package mindustry; import arc.*; import arc.assets.*; import arc.assets.loaders.*; import*; import*; import*; import arc.math.*; import arc.util.*; import arc.util.async.*; import*; import mindustry.core.*; import mindustry.ctype.*; import*; import*; import mindustry.gen.*; import*; import mindustry.maps.*; import mindustry.mod.*; import; import mindustry.ui.*; import static arc.Core.*; import static mindustry.Vars.*; public abstract class ClientLauncher extends ApplicationCore implements Platform{ private static final int loadingFPS = 20; private long lastTime; private long beginTime; private boolean finished = false; private LoadRenderer loader; @Override public void setup(){ String dataDir = OS.env("MINDUSTRY_DATA_DIR"); if(dataDir != null){ Core.settings.setDataDirectory(files.absolute(dataDir)); } checkLaunch(); loadLogger(); loader = new LoadRenderer(); ClientCreateEvent()); loadFileLogger(); platform = this; maxTextureSize = Gl.getInt(Gl.maxTextureSize); beginTime = Time.millis(); //debug GL information"[GL] Version: @", graphics.getGLVersion());"[GL] Max texture size: @", maxTextureSize);"[GL] Using @ context.", gl30 != null ? "OpenGL 3" : "OpenGL 2"); if(maxTextureSize < 4096) Log.warn("[GL] Your maximum texture size is below the recommended minimum of 4096. This will cause severe performance issues.");"[JAVA] Version: @", OS.javaVersion); long ram = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory(); boolean gb = ram >= 1024 * 1024 * 1024;"[RAM] Available: @ @", Strings.fixed(gb ? ram / 1024f / 1024 / 1024f : ram / 1024f / 1024f, 1), gb ? "GB" : "MB"); Time.setDeltaProvider(() -> { float result = * 60f; return (Float.isNaN(result) || Float.isInfinite(result)) ? 1f : Mathf.clamp(result, 0.0001f, 60f / 10f); }); batch = new SortedSpriteBatch(); assets = new AssetManager(); assets.setLoader(Texture.class, "." + mapExtension, new MapPreviewLoader()); tree = new FileTree(); assets.setLoader(Sound.class, new SoundLoader(tree)); assets.setLoader(Music.class, new MusicLoader(tree)); assets.load("sprites/error.png", Texture.class); atlas = TextureAtlas.blankAtlas(); = new Net(platform.getNet()); mods = new Mods(); schematics = new Schematics(); Fonts.loadSystemCursors(); assets.load(new Vars()); Fonts.loadDefaultFont(); //load fallback atlas if max texture size is below 4096 assets.load(new AssetDescriptor<>(maxTextureSize >= 4096 ? "sprites/sprites.aatls" : "sprites/fallback/sprites.aatls", TextureAtlas.class)).loaded = t -> atlas = t; assets.loadRun("maps", Map.class, () -> maps.loadPreviews()); Musics.load(); Sounds.load(); assets.loadRun("contentcreate", Content.class, () -> { content.createBaseContent(); content.loadColors(); }, () -> { mods.loadScripts(); content.createModContent(); }); assets.load(mods); assets.loadRun("mergeUI", PixmapPacker.class, () -> {}, () -> Fonts.mergeFontAtlas(atlas)); add(logic = new Logic()); add(control = new Control()); add(renderer = new Renderer()); add(ui = new UI()); add(netServer = new NetServer()); add(netClient = new NetClient()); assets.load(schematics); assets.loadRun("contentinit", ContentLoader.class, () -> content.init(), () -> content.load()); assets.loadRun("baseparts", BaseRegistry.class, () -> {}, () -> bases.load()); } @Override public void add(ApplicationListener module){ super.add(module); //autoload modules when necessary if(module instanceof Loadable l){ assets.load(l); } } @Override public void resize(int width, int height){ if(assets == null) return; if(!finished){ Draw.proj().setOrtho(0, 0, width, height); }else{ super.resize(width, height); } } @Override public void update(){ if(!finished){ if(loader != null){ loader.draw(); } if(assets.update(1000 / loadingFPS)){ loader.dispose(); loader = null;"Total time to load: @ms", Time.timeSinceMillis(beginTime)); for(ApplicationListener listener : modules){ listener.init(); } mods.eachClass(Mod::init); finished = true; var event = new ClientLoadEvent(); //a temporary measure for compatibility with certain mods Events.fireWrap(event.getClass(), event, listener -> { try{ listener.get(event); }catch(NoSuchFieldError | NoSuchMethodError | NoClassDefFoundError error){ Log.err(error); } }); clientLoaded = true; super.resize(graphics.getWidth(), graphics.getHeight()); -> -> -> -> { super.resize(graphics.getWidth(), graphics.getHeight()); //mark initialization as complete finishLaunch(); })))); } }else{ asyncCore.begin(); super.update(); asyncCore.end(); } int targetfps = Core.settings.getInt("fpscap", 120); if(targetfps > 0 && targetfps <= 240){ long target = (1000 * 1000000) / targetfps; //target in nanos long elapsed = Time.timeSinceNanos(lastTime); if(elapsed < target){ Threads.sleep((target - elapsed) / 1000000, (int)((target - elapsed) % 1000000)); } } lastTime = Time.nanos(); } @Override public void exit(){ //on graceful exit, finish the launch normally. Vars.finishLaunch(); } @Override public void init(){ setup(); } @Override public void resume(){ if(finished){ super.resume(); } } @Override public void pause(){ //when the user tabs out on mobile, the exit() event doesn't fire reliably - in that case, just assume they're about to kill the app //this isn't 100% reliable but it should work for most cases if(mobile){ Vars.finishLaunch(); } if(finished){ super.pause(); } } }