Added unique types for air unit transportation

This commit is contained in:
yairm210 2021-10-08 13:19:41 +03:00
parent 10a00eed3a
commit 39114ff8f4
3 changed files with 32 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ class ConstructionAutomation(val cityConstructions: CityConstructions){
fun chooseNextConstruction() {
if (!UncivGame.Current.settings.autoAssignCityProduction
&& civInfo.playerType== PlayerType.Human && !cityInfo.isPuppet)
&& civInfo.playerType == PlayerType.Human && !cityInfo.isPuppet
if (cityConstructions.getCurrentConstruction() !is PerpetualConstruction) return // don't want to be stuck on these forever
@ -61,33 +62,37 @@ class ConstructionAutomation(val cityConstructions: CityConstructions){
if(!cityInfo.isPuppet) {
if (!cityInfo.isPuppet) {
val production = cityInfo.cityStats.currentCityStats.production
val theChosenOne: String
if (relativeCostEffectiveness.isEmpty()) { // choose one of the special constructions instead
// add science!
if ( && !allTechsAreResearched)
theChosenOne = "Science"
else if (
theChosenOne = "Gold"
else theChosenOne = "Nothing"
} else if (relativeCostEffectiveness.any { it.remainingWork < production * 30 }) {
relativeCostEffectiveness.removeAll { it.remainingWork >= production * 30 }
theChosenOne = relativeCostEffectiveness.minByOrNull { it.remainingWork / it.choiceModifier }!!.choice
// it's possible that this is a new city and EVERYTHING is way expensive - ignore modifiers, go for the cheapest.
// Nobody can plan 30 turns ahead, I don't care how cost-efficient you are.
else theChosenOne = relativeCostEffectiveness.minByOrNull { it.remainingWork }!!.choice
val chosenConstruction: String =
if (relativeCostEffectiveness.isEmpty()) { // choose one of the special constructions instead
// add science!
when { && !allTechsAreResearched -> ->
else ->
} else if (relativeCostEffectiveness.any { it.remainingWork < production * 30 }) {
relativeCostEffectiveness.removeAll { it.remainingWork >= production * 30 }
relativeCostEffectiveness.minByOrNull { it.remainingWork / it.choiceModifier }!!.choice
// it's possible that this is a new city and EVERYTHING is way expensive - ignore modifiers, go for the cheapest.
// Nobody can plan 30 turns ahead, I don't care how cost-efficient you are.
else relativeCostEffectiveness.minByOrNull { it.remainingWork }!!.choice
civInfo.addNotification("Work has started on [$theChosenOne]", CityAction(cityInfo.location), NotificationIcon.Construction)
cityConstructions.currentConstructionFromQueue = theChosenOne
"Work has started on [$chosenConstruction]",
cityConstructions.currentConstructionFromQueue = chosenConstruction
private fun addMilitaryUnitChoice() {

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@ -936,12 +936,12 @@ class MapUnit {
fun isTransportTypeOf(mapUnit: MapUnit): Boolean {
// Currently, only missiles and airplanes can be carried
if (!mapUnit.baseUnit.movesLikeAirUnits()) return false
return getMatchingUniques("Can carry [] [] units").any { mapUnit.matchesFilter(it.params[1]) }
return getMatchingUniques(UniqueType.CarryAirUnits).any { mapUnit.matchesFilter(it.params[1]) }
private fun carryCapacity(unit: MapUnit): Int {
return (getMatchingUniques("Can carry [] [] units")
+ getMatchingUniques("Can carry [] extra [] units"))
return (getMatchingUniques(UniqueType.CarryAirUnits)
+ getMatchingUniques(UniqueType.CarryExtraAirUnits))
.filter { unit.matchesFilter(it.params[1]) }
.sumOf { it.params[0].toInt() }

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@ -183,6 +183,10 @@ enum class UniqueType(val text:String, vararg targets: UniqueTarget) {
SpreadReligionStrengthUnits("[amount]% Spread Religion Strength for [mapUnitFilter] units", UniqueTarget.Global),
CarryAirUnits("Can carry [amount] [mapUnitFilter] units", UniqueTarget.Unit),
CarryExtraAirUnits("Can carry [amount] extra [mapUnitFilter] units", UniqueTarget.Unit),
CannotBeCarriedBy("Cannot be carried by [mapUnitFilter] units", UniqueTarget.Unit),
// The following block gets cached in MapUnit for faster getMovementCostBetweenAdjacentTiles
DoubleMovementOnTerrain("Double movement in [terrainFilter]", UniqueTarget.Unit),
@Deprecated("As of 3.17.1", ReplaceWith("Double movement in [terrainFilter]"), DeprecationLevel.WARNING)