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synced 2025-03-05 23:20:27 +07:00
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384 lines
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package mindustry;
import arc.*;
import arc.assets.*;
import arc.files.*;
import arc.graphics.*;
import arc.scene.ui.layout.*;
import arc.struct.*;
import arc.util.*;
import arc.util.Log.*;
import mindustry.ai.*;
import mindustry.async.*;
import mindustry.audio.*;
import mindustry.core.*;
import mindustry.entities.*;
import mindustry.game.*;
import mindustry.game.EventType.*;
import mindustry.gen.*;
import mindustry.input.*;
import mindustry.io.*;
import mindustry.maps.Map;
import mindustry.maps.*;
import mindustry.mod.*;
import mindustry.net.Net;
import mindustry.net.*;
import mindustry.world.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.nio.charset.*;
import java.util.*;
import static arc.Core.*;
public class Vars implements Loadable{
/** Whether to load locales.*/
public static boolean loadLocales = true;
/** Whether the logger is loaded. */
public static boolean loadedLogger = false, loadedFileLogger = false;
/** Maximum extra padding around deployment schematics. */
public static final int maxLoadoutSchematicPad = 5;
/** Maximum schematic size.*/
public static final int maxSchematicSize = 32;
/** All schematic base64 starts with this string.*/
public static final String schematicBaseStart ="bXNjaA";
/** IO buffer size. */
public static final int bufferSize = 8192;
/** global charset, since Android doesn't support the Charsets class */
public static final Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
/** main application name, capitalized */
public static final String appName = "Mindustry";
/** URL for itch.io donations. */
public static final String donationURL = "https://anuke.itch.io/mindustry/purchase";
/** URL for discord invite. */
public static final String discordURL = "https://discord.gg/mindustry";
/** URL for sending crash reports to */
public static final String crashReportURL = "";
/** URL the links to the wiki's modding guide.*/
public static final String modGuideURL = "https://mindustrygame.github.io/wiki/modding/";
/** URL to the JSON file containing all the global, public servers. Not queried in BE. */
public static final String serverJsonURL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Anuken/Mindustry/master/servers.json";
/** URL to the JSON file containing all the BE servers. Only queried in BE. */
public static final String serverJsonBeURL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Anuken/Mindustry/master/servers_be.json";
/** URL of the github issue report template.*/
public static final String reportIssueURL = "https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry/issues/new?template=bug_report.md";
/** list of built-in servers.*/
public static final Seq<String> defaultServers = Seq.with();
/** maximum distance between mine and core that supports automatic transferring */
public static final float mineTransferRange = 220f;
/** max chat message length */
public static final int maxTextLength = 150;
/** max player name length in bytes */
public static final int maxNameLength = 40;
/** displayed item size when ingame. */
public static final float itemSize = 5f;
/** units outside of this bound will die instantly */
public static final float finalWorldBounds = 500;
/** mining range for manual miners */
public static final float miningRange = 70f;
/** range for building */
public static final float buildingRange = 220f;
/** range for moving items */
public static final float itemTransferRange = 220f;
/** duration of time between turns in ticks */
public static final float turnDuration = 20 * Time.toMinutes;
/** turns needed to destroy a sector completely */
public static final float sectorDestructionTurns = 3f;
/** min armor fraction damage; e.g. 0.05 = at least 5% damage */
public static final float minArmorDamage = 0.05f;
/** launch animation duration */
public static final float launchDuration = 140f;
/** tile used in certain situations, instead of null */
public static Tile emptyTile;
/** for map generator dialog */
public static boolean updateEditorOnChange = false;
/** size of tiles in units */
public static final int tilesize = 8;
/** all choosable player colors in join/host dialog */
public static final Color[] playerColors = {
/** default server port */
public static final int port = 6567;
/** multicast discovery port.*/
public static final int multicastPort = 20151;
/** multicast group for discovery.*/
public static final String multicastGroup = "";
/** if true, UI is not drawn */
public static boolean disableUI;
/** if true, game is set up in mobile mode, even on desktop. used for debugging */
public static boolean testMobile;
/** whether the game is running on a mobile device */
public static boolean mobile;
/** whether the game is running on an iOS device */
public static boolean ios;
/** whether the game is running on an Android device */
public static boolean android;
/** whether the game is running on a headless server */
public static boolean headless;
/** whether steam is enabled for this game */
public static boolean steam;
/** whether typing into the console is enabled - developers only */
public static boolean enableConsole = false;
/** whether to clear sector saves when landing */
public static boolean clearSectors = false;
/** whether any light rendering is enabled */
public static boolean enableLight = true;
/** Whether to draw shadows of blocks at map edges and static blocks.
* Do not change unless you know exactly what you are doing.*/
public static boolean enableDarkness = true;
/** application data directory, equivalent to {@link Settings#getDataDirectory()} */
public static Fi dataDirectory;
/** data subdirectory used for screenshots */
public static Fi screenshotDirectory;
/** data subdirectory used for custom maps */
public static Fi customMapDirectory;
/** data subdirectory used for custom map previews */
public static Fi mapPreviewDirectory;
/** tmp subdirectory for map conversion */
public static Fi tmpDirectory;
/** data subdirectory used for saves */
public static Fi saveDirectory;
/** data subdirectory used for mods */
public static Fi modDirectory;
/** data subdirectory used for schematics */
public static Fi schematicDirectory;
/** data subdirectory used for bleeding edge build versions */
public static Fi bebuildDirectory;
/** empty map, indicates no current map */
public static Map emptyMap;
/** map file extension */
public static final String mapExtension = "msav";
/** save file extension */
public static final String saveExtension = "msav";
/** schematic file extension */
public static final String schematicExtension = "msch";
/** list of all locales that can be switched to */
public static Locale[] locales;
public static FileTree tree = new FileTree();
public static Net net;
public static ContentLoader content;
public static GameState state;
public static EntityCollisions collisions;
public static DefaultWaves defaultWaves;
public static mindustry.audio.LoopControl loops;
public static Platform platform = new Platform(){};
public static Mods mods;
public static Schematics schematics;
public static BeControl becontrol;
public static AsyncCore asyncCore;
public static TeamIndexProcess teamIndex;
public static BaseRegistry bases;
public static Universe universe;
public static World world;
public static Maps maps;
public static WaveSpawner spawner;
public static BlockIndexer indexer;
public static Pathfinder pathfinder;
public static Control control;
public static Logic logic;
public static Renderer renderer;
public static UI ui;
public static NetServer netServer;
public static NetClient netClient;
public static Player player;
public void loadAsync(){
public static void init(){
//load locales
stra = Core.files.internal("locales").readString().split("\n");
locales = new Locale[stra.length];
for(int i = 0; i < locales.length; i++){
String code = stra[i];
locales[i] = new Locale(code.split("_")[0], code.split("_")[1]);
locales[i] = new Locale(code);
Arrays.sort(locales, Structs.comparing(l -> l.getDisplayName(l), String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER));
dataDirectory = settings.getDataDirectory();
screenshotDirectory = dataDirectory.child("screenshots/");
customMapDirectory = dataDirectory.child("maps/");
mapPreviewDirectory = dataDirectory.child("previews/");
saveDirectory = dataDirectory.child("saves/");
tmpDirectory = dataDirectory.child("tmp/");
modDirectory = dataDirectory.child("mods/");
schematicDirectory = dataDirectory.child("schematics/");
bebuildDirectory = dataDirectory.child("be_builds/");
emptyMap = new Map(new StringMap());
emptyTile = null;
if(tree == null) tree = new FileTree();
if(mods == null) mods = new Mods();
content = new ContentLoader();
loops = new LoopControl();
defaultWaves = new DefaultWaves();
collisions = new EntityCollisions();
world = new World();
universe = new Universe();
becontrol = new BeControl();
asyncCore = new AsyncCore();
maps = new Maps();
spawner = new WaveSpawner();
indexer = new BlockIndexer();
pathfinder = new Pathfinder();
bases = new BaseRegistry();
state = new GameState();
mobile = Core.app.isMobile() || testMobile;
ios = Core.app.isIOS();
android = Core.app.isAndroid();
public static void loadLogger(){
if(loadedLogger) return;
String[] tags = {"[green][D][]", "[royal][I][]", "[yellow][W][]", "[scarlet][E][]", ""};
String[] stags = {"&lc&fb[D]", "&lg&fb[I]", "&ly&fb[W]", "&lr&fb[E]", ""};
Seq<String> logBuffer = new Seq<>();
Log.setLogger((level, text) -> {
String result = text;
String rawText = Log.format(stags[level.ordinal()] + "&fr " + text);
result = tags[level.ordinal()] + " " + result;
if(!headless && (ui == null || ui.scriptfrag == null)){
}else if(!headless){
for(String code : ColorCodes.values){
result = result.replace(code, "");
Events.on(ClientLoadEvent.class, e -> logBuffer.each(ui.scriptfrag::addMessage));
loadedLogger = true;
public static void loadFileLogger(){
if(loadedFileLogger) return;
Writer writer = settings.getDataDirectory().child("last_log.txt").writer(false);
LogHandler log = Log.getLogger();
Log.setLogger((level, text) -> {
log.log(level, text);
writer.write("[" + Character.toUpperCase(level.name().charAt(0)) +"] " + Log.removeCodes(text) + "\n");
}catch(IOException e){
//ignore it
loadedFileLogger = true;
public static void loadSettings(){
if(steam || (Version.modifier != null && Version.modifier.contains("steam"))){
settings.defaults("locale", "default", "blocksync", true);
Scl.setProduct(settings.getInt("uiscale", 100) / 100f);
if(!loadLocales) return;
//try loading external bundle
Fi handle = Core.files.local("bundle");
Locale locale = Locale.ENGLISH;
Core.bundle = I18NBundle.createBundle(handle, locale);
Log.info("NOTE: external translation bundle has been loaded.");
Time.run(10f, () -> ui.showInfo("Note: You have successfully loaded an external translation bundle."));
}catch(Throwable e){
//no external bundle found
Fi handle = Core.files.internal("bundles/bundle");
Locale locale;
String loc = settings.getString("locale");
locale = Locale.getDefault();
Locale lastLocale;
String[] split = loc.split("_");
lastLocale = new Locale(split[0], split[1]);
lastLocale = new Locale(loc);
locale = lastLocale;
Core.bundle = I18NBundle.createBundle(handle, locale);