Remember, promotions can be "bought" with XP, but also granted by the unit type, buildings, wonders and such. They are preserved when a unit upgrades, therefore special properties of nation unique units that can be inherited when they upgrade should be in a promotion, not uniques/stats in the units json (example: Slinger withdraw).
Civilian, Melee, Ranged, Scout, Mounted, Armor, Siege, WaterCivilian, WaterMelee, WaterRanged, WaterSubmarine, WaterAircraftCarrier, Fighter, Bomber, AtomicBomber, and Missile.
- _arrow, artillery, bombard, bombing, cannon, chimes, choir, click, coin, construction, elephant, fortify, gdrAttack, horse, jetgun, machinegun, metalhit, missile, nonmetalhit, nuke, paper, policy, promote, setup, shipguns, shot, slider, swap, tankshot, throw, torpedo, upgrade, whoosh_.
Mods can add their own sounds, as long as any new value in attackSound has a corresponding sound file in the mod's sound folder, using one of the formats mp3, ogg or wav (file name extension must match codec used). Remember, names are case sensitive. Small sizes strongly recommended, Unciv's own sounds use 24kHz joint stereo 8-bit VBR at about 50-100kBps.