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synced 2025-03-14 03:49:13 +07:00
1269 lines
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credits.text = Created by [ROYAL]Anuken[] - [SKY]anukendev@gmail.com[]\n\n[GRAY](In case you can't tell, this text is currently unfinished.\nTranslators, don't edit it yet!)
credits = Emegi gecenler
contributors = Translators and Contributors
discord = Mindustry'in Discord'una katilin!
link.discord.description = Orjinal Mindustry'in Discord Konusma Odasi
link.reddit.description = The Mindustry subreddit
link.github.description = Oyunun Kodu
link.changelog.description = List of update changes
link.dev-builds.description = Bitirilmemis Yapim Surumu
link.trello.description = Planlanmis Hersey icin Tablo
link.itch.io.description = Bilgisayar ve Site versiyonunun bulundugu Site
link.google-play.description = Google Play magaza sayfasi
link.f-droid.description = F-Droid catalogue listing
link.wiki.description = Orjinal Mindustry Bilgilendirme Sayfasi
link.feathub.description = Suggest new features
linkfail = Link Acilamadi!\nLink sizin icin kopyalandi.
screenshot = Screenshot saved to {0}
screenshot.invalid = Map too large, potentially not enough memory for screenshot.
gameover = Cekirdegin yok edildi.
gameover.pvp = The[accent] {0}[] team is victorious!
highscore = [accent]Yeni Yuksek skor!
copied = Copied.
load.sound = Sounds
load.map = Maps
load.image = Images
load.content = Content
load.system = System
load.mod = Mods
load.scripts = Scripts
be.update = A new Bleeding Edge build is available:
be.update.confirm = Download it and restart now?
be.updating = Updating...
be.ignore = Ignore
be.noupdates = No updates found.
be.check = Check for updates
schematic = Schematic
schematic.add = Save Schematic...
schematics = Schematics
schematic.replace = A schematic by that name already exists. Replace it?
schematic.exists = A schematic by that name already exists.
schematic.import = Import Schematic...
schematic.exportfile = Export File
schematic.importfile = Import File
schematic.browseworkshop = Browse Workshop
schematic.copy = Copy to Clipboard
schematic.copy.import = Import from Clipboard
schematic.shareworkshop = Share on Workshop
schematic.flip = [accent][[{0}][]/[accent][[{1}][]: Flip Schematic
schematic.saved = Schematic saved.
schematic.delete.confirm = This schematic will be utterly eradicated.
schematic.rename = Rename Schematic
schematic.info = {0}x{1}, {2} blocks
stat.wave = Waves Defeated:[accent] {0}
stat.enemiesDestroyed = Enemies Destroyed:[accent] {0}
stat.built = Buildings Built:[accent] {0}
stat.destroyed = Buildings Destroyed:[accent] {0}
stat.deconstructed = Buildings Deconstructed:[accent] {0}
stat.delivered = Resources Launched:
stat.playtime = Time Played:[accent] {0}
stat.rank = Final Rank: [accent]{0}
launcheditems = [accent]Launched Items
launchinfo = [unlaunched][[LAUNCH] your core to obtain the items indicated in blue.
map.delete = Su haritayi silmek istediginden emin misin? "[accent]{0}[]"?
level.highscore = Yuksek Skor: [accent]{0}
level.select = Seviye secimi
level.mode = Oyun Modu:
showagain = Don't show again next session
coreattack = < Cekirdek Saldiri altinda! >
nearpoint = [[ [scarlet]LEAVE DROP POINT IMMEDIATELY[] ]\nannihilation imminent
database = Core Database
savegame = Oyunu kaydet
loadgame = Devam et
joingame = Oyuna katil
customgame = Ozel oyun
newgame = New Game
none = <none>
minimap = Minimap
position = Position
close = Kapat
website = Website
quit = Cik
save.quit = Save & Quit
maps = Haritalar
maps.browse = Browse Maps
continue = Devam et
maps.none = [LIGHT_GRAY]Harita bulunamadi!
invalid = Invalid
pickcolor = Pick Color
preparingconfig = Preparing Config
preparingcontent = Preparing Content
uploadingcontent = Uploading Content
uploadingpreviewfile = Uploading Preview File
committingchanges = Comitting Changes
done = Done
feature.unsupported = Your device does not support this feature.
mods.alphainfo = Keep in mind that mods are in alpha, and[scarlet] may be very buggy[].\nReport any issues you find to the Mindustry GitHub or Discord.
mods.alpha = [accent](Alpha)
mods = Mods
mods.none = [LIGHT_GRAY]No mods found!
mods.guide = Modding Guide
mods.report = Report Bug
mods.openfolder = Open Mod Folder
mod.display = [gray]Mod:[orange] {0}
mod.enabled = [lightgray]Enabled
mod.disabled = [scarlet]Disabled
mod.disable = Disable
mod.delete.error = Unable to delete mod. File may be in use.
mod.requiresversion = [scarlet]Requires min game version: [accent]{0}
mod.missingdependencies = [scarlet]Missing dependencies: {0}
mod.erroredcontent = [scarlet]Content Errors
mod.errors = Errors have occurred loading content.
mod.noerrorplay = [scarlet]You have mods with errors.[] Either disable the affected mods or fix the errors before playing.
mod.nowdisabled = [scarlet]Mod '{0}' is missing dependencies:[accent] {1}\n[lightgray]These mods need to be downloaded first.\nThis mod will be automatically disabled.
mod.enable = Enable
mod.requiresrestart = The game will now close to apply the mod changes.
mod.reloadrequired = [scarlet]Reload Required
mod.import = Import Mod
mod.import.github = Import GitHub Mod
mod.item.remove = This item is part of the[accent] '{0}'[] mod. To remove it, uninstall that mod.
mod.remove.confirm = This mod will be deleted.
mod.author = [LIGHT_GRAY]Author:[] {0}
mod.missing = This save contains mods that you have recently updated or no longer have installed. Save corruption may occur. Are you sure you want to load it?\n[lightgray]Mods:\n{0}
mod.preview.missing = Before publishing this mod in the workshop, you must add an image preview.\nPlace an image named[accent] preview.png[] into the mod's folder and try again.
mod.folder.missing = Only mods in folder form can be published on the workshop.\nTo convert any mod into a folder, simply unzip its file into a folder and delete the old zip, then restart your game or reload your mods.
mod.scripts.unsupported = Your device does not support mod scripts. Some mods will not function correctly.
about.button = Hakkinda
name = isim:
noname = Pick a[accent] player name[] first.
filename = File Name:
unlocked = Yeni yapi acildi!!
completed = [accent]Completed
techtree = Tech Tree
research.list = [LIGHT_GRAY]Research:
research = Research
researched = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} researched.
players = {0} oyuncu cevrimici
players.single = {0} oyuncu cevrimici
players.search = search
players.notfound = [gray]no players found
server.closing = [accent]Oyun kapaniyor.
server.kicked.kick = Oyundan cikarildin
server.kicked.whitelist = You are not whitelisted here.
server.kicked.serverClose = Oyun kapandi
server.kicked.vote = You have been vote-kicked. Goodbye.
server.kicked.clientOutdated = Yeni bir versiyon mevcut! Hemen indir!
server.kicked.serverOutdated = Eski oyun! Yapimciya guncellemesini soyle!
server.kicked.banned = Oyundan kalici olarak cikarildin.
server.kicked.typeMismatch = This server is not compatible with your build type.
server.kicked.playerLimit = This server is full. Wait for an empty slot.
server.kicked.recentKick = Oyundan cikarilmistin.\nBaglanmadn once biraz bekle.
server.kicked.nameInUse = Oyunda bu isimde bir\nkisi zaten var.
server.kicked.nameEmpty = ismin gecerli degil.
server.kicked.idInUse = Zaten oyundasin! iki ayri hesapla oyuna katilamazsin!
server.kicked.customClient = Bu oyun ayarlanmis vesiyonlara izin vermiyor. Orijinal bir versiyon dene!
server.kicked.gameover = Game over!
server.kicked.serverRestarting = The server is restarting.
server.versions = Your version:[accent] {0}[]\nServer version:[accent] {1}[]
host.info = [accent]host[] su linkte bir oyun acti! [scarlet]6567[]. \nSeninle [LIGHT_GRAY]ayni internete[] sahip olan kisiler oyunu gorebilir.\n\neger baska yerlerden kisilerind de gelmesini istiyorsan, [accent]oyun acmak[]zorunludur.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]Not: eger baglanmakta gucluk cekiliyorsa, antivirusunun internetine baglanmasini izin vermesini sagla.
join.info = Buradan,[accent]Oyunun linkini[] kullanarak katilabilir, yada, [accent]internetinle[] baglanacak oyun bulabilirsin\ninternetli ve Linkli oyunlar desteklenir.\n\n[LIGHT_GRAY]Not: Otomatik bir oyun listesi goruntulenemez. Yapimcidan linkini iste.
hostserver = Oyun ac
invitefriends = Invite Friends
hostserver.mobile = Host\nGame
host = Oyun ac
hosting = [accent]Oyun aciliyor
hosts.refresh = Yenile
hosts.discovering = internet oyunu araniyor
hosts.discovering.any = Discovering games
server.refreshing = liste yenileniyor
hosts.none = [lightgray]internet oyunu bulunamadi!
host.invalid = [scarlet]Oyuna baglanilamadi.
servers.local = Local Servers
servers.remote = Remote Servers
servers.global = Community Servers
trace = Oyuncu isaretle
trace.playername = Player name: [accent]{0}
trace.ip = IP: [accent]{0}
trace.id = Unik ID: [accent]{0}
trace.mobile = Mobile Client: [accent]{0}
trace.modclient = Ozel islemci Kullanicisi: [accent]{0}
invalidid = Yanlis islemci Linki! Sorunu bildir
server.bans = Yasaklamalar
server.bans.none = Yasaklananlar bulunamadi!
server.admins = Yetkililer
server.admins.none = Yetkili bulunamadi!
server.add = Oyun ekle
server.delete = Oyunu silmek istedigine emin misin?
server.edit = Oyunu ayarla
server.outdated = [crimson]Eski Oyun![]
server.outdated.client = [crimson]eski islemci![]
server.version = [lightgray]Versiyon: {0}
server.custombuild = [yellow]ozel yapi
confirmban = Bu oyuncuyu kalici olarak atmak istedigine emin misin?
confirmkick = Are you sure you want to kick this player?
confirmvotekick = Are you sure you want to vote-kick this player?
confirmunban = Bu oyuncunun yasagini geri almak ister misin?
confirmadmin = Bu oyuncuyu yetkili yapmak istedigine emin misin?
confirmunadmin = Bu oyuncunun yetkisini almak istedigine emin misin?
joingame.title = Oyuna katil
joingame.ip = Link:
disconnect = Cikildi
disconnect.error = Connection error.
disconnect.closed = Connection closed.
disconnect.timeout = Timed out.
disconnect.data = Oyunun geri yuklenemedi!
cantconnect = Unable to join game ([accent]{0}[]).
connecting = [accent]Baglaniliyor
connecting.data = [accent]Loading world data...
server.port = Link:
server.addressinuse = Addres zaten kullaniliyor!
server.invalidport = Geçersiz Oyun numarasi!
server.error = [crimson]Oyun acarkes sorun olustu: [accent]{0}
save.new = Yeni Kayit Dosyasi
save.overwrite = Bu oyunun uzerinden\ngecmek istedigine emin\nmisin?
overwrite = uzerinden gec
save.none = Kayitli oyun bulunamadi
saveload = [accent]Kaydediliyor...
savefail = Kaydedilemedi!
save.delete.confirm = Bu Kayiti silmek istedigine emin misin?
save.delete = Sil
save.export = Kayiti tasi
save.import.invalid = [accent]Kayit gecersiz!
save.import.fail = [crimson]Failed to import save: [accent]{0}
save.export.fail = [crimson]Failed to export save: [accent]{0}
save.import = Kayit al
save.newslot = Kayit ismi:
save.rename = Yeniden adlandir
save.rename.text = Yeni isim:
selectslot = Kayitli bir dosya sec.
slot = [accent]Slot {0}
editmessage = Edit Message
save.corrupted = [accent]Kayit gecersiz!\nOyunu guncellediysen, bu buyuk ihtimalle degistirilecek vebu bir [scarlet]sorun degildir.[]
empty = <empty>
on = Acik
off = Kapali
save.autosave = Otomatik kayit: {0}
save.map = Harita: {0}
save.wave = Dalga {0}
save.mode = Gamemode: {0}
save.date = En sonki kayit: {0}
save.playtime = Oyun Zamani!: {0}
warning = Warning.
confirm = Onayla
delete = Sil
view.workshop = View In Workshop
workshop.listing = Edit Workshop Listing
ok = Tamam
open = Ac
customize = Customize
cancel = iptal
openlink = Linki ac
copylink = Linki kopyala
back = Geri don
data.export = Export Data
data.import = Import Data
data.openfolder = Open Data Folder
data.exported = Data exported.
data.invalid = This isn't valid game data.
data.import.confirm = Importing external data will erase[scarlet] all[] your current game data.\n[accent]This cannot be undone![]\n\nOnce the data is imported, your game will exit immediately.
classic.export = Export Classic Data
classic.export.text = [accent]Mindustry[] has just had a major update.\nClassic (v3.5 build 40) save or map data has been detected. Would you like to export these saves to your phone's home folder, for use in the Mindustry Classic app?
quit.confirm = Cikmak istedigine emin misin?
quit.confirm.tutorial = Are you sure you know what you're doing?\nThe tutorial can be re-taken in[accent] Settings->Game->Re-Take Tutorial.[]
loading = [accent]Yukleniyor...
reloading = [accent]Reloading Mods...
saving = [accent]Kaydediliyor...
cancelbuilding = [accent][[{0}][] to clear plan
selectschematic = [accent][[{0}][] to select+copy
pausebuilding = [accent][[{0}][] to pause building
resumebuilding = [scarlet][[{0}][] to resume building
wave = [accent]Dalga {0}
wave.waiting = Dalganin baslamasina: {0}
wave.waveInProgress = [LIGHT_GRAY]Wave in progress
waiting = Bekleniyor...
waiting.players = Waiting for players...
wave.enemies = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} Enemies Remaining
wave.enemy = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} Enemy Remaining
loadimage = Resimden Yukle
saveimage = Resimi kaydet
unknown = Bilinmeyen
custom = Ozel
builtin = Yapilandirilmis
map.delete.confirm = Haritayi silmek istedigine emin misin? Bu geri alinamaz!
map.random = [accent]Rasgele harita
map.nospawn = Haritada Oyncularin cikmasi icin cekirdek yok! Haritaya[ROYAL]Mavi[] cekirdek ekle.
map.nospawn.pvp = This map does not have any enemy cores for player to spawn into! Add[SCARLET] red[] cores to this map in the editor.
map.nospawn.attack = This map does not have any enemy cores for player to attack! Add[SCARLET] red[] cores to this map in the editor.
map.invalid = Harita yuklenemedi. Gecersiz yada bozuk dosya.
workshop.update = Update Item
workshop.error = Error fetching workshop details: {0}
map.publish.confirm = Are you sure you want to publish this map?\n\n[lightgray]Make sure you agree to the Workshop EULA first, or your maps will not show up!
workshop.menu = Select what you would like to do with this item.
workshop.info = Item Info
changelog = Changelog (optional):
eula = Steam EULA
missing = This item has been deleted or moved.\n[lightgray]The workshop listing has now been automatically un-linked.
publishing = [accent]Publishing...
publish.confirm = Are you sure you want to publish this?\n\n[lightgray]Make sure you agree to the Workshop EULA first, or your items will not show up!
publish.error = Error publishing item: {0}
steam.error = Failed to initialize Steam services.\nError: {0}
editor.brush = Firca
editor.openin = Editorde ac
editor.oregen = Maden Yaratilma hizi
editor.oregen.info = Maden Yaratilmasi:
editor.mapinfo = Harita bilgisi:
editor.author = Yapimci:
editor.description = Yorum:
editor.nodescription = A map must have a description of at least 4 characters before being published.
editor.waves = Waves:
editor.rules = Rules:
editor.generation = Generation:
editor.ingame = Edit In-Game
editor.publish.workshop = Publish On Workshop
editor.newmap = New Map
workshop = Workshop
waves.title = Waves
waves.remove = Remove
waves.never = <never>
waves.every = every
waves.waves = wave(s)
waves.perspawn = per spawn
waves.to = to
waves.boss = Boss
waves.preview = Preview
waves.edit = Edit...
waves.copy = Copy to Clipboard
waves.load = Load from Clipboard
waves.invalid = Invalid waves in clipboard.
waves.copied = Waves copied.
waves.none = No enemies defined.\nNote that empty wave layouts will automatically be replaced with the default layout.
editor.default = [LIGHT_GRAY]<Default>
details = Details...
edit = Edit...
editor.name = isim:
editor.spawn = Spawn Unit
editor.removeunit = Remove Unit
editor.teams = Takimlar
editor.errorload = Error loading file:\n[accent]{0}
editor.errorsave = Error saving file:\n[accent]{0}
editor.errorimage = That's an image, not a map. Don't go around changing extensions expecting it to work.\n\nIf you want to import a legacy map, use the 'import legacy map' button in the editor.
editor.errorlegacy = This map is too old, and uses a legacy map format that is no longer supported.
editor.errornot = This is not a map file.
editor.errorheader = This map file is either not valid or corrupt.
editor.errorname = Map has no name defined.
editor.update = Update
editor.randomize = Randomize
editor.apply = Apply
editor.generate = Yarat
editor.resize = Boyutunu degistir
editor.loadmap = Harita yukle
editor.savemap = Haritayi kaydet
editor.saved = Kaydedildi!
editor.save.noname = Haritanin ismi yok! 'Harita bilgisinden' bi tane ekle
editor.save.overwrite = Haritanin ismi varolan bir haritanin ismi ile ayni! 'Harita bilgisinden' degisik bir isim sec
editor.import.exists = [scarlet]Tasinamadi.:[] ayni isimi tasiyan bir harita '{0}' zaten var!!
editor.import = Bilgisayara kaydet
editor.importmap = Bilgisayardan harita al
editor.importmap.description = Varolan bir harita al
editor.importfile = Dosyayi bilgisayara kaydet
editor.importfile.description = Bilgisayara ozel harita yukle
editor.importimage = Yuzey resmi al
editor.importimage.description = Degisik Yuzey resmi al
editor.export = Disari al
editor.exportfile = Disari cikart
editor.exportfile.description = Haritayi disari cikart
editor.exportimage = Haritanin resmini disari cikart
editor.exportimage.description = Haritanin resmini disari aktar
editor.loadimage = Araziyi yukle
editor.saveimage = Araziyi disari aktar
editor.unsaved = [scarlet]Kaydedilmemis verileriniz var![]\ncikmak istedigine emin misin?
editor.resizemap = Haritanin boyutunu degistir
editor.mapname = Harita ismi:
editor.overwrite = [accent]Dikkat et!\nBu bir haritanin uzerinden cececek.
editor.overwrite.confirm = [scarlet]uyari![] bu isimde bir harita zaten var. Uzerinden gececek misin?
editor.exists = A map with this name already exists.
editor.selectmap = Yukleyecek bir harita sec:
toolmode.replace = Replace
toolmode.replace.description = Draws only on solid blocks.
toolmode.replaceall = Replace All
toolmode.replaceall.description = Replace all blocks in map.
toolmode.orthogonal = Orthogonal
toolmode.orthogonal.description = Draws only orthogonal lines.
toolmode.square = Square
toolmode.square.description = Square brush.
toolmode.eraseores = Erase Ores
toolmode.eraseores.description = Erase only ores.
toolmode.fillteams = Fill Teams
toolmode.fillteams.description = Fill teams instead of blocks.
toolmode.drawteams = Draw Teams
toolmode.drawteams.description = Draw teams instead of blocks.
filters.empty = [LIGHT_GRAY]No filters! Add one with the button below.
filter.distort = Distort
filter.noise = Noise
filter.median = Median
filter.oremedian = Ore Median
filter.blend = Blend
filter.defaultores = Default Ores
filter.ore = Ore
filter.rivernoise = River Noise
filter.mirror = Mirror
filter.clear = Clear
filter.option.ignore = Ignore
filter.scatter = Scatter
filter.terrain = Terrain
filter.option.scale = Scale
filter.option.chance = Chance
filter.option.mag = Magnitude
filter.option.threshold = Threshold
filter.option.circle-scale = Circle Scale
filter.option.octaves = Octaves
filter.option.falloff = Falloff
filter.option.angle = Angle
filter.option.block = Block
filter.option.floor = Floor
filter.option.flooronto = Target Floor
filter.option.wall = Wall
filter.option.ore = Ore
filter.option.floor2 = Secondary Floor
filter.option.threshold2 = Secondary Threshold
filter.option.radius = Radius
filter.option.percentile = Percentile
width = Genislik:
height = Yukseklik:
menu = Menu
play = Oyna
campaign = Campaign
load = Yukle
save = Kaydet
fps = FPS: {0}
ping = Ping: {0}ms
language.restart = Lutfen dil degisiminin etkin olmasi icin oyunu yeniden baslatin
settings = ayarlar
tutorial = Tutorial
tutorial.retake = Re-Take Tutorial
editor = Editor
mapeditor = Harita yaraticisi
abandon = Abandon
abandon.text = This zone and all its resources will be lost to the enemy.
locked = Locked
complete = [LIGHT_GRAY]Complete:
requirement.wave = Reach Wave {0} in {1}
requirement.core = Destroy Enemy Core in {0}
requirement.unlock = Unlock {0}
resume = Resume Zone:\n[LIGHT_GRAY]{0}
bestwave = [LIGHT_GRAY]Best: {0}
launch = Launch
launch.title = Launch Successful
launch.next = [LIGHT_GRAY]next opportunity at wave {0}
launch.unable2 = [scarlet]Unable to LAUNCH.[]
launch.confirm = This will launch all resources in your core.\nYou will not be able to return to this base.
launch.skip.confirm = If you skip now, you will not be able to launch until later waves.
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
bannedblocks = Banned Blocks
addall = Add All
configure.locked = [LIGHT_GRAY]Reach wave {0}\nto configure loadout.
configure.invalid = Amount must be a number between 0 and {0}.
zone.unlocked = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} unlocked.
zone.requirement.complete = Wave {0} reached:\n{1} zone requirements met.
zone.config.unlocked = Loadout unlocked:[lightgray]\n{0}
zone.resources = Resources Detected:
zone.objective = [lightgray]Objective: [accent]{0}
zone.objective.survival = Survive
zone.objective.attack = Destroy Enemy Core
add = Add...
boss.health = Boss Health
connectfail = [crimson]Su Oyuna baglanilamadi: [accent]{0}
error.unreachable = Server unreachable.
error.invalidaddress = Invalid address.
error.timedout = Timed out!\nMake sure the host has port forwarding set up, and that the address is correct!
error.mismatch = Packet error:\npossible client/server version mismatch.\nMake sure you and the host have the latest version of Mindustry!
error.alreadyconnected = Already connected.
error.mapnotfound = Map file not found!
error.io = Network I/O error.
error.any = Unkown network error.
error.bloom = Failed to initialize bloom.\nYour device may not support it.
zone.groundZero.name = Ground Zero
zone.desertWastes.name = Desert Wastes
zone.craters.name = The Craters
zone.frozenForest.name = Frozen Forest
zone.ruinousShores.name = Ruinous Shores
zone.stainedMountains.name = Stained Mountains
zone.desolateRift.name = Desolate Rift
zone.nuclearComplex.name = Nuclear Production Complex
zone.overgrowth.name = Overgrowth
zone.tarFields.name = Tar Fields
zone.saltFlats.name = Salt Flats
zone.impact0078.name = Impact 0078
zone.crags.name = Crags
zone.fungalPass.name = Fungal Pass
zone.groundZero.description = The optimal location to begin once more. Low enemy threat. Few resources.\nGather as much lead and copper as possible.\nMove on.
zone.frozenForest.description = Even here, closer to mountains, the spores have spread. The fridgid temperatures cannot contain them forever.\n\nBegin the venture into power. Build combustion generators. Learn to use menders.
zone.desertWastes.description = These wastes are vast, unpredictable, and criss-crossed with derelict sector structures.\nCoal is present in the region. Burn it for power, or synthesize graphite.\n\n[lightgray]This landing location cannot be guaranteed.
zone.saltFlats.description = On the outskirts of the desert lie the Salt Flats. Few resources can be found in this location.\n\nThe enemy has erected a resource storage complex here. Eradicate their core. Leave nothing standing.
zone.craters.description = Water has accumulated in this crater, relic of the old wars. Reclaim the area. Collect sand. Smelt metaglass. Pump water to cool turrets and drills.
zone.ruinousShores.description = Past the wastes, is the shoreline. Once, this location housed a coastal defense array. Not much of it remains. Only the most basic defense structures have remained unscathed, everything else reduced to scrap.\nContinue the expansion outwards. Rediscover the technology.
zone.stainedMountains.description = Further inland lie the mountains, yet untainted by spores.\nExtract the abundant titanium in this area. Learn how to use it.\n\nThe enemy presence is greater here. Do not give them time to send their strongest units.
zone.overgrowth.description = This area is overgrown, closer to the source of the spores.\nThe enemy has established an outpost here. Build dagger units. Destroy it. Reclaim that which was lost.
zone.tarFields.description = The outskirts of an oil production zone, between the mountains and desert. One of the few areas with usable tar reserves.\nAlthough abandoned, this area has some dangerous enemy forces nearby. Do not underestimate them.\n\n[lightgray]Research oil processing technology if possible.
zone.desolateRift.description = An extremely dangerous zone. Plentiful resources, but little space. High risk of destruction. Leave as soon as possible. Do not be fooled by the long spacing between enemy attacks.
zone.nuclearComplex.description = A former facility for the production and processing of thorium, reduced to ruins.\n[lightgray]Research the thorium and its many uses.\n\nThe enemy is present here in great numbers, constantly scouting for attackers.
zone.fungalPass.description = A transition area between high mountains and lower, spore-ridden lands. A small enemy reconnaissance base is located here.\nDestroy it.\nUse Dagger and Crawler units. Take out the two cores.
zone.impact0078.description = <insert description here>
zone.crags.description = <insert description here>
settings.language = Dil
settings.data = Game Data
settings.reset = ilk ayarlara geri al
settings.rebind = Geri al
settings.resetKey = Reset
settings.controls = Kontroller
settings.game = Oyun
settings.sound = Ses
settings.graphics = Grafikler
settings.cleardata = Clear Game Data...
settings.clear.confirm = Are you sure you want to clear this data?\nWhat is done cannot be undone!
settings.clearall.confirm = [scarlet]WARNING![]\nThis will clear all data, including saves, maps, unlocks and keybinds.\nOnce you press 'ok' the game will wipe all data and automatically exit.
paused = Duraklatildi
clear = Clear
banned = [scarlet]Banned
yes = Evet
no = Hayir
info.title = [accent]Bilgi
error.title = [crimson]Bir hata olustu
error.crashtitle = Bir hata olustu
blocks.input = Input
blocks.output = Output
blocks.booster = Booster
blocks.tiles = Required Tiles
blocks.affinities = Affinities
block.unknown = [LIGHT_GRAY]???
blocks.powercapacity = Guc kapasitesi
blocks.powershot = Guc/Saldiri hizi
blocks.damage = Damage
blocks.targetsair = Havayi hedef alir mi?
blocks.targetsground = Targets Ground
blocks.itemsmoved = Move Speed
blocks.launchtime = Time Between Launches
blocks.shootrange = Menzil
blocks.size = Buyukluk
blocks.liquidcapacity = Sivi kapasitesi
blocks.powerrange = Menzil
blocks.powerconnections = Max Connections
blocks.poweruse = Guc kullanimi
blocks.powerdamage = Power/Damage
blocks.itemcapacity = Esya kapasitesi
blocks.basepowergeneration = Base Power Generation
blocks.productiontime = Production Time
blocks.repairtime = Block Full Repair Time
blocks.speedincrease = Speed Increase
blocks.range = Range
blocks.drilltier = Kazilabilirler
blocks.drillspeed = Ana kazma hizi
blocks.boosteffect = Boost Effect
blocks.maxunits = Max Active Units
blocks.health = Can
blocks.buildtime = Build Time
blocks.buildcost = Build Cost
blocks.inaccuracy = sekme
blocks.shots = vuruslar
blocks.reload = Yeniden doldurma
blocks.ammo = Ammo
bar.drilltierreq = Better Drill Required
bar.drillspeed = Drill Speed: {0}/s
bar.pumpspeed = Pump Speed: {0}/s
bar.efficiency = Efficiency: {0}%
bar.powerbalance = Power: {0}
bar.powerstored = Stored: {0}/{1}
bar.poweramount = Power: {0}
bar.poweroutput = Power Output: {0}
bar.items = Items: {0}
bar.capacity = Capacity: {0}
bar.liquid = Liquid
bar.heat = Heat
bar.power = Power
bar.progress = Build Progress
bar.spawned = Units: {0}/{1}
bar.input = Input
bar.output = Output
bullet.damage = [stat]{0}[lightgray] dmg
bullet.splashdamage = [stat]{0}[lightgray] area dmg ~[stat] {1}[lightgray] tiles
bullet.incendiary = [stat]incendiary
bullet.homing = [stat]homing
bullet.shock = [stat]shock
bullet.frag = [stat]frag
bullet.knockback = [stat]{0}[lightgray] knockback
bullet.freezing = [stat]freezing
bullet.tarred = [stat]tarred
bullet.multiplier = [stat]{0}[lightgray]x ammo multiplier
bullet.reload = [stat]{0}[lightgray]x reload
unit.blocks = Yapilar
unit.powersecond = saniyede bir
unit.liquidsecond = Saniyede bir
unit.itemssecond = Saniyede bir
unit.liquidunits = Litre
unit.powerunits = Volt
unit.degrees = derece
unit.seconds = saniye
unit.persecond = /sec
unit.timesspeed = x speed
unit.percent = %
unit.items = esya
unit.thousands = k
unit.millions = mil
category.general = General
category.power = Guc
category.liquids = sivilar
category.items = esyalar
category.crafting = uretim
category.shooting = sikma
category.optional = Optional Enhancements
setting.landscape.name = Lock Landscape
setting.shadows.name = Shadows
setting.blockreplace.name = Automatic Block Suggestions
setting.linear.name = Linear Filtering
setting.hints.name = Hints
setting.buildautopause.name = Auto-Pause Building
setting.animatedwater.name = Animated Water
setting.animatedshields.name = Animated Shields
setting.antialias.name = Antialias[LIGHT_GRAY] (requires restart)[]
setting.indicators.name = Ally Indicators
setting.autotarget.name = Auto-Target
setting.keyboard.name = Mouse+Keyboard Controls
setting.touchscreen.name = Touchscreen Controls
setting.fpscap.name = Max FPS
setting.fpscap.none = Yok
setting.fpscap.text = {0} FPS
setting.uiscale.name = UI Scaling[lightgray] (require restart)[]
setting.swapdiagonal.name = Always Diagonal Placement
setting.difficulty.training = training
setting.difficulty.easy = kolay
setting.difficulty.normal = orta
setting.difficulty.hard = zor
setting.difficulty.insane = cok zor
setting.difficulty.name = Zorluk derecesi:
setting.screenshake.name = Ekran sallanmasi
setting.effects.name = Efekleri goster
setting.destroyedblocks.name = Display Destroyed Blocks
setting.conveyorpathfinding.name = Conveyor Placement Pathfinding
setting.coreselect.name = Allow Schematic Cores
setting.sensitivity.name = Kumanda hassasligi
setting.saveinterval.name = Otomatik kaydetme suresi
setting.seconds = {0} Saniye
setting.blockselecttimeout.name = Block Select Timeout
setting.milliseconds = {0} milliseconds
setting.fullscreen.name = Tam ekran
setting.borderlesswindow.name = Borderless Window[LIGHT_GRAY] (may require restart)
setting.fps.name = FPS'i goster
setting.blockselectkeys.name = Show Block Select Keys
setting.vsync.name = VSync
setting.pixelate.name = Pixelate [LIGHT_GRAY](may decrease performance)
setting.minimap.name = Haritayi goster
setting.position.name = Show Player Position
setting.musicvol.name = Ses yuksekligi
setting.ambientvol.name = Ambient Volume
setting.mutemusic.name = Sesi kapat
setting.sfxvol.name = Ses seviyesi
setting.mutesound.name = Sesi kapat
setting.crashreport.name = Send Anonymous Crash Reports
setting.savecreate.name = Auto-Create Saves
setting.publichost.name = Public Game Visibility
setting.playerlimit.name = Player Limit
setting.chatopacity.name = Chat Opacity
setting.lasersopacity.name = Power Laser Opacity
setting.bridgeopacity.name = Bridge Opacity
setting.playerchat.name = Display In-Game Chat
public.confirm = Do you want to make your game public?\n[accent]Anyone will be able to join your games.\n[lightgray]This can be changed later in Settings->Game->Public Game Visibility.
public.beta = Note that beta versions of the game cannot make public lobbies.
uiscale.reset = UI scale has been changed.\nPress "OK" to confirm this scale.\n[scarlet]Reverting and exiting in[accent] {0}[] settings...
uiscale.cancel = Cancel & Exit
setting.bloom.name = Bloom
keybind.title = Tuslari ayarla
keybinds.mobile = [scarlet]Most keybinds here are not functional on mobile. Only basic movement is supported.
category.general.name = General
category.view.name = Goster
category.multiplayer.name = Cok oyunculu
command.attack = Attack
command.rally = Rally
command.retreat = Retreat
placement.blockselectkeys = \n[lightgray]Key: [{0},
keybind.clear_building.name = Clear Building
keybind.press = Bir tusa bas...
keybind.press.axis = Bir yone cevir yada tusa bas...
keybind.screenshot.name = Map Screenshot
keybind.toggle_power_lines.name = Toggle Power Lasers
keybind.move_x.name = Sol/Sag hareket
keybind.move_y.name = Yukari/asagi hareket
keybind.mouse_move.name = Follow Mouse
keybind.dash.name = Kos
keybind.schematic_select.name = Select Region
keybind.schematic_menu.name = Schematic Menu
keybind.schematic_flip_x.name = Flip Schematic X
keybind.schematic_flip_y.name = Flip Schematic Y
keybind.category_prev.name = Previous Category
keybind.category_next.name = Next Category
keybind.block_select_left.name = Block Select Left
keybind.block_select_right.name = Block Select Right
keybind.block_select_up.name = Block Select Up
keybind.block_select_down.name = Block Select Down
keybind.block_select_01.name = Category/Block Select 1
keybind.block_select_02.name = Category/Block Select 2
keybind.block_select_03.name = Category/Block Select 3
keybind.block_select_04.name = Category/Block Select 4
keybind.block_select_05.name = Category/Block Select 5
keybind.block_select_06.name = Category/Block Select 6
keybind.block_select_07.name = Category/Block Select 7
keybind.block_select_08.name = Category/Block Select 8
keybind.block_select_09.name = Category/Block Select 9
keybind.block_select_10.name = Category/Block Select 10
keybind.fullscreen.name = Toggle Fullscreen
keybind.select.name = Sec/silahi sik
keybind.diagonal_placement.name = Diagonal Placement
keybind.pick.name = Pick Block
keybind.break_block.name = Break Block
keybind.deselect.name = Eldeki yapiyi birak
keybind.shoot.name = Sik
keybind.zoom.name = Yaklas
keybind.menu.name = Menu
keybind.pause.name = Durdur
keybind.pause_building.name = Pause/Resume Building
keybind.minimap.name = Minimap
keybind.chat.name = konus
keybind.player_list.name = Oyuncu listesi
keybind.console.name = Konsol
keybind.rotate.name = cevir
keybind.rotateplaced.name = Rotate Existing (Hold)
keybind.toggle_menus.name = Menuleri ac'kapat
keybind.chat_history_prev.name = Konusma gecmisi geri
keybind.chat_history_next.name = Konusma gecmisi ileri
keybind.chat_scroll.name = Konusma kaydir
keybind.drop_unit.name = Unit birak
keybind.zoom_minimap.name = Haritayi yaklastir
mode.help.title = Modlarin aciklamalari
mode.survival.name = Survival
mode.survival.description = The normal mode. Limited resources and automatic incoming waves.
mode.sandbox.name = Serbest
mode.sandbox.description = Sonsuz esyalar ve Dalga suresi yok
mode.editor.name = Editor
mode.pvp.name = PvP
mode.pvp.description = fight against other players locally.
mode.attack.name = Attack
mode.attack.description = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
mode.custom = Custom Rules
rules.infiniteresources = Infinite Resources
rules.reactorexplosions = Reactor Explosions
rules.wavetimer = Wave Timer
rules.waves = Waves
rules.attack = Attack Mode
rules.enemyCheat = Infinite AI Resources
rules.unitdrops = Unit Drops
rules.unitbuildspeedmultiplier = Unit Creation Speed Multiplier
rules.unithealthmultiplier = Unit Health Multiplier
rules.blockhealthmultiplier = Block Health Multiplier
rules.playerhealthmultiplier = Player Health Multiplier
rules.playerdamagemultiplier = Player Damage Multiplier
rules.unitdamagemultiplier = Unit Damage Multiplier
rules.enemycorebuildradius = Enemy Core No-Build Radius:[LIGHT_GRAY] (tiles)
rules.respawntime = Respawn Time:[LIGHT_GRAY] (sec)
rules.wavespacing = Wave Spacing:[LIGHT_GRAY] (sec)
rules.buildcostmultiplier = Build Cost Multiplier
rules.buildspeedmultiplier = Build Speed Multiplier
rules.deconstructrefundmultiplier = Deconstruct Refund Multiplier
rules.waitForWaveToEnd = Waves wait for enemies
rules.dropzoneradius = Drop Zone Radius:[LIGHT_GRAY] (tiles)
rules.respawns = Max respawns per wave
rules.limitedRespawns = Limit Respawns
rules.title.waves = Waves
rules.title.respawns = Respawns
rules.title.resourcesbuilding = Resources & Building
rules.title.player = Players
rules.title.enemy = Enemies
rules.title.unit = Units
rules.title.experimental = Experimental
rules.lighting = Lighting
rules.ambientlight = Ambient Light
rules.solarpowermultiplier = Solar Power Multiplier
content.item.name = Esyalar
content.liquid.name = Sivilar
content.unit.name = Units
content.block.name = Blocks
content.mech.name = Robotlar
item.copper.name = Bakir
item.lead.name = Kursun
item.coal.name = Komur
item.graphite.name = Graphite
item.titanium.name = Titanyum
item.thorium.name = Toryum
item.silicon.name = Silikon
item.plastanium.name = Plastanyum
item.phase-fabric.name = Phase Fabric
item.surge-alloy.name = Kabarma karisimi
item.spore-pod.name = Spore Pod
item.sand.name = Kum
item.blast-compound.name = patlama birlesimi
item.pyratite.name = Pyratite
item.metaglass.name = Metaglass
item.scrap.name = Scrap
liquid.water.name = Su
liquid.slag.name = Slag
liquid.oil.name = Benzin
liquid.cryofluid.name = kriyo sivisi
mech.alpha-mech.name = Alpha
mech.alpha-mech.weapon = Agir plazma silahi
mech.alpha-mech.ability = Pervaneli savunma
mech.delta-mech.name = Delta
mech.delta-mech.weapon = Arc jenaratoru
mech.delta-mech.ability = Sarz cekici
mech.tau-mech.name = Tau
mech.tau-mech.weapon = Yok edici Lazer
mech.tau-mech.ability = Tamircinin patlamasi
mech.omega-mech.name = Omega
mech.omega-mech.weapon = Solucan roketler
mech.omega-mech.ability = Zirhli Yok edici
mech.dart-ship.name = Dart
mech.dart-ship.weapon = Tarayici
mech.javelin-ship.name = Javelin
mech.javelin-ship.weapon = Patlayici roketler
mech.javelin-ship.ability = sarz calici
mech.trident-ship.name = Trident
mech.trident-ship.weapon = mini atomlar
mech.glaive-ship.name = Glaive
mech.glaive-ship.weapon = Orman yakici
item.corestorable = [lightgray]Storable in Core: {0}
item.explosiveness = [LIGHT_GRAY]Patlayicilik: {0}
item.flammability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Yanbilirlik: {0}
item.radioactivity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Radyoaktivite: {0}
unit.health = [LIGHT_GRAY]Can: {0}
unit.speed = [LIGHT_GRAY]hiz: {0}
mech.weapon = [LIGHT_GRAY]silah: {0}
mech.health = [LIGHT_GRAY]Health: {0}
mech.itemcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]esya kapasitesi: {0}
mech.minespeed = [LIGHT_GRAY]kazma hizi: {0}
mech.minepower = [LIGHT_GRAY]kazma gucu: {0}
mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]yetenek gucu: {0}
mech.buildspeed = [LIGHT_GRAY]Building Speed: {0}%
liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]isinma kapasitesi: {0}
liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Yari sivilik: {0}
liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]isi: {0}
block.sand-boulder.name = Sand Boulder
block.grass.name = Grass
block.salt.name = Salt
block.saltrocks.name = Salt Rocks
block.pebbles.name = Pebbles
block.tendrils.name = Tendrils
block.sandrocks.name = Sand Rocks
block.spore-pine.name = Spore Pine
block.sporerocks.name = Spore Rocks
block.rock.name = Rock
block.snowrock.name = Snow Rock
block.snow-pine.name = Snow Pine
block.shale.name = Shale
block.shale-boulder.name = Shale Boulder
block.moss.name = Moss
block.shrubs.name = Shrubs
block.spore-moss.name = Spore Moss
block.shalerocks.name = Shale Rocks
block.scrap-wall.name = Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Large Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Huge Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Gigantic Scrap Wall
block.thruster.name = Thruster
block.kiln.name = Kiln
block.graphite-press.name = Graphite Press
block.multi-press.name = Multi-Press
block.constructing = {0}\n[LIGHT_GRAY](Constructing)
block.spawn.name = Enemy Spawn
block.core-shard.name = Core: Shard
block.core-foundation.name = Core: Foundation
block.core-nucleus.name = Core: Nucleus
block.deepwater.name = su alti
block.water.name = su
block.tainted-water.name = Tainted Water
block.darksand-tainted-water.name = Dark Sand Tainted Water
block.tar.name = Tar
block.stone.name = tas
block.sand.name = kum
block.darksand.name = Dark Sand
block.ice.name = buz
block.snow.name = kar
block.craters.name = Craters
block.sand-water.name = Sand water
block.darksand-water.name = Dark Sand Water
block.char.name = Char
block.holostone.name = Holo stone
block.ice-snow.name = Ice Snow
block.rocks.name = Rocks
block.icerocks.name = Ice rocks
block.snowrocks.name = Snow Rocks
block.dunerocks.name = Dune Rocks
block.pine.name = Pine
block.white-tree-dead.name = White Tree Dead
block.white-tree.name = White Tree
block.spore-cluster.name = Spore Cluster
block.metal-floor.name = Metal Floor
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metal Floor 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metal Floor 3
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metal Floor 5
block.metal-floor-damaged.name = Metal Floor Damaged
block.dark-panel-1.name = Dark Panel 1
block.dark-panel-2.name = Dark Panel 2
block.dark-panel-3.name = Dark Panel 3
block.dark-panel-4.name = Dark Panel 4
block.dark-panel-5.name = Dark Panel 5
block.dark-panel-6.name = Dark Panel 6
block.dark-metal.name = Dark Metal
block.ignarock.name = Igna Rock
block.hotrock.name = Hot Rock
block.magmarock.name = Magma Rock
block.cliffs.name = Cliffs
block.copper-wall.name = bakir duvar
block.copper-wall-large.name = buyuk bakir duvar
block.titanium-wall.name = Titanium Wall
block.titanium-wall-large.name = Large Titanium Wall
block.plastanium-wall.name = Plastanium Wall
block.plastanium-wall-large.name = Large Plastanium Wall
block.phase-wall.name = faz duvar
block.phase-wall-large.name = genis faz duvar
block.thorium-wall.name = Toryum duvari
block.thorium-wall-large.name = genis toryum duvari
block.door.name = kapi
block.door-large.name = genis kapi
block.duo.name = ikili
block.scorch.name = Scorch
block.scatter.name = Scatter
block.hail.name = yagdirici
block.lancer.name = Lazer topu
block.conveyor.name = konvenyor
block.titanium-conveyor.name = Titanyum konvenyor
block.armored-conveyor.name = Armored Conveyor
block.armored-conveyor.description = Moves items at the same speed as titanium conveyors, but possesses more armor. Does not accept inputs from the sides from anything but other conveyors.
block.junction.name = ayirici
block.router.name = dagitici
block.distributor.name = yayici
block.sorter.name = secici
block.inverted-sorter.name = Inverted Sorter
block.message.name = Message
block.illuminator.name = Illuminator
block.illuminator.description = A small, compact, configurable light source. Requires power to function.
block.overflow-gate.name = Kapali dagatici
block.underflow-gate.name = Underflow Gate
block.silicon-smelter.name = Silikon eritici
block.phase-weaver.name = Dokumaci
block.pulverizer.name = pulvarizor
block.cryofluidmixer.name = Cryosivisi karistiricisi
block.melter.name = eritici
block.incinerator.name = isi firini
block.spore-press.name = Spore Press
block.separator.name = separator
block.coal-centrifuge.name = Coal Centrifuge
block.power-node.name = Guc Dugumu
block.power-node-large.name = buyuk Guc Dugumu
block.surge-tower.name = Surge Tower
block.diode.name = Battery Diode
block.battery.name = batarya
block.battery-large.name = buyuk batarya
block.combustion-generator.name = sicaklik jenaratoru
block.turbine-generator.name = termal jenaratoru
block.differential-generator.name = Differential Generator
block.impact-reactor.name = Impact Reactor
block.mechanical-drill.name = Mekanikal Kazici
block.pneumatic-drill.name = Pneumatik Kazici
block.laser-drill.name = Lazer kazici
block.water-extractor.name = su ayiricisi
block.cultivator.name = ekici
block.dart-mech-pad.name = Dart Mech Pad
block.delta-mech-pad.name = Delta Mech Pad
block.javelin-ship-pad.name = Javelin Ship Pad
block.trident-ship-pad.name = Trident Ship Pad
block.glaive-ship-pad.name = Glaive Ship Pad
block.omega-mech-pad.name = Omega Mech Pad
block.tau-mech-pad.name = Tau Mech Pad
block.conduit.name = boru
block.mechanical-pump.name = Mekanikal pompa
block.item-source.name = esya kaynagi
block.item-void.name = esya deligi
block.liquid-source.name = sivi kaynagi
block.liquid-void.name = Liquid Void
block.power-void.name = guc deligi
block.power-source.name = sonsuz guc
block.unloader.name = bekletici
block.vault.name = kasa
block.wave.name = Dalga
block.swarmer.name = Swarmer
block.salvo.name = Salvo
block.ripple.name = Ripple
block.phase-conveyor.name = Phase konvenyoru
block.bridge-conveyor.name = kopru konvenyoru
block.plastanium-compressor.name = Plastanium Kompresoru
block.pyratite-mixer.name = Pyratite karistirici
block.blast-mixer.name = Patlayici karistiricisi
block.solar-panel.name = gunes paneli
block.solar-panel-large.name = genis gunes paneli
block.oil-extractor.name = benzin ayirici
block.command-center.name = Command Center
block.draug-factory.name = Draug Miner Drone Factory
block.spirit-factory.name = Spirit Drone Factory
block.phantom-factory.name = Phantom Drone Factory
block.wraith-factory.name = Wraith Fighter Factory
block.ghoul-factory.name = Ghoul Bomber Factory
block.dagger-factory.name = Dagger Mech Factory
block.crawler-factory.name = Crawler Mech Factory
block.titan-factory.name = Titan Mech Factory
block.fortress-factory.name = Fortress Mech Factory
block.revenant-factory.name = Revenant Fighter Factory
block.repair-point.name = tamirci
block.pulse-conduit.name = Pulse borusu
block.plated-conduit.name = Plated Conduit
block.phase-conduit.name = Phase borusu
block.liquid-router.name = sivi ayirici
block.liquid-tank.name = sivi tanki
block.liquid-junction.name = sivi yonlendirici
block.bridge-conduit.name = kopru borusu
block.rotary-pump.name = donen boru
block.thorium-reactor.name = Thorium Reaktoru
block.mass-driver.name = kütle surucusu
block.blast-drill.name = Patlatici kazici
block.thermal-pump.name = Termal pompa
block.thermal-generator.name = Magma jeneratoru
block.alloy-smelter.name = Alloy eritici
block.mender.name = Mender
block.mend-projector.name = Mend koruyucu
block.surge-wall.name = kabarma duvari
block.surge-wall-large.name = genis kabarma duvari
block.cyclone.name = Siklon
block.fuse.name = fitil
block.shock-mine.name = Shock Mine
block.overdrive-projector.name = Overdrive Projector
block.force-projector.name = Force Projector
block.arc.name = Arc
block.rtg-generator.name = RTG Generator
block.spectre.name = Spectre
block.meltdown.name = Meltdown
block.container.name = Container
block.launch-pad.name = Launch Pad
block.launch-pad-large.name = Large Launch Pad
team.blue.name = blue
team.crux.name = red
team.sharded.name = orange
team.orange.name = orange
team.derelict.name = derelict
team.green.name = green
team.purple.name = purple
unit.spirit.name = Spirit Drone
unit.draug.name = Draug Miner Drone
unit.phantom.name = Phantom Drone
unit.dagger.name = Dagger
unit.crawler.name = Crawler
unit.titan.name = Titan
unit.ghoul.name = Ghoul Bomber
unit.wraith.name = Wraith Fighter
unit.fortress.name = Fortress
unit.revenant.name = Revenant
unit.eruptor.name = Eruptor
unit.chaos-array.name = Chaos Array
unit.eradicator.name = Eradicator
unit.lich.name = Lich
unit.reaper.name = Reaper
tutorial.next = [lightgray]<Tap to continue>
tutorial.intro = You have entered the[scarlet] Mindustry Tutorial.[]\nBegin by[accent] mining copper[]. Tap a copper ore vein near your core to do this.\n\n[accent]{0}/{1} copper
tutorial.intro.mobile = You have entered the[scarlet] Mindustry Tutorial.[]\nSwipe the screen to move.\n[accent]Pinch with 2 fingers [] to zoom in and out.\nBegin by[accent] mining copper[]. Move close to it, then tap a copper ore vein near your core to do this.\n\n[accent]{0}/{1} copper
tutorial.drill = Mining manually is inefficient.\n[accent]Drills []can mine automatically.\nPlace one on a copper vein.
tutorial.drill.mobile = Mining manually is inefficient.\n[accent]Drills []can mine automatically.\nTap the drill tab in the bottom right.\nSelect the[accent] mechanical drill[].\nPlace it on a copper vein by tapping, then press the[accent] checkmark[] below to confirm your selection.\nPress the[accent] X button[] to cancel placement.
tutorial.blockinfo = Each block has different stats. Each drill can only mine certain ores.\nTo check a block's info and stats,[accent] tap the "?" button while selecting it in the build menu.[]\n\n[accent]Access the Mechanical Drill's stats now.[]
tutorial.conveyor = [accent]Conveyors[] are used to transport items to the core.\nMake a line of conveyors from the drill to the core.
tutorial.conveyor.mobile = [accent]Conveyors[] are used to transport items to the core.\nMake a line of conveyors from the drill to the core.\n[accent] Place in a line by holding down your finger for a few seconds[] and dragging in a direction.\n\n[accent]{0}/{1} conveyors placed in line\n[accent]0/1 items delivered
tutorial.turret = Defensive structures must be built to repel the[LIGHT_GRAY] enemy[].\nBuild a duo turret near your base.
tutorial.drillturret = Duo turrets require[accent] copper ammo []to shoot.\nPlace a drill next to the turret to supply it with mined copper.
tutorial.pause = During battle, you are able to[accent] pause the game.[]\nYou may queue buildings while paused.\n\n[accent]Press space to pause.
tutorial.pause.mobile = During battle, you are able to[accent] pause the game.[]\nYou may queue buildings while paused.\n\n[accent]Press this button in the top left to pause.
tutorial.unpause = Now press space again to unpause.
tutorial.unpause.mobile = Now press it again to unpause.
tutorial.breaking = Blocks frequently need to be destroyed.\n[accent]Hold down right-click[] to destroy all blocks in a selection.[]\n\n[accent]Destroy all the scrap blocks to the left of your core using area selection.
tutorial.breaking.mobile = Blocks frequently need to be destroyed.\n[accent]Select deconstruction mode[], then tap a block to begin breaking it.\nDestroy an area by holding down your finger for a few seconds[] and dragging in a direction.\nPress the checkmark button to confirm breaking.\n\n[accent]Destroy all the scrap blocks to the left of your core using area selection.
tutorial.withdraw = In some situations, taking items directly from blocks is necessary.\nTo do this, [accent]tap a block[] with items in it, then [accent]tap the item[] in the inventory.\nMultiple items can be withdrawn by [accent]tapping and holding[].\n\n[accent]Withdraw some copper from the core.[]
tutorial.deposit = Deposit items into blocks by dragging from your ship to the destination block.\n\n[accent]Deposit your copper back into the core.[]
tutorial.waves = The[LIGHT_GRAY] enemy[] approaches.\n\nDefend your core for 2 waves. Build more turrets.
tutorial.waves.mobile = The[lightgray] enemy[] approaches.\n\nDefend the core for 2 waves. Your ship will automatically fire at enemies.\nBuild more turrets and drills. Mine more copper.
tutorial.launch = Once you reach a specific wave, you are able to[accent] launch the core[], leaving your defenses behind and[accent] obtaining all the resources in your core.[]\nThese resources can then be used to research new technology.\n\n[accent]Press the launch button.
item.copper.description = ise yayar bir materyal. Kazma makineleriyle yada tasimayla alinabilir.
item.lead.description = Basit bir baslangic materyali. sivi tasimada kullanilabilir.
item.metaglass.description = A super-tough glass compound. Extensively used for liquid distribution and storage.
item.graphite.description = Mineralized carbon, used for ammunition and electrical insulation.
item.sand.description = karistirma maddesi olark kullanilan yaygin bir madde.
item.coal.description = Yaygin bir yakit.
item.titanium.description = Nadir ve hafif bir materyal. Hava araclarinda, Kazma makinelerinde ve sivi tasima tuplerinde kullanilir.
item.thorium.description = Nukleer yakit olarak kullanilan sert ve nukleer bir materyal.
item.scrap.description = Leftover remnants of old structures and units. Contains trace amounts of many different metals.
item.silicon.description = Gunes panellerinde ve gelismis materallerde kullanilan bir materyal
item.plastanium.description = hafif bir madde, hava makinelerinde ve silahlara kursun olarak kullanilir.
item.phase-fabric.description = A near-weightless substance used in advanced electronics and self-repairing technology.
item.surge-alloy.description = An advanced alloy with unique electrical properties.
item.spore-pod.description = Used for conversion into oil, explosives and fuel.
item.blast-compound.description = Bombalar ve patlayicilarda kullanilabilir. Yakit olarak kullanilmasi tavsiye edilmez.
item.pyratite.description = Yakici silahlar icin yakici bir madde.
liquid.water.description = Commonly used for cooling machines and waste processing.
liquid.slag.description = Various different types of molten metal mixed together. Can be separated into its constituent minerals, or sprayed at enemy units as a weapon.
liquid.oil.description = Can be burnt, exploded or used as a coolant.
liquid.cryofluid.description = The most efficient liquid for cooling things down.
mech.alpha-mech.description = Standart Robot. Kendisine yardim etmesi icin 3 adet dron cikartabilir
mech.delta-mech.description = vur kac icin yapilmis olan hizli bir makine. duvarlara az hasar verir ama gruplari temizlemesiyle bilinir.
mech.tau-mech.description = Destek bir robot. alaninin icindeki herseyi tamir edebilir
mech.omega-mech.description = Tank ve hasar vurucu bir robot. Zirhi ona %90 hasari engellemesini saglayan bir kalkan verir.
mech.dart-ship.description = Var olan en hizli robot. guclu bir vurkacci
mech.javelin-ship.description = vur kac tipindeki bir unit. bir anda buyuk bir hasara sebep olabilir
mech.trident-ship.description = Bir bombaci. Guzel bir zirha sahip
mech.glaive-ship.description = Guzel, buyuk bir unit. Hiz limiti ve kapesitesi iyidir
unit.draug.description = A primitive mining drone. Cheap to produce. Expendable. Automatically mines copper and lead in the vicinity. Delivers mined resources to the closest core.
unit.spirit.description = The starter drone unit. Spawns in the core by default. Automatically mines ores, collects items and repairs blocks.
unit.phantom.description = An advanced drone unit. Automatically mines ores, collects items and repairs blocks. Significantly more effective than a drone.
unit.dagger.description = basit bir zemin uniti
unit.crawler.description = A ground unit consisting of a stripped-down frame with high explosives strapped on top. Not particular durable. Explodes on contact with enemies.
unit.titan.description = havaya sikabilen, gelismis bir unit
unit.fortress.description = A heavy artillery ground unit.
unit.eruptor.description = A heavy mech designed to take down structures. Fires a stream of slag at enemy fortifications, melting them and setting volatiles on fire.
unit.wraith.description = A fast, hit-and-run interceptor unit.
unit.ghoul.description = A heavy carpet bomber. Uses blast compound or pyratite as ammo.
unit.revenant.description = A heavy, hovering missile array.
block.message.description = Stores a message. Used for communication between allies.
block.graphite-press.description = Compresses chunks of coal into pure sheets of graphite.
block.multi-press.description = An upgraded version of the graphite press. Employs water and power to process coal quickly and efficiently.
block.silicon-smelter.description = Reduces sand with highly pure coke in order to produce silicon.
block.kiln.description = Smelts sand and lead into metaglass. Requires small amounts of power.
block.plastanium-compressor.description = Produces plastanium from oil and titanium.
block.phase-weaver.description = Produces phase fabric from radioactive thorium and high amounts of sand.
block.alloy-smelter.description = Produces surge alloy from titanium, lead, silicon and copper.
block.cryofluidmixer.description = Combines water and titanium into cryofluid which is much more efficient for cooling.
block.blast-mixer.description = Uses oil for transforming pyratite into the less flammable but more explosive blast compound.
block.pyratite-mixer.description = Mixes coal, lead and sand into highly flammable pyratite.
block.melter.description = Heats up stone to very high temperatures to obtain lava.
block.separator.description = Exposes stone to water pressure in order to obtain various minerals contained in the stone.
block.spore-press.description = Compresses spore pods into oil.
block.pulverizer.description = Crushes stone into sand. Useful when there is a lack of natural sand.
block.coal-centrifuge.description = Solidifes oil into chunks of coal.
block.incinerator.description = Gets rid of any excess item or liquid.
block.power-void.description = Voids all power inputted into it. Sandbox only.
block.power-source.description = Infinitely outputs power. Sandbox only.
block.item-source.description = Infinitely outputs items. Sandbox only.
block.item-void.description = Destroys any items which go into it without using power. Sandbox only.
block.liquid-source.description = Infinitely outputs liquids. Sandbox only.
block.liquid-void.description = Removes any liquids. Sandbox only.
block.copper-wall.description = A cheap defensive block.\nUseful for protecting the core and turrets in the first few waves.
block.copper-wall-large.description = A cheap defensive block.\nUseful for protecting the core and turrets in the first few waves.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.titanium-wall.description = A moderately strong defensive block.\nProvides moderate protection from enemies.
block.titanium-wall-large.description = A moderately strong defensive block.\nProvides moderate protection from enemies.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.plastanium-wall.description = A special type of wall that absorbs electric arcs and blocks automatic power node connections.
block.plastanium-wall-large.description = A special type of wall that absorbs electric arcs and blocks automatic power node connections.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.thorium-wall.description = A strong defensive block.\nGood protection from enemies.
block.thorium-wall-large.description = A strong defensive block.\nGood protection from enemies.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.phase-wall.description = Not as strong as a thorium wall but will deflect bullets unless they are too powerful.
block.phase-wall-large.description = Not as strong as a thorium wall but will deflect bullets unless they are too powerful.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.surge-wall.description = The strongest defensive block.\nHas a small chance of triggering lightning towards the attacker.
block.surge-wall-large.description = The strongest defensive block.\nHas a small chance of triggering lightning towards the attacker.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.door.description = A small door that can be opened and closed by tapping on it.\nIf opened, enemies can shoot and move through.
block.door-large.description = A large door that can be opened and closed by tapping on it.\nIf opened, enemies can shoot and move through.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.mender.description = Periodically repairs blocks in its vicinity. Keeps defenses repaired in-between waves.\nOptionally uses silicon to boost range and efficiency.
block.mend-projector.description = Periodically heals buildings in its vicinity.
block.overdrive-projector.description = Increases the speed of nearby buildings like drills and conveyors.
block.force-projector.description = Creates a hexagonal force field around itself, protecting buildings and units inside from damage through bullets.
block.shock-mine.description = Damages enemies stepping on the mine. Nearly invisible to the enemy.
block.conveyor.description = Basic item transport block. Moved items forward and automatically deposits them into turrets or crafters. Rotatable.
block.titanium-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Moves items faster than standard conveyors.
block.junction.description = Acts as a bridge for two crossing conveyor belts. Useful in situations with two different conveyors carrying different materials to different locations.
block.bridge-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Allows transporting items over up to 3 tiles of any terrain or building.
block.phase-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Uses power to teleport items to a connected phase conveyor over several tiles.
block.sorter.description = esyalari secer. rengi ayni olan esya ileriden, digerleri sagdan ve soldan devam eder
block.inverted-sorter.description = Processes items like a standard sorter, but outputs selected items to the sides instead.
block.router.description = Accepts items from one direction and outputs them to up to 3 other directions equally. Useful for splitting the materials from one source to multiple targets.
block.distributor.description = An advanced router which splits items to up to 7 other directions equally.
block.overflow-gate.description = sadece saga ve sola dagatir. onu kapalidir
block.underflow-gate.description = The opposite of an overflow gate. Outputs to the front if the left and right paths are blocked.
block.mass-driver.description = Ultimate item transport block. Collects several items and then shoots them to another mass driver over a long range.
block.mechanical-pump.description = A cheap pump with slow output, but no power consumption.
block.rotary-pump.description = An advanced pump which doubles up speed by using power.
block.thermal-pump.description = The ultimate pump. Three times as fast as a mechanical pump and the only pump which is able to retrieve lava.
block.conduit.description = Basic liquid transport block. Works like a conveyor, but with liquids. Best used with extractors, pumps or other conduits.
block.pulse-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Transports liquids faster and stores more than standard conduits.
block.plated-conduit.description = Moves liquids at the same rate as pulse conduits, but possesses more armor. Does not accept fluids from the sides by anything other than conduits.\nLeaks less.
block.liquid-router.description = Accepts liquids from one direction and outputs them to up to 3 other directions equally. Can also store a certain amount of liquid. Useful for splitting the liquids from one source to multiple targets.
block.liquid-tank.description = Stores a large amount of liquids. Use it for creating buffers when there is a non-constant demand of materials or as a safeguard for cooling vital blocks.
block.liquid-junction.description = Acts as a bridge for two crossing conduits. Useful in situations with two different conduits carrying different liquids to different locations.
block.bridge-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Allows transporting liquids over up to 3 tiles of any terrain or building.
block.phase-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Uses power to teleport liquids to a connected phase conduit over several tiles.
block.power-node.description = Transmits power to connected nodes. Up to four power sources, sinks or nodes can be connected. The node will receive power from or supply power to any adjacent blocks.
block.power-node-large.description = Has a larger radius than the power node and connects to up to six power sources, sinks or nodes.
block.surge-tower.description = An extremely long-range power node with fewer available connections.
block.diode.description = Battery power can flow through this block in only one direction, but only if the other side has less power stored.
block.battery.description = Stores power whenever there is an abundance and provides power whenever there is a shortage, as long as there is capacity left.
block.battery-large.description = Stores much more power than a regular battery.
block.combustion-generator.description = Generates power by burning oil or flammable materials.
block.thermal-generator.description = Generates a large amount of power from lava.
block.turbine-generator.description = More efficient than a combustion generator, but requires additional water.
block.differential-generator.description = Generates large amounts of energy. Utilizes the temperature difference between cryofluid and burning pyratite.
block.rtg-generator.description = A radioisotope thermoelectric generator which does not require cooling but provides less power than a thorium reactor.
block.solar-panel.description = Provides a small amount of power from the sun.
block.solar-panel-large.description = Provides much better power supply than a standard solar panel, but is also much more expensive to build.
block.thorium-reactor.description = Generates huge amounts of power from highly radioactive thorium. Requires constant cooling. Will explode violently if insufficient amounts of coolant are supplied.
block.impact-reactor.description = An advanced generator, capable of creating massive amounts of power at peak efficiency. Requires a significant power input to kickstart the process.
block.mechanical-drill.description = A cheap drill. When placed on appropriate tiles, outputs items at a slow pace indefinitely.
block.pneumatic-drill.description = An improved drill which is faster and able to process harder materials by making use of air pressure.
block.laser-drill.description = Allows drilling even faster through laser technology, but requires power. Additionally, radioactive thorium can be retrieved with this drill.
block.blast-drill.description = The ultimate drill. Requires large amounts of power.
block.water-extractor.description = Extracts water from the ground. Use it when there is no lake nearby.
block.cultivator.description = Cultivates the soil with water in order to obtain biomatter.
block.oil-extractor.description = Uses large amounts of power in order to extract oil from sand. Use it when there is no direct source of oil nearby.
block.core-shard.description = The first iteration of the core capsule. Once destroyed, all contact to the region is lost. Do not let this happen.
block.core-foundation.description = The second version of the core. Better armored. Stores more resources.
block.core-nucleus.description = The third and final iteration of the core capsule. Extremely well armored. Stores massive amounts of resources.
block.vault.description = Stores a large amount of items. Use it for creating buffers when there is a non-constant demand of materials. An[LIGHT_GRAY] unloader[] can be used to retrieve items from the vault.
block.container.description = Stores a small amount of items. Use it for creating buffers when there is a non-constant demand of materials. An[LIGHT_GRAY] unloader[] can be used to retrieve items from the container.
block.unloader.description = Unloads items from a container, vault or core onto a conveyor or directly into an adjacent block. The type of item to be unloaded can be changed by tapping on the unloader.
block.launch-pad.description = Launches batches of items without any need for a core launch. Unfinished.
block.launch-pad-large.description = An improved version of the launch pad. Stores more items. Launches more frequently.
block.duo.description = A small, cheap turret.
block.scatter.description = A medium-sized anti-air turret. Sprays clumps of lead or scrap flak at enemy units.
block.scorch.description = Burns any ground enemies close to it. Highly effective at close range.
block.hail.description = A small artillery turret.
block.wave.description = A medium-sized rapid-fire turret which shoots liquid bubbles.
block.lancer.description = A medium-sized turret which shoots charged electricity beams.
block.arc.description = A small turret which shoots electricity in a random arc towards the enemy.
block.swarmer.description = A medium-sized turret which shoots burst missiles.
block.salvo.description = A medium-sized turret which fires shots in salvos.
block.fuse.description = A large turret which shoots powerful short-range beams.
block.ripple.description = A large artillery turret which fires several shots simultaneously.
block.cyclone.description = A large rapid fire turret.
block.spectre.description = A large turret which shoots two powerful bullets at once.
block.meltdown.description = A large turret which shoots powerful long-range beams.
block.command-center.description = Issues movement commands to allied units across the map.\nCauses units to patrol, attack an enemy core or retreat to the core/factory. When no enemy core is present, units will default to patrolling under the attack command.
block.draug-factory.description = Produces Draug mining drones.
block.spirit-factory.description = Produces light drones which mine ore and repair blocks.
block.phantom-factory.description = Produces advanced drone units which are significantly more effective than a spirit drone.
block.wraith-factory.description = Produces fast, hit-and-run interceptor units.
block.ghoul-factory.description = Produces heavy carpet bombers.
block.revenant-factory.description = Produces heavy laser ground units.
block.dagger-factory.description = Produces basic ground units.
block.crawler-factory.description = Produces fast self-destructing swarm units.
block.titan-factory.description = Produces advanced, armored ground units.
block.fortress-factory.description = Produces heavy artillery ground units.
block.repair-point.description = Continuously heals the closest damaged unit in its vicinity.
block.dart-mech-pad.description = Provides transformation into a basic attack mech.\nUse by tapping while standing on it.
block.delta-mech-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a fast, lightly-armored mech made for hit-and-run attacks.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.tau-mech-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a support mech which can heal friendly buildings and units.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.omega-mech-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a bulky and well-armored mech, made for front-line assaults.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a strong and fast interceptor with lightning weapons.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.trident-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a reasonably well armored heavy bomber.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a large, well-armored gunship.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.