mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 14:02:48 +07:00
Removed new shortestPath algorithm after we determined it to be objectively slower than the current one :(
This commit is contained in:
@ -785,7 +785,6 @@ Automated units can upgrade =
Automated units choose promotions =
Order trade offers by amount =
Ask for confirmation when pressing next turn =
EXPERIMENTAL movement - use at your own risk! =
Notifications log max turns =
## Language tab
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ package com.unciv.logic.map.mapunit.movement
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2
import com.unciv.Constants
import com.unciv.UncivGame
import com.unciv.logic.map.BFS
import com.unciv.logic.map.HexMath.getDistance
import com.unciv.logic.map.mapunit.MapUnit
@ -12,14 +11,8 @@ import com.unciv.logic.map.tile.Tile
import com.unciv.models.UnitActionType
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.unique.UniqueType
import com.unciv.ui.components.UnitMovementMemoryType
import java.util.TreeSet
fun List<UnitMovement.MovementStep>.toBackwardsCompatiblePath(): List<Tile> {
val backwardsCompatiblePath = this.filter { it.totalCost.movementLeft == 0f || it == this.last() }
return backwardsCompatiblePath.map { it.tile }
class UnitMovement(val unit: MapUnit) {
private val pathfindingCache = PathfindingCache(unit)
@ -92,136 +85,6 @@ class UnitMovement(val unit: MapUnit) {
return distanceToTiles
data class MovementStep(val previousStep: MovementStep?, val tile: Tile, val movementCost:Float, val totalCost: MovementStepTotalCost)
data class MovementStepTotalCost(/** Turn 0 means the initial turn */ val turn: Int, val movementLeft: Float):Comparable<MovementStepTotalCost> {
override operator fun compareTo(other: MovementStepTotalCost): Int {
if (turn != other.turn) return turn.compareTo(other.turn)
return other.movementLeft.compareTo(movementLeft) // The higher the MovementLeft, the *lower* the turn cost
/** Problem and solution documented at https://yairm210.medium.com/multi-turn-pathfinding-7136bd0bdaf0 */
fun getShortestPathNew(destination: Tile, considerZoneOfControl: Boolean = true,
/** For allowing optional avoid of damaging tiles, tiles outside borders, etc */ shouldAvoidTile: ((Tile) -> Boolean)? = null,
maxTurns: Int = 25,
): List<MovementStep> {
if (unit.cache.cannotMove) return listOf()
val startingTile = unit.getTile()
val initialStep = MovementStep(null, startingTile, 0f, MovementStepTotalCost(0, unit.currentMovement))
if (startingTile.position == destination) {
// edge case that's needed, so that workers will know that they can reach their own tile. *sigh*
pathfindingCache.setShortestPathCache(destination, listOf(startingTile))
return listOf(initialStep)
val tileToBestStep = HashMap<Tile, MovementStep>() // contains a map of "you can get from X to Y in that turn"
tileToBestStep[startingTile] = initialStep
val tilesToCheck = TreeSet { t: Tile, t2: Tile ->
val tStep = tileToBestStep[t]!!
val t2Step = tileToBestStep[t2]!!
// This last comparitor is REQUIRED otherwise the tree will think that tiles the same distance away are the same and will throw the second one away!
val totalCostComparison = tStep.totalCost.compareTo(t2Step.totalCost)
if (totalCostComparison != 0) return@TreeSet totalCostComparison
val aerialDistanceComparison = t.aerialDistanceTo(destination).compareTo(t2.aerialDistanceTo(destination))
if (aerialDistanceComparison != 0) return@TreeSet aerialDistanceComparison
return@TreeSet t.position.hashCode().compareTo(t2.position.hashCode())
val canEndTurnInCache = HashMap<Tile, Boolean>()
val unitMaxMovement = unit.getMaxMovement().toFloat()
val movementCostCache = HashMap<Pair<Tile, Tile>, Float>()
val shouldAvoidTileCache = HashMap<Tile, Boolean>()
val canPassThroughCache = HashMap<Tile, Boolean>()
while (tilesToCheck.isNotEmpty()){
val currentTileToCheck = tilesToCheck.pollFirst()!!
val currentTileStep = tileToBestStep[currentTileToCheck]!!
for (neighbor in currentTileToCheck.neighbors){
if (shouldAvoidTile != null && shouldAvoidTileCache.getOrPut(neighbor){
}) continue
val currentBestStepToNeighbor = tileToBestStep[neighbor]
// If this tile can't beat the current best then no point checking
if (currentBestStepToNeighbor!=null && (currentBestStepToNeighbor.totalCost < currentTileStep.totalCost))
if (!canPassThroughCache.getOrPut(neighbor){
}) continue
val movementBetweenTiles: Float = if (!neighbor.isExplored(unit.civ)) 1f // If we don't know then we just guess it to be 1.
else movementCostCache.getOrPut(currentTileToCheck to neighbor) {
MovementCost.getMovementCostBetweenAdjacentTiles(unit, currentTileToCheck, neighbor, considerZoneOfControl)
val newStep = getNextStep(currentTileStep, neighbor, movementBetweenTiles, canEndTurnInCache, unitMaxMovement)
?: continue
if (neighbor == destination){
val entirePath = arrayListOf<MovementStep>()
var currentStep = newStep
// We do NOT include the origin tile in this list
while (currentStep.previousStep != null){
currentStep = currentStep.previousStep!!
return entirePath.reversed()
if (currentBestStepToNeighbor == null ||
newStep.totalCost < currentBestStepToNeighbor.totalCost) { // We have a winner!
tileToBestStep[neighbor] = newStep
if (newStep.totalCost.movementLeft == 0f && newStep.totalCost.turn == maxTurns) continue // don't schedule further expansion
return listOf() // no path
fun getNextStep(currentTileStep:MovementStep, neighbor:Tile, movementBetweenTiles:Float,
canEndTurnInCache:HashMap<Tile, Boolean>, unitMaxMovement:Float):MovementStep? {
fun canEndTurnIn(tile:Tile) = canEndTurnInCache.getOrPut(tile) { unit.movement.canMoveTo(tile) }
fun Float.normalizeMovementLeft() = if (this > Constants.minimumMovementEpsilon) this else 0f
val currentTile = currentTileStep.tile
// We can move directly
if (currentTileStep.totalCost.movementLeft != 0f || canEndTurnIn(currentTile)) {
val newTotalCost = if (currentTileStep.totalCost.movementLeft == 0f) MovementStepTotalCost(
currentTileStep.totalCost.turn + 1,
(unitMaxMovement - movementBetweenTiles).normalizeMovementLeft()
else MovementStepTotalCost(currentTileStep.totalCost.turn, (currentTileStep.totalCost.movementLeft - movementBetweenTiles).normalizeMovementLeft())
return MovementStep(currentTileStep, neighbor, movementBetweenTiles, newTotalCost)
// Backtracking nonsense - we CANNOT end the turn on the previous tile, AND we have no movement left, that means we need to do some alternate history
val previousStep = currentTileStep.previousStep ?: return null
if (previousStep.totalCost.movementLeft == 0f) return null // We backtracked until a previous end-of-turn and couldn't find any intermediate tiles
if (!canEndTurnIn(previousStep.tile)) return null
// We found somewhere we could have rested - let's do some alternate history!
val currentTileAlternateHistory = MovementStep(currentTileStep.previousStep, currentTile, currentTileStep.movementCost,
MovementStepTotalCost(currentTileStep.previousStep.totalCost.turn+1, (unitMaxMovement - currentTileStep.movementCost).normalizeMovementLeft()))
if (currentTileAlternateHistory.totalCost.movementLeft == 0f) return null // We tried, and even if we rest there we STILL have to stop at current tile... :/
val newTotalCost = MovementStepTotalCost(currentTileAlternateHistory.totalCost.turn, (currentTileAlternateHistory.totalCost.movementLeft-currentTileStep.movementCost).normalizeMovementLeft())
return MovementStep(currentTileAlternateHistory, neighbor, movementBetweenTiles, newTotalCost)
* Does not consider if the [destination] tile can actually be entered, use [canMoveTo] for that.
* Returns an empty list if there's no way to get to the destination.
@ -252,19 +115,6 @@ class UnitMovement(val unit: MapUnit) {
return listOf(currentTile)
if (UncivGame.Current.settings.experimentalMovement) {
if (avoidDamagingTerrain){
val shouldAvoidTile: (Tile) -> Boolean = if (unit.isCivilian() && unit.isAutomated())
{{unit.getDamageFromTerrain(it) > 0 || it.isEnemyTerritory(unit.civ)}}
else {{unit.getDamageFromTerrain(it) > 0}}
return getShortestPathNew(destination,
shouldAvoidTile = shouldAvoidTile).toBackwardsCompatiblePath()
val shouldAvoidTile :((Tile) -> Boolean)? = if (unit.isCivilian() && unit.isAutomated())
{{it.isEnemyTerritory(unit.civ)}} else null
return getShortestPathNew(destination, shouldAvoidTile = shouldAvoidTile).toBackwardsCompatiblePath()
var tilesToCheck = listOf(currentTile)
val movementTreeParents = HashMap<Tile, Tile?>() // contains a map of "you can get from X to Y in that turn"
movementTreeParents[currentTile] = null
@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ class GameSettings {
var showUnitMovements: Boolean = false
var showSettlersSuggestedCityLocations: Boolean = true
var experimentalMovement: Boolean = false
var checkForDueUnits: Boolean = true
var autoUnitCycle: Boolean = true
var singleTapMove: Boolean = false
@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ fun gameplayTab(
) { settings.automatedUnitsChoosePromotions = it }
optionsPopup.addCheckbox(this, "Order trade offers by amount", settings.orderTradeOffersByAmount) { settings.orderTradeOffersByAmount = it }
optionsPopup.addCheckbox(this, "Ask for confirmation when pressing next turn", settings.confirmNextTurn) { settings.confirmNextTurn = it }
optionsPopup.addCheckbox(this, "EXPERIMENTAL movement - use at your own risk!", settings.experimentalMovement, true) { settings.experimentalMovement = it }
addNotificationLogMaxTurnsSlider(this, settings, optionsPopup.selectBoxMinWidth)
@ -936,13 +936,13 @@ Simple unique parameters are explained by mouseover. Complex parameters are expl
Applicable to: Nation, Terrain, Improvement, Resource
??? example "Will not be displayed in Civilopedia"
Applicable to: Nation, Tech, Policy, Building, Unit, UnitType, Promotion, Terrain, Improvement, Resource, Ruins, Speed
Applicable to: Nation, Tech, Policy, FollowerBelief, Building, Unit, UnitType, Promotion, Terrain, Improvement, Resource, Ruins, Speed
??? example "Comment [comment]"
Allows displaying arbitrary text in a Unique listing. Only the text within the '[]' brackets will be displayed, the rest serves to allow Ruleset validation to recognize the intent.
Example: "Comment [comment]"
Applicable to: Nation, Tech, Policy, Building, Unit, UnitType, Promotion, Terrain, Improvement, Resource, Ruins, Speed
Applicable to: Nation, Tech, Policy, FollowerBelief, Building, Unit, UnitType, Promotion, Terrain, Improvement, Resource, Ruins, Speed
## Era uniques
??? example "Starting in this era disables religion"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user