinforced-pump.description = Pumps and outputs liquids. Requires hydrogen.
block.beryllium-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.beryllium-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.tungsten-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.tungsten-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.carbide-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.carbide-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles.
block.reinforced-surge-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles, periodically launching electric arcs upon projectile contact.
block.reinforced-surge-wall-large.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles, periodically launching electric arcs upon projectile contact.
block.shielded-wall.description = Protects structures from enemy projectiles. Deploys a shield that absorbs most projectiles when power is provided. Conducts power.
block.blast-door.description = A wall that opens when allied ground units are in range. Cannot be manually controlled.
block.duct.description = Moves items forward. Only capable of storing a single item.
block.armored-duct.description = Moves items forward. Does not accept non-duct inputs from the sides.
block.duct-router.description = Distributes items equally across three directions. Only accepts items from the back side. Can be configured as an item sorter.
block.overflow-duct.description = Only outputs items to the sides if the front path is blocked.
block.duct-bridge.description = Moves items over structures and terrain.
block.duct-unloader.description = Unloads the selected item from the block behind it. Cannot unload from cores.
block.underflow-duct.description = Opposite of an overflow duct. Outputs to the front if the left and right paths are blocked.
block.reinforced-liquid-tank.description = Skladišti veliku količinu tečnosti.
block.reinforced-liquid-container.description = Skladišti dobru količinu tečnosti.
block.reinforced-bridge-conduit.description = Prenosi tečnosti preko terena i građevina.
block.reinforced-pump.description = Pumpa tečnosti. Zahteva vodonik.
block.beryllium-wall.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila.
block.beryllium-wall-large.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila.
block.tungsten-wall.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila.
block.tungsten-wall-large.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila.
block.carbide-wall.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila.
block.carbide-wall-large.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila.
block.reinforced-surge-wall.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila, povremeno uzrokavajući električne udare pri kontaktu.
block.reinforced-surge-wall-large.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila, povremeno uzrokavajući električne udare pri kontaktu.
block.shielded-wall.description = Štiti građevine od neprijateljskih projektila. Stvara štit koji može primiti većinu metaka kada ima dovoljno energije. Provodi energiju.
block.blast-door.description = Zid koji se otvara kada su savezničke jedinice u blizini. Nemoguće je upravljati je ručno.
block.duct.description = Usmerava materijale ispred.
block.armored-duct.description = Usmerava materijale ispred. Ne prihvata unos sa strane od blokova koji nisu kanali.
block.duct-router.description = Distribuiše materijale podjednako sa 3 strane. Prihvata materijale samo otpozadi. Može da se podesi kao sorter.
block.overflow-duct.description = Samo otpušta materijale sa strane u slučaju da je prednja strana nepropusna.
block.duct-bridge.description = Prenosi materijale preko terena i građevina.
block.duct-unloader.description = Istovaruje materijale od bloka iza. Ne može istovarivati iz jezgra.
block.underflow-duct.description = Suprostnost nadlivnog kanala. Otpušta materijale napred samo kad su obe strane nepropusne.
block.reinforced-liquid-junction.description = Acts as a junction between two crossing conduits.
block.surge-conveyor.description = Moves items in batches. Can be sped up with power. Conducts power.
block.surge-router.description = Equally distributes items in three directions from surge conveyors. Can be sped up with power. Conducts power.
block.surge-conveyor.description = Usmerava materijale u bačvama. Može se ubrzati sa energijom. Provodi energiju.
block.surge-router.description = Distribuiše materijale iz impulsnih traka podjednako sa 3 strane. Može se ubrzati sa energijom. Provodi energiju.
block.unit-cargo-loader.description = Constructs cargo drones. Drones automatically distribute items to Cargo Unload Points with a matching filter.
block.unit-cargo-unload-point.description = Acts as an unloading point for cargo drones. Accepts items that match the selected filter.
block.beam-node.description = Transmits power to other blocks orthogonally. Stores a small amount of power.
block.beam-tower.description = Transmits power to other blocks orthogonally. Stores a large amount of power. Long-range.
block.turbine-condenser.description = Generates power when placed on vents. Produces a small amount of water.
block.chemical-combustion-chamber.description = Generates power from arkycite and ozone.
block.beam-node.description = Prenosi energiju na druge blokove ortogonalno. Skladišti malu količinu energije.
block.beam-tower.description = Prenosi energiju na druge blokove ortogonalno. Skladišti veću količinu energije. Dugog dometa.
block.turbine-condenser.description = Proizvodi energiju kada je na ventilu. Proizvodi malu količinu vode.
block.chemical-combustion-chamber.description = Proizvodi energiju od lučara i ozona.
block.pyrolysis-generator.description = Generates large amounts of power from arkycite and slag. Produces water as a byproduct.
block.flux-reactor.description = Generates large amounts of power when heated. Requires cyanogen as a stabilizer. Power output and cyanogen requirements are proportional to heat input.\nExplodes if insufficient cyanogen is provided.
block.neoplasia-reactor.description = Uses arkycite, water and phase fabric to generate large amounts of power. Produces heat and dangerous neoplasm as a byproduct.\nExplodes violently if neoplasm is not removed from the reactor via conduits.
block.build-tower.description = Automatically rebuilds structures in range and assists other units in construction.
block.flux-reactor.description = Proizvodi veliku količinu energije iz primljene toplote. Zahteva cianogen kao stabilizator. Dobijena energija i potreban cianogen su srazmerni sa količinom toplote.\nU slučaju nedovoljnog cianogena dolazi do ekplozije.
block.neoplasia-reactor.description = Koristi lučar, faznu tkaninu i vodu da proizvede veliku količinu energije. Proizvodi toplotu i opasnu neoplazmu kao njusproizvod.\nDolazi do jake eksplozije ako neoplasma se ne ispusti iz reaktora pomoću cevi.
block.build-tower.description = Automatski gradi uništene građevine i pomaže drugim jedinicama u izgradnji novih.
block.regen-projector.description = Slowly repairs allied structures in a square perimeter. Requires hydrogen.
block.reinforced-container.description = Stores a small amount of items. Contents can be retrieved via unloaders. Does not increase core storage capacity.
block.reinforced-vault.description = Stores a large amount of items. Contents can be retrieved via unloaders. Does not increase core storage capacity.
block.tank-fabricator.description = Constructs Stell units. Outputted units can be used directly, or moved into refabricators for upgrading.
block.ship-fabricator.description = Constructs Elude units. Outputted units can be used directly, or moved into refabricators for upgrading.
block.mech-fabricator.description = Constructs Merui units. Outputted units can be used directly, or moved into refabricators for upgrading.
block.tank-fabricator.description = Proizvodi Stell jedinice. Proizvod se može odmah koristiti, ili pomeren u refabrikatore za doradu.
block.ship-fabricator.description = Proizvodi Elude jedinice. Proizvod se može odmah koristiti, ili pomeren u refabrikatore za doradu.
block.mech-fabricator.description = Proizvodi Merui jedinice. Proizvod se može odmah koristiti, ili pomeren u refabrikatore za doradu.
block.tank-assembler.description = Assembles large tanks out of inputted blocks and units. Output tier may be increased by adding modules.
block.ship-assembler.description = Assembles large ships out of inputted blocks and units. Output tier may be increased by adding modules.
block.mech-assembler.description = Assembles large mechs out of inputted blocks and units. Output tier may be increased by adding modules.
block.tank-refabricator.description = Upgrades inputted tank units to the second tier.
block.ship-refabricator.description = Upgrades inputted ship units to the second tier.
block.mech-refabricator.description = Upgrades inputted mech units to the second tier.
block.prime-refabricator.description = Upgrades inputted units to the third tier.
block.tank-refabricator.description = Dorađuje ubačene tenkovske jedinice u drugi tier.
block.ship-refabricator.description = Dorađuje ubačene brodne jedinice u drugi tier.
block.mech-refabricator.description = Dorađuje ubačene mečanske jedinice u drugi tier.
block.prime-refabricator.description = Dorađuje ubačene jedinice u treći tier.
block.basic-assembler-module.description = Increases assembler tier when placed next to a construction boundary. Requires power. Can be used as a payload input.
block.small-deconstructor.description = Deconstructs inputted structures and units. Returns 100% of the build cost.
block.reinforced-payload-conveyor.description = Moves payloads forward.
block.reinforced-payload-conveyor.description = Usmeruje tovar ispred.
block.reinforced-payload-router.description = Distributes payloads into adjacent blocks. Functions as a sorter when a filter is set.
block.payload-mass-driver.description = Long-range payload transport structure. Shoots received payloads to linked payload mass drivers.
block.unit-repair-tower.description = Repairs all units in its vicinity. Requires ozone.
block.unit-repair-tower.description = Popravlja sve jedinice u blizine. Zahteva ozon.
block.radar.description = Gradually uncovers terrain and enemy units in a large radius. Requires power.
block.shockwave-tower.description = Damages and destroys enemy projectiles in a radius. Requires cyanogen.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user