Version rollout (#8034)

* Bump version and create initial changelog entry

* Update (#8033)

* Update

* Update

* Update (#8032)

* Update (#8031)

* Update

* ca-ES: Change some hyphens with dashes.

* Update (#8030)

* Update

* Update

* "Updated Brazilian Translation" (#8029)

* Update German translation (#8027)

* Update (#8025)

* Update (#8024)

Co-authored-by: yairm210 <>
Co-authored-by: CrispyXYZ <>
Co-authored-by: Ouaz <>
Co-authored-by: Joan Josep <>
Co-authored-by: Giuseppe D'Addio <>
Co-authored-by: Vitor Gabriel <>
Co-authored-by: MartinP <>
Co-authored-by: kensvin <>
Co-authored-by: Caballero Arepa <>
This commit is contained in:
Yair Morgenstern 2022-11-20 23:22:31 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 76920d1307
commit 2d37f3c473
No known key found for this signature in database
13 changed files with 247 additions and 343 deletions

View File

@ -1328,8 +1328,7 @@ for = por
Missing translations: = Traduções faltando:
Resolution = Resolução
Tileset = Estilo mapa
# Requires translation!
Unitset =
Unitset = Conjunto de unidades
UI Skin = Skin da interface do usuário
Create = Criar
Language = Língua
@ -2640,7 +2639,7 @@ We hope for a fair and just relationship with you, who are renowned for military
I would be grateful if you agreed on the following proposal. = Eu agradeceria se você concordasse com essa proposta.
Oh, it's you... = Ah, é você...
Bushido = Bushido
Blessings upon you, noble Oda Nobunaga, ruler of Japan, the land of the Rising Sun! May you long walk among its flowering blossoms. The Japanese are an island people, proud and pious with a rich culture of arts and letters. Your civilization stretches back thousands of years, years of bloody warfare, expansion and isolation, great wealth and great poverty. In addition to their prowess on the field of battle, your people are also immensely industrious, and their technological innovation and mighty factories are the envy of lesser people everywhere. = Bénçãos sobre você, nobre Oda Nobunaga, governante do Japão, a terra do Sol Nascente! Que você caminhe longamente entre suas flores floridas. Os japoneses são um povo insular, orgulhoso e piedoso, com uma rica cultura de artes e letras. Sua civilização remonta a milhares de anos, anos de guerra sangrenta, expansão e isolamento, grande riqueza e grande pobreza. Além de suas proezas no campo de batalha, seu povo também á imensamente trabalhador, e sua inovação tecnológica e fábricas poderosas são a inveja de pessoas menores em todos os lugares.
Blessings upon you, noble Oda Nobunaga, ruler of Japan, the land of the Rising Sun! May you long walk among its flowering blossoms. The Japanese are an island people, proud and pious with a rich culture of arts and letters. Your civilization stretches back thousands of years, years of bloody warfare, expansion and isolation, great wealth and great poverty. In addition to their prowess on the field of battle, your people are also immensely industrious, and their technological innovation and mighty factories are the envy of lesser people everywhere. = Bénçãos sobre você, nobre Oda Nobunaga, governante do Japão, a terra do Sol Nascente! Que você caminhe longamente entre suas flores floridas. Os japoneses são um povo insular, orgulhoso e piedoso, com uma rica cultura de artes e letras. Sua civilização remonta a milhares de anos, anos de guerra sangrenta, expansão e isolamento, grande riqueza e grande pobreza. Além de suas proezas no campo de batalha, seu povo também á imensamente trabalhador, e sua inovação tecnológica e fábricas poderosas são a inveja de pessoas imorais em todos os lugares.
Legendary daimyo, will you grab the reins of destiny? Will you bring your family and people the honor and glory they deserve? Will you once again pick up the sword and march to triumph? Will you build a civilization that stands the test of time? = Lendário daimyo, você vai pegar as ródeas do destino? Você trará á sua família e ao seu povo a honra e a glória que eles merecem? Você vai mais uma vez pegar a espada e marchar para o triunfo? Você vai construir uma civilização que resista ao teste do tempo?
Kyoto = Kyoto
Osaka = Osaka
@ -5965,10 +5964,9 @@ Research Agreements = Acordos de Pesquisa
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreement, you will both receive a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. = Em acordos de pesquisa, você e outra civilização decidem pesquisar em conjunto tecnologia.\nAo fim do acordo, ambos vocês irão receber um 'montante único' de ciência, o qual será direcionado a uma de suas tecnologia ainda não pesquisada.
The amount of ⍾Science you receive at the end is dependent on the ⍾Science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = A quantidade de Ciência que você recebe no fim depende na ciência gerada por suas cidades e das cidades das outras civilizações durante o acordo - quanto mais. melhor!
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. =
Instead, diplomatic relations with City-States are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-State likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = Ao contrário, relações diplomáticas com cidades-estado são determinadas por Influência - a medida de quanto que a Cidade-estado gosta de você.\nInfluência pode ser aumentada por atacar seus inimigos, liberar sua cidade, e dando a elas quantias de ouro.
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = Certos bonus são fornecidos quando você se encontra acima de 30 de influência.\nQuando você tem mais que 60 de Influência, e você tem a maior influência de todas as civilizações, você é considerado seus 'Aliado', e ganha ainda mais bonus e acesso aos recursos de Luxo e Estratégia em suas terras.
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. = Nem todas as nações estão lutando com você pela vitória. Cidades-estados são nações que não podem vencer, não se faz diplomacia como as principais, contudo, podem prover certos bônus a civilizações amigas.
Instead, diplomatic relations with City-States are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-State likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = Relações diplomáticas com cidades-estado são determinadas por Influência - a medida de quanto que a Cidade-estado gosta de você.\nInfluência pode ser aumentada por atacar seus inimigos, liberar sua cidade, e dando a elas quantias de ouro.
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = Certos bonus são fornecidos quando você se encontra acima de 30 pontos de Influência.\nQuando você tem mais que 60 pontos de Influência, e você tem a maior influência de todas as civilizações, você é considerado seus 'Aliado', e ganha ainda mais bonus e acesso aos recursos de Luxo e Estratégia em suas terras.
Great People = Grande Personalidade
Certain buildings, and specialists in cities, generate Great Person points per turn.\nThere are several types of Great People, and their points accumulate separately.\nThe number of points per turn and accumulated points can be viewed in the Overview screen. = Certos edifícios e especialistas nas cidades geram pontos de Grande Personalidade por turno. \nExistem vários tipos de Grandes Personalidades, e seus pontos se acumulam separadamente.\nO número de pontos por turno e pontos acumulados podem ser vistos na tela de Visão Geral.
@ -6129,10 +6127,8 @@ Cannot move = Não pode se mover
[amount] Movement point cost to embark = Custa [amount] pontos de movimento para embarcar
Can speed up the construction of a wonder = Pode acelerar a construção de uma maravilha
by consuming this unit = Por consumir esta unidade
# Requires translation!
before [amount] turns =
# Requires translation!
after [amount] turns =
before [amount] turns = antes de [amount] turnos
after [amount] turns = depois de [amount] turnos
when at war = quando em guerra
during We Love The King Day = durante o dia de Nós Amamos o Rei
when between [amount] and [amount2] Happiness = quando entre [amount] e [amount2] de Felicidade
@ -6141,10 +6137,8 @@ during the [era] = Durante a [era]
if no other Civilization has researched this = se nenhuma outra Civilização pesquisou isso
upon discovering [tech] = Ao descobrir [tech]
after adopting [policy] = depois de adotar [policy]
# Requires translation!
before founding a Pantheon =
# Requires translation!
after founding a Pantheon =
before founding a Pantheon = antes de fundar um Panteão
after founding a Pantheon = depois de fundar um Panteão
with [resource] = com [resource]
without [resource] = sem [resource]
in cities with a [buildingFilter] = em cidades com um [buildingFilter]

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Language settings
# Language settings
# Equivalent of a space in your language
# If your language doesn't use spaces, just add "" as a translation, otherwise " "
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Fastlane_short_description = Joc de creació de civilitzacions 4X
# Documentation:
# English to translate:
Fastlane_full_description = Una reimplementació del joc de construcció de civilitzacions més famós - ràpid, petit, sense anuncis i gratuït!\n\nConstruïu la vostra civilització, investigueu tecnologies, expandiu les ciutats i derroteu els enemics!\n\nSi teniu suggeriments o trobeu algun error, ho podeu comunicar a la <a href="">llista de problemes de laplicació de GitHub</a>. Qualsevol ajuda, per petita que sigui, serà benvinguda!\n\nUniu-vos al <a href="">canal del Discord</a> si teniu preguntes, comentaris o esteu avorrits.\n\nSi voleu ajudar en la traducció del joc, seguiu les instruccions a l<a href="">article dinstruccions de traducció de lUnciv</a>.\n\nSabeu programar amb Grok Java o Kotlin? Podeu col·laborar amb el desenvolupament del joc a la <a href="">pàgina de GitHub</a>.\n\nEl món espera! Podreu conduir la vostra civilització i convertir-la en un imperi que sobrevisqui al pas del temps?\n\nLopció de «permetre accés complet a la xarxa» es necessita per:\n\n- participar en partides multijugador,\n- descarregar i mostrar llistes de contingut addicional (música i mods) i\n- enviar ledat dels jugadors en mode multijugador.\n\nTots els altres permisos els inclou automàticament lAPI per permetre notificacions de torn en partides multijugador. LUnciv no utilitza la xarxa per cap altre tipus de comunicació.
Fastlane_full_description = Una reimplementació del joc de construcció de civilitzacions més famós ràpid, petit, sense anuncis i gratuït!\n\nConstruïu la vostra civilització, investigueu tecnologies, expandiu les ciutats i derroteu els enemics!\n\nSi teniu suggeriments o trobeu algun error, ho podeu comunicar a la <a href="">llista de problemes de laplicació de GitHub</a>. Qualsevol ajuda, per petita que sigui, serà benvinguda!\n\nUniu-vos al <a href="">canal del Discord</a> si teniu preguntes, comentaris o esteu avorrits.\n\nSi voleu ajudar en la traducció del joc, seguiu les instruccions a l<a href="">article dinstruccions de traducció de lUnciv</a>.\n\nSabeu programar amb Grok Java o Kotlin? Podeu col·laborar amb el desenvolupament del joc a la <a href="">pàgina de GitHub</a>.\n\nEl món espera! Podreu conduir la vostra civilització i convertir-la en un imperi que sobrevisqui al pas del temps?\n\nLopció de «permetre accés complet a la xarxa» es necessita per:\n\nparticipar en partides multijugador,\ndescarregar i mostrar llistes de contingut addicional (música i mods) i\nenviar ledat dels jugadors en mode multijugador.\n\nTots els altres permisos els inclou automàticament lAPI per permetre notificacions de torn en partides multijugador. LUnciv no utilitza la xarxa per cap altre tipus de comunicació.
# Starting from here normal translations start, as described in
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Fastlane_full_description = Una reimplementació del joc de construcció de civi
Delete = Esborra
# Base ruleset names
Civ V - Vanilla = Civ V - Sense modificacions
Civ V - Gods & Kings = Civ V - Déus i reis
Civ V - Vanilla = Civ V Sense modificacions
Civ V - Gods & Kings = Civ V Déus i reis
# Tutorial tasks
@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ Current saves = Partides desades
Show autosaves = Mostra les desades automàtiques
Saved game name = Nom de la partida desada
# This is the save game name the dialog will suggest
[player] - [turns] turns = [player] - torn [turns]
[player] - [turns] turns = [player] torn [turns]
Copy to clipboard = Copia al porta-retalls
Copy saved game to clipboard = Copia la partida desada al porta-retalls
Could not load game! = La partida no sha pogut carregar.
@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ Saving... = Es desa...
Overwrite existing file? = Voleu sobreescriure el fitxer existent?
Overwrite = Sobreescriu
It looks like your saved game can't be loaded! = Sembla que la vostra desada no es pot carregar.
If you could copy your game data ("Copy saved game to clipboard" - = Si podeu copiar les dades de la partida («Copia la partida desada al porta-retalls» -
If you could copy your game data ("Copy saved game to clipboard" - = Si podeu copiar les dades de la partida («Copia la partida desada al porta-retalls»
paste into an email to = enganxeu-la i envieu-la per correu electrònic a «»).
I could maybe help you figure out what went wrong, since this isn't supposed to happen! = Potser us puc ajudar a descobrir què ha fallat.
Missing mods: [mods] = Mods que falten: [mods]
@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ Order trade offers by amount = Ordena les ofertes comercials per quantitat
Ask for confirmation when pressing next turn = Demana confirmació quan es prem «Proper torn»
Notifications log max turns = Nombre màxim de torns al registre de notificacions
Check extension mods based on: = Comprova les extensions mod basades en:
-none- = -cap-
-none- = cap
Reload mods = Recarrega els mods
Checking mods for errors... = Es busca errors als mods...
No problems found. = No shan trobat problemes.
@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ Uniques updated! = shan actualitzat els mods exclusius.
Max zoom out = Nivell màxim de zoom
Show experimental world wrap for maps = Mostra lenvoltant del mapa (experimental)
HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! = Molt experimental - Esteu avisat!
HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! = Molt experimental Esteu avisat!
Enable portrait orientation = Permet orientar la pantalla verticalment
Generate translation files = Genera els fitxers de traducció
Translation files are generated successfully. = Els fitxers de traducció shan generat correctament.
@ -1328,8 +1328,7 @@ for = per a
Missing translations: = Traduccions que falten:
Resolution = Resolució
Tileset = Art gràfic de les caselles
# Requires translation!
Unitset =
Unitset = Art gràfic de les unitats
UI Skin = Estil de la interfície
Create = Crea
Language = Idioma
@ -1836,7 +1835,7 @@ Mud Pyramid Mosque = Mesquita piramidal
National College = Institut nacional
The Oracle = LOracle
'The ancient Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone, of all the Greeks, know that I know nothing' - Socrates = «Lantic Oracle va dir que era el més savi de tots els grecs. És per això que només jo, dentre tots els grecs, sé que no sé res.» - Sòcrates
'The ancient Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone, of all the Greeks, know that I know nothing' - Socrates = «Lantic Oracle va dir que era el més savi de tots els grecs. És per això que només jo, dentre tots els grecs, sé que no sé res.» Sòcrates
Free Social Policy = Política social de franc
National Epic = Èpica nacional
@ -1856,26 +1855,26 @@ Heroic Epic = Èpica heroica
All newly-trained [baseUnitFilter] units [cityFilter] receive the [promotion] promotion = Totes les noves unitats [baseUnitFilter] entrenades [cityFilter] reben lascens [promotion].
Colossus = Colós
'Why man, he doth bestride the narrow world like a colossus, and we petty men walk under his huge legs, and peep about to find ourselves dishonorable graves.' - William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar = «Per què Déu passeja per lestret món com un colós i nosaltres, homes miserables, caminem per sota les seves cames enormes i anem mirant fins trobar una tomba deshonorable?» - William Shakespeare, Juli Cèsar
'Why man, he doth bestride the narrow world like a colossus, and we petty men walk under his huge legs, and peep about to find ourselves dishonorable graves.' - William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar = «Per què Déu passeja per lestret món com un colós i nosaltres, homes miserables, caminem per sota les seves cames enormes i anem mirant fins trobar una tomba deshonorable?» William Shakespeare, Juli Cèsar
Garden = Jardins
Monastery = Monestir
Hagia Sophia = Santa Sofia
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis = «Perquè seleva per enfrontar-se al cel i, com si sortís entre els altres edificis, està allà dalt i mira avall el que queda de ciutat, adornant-la, perquè és part della però glorificant-la en la seva pròpia vellesa.» - Procopi, De Aedificis
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis = «Perquè seleva per enfrontar-se al cel i, com si sortís entre els altres edificis, està allà dalt i mira avall el que queda de ciutat, adornant-la, perquè és part della però glorificant-la en la seva pròpia vellesa.» Procopi, De Aedificis
Angkor Wat = Angkor Wat
'The temple is like no other building in the world. It has towers and decoration and all the refinements which the human genius can conceive of.' - Antonio da Magdalena = «El temple no és com cap altre edifici del món. Té torres i decoracions i tots els detalls que el geni humà pot concebre.» - Antonio da Magdalena
'The temple is like no other building in the world. It has towers and decoration and all the refinements which the human genius can conceive of.' - Antonio da Magdalena = «El temple no és com cap altre edifici del món. Té torres i decoracions i tots els detalls que el geni humà pot concebre.» Antonio da Magdalena
Chichen Itza = Chichén Itzá
'The katun is established at Chichen Itza. The settlement of the Itza shall take place there. The quetzal shall come, the green bird shall come. Ah Kantenal shall come. It is the word of God. The Itza shall come.' - The Books of Chilam Balam = «El katun sha establit a Chichén Itzá. Lassentament de lItza' serà allí. Vindrà el quetzal, locell verd vindrà. Ah Kantenal vindrà. És la paraula de Déu. LItza' vindrà.» - Els llibres de Chilam Balam
'The katun is established at Chichen Itza. The settlement of the Itza shall take place there. The quetzal shall come, the green bird shall come. Ah Kantenal shall come. It is the word of God. The Itza shall come.' - The Books of Chilam Balam = «El katun sha establit a Chichén Itzá. Lassentament de lItza' serà allí. Vindrà el quetzal, locell verd vindrà. Ah Kantenal vindrà. És la paraula de Déu. LItza' vindrà.» Els llibres de Chilam Balam
[relativeAmount]% Golden Age length = La durada de les edats dor augmenta un [relativeAmount] %.
National Treasury = Tresor nacional
Machu Picchu = El Machu Picchu
'Few romances can ever surpass that of the granite citadel on top of the beetling precipices of Machu Picchu, the crown of Inca Land.' - Hiram Bingham = «Pocs romanços poden superar el de la ciutadella de granit a dalt dels precipicis del Machu Picchu, la corona de la terra inca.» - Hiram Bingham
'Few romances can ever surpass that of the granite citadel on top of the beetling precipices of Machu Picchu, the crown of Inca Land.' - Hiram Bingham = «Pocs romanços poden superar el de la ciutadella de granit a dalt dels precipicis del Machu Picchu, la corona de la terra inca.» Hiram Bingham
[relativeAmount]% [stat] from Trade Routes = [relativeAmount] % [stat] de les rutes comercials
Must have an owned [tileFilter] within [amount] tiles = Cal tenir un [tileFilter] propi a com a molt [amount] caselles de distància.
@ -1895,7 +1894,7 @@ Wat = Wat
Oxford University = Universitat dOxford
Notre Dame = Catedral de Notre-Dame
'Architecture has recorded the great ideas of the human race. Not only every religious symbol, but every human thought has its page in that vast book.' - Victor Hugo = «Larquitectura ha anotat grans idees de la raça humana. No només cada símbol religiós, sinó que cada pensament humà té la seva pàgina en aquest llibre extens.» - Víctor Hugo
'Architecture has recorded the great ideas of the human race. Not only every religious symbol, but every human thought has its page in that vast book.' - Victor Hugo = «Larquitectura ha anotat grans idees de la raça humana. No només cada símbol religiós, sinó que cada pensament humà té la seva pàgina en aquest llibre extens.» Víctor Hugo
Castle = Castell
@ -1904,7 +1903,7 @@ after discovering [tech] = després de descobrir «[tech]»
[stats] [cityFilter] = [stats] [cityFilter]
Himeji Castle = Castell Himeji
'Bushido is realized in the presence of death. This means choosing death whenever there is a choice between life and death. There is no other reasoning.' - Yamamoto Tsunetomo = «El bushido es realitza en presència de la mort. Això significa que sha de triar la mort quan hi ha opció entre vida i mort. No hi ha cap altre raonament.» - Yamamoto Tsunetomo
'Bushido is realized in the presence of death. This means choosing death whenever there is a choice between life and death. There is no other reasoning.' - Yamamoto Tsunetomo = «El bushido es realitza en presència de la mort. Això significa que sha de triar la mort quan hi ha opció entre vida i mort. No hi ha cap altre raonament.» Yamamoto Tsunetomo
when fighting in [tileFilter] tiles = quan lluita en caselles de [tileFilter]
Ironworks = Siderúrgia
@ -1916,14 +1915,14 @@ Observatory = Observatori
Opera House = Teatre de lÒpera
Sistine Chapel = La Capella Sixtina
'I live and love in God's peculiar light.' - Michelangelo Buonarroti = «Jo visc i estimo en la peculiar llum de Déu.» - Michelangelo Buonarroti
'I live and love in God's peculiar light.' - Michelangelo Buonarroti = «Jo visc i estimo en la peculiar llum de Déu.» Michelangelo Buonarroti
Bank = Banc
Satrap's Court = Cort del Sàtrapa
Forbidden Palace = El Palau Prohibit
'Most of us can, as we choose, make of this world either a palace or a prison' - John Lubbock = «Quan triem, molts de nosaltres fem daquest món un palau o una presó.» - John Lubbock
'Most of us can, as we choose, make of this world either a palace or a prison' - John Lubbock = «Quan triem, molts de nosaltres fem daquest món un palau o una presó.» John Lubbock
[relativeAmount]% Unhappiness from [populationFilter] [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount] % dinfelicitat de [populationFilter] [cityFilter]
Theatre = Teatre
@ -1933,11 +1932,11 @@ Seaport = Port marítim
Hermitage = LHermitage
Taj Mahal = El Taj Mahal
'The Taj Mahal rises above the banks of the river like a solitary tear suspended on the cheek of time.' - Rabindranath Tagore = «El Taj Mahal saixeca per sobre dels marges del riu com una llàgrima solitària a la galta del temps.» - Rabindranath Tagore
'The Taj Mahal rises above the banks of the river like a solitary tear suspended on the cheek of time.' - Rabindranath Tagore = «El Taj Mahal saixeca per sobre dels marges del riu com una llàgrima solitària a la galta del temps.» Rabindranath Tagore
Empire enters golden age = La civilització entra en una edat dor.
Porcelain Tower = Torre de Porcellana
'Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.' - James Russell Lowell = «Les coses sempre semblen més justes quan mirem enrere i és fora daquesta torre inaccessible del passat que la nostàlgia sinclina i ens fa senyals.» - James Russell Lowell
'Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.' - James Russell Lowell = «Les coses sempre semblen més justes quan mirem enrere i és fora daquesta torre inaccessible del passat que la nostàlgia sinclina i ens fa senyals.» James Russell Lowell
Free [baseUnitFilter] appears = Apareix un [baseUnitFilter] de franc.
Science gained from research agreements [relativeAmount]% = [relativeAmount] % de ciència obtinguda per acords de recerca.
@ -1945,26 +1944,26 @@ Windmill = Molí de vent
[relativeAmount]% Production when constructing [buildingFilter] buildings [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount] % de producció quan es construeixen edificis [buildingFilter] [cityFilter].
Kremlin = El Kremlin
'The Law is a fortress on a hill that armies cannot take or floods wash away.' - The Prophet Muhammed = «La llei és una fortalesa en un turó que les inundacions no poden endur-se ni els exèrcits poden conquerir.» - El profeta Mohammed
'The Law is a fortress on a hill that armies cannot take or floods wash away.' - The Prophet Muhammed = «La llei és una fortalesa en un turó que les inundacions no poden endur-se ni els exèrcits poden conquerir.» El profeta Mohammed
[relativeAmount]% City Strength from defensive buildings = [relativeAmount] % de força de ciutat dels edificis defensius
Museum = Museu
The Louvre = El Louvre
'Every genuine work of art has as much reason for being as the earth and the sun' - Ralph Waldo Emerson = «Cada obra dart genuïna té tants motius per existir com la terra o el sol.» - Ralph Waldo Emerson
'Every genuine work of art has as much reason for being as the earth and the sun' - Ralph Waldo Emerson = «Cada obra dart genuïna té tants motius per existir com la terra o el sol.» Ralph Waldo Emerson
Public School = Escola pública
Factory = Fàbrica
Big Ben = El Big Ben
'To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough time.' - Leonard Bernstein = «Per aconseguir grans objectius fan falta dues coses: un pla i temps suficient.» - Leonard Bernstein
'To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough time.' - Leonard Bernstein = «Per aconseguir grans objectius fan falta dues coses: un pla i temps suficient.» Leonard Bernstein
[stat] cost of purchasing items in cities [relativeAmount]% = [stat] cost de compra en ciutats [relativeAmount] %
Military Academy = Acadèmia militar
Brandenburg Gate = La Porta de Brandenburg
'Pale Death beats equally at the poor man's gate and at the palaces of kings.' - Horace = «La pàl·lida mort toca per igual les portes dels pobres que els palaus dels reis.» - Horaci
'Pale Death beats equally at the poor man's gate and at the palaces of kings.' - Horace = «La pàl·lida mort toca per igual les portes dels pobres que els palaus dels reis.» Horaci
Arsenal = Arsenal
@ -1975,17 +1974,17 @@ Stock Exchange = Borsa de valors
Broadcast Tower = Torre de retransmissió
Eiffel Tower = Torre Eiffel
'We live only to discover beauty, all else is a form of waiting' - Kahlil Gibran = «Només vivim per descobrir la bellesa; la resta és una espera.» - Kahlil Gibran
'We live only to discover beauty, all else is a form of waiting' - Kahlil Gibran = «Només vivim per descobrir la bellesa; la resta és una espera.» Kahlil Gibran
Provides 1 happiness per 2 additional social policies adopted = Otorga 1 de felicitat per cada 2 polítiques socials addicionals adoptades.
Statue of Liberty = Estàtua de la Llibertat
'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!' - Emma Lazarus = «Doneu-me els vostres homes cansats, els vostres pobres, les masses que volen respirar lliures, els desgraciats que no volen quedar-se a les costes plenes de gent. Envieu-mels, els que no tenen casa, els que menvia la tempesta, jo aixeco el meu llum al costat de la porta dor!» - Emma Lazarus
'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!' - Emma Lazarus = «Doneu-me els vostres homes cansats, els vostres pobres, les masses que volen respirar lliures, els desgraciats que no volen quedar-se a les costes plenes de gent. Envieu-mels, els que no tenen casa, els que menvia la tempesta, jo aixeco el meu llum al costat de la porta dor!» Emma Lazarus
[stats] from every specialist [cityFilter] = [stats] de cada especialista [cityFilter]
Military Base = Base militar
Cristo Redentor = Crist redemptor
'Come to me, all who labor and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.' - New Testament, Matthew 11:28 = «Veniu a mi els que treballen i estan molt cansats i us donaré descans.» - Nou Testament, Mateu 11:28
'Come to me, all who labor and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.' - New Testament, Matthew 11:28 = «Veniu a mi els que treballen i estan molt cansats i us donaré descans.» Nou Testament, Mateu 11:28
[relativeAmount]% Culture cost of adopting new Policies = [relativeAmount] % de cost de cultura per adoptar polítiques noves.
Research Lab = Laboratori de recerca
@ -1996,14 +1995,14 @@ Medical Lab = Laboratori mèdic
Stadium = Estadi
Sydney Opera House = LÒpera de Sydney
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying = «Els que deixen de somiar estan perduts.» Refrany australià aborigen
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying = «Els que deixen de somiar estan perduts.» Refrany australià aborigen
Manhattan Project = Projecte Manhattan
Enables nuclear weapon = Permet la construcció darmes nuclears.
Triggers a global alert upon completion = Quan es completa, provoca una alerta mundial.
Pentagon = Pentàgon
'In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.' - Dwight D. Eisenhower = «Preparant-me per la batalla, sempre he trobat que els plans són inútils, però que planificar és indispensable.» Dwight D. Eisenhower
'In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.' - Dwight D. Eisenhower = «Preparant-me per la batalla, sempre he trobat que els plans són inútils, però que planificar és indispensable.» Dwight D. Eisenhower
[relativeAmount]% Gold cost of upgrading = [relativeAmount] % de cost dor de la millora
Solar Plant = Planta solar
@ -2018,7 +2017,7 @@ Enables construction of Spaceship parts = Permet la construcció de parts de nau
Spaceship Factory = Fàbrica de naus espacials
United Nations = Nacions Unides
'More than ever before in human history, we share a common destiny. We can master it only if we face it together. And that is why we have the United Nations.' - Kofi Annan = «Més que mai abans en la història de la humanitat, compartim un destí comú. Podem dominar-lo només si ens hi enfrontem junts. I per això tenim les Nacions Unides.» - Kofi Annan
'More than ever before in human history, we share a common destiny. We can master it only if we face it together. And that is why we have the United Nations.' - Kofi Annan = «Més que mai abans en la història de la humanitat, compartim un destí comú. Podem dominar-lo només si ens hi enfrontem junts. I per això tenim les Nacions Unides.» Kofi Annan
Triggers voting for the Diplomatic Victory = Desencadena la votació de victòria diplomàtica.
Utopia Project = Projecte Utopia
@ -2152,7 +2151,7 @@ My friend, does this seem reasonable to you? = Amic meu, això us sembla raonabl
Greetings! = Salutacions!
What? = Què?
Hellenic League = Lliga hel·lènica
May the blessings of the gods be upon you, oh great King Alexander! You are the ruler of the mighty Greek nation. Your people lived for so many years in isolated city-states - legendary cities such as Athens, Sparta, Thebes - where they gave the world many great things, such as democracy, philosophy, tragedy, art and architecture, the very foundation of Western Civilization. Although few in number and often hostile to each other, in the 5th century BC they were able to defeat their much larger neighbor, Persia, on land and sea. = Que les benediccions dels Déus us acompanyin, Alexandre el Gran! Sou el governador de la poderosa nació grega. La vostra gent ha viscut molts anys en ciutats-estat aïllades - ciutats llegendàries com Atenes, Esparta, Tebes - que van aportar al món la democràcia, la filosofia, la tragèdia, arts i larquitectura, les bases de la civilització occidental. Encara que eren pocs, i a vegades hostils entre ells, el segle V aC. van derrotar el seu veí més gran, Pèrsia, per terra i mar.
May the blessings of the gods be upon you, oh great King Alexander! You are the ruler of the mighty Greek nation. Your people lived for so many years in isolated city-states - legendary cities such as Athens, Sparta, Thebes - where they gave the world many great things, such as democracy, philosophy, tragedy, art and architecture, the very foundation of Western Civilization. Although few in number and often hostile to each other, in the 5th century BC they were able to defeat their much larger neighbor, Persia, on land and sea. = Que les benediccions dels Déus us acompanyin, Alexandre el Gran! Sou el governador de la poderosa nació grega. La vostra gent ha viscut molts anys en ciutats-estat aïllades ciutats llegendàries com Atenes, Esparta, Tebes que van aportar al món la democràcia, la filosofia, la tragèdia, arts i larquitectura, les bases de la civilització occidental. Encara que eren pocs, i a vegades hostils entre ells, el segle V aC. van derrotar el seu veí més gran, Pèrsia, per terra i mar.
Alexander, your people stand ready to march to war, to spread the great Greek culture to millions and to bring you everlasting glory. Are you ready to accept your destiny, King Alexander? Will you lead your people to triumph and greatness? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? = Alexandre, la vostra gent està preparada per marxar a la guerra, per difondre la gran cultura grega i portar-vos glòria que perdurarà per sempre. Esteu preparat per acceptar el vostre destí, Rei Alexandre? Conduireu la vostra gent al triomf i grandesa? Podeu construir una civilització que aguanti el pas del temps?
Athens = Atenes
Sparta = Esparta
@ -3166,7 +3165,7 @@ Double Happiness from Natural Wonders = Es duplica la felicitat generada per mer
Askia = Askia
You are an abomination to heaven and earth, the chief of ignorant savages! You must be destroyed! = Sou una abominació per al cel i per la terra, el líder dels gamarussos! Us destruirem!
Fool! You have doomed your people to fire and destruction! = Estaquirot! Heu portat la vostra gent al foc i la destrucció!
We have been consumed by the fires of hatred and rage. Enjoy your victory in this world - you shall pay a heavy price in the next! = Els focs de lodi i la ràbia ens han consumit. Gaudiu de la victòria en aquest món - ja ho pagareu a la propera!
We have been consumed by the fires of hatred and rage. Enjoy your victory in this world - you shall pay a heavy price in the next! = Els focs de lodi i la ràbia ens han consumit. Gaudiu de la victòria en aquest món. Ja ho pagareu a la propera!
I am Askia of the Songhai. We are a fair people - but those who cross us will find only destruction. You would do well to avoid repeating the mistakes others have made in the past. = Sóc lAskia dels songhai. Som una gent justa, però aquells que es creuen en el nostre camí només coneixen la destrucció. Faríeu bé si eviteu repetir els errors que altres han fet en el passat.
Can I interest you in this deal? = Us interessa aquest tracte?
River Warlord = Cabdill del riu
@ -5873,14 +5872,14 @@ New Game = Inici de la partida
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = La vostra primera missió és fundar la vostra ciutat capital.\nÉs una tasca important, ja que la capital serà probablement la ciutat més pròspera.\nMoles bonificacions només saplicaran a la capital i possiblment sigui el centre del vostre imperi.
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThats not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. Cities cannot be built within 3 tiles of existing cities, which is another thing to watch out for! = Com sabreu si un lloc és apropiat?\nNo és una pregunta fàcil de respondre, però buscar i construir al costat de recursos de luxe és una bona idea.\nEls recursos de luxe són caselles que tenen gemes, cotó, seda o altres coses similars. Sindiquen amb una cara que somriu al costat de la icona.\nAquests recursos fan feliç la vostra civilització. Heu de vigilar també els recursos que necessiteu per construir unitats, com ara el ferro. També heu de tenir en compte que les ciutats no es poden construir a una distància de 3 caselles daltres ciutats.
However, cities dont have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you dont have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLets say, for example, that you want access to some iron but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou dont have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately \n which might be the case now and then, but youll usually have the luxury of time. = No obstant, les ciutats no tenen una àrea establerta que puguin treballar (més endavant en parlarem més).\nAixò vol dir que no cal que construïu les ciutats just al costat dels recursos.\nDiguem per exemple que si necessiteu aconseguir una mica de ferro, però el recurs està just al costat dun desert.\nNo cal que construïu la ciutat just al costat del desert. La podeu construir a unes quantes caselles de distància que siguin més pròspreres.\nLa ciutat creixerà i, possiblement més endavant, aconseguirà accedir al recurs.\nNomés cal construir just al costat dels recursos si els necessiteu immediatament. Això pot passar algunes vegades, però no sempre.
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts dont suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf youre a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = El primer que hauria de sortir de la ciutat hauria de ser un explorador o un guerrer.\nGeneralment es sol preferir un guerrer, perquè es pot fer servir també per a defensar i perquè sel pot millorar\n a espadatxí més endavant en la partida per una quantitat modesta dor.\nEls exploradors també són efectius si sembla que esteu en una àrea de bosc dens i turons.\nEls exploradors no tenen penalitzacions de moviment en aquests terrenys.\nSi sou veterà del gènere destratègia de 4X, el vostre primer guerrer o explorador el seguirà un colon.\nLexpansió ràpida és important en molts jocs daquest tipus.
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts dont suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf youre a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = El primer que hauria de sortir de la ciutat hauria de ser un explorador o un guerrer.\nGeneralment es sol preferir un guerrer, perquè es pot fer servir també per a defensar i perquè sel pot millorar a espadatxí més endavant en la partida per una quantitat modesta dor.\nEls exploradors també són efectius si sembla que esteu en una àrea de bosc dens i turons.\nEls exploradors no tenen penalitzacions de moviment en aquests terrenys.\nSi sou veterà del gènere destratègia de 4X, el vostre primer guerrer o explorador el seguirà un colon.\nLexpansió ràpida és important en molts jocs daquest tipus.
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention. = Durant els primers torns, disposareu de poques opcions, però quan la civilització creixi, també ho faran els punts que necessitaran la vostra atenció.
Culture and Policies = Cultura i polítiques
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = Cada torn, la cultura que generen les vostres ciutats safegeix a la cultura total de la civilització.\nQuan en tingueu prou, podreu triar una política social, que us proporcionarà una determinada bonificació.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = Les polítiques sorganitzen amb branques. Quan sadopten totes les polítiques duna branca, es rep una bonificació addicional.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = Amb cada política adoptada i amb cada ciutat construïda,\n el cost dadoptar més polítiques augmenta. Penseu bé quines trieu!
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = Amb cada política adoptada i amb cada ciutat construïda,\nel cost dadoptar més polítiques augmenta. Penseu bé quines trieu!
City Expansion = Expansió de les ciutats
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. = Quan una ciutat ha aconseguit prou cultura, sexpandirà a una casella veïna.\nNo teniu control sobre a quina casella sexpandeix, però es prioritzen les caselles amb recursos i rendiments més elevats.
@ -5888,22 +5887,22 @@ Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. = Encara que la vostra ciutat sexpandeix indefinidament, els vostres treballadors només poden treballar a una distància de fins a 3 caselles del centre de la ciutat.\nCal tenir-ho en compte quan trieu on construir les ciutats.
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population youll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = Quan les ciutats creixin en mida i influència, haureu docupar-vos de la mecànica de felicitat que ja no està lligada només a una sola ciutat.\nEl vostre imperi comparteix el mateix nivell de satisfacció.\nA mesura que les ciutats creixin en població, veureu que és més i més difícil mantenir limperi feliç.
In addition, you cant even build any city improvements that increase happiness until youve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empires happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = A més a més, no podreu construir millores que augmentin la felicitat fins que hagueu fet la recerca adequada.\nSi la felicitat del vostre imperi baixa per sota de zero, la ràtio de creixement de les ciutats sen resentirà.\nI si el nivell dinfelicitat és sever (tal com indica la icona de cara somrient de la part de dalt de la interfície)\n els vostres exèrcits sofriran una gran penalització en la seva efectivitat de combat.
In addition, you cant even build any city improvements that increase happiness until youve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empires happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = A més a més, no podreu construir millores que augmentin la felicitat fins que hagueu fet la recerca adequada.\nSi la felicitat del vostre imperi baixa per sota de zero, la ràtio de creixement de les ciutats sen resentirà.\nI si el nivell dinfelicitat és sever (tal com indica la icona de cara somrient de la part de dalt de la interfície) els vostres exèrcits sofriran una gran penalització en la seva efectivitat de combat.
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isnt impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn't do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = Això significa que a lUnciv és molt difícil expandir-se de pressa.\nEncara que no és impossible, com a jugador novell no ho hauríeu de fer.\nAixí que, què hauríeu de fer? Relaxar-vos, explorar i millorar el territori que teniu construint treballadors.\nContruïu noves ciutats una vegada hagueu localitzat un lloc que cregueu apropiat.
Unhappiness = Infelicitat
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, your civilization will suffer many detrimental effects, increasing in severity as unhappiness gets higher. = Sembla que els vostres ciutadans estan infeliços.\nLa civilització sofrirà molts efectes perjudicials mentre estiguin infeliços, de manera més severa si la infelicitat també augmenta.
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities.\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = La infelicitat té principalment dues causes: població i ciutats.\n Cada ciutat genera 3 dinfelicitat i cada punt de població en genera 1.
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders. = Principalment, hi ha dues maneres de combatre la infelicitat:\n - construint edificis que generin felicitat per la població o bé\n - aconseguint recursos de luxe amb millores dins el vostre territori.
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders. = Principalment, hi ha dues maneres de combatre la infelicitat:\n construint edificis que generin felicitat per la població o bé\n aconseguint recursos de luxe amb millores dins el vostre territori.
You have entered a Golden Age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Heu entrat en una edat dor!\nCada torns sacumulen tants punts dedat dor com la felicitat total\nde la vostra civilització.\nMentre duri una edat dor, la generació de cultura i producció augmenta un 20 %,\n i cada casella que produeixi almenys una unitat dor, en produirà una daddicional.
You have entered a Golden Age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Heu entrat en una edat dor!\nCada torns sacumulen tants punts dedat dor com la felicitat total\nde la vostra civilització.\nMentre duri una edat dor, la generació de cultura i producció augmenta un 20 % i cada casella que produeixi almenys una unitat dor, en produirà una daddicional.
Roads and Railroads = Carreteres i ferrocarrils
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Si connecteu les ciutats a la capital per carreteres\n les rutes comercials generaran or.\nTingueu en compte que cada carretera té un cost de manteniment d1 dor per torn i el de cada ferrocarril és de 2 dor.
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Si connecteu les ciutats a la capital per carreteres les rutes comercials generaran or.\nTingueu en compte que cada carretera té un cost de manteniment d1 dor per torn i el de cada ferrocarril és de 2 dor.
Victory Types = Tipus de victòria
Once youve settled your first two or three cities youre probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win if you havent already. = Una vegada hagueu establert dues o tres ciutats, segurament haureu jugat de 100 a 150 torns.\nAra és un bon moment per començar a pensar com voleu guanyar, si no ho heu fet ja.
There are four ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees and build the Utopia Project\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri\n - Diplomatic Victory: Build the United Nations and win the vote = Hi ha quatre maneres de guanyar a lUnciv:\n - Victòria cultural: completeu 5 arbres de polítiques socials i construïu el Projecte Utopia.\n - Victòria per dominació: aconseguiu ser lúnica civilització existent.\n - Victòria científica: sigueu el primer que construeixi una nau espacial per anar a Alpha Centauri.\n - Victòria diplomàtica: construïu les Nacions Unides i guanyeu el vot.
There are four ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees and build the Utopia Project\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri\n - Diplomatic Victory: Build the United Nations and win the vote = Hi ha quatre maneres de guanyar a lUnciv:\n Victòria cultural: completeu 5 arbres de polítiques socials i construïu el Projecte Utopia.\n Victòria per dominació: aconseguiu ser lúnica civilització existent.\n Victòria científica: sigueu el primer que construeixi una nau espacial per anar a Alpha Centauri.\n Victòria diplomàtica: construïu les Nacions Unides i guanyeu el vot.
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness, and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = En resum, aquestes són les bases de lUnciv: fundeu una primera ciutat pròspera, expandiu-vos poc a poc per gestionar la felicitats i escolliu quina condició de victòria voleu aconseguir.\nÉs clar que hi ha molt més, però és important no voler avançar massa ràpid si no coneixeu a fons els conceptes bàsics.
Enemy City = Ciutat enemiga
@ -5926,16 +5925,16 @@ You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminat
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = Heu trobat una altra civilització!\nAltres civilitzacions comencem amb una actitud pacífica i hi podeu comerciar,\nperò poden decidir declarar-vos la guerra més endavant.
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a Scientific Victory! = Quan heu recercat el Programa Apol·lo, podeu començar a construir parts duna nau espacial a les vostres ciutats\n (amb les tecnologies corresponents) per aconseguir una victòria científica!
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a Scientific Victory! = Quan heu recercat el Programa Apol·lo, podeu començar a construir parts duna nau espacial a les vostres ciutats (amb les tecnologies corresponents) per a aconseguir una victòria científica!
Injured Units = Unitats ferides
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive.\nUnits heal 10 health per turn in enemy territory or neutral land,\n 20 inside your territory and 25 in your cities. = Les unitats ferides produeixen menys dany, però es poden curar després dels torns que no shagin activat.\nLes unitats es curen 10 punts de vida cada torn en territori enemic o neutral,\n 20 dins el vostre territori i 25 dins les vostres ciutats.
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive.\nUnits heal 10 health per turn in enemy territory or neutral land,\n 20 inside your territory and 25 in your cities. = Les unitats ferides produeixen menys dany, però es poden curar després dels torns que no shagin activat.\nLes unitats es curen 10 punts de vida cada torn en territori enemic o neutral, 20 dins el vostre territori i 25 dins les vostres ciutats.
Workers = Treballadors
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles.\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = Els treballadors són vitals pel creixement de les vostres ciutats, ja que només ells poden construir millores en les caselles.\nLes millores augmenten el rendiment de les caselles, augmentant la producció i creixent més ràpid usant el mateix nombre de caselles
Siege Units = Unitats dassetjament
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = Les unitats de setge són extremadament poderoses contra les ciutats, però necessiten muntar-se abans que puguin atacar.\nUna vegada muntada, pot atacar des de la casella on està,\n però si es mou a una altra casella, shaurà de muntar de nou.
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = Les unitats de setge són extremadament poderoses contra les ciutats, però necessiten muntar-se abans que puguin atacar.\nUna vegada muntada, pot atacar des de la casella on està, però si es mou a una altra casella, shaurà de muntar de nou.
Embarking = Embarcar
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn. = Una vegada es recerca una determinada tecnologia, les vostres unitats podran embarcar i així podran moures per caselles daigua.\nEntrar o sortir de laigua costa el torn sencer.
@ -5946,7 +5945,7 @@ If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next un
Contact Me = Contacteu amb mi
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n Unciv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Hola! Si heu arribat fins aquí, segurament haureu vist que el joc està incomplet.\nUnciv està pensat com a joc de codi obert i lliure per sempre.\nAixò significa que no hi haurà anuncis ni altres poca-soltades.
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = El que em motiva a continuar treballant-hi,\n a banda del fet que crec que és genial que pugui fer-ho,\n és el suport dels jugadors - sou els millors!
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = El que em motiva a continuar treballant-hi,\n a banda del fet que crec que és genial que pugui fer-ho,\n és el suport dels jugadors sou els millors!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = Cada valoració i ressenya que feu, es rep amb il·lusió.\nAixí que contacteu amb mi! Envieu-me un correu, ressenya, problema a GitHub o un colom missatger i mirarem de fer el joc encara més increïble.
Pillaging = Saquejos
@ -5965,8 +5964,7 @@ Research Agreements = Acords dinvestigació
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreement, you will both receive a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. = Podeu decidir unir-vos a una altra civilització per la recerca conjunta duna tecnologia si arribeu a un acord de recerca.\nAl final de lacord, ambdues civilitzacions rebreu un «pagament total» de ciència, que es destinarà a una de les tecnologies no recercades.
The amount of ⍾Science you receive at the end is dependent on the ⍾Science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = La quantitat de ciència ⍾ que rebeu al final de lacord depèn de la ciència (⍾) generada per les vostres ciutats i les ciutats de laltra civilització durant lacord.
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. =
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. = No totes les nacions lluiten contra vós per la victòria.\nLes ciutats-estat són nacions que no poden guanyar, amb les quals no shi pot comerciar i que poden atorgar bonificacions a les civilitzacions amb les que tinguin bones relacions.
Instead, diplomatic relations with City-States are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-State likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = En canvi, les relacions diplomàtiques amb les ciutats-estat es determinen amb influència: un mesurador de «quant li agrades a la ciutat-estat».\nEs pot augmentar la influència atacant els enemics de la ciutat-estat, alliberant la seva ciutat o enviant-hi or.
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = Algunes bonificacions es donen quan esteu per sobre de 30 dinfluència.\nPer sobre de 60 i si sou la civilització amb major influència entre totes les que hi ha a la partida, se us considerarà la seva «aliada» i aconseguireu més bonificacions i accés als recursos estratègics i de luxe del seu territori.
@ -5983,9 +5981,9 @@ Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barri
Keyboard = Teclat
If you have a keyboard, some shortcut keys become available. Unit command or improvement picker keys, for example, are shown directly in their corresponding buttons. = Si teniu teclat, disposeu de dreceres de teclat. Les tecles dordres dunitat o de selecció de millores es mostren als botons corresponents.
On the world screen the hotkeys are as follows: = A la vista del món, les dreceres de teclat són:
Space or 'N' - Next unit or turn\n'E' - Empire overview (last viewed page)\n'+', '-' - Zoom in / out\nHome - center on capital or open its city screen if already centered = Barra espaiadora o 'N' - Propera unitat o Proper torn\n'E' - Vista general (última pàgina visitada)\n'+', '-' - Apropa / Allunya la vista\nInici - Centra a la capital o obre la seva vista si ja shi està centrat
F1 - Open Civilopedia\nF2 - Empire overview Trades\nF3 - Empire overview Units\nF4 - Empire overview Diplomacy\nF5 - Social policies\nF6 - Technologies\nF7 - Empire overview Cities\nF8 - Victory Progress\nF9 - Empire overview Stats\nF10 - Empire overview Resources\nF11 - Quicksave\nF12 - Quickload = F1 - Obre la civilopèdia\nF2 - Vista del comerç de limperi\nF3 - Vista de les unitats de limperi\nF4 - Vista de la diplomàcia de limperi\nF5 - Polítiques socials\nF6 - Tecnologies\nF7 - Vista de les ciutats de limperi\nF8 - Progrés de la victòria\nF9 - Vista de les estadístiques de limperi\nF10 - Vista dels recursos de limperi\nF11 - Desada ràpida\nF12 - Càrrega ràpida
Ctrl-R - Toggle tile resource display\nCtrl-Y - Toggle tile yield display\nCtrl-O - Game options\nCtrl-S - Save game\nCtrl-L - Load game = Ctrl-R - Mostra/Amaga els recursos de les caselles\nCtrl-Y - Mostra/amaga la producció de recursos\nCtrl-O - Opcions del joc\nCtrl-S - Desa la partida\nCtrl-L - Carrega una partida
Space or 'N' - Next unit or turn\n'E' - Empire overview (last viewed page)\n'+', '-' - Zoom in / out\nHome - center on capital or open its city screen if already centered = Barra espaiadora o 'N' Propera unitat o Proper torn\n'E' Vista general (última pàgina visitada)\n'+', '-' Apropa / Allunya la vista\nInici Centra a la capital o obre la seva vista si ja shi està centrat
F1 - Open Civilopedia\nF2 - Empire overview Trades\nF3 - Empire overview Units\nF4 - Empire overview Diplomacy\nF5 - Social policies\nF6 - Technologies\nF7 - Empire overview Cities\nF8 - Victory Progress\nF9 - Empire overview Stats\nF10 - Empire overview Resources\nF11 - Quicksave\nF12 - Quickload = F1 Obre la civilopèdia\nF2 Vista del comerç de limperi\nF3 Vista de les unitats de limperi\nF4 Vista de la diplomàcia de limperi\nF5 Polítiques socials\nF6 Tecnologies\nF7 Vista de les ciutats de limperi\nF8 Progrés de la victòria\nF9 Vista de les estadístiques de limperi\nF10 Vista dels recursos de limperi\nF11 Desada ràpida\nF12 Càrrega ràpida
Ctrl-R - Toggle tile resource display\nCtrl-Y - Toggle tile yield display\nCtrl-O - Game options\nCtrl-S - Save game\nCtrl-L - Load game = Ctrl-R Mostra/Amaga els recursos de les caselles\nCtrl-Y Mostra/amaga la producció de recursos\nCtrl-O Opcions del joc\nCtrl-S Desa la partida\nCtrl-L Carrega una partida
World Screen = Vista del món
This is where you spend most of your time playing Unciv. See the world, control your units, access other screens from here. = Aquí és on es passa la major part del temps quan es juga a lUnciv. Es veu el món, es controlen les unitats i des daquí es pot accedir a altres vistes.
@ -6048,7 +6046,7 @@ The religion a city follows depends on the total pressure each religion has with
Followers are allocated in the same proportions as these pressures, and these followers can be viewed in the city screen. = Els nombre de seguidors seguiran les proporcions de les pressions. Es poden veure a la vista de pantalla.
You are allowed to check religious followers and pressures in cities you do not own by selecting them. = Es poden veure els seguidors i les pressions religioses encara que no siguin de la vostra civilització. Només cal seleccionar les ciutats.
In both places, a tap/click on the icon of a religion will show detailed information with its effects. = En ambdós casos, feu clic o toqueu la icona duna religió per veure informació detallada amb els seus efectes.
Based on this, you can get a feel for which religions have a lot of pressure built up in the city, and which have almost none. = dacord amb això, podeu comprovar quines religions hi tenen molta pressió i quines no en tenen gaire.
Based on this, you can get a feel for which religions have a lot of pressure built up in the city, and which have almost none. = Dacord amb això, podeu comprovar quines religions hi tenen molta pressió i quines no en tenen gaire.
The city follows a religion if a majority of its population follows that religion, and will only then receive the effects of Follower and Pantheon beliefs of that religion. = La ciutat segueix una religió si la majoria de la seva població la segueix. Només en aquest cas rebrà els efectes associats de les creences de seguidor i de panteó de la religió.
Spreading Religion = Difusió de religions

View File

@ -5965,8 +5965,8 @@ In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research
The amount of ⍾Science you receive at the end is dependent on the ⍾Science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = La quantité de ⍾Science attribuée dépendra de votre propre génération de ⍾Science durant le temps de l'accord, ainsi que de celle de votre partenaire.
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. =
Instead, diplomatic relations with City-States are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-State likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = À la place, vos relations diplomatiques avec les Cités-États seront déterminées par votre Influence - un indicateur de 'combien vous apprécie une Cité-État'.\nL'Influence peut être augmentée en attaquant les ennemis de la Cité-État, en la libérant ou en lui versant de l'or.
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. = Toutes les nations ne sont pas en compétition pour la victoire finale.\nLes Cités-États ne peuvent pas gagner, ni effectuer d'échanges, mais offrent divers bonus aux civilisations amies ou alliées.
Instead, diplomatic relations with City-States are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-State likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = À cet effet, vos relations diplomatiques avec les Cités-États seront déterminées par votre Influence - un indicateur de 'combien vous apprécie une Cité-État'.\nL'Influence peut être augmentée en attaquant les ennemis de la Cité-État, en la libérant ou en lui versant de l'or.
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = Vous recevrez un bonus, dépendant du type de Cité-État, en dépassant les 30 Influence.\nPassé 60 Influence, la civilisation avec le plus d'Influence deviendra alliée de la Cité-État, profitant de ses ressources de luxe et stratégiques ainsi que d'autres bonus.
Great People = Personnages Illustres

View File

@ -5964,8 +5964,7 @@ Research Agreements = Forschungsabkommen
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreement, you will both receive a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. = In Forschungsabkommen vereinbarst Du mit einer anderen Zivilisation, gemeinsam\nTechnologie zu erforschen. Zum Abschluss des Abkommens erhalten beide Seiten eine\nPauschale an Wissenschafts-Punkten für eine der unerforschten Technologien.
The amount of ⍾Science you receive at the end is dependent on the ⍾Science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = Die Anzahl an Punkten, die ein Forschungsabkommen bringt, hängt von der Wissenschaft ab, die deine Städte und die deines Partners während der Laufzeit generieren - je mehr destso besser!
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. =
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. = Nicht alle Nationen kämpfen mit dir um den Sieg.\nStadtstaaten sind Nationen, die nicht gewinnen können, mit denen nicht gehandelt werden kann und die stattdessen befreundeten Zivilisationen bestimmte Boni gewähren.
Instead, diplomatic relations with City-States are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-State likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = Stattdessen beruhen diplomatische Beziehungen zu Stadtstaaten auf 'Einfluss' - ein Maß, wie sehr sie Euch 'mögen'.\nEinfluss kann gewonnen werden durch kriegerische Handlungen gegen ihre Feinde, befreien ihrer besetzten Stadt, oder durch Bestechung mit Gold.
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = Stadtstaaten belohnen hohen Einfluss ab 30 Punkten.\nWenn Dein Einfluss 60 Punkte oder mehr beträgt und größer ist als der aller Konkurrenten, dann wirst Du als Allierter eingestuft und erhälst neben höheren Belohnungen auch Zugang zu ihren Luxus- und Strategischen Ressourcen.

View File

@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@ Missing translations: = Terjemahan belum ada:
Resolution = Resolusi
Tileset = Set medan
# Requires translation!
Unitset =
Unitset = Set unit
UI Skin = Skin UI
Create = Buat
Language = Bahasa
@ -5966,7 +5966,7 @@ In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research
The amount of ⍾Science you receive at the end is dependent on the ⍾Science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = Jumlah Ilmu Pengetahuan yang diterima di akhir tergantung ilmu pengetahuan yang dihasilkan kota-kotamu dan kota-kota peradaban lain ketika masa persetujuan masih berlaku - semakin banyak, semakin baik!
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. =
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. = Tidak semua bangsa bersaing denganmu untuk mencapai kemenangan.\nNegara-Kota adalah bangsa-bangsa yang tidak bisa menang dan tidak bisa berdagang denganmu. Sebagai gantinya, mereka bisa memberikan bonus-bonus tertentu kepada peradaban-peradaban yang bersahabat.
Instead, diplomatic relations with City-States are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-State likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = Akan tetapi, relasi diplomatik dengan negara kota ditentukan dengan Pengaruh - sebuah meteran yang menunjukkan sejauh apa negara kota itu menyukai kamu.\nPengaruh dapat ditingkatkan dengan menyerang musuh mereka, memerdekakan kota mereka, dan memberikan mereka sejumlah emas.
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = Bonus tertentu diberikan ketika kamu memiliki pengaruh di atas 30.\nKetika kamu memiliki 60 Pengaruh dan kamu punya pengaruh terbesar dengan mereka di atas peradaban lain, kamu dianggap sebagai 'Sekutu' dan mendapat bonus lebih lanjut serta akses ke barang-barang Mewah dan sumber daya Strategis yang berada di tanah mereka.
@ -6130,9 +6130,9 @@ Cannot move = Tidak bisa bergerak
Can speed up the construction of a wonder = Dapat mempercepat pembangunan Keajaiban Dunia
by consuming this unit = dengan mengonsumsi unit ini
# Requires translation!
before [amount] turns =
before [amount] turns = sebelum [amount] giliran
# Requires translation!
after [amount] turns =
after [amount] turns = setelah [amount] giliran
when at war = saat sedang berperang
during We Love The King Day = saat Hari Kami Mencintai Raja
when between [amount] and [amount2] Happiness = saat memiliki antara [amount] dan [amount2] Kebahagiaan
@ -6142,9 +6142,9 @@ if no other Civilization has researched this = jika tidak ada Peradaban lain yan
upon discovering [tech] = saat menemukan [tech]
after adopting [policy] = setelah menerapkan [policy]
# Requires translation!
before founding a Pantheon =
before founding a Pantheon = sebelum menemukan kepercayaan
# Requires translation!
after founding a Pantheon =
after founding a Pantheon = setelah menemukan kepercayaan
with [resource] = dengan [resource]
without [resource] = tanpa [resource]
in cities with a [buildingFilter] = untuk kota-kota dengan [buildingFilter]

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@ -1219,7 +1219,7 @@ Number of your cities celebrating\n'We Love The King Day' thanks\nto access to t
WLTK demand = Richiesta VIR
Number of your cities\ndemanding this resource for\n'We Love The King Day' = Numero di città che esigono\nquesta risorsa per la giornata\n'Viva il Re'
Politics = Politiche sociali
Politics = Politica
Show global politics = Mostra politiche globali
Show diagram = Mostra diagramma
At war with [enemy] = In guerra con [enemy]
@ -1333,8 +1333,7 @@ for = per
Missing translations: = Traduzioni mancanti:
Resolution = Risoluzione
Tileset = Set celle
# Requires translation!
Unitset =
Unitset = Set unità
UI Skin = Skin UI
Create = Crea
Language = Lingua
@ -2225,7 +2224,7 @@ How are you today? = Bella giornata, oggi, vero?
Oh. It's you? = Oh, sei tu. Che vuoi?
Art of War = L'Arte della Guerra
The Blessings of Heaven be upon you. Empress Wu Zetian, most beautiful and haughty ruler of China! Oh great Empress, whose shadow causes the flowers to blossom and the rivers to flow! You are the leader of the Chinese, the oldest and the greatest civilization that humanity has ever produced. China's history stretches back into the mists of time, its people achieving many great things long before the other upstart civilizations were even conceived. China's contributions to the arts and sciences are too many and too wondrous to do justice to - the printing press, gunpowder, the works of Confucius - these are but a few of the gifts China has given to an undeserving world! = Che la benedizione del cielo scenda su di te, imperatrice Wu Zetian, la più bella e la più fiera tra tutti i sovrani della Cina! O grande imperatrice, la cui sola ombra è sufficiente a far sbocciare i fiori e a far scorrere i fiumi, tu sei a capo della civiltà cinese, la più antica e grandiosa mai prodotta dall'uomo. La storia della Cina si perde nelle nebbie del tempo e il suo popolo ha goduto di molte scoperte e invenzioni prima ancora che altre imberbi civiltà nascessero. Il contributo cinese alle arti e alle scienze è tale da non potervi rendere giustizia: la stampa, la polvere da sparo, le opere di Confucio... questi non sono che alcuni dei doni che la Cina ha offerto a questo mondo ingrato!
You, great Queen, who, with cunning and beauty, rose from the position of lowly concubine to that of Divine Empress - your people call out to you to lead them! Great China is once again beset on all sides by barbarians. Can you defeat all your many foes and return your country to greatness? Can you build a civilization to stand the test of time? = O grade imperatrice, tu che, con astuzia e bellezza, da semplice concubina ascendesti al rango di divina imperatrice, ascolta il popolo, che vuole essere guidato da te! La grande Cina è ancora una volta circondata dai barbari. Riuscirai a sconfiggere i tuoi numerosi nemici e a riportare il tuo paese alla grandezza? Riuscirai a plasmare una civiltà in grado di superare la prova del tempo?
You, great Queen, who, with cunning and beauty, rose from the position of lowly concubine to that of Divine Empress - your people call out to you to lead them! Great China is once again beset on all sides by barbarians. Can you defeat all your many foes and return your country to greatness? Can you build a civilization to stand the test of time? = O grande imperatrice, tu che, con astuzia e bellezza, da semplice concubina ascendesti al rango di divina imperatrice, ascolta il popolo, che vuole essere guidato da te! La grande Cina è ancora una volta circondata dai barbari. Riuscirai a sconfiggere i tuoi numerosi nemici e a riportare il tuo paese alla grandezza? Riuscirai a plasmare una civiltà in grado di superare la prova del tempo?
Beijing = Pechino
Shanghai = Shanghai
Guangzhou = Guangzhou
@ -5981,8 +5980,7 @@ Research Agreements = Accordi di ricerca
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreement, you will both receive a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. = Negli accordi di ricerca, tu e un'altra civiltà ricercherete tecnologie in modo uniforme.\nAlla fine dell'accordo, riceverete entrambi una tantum di Scienza, che si sommerà a una delle tecnologie ancora non scoperte.
The amount of ⍾Science you receive at the end is dependent on the ⍾Science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = La quantità di Scienza che ricevi alla fine dipende da quella generata dalle città tue e dell'altra civiltà durante l'accordo. Più è alta, meglio è!
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. =
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. = Non tutti i giocatori in gioco contendono per la vittoria: esistono anche le Città-Stato.\nQuesti giocatori minori sono "civiltà" non giocabili che non conseguono alcuna condizione di vittoria, e piuttosto che commerciare, concedono bonus alle civiltà loro amiche.
Instead, diplomatic relations with City-States are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-State likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = I loro rapporti diplomatici sono invece determinati dall'Influenza, una barra che indica i rapporti che la Città-Stato ha con te.\nL'Influenza aumenta attaccando i loro nemici, liberando le loro città, e concedendole delle tantum in Oro, mentre diminuisce se attraversi i loro territori con un'Influenza al di sotto di 30.
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = I rapporti possono salire al livello di Amici se il loro livello d'Influenza è minimo 30, e a quel punto la Città-Stato ti darà benefici e ti lascerà attraversare il suo territorio senza conseguenze.\nAl livello almeno 60, se possiedi la maggior influenza rispetto a tutte le altre civiltà, sarai considerato Alleato della Città-Stato, che non solo ti darà bonus ancor maggiori, ma anche l'accesso alle risorse Strategiche e di Lusso nelle loro terre.

View File

@ -789,9 +789,9 @@ An enemy [unit] was destroyed while attacking our [ourUnit] = 敌方的[unit]在
An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) was destroyed while attacking our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = 敌方[unit]([amount] HP)在攻击我方[ourUnit] ([amount2] HP)时被消灭
Our [attackerName] ([amount] HP) was destroyed by an intercepting [interceptorName] ([amount2] HP) = 我方的 [attackerName] ([amount] HP) 在执行任务时被敌方的 [interceptorName] ([amount2] HP) 拦截并击落了!
Our [attackerName] ([amount] HP) was destroyed by an unknown interceptor = 我方的 [attackerName] ([amount] HP) 在执行任务时被未知的拦截机器拦截并击落了!
Our [interceptorName] ([amount] HP) intercepted and destroyed an enemy [attackerName] ([amount2] HP) = 我方的[interceptorName] ([amount] HP)拦截并击毁了敌方敌方[attackerName] ([amount2] HP)
Our [interceptorName] ([amount] HP) intercepted and destroyed an enemy [attackerName] ([amount2] HP) = 我方的[interceptorName] ([amount] HP)拦截并击毁了敌方[attackerName] ([amount2] HP)
Our [attackerName] ([amount] HP) destroyed an intercepting [interceptorName] ([amount2] HP) = 我方[attackerName] ([amount] HP)击毁了试图拦截的[interceptorName] ([amount2] HP)
Our [interceptorName] ([amount] HP) intercepted and was destroyed by an enemy [attackerName] ([amount2] HP) = 我方的 [interceptorName] ([amount])在拦截未知敌方[attackerName]([amount2] HP)时因公殉职
Our [interceptorName] ([amount] HP) intercepted and was destroyed by an enemy [attackerName] ([amount2] HP) = 我方的 [interceptorName] ([amount])在拦截未知敌方[attackerName]([amount2] HP)时因公殉职
Our [interceptorName] ([amount] HP) intercepted and was destroyed by an unknown enemy = 我方的 [interceptorName] ([amount] HP)在拦截未知敌方单位时因公殉职
Our [attackerName] ([amount] HP) was attacked by an intercepting [interceptorName] ([amount2] HP) = 我方[attackerName]([amount] HP)被执行拦截任务的[interceptorName]([amount2] HP)攻击
Our [attackerName] ([amount] HP) was attacked by an unknown interceptor = 我方[attackerName]([amount] HP)被未知拦截单位攻击
@ -1327,9 +1327,8 @@ Movement cost = 移动力消耗
for = ,当建造在拥有下列资源的地块上时:
Missing translations: = 未翻译的词条:
Resolution = 分辨率
Tileset = 材质包
# Requires translation!
Unitset =
Tileset = 地块材质
Unitset = 单位材质
UI Skin = UI界面皮肤
Create = 创建
Language = 语言设置
@ -4731,7 +4730,7 @@ Sacred Waters = 圣水
Stone Circles = 古苏格兰石圈
Follower = 信徒
Follower = 追随者
Asceticism = 禁欲主义
Cathedrals = 大教堂
@ -5085,53 +5084,31 @@ Genesee = 杰纳西
Dadgayadoh = 达德加亚多赫
Otwtiani = 奥特维蒂亚尼
Kateri = 卡泰莉
# Requires translation!
Onondakai =
# Requires translation!
Honanyawus =
Onondakai = 奥农达凯
Honanyawus = 霍纳尼亚乌斯
# Requires translation!
Azi =
# Requires translation!
Dabir =
# Requires translation!
Firuz =
# Requires translation!
Gaspar =
# Requires translation!
Shahzad =
# Requires translation!
Aga =
# Requires translation!
Marjane =
# Requires translation!
Peri =
# Requires translation!
Sartaj =
# Requires translation!
Yasmin =
Azi = 阿齐
Dabir = 达比尔
Firuz = 菲鲁兹
Gaspar = 加斯帕
Shahzad = 沙赫扎德
Aga = 阿加
Marjane = 玛珍
Peri = 佩里
Sartaj = 萨尔塔杰
Yasmin = 亚斯明
Zoroastrianism = 拜火教
# Requires translation!
Tiki =
# Requires translation!
Hotu Matua =
# Requires translation!
Rongo-ma-tane =
# Requires translation!
Kupe =
# Requires translation!
Haloti =
# Requires translation!
Degei =
# Requires translation!
Babamik =
# Requires translation!
Kulu Lau =
# Requires translation!
Nangananga =
# Requires translation!
Turua =
Tiki = 提基
Hotu Matua = 霍图马图阿
Rongo-ma-tane = 龙戈马坦
Kupe = 库佩
Haloti = 哈洛蒂
Degei = 德盖
Babamik = 巴巴米克
Kulu Lau = 库鲁劳
Nangananga = 南加南加
Turua = 图鲁阿
Aran = 阿兰
Chanarong = 恰那隆
@ -5155,26 +5132,16 @@ Serpiente = “蝮蛇”
Garcia = 加西亚
El Lobo = “灰狼”
# Requires translation!
Ahmadou =
# Requires translation!
Ayub =
# Requires translation!
Badru =
# Requires translation!
Bokhari =
# Requires translation!
Guedado =
# Requires translation!
Adhiambo =
# Requires translation!
Chinaka =
# Requires translation!
Laila =
# Requires translation!
Mariama =
# Requires translation!
Oni =
Ahmadou = 阿赫马杜
Ayub = 阿尤布
Badru = 巴德鲁
Bokhari = 博哈里
Guedado = 格达多
Adhiambo = 阿迪安博
Chinaka = 奇纳卡
Laila = 莱拉
Mariama = 玛利亚马
Oni = 奥尼
Asashōryū = 阿沙索育
Tömöriin = 托莫林
@ -5182,72 +5149,43 @@ Zevegiin = 泽维金
Jigjidiin = 吉格鸡丁
Enkhbat = 恩赫巴特
Mönkhbayar = 蒙赫巴亚尔
Gündegmaa = 旭日升
Gündegmaa = 贡德格玛
Ssima = 塞马
Batachikhan = 巴塔奇汗
Chulunny = 丘拉尼
Tengriism = 腾格里信仰
# Requires translation!
Metztli =
# Requires translation!
Xitllali =
# Requires translation!
Chimalli =
# Requires translation!
Quauhtli =
# Requires translation!
Teyacapan =
# Requires translation!
Yaotl =
# Requires translation!
Coatl =
# Requires translation!
Huitzilin =
# Requires translation!
Itzli =
# Requires translation!
Tepin =
Metztli = 梅茨特利
Xitllali = 希特拉利
Chimalli = 奇马利
Quauhtli = 夸赫特利
Teyacapan = 特亚卡潘
Yaotl = 亚奥特尔
Coatl = 科特尔
Huitzilin = 惠茨林
Itzli = 伊兹利
Tepin = 泰平
# Requires translation!
Amaru =
# Requires translation!
Apichu =
# Requires translation!
Pariapichiu =
# Requires translation!
Puma =
# Requires translation!
Quenti =
# Requires translation!
Suyuntu =
# Requires translation!
Uturuncu =
# Requires translation!
Purutu =
# Requires translation!
Ozcollo =
Amaru = 阿马鲁
Apichu = 阿皮丘
Pariapichiu = 帕里亚皮丘
Puma = 普马
Quenti = 昆蒂
Suyuntu = 苏云图
Uturuncu = 乌图伦库
Purutu = 普鲁图
Ozcollo = 奥兹科洛
# Requires translation!
Jørgen =
# Requires translation!
Mette =
# Requires translation!
Henrik =
# Requires translation!
Niels =
# Requires translation!
Helle =
# Requires translation!
Frederik =
# Requires translation!
Ida =
# Requires translation!
Thea =
# Requires translation!
Freja =
# Requires translation!
Morten =
Jørgen = 约尔根
Mette = 梅特
Henrik = 亨利克
Niels = 尼尔斯
Helle = 赫勒
Frederik = 弗雷德里克
Ida = 艾达
Thea = 西娅
Freja = 弗雷加
Morten = 莫滕
Attila the Hun = 阿提拉
I grow tired of this throne. I think I should like to have yours instead. = 我已厌倦了这顶王冠。是时候寻找点新玩意了,你的那顶就很不错!
@ -5290,10 +5228,8 @@ Hendrika = 亨德莉卡
Marten = 马滕
Anke = 安克
Guus = 许斯
# Requires translation!
Mr. X =
# Requires translation!
Dr. Grijs =
Mr. X = X先生
Dr. Grijs = 赫里斯博士
Willem = 威廉
Thijs = 泰斯
Neef = 尼夫
@ -5344,26 +5280,16 @@ Oh, it is you. = 噢,是你。
Nobel Prize = 诺贝尔奖
All hail the transcendent King Gustavus Adolphus, founder of the Swedish Empire and her most distinguished military tactician. It was during your reign that Sweden emerged as one of the greatest powers in Europe, due in no small part to your wisdom, both on and off the battlefield. As king, you initiated a number of domestic reforms that ensured the economic stability and prosperity of your people. As the general who came to be known as the "Lion of the North," your visionary designs in warfare gained the admiration of military commanders the world over. Thanks to your triumphs in the Thirty Years' War, you were assured a legacy as one of history's greatest generals. = 超凡脱俗的古斯塔夫斯·阿道夫斯国王,向你致敬!你是瑞典帝国的奠基者,也是位满腹雄才大略的军事家。正是在您有条不紊的打理下,瑞典才跻身于欧洲最伟大的国家之一,这里外与您的运筹帷幄密不可分。作为一国之主,您发起一系列国内改革,使得国泰民安。您作为 "北方之狮",在战争中的远见卓识无不令全球指挥官甘拜下风。您在三十年战争中的胜利,载入史册,永垂不朽。
Oh noble King, the people long for your prudent leadership, hopeful that once again they will see your kingdom rise to glory. Will you devise daring new strategies, leading your armies to victory on the theater of war? Will you build a civilization that stands the test of time? = 哦,英姿焕发的帝王,黎民百姓期盼着您的英明领导,使王国繁荣昌盛,重登辉煌。您能否施展才智,出奇制胜,令国家经久不衰,万古长存?
# Requires translation!
Leif =
# Requires translation!
Ingegard =
# Requires translation!
Sören =
# Requires translation!
Ragnhild =
# Requires translation!
Lars =
# Requires translation!
Lina =
# Requires translation!
Herr Grå =
# Requires translation!
Magnus =
# Requires translation!
Vilma =
# Requires translation!
Kusin =
Leif = 利夫
Ingegard = 英格加德
Sören = 瑟伦
Ragnhild = 朗希尔德
Lars = 拉尔斯
Lina = 莉娜
Herr Grå = 格罗先生
Magnus = 马格纳斯
Vilma = 维尔玛
Kusin = 库辛
Stockholm = 斯德哥尔摩
Uppsala = 乌普萨拉
Gothenburg = 哥德堡
@ -5431,8 +5357,7 @@ Hubert = 休伯特
Alois = 阿洛伊斯
Natter = 娜特
Georg = 乔治
# Requires translation!
Arnold =
Arnold = 阿诺德
Vienna = 维也纳
Salzburg = 萨尔茨堡
Graz = 格拉茨
@ -5476,26 +5401,16 @@ What is it now? = 现在是什么?
Phoenician Heritage = 腓尼基人的传统
Blessings and salutations to you, revered Queen Dido, founder of the legendary kingdom of Carthage. Chronicled by the words of the great poet Virgil, your husband Acerbas was murdered at the hands of your own brother, King Pygmalion of Tyre, who subsequently claimed the treasures of Acerbas that were now rightfully yours. Fearing the lengths from which your brother would pursue this vast wealth, you and your compatriots sailed for new lands. Arriving on the shores of North Africa, you tricked the local king with the simple manipulation of an ox hide, laying out a vast expanse of territory for your new home, the future kingdom of Carthage. = 祝福你,尊敬的迪多王后,传说中迦太基王国的创始人。根据伟大诗人维吉尔的话记载,你的丈夫阿昔布被你自己的兄弟,提尔国王皮格马利翁谋杀,他后来声称阿昔布的宝藏现在是你的。你和你的同胞们担心你的兄弟会不顾一切地追求这笔巨大的财富,于是乘船前往新的土地。抵达北非海岸后,你用简单的牛皮戏弄了当地的国王,为你的新家——未来的迦太基王国——开辟了广阔的土地。
Clever and inquisitive Dido, the world longs for a leader who can provide a shelter from the coming storm, guided by brilliant intuition and cunning. Can you lead the people in the creation of a new kingdom to rival that of once mighty Carthage? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? = 聪明而好奇的迪多,世界渴望有一位领导人,他能在聪明的直觉和狡猾的引导下,为即将到来的风暴提供庇护所。你能带领人民建立一个新的王国,与曾经强大的迦太基相抗衡吗?你能建立一个经得起时间考验的文明吗?
# Requires translation!
Hamilcar =
# Requires translation!
Mago =
# Requires translation!
Baalhaan =
# Requires translation!
Sophoniba =
# Requires translation!
Yzebel =
# Requires translation!
Similce =
# Requires translation!
Kandaulo =
# Requires translation!
Zinnridi =
# Requires translation!
Gisgo =
# Requires translation!
Fierelus =
Hamilcar = 哈米尔卡
Mago = 马戈
Baalhaan = 巴勒汉
Sophoniba = 索波尼巴
Yzebel = 伊泽贝尔
Similce = 西米尔斯
Kandaulo = 坎道洛
Zinnridi = 津里迪
Gisgo = 吉斯戈
Fierelus = 菲雷勒斯
Carthage = 迦太基
Utique = 乌提卡
Hippo Regius = 希波勒吉斯
@ -5540,26 +5455,16 @@ Hello again. = 又见面了。
Patriarchate of Constantinople = 普世牧首
All hail the most magnificent and magnanimous Empress Theodora, beloved of Byzantium and of Rome! From the lowly ranks of actress and courtesan you became the most powerful woman in the Roman Empire, consort to Justinian I. Starting in the late 520's AD, you joined your husband in a series of important spiritual and legal reforms, creating many laws which elevated the status of and promoted equal treatment of women in the empire. You also aided in the restoration and construction of many aqueducts, bridges, and churches across Constantinople, culminating in the creation of the Hagia Sophia, one of the most splendid architectural wonders of the world. = 所有人都向拜占庭和罗马所钟爱的最伟大、最宽宏大量的狄奥多拉皇后致敬从地位低下的女演员和妓女你成为罗马帝国最有权势的女人查士丁尼一世的配偶。从公元520年代末开始你与丈夫一起进行了一系列重要的精神和法律改革制定了许多法律提高了罗马帝国妇女的地位促进了平等待遇。你们还帮助修复和建造了许多横跨君士坦丁堡的渡槽、桥梁和教堂最终建成了世界上最壮丽的建筑奇迹之一的索菲亚大教堂。
Beautiful Empress, Byzantium is in need of your wisdom and strength - her people are lost without your light to lead them. The Byzantine Empire may have fallen once, but its spirit is still intact waiting to be reborn anew. Can you return Byzantium to the heights of glory it once enjoyed? Can you create a civilization to stand the test of time? = 美丽的皇后,拜占庭需要你的智慧和力量——如果没有你的光来领导他们,她的人民就会迷失。拜占庭帝国也许曾经衰落过,但它的精神仍然完好无损,等待着重生。你能让拜占庭回到它曾经享有的辉煌高度吗?你能创造出一种经得起时间考验的文明吗?
# Requires translation!
Basil =
# Requires translation!
Nikophoros =
# Requires translation!
Demetrios =
# Requires translation!
Philippos =
# Requires translation!
Theophylaktos =
# Requires translation!
Simonis =
# Requires translation!
Zoe =
# Requires translation!
Ioanno =
# Requires translation!
Xene =
# Requires translation!
Euphrosyne =
Basil = 巴兹尔
Nikophoros = 奈塞菲雷斯
Demetrios = 迪米特里奥斯
Philippos = 菲利普斯
Theophylaktos = 西奥菲拉克托斯
Simonis = 西蒙尼斯
Zoe = 佐伊
Ioanno = 约安诺
Xene = 赛恩
Euphrosyne = 尤夫洛西涅
Constantinople = 君士坦丁堡
Adrianople = 阿德里安堡
Nicaea = 尼西亚
@ -5606,26 +5511,16 @@ God has given good to you. = 上帝给了你好处。
Druidic Lore = 德鲁伊传统
Eternal glory and praise for you, fierce and vengeful Warrior Queen! In a time dominated by men, you not only secured your throne and sovereign rule, but also successfully defied the power of the Roman Empire. After suffering terrible punishment and humiliation at the hand of the Roman invaders, you rallied your people in a bloody and terrifying revolt. Legions fell under your chariot wheels and the city of London burned. While in the end the Romans retained ownership of the isles, you alone made Nero consider withdrawing all troops and leaving Britain forever. = 永远的荣耀和赞美献给你,凶猛而复仇的勇士女王!在一个男人统治的时代,你们不仅保住了王位和主权统治,而且成功地反抗了罗马帝国的力量。在罗马侵略者手中遭受了可怕的惩罚和羞辱之后,你们召集了你们的人民进行了血腥和可怕的反抗。军团被你的战车车轮压垮,伦敦城被烧毁。最后罗马人保留了岛的所有权,你独自一人让尼禄考虑撤出所有军队,永远离开英国。
Oh sleeping lioness, your people desire that you rise and lead them again in the calling that is your namesake. Will you meet their challenge on the open field and lead the Celts to everlasting victory? Will you restore your lands and build an empire to stand the test of time? = 哦,熟睡的狮子,你的人民希望你站起来,再次带领他们进入与你同名的召唤。你会在开阔的场地上迎接他们的挑战,带领凯尔特人取得永久的胜利吗?你会恢复你的土地,建立一个帝国来经受时间的考验吗?
# Requires translation!
Crìsdean =
# Requires translation!
Siobhán =
# Requires translation!
Seamus =
# Requires translation!
Ffion =
# Requires translation!
Pádraig =
# Requires translation!
Deirdre =
# Requires translation!
Mr. Quinn =
# Requires translation!
Éadaoin =
# Requires translation!
Alwyn =
# Requires translation!
Col Ceathar =
Crìsdean = 克里斯蒂安
Siobhán = 西奥班
Seamus = 谢默斯
Ffion = 菲昂
Pádraig = 帕德赖格
Deirdre = 迪尔德丽
Mr. Quinn = 奎恩先生
Éadaoin = 埃阿道因
Alwyn = 阿尔温
Col Ceathar = 塞萨尔上校
Cardiff = 卡迪夫
Truro = 特鲁罗
Douglas = 道格拉斯
@ -5668,24 +5563,16 @@ I request that you consider this offer between our two peoples. I believe it wil
Spirit of Adwa = 阿杜瓦精神
Blessings be upon you, honorable and righteous Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie. Your legacy as one of Ethiopia's greatest rulers, and as the spiritual leader to the Rastafarian movement, is outshone only by the influence you had on diplomacy and political cooperation throughout the world. In introducing Ethiopia's first written constitution, you planted the seeds of democracy that would take root over the coming years, and your infinitely wise grasp of global affairs secured Ethiopia's place as a charter member of the United Nations. Spearheading efforts to reform and modernize the nation during your reign, you changed the course of Ethiopian history forever = 祝福你,尊敬的正义的埃塞俄比亚皇帝海尔·塞拉西。作为埃塞俄比亚最伟大的统治者之一,作为拉斯塔法里运动的精神领袖,你的遗产只有在你对全世界外交和政治合作的影响力上才能相形见绌。在介绍埃塞俄比亚第一部成文宪法的过程中,你们播下了民主的种子,这些种子将在未来几年生根发芽,你们对全球事务的无限睿智把握确保了埃塞俄比亚作为联合国宪章会员国的地位。在你执政期间,你领导着国家改革和现代化的努力,永远改变了埃塞俄比亚的历史进程
Revered king, your composed demeanor once protected the people from the many conflicts that plague the nations of men, and the kingdom looks to you to assure peace once again. Will you lead the people with courage and authority, moving forward into a new age? Will you build a civilization that stands the test of time? = 尊敬的国王,您沉着冷静的举止曾经保护人民免遭困扰人类国家的许多冲突,王国期待您再次确保和平。你会以勇气和权威带领人民迈向新时代吗?你会建立一个经得起时间考验的文明吗?
# Requires translation!
Mulu Ken =
# Requires translation!
Wendimu =
# Requires translation!
Li'ol =
# Requires translation!
Demeke =
# Requires translation!
Mulu Alem =
# Requires translation!
Abebech =
Mulu Ken = 穆鲁肯
Wendimu = 文迪木
Li'ol = 莉奥
Demeke = 德梅克
Mulu Alem = 穆鲁·阿莱姆
Abebech = 阿贝贝奇
Zema = 泽马
Mihret = 米赫雷特
# Requires translation!
Kebedech =
# Requires translation!
Alemnesh =
Kebedech = 凯贝德奇
Alemnesh = 阿莱姆内什
Addis Ababa = 亚的斯亚贝巴
Harar = 哈勒尔
Adwa = 阿德瓦
@ -5732,26 +5619,16 @@ A fine day, it helps you. = 天气晴朗,它帮助了你。
The Long Count = 长历法
Your people kneel before you, exalted King Pacal the Great, favored son of the gods and shield to the citizens of the Palenque domain. After years of strife at the hands of your neighboring rivals, you struck back at the enemies of your people, sacrificing their leaders in retribution for the insults dealt to your predecessors. The glory of Palenque was restored only by the guidance afforded by your wisdom, as you orchestrated vast reconstruction efforts within the city, creating some of the greatest monuments and architecture your people - and the world - have ever known. = 你们的人民跪在你们面前,崇高的帕卡尔大帝,众神宠爱的儿子,帕伦克领地公民的盾牌。在与你的邻国竞争多年之后,你回击了你人民的敌人,牺牲了他们的领导人,以报复对你前任的侮辱。只有在你的智慧指引下,帕伦克的辉煌才得以恢复,你在城市内部精心策划了大规模的重建工作,创造了一些你的人民——以及全世界——有史以来最伟大的纪念碑和建筑。
Illustrious King, your people once again look to you for leadership and counsel in the coming days. Will you channel the will of the gods and restore your once proud kingdom to its greatest heights? Will you build new monuments to forever enshrine the memories of your people? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time? = 尊敬的国王,在未来的日子里,您的人民再次期待您的领导和建议。你会引导众神的意志,将你曾经骄傲的王国恢复到它的最高点吗?你们会建造新的纪念碑来永远铭记你们人民的记忆吗?你能建立一个经得起时间考验的文明吗?
# Requires translation!
Camazotz =
# Requires translation!
Coyopa =
# Requires translation!
Gukumatz =
# Requires translation!
Hunahpu =
# Requires translation!
Huracan =
# Requires translation!
Ixchel =
# Requires translation!
Ixtab =
# Requires translation!
Kukulkán =
# Requires translation!
Xbalanque =
# Requires translation!
Zipacna =
Camazotz = 卡马佐茨
Coyopa = 科约帕
Gukumatz = 古库马茨
Hunahpu = 胡纳普
Huracan = 胡拉坎
Ixchel = 伊克歇尔
Ixtab = 伊斯塔布
Kukulkán = 库库尔坎
Xbalanque = 斯巴兰克
Zipacna = 齐帕克纳
Palenque = 帕伦克
Tikal = 蒂卡尔
Uxmal = 乌斯马尔
@ -6087,8 +5964,7 @@ Research Agreements = 科研协定
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreement, you will both receive a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. = 在科研协定中,你和另一个文明将共同研究科技。\n在协定结束时你和另一个文明都将“一次性”获得大量的科研点数这将用于你尚未研究的科技。
The amount of ⍾Science you receive at the end is dependent on the ⍾Science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = 科研协定的收益取决于协定期间科研产出总量较小的那个文明——因此,选择签订科研协定对象时请慎重!
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. =
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. = 并非所有国家都在与您争夺胜利。\n城邦国家是无法获胜的国家不能与之交易而能给予其友好文明一定的奖励。
Instead, diplomatic relations with City-States are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-State likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = 相反,与城邦的外交关系取决于影响力——一个表示“城邦有多喜欢你”的数值。\n与他们的敌人战斗解放他们的城市或者给予他们一大笔金钱都可以增加你对他们的影响力。
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = 当影响力超过30时根据城邦类型的不同您会获得相应的奖励。\n当影响力超过60并且在所有文明中您对他们的影响力最高时您将被他们视为“盟友”可获得更多的奖励效果同时还可以使用他们领土上的奢侈资源和战略资源。

View File

@ -5965,7 +5965,7 @@ In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research
The amount of ⍾Science you receive at the end is dependent on the ⍾Science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = La suma de ⍾ciencia que recibes al final depende de la ⍾ciencia generada por tus ciudades y por las ciudades de la otra civilización durante el acuerdo.
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. =
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. = No todas las naciones pueden alcanzar una victoria.\nLas Ciudades-Estado (CE) son naciones con las cuales no se puede comerciar y que tampoco pueden ganar. En cambio, las CEs confieren ciertos atributos a las Civilizaciones amigas.
Instead, diplomatic relations with City-States are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-State likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = En vez de eso las relaciones diplomáticas con las ciudades estado se ven determinadas por la Influencia (un medidor de cuando le "gustas" a la ciudad-estado).\nLa influencia puede aumentarse atacando a sus enemigos, liberando su ciudad y dándoles oro.
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = Algunos bonus se te proporcionan cuando tienes más de 30 de influencia.\nCuando tienes más de 60 y es más alta que la que tienen el resto de civilizaciones, se te considerará su "Aliado" y ganarás más bonus y acceso a recursos de lujo y estratégicos en sus tierras.

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ package
object BuildConfig {
const val kotlinVersion = "1.7.0"
const val appName = "Unciv"
const val appCodeNumber = 765
const val appVersion = "4.3.0"
const val appCodeNumber = 766
const val appVersion = "4.3.1"
const val gdxVersion = "1.11.0"
const val roboVMVersion = "2.3.1"

View File

@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
## 4.3.1
Removed single-pixel gap in top bar
Added conditional support to 'CS gift military units' unique
Moved city state icons to separate folder
Fixed tests failing due to removing "crutches"
Removed backwards compatibility for missing city-state uniques
Moddable quest weighting for city-states
Allowed adding arbitrary global uniques to city state bonuses
Fixed 'friendly territory' using correct open borders - see 4dca183
AbsoluteUnits - Unique Spearmen - By letstalkaboutdune
## 4.3.0
Units now recieve correct healing in friendly territory

View File

@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ class UncivGame(parameters: UncivGameParameters) : Game() {
companion object {
val VERSION = Version("4.2.21", 765)
val VERSION = Version("4.3.1", 766)
lateinit var Current: UncivGame

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Una reimplementació del joc de construcció de civilitzacions més famós - ràpid, petit, sense anuncis i gratuït!
Una reimplementació del joc de construcció de civilitzacions més famós ràpid, petit, sense anuncis i gratuït!
Construïu la vostra civilització, investigueu tecnologies, expandiu les ciutats i derroteu els enemics!
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ El món espera! Podreu conduir la vostra civilització i convertir-la en un impe
Lopció de «permetre accés complet a la xarxa» es necessita per:
- participar en partides multijugador,
- descarregar i mostrar llistes de contingut addicional (música i mods) i
- enviar ledat dels jugadors en mode multijugador.
participar en partides multijugador,
descarregar i mostrar llistes de contingut addicional (música i mods) i
enviar ledat dels jugadors en mode multijugador.
Tots els altres permisos els inclou automàticament lAPI per permetre notificacions de torn en partides multijugador. LUnciv no utilitza la xarxa per cap altre tipus de comunicació.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Removed single-pixel gap in top bar
Added conditional support to 'CS gift military units' unique
Moved city state icons to separate folder
Fixed tests failing due to removing "crutches"
Removed backwards compatibility for missing city-state uniques
Moddable quest weighting for city-states
Allowed adding arbitrary global uniques to city state bonuses
Fixed 'friendly territory' using correct open borders - see 4dca183
AbsoluteUnits - Unique Spearmen - By letstalkaboutdune