mirror of https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry.git synced 2025-03-11 18:39:16 +07:00
2020-07-22 11:03:38 -04:00

437 lines
14 KiB

sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs = ["src/"]
import arc.struct.*
import arc.graphics.*
import arc.packer.*
import arc.util.Tmp
import javax.imageio.ImageIO
import java.awt.*
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import java.util.List
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
def genFolder = "../core/assets-raw/sprites_out/generated/"
def doAntialias = !project.hasProperty("disableAntialias")
def colorMap = new IntMap<List<Color>>(), colorIndexMap = new IntIntMap()
//on my machine, I have a native Nim AA implementation that is ~10x faster
//it's not compiled for other platforms so they don't get it
def useFastAA = System.getProperty("user.name") == "anuke"
def transformColors = { List<List<String>> list ->
list.each{ colors ->
def newColors = []
colors.each{ hexc ->
newColors += Color.valueOf(hexc)
newColors.each{ color ->
colorMap.put(color.argb8888(), newColors)
colorIndexMap.put(color.argb8888(), newColors.indexOf(color))
transformColors([["a387ea", "8a73c6", "5c5e9f"], ["6e7080", "989aa4", "b0bac0"], ["bc5452", "ea8878", "feb380"], ["de9458", "f8c266", "ffe18f"], ["feb380", "ea8878", "bc5452"], ["d4816b", "eab678", "ffd37f"]])
def antialias = { File file ->
if(!doAntialias) return
"antialias ${file.absolutePath}".execute().waitFor()
def image = ImageIO.read(file)
def out = ImageIO.read(file)
def getRGB = { int ix, int iy ->
//if(ix <= 0 || iy <= 0 || ix >= image.width || iy >= image.height) return 0
return image.getRGB(Math.max(Math.min(ix, image.width - 1), 0), Math.max(Math.min(iy, image.height - 1), 0))
def color = new Color()
def sum = new Color()
def suma = new Color()
int[] p = new int[9]
for(int x = 0; x < image.getWidth(); x++){
for(int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); y++){
int A = getRGB(x - 1, y + 1),
B = getRGB(x, y + 1),
C = getRGB(x + 1, y + 1),
D = getRGB(x - 1, y),
E = getRGB(x, y),
F = getRGB(x + 1, y),
G = getRGB(x - 1, y - 1),
H = getRGB(x, y - 1),
I = getRGB(x + 1, y - 1)
Arrays.fill(p, E);
if(D == B && D != H && B != F) p[0] = D
if((D == B && D != H && B != F && E != C) || (B == F && B != D && F != H && E != A)) p[1] = B
if(B == F && B != D && F != H) p[2] = F
if((H == D && H != F && D != B && E != A) || (D == B && D != H && B != F && E != G)) p[3] = D
if((B == F && B != D && F != H && E != I) || (F == H && F != B && H != D && E != C)) p[5] = F
if(H == D && H != F && D != B) p[6] = D
if((F == H && F != B && H != D && E != G) || (H == D && H != F && D != B && E != I)) p[7] = H
if(F == H && F != B && H != D) p[8] = F
for(int val : p){
suma.r += color.r * color.a
suma.g += color.g * color.a
suma.b += color.b * color.a
suma.a += color.a
float fm = suma.a <= 0.001f ? 0f : (float) (1f / suma.a)
suma.mul(fm, fm, fm, fm)
float total = 0
for(int val : p){
float a = color.a
color.lerp(suma, (float) (1f - a))
sum.r += color.r
sum.g += color.g
sum.b += color.b
sum.a += a
total += 1f
fm = (float)(1f / total)
sum.mul(fm, fm, fm, fm)
out.setRGB(x, y, sum.argb8888())
ImageIO.write(out, "png", file)
def medianBlur = { File file ->
def image = ImageIO.read(file)
def result = new BufferedImage(image.width, image.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
def radius = 4
IntSeq array = new IntSeq()
def getRGB = { int ix, int iy ->
return image.getRGB(Math.max(Math.min(ix, image.width - 1), 0), Math.max(Math.min(iy, image.height - 1), 0))
for(int x = 0; x < image.width; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < image.height; y++){
for(int dx = -radius; dx <= radius; dx ++){
for(int dy = -radius; dy <= radius; dy ++){
if(dx*dx + dy*dy <= radius*radius){
array.add(getRGB(x + dx, y + dy))
result.setRGB(x, y, array.get((int)(array.size / 2)))
ImageIO.write(result, "png", file)
def scaleImage = { File file ->
def image = ImageIO.read(file)
for(int iteration in 0..1){
def scaled = new BufferedImage(image.width * 2, image.height * 2, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
def getRGB = { int ix, int iy ->
return image.getRGB(Math.max(Math.min(ix, image.width - 1), 0), Math.max(Math.min(iy, image.height - 1), 0))
for(int x = 0; x < image.width; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < image.height; y++){
int p = image.getRGB(x, y)
int p1 = p, p2 = p, p3 = p, p4 = p
int A = getRGB(x - 1, y + 1),
B = getRGB(x, y + 1),
C = getRGB(x + 1, y + 1),
D = getRGB(x - 1, y),
E = getRGB(x, y),
F = getRGB(x + 1, y),
G = getRGB(x - 1, y - 1),
H = getRGB(x, y - 1),
I = getRGB(x + 1, y - 1),
J = getRGB(x, y + 2),
K = getRGB(x - 2, y),
L = getRGB(x + 2, y),
M = getRGB(x, y - 2)
if(B == D && B != F && D != H && (E != A || E == C || E == G || A == J || A == K)) p1 = B
if(B == F && B != D && F != H && (E != C || E == A || E == I || C == J || C == L)) p2 = F
if(D == H && B != D && F != H && (E != G || E == A || E == I || G == K || G == M)) p3 = D
if(F == H && B != F && D != H && (E != I || E == C || E == G || I == L || I == M)) p4 = H
scaled.setRGB(x * 2, y * 2 + 1, p1)
scaled.setRGB(x * 2 + 1, y * 2 + 1, p2)
scaled.setRGB(x * 2, y * 2, p3)
scaled.setRGB(x * 2 + 1, y * 2, p4)
image = scaled
ImageIO.write(image, "png", file)
def tileImage = { File file ->
def image = ImageIO.read(file)
for(x in 0..image.width-1){
for(y in 0..image.height-1){
if(x > (image.height - 1 - y)){
def rx = image.height - 1 - y
def ry = x
image.setRGB(x, y, image.getRGB(rx, image.height - 1 - ry))
def result = new BufferedImage(image.width * 2, image.height * 2, image.getType())
Graphics2D graphics = result.createGraphics()
graphics.drawImage(image, image.width, 0, -image.width, image.height, null)
graphics.drawImage(image, image.width, 0, image.width, image.height, null)
graphics.drawImage(image, image.width, image.height*2, -image.width, -image.height, null)
graphics.drawImage(image, image.width, image.height*2, image.width, -image.height, null)
for(int x = 0; x < result.width; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < result.height; y++){
int p = result.getRGB(x, y)
if(x <= y){
List<Color> list = colorMap.get(p)
int index = colorIndexMap.get(p, -1)
if(index != -1){
int resultIndex = (x == y ? 1 : index == 2 ? 0 : index == 0 ? 2 : 1);
result.setRGB(x, y, list[resultIndex].argb8888())
ImageIO.write(result, "png", file)
task swapColors(){
def carr = new File(getProperty("colors")).text.split("\n")
def map = [:]
def swaps = 0
carr.each{ str -> map[Color.valueOf(str.split("=")[0]).argb8888()] = Color.valueOf(str.split("=")[1]).argb8888() }
def tmpc = new Color()
fileTree(dir: '../core/assets-raw/sprites', include: "**/*.png").visit{ file ->
if(file.isDirectory()) return
boolean found = false
def img = ImageIO.read(file.file)
for(x in (0..img.getWidth() - 1)){
for(y in (0..img.getHeight() - 1)){
def c = img.getRGB(x, y)
if(tmpc.a < 0.1f) continue
img.setRGB(x, y, (int)map.get(c))
found = true
ImageIO.write(img, "png", file.file)
println "Swapped $swaps images."
throw new InvalidUserDataException("No replacement colors specified. Use -Pcolors=\"<path to color file>\"")
task genPalette(){
def total = 0
def size = 32
def outImage = new BufferedImage(size, size, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
def colorsUsed = new IntSet()
fileTree(dir: '../core/assets-raw/sprites/blocks', include: "**/*.png").visit{ file ->
if(file.isDirectory()) return
def img = ImageIO.read(file.file)
for(x in (0..img.getWidth() - 1)){
for(y in (0..img.getHeight() - 1)){
def c = img.getRGB(x, y)
if(Tmp.c1.argb8888(c).a > 0.999f && colorsUsed.add(c)){
outImage.setRGB((int)(total / size), total % size, c)
total ++
ImageIO.write(outImage, "png", new File("palette.png"))
println "Found $total colors."
task antialiasImages(){
for(def img : project.getProperty("images").split(",")){
println(project.getProperty("startdir") + "/" + img)
antialias(new File(project.getProperty("startdir") + "/" + img))
task scaleImages(){
for(def img : project.getProperty("images").split(",")){
println(project.getProperty("startdir") + "/" + img)
scaleImage(new File(project.getProperty("startdir") + "/" + img))
task tileImages(){
for(def img : project.getProperty("images").split(",")){
println(project.getProperty("startdir") + "/" + img)
tileImage(new File(project.getProperty("startdir") + "/" + img))
task pack(dependsOn: classes){
//cleanup old sprites
delete "../core/assets-raw/sprites_out/"
//copy in new sprites
from "../core/assets-raw/sprites/"
into "../core/assets-raw/sprites_out/"
//run generation task; generate all needed sprites
main = "mindustry.tools.ImagePacker"
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
workingDir = genFolder
from "../core/assets-raw/sprites_out/ui/icons"
into "../core/assets-raw/sprites_out/ui/"
delete "../core/assets-raw/sprites_out/ui/icons"
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(16)
long ms = System.currentTimeMillis()
//antialias everything except UI elements
fileTree(dir: '../core/assets-raw/sprites_out/', include: "**/*.png").visit{ file ->
if(file.isDirectory() || (file.toString().replace("\\", "/").contains("/ui/") && file.toString().startsWith("icon-")) || file.toString().contains(".9.png")) return
executor.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
}catch(InterruptedException e){
println "Time taken for AA: ${(System.currentTimeMillis() - ms) / 1000f}"
println("\n\nPacking normal 4096 sprites...\n\n")
//pack normal sprites
TexturePacker.process("core/assets-raw/sprites_out/", "core/assets/sprites/", "sprites.atlas")
println("\n\nPacking fallback 2048 sprites...\n\n")
//replace config file contents
fileTree(dir: '../core/assets-raw/sprites_out/', include: "**/*.json").visit{ file ->
if(!file.isDirectory()) file.file.text = file.file.text.replace("4096", "2048")
//pack fallback 2048x2048 sprites
TexturePacker.process("core/assets-raw/sprites_out/", "core/assets/sprites/fallback/", "sprites.atlas")
task genSprites(dependsOn: classes, type: JavaExec){
finalizedBy 'antialiasGen'
main = "mindustry.tools.ImagePacker"
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
standardInput = System.in
workingDir = genFolder
task genSectorData(dependsOn: classes, type: JavaExec){
main = "mindustry.tools.SectorDataGenerator"
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
standardInput = System.in
workingDir = "../core/assets/"
task updateCache(dependsOn: [genSectorData]){
task updateBundles(dependsOn: classes, type: JavaExec){
main = "mindustry.tools.BundleLauncher"
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
standardInput = System.in
workingDir = "../core/assets/bundles/"
task fontgen(dependsOn: classes, type: JavaExec){
main = "mindustry.tools.FontGenerator"
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
standardInput = System.in
workingDir = "../"