diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/Nations/Nations_Simplified_Chinese.json b/android/assets/jsons/Nations/Nations_Simplified_Chinese.json index 67a0c63df5..9d0cd57e53 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/Nations/Nations_Simplified_Chinese.json +++ b/android/assets/jsons/Nations/Nations_Simplified_Chinese.json @@ -418,13 +418,13 @@ outerColor:[224,224,224], innerColor:[64,64,64], uniqueName:"Furor Teutonicus" - unique:"Upon defeating a Barbarian unit inside an encampment, there is a 67% chance to earn 25 Gold and they join the Germans. Also, land unit manteinance is reduced by 25%.", - cities:["Berlin","Hamburg","Munich","Cologne","Frankfurt","Essen","Dortmund","Stuttgart","Dusseldorf","Bremen", - "Hannover","Duisburg","Leipzig","Dresden","Bonn","Bochum","Bielefeld","Karlsruhe","Gelsenkirchen","Wiesbaden", - "Munster","Rostok","Chemnitz","Braunschweig","Halle","Mצnchengladbach","Kiel","Wuppertal","Freiburg","Hagen", - "Erfurt","Kaiserslautern","Kassel","Oberhausen","Hamm","Saarbrucken","Krefeld","Pirmasens","Potsdam","Solingen", - "Osnabruck","Ludwingshafen","Leverkusen","Oldenburg","Neuss","Mulheim","Darmstadt","Herne","Wurzburg", - "Recklinghausen","Gצttingen","Wolfsburg","Koblenz","Hildesheim","Erlangen"] + unique:"击败蛮族营地中的蛮族单位有67%几率得到25金钱并使其加入,陆上单位维护费-25%", + cities:["柏林","汉堡","慕尼黑","科隆","法兰克福","埃森","多特蒙德","斯图加特","杜塞尔多夫","不来梅", + "汉诺威","杜伊斯堡","莱比锡","德累斯顿","波恩","波鸿","比勒菲尔德","卡尔斯鲁厄","盖尔森基兴","威斯巴登", + "芒斯特","罗斯托克","开姆尼斯","布伦瑞克","哈雷","门兴格拉德巴赫","基尔","伍珀塔尔","弗莱堡","哈根", + "埃尔福特","凯泽斯劳滕","卡塞尔","奥伯豪森","哈姆","萨尔布吕肯","克雷费尔德","皮尔马森斯","波茨坦","佐林根", + "奥斯纳布吕克","路德维希港","勒沃库森","奥尔登堡","诺伊斯","米尔海姆","达姆施塔特","黑尔纳","乌兹堡", + "雷克林豪森","哥廷根","沃尔夫斯堡","科布伦茨","希尔德斯海姆","埃尔朗根"] }, { name:"India", @@ -456,8 +456,8 @@ outerColor:[0,255,0], innerColor:[255,153,51], - unique:"Unhappiness from number of Cities doubled, Unhappiness from number of Citizens halved.", - cities:["Delhi","Mumbai","Vijayanagara","Pataliputra","Varanasi","Agra","Calcutta","Lahore","Bangalore","Hyderabad","Madurai","Ahmedabad", + unique:"城市数量导致的不满加倍,市民数量导致的不满减半", + cities:["德里","孟买","毗奢耶那伽罗","华氏城","瓦拉纳西","Agra","Calcutta","Lahore","Bangalore","Hyderabad","Madurai","Ahmedabad", "Kolhapur","Prayaga","Ayodhya","Indraprastha","Mathura","Ujjain","Gulbarga","Jaunpur","Rajagriha","Sravasti","Tiruchirapalli","Thanjavur", "Bodhgaya","Kushinagar","Amaravati","Gaur","Gwalior","Jaipur","Karachi"] }, @@ -555,66 +555,6 @@ innerColor:[0,204,102], unique:"Units ignore terrain costs when moving into any tile with Hills. No maintenance costs for improvements in Hills; half cost elsewhere.", cities:["Cuzco","Tiwanaku","Machu","Ollantaytambo","Corihuayrachina","Huamanga","Vilcas","Vilcabamba","Vitcos","Andahuaylas","Ica","Arequipa","Nasca","Atico","Juli","Chuito","Chuquiapo","Huanuco Pampa","Tamboccocha","Huaras","Riobamba","Caxamalca","Sausa","Tambo Colorado","Huaca","Tumbes","Chan Chan","Sipan","Pachacamac","Llactapata","Pisac","Kuelap","Pajaten","Chucuito","Choquequirao"] - } - { - name:"Persian", - leaderName:"Darius I", - - startIntroPart1: "The blessings of heaven be upon you, beloved king Darius of Persia! You lead a strong and wise people. In the morning of the world, the great Persian leader Cyrus revolted against the mighty Median empire and by 550 BC, the Medes were no more. Through cunning diplomacy and military prowess, great Cyrus conquered wealthy Lydia and powerful Babylon. His son conquering proud Egypt some years later. Over time, Persian might expanded into far away Macedonia, at the very door of the upstart Greek city-states. Long would Persia prosper until the upstart villain Alexander of Macedon, destroyed the great empire in one shocking campaign." - startIntroPart2: "Darius, your people look to you to once again bring back the days of power and glory for Persia! The empire of your ancestors must emerge again, to triumph over its foes and to bring peace and order to the world! O king, will you answer the call? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?" - - declaringWar:"Your continue existence is an embarrassment to all leaders everywhere! You must be destroyed!" - attacked:"Curse you! You are beneath me, son of a donkey driver! I will crush you!" - defeated:"You mongrel! Cursed be you! The world will long lament your heinous crime!" - introduction:"Peace be on you! I am Darius, the great and outstanding king of kings of great Persia... but I suppose you knew that." - - neutralHello:"Good day to you!" - neutralLetsHearIt:["Go on.","You said?"] - neutralNo:["You are not serious!","Not good enough."] - neutralYes:["Good!","Certainly.","Agreed!"] - - hateHello:"Ahh... you..." - hateLetsHearIt:["I'm listening.","Go on!"] - hateNo:["We say... no!","Of course not!"] - hateYes:["Alright!","Agreed."] - - afterPeace:"It appears we should call it a tie..." - tradeRequest:"In my endless magnanimity, I am making you this offer. You agree, of course?" - - outerColor:[255,0,0], - innerColor:[255,255,0], - unique:"Golden Ages last 50% longer. During a Golden Age, units receive +1 Movement and +10% Strenght", - cities:["Persepolis","Parsagadae","Susa","Ecbatana","Tarsus","Gordium","Bactra","Sardis","Ergili","Dariushkabir","Ghulaman","Zohak","Istakhr","Jinjan","Borazjan","Herat","Dakyanus","Bampur","Turengtepe","Rey","Shiraz","Thuspa","Hasanlu","Gabae","Merv","Behistun","Kandahar","Altintepe","Bunyan","Charsadda","Uratyube","Dura Europos","Aleppo","Qatna","Kabul","Capisa","Kyreskhata","Marakanda","Peshawar","Van","Pteira","Arshada","Artakaona","Aspabota","Autiyara","Bagastana","Baxtri","Darmasa","Daphnai","Drapsaka","Eion","Gandutava","Gaugamela","Harmozeia","Ekatompylos","Izata","Kampada","Kapisa","Karmana","Kounaxa","Kuganaka","Nautaka","Paishiyauvada","Patigrbana","Phrada"] - }, - { - name:"Polynesia", - leaderName:"Kamehameha I", - - startIntroPart1: "" - startIntroPart2: "" - - declaringWar:"The ancient fire flashing across the sky is what proclaimed that this day would come, though I had foolishly hoped for a different outcome." - attacked:"It is obvious now that I misjudged you and your true intentions." - defeated:"The hard-shelled crab yields, and the lion lies down to sleep. Kanaloa comes for me now." - introduction:"Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of this strand of islands." - - neutralHello:"Welcome, friend!" - neutralLetsHearIt:["Proceed.","And?","What is it?"] - hateNo:["Certainly not.","We will have to decline."] - hateYes:["It is agreed, then.","Excellent!"] - - hateHello:"Oh, it's you." - hateLetsHearIt:["Proceed.","I'm listening","What is it?"] - hateNo:["Certainly not!","That's not acceptable!"] - hateYes:["Yes, I suppost I must.","Yes, so be it."] - - afterPeace:"Perhaps the stars were mistakenly placed... I will consult my Kahuna." - tradeRequest:"Come, let our people feast together!" - - outerColor:[255,128,0], - innerColor:[255,255,0], - unique:"Can embark and move over Costs and Oceans immediately. +1 Sight when embarked", - cities:["Honolulu","Samoa","Tonga","Nuku Hiva","Raiatea","Aotearoa","Tahiti","Hilo","Te Wai Pounamu","Rapa Nui","Tuamotu","Rarotonga","Tuvalu","Tubuai","Mangareva","Oahu","Kiritimati","Ontong Java","Niue","Rekohu","Rakahanga","Bora Bora","Kailua","Uvea","Futuna","Rotuma","Tokelau","Lahaina","Bellona","Mungava","Tikopia","Emae","Kapingamarangi","Takuu","Nukuoro","Sikaiana","Anuta","Nuguria","Pileni","Nukumanu"] }, */ { @@ -648,7 +588,7 @@ outerColor:[0,0,255], innerColor:[255,0,0], unique:"所有专业人员和伟人设施+2科研", - cities:["Seoul","Busan","Jeonju","Daegu","Pyongyang","Kaesong","Suwon","Gwangju","Gangneung","Hamhung","Wonju","Ulsan","Changwon","Andong","Gongju","Haeju","Cheongju","Mokpo","Dongducheon","Geoje","Suncheon","Jinju","Sangju","Rason","Gyeongju","Chungju","Sacheon","Gimje","Anju"] + cities:["首尔","釜山","全州","大邱","平壤","开城","水原","光州","江陵","咸兴","原州","蔚山","昌原","安东","公州","海州","清州","木浦","东豆川","巨济","顺天","晋州","尚州","罗先","庆州","忠州","泗川","金堤","安州"] }, /* { @@ -712,15 +652,19 @@ outerColor:[204,255,229], innerColor:[0,102,0], - unique:"Pay only one.third the usual cost for naval unit maintenance. All melee naval units have the Prize Ships promotion, allowing them to capture defeated ships.", - cities:["Istanbul","Edirne","Ankara","Bursa","Konya","Samsun","Gaziantep","Diyabakir","Izmir","Kayseri","Malatya","Marsin","Antalya","Zonguldak","Denizli","Ordu","Mugia","Eskishehir","Inebolu","Sinop","Adana","Artuin","Bodrum","Eregli","Silifke","Sivas","Amasya","Marmaris","Trabzon","Erzurum","Urfa","Izmit","Afyonkarhisar","Bitlis","Yalova"] + unique:"海上单位维护费为正常值的1/3,海军近战单位拥有1/3几率俘获战败的敌方海军单位", + cities:["伊斯坦布尔","埃迪尔内","安卡拉","Bursa","Konya","Samsun","Gaziantep","Diyabakir","Izmir","Kayseri","Malatya","Marsin","Antalya","Zonguldak","Denizli","Ordu","Mugia","Eskishehir","Inebolu","Sinop","Adana","Artuin","Bodrum","Eregli","Silifke","Sivas","Amasya","Marmaris","Trabzon","Erzurum","Urfa","Izmit","Afyonkarhisar","Bitlis","Yalova"] }, { name:"Iroquois", - leaderName:"Hiawatha", + translatedName:"易洛魁", + leaderName:"海华沙", + adjective:["易洛魁的"], + startBias:["Forest"], + preferredVictoryType:"Scientific", - startIntroPart1: "" - startIntroPart2: "" + startIntroPart1: "Greetings, noble Hiawatha, leader of the mighty Iroquois nations! Long have your people lived near the great and holy lake Ontario in the land that has come to be known as the New York state in North America. In the mists of antiquity, the five peoples of Seneca, Onondaga, Mohawks, Cayugas and Oneida united into one nation, the Haudenosaunee, the Iroquois. With no written language, the wise men of your nation created the great law of peace, the model for many contitutions including that of the United States. For many years, your people battled great enemies, such as the Huron, and the French and English invaders. Tought outnumbered and facing weapons far more advanced than the ones your warriors wielded, the Iroquois survived and prospered, until they were finally overwhelmed by the mighty armies of the new United States." + startIntroPart2: "Oh noble Hiawatha, listen to the cries of your people! They call out to you to lead them in peace and war, to rebuild the great longhouse and unite the tribes once again. Will you accept this challenge, great leader? Will you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?" declaringWar:"You are a plague upon Mother Earth! Prepare for battle!" attacked:"You evil creature! My braves will slaughter you!" @@ -740,10 +684,130 @@ afterPeace:"I thank you for your mercy. I pray that we can now be friends." tradeRequest:"Does this trade work for you, my friend?" - outerColor:[0,25,51], - innerColor:[255,255,102], - unique:"All units move through Forest and Jungle tiles in friendly territory as if it is Road. These tiles can be used to establish City Connections upon researching the Wheel.", - cities:["Onoondaga","Osininka","Grand River","Akwesasme","Buffalo Creek","Brantford","Montreal","Genesse River","Canandaigua Lake","Lake Simcoe","Salamanca","Gowanda","Cuba","Akron","Kanesatake","Ganienkeh","Cayuga Castle","Chondote","Canajoharie","Nedrow","Oneida Lake","Kanonwalohale","Green Bay","Southwold","Mohawk Valley","Schoharie","Bay of Quinte","Kanawale","Kanatsiokareke","Tyendinaga","Hahta"] + outerColor:[54,72,72], + innerColor:[246,205,137], + uniqueName:"The Great Warpath" + unique:"单位在己方森林和丛林地块上移动时视同在道路上移动,此类地块在研究轮子科技后可建立城市连接", + cities:["奥内达加","奥斯尼卡","格兰德里弗","Akwesasme","Buffalo Creek","Brantford","Montreal","Genesse River", + "Canandaigua Lake","Lake Simcoe","Salamanca","Gowanda","Cuba","Akron","Kanesatake","Ganienkeh","Cayuga Castle", + "Chondote","Canajoharie","Nedrow","Oneida Lake","Kanonwalohale","Green Bay","Southwold","Mohawk Valley", + "Schoharie","Bay of Quinte","Kanawale","Kanatsiokareke","Tyendinaga","Hahta"] + }, + { + name:"Persia", + translatedName:"波斯", + leaderName:"大流士一世", + adjective:["波斯的"], + preferredVictoryType:"Scientific", + + startIntroPart1: "The blessings of heaven be upon you, beloved king Darius of Persia! You lead a strong and wise people. In the morning of the world, the great Persian leader Cyrus revolted against the mighty Median empire and by 550 BC, the Medes were no more. Through cunning diplomacy and military prowess, great Cyrus conquered wealthy Lydia and powerful Babylon. His son conquering proud Egypt some years later. Over time, Persian might expanded into far away Macedonia, at the very door of the upstart Greek city-states. Long would Persia prosper until the upstart villain Alexander of Macedon, destroyed the great empire in one shocking campaign." + startIntroPart2: "Darius, your people look to you to once again bring back the days of power and glory for Persia! The empire of your ancestors must emerge again, to triumph over its foes and to bring peace and order to the world! O king, will you answer the call? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?" + + declaringWar:"Your continue existence is an embarrassment to all leaders everywhere! You must be destroyed!" + attacked:"Curse you! You are beneath me, son of a donkey driver! I will crush you!" + defeated:"You mongrel! Cursed be you! The world will long lament your heinous crime!" + introduction:"Peace be on you! I am Darius, the great and outstanding king of kings of great Persia... but I suppose you knew that." + + neutralHello:"Good day to you!" + neutralLetsHearIt:["Go on.","You said?"] + neutralNo:["You are not serious!","Not good enough."] + neutralYes:["Good!","Certainly.","Agreed!"] + + hateHello:"Ahh... you..." + hateLetsHearIt:["I'm listening.","Go on!"] + hateNo:["We say... no!","Of course not!"] + hateYes:["Alright!","Agreed."] + + afterPeace:"It appears we should call it a tie..." + tradeRequest:"In my endless magnanimity, I am making you this offer. You agree, of course?" + + outerColor:[153,5,3], + innerColor:[244,232,54], + uniqueName:"Achaemenid Legacy" + unique:"黄金时代持续时间+50%,处于黄金时代时单位+1移动力、+10%战斗力", + cities:["波斯波利斯","帕萨加迪","苏萨","Ecbatana","Tarsus","Gordium","Bactra","Sardis","Ergili","Dariushkabir", + "Ghulaman","Zohak","Istakhr","Jinjan","Borazjan","Herat","Dakyanus","Bampur","Turengtepe","Rey","Shiraz", + "Thuspa","Hasanlu","Gabae","Merv","Behistun","Kandahar","Altintepe","Bunyan","Charsadda","Uratyube", + "Dura Europos","Aleppo","Qatna","Kabul","Capisa","Kyreskhata","Marakanda","Peshawar","Van","Pteira","Arshada", + "Artakaona","Aspabota","Autiyara","Bagastana","Baxtri","Darmasa","Daphnai","Drapsaka","Eion","Gandutava", + "Gaugamela","Harmozeia","Ekatompylos","Izata","Kampada","Kapisa","Karmana","Kounaxa","Kuganaka","Nautaka", + "Paishiyauvada","Patigrbana","Phrada"] + }, + { + name:"Polynesia", + translatedName:"波利尼西亚", + leaderName:"卡美哈梅哈一世", + adjective:["波利尼西亚的"], + startBias:["Coast"], + preferredVictoryType:"Cultural", + + startIntroPart1: "Greetings and blessings be upon you, Kamehameha the Great, chosen by the heavens to unite your scattered peoples. Oh mighty King, you were the first to bring the Big Island of Hawai'I under one solitary rule in 1791 AD. This was followed by the merging of all the remaining islands under your standard in 1810. As the first King of Hawai'I, you standardized the legal and taxation systems and instituted the Mamalahoe Kawanai, an edict protecting civilians in times of war. You ensured the continued unification and sovereignty of the islands by your strong laws and deeds, even after your death in 1819." + startIntroPart2: "Oh wise and exalted King, your people wish for a kingdom of their own once more and require a leader of unparalleled greatness! Will you answer their call and don the mantle of the Lion of the Pacific? Will you build a kingdom that stands the test of time?" + + declaringWar:"The ancient fire flashing across the sky is what proclaimed that this day would come, though I had foolishly hoped for a different outcome." + attacked:"It is obvious now that I misjudged you and your true intentions." + defeated:"The hard-shelled crab yields, and the lion lies down to sleep. Kanaloa comes for me now." + introduction:"Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of this strand of islands." + + neutralHello:"Welcome, friend!" + neutralLetsHearIt:["Proceed.","And?","What is it?"] + hateNo:["Certainly not.","We will have to decline."] + hateYes:["It is agreed, then.","Excellent!"] + + hateHello:"Oh, it's you." + hateLetsHearIt:["Proceed.","I'm listening","What is it?"] + hateNo:["Certainly not!","That's not acceptable!"] + hateYes:["Yes, I suppost I must.","Yes, so be it."] + + afterPeace:"Perhaps the stars were mistakenly placed... I will consult my Kahuna." + tradeRequest:"Come, let our people feast together!" + + outerColor:[225,105,0], + innerColor:[255,255,78], + uniqueName:"Wayfinding" + unique:"单位初始就拥有船运能力,可进入海滨和海洋地块,单位处于船运状态时+1视野。摩艾石像群周围2格内单位+10%战斗力", + cities:["火奴鲁鲁","萨摩亚","汤加","努库希瓦","Raiatea","Aotearoa","Tahiti","Hilo","Te Wai Pounamu","Rapa Nui", + "Tuamotu","Rarotonga","Tuvalu","Tubuai","Mangareva","Oahu","Kiritimati","Ontong Java","Niue","Rekohu", + "Rakahanga","Bora Bora","Kailua","Uvea","Futuna","Rotuma","Tokelau","Lahaina","Bellona","Mungava","Tikopia", + "Emae","Kapingamarangi","Takuu","Nukuoro","Sikaiana","Anuta","Nuguria","Pileni","Nukumanu"] + }, + { + name:"Siam", + translatedName:"暹罗", + leaderName:"兰甘亨", + adjective:["暹罗的"], + startBias:["Avoid Forest"], + //preferredVictoryType:"Diplomatic", + + startIntroPart1: "Greetings to you, Great King Ramkhamhaeng, leader of the glorious Siamese people! O mighty King, your people bow down before you in awe and fear! You are the ruler of Siam, an ancient country in the heart of Southeast Asia, a beautiful and mysterious land. Surrounded by foes, beset by bloody war and grinding poverty, the clever and loyal Siamese people have endured and trumphed. King Ramkhamhaeng, your empire was once part of the Khmer Empire, until the 13th century AD, when your ancestors revolted, forming the small Sukhothai kingdom. Through successful battle and cunning diplomacy, the tiny kingdom grew into a mighty empire, an empire which would dominate South East Asia for more than a century!" + startIntroPart2: "Oh, wise and puissant King Ramkhamhaeng, your people need you to once again lead them to greatness! Cann you use your wits and strenght of arms to protect your people and defeat your foes? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?" + + declaringWar:"You lowly, arrogant fool! I will make you regret of your insolence!" + attacked:"You scoundrel! I shall prepare to fend you off!" + defeated:"Althought I lost, my honor shall endure. I wish you good luck." + introduction:"I, Pho Kun Ramkhamhaeng, King of Siam, consider it a great honor that you have walked to visit my country of Siam." + + neutralHello:"Welcome." + neutralLetsHearIt:["Let us hear it.","You say?","I'm listening"] + neutralNo:["No.","Certainly no.","No way."] + neutralYes:["In that case...","Of course.","Agreed."] + + hateHello:"Greetings." + hateLetsHearIt:["You were saying?.","Please proceed","So?"] + hateNo:["That is unacceptable.","You probably didn't mean that.","What did you say?"] + hateYes:["I think I must do as such.","Very well."] + + afterPeace:"You have won, but I shall return to repay this debt." + tradeRequest:"Greetings. I believe this is a fair proposal for both parties. What do you think?" + + outerColor:[228,208,43], + innerColor:[193,21,17], + uniqueName:"Father Governs Children" + unique:"友好城邦提供的食物和文化增加50%", + cities:["素可泰","西萨查那莱","Muang Saluang","Lampang","Phitsanulok","Kamphaeng Pet","Nakhom Chum","Vientiane", + "Nakhon Si Thammarat","Martaban","Nakhon Sawan","Chainat","Luang Prabang","Uttaradit","Chiang Thong","Phrae", + "Nan","Tak","Suphanburi","Hongsawadee","Thawaii","Ayutthuya","Taphan Hin","Uthai Thani","Lap Buri","Ratchasima", + "Ban Phai","Loci","Khan Kaen","Surin"] }, /* { @@ -996,7 +1060,157 @@ innerColor:[0,102,102], cities:["爱丁堡"] }, + { + name:"Singapore", + translatedName:"新加坡", + adjective:["新加坡的"], + cityStateType:"Mercantile", + declaringWar:"You leave us no choice. War it must be.", + attacked:"Very well, this shall not be forgotten.", + afterPeace:"May peace forever bless our lands.", + defeated:"Perhaps, in another world, we could have been friends..." + + outerColor:[0, 0, 0], + innerColor:[255,255,0], + cities:["新加坡"] + }, + { + name:"Zanzibar", + translatedName:"桑给巴尔", + adjective:["桑给巴尔的"], + cityStateType:"Mercantile", + + declaringWar:"You leave us no choice. War it must be.", + attacked:"Very well, this shall not be forgotten.", + afterPeace:"May peace forever bless our lands.", + defeated:"May the Heavens forgive you for inflicting this humiliation to our people." + + outerColor:[0, 0, 0], + innerColor:[255,153,255], + cities:["桑给巴尔"] + }, + { + name:"Sydney", + translatedName:"悉尼", + adjective:["悉尼的"], + cityStateType:"Maritime", + + declaringWar:"You leave us no choice. War it must be.", + attacked:"Very well, this shall not be forgotten.", + afterPeace:"May peace forever bless our lands.", + defeated:"The principles for which we have fought will survive longer than any nation you could ever build." + + outerColor:[0, 0, 0], + innerColor:[255,204,204], + cities:["悉尼"] + }, + { + name:"Cape Town", + translatedName:"开普敦", + adjective:["开普敦的"], + cityStateType:"Maritime", + + declaringWar:"You leave us no choice. War it must be.", + attacked:"Very well, this shall not be forgotten.", + afterPeace:"May peace forever bless our lands.", + defeated:"I have failed. May you, at least, know compassion towards our people." + + outerColor:[0, 0, 0], + innerColor:[255,153,153], + cities:["开普敦"] + }, + { + name:"Kathmandu", + translatedName:"加德满都", + adjective:["加德满都的"], + cityStateType:"Mercantile", + + declaringWar:"You leave us no choice. War it must be.", + attacked:"Very well, this shall not be forgotten.", + afterPeace:"May peace forever bless our lands.", + defeated:"We... defeated? No... we had so much work to do!" + + outerColor:[0, 0, 0], + innerColor:[51,25,0], + cities:["加德满都"] + }, + { + name:"Hanoi", + translatedName:"河内", + adjective:["河内的"], + cityStateType:"Cultured", + + declaringWar:"You leave us no choice. War it must be.", + attacked:"Very well, this shall not be forgotten.", + afterPeace:"May peace forever bless our lands.", + defeated:"So this is how does it feel to die..." + + outerColor:[0, 0, 0], + innerColor:[0,0,255], + cities:["河内"] + }, + { + name:"Quebec City", + translatedName:"魁北克", + adjective:["魁北克的"], + cityStateType:"Cultured", + + declaringWar:"You leave us no choice. War it must be.", + attacked:"Very well, this shall not be forgotten.", + afterPeace:"May peace forever bless our lands.", + defeated:"We were too weak to protect ourselves..." + + outerColor:[0, 0, 0], + innerColor:[51,102,0], + cities:["魁北克"] + }, + { + name:"Helsinki", + translatedName:"赫尔辛基", + adjective:["赫尔辛基的"], + cityStateType:"Maritime", + + declaringWar:"You leave us no choice. War it must be.", + attacked:"Very well, this shall not be forgotten.", + afterPeace:"May peace forever bless our lands.", + defeated:"The day of judgement has come to us. But rest assured, the same will go for you!" + + outerColor:[0, 0, 0], + innerColor:[255,178,102], + cities:["赫尔辛基"] + }, + { + name:"Kuala Lumpur", + translatedName:"吉隆坡", + adjective:["吉隆坡的"], + cityStateType:"Cultured", + + declaringWar:"You leave us no choice. War it must be.", + attacked:"Very well, this shall not be forgotten.", + afterPeace:"May peace forever bless our lands.", + defeated:"Today, the Malay people obey you, but do not think this is over..." + + outerColor:[0, 0, 0], + innerColor:[0,102,102], + cities:["吉隆坡"] + }, + { + name:"Manila", + translatedName:"马尼拉", + adjective:["马尼拉的"], + cityStateType:"Maritime", + + declaringWar:"You leave us no choice. War it must be.", + attacked:"Very well, this shall not be forgotten.", + afterPeace:"May peace forever bless our lands.", + defeated:"Ah, Gods! Why have you forsaken us?" + + outerColor:[0, 0, 0], + innerColor:[96,96,96], + cities:["马尼拉"] + }, + //Barbarian { name:"Barbarians", diff --git a/core/src/com/unciv/logic/civilization/TechManager.kt b/core/src/com/unciv/logic/civilization/TechManager.kt index 9425ff8950..ac1faf884e 100644 --- a/core/src/com/unciv/logic/civilization/TechManager.kt +++ b/core/src/com/unciv/logic/civilization/TechManager.kt @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package com.unciv.logic.civilization import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color import com.unciv.Constants +import com.unciv.UnCivGame import com.unciv.logic.map.RoadStatus import com.unciv.models.gamebasics.GameBasics import com.unciv.models.gamebasics.tech.Technology @@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ import com.unciv.models.gamebasics.unit.BaseUnit import com.unciv.ui.utils.withItem import java.util.* import kotlin.collections.ArrayList +import kotlin.math.ceil class TechManager { @Transient lateinit var civInfo: CivilizationInfo @@ -44,7 +46,19 @@ class TechManager { if (civInfo.isPlayerCivilization()) techCost *= civInfo.getDifficulty().researchCostModifier techCost *= civInfo.gameInfo.gameParameters.gameSpeed.getModifier() - techCost *= 1 + (civInfo.cities.size -1 ) * 0.02f // each city increases tech cost by 2%, as per https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Science_(Civ5) + val techsResearchedKnownCivs = civInfo.getKnownCivs().count { it.isMajorCiv() && it.tech.isResearched(techName) } + val undefeatedCivs = UnCivGame.Current.gameInfo.civilizations.count { it.isMajorCiv() && !it.isDefeated() } + // https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/the-mechanics-of-overflow-inflation.517970/ + techCost /= 1 + techsResearchedKnownCivs / undefeatedCivs.toFloat() * 0.3f + // http://www.civclub.net/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=123976 + val worldSizeModifier = when(civInfo.gameInfo.gameParameters.mapRadius) { + 20 -> floatArrayOf(1.1f, 0.05f) // Medium Size + 30 -> floatArrayOf(1.2f, 0.03f) // Large Size + 40 -> floatArrayOf(1.3f, 0.02f) // Huge Size + else -> floatArrayOf(1f, 0.05f) // Tiny and Small Size + } + techCost *= worldSizeModifier[0] + techCost *= 1 + (civInfo.cities.size -1) * worldSizeModifier[1] return techCost.toInt() } @@ -55,19 +69,17 @@ class TechManager { } fun currentTechnologyName(): String? { - if (techsToResearch.isEmpty()) return null - else return techsToResearch[0] + return if (techsToResearch.isEmpty()) null else techsToResearch[0] } private fun researchOfTech(TechName: String?): Int { - if (techsInProgress.containsKey(TechName)) return techsInProgress[TechName]!! - else return 0 + return if (techsInProgress.containsKey(TechName)) techsInProgress[TechName]!! else 0 } fun remainingScienceToTech(techName: String) = costOfTech(techName) - researchOfTech(techName) fun turnsToTech(techName: String): Int { - return Math.ceil( remainingScienceToTech(techName).toDouble() + return ceil( remainingScienceToTech(techName).toDouble() / civInfo.statsForNextTurn.science).toInt() }