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synced 2025-03-07 07:53:00 +07:00
Translations update (#5213)
* Update Spanish.properties (#5208) I'll check for grammar errors later. Hopefully there aren't anny nor a new release comes out today. * Update Italian.properties (#5196) * New polish translations (#5194) * Update Polish.properties Translated some unit names, and some other translations * Update Polish.properties Some random translations of short lines * Update Polish.properties Few random translations again * Update Romanian.properties (#5191) * Update German translation (#5189) * Update German translation * Update German translation * Update German translation Co-authored-by: ArchDuque-Pancake <78449553+ArchDuque-Pancake@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Giuseppe D'Addio <41149920+Smashfanful@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: PLynx <pawelrys2011@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Vortexon <88623583+V0rtexon@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: MartinP <77325495+Mape6@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -103,14 +103,10 @@ Do you want to break your promise to [leaderName]? = Möchtest du dein Versprech
We promised not to settle near them ([count] turns remaining) = Wir haben versprochen, nicht in ihrer Nähe zu siedeln ([count] Runden verbleiben)
They promised not to settle near us ([count] turns remaining) = Sie haben versprochen, nicht in unserer Nähe zu siedeln ([count] Runden verbleiben)
# Requires translation!
[civName] is upset that you demanded tribute from [cityState], whom they have pledged to protect! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] is upset that you attacked [cityState], whom they have pledged to protect! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] is outraged that you destroyed [cityState], whom they had pledged to protect! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] has destroyed [cityState], whom you had pledged to protect! =
[civName] is upset that you demanded tribute from [cityState], whom they have pledged to protect! = [civName] ist verärgert, dass Ihr von [cityState] einen Tribut fordert, den sie zu schützen versprochen hat!
[civName] is upset that you attacked [cityState], whom they have pledged to protect! = [civName] ist verärgert, dass Ihr [cityState] angreift, den sie zu schützen versprochen hat!
[civName] is outraged that you destroyed [cityState], whom they had pledged to protect! = [civName] ist empört, dass Ihr [cityState] zerstört habt, den sie zu schützen versprochen hat!
[civName] has destroyed [cityState], whom you had pledged to protect! = [civName] hat [cityState] zerstört, den du zu schützen versprochen hattest.
Unforgivable = Todfeind
Afraid = Gefürchtet
@ -148,28 +144,20 @@ Your arrogant demands are in bad taste = Eure arroganten Forderungen sind geschm
Your use of nuclear weapons is disgusting! = Euer Einsatz von Atomwaffen ist ekelhaft!
You have stolen our lands! = Ihr habt unser Land geraubt!
You gave us units! = Ihr habt uns Einheiten geschenkt!
# Requires translation!
You destroyed City States that were under our protection! =
# Requires translation!
You attacked City States that were under our protection! =
# Requires translation!
You demanded tribute from City States that were under our protection! =
# Requires translation!
You sided with a City State over us =
You destroyed City States that were under our protection! = Ihr habt Stadtstaaten zerstört, die unter unserem Schutz standen!
You attacked City States that were under our protection! = Ihr habt Stadtstaaten angegriffen, die unter unserem Schutz standen!
You demanded tribute from City States that were under our protection! = Ihr habt Tribut von Stadtstaaten gefordert, die unter unserem Schutz standen!
You sided with a City State over us = Ihr habt euch auf die Seite eines Stadtstaates gestellt und nicht auf unsere.
Demands = Forderungen
Please don't settle new cities near us. = Bitte gründet keine neuen Städte in unserer Nähe.
Very well, we shall look for new lands to settle. = Nun gut, wir werden uns nach neuem Land umsehen, um es zu besiedeln.
We shall do as we please. = Wir werden tun, wie es uns beliebt.
We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have....implications. = Wir haben eure neue Stadt in der Nähe unserer Grenzen bemerkt, entgegen eures Versprechens. Dies wird....Konsequenzen haben.
# Requires translation!
I've been informed that my armies have taken tribute from [civName], a city-state under your protection.\nI assure you, this was quite unintentional, and I hope that this does not serve to drive us apart. =
# Requires translation!
We asked [civName] for a tribute recently and they gave in.\nYou promised to protect them from such things, but we both know you cannot back that up. =
# Requires translation!
It's come to my attention that I may have attacked [civName], a city-state under your protection.\nWhile it was not my goal to be at odds with your empire, this was deemed a necessary course of action. =
# Requires translation!
I thought you might like to know that I've launched an invasion of one of your little pet states.\nThe lands of [civName] will make a fine addition to my own. =
I've been informed that my armies have taken tribute from [civName], a city-state under your protection.\nI assure you, this was quite unintentional, and I hope that this does not serve to drive us apart. = Ich wurde darüber informiert, dass meine Armeen von [civName], einem Stadtstaat unter eurem Schutz, Tribut genommen haben.\nIch versichere euch, dass dies nicht beabsichtigt war, und ich hoffe, dass dies nicht dazu dient, uns auseinander zu treiben.
We asked [civName] for a tribute recently and they gave in.\nYou promised to protect them from such things, but we both know you cannot back that up. = Wir haben [civName] kürzlich um einen Tribut gebeten, und sie haben nachgegeben.\nIhr habt versprochen, sie vor solchen Dingen zu schützen, aber wir beide wissen, dass ihr das nicht einhalten könnt.
It's come to my attention that I may have attacked [civName], a city-state under your protection.\nWhile it was not my goal to be at odds with your empire, this was deemed a necessary course of action. = Mir ist zu Ohren gekommen, dass ich [civName] angegriffen haben könnte, einen Stadtstaat, der unter eurem Schutz steht.\nAuch wenn es nicht mein Ziel war, mit eurem Reich in Konflikt zu geraten, wurde diese Vorgehensweise als notwendig erachtet.
I thought you might like to know that I've launched an invasion of one of your little pet states.\nThe lands of [civName] will make a fine addition to my own. = Ich dachte, es würde Euch vielleicht interessieren, dass ich eine Invasion in einen eurer kleinen Lieblingsstaaten gestartet habe.\nDie Länder von [civName] werden eine gute Ergänzung zu meinen eigenen sein.
Enter the amount of gold = Gib die Menge an Gold ein
@ -188,14 +176,12 @@ Pledge to protect = Schutz zusichern
Declare Protection of [cityStateName]? = Schutz von [cityStateName] bekanntgeben?
Build [improvementName] on [resourceName] (200 Gold) = Baue [improvementName] auf [resourceName] (200 Gold)
Gift Improvement = Verschenke Verbesserung
# Requires translation!
[civName] is able to provide [unitName] once [techName] is researched. =
[civName] is able to provide [unitName] once [techName] is researched. = [civName] ist in der Lage [unitName] zu liefern, sobald [techName] erforscht wurde.
Diplomatic Marriage ([amount] Gold) = Diplomatische Hochzeit ([amount] Gold)
We have married into the ruling family of [civName], bringing them under our control. = Wir haben in die Herrscherfamilie von [civName] eingeheiratet und sie unter unsere Kontrolle gebracht.
[civName] has married into the ruling family of [civName2], bringing them under their control. = [civName] hat in die Herrscherfamilie von [civName2] eingeheiratet und sie unter ihre Kontrolle gebracht.
# Requires translation!
You have broken your Pledge to Protect [civName]! =
You have broken your Pledge to Protect [civName]! = Ihr habt euer Versprechen, [civName] zu schützen, gebrochen!
Cultured = Kultiviert
Maritime = Maritim
@ -1196,8 +1182,7 @@ Are you SURE you want to delete this mod? = SICHER, dass diese Modifikation gel
Updated = Aktualisiert
Current mods = Installierte Modifikationen
Downloadable mods = Verfügbare Modifikationen
# Requires translation!
Mod info and options =
Mod info and options = Mod-Info und Optionen
Next page = Nächste Seite
Open Github page = Auf Github öffnen
Permanent audiovisual mod = Permanente audiovisuelle Mod
@ -3471,8 +3456,7 @@ Constitution = Verfassung
Universal Suffrage = Allgemeines Wahlrecht
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities = +[amount]% Verteidigungsstärke für Städte
Civil Society = Zivilgesellschaft
# Requires translation!
[amount]% food consumption by specialists [cityFilter] =
[amount]% food consumption by specialists [cityFilter] = [amount]% Nahrungsverbrauch durch Spezialisten [cityFilter]
Free Speech = Meinungsfreiheit
[amount] units cost no maintenance = [amount] Einheiten kosten keinen Unterhalt
Democracy = Demokratie
@ -4707,53 +4691,32 @@ This is where you spend most of your time playing Unciv. See the world, control
ⓩ: And this is the red targeting circle that led to the attack pane back under ⑬. = Ⓩ: Und dies ist der rote Zielkreis, der zum Angriffsfenster zurück unter ⑬ führte.
What you don't see: The phone/tablet's back button will pop the question whether you wish to leave Unciv and go back to Real Life. On desktop versions, you can use the ESC key. = Was du nicht siehst: Über die Zurück-Taste des Telefons/Tablets erscheint die Frage, ob du Unciv verlassen und ins Real Life zurückkehren möchtest. Bei Desktop-Versionen kannst du die ESC-Taste verwenden.
# Requires translation!
After building a shrine, your civilization will start generating Faith☮. =
# Requires translation!
When enough Faith☮ has been generated, you will be able to found a pantheon. =
# Requires translation!
A pantheon will provide a small bonus for your civilization that will apply to all your cities. =
# Requires translation!
Each civilization can only choose a single pantheon belief, and each pantheon can only be chosen once. =
# Requires translation!
Generating more faith will allow you to found a religion. =
After building a shrine, your civilization will start generating Faith☮. = Nachdem du einen Schrein gebaut hast, wird deine Zivilisation anfangen, Glaube☮ zu erzeugen.
When enough Faith☮ has been generated, you will be able to found a pantheon. = Wenn du genug Glaube☮ gesammelt hast, kannst du ein Pantheon gründen.
A pantheon will provide a small bonus for your civilization that will apply to all your cities. = Ein Pantheon bietet einen kleinen Bonus für deine Zivilisation, der für alle deine Städte gilt.
Each civilization can only choose a single pantheon belief, and each pantheon can only be chosen once. = Jede Zivilisation kann nur einen einzigen Pantheon-Glaubenssatz wählen, und jedes Pantheon kann nur einmal gewählt werden.
Generating more faith will allow you to found a religion. = Wenn du mehr Glaube erzeugst, kannst du eine Religion gründen.
# Requires translation!
Religion =
# Requires translation!
Keep generating Faith☮, and eventually a great prophet will be born in one of your cities. =
# Requires translation!
This great prophet can be used for multiple things: Constructing a holy site, founding a religion and spreading your religion. =
# Requires translation!
When founding your religion, you may choose another two beliefs. The founder belief will only apply to you, while the follower belief will apply to all cities following your religion. =
# Requires translation!
Additionally, the city where you used your great prophet will become the holy city of that religion. =
# Requires translation!
Once you have founded a religion, great prophets will keep being born every so often, though the amount of Faith☮ you have to save up will be higher. =
# Requires translation!
One of these great prophets can then be used to enhance your religion. =
# Requires translation!
This will allow you to choose another follower belief, as well as an enhancer belief, that only applies to you. =
# Requires translation!
Do take care founding a religion soon, only about half the players in the game are able to found a religion! =
Religion = Religion
Keep generating Faith☮, and eventually a great prophet will be born in one of your cities. = Erzeuge weiter Glaube☮, und irgendwann wird in einer deiner Städte ein Großer Prophet geboren werden.
This great prophet can be used for multiple things: Constructing a holy site, founding a religion and spreading your religion. = Dieser Große Prophet kann für mehrere Zwecke eingesetzt werden: Eine heilige Stätte errichten, eine Religion gründen und die eigene Religion verbreiten.
When founding your religion, you may choose another two beliefs. The founder belief will only apply to you, while the follower belief will apply to all cities following your religion. = Wenn du deine Religion gründest, kannst du zwei weitere Glaubenssätze wählen. Der Gründer-Glaubenssatz gilt nur für dich, während der Anhänger-Glaubenssatz für alle Städte gilt, die deiner Religion folgen.
Additionally, the city where you used your great prophet will become the holy city of that religion. = Außerdem wird die Stadt, in der du deinen Großen Propheten eingesetzt hast, zur heiligen Stadt dieser Religion.
Once you have founded a religion, great prophets will keep being born every so often, though the amount of Faith☮ you have to save up will be higher. = Sobald du eine Religion gegründet hast, werden weiterhin in regelmäßigen Abständen Große Propheten geboren, auch wenn du dafür mehr Glaube☮ aufbringen musst.
One of these great prophets can then be used to enhance your religion. = Einer dieser großen Propheten kann dann verwendet werden, um deine Religion zu verbessern.
This will allow you to choose another follower belief, as well as an enhancer belief, that only applies to you. = Dadurch kannst du einen weiteren Anhänger-Glaubenssatz sowie einen Verbesserungs-Glaubenssatz wählen, der nur für dich gilt.
Do take care founding a religion soon, only about half the players in the game are able to found a religion! = Kümmere dich darum, bald eine Religion zu gründen, nur etwa die Hälfte der Spieler im Spiel ist in der Lage, eine Religion zu gründen!
# Requires translation!
Beliefs =
# Requires translation!
There are four types of beliefs: Pantheon, Founder, Follower and Enhancer beliefs. =
# Requires translation!
Pantheon and Follower beliefs apply to each city following your religion, while Founder and Enhancer beliefs only apply to the founder of a religion. =
Beliefs = Glaubenssätze
There are four types of beliefs: Pantheon, Founder, Follower and Enhancer beliefs. = Es gibt vier Arten von Glaubenssätzen: Pantheon, Gründer, Anhänger und Verbesserungen.
Pantheon and Follower beliefs apply to each city following your religion, while Founder and Enhancer beliefs only apply to the founder of a religion. = Pantheon- und Anhänger-Glaubenssätze gelten für jede Stadt, die deiner Religion folgt, während Gründer- und Verbesserungs-Glaubenssätze nur für den Gründer einer Religion gelten.
# Requires translation!
Religion inside cities =
# Requires translation!
When founding a city, it won't follow a religion immediately. =
# Requires translation!
The religion a city follows depends on the total pressure each religion has within the city. =
Religion inside cities = Religion in den Städten
When founding a city, it won't follow a religion immediately. = Wenn eine Stadt gegründet wird, wird sie sich nicht sofort einer Religion anschließen.
The religion a city follows depends on the total pressure each religion has within the city. = Welcher Religion eine Stadt folgt, hängt von dem Gesamtdruck ab, den jede Religion in der Stadt ausübt.
# Requires translation!
Followers are allocated in the same proportions as these pressures, and these followers can be viewed in the city screen. =
# Requires translation!
Based on this, you can get a feel for which religions have a lot of pressure built up in the city, and which have almost none. =
Based on this, you can get a feel for which religions have a lot of pressure built up in the city, and which have almost none. = Auf diese Weise kannst du ein Gefühl dafür bekommen, welche Religionen in der Stadt viel Druck aufgebaut haben und welche kaum welchen.
# Requires translation!
The city follows a religion if a majority of its population follows that religion, and will only then receive the effects of Follower and Pantheon beliefs of that religion. =
@ -103,14 +103,10 @@ Do you want to break your promise to [leaderName]? = Vuoi davvero tradire la tua
We promised not to settle near them ([count] turns remaining) = Abbiamo promesso di non fondare città vicino a loro ([count] turni rimasti)
They promised not to settle near us ([count] turns remaining) = Ci hanno promesso di non fondare città vicino a noi ([count] turni rimasti)
# Requires translation!
[civName] is upset that you demanded tribute from [cityState], whom they have pledged to protect! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] is upset that you attacked [cityState], whom they have pledged to protect! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] is outraged that you destroyed [cityState], whom they had pledged to protect! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] has destroyed [cityState], whom you had pledged to protect! =
[civName] is upset that you demanded tribute from [cityState], whom they have pledged to protect! = [civName] è contrariata per la tua richiesta di tributo da [cityState], sotto la loro protezione!
[civName] is upset that you attacked [cityState], whom they have pledged to protect! = [civName] è contrariata dal tuo attacco contro [cityState], sotto la loro protezione!
[civName] is outraged that you destroyed [cityState], whom they had pledged to protect! = [civName] è oltraggiata dalla tua distruzione di [cityState], che era sotto la loro protezione!
[civName] has destroyed [cityState], whom you had pledged to protect! = [civName] ha distrutto [cityState], che si trovava sotto la tua protezione!
Unforgivable = Imperdonabile!
Afraid = Timorosi
@ -148,28 +144,20 @@ Your arrogant demands are in bad taste = Hai fatto una richiesta arrogante.
Your use of nuclear weapons is disgusting! = Siamo disgustati dal tuo uso delle armi nucleari!
You have stolen our lands! = Ti sei impossessato di terreni di nostra proprietà!
You gave us units! = Ci hai dato delle unità in regalo!
# Requires translation!
You destroyed City States that were under our protection! =
# Requires translation!
You attacked City States that were under our protection! =
# Requires translation!
You demanded tribute from City States that were under our protection! =
# Requires translation!
You sided with a City State over us =
You destroyed City States that were under our protection! = Hai distrutto una Città-stato sotto la nostra protezione!
You attacked City States that were under our protection! = Hai attaccato qualche Città-stato sotto la nostra protezione!
You demanded tribute from City States that were under our protection! = Hai chiesto un tributo da Città-stato sotto la nostra protezione!
You sided with a City State over us = Ti sei alleato con una Città-stato contro di noi.
Demands = Richieste
Please don't settle new cities near us. = Smetti di fondare città vicino a noi.
Very well, we shall look for new lands to settle. = Ti porgiamo le nostre scuse, eviteremo di fondare città nelle vostre vicinanze.
We shall do as we please. = Colonizzeremo la terra che ci pare e piace.
We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have....implications. = A quanto pare le tue promesse di non espandere i tuoi territori adiacenti ai nostri erano solo parole al vento. Sappi che ci saranno conseguenze.
# Requires translation!
I've been informed that my armies have taken tribute from [civName], a city-state under your protection.\nI assure you, this was quite unintentional, and I hope that this does not serve to drive us apart. =
# Requires translation!
We asked [civName] for a tribute recently and they gave in.\nYou promised to protect them from such things, but we both know you cannot back that up. =
# Requires translation!
It's come to my attention that I may have attacked [civName], a city-state under your protection.\nWhile it was not my goal to be at odds with your empire, this was deemed a necessary course of action. =
# Requires translation!
I thought you might like to know that I've launched an invasion of one of your little pet states.\nThe lands of [civName] will make a fine addition to my own. =
I've been informed that my armies have taken tribute from [civName], a city-state under your protection.\nI assure you, this was quite unintentional, and I hope that this does not serve to drive us apart. = Ho udito che i miei eserciti hanno richiesto un tributo da [civName], una Città-stato sotto la tua protezione.\nTi assicuro che ciò non era nostra intenzione, e che questo non provichi divari tra i nostri rapporti.
We asked [civName] for a tribute recently and they gave in.\nYou promised to protect them from such things, but we both know you cannot back that up. = I miei eserciti hanno chiesto un tributo a [civName] recentemente, e l'abbiamo ottenuto.\nTu avevi promesso di proteggerla da questo genere di cose, ma si vede che non ne sei in grado.
It's come to my attention that I may have attacked [civName], a city-state under your protection.\nWhile it was not my goal to be at odds with your empire, this was deemed a necessary course of action. = Avrai udito che i miei eserciti avranno attaccato [civName], una Città-stato sotto la tua protezione.\nAnche se non era mia intenzione provocare contrasti con il tuo impero, questo attacco era a mio parere una linea d'azione necessaria.
I thought you might like to know that I've launched an invasion of one of your little pet states.\nThe lands of [civName] will make a fine addition to my own. = Tanto perché lo sappia, ho guidato un'invasione contro una delle tue città stato fantoccio.\nLe terre di [civName] saranno una bella aggiunta alle mie.
Enter the amount of gold = Digita la quantità di denaro
@ -188,14 +176,12 @@ Pledge to protect = Impegnati a proteggere
Declare Protection of [cityStateName]? = Vuoi impegnarti a proteggere [cityStateName]?
Build [improvementName] on [resourceName] (200 Gold) = Costruisci [improvementName] su [resourceName] (200 Oro)
Gift Improvement = Dona miglioramento
# Requires translation!
[civName] is able to provide [unitName] once [techName] is researched. =
[civName] is able to provide [unitName] once [techName] is researched. = [civName] può darti [unitName] una volta che avrai ricercato [techName].
Diplomatic Marriage ([amount] Gold) = Matrimonio diplomatico ([amount] Gold)
We have married into the ruling family of [civName], bringing them under our control. = Abbiamo sposato la famiglia regnante di [civName], portandola sotto il nostro controllo.
[civName] has married into the ruling family of [civName2], bringing them under their control. = [civName] ha sposato la famiglia regnante di [civName2], portandola sotto il suo controllo.
# Requires translation!
You have broken your Pledge to Protect [civName]! =
You have broken your Pledge to Protect [civName]! = Hai infranto la tua promessa di proteggere [civName]!
Cultured = Acculturata
Maritime = Marittima
@ -1196,8 +1182,7 @@ Are you SURE you want to delete this mod? = Vuoi davvero cancellare questa mod?
Updated = Aggiornato
Current mods = Mod attuali
Downloadable mods = Mod scaricabili
# Requires translation!
Mod info and options =
Mod info and options = Info e opzioni mod
Next page = Pagina successiva
Open Github page = Apri pagina Github
Permanent audiovisual mod = Mod audiovisuale permanente
@ -3471,8 +3456,7 @@ Constitution = Costituzione
Universal Suffrage = Suffragio Universale
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities = +[amount]% Forza difensiva per le città
Civil Society = Società civile
# Requires translation!
[amount]% food consumption by specialists [cityFilter] =
[amount]% food consumption by specialists [cityFilter] = [amount]% consumo di cibo dagli specialisti [cityFilter]
Free Speech = Libertà di parola
[amount] units cost no maintenance = Nessuna manutenzione per [amount] unità
Democracy = Democrazia
@ -4707,99 +4691,54 @@ This is where you spend most of your time playing Unciv. See the world, control
ⓩ: And this is the red targeting circle that led to the attack pane back under ⑬. = ⓩ: E questo è il cerchio rosso che ha portato al pannello d'attacco sotto ⑬.
What you don't see: The phone/tablet's back button will pop the question whether you wish to leave Unciv and go back to Real Life. On desktop versions, you can use the ESC key. = Quello che non vedi è il messaggio che ti chiederà se desideri chiudere UnCiv e tornare un po' al mondo reale. Lo puoi far comparire tramite il tasto indietro su cellulare o tablet, o il tasto Esc sulle versioni desktop.
# Requires translation!
After building a shrine, your civilization will start generating Faith☮. =
# Requires translation!
When enough Faith☮ has been generated, you will be able to found a pantheon. =
# Requires translation!
A pantheon will provide a small bonus for your civilization that will apply to all your cities. =
# Requires translation!
Each civilization can only choose a single pantheon belief, and each pantheon can only be chosen once. =
# Requires translation!
Generating more faith will allow you to found a religion. =
After building a shrine, your civilization will start generating Faith☮. = Una volta costruito un santuario, la tua civiltà comincerà a generare Fede☮.
When enough Faith☮ has been generated, you will be able to found a pantheon. = Una volta generata abbastanza Fede☮, potrai fondare un Pantheon.
A pantheon will provide a small bonus for your civilization that will apply to all your cities. = I Pantheon concedono piccoli bonus alla tua civiltà, che si applicherà a tutte le tue città.
Each civilization can only choose a single pantheon belief, and each pantheon can only be chosen once. = Ogni civiltà può scegliere una singola credenza di pantheon, e ogni Pantheon può essere scelto solo una volta.
Generating more faith will allow you to found a religion. = Generare altra Fede ti permetterà di fondare una Religione.
# Requires translation!
Religion =
# Requires translation!
Keep generating Faith☮, and eventually a great prophet will be born in one of your cities. =
# Requires translation!
This great prophet can be used for multiple things: Constructing a holy site, founding a religion and spreading your religion. =
# Requires translation!
When founding your religion, you may choose another two beliefs. The founder belief will only apply to you, while the follower belief will apply to all cities following your religion. =
# Requires translation!
Additionally, the city where you used your great prophet will become the holy city of that religion. =
# Requires translation!
Once you have founded a religion, great prophets will keep being born every so often, though the amount of Faith☮ you have to save up will be higher. =
# Requires translation!
One of these great prophets can then be used to enhance your religion. =
# Requires translation!
This will allow you to choose another follower belief, as well as an enhancer belief, that only applies to you. =
# Requires translation!
Do take care founding a religion soon, only about half the players in the game are able to found a religion! =
Religion = Religione
Keep generating Faith☮, and eventually a great prophet will be born in one of your cities. = Col tempo, possiederai abbastanza Fede☮ perché un Grande Profeta nasca in una delle tue città.
This great prophet can be used for multiple things: Constructing a holy site, founding a religion and spreading your religion. = Questo Grande Profeta può essere usato per molte cose: costruire un Luogo Sacro, fondare una nuova Religione o diffondere quella che già adotti.
When founding your religion, you may choose another two beliefs. The founder belief will only apply to you, while the follower belief will apply to all cities following your religion. = Quando fondi una religione, puoi scegliere altre due credenze; quella del fondatore si applicherà solo a te, mentre quella dei seguaci si applicherà a tutte le città che seguono la tua religione.
Additionally, the city where you used your great prophet will become the holy city of that religion. = Inoltre, la città dove hai usato il tuo Grande Profeta diventerà la Città Santa della tua Religione.
Once you have founded a religion, great prophets will keep being born every so often, though the amount of Faith☮ you have to save up will be higher. = Una volta fondata una religione, nasceranno ogni tanto dei Grandi Profeti, ma la quantità di Fede☮ necessaria per la loro generazione aumenterà di volta in volta.
One of these great prophets can then be used to enhance your religion. = Puoi usare uno di questi Grandi Profeti per potenziare la tua Religione.
This will allow you to choose another follower belief, as well as an enhancer belief, that only applies to you. = Questo ti permetterà di scegliere una credenza dei seguaci aggiuntiva, oltre che una credenza di potenziamento che si applica solo a te.
Do take care founding a religion soon, only about half the players in the game are able to found a religion! = Fonda una religione più in fretta che puoi, perché solo la metà dei giocatori totali in una partita possono farlo!
# Requires translation!
Beliefs =
# Requires translation!
There are four types of beliefs: Pantheon, Founder, Follower and Enhancer beliefs. =
# Requires translation!
Pantheon and Follower beliefs apply to each city following your religion, while Founder and Enhancer beliefs only apply to the founder of a religion. =
Beliefs = Credenze
There are four types of beliefs: Pantheon, Founder, Follower and Enhancer beliefs. = Ci sono quattro tipi di credenze: Pantheon, Fondatore, Seguaci e Potenziamento.
Pantheon and Follower beliefs apply to each city following your religion, while Founder and Enhancer beliefs only apply to the founder of a religion. = Le credenze Pantheon e Seguaci si applicano a ogni città che segue la tua Religione, mentre quelle del Fondatore e Potenziamento si applicano soltanto al suo fondatore.
# Requires translation!
Religion inside cities =
# Requires translation!
When founding a city, it won't follow a religion immediately. =
# Requires translation!
The religion a city follows depends on the total pressure each religion has within the city. =
# Requires translation!
Followers are allocated in the same proportions as these pressures, and these followers can be viewed in the city screen. =
# Requires translation!
Based on this, you can get a feel for which religions have a lot of pressure built up in the city, and which have almost none. =
# Requires translation!
The city follows a religion if a majority of its population follows that religion, and will only then receive the effects of Follower and Pantheon beliefs of that religion. =
Religion inside cities = Religione nelle città
When founding a city, it won't follow a religion immediately. = Quando fondi una città, non seguirà immediatamente la tua religione.
The religion a city follows depends on the total pressure each religion has within the city. = La religione che la città seguie dipende dalla pressione totale di ogni religione ivi presente nella partita in corso.
Followers are allocated in the same proportions as these pressures, and these followers can be viewed in the city screen. = I seguaci sono allocati nelle stesse proporzioni di tali pressioni, e come si può vedere nella schermata cittadina.
Based on this, you can get a feel for which religions have a lot of pressure built up in the city, and which have almost none. = In base a questo, puoi capire quale religione sarà priva di importanza nella città e quale invece sarà la prossima a essere adottata dai suoi abitanti.
The city follows a religion if a majority of its population follows that religion, and will only then receive the effects of Follower and Pantheon beliefs of that religion. = La Religione seguita dalla maggioranza della popolazione sarà quella ufficiale nella città, e solo allora essa riceverà gli effetti delle sue credenze dei Seguaci e del Pantheon.
# Requires translation!
Spreading Religion =
# Requires translation!
Spreading religion happens naturally, but can be sped up using missionaries or great prophets. =
# Requires translation!
Missionaries can be bought in cities following a major religion, and will take the religion of that city. =
# Requires translation!
So do take care where you are buying them! If another civilization has converted one of your cities to their religion, missionaries bought there will follow their religion. =
# Requires translation!
Great prophets always have your religion when they appear, even if they are bought in cities following other religions, but captured great prophets do retain their original religion. =
# Requires translation!
Both great prophets and missionaries are able to spread religion to cities when they are inside its borders, even cities of other civilizations. =
# Requires translation!
These two units can even enter tiles of civilizations with whom you don't have an open borders agreement! =
# Requires translation!
But do take care, missionaries will lose 250 religious strength each turn they end while in foreign lands. =
# Requires translation!
This diminishes their effectiveness when spreading religion, and if their religious strength ever reaches 0, they have lost their faith and disappear. =
# Requires translation!
When you do spread your religion, the religious strength of the unit is added as pressure for that religion. =
# Requires translation!
Cities also passively add pressure of their majority religion to nearby cities. =
# Requires translation!
Each city provides +6 pressure per turn to all cities within 10 tiles, though the exact amount of pressure depends on the game speed. =
# Requires translation!
This pressure can also be seen in the city screen, and gives you an idea of how religions in your cities will evolve if you don't do anything. =
# Requires translation!
Holy cities also provide +30 pressure of the religion founded there to themselves, making it very difficult to effectively convert a holy city. =
# Requires translation!
Lastly, before founding a religion, new cities you settle will start with 200 pressure for your pantheon. =
# Requires translation!
This way, all your cities will starting following your pantheon as long as you haven't founded a religion yet. =
Spreading Religion = Diffondere la religione
Spreading religion happens naturally, but can be sped up using missionaries or great prophets. = La diffusione della religione avviene naturalmente, ma la si può accelerare usando Missionari e Grandi Profeti.
Missionaries can be bought in cities following a major religion, and will take the religion of that city. = È possibile spendere Fede per acquistare Missionari e Grandi Profeti dalle città che seguono una religione.
So do take care where you are buying them! If another civilization has converted one of your cities to their religion, missionaries bought there will follow their religion. = I Missionari seguono però sempre la religione adottata dalla città, quindi stai attento: se un'altra civiltà ha convertito una delle tue città alla sua religione, i missionari ivi acquistati seguiranno la sua religione e non la tua.
Great prophets always have your religion when they appear, even if they are bought in cities following other religions, but captured great prophets do retain their original religion. = I Grandi Profeti che tu acquisti manterranno invece sempre la tua religione, anche se acquistati in città che seguono altre religioni, ma i Grandi Profeti catturati mantengono la loro religione originale.
Both great prophets and missionaries are able to spread religion to cities when they are inside its borders, even cities of other civilizations. = Sia i Grandi Profeti che i Missionari possono diffondere la religione alle città quando si trovano nei loro confini, anche le città di altre civiltà.
These two units can even enter tiles of civilizations with whom you don't have an open borders agreement! = Possono persino entrare nelle caselle delle civiltà con cui NON hai stratto un patto di libero passaggio.
But do take care, missionaries will lose 250 religious strength each turn they end while in foreign lands. = Stai però attento: i missionari perderanno 250 punti di Forza religiosa ad ogni turno che finiscono in terra straniera.
This diminishes their effectiveness when spreading religion, and if their religious strength ever reaches 0, they have lost their faith and disappear. = Questo diminuisce la loro efficacia nel diffondere la religione, e quando la forza religiosa si esaurisce, il missionario viene eliminato dal gioco.
When you do spread your religion, the religious strength of the unit is added as pressure for that religion. = Se e quando diffonderai la tua religione, la forza religiosa dell'unità si aggiungerà alla pressione per tale religione.
Cities also passively add pressure of their majority religion to nearby cities. = Anche le città, pur passivamente, aggiungono pressione della loro religione di maggioranza alle città vicine.
Each city provides +6 pressure per turn to all cities within 10 tiles, though the exact amount of pressure depends on the game speed. = Ogni città aggiunge +6 punti pressione al turno per tutte le città entro 10 caselle, anche se la quantità esatta dipende dalla velocità di gioco.
This pressure can also be seen in the city screen, and gives you an idea of how religions in your cities will evolve if you don't do anything. = Puoi vedere tale pressione anche nella schermata cittadina, il che ti da un'idea di come le religione nelle tue città si evolveranno se te ne stai a guardare.
Holy cities also provide +30 pressure of the religion founded there to themselves, making it very difficult to effectively convert a holy city. = Le Città Sante aggiungono a loro stesse +30 punti pressione della religione in esse fondate, rendendole molto difficili da convertire.
Lastly, before founding a religion, new cities you settle will start with 200 pressure for your pantheon. = Infine, prima di fondare una religione, le nuove città che avrai fondato inizieranno con 200 pressione dal tuo pantheon.
This way, all your cities will starting following your pantheon as long as you haven't founded a religion yet. = In tal modo, tutte le tue città inizieranno a seguire il tuo pantheon finché non hai ancora fondato una religione.
# Requires translation!
Inquisitors =
# Requires translation!
Inquisitors are the last religious unit, and their strength is removing other religions. =
# Requires translation!
They can remove all other religions from one of your own cities, removing any pressures built up. =
# Requires translation!
Great prophets also have this ability, and remove all other religions in the city when spreading their religion. =
# Requires translation!
Often this results in the city immediately converting to their religion =
# Requires translation!
Additionally, when an inquisitor is stationed in or directly next to a city center, units of other religions cannot spread their faith there, though natural spread is uneffected. =
Inquisitors = Inquisitori
Inquisitors are the last religious unit, and their strength is removing other religions. = L'Inquisitore è l'ultima unità religiosa, e consistono nel rimuovere altre religioni.
They can remove all other religions from one of your own cities, removing any pressures built up. = Possono infatti rimuovere ogni religione diversa dalla tua da qualsiasi tua città, e con essa ogni pressione.
Great prophets also have this ability, and remove all other religions in the city when spreading their religion. = I Grandi Profeti condividono questa abilità, e rimuovono ogni altra religione nella città quando diffondono la loro religione.
Often this results in the city immediately converting to their religion = Spesso, ne consegue che la città si converte immediatamente alla tua religione.
Additionally, when an inquisitor is stationed in or directly next to a city center, units of other religions cannot spread their faith there, though natural spread is uneffected. = Inoltre, quando un Inquisitore si trova all'interno o direttamente nei pressi di un centro cittadino, le unità di altre religioni non possono diffondervi la loro fede, anche sela diffusione naturale non la si può mai arrestare.
@ -1254,8 +1254,8 @@ Air = Powietrze
air units = jednostka powietrzna
Barbarian = Barbarzyńca
Barbarians = Barbarzyńcy
# Requires translation!
Embarked =
Embarked = Zaokrętowane
land units = jednostka lądowa
Military = wojsko
# Deprecated since 3.15.2, but should still be translated until it is officially removed
@ -2064,11 +2064,10 @@ Starting in this era disables religion =
Modern era = Epoka Współczesna
Rifleman = Strzelec
# Requires translation!
Atomic era =
Atomic era = Epoka atomu
Infantry = Piechota
Information era = Epoka Informacji
Information era = Epoka Informacyjna
Marine = Piechota Morska
Future era = Epoka Atomu
@ -3746,8 +3745,8 @@ Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your ally for [amou
Noble and virtuous Queen Maria Theresa, Holy Roman Empress and sovereign of Austria, the people bow to your gracious will. Following the death of your father King Charles VI, you ascended the thone of Austria during a time of great instability, but the empty coffers and diminished military did litle to dissuade your ambitions. Faced with war almost immediately upon your succession to the thron, you managed to fend off your foes, and in naming your husband Francis Stephen co-ruler, assured your place as Empress of the Holy Roman Empire. During your reigh, you guided Austria on a new path of reform - strengthening the military, replenishing the treasury, and improving the educational system of the kingdom. =
# Requires translation!
Oh great queen, bold and dignified, the time has come for you to rise and guide the kingdom once again. Can you return your people to the height of prosperity and splendor? Will you build a civilization that stands the test of time? =
# Requires translation!
Vienna =
Vienna = Wiedeń
# Requires translation!
Salzburg =
# Requires translation!
@ -3966,8 +3965,8 @@ Piety = Pobożność
# Requires translation!
Incompatible with [param] =
# Requires translation!
Philantropy =
Philantropy = Filantropia
# Requires translation!
Gifts of Gold to City-States generate [amount]% more Influence =
# Requires translation!
@ -4068,14 +4067,14 @@ Militaristic City-States grant units [amount] times as fast when you are at war
Planned Economy =
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Production when constructing a [building] =
# Requires translation!
Nationalism =
# Requires translation!
Socialism =
Nationalism = Nacjonalizm
Socialism = Socjalizm
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% maintenance cost for buildings [cityFilter] =
# Requires translation!
Communism =
Communism = Komunizm
# Requires translation!
Order Complete =
# Requires translation!
@ -4239,8 +4238,8 @@ Construction = Budownictwo
Philosophy = Filozofia
'There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.' - Socrates = 'Jest tylko jedno dobro, wiedza, i jedno zło, ignorancja.' – Sokrates
# Requires translation!
Drama and Poetry =
Drama and Poetry = Teatr i poezja
# Requires translation!
'What is drama but life with the dull bits cut out.' - Alfred Hitchcock =
Currency = Waluta
@ -4336,7 +4335,7 @@ Flight = Lot
Railroads =
'The introduction of so powerful an agent as steam to a carriage on wheels will make a great change in the situation of man.' - Thomas Jefferson = 'Pojawienie się napędzanego parą wozu na kołach, znacząco zmieni obraz ludzkości.' – Thomas Jefferson
Plastics = Tworzywo Sztuczne
Plastics = Tworzywa Sztuczne
'Ben, I want to say one word to you, just one word: plastics.' - Buck Henry and Calder Willingham, The Graduate = 'Ben – Mam ci do powiedzenia tylko jedno – tylko jedno słowo: plastik.' – Buck Henry i Calder Willingham, Absolwent
Electronics = Elektronika
'There's a basic principle about consumer electronics: it gets more powerful all the time and it gets cheaper all the time.' - Trip Hawkins = 'W elektronice konsumpcyjnej obowiązuje jedna podstawowa zasada: wciąż staje się potężniejsza i coraz tańsza.' – Trip Hawkins
@ -4364,7 +4363,7 @@ Computers = Komputery
'Computers are like Old Testament gods: lots of rules and no mercy.' - Joseph Campbell = 'Komputery są niczym bogowie ze Starego Testamentu: wiele pokus i żadnej litości.' – Joseph Campbell
# Requires translation!
Telecommunications =
Telecommunications = Telekomunikacja
# Requires translation!
'The more we elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate.' - J.B. Priestly =
Mobile Tactics = Taktyki mobilne
@ -4382,7 +4381,7 @@ Lasers = Lasery
'The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.' - The Holy Bible: Romans, 13:12 = 'Noc się posunęła, a przybliżył się dzień. Odrzućmy więc uczynki ciemności, a przyobleczmy się w zbroję światła.' – Biblia, List do Rzymian 13,12
# Requires translation!
Globalization =
Globalization = Globalizacja
# Requires translation!
'The new electronic interdependence recreates the world in the image of a global village.' - Marshall McLuhan =
Particle Physics = Fizyka Kwantowa
@ -4566,11 +4565,10 @@ Moai = Moai
Terrace farm = Uprawa tarasowa
# Requires translation!
Polder =
# Requires translation!
Unpillagable =
Polder = Polder
Unpillagable = Nie można splądrować
# Requires translation!
Provides a random bonus when entered =
Ancient ruins = Starożytne ruiny
@ -4579,8 +4577,7 @@ Ancient ruins = Starożytne ruiny
A bleak reminder of the destruction wreaked by War =
City ruins = Ruiny miasta
# Requires translation!
Indestructible =
Indestructible = Niezniszczalne
# Requires translation!
Marks the center of a city =
# Requires translation!
@ -4652,18 +4649,14 @@ Whales = Wieloryby
Pearls = Perły
# Requires translation!
Can only be created by Mercantile City-States =
# Requires translation!
Jewelry =
Can only be created by Mercantile City-States =
# Requires translation!
Porcelain =
Jewelry = Biżuteria
Porcelain = Porcelana
# Requires translation!
Salt =
Salt = Sól
@ -4937,18 +4930,16 @@ Invisible to non-adjacent units =
Can see invisible [unit] units =
# Requires translation!
Aircraft =
Aircraft = Samoloty
6 tiles in every direction always visible = 6 pól w każdą stronę jest zawsze widoczne
# Requires translation!
Atomic Bomber =
# Requires translation!
Self-destructs when attacking =
# Requires translation!
Cannot be intercepted =
Self-destructs when attacking = Samozniszczenie podczas ataku
Cannot be intercepted = Nie może zostać przechwycony
Can pass through impassable tiles = Może przechodzić przez pola nie do przejścia
@ -5005,8 +4996,7 @@ Rough terrain penalty = Kara za trudny teren
War Chariot = Rydwan Bojowy
# Requires translation!
Horse Archer =
Horse Archer = Łucznik Konny
War Elephant = Słoń Bojowy
@ -5015,8 +5005,7 @@ Hoplite = Hoplita
Persian Immortal = Nieśmiertelny
# Requires translation!
Battering Ram =
Battering Ram = Taran
# Requires translation!
-[amount] Visibility Range =
# Requires translation!
@ -5091,8 +5080,7 @@ Minuteman = Milicja
Tercio = Tercio
# Requires translation!
Privateer =
Privateer = Korsarz
# Requires translation!
May capture killed [param] units =
@ -5130,8 +5118,7 @@ Cavalry = Kawaleria
Cossack = Kozak
# Requires translation!
Hussar =
Hussar = Husaria
# Requires translation!
[amount]% to Flank Attack bonuses =
@ -5218,8 +5205,7 @@ Missile Cruiser =
Modern Armor = Nowoczesny Czołg
# Requires translation!
Jet Fighter =
Jet Fighter = Myśliwiec Odrzutowy
# Requires translation!
Giant Death Robot =
@ -5244,8 +5230,7 @@ Great Engineer = Wielki Inżynier
# Requires translation!
Can speed up construction of a building =
# Requires translation!
Great Prophet =
Great Prophet = Wielki Prorok
# Requires translation!
Can construct [tileImprovement] if it hasn't used other actions yet =
# Requires translation!
@ -5269,15 +5254,13 @@ Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = +15% do siły bojowej dla jednostek w zas
Khan = Chan
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Leczy sąsiadujące jednostki 15 punktów zdrowia na turę
# Requires translation!
Missionary =
Missionary = Misjonarz
# Requires translation!
May enter foreign tiles without open borders, but loses [amount] religious strength each turn it ends there =
# Requires translation!
Can be purchased with [stat] [cityFilter] =
# Requires translation!
Inquisitor =
Inquisitor = Inkwizytor
# Requires translation!
Prevents spreading of religion to the city it is next to =
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ Ally = Aliat
# Requires translation!
[questName] (+[influenceAmount] influence) =
# Requires translation!
[remainingTurns] turns remaining =
[remainingTurns] turns remaining = [remainingTurns] ture rămase
## Diplomatic modifiers
@ -178,11 +178,11 @@ You have stolen our lands! = Ne-ai furat pământurile!
# Requires translation!
You gave us units! =
# Requires translation!
You destroyed City States that were under our protection! =
You destroyed City States that were under our protection! = Ai distrus Orașe Stat care erau sub protecția noastră!
# Requires translation!
You attacked City States that were under our protection! =
You attacked City States that were under our protection! = Ai atacat Orașe Stat care erau sub protecția noastră!
# Requires translation!
You demanded tribute from City States that were under our protection! =
You demanded tribute from City States that were under our protection! = Ai cerut tribut de la Orașe Stat care erau sub protecția noastră!
# Requires translation!
You sided with a City State over us =
@ -243,13 +243,13 @@ Mercantile = Mercantil
Militaristic = Militaristic
Type = Tip
# Requires translation!
Friendly =
Friendly = Prietenos
# Requires translation!
Hostile =
Hostile = Ostil
# Requires translation!
Irrational =
Irrational = Irațional
# Requires translation!
Personality =
Personality = Personalitate
Influence = Influență
Reach 30 for friendship. = Atinge 30 pentru prietenie.
Reach highest influence above 60 for alliance. = Atinge cea mai mare influență peste 60 pentru alianță.
@ -103,14 +103,10 @@ Do you want to break your promise to [leaderName]? = ¿Quieres romper tú promes
We promised not to settle near them ([count] turns remaining) = Prometimos no expandirnos cerca de ellos ([count] turnos faltantes)
They promised not to settle near us ([count] turns remaining) = Prometieron no expandirse cerca nuestro ([count] turnos faltantes)
# Requires translation!
[civName] is upset that you demanded tribute from [cityState], whom they have pledged to protect! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] is upset that you attacked [cityState], whom they have pledged to protect! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] is outraged that you destroyed [cityState], whom they had pledged to protect! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] has destroyed [cityState], whom you had pledged to protect! =
[civName] is upset that you demanded tribute from [cityState], whom they have pledged to protect! = ¡[civName] está enojada por demandar tributo a [cityState], quién juraron protejer!
[civName] is upset that you attacked [cityState], whom they have pledged to protect! = ¡[civName] está enojada por tu ataque a [cityState], quién juraron proteger!
[civName] is outraged that you destroyed [cityState], whom they had pledged to protect! = ¡[civName] está enojada por destruír [cityState], quién juraron proteger!
[civName] has destroyed [cityState], whom you had pledged to protect! = [civName] ha destruído [cityState], la cual juramos proteger!
Unforgivable = Imperdonable
Afraid = Asustada
@ -148,28 +144,20 @@ Your arrogant demands are in bad taste = ¡Tus arrogantes demandas son de mal gu
Your use of nuclear weapons is disgusting! = ¡Tu uso de armas nucleares es repugnante!
You have stolen our lands! = ¡Has robado nuestras tierras!
You gave us units! = ¡Nos regalaste unidades!
# Requires translation!
You destroyed City States that were under our protection! =
# Requires translation!
You attacked City States that were under our protection! =
# Requires translation!
You demanded tribute from City States that were under our protection! =
# Requires translation!
You sided with a City State over us =
You destroyed City States that were under our protection! = ¡Destruiste Ciudades-Estado que estaban bajo nuestra protección!
You attacked City States that were under our protection! = ¡Atacaste Ciudades-Estado que estaban bajo nuestra protección!
You demanded tribute from City States that were under our protection! = ¡Demandaste tributo de Ciudades-Estado que están bajo nuestra protección!
You sided with a City State over us = ¡Preferiste una Ciudad-Estado que con nosotros!
Demands = Demandas
Please don't settle new cities near us. = Por favor, no fundes ciudades cerca de nuestras fronteras.
Very well, we shall look for new lands to settle. = Bien, buscaremos otras tierras para colonizar.
We shall do as we please. = Haremos lo que nos de la gana.
We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have....implications. = Nos hemos dado cuenta de que has fundado ciudades cerca de nuestras fronteras, a pesar de tu promesa. Esto tendrá... consecuencias.
# Requires translation!
I've been informed that my armies have taken tribute from [civName], a city-state under your protection.\nI assure you, this was quite unintentional, and I hope that this does not serve to drive us apart. =
# Requires translation!
We asked [civName] for a tribute recently and they gave in.\nYou promised to protect them from such things, but we both know you cannot back that up. =
# Requires translation!
It's come to my attention that I may have attacked [civName], a city-state under your protection.\nWhile it was not my goal to be at odds with your empire, this was deemed a necessary course of action. =
# Requires translation!
I thought you might like to know that I've launched an invasion of one of your little pet states.\nThe lands of [civName] will make a fine addition to my own. =
I've been informed that my armies have taken tribute from [civName], a city-state under your protection.\nI assure you, this was quite unintentional, and I hope that this does not serve to drive us apart. = Me han informado que mis ejercitos han tomado tributo de [civName], ciudad-estado bajo tu protección.\nTe juro, que esto no fué intensional, y espero que esto no nos separe.
We asked [civName] for a tribute recently and they gave in.\nYou promised to protect them from such things, but we both know you cannot back that up. = Le pedimos tributo a [civName] y se dejaron.\nPrometiste protegerlos, pero ambos sabemos que no puedes cumplirlo.
It's come to my attention that I may have attacked [civName], a city-state under your protection.\nWhile it was not my goal to be at odds with your empire, this was deemed a necessary course of action. = Soy consiente de que he atacado a [civName], ciudad-estado bajo tu protección.\nMi objetivo no és enfrentar a tu imperio, pero esto fué algo necesario.
I thought you might like to know that I've launched an invasion of one of your little pet states.\nThe lands of [civName] will make a fine addition to my own. = Pensé que te gustaría saber que he lanzado una invasión a una de tus pequeños estaods mascota. \nLas tierras de [civName] harán una fina adicción a mi imperio.
Enter the amount of gold = Inserte la cantidad de oro
@ -188,14 +176,12 @@ Pledge to protect = Prometer Protección
Declare Protection of [cityStateName]? = ¿Declarar Protección de [cityStateName]?
Build [improvementName] on [resourceName] (200 Gold) = Construir [improvementName] en [resourceName] (200 Oro)
Gift Improvement = Regalo de Mejora
# Requires translation!
[civName] is able to provide [unitName] once [techName] is researched. =
[civName] is able to provide [unitName] once [techName] is researched. = [civName] puede proveer [unitName] una vez [techName] es investigada.
Diplomatic Marriage ([amount] Gold) = Matrimonio Diplomatico ([amount] Oro)
We have married into the ruling family of [civName], bringing them under our control. = Nos casamos con la familia real de [civName], poniendolos bajo nuestro control.
[civName] has married into the ruling family of [civName2], bringing them under their control. = [civName] se ha casado con la familia real de [civName2], poniendolos bajo su control.
# Requires translation!
You have broken your Pledge to Protect [civName]! =
You have broken your Pledge to Protect [civName]! = ¡Has roto tu promesa de protección [civName]!
Cultured = Cultural
Maritime = Marítimo
@ -662,7 +648,7 @@ Acquire = Adquirir
Under construction = En construcción
Food = Comida
Production = Producción
Production = ⚙Producción
Gold = Oro
Happiness = Felicidad
Culture = Cultura
@ -1196,8 +1182,7 @@ Are you SURE you want to delete this mod? = ¿Estás SEGURO de que deseas elimin
Updated = Actualizado
Current mods = Mods Actuales
Downloadable mods = Mods Descargables
# Requires translation!
Mod info and options =
Mod info and options = Info de mods y ajustes
Next page = Siguiente Pagina
Open Github page = Abrir Pagina de Github
Permanent audiovisual mod = Mod visual permanente
@ -1364,7 +1349,7 @@ Tithe = Diezmos
World Church = Iglesia Mundial
Defender of the Faith = Defensores de la Fé
Enhancer = Realzador
Enhancer = Realzadora
[amount]% Strength for [param] units in [tileFilter] = [amount]% Fuerza para unidades [param] en [tileFilter]
Holy Order = Órden Santa
@ -3248,8 +3233,7 @@ Noble and virtuous Queen Maria Theresa, Holy Roman Empress and sovereign of Aust
Oh great queen, bold and dignified, the time has come for you to rise and guide the kingdom once again. Can you return your people to the height of prosperity and splendor? Will you build a civilization that stands the test of time? = Oh gran reina, valiente y digna, ha llegado el tiempo para que asciendas y guies el reino una vez más. ¿Puedes devolver a tu gente a la gran prosperidad y esplendór? ¿Crearás una civilización que soporte el paso del tiempo?
Vienna = Viena
Salzburg = Salzburgo
# Requires translation!
Graz =
Graz = Graz
# Requires translation!
Linz =
# Requires translation!
@ -3499,8 +3483,7 @@ Constitution = Constitución
Universal Suffrage = Sufragio Universal
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities = +[amount]% Fuerza Defensiva para ciudades
Civil Society = Sociedad Civil
# Requires translation!
[amount]% food consumption by specialists [cityFilter] =
[amount]% food consumption by specialists [cityFilter] = [amount]% consumo de comida por especialistas [cityFilter]
Free Speech = Libertad de Expresión
[amount] units cost no maintenance = [amount] unidades no cuestan mantenimiento
Democracy = Democracia
@ -4735,99 +4718,54 @@ This is where you spend most of your time playing Unciv. See the world, control
ⓩ: And this is the red targeting circle that led to the attack pane back under ⑬. = ⓩ: Y este es el circulo rojo de apunte que lleva al panel para atacar (el ⑬).
What you don't see: The phone/tablet's back button will pop the question whether you wish to leave Unciv and go back to Real Life. On desktop versions, you can use the ESC key. = Lo que no ves: El botón de atrás de tu celular/tablet te preguntará si quieres salir de Unciv e ir a la Vida Real. En versión de escritorio, puedes usar la tecla "Esc".
# Requires translation!
After building a shrine, your civilization will start generating Faith☮. =
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When enough Faith☮ has been generated, you will be able to found a pantheon. =
# Requires translation!
A pantheon will provide a small bonus for your civilization that will apply to all your cities. =
# Requires translation!
Each civilization can only choose a single pantheon belief, and each pantheon can only be chosen once. =
# Requires translation!
Generating more faith will allow you to found a religion. =
After building a shrine, your civilization will start generating Faith☮. = Después de construir un santuario, tu civilización empezará a generar ☮Fé.
When enough Faith☮ has been generated, you will be able to found a pantheon. = Cuando haya suficiente ☮Fé, podrás fundar un panteón.
A pantheon will provide a small bonus for your civilization that will apply to all your cities. = Un panteón dá pequeños bonuses para tu civilización.
Each civilization can only choose a single pantheon belief, and each pantheon can only be chosen once. = Cada civilización solo puede escojer una creencia de panteón, y cada panteón solo puede ser escojido una única vez.
Generating more faith will allow you to found a religion. = Generar más ☮Fé te permitirá fundar una religión.
# Requires translation!
Religion =
# Requires translation!
Keep generating Faith☮, and eventually a great prophet will be born in one of your cities. =
# Requires translation!
This great prophet can be used for multiple things: Constructing a holy site, founding a religion and spreading your religion. =
# Requires translation!
When founding your religion, you may choose another two beliefs. The founder belief will only apply to you, while the follower belief will apply to all cities following your religion. =
# Requires translation!
Additionally, the city where you used your great prophet will become the holy city of that religion. =
# Requires translation!
Once you have founded a religion, great prophets will keep being born every so often, though the amount of Faith☮ you have to save up will be higher. =
# Requires translation!
One of these great prophets can then be used to enhance your religion. =
# Requires translation!
This will allow you to choose another follower belief, as well as an enhancer belief, that only applies to you. =
# Requires translation!
Do take care founding a religion soon, only about half the players in the game are able to found a religion! =
Religion = Religión
Keep generating Faith☮, and eventually a great prophet will be born in one of your cities. = Sigue generando ☮Fé, y eventualmente un Gran Profeta nacerá en una de tus ciudades.
This great prophet can be used for multiple things: Constructing a holy site, founding a religion and spreading your religion. = Este Gran Profeta puede ser usado para múltiples cosas: Crear un Lugar Sagrado, fundar una Religión y difundir tu religión.
When founding your religion, you may choose another two beliefs. The founder belief will only apply to you, while the follower belief will apply to all cities following your religion. = Al fundar tu Religión, puedes escojer otras dos creencias. La creencia de Fundador solo se aplicará a tí, mientras que la de seguidor aplicará a todas las ciudades siguiendo tu religión.
Additionally, the city where you used your great prophet will become the holy city of that religion. = Adicionalmente, la ciudad en donde usaste tu Gran Profeta se convertirá en la ciudad Santa de esa religión.
Once you have founded a religion, great prophets will keep being born every so often, though the amount of Faith☮ you have to save up will be higher. = Una vez fundada tu religión, Grandes Profetas seguiran naciendo de vez en cuando, pero la cantidad de ☮Fé necesaria será mayor.
One of these great prophets can then be used to enhance your religion. = Una de estos Grandes Profetas pueden ser usados para mejorar tu religión.
This will allow you to choose another follower belief, as well as an enhancer belief, that only applies to you. = Esto te permitirá escojer otra creencia de seguidor, y también una creencia realzadora, que solo se aplica a ti.
Do take care founding a religion soon, only about half the players in the game are able to found a religion! = ¡Procura fundar tu religión pronto, solo la mitad de los jugadores en la partida pueden fundar una religión!
# Requires translation!
Beliefs =
# Requires translation!
There are four types of beliefs: Pantheon, Founder, Follower and Enhancer beliefs. =
# Requires translation!
Pantheon and Follower beliefs apply to each city following your religion, while Founder and Enhancer beliefs only apply to the founder of a religion. =
Beliefs = Creencias
There are four types of beliefs: Pantheon, Founder, Follower and Enhancer beliefs. = Estos son los tipos de creencias: Creencias de Panteón, Fundador, Seguidor y Realzadora.
Pantheon and Follower beliefs apply to each city following your religion, while Founder and Enhancer beliefs only apply to the founder of a religion. = Las creencias de Panteón y Seguidor se aplican a cada ciudad siguiendo tu religión, mientras que las de Fundador y Realzamiento solo se aplican al fundador de la religión.
# Requires translation!
Religion inside cities =
# Requires translation!
When founding a city, it won't follow a religion immediately. =
# Requires translation!
The religion a city follows depends on the total pressure each religion has within the city. =
# Requires translation!
Followers are allocated in the same proportions as these pressures, and these followers can be viewed in the city screen. =
# Requires translation!
Based on this, you can get a feel for which religions have a lot of pressure built up in the city, and which have almost none. =
# Requires translation!
The city follows a religion if a majority of its population follows that religion, and will only then receive the effects of Follower and Pantheon beliefs of that religion. =
Religion inside cities = Religión dentro de ciudades
When founding a city, it won't follow a religion immediately. = Al fundar una ciudad, no seguirá una religión inmediatamente.
The religion a city follows depends on the total pressure each religion has within the city. = La religión que una ciudad sigue depende de la presión total de cada religión dentro de la ciudad.
Followers are allocated in the same proportions as these pressures, and these followers can be viewed in the city screen. = Los seguidores corresponden a la misma proporción que las presiones, estos seguidores pueden ser vistos en la ventana de ciudad.
Based on this, you can get a feel for which religions have a lot of pressure built up in the city, and which have almost none. = Basado en esto, puedes saber que religiones tienen mucha presión en la ciudad, cuales casi ninguna.
The city follows a religion if a majority of its population follows that religion, and will only then receive the effects of Follower and Pantheon beliefs of that religion. = La ciudad sigue la religión que la mayoría de la población sigue, y adquirirá el efecto de dicha religión.
# Requires translation!
Spreading Religion =
# Requires translation!
Spreading religion happens naturally, but can be sped up using missionaries or great prophets. =
# Requires translation!
Missionaries can be bought in cities following a major religion, and will take the religion of that city. =
# Requires translation!
So do take care where you are buying them! If another civilization has converted one of your cities to their religion, missionaries bought there will follow their religion. =
# Requires translation!
Great prophets always have your religion when they appear, even if they are bought in cities following other religions, but captured great prophets do retain their original religion. =
# Requires translation!
Both great prophets and missionaries are able to spread religion to cities when they are inside its borders, even cities of other civilizations. =
# Requires translation!
These two units can even enter tiles of civilizations with whom you don't have an open borders agreement! =
# Requires translation!
But do take care, missionaries will lose 250 religious strength each turn they end while in foreign lands. =
# Requires translation!
This diminishes their effectiveness when spreading religion, and if their religious strength ever reaches 0, they have lost their faith and disappear. =
# Requires translation!
When you do spread your religion, the religious strength of the unit is added as pressure for that religion. =
# Requires translation!
Cities also passively add pressure of their majority religion to nearby cities. =
# Requires translation!
Each city provides +6 pressure per turn to all cities within 10 tiles, though the exact amount of pressure depends on the game speed. =
# Requires translation!
This pressure can also be seen in the city screen, and gives you an idea of how religions in your cities will evolve if you don't do anything. =
# Requires translation!
Holy cities also provide +30 pressure of the religion founded there to themselves, making it very difficult to effectively convert a holy city. =
# Requires translation!
Lastly, before founding a religion, new cities you settle will start with 200 pressure for your pantheon. =
# Requires translation!
This way, all your cities will starting following your pantheon as long as you haven't founded a religion yet. =
Spreading Religion = Difundir Religión
Spreading religion happens naturally, but can be sped up using missionaries or great prophets. = Difundir religión pasa de manera natural, pero puede ser acelerado usando misioneros o grandes profetas
Missionaries can be bought in cities following a major religion, and will take the religion of that city. = Los Misionarios pueden ser comprados en ciudades siguiendo una religión mayoritaria, y tomará la religión de esa ciudad.
So do take care where you are buying them! If another civilization has converted one of your cities to their religion, missionaries bought there will follow their religion. = ¡Así que ten cuidado de donde los construyes!
Great prophets always have your religion when they appear, even if they are bought in cities following other religions, but captured great prophets do retain their original religion. = Los Grandes Profetas siempre llevan tu religión cuando aparecen, incluso si son comprados en ciudades paganas, pero Grandes Profetas capturados retienen su Religión original.
Both great prophets and missionaries are able to spread religion to cities when they are inside its borders, even cities of other civilizations. = Los Grandes Profetas y Misionarios pueden difundir su religión a ciudades cuando están dentro de sus bordes, incluso ciudades de otras naciones.
These two units can even enter tiles of civilizations with whom you don't have an open borders agreement! = ¡Estas dos unidades pueden entrar a casillas de otras civilizacionescon las que no tienes bordes abiertos!
But do take care, missionaries will lose 250 religious strength each turn they end while in foreign lands. = Pero ten cuidado, los misionarios perderán 250 de fuerza religiosa por cada turno que terminen dentro de tierra extranjera.
This diminishes their effectiveness when spreading religion, and if their religious strength ever reaches 0, they have lost their faith and disappear. = Esto disminuye su efectividad al difundir religión, y si su fuerza llega a 0, perderán toda su Fé y desaparecerán.
When you do spread your religion, the religious strength of the unit is added as pressure for that religion. = Cuando difundes religión, la fuerza religiosa de la unidad es añadida como presión para esa religión.
Cities also passively add pressure of their majority religion to nearby cities. = Las ciudades también añaden presión pasivemente de la religión mayoritaria a ciudades cercanas.
Each city provides +6 pressure per turn to all cities within 10 tiles, though the exact amount of pressure depends on the game speed. = Cada ciudad provee +6 presión por turno a todas las ciudades dentro de 10 casillas, aunque la cantidad exacta varia por la velocidad del juego.
This pressure can also be seen in the city screen, and gives you an idea of how religions in your cities will evolve if you don't do anything. = Esta presión también puede verse en la ventana de la ciudad, y te dá una idea de como las religiones en tu ciudad se comportarán si no haces nada.
Holy cities also provide +30 pressure of the religion founded there to themselves, making it very difficult to effectively convert a holy city. = Las Ciudades Santas también proveen +30 presión de la religión fundada a sí mismas, haciendo muy dificil convertir ciudades Santas
Lastly, before founding a religion, new cities you settle will start with 200 pressure for your pantheon. = Por último, antes de fundar una religión, nuevas ciudades empezarán con 200 de presión de tu panteón.
This way, all your cities will starting following your pantheon as long as you haven't founded a religion yet. = De esta manera, todas tus ciudades empezarán siguiendo tu panteón siempre y cuando no hayas fundado una religión.
# Requires translation!
Inquisitors =
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Inquisitors are the last religious unit, and their strength is removing other religions. =
# Requires translation!
They can remove all other religions from one of your own cities, removing any pressures built up. =
# Requires translation!
Great prophets also have this ability, and remove all other religions in the city when spreading their religion. =
# Requires translation!
Often this results in the city immediately converting to their religion =
# Requires translation!
Additionally, when an inquisitor is stationed in or directly next to a city center, units of other religions cannot spread their faith there, though natural spread is uneffected. =
Inquisitors = Inquisidores
Inquisitors are the last religious unit, and their strength is removing other religions. = Los Inquisidores son la última unidad religiosa, y su fuerza es remover otras religiones.
They can remove all other religions from one of your own cities, removing any pressures built up. = Pueden remover todas las demás religiones de una de tus ciudades, removiendo cualquier presión en ellá.
Great prophets also have this ability, and remove all other religions in the city when spreading their religion. = Los Grandes Profetas también tienen esta habilidad, y remueven todas las demás religiones al difundir su religión.
Often this results in the city immediately converting to their religion = A menudo esto resulta en una ciudad siendo convertida inmediatamente a su religión.
Additionally, when an inquisitor is stationed in or directly next to a city center, units of other religions cannot spread their faith there, though natural spread is uneffected. = Adicionalmente, cuando un inquisidor está parado en o al lado del centro de ciudad, unidades de otras religiones no pueden difundir su fé allí, pero la difusión natural es inafectada.
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