diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Brazilian_Portuguese.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Brazilian_Portuguese.properties index 65e9e2b3fa..6bbc1ee75c 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Brazilian_Portuguese.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Brazilian_Portuguese.properties @@ -2034,8 +2034,7 @@ Starts with [tech] = Começa com [tech] Starts with [policy] adopted = Começa com [policy] adotada Triggers victory = Aciona vitória Triggers a Cultural Victory upon completion = Aciona uma Vitória Cultural após a conclusão - # Requires translation! -May buy items in puppet cities = +May buy items in puppet cities = Pode comprar itens em cidades fantoches May not annex cities = Não pode anexar cidades "Borrows" city names from other civilizations in the game = "Empresta" nomes de cidades de outras civilizações no jogo Cities are razed [amount] times as fast = As cidades são arrasadas [amount] vezes mais rápido diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/French.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/French.properties index 849d214c8b..f9d51124d8 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/French.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/French.properties @@ -2035,7 +2035,7 @@ Starts with [policy] adopted = Démarre avec la doctrine [policy] adoptée Triggers victory = Déclenche la victoire Triggers a Cultural Victory upon completion = Déclenche une Victoire Culturelle une fois achevé # Requires translation! -May buy items in puppet cities = +May buy items in puppet cities = Peut acheter des objets dans les villes fantoches May not annex cities = Ne peut pas annexer les villes "Borrows" city names from other civilizations in the game = "Emprunte" les noms des villes aux autres civilisations de la partie Cities are razed [amount] times as fast = Les villes sont rasées [amount] fois plus vite diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Hungarian.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Hungarian.properties index 9853e64286..f3e89a1ad1 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Hungarian.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Hungarian.properties @@ -119,12 +119,9 @@ Peace = Béke Research Agreement = Kutatási megállapodás Declare war = Hadüzenet Declare war on [civName]? = Hadüzenetet küldjünk [civName] részére? - # Requires translation! -[civName] will also join them in the war = - # Requires translation! -An unknown civilization will also join them in the war = - # Requires translation! -This will cancel your defensive pact with [civName] = +[civName] will also join them in the war = [civName] is az ő oldalukon fog harcolni a háborúban +An unknown civilization will also join them in the war = Egy ismeretlen civilizáció is az ő oldalukon fog harcolni a háborúban +This will cancel your defensive pact with [civName] = Ezzel felbomlik [civName] nemzetével kötött védelmi szerződésed Go to on map = Megnézem térképen Let's begin! = Kezdjük! [civName] has declared war on us! = [civName] hadat üzent nekünk! @@ -271,8 +268,7 @@ Sum: = Összesen Trade = Kereskedelem Offer trade = Ajánlattétel - # Requires translation! -They'll decide on their turn = +They'll decide on their turn = A saját körükben döntenek róla Retract offer = Ajánlat visszavonása What do you have in mind? = Mi jár a fejedben? Our items = Tételeink @@ -289,8 +285,7 @@ Keep going = Folytasd There's nothing on the table = Ebben nincs semmi üzlet Peace Treaty = Békeszerződés Agreements = Megállapodások - # Requires translation! -Defensive Pact = +Defensive Pact = Védelmi szerződés Open Borders = Nyitott határok Gold per turn = Arany körönként Cities = Városok @@ -508,8 +503,7 @@ Except improvements = Területfejlesztéseket kivéve Base and terrain features = Felszínformák és képződmények Base terrain only = Csak felszínformák Land or water only = Csak föld vagy víz - # Requires translation! -Import a Wesnoth map = +Import a Wesnoth map = Wesnoth-térkép importálása ## Labels/messages Brush ([size]): = Ecset ([size]) @@ -525,8 +519,7 @@ Starting location(s): [param] = Kezdőhely(ek): [param] Continent: [param] ([amount] tiles) = Kontinens: [param] ([amount] mező) Resource abundance = Erőforrásbőség Change map to fit selected ruleset? = Átalakítod a térképet, hogy működjön a kiválasztott szabályváltozattal? - # Requires translation! -Area: [amount] tiles, [amount2]% water, [amount3]% impassable, [amount4] continents/islands = +Area: [amount] tiles, [amount2]% water, [amount3]% impassable, [amount4] continents/islands = Terület: [amount] mező, [amount2]% víz, [amount3]% járhatatlan, [amount4] kontinens/sziget Do you want to leave without saving the recent changes? = Ki akarsz lépni anélkül, hogy mentenéd a jelenlegi változásokat? Leave = Kilépés Do you want to load another map without saving the recent changes? = Be akarsz tölteni egy másik térképet anékül, hogy mentenéd a jelenlegi változásokat? @@ -542,12 +535,9 @@ Overlay opacity: = Vetített kép átlátszatlansága: Invalid overlay image = Érvénytelen vetített kép World wrap is incompatible with an overlay and was deactivated. = A térkép végtelenítése nem kompatibilis valamely vetített képpel, ezért kikapcsoltuk. An overlay image is incompatible with world wrap and was deactivated. = Valamely vetített kép nem kompatibilis a térkép végtelenítésével, ezért eltávolítottuk. - # Requires translation! -Choose a Wesnoth map file = - # Requires translation! -That map is invalid! = - # Requires translation! -("[code]" does not conform to TerrainCodesWML) = +Choose a Wesnoth map file = Válassz egy Wesnoth-térképfájlt +That map is invalid! = Ez a térkép érvénytelen! +("[code]" does not conform to TerrainCodesWML) = ("[code]" nem értelmezett a TerrainCodesWML-ben) ## Map/Tool names My new map = Új térképem @@ -565,8 +555,7 @@ Spread Resources = Erőforrások elhelyezése Create ancient ruins = Ősi romok keletkezése Floodfill = Kitöltés [nation] starting location = [nation] kezdőhelye - # Requires translation! -Any Civ = +Any Civ = Bármely civilizáció Remove features = Képződmények eltávolítása Remove improvement = Területfejleszés eltávolítása Remove resource = Erőforrás eltávolítása @@ -761,11 +750,9 @@ Reset = Újraindítás Show zoom buttons in world screen = Pályanagyításgombok mutatása Experimental Demographics scoreboard = Demográfiai eredményjelző (kísérleti) - # Requires translation! -Never close popups by clicking outside = +Never close popups by clicking outside = Ne zárja be a felugró ablakokat kivülre kattintáskor - # Requires translation! -Size of Unitset art in Civilopedia = +Size of Unitset art in Civilopedia = Az egységek grafikájának mérete a Civilopediában ### Visual Hints subgroup @@ -781,8 +768,7 @@ Unit icon opacity = Egységek rajzainak átlátszatlansága ### Performance subgroup - # Requires translation! -Performance = +Performance = Teljesítmény Continuous rendering = Folyamatos renderelés When disabled, saves battery life but certain animations will be suspended = Letiltásakor az akkumulátor üzemideje hosszab lesz, de bizonyos animációk nem lesznek láthatók @@ -795,14 +781,11 @@ Auto-assign city production = Város termelésének automatikus kiosztása Auto-build roads = Automatikus útépítés Automated workers replace improvements = Az önállósított munkások átépíthetik a területfejlesztéseket Automated units move on turn start = Az önállósított egységek a kör elején mozogjanak - # Requires translation! -Automated units can upgrade = - # Requires translation! -Automated units choose promotions = +Automated units can upgrade = Az önállósított egységek korszerűsíthetik magukat +Automated units choose promotions = Az önállósított egységek választhatják ki előléptetéseiket Order trade offers by amount = Kereskedelmi ajánlatok mennyiség szerinti rendezése Ask for confirmation when pressing next turn = A következő körre nyomás után megerősítés szükséges - # Requires translation! -EXPERIMENTAL movement - use at your own risk! = +EXPERIMENTAL movement - use at your own risk! = KÍSÉRLETI lépés - figyelj oda, ha használod! Notifications log max turns = Az értesítésnapló maximális hossza körökben ## Language tab @@ -816,8 +799,7 @@ Sound = Hang Sound effects volume = Hanghatások hangereje Music volume = Zene hangereje City ambient sound volume = Városbeli hangok hangereje - # Requires translation! -Leader voices volume = +Leader voices volume = Vezetők hangjának hangereje Pause between tracks = Zeneszámok közötti szünet Pause = Szünet Music = Zene @@ -838,18 +820,15 @@ Screen orientation = Képernyő iránya Landscape (fixed) = Fekvő (rögzített) Portrait (fixed) = Álló (rögzített) Auto (sensor adjusted) = Automatikus (érzékelő választja) - # Requires translation! -Enable using display cutout areas = - # Requires translation! -Hide system status and navigation bars = +Enable using display cutout areas = Képernyőkivágások használatának engedélyezése +Hide system status and navigation bars = A rendszer állapotsorának és navigációs sávjának elrejtése Font family = Betűtípuscsalád Font size multiplier = Betűméret nagyítási foka Default Font = Alapértelmezett betűtípus Max zoom out = Nézet lehetséges távolítása Enable Easter Eggs = Eldugott meglepetések engedélyezése - # Requires translation! -Enable Scenarios (experimental) = +Enable Scenarios (experimental) = Helyzetek engedélyezése (kísérleti) Enlarge selected notifications = Értesítések kinagyítása kiválasztáskor Generate translation files = Nyelvi fájlok generálása @@ -882,25 +861,16 @@ HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! = KORAI KÍSÉRLETI FUNKCIÓK - FIGY You need to restart the game for this change to take effect. = Újra kell indítani a játékot, hogy ez a változtatás működésbe lépjen # AutoPlay - # Requires translation! -AutoPlay = - # Requires translation! -Show AutoPlay button = - # Requires translation! -Multi-turn AutoPlay amount = - # Requires translation! -AutoPlay until victory = +AutoPlay = Robotvezérlés +Show AutoPlay button = Robotvezérlés gomb mutatása +Multi-turn AutoPlay amount = Robotvezérelt körök száma +AutoPlay until victory = Robotvezérlés a győzelemig - # Requires translation! -Start AutoPlay = - # Requires translation! -AutoPlay End Turn = - # Requires translation! -AutoPlay Military Once = - # Requires translation! -AutoPlay Civilians Once = - # Requires translation! -AutoPlay Economy Once = +Start AutoPlay = Robotvezérlés indítása +AutoPlay End Turn = Robotvezérlés a kör végéig +AutoPlay Military Once = Katonák egyszeri robotvezérlése +AutoPlay Civilians Once = Civilek egyszeri robotvezérlése +AutoPlay Economy Once = Gazdaság egyszeri robotvezérlése # Notifications @@ -1483,8 +1453,7 @@ Show diagram = Diagram mutatása # Requires translation! Diagram line colors = At war with [enemy] = Háborúban áll vele: [enemy] - # Requires translation! -Defensive pact with [civName] = +Defensive pact with [civName] = Védelmi szerződés [civName] nemzetével Friends with [civName] = Barátságban áll vele: [civName] an unknown civilization = egy ismeretlen civilizáció [numberOfTurns] Turns Left = [numberOfTurns] kör van vissza @@ -1632,26 +1601,26 @@ non-[filter] = # Civilopedia difficulty levels Player settings = Játékosok beállításai -Extra happiness per luxury = Luxuscikkenkénti boldogságnövekedés -Research cost modifier = Kutatás költségmódosítója -Unit cost modifier = Egységek ármódosítója -Building cost modifier = Épületek ármódosítója -Policy cost modifier = Politikai eszmék költségmódosítója -Unhappiness modifier = Boldogtalanság módosítója +Extra happiness per luxury = Luxuscikkenkénti többletboldogság +Research cost modifier = Kutatási költségek mértéke +Unit cost modifier = Egységek árának mértéke +Building cost modifier = Épületek árának mértéke +Policy cost modifier = Politikai eszmék költségének mértéke +Unhappiness modifier = Boldogtalanság mértéke Bonus vs. Barbarians = Barbárok elleni bónusz Barbarian spawning delay = Barbárok újjáéledési ideje Bonus starting units = Extra kezdőegységek AI settings = Gépi ellenfelek (MI) beállításai -AI city growth modifier = MI városainak növekedési módosítója -AI unit cost modifier = MI egységeinek költségmódosítója -AI building cost modifier = MI épületeinek költségmódosítója -AI wonder cost modifier = MI csodáinak költségmódosítója -AI building maintenance modifier = MI épületeinek fenntartási költségének módosítója -AI unit maintenance modifier = MI egységeinek fenntartási költségének módosítója -AI unhappiness modifier = MI boldogtalansági módosítója +AI city growth modifier = MI városainak növekedési mértéke +AI unit cost modifier = MI egységei árának mértéke +AI building cost modifier = MI épületei árának mértéke +AI wonder cost modifier = MI csodái árának mértéke +AI building maintenance modifier = MI épületeinek fenntartási költségének mértéke +AI unit maintenance modifier = MI egységeinek fenntartási költségének mértéke +AI unhappiness modifier = MI boldogtalanságának mértéke AI free techs = MI ajándék technológiái -Major AI civilization bonus starting units = Mi által irányított nagy civilizációk extra kezdőegységei +Major AI civilization bonus starting units = MI által irányított nagy civilizációk extra kezdőegységei City state bonus starting units = Városállamok extra kezdőegységei Turns until barbarians enter player tiles = Körök száma, mielőtt a barbárok behatolnak a játékos mezőire Gold reward for clearing barbarian camps = Aranyjutalom a barbár táborok megsemmisítéséért @@ -1675,18 +1644,18 @@ Embarked strength: [amount]† = Harci erő vízen: [amount]† Base unit buy cost: [amount]¤ = Egységek alapköltsége: [amount]¤ Research agreement cost: [amount]¤ = Kutatási megállapodás költsége: [amount]¤ Speeds = Sebességek -General speed modifier: [amount]%⏳ = Általános sebességmódosító: [amount]%⏳ -Production cost modifier: [amount]%⚙ = Termelési költség módosítója: [amount]%⚙ -Gold cost modifier: [amount]%¤ = Aranyköltség módosítója: [amount]%¤ -Science cost modifier: [amount]%⍾ = Kutatási költség módosítója: [amount]%⍾ -Culture cost modifier: [amount]%♪ = Kulturális költség módosítója: [amount]%♪ -Faith cost modifier: [amount]%☮ = Hitköltség módosítója: [amount]%☮ -Improvement build length modifier: [amount]%⏳ = Területfejlesztési sebesség módosítója: [amount]%⏳ -Diplomatic deal duration: [amount] turns⏳ = Diplomáciai megállapodás időtartama: [amount] kör⏳ -Gold gift influence gain modifier: [amount]%¤ = Aranyadományok befolyásnövelési módosítója: [amount]%¤ +General speed modifier: [amount]%⏳ = Általános időigények mértéke: [amount]%⏳ +Production cost modifier: [amount]%⚙ = Termelési költségek mértéke: [amount]%⚙ +Gold cost modifier: [amount]%¤ = Aranyköltségek mértéke: [amount]%¤ +Science cost modifier: [amount]%⍾ = Kutatási költségek mértéke: [amount]%⍾ +Culture cost modifier: [amount]%♪ = Kulturális költségek mértéke: [amount]%♪ +Faith cost modifier: [amount]%☮ = Hitköltségek mértéke: [amount]%☮ +Improvement build length modifier: [amount]%⏳ = Területfejlesztések időigényének mértéke: [amount]%⏳ +Diplomatic deal duration: [amount] turns⏳ = Diplomáciai megállapodások időtartama: [amount] kör⏳ +Gold gift influence gain modifier: [amount]%¤ = Aranyadományok befolyásnövelésének mértéke: [amount]%¤ City-state tribute scaling interval: [amount] turns⏳ = A városállami sarc emeléséhez szükséges idő: [amount] kör⏳ -Barbarian spawn modifier: [amount]%† = Barbárok megjelenési idejének módosítója: [amount]%† -Golden age length modifier: [amount]%⌣ = Az aranykor hosszának módosítója: [amount]%⌣ +Barbarian spawn modifier: [amount]%† = Barbárok megjelenési időközének mértéke: [amount]%† +Golden age length modifier: [amount]%⌣ = Az aranykorok hosszának mértéke: [amount]%⌣ Adjacent city religious pressure: [amount]☮ = A szomszédos városok vallásának vonzereje: [amount]☮ Peace deal duration: [amount] turns⏳ = Békeszerződés időtartama: [amount] kör⏳ Start year: [comment] = Kezdőév: [comment] @@ -1909,8 +1878,7 @@ Date ↓ = Dátum ↓ Stars ↓ = Értékelés ↓ Status ↓ = Állapot ↓ - # Requires translation! -Scenarios = +Scenarios = Helyzetek # Uniques that are relevant to more than one type of game object @@ -2091,8 +2059,7 @@ Double quantity of [resource] produced = Kétszeres mennyiségben termelt [resou Enables Open Borders agreements = Lehetővé teszi a határmegnyitási egyezmények kötését Enables Research agreements = Lehetővé teszi a kutatási megállapodások kötését Science gained from research agreements [relativeAmount]% = [relativeAmount]%-kal több tudomány származik a kutatási megállapodásokból - # Requires translation! -Enables Defensive Pacts = +Enables Defensive Pacts = Lehetővé teszi védelmi szerződések kötését When declaring friendship, both parties gain a [relativeAmount]% boost to great person generation = Barátságnyilatkozat kiadásokor mindkét félnél [relativeAmount]%-kal gyorsul a híres emberek megjelenése Influence of all other civilizations with all city-states degrades [relativeAmount]% faster = Az összes többi civlizáció befolyása [relativeAmount]%-kal gyorsabban csökken minden városállamban Gain [amount] Influence with a [baseUnitFilter] gift to a City-State = [amount] befolyást szerezhetsz egy [baseUnitFilter] városállamnak való adományozásával @@ -2428,8 +2395,7 @@ upon entering the [era] = a(z) [era]ba lépéskor upon adopting [policy/belief] = a(z) [policy/belief] beiktatásakor upon declaring war with a major Civilization = mikor hadat üzensz az egyik fő civilizációnak upon declaring friendship = barátságnyilatkozat kiadásakor - # Requires translation! -upon declaring a defensive pact = +upon declaring a defensive pact = védelmi szerződés kötésekör upon entering a Golden Age = aranykorba lépéskor upon conquering a city = egy város meghódításakor upon founding a city = város alapításakor @@ -2624,10 +2590,8 @@ Your warmongering ways are unacceptable to us. = Háborút provokáló viselked You have captured our cities! = Elfoglaltátok a városainkat! You have declared friendship with our enemies! = Barátságnyilatkozatot írtál alá az ellenségeinkkel! Your so-called 'friendship' is worth nothing. = Az úgynevezett barátságotok nem ér semmit. - # Requires translation! -You have declared a defensive pact with our enemies! = - # Requires translation! -Your so-called 'defensive pact' is worth nothing. = +You have declared a defensive pact with our enemies! = Védelmi szerződést kötöttél az ellenségeinkkel! +Your so-called 'defensive pact' is worth nothing. = Az úgynevezett védelmi szerződésetek nem ér semmit. You have publicly denounced us! = Nyilvánosan megvádoltatok minket! You have denounced our allies = Nyilvánosan megvádoltátok szövetségeseinket You refused to stop settling cities near us = Nem voltatok hajlandók felhagyni a városalapítással a közelünkben @@ -2643,11 +2607,9 @@ Years of peace have strengthened our relations. = A több éves béke megerősí Our mutual military struggle brings us closer together. = Közös háborús erőfeszítéseink megerősítették kapcsolatunkat. We applaud your liberation of conquered cities! = Köszönjük, hogy felszabadítottátok az elfoglalt városokat! We have signed a public declaration of friendship = Nyilvános barátságnyilatkozatot írtunk alá! -You have declared friendship with our allies = Barátságnyilatkozatot írtál alá a szövetségeseinkkel - # Requires translation! -We have signed a promise to protect each other. = - # Requires translation! -You have declared a defensive pact with our allies = +You have declared friendship with our allies = Barátságnyilatkozatot írtatok alá a szövetségeseinkkel +We have signed a promise to protect each other. = Aláírásunkkal szentesítettünk ígéretünket, hogy megvédjük egymást. +You have declared a defensive pact with our allies = Védelmi szerződést kötöttetek a szövetségeseinkkel You have denounced our enemies = Nyilvánosan megvádoltátok ellenségeinket Our open borders have brought us closer together. = Nyitott határaink közelebb hoztak minket egymáshoz. You fulfilled your promise to stop settling cities near us! = Teljesítettétek az ígéreteteket, hogy nem alapítatok várost a közelünkben! @@ -7659,14 +7621,10 @@ Research Agreements = Kutatási megállapodások In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreement, you will both receive a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. = A kutatási megállapodások során te és egy másik civilizáció közösen kutattok technológiát.\nA megállapodás végén mindketten kaptok egyösszegben valamennyi tudománypontot, amely valamelyik nem felfedezett technológiádra fordítódik. The amount of ⍾Science you receive at the end is dependent on the ⍾Science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = Az, hogy mennyi ⍾Tudománypontot kapsz a végén, függ a városaidban és a másik civilizáció városaiban a megállapodás alatt keletkező ⍾Tudománypontok mennyiségétől - minél több volt, annál jobb! - # Requires translation! -Defensive Pacts = - # Requires translation! -Defensive pacts allow you and another civ to protect one another from aggressors.\nOnce the defensive pact is signed, you will be drawn into their future defensive wars, just as they will be drawn into your future defensive wars. Declaring war on any Civ will remove all of your defensive pacts. You will have to re-sign them to use their effect. = - # Requires translation! -Be cautious when signing defensive pacts because they can bring you into wars that you might not want to be in. = - # Requires translation! -The AI is very careful and will not accept defensive pacts with less than 80 influence. = +Defensive Pacts = Védelmi szerződések +Defensive pacts allow you and another civ to protect one another from aggressors.\nOnce the defensive pact is signed, you will be drawn into their future defensive wars, just as they will be drawn into your future defensive wars. Declaring war on any Civ will remove all of your defensive pacts. You will have to re-sign them to use their effect. = Védelmi szerződések által a civilizációd egy másikkal összefogva megvédhetik egymást az aggresszorok ellen.\nA védelmi szerződés megkötése után te is bevonódsz a partnered későbbi védekező háborúiba, akárcsak ő a te jövőbeli védekező háborúidba. Ha bármely civilizációnak hadat üzensz, azzal felbomlik minden védelmi szerződésed. Újra kell kötnöd őket, hogy újra érvénybe lépjenek. +Be cautious when signing defensive pacts because they can bring you into wars that you might not want to be in. = Légy óvatos a védelmi szerződések megkötésekor, mert olyan háborúba sodorhatnak, amilyenben nem biztos, hogy részt akartál venni. +The AI is very careful and will not accept defensive pacts with less than 80 influence. = Az MI nagyon óvatos és nem köt védelmi szerződést 80 befolyás alatt. Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. = Vannak nemzetek, amelyek nem versengenek veled a győzelemért.\nA városállamok olyan nemzetek, amelyek nem nyerhetnek, nem lehet velük kereskedni, viszont különféle bónuszokat biztosítanak a barátságos civilizációknak. Instead, diplomatic relations with City-States are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-State likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = A városállamokkal való diplomáciai kapcsolatokat a befolyás határozza meg, amely annak a mérőszáma, hogy mennyire szeret téged a városállam.\nA befolyás növelhető, ha megtámadod az ellenségeit, felszabadítod a városát vagy bizonyos összegű aranyat adományozol neki. @@ -7724,20 +7682,13 @@ This is where you spend most of your time playing Unciv. See the world, control ⓩ: And this is the red targeting circle that led to the attack pane back under ⑬. = ⓩ: Ez pedig a vörös célkereszt, amely megnyitja a ⑬-as pontban bemutatott támadási panelt. What you don't see: The phone/tablet's back button will pop the question whether you wish to leave Unciv and go back to Real Life. On desktop versions, you can use the ESC key. = Ami nem látható itt az az, hogy a telefon vagy tablet visszagombjával előhívható a kérdés, hogy abba akarod-e hagyni a játékot és visszatérsz a való világba. Az asztali verzióban az ESC gombot tudod erre használni. - # Requires translation! -When at later stages of the game, you might have a lot of units but only a little to do. To help you we have implemented an AutoPlay feature that lets you use the AI to play part or all of your turn. = - # Requires translation! -To enable AutoPlay, go to options and open the AutoPlay tab and press "Show AutoPlay button". = - # Requires translation! -Clicking on the AutoPlay button opens a popup menue for choosing to AutoPlay parts or all of your turn. = - # Requires translation! -Clicking Start AutoPlay in the pop-up menue or long pressing the AutoPlay button begins the multi-turn AutoPlay. This will play your next turns as if you were an AI. = - # Requires translation! -To cancel multi-turn AutoPlay you can press the AutoPlay button, next turn button or open the options menue. = - # Requires translation! -Multi-turn AutoPlay is not advised on harder difficulty levels as your AI will not play better against an AI with modifiers. = - # Requires translation! -Multi-turn AutoPlay for multiplayer is not yet supported. = +When at later stages of the game, you might have a lot of units but only a little to do. To help you we have implemented an AutoPlay feature that lets you use the AI to play part or all of your turn. = A játék előrehaladtával előfordulhat, hogy sok egységed van, ugyanakkor kevés a tennivalód. Azért készítettük a robotvezérlés funkciót, hogy ilyen helyzetben segítségedre legyen azzal, hogy a köröd lejátszását részben vagy teljesen az MI-re bízza. +To enable AutoPlay, go to options and open the AutoPlay tab and press "Show AutoPlay button". = A robotvezérlés engedélyezéséhez lépj be a beállításokba és a Robotvezérlés fülön jelöld be a "Robotvezérlés gomb mutatása" elemet. +Clicking on the AutoPlay button opens a popup menue for choosing to AutoPlay parts or all of your turn. = A Robotvezérlés gombra kattintva megjelenik a menü, amelyből kiválaszthatod, hogy a teljes köröd vagy csak egy része történjen robotvezérléssel. +Clicking Start AutoPlay in the pop-up menue or long pressing the AutoPlay button begins the multi-turn AutoPlay. This will play your next turns as if you were an AI. = A Robotvezérlés indítása menüelemre kattintva vagy a Robotvezérlés gomb hosszan nyomva tartásakor elindul a többkörös robotvezérlés. Ilyenkor a következő néhány körödet úgy játssza le, mint a gépi játékosok körét szokta. +To cancel multi-turn AutoPlay you can press the AutoPlay button, next turn button or open the options menue. = A többkörös robotvezérlés megállításához megnyomhatod a Robotvezérlés gombot, a Következő kör gombot, vagy megteheted a Beállítások menüben. +Multi-turn AutoPlay is not advised on harder difficulty levels as your AI will not play better against an AI with modifiers. = A magasabb nehézségi fokozatok esetén nem javasoljuk a robotvezérlés használatát, mivel a te MI-d hátrányban lesz a kedvezményekkel játszó MI-khez képest. +Multi-turn AutoPlay for multiplayer is not yet supported. = A többkörös robotvezérlés még nem támogatja a többjátékos játékot. After building a shrine, your civilization will start generating ☮Faith. = A kegyhely megépítése után a civilizációd ☮Hitet fog gyűjteni. When enough ☮Faith has been generated, you will be able to found a pantheon. = Miután elegendő ☮Hit összegyűlt, alapíthatsz egy panteont. diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Italian.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Italian.properties index cf251a5fee..a5c837c2dc 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Italian.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Italian.properties @@ -768,8 +768,7 @@ Unit icon opacity = Opacità icone unità ### Performance subgroup - # Requires translation! -Performance = +Performance = Prestazioni Continuous rendering = Rendering continuo When disabled, saves battery life but certain animations will be suspended = Se disattivo, riduce il consumo della batteria, ma sospende alcune animazioni @@ -786,8 +785,7 @@ Automated units can upgrade = Aggiornamento unità automatizzate Automated units choose promotions = Le unità automatizzate scelgono le promozioni Order trade offers by amount = Ordina offerte per quantità Ask for confirmation when pressing next turn = Chiedi conferma per fine turno - # Requires translation! -EXPERIMENTAL movement - use at your own risk! = +EXPERIMENTAL movement - use at your own risk! = Movimento sperimentale - NON COMPLETO Notifications log max turns = Notifiche limite massimo turni ## Language tab @@ -1793,12 +1791,9 @@ Download [modName] = Scarica [modName] Update [modName] = Aggiorna [modName] Could not download mod list = Impossibile scaricare lista mod Download mod from URL = Scarica mod da URL - # Requires translation! -Please enter the mod repository -or- archive zip -or- branch -or- release url: = - # Requires translation! -That is not a valid ZIP file = - # Requires translation! -Invalid Mod archive structure = +Please enter the mod repository -or- archive zip -or- branch -or- release url: = Inserisci la cartella / archivio zip / collegamento / ramo della mod +That is not a valid ZIP file = File ZIP non corretto +Invalid Mod archive structure = Struttura archivio mod non valida Invalid link! = Link non valido! Paste from clipboard = Incolla dagli appunti Download = Scarica @@ -2039,8 +2034,7 @@ Starts with [tech] = Cominci con la tecnologia [tech] Starts with [policy] adopted = Comincia adottando la politica [policy] Triggers victory = Attiva la vittoria Triggers a Cultural Victory upon completion = Attiva una Vittoria Culturale quando completata - # Requires translation! -May buy items in puppet cities = +May buy items in puppet cities = Può acquistare nelle città fantoccio May not annex cities = Non può annettere città "Borrows" city names from other civilizations in the game = Puoi "prendere in prestito" i nomi delle città da altre civiltà presenti nel gioco. Cities are razed [amount] times as fast = Radere al suolo una città è [amount] volte più veloce @@ -2231,8 +2225,7 @@ Irremovable = Irremovibile Will be replaced by automated workers = Rimpiazzabile da lavoratori automatizzati for [amount] turns = per [amount] turni with [amount]% chance = (probabilità [amount]%) - # Requires translation! -every [positiveAmount] turns = +every [positiveAmount] turns = ogni [positiveAmount] turni before [amount] turns = entro [amount] turni after [amount] turns = dopo [amount] turni for [civFilter] = per [civFilter] @@ -2425,8 +2418,7 @@ Coastal = Costiera River = Fiume Open terrain = Terreno aperto Water resource = risorsa anfibia - # Requires translation! -resource = +resource = risorsa Foreign Land = Terra Straniera Foreign = straniero Friendly Land = territorio amico @@ -2443,8 +2435,7 @@ Bonus resource = Risorsa bonus ######### Tile Filters ########### unimproved = non migliorata - # Requires translation! -improved = +improved = migliorata All Road = Tutte le strade ######### Region Types ########### diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Korean.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Korean.properties index 3638155d4e..fbe4856d1b 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Korean.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Korean.properties @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ Do you want to reset completed tutorials? = 튜토리얼 진행상황을 초기 Reset = 초기화 Show zoom buttons in world screen = 세계 화면에서 확대/축소 버튼 보기 -Experimental Demographics scoreboard = 인구통계학적 순위 보기 +Experimental Demographics scoreboard = 인구통계학적 순위 보기 (실험적인 기능) Never close popups by clicking outside = 팝업창 바깥 터치 시 창을 닫지 않음 Size of Unitset art in Civilopedia = 문명 백과사전의 유닛 도트 크기 @@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ Automated units can upgrade = 자동화된 유닛 업그레이드 가능 Automated units choose promotions = 자동화된 유닛 승급 선택 Order trade offers by amount = 거래 품목 갯수순 정렬 Ask for confirmation when pressing next turn = 턴 넘길 때 확인 -EXPERIMENTAL movement - use at your own risk! = 경고: 불안정한 실험 기능입니다! +EXPERIMENTAL movement - use at your own risk! = 새로운 길찾기 (경고: 불안정한 실험 기능) Notifications log max turns = 알림 보관 기간 ## Language tab @@ -1863,7 +1863,7 @@ Stars ↓ = 별점 ↓ Status ↓ = 상태 ↓ # Requires translation! -Scenarios = +Scenarios = 시나리오 # Uniques that are relevant to more than one type of game object @@ -1937,7 +1937,7 @@ ConditionalsPlacement = before [stats] per [amount] population [cityFilter] = [cityFilter]의 인구 [amount]당 [stats] [stats] per [amount] social policies adopted = 채택한 사회 정책 [amount]개당 [stats] # Requires translation! -[stats] per every [amount] [civWideStat] = +[stats] per every [amount] [civWideStat] = [civWideStat] [amount]당 [stats] [stats] in cities on [terrainFilter] tiles = [terrainFilter] 옆에 건설한 도시에 [stats] [stats] from all [buildingFilter] buildings = 모든 [buildingFilter] 건물에서 [stats] [stats] from [tileFilter] tiles [cityFilter] = [cityFilter]의 [tileFilter]에 [stats] @@ -1983,7 +1983,7 @@ Retain [relativeAmount]% of the happiness from a luxury after the last copy has [relativeAmount]% of excess happiness converted to [stat] = 잉여 행복의 [relativeAmount]%가 [stat]에 추가됨 Cannot build [baseUnitFilter] units = [baseUnitFilter] 유닛 생산 불가 Enables construction of Spaceship parts = 우주선 부품 생산 가능 -May buy [baseUnitFilter] units for [amount] [stat] [cityFilter] at an increasing price ([amount2]) = [cityFilter]애서 [amount] [stat](으)로 [baseUnitFilter] 유닛 구매 가능, 비용 [amount2]씩 증가 +May buy [baseUnitFilter] units for [amount] [stat] [cityFilter] at an increasing price ([amount2]) = [cityFilter]에서 [amount] [stat](으)로 [baseUnitFilter] 유닛 구매 가능, 비용 [amount2]씩 증가 May buy [buildingFilter] buildings for [amount] [stat] [cityFilter] at an increasing price ([amount2]) = [cityFilter]에서 [amount] [stat](으)로 [buildingFilter] 구매 가능, 비용 [amount2]씩 증가 May buy [baseUnitFilter] units for [amount] [stat] [cityFilter] = [cityFilter]에서 [amount] [stat](으)로 [baseUnitFilter] 유닛 구매 가능 May buy [buildingFilter] buildings for [amount] [stat] [cityFilter] = [cityFilter]에서 [amount] [stat](으)로 [buildingFilter] 건물 구매 가능 @@ -2002,9 +2002,9 @@ No Maintenance costs for improvements in [tileFilter] tiles = [tileFilter]에 [relativeAmount]% construction time for [improvementFilter] improvements = [improvementFilter] 시설 건설 시간 [relativeAmount]% [relativeAmount]% maintenance cost for buildings [cityFilter] = [cityFilter]의 건물 유지비 [relativeAmount]% # Requires translation! -Remove [buildingFilter] [cityFilter] = +Remove [buildingFilter] [cityFilter] = [cityFilter]의 [buildingFilter] 건물 제거 # Requires translation! -Sell [buildingFilter] buildings [cityFilter] = +Sell [buildingFilter] buildings [cityFilter] = [cityFilter]의 [buildingFilter] 건물 판매 [relativeAmount]% Culture cost of natural border growth [cityFilter] = [cityFilter]에서 타일 확장에 필요한 문화량 [relativeAmount]% [relativeAmount]% Gold cost of acquiring tiles [cityFilter] = [cityFilter]에서 타일 구매에 필요한 골드 [relativeAmount]% Each city founded increases culture cost of policies [relativeAmount]% less than normal = 도시 수로 인한 정책 문화 요구치 -[relativeAmount]% @@ -2033,7 +2033,7 @@ All newly-trained [baseUnitFilter] units [cityFilter] receive the [promotion] pr [relativeAmount]% City Strength from defensive buildings = 방어 건물로 얻는 도시 전투력 [relativeAmount]% [relativeAmount]% Strength for cities = 도시 전투력 [relativeAmount]% # Requires translation! -Costs [amount] [stockpiledResource] = +Costs [amount] [stockpiledResource] = [stockpiledResource] [amount] 소모 Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[relativeAmount]% = 모든 전략자원의 획득량 +[relativeAmount]% Double quantity of [resource] produced = [resource] 획득량 두 배 Enables Open Borders agreements = 국경 개방 활성화 @@ -2062,7 +2062,7 @@ Starts with [policy] adopted = [policy] 채택한 상태로 시작 Triggers victory = 승리를 촉발함 Triggers a Cultural Victory upon completion = 건설시 문화 승리를 거둠 # Requires translation! -May buy items in puppet cities = +May buy items in puppet cities = 괴뢰 도시에서 구매 가능 May not annex cities = 도시 합병 불가 "Borrows" city names from other civilizations in the game = 다른 문명의 도시 이름을 빌려 사용함 Cities are razed [amount] times as fast = 도시를 불태우는 속도 [amount]배 @@ -2102,9 +2102,9 @@ Can instantly construct a [improvementFilter] improvement = [improvementFilter] May create improvements on water resources = 해양 자원에 시설 건설 가능 Can build [improvementFilter/terrainFilter] improvements on tiles = [improvementFilter/terrainFilter] 건설 가능 # Requires translation! -Can Spread Religion = +Can Spread Religion = 종교 전파 가능 # Requires translation! -Can remove other religions from cities = +Can remove other religions from cities = 도시에서 타 종교 제거 가능 May found a religion = 종교 창시 가능 May enhance a religion = 종교 강화 가능 Can be added to [comment] in the Capital = 수도에서 [comment] 조립 가능 @@ -2116,8 +2116,8 @@ Can speed up construction of a building = 건설 가속 가능 Can speed up the construction of a wonder = 불가사의 건설 가속 가능 Can hurry technology research = 연구 가속 가능 # Requires translation! -Can generate a large amount of culture = -Can undertake a trade mission with City-State, giving a large sum of gold and [amount] Influence = 도시 국가에서 무역 임무를 수행하여 일시불 골드와 영향력 [amount] 획득 가능 +Can generate a large amount of culture = 다량의 문화 생성 가능 +Can undertake a trade mission with City-State, giving a large sum of gold and [amount] Influence = 도시 국가에서 무역 임무를 수행하여 대량의 일시불 골드와 영향력 [amount] 획득 가능 Can transform to [unit] = [unit] (으)로 변신 가능 [relativeAmount]% Strength = 전투력 [relativeAmount]% [relativeAmount]% Strength decreasing with distance from the capital = 수도 근처에서 전투력 [relativeAmount]%, 수도와 멀어질수록 감소함 @@ -2131,7 +2131,7 @@ Can transform to [unit] = [unit] (으)로 변신 가능 [amount] Sight = 시야 [amount] [amount] Range = 사거리 [amount] # Requires translation! -[relativeAmount] Air Interception Range = +[relativeAmount] Air Interception Range = 요격(대공) 사거리 [relativeAmount] [amount] HP when healing = 회복시 추가로 [amount] HP 회복 [relativeAmount]% Spread Religion Strength = 종교 전파 효과 [relativeAmount]% When spreading religion to a city, gain [amount] times the amount of followers of other religions as [stat] = 종교 전파시 타 종교 신도 수의 [amount] 배에 해당하는 [stat] 획득 @@ -2153,7 +2153,7 @@ Uncapturable = 포획 불가 May withdraw before melee ([amount]%) = 근접 공격을 받았을 때 철수할 확률 [amount]% Unable to capture cities = 도시 점령 불가 # Requires translation! -Unable to pillage tiles = +Unable to pillage tiles = 시설 약탈 불가 No movement cost to pillage = 약탈시 행동력 소모 없음 Can move after attacking = 공격 후 이동 가능 Transfer Movement to [mapUnitFilter] = 겹쳐진 [mapUnitFilter]의 행동력을 증가시킴 @@ -2187,7 +2187,7 @@ May capture killed [mapUnitFilter] units = [mapUnitFilter] 유닛 처치시 포 [amount] XP gained from combat = 전투로 [amount] XP 획득 [relativeAmount]% XP gained from combat = 전투로 얻는 XP [relativeAmount]% # Requires translation! -Can be earned through combat = +Can be earned through combat = 전투로 획득 가능 [greatPerson] is earned [relativeAmount]% faster = [greatPerson] 출현 속도 +[relativeAmount]% Invisible to non-adjacent units = 인접한 유닛이 없으면 보이지 않음 Can see invisible [mapUnitFilter] units = [mapUnitFilter] 유닛 탐지 가능 @@ -2214,7 +2214,7 @@ Spaceship part = 우주선 부품 Takes your religion over the one in their birth city = 도시의 대중 종교가 아니라 문명이 창시한 종교를 따름 Great Person - [comment] = [comment] 위인 # Requires translation! -Is part of Great Person group [comment] = +Is part of Great Person group [comment] = [comment] 계열 위인 by consuming this unit = 이 유닛을 소모하여 for [amount] movement = [amount] 턴 동안 # Requires translation! @@ -2268,11 +2268,11 @@ Will be replaced by automated workers = 자동화한 노동자가 다른 시설 for [amount] turns = [amount] 턴 동안 with [amount]% chance = [amount]% 확률로 # Requires translation! -every [positiveAmount] turns = +every [positiveAmount] turns = 매 [positiveAmount] 턴마다 before [amount] turns = [amount] 턴 전 after [amount] turns = [amount] 턴 후 # Requires translation! -for [civFilter] = +for [civFilter] = [civFilter]에 when at war = 전쟁 중에 when not at war = 전쟁이 없을 때 during a Golden Age = 황금기 동안 @@ -2288,7 +2288,7 @@ if no other Civilization has researched this = 이 기술을 연구한 다른 after discovering [tech] = [tech] 연구 후 before discovering [tech] = [tech] 연구 전 # Requires translation! -if no other Civilization has adopted this = +if no other Civilization has adopted this = 이 정책을 채택한 다른 문명이 없을 때 after adopting [policy/belief] = [policy/belief] 채택 후 before adopting [policy/belief] = [policy/belief] 채택 전 before founding a Pantheon = 종교관 선택 전 @@ -2300,12 +2300,12 @@ after enhancing a religion = 종교 강화 후 if [buildingFilter] is constructed = [buildingFilter]이 건설되었을때만 with [resource] = [resource]이(가) 있는 without [resource] = [resource]이(가) 없는 -when above [amount] [stat/resource] = [stat/resource] 자원이 [amount]개 이상일 때 -when below [amount] [stat/resource] = [stat/resource] 자원이 [amount]개 이하일 때 +when above [amount] [stat/resource] = [stat/resource] [amount] 초과 시 +when below [amount] [stat/resource] = [stat/resource] [amount] 미만 시 # Requires translation! -when above [amount] [stat/resource] (modified by game speed) = +when above [amount] [stat/resource] (modified by game speed) = [stat/resource] [amount] 초과 시 (게임 속도에 따라 조절됨) # Requires translation! -when below [amount] [stat/resource] (modified by game speed) = +when below [amount] [stat/resource] (modified by game speed) = [stat/resource] [amount] 미만 시 (게임 속도에 따라 조절됨) in this city = 이 도시 in cities with a [buildingFilter] = [buildingFilter]이(가) 건설된 도시 in cities without a [buildingFilter] = [buildingFilter]이(가) 건설되지 않은 도시 @@ -2313,7 +2313,7 @@ in cities with at least [amount] [populationFilter] = [amount] [populationFilter with a garrison = 유닛 주둔중 for [mapUnitFilter] units = [mapUnitFilter] 유닛에 # Requires translation! -when [mapUnitFilter] = +when [mapUnitFilter] = [mapUnitFilter]일 때 for units with [promotion] = [promotion] 승급이 있는 유닛에 for units without [promotion] = [promotion] 승급이 없는 유닛에 vs cities = 도시 대항 @@ -2355,12 +2355,12 @@ Reveals the entire map = 지도의 모든 지역이 드러남 Gain a free [beliefType] belief = 무료 [beliefType] 교리 획득 Triggers voting for the Diplomatic Victory = 외교 승리를 위한 투표가 시작됨 # Requires translation! -Instantly consumes [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource] = +Instantly consumes [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource] = [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource] 즉시 소모 # Requires translation! -Instantly provides [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource] = +Instantly provides [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource] = [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource] 즉시 제공 Gain [amount] [stat] = [amount] [stat] 획득 # Requires translation! -Gain [amount] [stat] (modified by game speed) = +Gain [amount] [stat] (modified by game speed) = [amount] [stat] 획득 (게임 속도에 따라 조절됨) Gain [amount]-[amount2] [stat] = [amount]~[amount2] [stat] 획득 Gain enough Faith for a Pantheon = 종교관 선택에 필요한 신앙 획득 Gain enough Faith for [amount]% of a Great Prophet = 위대한 선지자 획득에 필요한 신앙의 [amount]% 획득 @@ -2370,15 +2370,15 @@ Triggers the following global alert: [comment] = 전 세계에 알림: [comment] Every major Civilization gains a spy once a civilization enters this era = 이 시대에 진입한 문명이 있으면 모든 주요 문명이 스파이를 하나씩 얻습니다. Heal this unit by [positiveAmount] HP = 유닛 [positiveAmount] HP 회복 # Requires translation! -This Unit takes [positiveAmount] damage = +This Unit takes [positiveAmount] damage = 유닛이 [positiveAmount] 피해를 입음 This Unit gains [amount] XP = 유닛이 [amount] XP 획득 This Unit upgrades for free including special upgrades = 유닛 업그레이드 무료 This Unit gains the [promotion] promotion = 유닛이 [promotion] 승급 획득 # Requires translation! -This Unit loses the [promotion] promotion = +This Unit loses the [promotion] promotion = 유닛이 [promotion] 승급 상실 Doing so will consume this opportunity to choose a Promotion = 선택시 이번 승급 기회를 잃어버림 # Requires translation! -This Promotion is free = +This Promotion is free = 무료 승급 Provides the cheapest [stat] building in your first [positiveAmount] cities for free = 최초 [positiveAmount]개 도시에 가장 저렴한 [stat] 건물 무료로 제공 Provides a [buildingName] in your first [positiveAmount] cities for free = 최초 [positiveAmount]개 도시에 [buildingName] 무료로 제공 upon discovering [tech] = [tech] 연구 시 @@ -2391,40 +2391,40 @@ upon entering a Golden Age = 황금기 진입 시 upon conquering a city = 도시 점령 시 upon founding a city = 도시 건설 시 # Requires translation! -upon building a [improvementFilter] improvement = +upon building a [improvementFilter] improvement = [improvementFilter] 건설 시 upon discovering a Natural Wonder = 자연 불가사의 발견 시 upon constructing [buildingFilter] = [buildingFilter] 건설 시 upon constructing [buildingFilter] [cityFilter] = [cityFilter]에 [buildingFilter] 건설 시 upon gaining a [baseUnitFilter] unit = [baseUnitFilter] 유닛 획득시 # Requires translation! -upon turn end = +upon turn end = 턴이 끝날 때 upon founding a Pantheon = 종교관 선택 시 upon founding a Religion = 종교 창시 시 upon enhancing a Religion = 종교 강화 시 upon defeating a [mapUnitFilter] unit = [mapUnitFilter] 유닛 처치 시 # Requires translation! -upon being defeated = +upon being defeated = 사망 시 # Requires translation! -upon being promoted = +upon being promoted = 승급 시 # Requires translation! -upon losing at least [amount] HP in a single attack = +upon losing at least [amount] HP in a single attack = 공격 1회에 [amount] HP 이상의 피해를 입을 시 upon ending a turn in a [tileFilter] tile = [tileFilter] 타일에서 턴을 마칠 시 # Requires translation! -upon discovering a [tileFilter] tile = +upon discovering a [tileFilter] tile = [tileFilter] 타일 발견 시 Hidden after generating a Great Prophet = 위대한 선지자 획득 후 숨겨짐 # Requires translation! -hidden from users = +hidden from users = 유저에게 보이지 않음 Comment [comment] = [comment] # Requires translation! -Mod is incompatible with [modFilter] = +Mod is incompatible with [modFilter] = 모드가 [modFilter]에 호환되지 않음 # Requires translation! -Mod requires [modFilter] = +Mod requires [modFilter] = 모드에 [modFilter]이(가) 필요함 # Requires translation! -Should only be used as permanent audiovisual mod = +Should only be used as permanent audiovisual mod = 시청각모드로만 사용 가능함 # Requires translation! -Can be used as permanent audiovisual mod = +Can be used as permanent audiovisual mod = 시청각모드로 사용 가능 # Requires translation! -Cannot be used as permanent audiovisual mod = +Cannot be used as permanent audiovisual mod = 시청각모드로 사용 불가 ######### Map Unit Filters ########### @@ -2442,15 +2442,15 @@ Melee = 근접 Ranged = 원거리 Civilian = 민간 # Requires translation! -Military = +Military = 군사 # Requires translation! -non-air = +non-air = 공중 유닛이 아닌 # Requires translation! -Nuclear Weapon = +Nuclear Weapon = 핵무기 # Requires translation! -Great Person = +Great Person = 위인 # Requires translation! -relevant = +relevant = 해당되는 모든 ######### Unit Type Filters ########### @@ -2490,7 +2490,7 @@ River = 강 Open terrain = 개활지 Water resource = 해양 자원 # Requires translation! -resource = +resource = 자원 Foreign Land = 우호 지역 밖 Foreign = 우호 지역 밖 Friendly Land = 우호 지역 @@ -2506,9 +2506,9 @@ Bonus resource = 보너스 자원 ######### Tile Filters ########### -unimproved = 개발되지 않은 타일 +unimproved = 개발되지 않은 # Requires translation! -improved = +improved = 개발된 All Road = 모든 도로 ######### Region Types ########### @@ -6832,4 +6832,3 @@ In the Resources overview, click on a resource icon to center the world screen o Alternatively, click on the "Unimproved" number to center the world screen only on owned tiles where the resource is not improved. = # Requires translation! If more than one tile is available, click repeatedly on the notification to cycle through all of them. = - diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Polish.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Polish.properties index 4dc1679de3..d9975ba45e 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Polish.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Polish.properties @@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ Unit icon opacity = Przezroczystość ikonek jednostek ### Performance subgroup # Requires translation! -Performance = +Performance = Wydajność Continuous rendering = Stałe renderowanie When disabled, saves battery life but certain animations will be suspended = Gdy wyłączone oszczędza baterię, ale nie pokazuje wszystkich animacji @@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ Automated units choose promotions = Jednostki zautomatyzowane wybierają awans Order trade offers by amount = Sortuj oferty handlowe według kwoty Ask for confirmation when pressing next turn = Potwierdzaj rozpoczęcie następnej tury # Requires translation! -EXPERIMENTAL movement - use at your own risk! = +EXPERIMENTAL movement - use at your own risk! = EKSPERYMENTALNE przemieszczanie - używaj na własne ryzyko! Notifications log max turns = Maksymalna liczba tur w historii „Powiadomień” ## Language tab @@ -1262,10 +1262,10 @@ Move to city = Przejdź to tego miasta Reset Citizens = Zresetuj przydział obywateli Citizen Management = Przydział obywateli # Requires translation! -Citizen Focus = +Citizen Focus = Nacisk Avoid Growth = Blokuj wzrost populacji # Requires translation! -Manual = +Manual = Ręcznie sterowany Please enter a new name for your city = Podaj nową nazwę miasta Please select a tile for this building's [improvement] = Proszę wybrać pole dla tego budynku [improvement] Move to the top of the queue = Przenieś na początek kolejki @@ -1796,11 +1796,11 @@ Update [modName] = Zaktualizuj [modName] Could not download mod list = Nie można pobrać listy modów Download mod from URL = Pobierz mod z URL # Requires translation! -Please enter the mod repository -or- archive zip -or- branch -or- release url: = +Please enter the mod repository -or- archive zip -or- branch -or- release url: = Wprowadź repozytorium -lub- archiwalny ZIP -lub- gałęź Gita -lub- URL release'a moda: # Requires translation! -That is not a valid ZIP file = +That is not a valid ZIP file = Ten plik ZIP jest nieprawidłowy # Requires translation! -Invalid Mod archive structure = +Invalid Mod archive structure = Nieprawidłowe archiwum moda Invalid link! = Nieprawidłowy link! Paste from clipboard = Wklej ze schowka Download = Pobierz @@ -2042,7 +2042,7 @@ Starts with [policy] adopted = Rozpoczyna z przyjętą polityką: [policy] Triggers victory = Zainicjuj zwycięstwo Triggers a Cultural Victory upon completion = Zakończenie oznacza Zwycięstwo Kulturowe # Requires translation! -May buy items in puppet cities = +May buy items in puppet cities = Można dokonywać zakupu w miastach marionetkowych May not annex cities = Nie można zaanektować miast "Borrows" city names from other civilizations in the game = „Zapożycza” nazwy miast od innych cywilizacji Cities are razed [amount] times as fast = Miasta są niszczone [amount] razy szybciej @@ -2094,7 +2094,7 @@ Can speed up construction of a building = Może przyśpieszyć konstruowanie bud Can speed up the construction of a wonder = Może przyspieszyć budowę Cudu Can hurry technology research = Może przyspieszyć badanie technologii # Requires translation! -Can generate a large amount of culture = +Can generate a large amount of culture = Można wygenerować duże ilości kultury Can undertake a trade mission with City-State, giving a large sum of gold and [amount] Influence = Może przeprowadzić misję handlową z Wolnym Miastem, która przyniesie dużą sumę ¤Złota i [amount] punktów Wpływu Can transform to [unit] = Można przekształcić w [unit] [relativeAmount]% Strength = [relativeAmount]%†Siły bojowej @@ -2163,7 +2163,7 @@ May capture killed [mapUnitFilter] units = Może przejmować zniszczone jednostk [amount] XP gained from combat = [amount] PD zdobytych w walce [relativeAmount]% XP gained from combat = [relativeAmount]% więcej PD uzyskiwanych z walki # Requires translation! -Can be earned through combat = +Can be earned through combat = Można zdobyć przez bitwę [greatPerson] is earned [relativeAmount]% faster = Jednostki [greatPerson] będą generowane [relativeAmount]% szybciej Invisible to non-adjacent units = Widoczny tylko dla bezpośrednio sąsiadujących jednostek Can see invisible [mapUnitFilter] units = Wykrywa niewidoczne jednostki [mapUnitFilter] @@ -2236,7 +2236,7 @@ Will be replaced by automated workers = Zostanie zastąpione przez zautomatyzowa for [amount] turns = przez [amount] ⏳tur with [amount]% chance = z szansą [amount]% # Requires translation! -every [positiveAmount] turns = +every [positiveAmount] turns = raz na każde [positiveAmount] tur before [amount] turns = przed [amount] turą after [amount] turns = po [amount] turach for [civFilter] = dla [civFilter] @@ -2430,7 +2430,7 @@ River = Rzeka Open terrain = Teren Otwarty Water resource = Akwen wodny # Requires translation! -resource = +resource = surowiec Foreign Land = Obcy Teren Foreign = Obcy Friendly Land = Przyjazny Teren @@ -2448,7 +2448,7 @@ Bonus resource = Surowce Dodatkowe unimproved = nieulepszone # Requires translation! -improved = +improved = ulepszone All Road = komunikacyjne (drogi, linie kolejowe) ######### Region Types ########### diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Spanish.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Spanish.properties index e007700199..8cf222477f 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Spanish.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Spanish.properties @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ Please don't settle new cities near us. = Por favor, no fundes ciudades cerca de Very well, we shall look for new lands to settle. = Muy bien, buscaremos otras tierras para colonizar. We shall do as we please. = Haremos lo que nos plazca. We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have....implications. = Hemos detectado una nueva ciudad tuya cerca de nuestras fronteras, a pesar de tu promesa. Esto tendrá... implicaciones. -I've been informed that my armies have taken tribute from [civName], a city-state under your protection.\nI assure you, this was quite unintentional, and I hope that this does not serve to drive us apart. = Me han informado de que mis ejércitos han tomado tributo de [civName], una ciudad-estado bajo tu protección.\nTe garantizo que esto no fue intencional y confío en que este incidente no separe nuestros caminos. +I've been informed that my armies have taken tribute from [civName], a city-state under your protection.\nI assure you, this was quite unintentional, and I hope that this does not serve to drive us apart. = Me han informado que mis ejércitos han tomado tributo de [civName], una ciudad-estado bajo tu protección.\nTe garantizo que esto no fue intencional y confío en que este incidente no separe nuestros caminos. We asked [civName] for a tribute recently and they gave in.\nYou promised to protect them from such things, but we both know you cannot back that up. = Acabamos de exigir tributo a [civName] y ellos han accedido a entregárnoslo.\nPrometiste protegerlos de estas cosas, pero ambos sabemos que eres incapaz de cumplirlo. It's come to my attention that I may have attacked [civName], a city-state under your protection.\nWhile it was not my goal to be at odds with your empire, this was deemed a necessary course of action. = Soy consiente de que he atacado a [civName], ciudad-estado bajo tu protección.\nA pesar de que mi objetivo no es enfrentarme a tu imperio, esta acción era absolutamente necesaria. I thought you might like to know that I've launched an invasion of one of your little pet states.\nThe lands of [civName] will make a fine addition to my own. = Pensé que te gustaría saber que he iniciado la invasión de uno de tus pequeños estados mascota.\nLas tierras de [civName] serán una muy buena incorporación a las que ya tengo. @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ City-States grow wary of your aggression. The resting point for Influence has de [cityState] is being attacked by [civName] and asks all major civilizations to help them out by gifting them military units. = [cityState] está siendo atacada por [civName] y pide ayuda a todas las civs. principales para que les den unidades militares. [cityState] is being invaded by Barbarians! Destroy Barbarians near their territory to earn Influence. = ¡[cityState] está siendo invadida por los Bárbaros! Destruye Bárbaros cerca de su territorio para ganar Influencia. -[cityState] is grateful that you killed a Barbarian that was threatening them! = ¡[cityState] está agradecida por haber matado a los Bárbaros que les estaban amenazando! +[cityState] is grateful that you killed a Barbarian that was threatening them! = ¡[cityState] está agradecida de que hayas matado a los Bárbaros que les estaban amenazando! [cityState] is being attacked by [civName]! Kill [amount] of the attacker's military units and they will be immensely grateful. = ¡[cityState] está siendo atacada por [civName]! Mata [amount] unidades militares del atacante y estarán inmensamente agradecidos. [cityState] is deeply grateful for your assistance in the war against [civName]! = ¡[cityState] está profundamente agradecida por tu ayuda en la guerra contra [civName]! [cityState] no longer needs your assistance against [civName]. = [cityState] ya no necesita tu ayuda contra [civName]. @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ This is used for painting resources, not in map generator steps: = Esto es usado Advanced Settings = Ajustes Avanzados RNG Seed = Semilla Map Elevation = Elevación -Temperature extremeness = Extremísmo térmico +Temperature extremeness = Extremismo térmico Temperature shift = Cambio de Temperatura Resource richness = Recursos Vegetation richness = Vegetación @@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ Save map = Guardar mapa Load map = Cargar mapa Delete map = Borrar mapa Are you sure you want to delete this map? = ¿Seguro que quieres borrar este mapa? -It looks like your map can't be saved! = ¡Parece que tu mapa nó se puede guardar! +It looks like your map can't be saved! = ¡Parece que tu mapa no se puede guardar! Exit map editor = Salir del editor de mapa Change map ruleset = Cambiar reglamento del mapa Change the map to use the ruleset selected on this page = Cambia el mapa para ajustarlo al reglamento @@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ Do you want to leave without saving the recent changes? = ¿Quieres salir sin gu Leave = Salir Do you want to load another map without saving the recent changes? = ¿Quieres cargar otro mapa SIN guardar los últimos cambios? River generation failed! = ¡Generación de ríos fallida! -Please don't use step 'Landmass' with map type 'Empty', create a new empty map instead. = Por favor nó uses el paso "Continente" con el tipo de mapa "Vacío", crea un nuevo mapa en vez. +Please don't use step 'Landmass' with map type 'Empty', create a new empty map instead. = Por favor no uses el paso "Continente" con el tipo de mapa "Vacío", crea un nuevo mapa en su lugar. This map has errors: = Este mapa tiene errores: The incompatible elements have been removed. = Los elementos incompatibles han sido removidos. Current map: World Wrap = Mapa actual: Mapa Envolvente @@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ Invalid overlay image = Imagen inválida para superponer World wrap is incompatible with an overlay and was deactivated. = El Mapa Envolvente es incompatible con una imagen superpuesta, y ha sido DESACTIVADO An overlay image is incompatible with world wrap and was deactivated. = Una imagen superpuesta es incompatible con Mapa Envolvente y ha sido DESACTIVADA Choose a Wesnoth map file = Escoger archivo de mapa de Wesnoth -That map is invalid! = ¡Este mapa es invalido! +That map is invalid! = ¡Este mapa es inválido! ("[code]" does not conform to TerrainCodesWML) = ("[code]" no se comforma con TerrainCodesWML) ## Map/Tool names @@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ Copy saved game to clipboard = Copiar partida guardada al portapapeles Could not load game! = ¡No se pudo cargar la partida! Could not load game from clipboard! = ¡No se pudo cargar la partida desde el portapapeles! Could not load game from custom location! = ¡No se pudo cargar la partida desde la ubicación personalizada! -The file data seems to be corrupted. = Los datos del archivo perecen estár corrompidos. +The file data seems to be corrupted. = Los datos del archivo parecen estar corrompidos. The save was created with an incompatible version of Unciv: [version]. Please update Unciv to this version or later and try again. = La partida fue creada con una versión incompatible de Unciv: [version]. Por favor cambie su versión de Unciv a esta o posterior y prueba de nuevo. Load [saveFileName] = Cargar [saveFileName] Are you sure you want to delete this save? = ¿Estás seguro de querer borrar esta partida? @@ -758,13 +758,13 @@ Size of Unitset art in Civilopedia = Tamaño de las Unidades en la Civilopedia Visual Hints = Pistas Visuales Show worked tiles = Mostrar Casillas Trabajadas -Show resources and improvements = Mostrar Iconos de Recursos y Mejoras +Show resources and improvements = Mostrar íconos de Recursos y Mejoras Show tile yields = Mostrar Rendimientos de Casilla Show unit movement arrows = Mostrar Flechas de Acción Show suggested city locations for units that can found cities = Mostrar sugerencias para unidades que puedan fundar ciudades Show pixel units = Mostrar Modelos de las Unidades Show pixel improvements = Mostrar Modelos de las Mejoras -Unit icon opacity = Transparencia de los iconos de Unidad +Unit icon opacity = Transparencia de los íconos de Unidad ### Performance subgroup @@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ Update Mod categories = Actualizar las categorías de Mods ## Keys tab Keys = Teclas Please see the Tutorial. = Por favor vea el tutorial -Hit the desired key now = Dele a la tecla deseada +Hit the desired key now = Pulse la tecla deseada ## Locate mod errors tab Locate mod errors = Encontrar errores en mods @@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ You have entered a Golden Age! = ¡Has entrado en una Edad de Oro! A [greatPerson] has been born in [cityName]! = ¡Un [greatPerson] ha nacido en [cityName]! We have encountered [civName]! = ¡Hemos encontrado a [civName]! [cityStateName] has given us [stats] as a token of goodwill for meeting us = [cityStateName] nos ha dado [stats] como gesto de buena voluntad por conocernos -[cityStateName] has given us [stats] as we are the first major civ to meet them = [cityStateName] nos ha dado [stats] por ser la primera civ. principal en conocerles +[cityStateName] has given us [stats] as we are the first major civ to meet them = [cityStateName] nos ha dado [stats] por ser la primera civilización principal en conocerles [cityStateName] has also given us [stats] = [cityStateName] también nos ha dado [stats] [cityStateName] gave us a [unitName] as a gift! = ¡[cityStateName] nos regaló un [unitName]! Cannot provide unit upkeep for [unitName] - unit has been disbanded! = No se puede mantener [unitName], ¡unidad disuelta! @@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ Our [interceptorName] ([amount] HP) intercepted and attacked an enemy [attackerN Nothing tried to intercept our [attackerName] = Nada interceptó nuestro [attackerName] An enemy [unit] was spotted near our territory = Se ha avistado un [unit] enemigo cerca de nuestro territorio An enemy [unit] was spotted in our territory = Se ha avistado un [unit] enemigo en nuestro territorio -An enemy [unit] has destroyed our tile improvement [improvement] = Un [unit] enemigo ha destruído nuestra [improvement] (mejora de casilla) +An enemy [unit] has destroyed our tile improvement [improvement] = Un [unit] enemigo ha destruido nuestra [improvement] (mejora de casilla) Your city [cityName] can bombard the enemy! = ¡Tu ciudad de [cityName] puede bombardear al enemigo! [amount] of your cities can bombard the enemy! = ¡[amount] de tus ciudades pueden bombardear al enemigo! [amount] enemy units were spotted near our territory = Se han avistado [amount] unidades enemigas cerca de nuestro territorio @@ -951,16 +951,16 @@ Your city [cityName] can bombard the enemy! = ¡Tu ciudad de [cityName] puede bo A(n) [nukeType] from [civName] has exploded in our territory! = ¡¡Un/a [nukeType] de [civName] ha explotado en nuestro territorio!! A(n) [nukeType] has been detonated by [civName]! = ¡Un/a [nukeType] han sido detonadas por [civName]! A(n) [nukeType] has been detonated by an unkown civilization! = ¡Un/a [nukeType] han sido detonadas por una civilización desconocida! -After an attempted attack by our [nukeType], [civName] has declared war on us! = Luego de nuestro ataque con nuestr@ [nukeType], ¡[civName] nos ha declarado la guerra! -After being hit by our [nukeType], [civName] has declared war on us! = Tras ser impactados por nuestr@ [nukeType], ¡[civName] nos ha declarado la guerra! +After an attempted attack by our [nukeType], [civName] has declared war on us! = Luego de nuestro ataque con nuestro/a [nukeType], ¡[civName] nos ha declarado la guerra! +After being hit by our [nukeType], [civName] has declared war on us! = Tras ser impactados por nuestro/a [nukeType], ¡[civName] nos ha declarado la guerra! The civilization of [civName] has been destroyed! = ¡La civilización de [civName] ha sido destruida! The City-State of [name] has been destroyed! = ¡La Ciudad-Estado de [name] ha sido destruida! -Your [ourUnit] captured an enemy [theirUnit]! = ¡Tu [ourUnit] capturó un/a [theirUnit] enemig@! -Your captured [unitName] has been returned by [civName] = Tu [unitName] capturado ha sido rescatad@ por [civName] +Your [ourUnit] captured an enemy [theirUnit]! = ¡Tu [ourUnit] capturó un/a [theirUnit] enemigo/a! +Your captured [unitName] has been returned by [civName] = Tu [unitName] capturado ha sido rescatado/a por [civName] Your [ourUnit] plundered [amount] [Stat] from [theirUnit] = Tu [ourUnit] saqueó [amount] [Stat] de [theirUnit] We have captured a barbarian encampment and recovered [goldAmount] gold! = ¡Hemos capturado un campamento bárbaro y recuperamos [goldAmount] de oro! -An enemy [unitType] has joined us! = ¡Un/a [unitType] enemig@ ha cambiado de bando! -[unitName] can be promoted! = ¡Asenso disponible para [unitName]! +An enemy [unitType] has joined us! = ¡Un/a [unitType] enemigo/a ha cambiado de bando! +[unitName] can be promoted! = ¡Ascenso disponible para [unitName]! # This might be needed for a rewrite of Germany's unique - see #7376 A barbarian [unitType] has joined us! = ¡Un [unitType] bárbaro se ha unido a nosotros! @@ -974,9 +974,9 @@ We have found a crudely-drawn map in the ruins! = ¡Hemos encontrado un mapa rud [unit] finished exploring. = [unit] ha terminado de explorar. [unit] has no work to do. = [unit] no tiene trabajo. You're losing control of [name]. = Estás perdiendo el control de [name]. -You and [name] are no longer friends! = ¡[name] y tú ya no sois amigos! +You and [name] are no longer friends! = ¡[name] y tú ya no son amigos! Your alliance with [name] is faltering. = Tu alianza con [name] se está debilitando. -You and [name] are no longer allies! = ¡[name] y tú ya no sois aliados! +You and [name] are no longer allies! = ¡[name] y tú ya no son aliados! [civName] gave us a [unitName] as gift near [cityName]! = ¡[civName] nos ha regalado un [unitName] cerca de [cityName]! [civName] has denounced us! = ¡[civName] nos ha denunciado! [cityName] has been connected to your capital! = ¡[cityName] se ha conectado a tu capital! @@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@ You gained [Stats] as your religion was spread to an unknown city = Has ganado [ Your city [cityName] was converted to [religionName]! = ¡Tu ciudad [cityName] se ha convertido al [religionName]! Your [unitName] lost its faith after spending too long inside enemy territory! = ¡Tu [unitName] perdió su fe por pasar demasiado tiempo en territorio enemigo! An [unitName] has removed your religion [religionName] from its Holy City [cityName]! = ¡Un [unitName] ha removido tu religión "[religionName]" de la Ciudad Santa de [cityName] -An [unitName] has restored [cityName] as the Holy City of your religion [religionName]! = ¡Un [unitName] he restorado [cityName] como la Ciudad Santa tu religión "[religionName]"! +An [unitName] has restored [cityName] as the Holy City of your religion [religionName]! = ¡Un [unitName] ha restaurado [cityName] como la Ciudad Santa de tu religión "[religionName]"! You have unlocked [ability] = Has desbloqueado [ability] A new b'ak'tun has just begun! = ¡Un nuevo b'ak'tun acaba de empezar! A Great Person joins you! = ¡Un Gran Personaje se ha unido a ti! @@ -1623,7 +1623,7 @@ Production cost modifier: [amount]%⚙ = Modif. coste en Producción: [amount]% Gold cost modifier: [amount]%¤ = Modif. costes en Oro: [amount]%¤ Science cost modifier: [amount]%⍾ = Modif. costes en Ciencia: [amount]%⍾ Culture cost modifier: [amount]%♪ = Modif. costes en Cultura: [amount]%♪ -Faith cost modifier: [amount]%☮ = Modif. costes en Fé: [amount]%☮ +Faith cost modifier: [amount]%☮ = Modif. costes en Fe: [amount]%☮ Improvement build length modifier: [amount]%⏳ = Duración Construcción de Mejoras: [amount]%⏳ Diplomatic deal duration: [amount] turns⏳ = Duración de Acuerdos Diplomáticos: [amount] turnos⏳ Gold gift influence gain modifier: [amount]%¤ = Modif. ganancia de Influencia por regalos de Oro: [amount]%¤ @@ -1701,7 +1701,7 @@ Cities following this religion: = Ciudades siguiendo esta religión: Followers of this religion: = Seguidores de esta religión: Click an icon to see the stats of this religion = Toca un icono para ver las estadísticas de esta religión Religion: Off = Religión: Desactivada -Minimal Faith required for\nthe next [Great Prophet]: = Fé mínima requerida para\nel siguiente [Great Prophet]: +Minimal Faith required for\nthe next [Great Prophet]: = Fe mínima requerida para\nel siguiente [Great Prophet]: Religions to be founded: [amount] = Religiones a fundar: [amount] Available religion symbols = Símbolos religiosos disponibles Number of civilizations * [amount] + [amount2] = Número de Civilizaciones * [amount] + [amount2] @@ -2028,21 +2028,20 @@ May choose [amount] additional belief(s) of any type when [foundingOrEnhancing] [relativeAmount]% Natural religion spread [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount]% difusión natural de religión [cityFilter] Religion naturally spreads to cities [amount] tiles away = Religión se difunde naturalmente a ciudades\n a una distancia de [amount] casillas May not generate great prophet equivalents naturally = No se generarán equivalentes de grandes profetas por medio natural -[relativeAmount]% Faith cost of generating Great Prophet equivalents = [relativeAmount]% coste de Fé para generar equivalentes de Grandes Profetas +[relativeAmount]% Faith cost of generating Great Prophet equivalents = [relativeAmount]% coste de Fe para generar equivalentes de Grandes Profetas Starting tech = Tecnología de inicio Starts with [tech] = Comienza con [tech] Starts with [policy] adopted = Comienza con [policy] adoptada Triggers victory = Activa la victoria Triggers a Cultural Victory upon completion = Activa una victoria cultural al completarse - # Requires translation! -May buy items in puppet cities = +May buy items in puppet cities = Puede comprar elementos en ciudades títere May not annex cities = No puede anexar ciudades "Borrows" city names from other civilizations in the game = "Toma prestado" nombres de ciudades de otras civilizaciones en el juego -Cities are razed [amount] times as fast = La Ciudades son destruídas [amount] veces más rápido +Cities are razed [amount] times as fast = La Ciudades son destruidas [amount] veces más rápido Receive a tech boost when scientific buildings/wonders are built in capital = Recibe un impulso ⍾tecnológico cuando edificios/maravillas de ⍾Ciencia son construidas en la capital Can be continually researched = Puede investigarse continuamente [relativeAmount]% Golden Age length = [relativeAmount]% duración de Edad de Oro -Population loss from nuclear attacks [relativeAmount]% [cityFilter] = Perdida de población por ataques nucleares [relativeAmount]% [cityFilter] +Population loss from nuclear attacks [relativeAmount]% [cityFilter] = Pérdida de población por ataques nucleares [relativeAmount]% [cityFilter] Damage to garrison from nuclear attacks [relativeAmount]% [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount]% daño a la guarnición por ataques nucleares [cityFilter] Rebel units may spawn = Las unidades rebeldes pueden aparecer Unbuildable = Inedificable @@ -2313,7 +2312,7 @@ Gain [amount] [stat] = Ganar [amount] [stat] Gain [amount] [stat] (modified by game speed) = Gana [amount] [stat] (modificado por la velocidad de partida) Gain [amount]-[amount2] [stat] = Ganar [amount]-[amount2] [stat] Gain enough Faith for a Pantheon = Gana suficiente fe para un panteón -Gain enough Faith for [amount]% of a Great Prophet = Obtenga suficiente Fé para [amount]% de un Gran Profeta +Gain enough Faith for [amount]% of a Great Prophet = Obtenga suficiente Fe para [amount]% de un Gran Profeta Reveal up to [positiveAmount/'all'] [tileFilter] within a [amount] tile radius = Revela hasta [positiveAmount/'all'] [tileFilter] dentro de un radio de [amount] casillas From a randomly chosen tile [positiveAmount] tiles away from the ruins, reveal tiles up to [positiveAmount2] tiles away with [positiveAmount3]% chance = De una casilla elegida al azar a [positiveAmount] casillas lejos de las ruinas, revela hasta [positiveAmount2] casillas con [positiveAmount3]% de probabilidad Triggers the following global alert: [comment] = Activa la siguiente alarma mundial: [comment] @@ -4432,60 +4431,60 @@ Engineer = Ingeniero #################### Lines from Techs from Civ V - Vanilla #################### -'Where tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers therefore are the founders of human civilization.' - Daniel Webster = "Donde la labranza comienza, otros tipos de arte le siguen, por lo tanto los granjeros son los fundadores de la civilización." - Daniel Webster +'Where tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers therefore are the founders of human civilization.' - Daniel Webster = "Donde la labranza comienza, otros tipos de arte le siguen. Por lo tanto, los granjeros son los fundadores de la civilización." - Daniel Webster Agriculture = Agricultura -'Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, what makest thou?' - Bible Isaiah 45:9 = "Deba la arcilla decir a quien lo creo, ¿Que haces tú?" - La Biblia Isaias 45:9 +'Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, what makest thou?' - Bible Isaiah 45:9 = "Deba la arcilla decir a quien la creó: ¿qué haces tú?" - La Biblia, Isaias 45:9 Pottery = Cerámica -'Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn.' - Bible Deuteronomy 25:4 = "No pondrás bozal al buey cuando trillare." - Deuterenomio 25:4 +'Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn.' - Bible Deuteronomy 25:4 = "No pondrás bozal al buey cuando trillare." - La Biblia, Deuterenomio 25:4 Animal Husbandry = Ganadería -'The haft of the arrow has been feathered with one of the eagle's own plumes, we often give our enemies the means of our own destruction' - Aesop = "El mango de la flecha ha sido emplumada con una de las propias plumas del águila; Nosotros usualmente les damos a nuestros enemigos los medios de nuestra propia destrucción." - Aesop +'The haft of the arrow has been feathered with one of the eagle's own plumes, we often give our enemies the means of our own destruction' - Aesop = "El mango de la flecha ha sido emplumado con una de las propias plumas del águila. Usualmente les damos a nuestros enemigos los medios de nuestra propia destrucción." - Aesop Archery = Tiro con arco -'The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not its mineral rights.' - J. Paul Getty = "El manso podrá heredar la tierra más no sus derechos minerales" - J. Paul Getty +'The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not its mineral rights.' - J. Paul Getty = "El manso podrá heredar la tierra mas no sus derechos minerales" - J. Paul Getty Mining = Minería -'He who commands the sea has command of everything.' - Themistocles = "Aquel que comanda el mar, tiene el comando de todo" - Temístocles +'He who commands the sea has command of everything.' - Themistocles = "Aquel que comanda el mar, tiene el comando de todo" - Temístocles Sailing = Náutica -'So teach us to number our days, so that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.' - Bible Psalms 90:12 = "Entonces enseñanos a enumerar nuestros días, para que podamos aplicar nuestros corazones en la sabiduría" - Biblia Salmo 90:12 +'So teach us to number our days, so that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.' - Bible Psalms 90:12 = "Entonces enseñanos a enumerar nuestros días, para que podamos aplicar nuestros corazones en la sabiduría" - La Biblia, Salmo 90:12 Calendar = Calendario 'He who destroys a good book kills reason itself.' - John Milton = "Aquel que destruye un buen libro mata la razón misma" - John Milton Writing = Escritura 'Even brute beasts and wandering birds do not fall into the same traps or nets twice.' - Saint Jerome = "Incluso las brutas bestias y los pájaros errantes no caen en las mismas trampas o redes dos veces." - San Jerónimo Trapping = Caza -'Wisdom and virtue are like the two wheels of a cart.' - Japanese proverb = "La sabiduría y la virtud son como las dos ruedas de una carreta" - Proverbio japones +'Wisdom and virtue are like the two wheels of a cart.' - Japanese proverb = "La sabiduría y la virtud son como las dos ruedas de una carreta" - Proverbio japonés The Wheel = La rueda -'How happy are those whose walls already rise!' - Virgil = "Que felices son aquellos cuyas murallas ya se levantan" - Virgilio +'How happy are those whose walls already rise!' - Virgil = "¡Qué felices son aquellos cuyas murallas ya se levantan!" - Virgilio Masonry = Albañilería -'Here Hector entered, with a spear eleven cubits long in his hand; the bronze point gleamed in front of him, and was fastened to the shaft of the spear by a ring of gold.' - Homer = "Aquí entra Hector, con una lanza 5 metros de largo en su mano; La punta de bronze brilló en frente de él, y fue abrochado al palo de la lanza por un anillo de oro." - Homero +'Here Hector entered, with a spear eleven cubits long in his hand; the bronze point gleamed in front of him, and was fastened to the shaft of the spear by a ring of gold.' - Homer = "Aquí entró Héctor, con una lanza de cinco metros de largo en su mano; la punta de bronce brilló frente a él, y fue abrochado al asta de la lanza por un anillo de oro." - Homero Bronze Working = Trabajo del bronce 'He made an instrument to know if the moon shine at full or no.' - Samuel Butler = "Él hizo un instrumento para saber si la luna brillaba o no." - Samuel Butler Optics = Óptica 'There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.' - Socrates = "Solo hay un bien, el conocimiento, y solo un mal, la ignorancia" - Sócrates Philosophy = Filosofía -'A Horse! A Horse! My kingdom for a horse!' - Shakespeare (Richard III) = "¡Un caballo!¡Un caballo!¡Mi reino por un caballo!" - Shakespare (Ricardo III) +'A Horse! A Horse! My kingdom for a horse!' - Shakespeare (Richard III) = "¡Un caballo! ¡Un caballo! ¡Mi reino por un caballo!" - Shakespeare (Ricardo III) Horseback Riding = Equitación 'Mathematics is the gate and key to the sciences.' - Roger Bacon = "Las matemáticas son la llave y la puerta a las ciencias." - Roger Bacon Mathematics = Matemáticas -'Three things are to be looked to in a building: that it stands on the right spot; that it be securely founded; that it be successfully executed.' - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe = "Tres cosas deben observarse en un edificio: Que esté en el lugar correcto, que está seguramente fundado, que sea exitosamente ejecutado" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe +'Three things are to be looked to in a building: that it stands on the right spot; that it be securely founded; that it be successfully executed.' - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe = "Tres cosas deben observarse en un edificio: que esté en el lugar correcto, que su base sea segura, que sea exitosamente ejecutado" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Construction = Construcción -'Do not wait to strike til the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking.' - William Butler Yeats = "No esperes a golpear el hierro cuando esté caliente, sino que hazlo caliente golpeandolo." - William Butler Yeats +'Do not wait to strike til the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking.' - William Butler Yeats = "No esperes a golpear el hierro cuando esté caliente, sino que hazlo caliente golpeándolo." - William Butler Yeats Iron Working = Trabajo del hierro -'Three things are necessary for the salvation of man: to know what he ought to believe; to know what he ought to desire; and to know what he ought to do' - St. Thomas Aquinas = "Tres cosas son necesarias para la salvación del hombre; Saber qué debería creer; Saber qué debería desear; y saber qué debería hacer." - San Tomás de Aquinas +'Three things are necessary for the salvation of man: to know what he ought to believe; to know what he ought to desire; and to know what he ought to do' - St. Thomas Aquinas = "Tres cosas son necesarias para la salvación del hombre: saber qué debería creer; saber qué debería desear; y saber qué debería hacer." - Santo Tomás de Aquino Theology = Teología -'The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is its inefficiency' - Eugene McCarthy = "La única cosa que nos salva de la burocracia es su ineficiencia." - Eugene Mccarthy +'The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is its inefficiency' - Eugene McCarthy = "La única cosa que nos salva de la burocracia es su ineficiencia." - Eugene McCarthy Civil Service = Servicio civil 'Better is bread with a happy heart than wealth with vexation.' - Amenemope = "Mejor es el pan con un corazón feliz que riquezas con vejación" - Amenemope Currency = Moneda -'Instrumental or mechanical science is the noblest and, above all others, the most useful.' - Leonardo da Vinci = "La ciencia mecánica o instrumental es la más noble, y por sobre todas las demás, la más útil." - Leonardo da Vinci +'Instrumental or mechanical science is the noblest and, above all others, the most useful.' - Leonardo da Vinci = "La ciencia mecánica o instrumental es la más noble y, por sobre todas las demás, la más útil." - Leonardo da Vinci Engineering = Ingeniería 'When pieces of bronze or gold or iron break, the metal-smith welds them together again in the fire, and the bond is established.' - Sri Guru Granth Sahib = "Cuando las piezas de bronce, oro o hierro se rompen, el forjador las funde de nuevo en el fuego y la unión se establece" - Sri guru Granth Sahib Metal Casting = Fundición -'I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.' - Oliver Wendell Holmes = "Yo encuentro la cosa más grande en este mundo, no donde estamos parados, si no más bien hacía donde vamos." - Oliver Wendell Holmes +'I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.' - Oliver Wendell Holmes = "Yo creo que lo importante en este mundo no es tanto dónde estamos parados, sino en qué dirección nos movemos." - Oliver Wendell Holmes Compass = Brújula -'Education is the best provision for old age.' - Aristotle = "Educación es la mejor previsión para la vejez." - Aristóteles +'Education is the best provision for old age.' - Aristotle = "La educación es la mejor provisión para la vejez." - Aristóteles Education = Educación 'Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil, is rightwise king born of all England.' - Malory = "Quien saque esta espada de esta piedra y yunque, es heredero legítimo de toda Inglaterra." - Malory Chivalry = Caballería @@ -4496,103 +4495,103 @@ Physics = Física 'John Henry said to his Captain, / 'A man ain't nothin' but a man, / And before I'll let your steam drill beat me down, / I'll die with the hammer in my hand.'' - Anonymous: The Ballad of John Henry, the Steel-Drivin' Man = "John Henry le dijo a su capitán: 'Un hombre no es más que un hombre, y antes de dejar que vuestra perforadora a vapor me derrote, moriré con el martillo en la mano.'" - Anónimo: 'The Ballad of John Henry, the Steel-Driving Man', balada tradicional estadounidense Steel = Acero -'Joyfully to the breeze royal Odysseus spread his sail, and with his rudder skillfully he steered.' - Homer = "Alegremente a la briza el real Odiseo expandió sus velas y con su timón el habilidosamente dirigió" - Homero +'Joyfully to the breeze royal Odysseus spread his sail, and with his rudder skillfully he steered.' - Homer = "Alegremente a la brisa el real Odiseo expandió sus velas, y con su timón habilidosamente dirigió" - Homero Astronomy = Astronomía 'Their rising all at once was as the sound of thunder heard remote' - Milton = "Y su ascenso fue de pronto un ruido de tronar remoto." - John Milton Acoustics = Acústica -'Happiness: a good bank account, a good cook and a good digestion' - Jean Jacques Rousseau = "Felicidad: Una buena cuenta bancaria, una buena cocina y una buena digestión." - Jean Jacques Rousseau +'Happiness: a good bank account, a good cook and a good digestion' - Jean Jacques Rousseau = "Felicidad: una buena cuenta bancaria, una buena cocina y una buena digestión." - Jean Jacques Rousseau Banking = Banca 'It is a newspaper's duty to print the news and raise hell.' - The Chicago Times = "Es el deber de un periódico el de imprimir la noticia y desatar el infierno." - El Chicago Times Printing Press = Imprenta -'The day when two army corps can annihilate each other in one second, all civilized nations, it is to be hoped, will recoil from war and discharge their troops.' - Alfred Nobel = "El día en que dos cuerpos militares puedan aniquilarse entre si en un segundo, todas las naciones civilizadas, es de esperarse, se retirarán de la guerra y se desharán de sus tropas." - Albert Nobel +'The day when two army corps can annihilate each other in one second, all civilized nations, it is to be hoped, will recoil from war and discharge their troops.' - Alfred Nobel = "El día en que dos cuerpos militares puedan aniquilarse entre sí en un segundo, todas las naciones civilizadas, es de esperarse, se retirarán de la guerra y se desharán de sus tropas." - Alfred Nobel Gunpowder = Pólvora -'The winds and the waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.' - Edward Gibbon = "Los vientos y las olas siempre están en el lado de los hábiles navegadores." - Edward Gibbon +'The winds and the waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.' - Edward Gibbon = "Los vientos y las olas siempre están del lado de los hábiles navegantes." - Edward Gibbon Navigation = Navegación -'Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe.' - Albert Einstein = "El Interés compuesto es la fuerza mas poderosa del universo." - Albert Einstein +'Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe.' - Albert Einstein = "El interés compuesto es la fuerza más poderosa del universo." - Albert Einstein Economics = Economía 'Wherever we look, the work of the chemist has raised the level of our civilization and has increased the productive capacity of the nation.' - Calvin Coolidge = "Donde sea que miremos, el trabajo del químico ha aumentado el nivel de nuestra civilización y ha aumentando la capacidad productiva de la nación." - Calvin Coolidge Chemistry = Química 'There never was a good knife made of bad steel.' - Benjamin Franklin = "Nunca hubo un buen cuchillo hecho de mal acero." - Benjamin Franklin Metallurgy = Metalurgia -'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.' - George Santayana = "Aquellos quienes no recuerdan el pasado están condenados a repetirlo." - George Santayana +'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.' - George Santayana = "Aquellos que no recuerdan el pasado están condenados a repetirlo." - George Santayana Archaeology = Arqueología -'Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination.' - John Dewey = "Cada gran avance de la ciencia ha sido sacada desde una nueva audacia de la imaginación." - John Dewey +'Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination.' - John Dewey = "Cada gran avance de la ciencia ha sido sacado de una nueva audacia de la imaginación." - John Dewey Scientific Theory = Teoría científica -'Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of the men who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory.' - George S. Patton = "Las guerras pueden ser peleadas con armas, pero son ganadas por hombres. Es el espíritu de los hombres que siguen y de quien los guía lo que ganan la victoria." - George S. Patton +'Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of the men who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory.' - George S. Patton = "Las guerras pueden ser peleadas con armas, pero son ganadas por hombres. Es el espíritu de los hombres que siguen y de quien los guía lo que gana la victoria." - George S. Patton Military Science = Ciencia militar -'The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.' - Franklin Delano Roosevelt = "La nación que destruye su suelo se destruye a si mismo." - Franklin Delano Roosevelt +'The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.' - Franklin Delano Roosevelt = "La nación que destruye su suelo se destruye a sí misma." - Franklin Delano Roosevelt Fertilizer = Fertilizante -'It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it.' - Robert E. Lee = "Está bien que la guerra sea tan terrible, o deberíamos crecer demasiado cercanos a ella." - Robert E. Lee +'It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it.' - Robert E. Lee = "Está bien que la guerra sea tan terrible, de otro modo nos volveríamos aficionados a ella." - Robert E. Lee Rifling = Estriado -'If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn't.' - Lyall Watson = "Sí el cerebro fuera tan simple que pudiéramos entenderlo, nosotros seriamos demasiado simples que no podríamos." - Lyall Watson +'If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn't.' - Lyall Watson = "Si el cerebro fuera tan simple como para que pudiéramos entenderlo, nosotros seríamos tan simples que no podríamos." - Lyall Watson Biology = Biología -'The nations of the West hope that by means of steam communication all the world will become as one family.' - Townsend Harris = "Las naciones Occidentales esperan que por medio del vapor la comunicación en todo el mundo sea una sola familia." - Townsend Harris +'The nations of the West hope that by means of steam communication all the world will become as one family.' - Townsend Harris = "Las naciones de Occidente esperan que por medio de la comunicación que nos permite el vapor todo el mundo sea como una familia." - Townsend Harris Steam Power = Energía de vapor -'As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy.' - Christopher Dawson = "Tan pronto como el hombre decida que todos los medios están permitidos para pelear el mal, entonces su bondad se vuelve indistinguible del mal que se propuso destruir." - Christopher Dawson +'As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy.' - Christopher Dawson = "Tan pronto como el hombre decide que todos los medios están permitidos para pelear el mal, entonces su bondad se vuelve indistinguible del mal que se propuso destruir." - Christopher Dawson Dynamite = Dinamita -'Is it a fact - or have I dreamt it - that, by means of electricity, the world of matter has become a great nerve, vibrating thousands of miles in a breathless point of time?' - Nathaniel Hawthorne = "¿Es un hecho - ¿O lo soñé? - que por medio de la electricidad, el mundo de la materia se ha convertido en un gran nervio, vibrando miles de millas en un punto del tiempo sin aliento?" - Nathaniel Hawthorne +'Is it a fact - or have I dreamt it - that, by means of electricity, the world of matter has become a great nerve, vibrating thousands of miles in a breathless point of time?' - Nathaniel Hawthorne = "¿Es un hecho - ¿o lo soñé? - que por medio de la electricidad, el mundo de la materia se ha convertido en un gran nervio, vibrando miles de kilómetros en un punto del tiempo sin aliento?" - Nathaniel Hawthorne Electricity = Electricidad 'Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.' - Henry Ford = "Nada es particularmente difícil si lo divides en pequeños trabajos." - Henry Ford Replaceable Parts = Producción En Serie 'The introduction of so powerful an agent as steam to a carriage on wheels will make a great change in the situation of man.' - Thomas Jefferson = "La introducción de un agente tan poderoso como el vapor en un carruaje con ruedas hará un gran cambio en la situación del hombre." - Thomas Jefferson Railroads = Vías Férreas -'And homeless near a thousand homes I stood, and near a thousand tables pined and wanted food.' - William Wordsworth = "...Y me encontré con vagabundos cerca de miles de casas, y cerca de mil mesas, suspirando y queriendo comida." - William Wordsworth +'And homeless near a thousand homes I stood, and near a thousand tables pined and wanted food.' - William Wordsworth = "Y sin hogar en cerca de mil casas me quedé, y en cerca de mil mesas suspiré, pidiendo comida." - William Wordsworth Refrigeration = Refrigeración -'I once sent a dozen of my friends a telegram saying 'flee at once-all is discovered!' They all left town immediately.' - Mark Twain = "Una vez mandé un telegrama a 12 de mis amigos que decía '¡Huye de inmediato - todo ha sido descubierto!' Y todos dejaron el pueblo corriendo." - Mark Twain -Telegraph = Telegrafo -'The whole country was tied together by radio. We all experienced the same heroes and comedians and singers. They were giants.' - Woody Allen = "El país entero estaba atado junto a la radio. Todos nosotros experimentamos los mismos heroés, comediantes y cantantes. Ellos eran gigantes." - Woody Allen +'I once sent a dozen of my friends a telegram saying 'flee at once-all is discovered!' They all left town immediately.' - Mark Twain = "Una vez mandé un telegrama a una docena de mis amigos que decía '¡Huye de inmediato - todo ha sido descubierto!' Y todos dejaron el pueblo corriendo." - Mark Twain +Telegraph = Telégrafo +'The whole country was tied together by radio. We all experienced the same heroes and comedians and singers. They were giants.' - Woody Allen = "El país entero estaba unido por la radio. Todos nosotros experimentamos los mismos héroes, comediantes y cantantes. Ellos eran gigantes." - Woody Allen Radio = Radio -'Aeronautics was neither an industry nor a science. It was a miracle.' - Igor Sikorsky = "La Aeronautica no fue ni una industria ni una ciencia. fue un milagro." - Igor Sikorsky +'Aeronautics was neither an industry nor a science. It was a miracle.' - Igor Sikorsky = "La aeronáutica no fue ni una industria ni una ciencia. Fue un milagro." - Igor Sikorsky Flight = Vuelo 'Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.' - Albert Einstein = "Cualquier hombre que pueda manejar de forma segura mientras besa a una mujer bonita, simplemente no está dando al beso la atención que se merece." - Albert Einstein Combustion = Combustión 'In nothing do men more nearly approach the gods than in giving health to men.' - Cicero = "En nada se acerca más el hombre a los dioses que en darle salud al hombre." - Cicerón Pharmaceuticals = Farmacéutica -'Ben, I want to say one word to you, just one word: plastics.' - Buck Henry and Calder Willingham, The Graduate = "Ben, quiero decirte una palabra, solo una palabra: Plástico" - Buck Henry y Calder Willingham, Los Graduados +'Ben, I want to say one word to you, just one word: plastics.' - Buck Henry and Calder Willingham, The Graduate = "Ben, quiero decirte una palabra, solo una palabra: plástico" - Buck Henry y Calder Willingham, Los Graduados Plastics = Plástico -'There's a basic principle about consumer electronics: it gets more powerful all the time and it gets cheaper all the time.' - Trip Hawkins = "Hay un principio básico sobre el consumidor de electrónicos: Se vuelve más poderoso todo el tiempo y se vuelve más barato todo el tiempo." - Trip Hawkins +'There's a basic principle about consumer electronics: it gets more powerful all the time and it gets cheaper all the time.' - Trip Hawkins = "Hay un principio básico sobre los electrodomésticos: se vuelven más poderosos todo el tiempo y se vuelven más baratos todo el tiempo." - Trip Hawkins Electronics = Electrónica 'The speed of communications is wondrous to behold, it is also true that speed does multiply the distribution of information that we know to be untrue.' – Edward R. Murrow = "La velocidad de la comunicación que tenemos es maravillosa, también es verdad que la velocidad multiplica la distribución de información que sabemos es falsa." - Edward R. Murrow Mass Media = Medios de Comunicación Masiva 'Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.' - Jonathan Swift = "La visión es el arte de ver las cosas invisibles." - Jonathan Swift Radar = Radar -'The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking, and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophes.' - Albert Einstein = "El poder desatado del átomo ha cambiado todo menos nuestra manera de pensar; Y así nos dirigimos hacía una catástrofe sin paralelos." - Albert Einstein +'The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking, and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophes.' - Albert Einstein = "El poder desatado del átomo ha cambiado todo menos nuestra manera de pensar; y así nos dirigimos hacia una catástrofe sin paralelos." - Albert Einstein Atomic Theory = Teoría atómica -'Only within the moment of time represented by the present century has one species, man, acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world.' - Rachel Carson = "Sólo dentro del momento de tiempo representado por el siglo presente, una especie, el hombre, ha adquirido poder suficiente para alterar la naturaleza de su mundo." - Rachel Carson +'Only within the moment of time represented by the present century has one species, man, acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world.' - Rachel Carson = "Sólo dentro del momento de tiempo representado por el siglo presente una especie, el hombre, ha adquirido poder suficiente para alterar la naturaleza de su mundo." - Rachel Carson Ecology = Ecología -'Computers are like Old Testament gods: lots of rules and no mercy.' - Joseph Campbell = "Las computadoras son como los dioses del viejo testamento: Un montón de reglas y sin misericordia." - Joseph Campbell +'Computers are like Old Testament gods: lots of rules and no mercy.' - Joseph Campbell = "Las computadoras son como los dioses del viejo testamento: un montón de reglas y sin misericordia." - Joseph Campbell Computers = Ordenadores -'A good rule for rocket experimenters to follow is this: always assume that it will explode.' - Astronautics Magazine, 1937 = "Una buena regla para seguir al experimentar con cohetes es: Siempre asume que explotará." - Revista Astronautics, 1937 +'A good rule for rocket experimenters to follow is this: always assume that it will explode.' - Astronautics Magazine, 1937 = "Una buena regla para seguir al experimentar con cohetes es: siempre asume que explotará." - Revista Astronautics, 1937 Rocketry = Cohetería -'The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.' - The Holy Bible: Romans, 13:12 = "La noche ha avanzado, y se acerca el día. Desechemos, pues, las obras de las tinieblas, y vistámonos con las carmas de la luz." - La Biblia: Romanos 13:12 -Lasers = Lasers +'The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.' - The Holy Bible: Romans, 13:12 = "La noche ha avanzado, y se acerca el día. Desechemos, pues, las obras de las tinieblas, y vistámonos con las carmas de la luz." - La Biblia, Romanos 13:12 +Lasers = Láser 'I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.' - J. Robert Oppenheimer = "Me convertí en la muerte, destructor de mundos." - J. Robert Oppenheimer Nuclear Fission = Fisión nuclear -'The new electronic interdependence recreates the world in the image of a global village.' - Marshall McLuhan = "La nueva interdependencia electrónica recrea el mundo en una imagen de aldea mundial." - Marshal McLuhan +'The new electronic interdependence recreates the world in the image of a global village.' - Marshall McLuhan = "La nueva interdependencia electrónica recrea el mundo a la imagen de una aldea mundial." - Marshal McLuhan Globalization = Globalización '1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except when such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.' - Isaac Asimov = "1. Un robot no puede dañar a un ser humano ni, por inacción, permitir que un ser humano sufra daño. 2. Un robot debe cumplir las órdenes de los seres humanos, excepto si dichas órdenes entran en conflicto con la Primera Ley. 3. Un robot debe proteger su propia existencia en la medida en que ello no entre en conflicto con la Primera o la Segunda Ley." - Isaac Asimov Robotics = Robótica -'Now, somehow, in some new way, the sky seemed almost alien.' - Lyndon B. Johnson = "Ahora, de alguna manera, en alguna forma nueva, el cielo parece casi alienijena." - Lyndon B. Johnson +'Now, somehow, in some new way, the sky seemed almost alien.' - Lyndon B. Johnson = "Ahora, de alguna manera, en alguna forma nueva, el cielo parece casi alienígena." - Lyndon B. Johnson Satellites = Satélites -'Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness, be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate.' - Sun Tzu = "Se extremadamente sutíl, incluso al punto de la informalidad, se extremadamente cauteloso, incluso al punto silenciosos. Así podrás ser el director del estado de tu oponente." – Sun Tzu +'Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness, be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate.' - Sun Tzu = "Sé extremadamente sutil, incluso al punto de la informalidad; sé extremadamente cauteloso, incluso al punto del silencio. Así podrás ser el director del estado de tu oponente." – Sun Tzu Stealth = Sigilo -'Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power, we have guided missiles and misguided men.' – Martin Luther King Jr. = "Nuestro poder cientifico ha superado nuestro poder espiritual, tenemos misiles guiados y hombres perdidos." - Martin Luther King Jr. +'Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power, we have guided missiles and misguided men.' – Martin Luther King Jr. = "Nuestro poder científico ha superado nuestro poder espiritual, tenemos misiles guiados y hombres perdidos." - Martin Luther King Jr. Advanced Ballistics = Balisticas Avanzadas 'Every particle of matter is attracted by or gravitates to every other particle of matter with a force inversely proportional to the squares of their distances.' - Isaac Newton = "Cada partícula de materia es atraída por o gravita hacia cada partícula de materia con una fuerza inversamente proporcional al cuadrado de su distancia." - Isaac Newton Particle Physics = Física de Partículas -'The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has readily made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one.' - Albert Einstein = "La liberación de energía atómica no ha creado un nuevo problema. Se ha hecho fácilmente más urgente la necesidad de resolver una existente." - Albert Einstein +'The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has readily made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one.' - Albert Einstein = "La liberación de energía atómica no ha creado un nuevo problema. Sencillamente ha hecho más urgente la necesidad de resolver uno existente." - Albert Einstein Nuclear Fusion = Fusión Nuclear -'The impact of nanotechnology is expected to exceed the impact that the electronics revolution has had on our lives.' - Richard Schwartz = "Se espera que el impacto de la nanotecnología exceda el impacto que la revolución electronica tuvo en nuestras vidas." - Richard Schwartz +'The impact of nanotechnology is expected to exceed the impact that the electronics revolution has had on our lives.' - Richard Schwartz = "Se espera que el impacto de la nanotecnología exceda el impacto que la revolución electrónica tuvo en nuestras vidas." - Richard Schwartz Nanotechnology = Nanotecnología 'I think we agree, the past is over.' - George W. Bush = "Creo que concordamos, el pasado se terminó." - George W. Bush @@ -6520,7 +6519,7 @@ This is where you spend most of your time playing Unciv. See the world, control ⓔ: The ⍾Science icon shows the number of ⍾Science points produced per turn. Clicking leads to the technology tree. = ⓔ: El icono de ⍾Ciencia muestra los puntos de ⍾ciencia producidos por turno. Tocandolo lleva al árbol de tecnologías. ⓕ: Number of turns played with translation into calendar years. Click to see the victory overview. = ⓕ: El número de ⏳turnos pasados junto a una traducción en años de calendario. Toca para ver la vista general de victoria. ⓖ: The number of gold coins in your treasury and income. Clicks lead to the Stats overview screen. = ⓖ: El número de monedas de oro en tu tesorería e ingresos. Tocarlo lleva al vista general de estadisticas. -ⓗ: The quantity of ☮Faith your citizens have generated, or 'off' if religion is disabled. Clicking it makes you go to the religion overview screen. = ⓗ: La cantidad de ☮Fé que tus ciudanos generaron, o "apagado" si la Religión está desactivada. Dandole clic te envía a la Vista General de las Religiones. +ⓗ: The quantity of ☮Faith your citizens have generated, or 'off' if religion is disabled. Clicking it makes you go to the religion overview screen. = ⓗ: La cantidad de ☮Fe que tus ciudanos generaron, o "apagado" si la Religión está desactivada. Dandole clic te envía a la Vista General de las Religiones. ⓧ: In the center of all this - the world map! Here, the "X" marks a spot outside the map. Yes, unless the wrap option was used, Unciv worlds are flat. Don't worry, your ships won't fall off the edge. = ⓧ: En el centro de todo esto - ¡el mapa mundial! Aquí, la "X" marca un lugar fuera del mapa. Si, a menos de que tengas activado el mapa envolvente, los mundos de Unciv son planos. No te preocupes, tus naves no se caerán del mundo. ⓨ: By the way, here's how an empire border looks like - it's in the national colours of the nation owning the territory. = ⓨ: Por cierto, así es como se vén los bordes de un imperio - son de los colores de la nación a la que pertenece el territorio. ⓩ: And this is the red targeting circle that led to the attack pane back under ⑬. = ⓩ: Y este es el circulo rojo de apunte que lleva al panel para atacar (el ⑬). @@ -6570,7 +6569,7 @@ Great prophets always have your religion when they appear, even if they are boug Both great prophets and missionaries are able to spread religion to cities when they are inside its borders, even cities of other civilizations. = Los Grandes Profetas y Misioneros pueden difundir su religión a ciudades cuando están dentro de sus bordes, incluso a ciudades de otras naciones. These two units can even enter tiles of civilizations with whom you don't have an open borders agreement! = ¡Estas dos unidades pueden entrar a casillas de otras civilizaciones, incluso con las que no tienes bordes abiertos! But do take care, missionaries will lose 250 religious strength each turn they end while in foreign lands. = Pero ten cuidado, los misioneros perderán 250 de fuerza religiosa por cada ⏳turno que terminen dentro de tierra extranjera. -This diminishes their effectiveness when spreading religion, and if their religious strength ever reaches 0, they have lost their faith and disappear. = Esto disminuye su efectividad al difundir religión, y si su fuerza llega a 0, perderán toda su Fé y desaparecerán. +This diminishes their effectiveness when spreading religion, and if their religious strength ever reaches 0, they have lost their faith and disappear. = Esto disminuye su efectividad al difundir religión, y si su fuerza llega a 0, perderán toda su Fe y desaparecerán. When you do spread your religion, the religious strength of the unit is added as pressure for that religion. = Cuando difundes religión, la fuerza religiosa de la unidad es añadida como presión para esa religión. Cities also passively add pressure of their majority religion to nearby cities. = Las ciudades también añaden presión por si solas pasivemente de su religión mayoritaria a ciudades cercanas. Each city provides +6 pressure per turn to all cities within 10 tiles, though the exact amount of pressure depends on the game speed. = Cada ciudad ejerce +6 presión por turno a todas las ciudades dentro de un rango de 10 casillas, aunque la cantidad exacta varia con la velocidad del juego. diff --git a/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/BuildConfig.kt b/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/BuildConfig.kt index f51697b4b8..cb8c8da395 100644 --- a/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/BuildConfig.kt +++ b/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/BuildConfig.kt @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ package com.unciv.build object BuildConfig { const val kotlinVersion = "1.8.21" const val appName = "Unciv" - const val appCodeNumber = 956 - const val appVersion = "4.9.18" + const val appCodeNumber = 957 + const val appVersion = "4.9.19" const val gdxVersion = "1.12.1" const val ktorVersion = "2.2.3" diff --git a/changelog.md b/changelog.md index 0a4ccb119a..eddd6e70d6 100644 --- a/changelog.md +++ b/changelog.md @@ -1,3 +1,35 @@ +## 4.9.19 + +Modding: "Cannot be traded" unique accepts Civ conditionals + +Changed unitHeight and tileHeight from by lazy to transient vars, to allow updates in preparation for base terrain changes + +Boni -> Bonuses, this is English + +build-multiplatform checks android only on java 17 + +Proper build tools version update + +Sign APK for Github release using new build-tools + +Removed new shortestPath algorithm after we determined it to be objectively slower than the current one :( + +Allow comment uniques on follower beliefs + +Fix Github Actions pipelines + +By tuvus: +- Spectators receive era notifications again +- Temporarily disabled AI fort building +- Worker remove feature AI fix + +By SomeTroglodyte: +- Fix Paradrop crossing World-wrap seam +- ImagePacker lint and allow it to run on an assets folder devoid of atlases +- ModManagementScreen gets a loading indicator + +Add modified nation descriptions - By Ouaz + ## 4.9.18 Performance improvements for movement and ruleset validation diff --git a/core/src/com/unciv/UncivGame.kt b/core/src/com/unciv/UncivGame.kt index da809eda0f..406a8f9453 100644 --- a/core/src/com/unciv/UncivGame.kt +++ b/core/src/com/unciv/UncivGame.kt @@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ open class UncivGame(val isConsoleMode: Boolean = false) : Game(), PlatformSpeci companion object { //region AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED VERSION DATA - DO NOT CHANGE THIS REGION, INCLUDING THIS COMMENT - val VERSION = Version("4.9.18", 956) + val VERSION = Version("4.9.19", 957) //endregion lateinit var Current: UncivGame diff --git a/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/957.txt b/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/957.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2b95b18a88 --- /dev/null +++ b/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/957.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ + + +Modding: "Cannot be traded" unique accepts Civ conditionals + +Changed unitHeight and tileHeight from by lazy to transient vars, to allow updates in preparation for base terrain changes + +Boni -> Bonuses, this is English + +build-multiplatform checks android only on java 17 + +Proper build tools version update + +Sign APK for Github release using new build-tools + +Removed new shortestPath algorithm after we determined it to be objectively slower than the current one :( + +Allow comment uniques on follower beliefs + +Fix Github Actions pipelines + +By tuvus: +- Spectators receive era notifications again +- Temporarily disabled AI fort building +- Worker remove feature AI fix + +By SomeTroglodyte: +- Fix Paradrop crossing World-wrap seam +- ImagePacker lint and allow it to run on an assets folder devoid of atlases +- ModManagementScreen gets a loading indicator + +Add modified nation descriptions - By Ouaz \ No newline at end of file