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package mindustry.content;
import arc.*;
import arc.graphics.*;
import arc.graphics.g2d.*;
import arc.math.*;
import arc.math.geom.*;
import arc.struct.*;
import arc.util.*;
import mindustry.entities.*;
import mindustry.game.*;
import mindustry.gen.*;
import mindustry.graphics.*;
import mindustry.type.*;
import mindustry.ui.*;
import static arc.graphics.g2d.Draw.rect;
import static arc.graphics.g2d.Draw.*;
import static arc.graphics.g2d.Lines.*;
import static arc.math.Angles.*;
import static mindustry.Vars.tilesize;
public class Fx{
public static final Effect
none = new Effect(0, 0f, e -> {}),
unitSpawn = new Effect(30f, e -> {
if(!(e.data instanceof Unit)) return;
float scl = 1f + e.fout() * 2f;
Unit unit = e.data();
rect(unit.type().region, e.x, e.y,
unit.type().region.getWidth() * Draw.scl * scl, unit.type().region.getHeight() * Draw.scl * scl, 180f);
unitCapKill = new Effect(80f, e -> {
float size = 10f + e.fout(Interp.pow10In) * 25f;
Draw.rect(Icon.warning.getRegion(), e.x, e.y, size, size);
unitControl = new Effect(30f, e -> {
if(!(e.data instanceof Unit)) return;
Unit select = e.data();
mixcol(Pal.accent, 1f);
rect(select.type().icon(Cicon.full), select.x, select.y, select.rotation - 90f);
Lines.stroke(e.fslope() * 1f);
Lines.square(select.x, select.y, e.fout() * select.hitSize * 2f, 45);
Lines.stroke(e.fslope() * 2f);
Lines.square(select.x, select.y, e.fout() * select.hitSize * 3f, 45f);
unitDespawn = new Effect(100f, e -> {
if(!(e.data instanceof Unitc)) return;
Unitc select = (Unitc)e.data;
float scl = e.fout(Interp.pow2Out);
float p = Draw.scl;
Draw.scl *= scl;
mixcol(Pal.accent, 1f);
rect(select.type().icon(Cicon.full), select.x(), select.y(), select.rotation() - 90f);
Draw.scl = p;
unitSpirit = new Effect(17f, e -> {
if(!(e.data instanceof Position)) return;
Position to = e.data();
Tmp.v1.set(e.x, e.y).interpolate(Tmp.v2.set(to), e.fin(), Interp.pow2In);
float x = Tmp.v1.x, y = Tmp.v1.y;
float size = 2.5f * e.fin();
Fill.square(x, y, 1.5f * size, 45f);
Tmp.v1.set(e.x, e.y).interpolate(Tmp.v2.set(to), e.fin(), Interp.pow5In);
x = Tmp.v1.x;
y = Tmp.v1.y;
Fill.square(x, y, 1f * size, 45f);
itemTransfer = new Effect(10f, e -> {
if(!(e.data instanceof Position)) return;
Position to = e.data();
Tmp.v1.set(e.x, e.y).interpolate(Tmp.v2.set(to), e.fin(), Interp.pow3)
.add(Tmp.v2.sub(e.x, e.y).nor().rotate90(1).scl(Mathf.randomSeedRange(e.id, 1f) * e.fslope() * 10f));
float x = Tmp.v1.x, y = Tmp.v1.y;
float size = Math.min(0.8f + e.rotation / 5f, 2);
stroke(e.fslope() * 2f * size, Pal.accent);
Lines.circle(x, y, e.fslope() * 2f * size);
Fill.circle(x, y, e.fslope() * 1.5f * size);
pointBeam = new Effect(25f, e -> {
if(!(e.data instanceof Position)) return;
Position pos = e.data();
Lines.line(e.x, e.y, pos.getX(), pos.getY());
pointHit = new Effect(8f, e -> {
color(Color.white, e.color, e.fin());
stroke(e.fout() * 1f + 0.2f);
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, e.fin() * 6f);
lightning = new Effect(10f, 500f, e -> {
if(!(e.data instanceof Seq)) return;
Seq<Vec2> lines = e.data();
stroke(3f * e.fout());
color(e.color, Color.white, e.fin());
linePoint(e.x, e.y);
int i = 0;
for(Vec2 p : lines){
Fill.square(p.x, p.y, (5f - (float)i++ / lines.size * 2f) * e.fout(), 45);
commandSend = new Effect(28, e -> {
stroke(e.fout() * 2f);
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, 4f + e.finpow() * 120f);
upgradeCore = new Effect(120f, e -> {
color(Color.white, Pal.accent, e.fin());
Fill.square(e.x, e.y, tilesize / 2f * e.rotation);
placeBlock = new Effect(16, e -> {
stroke(3f - e.fin() * 2f);
Lines.square(e.x, e.y, tilesize / 2f * e.rotation + e.fin() * 3f);
tapBlock = new Effect(12, e -> {
stroke(3f - e.fin() * 2f);
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, 4f + (tilesize / 1.5f * e.rotation) * e.fin());
breakBlock = new Effect(12, e -> {
stroke(3f - e.fin() * 2f);
Lines.square(e.x, e.y, tilesize / 2f * e.rotation + e.fin() * 3f);
randLenVectors(e.id, 3 + (int)(e.rotation * 3), e.rotation * 2f + (tilesize * e.rotation) * e.finpow(), (x, y) -> {
Fill.square(e.x + x, e.y + y, 1f + e.fout() * (3f + e.rotation));
select = new Effect(23, e -> {
stroke(e.fout() * 3f);
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, 3f + e.fin() * 14f);
smoke = new Effect(100, e -> {
color(Color.gray, Pal.darkishGray, e.fin());
Fill.circle(e.x, e.y, (7f - e.fin() * 7f)/2f);
fallSmoke = new Effect(110, e -> {
color(Color.gray, Color.darkGray, e.rotation);
Fill.circle(e.x, e.y, e.fout() * 3.5f);
unitWreck = new Effect(200f, e -> {
if(!(e.data instanceof TextureRegion)) return;
Draw.mixcol(Pal.rubble, 1f);
TextureRegion reg = e.data();
float vel = e.fin(Interp.pow5Out) * 2f * Mathf.randomSeed(e.id, 1f);
float totalRot = Mathf.randomSeed(e.id + 1, 10f);
Tmp.v1.trns(Mathf.randomSeed(e.id + 2, 360f), vel);
Draw.z(Mathf.lerp(Layer.flyingUnitLow, Layer.debris, e.fin()));
Draw.rect(reg, e.x + Tmp.v1.x, e.y + Tmp.v1.y, e.rotation - 90 + totalRot * e.fin(Interp.pow5Out));
rocketSmoke = new Effect(120, e -> {
alpha(Mathf.clamp(e.fout()*1.6f - Interp.pow3In.apply(e.rotation)*1.2f));
Fill.circle(e.x, e.y, (1f + 6f * e.rotation) - e.fin()*2f);
rocketSmokeLarge = new Effect(220, e -> {
alpha(Mathf.clamp(e.fout()*1.6f - Interp.pow3In.apply(e.rotation)*1.2f));
Fill.circle(e.x, e.y, (1f + 6f * e.rotation * 1.3f) - e.fin()*2f);
magmasmoke = new Effect(110, e -> {
Fill.circle(e.x, e.y, e.fslope() * 6f);
spawn = new Effect(30, e -> {
stroke(2f * e.fout());
Lines.poly(e.x, e.y, 4, 5f + e.fin() * 12f);
padlaunch = new Effect(10, e -> {
stroke(4f * e.fout());
Lines.poly(e.x, e.y, 4, 5f + e.fin() * 60f);
vtolHover = new Effect(40f, e -> {
float len = e.finpow() * 10f;
float ang = e.rotation + Mathf.randomSeedRange(e.id, 30f);
color(Pal.lightFlame, Pal.lightOrange, e.fin());
Fill.circle(e.x + trnsx(ang, len), e.y + trnsy(ang, len), 2f * e.fout());
unitDrop = new Effect(30, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 9, 3 + 20f * e.finpow(), (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 4f + 0.4f);
unitLand = new Effect(30, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 6, 17f * e.finpow(), (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 4f + 0.3f);
unitLandSmall = new Effect(30, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, (int)(6 * e.rotation), 12f * e.finpow() * e.rotation, (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 3f + 0.1f);
unitPickup = new Effect(18, e -> {
stroke(e.fin() * 2f);
Lines.poly(e.x, e.y, 4, 13f * e.fout());
landShock = new Effect(12, e -> {
stroke(e.fout() * 3f);
Lines.poly(e.x, e.y, 12, 20f * e.fout());
pickup = new Effect(18, e -> {
stroke(e.fout() * 2f);
Lines.spikes(e.x, e.y, 1f + e.fin() * 6f, e.fout() * 4f, 6);
healWave = new Effect(22, e -> {
stroke(e.fout() * 2f);
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, 4f + e.finpow() * 60f);
heal = new Effect(11, e -> {
stroke(e.fout() * 2f);
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, 2f + e.finpow() * 7f);
shieldWave = new Effect(22, e -> {
stroke(e.fout() * 2f);
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, 4f + e.finpow() * 60f);
shieldApply = new Effect(11, e -> {
stroke(e.fout() * 2f);
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, 2f + e.finpow() * 7f);
hitBulletSmall = new Effect(14, e -> {
color(Color.white, Pal.lightOrange, e.fin());
e.scaled(7f, s -> {
stroke(0.5f + s.fout());
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, s.fin() * 5f);
stroke(0.5f + e.fout());
randLenVectors(e.id, 5, e.fin() * 15f, (x, y) -> {
float ang = Mathf.angle(x, y);
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, ang, e.fout() * 3 + 1f);
hitFuse = new Effect(14, e -> {
color(Color.white, Pal.surge, e.fin());
e.scaled(7f, s -> {
stroke(0.5f + s.fout());
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, s.fin() * 7f);
stroke(0.5f + e.fout());
randLenVectors(e.id, 6, e.fin() * 15f, (x, y) -> {
float ang = Mathf.angle(x, y);
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, ang, e.fout() * 3 + 1f);
hitBulletBig = new Effect(13, e -> {
color(Color.white, Pal.lightOrange, e.fin());
stroke(0.5f + e.fout() * 1.5f);
randLenVectors(e.id, 8, e.finpow() * 30f, e.rotation, 50f, (x, y) -> {
float ang = Mathf.angle(x, y);
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, ang, e.fout() * 4 + 1.5f);
hitFlameSmall = new Effect(14, e -> {
color(Pal.lightFlame, Pal.darkFlame, e.fin());
stroke(0.5f + e.fout());
randLenVectors(e.id, 2, e.fin() * 15f, e.rotation, 50f, (x, y) -> {
float ang = Mathf.angle(x, y);
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, ang, e.fout() * 3 + 1f);
hitLiquid = new Effect(16, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 5, e.fin() * 15f, e.rotation + 180f, 60f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 2f);
hitLancer = new Effect(12, e -> {
stroke(e.fout() * 1.5f);
randLenVectors(e.id, 8, e.finpow() * 17f, e.rotation, 360f, (x, y) -> {
float ang = Mathf.angle(x, y);
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, ang, e.fout() * 4 + 1f);
hitMeltdown = new Effect(12, e -> {
stroke(e.fout() * 2f);
randLenVectors(e.id, 6, e.finpow() * 18f, e.rotation, 360f, (x, y) -> {
float ang = Mathf.angle(x, y);
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, ang, e.fout() * 4 + 1f);
hitLaser = new Effect(8, e -> {
color(Color.white, Pal.heal, e.fin());
stroke(0.5f + e.fout());
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, e.fin() * 5f);
hitYellowLaser = new Effect(8, e -> {
color(Color.white, Pal.lightTrail, e.fin());
stroke(0.5f + e.fout());
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, e.fin() * 5f);
despawn = new Effect(12, e -> {
color(Pal.lighterOrange, Color.gray, e.fin());
randLenVectors(e.id, 7, e.fin() * 7f, e.rotation, 40f, (x, y) -> {
float ang = Mathf.angle(x, y);
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, ang, e.fout() * 2 + 1f);
flakExplosion = new Effect(20, e -> {
e.scaled(6, i -> {
stroke(3f * i.fout());
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, 3f + i.fin() * 10f);
randLenVectors(e.id, 5, 2f + 23f * e.finpow(), (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 3f + 0.5f);
stroke(1f * e.fout());
randLenVectors(e.id + 1, 4, 1f + 23f * e.finpow(), (x, y) -> {
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, Mathf.angle(x, y), 1f + e.fout() * 3f);
plasticExplosion = new Effect(24, e -> {
e.scaled(7, i -> {
stroke(3f * i.fout());
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, 3f + i.fin() * 24f);
randLenVectors(e.id, 7, 2f + 28f * e.finpow(), (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 4f + 0.5f);
stroke(1f * e.fout());
randLenVectors(e.id + 1, 4, 1f + 25f * e.finpow(), (x, y) -> {
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, Mathf.angle(x, y), 1f + e.fout() * 3f);
plasticExplosionFlak = new Effect(28, e -> {
e.scaled(7, i -> {
stroke(3f * i.fout());
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, 3f + i.fin() * 34f);
randLenVectors(e.id, 7, 2f + 30f * e.finpow(), (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 4f + 0.5f);
stroke(1f * e.fout());
randLenVectors(e.id + 1, 4, 1f + 30f * e.finpow(), (x, y) -> {
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, Mathf.angle(x, y), 1f + e.fout() * 3f);
blastExplosion = new Effect(22, e -> {
e.scaled(6, i -> {
stroke(3f * i.fout());
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, 3f + i.fin() * 15f);
randLenVectors(e.id, 5, 2f + 23f * e.finpow(), (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 4f + 0.5f);
stroke(1f * e.fout());
randLenVectors(e.id + 1, 4, 1f + 23f * e.finpow(), (x, y) -> {
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, Mathf.angle(x, y), 1f + e.fout() * 3f);
massiveExplosion = new Effect(30, e -> {
e.scaled(7, i -> {
stroke(3f * i.fout());
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, 4f + i.fin() * 30f);
randLenVectors(e.id, 8, 2f + 30f * e.finpow(), (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 4f + 0.5f);
stroke(1f * e.fout());
randLenVectors(e.id + 1, 6, 1f + 29f * e.finpow(), (x, y) -> {
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, Mathf.angle(x, y), 1f + e.fout() * 4f);
artilleryTrail = new Effect(50, e -> {
Fill.circle(e.x, e.y, e.rotation * e.fout());
incendTrail = new Effect(50, e -> {
Fill.circle(e.x, e.y, e.rotation * e.fout());
missileTrail = new Effect(50, e -> {
Fill.circle(e.x, e.y, e.rotation * e.fout());
absorb = new Effect(12, e -> {
stroke(2f * e.fout());
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, 5f * e.fout());
flakExplosionBig = new Effect(30, e -> {
e.scaled(6, i -> {
stroke(3f * i.fout());
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, 3f + i.fin() * 25f);
randLenVectors(e.id, 6, 2f + 23f * e.finpow(), (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 4f + 0.5f);
stroke(1f * e.fout());
randLenVectors(e.id + 1, 4, 1f + 23f * e.finpow(), (x, y) -> {
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, Mathf.angle(x, y), 1f + e.fout() * 3f);
burning = new Effect(35f, e -> {
color(Pal.lightFlame, Pal.darkFlame, e.fin());
randLenVectors(e.id, 3, 2f + e.fin() * 7f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, 0.1f + e.fout() * 1.4f);
fire = new Effect(50f, e -> {
color(Pal.lightFlame, Pal.darkFlame, e.fin());
randLenVectors(e.id, 2, 2f + e.fin() * 9f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, 0.2f + e.fslope() * 1.5f);
Drawf.light(Team.derelict, e.x, e.y, 20f * e.fslope(), Pal.lightFlame, 0.5f);
fireSmoke = new Effect(35f, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 1, 2f + e.fin() * 7f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, 0.2f + e.fslope() * 1.5f);
steam = new Effect(35f, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 2, 2f + e.fin() * 7f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, 0.2f + e.fslope() * 1.5f);
fireballsmoke = new Effect(25f, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 1, 2f + e.fin() * 7f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, 0.2f + e.fout() * 1.5f);
ballfire = new Effect(25f, e -> {
color(Pal.lightFlame, Pal.darkFlame, e.fin());
randLenVectors(e.id, 2, 2f + e.fin() * 7f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, 0.2f + e.fout() * 1.5f);
freezing = new Effect(40f, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 2, 1f + e.fin() * 2f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 1.2f);
melting = new Effect(40f, e -> {
color(Liquids.slag.color, Color.white, e.fout() / 5f + Mathf.randomSeedRange(e.id, 0.12f));
randLenVectors(e.id, 2, 1f + e.fin() * 3f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, .2f + e.fout() * 1.2f);
wet = new Effect(40f, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 2, 1f + e.fin() * 2f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 1f);
sapped = new Effect(40f, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 2, 1f + e.fin() * 2f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.square(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fslope() * 1.1f, 45f);
oily = new Effect(42f, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 2, 1f + e.fin() * 2f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 1f);
overdriven = new Effect(20f, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 2, 1f + e.fin() * 2f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.square(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 2.3f + 0.5f);
overclocked = new Effect(50f, e -> {
Fill.square(e.x, e.y, e.fslope() * 2f, 45f);
dropItem = new Effect(20f, e -> {
float length = 20f * e.finpow();
float size = 7f * e.fout();
rect(((Item)e.data).icon(Cicon.medium), e.x + trnsx(e.rotation, length), e.y + trnsy(e.rotation, length), size, size);
shockwave = new Effect(10f, 80f, e -> {
color(Color.white, Color.lightGray, e.fin());
stroke(e.fout() * 2f + 0.2f);
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, e.fin() * 28f);
bigShockwave = new Effect(10f, 80f, e -> {
color(Color.white, Color.lightGray, e.fin());
stroke(e.fout() * 3f);
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, e.fin() * 50f);
nuclearShockwave = new Effect(10f, 200f, e -> {
color(Color.white, Color.lightGray, e.fin());
stroke(e.fout() * 3f + 0.2f);
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, e.fin() * 140f);
impactShockwave = new Effect(13f, 300f, e -> {
color(Pal.lighterOrange, Color.lightGray, e.fin());
stroke(e.fout() * 4f + 0.2f);
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, e.fin() * 200f);
spawnShockwave = new Effect(20f, 400f, e -> {
color(Color.white, Color.lightGray, e.fin());
stroke(e.fout() * 3f + 0.5f);
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, e.fin() * (e.rotation + 50f));
explosion = new Effect(30, e -> {
e.scaled(7, i -> {
stroke(3f * i.fout());
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, 3f + i.fin() * 10f);
randLenVectors(e.id, 6, 2f + 19f * e.finpow(), (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 3f + 0.5f);
Fill.circle(e.x + x / 2f, e.y + y / 2f, e.fout() * 1f);
color(Pal.lighterOrange, Pal.lightOrange, Color.gray, e.fin());
stroke(1.5f * e.fout());
randLenVectors(e.id + 1, 8, 1f + 23f * e.finpow(), (x, y) -> {
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, Mathf.angle(x, y), 1f + e.fout() * 3f);
dynamicExplosion = new Effect(30, e -> {
float intensity = e.rotation;
e.scaled(5 + intensity * 2, i -> {
stroke(3.1f * i.fout());
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, (3f + i.fin() * 14f) * intensity);
randLenVectors(e.id, e.finpow(), (int)(6 * intensity), 21f * intensity, (x, y, in, out) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, out * (2f + intensity) * 3 + 0.5f);
Fill.circle(e.x + x / 2f, e.y + y / 2f, out * (intensity) * 3);
color(Pal.lighterOrange, Pal.lightOrange, Color.gray, e.fin());
stroke((1.7f * e.fout()) * (1f + (intensity - 1f) / 2f));
randLenVectors(e.id + 1, e.finpow(), (int)(9 * intensity), 40f * intensity, (x, y, in, out) -> {
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, Mathf.angle(x, y), 1f + out * 4 * (3f + intensity));
blockExplosion = new Effect(30, e -> {
e.scaled(7, i -> {
stroke(3.1f * i.fout());
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, 3f + i.fin() * 14f);
randLenVectors(e.id, 6, 2f + 19f * e.finpow(), (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 3f + 0.5f);
Fill.circle(e.x + x / 2f, e.y + y / 2f, e.fout() * 1f);
color(Pal.lighterOrange, Pal.lightOrange, Color.gray, e.fin());
stroke(1.7f * e.fout());
randLenVectors(e.id + 1, 9, 1f + 23f * e.finpow(), (x, y) -> {
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, Mathf.angle(x, y), 1f + e.fout() * 3f);
blockExplosionSmoke = new Effect(30, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 6, 4f + 30f * e.finpow(), (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 3f);
Fill.circle(e.x + x / 2f, e.y + y / 2f, e.fout() * 1f);
shootSmall = new Effect(8, e -> {
color(Pal.lighterOrange, Pal.lightOrange, e.fin());
float w = 1f + 5 * e.fout();
Drawf.tri(e.x, e.y, w, 15f * e.fout(), e.rotation);
Drawf.tri(e.x, e.y, w, 3f * e.fout(), e.rotation + 180f);
shootHeal = new Effect(8, e -> {
float w = 1f + 5 * e.fout();
Drawf.tri(e.x, e.y, w, 17f * e.fout(), e.rotation);
Drawf.tri(e.x, e.y, w, 4f * e.fout(), e.rotation + 180f);
shootHealYellow = new Effect(8, e -> {
float w = 1f + 5 * e.fout();
Drawf.tri(e.x, e.y, w, 17f * e.fout(), e.rotation);
Drawf.tri(e.x, e.y, w, 4f * e.fout(), e.rotation + 180f);
shootSmallSmoke = new Effect(20f, e -> {
color(Pal.lighterOrange, Color.lightGray, Color.gray, e.fin());
randLenVectors(e.id, 5, e.finpow() * 6f, e.rotation, 20f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 1.5f);
shootBig = new Effect(9, e -> {
color(Pal.lighterOrange, Pal.lightOrange, e.fin());
float w = 1.2f + 7 * e.fout();
Drawf.tri(e.x, e.y, w, 25f * e.fout(), e.rotation);
Drawf.tri(e.x, e.y, w, 4f * e.fout(), e.rotation + 180f);
shootBig2 = new Effect(10, e -> {
color(Pal.lightOrange, Color.gray, e.fin());
float w = 1.2f + 8 * e.fout();
Drawf.tri(e.x, e.y, w, 29f * e.fout(), e.rotation);
Drawf.tri(e.x, e.y, w, 5f * e.fout(), e.rotation + 180f);
shootBigSmoke = new Effect(17f, e -> {
color(Pal.lighterOrange, Color.lightGray, Color.gray, e.fin());
randLenVectors(e.id, 8, e.finpow() * 19f, e.rotation, 10f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 2f + 0.2f);
shootBigSmoke2 = new Effect(18f, e -> {
color(Pal.lightOrange, Color.lightGray, Color.gray, e.fin());
randLenVectors(e.id, 9, e.finpow() * 23f, e.rotation, 20f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 2.4f + 0.2f);
shootSmallFlame = new Effect(32f, e -> {
color(Pal.lightFlame, Pal.darkFlame, Color.gray, e.fin());
randLenVectors(e.id, 8, e.finpow() * 60f, e.rotation, 10f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, 0.65f + e.fout() * 1.5f);
shootPyraFlame = new Effect(33f, e -> {
color(Pal.lightPyraFlame, Pal.darkPyraFlame, Color.gray, e.fin());
randLenVectors(e.id, 10, e.finpow() * 70f, e.rotation, 10f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, 0.65f + e.fout() * 1.6f);
shootLiquid = new Effect(40f, e -> {
color(e.color, Color.white, e.fout() / 6f + Mathf.randomSeedRange(e.id, 0.1f));
randLenVectors(e.id, 6, e.finpow() * 60f, e.rotation, 11f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, 0.5f + e.fout() * 2.5f);
shellEjectSmall = new Effect(30f, e -> {
color(Pal.lightOrange, Color.lightGray, Pal.lightishGray, e.fin());
float rot = Math.abs(e.rotation) + 90f;
int i = Mathf.sign(e.rotation);
float len = (2f + e.finpow() * 6f) * i;
float lr = rot + e.fin() * 30f * i;
Fill.rect(e.x + trnsx(lr, len) + Mathf.randomSeedRange(e.id + i + 7, 3f * e.fin()),
e.y + trnsy(lr, len) + Mathf.randomSeedRange(e.id + i + 8, 3f * e.fin()),
1f, 2f, rot + e.fin() * 50f * i);
shellEjectMedium = new Effect(34f, e -> {
color(Pal.lightOrange, Color.lightGray, Pal.lightishGray, e.fin());
float rot = e.rotation + 90f;
for(int i : Mathf.signs){
float len = (2f + e.finpow() * 10f) * i;
float lr = rot + e.fin() * 20f * i;
e.x + trnsx(lr, len) + Mathf.randomSeedRange(e.id + i + 7, 3f * e.fin()),
e.y + trnsy(lr, len) + Mathf.randomSeedRange(e.id + i + 8, 3f * e.fin()),
2f, 3f, rot);
color(Color.lightGray, Color.gray, e.fin());
for(int i : Mathf.signs){
float ex = e.x, ey = e.y, fout = e.fout();
randLenVectors(e.id, 4, 1f + e.finpow() * 11f, e.rotation + 90f * i, 20f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(ex + x, ey + y, fout * 1.5f);
shellEjectBig = new Effect(22f, e -> {
color(Pal.lightOrange, Color.lightGray, Pal.lightishGray, e.fin());
float rot = e.rotation + 90f;
for(int i : Mathf.signs){
float len = (4f + e.finpow() * 8f) * i;
float lr = rot + Mathf.randomSeedRange(e.id + i + 6, 20f * e.fin()) * i;
e.x + trnsx(lr, len) + Mathf.randomSeedRange(e.id + i + 7, 3f * e.fin()),
e.y + trnsy(lr, len) + Mathf.randomSeedRange(e.id + i + 8, 3f * e.fin()),
2.5f, 4f,
rot + e.fin() * 30f * i + Mathf.randomSeedRange(e.id + i + 9, 40f * e.fin()));
for(int i : Mathf.signs){
float ex = e.x, ey = e.y, fout = e.fout();
randLenVectors(e.id, 4, -e.finpow() * 15f, e.rotation + 90f * i, 25f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.circle(ex + x, ey + y, fout * 2f);
lancerLaserShoot = new Effect(21f, e -> {
for(int i : Mathf.signs){
Drawf.tri(e.x, e.y, 4f * e.fout(), 29f, e.rotation + 90f * i);
lancerLaserShootSmoke = new Effect(26f, e -> {
float length = e.data == null ? 70f : (Float)e.data;
randLenVectors(e.id, 7, length, e.rotation, 0f, (x, y) -> {
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, Mathf.angle(x, y), e.fout() * 9f);
lancerLaserCharge = new Effect(38f, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 2, 1f + 20f * e.fout(), e.rotation, 120f, (x, y) -> {
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, Mathf.angle(x, y), e.fslope() * 3f + 1f);
lancerLaserChargeBegin = new Effect(60f, e -> {
Fill.circle(e.x, e.y, e.fin() * 3f);
Fill.circle(e.x, e.y, e.fin() * 2f);
lightningCharge = new Effect(38f, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 2, 1f + 20f * e.fout(), e.rotation, 120f, (x, y) -> {
Drawf.tri(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fslope() * 3f + 1, e.fslope() * 3f + 1, Mathf.angle(x, y));
sparkShoot = new Effect(12f, e -> {
color(Color.white, e.color, e.fin());
stroke(e.fout() * 1.2f + 0.6f);
randLenVectors(e.id, 7, 25f * e.finpow(), e.rotation, 3f, (x, y) -> {
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, Mathf.angle(x, y), e.fslope() * 5f + 0.5f);
lightningShoot = new Effect(12f, e -> {
color(Color.white, Pal.lancerLaser, e.fin());
stroke(e.fout() * 1.2f + 0.5f);
randLenVectors(e.id, 7, 25f * e.finpow(), e.rotation, 50f, (x, y) -> {
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, Mathf.angle(x, y), e.fin() * 5f + 2f);
reactorsmoke = new Effect(17, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 4, e.fin() * 8f, (x, y) -> {
float size = 1f + e.fout() * 5f;
color(Color.lightGray, Color.gray, e.fin());
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, size/2f);
nuclearsmoke = new Effect(40, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 4, e.fin() * 13f, (x, y) -> {
float size = e.fslope() * 4f;
color(Color.lightGray, Color.gray, e.fin());
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, size/2f);
nuclearcloud = new Effect(90, 200f, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 10, e.finpow() * 90f, (x, y) -> {
float size = e.fout() * 14f;
color(Color.lime, Color.gray, e.fin());
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, size/2f);
impactsmoke = new Effect(60, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 7, e.fin() * 20f, (x, y) -> {
float size = e.fslope() * 4f;
color(Color.lightGray, Color.gray, e.fin());
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, size/2f);
impactcloud = new Effect(140, 400f, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 20, e.finpow() * 160f, (x, y) -> {
float size = e.fout() * 15f;
color(Pal.lighterOrange, Color.lightGray, e.fin());
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, size/2f);
redgeneratespark = new Effect(18, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 5, e.fin() * 8f, (x, y) -> {
float len = e.fout() * 4f;
color(Pal.redSpark, Color.gray, e.fin());
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, len/2f);
generatespark = new Effect(18, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 5, e.fin() * 8f, (x, y) -> {
float len = e.fout() * 4f;
color(Pal.orangeSpark, Color.gray, e.fin());
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, len/2f);
fuelburn = new Effect(23, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 5, e.fin() * 9f, (x, y) -> {
float len = e.fout() * 4f;
color(Color.lightGray, Color.gray, e.fin());
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, len/2f);
plasticburn = new Effect(40, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 5, 3f + e.fin() * 5f, (x, y) -> {
color(Color.valueOf("e9ead3"), Color.gray, e.fin());
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 1f);
pulverize = new Effect(40, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 5, 3f + e.fin() * 8f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.square(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 2f + 0.5f, 45);
pulverizeRed = new Effect(40, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 5, 3f + e.fin() * 8f, (x, y) -> {
color(Pal.redDust, Pal.stoneGray, e.fin());
Fill.square(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 2f + 0.5f, 45);
pulverizeRedder = new Effect(40, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 5, 3f + e.fin() * 9f, (x, y) -> {
color(Pal.redderDust, Pal.stoneGray, e.fin());
Fill.square(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 2.5f + 0.5f, 45);
pulverizeSmall = new Effect(30, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 3, e.fin() * 5f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.square(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 1f + 0.5f, 45);
pulverizeMedium = new Effect(30, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 5, 3f + e.fin() * 8f, (x, y) -> {
Fill.square(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 1f + 0.5f, 45);
producesmoke = new Effect(12, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 8, 4f + e.fin() * 18f, (x, y) -> {
color(Color.white, Pal.accent, e.fin());
Fill.square(e.x + x, e.y + y, 1f + e.fout() * 3f, 45);
smeltsmoke = new Effect(15, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 6, 4f + e.fin() * 5f, (x, y) -> {
color(Color.white, e.color, e.fin());
Fill.square(e.x + x, e.y + y, 0.5f + e.fout() * 2f, 45);
formsmoke = new Effect(40, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 6, 5f + e.fin() * 8f, (x, y) -> {
color(Pal.plasticSmoke, Color.lightGray, e.fin());
Fill.square(e.x + x, e.y + y, 0.2f + e.fout() * 2f, 45);
blastsmoke = new Effect(26, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 12, 1f + e.fin() * 23f, (x, y) -> {
float size = 2f + e.fout() * 6f;
color(Color.lightGray, Color.darkGray, e.fin());
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, size/2f);
lava = new Effect(18, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 3, 1f + e.fin() * 10f, (x, y) -> {
float size = e.fslope() * 4f;
color(Color.orange, Color.gray, e.fin());
Fill.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, size/2f);
dooropen = new Effect(10, e -> {
stroke(e.fout() * 1.6f);
Lines.square(e.x, e.y, tilesize / 2f + e.fin() * 2f);
doorclose = new Effect(10, e -> {
stroke(e.fout() * 1.6f);
Lines.square(e.x, e.y, tilesize / 2f + e.fout() * 2f);
dooropenlarge = new Effect(10, e -> {
stroke(e.fout() * 1.6f);
Lines.square(e.x, e.y, tilesize + e.fin() * 2f);
doorcloselarge = new Effect(10, e -> {
stroke(e.fout() * 1.6f);
Lines.square(e.x, e.y, tilesize + e.fout() * 2f);
purify = new Effect(10, e -> {
color(Color.royal, Color.gray, e.fin());
Lines.spikes(e.x, e.y, e.fin() * 4f, 2, 6);
purifyoil = new Effect(10, e -> {
color(Color.black, Color.gray, e.fin());
Lines.spikes(e.x, e.y, e.fin() * 4f, 2, 6);
purifystone = new Effect(10, e -> {
color(Color.orange, Color.gray, e.fin());
Lines.spikes(e.x, e.y, e.fin() * 4f, 2, 6);
generate = new Effect(11, e -> {
color(Color.orange, Color.yellow, e.fin());
Lines.spikes(e.x, e.y, e.fin() * 5f, 2, 8);
mine = new Effect(20, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 6, 3f + e.fin() * 6f, (x, y) -> {
color(e.color, Color.lightGray, e.fin());
Fill.square(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 2f, 45);
mineBig = new Effect(30, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 6, 4f + e.fin() * 8f, (x, y) -> {
color(e.color, Color.lightGray, e.fin());
Fill.square(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 2f + 0.2f, 45);
mineHuge = new Effect(40, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 8, 5f + e.fin() * 10f, (x, y) -> {
color(e.color, Color.lightGray, e.fin());
Fill.square(e.x + x, e.y + y, e.fout() * 2f + 0.5f, 45);
smelt = new Effect(20, e -> {
randLenVectors(e.id, 6, 2f + e.fin() * 5f, (x, y) -> {
color(Color.white, e.color, e.fin());
Fill.square(e.x + x, e.y + y, 0.5f + e.fout() * 2f, 45);
teleportActivate = new Effect(50, e -> {
e.scaled(8f, e2 -> {
stroke(e2.fout() * 4f);
Lines.circle(e2.x, e2.y, 4f + e2.fin() * 27f);
stroke(e.fout() * 2f);
randLenVectors(e.id, 30, 4f + 40f * e.fin(), (x, y) -> {
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, Mathf.angle(x, y), e.fin() * 4f + 1f);
teleport = new Effect(60, e -> {
stroke(e.fin() * 2f);
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, 7f + e.fout() * 8f);
randLenVectors(e.id, 20, 6f + 20f * e.fout(), (x, y) -> {
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, Mathf.angle(x, y), e.fin() * 4f + 1f);
teleportOut = new Effect(20, e -> {
stroke(e.fout() * 2f);
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, 7f + e.fin() * 8f);
randLenVectors(e.id, 20, 4f + 20f * e.fin(), (x, y) -> {
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, Mathf.angle(x, y), e.fslope() * 4f + 1f);
//TODO fix false in constructor
ripple = new Effect(30, e -> {
stroke(e.fout() + 0.4f);
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, (2f + e.fin() * 4f) * e.rotation);
bubble = new Effect(20, e -> {
stroke(e.fout() + 0.2f);
randLenVectors(e.id, 2, 8f, (x, y) -> {
Lines.circle(e.x + x, e.y + y, 1f + e.fin() * 3f);
launch = new Effect(28, e -> {
stroke(e.fout() * 2f);
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, 4f + e.finpow() * 120f);
launchPod = new Effect(50, e -> {
e.scaled(25f, f -> {
stroke(f.fout() * 2f);
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, 4f + f.finpow() * 30f);
stroke(e.fout() * 2f);
randLenVectors(e.id, 24, e.finpow() * 50f, (x, y) -> {
float ang = Mathf.angle(x, y);
lineAngle(e.x + x, e.y + y, ang, e.fout() * 4 + 1f);
healWaveMend = new Effect(40, e -> {
stroke(e.fout() * 2f);
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, e.finpow() * e.rotation);
overdriveWave = new Effect(50, e -> {
stroke(e.fout() * 1f);
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, e.finpow() * e.rotation);
healBlock = new Effect(20, e -> {
stroke(2f * e.fout() + 0.5f);
Lines.square(e.x, e.y, 1f + (e.fin() * e.rotation * tilesize / 2f - 1f));
healBlockFull = new Effect(20, e -> {
Fill.square(e.x, e.y, e.rotation * tilesize / 2f);
overdriveBlockFull = new Effect(60, e -> {
alpha(e.fslope() * 0.4f);
Fill.square(e.x, e.y, e.rotation * tilesize);
shieldBreak = new Effect(40, e -> {
stroke(3f * e.fout());
Lines.poly(e.x, e.y, 6, e.rotation + e.fin());
unitShieldBreak = new Effect(35, e -> {
if(!(e.data instanceof Unitc)) return;
Unit unit = e.data();
float radius = unit.hitSize() * 1.3f;
e.scaled(16f, c -> {
stroke(c.fout() * 2f + 0.1f);
randLenVectors(e.id, (int)(radius * 1.2f), radius/2f + c.finpow() * radius*1.25f, (x, y) -> {
lineAngle(c.x + x, c.y + y, Mathf.angle(x, y), c.fout() * 5 + 1f);
color(Pal.shield, e.fout());
stroke(1f * e.fout());
Lines.circle(e.x, e.y, radius);
coreLand = new Effect(120f, e -> {