text.credits.text = Created by [ROYAL]Anuken[] - [SKY]anukendev@gmail.com[] text.credits = Credits text.contributors = Translators and Contributors text.discord = Join the mindustry discord! text.link.discord.description = The official Mindustry discord chatroom text.link.github.description = Game source code text.link.dev-builds.description = Unstable development builds text.link.trello.description = Official trello board for planned features text.link.itch.io.description = itch.io page with PC downloads and web version text.link.google-play.description = Google Play store listing text.link.wiki.description = Official Mindustry wiki text.linkfail = Failed to open link!\nThe URL has been copied to your clipboard. text.screenshot = Screenshot saved to {0} text.gameover = Game Over text.gameover.pvp = The[accent] {0}[] team is victorious! text.sector.gameover = This sector has been lost. Re-deploy? text.sector.retry = Retry text.highscore = [accent]New highscore! text.wave.lasted = You lasted until wave [accent]{0}[]. text.level.highscore = High Score: [accent]{0} text.level.delete.title = Confirm Delete text.map.delete = Are you sure you want to delete the map "[accent]{0}[]"? text.level.select = Level Select text.level.mode = Gamemode: text.construction.desktop = To deselect a block or stop building, [accent]use space[]. text.construction.title = Block Construction Guide text.construction = You've just selected [accent]block construction mode[].\n\nTo begin placing, simply tap a valid location near your ship.\nOnce you have selected some blocks, press the checkbox to confirm, and your ship will begin constructing them.\n\n- [accent]Remove blocks[] from your selection by tapping them.\n- [accent]Shift the selection[] by holding and dragging any block in the selection.\n- [accent]Place blocks in a line[] by tapping and holding an empty spot, then dragging in a direction.\n- [accent]Cancel construction or selection[] by pressing the X at the bottom left. text.deconstruction.title = Block Deconstruction Guide text.deconstruction = You've just selected [accent]block deconstruction mode[].\n\nTo begin breaking, simply tap a block near your ship.\nOnce you have selected some blocks, press the checkbox to confirm, and your ship will begin de-constructing them.\n\n- [accent]Remove blocks[] from your selection by tapping them.\n- [accent]Remove blocks in an area[] by tapping and holding an empty spot, then dragging in a direction.\n- [accent]Cancel deconstruction or selection[] by pressing the X at the bottom left. text.showagain = Don't show again next session text.coreattack = < Core is under attack! > text.unlocks = Unlocks text.savegame = Save Game text.loadgame = Load Game text.joingame = Join Game text.addplayers = Add/Remove Players text.customgame = Custom Game text.sectors = Sectors text.sector = Sector: [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} text.sector.time = Time: [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} text.sector.deploy = Deploy text.sector.abandon = Abandon text.sector.abandon.confirm = Are you sure you want to abandon all progress at this sector?\nThis cannot be undone! text.sector.resume = Resume text.sector.locked = [scarlet][[Incomplete] text.sector.unexplored = [accent][[Unexplored] text.missions = Missions:[LIGHT_GRAY] {0} text.mission = Mission:[LIGHT_GRAY] {0} text.mission.main = Main Mission:[LIGHT_GRAY] {0} text.mission.info = Mission Info text.mission.complete = Mission complete! text.mission.complete.body = Sector {0},{1} has been conquered. text.mission.wave = Survive[accent] {0}/{1} []waves\nWave in {2} text.mission.wave.enemies = Survive[accent] {0}/{1} []waves\n{2} Enemies text.mission.wave.enemy = Survive[accent] {0}/{1} []waves\n{2} Enemy text.mission.wave.menu = Survive[accent] {0}[] waves text.mission.battle = Destroy enemy core text.mission.resource.menu = Obtain {0} x{1} text.mission.resource = Obtain {0}:\n[accent]{1}/{2}[] text.mission.block = Create {0} text.mission.unit = Create {0} Unit text.mission.command = Send Command {0} To Units text.mission.linknode = Link Power Node text.mission.display = [accent]Mission:\n[LIGHT_GRAY]{0} text.mission.mech = Switch to mech[accent] {0}[] text.mission.create = Create[accent] {0}[] text.none = <none> text.close = Close text.quit = Quit text.maps = Maps text.continue = Continue text.nextmission = Next Mission text.maps.none = [LIGHT_GRAY]No maps found! text.about.button = About text.name = Name: text.noname = Pick a[accent] player name[] first. text.filename = File Name: text.unlocked = New Block Unlocked! text.unlocked.plural = New Blocks Unlocked! text.players = {0} players online text.players.single = {0} player online text.server.closing = [accent]Closing server... text.server.kicked.kick = You have been kicked from the server! text.server.kicked.serverClose = Server closed. text.server.kicked.sectorComplete = Sector completed. text.server.kicked.sectorComplete.text = Your mission is complete.\nThe server will now continue at the next sector. text.server.kicked.clientOutdated = Outdated client! Update your game! text.server.kicked.serverOutdated = Outdated server! Ask the host to update! text.server.kicked.banned = You are banned on this server. text.server.kicked.recentKick = You have been kicked recently.\nWait before connecting again. text.server.kicked.nameInUse = There is someone with that name\nalready on this server. text.server.kicked.nameEmpty = Your chosen name is invalid. text.server.kicked.idInUse = You are already on this server! Connecting with two accounts is not permitted. text.server.kicked.customClient = This server does not support custom builds. Download an official version. text.host.info = The [accent]host[] button hosts a server on port [scarlet]6567[]. \nAnybody on the same [LIGHT_GRAY]wifi or local network[] should be able to see your server in their server list.\n\nIf you want people to be able to connect from anywhere by IP, [accent]port forwarding[] is required.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]Note: If someone is experiencing trouble connecting to your LAN game, make sure you have allowed Mindustry access to your local network in your firewall settings. text.join.info = Here, you can enter a [accent]server IP[] to connect to, or discover [accent]local network[] servers to connect to.\nBoth LAN and WAN multiplayer is supported.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]Note: There is no automatic global server list; if you want to connect to someone by IP, you would need to ask the host for their IP. text.hostserver = Host Game text.hostserver.mobile = Host\nGame text.host = Host text.hosting = [accent]Opening server... text.hosts.refresh = Refresh text.hosts.discovering = Discovering LAN games text.server.refreshing = Refreshing server text.hosts.none = [lightgray]No local games found! text.host.invalid = [scarlet]Can't connect to host. text.trace = Trace Player text.trace.playername = Player name: [accent]{0} text.trace.ip = IP: [accent]{0} text.trace.id = Unique ID: [accent]{0} text.trace.android = Android Client: [accent]{0} text.trace.modclient = Custom Client: [accent]{0} text.trace.totalblocksbroken = Total blocks broken: [accent]{0} text.trace.structureblocksbroken = Structure blocks broken: [accent]{0} text.trace.lastblockbroken = Last block broken: [accent]{0} text.trace.totalblocksplaced = Total blocks placed: [accent]{0} text.trace.lastblockplaced = Last block placed: [accent]{0} text.invalidid = Invalid client ID! Submit a bug report. text.server.bans = Bans text.server.bans.none = No banned players found! text.server.admins = Admins text.server.admins.none = No admins found! text.server.add = Add Server text.server.delete = Are you sure you want to delete this server? text.server.hostname = Host: {0} text.server.edit = Edit Server text.server.outdated = [crimson]Outdated Server![] text.server.outdated.client = [crimson]Outdated Client![] text.server.version = [lightgray]Version: {0} {1} text.server.custombuild = [yellow]Custom Build text.confirmban = Are you sure you want to ban this player? text.confirmkick = Are you sure you want to kick this player? text.confirmunban = Are you sure you want to unban this player? text.confirmadmin = Are you sure you want to make this player an admin? text.confirmunadmin = Are you sure you want to remove admin status from this player? text.joingame.title = Join Game text.joingame.ip = Address: text.disconnect = Disconnected. text.disconnect.data = Failed to load world data! text.connecting = [accent]Connecting... text.connecting.data = [accent]Loading world data... text.server.port = Port: text.server.addressinuse = Address already in use! text.server.invalidport = Invalid port number! text.server.error = [crimson]Error hosting server: [accent]{0} text.save.old = This save is for an older version of the game, and can no longer be used.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]Save backwards compatibility will be implemented in the full 4.0 release. text.save.new = New Save text.save.overwrite = Are you sure you want to overwrite\nthis save slot? text.overwrite = Overwrite text.save.none = No saves found! text.saveload = [accent]Saving... text.savefail = Failed to save game! text.save.delete.confirm = Are you sure you want to delete this save? text.save.delete = Delete text.save.export = Export Save text.save.import.invalid = [accent]This save is invalid! text.save.import.fail = [crimson]Failed to import save: [accent]{0} text.save.export.fail = [crimson]Failed to export save: [accent]{0} text.save.import = Import Save text.save.newslot = Save name: text.save.rename = Rename text.save.rename.text = New name: text.selectslot = Select a save. text.slot = [accent]Slot {0} text.save.corrupted = [accent]Save file corrupted or invalid!\nIf you have just updated your game, this is probably a change in the save format and [scarlet]not[] a bug. text.sector.corrupted = [accent]A save file for this sector was found, but loading failed.\nA new one has been created. text.empty = <empty> text.on = On text.off = Off text.save.autosave = Autosave: {0} text.save.map = Map: {0} text.save.wave = Wave {0} text.save.difficulty = Difficulty: {0} text.save.date = Last Saved: {0} text.save.playtime = Playtime: {0} text.confirm = Confirm text.delete = Delete text.ok = OK text.open = Open text.cancel = Cancel text.openlink = Open Link text.copylink = Copy Link text.back = Back text.quit.confirm = Are you sure you want to quit? text.changelog.title = Changelog text.changelog.loading = Getting changelog... text.changelog.error.android = [accent]Note that the changelog sometimes does not work on Android 4.4 and below!\nThis is due to an internal Android bug. text.changelog.error.ios = [accent]The changelog is currently not supported in iOS. text.changelog.error = [scarlet]Error getting changelog!\nCheck your internet connection. text.changelog.current = [yellow][[Current version] text.changelog.latest = [accent][[Latest version] text.loading = [accent]Loading... text.saving = [accent]Saving... text.wave = [accent]Wave {0} text.wave.waiting = [LIGHT_GRAY]Wave in {0} text.waiting = [LIGHT_GRAY]Waiting... text.waiting.players = Waiting for players... text.wave.enemies = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} Enemies Remaining text.wave.enemy = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} Enemy Remaining text.loadimage = Load Image text.saveimage = Save Image text.unknown = Unknown text.custom = Custom text.builtin = Built-In text.map.delete.confirm = Are you sure you want to delete this map? This action cannot be undone! text.map.random = [accent]Random Map text.map.nospawn = This map does not have any cores for the player to spawn in! Add a[ROYAL] blue[] core to this map in the editor. text.map.nospawn.pvp = This map does not have any enemy cores for player to spawn into! Add[SCARLET] red[] cores to this map in the editor. text.map.invalid = Error loading map: corrupted or invalid map file. text.editor.brush = Brush text.editor.slope = \\ text.editor.openin = Open In Editor text.editor.oregen = Ore Generation text.editor.oregen.info = Ore Generation: text.editor.mapinfo = Map Info text.editor.author = Author: text.editor.description = Description: text.editor.name = Name: text.editor.teams = Teams text.editor.elevation = Elevation text.editor.errorimageload = Error loading file:\n[accent]{0} text.editor.errorimagesave = Error saving file:\n[accent]{0} text.editor.generate = Generate text.editor.resize = Resize text.editor.loadmap = Load Map text.editor.savemap = Save Map text.editor.saved = Saved! text.editor.save.noname = Your map does not have a name! Set one in the 'map info' menu. text.editor.save.overwrite = Your map overwrites a built-in map! Pick a different name in the 'map info' menu. text.editor.import.exists = [scarlet]Unable to import:[] a built-in map named '{0}' already exists! text.editor.import = Import... text.editor.importmap = Import Map text.editor.importmap.description = Import an already existing map text.editor.importfile = Import File text.editor.importfile.description = Import an external map file text.editor.importimage = Import Legacy Image text.editor.importimage.description = Import an external map image file text.editor.export = Export... text.editor.exportfile = Export File text.editor.exportfile.description = Export a map file text.editor.exportimage = Export Terrain Image text.editor.exportimage.description = Export a map image file text.editor.loadimage = Import Terrain text.editor.saveimage = Export Terrain text.editor.unsaved = [scarlet]You have unsaved changes![]\nAre you sure you want to exit? text.editor.resizemap = Resize Map text.editor.mapname = Map Name: text.editor.overwrite = [accent]Warning!\nThis overwrites an existing map. text.editor.overwrite.confirm = [scarlet]Warning![] A map with this name already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it? text.editor.selectmap = Select a map to load: text.width = Width: text.height = Height: text.menu = Menu text.play = Play text.load = Load text.save = Save text.fps = FPS: {0} text.tps = TPS: {0} text.ping = Ping: {0}ms text.language.restart = Please restart your game for the language settings to take effect. text.settings = Settings text.tutorial = Tutorial text.editor = Editor text.mapeditor = Map Editor text.donate = Donate text.connectfail = [crimson]Failed to connect to server:\n\n[accent]{0} text.error.unreachable = Server unreachable.\nIs the address spelled correctly? text.error.invalidaddress = Invalid address. text.error.timedout = Timed out!\nMake sure the host has port forwarding set up, and that the address is correct! text.error.mismatch = Packet error:\npossible client/server version mismatch.\nMake sure you and the host have the latest version of Mindustry! text.error.alreadyconnected = Already connected. text.error.mapnotfound = Map file not found! text.error.any = Unknown network error. text.settings.language = Language text.settings.reset = Reset to Defaults text.settings.rebind = Rebind text.settings.controls = Controls text.settings.game = Game text.settings.sound = Sound text.settings.graphics = Graphics text.settings.cleardata = Clear Game Data... text.settings.clear.confirm = Are you sure you want to clear this data?\nWhat is done cannot be undone! text.settings.clearall.confirm = [scarlet]WARNING![]\nThis will clear all data, including saves, maps, unlocks and keybinds.\nOnce you press 'ok' the game will wipe all data and automatically exit. text.settings.clearsectors = Clear Sectors text.settings.clearunlocks = Clear Unlocks text.settings.clearall = Clear All text.paused = [accent]< Paused > text.yes = Yes text.no = No text.info.title = Info text.error.title = [crimson]An error has occured text.error.crashtitle = An error has occured text.blocks.unknown=[LIGHT_GRAY]??? text.blocks.blockinfo = Block Info text.blocks.powercapacity = Power Capacity text.blocks.powershot = Power/Shot text.blocks.targetsair = Targets Air text.blocks.itemspeed = Units Moved text.blocks.shootrange = Range text.blocks.size = Size text.blocks.liquidcapacity = Liquid Capacity text.blocks.maxitemssecond = Max Items text.blocks.powerrange = Power Range text.blocks.poweruse = Power Use text.blocks.powerdamage = Power/Damage text.blocks.inputitemcapacity = Input Item Capacity text.blocks.outputitemcapacity = Output Item Capacity text.blocks.itemcapacity = Item Capacity text.blocks.basepowergeneration = Base Power Generation text.blocks.powertransferspeed = Power Transfer text.blocks.craftspeed = Production Speed text.blocks.inputliquid = Input Liquid text.blocks.inputliquidaux = Aux Liquid text.blocks.inputitem = Input Item text.blocks.inputitems = Input Items text.blocks.outputitem = Output Item text.blocks.drilltier = Drillables text.blocks.drillspeed = Base Drill Speed text.blocks.liquidoutput = Liquid Output text.blocks.liquidoutputspeed = Liquid Output Speed text.blocks.liquiduse = Liquid Use text.blocks.coolant = Coolant text.blocks.coolantuse = Coolant Use text.blocks.inputliquidfuel = Fuel Liquid text.blocks.liquidfueluse = Liquid Fuel Use text.blocks.boostitem = Boost Item text.blocks.boostliquid = Boost Liquid text.blocks.health = Health text.blocks.inaccuracy = Inaccuracy text.blocks.shots = Shots text.blocks.reload = Shots/Second text.blocks.inputfuel = Fuel text.blocks.fuelburntime = Fuel Burn Time text.blocks.inputcapacity = Input capacity text.blocks.outputcapacity = Output capacity text.unit.blocks = blocks text.unit.powersecond = power units/second text.unit.liquidsecond = liquid units/second text.unit.itemssecond = items/second text.unit.pixelssecond = pixels/second text.unit.liquidunits = liquid units text.unit.powerunits = power units text.unit.degrees = degrees text.unit.seconds = seconds text.unit.items = items text.category.general = General text.category.power = Power text.category.liquids = Liquids text.category.items = Items text.category.crafting = Crafting text.category.shooting = Shooting text.category.optional = Optional Enhancements setting.indicators.name = Ally Indicators setting.autotarget.name = Auto-Target setting.fpscap.name = Max FPS setting.fpscap.none = None setting.fpscap.text = {0} FPS setting.difficulty.training = training setting.difficulty.easy = easy setting.difficulty.normal = normal setting.difficulty.hard = hard setting.difficulty.insane = insane setting.difficulty.name = Difficulty: setting.screenshake.name = Screen Shake setting.effects.name = Display Effects setting.sensitivity.name = Controller Sensitivity setting.saveinterval.name = Autosave Interval setting.seconds = {0} Seconds setting.fullscreen.name = Fullscreen setting.fps.name = Show FPS setting.vsync.name = VSync setting.lasers.name = Show Power Lasers setting.minimap.name = Show Minimap setting.musicvol.name = Music Volume setting.mutemusic.name = Mute Music setting.sfxvol.name = SFX Volume setting.mutesound.name = Mute Sound setting.crashreport.name = Send Anonymous Crash Reports text.keybind.title = Rebind Keys category.general.name = General category.view.name = View category.multiplayer.name = Multiplayer command.attack = Attack command.retreat = Retreat command.patrol = Patrol keybind.press = Press a key... keybind.press.axis = Press an axis or key... keybind.screenshot.name = Map Screenshot keybind.move_x.name = Move x keybind.move_y.name = Move y keybind.select.name = Select/Shoot keybind.break.name = Break keybind.deselect.name = Deselect keybind.shoot.name = Shoot keybind.zoom_hold.name = Zoom Hold keybind.zoom.name = Zoom keybind.menu.name = Menu keybind.pause.name = Pause keybind.dash.name = Dash keybind.chat.name = Chat keybind.player_list.name = Player list keybind.console.name = Console keybind.rotate.name = Rotate keybind.toggle_menus.name = Toggle menus keybind.chat_history_prev.name = Chat history prev keybind.chat_history_next.name = Chat history next keybind.chat_scroll.name = Chat scroll keybind.drop_unit.name = drop unit keybind.zoom_minimap.name = Zoom minimap mode.text.help.title = Description of modes mode.waves.name = waves mode.waves.description = the normal mode. limited resources and automatic incoming waves. mode.sandbox.name = sandbox mode.sandbox.description = infinite resources and no timer for waves. mode.freebuild.name = freebuild mode.freebuild.description = limited resources and no timer for waves. mode.pvp.name = PvP mode.pvp.description = fight against other players locally. content.item.name = Items content.liquid.name = Liquids content.unit.name = Units content.recipe.name = Blocks content.mech.name = Mechs item.stone.name = Stone item.stone.description = A common raw material. Used for separating and refining into other materials, or melting into lava. item.copper.name = Copper item.copper.description = A useful structure material. Used extensively in all types of blocks. item.lead.name = Lead item.lead.description = A basic starter material. Used extensively in electronics and liquid transportation blocks. item.coal.name = Coal item.coal.description = A common and readily available fuel. item.dense-alloy.name = Dense Alloy item.dense-alloy.description = A tough alloy made with lead and copper. Used in advanced transportation blocks and high-tier drills. item.titanium.name = Titanium item.titanium.description = A rare super-light metal used extensively in liquid transportation, drills and aircraft. item.thorium.name = Thorium item.thorium.description = A dense, radioactive metal used as structural support and nuclear fuel. item.silicon.name = Silicon item.silicon.description = An extremely useful semiconductor, with applications in solar panels and many complex electronics. item.plastanium.name = Plastanium item.plastanium.description = A light, ductile material used in advanced aircraft and fragmentation ammunition. item.phase-fabric.name = Phase Fabric item.phase-fabric.description = A near-weightless substance used in advanced electronics and self-repairing technology. item.surge-alloy.name = Surge Alloy item.surge-alloy.description = An advanced alloy with unique electrical properties. item.biomatter.name = Biomatter item.biomatter.description = A clump of organic mush; used for conversion into oil or as a basic fuel. item.sand.name = Sand item.sand.description = A common material that is used extensively in smelting, both in alloying and as a flux. item.blast-compound.name = Blast Compound item.blast-compound.description = A volatile compound used in bombs and explosives. While it can burned as fuel, this is not advised. item.pyratite.name = Pyratite item.pyratite.description = An extremely flammable substance used in incendiary weapons. liquid.water.name = Water liquid.lava.name = Lava liquid.oil.name = Oil liquid.cryofluid.name = Cryofluid mech.alpha-mech.name = Alpha mech.alpha-mech.weapon = Heavy Repeater mech.alpha-mech.ability = Drone Swarm mech.alpha-mech.description = The standard mech. Has decent speed and damage output; can create up to 3 drones for increased offensive capability. mech.delta-mech.name = Delta mech.delta-mech.weapon = Arc Generator mech.delta-mech.ability = Discharge mech.delta-mech.description = A fast, lightly-armored mech made for hit-and-run attacks. Does little damage against structures, but can kill large groups of enemy units very quickly with its arc lightning weapons. mech.tau-mech.name = Tau mech.tau-mech.weapon = Restruct Laser mech.tau-mech.ability = Repair Burst mech.tau-mech.description = The support mech. Heals allied blocks by shooting at them. Can heal allies in a radius with its repair ability. mech.omega-mech.name = Omega mech.omega-mech.weapon = Swarm Missiles mech.omega-mech.ability = Armored Configuration mech.omega-mech.description = A bulky and well-armored mech, made for front-line assaults. Its armor ability can block up to 90% of incoming damage. mech.dart-ship.name = Dart mech.dart-ship.weapon = Repeater mech.dart-ship.description = The standard ship. Reasonably fast and light, but has little offensive capability and low mining speed. mech.javelin-ship.name = Javelin mech.javelin-ship.description = A hit-and-run strike ship. While initially slow, it can accelerate to great speeds and fly by enemy outposts, dealing large amounts of damage with its lightning ability and missiles. mech.javelin-ship.weapon = Burst Missiles mech.javelin-ship.ability = Discharge Booster mech.trident-ship.name = Trident mech.trident-ship.description = A heavy bomber. Reasonably well armored. mech.trident-ship.weapon = Bomb Bay mech.glaive-ship.name = Glaive mech.glaive-ship.description = A large, well-armored gunship. Equipped with an incendiary repeater. Good acceleration and maximum speed. mech.glaive-ship.weapon = Flame Repeater text.item.explosiveness = [LIGHT_GRAY]Explosiveness: {0}% text.item.flammability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Flammability: {0}% text.item.radioactivity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Radioactivity: {0}% text.item.fluxiness = [LIGHT_GRAY]Flux Power: {0}% text.unit.health = [LIGHT_GRAY]Health: {0} text.unit.speed = [LIGHT_GRAY]Speed: {0} text.mech.weapon = [LIGHT_GRAY]Weapon: {0} text.mech.armor = [LIGHT_GRAY]Armor: {0} text.mech.itemcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Item Capacity: {0} text.mech.minespeed = [LIGHT_GRAY]Mining Speed: {0} text.mech.minepower = [LIGHT_GRAY]Mining Power: {0} text.mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Ability: {0} text.liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Heat Capacity: {0} text.liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Viscosity: {0} text.liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]Temperature: {0} block.constructing = {0} [LIGHT_GRAY](Constructing) block.spawn.name = Enemy Spawn block.core.name = Core block.metalfloor.name = Metal Floor block.deepwater.name = deepwater block.water.name = water block.lava.name = lava block.tar.name = Tar block.blackstone.name = Black Stone block.stone.name = Stone block.dirt.name = Dirt block.sand.name = Sand block.ice.name = Ice block.snow.name = Snow block.grass.name = Grass block.shrub.name = Shrub block.rock.name = Rock block.blackrock.name = Black Rock block.icerock.name = icerock block.copper-wall.name = Copper Wall block.copper-wall-large.name = Large Copper Wall block.dense-alloy-wall.name = Dense Alloy Wall block.dense-alloy-wall-large.name = Large Dense Alloy Wall block.phase-wall.name = Phase Wall block.phase-wall-large.name = Large Phase Wall block.thorium-wall.name = Thorium Wall block.thorium-wall-large.name = Large Thorium Wall block.door.name = Door block.door-large.name = Large Door block.duo.name = Duo block.scorch.name = Scorch block.hail.name = Hail block.lancer.name = Lancer block.conveyor.name = Conveyor block.titanium-conveyor.name = Titanium Conveyor block.junction.name = Junction block.router.name = Router block.distributor.name = Distributor block.sorter.name = Sorter block.sorter.description = Sorts items. If an item matches the selection, it is allowed to pass. Otherwise, the item is outputted to the left and right. block.overflow-gate.name = Overflow Gate block.overflow-gate.description = A combination splitter and router that only outputs to the left and right if the front path is blocked. block.smelter.name = Smelter block.arc-smelter.name = Arc Smelter block.silicon-smelter.name = Silicon Smelter block.phase-weaver.name = Phase Weaver block.pulverizer.name = Pulverizer block.cryofluidmixer.name = Cryofluid Mixer block.melter.name = Melter block.incinerator.name = Incinerator block.biomattercompressor.name = Biomatter Compressor block.separator.name = Separator block.centrifuge.name = Centrifuge block.power-node.name = Power Node block.power-node-large.name = Large Power Node block.battery.name = Battery block.battery-large.name = Large Battery block.combustion-generator.name = Combustion Generator block.turbine-generator.name = Turbine Generator block.mechanical-drill.name = Mechanical Drill block.pneumatic-drill.name = Pneumatic Drill block.laser-drill.name = Laser Drill block.water-extractor.name = Water Extractor block.cultivator.name = Cultivator block.alpha-mech-pad.name = Alpha Mech Pad block.dart-ship-pad.name = Dart Ship Pad block.delta-mech-pad.name = Delta Mech Pad block.javelin-ship-pad.name = Javelin Ship Pad block.trident-ship-pad.name = Trident Ship Pad block.glaive-ship-pad.name = Glaive Ship Pad block.omega-mech-pad.name = Omega Mech Pad block.tau-mech-pad.name = Tau Mech Pad block.conduit.name = Conduit block.mechanical-pump.name = Mechanical Pump block.itemsource.name = Item Source block.itemvoid.name = Item Void block.liquidsource.name = Liquid Source block.powervoid.name = Power Void block.powerinfinite.name = Power Infinite block.unloader.name = Unloader block.vault.name = Vault block.wave.name = Wave block.swarmer.name = Swarmer block.salvo.name = Salvo block.ripple.name = Ripple block.phase-conveyor.name = Phase Conveyor block.bridge-conveyor.name = Bridge Conveyor block.plastanium-compressor.name = Plastanium Compressor block.pyratite-mixer.name = Pyratite Mixer block.blast-mixer.name = Blast Mixer block.solidifer.name = Solidifer block.solar-panel.name = Solar Panel block.solar-panel-large.name = Large Solar Panel block.oil-extractor.name = Oil Extractor block.spirit-factory.name = Spirit Drone Factory block.phantom-factory.name = Phantom Drone Factory block.wraith-factory.name = Wraith Fighter Factory block.ghoul-factory.name = Ghoul Bomber Factory block.dagger-factory.name = Dagger Mech Factory block.titan-factory.name = Titan Mech Factory block.fortress-factory.name = Fortress Mech Factory block.revenant-factory.name = Revenant Fighter Factory block.repair-point.name = Repair Point block.pulse-conduit.name = Pulse Conduit block.phase-conduit.name = Phase Conduit block.liquid-router.name = Liquid Router block.liquid-tank.name = Liquid Tank block.liquid-junction.name = Liquid Junction block.bridge-conduit.name = Bridge Conduit block.rotary-pump.name = Rotary Pump block.thorium-reactor.name = Thorium Reactor block.command-center.name = Command Center block.mass-driver.name = Mass Driver block.blast-drill.name = Airblast Drill block.thermal-pump.name = Thermal Pump block.thermal-generator.name = Thermal Generator block.alloy-smelter.name = Alloy Smelter block.mend-projector.name = Mend Projector block.surge-wall.name = Surge Wall block.surge-wall-large.name = Large Surge Wall block.cyclone.name = Cyclone block.fuse.name = Fuse block.shock-mine.name = Shock Mine block.overdrive-projector.name = Overdrive Projector block.force-projector.name = Force Projector block.arc.name = Arc block.rtg-generator.name = RTG Generator block.spectre.name = Spectre block.meltdown.name = Meltdown block.container.name = Container block.core.description = The most important building in the game. team.blue.name = blue team.red.name = red team.orange.name = orange team.none.name = gray team.green.name = green team.purple.name = purple unit.alpha-drone.name = Alpha Drone unit.spirit.name = Spirit Drone unit.spirit.description = The starter drone unit. Spawns in the core by default. Automatically mines ores and repairs blocks. unit.phantom.name = Phantom Drone unit.phantom.description = An advanced drone unit. Automatically mines ores and repairs blocks. Significantly more effective than a spirit drone. unit.dagger.name = Dagger unit.dagger.description = A basic ground unit. Useful in swarms. unit.titan.name = Titan unit.titan.description = An advanced, armored ground unit. Attacks both ground and air targets. unit.ghoul.name = Ghoul Bomber unit.ghoul.description = A heavy carpet bomber. unit.wraith.name = Wraith Fighter unit.wraith.description = A fast, hit-and-run interceptor unit. unit.fortress.name = Fortress unit.fortress.description = A heavy artillery ground unit. unit.revenant.name = Revenant unit.revenant.description = A heavy laser platform. tutorial.begin = Your mission here is to eradicate the[LIGHT_GRAY] enemy[].\n\nBegin by[accent] mining copper[]. Tap a copper ore vein near your core to do this. tutorial.drill = Mining manually is inefficient.\n[accent]Drills []can mine automatically.\nPlace one on a copper vein. tutorial.conveyor = [accent]Conveyors[] are used to transport items to the core.\nMake a line of conveyors from the drill to the core. tutorial.morecopper = More copper is required.\n\nEither mine it manually, or place more drills. tutorial.turret = Defensive structures must be built to repel the[LIGHT_GRAY] enemy[].\nBuild a duo turret near your base. tutorial.drillturret = Duo turrets require[accent] copper ammo []to shoot.\nPlace a drill next to the turret to supply it with mined copper. tutorial.waves = The[LIGHT_GRAY] enemy[] approaches.\n\nDefend your core for 2 waves. Build more turrets. tutorial.lead = More ores are available. Explore and mine[accent] lead[].\n\nDrag from your unit to the core to transfer resources. tutorial.smelter = Copper and lead are weak metals.\nSuperior[accent] Dense Alloy[] can be created in a smelter.\n\nBuild one. tutorial.densealloy = The smelter will now produce alloy.\nGet some.\nImprove the production if necessary. tutorial.siliconsmelter = The core will now create a[accent] spirit drone[] for mining and repairing blocks.\n\nFactories for other units can be created with [accent] silicon.\nMake a silicon smelter. tutorial.silicondrill = Silicon requires[accent] coal[] and[accent] sand[].\nStart by making drills. tutorial.generator = This technology requires power.\nCreate a[accent] combustion generator[] for it. tutorial.generatordrill = Combustion generators need fuel.\nFuel it with coal from a drill. tutorial.node = Power requires transport.\nCreate a[accent] power node[] next to your combustion generator to transfer its power. tutorial.nodelink = Power can be transferred through contacting power blocks and generators, or by linked power nodes.\n\nLink power by tapping the node and selecting the generator and silicon smelter. tutorial.silicon = Silicon is being produced. Get some.\n\nImproving the production system is advised. tutorial.daggerfactory = Construct a[accent] dagger mech factory.[]\n\nThis will be used to create attack mechs. tutorial.router = Factories need resources to function.\nCreate a router to split conveyor resources. tutorial.dagger = Link power nodes to the factory.\nOnce requirements are met, a mech will be created.\n\nCreate more drills, generators and conveyors as necessary. tutorial.battle = The[LIGHT_GRAY] enemy[] has revealed their core.\nDestroy it with your unit and dagger mechs. block.copper-wall.description = A cheap defensive block.\nUseful for protecting the core and turrets in the first few waves. block.copper-wall-large.description = A cheap defensive block.\nUseful for protecting the core and turrets in the first few waves.\nSpans multiple tiles. block.dense-alloy-wall.description = A standard defensive block.\nAdequate protection from enemies. block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = A standard defensive block.\nAdequate protection from enemies.\nSpans multiple tiles. block.thorium-wall.description = A strong defensive block.\nGood protection from enemies. block.thorium-wall-large.description = A strong defensive block.\nGood protection from enemies.\nSpans multiple tiles. block.phase-wall.description = Not as strong as a thorium wall but will deflect bullets unless they are too powerful. block.phase-wall-large.description = Not as strong as a thorium wall but will deflect bullets unless they are too powerful.\nSpans multiple tiles. block.surge-wall.description = The strongest defensive block.\nHas a small chance of triggering lightning towards the attacker. block.surge-wall-large.description = The strongest defensive block.\nHas a small chance of triggering lightning towards the attacker.\nSpans multiple tiles. block.door.description = A small door that can be opened and closed by tapping on it.\nIf opened, enemies can shoot and move through. block.door-large.description = A large door that can be opened and closed by tapping on it.\nIf opened, enemies can shoot and move through.\nSpans multiple tiles. block.mend-projector.description = Periodically heals blocks in its vicinity. block.overdrive-projector.description = Increases the speed of nearby buildings like drills and conveyors. block.force-projector.description = Creates a hexagonal force field around itself, protecting buildings and units inside from damage through bullets. block.shock-mine.description = Damages enemies stepping on the mine. Nearly invisible to the enemy. block.duo.description = A small, cheap turret. block.arc.description = A small turret which shoots electricity in a random arc towards the enemy. block.hail.description = A small artillery turret. block.lancer.description = A medium-sized turret which shoots charged electricity beams. block.wave.description = A medium-sized rapid-fire turret which shoots liquid bubbles. block.salvo.description = A medium-sized turret which fires shots in salvos. block.swarmer.description = A medium-sized turret which shoots burst missiles. block.ripple.description = A large artillery turret which fires several shots simultaneously. block.cyclone.description = A large rapid fire turret. block.fuse.description = A large turret which shoots powerful short-range beams. block.spectre.description = A large turret which shoots two powerful bullets at once. block.meltdown.description = A large turret which shoots powerful long-range beams. block.conveyor.description = Basic item transport block. Moved items forward and automatically deposits them into turrets or crafters. Rotatable. block.titanium-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Moves items faster than standard conveyors. block.phase-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Uses power to teleport items to a connected phase conveyor over several tiles. block.junction.description = Acts as a bridge for two crossing conveyor belts. Useful in situations with two different conveyors carrying different materials to different locations. block.mass-driver.description = Ultimate item transport block. Collects several items and then shoots them to another mass driver over a long range. block.smelter.description = Burns coal for smelting copper and lead into dense alloy. block.arc-smelter.description = Smelts copper and lead into dense alloy by using an external power source. block.silicon-smelter.description = Reduces sand with highly pure coke in order to produce silicon. block.plastanium-compressor.description = Produces plastanium from oil and titanium. block.phase-weaver.description = Produces phase fabric from radioactive thorium and high amounts of sand. block.alloy-smelter.description = Produces surge alloy from titanium, lead, silicon and copper. block.pulverizer.description = Crushes stone into sand. Useful when there is a lack of natural sand. block.pyratite-mixer.description = Mixes coal, lead and sand into highly flammable pyratite. block.blast-mixer.description = Uses oil for transforming pyratite into the less flammable but more explosive blast compound. block.cryofluidmixer.description = Combines water and titanium into cryofluid which is much more efficient for cooling. block.solidifer.description = Cools lava to stone at a fast pace. block.melter.description = Heats up stone to very high temperatures to obtain lava. block.incinerator.description = Gets rid of any excess item or liquid. block.biomattercompressor.description = Compresses biomatter in order to retrieve oil. block.separator.description = Exposes stone to water pressure in order to obtain various minerals contained in the stone. block.centrifuge.description = More efficient than the separator, but also more expensive to build and requires power. block.power-node.description = Transmits power to connected nodes. Up to four power sources, sinks or nodes can be connected. The node will receive power from or supply power to any adjacent blocks. block.power-node-large.description = Has a larger radius than the power node and connects to up to six power sources, sinks or nodes. block.battery.description = Stores power whenever there is an abundance and provides power whenever there is a shortage, as long as there is capacity left. block.battery-large.description = Stores much more power than a regular battery. block.combustion-generator.description = Generates power by burning oil or flammable materials. block.turbine-generator.description = More efficient than a combustion generator, but requires additional water. block.thermal-generator.description = Generates a large amount of power from lava. block.solar-panel.description = Provides a small amount of power from the sun. block.solar-panel-large.description = Provides much better power supply than a standard solar panel, but is also much more expensive to build. block.thorium-reactor.description = Generates huge amounts of power from highly radioactive thorium. Requires constant cooling. Will explode violently if insufficient amounts of coolant are supplied. Power output depends on fullness, with base power generated at half capacity. block.rtg-generator.description = A radioisotope thermoelectric generator which does not require cooling but provides less power than a thorium reactor. block.unloader.description = Unloads items from a container, vault or core onto a conveyor or directly into an adjacent block. The type of item to be unloaded can be changed by tapping on the unloader. block.container.description = Stores a small amount of items of each type. Adjacent containers, vaults and cores will be treated as a single storage unit. An[LIGHT_GRAY] unloader[] can be used to retrieve items from the container. block.vault.description = Stores a large amount of items of each type. Adjacent containers, vaults and cores will be treated as a single storage unit. An[LIGHT_GRAY] unloader[] can be used to retrieve items from the vault. block.mechanical-drill.description = A cheap drill. When placed on appropriate tiles, outputs items at a slow pace indefinitely. block.pneumatic-drill.description = An improved drill which is faster and able to process harder materials by making use of air pressure. block.laser-drill.description = Allows drilling even faster through laser technology, but requires power. Additionally, radioactive thorium can be retrieved with this drill. block.blast-drill.description = The ultimate drill. Requires large amounts of power. block.water-extractor.description = Extracts water from the ground. Use it when there is no lake nearby. block.cultivator.description = Cultivates the soil with water in order to obtain biomatter. block.oil-extractor.description = Uses large amounts of power in order to extract oil from sand. Use it when there is no direct source of oil nearby. block.dart-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a basic fighter aircraft.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it. block.trident-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a reasonably well armored heavy bomber.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it. block.javelin-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a strong and fast interceptor with lightning weapons.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it. block.glaive-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a large, well-armored gunship.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it. block.tau-mech-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a support mech which can heal friendly buildings and units.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it. block.delta-mech-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a fast, lightly-armored mech made for hit-and-run attacks.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it. block.omega-mech-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a bulky and well-armored mech, made for front-line assaults.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it. block.spirit-factory.description = Produces light drones which mine ore and repair blocks. block.phantom-factory.description = Produces advanced drone units which are significantly more effective than a spirit drone. block.wraith-factory.description = Produces fast, hit-and-run interceptor units. block.ghoul-factory.description = Produces heavy carpet bombers. block.dagger-factory.description = Produces basic ground units. block.titan-factory.description = Produces advanced, armored ground units. block.fortress-factory.description = Produces heavy artillery ground units. block.revenant-factory.description = Produces heavy laser air units. block.repair-point.description = Continuously heals the closest damaged unit in its vicinity. block.command-center.description = Allows changing friendly AI behavior. Currently, attack, retreat and patrol commands are supported. block.conduit.description = Basic liquid transport block. Works like a conveyor, but with liquids. Best used with extractors, pumps or other conduits. block.pulse-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Transports liquids faster and stores more than standard conduits. block.phase-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Uses power to teleport liquids to a connected phase conduit over several tiles. block.liquid-router.description = Accepts liquids from one direction and outputs them to up to 3 other directions equally. Can also store a certain amount of liquid. Useful for splitting the liquids from one source to multiple targets. block.liquid-tank.description = Stores a large amount of liquids. Use it for creating buffers when there is a non-constant demand of materials or as a safeguard for cooling vital blocks. block.liquid-junction.description = Acts as a bridge for two crossing conduits. Useful in situations with two different conduits carrying different liquids to different locations. block.bridge-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Allows transporting liquids over up to 3 tiles of any terrain or building. block.mechanical-pump.description = A cheap pump with slow output, but no power consumption. block.rotary-pump.description = An advanced pump which doubles up speed by using power. block.thermal-pump.description = The ultimate pump. Three times as fast as a mechanical pump and the only pump which is able to retrieve lava. block.router.description = Accepts items from one direction and outputs them to up to 3 other directions equally. Useful for splitting the materials from one source to multiple targets. block.distributor.description = An advanced router which splits items to up to 7 other directions equally. block.bridge-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Allows transporting items over up to 3 tiles of any terrain or building. block.alpha-mech-pad.description = When given enough power, rebuilds your ship into the[accent] Alpha[] mech. block.itemsource.description = Infinitely outputs items. Sandbox only. block.liquidsource.description = Infinitely outputs liquids. Sandbox only. block.itemvoid.description = Destroys any items which go into it without using power. Sandbox only. block.powerinfinite.description = Infinitely outputs power. Sandbox only. block.powervoid.description = Voids all power inputted into it. Sandbox only. liquid.water.description = Commonly used for cooling machines and waste processing. liquid.lava.description = Can be transformed into[LIGHT_GRAY] stone[], used for generating power or used as ammo for certain turrets. liquid.oil.description = Can be burnt, exploded or used as a coolant. liquid.cryofluid.description = The most efficient liquid for cooling things down.