Separated hasAtLeastMotivationToAttack into separate class, split into subfunctions for main function readability

This commit is contained in:
Yair Morgenstern 2023-11-19 15:52:16 +02:00
parent 62687c2230
commit 13d0ea51d5
2 changed files with 260 additions and 211 deletions

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@ -3,26 +3,20 @@ package com.unciv.logic.automation.civilization
import com.unciv.Constants
import com.unciv.logic.automation.Automation
import com.unciv.logic.automation.ThreatLevel
import com.unciv.logic.battle.BattleDamage
import com.unciv.logic.battle.CityCombatant
import com.unciv.logic.battle.MapUnitCombatant
import com.unciv.logic.automation.civilization.MotivationToAttackAutomation.hasAtLeastMotivationToAttack
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.AlertType
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.Civilization
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.PopupAlert
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.diplomacy.DiplomacyFlags
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.diplomacy.DiplomaticStatus
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.diplomacy.RelationshipLevel
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Building
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Victory
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.unique.UniqueType
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.unit.BaseUnit
import com.unciv.ui.screens.victoryscreen.RankingType
@ -267,210 +261,6 @@ object DiplomacyAutomation {
/** Will return the motivation to attack, but might short circuit if the value is guaranteed to
* be lower than `atLeast`. So any values below `atLeast` should not be used for comparison. */
private fun hasAtLeastMotivationToAttack(civInfo: Civilization, otherCiv: Civilization, atLeast: Int): Int {
val closestCities = NextTurnAutomation.getClosestCities(civInfo, otherCiv) ?: return 0
val baseForce = 30f
var ourCombatStrength = civInfo.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Force).toFloat() + baseForce
if (civInfo.getCapital() != null) ourCombatStrength += CityCombatant(civInfo.getCapital()!!).getCityStrength()
var theirCombatStrength = otherCiv.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Force).toFloat() + baseForce
if(otherCiv.getCapital() != null) theirCombatStrength += CityCombatant(otherCiv.getCapital()!!).getCityStrength()
//for city-states, also consider their protectors
if (otherCiv.isCityState() and otherCiv.cityStateFunctions.getProtectorCivs().isNotEmpty()) {
theirCombatStrength += otherCiv.cityStateFunctions.getProtectorCivs().filterNot { it == civInfo }
.sumOf { it.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Force) }
if (theirCombatStrength > ourCombatStrength) return 0
val ourCity = closestCities.city1
val theirCity = closestCities.city2
if (civInfo.units.getCivUnits().filter { it.isMilitary() }.none {
val damageReceivedWhenAttacking =
damageReceivedWhenAttacking < 100
return 0 // You don't have any units that can attack this city without dying, don't declare war.
fun isTileCanMoveThrough(tile: Tile): Boolean {
val owner = tile.getOwner()
return !tile.isImpassible()
&& (owner == otherCiv || owner == null || civInfo.diplomacyFunctions.canPassThroughTiles(owner))
val modifierMap = HashMap<String, Int>()
val combatStrengthRatio = ourCombatStrength / theirCombatStrength
val combatStrengthModifier = when {
combatStrengthRatio > 3f -> 30
combatStrengthRatio > 2.5f -> 25
combatStrengthRatio > 2f -> 20
combatStrengthRatio > 1.5f -> 10
else -> 0
modifierMap["Relative combat strength"] = combatStrengthModifier
var theirAlliesValue = 0
for (thirdCiv in otherCiv.diplomacy.values.filter { it.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DefensivePact) && it.otherCiv() != civInfo }) {
val thirdCivCombatStrengthRatio = otherCiv.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Force).toFloat() + baseForce / ourCombatStrength
theirAlliesValue += when {
thirdCivCombatStrengthRatio > 5 -> -15
thirdCivCombatStrengthRatio > 2.5 -> -10
thirdCivCombatStrengthRatio > 2 -> -8
thirdCivCombatStrengthRatio > 1.5 -> -5
thirdCivCombatStrengthRatio > .8 -> -2
else -> 0
modifierMap["Their allies"] = theirAlliesValue
// Civs with more score are more threatening to our victory
// Bias towards attacking civs with a high score and low military
// Bias against attacking civs with a low score and a high military
// Designed to mitigate AIs declaring war on weaker civs instead of their rivals
val scoreRatio = otherCiv.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Score).toFloat() / civInfo.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Score).toFloat()
val scoreRatioModifier = when {
scoreRatio > 2f -> 15
scoreRatio > 1.5f -> 10
scoreRatio > 1.25f -> 5
scoreRatio > 1f -> 0
scoreRatio > .5f -> -2
scoreRatio > .25f -> -5
else -> -10
modifierMap["Relative score"] = scoreRatioModifier
if (civInfo.stats.getUnitSupplyDeficit() == 0) {
// If either of our Civs are suffering from a supply deficit, our army must be too large
// There is no easy way to check the raw production if a civ has a supply deficit
// We might try to divide the current production by the getUnitSupplyProductionPenalty()
// but it only is true for our turn and not the previous turn and might result in odd values
if (otherCiv.stats.getUnitSupplyDeficit() == 0) {
val productionRatio = civInfo.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Production).toFloat() / otherCiv.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Production).toFloat()
val productionRatioModifier = when {
productionRatio > 2f -> 15
productionRatio > 1.5f -> 7
productionRatio > 1.2 -> 3
productionRatio > .8f -> 0
productionRatio > .5f -> -5
productionRatio > .25f -> -10
else -> -10
modifierMap["Relative production"] = productionRatioModifier
} else {
modifierMap["Over unit supply"] = (civInfo.stats.getUnitSupplyDeficit() * 2).coerceAtMost(20)
val relativeTech = civInfo.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Technologies) - otherCiv.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Technologies)
val relativeTechModifier = when {
relativeTech > 6 -> 10
relativeTech > 3 -> 5
relativeTech > -3 -> 0
relativeTech > -6 -> -2
relativeTech > -9 -> -5
else -> -10
modifierMap["Relative technologies"] = relativeTechModifier
if (closestCities.aerialDistance > 7)
modifierMap["Far away cities"] = -10
val diplomacyManager = civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(otherCiv)
if (diplomacyManager.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.ResearchAgreement))
modifierMap["Research Agreement"] = -5
if (diplomacyManager.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DeclarationOfFriendship))
modifierMap["Declaration of Friendship"] = -10
if (diplomacyManager.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DefensivePact))
modifierMap["Defensive Pact"] = -10
val relationshipModifier = when (diplomacyManager.relationshipIgnoreAfraid()) {
RelationshipLevel.Unforgivable -> 10
RelationshipLevel.Enemy -> 5
RelationshipLevel.Ally -> -5 // this is so that ally + DoF is not too unbalanced -
// still possible for AI to declare war for isolated city
else -> 0
modifierMap["Relationship"] = relationshipModifier
if (diplomacyManager.resourcesFromTrade().any { it.amount > 0 })
modifierMap["Receiving trade resources"] = -5
if (theirCity.getTiles().none { tile -> tile.neighbors.any { it.getOwner() == theirCity.civ && it.getCity() != theirCity } })
modifierMap["Isolated city"] = 15
if (otherCiv.isCityState()) {
modifierMap["City-state"] = -20
if (otherCiv.getAllyCiv() == civInfo.civName)
modifierMap["Allied City-state"] = -20 // There had better be a DAMN good reason
var wonderCount = 0
for (city in otherCiv.cities) {
val construction = city.cityConstructions.getCurrentConstruction()
if (construction is Building && construction.hasUnique(UniqueType.TriggersCulturalVictory))
modifierMap["About to win"] = 15
if (construction is BaseUnit && construction.hasUnique(UniqueType.AddInCapital))
modifierMap["About to win"] = 15
wonderCount += city.cityConstructions.getBuiltBuildings().count { it.isWonder }
// The more wonders they have, the more beneficial it is to conquer them
// Civs need an army to protect thier wonders which give the most score
if (wonderCount > 0)
modifierMap["Owned Wonders"] = wonderCount
// If they are at war with our allies, then we should join in
var alliedWarMotivation = 0
for (thirdCiv in civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(otherCiv).getCommonKnownCivs()) {
val thirdCivDiploManager = civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(thirdCiv)
if (thirdCivDiploManager.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DeclinedDeclarationOfFriendship)
&& thirdCiv.isAtWarWith(otherCiv)) {
alliedWarMotivation += if (thirdCivDiploManager.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DefensivePact)) 15 else 5
modifierMap["War with allies"] = alliedWarMotivation
var motivationSoFar = modifierMap.values.sum()
// We don't need to execute the expensive BFSs below if we're below the threshold here
// anyways, since it won't get better from those, only worse.
if (motivationSoFar < atLeast) {
return motivationSoFar
val landPathBFS = BFS(ourCity.getCenterTile()) {
it.isLand && isTileCanMoveThrough(it)
if (!landPathBFS.hasReachedTile(theirCity.getCenterTile()))
motivationSoFar -= -10
// We don't need to execute the expensive BFSs below if we're below the threshold here
// anyways, since it won't get better from those, only worse.
if (motivationSoFar < atLeast) {
return motivationSoFar
val reachableEnemyCitiesBfs = BFS(civInfo.getCapital(true)!!.getCenterTile()) { isTileCanMoveThrough(it) }
val reachableEnemyCities = otherCiv.cities.filter { reachableEnemyCitiesBfs.hasReachedTile(it.getCenterTile()) }
if (reachableEnemyCities.isEmpty()) return 0 // Can't even reach the enemy city, no point in war.
return motivationSoFar
internal fun offerPeaceTreaty(civInfo: Civilization) {
if (!civInfo.isAtWar() || civInfo.cities.isEmpty() || civInfo.diplomacy.isEmpty()) return

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@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
package com.unciv.logic.automation.civilization
import com.unciv.logic.battle.BattleDamage
import com.unciv.logic.battle.CityCombatant
import com.unciv.logic.battle.MapUnitCombatant
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.Civilization
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.diplomacy.DiplomacyFlags
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.diplomacy.DiplomacyManager
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.diplomacy.RelationshipLevel
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.Building
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.unique.UniqueType
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.unit.BaseUnit
import com.unciv.ui.screens.victoryscreen.RankingType
object MotivationToAttackAutomation {
/** Will return the motivation to attack, but might short circuit if the value is guaranteed to
* be lower than `atLeast`. So any values below `atLeast` should not be used for comparison. */
public fun hasAtLeastMotivationToAttack(civInfo: Civilization, otherCiv: Civilization, atLeast: Int): Int {
val closestCities = NextTurnAutomation.getClosestCities(civInfo, otherCiv) ?: return 0
val baseForce = 30f
var ourCombatStrength = civInfo.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Force).toFloat() + baseForce
if (civInfo.getCapital() != null) ourCombatStrength += CityCombatant(civInfo.getCapital()!!).getCityStrength()
var theirCombatStrength = otherCiv.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Force).toFloat() + baseForce
if(otherCiv.getCapital() != null) theirCombatStrength += CityCombatant(otherCiv.getCapital()!!).getCityStrength()
//for city-states, also consider their protectors
if (otherCiv.isCityState() and otherCiv.cityStateFunctions.getProtectorCivs().isNotEmpty()) {
theirCombatStrength += otherCiv.cityStateFunctions.getProtectorCivs().filterNot { it == civInfo }
.sumOf { it.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Force) }
if (theirCombatStrength > ourCombatStrength) return 0
val ourCity = closestCities.city1
val theirCity = closestCities.city2
if (hasNoUnitsThatCanAttackCityWithoutDying(civInfo, theirCity))
return 0
fun isTileCanMoveThrough(tile: Tile): Boolean {
val owner = tile.getOwner()
return !tile.isImpassible()
&& (owner == otherCiv || owner == null || civInfo.diplomacyFunctions.canPassThroughTiles(owner))
val modifierMap = HashMap<String, Int>()
modifierMap["Relative combat strength"] = getCombatStrengthModifier(ourCombatStrength, theirCombatStrength)
modifierMap["Their allies"] = getDefensivePactAlliesScore(otherCiv, civInfo, baseForce, ourCombatStrength)
val scoreRatioModifier = getScoreRatioModifier(otherCiv, civInfo)
modifierMap["Relative score"] = scoreRatioModifier
if (civInfo.stats.getUnitSupplyDeficit() != 0) {
modifierMap["Over unit supply"] = (civInfo.stats.getUnitSupplyDeficit() * 2).coerceAtMost(20)
} else if (otherCiv.stats.getUnitSupplyDeficit() == 0) {
modifierMap["Relative production"] = getProductionRatioModifier(civInfo, otherCiv)
modifierMap["Relative technologies"] = getRelativeTechModifier(civInfo, otherCiv)
if (closestCities.aerialDistance > 7)
modifierMap["Far away cities"] = -10
val diplomacyManager = civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(otherCiv)
if (diplomacyManager.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.ResearchAgreement))
modifierMap["Research Agreement"] = -5
if (diplomacyManager.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DeclarationOfFriendship))
modifierMap["Declaration of Friendship"] = -10
if (diplomacyManager.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DefensivePact))
modifierMap["Defensive Pact"] = -10
modifierMap["Relationship"] = getRelationshipModifier(diplomacyManager)
if (diplomacyManager.resourcesFromTrade().any { it.amount > 0 })
modifierMap["Receiving trade resources"] = -5
if (theirCity.getTiles().none { tile -> tile.neighbors.any { it.getOwner() == theirCity.civ && it.getCity() != theirCity } })
modifierMap["Isolated city"] = 15
if (otherCiv.isCityState()) {
modifierMap["City-state"] = -20
if (otherCiv.getAllyCiv() == civInfo.civName)
modifierMap["Allied City-state"] = -20 // There had better be a DAMN good reason
addWonderBasedMotivations(otherCiv, modifierMap)
modifierMap["War with allies"] = getAlliedWarMotivation(civInfo, otherCiv)
var motivationSoFar = modifierMap.values.sum()
// We don't need to execute the expensive BFSs below if we're below the threshold here
// anyways, since it won't get better from those, only worse.
if (motivationSoFar < atLeast) {
return motivationSoFar
val landPathBFS = BFS(ourCity.getCenterTile()) {
it.isLand && isTileCanMoveThrough(it)
if (!landPathBFS.hasReachedTile(theirCity.getCenterTile()))
motivationSoFar -= -10
// We don't need to execute the expensive BFSs below if we're below the threshold here
// anyways, since it won't get better from those, only worse.
if (motivationSoFar < atLeast) {
return motivationSoFar
val reachableEnemyCitiesBfs = BFS(civInfo.getCapital(true)!!.getCenterTile()) { isTileCanMoveThrough(it) }
val reachableEnemyCities = otherCiv.cities.filter { reachableEnemyCitiesBfs.hasReachedTile(it.getCenterTile()) }
if (reachableEnemyCities.isEmpty()) return 0 // Can't even reach the enemy city, no point in war.
return motivationSoFar
private fun addWonderBasedMotivations(otherCiv: Civilization, modifierMap: HashMap<String, Int>) {
var wonderCount = 0
for (city in otherCiv.cities) {
val construction = city.cityConstructions.getCurrentConstruction()
if (construction is Building && construction.hasUnique(UniqueType.TriggersCulturalVictory))
modifierMap["About to win"] = 15
if (construction is BaseUnit && construction.hasUnique(UniqueType.AddInCapital))
modifierMap["About to win"] = 15
wonderCount += city.cityConstructions.getBuiltBuildings().count { it.isWonder }
// The more wonders they have, the more beneficial it is to conquer them
// Civs need an army to protect thier wonders which give the most score
if (wonderCount > 0)
modifierMap["Owned Wonders"] = wonderCount
/** If they are at war with our allies, then we should join in */
private fun getAlliedWarMotivation(civInfo: Civilization, otherCiv: Civilization): Int {
var alliedWarMotivation = 0
for (thirdCiv in civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(otherCiv).getCommonKnownCivs()) {
val thirdCivDiploManager = civInfo.getDiplomacyManager(thirdCiv)
if (thirdCivDiploManager.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DeclinedDeclarationOfFriendship)
&& thirdCiv.isAtWarWith(otherCiv)
) {
alliedWarMotivation += if (thirdCivDiploManager.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DefensivePact)) 15 else 5
return alliedWarMotivation
private fun getRelationshipModifier(diplomacyManager: DiplomacyManager): Int {
val relationshipModifier = when (diplomacyManager.relationshipIgnoreAfraid()) {
RelationshipLevel.Unforgivable -> 10
RelationshipLevel.Enemy -> 5
RelationshipLevel.Ally -> -5 // this is so that ally + DoF is not too unbalanced -
// still possible for AI to declare war for isolated city
else -> 0
return relationshipModifier
private fun getRelativeTechModifier(civInfo: Civilization, otherCiv: Civilization): Int {
val relativeTech = civInfo.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Technologies) - otherCiv.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Technologies)
val relativeTechModifier = when {
relativeTech > 6 -> 10
relativeTech > 3 -> 5
relativeTech > -3 -> 0
relativeTech > -6 -> -2
relativeTech > -9 -> -5
else -> -10
return relativeTechModifier
private fun getProductionRatioModifier(civInfo: Civilization, otherCiv: Civilization): Int {
// If either of our Civs are suffering from a supply deficit, our army must be too large
// There is no easy way to check the raw production if a civ has a supply deficit
// We might try to divide the current production by the getUnitSupplyProductionPenalty()
// but it only is true for our turn and not the previous turn and might result in odd values
val productionRatio = civInfo.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Production).toFloat() / otherCiv.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Production).toFloat()
val productionRatioModifier = when {
productionRatio > 2f -> 15
productionRatio > 1.5f -> 7
productionRatio > 1.2 -> 3
productionRatio > .8f -> 0
productionRatio > .5f -> -5
productionRatio > .25f -> -10
else -> -10
return productionRatioModifier
private fun getScoreRatioModifier(otherCiv: Civilization, civInfo: Civilization): Int {
// Civs with more score are more threatening to our victory
// Bias towards attacking civs with a high score and low military
// Bias against attacking civs with a low score and a high military
// Designed to mitigate AIs declaring war on weaker civs instead of their rivals
val scoreRatio = otherCiv.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Score).toFloat() / civInfo.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Score).toFloat()
val scoreRatioModifier = when {
scoreRatio > 2f -> 15
scoreRatio > 1.5f -> 10
scoreRatio > 1.25f -> 5
scoreRatio > 1f -> 0
scoreRatio > .5f -> -2
scoreRatio > .25f -> -5
else -> -10
return scoreRatioModifier
private fun getDefensivePactAlliesScore(otherCiv: Civilization, civInfo: Civilization, baseForce: Float, ourCombatStrength: Float): Int {
var theirAlliesValue = 0
for (thirdCiv in otherCiv.diplomacy.values.filter { it.hasFlag(DiplomacyFlags.DefensivePact) && it.otherCiv() != civInfo }) {
val thirdCivCombatStrengthRatio = otherCiv.getStatForRanking(RankingType.Force).toFloat() + baseForce / ourCombatStrength
theirAlliesValue += when {
thirdCivCombatStrengthRatio > 5 -> -15
thirdCivCombatStrengthRatio > 2.5 -> -10
thirdCivCombatStrengthRatio > 2 -> -8
thirdCivCombatStrengthRatio > 1.5 -> -5
thirdCivCombatStrengthRatio > .8 -> -2
else -> 0
return theirAlliesValue
private fun getCombatStrengthModifier(ourCombatStrength: Float, theirCombatStrength: Float): Int {
val combatStrengthRatio = ourCombatStrength / theirCombatStrength
val combatStrengthModifier = when {
combatStrengthRatio > 3f -> 30
combatStrengthRatio > 2.5f -> 25
combatStrengthRatio > 2f -> 20
combatStrengthRatio > 1.5f -> 10
else -> 0
return combatStrengthModifier
private fun hasNoUnitsThatCanAttackCityWithoutDying(civInfo: Civilization, theirCity: City) = civInfo.units.getCivUnits().filter { it.isMilitary() }.none {
val damageReceivedWhenAttacking =
damageReceivedWhenAttacking < 100