mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 04:40:10 +07:00
2086 lines
113 KiB
2086 lines
113 KiB
credits.text = Kūrėjas [royal]Anuken[] - [sky]anukendev@gmail.com[]
credits = Kreditai
contributors = Vertėjai ir Padėjėjai
discord = Prisijunkite prie Mindustry Discord!
link.discord.description = Oficialus Mindustry Discord serveris
link.reddit.description = Mindustry subreddit'as
link.github.description = Žaidimo pradinis kodas
link.changelog.description = Atnaujinimų sąrašas
link.dev-builds.description = Nestabili kūriamoji versija
link.trello.description = Oficiali Trello lenta planuojamoms naujoms funkcijoms
link.itch.io.description = itch.io puslapis su PC atsisiuntimu
link.google-play.description = Google Play parduotuvės elementas
link.f-droid.description = F-Droid katalogo elementas
link.wiki.description = Oficialus Mindustry wiki
link.suggestions.description = Pasiūlykite naujas funkcijas
link.bug.description = Found one? Report it here
linkfail = Nepavyko atidaryti nuorodos!\nURL nukopijuotas į jūsų iškarpinę.
screenshot = Ekrano kopija išsaugota į {0}
screenshot.invalid = Žemėlapis yra per didelis, potencialiai nepakanka vietos išsaugoti ekrano kopiją.
gameover = Žaidimas Baigtas
gameover.disconnect = Disconnect
gameover.pvp = [accent] {0}[] komanda laimėjo!
gameover.waiting = [accent]Waiting for next map...
highscore = [accent]Naujas rekordas!
copied = Nukopijuota.
indev.notready = This part of the game isn't ready yet
load.sound = Garsai
load.map = Žemėlapiai
load.image = Vaizdai
load.content = Turinys
load.system = Sistema
load.mod = Modifikacijos
load.scripts = Kodai
be.update = Galite parsisiusti naujausią versija:
be.update.confirm = Parsisiųsti ir perkrauti dabar?
be.updating = Naujinama...
be.ignore = Ignoruoti
be.noupdates = Naujinimų nerasta.
be.check = Ieškoti naujinimų
mods.browser = Mod Browser
mods.browser.selected = Selected mod
mods.browser.add = Install
mods.browser.reinstall = Reinstall
mods.browser.view-releases = View Releases
mods.browser.noreleases = [scarlet]No Releases Found\n[accent]Couldn't find any releases for this mod. Check if the mod's repository has any releases published.
mods.browser.latest = <Latest>
mods.browser.releases = Releases
mods.github.open = Repo
mods.github.open-release = Release Page
mods.browser.sortdate = Sort by recent
mods.browser.sortstars = Sort by stars
schematic = Schema
schematic.add = Išsaugoti schemą...
schematics = Schemos
schematic.replace = Schema šiuo pavadinimu jau egzistuoja. Pakeisti?
schematic.exists = Schema šiuo pavadinimu jau egzistuoja.
schematic.import = Importuoti schemą...
schematic.exportfile = Eksportuoti failą
schematic.importfile = Importuoti failą
schematic.browseworkshop = Naršyti Dirbtuvę
schematic.copy = Kopijuoti į iškarpinę
schematic.copy.import = Importuoti iš iškarpinės
schematic.shareworkshop = Dalintis Dirbtuvėje
schematic.flip = [accent][[{0}][]/[accent][[{1}][]: Apversti schemą
schematic.saved = Schema išsaugota.
schematic.delete.confirm = Ši schema bus negrįžtamai pašalinta.
schematic.rename = Pervadinti schemą
schematic.info = {0}x{1}, {2} blokai
schematic.disabled = [scarlet]Schematics disabled[]\nYou are not allowed to use schematics on this [accent]map[] or [accent]server.
schematic.tags = Tags:
schematic.edittags = Edit Tags
schematic.addtag = Add Tag
schematic.texttag = Text Tag
schematic.icontag = Icon Tag
schematic.renametag = Rename Tag
schematic.tagdelconfirm = Delete this tag completely?
schematic.tagexists = That tag already exists.
stats = Stats
stats.wave = Waves Defeated
stats.unitsCreated = Units Created
stats.enemiesDestroyed = Enemies Destroyed
stats.built = Buildings Built
stats.destroyed = Buildings Destroyed
stats.deconstructed = Buildings Deconstructed
stats.playtime = Time Played
globalitems = [accent]Global Items
map.delete = Ar esate tikri, jog norite ištrinti žemėlapį "[accent]{0}[]"?
level.highscore = Rekordas: [accent]{0}
level.select = Lygio pasirinkimas
level.mode = Žaidimo režimas:
coreattack = < Branduolys yra puolamas! >
nearpoint = [[ [scarlet]NEDELSDAMI PALIKITE IŠMETIMO ZONĄ[] ]\nneišvengiamas sunaikinimas
database = Branduolio duomenų dazė
database.button = Database
savegame = Išsaugoti žaidimą
loadgame = Užkrauti žaidimą
joingame = Įeiti į žaidimą
customgame = Pasirinktinis žaidimas
newgame = Naujas žaidimas
none = <niekas>
none.found = [lightgray]<none found>
none.inmap = [lightgray]<none in map>
minimap = Mini žemėlapis
position = Pozicija
close = Uždaryti
website = Tinklalapis
quit = Išeiti
save.quit = Išsaugoti ir išeiti
maps = Žemėlapiai
maps.browse = Naršyti žemėlapius
continue = Tęsti
maps.none = [lightgray]Nerasta žemėlapių!
invalid = Klaidingas
pickcolor = Pasirinkti spalvą
preparingconfig = Ruošiamos konfiguracijos
preparingcontent = Ruošiamas turinys
uploadingcontent = Talpinamas turinys
uploadingpreviewfile = Talpinamas peržiūros failas
committingchanges = Daromi pakeitimai
done = Baigta
feature.unsupported = Jūsų įrenginys nepalaiko šios funkcijos.
mods.initfailed = [red]⚠[] The previous Mindustry instance failed to initialize. This was likely caused by misbehaving mods.\n\nTo prevent a crash loop, [red]all mods have been disabled.[]
mods = Modifikacijos
mods.none = [lightgray]Modifikacijos nerastos
mods.guide = Modifikavimo pagalba
mods.report = Pranešti apie klaidas
mods.openfolder = Atidaryti modifikacijų aplanką
mods.viewcontent = View Content
mods.reload = Perkrauti
mods.reloadexit = The game will now exit, to reload mods.
mod.installed = [[Installed]
mod.display = [gray]Modifikacijos:[orange] {0}
mod.enabled = [lightgray]Įjungta
mod.disabled = [scarlet]Išjungta
mod.multiplayer.compatible = [gray]Multiplayer Compatible
mod.disable = Išjungti
mod.content = Tūrinys:
mod.delete.error = Negalima ištrinti modifikacijos. Failas gali būti naudojamas.
mod.requiresversion = [scarlet]Žemiausia privaloma žaidimo versija: [accent]{0}
mod.outdatedv7 = [scarlet]Incompatible with V7 (no minGameVersion: 136)
mod.missingdependencies = [scarlet]Trūkstamos priklausomybės: {0}
mod.erroredcontent = [scarlet]Turinio klaidos.
mod.errors = Įvyko klaida kraunant turinį.
mod.noerrorplay = [scarlet]Turite modifikacijas su klaidomis.[] Išjunkite modifikacijas su klaidomis arba patasykite jas prieš žaidžiant.
mod.nowdisabled = [scarlet]Modifikacijai '{0}' trūksta priklausomybių:[accent] {1}\n[lightgray] Šios modifikacijos turi būti atsisiųstos.\nŠi modifikacija bus automatiškai išjungta.
mod.enable = Įjungti
mod.requiresrestart = Žaidimas dabar išsijungs modifikacijų pakeitimui.
mod.reloadrequired = [scarlet]Privalomas perkrovimas
mod.import = Importuoti modifikaciją
mod.import.file = Importuoti failą
mod.import.github = Importuoti GitHub modifikaciją
mod.jarwarn = [scarlet]JAR mods are inherently unsafe.[]\nMake sure you're importing this mod from a trustworthy source!
mod.item.remove = Šis elementas yra[accent] '{0}'[] modifikacijos dalis. Norėdami panaikinti ją turite pašalinti modifikaciją.
mod.remove.confirm = Ši modifikacija bus pašalinta.
mod.author = [lightgray]Autorius:[] {0}
mod.missing = Šis išsaugojimas turi modifikacijas, kurias atnaujinote arba nebėra įrašytos. Gali atsirasti išsaugojimo gedimas. Ar tikrai norite užkrauti?\nModifikacijos:\n{0}
mod.preview.missing = Prieš publikuojant šią modifikaciją workshop'e, jūs privalote pridėti parodamajį vaizdą.\nĮdėktie vaizdą pavadinimu[accent] preview.png[] į modifikacijos aplanką ir bandykite iš naujo.
mod.folder.missing = Tik modifikacijos aplanko formoje gali būti publikuojamos workshop'e.\nNorint konvertuoti bet kurią modifikaciją į aplanką, paprasčiausiai išpakuokite jos failą į aplanką ir ištrinkite senąją zip versiją, po to, perkraukite žaidimą arba modifikacijas.
mod.scripts.disable = Your device does not support mods with scripts. You must disable these mods to play the game.
about.button = Apie
name = Vardas:
noname = Pirma pasirinkite[accent] žaidėjo vardą[].
planetmap = Planet Map
launchcore = Launch Core
filename = Failo pavadinimas:
unlocked = Atrakintas naujas turinys!
available = New research available!
unlock.incampaign = < Unlock in campaign for details >
completed = [accent]Išrasta
techtree = Technologijų Medis
techtree.select = Tech Tree Selection
techtree.serpulo = Serpulo
techtree.erekir = Erekir
research.load = Load
research.discard = Discard
research.list = [lightgray]Išradimai:
research = Išrasti
researched = [lightgray]{0} išrasta.
research.progress = {0}% complete
players = {0} žaidėjai
players.single = {0} žaidėjas
players.search = ieškoti
players.notfound = [gray]no players found
server.closing = [accent]Uždaromas serveris...
server.kicked.kick = Jūs buvote išmestas iš serverio!
server.kicked.whitelist = Jūs nesate baltajame sąraše.
server.kicked.serverClose = Serveris uždarytas.
server.kicked.vote = Jūs buvote išbalsuotas kitų žaidėjų. Iki Pasimatymo.
server.kicked.clientOutdated = Pasenęs Klientas! Atnaujinkite savo žaidimą!
server.kicked.serverOutdated = Pasenęs Serveris! Paprašykite savininko, kad būtų atnaujintas!
server.kicked.banned = Jūs esate užblokuotas šiame serveryje.
server.kicked.typeMismatch = Šis serveris yra nesuderinamas su jūsų žaidimo versija.
server.kicked.playerLimit = Šis serveris yra pilnas. Palaukite, kol atsiras vietos.
server.kicked.recentKick = Jūs buvote neseniai išmestas iš serverio.\nPalaukite, prieš jungiantis.
server.kicked.nameInUse = Žaidėjas su šiuo vardu\n jau yra serveryje.
server.kicked.nameEmpty = Pasirinktas vardas yra netinkamas.
server.kicked.idInUse = Jūs jau esate šiame serveryje! Prisijungti su dviemis paskyromis yra neleistina.
server.kicked.customClient = Šis serveris nepalaiko modifikuotų žaidimo versijų. Atsisiųskite oficialią versiją.
server.kicked.gameover = Žaidimas Baigtas!
server.kicked.serverRestarting = Šis serveris persikrauna.
server.versions = Jūsų versija:[accent] {0}[]\nServerio versija:[accent] {1}[]
host.info = [accent]Hostinti[] mygtukas sukūria serverį prievade [scarlet]6567[]. \nBet kas [lightgray]tame pačiame wifi arba vietiniame tinkle[] galės matyti jūsų serverį serverių sąraše.\n\nJei norite, kad žmonės galėtų prisijungti iš bet kruios pasaulio vietos su IP adresu yra privalomas [accent]prievadų peradresavimas[].\n\n[lightgray]Pastaba: Jei kam nors kyla problemų jungiantis prie jūsų LAN žaidimo, įsitikinkite, kad Mindustry turi prieigą prie vietinio tinklo ugniasienės nustatymuose. Prisiminkite, jog viešieji tinklai kartais neleidžia serverių aptikimo.
join.info = Čia galite įvesti[accent] serverio IP[], jei norite prisijungti, arba atrasti[accent] vietinio tinklo[] serverius, prie kurių norite prisijungti.\nPalaikoma tiek LAN, tiek WAN žaidimas tinkle.\n\n[lightgray]Pastaba: Nėra automatinio globalių serverių sąrašo; jei norite prisijungti prie kažko su IP adresu, turėsite paprašyti IP adreso.
hostserver = Hostinti Žaidimą Tinkle
invitefriends = Pakviesti Draugus
hostserver.mobile = Hostinti\nŽaidimą
host = Hostinti
hosting = [accent]Atidaromas serveris...
hosts.refresh = Atnaujinti
hosts.discovering = Ieškoma LAN žaidimų
hosts.discovering.any = Ieškoma žaidimų
server.refreshing = Atnaujinamas serveris
hosts.none = [lightgray]Žaidimų vietiniame tinkle nerasta!
host.invalid = [scarlet]Negalima prisijungti prie serverio.
servers.local = Vietinio Tinklo Serveriai
servers.local.steam = Open Games & Local Servers
servers.remote = Nuotoliniai Serveriai
servers.global = Globalūs Serveriai
servers.disclaimer = Community servers are [accent]not[] owned or controlled by the developer.\n\nServers may contain user-generated content that is not appropriate for all ages.
servers.showhidden = Show Hidden Servers
server.shown = Shown
server.hidden = Hidden
trace = Sekti Žaidėją
trace.playername = Žaidėjo vardas: [accent]{0}
trace.ip = IP: [accent]{0}
trace.id = Unikalus ID: [accent]{0}
trace.mobile = Mobilus Klientas: [accent]{0}
trace.modclient = Custom Client: [accent]{0}
trace.times.joined = Times Joined: [accent]{0}
trace.times.kicked = Times Kicked: [accent]{0}
invalidid = Netaisyklingas kliento ID! Praneškite apie klaidą.
server.bans = Užblokavimai
server.bans.none = Nerasta užblokuotų žaidėjų!
server.admins = Administratoriai
server.admins.none = Nerasta administratorių!
server.add = Pridėti Serverį
server.delete = Ar esate tikras jog norite panaikinti serverį?
server.edit = Redaguoti Serverį
server.outdated = [crimson]Pasenęs serveris![]
server.outdated.client = [crimson]Pasenęs Klientas![]
server.version = [gray]v{0} {1}
server.custombuild = [accent]Custom Build
confirmban = Ar esate tikras, jog norite užblokuoti šį žaidėją?
confirmkick = Ar esate tikras, jog norite išmesti šį žaidėją?
confirmvotekick = Ar esate tikras, jog norite išbalsuoti šį žaidėją?
confirmunban = Ar esate tikras, jog norite atblokuoti šį žaidėją?
confirmadmin = Ar esate tikras, jog norite šį žaidėją padaryti administratoriumi?
confirmunadmin = Ar esate tikras, jog norite atimti administratoriaus statusą iš šio žaidėjo?
joingame.title = Prisijungti prie žaidimo
joingame.ip = IP Adresas:
disconnect = Atsijungta.
disconnect.error = Prisijungimo klaida.
disconnect.closed = Prisijungimas uždarytas.
disconnect.timeout = Baigėsi laikas.
disconnect.data = Nepavyko užkrauti pasaulio informacijos!
cantconnect = Negalima prisijungti prie žaidimo ([accent]{0}[]).
connecting = [accent]Prisijungiama...
reconnecting = [accent]Reconnecting...
connecting.data = [accent]Kraunama pasaulio informacija...
server.port = Prievadas:
server.addressinuse = Adresas jau naudojamas!
server.invalidport = Negaliams prievado numeris!
server.error = [crimson]Įvyko klaida.
save.new = Naujas Išsaugojimas
save.overwrite = Ar esate tikras, jog\n norite perrašyti šį elementą?
overwrite = Perrašyti
save.none = Nerasta jokių išsaugojimų!
savefail = Nepavyko išsaugoti žaidimo!
save.delete.confirm = Ar esate tikras, jog norite pašalinti šį išsaugojimą?
save.delete = Šalinti
save.export = Eksportuoti Išsaugojimą
save.import.invalid = [accent]Šis išsaugojimas yra kalidingas!
save.import.fail = [crimson]Nepavyko importuoti išsaugojimo: [accent]{0}
save.export.fail = [crimson]Nepavyko exportuoti išsaugojimo: [accent]{0}
save.import = Importuoti išsaugojimą
save.newslot = Išsaugojimo pavadinimas:
save.rename = Pervadinti
save.rename.text = Naujas pavadinimas:
selectslot = Pasirinkite išsaugojimą.
slot = [accent]Elementas {0}
editmessage = Redaguoti žinutę
save.corrupted = Išsaugojimo failas yra sugadintas arba !
empty = <empty>
on = Įjungta
off = Išjungta
save.search = Search saved games...
save.autosave = Automatinis išsaugojimas: {0}
save.map = Žemėlapis: {0}
save.wave = Banga {0}
save.mode = Žaidimo Režimas: {0}
save.date = Paskutinis Išsaugojimas: {0}
save.playtime = Žaidimo laikas: {0}
warning = Perspėjimas.
confirm = Priimti
delete = Šalinti
view.workshop = Apžiūrėti Workshop'e
workshop.listing = Edit Workshop Listing
ok = Gerai
open = Atidaryti
customize = Keisti Taisykles
cancel = Atšaukti
command = Command
command.mine = Mine
command.repair = Repair
command.rebuild = Rebuild
command.assist = Assist Player
command.move = Move
openlink = Atidaryti Nuorodą
copylink = Kopijuoti Nuorodą
back = Sugrįžti
max = Max
objective = Map Objective
crash.export = Export Crash Logs
crash.none = No crash logs found.
crash.exported = Crash logs exported.
data.export = Eksportuoti duomenis
data.import = Importuoti duomenis
data.openfolder = Atidaryti duomenų aplanką
data.exported = Duomenys Eksportuoti.
data.invalid = Tai nėra veikiantys žaidimo duomenys.
data.import.confirm = Importuojant išorinius duomenis bus pašalinti[scarlet] visi esami duomenys[]
quit.confirm = Ar tikrai norite išeiti?
loading = [accent]Kraunama...
downloading = [accent]Downloading...
saving = [accent]Išsaugoma...
respawn = [accent][[{0}][] to respawn in core
cancelbuilding = [accent][[{0}][] plano išvalymui
selectschematic = [accent][[{0}][] pasirinkimui+kopijavimui
pausebuilding = [accent][[{0}][] statymo sustabdymui
resumebuilding = [scarlet][[{0}][] statymo pratęsimui
enablebuilding = [scarlet][[{0}][] to enable building
showui = UI hidden.\nPress [accent][[{0}][] to show UI.
wave = [accent]Banga {0}
wave.cap = [accent]Wave {0}/{1}
wave.waiting = [lightgray]Banga po {0}
wave.waveInProgress = [lightgray]Vyksta banga
waiting = [lightgray]Laukiama...
waiting.players = Laukiama žaidėjų...
wave.enemies = [lightgray]{0} Likę priešai
wave.enemycores = [accent]{0}[lightgray] Enemy Cores
wave.enemycore = [accent]{0}[lightgray] Enemy Core
wave.enemy = [lightgray]{0} Likęs priešas
wave.guardianwarn = Guardian approaching in [accent]{0}[] waves.
wave.guardianwarn.one = Guardian approaching in [accent]{0}[] wave.
loadimage = Užkrauti vaizdą
saveimage = Išsaugoti vaizdą
unknown = Nežinomas
custom = Pasirinktinis
builtin = Integruotas
map.delete.confirm = Ar esate tikras, jog norite išpašalinti šį žemėlapį? Šis veiksmas negali būti atstatytas
map.random = [accent]Atsitiktinis žemėlapis
map.nospawn = Šiame žemėlapyje nėra jokio branduolio atsirasti žaidėjui! Įdėkite[accent] oranžinį[] branduolį į žemėlapį redaktoriuje.
map.nospawn.pvp = Šiame žemėlapyje nėra jokio priešų branduolio atsirasti žaidėjui! Įdėkite[scarlet] ne oranžinį[] branduolį į žemėlapį redaktoriuje.
map.nospawn.attack = Šiame žemėlapyje nėra jokio priešo branduolio, kurį reikia sunaikinti žaidėjams! Įdėkite[scarlet] raudoną[] branduolį į žemėlapį redaktoriuje.
map.invalid = Įvyko klaida kraunant žemėlapį: sugadintas arba klaidingas žemėlapio failas.
workshop.update = Atnaujinti elementą
workshop.error = Klaida kraunant Dirbtuvės duomenis: {0}
map.publish.confirm = Ar tikrai norite publikuoti šį žemėlapį?\n\n[lightgray]Pirma įsitikinkite, jog sutinkate su Dirbtuvės EULA, kitaip jūsų žemėlapis nebus rodomas!
workshop.menu = Pasirinkite ką norite daryti su šiuo elementu.
workshop.info = Elemento informacija
changelog = Pasikeitimai (neprivaloma):
updatedesc = Overwrite Title & Description
eula = Steam EULA
missing = Šis elementas buvo ištrintas arba pakeistas.\n[lightgray]Workshop'o elementas buvo automatiškai atsietas.
publishing = [accent]Publikuojama...
publish.confirm = Ar tikrai norite publikuoti tai?\n\n[lightgray]Pirma įsitikinkite, jog sustinkate su Workshop'o EULA arba jūsų elementai nebus rodomi!
publish.error = Įvyko klaida publikuojant elementą: {0}
steam.error = Nepavyko inicijuoti Steam paslaugų.Klaida: {0}
editor.planet = Planet:
editor.sector = Sector:
editor.seed = Seed:
editor.cliffs = Walls To Cliffs
editor.brush = Teptukas
editor.openin = Atidaryti redaktoriuje
editor.oregen = Rūdų generacija
editor.oregen.info = Rūdų generacija:
editor.mapinfo = Žemėlapio informacija
editor.author = Autorius:
editor.description = Aprašymas:
editor.nodescription = Žemėlapis privalo turėti aprašymą bent iš 4 simbolių prieš išleidžiant.
editor.waves = Bangos:
editor.rules = Taisyklės:
editor.generation = Generacija:
editor.objectives = Objectives
editor.ingame = Redaguoti žaidime
editor.playtest = Playtest
editor.publish.workshop = Publikuoti Dirbtuvėje
editor.newmap = Naujas žemėlapis
editor.center = Center
editor.search = Search maps...
editor.filters = Filter Maps
editor.filters.mode = Gamemodes:
editor.filters.type = Map Type:
editor.filters.search = Search In:
editor.filters.author = Author
editor.filters.description = Description
editor.shiftx = Shift X
editor.shifty = Shift Y
workshop = Dirbtuvė
waves.title = Bangos
waves.remove = Panaikinti
waves.every = kiekvieną
waves.waves = banga(os)
waves.health = health: {0}%
waves.perspawn = per spawn
waves.shields = shields/wave
waves.to = iki
waves.spawn = spawn:
waves.spawn.all = <all>
waves.spawn.select = Spawn Select
waves.spawn.none = [scarlet]no spawns found in map
waves.max = max units
waves.guardian = Guardian
waves.preview = Apžiūra
waves.edit = Redaguoti...
waves.copy = Kopijuoti į iškarpinę
waves.load = Užkrauti iš iškarpinės
waves.invalid = Klaidingos bangos iš iškarpinės.
waves.copied = Bangos nukopijuotos.
waves.none = Nėra nustatyta jokių priešų.\nĮsiminkite, jog tušti bangų maketai bus pakeisti numatytuoju maketu.
waves.sort = Sort By
waves.sort.reverse = Reverse Sort
waves.sort.begin = Begin
waves.sort.health = Health
waves.sort.type = Type
waves.units.hide = Hide All
waves.units.show = Show All
wavemode.counts = counts
wavemode.totals = totals
wavemode.health = health
editor.default = [lightgray]<Numatytasis>
details = Detaliau...
edit = Redaguoti...
variables = Vars
editor.name = Pavadinimas:
editor.spawn = Atradinti vienetą
editor.removeunit = Panaikinti vienetą
editor.teams = Komandos
editor.errorload = Įvyko klaida kraunant failą.
editor.errorsave = Įvyko klaida išsaugant failą.
editor.errorimage = That's an image, not a map.\n\nIf you want to import a 3.5/build 40 map, use the 'Import Legacy Map' button in the editor.
editor.errorlegacy = Šis žemėlapis yra per senas ir naudoja seną žemėlapių formatą, kuris yra nebepalaikomas.
editor.errornot = Tai nėra žemėlapio formatas.
editor.errorheader = Šis žemėlapis yra netaisyklingas arba sugadintas.
editor.errorname = Šis žemėlapis neturi nustatyto pavadinimo. Ar bandote užkrauti išsaugotą failą?
editor.update = Atnaujinti
editor.randomize = Sumaišyti atsitiktinai
editor.moveup = Move Up
editor.movedown = Move Down
editor.copy = Copy
editor.apply = Taikyti
editor.generate = Generuoti
editor.sectorgenerate = Sector Generate
editor.resize = Pakeisti dydį
editor.loadmap = Užkrauti žemėlapį
editor.savemap = Išsaugoti žemėlapį
editor.saved = Išsaugota!
editor.save.noname = Jūsų žemėlapis neturi pavadinimo! Nustatykite meniu 'žemėlapio informacija'.
editor.save.overwrite = Jūsų žemėlapis perrašo integruotą žemėlapį! Pasirinkite skirtingą pavadinimą 'žemėlapio informacija' meniu.
editor.import.exists = [scarlet]Negalima importuoti:[] integruotas žemėlapis '{0}' jau egzistuoja!
editor.import = Importuoti...
editor.importmap = Importuoti žemėlapį
editor.importmap.description = Importuoti jau egzistuojantį žemėlapį
editor.importfile = Importuoti failą
editor.importfile.description = Importuoti išorinį žemėlapio failą
editor.importimage = Importuoti Seno tipo žemėlapį
editor.importimage.description = Importuoti išorinį žemėlapio vaizdo failą
editor.export = Eksportuoti...
editor.exportfile = Eksportuoti failą
editor.exportfile.description = Eksportuoti žemėlapio failą
editor.exportimage = Eksportuoti reljefo vaizdą
editor.exportimage.description = Eksportuoti žemėlapio vaizdo failą
editor.loadimage = Importuoti reljefą
editor.saveimage = Eksportuoti reljefą
editor.unsaved = [scarlet]Jūs turite neišsaugotų pakeitimų![]\nAr tikrai norite išeiti?
editor.resizemap = Pakeisti žemėlapio dydį
editor.mapname = Žemėlapio pavadinimas:
editor.overwrite = [accent]Įspėjimas!\nTai perrašys jau egzistuojantį žemėlapį.
editor.overwrite.confirm = [scarlet]Perspėjimas![] Žemėlapis su šiuo pavadinimu jau egzistuoja. Ar tikrai norite perrašyti jį?
editor.exists = Žemėlapis su šiuo pavadinimu jau egzistuoja.
editor.selectmap = Pasirinkite žemėlapį, kurį norite užkrauti:
toolmode.replace = Pakeisti
toolmode.replace.description = Piešia tik ištisinius blokus.
toolmode.replaceall = Pakeisti Viską
toolmode.replaceall.description = Pakeisti visus blokus žemėlapyje.
toolmode.orthogonal = Stačiakampis
toolmode.orthogonal.description = Piešia stačiakampes linijas.
toolmode.square = Kvadratas
toolmode.square.description = Kvadratinis Teptukas brush.
toolmode.eraseores = Ištrinti rūdas
toolmode.eraseores.description = Ištrinti tik rūdas.
toolmode.fillteams = Užpildyti komandas
toolmode.fillteams.description = Užpildykite komandas, o ne blokus.
toolmode.drawteams = Piešti komandas
toolmode.drawteams.description = Pieškite komandas, o ne blokus.
toolmode.underliquid = Under Liquids
toolmode.underliquid.description = Draw floors under liquid tiles.
filters.empty = [lightgray]Nėra filtrų! Pridėkite su mygtuku easančiu žemiau.
filter.distort = Iškraipyti
filter.noise = Triukšmas
filter.enemyspawn = Priešų atsiradimo vietos pasirinkimas
filter.spawnpath = Path To Spawn
filter.corespawn = Branduolio pasirinkimas
filter.median = Mediana
filter.oremedian = Rūdų mediana
filter.blend = Sumaišyti
filter.defaultores = Numatytosios rūdos
filter.ore = Rūda
filter.rivernoise = Upės triukšmas
filter.mirror = Veidrodis
filter.clear = Išvalyti
filter.option.ignore = ignoruoti
filter.scatter = Išsklaidyti
filter.terrain = Reljefas
filter.option.scale = Mastelis
filter.option.chance = Tikimybė
filter.option.mag = Didumas
filter.option.threshold = Slenkstis
filter.option.circle-scale = Apskritimo mastelis
filter.option.octaves = Oktavos
filter.option.falloff = Mažėjimas
filter.option.angle = Kampas
filter.option.tilt = Tilt
filter.option.rotate = Rotate
filter.option.amount = Kiekis
filter.option.block = Blokas
filter.option.floor = Sluoksnis
filter.option.flooronto = Pasirinktas sluoksnis
filter.option.target = Target
filter.option.replacement = Replacement
filter.option.wall = Siena
filter.option.ore = Rūda
filter.option.floor2 = Antrasis sluoksnis
filter.option.threshold2 = Antrasis slenkstis
filter.option.radius = Spindulys
filter.option.percentile = Procentilė
width = Plotis:
height = Aukštis:
menu = Meniu
play = Žaisti
campaign = Kampanija
load = Krauti
save = Išsaugoti
fps = FPS: {0}
ping = Ping: {0}ms
tps = TPS: {0}
memory = Mem: {0}mb
memory2 = Mem:\n {0}mb +\n {1}mb
language.restart = Pakeitę kalbą turite perkrauti žaidimą.
settings = Nustatymai
tutorial = Pamokymas
tutorial.retake = Iš naujo įjungti pamokymą
editor = Redaktorius
mapeditor = Žemėlapio redaktorius
abandon = Apleisti
abandon.text = Ši zona ir visi jos resursai bus prarasti.
locked = Užrakinta
complete = [lightgray]Įvykdyta:
requirement.wave = Pasiekite {0} zonoje {1}
requirement.core = Sunaikinkite priešų branduolį zonoje {0}
requirement.research = Research {0}
requirement.produce = Produce {0}
requirement.capture = Capture {0}
requirement.onplanet = Control Sector On {0}
requirement.onsector = Land On Sector: {0}
launch.text = Launch
research.multiplayer = Only the host can research items.
map.multiplayer = Only the host can view sectors.
uncover = Atidengti
configure = Keisti resursų kiekį
objective.research.name = Research
objective.produce.name = Obtain
objective.item.name = Obtain Item
objective.coreitem.name = Core Item
objective.buildcount.name = Build Count
objective.unitcount.name = Unit Count
objective.destroyunits.name = Destroy Units
objective.timer.name = Timer
objective.destroyblock.name = Destroy Block
objective.destroyblocks.name = Destroy Blocks
objective.destroycore.name = Destroy Core
objective.commandmode.name = Command Mode
objective.flag.name = Flag
marker.shapetext.name = Shape Text
marker.minimap.name = Minimap
marker.shape.name = Shape
marker.text.name = Text
marker.background = Background
marker.outline = Outline
objective.research = [accent]Research:\n[]{0}[lightgray]{1}
objective.produce = [accent]Obtain:\n[]{0}[lightgray]{1}
objective.destroyblock = [accent]Destroy:\n[]{0}[lightgray]{1}
objective.destroyblocks = [accent]Destroy: [lightgray]{0}[white]/{1}\n{2}[lightgray]{3}
objective.item = [accent]Obtain: [][lightgray]{0}[]/{1}\n{2}[lightgray]{3}
objective.coreitem = [accent]Move into Core:\n[][lightgray]{0}[]/{1}\n{2}[lightgray]{3}
objective.build = [accent]Build: [][lightgray]{0}[]x\n{1}[lightgray]{2}
objective.buildunit = [accent]Build Unit: [][lightgray]{0}[]x\n{1}[lightgray]{2}
objective.destroyunits = [accent]Destroy: [][lightgray]{0}[]x Units
objective.enemiesapproaching = [accent]Enemies approaching in [lightgray]{0}[]
objective.destroycore = [accent]Destroy Enemy Core
objective.command = [accent]Command Units
objective.nuclearlaunch = [accent]⚠ Nuclear launch detected: [lightgray]{0}
announce.nuclearstrike = [red]⚠ NUCLEAR STRIKE INBOUND ⚠
loadout = Loadout
resources = Resources
resources.max = Max
bannedblocks = Uždrausti blokai
objectives = Objectives
bannedunits = Banned Units
addall = Pridėti visus
launch.from = Launching From: [accent]{0}
launch.capacity = Launching Item Capacity: [accent]{0}
launch.destination = Destination: {0}
configure.invalid = Kiekis turi būti numeris tarp 0 ir {0}.
add = Pridėti...
guardian = Guardian
connectfail = [crimson]Prisijungimo klaida:\n\n[accent]{0}
error.unreachable = Serveris nepasiekiamas.\nAr adresas yra parašytas teisingai?
error.invalidaddress = Klaidingas adresas.
error.timedout = Baigėsi Laikas!\nĮsitikinkite, jog serverio prievado ekspedijavimas yra sukonfigūruotas ir adresas yra geras.
error.mismatch = Paketų klaida:\ngalimas kliento/serverio versijų nesutapimas.\nĮsitikinkite, jog jūs ir serveris turi naujausią Mindustry versiją!
error.alreadyconnected = Jau prisijungta.
error.mapnotfound = Žemėlapis nerastas!
error.io = Tinklo I/O klaida.
error.any = Nžinoma tinklo klaida.
error.bloom = Nepavyko inicijuoti spindėjimo.\nJūsų įrenginys gali nepalaikyti šios funkcijos.
weather.rain.name = Rain
weather.snow.name = Snow
weather.sandstorm.name = Sandstorm
weather.sporestorm.name = Sporestorm
weather.fog.name = Fog
sectorlist = Sectors
sectorlist.attacked = {0} under attack
sectors.unexplored = [lightgray]Unexplored
sectors.resources = Resources:
sectors.production = Production:
sectors.export = Export:
sectors.import = Import:
sectors.time = Time:
sectors.threat = Threat:
sectors.wave = Wave:
sectors.stored = Stored:
sectors.resume = Resume
sectors.launch = Launch
sectors.select = Select
sectors.nonelaunch = [lightgray]none (sun)
sectors.rename = Rename Sector
sectors.enemybase = [scarlet]Enemy Base
sectors.vulnerable = [scarlet]Vulnerable
sectors.underattack = [scarlet]Under attack! [accent]{0}% damaged
sectors.underattack.nodamage = [scarlet]Uncaptured
sectors.survives = [accent]Survives {0} waves
sectors.go = Go
sector.abandon = Abandon
sector.abandon.confirm = This sector's core(s) will self-destruct.\nContinue?
sector.curcapture = Sector Captured
sector.curlost = Sector Lost
sector.missingresources = [scarlet]Insufficient Core Resources
sector.attacked = Sector [accent]{0}[white] under attack!
sector.lost = Sector [accent]{0}[white] lost!
sector.captured = Sector [accent]{0}[white]captured!
sector.changeicon = Change Icon
sector.noswitch.title = Unable to Switch Sectors
sector.noswitch = You may not switch sectors while an existing sector is under attack.\n\nSector: [accent]{0}[] on [accent]{1}[]
sector.view = View Sector
threat.low = Low
threat.medium = Medium
threat.high = High
threat.extreme = Extreme
threat.eradication = Eradication
planets = Planets
planet.serpulo.name = Serpulo
planet.erekir.name = Erekir
planet.sun.name = Sun
sector.impact0078.name = Impact 0078
sector.groundZero.name = Ground Zero
sector.craters.name = The Craters
sector.frozenForest.name = Frozen Forest
sector.ruinousShores.name = Ruinous Shores
sector.stainedMountains.name = Stained Mountains
sector.desolateRift.name = Desolate Rift
sector.nuclearComplex.name = Nuclear Production Complex
sector.overgrowth.name = Overgrowth
sector.tarFields.name = Tar Fields
sector.saltFlats.name = Salt Flats
sector.fungalPass.name = Fungal Pass
sector.biomassFacility.name = Biomass Synthesis Facility
sector.windsweptIslands.name = Windswept Islands
sector.extractionOutpost.name = Extraction Outpost
sector.planetaryTerminal.name = Planetary Launch Terminal
sector.coastline.name = Coastline
sector.navalFortress.name = Naval Fortress
sector.groundZero.description = The optimal location to begin once more. Low enemy threat. Few resources.\nGather as much lead and copper as possible.\nMove on.
sector.frozenForest.description = Even here, closer to mountains, the spores have spread. The frigid temperatures cannot contain them forever.\n\nBegin the venture into power. Build combustion generators. Learn to use menders.
sector.saltFlats.description = On the outskirts of the desert lie the Salt Flats. Few resources can be found in this location.\n\nThe enemy has erected a resource storage complex here. Eradicate their core. Leave nothing standing.
sector.craters.description = Water has accumulated in this crater, relic of the old wars. Reclaim the area. Collect sand. Smelt metaglass. Pump water to cool turrets and drills.
sector.ruinousShores.description = Past the wastes, is the shoreline. Once, this location housed a coastal defense array. Not much of it remains. Only the most basic defense structures have remained unscathed, everything else reduced to scrap.\nContinue the expansion outwards. Rediscover the technology.
sector.stainedMountains.description = Further inland lie the mountains, yet untainted by spores.\nExtract the abundant titanium in this area. Learn how to use it.\n\nThe enemy presence is greater here. Do not give them time to send their strongest units.
sector.overgrowth.description = This area is overgrown, closer to the source of the spores.\nThe enemy has established an outpost here. Build Titan units. Destroy it. Reclaim that which was lost.
sector.tarFields.description = The outskirts of an oil production zone, between the mountains and desert. One of the few areas with usable tar reserves.\nAlthough abandoned, this area has some dangerous enemy forces nearby. Do not underestimate them.\n\n[lightgray]Research oil processing technology if possible.
sector.desolateRift.description = An extremely dangerous zone. Plentiful resources, but little space. High risk of destruction. Leave as soon as possible. Do not be fooled by the long spacing between enemy attacks.
sector.nuclearComplex.description = A former facility for the production and processing of thorium, reduced to ruins.\n[lightgray]Research the thorium and its many uses.\n\nThe enemy is present here in great numbers, constantly scouting for attackers.
sector.fungalPass.description = A transition area between high mountains and lower, spore-ridden lands. A small enemy reconnaissance base is located here.\nDestroy it.\nUse Dagger and Crawler units. Take out the two cores.
sector.biomassFacility.description = The origin of spores. This is the facility in which they were researched and initially produced.\nResearch the technology contained within. Cultivate spores for the production of fuel and plastics.\n\n[lightgray]Upon this facility's demise, the spores were released. Nothing in the local ecosystem could compete with such an invasive organism.
sector.windsweptIslands.description = Further past the shoreline is this remote chain of islands. Records show they once had [accent]Plastanium[]-producing structures.\n\nFend off the enemy's naval units. Establish a base on the islands. Research these factories.
sector.extractionOutpost.description = A remote outpost, constructed by the enemy for the purpose of launching resources to other sectors.\n\nCross-sector transport technology is essential for further conquest. Destroy the base. Research their Launch Pads.
sector.impact0078.description = Here lie remnants of the interstellar transport vessel that first entered this system.\n\nSalvage as much as possible from the wreckage. Research any intact technology.
sector.planetaryTerminal.description = The final target.\n\nThis coastal base contains a structure capable of launching Cores to local planets. It is extremely well guarded.\n\nProduce naval units. Eliminate the enemy as quickly as possible. Research the launch structure.
sector.onset.name = The Onset
sector.aegis.name = Aegis
sector.lake.name = Name
sector.intersect.name = Intersect
sector.atlas.name = Atlas
sector.split.name = Split
sector.basin.name = Basin
sector.onset.description = The tutorial sector. This objective has not been created yet. Await further information.
sector.aegis.description = The enemy is protected by shields. An experimental shield breaker module has been detected in this sector.\nLocate this structure. Supply it with tungsten ammunition and destroy the enemy base.
sector.lake.description = This sector's slag lake greatly limits viable units. A hover unit is the only option.\nResearch the [accent]ship fabricator[] and produce an [accent]elude[] unit as soon as possible.
sector.intersect.description = Scans suggest that this sector will be attacked from multiple sides soon after landing.\nSet up defenses quickly and expand as soon as possible.\n[accent]Mech[] units will be required for the area's rough terrain.
sector.atlas.description = This sector contains varied terrain and will require a variety of units to attack effectively.\nUpgraded units may also be necessary to get past some of the tougher enemy bases detected here.\nResearch the [accent]Electrolyzer[] and the [accent]Tank Refabricator[].
sector.split.description = The minimal enemy presence in this sector makes it perfect for testing new transport tech.
sector.basin.description = {Temporary}\n\nThe last sector for now. Consider this a challenge level - more sectors will be added in a later release.
status.burning.name = Burning
status.freezing.name = Freezing
status.wet.name = Wet
status.muddy.name = Muddy
status.melting.name = Melting
status.sapped.name = Sapped
status.electrified.name = Electrified
status.spore-slowed.name = Spore Slowed
status.tarred.name = Tarred
status.overdrive.name = Overdrive
status.overclock.name = Overclock
status.shocked.name = Shocked
status.blasted.name = Blasted
status.unmoving.name = Unmoving
status.boss.name = Guardian
settings.language = Kalba
settings.data = Žaidimo Duomenys
settings.reset = Atkurti į numatytuosius
settings.rebind = Keisti
settings.resetKey = Atkuri
settings.controls = Valdymas
settings.game = Žaidimas
settings.sound = Garsai
settings.graphics = Grafikos
settings.cleardata = Išvalyti žaidimo duomenis...
settings.clear.confirm = Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šiuos duomenis?\nTai negali būti atkurta!
settings.clearall.confirm = [scarlet]ĮSPĖJIMAS![]\nTai ištrins visus duomenis, įskaitant išsaugojimus, žemėlapius, atrakinimus ir mygtukų pakeitimus.\nVos paspaudus 'gerai' žaidimas ištrins visus duomenis ir išsijungs.
settings.clearsaves.confirm = Are you sure you want to clear all your saves?
settings.clearsaves = Clear Saves
settings.clearresearch = Clear Research
settings.clearresearch.confirm = Are you sure you want to clear all of your campaign research?
settings.clearcampaignsaves = Clear Campaign Saves
settings.clearcampaignsaves.confirm = Are you sure you want to clear all of your campaign saves?
paused = [accent]< Sustabdyta >
clear = Išvalyti
banned = [scarlet]Užblokuota
unsupported.environment = [scarlet]Unsupported Environment
yes = Taip
no = Ne
info.title = Informacija
error.title = [crimson]Įvyko klaida
error.crashtitle = Įvyko klaida
unit.nobuild = [scarlet]Unit can't build
lastaccessed = [lightgray]Last Accessed: {0}
lastcommanded = [lightgray]Last Commanded: {0}
block.unknown = [lightgray]???
stat.showinmap = <load map to show>
stat.description = Purpose
stat.input = Įeiga
stat.output = Išeiga
stat.maxefficiency = Max Efficiency
stat.booster = Stiprintuvas
stat.tiles = Privalomi
stat.affinities = Affinities
stat.opposites = Opposites
stat.powercapacity = Energijos Talpumas
stat.powershot = Energija per šūvį
stat.damage = Žala
stat.targetsair = Šaudo į oro taikinius
stat.targetsground = Šaudo į žemės taikinius
stat.itemsmoved = Judėjimo Greitis
stat.launchtime = Laikas Tarp Paleidimų
stat.shootrange = Atstumas
stat.size = Dydis
stat.displaysize = Display Size
stat.liquidcapacity = Skysčių Talpumas
stat.powerrange = Energijos Skleidimo Atstumas
stat.linkrange = Link Range
stat.instructions = Instructions
stat.powerconnections = Maks. Jungčių Kiekis
stat.poweruse = Energijos Suvartojimas
stat.powerdamage = Power/Damage
stat.itemcapacity = Daiktų Talpumas
stat.memorycapacity = Memory Capacity
stat.basepowergeneration = Bazinis Energijos Generavimas
stat.productiontime = Gamybos Laikas
stat.repairtime = Pilnas bloko sutaisymo laikas
stat.repairspeed = Repair Speed
stat.weapons = Weapons
stat.bullet = Bullet
stat.moduletier = Module Tier
stat.speedincrease = Greičio Padidėjimas
stat.range = Atstumas
stat.drilltier = Gręžiama
stat.drillspeed = Bazinis Grąžto Greitis
stat.boosteffect = Pastiprinimo Efektas
stat.maxunits = Maks. Aktyvių Vienetų Kiekis
stat.health = Gyvybės
stat.armor = Armor
stat.buildtime = Statymo Laikas
stat.maxconsecutive = Max Consecutive
stat.buildcost = Statymo Kaina
stat.inaccuracy = Netikslumas
stat.shots = Šūviai
stat.reload = Šūviai per sekundę
stat.ammo = Šoviniai
stat.shieldhealth = Shield Health
stat.cooldowntime = Cooldown Time
stat.explosiveness = Explosiveness
stat.basedeflectchance = Base Deflect Chance
stat.lightningchance = Lightning Chance
stat.lightningdamage = Lightning Damage
stat.flammability = Flammability
stat.radioactivity = Radioactivity
stat.charge = Charge
stat.heatcapacity = HeatCapacity
stat.viscosity = Viscosity
stat.temperature = Temperature
stat.speed = Speed
stat.buildspeed = Build Speed
stat.minespeed = Mine Speed
stat.minetier = Mine Tier
stat.payloadcapacity = Payload Capacity
stat.abilities = Abilities
stat.canboost = Can Boost
stat.flying = Flying
stat.ammouse = Ammo Use
stat.damagemultiplier = Damage Multiplier
stat.healthmultiplier = Health Multiplier
stat.speedmultiplier = Speed Multiplier
stat.reloadmultiplier = Reload Multiplier
stat.buildspeedmultiplier = Build Speed Multiplier
stat.reactive = Reacts
stat.immunities = Immunities
stat.healing = Healing
ability.forcefield = Force Field
ability.repairfield = Repair Field
ability.statusfield = Status Field
ability.unitspawn = {0} Factory
ability.shieldregenfield = Shield Regen Field
ability.movelightning = Movement Lightning
ability.energyfield = Energy Field: [accent]{0}[] damage ~ [accent]{1}[] blocks / [accent]{2}[] targets
bar.onlycoredeposit = Only Core Depositing Allowed
bar.drilltierreq = Privalomas Geresnis Grąžtas
bar.noresources = Missing Resources
bar.corereq = Core Base Required
bar.corefloor = Core Zone Tile Required
bar.cargounitcap = Cargo Unit Cap Reached
bar.drillspeed = Grąžto Greitis: {0}/s
bar.pumpspeed = Pompos Greitis: {0}/s
bar.efficiency = Efektyvumas: {0}%
bar.boost = Boost: +{0}%
bar.powerbalance = Energija: {0}/s
bar.powerstored = Sukaupta: {0}/{1}
bar.poweramount = Energija: {0}
bar.poweroutput = Energijos Išeiga: {0}
bar.powerlines = Connections: {0}/{1}
bar.items = Daiktai: {0}
bar.capacity = Talpumas: {0}
bar.unitcap = {0} {1}/{2}
bar.liquid = Skystis
bar.heat = Karščiai
bar.instability = Instability
bar.heatamount = Heat: {0}
bar.heatpercent = Heat: {0} ({1}%)
bar.power = Jėga
bar.progress = Statymo Progresas
bar.loadprogress = Progress
bar.launchcooldown = Launch Cooldown
bar.input = Įeiga
bar.output = Išeiga
bar.strength = [stat]{0}[lightgray]x strength
units.processorcontrol = [lightgray]Processor Controlled
bullet.damage = [stat]{0}[lightgray] žalos
bullet.splashdamage = [stat]{0}[lightgray] zonos žalos ~[stat] {1}[lightgray] blokai
bullet.incendiary = [stat]uždegantis
bullet.homing = [stat]sekimas
bullet.armorpierce = [stat]armor piercing
bullet.frags = [stat]{0}[lightgray]x frag bullets:
bullet.lightning = [stat]{0}[lightgray]x lightning ~ [stat]{1}[lightgray] damage
bullet.buildingdamage = [stat]{0}%[lightgray] building damage
bullet.knockback = [stat]{0}[lightgray] numušimas
bullet.pierce = [stat]{0}[lightgray]x pierce
bullet.infinitepierce = [stat]pierce
bullet.healpercent = [stat]{0}[lightgray]% healing
bullet.healamount = [stat]{0}[lightgray] direct repair
bullet.multiplier = [stat]{0}[lightgray]x šovinių daugiklis
bullet.reload = [stat]{0}[lightgray]x šaudymo greitis
bullet.range = [stat]{0}[lightgray] tiles range
unit.blocks = blokai
unit.blockssquared = blocks²
unit.powersecond = energijos per sekundę
unit.tilessecond = tiles/second
unit.liquidsecond = skysčio per sekundę
unit.itemssecond = daiktų per sekundę
unit.liquidunits = skysčio vienetai
unit.powerunits = energijos vienetai
unit.heatunits = heat units
unit.degrees = laipsnių
unit.seconds = sekundės
unit.minutes = mins
unit.persecond = /sek.
unit.perminute = /min
unit.timesspeed = x greičio
unit.percent = %
unit.shieldhealth = shield health
unit.items = daiktai
unit.thousands = k
unit.millions = mil
unit.billions = b
unit.pershot = /shot
category.purpose = Purpose
category.general = Bendra
category.power = Energija
category.liquids = Skysčiai
category.items = Daiktai
category.crafting = Įeiga/Išeiga
category.function = Function
category.optional = Galimi Pagerinimai
setting.skipcoreanimation.name = Skip Core Launch/Land Animation
setting.landscape.name = Užrakinti pasukimą
setting.shadows.name = Šešėliai
setting.blockreplace.name = Automatiniai Blokų Pasiūlymai
setting.linear.name = Linijinis Filtravimas
setting.hints.name = Užuominos
setting.logichints.name = Logic Hints
setting.backgroundpause.name = Pause In Background
setting.buildautopause.name = Automatinis Statybų Sustabdymas
setting.doubletapmine.name = Double-Tap to Mine
setting.commandmodehold.name = Hold For Command Mode
setting.modcrashdisable.name = Disable Mods On Startup Crash
setting.animatedwater.name = Vandens Animacija
setting.animatedshields.name = Skydų Animacija
setting.playerindicators.name = Player Indicators
setting.indicators.name = Priešų/Sąjungininkų Indikatorius
setting.autotarget.name = Automatinis Taikymas
setting.keyboard.name = Pelės+Klaviatūros Valdymas
setting.touchscreen.name = Jutiklinio Ekrano Valdymas
setting.fpscap.name = Maks. FPS
setting.fpscap.none = Nėra
setting.fpscap.text = {0} FPS
setting.uiscale.name = UI mastelio keitimas[lightgray] (reikalingas perkrovimas)[]
setting.uiscale.description = Restart required to apply changes.
setting.swapdiagonal.name = Visada Įstrižinis Padėjimas
setting.difficulty.training = Mokymai
setting.difficulty.easy = Lengvas
setting.difficulty.normal = Normalus
setting.difficulty.hard = Sunkus
setting.difficulty.insane = Beprotiškas
setting.difficulty.name = Sunkumas:
setting.screenshake.name = Ekrano Drebėjimas
setting.bloomintensity.name = Bloom Intensity
setting.bloomblur.name = Bloom Blur
setting.effects.name = Rodyti Efektus
setting.destroyedblocks.name = Rodyti Sugriautus Blokus
setting.blockstatus.name = Rodyti Blokų Būseną
setting.conveyorpathfinding.name = Konvejerio Paskirties Vietos Nustatymas
setting.sensitivity.name = Valdymo Jautrumas
setting.saveinterval.name = Išsaugojimo Intervalas
setting.seconds = {0} sekundžių
setting.milliseconds = {0} milisekundžių
setting.fullscreen.name = Fullscreen
setting.borderlesswindow.name = Langas Be Pakrasčių[lightgray] (gali reikėti perkrauti)
setting.borderlesswindow.name.windows = Borderless Fullscreen
setting.borderlesswindow.description = Restart may be required to apply changes.
setting.fps.name = Rodyti FPS ir Ping
setting.console.name = Enable Console
setting.smoothcamera.name = Smooth Camera
setting.vsync.name = VSync
setting.pixelate.name = Pikseliavimas
setting.minimap.name = Rodyti Mini Žemėlapį
setting.coreitems.name = Display Core Items (WIP)
setting.position.name = Rodyti Žaidėjų Pozicijas
setting.mouseposition.name = Show Mouse Position
setting.musicvol.name = Muzikos Garsumas
setting.atmosphere.name = Show Planet Atmosphere
setting.ambientvol.name = Aplinkos Garsas
setting.mutemusic.name = Nutildyti Muziką
setting.sfxvol.name = SFX Garsumas
setting.mutesound.name = Nutildyti Garsus
setting.crashreport.name = Siųsti Anoniminius Strigties Pranešimus
setting.savecreate.name = Automatiškai Kurti Išsaugojimus
setting.publichost.name = Viešojo Žaidimo Matomumas
setting.playerlimit.name = Žaidėjų Limitas
setting.chatopacity.name = Pokalbių Lentos Nepermatomumas
setting.lasersopacity.name = Elektros Tinklo Nepermatomumas
setting.bridgeopacity.name = Tilto Nepermatomumas
setting.playerchat.name = Rodyti Pokalbių Teksto Burbulus Virš Žaidėjų
setting.showweather.name = Show Weather Graphics
setting.hidedisplays.name = Hide Logic Displays
public.confirm = Ar norite savo žaidimą paversti viešu?\n[accent]Bet kas galės įeiti į jūsų žaidimą.\n[lightgray]Tai gali būti pakeista nuėjus į Nustatymai->Žaidimas->Viešojo Žaidimo Matomumas.
public.confirm.really = If you want to play with friends, use [green]Invite Friend[] instead of a [scarlet]Public server[]!\nAre you sure you want to make your game [scarlet]public[]?
public.beta = Įsiminkite, jog beta versijoje negalima sukrti viešų kambarių.
uiscale.reset = UI mastelis buvo pakeistas.\nSpauskite "GERAI", norėdami palikti šį mastelį.\n[scarlet]Atšaukiama ir išeinama po[accent] {0}[] sekundžių...
uiscale.cancel = Atšaukti ir Išeiti
setting.bloom.name = Švytėjimas
keybind.title = Pakeisti Valdymo Mygtukus
keybinds.mobile = [scarlet]Dauguma valdymo mygtukų neveikia telefone. Tik paparastas judėjimas yra palaikomas.
category.general.name = Bendra
category.view.name = Vaizdas
category.multiplayer.name = Žaidimas Tinkle
category.blocks.name = Block Select
placement.blockselectkeys = \n[lightgray]Key: [{0},
keybind.respawn.name = Respawn
keybind.control.name = Control Unit
keybind.clear_building.name = Išvalyti Statybas
keybind.press = Paspauskite mygtuką...
keybind.press.axis = Paspauskite aši arba mygtuką...
keybind.screenshot.name = Žemėlapio Ekrano Kopija
keybind.toggle_power_lines.name = Įjungti/Išjungti Elektros Tinklo Matomumą
keybind.toggle_block_status.name = Įjungti/Išjungti Blokų Statusus
keybind.move_x.name = Judėjimas X ašimi
keybind.move_y.name = Judėjimas Y ašimi
keybind.mouse_move.name = Sekti Pelę
keybind.pan.name = Pan View
keybind.boost.name = Boost
keybind.command_mode.name = Command Mode
keybind.schematic_select.name = Pasirinkite Regioną
keybind.schematic_menu.name = Schemų Meniu
keybind.schematic_flip_x.name = Apversti schemą per X ašį
keybind.schematic_flip_y.name = Apversti schemą per Y ašį
keybind.category_prev.name = Ankstesnė Kategorija
keybind.category_next.name = Sekanti Kategorija
keybind.block_select_left.name = Bloko Pasirinkimas į Kairę
keybind.block_select_right.name = Bloko Pasirinkimas į Dešinę
keybind.block_select_up.name = Bloko Pasirinkimas į Viršų
keybind.block_select_down.name = Bloko Pasirinkimas į Apačia
keybind.block_select_01.name = Kategorijos/Bloko Pasirinkimas 1
keybind.block_select_02.name = Kategorijos/Bloko Pasirinkimas 2
keybind.block_select_03.name = Kategorijos/Bloko Pasirinkimas 3
keybind.block_select_04.name = Kategorijos/Bloko Pasirinkimas 4
keybind.block_select_05.name = Kategorijos/Bloko Pasirinkimas 5
keybind.block_select_06.name = Kategorijos/Bloko Pasirinkimas 6
keybind.block_select_07.name = Kategorijos/Bloko Pasirinkimas 7
keybind.block_select_08.name = Kategorijos/Bloko Pasirinkimas 8
keybind.block_select_09.name = Kategorijos/Bloko Pasirinkimas 9
keybind.block_select_10.name = Kategorijos/Bloko Pasirinkimas 10
keybind.fullscreen.name = Perjungti Pilno Ekrano Režimą
keybind.select.name = Pasirinkti/Šauti
keybind.diagonal_placement.name = Įstrižas Padėjimas
keybind.pick.name = Pasirinkti Bloką
keybind.break_block.name = Išgriauti Bloką
keybind.deselect.name = Panaikinti Pasirinkimą
keybind.pickupCargo.name = Pickup Cargo
keybind.dropCargo.name = Drop Cargo
keybind.shoot.name = Šauti
keybind.zoom.name = Keisti Vaizdo Mastelį
keybind.menu.name = Meniu
keybind.pause.name = Sustabdyti
keybind.pause_building.name = Sustabdyti/Tęsti Statymą
keybind.minimap.name = Mini Žemėlapis
keybind.planet_map.name = Planet Map
keybind.research.name = Research
keybind.block_info.name = Block Info
keybind.chat.name = Pakalbiai
keybind.player_list.name = Žaidėjų Sąrašas
keybind.console.name = Konsolė
keybind.rotate.name = Pasukti
keybind.rotateplaced.name = Pasukti Egzistuojantį (Laikyti)
keybind.toggle_menus.name = Perjungti Meniu
keybind.chat_history_prev.name = Pokalbių istorija Ankstesnis
keybind.chat_history_next.name = Pokalbių istorija Pirmyn
keybind.chat_scroll.name = Pokalbių Slinktis
keybind.chat_mode.name = Change Chat Mode
keybind.drop_unit.name = Išmesti Vienetą
keybind.zoom_minimap.name = Keisti Mini Žemėlapio Mastelį
mode.help.title = Modifikacijų Aprašymai
mode.survival.name = Išgyvenimas
mode.survival.description = Normalus režimas. Riboti resursai ir automatinės priešų bangos.\n[gray]Privalomos priešų atsiradimo zonos žemėlapyje.
mode.sandbox.name = Smėliadėžė
mode.sandbox.description = Neriboti resursai ir nėra bangų laikmačio.
mode.editor.name = Redaktorius
mode.pvp.name = PvP
mode.pvp.description = Kovokite su kitais žmonėmsi vietiniame tinkle.\n[gray]Norint žaisti žemėlapyje yra privalomi bent du branduoliai su skirtingomis spalvomis.
mode.attack.name = Puolimas
mode.attack.description = Sunaikinkite priešų branduolį. \n[gray]Norint žaisti žemėlapyje yra reikalingas branduolys su raudona spalva.
mode.custom = Pasirinktinės Taisyklės
rules.infiniteresources = Neriboti Resursai
rules.onlydepositcore = Only Allow Core Depositing
rules.reactorexplosions = Reaktorių Sprogimai
rules.coreincinerates = Core Incinerates Overflow
rules.disableworldprocessors = Disable World Processors
rules.schematic = Schematics Allowed
rules.wavetimer = Bangų Laikmatis
rules.waves = Bangos
rules.attack = Puolimo Režimas
rules.rtsai = RTS AI
rules.rtsminsquadsize = Min Squad Size
rules.rtsmaxsquadsize = Max Squad Size
rules.rtsminattackweight = Min Attack Weight
rules.cleanupdeadteams = Clean Up Defeated Team Buildings (PvP)
rules.corecapture = Capture Core On Destruction
rules.polygoncoreprotection = Polygonal Core Protection
rules.placerangecheck = Placement Range Check
rules.enemyCheat = Neriboti Kompiuterio (Raudonosios Komandos) Resursai
rules.blockhealthmultiplier = Blokų Gyvybių Daugiklis
rules.blockdamagemultiplier = Block Damage Multiplier
rules.unitbuildspeedmultiplier = Vienetų Gamybos Greičio Daugiklis
rules.unithealthmultiplier = Vienetų Gyvybių Daugiklis
rules.unitdamagemultiplier = Vienetų Žalos Daugiklis
rules.solarmultiplier = Solar Power Multiplier
rules.unitcapvariable = Cores Contribute To Unit Cap
rules.unitcap = Base Unit Cap
rules.limitarea = Limit Map Area
rules.enemycorebuildradius = Nestatymo aplink priešų branduolį spindulys:[lightgray] (blokais)
rules.wavespacing = Tarpai Tarp Bangų:[lightgray] (sek.)
rules.initialwavespacing = Initial Wave Spacing:[lightgray] (sec)
rules.buildcostmultiplier = Statymo Kainų Daugiklis
rules.buildspeedmultiplier = Statymo Greičio Daugiklis
rules.deconstructrefundmultiplier = Deconstruct Refund Multiplier
rules.waitForWaveToEnd = Laukti, kol pasibaigs banga
rules.dropzoneradius = Išmetimo Zonos Spindulys:[lightgray] (blokais)
rules.unitammo = Units Require Ammo
rules.enemyteam = Enemy Team
rules.playerteam = Player Team
rules.title.waves = Bangos
rules.title.resourcesbuilding = Resursai ir Pastatai
rules.title.enemy = Priešai
rules.title.unit = Vienetai
rules.title.experimental = Eksperimentinis
rules.title.environment = Environment
rules.title.teams = Teams
rules.title.planet = Planet
rules.lighting = Apšvietimas
rules.fog = Fog of War
rules.fire = Fire
rules.anyenv = <Any>
rules.explosions = Block/Unit Explosion Damage
rules.ambientlight = Aplinkos Šviesa
rules.weather = Weather
rules.weather.frequency = Frequency:
rules.weather.always = Always
rules.weather.duration = Duration:
content.item.name = Daiktai
content.liquid.name = Skysčiai
content.unit.name = Vienetai
content.block.name = Blokai
content.status.name = Status Effects
content.sector.name = Sectors
content.team.name = Factions
wallore = (Wall)
item.copper.name = Varis
item.lead.name = Švinas
item.coal.name = Anglis
item.graphite.name = Grafitas
item.titanium.name = Titanas
item.thorium.name = Toris
item.silicon.name = Silicis
item.plastanium.name = Plastaniumas
item.phase-fabric.name = Fazinė Tekstilė
item.surge-alloy.name = Viršįtampio Lydinys
item.spore-pod.name = Sporų Kokonas
item.sand.name = Smėlis
item.blast-compound.name = Sprogusis Junginys
item.pyratite.name = Piratitas
item.metaglass.name = Meta Stiklas
item.scrap.name = Metalo Laužas
item.fissile-matter.name = Fissile Matter
item.beryllium.name = Beryllium
item.tungsten.name = Tungsten
item.oxide.name = Oxide
item.carbide.name = Carbide
item.dormant-cyst.name = Dormant Cyst
liquid.water.name = Vanduo
liquid.slag.name = Šlakas
liquid.oil.name = Nafta
liquid.cryofluid.name = Krio Skystis
liquid.neoplasm.name = Neoplasm
liquid.arkycite.name = Arkycite
liquid.gallium.name = Gallium
liquid.ozone.name = Ozone
liquid.hydrogen.name = Hydrogen
liquid.nitrogen.name = Nitrogen
liquid.cyanogen.name = Cyanogen
unit.dagger.name = Dagger
unit.mace.name = Mace
unit.fortress.name = Fortress
unit.nova.name = Nova
unit.pulsar.name = Pulsar
unit.quasar.name = Quasar
unit.crawler.name = Crawler
unit.atrax.name = Atrax
unit.spiroct.name = Spiroct
unit.arkyid.name = Arkyid
unit.toxopid.name = Toxopid
unit.flare.name = Flare
unit.horizon.name = Horizon
unit.zenith.name = Zenith
unit.antumbra.name = Antumbra
unit.eclipse.name = Eclipse
unit.mono.name = Mono
unit.poly.name = Poly
unit.mega.name = Mega
unit.quad.name = Quad
unit.oct.name = Oct
unit.risso.name = Risso
unit.minke.name = Minke
unit.bryde.name = Bryde
unit.sei.name = Sei
unit.omura.name = Omura
unit.retusa.name = Retusa
unit.oxynoe.name = Oxynoe
unit.cyerce.name = Cyerce
unit.aegires.name = Aegires
unit.navanax.name = Navanax
unit.alpha.name = Alpha
unit.beta.name = Beta
unit.gamma.name = Gamma
unit.scepter.name = Scepter
unit.reign.name = Reign
unit.vela.name = Vela
unit.corvus.name = Corvus
unit.stell.name = Stell
unit.locus.name = Locus
unit.vanquish.name = Vanquish
unit.conquer.name = Conquer
unit.cleroi.name = Cleroi
unit.tecta.name = Tecta
unit.collaris.name = Collaris
unit.avert.name = Avert
unit.quell.name = Quell
unit.disrupt.name = Disrupt
unit.evoke.name = Evoke
unit.incite.name = Incite
unit.emanate.name = Emanate
unit.manifold.name = Manifold
unit.assembly-drone.name = Assembly Drone
unit.precept.name = Precept
unit.merui.name = Merui
unit.anthicus.name = Anthicus
unit.elude.name = Elude
unit.obviate.name = Obviate
block.parallax.name = Parallax
block.cliff.name = Cliff
block.sand-boulder.name = Smėlio Riedulys
block.basalt-boulder.name = Basalt Boulder
block.grass.name = Žolė
block.molten-slag.name = Slag
block.pooled-cryofluid.name = Cryofluid
block.space.name = Space
block.salt.name = Druska
block.salt-wall.name = Salt Wall
block.pebbles.name = Akmenukai
block.tendrils.name = Tendrilės
block.sand-wall.name = Sand Wall
block.spore-pine.name = Sporinė Pušis
block.spore-wall.name = Spore Wall
block.boulder.name = Boulder
block.snow-boulder.name = Snow Boulder
block.snow-pine.name = Snieginė Pušis
block.shale.name = Skalūnas
block.shale-boulder.name = Skalūno Riedulys
block.moss.name = Samanos
block.shrubs.name = Krūmai
block.spore-moss.name = Sporų Samanos
block.shale-wall.name = Shale Wall
block.scrap-wall.name = Laužo Siena
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Didelė Laužo Siena
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Didžiulė Laužo Siena
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Milžiniška Laužo Siena
block.thruster.name = Thrusteris
block.kiln.name = Krosnis
block.graphite-press.name = Grafito Presas
block.multi-press.name = Multi Presas
block.constructing = {0} [lightgray](Konstruojama)
block.spawn.name = Priešų Atsiradimo Zona
block.core-shard.name = Branduolys: Šerdis
block.core-foundation.name = Branduolys: Pagrindas
block.core-nucleus.name = Branduolys: Centras
block.deep-water.name = Gilus Vanduo
block.shallow-water.name = Vanduo
block.tainted-water.name = Užterštas Vanduo
block.deep-tainted-water.name = Deep Tainted Water
block.darksand-tainted-water.name = Tamsaus Smėlio Užterštas Vanduo
block.tar.name = Derva
block.stone.name = Akmuo
block.sand.name = Smėlis
block.darksand.name = Tamsus Smėlis
block.ice.name = Ledas
block.snow.name = Sniegas
block.crater-stone.name = Krateriai
block.sand-water.name = Smėlio vanduo
block.darksand-water.name = Tamsaus Smėlio Vanduo
block.char.name = Char
block.dacite.name = Dacite
block.rhyolite.name = Rhyolite
block.dacite-wall.name = Dacite Wall
block.dacite-boulder.name = Dacite Boulder
block.ice-snow.name = Ledinis Sniegas
block.stone-wall.name = Stone Wall
block.ice-wall.name = Ice Wall
block.snow-wall.name = Snow Wall
block.dune-wall.name = Dune Wall
block.pine.name = Pušis
block.dirt.name = Dirt
block.dirt-wall.name = Dirt Wall
block.mud.name = Mud
block.white-tree-dead.name = Baltas Medis, Miręs
block.white-tree.name = Baltas Medis
block.spore-cluster.name = Spore Cluster
block.metal-floor.name = Metalo Sluoksnis 1
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metalo Sluoksnis 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metalo Sluoksnis 3
block.metal-floor-4.name = Metal Floor 4
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metalo Sluoksnis 4
block.metal-floor-damaged.name = Metalo Sluoksnis Pažeistas
block.dark-panel-1.name = Tamsioji Plokštė 1
block.dark-panel-2.name = Tamsioji Plokštė 2
block.dark-panel-3.name = Tamsioji Plokštė 3
block.dark-panel-4.name = Tamsioji Plokštė 4
block.dark-panel-5.name = Tamsioji Plokštė 5
block.dark-panel-6.name = Tamsioji Plokštė 6
block.dark-metal.name = Tamsusis Metalas
block.basalt.name = Basalt
block.hotrock.name = Karštoji Uoliena
block.magmarock.name = Magmos Uoliena
block.copper-wall.name = Vario Siena
block.copper-wall-large.name = Didelė Vario Siena
block.titanium-wall.name = Titano Siena
block.titanium-wall-large.name = Didelė Titano Siena
block.plastanium-wall.name = Plastaniumo Siena
block.plastanium-wall-large.name = Didelė Plastaniumo Siena
block.phase-wall.name = Fazinė Siena
block.phase-wall-large.name = Didelė Fazinė Siena
block.thorium-wall.name = Torio Siena
block.thorium-wall-large.name = Didelė Torio Siena
block.door.name = Durys
block.door-large.name = Didelės Durys
block.duo.name = Duo
block.scorch.name = Scorch
block.scatter.name = Scatter
block.hail.name = Hail
block.lancer.name = Lancer
block.conveyor.name = Konvejeris
block.titanium-conveyor.name = Titaninis Konvejeris
block.plastanium-conveyor.name = Plastaninis Konvejeris
block.armored-conveyor.name = Šarvuotas Konvejeris
block.junction.name = Sandūra
block.router.name = Maršrutizatorius
block.distributor.name = Skirstytuvas
block.sorter.name = Rūšiuotojas
block.inverted-sorter.name = Atbulinis Rūšiuotojas
block.message.name = Žinutė
block.illuminator.name = Šviestuvas
block.overflow-gate.name = Perpildymo Užtvara
block.underflow-gate.name = Neperpildymo Užtvara
block.silicon-smelter.name = Silicio Lydykla
block.phase-weaver.name = Fazinė Audykla
block.pulverizer.name = Pulverizatorius
block.cryofluid-mixer.name = Krio Skysčio Maišytojas
block.melter.name = Lydytuvas
block.incinerator.name = Deginimo krosnis
block.spore-press.name = Sporų Presas
block.separator.name = Separatorius
block.coal-centrifuge.name = Anglies Centrifuga
block.power-node.name = Maitinimo Mazgas
block.power-node-large.name = Didelis Maitinimo Mazgas
block.surge-tower.name = Viršįtampio Bokštas
block.diode.name = Baterijos Diodas
block.battery.name = Baterija
block.battery-large.name = Didelė Baterija
block.combustion-generator.name = Vidaus Degimo Generatorius
block.steam-generator.name = Garų Generatorius
block.differential-generator.name = Diferencialinis Generatorius
block.impact-reactor.name = Smūginis Reaktorius
block.mechanical-drill.name = Mechaninis Grąžtas
block.pneumatic-drill.name = Pneumatinis Grąžtas
block.laser-drill.name = Lazerinis Grąžtas
block.water-extractor.name = Vandens Trauktuvas
block.cultivator.name = Kultivatorius
block.conduit.name = Vamzdis
block.mechanical-pump.name = Mechaninė Pompa
block.item-source.name = Daiktų Šaltinis
block.item-void.name = Daiktų Tuštuma
block.liquid-source.name = Skysčių Šaltinis
block.liquid-void.name = Skysčių Tuštuma
block.power-void.name = Energijos Tuštuma
block.power-source.name = Begalinė Energija
block.unloader.name = Iškroviklis
block.vault.name = Seifas
block.wave.name = Wave
block.tsunami.name = Tsunami
block.swarmer.name = Swarmer
block.salvo.name = Salvo
block.ripple.name = Ripple
block.phase-conveyor.name = Fazinis Konvejeris
block.bridge-conveyor.name = Tiltinis Konvejeris
block.plastanium-compressor.name = Plastaniumo Kompresorius
block.pyratite-mixer.name = Piratito Maišytuvas
block.blast-mixer.name = Sprogiklio Maišytuvas
block.solar-panel.name = Saulės Baterija
block.solar-panel-large.name = Didelė Saulės Baterija
block.oil-extractor.name = Naftos Trauktuvas
block.repair-point.name = Taisymo Taškas
block.repair-turret.name = Repair Turret
block.pulse-conduit.name = Pulsinis Vamzdis
block.plated-conduit.name = Padengtas Vamzdis
block.phase-conduit.name = Fazinis Vamzdis
block.liquid-router.name = Skysčių Maršrutizatorius
block.liquid-tank.name = Skysčių Talpa
block.liquid-container.name = Liquid Container
block.liquid-junction.name = Skysčių Sandūra
block.bridge-conduit.name = Tiltinis Vamzdis
block.rotary-pump.name = Rotacinis Siurblys
block.thorium-reactor.name = Torio Reaktorius
block.mass-driver.name = Elektromagnetinė Katapulta
block.blast-drill.name = Oro Srovės Grąžtas
block.impulse-pump.name = Šiluminė Pompa
block.thermal-generator.name = Terminis Generatorius
block.surge-smelter.name = Lydinio Lydykla
block.mender.name = Taisytojas
block.mend-projector.name = Taisymo Projektorius
block.surge-wall.name = Viršįtampio Siena
block.surge-wall-large.name = Didelė Viršįtampio Siena
block.cyclone.name = Cyclone
block.fuse.name = Fuse
block.shock-mine.name = Shock Mine
block.overdrive-projector.name = Pagreitintuvas
block.force-projector.name = Jėgos Lauko Projektorius
block.arc.name = Arc
block.rtg-generator.name = RTG Generatorius
block.spectre.name = Spectre
block.meltdown.name = Meltdown
block.foreshadow.name = Foreshadow
block.container.name = Talpykla
block.launch-pad.name = Paleidimo Aikštelė
block.segment.name = Segment
block.ground-factory.name = Ground Factory
block.air-factory.name = Air Factory
block.naval-factory.name = Naval Factory
block.additive-reconstructor.name = Additive Reconstructor
block.multiplicative-reconstructor.name = Multiplicative Reconstructor
block.exponential-reconstructor.name = Exponential Reconstructor
block.tetrative-reconstructor.name = Tetrative Reconstructor
block.payload-conveyor.name = Mass Conveyor
block.payload-router.name = Payload Router
block.duct.name = Duct
block.duct-router.name = Duct Router
block.duct-bridge.name = Duct Bridge
block.payload-propulsion-tower.name = Payload Propulsion Tower
block.payload-void.name = Payload Void
block.payload-source.name = Payload Source
block.disassembler.name = Disassembler
block.silicon-crucible.name = Silicon Crucible
block.overdrive-dome.name = Overdrive Dome
block.interplanetary-accelerator.name = Interplanetary Accelerator
block.constructor.name = Constructor
block.constructor.description = Fabricates structures up to 2x2 tiles in size.
block.large-constructor.name = Large Constructor
block.large-constructor.description = Fabricates structures up to 4x4 tiles in size.
block.deconstructor.name = Deconstructor
block.deconstructor.description = Deconstructs structures and units. Returns 100% of build cost.
block.payload-loader.name = Payload Loader
block.payload-loader.description = Load liquids and items into blocks.
block.payload-unloader.name = Payload Unloader
block.payload-unloader.description = Unloads liquids and items from blocks.
block.heat-source.name = Heat Source
block.heat-source.description = A 1x1 block that gives virtualy infinite heat.
block.empty.name = Empty
block.rhyolite-crater.name = Rhyolite Crater
block.rough-rhyolite.name = Rough Rhyolite
block.regolith.name = Regolith
block.yellow-stone.name = Yellow Stone
block.carbon-stone.name = Carbon Stone
block.ferric-stone.name = Ferric Stone
block.ferric-craters.name = Ferric Craters
block.beryllic-stone.name = Beryllic Stone
block.crystalline-stone.name = Crystalline Stone
block.crystal-floor.name = Crystal Floor
block.yellow-stone-plates.name = Yellow Stone Plates
block.red-stone.name = Red Stone
block.dense-red-stone.name = Dense Red Stone
block.red-ice.name = Red Ice
block.arkycite-floor.name = Arkycite Floor
block.arkyic-stone.name = Arkyic Stone
block.rhyolite-vent.name = Rhyolite Vent
block.carbon-vent.name = Carbon Vent
block.arkyic-vent.name = Arkyic Vent
block.yellow-stone-vent.name = Yellow Stone Vent
block.red-stone-vent.name = Red Stone Vent
block.redmat.name = Redmat
block.bluemat.name = Bluemat
block.core-zone.name = Core Zone
block.regolith-wall.name = Regolith Wall
block.yellow-stone-wall.name = Yellow Stone Wall
block.rhyolite-wall.name = Rhyolite Wall
block.carbon-wall.name = Carbon Wall
block.ferric-stone-wall.name = Ferric Stone Wall
block.beryllic-stone-wall.name = Beryllic Stone Wall
block.arkyic-wall.name = Arkyic Wall
block.crystalline-stone-wall.name = Crystalline Stone Wall
block.red-ice-wall.name = Red Ice Wall
block.red-stone-wall.name = Red Stone Wall
block.red-diamond-wall.name = Red Diamond Wall
block.redweed.name = Redweed
block.pur-bush.name = Pur Bush
block.yellowcoral.name = Yellowcoral
block.carbon-boulder.name = Carbon Boulder
block.ferric-boulder.name = Ferric Boulder
block.beryllic-boulder.name = Beryllic Boulder
block.yellow-stone-boulder.name = Yellow Stone Boulder
block.arkyic-boulder.name = Arkyic Boulder
block.crystal-cluster.name = Crystal Cluster
block.vibrant-crystal-cluster.name = Vibrant Crystal Cluster
block.crystal-blocks.name = Crystal Blocks
block.crystal-orbs.name = Crystal Orbs
block.crystalline-boulder.name = Crystalline Boulder
block.red-ice-boulder.name = Red Ice Boulder
block.rhyolite-boulder.name = Rhyolite Boulder
block.red-stone-boulder.name = Red Stone Boulder
block.graphitic-wall.name = Graphitic Wall
block.silicon-arc-furnace.name = Silicon Arc Furnace
block.electrolyzer.name = Electrolyzer
block.atmospheric-concentrator.name = Atmospheric Concentrator
block.oxidation-chamber.name = Oxidation Chamber
block.electric-heater.name = Electric Heater
block.slag-heater.name = Slag Heater
block.phase-heater.name = Phase Heater
block.heat-redirector.name = Heat Redirector
block.slag-incinerator.name = Slag Incinerator
block.carbide-crucible.name = Carbide Crucible
block.slag-centrifuge.name = Slag Centrifuge
block.surge-crucible.name = Surge Crucible
block.cyanogen-synthesizer.name = Cyanogen Synthesizer
block.phase-synthesizer.name = Phase Synthesizer
block.heat-reactor.name = Heat Reactor
block.beryllium-wall.name = Beryllium Wall
block.beryllium-wall-large.name = Large Beryllium Wall
block.tungsten-wall.name = Tungsten Wall
block.tungsten-wall-large.name = Large Tungsten Wall
block.blast-door.name = Blast Door
block.carbide-wall.name = Carbide Wall
block.carbide-wall-large.name = Large Carbide Wall
block.reinforced-surge-wall.name = Reinforced Surge Wall
block.reinforced-surge-wall-large.name = Large Reinforced Surge Wall
block.shielded-wall.name = Shielded Wall
block.radar.name = Radar
block.build-tower.name = Build Tower
block.regen-projector.name = Regen Projector
block.shockwave-tower.name = Shockwave Tower
block.shield-projector.name = Shield Projector
block.large-shield-projector.name = Large Shield Projector
block.armored-duct.name = Armored Duct
block.overflow-duct.name = Overflow Duct
block.underflow-duct.name = Underflow Duct
block.duct-unloader.name = Duct Unloader
block.surge-conveyor.name = Surge Conveyor
block.surge-router.name = Surge Router
block.unit-cargo-loader.name = Unit Cargo Loader
block.unit-cargo-unload-point.name = Unit Cargo Unload Point
block.reinforced-pump.name = Reinforced Pump
block.reinforced-conduit.name = Reinforced Conduit
block.reinforced-liquid-junction.name = Reinforced Liquid Junction
block.reinforced-bridge-conduit.name = Reinforced Bridge Conduit
block.reinforced-liquid-router.name = Reinforced Liquid Router
block.reinforced-liquid-container.name = Reinforced Liquid Container
block.reinforced-liquid-tank.name = Reinforced Liquid Tank
block.beam-node.name = Beam Node
block.beam-tower.name = Beam Tower
block.beam-link.name = Beam Link
block.turbine-condenser.name = Turbine Condenser
block.chemical-combustion-chamber.name = Chemical Combustion Chamber
block.pyrolysis-generator.name = Pyrolysis Generator
block.vent-condenser.name = Vent Condenser
block.cliff-crusher.name = Cliff Crusher
block.plasma-bore.name = Plasma Bore
block.large-plasma-bore.name = Large Plasma Bore
block.impact-drill.name = Impact Drill
block.eruption-drill.name = Eruption Drill
block.core-bastion.name = Core Bastion
block.core-citadel.name = Core Citadel
block.core-acropolis.name = Core Acropolis
block.reinforced-container.name = Reinforced Container
block.reinforced-vault.name = Reinforced Vault
block.breach.name = Breach
block.sublimate.name = Sublimate
block.titan.name = Titan
block.disperse.name = Disperse
block.afflict.name = Afflict
block.lustre.name = Lustre
block.scathe.name = Scathe
block.fabricator.name = Fabricator
block.tank-refabricator.name = Tank Refabricator
block.mech-refabricator.name = Mech Refabricator
block.ship-refabricator.name = Ship Refabricator
block.tank-assembler.name = Tank Assembler
block.ship-assembler.name = Ship Assembler
block.mech-assembler.name = Mech Assembler
block.reinforced-payload-conveyor.name = Reinforced Payload Conveyor
block.reinforced-payload-router.name = Reinforced Payload Router
block.payload-mass-driver.name = Payload Mass Driver
block.small-deconstructor.name = Small Deconstructor
block.canvas.name = Canvas
block.world-processor.name = World Processor
block.world-cell.name = World Cell
block.shield-breaker.name = Shield Breaker (temp name/sprite)
block.tank-fabricator.name = Tank Fabricator
block.mech-fabricator.name = Mech Fabricator
block.ship-fabricator.name = Ship Fabricator
block.prime-refabricator.name = Prime Refabricator
block.unit-repair-tower.name = Unit Repair Tower
block.diffuse.name = Diffuse
block.basic-assembler-module.name = Basic Assembler Module
block.smite.name = Smite
block.malign.name = Malign
block.flux-reactor.name = Flux Reactor
block.switch.name = Switch
block.micro-processor.name = Micro Processor
block.logic-processor.name = Logic Processor
block.hyper-processor.name = Hyper Processor
block.logic-display.name = Logic Display
block.large-logic-display.name = Large Logic Display
block.memory-cell.name = Memory Cell
block.memory-bank.name = Memory Bank
team.malis.name = Malis
team.crux.name = raudona
team.sharded.name = oranžinė
team.derelict.name = apleista
team.green.name = žalia
team.blue.name = mėlyna
hint.skip = Skip
hint.desktopMove = Use [accent][[WASD][] to move.
hint.zoom = [accent]Scroll[] to zoom in or out.
hint.mine = Move near the \uf8c4 copper ore and [accent]tap[] it to mine manually.
hint.desktopShoot = [accent][[Left-click][] to shoot.
hint.depositItems = To transfer items, drag from your ship to the core.
hint.respawn = To respawn as a ship, press [accent][[V][].
hint.respawn.mobile = You have switched control to a unit/structure. To respawn as a ship, [accent]tap the avatar in the top left.[]
hint.desktopPause = Press [accent][[Space][] to pause and unpause the game.
hint.placeDrill = Select the \ue85e [accent]Drill[] tab in the menu at the bottom right, then select a \uf870 [accent]Drill[] and click on a copper patch to place it.
hint.placeDrill.mobile = Select the \ue85e [accent]Drill[] tab in the menu at the bottom right, then select a \uf870 [accent]Drill[] and tap on a copper patch to place it.\n\nPress the \ue800 [accent]checkmark[] at the bottom right to confirm.
hint.placeConveyor = Conveyors move items from drills into other blocks. Select a \uf896 [accent]Conveyor[] from the \ue814 [accent]Distribution[] tab.\n\nClick and drag to place multiple conveyors.\n[accent]Scroll[] to rotate.
hint.placeConveyor.mobile = Conveyors move items from drills into other blocks. Select a \uf896 [accent]Conveyor[] from the \ue814 [accent]Distribution[] tab.\n\nHold down your finger for a second and drag to place multiple conveyors.
hint.placeTurret = Place \uf861 [accent]Turrets[] to defend your base from enemies.\n\nTurrets require ammo - in this case, \uf838copper.\nUse conveyors and drills to supply them.
hint.breaking = [accent]Right-click[] and drag to break blocks.
hint.breaking.mobile = Activate the \ue817 [accent]hammer[] in the bottom right and tap to break blocks.\n\nHold down your finger for a second and drag to break in a selection.
hint.blockInfo = View information of a block by selecting it in the [accent]build menu[], then selecting the [accent][[?][] button at the right.
hint.derelict = [accent]Derelict[] structures are broken remnants of old bases that no longer function.\n\nThese structures can be [accent]deconstructed[] for resources.
hint.research = Use the \ue875 [accent]Research[] button to research new technology.
hint.research.mobile = Use the \ue875 [accent]Research[] button in the \ue88c [accent]Menu[] to research new technology.
hint.unitControl = Hold [accent][[L-ctrl][] and [accent]click[] to control friendly units or turrets.
hint.unitControl.mobile = [accent][[Double-tap][] to control friendly units or turrets.
hint.launch = Once enough resources are collected, you can [accent]Launch[] by selecting nearby sectors from the \ue827 [accent]Map[] in the bottom right.
hint.launch.mobile = Once enough resources are collected, you can [accent]Launch[] by selecting nearby sectors from the \ue827 [accent]Map[] in the \ue88c [accent]Menu[].
hint.schematicSelect = Hold [accent][[F][] and drag to select blocks to copy and paste.\n\n[accent][[Middle Click][] to copy a single block type.
hint.conveyorPathfind = Hold [accent][[L-Ctrl][] while dragging conveyors to automatically generate a path.
hint.conveyorPathfind.mobile = Enable \ue844 [accent]diagonal mode[] and drag conveyors to automatically generate a path.
hint.boost = Hold [accent][[L-Shift][] to fly over obstacles with your current unit.\n\nOnly a few ground units have boosters.
hint.payloadPickup = Press [accent][[[] to pick up small blocks or units.
hint.payloadPickup.mobile = [accent]Tap and hold[] a small block or unit to pick it up.
hint.payloadDrop = Press [accent]][] to drop a payload.
hint.payloadDrop.mobile = [accent]Tap and hold[] an empty location to drop a payload there.
hint.waveFire = [accent]Wave[] turrets with water as ammunition will automatically put out nearby fires.
hint.generator = \uf879 [accent]Combustion Generators[] burn coal and transmit power to adjacent blocks.\n\nPower transmission range can be extended with \uf87f [accent]Power Nodes[].
hint.guardian = [accent]Guardian[] units are armored. Weak ammo such as [accent]Copper[] and [accent]Lead[] is [scarlet]not effective[].\n\nUse higher tier turrets or \uf835 [accent]Graphite[] \uf861Duo/\uf859Salvo ammunition to take Guardians down.
hint.coreUpgrade = Cores can be upgraded by [accent]placing higher-tier cores over them[].\n\nPlace a \uf868 [accent]Foundation[] core over the \uf869 [accent]Shard[] core. Make sure it is free from nearby obstructions.
hint.presetLaunch = Gray [accent]landing zone sectors[], such as [accent]Frozen Forest[], can be launched to from anywhere. They do not require capture of nearby territory.\n\n[accent]Numbered sectors[], such as this one, are [accent]optional[].
hint.presetDifficulty = This sector has a [scarlet]high enemy threat level[].\nLaunching to such sectors is [accent]not recommended[] without proper technology and preparation.
hint.coreIncinerate = After the core is filled to capacity with an item, any extra items of that type it receives will be [accent]incinerated[].
hint.coopCampaign = When playing the [accent]co-op campaign[], items that are produced in the current map will also be sent [accent]to your local sectors[].\n\nAny new research done by the host also carries over.
hint.factoryControl = To set a unit factory's [accent]output destination[], click a factory block while in command mode, then right-click a location.\nUnits produced by it will automatically move there.
hint.factoryControl.mobile = To set a unit factory's [accent]output destination[], tap a factory block while in command mode, then tap a location.\nUnits produced by it will automatically move there.
item.copper.description = Paprasčiausia struktūrinė medžiaga. Plačiai naudojama visų tipų blokams.
item.copper.details = Copper. Abnormally abundant metal on Serpulo. Structurally weak unless reinforced.
item.lead.description = Pagrindinė pradinė medžiaga. Plačiai naudojama elektronikoje ir skysčių transportacijos blokams.
item.lead.details = Dense. Inert. Extensively used in batteries.\nNote: Likely toxic to biological life forms. Not that there are many left here.
item.metaglass.description = Itin kietas stiklo junginys. Plačiai naudojamas skysčių gabenimui ir laikymui.
item.graphite.description = Mineralizuota anglis, kuri yra naudojama amunicijai ir elektronikos komponentams.
item.sand.description = Dažnai sutinkama medžiaga, kuri yra plačiai naudojama lydymui.
item.coal.description = Suakmenėjusios augalinės medžiagos, susiformavusios dar prieš sėjos įvykį. Plačiai naudojama kurui ir resursų gamybai.
item.coal.details = Appears to be fossilized plant matter, formed long before the seeding event.
item.titanium.description = Retas ir itin lengvas metalas. Plačiai naudojamas skysčių gabenime, grąžtams ir lėktuvams.
item.thorium.description = Tankus bei radioaktyvus metalas naudojamas struktūriniam palaikymui ir branduoliniam kurui.
item.scrap.description = Senų struktūrų ir vienetų liekanos. Sudėtyje yra įvairių metalų pėdsakų.
item.scrap.details = Leftover remnants of old structures and units.
item.silicon.description = Ypač naudingas puslaidininkas. Naudojama saulės baterijose, sudėtingose elektronikose ir taikinių sekimo amunicijoje.
item.plastanium.description = Lengva, plastiška medžiaga naudojama pažangiems lėktuvams ir skilančioje aminucijoje.
item.phase-fabric.description = Beveik besvorė medžiaga naudojama pažangesniuoje elektronikoje ir savitaisėse technologijose.
item.surge-alloy.description = Pažangus lydinys su unikaliomis elektrinėmis savybėmis.
item.spore-pod.description = Sintetinių sporų kokonas, susintetintos iš atmosferos industriniam naudojimui. Naudojama konversijai į naftą, sprogmenis ir kurą.
item.spore-pod.details = Spores. Likely a synthetic life form. Emit gases toxic to other biological life. Extremely invasive. Highly flammable in certain conditions.
item.blast-compound.description = Nestabilus junginys naudojamas bomboms ir sprogmenims. Susintetintas iš sporų kokonų ir kitų lakiųjų medžiagų. Nerekomenduojama naudoti kaip kurą.
item.pyratite.description = Ypač degi medžiaga naudojama uždegantiems ginklams.
liquid.water.description = Naudingiausias skystis. Dažniausiai naudojamas įrenginių aušinimui ir atliekų perdirbimui.
liquid.slag.description = Įvairių rūšių metalai susilydę tarpusavyję. Gali būti atskirti į sudedamasias medžiagas arba išpurkšti ant priešų.
liquid.oil.description = Skystis, naudojamas pažangių medžiagų gamyboje. Gali būti konvertuota į anglį arba gali būti išpurkšta ir padegta.
liquid.cryofluid.description = Inertiškas, neėsdinantis skystis gaminamas iš vandens ir titano. Atlaiko ypač didelį karštį. Plačiai naudojamas kaip aušinimo skystis.
block.derelict = \uf77e [lightgray]Derelict
block.armored-conveyor.description = Juda tokuo pačiu greičiu kaip titaninis konvejeris, tačiau turi daugiau šarvų. Nepriima įeigos iš šonų, išskyrus kitus konvejerius.
block.illuminator.description = Mažas, kompaktiškas, konfigūruojamas šviesos šaltinis. Reikalinga energija funkcionavimui.
block.message.description = Laiko žinutę. Naudojama komunikacijai tarp sąjungininkų.
block.graphite-press.description = Sukompresuoja anglies gabalus į grynas grafito plokštes.
block.multi-press.description = Patobulinta grafito preso versija. Pasitelkia vandenį ir energiją greitam ir efektyviam anglies apdirbimui.
block.silicon-smelter.description = Redukuoja smėlį su gryna anglimi. Gamina silicį.
block.kiln.description = Sulydo smėlį ir stiklą į junginį žinomą kaip meta stiklas. Veikimui reikalinga nedaug energijos.
block.plastanium-compressor.description = Gamina plastaniumą iš naftos ir titano.
block.phase-weaver.description = Susintetina fazinį audinį iš radioaktyvaus torio ir smėlio. Veikimui reikalingas didžiulis kiekis energijos.
block.surge-smelter.description = Sumaišo titaną, šviną, silicį ir varį į viršįtampį lydinį.
block.cryofluid-mixer.description = Maišo vandenį ir smulkias titano dulkes į krio skystį. Būtinas torio reaktoriaus naudojimui.
block.blast-mixer.description = Susmulkina ir sumaišo sporas su piratitu ir pagamina sprogųjį junginį.
block.pyratite-mixer.description = Sumaišo anglį, šviną ir smėlį į itin degų piratitą.
block.melter.description = Išlydo metalo laužą į šlaką tolesniam apdorojimui arba naudojimui wave bokštuose.
block.separator.description = Išskirsto šlaką į mineralinius komponentus. Atiduoda atvėsintą rezultatą.
block.spore-press.description = Veikiant aukštam slėgiui sukompresuojami sporų kokonai ir susintetinami į naftą.
block.pulverizer.description = Susmulkina metalo laužą į smulkų smėlį.
block.coal-centrifuge.description = Sukietina naftą į anglies gabalus.
block.incinerator.description = Išgarina bet kokias medžiagas ar skysčius, kuriuos gauna.
block.power-void.description = Sunaikina visą įeinančią energiją. Tik Sandbox režime.
block.power-source.description = Išduoda neribotą kiekį energijos. Tik Sandbox režime.
block.item-source.description = Išduoda neribotą kiekį medžiagų. Tik Sandbox režime.
block.item-void.description = Sunaikina visas įeinančias medžiagas. Tik Sandbox režime.
block.liquid-source.description = Išduoda neribotą kiekį skysčių. Tik Sandbox režime.
block.liquid-void.description = Sunaikina visus įeinančius skysčius. Tik Sandbox režime.
block.payload-source.description = Infinitely outputs payloads. Sandbox only.
block.payload-void.description = Destroys any payloads. Sandbox only.
block.copper-wall.description = Pigus gynybinis blokas.\nNaudingas ginant branduolį ir bokštus pirmose bangose.
block.copper-wall-large.description = Pigus gynybinis blokas.\nNaudingas ginant branduolį ir bokštus pirmose bangose.\nUžima kelias vietas.
block.titanium-wall.description = Vidutinio stiprumo gynybinis blokas.\nUžtikrina vidutinę apsaugą nuo priešų.
block.titanium-wall-large.description = Vidutinio stiprumo gynybinis blokas.\nUžtikrina vidutinę apsaugą nuo priešų.\nUžima kelias vietas.
block.plastanium-wall.description = Specialus sienų tipas, kuris sugeria elektrines arkas ir blokuoja automatinius energijos mazgų prisijungimus.
block.plastanium-wall-large.description = Specialus sienų tipas, kuris sugeria elektrines arkas ir blokuoja automatinius energijos mazgų prisijungimus.\nUžima kelias vietas..
block.thorium-wall.description = Stiprus gynybinis blokas.Gera apsauga nuo priešų.
block.thorium-wall-large.description = Stiprus gynybinis blokas.\nGera apsauga nuo priešų.\nUžima kelias vietas.
block.phase-wall.description = Siena padengta specialiu faziniu pagrindu sukurtu junginiu. Atmuša daugumą šovinių.
block.phase-wall-large.description = Siena padengta specialiu faziniu pagrindu sukurtu junginiu. Atmuša daugumą šovinių.\nUžima kelias vietas.
block.surge-wall.description = Ypač patvarus gynybinis blokas.\nKaupia krūvį kontakto metu su šoviniu atsitiktinai jį išleisdamas.
block.surge-wall-large.description = Ypač patvarus gynybinis blokas.\nKaupia krūvį kontakto metu su šoviniu atsitiktinai jį išleisdamas.\nUžima kelias vietas.
block.door.description = Mažos durys. Gali būti atidarytos ir uždarytos paspaudus.
block.door-large.description = Didelės durys. Gali būti atidarytos ir uždarytos paspaudus.\nUžima kelias vietas.
block.mender.description = Periodiškai taiso blokus pasiekiamame plote. Palaiko gynybines konstrukcijas pataisytas tarp bangu.\nPapildomai naudoja silicį atstumo ir efektyvumo padidinimui.
block.mend-projector.description = Patobulinta taisytojo versija. Periodiškai taiso blokus pasiekiamame plote.\nPapildomai naudoja fazinę tekstilę atstumo ir efektyvumo padidinimui.
block.overdrive-projector.description = Paspartina aplinkinius pastatus.\nPapildomai naudoja fazinę tekstilę atstumo ir efektyvumo padidinimui.
block.force-projector.description = Sukuria šešiakampį jėgos lauką aplink save apsaugodamas aplinkinius pastatus nuo žalos.\nPerkaista, jei atlaiko daug žalos. Papildomai naudoja aušinimo skystį, kad neperkaistų. Fazinė tekstilė gali būti naudojama jėgos lauko dydžiui padidinti.
block.shock-mine.description = Sužaloja priešus užlipančius ant minos. Beveik nematoma priešų.
block.conveyor.description = Paprasčiausias daiktų gabenimo blokas. Gabena daiktus į priekį ir automatiškai juos įdeda į blokus. Pasukamas.
block.titanium-conveyor.description = Pažangus daiktų gabenimo blokas. Gabena daiktus greičiau negu paprastas konvejeris.
block.plastanium-conveyor.description = Moves items in batches.\nAccepts items at the back, and unloads them in three directions at the front.
block.junction.description = Veikia kaip tiltas dvejoms besikertančioms konvejerio juostoms. Naudingas situacijose, kai du kovejeriai neša skirtingas medžiagas į skirtingas vietas.
block.bridge-conveyor.description = Pažangus daiktų gabenimo blokas. Leidžia daiktų gabenimą per tris blokus, nesvarbu kas yra tuose trejuose yra.
block.phase-conveyor.description = Pažangus daiktų gabenimo blokas. Naudoja energiją daiktų teleportacijai į prijungtą fazinį kovejerį per kelis blokus.
block.sorter.description = Rūšiuoja daiktus. Jei daiktas atitinka pasirinkimą, jam leidžiama keliauti pirmyn. Priešingai, daiktas siunčiamas į kairę ir dešinę.
block.inverted-sorter.description = Apdoroja daiktus kaip paprastas rūšiuotuvas, tačiau pasirinktas daiktas siunčiamas į kairę arba dešinę, o kita į priekį.
block.router.description = Priima daiktus, tada paskirsto daiktus į tris kryptis lygiomis dalimis. Naudingas paskirstant medžiagas iš vieno šaltinio į daugiau jungčių.\n\n[scarlet]Niekada nenaudokite prie pat gamyklos, nes iš gamyklos išeinantis produktas gali užstrigti maršrutizatoriuje.[]
block.router.details = A necessary evil. Using next to production inputs is not advised, as they will get clogged by output.
block.distributor.description = Pažangesnis maršrutizatorius. Paskirsto daiktus į septynias kryptis lygiomis dalimis.
block.overflow-gate.description = Išveda medžiagas į kairę ir dešinę, jei priekis yra užblokuotas.
block.underflow-gate.description = Veikia priešingai nei perpildymo užtvara. Išveda medžiagas į priekį, jei kairė ir dešinė yra užblokuota.
block.mass-driver.description = Tobuliausias daiktų gabenimo blokas. Surenka daiktus ir šauna juos į kitą elektromagnetinę katapultą didelias atstumais. Veikimui reikalauja energijos.
block.mechanical-pump.description = pigi pompa su lėta išeiga, bet nenaudoja energijos.
block.rotary-pump.description = Pažangesnė pompa. Pumpuoja daugiau skysčių, bet reikalauja energijos.
block.impulse-pump.description = Tobuliausia pompa.
block.conduit.description = Paprastas vandens gabenimo blokas. Gabena skysčius į priekį. Naudojamas kartu su siurbliais ir kitais vamzdžiais.
block.pulse-conduit.description = Pažangus vandens gabenimo blokas. Gabena skysčius greičiau ir talpina daugiau skysčių negu standartinis vamzdis.
block.plated-conduit.description = Gabena skysčius tokiuo pačiu greičiu kaip pulsinis vamzdis, tačiau turi daugiau šarvų. Nepriima skysčių iš šonų, išskyrus kitus vamzdžius.\nMažiau nutekina skysčių.
block.liquid-router.description = Priima skysčius iš vienos krypties ir paskirsto juos į tris skirtingas kryptis vienodai. Gali laikyti tam tikrą kiekį skysčių. Naudingas paskirstant sksyčius iš vieno šaltinio į daugiau jungčių.
block.liquid-container.description = Stores a sizeable amount of liquid. Outputs to all sides, similarly to a liquid router.
block.liquid-tank.description = Laiko didelį kiekį skysčių. Naudokite kūriant buferius situacijose su nepastoviu skysčių suvartojimu arba kaip apsaugą aušinant svarbius blokus.
block.liquid-junction.description = Veikia kaip tiltas dvejiems besikertantiems vamzdžiams. Naudingas situacijose, kai du skirtingi vamzdžiai neša skirtingus skysčius į skirtingas vietas.
block.bridge-conduit.description = Pažangus skysčių gabenimo blokas. Leidžia skysčių gabenimą per tris blokus, nesvarbu kas yra tuose trejuose yra.
block.phase-conduit.description = Pažangus skysčių gabenimo blokas. Naudoja energiją skysčių teleportacijai į prijungtą fazinį vamzdį per kelis blokus.
block.power-node.description = Perneša energiją į prijungtus mazgus. Mazgas gaus energiją iš gretimų blokų ir teiks gretimiems blokas.
block.power-node-large.description = Pažangus energijos mazgas su didesnius atstumu.
block.surge-tower.description = Ypač didelį atstumą turintis energijos mazgas su mažiau galimų jungčių.
block.diode.description = Baterijos energija gali eiti per šį bloką tik viena kryptimi, tačiau tik, kai kita pusė turi mažiau sukauptos energijos.
block.battery.description = Laiko enegiją kaip buferis, kai reikalinga papildoma energija. Atiduoda energiją kai yra energijos deficitas.
block.battery-large.description = Laiko daugiau energijos negu paprasta baterija.
block.combustion-generator.description = Gamina energiją degindamas degias medžiagas kaip anglis.
block.thermal-generator.description = Gamina energiją, kai pastatytas karštose vietose.
block.steam-generator.description = Pažangesnis vidaus degimo generatorius. Efektyvesnis, bet papildomai reikalauja vandens sukurti garams.
block.differential-generator.description = Gamina didelį kiekį energijos. Pasitelkia temperatūrų skirtumą tarp krio skysčio ir degančio piratito.
block.rtg-generator.description = Paprastas, patikimas generatorius. Naudoja yrančių junginių karštį energijos gamybai.
block.solar-panel.description = Suteikia mažą kiekį energijos iš saulės.
block.solar-panel-large.description = Žymiai efektyvesnė paprastos saulės baterijos versija.
block.thorium-reactor.description = Gamina didelius kiekius energijos iš torio. Reikalingas pastovus aušinimas. Gali įvykti didelis sprogimas, jei nebus pakankamai aušinama. Energijos išeiga priklauso nuo pilnumo, bazinis energijos kiekis yra generuojamas, kai reaktoriaus torio talpa yra pilna.
block.impact-reactor.description = Pažangus generatorius, galintis sukurti milžinišką kiekį energijos esant maksimaliam efektyvumui. Reikalinga energija paleidimui.
block.mechanical-drill.description = Pigus grąžtas. When placed on appropriate tiles, outputs items at a slow pace indefinitely. Only capable of mining basic resources.
block.pneumatic-drill.description = Pagerintas grąžtas, galintis kasti titaną. Kasa greičiau negu mechaninis grąžtas.
block.laser-drill.description = Dėl lazerio technologijų leidžia kasti medžiagas greičiau, bet reikalauja energijos. Pajėgus kasti torį.
block.blast-drill.description = Tobuliausias Grąžtas. Reikalauja didelio kiekio energijos.
block.water-extractor.description = Išgauna vandenį. Naudojamas kur nėra paviršinio vandens.
block.cultivator.description = Atmosferoje išaugina mažus sporų kiekius į industrijai paruoštus sporų kokonus.
block.cultivator.details = Recovered technology. Used to produce massive amounts of biomass as efficiently as possible. Likely the initial incubator of the spores now covering Serpulo.
block.oil-extractor.description = Naudoja didelį kiekį energijos, smėlio ir vandens naftos gamybai.
block.core-shard.description = Pirma branduolio kapsulės iteracija. Kai sunaikintas, prarandami visi kontaktai su zona. Neleiskite tam nutikti.
block.core-shard.details = The first iteration. Compact. Self-replicating. Equipped with single-use launch thrusters. Not designed for interplanetary travel.
block.core-foundation.description = Antra branduolio kapsulės iteracija. Geriau šarvuota. Laiko daugiau resursų.
block.core-foundation.details = The second iteration.
block.core-nucleus.description = Trečia ir paskutinė branduolio kapsulės iteracija. Itin gerai apsaugota. Laiko didelius kiekius resursų.
block.core-nucleus.details = The third and final iteration.
block.vault.description = Laiko didelį kiekį skirtingų rūšių medžiagų. Gali būti naudojamas iškroviklis daiktų paėmimui iš seifo.
block.container.description = Laiko nedidelį kiekį skirtingų rūšių medžiagų. Gali būti naudojamas iškroviklis daiktų paėmimui iš talpyklos.
block.unloader.description = Paima resursus iš gretimų ne gabenimui skirtų pastatų. Paimamos medžiagos rūšis gali būti pakeista paspaudus ant iškroviklio.
block.launch-pad.description = Paleidžia daiktų paketus be branduolio paleidimo.
block.launch-pad.details = Sub-orbital system for point-to-point transportation of resources. Payload pods are fragile and incapable of surviving re-entry.
block.duo.description = Mažas ir pigus bokštas. Naudingas prieš antžeminius vienetus.
block.scatter.description = Pagrindinis bokštas skirtas kovai su oro pajėgomis. Šaudo švino arba metalo laužo gabalais į priešus.
block.scorch.description = Degina visus netoliese esančius priešus. Itin efektyvus artimame nuotolyje.
block.hail.description = Mažas, didelio atstumo artilerijos bokštas.
block.wave.description = Vidutinio didžio bokštas. Šaudo skysčio srautus į priešus. Automatiškai užgesina ugnį, jei naudojmas vanduo.
block.lancer.description = Vidutinio didžio lazerinis bokštas skirtas kovai su antžeminėmis pajėgomis. Užsikrauna ir šaudo galingus energijos spindulius.
block.arc.description = Mažas artimojo nuotolio elektros bokštas. Šaudo elektrines arkas į priešus.
block.swarmer.description = Vidutinio didžio raketsvaidis. Puola, tiek žemę, tiek orą. Šaudo taikinius sekančias raketas.
block.salvo.description = Didelis, pažangesnė Duo bokšto versija. Šaudo šovinių salvas į priešus.
block.fuse.description = Didelis, artimojo nuotolio energijos bokštas. Šaudo tris prasiskverbiančius spindulius.
block.ripple.description = Itin galingas artilerijos bokštas. Dideliais atstumais šaudo būrius artilerijos šovinius į priešus.
block.cyclone.description = Didelis bokštas puolantis, tiek žemę, tiek orą. Šaudo sprogstančius šovinius į priešus.
block.spectre.description = Milžiniškas dvivamzdis bokštas. Šaudo didelius, kiaurai per šarvus einančius šovinius į taikinius esančius ant žemės ir ore.
block.meltdown.description = Milžiniška lazerinė patranka. Užsikrauna ir šaudo lazerinius spindulius į aplinkinius priešus. Veikimui reikalingas aušinimo skystis.
block.foreshadow.description = Fires a large single-target bolt over long distances. Prioritizes enemies with higher max health.
block.repair-point.description = Pastoviai gydo artimiausius netoliese esančius vienetus.
block.segment.description = Damages and destroys incoming projectiles. Laser projectiles are not targeted.
block.parallax.description = Fires a tractor beam that pulls in air targets, damaging them in the process.
block.tsunami.description = Fires powerful streams of liquid at enemies. Automatically extinguishes fires when supplied with water.
block.silicon-crucible.description = Refines silicon from sand and coal, using pyratite as an additional heat source. More efficient in hot locations.
block.disassembler.description = Separates slag into trace amounts of exotic mineral components at low efficiency. Can produce thorium.
block.overdrive-dome.description = Increases the speed of nearby buildings. Requires phase fabric and silicon to operate.
block.payload-conveyor.description = Moves large payloads, such as units from factories.
block.payload-router.description = Splits input payloads into 3 output directions.
block.ground-factory.description = Produces ground units. Output units can be used directly, or moved into reconstructors for upgrading.
block.air-factory.description = Produces air units. Output units can be used directly, or moved into reconstructors for upgrading.
block.naval-factory.description = Produces naval units. Output units can be used directly, or moved into reconstructors for upgrading.
block.additive-reconstructor.description = Upgrades inputted units to the second tier.
block.multiplicative-reconstructor.description = Upgrades inputted units to the third tier.
block.exponential-reconstructor.description = Upgrades inputted units to the fourth tier.
block.tetrative-reconstructor.description = Upgrades inputted units to the fifth and final tier.
block.switch.description = A toggleable switch. State can be read and controlled with logic processors.
block.micro-processor.description = Runs a sequence of logic instructions in a loop. Can be used to control units and buildings.
block.logic-processor.description = Runs a sequence of logic instructions in a loop. Can be used to control units and buildings. Faster than the micro processor.
block.hyper-processor.description = Runs a sequence of logic instructions in a loop. Can be used to control units and buildings. Faster than the logic processor.
block.memory-cell.description = Stores information for a logic processor.
block.memory-bank.description = Stores information for a logic processor. High capacity.
block.logic-display.description = Displays arbitrary graphics from a logic processor.
block.large-logic-display.description = Displays arbitrary graphics from a logic processor.
block.interplanetary-accelerator.description = A massive electromagnetic railgun tower. Accelerates cores to escape velocity for interplanetary deployment.
block.repair-turret.description = Continuously repairs the closest damaged unit in its vicinity. Optionally accepts coolant.
block.payload-propulsion-tower.description = Long-range payload transport structure. Shoots payloads to other linked payload propulsion towers.
unit.dagger.description = Fires standard bullets at all nearby enemies.
unit.mace.description = Fires streams of flame at all nearby enemies.
unit.fortress.description = Fires long-range artillery at ground targets.
unit.scepter.description = Fires a barrage of charged bullets at all nearby enemies.
unit.reign.description = Fires a barrage of massive piercing bullets at all nearby enemies.
unit.nova.description = Fires laser bolts that damage enemies and repair allied structures. Capable of flight.
unit.pulsar.description = Fires arcs of electricity that damage enemies and repair allied structures. Capable of flight.
unit.quasar.description = Fires piercing laser beams that damage enemies and repair allied structures. Capable of flight. Shielded.
unit.vela.description = Fires a massive continuous laser beam that damages enemies, causes fires and repairs allied structures. Capable of flight.
unit.corvus.description = Fires a massive laser blast that damages enemies and repairs allied structures. Can step over most terrain.
unit.crawler.description = Runs toward enemies and self-destructs, causing a large explosion.
unit.atrax.description = Fires debilitating orbs of slag at ground targets. Can step over most terrain.
unit.spiroct.description = Fires sapping laser beams at enemies, repairing itself in the process. Can step over most terrain.
unit.arkyid.description = Fires large sapping laser beams at enemies, repairing itself in the process. Can step over most terrain.
unit.toxopid.description = Fires large electric cluster-shells and piercing lasers at enemies. Can step over most terrain.
unit.flare.description = Fires standard bullets at nearby ground targets.
unit.horizon.description = Drops clusters of bombs on ground targets.
unit.zenith.description = Fires salvos of missiles at all nearby enemies.
unit.antumbra.description = Fires a barrage of bullets at all nearby enemies.
unit.eclipse.description = Fires two piercing lasers and a barrage of flak at all nearby enemies.
unit.mono.description = Automatically mines copper and lead, depositing it into the core.
unit.poly.description = Automatically rebuilds destroyed structures and assists other units in construction.
unit.mega.description = Automatically repairs damaged structures. Capable of carrying blocks and small ground units.
unit.quad.description = Drops large bombs on ground targets, repairing allied structures and damaging enemies. Capable of carrying medium-sized ground units.
unit.oct.description = Protects nearby allies with its regenerating shield. Capable of carrying most ground units.
unit.risso.description = Fires a barrage of missiles and bullets at all nearby enemies.
unit.minke.description = Fires shells and standard bullets at nearby ground targets.
unit.bryde.description = Fires long-range artillery shells and missiles at enemies.
unit.sei.description = Fires a barrage of missiles and armor-piercing bullets at enemies.
unit.omura.description = Fires a long-range piercing railgun bolt at enemies. Constructs flare units.
unit.alpha.description = Defends the Shard core from enemies. Builds structures.
unit.beta.description = Defends the Foundation core from enemies. Builds structures.
unit.gamma.description = Defends the Nucleus core from enemies. Builds structures.
unit.retusa.description = Fires homing torpedoes at nearby enemies. Repairs allied units.
unit.oxynoe.description = Fires structure-repairing streams of flame at nearby enemies. Targets nearby enemy projectiles with a point defense turret.
unit.cyerce.description = Fires seeking cluster-missiles at enemies. Repairs allied units.
unit.aegires.description = Shocks all enemy units and structures that enter its energy field. Repairs all allies.
unit.navanax.description = Fires explosive EMP projectiles, dealing significant damage to enemy power networks and repairing allied structures. Melts nearby enemies with 4 autonomous laser turrets.
lst.read = Read a number from a linked memory cell.
lst.write = Write a number to a linked memory cell.
lst.print = Add text to the print buffer.\nDoes not display anything until [accent]Print Flush[] is used.
lst.draw = Add an operation to the drawing buffer.\nDoes not display anything until [accent]Draw Flush[] is used.
lst.drawflush = Flush queued [accent]Draw[] operations to a display.
lst.printflush = Flush queued [accent]Print[] operations to a message block.
lst.getlink = Get a processor link by index. Starts at 0.
lst.control = Control a building.
lst.radar = Locate units around a building with range.
lst.sensor = Get data from a building or unit.
lst.set = Set a variable.
lst.operation = Perform an operation on 1-2 variables.
lst.end = Jump to the top of the instruction stack.
lst.wait = Wait a certain number of seconds.
lst.lookup = Look up an item/liquid/unit/block type by ID.\nTotal counts of each type can be accessed with:\n[accent]@unitCount[] / [accent]@itemCount[] / [accent]@liquidCount[] / [accent]@blockCount[]
lst.jump = Conditionally jump to another statement.
lst.unitbind = Bind to the next unit of a type, and store it in [accent]@unit[].
lst.unitcontrol = Control the currently bound unit.
lst.unitradar = Locate units around the currently bound unit.
lst.unitlocate = Locate a specific type of position/building anywhere on the map.\nRequires a bound unit.
lst.getblock = Get tile data at any location.
lst.setblock = Set tile data at any location.
lst.spawnunit = Spawn unit at a location.
lst.applystatus = Apply or clear a status effect from a uniut.
lst.spawnwave = Simulate a wave being spawned at a arbitrary location.\nWill not increment the wave counter.
lst.explosion = Create an explosion at a location.
lst.setrate = Set processor execution speed in instructions/tick.
lst.fetch = Lookup units, cores, players or buildings by index.\nIndices start at 0 and end at their returned count.
lst.packcolor = Pack [0, 1] RGBA components into a single number for drawing or rule-setting.
lst.setrule = Set a game rule.
lst.flushmessage = Display a message on the screen from the text buffer.\nWill wait until the previous message finishes.
lst.cutscene = Manipulate the player camera.
lst.setflag = Set a global flag that can be read by all processors.
lst.getflag = Check if a global flag is set.
logic.nounitbuild = [red]Unit building logic is not allowed here.
lenum.type = Type of building/unit.\ne.g. for any router, this will return [accent]@router[].\nNot a string.
lenum.shoot = Shoot at a position.
lenum.shootp = Shoot at a unit/building with velocity prediction.
lenum.config = Building configuration, e.g. sorter item.
lenum.enabled = Whether the block is enabled.
laccess.color = Illuminator color.
laccess.controller = Unit controller. If processor controlled, returns processor.\nIf in a formation, returns leader.\nOtherwise, returns the unit itself.
laccess.dead = Whether a unit/building is dead or no longer valid.
laccess.controlled = Returns:\n[accent]@ctrlProcessor[] if unit controller is processor\n[accent]@ctrlPlayer[] if unit/building controller is player\n[accent]@ctrlFormation[] if unit is in formation\nOtherwise, 0.
laccess.progress = Action progress, 0 to 1.\nReturns production, turret reload or construction progress.
laccess.speed = Top speed of a unit, in tiles/sec.
lcategory.unknown = Unknown
lcategory.unknown.description = Uncategorized instructions.
lcategory.io = Input & Output
lcategory.io.description = Modify contents of memory blocks and processor buffers.
lcategory.block = Block Control
lcategory.block.description = Interact with blocks.
lcategory.operation = Operations
lcategory.operation.description = Logical operations.
lcategory.control = Flow Control
lcategory.control.description = Manage execution order.
lcategory.unit = Unit Control
lcategory.unit.description = Give units commands.
lcategory.world = World
lcategory.world.description = Control how the world behaves.
graphicstype.clear = Fill the display with a color.
graphicstype.color = Set color for next drawing operations.
graphicstype.col = Equivalent to color, but packed.\nPacked colors are written as hex codes with a [accent]%[] prefix.\nExample: [accent]%ff0000[] would be red.
graphicstype.stroke = Set line width.
graphicstype.line = Draw line segment.
graphicstype.rect = Fill a rectangle.
graphicstype.linerect = Draw a rectangle outline.
graphicstype.poly = Fill a regular polygon.
graphicstype.linepoly = Draw a regular polygon outline.
graphicstype.triangle = Fill a triangle.
graphicstype.image = Draw an image of some content.\nex: [accent]@router[] or [accent]@dagger[].
lenum.always = Always true.
lenum.idiv = Integer division.
lenum.div = Division.\nReturns [accent]null[] on divide-by-zero.
lenum.mod = Modulo.
lenum.equal = Equal. Coerces types.\nNon-null objects compared with numbers become 1, otherwise 0.
lenum.notequal = Not equal. Coerces types.
lenum.strictequal = Strict equality. Does not coerce types.\nCan be used to check for [accent]null[].
lenum.shl = Bit-shift left.
lenum.shr = Bit-shift right.
lenum.or = Bitwise OR.
lenum.land = Logical AND.
lenum.and = Bitwise AND.
lenum.not = Bitwise flip.
lenum.xor = Bitwise XOR.
lenum.min = Minimum of two numbers.
lenum.max = Maximum of two numbers.
lenum.angle = Angle of vector in degrees.
lenum.len = Length of vector.
lenum.sin = Sine, in degrees.
lenum.cos = Cosine, in degrees.
lenum.tan = Tangent, in degrees.
lenum.asin = Arc sine, in degrees.
lenum.acos = Arc cosine, in degrees.
lenum.atan = Arc tangent, in degrees.
lenum.rand = Random decimal in range [0, value).
lenum.log = Natural logarithm (ln).
lenum.log10 = Base 10 logarithm.
lenum.noise = 2D simplex noise.
lenum.abs = Absolute value.
lenum.sqrt = Square root.
lenum.any = Any unit.
lenum.ally = Ally unit.
lenum.attacker = Unit with a weapon.
lenum.enemy = Enemy unit.
lenum.boss = Guardian unit.
lenum.flying = Flying unit.
lenum.ground = Ground unit.
lenum.player = Unit controlled by a player.
lenum.ore = Ore deposit.
lenum.damaged = Damaged ally building.
lenum.spawn = Enemy spawn point.\nMay be a core or a position.
lenum.building = Building in a specific group.
lenum.core = Any core.
lenum.storage = Storage building, e.g. Vault.
lenum.generator = Buildings that generate power.
lenum.factory = Buildings that transform resources.
lenum.repair = Repair points.
lenum.battery = Any battery.
lenum.resupply = Resupply points.\nOnly relevant when [accent]"Unit Ammo"[] is enabled.
lenum.reactor = Impact/Thorium reactor.
lenum.turret = Any turret.
sensor.in = The building/unit to sense.
radar.from = Building to sense from.\nSensor range is limited by building range.
radar.target = Filter for units to sense.
radar.and = Additional filters.
radar.order = Sorting order. 0 to reverse.
radar.sort = Metric to sort results by.
radar.output = Variable to write output unit to.
unitradar.target = Filter for units to sense.
unitradar.and = Additional filters.
unitradar.order = Sorting order. 0 to reverse.
unitradar.sort = Metric to sort results by.
unitradar.output = Variable to write output unit to.
control.of = Building to control.
control.unit = Unit/building to aim at.
control.shoot = Whether to shoot.
unitlocate.enemy = Whether to locate enemy buildings.
unitlocate.found = Whether the object was found.
unitlocate.building = Output variable for located building.
unitlocate.outx = Output X coordinate.
unitlocate.outy = Output Y coordinate.
unitlocate.group = Building group to look for.
lenum.idle = Don't move, but keep building/mining.\nThe default state.
lenum.stop = Stop moving/mining/building.
lenum.unbind = Completely disable logic control.\nResume standard AI.
lenum.move = Move to exact position.
lenum.approach = Approach a position with a radius.
lenum.pathfind = Pathfind to the enemy spawn.
lenum.target = Shoot a position.
lenum.targetp = Shoot a target with velocity prediction.
lenum.itemdrop = Drop an item.
lenum.itemtake = Take an item from a building.
lenum.paydrop = Drop current payload.
lenum.paytake = Pick up payload at current location.
lenum.payenter = Enter/land on the payload block the unit is on.
lenum.flag = Numeric unit flag.
lenum.mine = Mine at a position.
lenum.build = Build a structure.
lenum.getblock = Fetch a building and type at coordinates.\nUnit must be in range of position.\nSolid non-buildings will have the type [accent]@solid[].
lenum.within = Check if unit is near a position.
lenum.boost = Start/stop boosting.
onset.commandmode = Hold [accent]shift[] to enter [accent]command mode[].\n[accent]Left-click and drag[] to select units.\n[accent]Right-click[] to order selected units to move or attack.
onset.commandmode.mobile = Press the [accent]command button[] to enter [accent]command mode[].\nHold down a finger, then [accent]drag[] to select units.\n[accent]Tap[] to order selected units to move or attack.