This commit is contained in:
Yair Morgenstern 2021-06-18 10:08:59 +03:00
parent c95655771c
commit 243647dea6
30 changed files with 528 additions and 480 deletions

View File

@ -2133,7 +2133,6 @@ The people of the United States of America welcome you. = O povo do Estados Unid
Is the following trade of interest to you? = Essa troca é de seu interesse?
Well? = Então?
Manifest Destiny = Destino Manifesto
+1 Sight for all land military units = +1 Visibilidade para todas as unidades terrestres
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
@ -2827,7 +2826,6 @@ Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of
Come, let our people feast together! = Venha, deixe nosso povo festejar juntos!
Welcome, friend! = Bem vindo, amigo!
Wayfinding = Orientação
+1 Sight when embarked = +1 Visão enquanto estiver embarcado
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately = Consegue embarcar e mover sobre Costas e Oceanos imediatamente
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] = +[amount]% Força quando encontra-se dentro de [amount2] hexágonos de [tileImprovement]
# Requires translation!
@ -3630,30 +3628,42 @@ Rationalism = Racionalismo
Constitution = Constituição
[stats] from every Wonder = [stats] de cada Monumento
Universal Suffrage = Sufrágio Universal
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities = [stats] por cada [amount] população em todas as cidades
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
Civil Society = Sociedade Civil
-50% food consumption by specialists = -50% gasto de comida por especialistas
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
Free Speech = Liberdade de Expressão
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = Democracia
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness = Especialistas produzem metade da infelicidade normal
# Requires translation!
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
Freedom Complete = Liberdade Completa
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% = Ganho obtido por Grandes Melhorias +100%
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
Freedom = Liberdade
Populism = Populismo
[param] units deal +[amount]% damage = [param] as unidades ganham mais +[amount]% de ataque
Militarism = Militarismo
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% = -33% custo de comprar unidades
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
Fascism = Fascismo
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% = Quantidade de recursos estratégicos produzidos pelo império incrementado em 100%
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
Police State = Estado de Polícia
Total War = Guerra Total
New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience = Novas [unitType] unidades começam com [amount] de experiência
Autocracy Complete = Autocracia Completa
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns = +20% bônus de ataque para todas Unidades Militares por 30 turnos
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = Revolução Industrial
Autocracy = Autocracia
-33% unit upkeep costs = 33% custos de manutenção da unidade
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -4464,7 +4474,7 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry = Infantaria
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight when [param] =
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
Machine Gun = Metralhadora robusta

View File

@ -2621,8 +2621,6 @@ Is the following trade of interest to you? =
Well? =
Manifest Destiny = Ясна Съдба
# Requires translation!
+1 Sight for all land military units =
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
President Washington, can you lead the American people to greatness? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? =
@ -3487,8 +3485,6 @@ Come, let our people feast together! =
Welcome, friend! =
Wayfinding = Разчитане на Звездите
# Requires translation!
+1 Sight when embarked =
# Requires translation!
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately =
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] =
@ -4583,21 +4579,23 @@ Constitution =
# Requires translation!
Universal Suffrage =
# Requires translation!
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities =
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
# Requires translation!
Civil Society =
# Requires translation!
-50% food consumption by specialists =
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
# Requires translation!
Free Speech =
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
# Requires translation!
Democracy =
# Requires translation!
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness =
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Freedom Complete =
# Requires translation!
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% =
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
# Requires translation!
Freedom =
@ -4608,11 +4606,11 @@ Populism =
# Requires translation!
Militarism =
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% =
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
# Requires translation!
Fascism =
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% =
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
# Requires translation!
Police State =
# Requires translation!
@ -4622,12 +4620,14 @@ New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience =
# Requires translation!
Autocracy Complete =
# Requires translation!
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns =
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = Индустриална ера
# Requires translation!
Autocracy =
# Requires translation!
-33% unit upkeep costs =
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -5912,7 +5912,7 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry =
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight when [param] =
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
# Requires translation!
Machine Gun =

View File

@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ Peace = Mír
Research Agreement = Výzkumná dohoda
Declare war = Vyhlásit válku
Declare war on [civName]? = Vyhlásit válku civilizaci [civName]?
# Requires translation!
Let's begin! = Začněme!
[civName] has declared war on us! = Civilizace [civName] nám vyhlásila válku!
[leaderName] of [nation] = [leaderName], [nation]
@ -87,11 +86,8 @@ We will remember this. = To vám nikdy nezapomeneme.
[civName] and [targetCivName] have signed a Peace Treaty! = Civilizace [civName] a [targetCivName] podepsaly Mírovou dohodu!
[civName] and [targetCivName] have signed the Declaration of Friendship! = Civilizace [civName] a [targetCivName] podepsaly Vyhlášení přátelství!
[civName] has denounced [targetCivName]! = Civilizace [civName] odsoudila civilizaci [targetCivName]!
# Requires translation!
Do you want to break your promise to [leaderName]? = Chcete porušit svůj slib vládci [leaderName]?
# Requires translation!
We promised not to settle near them ([count] turns remaining) = Slíbili jsme nezakládat města poblíž jejich hranic ([count] tahy/ů zbývá)
# Requires translation!
They promised not to settle near us ([count] turns remaining) = Slíbili nezakládat města poblíž našich hranic ([count] tahy/ů zbývá)
Unforgivable = Nenávist
@ -410,11 +406,8 @@ Cannot provide unit upkeep for [unitName] - unit has been disbanded! = Žold pro
[wonder] has been built in a faraway land = Div světa [wonder] byl vybudován ve vzdálené zemi
[civName] has completed [construction]! = Civilizace [civName] dokončila stavbu [construction]!
An unknown civilization has completed [construction]! = Neznámá civilizace dokončila stavbu [construction]!
# Requires translation!
The city of [cityname] has started constructing [construction]! = Město [cityname] začalo stavět [construction]!
# Requires translation!
[civilization] has started constructing [construction]! = Civilizace [civilization] začala stavět [construction]!
# Requires translation!
An unknown civilization has started constructing [construction]! = Neznámá civilizace začala stavět [construction]!
Work has started on [construction] = Začali jsme stavět - [construction]
[cityName] cannot continue work on [construction] = Město [cityName] nemůže pokračovat ve stavbě budovy [construction]
@ -1063,7 +1056,6 @@ Walls = Hradby
Walls of Babylon = Babylonské hradby
'O, let not the pains of death which come upon thee enter into my body. I am the god Tem, and I am the foremost part of the sky, and the power which protecteth me is that which is with all the gods forever.' - The Book of the Dead, translated by Sir Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge = 'Ó, ať bolesti smrti vstoupí do mého těla. Já jsem Bůh Tem a jsem především části oblohy, moc která mě chrání je ta, jenž je navždy se všemi bohy.' - Kniha mrtvých, přeložil sir Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% tile improvement construction time = -[amount]% doby postavení vylepšení
[amount] free [unit] units appear = [amount] jednotky [unit] zdarma
The Pyramids = Pyramidy
@ -1088,7 +1080,6 @@ Mausoleum of Halicarnassus = Mauzoleum v Halikarnassu
Lighthouse = Maják
'They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; these see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.' - The Bible, Psalms 107:23-24 = 'Ti, kteří se vydávají na lodích na moře, kdo konají dílo na nesmírných vodách, spatřili Hospodinovy skutky, jeho divy na hlubině.' - Bible, Žalm 107: 23-24
# Requires translation!
+[amount] Sight for all [param] units = +[amount] dohled pro všechny [param] jednotky
The Great Lighthouse = Maják na ostrově Faru
@ -1243,7 +1234,6 @@ Taj Mahal = Tádž Mahal
'Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.' - James Russell Lowell = 'Věci se vždy zdají lepší, když se na ně podíváme zpět, a to z té nepřístupné věže minulosti, která nás láká a vábí.' - James Russell Lowell
Free [unit] appears = [unit] zdarma
# Requires translation!
Science gained from research agreements +[amount]% = +[amount]% výzkumu z výzkumných dohod
Porcelain Tower = Porcelánová pagoda
@ -1283,7 +1273,6 @@ Research Lab = Výzkumná laboratoř
Stadium = Stadión
# Requires translation!
Military Base = Vojenská základna
'Come to me, all who labor and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.' - New Testament, Matthew 11:28 = 'Pojďte ke mně, všichni, kdo se namáháte a jste obtíženi břemeny, a já vám dám odpočinout.' - Nový Zákon, Matouš 11:28
@ -1331,15 +1320,10 @@ SS Engine = Hlavní motor
SS Stasis Chamber = Stázová komora
# Requires translation!
Hidden until [amount] social policy branches have been completed = Skrytý do dokončení [amount] větví sociální politiky
# Requires translation!
Triggers a global alert upon build start = Vyvolá globální upozornění při započetí stavby
# Requires translation!
Triggers a Cultural Victory upon completion = Vyvolá kulturní vítězství po dokončení
# Requires translation!
Hidden when cultural victory is disabled = Skrytý pokud je kulturní vítězství vypnuto
# Requires translation!
Utopia Project = Projekt Utopie
@ -1875,7 +1859,6 @@ The people of the United States of America welcome you. = Lid Spojených Států
Is the following trade of interest to you? = Zajímal by vás takovýto obchod?
Well? = Nuže?
Manifest Destiny = Předurčený osud
+1 Sight for all land military units = +1 dohled pro pozemní vojenské jednotky
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
@ -2334,7 +2317,6 @@ Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of
Come, let our people feast together! = Pojďte, ať naši lidé hodují společně!
Welcome, friend! = Vítej, příteli!
Wayfinding = Hledání cest
+1 Sight when embarked = +1 dohled při nalodění
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately = Může se okamžitě přesunovat mezi pevninou a oceánem
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] = +[amount]% k síle do vzdálenosti [amount2] políček od [tileImprovement]
# Requires translation!
@ -2866,18 +2848,15 @@ Can only heal by pillaging = Může se léčit pouze drancováním.
Aristocracy = Aristokracie
Legalism = Legalismus
# Requires translation!
Immediately creates the cheapest available cultural building in each of your first [amount] cities for free = Okamžitě a zdarma postaví nejlevnější kulturní budovu v našich prvních [amount] městech
Oligarchy = Oligarchie
Units in cities cost no Maintenance = Jednotky ve městech nestojí žádný udržovací poplatek
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% attacking strength for cities with garrisoned units = +[amount]% útočné síly pro města s posádkou
Landed Elite = Pozemkové vlastnictví
+[amount]% growth [cityFilter] = +[amount]% přírůstek [cityFilter]
[stats] [cityFilter] = [stats] [cityFilter]
Monarchy = Monarchie
Tradition Complete = Kompletní Tradice
# Requires translation!
Immediately creates a [building] in each of your first [amount] cities for free = Okamžitě a zdarma postaví budovu [building] v našich prvních [amount] městech
Ancient era = Starověká éra
Tradition = Tradice
@ -2888,20 +2867,17 @@ Collective Rule = Kolektivní právo
Representation = Zastupitelství
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies [amount]% less than normal = Každé založené město zvyšuje cenu sociální politiky o [amount]% méně než obvykle
Meritocracy = Meritokracie
# Requires translation!
Unhappiness from population decreased by [amount]% [param] = Nespokojenost z populace snížena o [amount]% [param]
Liberty Complete = Kompletní Volnost
Liberty = Volnost
Warrior Code = Kodex válečníka
Discipline = Disciplína
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Strength for [unitType] units which have another [unitType2] unit in an adjacent tile = +[amount]% síly pro [unitType] jednotky, u kterých se nachází další [unitType2] jednotka na přilehlém políčku
Military Tradition = Vojenská tradice
[unitType] units gain [amount]% more Experience from combat = [unitType] jednotky získávají o [amount]% více zkušeností z boje
Military Caste = Vojenská třída
Professional Army = Profesionální armáda
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of upgrading [unitType] units reduced by [amount]% = Cena vylepšení [unitType] jednotek snížena o [amount]%
Honor Complete = Kompletní Čest
Honor = Čest
@ -2951,30 +2927,42 @@ Rationalism = Racionalismus
Constitution = Ústavní systém
[stats] from every Wonder = [stats] za každý Div
Universal Suffrage = Všeobecné volební právo
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities = [stats] za každých [amount] obyvatel ve všech městech
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
Civil Society = Občanská společnost
-50% food consumption by specialists = -50% spotřeby jídla specialisty
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
Free Speech = Svoboda projevu
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = Demokracie
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness = Specialisté produkují polovinu běžné nespokojenosti
# Requires translation!
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
Freedom Complete = Kompletní Svoboda
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% = Zisk z políček od Velkých vylepšení +100%
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
Freedom = Svoboda
Populism = Populismus
[param] units deal +[amount]% damage = [param] jednotky způsobují +[amount]% zranění
Militarism = Militarismus
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% = Cena za nákup jednotek se snižuje o 33%
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
Fascism = Fašismus
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% = Množství strategických zdrojů produkovaných říší se zvyšuje o 100%
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
Police State = Policejní stát
Total War = Totální válka
New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience = Nové [unitType] jednotky okamžitě získají [amount] zkušenosti
Autocracy Complete = Kompletní Autokracie
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns = +20% bonus k útoku všem vojenským jednotkám na 30 tahů
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = Industriální éra
Autocracy = Autokracie
-33% unit upkeep costs = -33% nákladů na údržbu jednotek
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -3768,7 +3756,8 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry = Pěchota
[amount] Sight when [param] = [amount] dohled když [param]
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
Machine Gun = Kulometčík

View File

@ -2392,8 +2392,6 @@ Well? =
# Requires translation!
Manifest Destiny =
# Requires translation!
+1 Sight for all land military units =
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
President Washington, can you lead the American people to greatness? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? =
@ -3146,8 +3144,6 @@ Welcome, friend! =
# Requires translation!
Wayfinding =
# Requires translation!
+1 Sight when embarked =
# Requires translation!
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately =
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] =
@ -4187,20 +4183,22 @@ Constitution = Grondwet
# Requires translation!
Universal Suffrage =
# Requires translation!
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities =
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
# Requires translation!
Civil Society =
# Requires translation!
-50% food consumption by specialists =
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
# Requires translation!
Free Speech =
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = Democratie
# Requires translation!
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness =
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Freedom Complete =
# Requires translation!
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% =
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
Freedom = Vrijheid
Populism = Populisme
@ -4208,10 +4206,10 @@ Populism = Populisme
[param] units deal +[amount]% damage =
Militarism = Militarisme
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% =
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
Fascism = Fascisme
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% =
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
# Requires translation!
Police State =
# Requires translation!
@ -4221,11 +4219,13 @@ New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience =
# Requires translation!
Autocracy Complete =
# Requires translation!
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns =
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = Industrieele
Autocracy = Autocratie
# Requires translation!
-33% unit upkeep costs =
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -5262,7 +5262,7 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry =
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight when [param] =
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
Machine Gun = Machinegeweer

View File

@ -3400,8 +3400,6 @@ Well? =
# Requires translation!
Manifest Destiny =
# Requires translation!
+1 Sight for all land military units =
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
President Washington, can you lead the American people to greatness? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? =
@ -4276,8 +4274,6 @@ Welcome, friend! =
# Requires translation!
Wayfinding =
# Requires translation!
+1 Sight when embarked =
# Requires translation!
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately =
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] =
@ -5382,21 +5378,23 @@ Constitution =
# Requires translation!
Universal Suffrage =
# Requires translation!
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities =
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
# Requires translation!
Civil Society =
# Requires translation!
-50% food consumption by specialists =
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
# Requires translation!
Free Speech =
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
# Requires translation!
Democracy =
# Requires translation!
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness =
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Freedom Complete =
# Requires translation!
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% =
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
# Requires translation!
Freedom =
@ -5407,11 +5405,11 @@ Populism =
# Requires translation!
Militarism =
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% =
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
# Requires translation!
Fascism =
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% =
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
# Requires translation!
Police State =
# Requires translation!
@ -5421,13 +5419,15 @@ New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience =
# Requires translation!
Autocracy Complete =
# Requires translation!
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns =
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
# Requires translation!
Industrial era =
# Requires translation!
Autocracy =
# Requires translation!
-33% unit upkeep costs =
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -6708,7 +6708,7 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry =
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight when [param] =
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
# Requires translation!
Machine Gun =

View File

@ -2108,7 +2108,6 @@ The people of the United States of America welcome you. = Yhdysvaltain kansa toi
Is the following trade of interest to you? = Olisitteko kiinnostuneet seuraavasta kaupasta?
Well? = Noh?
Manifest Destiny = Kutsumuskohtalo
+1 Sight for all land military units = +1 Näkökyky kaikille kuivan maan sotilasyksiköille.
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
@ -2670,7 +2669,6 @@ Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of
Come, let our people feast together! = Antakaamme kansojemme juhlia yhdessä!
Welcome, friend! = Tervetuloa, ystäväni.
Wayfinding = Suunnistus
+1 Sight when embarked = +1 Näkökyky kuivan maan yksiköille vesillä.
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately = Kuivan maan yksiköt voivat siirtyä vesille ja liikkua Rantavesissä ja Merellä heti
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] =
@ -3711,18 +3709,20 @@ Constitution = Perustuslaki
# Requires translation!
Universal Suffrage =
# Requires translation!
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities =
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
Civil Society = Kansalaisyhteiskunta
# Requires translation!
-50% food consumption by specialists =
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
Free Speech = Sananvapaus
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = Demokratia
# Requires translation!
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness =
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Freedom Complete =
# Requires translation!
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% =
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
Freedom = Vapaus
Populism = Populismi
@ -3730,11 +3730,11 @@ Populism = Populismi
[param] units deal +[amount]% damage =
Militarism = Militarismi
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% =
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
# Requires translation!
Fascism =
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% =
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
# Requires translation!
Police State =
# Requires translation!
@ -3744,12 +3744,14 @@ New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience =
# Requires translation!
Autocracy Complete =
# Requires translation!
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns =
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
# Requires translation!
Industrial era =
Autocracy = Yksinvaltius
# Requires translation!
-33% unit upkeep costs =
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -4915,7 +4917,7 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry = Jalkaväki
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight when [param] =
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
# Requires translation!
Machine Gun =

View File

@ -701,7 +701,6 @@ Water resource = Ressource aquatique
River = Rivière
Fresh water = Eau douce
non-fresh water = Eau salée
# That's an adjective. What is it applied to? I need to find out whether it's masculine.
Coastal = Côtier(e)
Bonus resource = Ressource bonus
Strategic resource = Ressource stratégique
@ -1331,7 +1330,6 @@ SS Engine = Moteur (Vaisseau Spatial)
SS Stasis Chamber = Module de biostase (Vaisseau Spatial)
# Requires translation!
Hidden until [amount] social policy branches have been completed = Caché avant que [amount]
# Requires translation!
Triggers a global alert upon build start =
@ -1875,7 +1873,6 @@ The people of the United States of America welcome you. = Le peuple des États-U
Is the following trade of interest to you? = Cet offre vous convient-elle ?
Well? = Et bien ?
Manifest Destiny = Destinée manifeste
+1 Sight for all land military units = +1 vue pour toutes les unités militaires terrestres
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
@ -2334,7 +2331,6 @@ Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of
Come, let our people feast together! = Que nos peuples festoient ensemble !
Welcome, friend! = Bienvenue, mon ami !
Wayfinding = Orientation
+1 Sight when embarked = +1 vue à l'embarquement
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately = Peut embarquer et se déplacer sur les côtes et les océans immédiatement
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] = +[amount]% de force si à moins de [amount2] tuiles d'un [tileImprovement]
# Requires translation!
@ -2977,30 +2973,42 @@ Rationalism = Rationalisme
Constitution = Constitution
[stats] from every Wonder = [stats] de chaque merveille
Universal Suffrage = Suffrage universel
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities = [stats] pour [amount] de population dans toutes les villes
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
Civil Society = Société civile
-50% food consumption by specialists = -50% consommation de nourriture des spécialistes
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
Free Speech = Liberté de parler
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = Démocratie
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness = Les spécialistes produisent moitié moins de mécontentement
# Requires translation!
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
Freedom Complete = Liberté complète
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% = Le rendement des cases avec de grandes améliorations augmente de 100%
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
Freedom = Liberté
Populism = Populisme
[param] units deal +[amount]% damage = Les unités [param] infligent +[amount]% de dégâts
Militarism = Militarisme
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% = Le coût d'achat des unités militaires est réduit de 33%
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
Fascism = fascisme
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% = La quantité de ressources stratégiques est doublé
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
Police State = Etat policier
Total War = Guerre Totale
New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience = Les nouvelles unités [unitType] commencent avec [amount] XP
Autocracy Complete = Autocratie complète
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns = +20% en attaque pour toutes les unités militaires durant 30 tours
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = Ère industrielle
Autocracy = Autocratie
-33% unit upkeep costs = -33% des frais d'entretien des unités
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -3806,7 +3814,7 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry = Infanterie
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight when [param] =
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
Machine Gun = Mitrailleuse

View File

@ -1862,7 +1862,6 @@ The people of the United States of America welcome you. = Die Einwohner der Vere
Is the following trade of interest to you? = Interessiert sie folgender Tausch?
Well? = Nun?
Manifest Destiny = Offenkundiges Schicksal
+1 Sight for all land military units = +1 Sicht für alle militärischen Landeinheiten
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
@ -2320,7 +2319,6 @@ Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of
Come, let our people feast together! = Kommt, lasst unsere Völker zusammen ein großes Bankett feiern!
Welcome, friend! = Willkommen, Freund!
Wayfinding = Pfadfinder
+1 Sight when embarked = +1 Sicht, wenn eingeschifft
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately = Kann sich sofort einschiffen und über Küsten und Ozeane bewegen
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] = +[amount]% Stärke wenn innerhalb von [amount2] Feldern von [tileImprovement]
# Requires translation!
@ -2917,30 +2915,42 @@ Rationalism = Rationalismus
Constitution = Verfassung
[stats] from every Wonder = [stats] von jedem Wunder
Universal Suffrage = Allgemeines Wahlrecht
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities = [stats] je [amount] Bevölkerung in allen Städten
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
Civil Society = Zivilgesellschaft
-50% food consumption by specialists = -50% Nahrungsverbrauch durch Spezialisten
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
Free Speech = Meinungsfreiheit
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = Demokratie
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness = Spezialisten produzieren 50% weniger Unzufriedenheit
# Requires translation!
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
Freedom Complete = Freiheit vollständig
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% = Felderträge von Großen Verbesserungen +100%
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
Freedom = Freiheit
Populism = Populismus
[param] units deal +[amount]% damage = [param] Einheiten verursachen +[amount]% Schaden
Militarism = Militarismus
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% = -33% Goldkosten für das Kaufen von Einheiten
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
Fascism = Faschismus
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% = Menge an strategische Ressourcen ist um 100% erhöht.
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
Police State = Polizeistaat
Total War = Totaler Krieg
New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience = Neue Einheiten [unitType] erhalten zu Beginn [amount] Erfahrung
Autocracy Complete = Autokratie vollständig
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns = +20% Angriffsbonus für alle Militäreinheiten über 30 Runden
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = Industrielle Revolution
Autocracy = Autokratie
-33% unit upkeep costs = -33% Einheiten-Unterhaltskosten
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -3733,7 +3743,8 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory = Kann einen Fa
Infantry = Infanterie
[amount] Sight when [param] = [amount] Sicht wenn [param]
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
Machine Gun = Maschinengewehr

View File

@ -2122,8 +2122,6 @@ Well? =
# Requires translation!
Manifest Destiny =
# Requires translation!
+1 Sight for all land military units =
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
President Washington, can you lead the American people to greatness? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? =
@ -2714,8 +2712,6 @@ Welcome, friend! =
# Requires translation!
Wayfinding =
# Requires translation!
+1 Sight when embarked =
# Requires translation!
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately =
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] =
@ -3602,35 +3598,43 @@ Constitution = Alkotmány
[stats] from every Wonder = [stats] minden Csodáért
Universal Suffrage = Általános választójog
# Requires translation!
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities =
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
Civil Society = Polgári társadalom
# Requires translation!
-50% food consumption by specialists =
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
Free Speech = Szólásszabadság
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = Demokrácia
# Requires translation!
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness =
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
Freedom Complete = Függetlenség befejezve
# Requires translation!
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% =
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
Freedom = Függetlenség
Populism = Populizmus
# Requires translation!
[param] units deal +[amount]% damage =
Militarism = Militarizmus
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% = -33% aranyba kerül az egységek megvétele
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
Fascism = Fasizmus
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% = A stratégiai alapanyagok termelése a teljes birodalomban megnövelve 100%-al
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
Police State = Rendőrállam
Total War = Totális háború
# Requires translation!
New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience =
Autocracy Complete = Autokrácia befejezve
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns = +20% támadási bónusz minden katonai egységnek 30 körön keresztül
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = Ipari kor
Autocracy = Autokrácia
-33% unit upkeep costs = Egységek fenntartási költsége 33%-al kevesebb
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -4504,7 +4508,7 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry = Gyalogos
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight when [param] =
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
Machine Gun = Géppuska

View File

@ -1891,7 +1891,6 @@ The people of the United States of America welcome you. = Segenap rakyat Amerika
Is the following trade of interest to you? = Apakah penawaran berikut menarik bagimu?
Well? = Ya?
Manifest Destiny = Manifestasi Takdir
+1 Sight for all land military units = +1 Penglihatan untuk semua unit militer darat
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
@ -2350,7 +2349,6 @@ Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of
Come, let our people feast together! = Mari, biarlah rakyat kita berpesta bersama!
Welcome, friend! = Halo, teman!
Wayfinding = Pencari Jalan
+1 Sight when embarked = +1 Penglihatan ketika melaut.
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately = Langsung dapat melaut dan bergerak sepanjang Pesisir dan Samudra.
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] = +[amount]% Kekuatan jika berjarak [amount2] daerah dari [tileImprovement]
# Requires translation!
@ -2954,30 +2952,42 @@ Rationalism = Rasionalisme
Constitution = Konstitusi
[stats] from every Wonder = [stats] dari setiap keajaiban dunia
Universal Suffrage = Hak Suara Universal
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities = [stats] tiap [amount] populasi di semua kota
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
Civil Society = Masyarakat Sipil
-50% food consumption by specialists = -50% konsumsi makanan oleh spesialis
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
Free Speech = Kebebasan Berbicara
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = Demokrasi
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness = Spesialis menghasilkan setengah ketidakbahagiaan dari biasanya.
# Requires translation!
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
Freedom Complete = Kebebasan Lengkap
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% = Hasil dari daerah yang dibangun peningkatan hebat +100%
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
Freedom = Kebebasan
Populism = Populisme
[param] units deal +[amount]% damage = Unit [param] menghasilkan +[amount]% kerusakan
Militarism = Miltarisme
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% = Biaya emas untuk membeli unit -33%.
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
Fascism = Fasisme
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% = Jumlah sumber daya strategis yang dihasilkan oleh negera naik 100%.
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
Police State = Negara Kepolisian
Total War = Perang Total
New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience = Unit [unitType] baru dimulai dengan [amount] pengalaman
Autocracy Complete = Otokrasi Lengkap
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns = +20% bonus serangan untuk semua unit militer selama 30 giliran
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = Era Industri
Autocracy = Otokrasi
-33% unit upkeep costs = -33% biaya pemeliharaan unit
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -3771,7 +3781,8 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry = Infanteri
[amount] Sight when [param] = [amount] Penglihatan ketika [param]
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
Machine Gun = Senapan Mesin

View File

@ -1832,7 +1832,6 @@ The people of the United States of America welcome you. = Vi dò il benvenuto da
Is the following trade of interest to you? = Ti interessa forse questo accordo commerciale?
Well? = Ebbene?
Manifest Destiny = Destino Manifesto
+1 Sight for all land military units = +1 Visione per tutte le unità terrestri
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. = Benvenuto, presidente Washington. Tu guidi l'industriosa civiltà americana, costituitasi in seguito alla rivoluzione nel XVIII secolo e finita, ancora giovane nazione di appena un centinaio d'anni, nella terribile morsa di una guerra civile che rischiò di dividerla per sempre. Ma poco tempo dopo, nel XX secolo, gli Stati Uniti raggiunsero l'apice della loro potenza, emergendo trionfanti e sempre più potenti dalle due terribili guerre che videro la fine di tante altre grandi nazioni.
President Washington, can you lead the American people to greatness? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? = Gli Stati Uniti sono una nazione di immigrati, pieni di ottimismo e determinazione. Quello che manca loro è soltanto un leader che li aiuti a realizzare il loro potenziale. Presidente Washington, saprai guidare l'America verso la grandezza? Riuscirai a plasmare una civiltà in grado di superare la prova del tempo?
Washington = Washington
@ -2274,7 +2273,6 @@ Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of
Come, let our people feast together! = Vieni, organizziamo un banchetto per festeggiare la nostra amicizia!
Welcome, friend! = Benvenuto, amico!
Wayfinding = Orientamento
+1 Sight when embarked = +1 Visione per le unità imbarcate
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately = Puoi muoverti e imbarcarti nelle Coste e negli Oceani fin da subito
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] = +[amount]% Forza entro [amount2] caselle da [tileImprovement]
Greetings and blessings be upon you, Kamehameha the Great, chosen by the heavens to unite your scattered peoples. Oh mighty King, you were the first to bring the Big Island of Hawai'i under one solitary rule in 1791 AD. This was followed by the merging of all the remaining islands under your standard in 1810. As the first King of Hawai'i, you standardized the legal and taxation systems and instituted the Mamalahoe Kawanai, an edict protecting civilians in times of war. You ensured the continued unification and sovereignty of the islands by your strong laws and deeds, even after your death in 1819. = Salute e benedizione su di te, Kamehameha il Grande, prescelto dal cielo per unire il tuo popolo disperso. O potente re, tu fosti il primo a estendere il tuo dominio sulla Grande Isola di Hawaii nel 1791, e seguì l'unificazione di tutte le altre isole sotto il tuo stendardo, completata nel 1810. Come primo re delle Hawaii, hai riorganizzato il sistema legale e fiscale e hai istituito il Mamalahoe Kanawai, un editto che protegge i civili in tempo di guerra. Con le tue leggi e le tue grandi gesta hai assicurato che le isole continuassero a rafforzare la loro unione e a mantenere la loro sovranità, anche dopo la tua morte avvenuta nel 1819.
@ -2850,30 +2848,42 @@ Rationalism = Razionalismo
Constitution = Costituzione
[stats] from every Wonder = [stats] per ogni Meraviglia
Universal Suffrage = Suffragio Universale
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities = [stats] ogni [amount] abitanti in tutte le Città
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
Civil Society = Società civile
-50% food consumption by specialists = Gli Specialisti consumano metà del cibo
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
Free Speech = Libertà di parola
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = Democrazia
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness = Gli Specialisti dimezzano l'Infelicità prodotta
# Requires translation!
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
Freedom Complete = Uguaglianza Completa
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% = Doppia resa (+100%) dai miglioramenti
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
Freedom = Uguaglianza
Populism = Populismo
[param] units deal +[amount]% damage = +[amount]% danno per le unità [param]
Militarism = Militarismo
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% = -33% costi d'acquisto in Oro per le unità
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
Fascism = Fascismo
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% = L'impero raddoppia la quantità delle risorse strategiche che possiede
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
Police State = Stato di polizia
Total War = Guerra Totale
New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience = Le nuove unità [unitType] iniziano con [amount] Esperienza
Autocracy Complete = Autocrazia Completa
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns = +20% Forza a tutte le unità militari per 30 turni
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = Industriale
Autocracy = Autocrazia
-33% unit upkeep costs = -33% manutenzione per le unità militari
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -3665,7 +3675,8 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory = Può paracadu
Infantry = Fanteria
[amount] Sight when [param] = [amount] Visione quando [param]
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
Machine Gun = Mitragliatrice

View File

@ -1919,7 +1919,6 @@ The people of the United States of America welcome you. = アメリカ合衆国
Is the following trade of interest to you? = 以下の取引に興味はありますかな?
Well? = ん?
Manifest Destiny = 明白なる運命
+1 Sight for all land military units = すべての陸上軍事ユニットに視界+1
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
@ -2378,7 +2377,6 @@ Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of
Come, let our people feast together! = さあ、こちらへ。ともに国民をもてなしましょう!
Welcome, friend! = ようこそ、友よ!
Wayfinding = ウェイファインディング
+1 Sight when embarked = 乗船時に視界+1
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately = 初めから外洋の上を移動できる
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] = [tileImprovement]から[amount2]タイル以内に戦闘力+[amount]%を付与
# Requires translation!
@ -2983,30 +2981,42 @@ Rationalism = 合理主義
Constitution = 憲法
[stats] from every Wonder = すべての遺産から[stats]
Universal Suffrage = 普通選挙
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities = 全都市の人口[amount]人あたり[stats]
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
Civil Society = 市民社会
-50% food consumption by specialists = 専門家の食料の消費量が通常の半分になる
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
Free Speech = 表現の自由
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = 民主主義
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness = 専門家の不満を半減
# Requires translation!
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
Freedom Complete = 自由コンプリート
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% = 偉人建造物によるタイルの産出が+100%
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
Freedom = 自由
Populism = ポピュリズム
[param] units deal +[amount]% damage = [param]ユニットの与えるダメージ+[amount]%
Militarism = 軍事主義
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% = ユニット購入時の価格-33%
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
Fascism = ファシズム
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% = 自国産の戦略資源2倍
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
Police State = 警察国家
Total War = 総力戦
New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience = 新たに生産された[unitType]ユニットに[amount]の経験値を与える
Autocracy Complete = 独裁コンプリート
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns = 30ターンの間、すべての軍事ユニットに+20%の攻撃ボーナスを与える
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = 産業時代
Autocracy = 独裁政治
-33% unit upkeep costs = ユニットの維持コストを-33%削減
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -3807,7 +3817,7 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry = 歩兵
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight when [param] =
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
Machine Gun = マシンガン

View File

@ -1942,7 +1942,6 @@ The people of the United States of America welcome you. = 아메리카 합중국
Is the following trade of interest to you? = 이 거래에 관심이 있으시오?
Well? = 뭐요?
Manifest Destiny = 확장 정신
+1 Sight for all land military units = 모든 지상 군사 유닛 시야 +1
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
@ -2401,7 +2400,6 @@ Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of
Come, let our people feast together! = 어서 백성들이 축제를 벌이게 하세!
Welcome, friend! = 환영하오, 친구여!
Wayfinding = 활로 개척
+1 Sight when embarked = 승선시 시야 +1
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately = 시작 직후 물 타일로 승선, 이동 가능
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] = [tileImprovement] 주변 [amount2]타일 내에서 전투력 +[amount]%
# Requires translation!
@ -3012,30 +3010,42 @@ Rationalism = 합리주의
Constitution = 헌법
[stats] from every Wonder = 모든 불가사의에서 [stats]
Universal Suffrage = 보통선거제도
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities = 모든 도시에서 인구 [amount]당 [stats]
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
Civil Society = 시민 사회
-50% food consumption by specialists = 전문가가 소비하는 식량 -50%
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
Free Speech = 표현의 자유
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = 민주주의
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness = 전문가로 인한 불행 -50%
# Requires translation!
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
Freedom Complete = 평등 이념 완성
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% = 위인 시설의 산출량 +100%
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
Freedom = 평등
Populism = 포퓰리즘
[param] units deal +[amount]% damage = [param]이 [amount]% 만큼의 피해를 더 줌
Militarism = 군국주의
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% = 유닛 구매에 필요한 금 -33%
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
Fascism = 파시즘
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% = 전략 자원 생산 갯수 +100%
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
Police State = 경찰국가
Total War = 총력전
New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience = 새로 생산되는 [unitType] 유닛의 경험치 +[amount]
Autocracy Complete = 독재 이념 완성
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns = 30턴 동안 모든 유닛 전투력 +20%
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = 산업 시대
Autocracy = 독재
-33% unit upkeep costs = 유닛 유지비 -33%
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -3849,7 +3859,7 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry = 보병
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight when [param] =
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
Machine Gun = 기관총

View File

@ -2714,8 +2714,6 @@ Is the following trade of interest to you? =
Well? =
Manifest Destiny = Akivaizdus likimas
# Requires translation!
+1 Sight for all land military units =
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
President Washington, can you lead the American people to greatness? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? =
@ -3581,8 +3579,6 @@ Come, let our people feast together! =
Welcome, friend! =
Wayfinding = Kelio aptikimas
# Requires translation!
+1 Sight when embarked =
# Requires translation!
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately =
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] =
@ -4681,21 +4677,23 @@ Constitution =
# Requires translation!
Universal Suffrage =
# Requires translation!
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities =
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
# Requires translation!
Civil Society =
# Requires translation!
-50% food consumption by specialists =
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
# Requires translation!
Free Speech =
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
# Requires translation!
Democracy =
# Requires translation!
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness =
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Freedom Complete =
# Requires translation!
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% =
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
# Requires translation!
Freedom =
@ -4706,11 +4704,11 @@ Populism =
# Requires translation!
Militarism =
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% =
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
# Requires translation!
Fascism =
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% =
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
# Requires translation!
Police State =
# Requires translation!
@ -4720,13 +4718,15 @@ New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience =
# Requires translation!
Autocracy Complete =
# Requires translation!
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns =
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
# Requires translation!
Industrial era =
# Requires translation!
Autocracy =
# Requires translation!
-33% unit upkeep costs =
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -6015,7 +6015,7 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry =
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight when [param] =
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
# Requires translation!
Machine Gun =

View File

@ -2915,8 +2915,6 @@ Well? =
# Requires translation!
Manifest Destiny =
# Requires translation!
+1 Sight for all land military units =
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
President Washington, can you lead the American people to greatness? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? =
@ -3783,8 +3781,6 @@ Welcome, friend! =
# Requires translation!
Wayfinding =
# Requires translation!
+1 Sight when embarked =
# Requires translation!
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately =
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] =
@ -4870,19 +4866,21 @@ Constitution = Perlembagaan
# Requires translation!
Universal Suffrage =
# Requires translation!
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities =
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
# Requires translation!
Civil Society =
# Requires translation!
-50% food consumption by specialists =
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
Free Speech = Kebebasan Bersuara
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = Demokrasi
# Requires translation!
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness =
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Freedom Complete =
# Requires translation!
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% =
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
# Requires translation!
Freedom =
@ -4893,11 +4891,11 @@ Populism =
# Requires translation!
Militarism =
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% =
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
# Requires translation!
Fascism =
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% =
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
# Requires translation!
Police State =
# Requires translation!
@ -4907,12 +4905,14 @@ New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience =
# Requires translation!
Autocracy Complete =
# Requires translation!
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns =
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = Era Industri
# Requires translation!
Autocracy =
# Requires translation!
-33% unit upkeep costs =
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -6074,7 +6074,7 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry = Infantri
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight when [param] =
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
Machine Gun = Mesingan

View File

@ -2649,8 +2649,6 @@ Is the following trade of interest to you? =
Well? =
Manifest Destiny = Sarnevešt e Āšekār
# Requires translation!
+1 Sight for all land military units =
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
President Washington, can you lead the American people to greatness? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? =
@ -3515,8 +3513,6 @@ Come, let our people feast together! =
Welcome, friend! =
Wayfinding = Masiryābi
# Requires translation!
+1 Sight when embarked =
# Requires translation!
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately =
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] =
@ -4614,21 +4610,23 @@ Constitution =
# Requires translation!
Universal Suffrage =
# Requires translation!
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities =
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
# Requires translation!
Civil Society =
# Requires translation!
-50% food consumption by specialists =
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
# Requires translation!
Free Speech =
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
# Requires translation!
Democracy =
# Requires translation!
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness =
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Freedom Complete =
# Requires translation!
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% =
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
# Requires translation!
Freedom =
@ -4639,11 +4637,11 @@ Populism =
# Requires translation!
Militarism =
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% =
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
# Requires translation!
Fascism =
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% =
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
# Requires translation!
Police State =
# Requires translation!
@ -4653,13 +4651,15 @@ New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience =
# Requires translation!
Autocracy Complete =
# Requires translation!
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns =
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
# Requires translation!
Industrial era =
# Requires translation!
Autocracy =
# Requires translation!
-33% unit upkeep costs =
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -5948,7 +5948,7 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry =
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight when [param] =
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
# Requires translation!
Machine Gun =

View File

@ -2646,8 +2646,6 @@ Is the following trade of interest to you? =
Well? =
Manifest Destiny = Sarnevesht e Aashekaar
# Requires translation!
+1 Sight for all land military units =
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
President Washington, can you lead the American people to greatness? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? =
@ -3512,8 +3510,6 @@ Come, let our people feast together! =
Welcome, friend! =
Wayfinding = Masiryaabi
# Requires translation!
+1 Sight when embarked =
# Requires translation!
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately =
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] =
@ -4611,21 +4607,23 @@ Constitution =
# Requires translation!
Universal Suffrage =
# Requires translation!
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities =
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
# Requires translation!
Civil Society =
# Requires translation!
-50% food consumption by specialists =
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
# Requires translation!
Free Speech =
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
# Requires translation!
Democracy =
# Requires translation!
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness =
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Freedom Complete =
# Requires translation!
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% =
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
# Requires translation!
Freedom =
@ -4636,11 +4634,11 @@ Populism =
# Requires translation!
Militarism =
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% =
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
# Requires translation!
Fascism =
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% =
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
# Requires translation!
Police State =
# Requires translation!
@ -4650,13 +4648,15 @@ New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience =
# Requires translation!
Autocracy Complete =
# Requires translation!
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns =
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
# Requires translation!
Industrial era =
# Requires translation!
Autocracy =
# Requires translation!
-33% unit upkeep costs =
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -5945,7 +5945,7 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry =
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight when [param] =
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
# Requires translation!
Machine Gun =

View File

@ -1924,7 +1924,6 @@ The people of the United States of America welcome you. = Mieszkańcy Stanów Zj
Is the following trade of interest to you? = Czy interesuje Cię następująca oferta?
Well? = Więc?
Manifest Destiny = Ukazanie Przeznaczenia
+1 Sight for all land military units = +1 do zasięgu wzroku lądowych jednostek wojskowych
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
@ -2383,7 +2382,6 @@ Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of
Come, let our people feast together! = Chodź, niech nasze ludy świętują razem!
Welcome, friend! = Witaj, przyjacielu!
Wayfinding = Astronawigacja
+1 Sight when embarked = +1 do zasięgu wzroku jednostek zaokrętowanych
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately = Może się zaokrętować i natychmiast wypłynąć na wybrzeża i ocean.
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] = +[amount]% Siły jeśli w odległości [amount2] pól od [tileImprovement]
# Requires translation!
@ -3023,30 +3021,42 @@ Rationalism = Racjonalizm
Constitution = Konstytucja
[stats] from every Wonder = [stats] za każdy Cud
Universal Suffrage = Powszechne Prawo Wyborcze
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities = [stats] za każdych [amount] obywateli we wszystkich miastach
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
Civil Society = Społeczeństwo Obywatelskie
-50% food consumption by specialists = Specjaliści wymagają jedynie 50% normalnej ilości żywności
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
Free Speech = Wolność Słowa
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = Demokracja
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness = Specjaliści generują o połowę mniejsze niezadowolenie
# Requires translation!
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
Freedom Complete = Ukończone Swobody
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% = Dochody z pól ulepszeń wielkich ludzi +100%
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
Freedom = Swobody
Populism = Populizm
[param] units deal +[amount]% damage = jednostki [param] zadają +[amount]% obrażeń
Militarism = Militaryzm
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% = Koszt w złocie za zakup jednostek maleje o 33%
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
Fascism = Faszyzm
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% = Ilość surowców strategicznych, produkowanych przez imperium, zwiększa się o 100%
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
Police State = Państwo Policyjne
Total War = Wojna Absolutna
New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience = Nowe jednostki [unitType] zaczynają z [amount] Doświadczenia
Autocracy Complete = Ukończona Autokracja
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns = +20% premii do ataku dla każdej Jednostki Wojskowej na 30 tur
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = Epoka Przemysłowa
Autocracy = Autokracja
-33% unit upkeep costs = -33% kosztów utrzymania jednostek
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -3848,7 +3858,7 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry = Piechota
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight when [param] =
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
Machine Gun = Karabin Maszynowy

View File

@ -2485,8 +2485,6 @@ Is the following trade of interest to you? =
Well? =
Manifest Destiny = Destino Manifesto
# Requires translation!
+1 Sight for all land military units =
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
President Washington, can you lead the American people to greatness? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? =
@ -3249,8 +3247,6 @@ Come, let our people feast together! =
Welcome, friend! =
Wayfinding = Orientação
# Requires translation!
+1 Sight when embarked =
# Requires translation!
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately =
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] =
@ -4297,34 +4293,43 @@ Constitution = Constituição
[stats] from every Wonder =
Universal Suffrage = Sufrágio Universal
# Requires translation!
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities =
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
Civil Society = Sociedade Civil
-50% food consumption by specialists = -50% gasto de comida por especialistas
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
Free Speech = Liberdade de Expressão
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = Democracia
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness = Especialistas produzem metade da infelicidade normal
# Requires translation!
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
Freedom Complete = Liberdade Completa
# Requires translation!
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% =
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
Freedom = Liberdade
Populism = Populismo
# Requires translation!
[param] units deal +[amount]% damage =
Militarism = Militarismo
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% = -33% custo de comprar unidades
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
Fascism = Fascismo
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% = Quantidade de recursos estratégicos produzidos pelo império incrementado em 100%
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
Police State = Estado de Polícia
Total War = Guerra Total
# Requires translation!
New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience =
Autocracy Complete = Autocracia Completa
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns = +20% bônus de ataque para todas Unidades Militares por 30 turnos
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = Revolução Industrial
Autocracy = Autocracia
# Requires translation!
-33% unit upkeep costs =
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -5234,7 +5239,7 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry = Infantaria
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight when [param] =
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
Machine Gun = Metralhadora robusta

View File

@ -2609,8 +2609,6 @@ Is the following trade of interest to you? =
Well? =
Manifest Destiny = Destin evident
# Requires translation!
+1 Sight for all land military units =
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
President Washington, can you lead the American people to greatness? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? =
@ -3470,8 +3468,6 @@ Come, let our people feast together! =
Welcome, friend! =
Wayfinding = Orientare
# Requires translation!
+1 Sight when embarked =
# Requires translation!
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately =
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] =
@ -4511,24 +4507,30 @@ Constitution = Constituție
[stats] from every Wonder =
Universal Suffrage = Vot universal
# Requires translation!
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities =
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
Civil Society = Societate civilă
-50% food consumption by specialists = -50% consum hrană de către specialiști
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
Free Speech = Exprimare liberă
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = Democrație
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness = Specialiștii produc jumătate din nefericire
# Requires translation!
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
Freedom Complete = Libertate realizată
# Requires translation!
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% =
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
Freedom = Libertate
Populism = Populism
# Requires translation!
[param] units deal +[amount]% damage =
Militarism = Militarism
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% = Costul cumpărării de unități -33%
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
Fascism = Fascism
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% = Resursele strategice produse de imperiu crescute cu 100%
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
Police State = Stat polițienesc
Total War = Război total
# Requires translation!
@ -4536,11 +4538,13 @@ New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience =
# Requires translation!
Autocracy Complete =
# Requires translation!
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns =
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = Epoca industrială
Autocracy = Autocrație
# Requires translation!
-33% unit upkeep costs =
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -5542,7 +5546,7 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry = Infanterie
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight when [param] =
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
Machine Gun = Mitralieră

View File

@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ Remove from queue = Убрать из очереди
Show stats drilldown = Показать развернутую статистику
Show construction queue = Показать очередь строительства
Save = Сохранить
# Requires translation!
Cancel = Отмена
Diplomacy = Дипломатия
@ -61,7 +60,6 @@ Peace = Мир
Research Agreement = Договор об исследовании
Declare war = Объявить войну
Declare war on [civName]? = Объявить войну державе [civName]?
# Requires translation!
Let's begin! = Давай начнём!
[civName] has declared war on us! = [civName] объявляет нам войну!
[leaderName] of [nation] = [leaderName] - [nation]
@ -88,11 +86,8 @@ We will remember this. = Мы это запомним.
[civName] and [targetCivName] have signed a Peace Treaty! = [civName] и [targetCivName] подписали мирное соглашение!
[civName] and [targetCivName] have signed the Declaration of Friendship! = [civName] и [targetCivName] подписали декларацию дружбы!
[civName] has denounced [targetCivName]! = [civName] осуждает державу [targetCivName]!
# Requires translation!
Do you want to break your promise to [leaderName]? = Вы хотите нарушить ваше обещание [leaderName]?
# Requires translation!
We promised not to settle near them ([count] turns remaining) = Мы обещали не закладывать новых городов рядом с ними ([count] ходов осталось)
# Requires translation!
They promised not to settle near us ([count] turns remaining) = Они обещали не закладывать новых городов рядом с нами ([count] ходов осталось)
Unforgivable = Непростительно враждебные
@ -144,13 +139,9 @@ Provides 3 happiness at 30 Influence = Дает 3 Счастья при 30 Вл
Provides land units every 20 turns at 30 Influence = Дает сухопутных юнитов каждые 20 ходов при 30 Влияния
Gift [giftAmount] gold (+[influenceAmount] influence) = Подарить [giftAmount] золота (+[influenceAmount] влияния)
Relationship changes in another [turnsToRelationshipChange] turns = Ходов до изменения отношений: [turnsToRelationshipChange]
# Requires translation!
Protected by = Под защитой
# Requires translation!
Revoke Protection = Снять защиту
# Requires translation!
Pledge to protect = Пообещать защиту
# Requires translation!
Declare Protection of [cityStateName]? = Объявить о защите [cityStateName]?
Cultured = Культурный
@ -215,7 +206,6 @@ Game Options = Настройка игры
Civilizations = Цивилизации
Map Type = Тип карты
Map file = Файл карты
# Requires translation!
Could not load map! = Не получилось загрузить карту!
Generated = Сгенерированная
Existing = Существующая
@ -225,7 +215,6 @@ Default = По умолчанию
Pangaea = Пангея
Perlin = Перлин
Continents = Континенты
# Requires translation!
Four Corners = Четыре Угла
Archipelago = Архипелаги
Number of City-States = Число городов-государств
@ -244,7 +233,6 @@ Rectangular = Прямоугольная
Show advanced settings = Показать расширенные настройки
Hide advanced settings = Скрыть расширенные настройки
# Requires translation!
RNG Seed = Сид
Map Height = Гористоcть
Temperature extremeness = Температура
@ -265,13 +253,9 @@ Small = Маленький
Medium = Средний
Large = Большой
Huge = Огромный
# Requires translation!
World wrap requires a minimum width of 32 tiles = Для работы бесконечной карты нужна ширина как минимум в 32 клетки
# Requires translation!
The provided map dimensions were too small = У карты слишком маленький размер
# Requires translation!
The provided map dimensions were too big = У карты слишком большой размер
# Requires translation!
The provided map dimensions had an unacceptable aspect ratio = У размера карты неверное соотношение сторон
Difficulty = Сложность
@ -406,17 +390,12 @@ Locate mod errors = Ошибка в расположении мода
Research of [technologyName] has completed! = Исследование завершено: [technologyName]
[construction] has become obsolete and was removed from the queue in [cityName]! = [construction] устарел и был убран из очереди в городе [cityName]!
# Requires translation!
[construction] has become obsolete and was removed from the queue in [amount] cities! = [construction] устарел и был убран из очереди в [amount] городах!
# Requires translation!
[cityName] changed production from [oldUnit] to [newUnit] = [cityName] сменил производство с [oldUnit] на [newUnit]
# Requires translation!
[amount] cities changed production from [oldUnit] to [newUnit] = [amount] городов сменили производство с [oldUnit] на [newUnit]
# Requires translation!
Excess production for [wonder] converted to [goldAmount] gold = Лишнее производство для [wonder] преобразовано в [goldAmount] золота
You have entered a Golden Age! = Вы вошли в золотой век!
[resourceName] revealed near [cityName] = Ресурс [resourceName] обнаружен вблизи [cityName]
# Requires translation!
[n] sources of [resourceName] revealed, e.g. near [cityName] = [n] ресурсов [resourceName] обнаружено, напр. возле [cityName]
A [greatPerson] has been born in [cityName]! = В г. [cityName] появляется [greatPerson]!
We have encountered [civName]! = Мы встретились с державой [civName]!
@ -425,15 +404,10 @@ Cannot provide unit upkeep for [unitName] - unit has been disbanded! = Нево
[cityName] is starving! = Город [cityName] голодает!
[construction] has been built in [cityName] = [construction] завершается в г. [cityName]
[wonder] has been built in a faraway land = [wonder] появляются в далеких землях
# Requires translation!
[civName] has completed [construction]! = [civName] завершает [construction]!
# Requires translation!
An unknown civilization has completed [construction]! = Неизвестная цивилизация завершает [construction]!
# Requires translation!
The city of [cityname] has started constructing [construction]! = Город [cityname] начал создание [construction]!
# Requires translation!
[civilization] has started constructing [construction]! = [civilization] начал создание [construction]!
# Requires translation!
An unknown civilization has started constructing [construction]! = Неизвестная цивилизация начала создание [construction]!
Work has started on [construction] = Началось строительство: [construction]
[cityName] cannot continue work on [construction] = [cityName] не может продолжать работу над проектом [construction]
@ -447,7 +421,6 @@ Enemy city [cityName] has attacked our [ourUnit] = Вражеский город
An enemy [unit] has captured [cityName] = [unit] врага захватывает наш город [cityName]
An enemy [unit] has captured our [ourUnit] = [unit] врага захватывает наш юнит [ourUnit]
An enemy [unit] has destroyed our [ourUnit] = [unit] врага уничтожает наш юнит [ourUnit]
# Requires translation!
Your [ourUnit] has destroyed an enemy [unit] = Наш [ourUnit] уничтожил вражеский [unit]
An enemy [RangedUnit] has destroyed the defence of [cityName] = [RangedUnit] врага прорывает оборону города [cityName]
Enemy city [cityName] has destroyed our [ourUnit] = Вражеский город [cityName] уничтожает наш юнит [ourUnit]
@ -532,7 +505,6 @@ Bombard strength = Сила обстрела
Range = Радиус обзора
Move unit = Переместить юнит
Stop movement = Отменить действие
# Requires translation!
Swap units = Поменять местами
Construct improvement = Построить улучшение
Automate = Автоматизировать
@ -545,7 +517,6 @@ Sleep = Спать
Sleep until healed = Спать до выздоровления
Moving = В движении
Set up = Подготовиться
# Requires translation!
Paradrop = Сбросить с парашютом
Upgrade to [unitType] ([goldCost] gold) = Улучшить до [unitType] ([goldCost] золота)
Found city = Основать город
@ -555,7 +526,6 @@ Disband unit = Распустить юнит
Explore = Исследовать
Stop exploration = Остановить исследование
Pillage = Разграбить
# Requires translation!
Are you sure you want to pillage this [improvement]? = Вы уверены что хотите разграбить [improvement]?
Do you really want to disband this unit? = Вы действительно хотите распустить этот юнит?
Disband this unit for [goldAmount] gold? = Распустить юнит за [goldAmount] золота?
@ -718,13 +688,9 @@ Water resource = Морские ресурсы
River = Река
Fresh water = Пресная вода
non-fresh water = Солёная вода
# Requires translation!
Coastal = Прибережный
# Requires translation!
Bonus resource = Бонусный ресурс
# Requires translation!
Strategic resource = Стратегический ресурс
# Requires translation!
Luxury resource = Редкий ресурс
Wonders = Чудеса
@ -864,15 +830,10 @@ Requires = Требуется
Menu = Меню
Brush Size = Размер кисти
Map saved = Карта сохранена
# Requires translation!
Change ruleset = Изменить набор правил
# Requires translation!
Base terrain [terrain] does not exist in ruleset! = Основной ландшафт [terrain] не существует в наборе правил!
# Requires translation!
Terrain feature [feature] does not exist in ruleset! = Особенность ландшафта [feature] не существует в наборе правил!
# Requires translation!
Resource [resource] does not exist in ruleset! = Ресурс [resource] не существует в наборе правил!
# Requires translation!
Improvement [improvement] does not exist in ruleset! = Улучшение [improvement] не существует в наборе правил!
Change map to fit selected ruleset? = Изменить карту, чтобы она соответствовала выбранному набору правил?
@ -1003,7 +964,6 @@ Invalid ID! = Неверный ID!
Mods = Моды
Download [modName] = Скачать [modName]
# Requires translation!
Update [modName] = Обновить [modName]
Could not download mod list = Не получается загрузить список модов
Download mod from URL = Скачать мод по URL
@ -1021,11 +981,8 @@ Disable as permanent visual mod = Отключить как перманентн
Installed = Установлено
Downloaded! = Установлено!
Could not download mod = Произошла ошибка при скачивании мода
# Requires translation!
Online query result is incomplete = Результат онлайн запроса неполный
# Requires translation!
No description provided = Описания нет
# Requires translation!
[stargazers]✯ = [stargazers]✯
# Uniques that are relevant to more than one type of game object
@ -1039,11 +996,8 @@ Must be on [terrain] = Должен находиться на клетке [terr
+[amount]% vs [unitType] = +[amount]% против [unitType]
+[amount] Movement for all [unitType] units = +[amount] к очкам передвижения для [unitType] подразделений
+[amount]% Production when constructing [param] = +[amount]% к производству при создании [param]
# Requires translation!
Can only be built on [tileFilter] tiles = Может быть построено только на клетках [tileFilter]
# Requires translation!
Cannot be built on [tileFilter] tiles = Не может быть построено на клетках [tileFilter]
# Requires translation!
Does not need removal of [feature] = Удаление [feature] не требуется
# City filters
@ -1070,7 +1024,8 @@ Stone Works = Каменная мастерская
'Time crumbles things; everything grows old and is forgotten under the power of time' - Aristotle = 'Все вещи подвергаются воздействию со стороны времени... ибо время само по себе скорее причина уничтожения.' - Аристотель
Stonehenge = Стоунхендж
[stats] Per [amount] Population [cityFilter] = [stats] за каждые [amount] населения [cityFilter]
# Requires translation!
[stats] per [amount] population [cityFilter] =
Library = Библиотека
'Libraries are as the shrine where all the relics of the ancient saints, full of true virtue, and all that without delusion or imposture are preserved and reposed.' - Sir Francis Bacon = 'Библиотеки — это раки, где покойно хранятся останки великих святых, полных добродетели и лишенных притворства.' - Сэр Френсис Бэкон
@ -1095,7 +1050,6 @@ Walls = Стены
Walls of Babylon = Ворота Иштар
'O, let not the pains of death which come upon thee enter into my body. I am the god Tem, and I am the foremost part of the sky, and the power which protecteth me is that which is with all the gods forever.' - The Book of the Dead, translated by Sir Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge = 'А вы даруйте мне, когда я есмь там, погребальные тризны, и воскурение ладана, и мази для умащения, и все чистые и прекрасные вещи, в которых обитает бог...' - из египетской 'Книги мертвых'
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% tile improvement construction time = -[amount]% к скорости создания улучшений
[amount] free [unit] units appear = возле города с чудом появляется [amount] отряда [unit]
The Pyramids = Пирамиды
@ -1120,7 +1074,6 @@ Mausoleum of Halicarnassus = Галикарнасский мавзолей
Lighthouse = Маяк
'They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; these see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.' - The Bible, Psalms 107:23-24 = 'Отправляющиеся на кораблях в море, производящие дела на больших водах, видят дела Господа и чудеса Его в пучине...' - Псалтирь, Псалом 106: 23-24
# Requires translation!
+[amount] Sight for all [param] units = +[amount] к обзору для всех [param] юнитов
The Great Lighthouse = Фаросский маяк
@ -1164,10 +1117,8 @@ Bazaar = Восточный базар
Mint = Монетный двор
# Requires translation!
'...who drinks the water I shall give him, says the Lord, will have a spring inside him welling up for eternal life. Let them bring me to your holy mountain in the place where you dwell. Across the desert and through the mountain to the Canyon of the Crescent Moon...' - Indiana Jones = '...а кто будет пить воду, которую Я дам ему, говорит Господь, будет иметь внутри себя источник воды, текущей в жизнь вечную. Да ведут они меня и приведут на святую гору Твою и в обители Твои. Через пустыню и через горы к каньону Полумесяца...' - Индиана Джонс
[stats] once [tech] is discovered = [stats] при открытии [tech]
# Requires translation!
Petra = Петра
[amount]% of food is carried over after population increases = Сберегает [amount]% пищи при появлении нового жителя
@ -1275,7 +1226,6 @@ Taj Mahal = Тадж-Махал
'Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.' - James Russell Lowell = 'Многое начинает казаться лучше, когда остается в прошлом - и из этой неприступной башни Прошлого нас зовет и манит рукою Тоска.' - Джеймс Расселл Лоуэлл
Free [unit] appears = [unit] появляется рядом с городом
# Requires translation!
Science gained from research agreements +[amount]% = Науки получено от договора о исследовании +[amount]%
Porcelain Tower = Фарфоровая башня
@ -1285,7 +1235,6 @@ Public School = Школа
Factory = Завод
# Requires translation!
Arsenal = Арсенал
Military Academy = Военная академия
@ -1315,7 +1264,6 @@ Research Lab = Лаборатория
Stadium = Стадион
# Requires translation!
Military Base = Военная База
'Come to me, all who labor and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.' - New Testament, Matthew 11:28 = 'Придите ко Мне все трудящиеся и обремененные, и Я успокою вас.' - Евангелие от Матфея, 11:28
@ -1332,7 +1280,6 @@ Neuschwanstein = Замок Нойшванштайн
Medical Lab = Медицинская лаборатория
Enables nuclear weapon = Позволяет производить ядерное оружие
# Requires translation!
Triggers a global alert upon completion = По завершении вызывает глобальное оповещение
Manhattan Project = Манхэттенский проект
@ -1366,13 +1313,9 @@ SS Stasis Chamber = Система анабиоза КК
# Requires translation!
Hidden until [amount] social policy branches have been completed =
# Requires translation!
Triggers a global alert upon build start = Вызывает глобальное оповещение при начале строительства
# Requires translation!
Triggers a Cultural Victory upon completion = Культурная победа при завершении
# Requires translation!
Hidden when cultural victory is disabled = Скрыто когда культурная победа отключена
# Requires translation!
Utopia Project = Проект Утопия
@ -1414,9 +1357,7 @@ What do YOU want?! = Что ТЕБЕ нужно?!
Ingenuity = Изобретательность
Receive free [unit] when you discover [tech] = Бесплатный [unit] при открытии [tech]
[unit] is earned [amount]% faster = [unit] появляется на [amount]% быстрее
# Requires translation!
May the blessings of heaven be upon you, O great Nebuchadnezzar, father of mighty and ancient Babylon! Young was the world when Sargon built Babylon some five thousand years ago, long did it grow and prosper, gaining its first empire the eighteenth century BC, under godlike Hammurabi, the giver of law. Although conquered by the Kassites and then by the Assyrians, Babylon endured, emerging phoenix-like from its ashes of destruction and regaining its independence despite its many enemies. Truly was Babylon the center of arts and learning in the ancient world. O Nebuchadnezzar, your empire endured but a short time after your death, falling to the mighty Persians, and then to the Greeks, until the great city was destroyed by 141 BC. = Да сохранят вас небеса, божественный Навуходоносор, отец прекрасного и древнего Вавилона! Саргон заложил Вавилон пять тысяч лет назад, когда мир был еще юн. Долгое время город рос и процветал. В XVIII веке до нашей эры он стал столицей империи богоподобного Хаммурапи, великого законодателя. Вавилон завоевывали касситы и ассирийцы, но всякий раз он восставал из пепла разрухи как феникс. Наперекор врагам он вновь обрел независимость и стал подлинным центром искусства и науки древнего мира. О Навуходоносор, ваша империя ненамного пережила вас. Сперва ее покорили персы, затем - греки. Великий город был наконец разрушен в 141 году до нашей эры.
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But is Babylon indeed gone forever, great Nebuchadnezzar? Your people look to you to bring the empire back to life once more. Will you accept the challenge? Will you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? = Но неужто Вавилон не возродится еще раз? Великий Навуходоносор, ваш народ ждет, что вы воскресите былую империю! По силам ли вам такая задача? Сможете ли вы создать цивилизацию, что устоит под натиском времени?
Akkad = Аккад
Dur-Kurigalzu = Дур-Куригалзу
@ -1470,9 +1411,7 @@ What? = Что?
Hellenic League = Греческий союз
City-State Influence recovers at twice the normal rate = Влияние на города-государства увеличивается вдвое быстрее
City-State Influence degrades [amount]% slower = Влияние города-государства снижается на [amount]% медленнее
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May the blessings of the gods be upon you, oh great King Alexander! You are the ruler of the mighty Greek nation. Your people lived for so many years in isolated city-states - legendary cities such as Athens, Sparta, Thebes - where they gave the world many great things, such as democracy, philosophy, tragedy, art and architecture, the very foundation of Western Civilization. Although few in number and often hostile to each other, in the 5th century BC they were able to defeat their much larger neighbor, Persia, on land and sea. = Да пребудет над тобою благословение Зевса, о великий царь Александр! Ты повелеваешь народом греков. Долгое время жили они в обособленных полисах: в легендарных Афинах, Фивах и Спарте. Полисы нередко враждовали друг с другом, но в пятом веке до нашей эры смогли объединиться и разбить гораздо более могущественного соседа - Персию. Мир обязан Греции изобретением демократии, философии и театра. Вся западная культура построена на фундаменте греческой.
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Alexander, your people stand ready to march to war, to spread the great Greek culture to millions and to bring you everlasting glory. Are you ready to accept your destiny, King Alexander? Will you lead your people to triumph and greatness? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? = Александр, твой народ готов выступить в поход, стяжать тебе немеркнущую славу и принести варварам свет греческой культуры. Готов ли ты ко встрече с судьбой? Приведешь ли ты свой народ к победе и процветанию? Создашь ли цивилизацию, которая устоит под натиском веков?
Athens = Афины
Sparta = Спарта
@ -1527,9 +1466,7 @@ How are you today? = Как поживаете?
Oh. It's you? = А, это вы?
Art of War = Искусство Войны
Great General provides double combat bonus = Великий Полководец дает двойной бонус в бою
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The Blessings of Heaven be upon you. Empress Wu Zetian, most beautiful and haughty ruler of China! Oh great Empress, whose shadow causes the flowers to blossom and the rivers to flow! You are the leader of the Chinese, the oldest and the greatest civilization that humanity has ever produced. China's history stretches back into the mists of time, its people achieving many great things long before the other upstart civilizations were even conceived. China's contributions to the arts and sciences are too many and too wondrous to do justice to - the printing press, gunpowder, the works of Confucius - these are but a few of the gifts China has given to an undeserving world! = Да пребудет с вами благословение небес, высокородная императрица У Цзэтянь! В вашей тени распускаются цветы и бьют родники! Вы - прекрасная правительница Китая, цивилизации, чьи корни теряются во мгле истории. Жители Китая уже гордились великими достижениями тогда, когда прочие цивилизации еще зарождались. Вклад Китая в науку и искусство слишком велик, чтоб описать его в двух словах. Книгопечатанье, порох, мудрость Конфуция... это лишь малая часть того, что Китай подарил недостойному миру!
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You, great Queen, who, with cunning and beauty, rose from the position of lowly concubine to that of Divine Empress - your people call out to you to lead them! Great China is once again beset on all sides by barbarians. Can you defeat all your many foes and return your country to greatness? Can you build a civilization to stand the test of time? = Народ Китая взывает к вам - к той, что из наложниц попала в императрицы благодаря незаурядному уму и красоте. Могущественный Китай вновь оказался в кольце врагов. Сможете ли вы победить их и вернуть империи былое величие? Сможете ли вы создать цивилизацию, которая выдержит натиск времени?
Beijing = Пекин
Shanghai = Шанхай
@ -1583,9 +1520,7 @@ Generous Egypt makes you this offer. = Великодушный Египет д
Good day. = Хорошего дня.
Oh, it's you. = А, это вы.
Monument Builders = Строители монументов
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We greet thee, oh great Ramesses, Pharaoh of Egypt, who causes the sun to rise and the Nile to flow, and who blesses his fortunate people with all the good things of life! Oh great lord, from time immemorial your people lived on the banks of the Nile river, where they brought writing to the world, and advanced mathematics, sculpture, and architecture. Thousands of years ago they created the great monuments which still stand tall and proud. = Мир тебе, солнцеликий Рамсес, фараон Египта! О великий властитель, по твоему велению восходит солнце и разливается Нил. Твой народ живет на берегах великой реки с незапамятных времен. Египет подарил миру письменность и счисление, скульптуру и зодчество. Тысячи лет назад он возвел монументы, которые и по сей день противятся наступлению песков.
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Oh, Ramesses, for uncounted years your people endured, as other petty nations around them have risen and then fallen into dust. They look to you to lead them once more into greatness. Can you honor the gods and bring Egypt back to her rightful place at the very center of the world? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? = О Рамсес, бесчисленные годы твой народ сносил невзгоды, в то время как другие империи рождались и умирали. Пришло время вернуть былое величие! Сумеешь ли ты угодить древним богам и поставить Египет в самый центр мира? Сможешь ли ты создать цивилизацию, что переживет века?
Thebes = Фивы
Memphis = Мемфис
@ -1646,9 +1581,7 @@ Would you be interested in a trade agreement with England? = Вы заинтер
Hello, again. = Снова здравствуйте.
Oh, it's you! = А, это вы.
Sun Never Sets = Над империей не заходит солнце
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Praises upon her serene highness, Queen Elizabeth Gloriana. You lead and protect the celebrated maritime nation of England. England is an ancient land, settled as early as 35,000 years ago. The island has seen countless waves of invaders, each in turn becoming a part of the fabric of the people. Although England is a small island, for many years your people dominated the world stage. Their matchless navy, brilliant artists and shrewd merchants, giving them power and influence far in excess of their mere numbers. = Многая лета вам, ваше величество королева Елизавета! Вы - глава и хранитель английской морской державы. Англия - часть Великобритании, чья земля встретила первых поселенцев более 35 тысяч лет назад. Британские острова постоянно подвергались набегам, и новые завоеватели быстро становились частью английского народа. Англия невелика по размерам, что не помешало британцам долгое время господствовать на мировой арене. Непревзойденный флот, гениальные художники и вездесущие купцы закрепили этот успех.
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Queen Elizabeth, will you bring about a new golden age for the English people? They look to you once more to return peace and prosperity to the nation. Will you take up the mantle of greatness? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? = Королева Елизавета, принесет ли ваше царствие второй золотой век? Англичане с надеждой взирают на вас, уповая на благоденствие и процветание. Не слишком ли тяжела мантия величия? Сможете ли вы создать цивилизацию, что выстоит под натиском времени?
London = Лондон
York = Йорк
@ -1700,9 +1633,7 @@ Hello. = Здравствуйте.
It's you. = Снова вы.
Ancien Régime = Старый порядок
[stats] per turn from cities before [tech] = [stats] городов за ход до [tech]
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Long life and triumph to you, First Consul and Emperor of France, Napoleon I, ruler of the French people. France lies at the heart of Europe. Long has Paris been the world center of culture, arts and letters. Although surrounded by competitors - and often enemies - France has endured as a great nation. Its armies have marched triumphantly into battle from one end of the world to the other, its soldiers and generals among the best in history. = Долгих лет вам и доброго здравия, Наполеон Бонапарт, Первый консул и император французов! Франция лежит в середине Европы, а Париж - ее сердце - многие века оставался центром искусств и литературы. В окружении соперников и жестоких врагов Франция сохранила величие нации. Мир до сих пор помнит победоносное шествие французских воинов, которые, казалось, способны покорить весь свет.
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Napoleon Bonaparte, France yearns for you to rebuild your empire, to lead her once more to glory and greatness, to make France once more the epicenter of culture and refinement. Emperor, will you ride once more against your foes? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? = Наполеон Бонапарт, Франция жаждет стать империей под вашим руководством и снова диктовать всему миру свои утонченные вкусы. Император, вы готовы еще раз вызвать врага на бой? Сможете ли вы создать цивилизацию, которая устоит под натиском времени?
Paris = Париж
Orleans = Орлеан
@ -1754,9 +1685,7 @@ Hello! = Здравствуйте!
What do you need?! = Что вам нужно?!
Siberian Riches = Богатства Сибири
Double quantity of [resource] produced = Удваивается количество [resource]
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Greetings upon thee, Your Imperial Majesty Catherine, wondrous Empress of all the Russias. At your command lies the largest country in the world. Mighty Russia stretches from the Pacific Ocean in the east to the Baltic Sea in the west. Despite wars, droughts, and every manner of disaster the heroic Russian people survive and prosper, their artists and scientists among the best in the world. The Empire today remains one of the strongest ever seen in human history - a true superpower, with the greatest destructive force ever devised at her command. = Бью челом, Ваше Величество Екатерина, просвещенная императрица всероссийская! Вы держите бразды правления самого крупного государства в мире. Россия простирается от Тихого океана на востоке до Балтийского моря на западе. Наперекор войнам, засухам и сотне других напастей богатырский русский народ живет припеваючи. Достижения российской науки и произведения искусства высоко ценятся во всем мире. Российская империя - одна из самых прочных и могущественных держав в истории.
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Catherine, your people look to you to bring forth glorious days for Russia and her people, to revitalize the land and recapture the wonder of the Enlightenment. Will you lead your people once more into greatness? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? = Государыня, ваш народ ждет, что вы приведете его в новый золотой век просвещенного абсолютизма. Сможете ли вы создать цивилизацию, которая простоит до скончания времен?
Moscow = Москва
St. Petersburg = Санкт-Петербург
@ -1808,9 +1737,7 @@ Hail. = Здравствуйте!
What do you want? = Чего вы хотите?
The Glory of Rome = Величие Рима
+25% Production towards any buildings that already exist in the Capital = +25% Производство при постройке зданий, которые уже существуют в столице
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The blessings of the gods be upon you, Caesar Augustus, emperor of Rome and all her holdings. Your empire was the greatest and longest lived of all in Western civilization. And your people single-handedly shaped its culture, law, art, and warfare like none other, before or since. Through years of glorious conquest, Rome came to dominate all the lands of the Mediterranean from Spain in the west to Syria in the east. And her dominion would eventually expand to cover much of England and northern Germany. Roman art and architecture still awe and inspire the world. And she remains the envy of all lesser civilizations who have followed. = Да благословят тебя Олимпийцы, божественный Август, диктатор Рима. Твоя империя стала величайшей в истории Запада и существовала дольше других. Рим определил культуру, право, искусство и военное дело западной цивилизации. За долгие годы бесконечных войн римляне подчинили себе все земли на Средиземном море от Испании на западе до Сирии на востоке. Они проникли на Британские острова и в северную Германию. Римское искусство и ныне вдохновляет творцов, а молодые народы с тоской и завистью смотрят на великое прошлое Рима.
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O mighty emperor, your people turn to you to once more reclaim the glory of Rome! Will you see to it that your empire rises again, bringing peace and order to all? Will you make Rome once again center of the world? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? = О великий император, народ молит тебя вернуть былую славу Вечного города. Воспрянут ли вновь римские орлы, восстанет ли из пепла великая империя порядка? Сможешь ли ты создать цивилизацию, которую не занесут пески времени?
Antium = Анцио
Cumae = Кумы
@ -1861,9 +1788,7 @@ Come forth, let's do business. = Заходи, есть предложение.
Peace be upon you. = Мир тебе.
Trade Caravans = Торговые караваны
[stats] from each Trade Route = [stats] от каждого торгового маршрута
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Blessings of God be upon you oh great caliph Harun al-Rashid, leader of the pious Arabian people! The Muslim empire, the Caliphate was born in the turbulent years after the death of the prophet Muhammad in 632 AD, as his followers sought to extend the rule of God to all of the people of the earth. The caliphate grew mighty indeed at the height of its power, ruling Spain, North Africa, the Middle East, Anatolia, the Balkans and Persia. An empire as great as or even greater than that of Rome. The arts and sciences flourished in Arabia during the Middle Ages, even as the countries of Europe descended into ignorance and chaos. The Caliphate survived for six hundred years, until finally succumbing to attack from the Mongols, those destroyers of Empires. = Да хранит вас Аллах, о великий халиф Гарун аль-Рашид, властитель благочестивых арабов! Когда Халифат - исламская империя - вышел из хаоса, начавшегося после смерти Магомета, последователи пророка постарались привести под длань Господа все народы мира. Халифат подчинил Испанию, Северную Африку, Средний Восток, Анатолию, Балканский полуостров и Персию. В дни своей славы империя превосходила могуществом даже Рим. Когда в Европе царили Темные Века невежества и смуты, в Аравии по-прежнему процветали науки и искусства. Халифат просуществовал около шести веков и пал от нашествия монголов - разрушителей империй.
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Great Caliph Harun al Rashid, your people look to you to return them to greatness! To make Arabia once again an enlightened land of arts and knowledge, a powerful nation who needs fear no enemy! Oh Caliph, will you take up the challenge? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? = Великий халиф Гарун аль-Рашид, ваш народ молится, чтобы вы вернули Аравии былое величие. Пусть она вновь станет просвещенным краем мудрости, которому не страшны никакие враги. О халиф, по плечу ли вам эта задача? Сможете ли вы создать цивилизацию, что устоит под натиском времени?
Mecca = Мекка
Medina = Медина
@ -1908,10 +1833,7 @@ The people of the United States of America welcome you. = Соединенные
Is the following trade of interest to you? = Это предложение в ваших интересах?
Well? = Итак?
Manifest Destiny = Явное предначертание
+1 Sight for all land military units = Все наземные военные юниты получают +1 к обзору
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Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. = Приветствую вас, президент Вашингтон! Вы - глава трудолюбивого американского народа. Ваша молодая нация родилась и закалилась в пламени революции восемнадцатого века. Через сто лет разразилась гражданская война, расколовшая страну надвое. Но совсем скоро, в двадцатом веке, Соединенные Штаты оказались на пике могущества. Две жестокие войны, сокрушившие другие государства, принесли Штатам победу и невероятное влияние. Американцы - это нация переселенцев, целеустремленных и энергичных. Не хватает лишь лидера, который приведет их к мечте.
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President Washington, can you lead the American people to greatness? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? = Президент Вашингтон, сможете ли вы сделать Америку великой? Создадите ли вы цивилизацию, которая выстоит под натиском времени?
Washington = Вашингтон
New York = Нью-Йорк
@ -1975,9 +1897,7 @@ I would be grateful if you agreed on the following proposal. = Я буду пр
Oh, it's you... = А, это вы...
Bushido = Бусидо
Units fight as though they were at full strength even when damaged = Юниты сражаются в полную силу, даже будучи ранеными
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Blessings upon you, noble Oda Nobunaga, ruler of Japan, the land of the Rising Sun! May you long walk among its flowering blossoms. The Japanese are an island people, proud and pious with a rich culture of arts and letters. Your civilization stretches back thousands of years, years of bloody warfare, expansion and isolation, great wealth and great poverty. In addition to their prowess on the field of battle, your people are also immensely industrious, and their technological innovation and mighty factories are the envy of lesser people everywhere. = Будьте благословенны, высокородный Ода Нобунага, правитель Страны восходящего солнца! Да пребудете вы еще долго в ее цветущих садах! Перед вами склонилась вся Япония. Японцы - островной народ со своей особенной гордостью и благочестием. Японской цивилизации несколько тысячелетий. Несколько тысяч лет кровавых войн, завоеваний и изоляции, богатства и бедности. А также - сотни величайших образцов изобразительного и словесного искусства. Японцы доблестны в бою и усердны в работе. Менее развитые народы глядят с удивлением на наши технические новшества.
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Legendary daimyo, will you grab the reins of destiny? Will you bring your family and people the honor and glory they deserve? Will you once again pick up the sword and march to triumph? Will you build a civilization that stands the test of time? = Прославленный дайме, возьмете ли вы бразды правления в свои руки? Покроете ли славой свой род и свою страну? Почует ли новую кровь клинок предков? Сможете ли вы создать цивилизацию, которая простоит тысячелетия?
Kyoto = Киото
Osaka = Осака
@ -2030,9 +1950,7 @@ My friend, are you interested in this arrangement? = Мой друг, вы за
I wish you peace. = Я желаю вам мира.
Population Growth = Рост популяции
Unhappiness from number of Cities doubled = Удвоенное недовольство от числа городов
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Greetings, President Mahatma Gandhi, great souled leader of India! You are the ruler of one of the oldest countries in the world with history stretching back almost 10,000 years. A spiritual country, India is the birthplace of three of the world's great religions - Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. This is a passionate land of music and color, a land of great wealth and grinding poverty. For centuries, India was divided into kingdoms who fought constantly with each other and against outside invaders. That was, however, after empires such as Maratha, Maurya and Gupta. In the 12th century AD, India was conquered by Muslim Turks who fled from the Mongols. In the early 17th century, the English arrived, and through a combination of shrewd diplomacy and technological superiority, they conquered your fragmented nation. England remained in power for some two centuries until driven out by a rising wave of Indian nationalism, a peaceful rebellion unlike any before seen in history, one led by you! = Приветствую вас, Махатма Ганди, великодушный лидер Индии! Вы властвуете над одним из древнейших народов, чья история насчитывает почти десять тысячелетий. Именно в Индии с ее богатейшими духовными традициями зародились три мировые религии: индуизм, буддизм и джайнизм. Это страстная земля, но буйство звуков и красок не скрывает бездонной пропасти между сказочным богатством и тяжкой нуждой. Индия долго была раздроблена на мелкие государства, которые вели постоянные войны друг с другом и с иноземцами. В XII веке Индию завоевали тюрки. В XVII веке сюда добрались англичане и, опираясь на хитрую дипломатию и технологическое преимущество, покорили вашу раздробленную страну. Спустя две сотни лет их выдворили индийские националисты, чьё мирное восстание, возглавляемое вами, более не имеет прецедентов в истории.
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Gandhi, your people look to you to lead them to even greater heights of glory! Can you help your people realize their great potential, to once again become the world's center of arts, culture and religion? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? = Махатма Ганди, ваш народ почитает вас и мечтает о будущей славе Индии! Сумеете ли вы направить безмерный потенциал в нужное русло и сделать Индию мировым центром культуры и религии? Сможете ли вы создать цивилизацию, которая будет существовать тысячелетия?
Delhi = Дели
Mumbai = Мумбаи
@ -2078,9 +1996,7 @@ So, out with it! = Итак, говорите!
Furor Teutonicus = Тевтонская ярость
67% chance to earn 25 Gold and recruit a Barbarian unit from a conquered encampment = 67% шанс получить 25 Золота и варварский юнит из захваченного лагеря варваров
-[amount]% [param] unit maintenance costs = -[amount]% [param] стоимости обслуживания юнитов
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Hail mighty Bismarck, first chancellor of Germany and her empire! Germany is an upstart nation, fashioned from the ruins of the Holy Roman Empire and finally unified in 1871, a little more than a century ago. The German people have proven themselves to be creative, industrious and ferocious warriors. Despite enduring great catastrophes in the first half of the 20th century, Germany remains a worldwide economic, artistic and technological leader. = Хайль, великий Бисмарк, Первый канцлер Германской империи! Сколоченные из обломков Священной Римской империи германские государства объединились только в 1871 году, около полутора веков назад. Немцы не раз демонстрировали трудолюбие, творческое мышление и доблесть на поле боя. Несмотря на тяжелейшее положение в первой половине двадцатого века, Германия остается лидером в области экономики, искусства и высоких технологий.
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Great Prince Bismarck, the German people look up too you to lead them to greater days of glory. Their determination is strong, and now they turn to you, their beloved iron chancellor, to guide them once more. Will you rule and conquer through blood and iron, or foster the Germanic arts and industry? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? = Князь Бисмарк, на вас возложены все надежды германского народа! Немцы вверяют вам свою судьбу. Станете ли вы железом и кровью добиваться военного и политического господства, или бросите силы на развитие искусства и промышленности? Сможете ли вы создать цивилизацию, которая выдержит натиск времени?
Berlin = Берлин
Hamburg = Гамбург
@ -2117,7 +2033,6 @@ Kaiserslautern = Кайзерслаустерн
Kassel = Кассель
Oberhausen = Оберхаузен
Hamm = Хамм
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Saarbrucken = Саарбрюккен
Krefeld = Крефельд
Pirmasens = Пирмазенс
@ -2148,9 +2063,7 @@ From the magnificence of Topkapi, the Ottoman nation greets you, stranger! I'm S
Let us do business! Would you be interested? = Тебе интересна сделка?
Barbary Corsairs = Берберские пираты
50% chance of capturing defeated Barbarian naval units and earning 25 Gold = При победе над варварами в их лагере есть 50% вероятность, что они перейдут на вашу сторону и принесут 25 Золота
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Blessings of God be upon you, oh Great Emperor Suleiman! Your power, wealth and generosity awe the world! Truly, are you called 'Magnificent!' Your empire began in Bithynia, a small country in Eastern Anatolia in 12th century. Taking advantage in the decline of the great Selkuj Sultanate of Rum, King Osman I of Bithynia expanded west into Anatolia. Over the next century, your subjects brought down the empire of Byzantium, taking its holdings in Turkey and then the Balkans. In the mid 15th century, the Ottomans captured ancient Constantinople, gaining control of the strategic link between Europe and the Middle East. Your people's empire would continue to expand for centuries governing much of North Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe at its height. = Да благословит вас Бог, великий султан Сулейман! Ваше могущество, богатство и щедрость приводят в трепет весь мир! Не случайно вас называют Великолепным! Истоки вашей империи лежат в Вифинии, малом княжестве в восточной Анатолии. В XII веке Конийский султанат начал сдавать позиции, и, пользуясь этим, султан Осман Первый Вифинский расширил западные границы своего княжества. За последующие сто лет ваши подданные разрушили Византийскую империю и захватили ее владения в Турции и на Балканах. В середине XV века оттоманы захватили Константинополь - связующее звено между Европой и Ближним Востоком. На пике могущества Османской империи принадлежала большая часть северной Африки, Ближнего Востока и восточной Европы.
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Mighty Sultan, heed the call of your people! Bring your empire back to the height of its power and glory and once again the world will look upon your greatness with awe and admiration! Will you accept the challenge, great emperor? Will you build an empire that will stand the test of time? = Султан Сулейман, услышьте глас народа! Верните Оттоманской империи былое могущество и славу! Пусть мир снова склонится перед вашим великолепием! Под силу ли вам эта задача? Сможете ли вы создать цивилизацию, что простоит ещё тысячи лет?
Istanbul = Стамбул
Edirne = Эдирне
@ -2198,9 +2111,7 @@ We have many things to discuss and have much to benefit from each other. = На
Oh, it's you = А, это вы.
Scholars of the Jade Hall = Ученые Джейд Холл
Receive a tech boost when scientific buildings/wonders are built in capital = Ускорение изучения технологий при построенных научных зданиях/чудесах в столице.
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Greetings to you, exalted King Sejong the Great, servant to the people and protector of the Choson Dynasty! Your glorious vision of prosperity and overwhelming benevolence towards the common man made you the most beloved of all Korean kings. From the earliest days of your reign, the effort you took to provide a fair and just society for all was surpassed only by the technological advances spurred onwards by your unquenched thirst for knowledge. Guided by your wisdom, the scholars of the Jade Hall developed Korea's first written language, Hangul, bringing the light of literature and science to the masses after centuries of literary darkness. = Приветствуем вас, благородный ван Седжон Великий, слуга народа, защитник династии Чосон. Вы всегда помнили о процветании народа и были неизбывно добры к простым людям. Вы стали самым любимым правителем Кореи. С первых дней царствования вы стремились создать честное и справедливое общество для всех своих подданных. Ваша неутомимая жажда знаний привела Корею к невероятному техническому взлету. Под вашим покровительством ученые из Зала Достойных создали первую корейскую письменность, хангыль. Так ваши подданные смогли припасть к истокам знаний после столетий безграмотности.
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Honorable Sejong, once more the people look to your for guidance. Will you rise to the occasion, bringing harmony and understanding to the people? Can you once again advance your kingdom's standing to such wondrous heights? Can you build a civilization that stands the test of time? = Благородный Седжон, вашему народу снова требуется ваша мудрость! Сможете ли вы вернуть в Корею гармонию и согласие? Достигнет ли ваше королевство невиданных высот? Построите ли вы цивилизацию, что устоит под натиском времени?
Seoul = Сеул
Busan = Пусан
@ -2241,9 +2152,7 @@ Greetings, stranger. I am Hiawatha, speaker for the Iroquois. We seek peace with
Does this trade work for you, my friend? = Эта сделка выгодна для вас, мой друг?
The Great Warpath = Тропа войны
All units move through Forest and Jungle Tiles in friendly territory as if they have roads. These tiles can be used to establish City Connections upon researching the Wheel. = Все юниты двигаются по джунглям и лесам дружественной территории так, будто на них есть дороги. После исследования Колеса такие клетки соединяют города.
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Greetings, noble Hiawatha, leader of the mighty Iroquois nations! Long have your people lived near the great and holy lake Ontario in the land that has come to be known as the New York state in North America. In the mists of antiquity, the five peoples of Seneca, Onondaga, Mohawks, Cayugas and Oneida united into one nation, the Haudenosaunee, the Iroquois. With no written language, the wise men of your nation created the great law of peace, the model for many constitutions including that of the United States. For many years, your people battled great enemies, such as the Huron, and the French and English invaders. Tough outnumbered and facing weapons far more advanced than the ones your warriors wielded, the Iroquois survived and prospered, until they were finally overwhelmed by the mighty armies of the new United States. = Здравствуй, славный Гайавата, вождь могучих ирокезов! С незапамятных времен твой народ селился вокруг великого священного озера Онтарио в современном штате Нью-Йорк. В седой древности пять племен - сенека, онондага, могавки, кайюга и онейда - заключили союз и стали одним народом: хауденосауни, ирокезами. Не имея письменности, мудрецы твоего племени разработали "Великий закон мира", который лег в основу законов других народов и Конституции США. Злейшим врагом твоего народа было племя гуронов. Доблестно сражались вы с чужаками из-за океана. На их стороне было численное превосходство и совершенное оружие, но твой народ выстоял и жил вольготно, пока войска новых Соединенных Штатов не сломили его сопротивление.
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Oh noble Hiawatha, listen to the cries of your people! They call out to you to lead them in peace and war, to rebuild the great longhouse and unite the tribes once again. Will you accept this challenge, great leader? Will you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? = Благородный Гайавата! Крики племени услышь ты! Ирокезы призывают тебя направлять их во времена войны и мира. Объедини племена и заново отстрой великий длинный дом! Примешь ли вызов, великий вождь? Сможешь ли ты создать цивилизацию, которая выдержит проверку временем?
Onoondaga = Онондага
Osininka = Осининка
@ -2289,9 +2198,7 @@ Ahh... you... = А... вы...
Achaemenid Legacy = Наследие ахеменидов
+10% Strength for all units during Golden Age = Во время золотого века юниты получают +10% к Силе
+1 Movement for all units during Golden Age = Во время золотого века юниты получают +1 к Движению
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The blessings of heaven be upon you, beloved king Darius of Persia! You lead a strong and wise people. In the morning of the world, the great Persian leader Cyrus revolted against the mighty Median empire and by 550 BC, the Medes were no more. Through cunning diplomacy and military prowess, great Cyrus conquered wealthy Lydia and powerful Babylon, his son conquering proud Egypt some years later. Over time, Persian might expanded into far away Macedonia, at the very door of the upstart Greek city-states. Long would Persia prosper until the upstart villain Alexander of Macedon, destroyed the great empire in one shocking campaign. = Да благословят вас небеса, о Дарий Великий, властитель Персии! Вы правите сильным и мудрым народом. На заре мира персидский царь Кир Великий пошел походом на мидийцев и к 550 году до нашей эры присоединил их. Острый ум и исключительная доблесть позволили Киру завоевать богатую Лидию и великий Вавилон. А вскоре ему подчинился и гордый Египет. Империя росла, и длань персидского царя дотянулась до самой Македонии - государства на пороге разрозненной Греции. Еще долго цвела бы Персия, если бы выскочка Александр не развалил ее в ходе одной молниеносной кампании.
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Darius, your people look to you to once again bring back the days of power and glory for Persia! The empire of your ancestors must emerge again, to triumph over its foes and to bring peace and order to the world! O king, will you answer the call? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? = Дарий, ваш народ мечтает вернуть золотые дни персидского могущества! Ваши предки смотрят на то, как вы разобьете врагов и установите мир среди подданных. Великий царь, придете ли вы на зов народа? По силам ли вам создать цивилизацию, которая презрит течение времени?
Persepolis = Персеполис
Parsagadae = Пасаргады
@ -2367,12 +2274,9 @@ Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of
Come, let our people feast together! = Пойдем, пусть наш народ пирует вместе!
Welcome, friend! = Добро пожаловать, друг!
Wayfinding = Поиск пути
+1 Sight when embarked = +1 к Обзору при погружении на корабль
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately = Сразу может погружаться на корабль, а также плавать по побережьям и океанам
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] = +[amount]% силы в радиусе [amount2] клеток от [tileImprovement]
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Greetings and blessings be upon you, Kamehameha the Great, chosen by the heavens to unite your scattered peoples. Oh mighty King, you were the first to bring the Big Island of Hawai'i under one solitary rule in 1791 AD. This was followed by the merging of all the remaining islands under your standard in 1810. As the first King of Hawai'i, you standardized the legal and taxation systems and instituted the Mamalahoe Kawanai, an edict protecting civilians in times of war. You ensured the continued unification and sovereignty of the islands by your strong laws and deeds, even after your death in 1819. = Приветствуем и благословляем вас, Камеамеа Великий, избранный небесами, дабы объединить наш разобщенный народ. О могучий король, вы впервые в истории в 1791 году добились власти над всем Большим островом. А к 1810 году под вашей властью были собраны все Гавайские острова. Как первый единый король вы стандартизировали законы и налоговую систему, а также приняли "Закон расщепленного весла", защищавший мирных жителей во время войны. Ваши законы и ваши дела продолжали жить и после вашей смерти, последовавшей в 1819 году.
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Oh wise and exalted King, your people wish for a kingdom of their own once more and require a leader of unparalleled greatness! Will you answer their call and don the mantle of the Lion of the Pacific? Will you build a kingdom that stands the test of time? = О, мудрый и благородный король, ваш народ желает, чтобы вы снова встали у руля королевского корабля. Нам нужен лидер, чье величие не имеет себе равных! Ответите ли вы на этот призыв? Наденете ли вновь мантию тихоокеанского льва? Создадите ли королевство, которое устоит под натиском времени?
Honolulu = Гонолулу
Samoa = Самоа
@ -2425,9 +2329,7 @@ Greetings. I believe this is a fair proposal for both parties. What do you think
Welcome. = Добро пожаловать.
Father Governs Children = Сын как отец
Food and Culture from Friendly City-States are increased by 50% = Дружественные города-государства приносят на 50% больше еды и культуры
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Greetings to you, Great King Ramkhamhaeng, leader of the glorious Siamese people! O mighty King, your people bow down before you in awe and fear! You are the ruler of Siam, an ancient country in the heart of Southeast Asia, a beautiful and mysterious land. Surrounded by foes, beset by bloody war and grinding poverty, the clever and loyal Siamese people have endured and triumphed. King Ramkhamhaeng, your empire was once part of the Khmer Empire, until the 13th century AD, when your ancestors revolted, forming the small Sukhothai kingdom. Through successful battle and cunning diplomacy, the tiny kingdom grew into a mighty empire, an empire which would dominate South East Asia for more than a century! = Приветствую вас, великий царь Рамкамхенг, предводитель легендарного народа Сиама! О всеславный царь, подданные склоняются пред вами в благоговейном ужасе! Вы правитель Сиама, древнего государства в центре Юго-Восточной Азии. Сиам - живописный и загадочный край. Жестокие войны, беспощадный голод и нищета не сломили, но закалили его жителей. Царь, ваша земля была частью кхмерской империи, но в XIII веке ваши предки отложились от кхмеров и создали королевство Сукотай. Военная сила и дипломатия позволили маленькой державе управлять всей Юго-Восточной Азией более сотни лет!
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Oh, wise and puissant King Ramkhamhaeng, your people need you to once again lead them to greatness! Can you use your wits and strength of arms to protect your people and defeat your foes? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? = О великий царь, люди уповают на вашу мудрость и могущество! Встанете ли вы у кормила, чтобы защитить свой народ и победить врагов? Сможете ли вы основать цивилизацию, которая не исчезнет под напором джунглей?
Sukhothai = Сукхотхай
Si Satchanalai = Си Сатчаналай
@ -2471,9 +2373,7 @@ Seven Cities of Gold = Семь золотых городов
Double Happiness from Natural Wonders = Удвоено Счастье от клеток с Чудесами природы
Tile yields from Natural Wonders doubled = Удвоен доход от клеток с Чудесами природы
100 Gold for discovering a Natural Wonder (bonus enhanced to 500 Gold if first to discover it) = Получает 100 Золота за открытие Чуда природы (бонус увеличивается до 500 Золота, если чудо никем не было открыто прежде)
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Blessed Isabella, servant of God, holy queen of Castille and León! Your people greet and welcome you. You are the ruler of Spain, a beautiful and ancient country at the crossroads of the world between Europe and Africa, one shore on the Mediterranean and the other on the mighty Atlantic Ocean. The Spanish are a multicultural people with roots in the Muslim and Christian worlds. A seafaring race, Spanish explorers found and conquered much of the New World, and, for many centuries, its gold and silver brought Spain unrivalled wealth and power, making the Spanish court the envy of the world. = Раба божия Изабелла, хранимая Господом королева Кастильи и Леона, ваш народ приветствует вас! Вы правите Испанией, живописной древней страной, берега которой омывает Средиземное море и Атлантический океан. Испания расположена на перекрестке путей меж Европой и Африкой, а в ее культуре христианская традиция объединена с мусульманской. Испанцы - великие мореходы, именно они разведали и завоевали большую часть Нового Света. Веками заокеанское золото и серебро текли в испанскую казну на зависть соседям и к вящей славе короны.
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O fair and virtuous Isabella! Will you rebuild the Spanish empire and show the world again the greatness of your people? Will you take up the mantle of the holy monarchy, and vanquish your foes under heaven's watchful eyes? Your adoring subjects await your command! Will you build a civilization that stands the test of time? = О праведная Изабелла, сумеете ли вы отстроить Испанскую империю и вновь показать миру величие вашего народа? Примете ли вы скипетр священной монархии, чтобы разбить супостатов? Ваши подданные смиренно ждут ваших приказов. Сможете ли вы создать цивилизацию, что устоит под натиском времени?
Madrid = Мадрид
Barcelona = Барселона
@ -2526,9 +2426,7 @@ Can I interest you in this deal? = Я могу заинтересовать ва
River Warlord = Река Варлорд
Receive triple Gold from Barbarian encampments and pillaging Cities = Лагеря варваров и грабеж городов приносят в 3 раза больше золота
Embarked units can defend themselves = Погруженные на борт юниты могут защищаться
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May the blessings of God, who is greatest of all, be upon you Askia, leader of the Songhai people! For many years your kingdom was a vassal of the mighty West African state of Mali, until the middle of the 14th century, when King Sunni Ali Ber wrested independence from the Mali, conquering much territory and fighting off numerous foes who sought to destroy him. Ultimately, his conquest of the wealthy cities of Timbuktu and Jenne gave the growing Songhai empire the economic power to survive for some 100 years, until the empire was destroyed by foes with advanced technology - muskets against spearmen. = О Аския, властитель народа Сонгай, да пребудет с вами милость бога, величайшего из великих! Долгие годы Сонгай был вассалом Мали, более могущественной западноафриканской страны. В четырнадцатом веке император ши Али Бер положил конец малийскому гнету, вернул независимость земле Сонгай и присоединил новые территории. Богатейшая добыча из разоренных городов Тимбукту и Дженне позволила экономике растущей империи Сонгай продержаться еще сто лет. Но появился враг с более мощным оружием. Копья оказались бессильны против мушкетов, и империя Сонгай пала.
# Requires translation!
King Askia, your people look yo you to lead them to glory. To make them powerful and wealthy, to keep them supplied with the weapons they need to defeat any foe. Can you save them from destruction, oh King? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? = Король Аския, ваш народ мечтает стяжать славу под вашим знаменем. Жаждет богатства и власти. Сможете ли вы спасти свой народ от уничтожения? Создадите ли вы цивилизацию, которая устоит под натиском песков времени?
Gao = Гао
Tombouctu = Томбукту
@ -2571,9 +2469,7 @@ I am not always this generous, but we hope you take this rare opportunity we giv
So what now? = Что теперь?
Mongol Terror = Монгольский террор
+30% Strength when fighting City-State units and cities = +30% Силы при атаке города-государства или сражении с его юнитами
# Requires translation!
Greetings, o great Temuujin, immortal emperor of the mighty Mongol Empire! Your fists shatter walls of cities and your voice brings despair to your enemies. O Khan! You united the warring tribes of Northern Asia into a mighty people, creating the greatest cavalry force the world has ever witnessed. Your people's cunning diplomacy divided their enemies, making them weak and helpless before Mongolia's conquering armies. In a few short years, your people's soldiers conquered most of China and Eastern Asia, and the empire continued to grow until it reached west into Europe and south to Korea. Indeed, it was the greatest empire ever seen, dwarfing those pathetic conquests of the Romans or the Greeks. = Приветствую, о великий Темуджин, бессмертный правитель могущественной Монгольской империи! Твои кулаки сокрушают стены городов, а твой голос внушает ужас врагам. О великий хан, ты объединил враждующие племена северной Азии в единый народ, создав самую могущественную конную армию, которую видел мир. Искусная дипломатия сеяла вражду между твоими врагами, ослабляя их перед монгольскими армиями. Всего за несколько лет твои воины завоевали большую часть Китая и Восточной Азии. Твоя держава продолжала расти, достигнув Европы на западе и Кореи на востоке. Без сомнения, это была величайшая империя в истории мира, затмившая жалкие завоевания греков и римлян.
# Requires translation!
Temuujin, your people call upon you once more to lead them to battle and conquest. Will the world once again tremble at the thunderous sound of your cavalry, sweeping down from the steppes? Will you build a civilization that stands the test of time? = Темуджин, твой народ вновь взывает к тебе. Приведи нас к победе и славе! Задрожит ли вновь земля под копытами тысяч боевых коней? Создашь ли ты империю, которая выдержит натиск времени?
Karakorum = Каракорум
Beshbalik = Бишбалык
@ -2618,9 +2514,7 @@ Accept this agreement or suffer the consequences. = Прими это согла
Welcome, friend. = Добро пожаловать, мой друг.
Sacrificial Captives = Жертвоприношения
Earn [amount]% of killed [unitType] unit's [param] as [stat] = Заработайте [amount]% за убитого [unitType] юнита [param] как [stat]
# Requires translation!
Welcome, O divine Montezuma! We grovel in awe at your magnificence! May the heaven shower all manner of good things upon you all the days of your life! You are the leader of the mighty Aztec people, wandering nomads from a lost home in the north who in the 12th century came to live in the mesa central in the heart of what would come to be called Mexico. Surrounded by many tribes fighting to control the rich land surrounding the sacred lakes of Texcoco, Xaltocan and Zampango, through cunning alliances and martial prowess, within a mere two hundred years, the Aztecs came to dominate the Central American basin, ruling a mighty empire stretching from sea to sea. But the empire fell at last under the assault of foreign devils - the accursed Spaniards! - wielding fiendish weapons the likes of which your faithful warriors had never seen. = Добро пожаловать, божественный Монтесума! Мы пали ниц пред твоим величием! Да ниспошлют тебе небеса великие блага во все дни твоей жизни! Ты вождь могущественного племени ацтеков. В XII веке они перекочевали из утраченного дома на севере на Центральную Месу, в самое сердце будущей Мексики. Ацтеки были одним из многих племен, боровшихся за земли вокруг священных озер Тескоко, Ксальтокан и Зумпанго. Но всего за два столетия благодаря умелой дипломатии и воинской доблести ацтеки добились господства в Центральной Америке. Империя ацтеков простиралась от моря до моря и пала лишь под натиском заморских демонов - проклятых испанцев, ибо те принесли с собой невиданное прежде оружие.
# Requires translation!
O great king Montezuma, your people call upon you once more, to rise up and lead them to glory, bring them wealth and power, and give them dominion over their foes and rivals. Will you answer their call, glorious leader? Will you build a civilization that stands the test of time? = О великий вождь Монтесума! Твое племя призывает тебя вновь выйти на тропу войны! Подчини врагов и соперников и даруй благоденствие твоему народу! Сможешь ли ты создать цивилизацию, что выдержит натиск времени?
Tenochtitlan = Теночтитлана
Teotihuacan = Теотихуакан
@ -2671,9 +2565,7 @@ Great Andean Road = Дороги инков
Maintenance on roads & railroads reduced by [amount]% = Содержание дорог и железных дорог уменьшено на [amount]%
No Maintenance costs for improvements in [terrain] tiles = Нет затрат на обслуживание для улучшений на территориях [terrain]
Units ignore terrain costs when moving into any tile with Hills = Юниты не теряют скорость на холмах
# Requires translation!
Oh ye who remakes the world, your loyal subjects greet you, King Pachacuti Sapa Inca, ruler of Tawantinsuyu and the Inca people! From the beginnings in the small state of Cusco, the Incans displayed their potential for greatness, marching to war against their many enemies, crushing their armies into dust and carving for themselves a mighty empire stretching from Ecuador to Chile. Indeed, they built the greatest empire ever seen in pre-Columbian America. More than mere soldiers, your people were great builders and artists as well, and the remnants of their works still awe and inspire the world today. = О тот, кто изменяет мир, правитель Пачакутек Юпанки! Ты властвуешь над инками. Инки были созданы для величия: исконных земель в Куско для них было мало. В яростных битвах они захватили земли соседей и повергли врагов во прах. Империя инков простиралась от современного Эквадора до Чили и была величайшей цивилизацией в доколумбовой Америке. Мастерство инков не ограничивалось полем битвы: то немногое, что осталось от их произведений искусства и архитектуры, по сей день поражает воображение.
# Requires translation!
Oh King Pachacuti, truly are you called 'Earth Shaker'! Will you once again call upon the ground itself to a fight at your side? Your armies await your signal. Will you restore the glory of your empire? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? = О правитель Пачакутек! Тебя не напрасно зовут "Колебателем земли"! Помогут ли тебе родные камни, как бывало когда-то? Вернешь ли ты былое величие? Сможешь ли ты создать цивилизацию, которая выдержит натиск времени? Твои войска ждут твоего приказа.
Cuzco = Куско
Tiwanaku = Тиуанако
@ -2723,9 +2615,7 @@ Viking Fury = Ярость викинга
+1 Movement for all embarked units = +1 очко передвижения всем юнитам на борту
Melee units pay no movement cost to pillage = Юниты ближнего боя не тратят очки передвижения на грабеж
Units pay only 1 movement point to embark and disembark = Посадка на борт и высадка на берег тратят 1 очко передвижения
# Requires translation!
Honor and glory be yours, Harald Bluetooth Gormsson, mighty heir of King Gorm of the Old and Thyra Dannebod. Not only were you victorious on the battlefield against the armies of Norway, you also completed massive construction project across the land - numerous Ring Fortresses to protect the populace from invasion and internal strife. You successfully drove off waves of German settlers in 983 AD and sheltered your kingdom from unwanted foreign influence. = Честь и слава тебе, Харальд Синезубый, могучий наследник короля Горма Старого и Тиры Даннебод. Ты победил на поле боя все армии норвежцев, ты возвел в Дании множество круговых замков, дабы защитить народ от захватчиков и внутренних споров. К 983 году ты изгнал всех немецких колонистов, обезопасив королевство от влияния чужеземцев.
# Requires translation!
Stalwart Viking, the time for greatness is upon you once more. You are called to rise up and lead your people to renewed power and triumph! Will you make the world shudder once more at the very thought of your great armies of Northsmen? Will you let the Viking battle cry ring out across the crashing waves? Will you build a civilization to stand the test of time? = Доблестный конунг, настало время вновь доказать свое величие! Народ взывает к тебе: веди нас в новый поход за властью и славой! Будет ли мир вновь трепетать от одной только мысли о твоих великих викингах? Разнесется ли победный клич датчан над полем брани? Создашь ли ты державу, которая выстоит под натиском времени?
Copenhagen = Копенгаген
Aarhus = Орхус
@ -2875,7 +2765,6 @@ We are no strangers to war. You have strayed from the right path, and now we wil
You are nothing but a glorified barbarian. Cruel, and ruthless. = Вы всего лишь дикарь с раздутым самомнением. Жестокий и безжалостный.
Mogadishu = Могадишо
# Requires translation!
Congratulations, conqueror. This tribe serves you now. = Поздравляю, завоеватель. Это племя теперь служит вам.
Barbarians = Варвары
@ -2886,18 +2775,15 @@ Can only heal by pillaging = Можно излечить только грабе
Aristocracy = Аристократия
Legalism = Легализм
# Requires translation!
Immediately creates the cheapest available cultural building in each of your first [amount] cities for free = Бесплатно создает самые дешёвые из доступных здания культуры в каждом из ваших первых [amount] городах
Oligarchy = Олигархия
Units in cities cost no Maintenance = Гарнизоны в городах содержатся бесплатно
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% attacking strength for cities with garrisoned units = +[amount]% к силе атаки за города с гарнизонами
Landed Elite = Землевладельческая Элита
+[amount]% growth [cityFilter] = +[amount]% рост [cityFilter]
[stats] [cityFilter] = [stats] [cityFilter]
Monarchy = Монархия
Tradition Complete = Традиция завершена
# Requires translation!
Immediately creates a [building] in each of your first [amount] cities for free = Бесплатно создает [building] в каждом из ваших первых [amount] городах
Ancient era = Древнейший мир
Tradition = Традиция
@ -2908,20 +2794,17 @@ Collective Rule = Совместное управление
Representation = Представительство
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies [amount]% less than normal = Каждый основанный город увеличивает затраты на принятие общественных институтов на [amount]% меньше чем обычно
Meritocracy = Меритократия
# Requires translation!
Unhappiness from population decreased by [amount]% [param] = Недовольство от население уменьшается на [amount]% [param]
Liberty Complete = Воля завершена
Liberty = Воля
Warrior Code = Военная присяга
Discipline = Дисциплина
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Strength for [unitType] units which have another [unitType2] unit in an adjacent tile = +[amount]% к силе для [unitType] юнитов, рядом с которыми находятся [unitType2] юниты
Military Tradition = Военные традиции
[unitType] units gain [amount]% more Experience from combat = [unitType] юниты получают на [amount]% больше опыта в бою
Military Caste = Военная каста
Professional Army = Профессиональная армия
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of upgrading [unitType] units reduced by [amount]% = Кол-во золота для улучшения [unitType] юнитов уменьшается на [amount]%
Honor Complete = Честь завершена
Honor = Честь
@ -2940,14 +2823,11 @@ Classical era = Античность
Piety = Набожность
+[amount]% Production when constructing [stat] buildings = +[amount]% к скорости строительства зданий типа [stat]
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Naval Tradition = Морские Традиции
Trade Unions = Торговые союзы
# Requires translation!
Merchant Navy = Торговый Флот
Mercantilism = Меркантилизм
Protectionism = Протекционизм
# Requires translation!
+[amount] happiness from each type of luxury resource = +[amount] счастья за каждый редкий ресурс
Commerce Complete = Коммерция завершена
Double gold from Great Merchant trade missions = Золото, полученное от сделок Великого торговца, удваивается
@ -2961,40 +2841,50 @@ Sovereignty = Суверенитет
[stats] from all [stat] buildings = [stats] со всех построек типа [stat]
Scientific Revolution = Научная Революция
Rationalism Complete = Рационализм завершен
# Requires translation!
[amount] Free Technologies = [amount] Бесплатных Технологий
Renaissance era = Новое время
Rationalism = Рационализм
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% [stat] while the empire is happy = +[amount]% [stat] когда империя счастлива
Constitution = Конституция
[stats] from every Wonder = [stats] с каждого чуда.
Universal Suffrage = Всеобщее избирательное право
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities = [stats] за каждого [amount]-го жителя во всех городах
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
Civil Society = Гражданское общество
-50% food consumption by specialists = -50% потребления еды специалистами
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
Free Speech = Свобода слова
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = Демократия
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness = Специалисты производят в 2 раза меньше недовольства
# Requires translation!
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
Freedom Complete = Свобода завершена
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% = Удваивается доход клетки от великих улучшений
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
Freedom = Свобода
Populism = Популизм
[param] units deal +[amount]% damage = [param] юниты наносят +[amount]% урона
Militarism = Милитаризм
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% = Стоимость покупки юнитов снижается на 33%
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
Fascism = Фашизм
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% = Удваивается количество стратегических ресурсов, обрабатываемых империей
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
Police State = Полицейский участок
Total War = Тотальная война
New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience = Новые [unitType] начинают с [amount] количеством опыта
Autocracy Complete = Автократия завершена
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns = +20% к боевой мощи всех военных подразделений на 30 ходов
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = Новейшее время
Autocracy = Автократия
-33% unit upkeep costs = -33% к стоимости содержания юнитов
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -3242,7 +3132,6 @@ Snow = Снег
Rough terrain = Территория с неровностями
[amount] Strength for cities built on this terrain = [amount] Силы для городов построенные на этой местности
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight for [param] units = [amount] Обзора для [param] юнитов
Hill = Холм
@ -3660,7 +3549,6 @@ Can construct roads = Может строить дороги
Mohawk Warrior = Воин Мохавк
Horseman = Всадник
# Requires translation!
Penalty vs City 33% = Штраф против города 33%
Can move after attacking = Может двигаться после атаки
@ -3762,9 +3650,7 @@ Bomber = Тяжелый бомбардировщик
B17 = B-17
# Requires translation!
Guided Missile = Управляемая Ракета
# Requires translation!
Self-destructs when attacking = Самоуничтожается при атаке
Nuclear Missile = Ядерная ракета
@ -3786,13 +3672,12 @@ Great War Infantry = Стрелок
Foreign Legion = Иностранный легион
# Requires translation!
May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory = Может высадиться с парашютом максимум на [amount] клеток с дружественной территории
Infantry = Пехота
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight when [param] = [amount] Обзора когда [param]
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
Machine Gun = Пулемет
@ -3815,7 +3700,6 @@ Mechanized Infantry = Мотопехота
Modern Armor = Современный танк
# Requires translation!
Jet Fighter = Истребитель
Great Artist = Великий художник

View File

@ -1903,7 +1903,6 @@ The people of the United States of America welcome you. = 真正的友谊,是
Is the following trade of interest to you? = 我们来做笔交易你感兴趣吗?
Well? = 你好。
Manifest Destiny = 昭昭天命
+1 Sight for all land military units = 陆军单位+1视野
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
@ -2362,7 +2361,6 @@ Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of
Come, let our people feast together! = 来吧,让我们的人民饱餐一顿!
Welcome, friend! = 你好!朋友!
Wayfinding = 海路探寻
+1 Sight when embarked = 单位处于船运状态时+1视野
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately = 单位初始就拥有船运能力,可进入海滨和海洋地块
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] = 在[tileImprovement][amount2]格内的军事单位+[amount]%战斗力
# Requires translation!
@ -2966,30 +2964,42 @@ Rationalism = 理性政策
Constitution = 宪政主义
[stats] from every Wonder = 每座奇观[stats]
Universal Suffrage = 普选制度
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities = 所有城市每[amount]人口[stats]
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
Civil Society = 公民社会
-50% food consumption by specialists = 专业人员消耗的食物减半
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
Free Speech = 言论自由
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = 民主主义
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness = 城市人口中专业人员产生的不满减半
# Requires translation!
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
Freedom Complete = 完整的自由政策
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% = 建有伟人设施的地块产出+100%
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
Freedom = 自由政策
Populism = 民粹主义
[param] units deal +[amount]% damage = [param]单位造成的伤害+[amount]%
Militarism = 军国主义
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% = 购买单位时的金钱花费-33%
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
Fascism = 法西斯
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% = 帝国战略资源产出+100%
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
Police State = 极权国家
Total War = 全面战争
New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience = 新组建的[unitType]单位初始拥有[amount]经验值
Autocracy Complete = 完整的独裁政策
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns = 所有军事单位主动攻击时战斗力+20%效果持续30回合
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = 工业时代
Autocracy = 独裁政策
-33% unit upkeep costs = 单位维护费-33%
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -3784,7 +3794,7 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry = 现代步兵
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight when [param] =
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
Machine Gun = 机关枪

View File

@ -1862,7 +1862,6 @@ The people of the United States of America welcome you. = El pueblo de los Estad
Is the following trade of interest to you? = ¿El siguiente intercambio es tu interés?
Well? = ¿Entonces?
Manifest Destiny = Destino Manifiesto
+1 Sight for all land military units = +1 a la vista para todas las unidades militares terrestres
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
@ -2320,7 +2319,6 @@ Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of
Come, let our people feast together! = Ven, dejemos que nuestra gente festejen juntos.
Welcome, friend! = ¡Bienvenido amigo!
Wayfinding = Orientación
+1 Sight when embarked = +1 vista al embarcar
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately = Puede embarcarse y moverse sobre costas y océanos inmediatamente.
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] = +[amount]% de fuerza si está dentro de [amount2] casillas de una [tileImprovement]
# Requires translation!
@ -2917,30 +2915,42 @@ Rationalism = Racionalismo
Constitution = Constitución
[stats] from every Wonder = [stats] de cada Maravilla
Universal Suffrage = Sufragio Universal
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities = [stats] por [amount] de población en todas las ciudades
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
Civil Society = Sociedad Civil
-50% food consumption by specialists = -50% gasto de comida por especialistas
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
Free Speech = Libertad de Expresión
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = Democracia
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness = Especialistas producen la mitad de infelicidad
# Requires translation!
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
Freedom Complete = Emancipación Completa
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% = Rendimiento de casillas de grandes mejoras + 100%
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
Freedom = Emancipación
Populism = Populismo
[param] units deal +[amount]% damage = Las unidades [param] infligen +[amount]% de daño
Militarism = Militarismo
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% = Coste de comprar oro reducido a -33%
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
Fascism = Facismo
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% = El imperio produce un +100% de recursos estratégicos
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
Police State = Estado de policías
Total War = Guerra Total
New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience = Las nuevas unidades [unitType] comienzan con [amount] Experiencia
Autocracy Complete = Autocracia completada
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns = +20% de bonificación de ataque a todas las unidades militares durante 30 turnos
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = Edad Industrial
Autocracy = Autocracia
-33% unit upkeep costs = -33% costes de mantenimiento de la unidad
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -3733,7 +3743,8 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory = Puede lanzars
Infantry = Infantería
[amount] Sight when [param] = [amount] Visión al [param]
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
Machine Gun = Ametralladora Montada

View File

@ -1891,7 +1891,6 @@ The people of the United States of America welcome you. = De Förenta Staternas
Is the following trade of interest to you? = Är detta erbjudande av intresse för dig?
Well? = Nå?
Manifest Destiny = Det Bestämda Ödet
+1 Sight for all land military units = +1 Sikt för alla militära landenheter
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
@ -2350,7 +2349,6 @@ Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of
Come, let our people feast together! = Kom, låt våra folk festa tillsammans!
Welcome, friend! = Välkommen, vän!
Wayfinding = Havsresande
+1 Sight when embarked = +1 Sikt för ombordstigna enheter
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately = Can stiga ombord och förflytta över Kuster och Oceaner genast
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] = +[amount]% Styrka om inom [amount2] rutor av en [tileImprovement]
# Requires translation!
@ -2954,30 +2952,42 @@ Rationalism = Rationalism
Constitution = Konstitution
[stats] from every Wonder = [stats] från varje Underverk
Universal Suffrage = Allmän Rösträtt
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities = [stats] per [amount] befolkning i alla städer
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
Civil Society = Civilsamhälle
-50% food consumption by specialists = -50% matkonsumption av specialister
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
Free Speech = Yttrandefrihet
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = Demokrati
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness = Specialister producerar hälften så mycket olycklighet som vanligt
# Requires translation!
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
Freedom Complete = Frihet Fullbordat
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% = Rutavkastning från Stora Förbättringar +100%
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
Freedom = Frihet
Populism = Populism
[param] units deal +[amount]% damage = [param]-enheter gör +[amount]% skada
Militarism = Militarism
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% = Guldkostnad för att köpa enheter -33%
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
Fascism = Fascism
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% = Mängd strategiska resurser som produceras i riket ökar med 100%
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
Police State = Polisstat
Total War = Totalt Krig
New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience = Nya [unitType]-enheter börjar med [amount] Erfarenhet
Autocracy Complete = Autokrati Fullbordat
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns = +20% attackbonus till alla Militärenheter under 30 drag
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = Industrieran
Autocracy = Autokrati
-33% unit upkeep costs = -33% enhetsdriftkostnad
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -3770,7 +3780,8 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory = Kan Fallskär
Infantry = Infanteri
[amount] Sight when [param] = [amount] Sikt då [param]
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
Machine Gun = Kulspruta

View File

@ -1921,7 +1921,6 @@ The people of the United States of America welcome you. = 真正的友誼,是
Is the following trade of interest to you? = 我們來做筆交易你感興趣嗎?
Well? = 你好。
Manifest Destiny = 昭昭天命
+1 Sight for all land military units = 陸軍單位+1視野
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
@ -2381,7 +2380,6 @@ Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of
Come, let our people feast together! = 來吧,讓我們的人民飽餐一頓!
Welcome, friend! = 你好!朋友!
Wayfinding = 海路探尋
+1 Sight when embarked = 單位處於船運狀態時+1視野
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately = 單位初始就擁有船運能力,可進入海濱和海洋地塊
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] = 在[tileImprovement][amount2]格內的軍事單位+[amount]%戰鬥力
# Requires translation!
@ -2986,30 +2984,42 @@ Rationalism = 理性政策
Constitution = 憲政主義
[stats] from every Wonder = 每座奇觀[stats]
Universal Suffrage = 普選制度
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities = 所有城市每[amount]人口[stats]
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
Civil Society = 公民社會
-50% food consumption by specialists = 專業人員消耗的食物減半
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
Free Speech = 言論自由
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = 民主主義
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness = 城市人口中專業人員產生的不滿減半
# Requires translation!
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
Freedom Complete = 完整的自由政策
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% = 建有偉人設施的地塊產出+100%
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
Freedom = 自由政策
Populism = 民粹主義
[param] units deal +[amount]% damage = [param]單位造成的傷害+[amount]%
Militarism = 軍國主義
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% = 購買單位時的金錢花費-33%
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
Fascism = 法西斯
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% = 帝國戰略資源產出+100%
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
Police State = 員警國家
Total War = 全面戰爭
New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience = 新訓練的[unitType]單位初始擁有[amount]經驗值
Autocracy Complete = 完整的獨裁政策
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns = 所有軍事單位主動攻擊時戰鬥力+20%效果持續30回合
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = 工業時代
Autocracy = 獨裁政策
-33% unit upkeep costs = 單位維護費-33%
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -3811,7 +3821,7 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry = 現代步兵
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight when [param] =
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
Machine Gun = 機關槍

View File

@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ Enter the city screen!\nClick the city button twice = Şehir ekranına girin!\n
Pick a technology to research!\nClick on the tech button (greenish, top left) > \n select technology > click 'Research' (bottom right) = Araştırmak için bir teknoloji seçin!\nTeknoloji düğmesine tıklayın (yeşilimsi, sol üst) > teknolojiyi seçin > 'Araştır'a tıklayın (sağ alt)
Pick a construction!\nEnter city screen > Click on a unit or building (bottom left side) > \n click 'add to queue' = Bir yapı seçin!\nŞehir ekranına girin> Bir birime ya da binaya (sol alt taraf) tıklayın > \n 'kuyruğa ekle'ye tıklayın
Pass a turn!\nCycle through units with 'Next unit' > Click 'Next turn' = Sonraki tura geçin!\n'Bir sonraki birim' ile birimler arasında geçiş yapın> 'Sonraki tur'a tıklayın
Reassign worked tiles!\nEnter city screen > click the assigned (green) tile to unassign > \n click an unassigned tile to assign population =Nüfus atanmış karoları değiştirin!\nŞehir ekranına girin > nüfus atamayı geri almak için nüfus atınmış bir karoya dokunun\n ve nüfus atamak için elinizde atanmamış nüfus mevcutken bir karoya basın
# Requires translation!
Reassign worked tiles!\nEnter city screen > click the assigned (green) tile to unassign > \n click an unassigned tile to assign population =
Meet another civilization!\nExplore the map until you encounter another civilization! = Başka bir medeniyetle tanış! \n Başka bir medeniyetle karşılaşana kadar haritayı keşfedin!
Open the options table!\nClick the menu button (top left) > click 'Options' = Seçenekler tablosunu açın!\nMenü düğmesine (sol üst) tıklayın> 'Seçenekler'i seçin
Construct an improvement!\nConstruct a Worker unit > Move to a Plains or Grassland tile > \n Click 'Create improvement' (above the unit table, bottom left)\n > Choose the farm > \n Leave the worker there until it's finished = Bir geliştirme oluşturun!\nBir işçi birimi oluşturun> Bir Ova veya Otlak döşemesine taşıyın> \n 'Geliştirme oluştur'a tıklayın (birim tablosunun üstünde, sol altta) \n> Çiftliği seçin> \n İşçi bitirene kadar orada bırakın
@ -1849,7 +1850,6 @@ The people of the United States of America welcome you. = Amerika Birleşik Devl
Is the following trade of interest to you? = Bu ticaret seni ilgilendirir mi?
Well? = Evet?
Manifest Destiny = Tezahür kader
+1 Sight for all land military units = Bütün ordu birliklerine +1 Görüş
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
@ -2313,7 +2313,6 @@ Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of
Come, let our people feast together! = Gel, halklarımız birlikte ziyafet çeksin!
Welcome, friend! = Hoşgeldin, arkadaş!
Wayfinding = Yolbulucuk
+1 Sight when embarked = Denizdeyken +1 Görüş
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately = Kıyı ve Okyanuslarda hemen gemiye binip hareket edilebilir
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] = [tileImprovement] ile en fazla [amount2] birim mesafe varsa +%[amount] Güç
# Requires translation!
@ -2971,30 +2970,42 @@ Rationalism = Akılcılık
Constitution = Anayasa
[stats] from every Wonder = Her harikadan [stats]
Universal Suffrage = Evrensel Oy Hakkı
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities = Bütün şehirlerdeki [amount] nüfusa [stats]
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
Civil Society = Sivil Toplum
-50% food consumption by specialists = Uzmanlar -50% gıda tüketir
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
Free Speech = İfade Özgürlüğü
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = Demokrasi
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness = Uzmanlar normal mutsuzluğun yarısını üretir
# Requires translation!
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
Freedom Complete = Özgürlük Tamamlandı
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% = Büyük Geliştirmelerden +100% verim
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
Freedom = Özgürlük
Populism = Halkçılık
[param] units deal +[amount]% damage = [param] birlikler +%[amount] hasar verir
Militarism = Askeri Zihniyet
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% = Birimleri satın alma maliyeti -33%
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
Fascism = Faşizm
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% = İmparatorluk tarafından üretilen stratejik kaynak miktarı %100 arttar
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
Police State = Polis Devleti
Total War = Topyekün Savaş
New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience = Yeni [unitType] Birlikleri [amount] Dendyim ile başlar
Autocracy Complete = Otokrasi Tamamlandı
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns = 30 turluğuna bütün askeri birliklere +%20 savaş bonusu
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = Endüstriyel dönem
Autocracy = Otokrasi
-33% unit upkeep costs = -%33 Birlik bakım maliyeti.
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -3289,7 +3300,6 @@ Barringer Crater = Barringer Krateri
#################### Lines from TileImprovements from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
Can also be built on tiles adjacent to fresh water = Tatlı suyun yanındaki arazilere de yapılabilir
# Requires translation!
[stats] on [param] tiles once [tech] is discovered = [tech] araştırıldığında [param]'da [stats]
Farm = Çiftlik
@ -3793,7 +3803,7 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry = Piyade
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight when [param] =
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
Machine Gun = Makineli Tüfek

View File

@ -1930,7 +1930,6 @@ The people of the United States of America welcome you. = Народ Сполу
Is the following trade of interest to you? = Чи цікавить вас торгівля?
Well? = Що?
Manifest Destiny = Явне призначення
+1 Sight for all land military units = +1 огляд для всіх наземних військових підрозділів
# Requires translation!
Welcome President Washington! You lead the industrious American civilization! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. They lack only a leader to help them fulfill their promise. =
# Requires translation!
@ -2390,7 +2389,6 @@ Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of
Come, let our people feast together! = Вперед, нехай наші люди живуть в злагоді!
Welcome, friend! = Вітаю, друже!!
Wayfinding = Пошук шляху
+1 Sight when embarked = +1 огляд, коли сухопутні підрозділи на воді
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately = Можна одразу сісти на корабель та рухатися узбережжями та океанами
+[amount]% Strength if within [amount2] tiles of a [tileImprovement] = +[amount]% сили, якщо знаходиться в [amount2] клітинках від [tileImprovement]
# Requires translation!
@ -2997,30 +2995,42 @@ Rationalism = Раціоналізм
Constitution = Конституція
[stats] from every Wonder = [stats] за кожне Диво
Universal Suffrage = Загальне виборче право
[stats] per [amount] population in all cities = [stats] за кожного [amount]-го громадянина в усіх містах
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% Defensive Strength for cities =
Civil Society = Громадянське суспільство
-50% food consumption by specialists = -50% споживання їжі фахівцями
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% food consumption by specialists =
Free Speech = Свобода слова
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
Democracy = Демократія
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness = Спеціалісти виробляють удвічі менше нещастя
# Requires translation!
Specialists only produce [amount]% of normal unhappiness =
Freedom Complete = Свобода завершена
Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% = Збільшує урожайність від Великого покращення на 100%
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% yield from [param] =
Freedom = Свобода
Populism = Популізм
[param] units deal +[amount]% damage = [param] підрозділи завдають +[amount]% пошкоджень
Militarism = Мілітаризм
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% = Ціна купівлі підрозділів -33%
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing [param] units -[amount]% =
Fascism = Фашизм
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% = Кількість вироблених імперією стратегічних ресурсів зростає на 100%
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[amount]% =
Police State = Поліційна держава
Total War = Тотальна війна
New [unitType] units start with [amount] Experience = Нові [unitType] підрозділи починають з [amount] досвіду
Autocracy Complete = Автократія завершена
+20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns = +20% до сили атаки для всіх військових підрозділів на 30 ходів
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% attack strength to all [unitType] units for [amount2] turns =
Industrial era = Промислова ера
Autocracy = Автократія
-33% unit upkeep costs = Обслуговування підрозділів коштує на 33% менше
# Requires translation!
-[amount]% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat] immediately =
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -3828,7 +3838,7 @@ May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory =
Infantry = Піхота
# Requires translation!
[amount] Sight when [param] =
[amount] Sight for all [param] units =
Machine Gun = Кулемет

View File

@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
Persian_(Pinglish-UN) = 24
Italian = 99
Russian = 95
Russian = 99
German = 97
Swedish = 96
Turkish = 93
Turkish = 94
Ukrainian = 94
French = 93
French = 95
Portuguese = 48
Indonesian = 96
Finnish = 57
Malay = 20
Spanish = 97
Brazilian_Portuguese = 74
Traditional_Chinese = 95
Traditional_Chinese = 94
Polish = 93
Lithuanian = 22
Romanian = 38
Simplified_Chinese = 96
Simplified_Chinese = 95
Bulgarian = 26
Korean = 93
Persian_(Pinglish-DIN) = 24
Japanese = 95
Japanese = 94
English = 1
Czech = 96
Hungarian = 72
Hungarian = 71
Dutch = 46

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ package
object BuildConfig {
const val kotlinVersion = "1.4.30"
const val appName = "Unciv"
const val appCodeNumber = 580
const val appVersion = "3.15.1"
const val appCodeNumber = 581
const val appVersion = "3.15.2"
const val gdxVersion = "1.10.0"
const val roboVMVersion = "2.3.1"

View File

@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
## 3.15.2
By xlenstra:
- Updated Autocracy and Freedom branches to G&K
- Fixed honor policy not adding bonus vs barbarians
- Fixed old worker speed improvement uniques no longer working
Wake up units when enemy sighted or displaced or attacked - By SomeTroglodyte
By avdstaaij:
- Made atlas textures use mipmaps again
- Fixed units not teleporting out of sold city tiles
Resolved #4170 - updated deprecated Polynesian unique - By SpacedOutChicken
Unitfilter now accepts multiple filters (see wiki/uniques for details)
## 3.15.1
By xlenstra: