mirror of
synced 2025-01-26 23:50:45 +07:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -1223,6 +1223,9 @@ Deity = Divindade
#################### Lines from Nations.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Spectator =
Babylon = Babilônia
Nebuchadnezzar II = Nabucodonosor II
The demon wants the blood of soldiers! = O demônio quer o sangue dos soldados!
@ -1270,6 +1270,9 @@ Deity = Bůh
#################### Lines from Nations.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Spectator =
Babylon = Babylonie
Nebuchadnezzar II = Nebukadnesar II.
The demon wants the blood of soldiers! = Démon si žádá krve vojáků!
@ -1946,6 +1946,9 @@ Deity =
#################### Lines from Nations.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Spectator =
# Requires translation!
Babylon =
# Requires translation!
@ -2192,6 +2192,9 @@ Deity =
#################### Lines from Nations.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Spectator =
# Requires translation!
Babylon =
# Requires translation!
@ -1254,6 +1254,9 @@ Deity = Divinité
#################### Lines from Nations.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Spectator =
Babylon = Babylone
Nebuchadnezzar II = Nabuchodonosor II
The demon wants the blood of soldiers! = Le démon a besoin du sang des soldats !
@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ Introduction to [nation] = Vorstellung der Nation [nation]
Declare war on [nation] = [nation] den Krieg erklären
Luxury resources = Luxusartikel
Strategic resources = Strategische Ressourcen
# Requires translation!
Owned: [amountOwned] = im Besitz
# Nation picker
@ -247,9 +246,7 @@ Great Andean Road = Die Große Andenstraße
+1 Movement to all embarked units, units pay only 1 movement point to embark and disembark. Melee units pay no movement cost to pillage. = +1 Bewegungspunkt für alle eingeschifften Einheiten, einschiffen und an Land gehen kosten nur 1 Bewegungspunkt. Nahkampfeinheiten benötigen keinen Bewegungspunkt zum Plündern.
Viking Fury = Wikinger-Raserei
# Requires translation!
Sacrificial Captives = Gefangenen-Opfer
# Requires translation!
Gain Culture for the empire from each enemy unit killed = Erhalte Kutur - für das Imperium - für jede getötete feindliche Einheit
# New game screen
@ -261,7 +258,6 @@ Could not load game from clipboard! = Das Spiel konnte nicht aus der Zwischenabl
Start game! = Spiel starten!
Map Options = Kartenoptionen
Game Options = Spieloptionen
# Requires translation!
Civilizations = Zivilisationen
Map Type = Kartentyp
Generated = Generiert
@ -272,7 +268,6 @@ Default = Standard
Pangaea = Pangaea
Perlin = Perlin
Continents = Kontinente
# Requires translation!
Archipelago = Archipele
Number of City-States = Anzahl Stadtstaaten
One City Challenge = Herausforderung eine Stadt
@ -566,7 +561,6 @@ Load game = Spiel laden
Main menu = Hauptmenü
Resume = Fortsetzen
Cannot resume game! = Fortsetzen nicht möglich!
# Requires translation!
Not enough memory on phone to load game! = Nicht genug Speicher auf dem Gerät zum Laden des Spiels!
Quickstart = Schnellstart
Victory status = Siegesstatus
@ -575,7 +569,6 @@ Community = Gemeinschaft
Close = Schließen
Do you want to exit the game? = Willst du das Spiel schließen?
Start bias: = Start-Präferenz:
# Requires translation!
Avoid [terrain] = Meide
# City screen
@ -627,7 +620,6 @@ Points per turn = Punkte pro Runde
Convert production to gold at a rate of 4 to 1 = Konvertiert Produktion zu Gold (4:1)
Convert production to science at a rate of [rate] to 1 = Konvertiert Produktion zu Wissenschaft ([rate]:1)
The city will not produce anything. = Die Stadt produziert nichts.
# Requires translation!
Worked by [cityName] = Bewirtschaftet von
# Technology UI
@ -799,49 +791,29 @@ Clear resource = Lösche Ressource
Requires = Benötigt
Menu = Menü
Brush Size = Pinselgröße
# Requires translation!
Map saved = Karte gespeichert
# Civilopedia difficulty levels
# Requires translation!
Player settings = Spieler Einstellungen
# Requires translation!
Base Happiness = Basiszufriedenheit
# Requires translation!
Happiness per luxury = Zufriedenheit pro Luxusgut
# Requires translation!
Research cost modifier = Forschungskosten-Modifikator
# Requires translation!
Unit cost modifier = Einheitenkosten-Modifikator
# Requires translation!
Building cost modifier = Baukosten-Modifikator
# Requires translation!
Policy cost modifier = Grundsatzkosten-Modifikator
# Requires translation!
Unhappiness modifier = Unzufriedenheits-Modifikator
# Requires translation!
Bonus vs. Barbarians = Bonus vs. Barbaren
# Requires translation!
AI settings = KI Einstellungen
# Requires translation!
AI city growth modifier = KI Stadtwachstums-Modifikator
# Requires translation!
AI unit cost modifier = KI Einheitenkosten-Modifikator
# Requires translation!
AI building cost modifier = KI Baukosten-Modifikator
# Requires translation!
AI wonder cost modifier = KI Wunderkosten-Modifikator
# Requires translation!
AI building maintenance modifier = KI Bauunterhaltungs-Modifikator
# Requires translation!
AI unit maintenance modifier = KI Einheitenunterhaltungs-Modifikator
# Requires translation!
AI unhappiness modifier = KI Unzufriedenheits-Modifikator
# Requires translation!
Turns until barbarians enter player tiles = Züge bis Barbaren Spielerfelder betreten
# Requires translation!
Gold reward for clearing barbarian camps = Gold-Belohnung für das Räumen von Barbarenlagern
# Other civilopedia things
@ -852,7 +824,6 @@ Free promotion: = Freie Beförderung:
Free promotions: = Freie Beförderungen:
Free for [units] = Frei für [units]
[bonus] with [tech] = [bonus] mit [tech]
# Requires translation!
Difficulty levels = Schwierigkeitsgrade
# Policies
@ -1250,6 +1221,9 @@ Deity = Gottheit
#################### Lines from Nations.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Spectator =
Babylon = Babylon
Nebuchadnezzar II = Nebukadnezar II
The demon wants the blood of soldiers! = Der Dämon will das Blut der Soldaten!
@ -2697,7 +2671,6 @@ Philosophy = Philosophie
Currency = Währung
'Better is bread with a happy heart than wealth with vexation.' - Amenemope = 'Besser ist Brot mit einem glücklichen Herzen als Reichtum mit Verdruss.' - Amenemope
Engineering = Ingenieurwesen
# Requires translation!
Roads connect tiles across rivers = Straßen verbinden Felder über Flüsse - Brückenbau
'Instrumental or mechanical science is the noblest and, above all others, the most useful.' - Leonardo da Vinci = 'Die instrumentelle oder mechanische Wissenschaft ist die edelste und vor allem die nützlichste.' - Leonardo da Vinci
Iron Working = Eisenbearbeitung
@ -2944,7 +2917,6 @@ Remove Railroad = Entferne Schienen
Cancel improvement order = Stoppt Verbesserungsanweisung
# Requires translation!
Great improvement = Große Verbesserung
Academy = Akademie
@ -3481,9 +3453,7 @@ Luxury Resource = Luxus-Ressource
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = Luxus-Ressourcen im eigenen Territorium können mit der passenden Gelände-Verbesserung\n erschlossen werden und stehen dann über das Handelsnetzwerk dem gesamten Imperium zur Verfügung.\nJede neue Luxus-Ressource bringt 5 Punkte Zufriedenheit, aber zusätzliche Ressourcen desselben Typs\n bringen keinen solchen Bonus. Man sollte sie also für den Handel mit anderen Zivilisationen einsetzen.\nVia Handel erlangte Luxus-Ressourcen machen genauso glücklich wie selbst erschlossene!
Strategic Resource = Strategische Ressource
# Requires translation!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses. = Strategische Ressourcen im eigenen Territorium können mit ihrer spezifischen Gelände-Verbesserung mit deinem Handelsnetzwerk verbunden werden und stehen dann im gesamten Imperium zur Verfügung.\nStrategische Ressourcen erlauben es dir neue Einheiten auszubilden und Gebäude zu konstruieren, die diese spezifische Ressource brauchen.\nEin Stall braucht zum Beispiel Pferde als Ressource um gebaut werden zu können.
# Requires translation!
Unlike Luxury Resources, each Strategic Resource on the map provides more than one of that resource.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own.\nA full drilldown of resources is available in the Resources tab in the Overview screen. = Im Gegensatz zu Luxusgütern liefern strategische Ressourcen mehr als eine Ressource.\n In der oberen Leiste siehst du, wieviele ungenutzte strategische Ressourcen sich in deinem Besitz befinden.\nEinen kompletten Drilldown der Ressourcen gibt es im Ressourcen-Tab des Übersichtsbildschirms.
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = Der Widerstand dieser Stadt ist gebrochen!\nAllerdings mußt Du mit einer Nahkampfeinheit einmarschieren, um sie zu erobern.
@ -3540,18 +3510,12 @@ Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations th
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = Stattdessen beruhen diplomatische Beziehungen zu Stadt-Staten auf 'Einfluß' - ein Maß, wie sehr sie Euch 'mögen'.\nEinfluß kann gewonnen werden durch kriegerische Handlungen gegen ihre Feinde, befreien ihrer besetzten Stadt, oder durch Bestechung mit Gold.
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = Stadt-Staaten belohnen hohen Einfluß ab 30 Punkten.\nWenn Dein Einfluß 60 Punkte oder mehr beträgt und größer ist als der aller Konkurrenten, dann wirst Du als Allierter eingestuft und erhälst neben höheren Belohnungen auch Zugang zu ihren Luxus- und Strategischen Ressourcen.
# Requires translation!
Great People = Große Persönlichkeiten
# Requires translation!
Certain buildings, and specialists in cities, generate Great Person points per turn.\nThere are several types of Great People, and their points accumulate separately.\nThe number of points per turn and accumulated points can be viewed in the Overview screen. = Bestimmte Gebäude und die Spezialisten in den Städten generieren pro Zug Große-Persönlichkeits-Punkte.\nEs gibt verschiedene Typen von großen Persönlichkeiten, für jeden Typ werden die Punkte gesondert erfasst.\nDie Anzahl der Punkte pro Zug und die bereits gesammelten Punkte können im Übersichtsbildschirm eingesehen werden.
# Requires translation!
Once enough points have been accumulaated, a Great Person of that type will be created!\nEach Great Person can construct a certain Great Improvement which gives large yields over time, or immediately consumed to provide a certain bonus now. = Sobald genug Punkte eines Typs gesammelt wurden, erscheint eine Große Persönlichkeit. Eine Große Persönlichkeit kann eine Große Verbesserung errichten, welche mit der Zeit stattliche Erträge abwirft, oder direkt eingesetzt werden um einen sofortigen Bonus zu erhalten.\n
# Requires translation!
Great Improvements also provide any strategic resources that are under them, so you don't need to worry if resources are revealed underneath your improvements! = Große Verbesserungen liefern zudem die strategische Ressource unter ihnen. Es gibt also keinen Grund zur Sorge, wenn Ressourcen unter ihnen 'verdeckt' sind.
# Requires translation!
Removing Terrain Features = Entfernen von Geländemerkmalen
# Requires translation!
Certain tiles have terrain features - like Flood plains or Forests - on top of them. Some of these layers, like Jungle, Marsh and Forest, can be removed by workers.\nRemoving the terrain feature does not remove any resources in the tile, and is usually required in order to work those resources. = Bestimmte Felder haben zusätzliche Geländemerkmale, sozusagen auf ihnen drauf.\n - wie z.B. überflutete Ebenen oder Wälder -\nEinige dieser Geländemerkmale, wie z.B. Dschungel, Sumpf und Wald, können von Arbeitern entfernt werden.\nDas Entfernen von Geländemerkmalen entfernt nicht die Ressource auf dem Feld und ist in der Regel nötig, um die Ressource zu bewirtschaften.
Natural Wonders = Naturwunder
@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ Introduction to [nation] = Perkenalan ke [nation]
Declare war on [nation] = Nyatakan perang pada [nation]
Luxury resources = Sumber daya tersier
Strategic resources = Sumber daya strategis
# Requires translation!
Owned: [amountOwned] = Dimiliki: [amountOwned]
# Nation picker
@ -562,7 +561,6 @@ Load game = Muat permainan
Main menu = Menu utama
Resume = Lanjut
Cannot resume game! = Tidak bisa melanjutkan permainan!
# Requires translation!
Not enough memory on phone to load game! = Memori ponsel tidak mencukupi untuk memuat permainan!
Quickstart = Mulai kilat
Victory status = Status kemenangan
@ -1223,6 +1221,9 @@ Deity = Dewa
#################### Lines from Nations.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Spectator =
Babylon = Babel
Nebuchadnezzar II = Nebukadnezar II
The demon wants the blood of soldiers! = Iblis ingin darah para tentara!
@ -1221,6 +1221,9 @@ Deity = Divinità
#################### Lines from Nations.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Spectator =
Babylon = Babilonia
Nebuchadnezzar II = Nabucodonosor II
The demon wants the blood of soldiers! = Il demone della guerra vuole il sangue dei soldati!
@ -1221,6 +1221,9 @@ Deity = 創造主
#################### Lines from Nations.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Spectator =
Babylon = バビロン
Nebuchadnezzar II = ネブカドネザル2世
The demon wants the blood of soldiers! = 悪魔は兵の血を欲しがっている!
@ -1223,6 +1223,9 @@ Deity = 신
#################### Lines from Nations.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Spectator =
Babylon = 바빌론
Nebuchadnezzar II = 네부카드네자르 2세
The demon wants the blood of soldiers! = 악마가 병사들의 피를 갈구하는구나!
@ -1461,6 +1461,9 @@ Deity =
#################### Lines from Nations.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Spectator =
# Requires translation!
Babylon =
# Requires translation!
@ -2106,6 +2106,9 @@ Deity =
#################### Lines from Nations.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Spectator =
# Requires translation!
Babylon =
# Requires translation!
@ -1250,6 +1250,9 @@ Deity = Bóg
#################### Lines from Nations.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Spectator =
Babylon = Babilon
Nebuchadnezzar II = Nabuchodonozor II
The demon wants the blood of soldiers! = Demon pragnie krwi żołnierzy!
@ -1313,6 +1313,9 @@ Deity = Divindade
#################### Lines from Nations.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Spectator =
Babylon = Babilônia
Nebuchadnezzar II = Nabucodonosor II
The demon wants the blood of soldiers! = O demônio quer o sangue dos soldados!
@ -1331,6 +1331,9 @@ Deity = Zeitate
#################### Lines from Nations.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Spectator =
Babylon = Babilonia
# Requires translation!
Nebuchadnezzar II =
@ -1223,6 +1223,9 @@ Deity = Божество
#################### Lines from Nations.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Spectator =
Babylon = Вавилон
Nebuchadnezzar II = Навуходоносор II
The demon wants the blood of soldiers! = Демон хочет крови солдат!
@ -415,6 +415,7 @@ Enable nuclear weapons = 允许使用核武器
Fontset = 字体设置
Continuous rendering = 连续渲染
When disabled, saves battery life but certain animations will be suspended = 禁用时将关闭部分动画以省电
# Requires translation!
Order trade offers by amount =
Generate translation files = 生成翻译文件
Translation files are generated successfully. = 翻译文件生成成功
@ -1222,6 +1223,9 @@ Deity = 天神
#################### Lines from Nations.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Spectator =
Babylon = 巴比伦
Nebuchadnezzar II = 尼布甲尼撒二世
The demon wants the blood of soldiers! = 魔鬼们渴望着战士的鲜血。来开始这场杀戮之舞吧!
@ -1944,54 +1948,30 @@ Izmir = 伊兹密尔
Kayseri = 开塞利
Malatya = 马拉蒂亚
Marsin = 梅尔辛
Antalya = 安塔利亚
Zonguldak = 宗古尔达克
Denizli = 登尼资里
Ordu = 奥尔杜
Mugia = 穆希亚
Eskishehir = 埃斯基谢希尔
Inebolu = 伊内博卢
Sinop = 锡诺普
Adana = 阿达纳
Artuin = 阿尔特温
Bodrum = 博德鲁姆
Eregli = 埃雷利
Silifke = 锡利夫凯
Sivas = 锡瓦斯
Amasya = 阿马西亚
Marmaris = 马尔马里斯
Trabzon = 特拉布宗
Erzurum = 埃尔祖鲁姆
Urfa = 乌尔法
Izmit = 伊兹米特
Afyonkarhisar = 阿菲永卡拉希萨尔
Bitlis = 比特利斯
Yalova = 亚洛瓦
Korea = 朝鲜
Sejong = 李裪
Jip-hyun-jun (Hall of Worthies) will no longer tolerate your irksome behavior. We will liberate the citizens under your oppression even with force, and enlighten them! = 议政府无法容忍你令人厌恶的行为,我们将用武力解放你的人民,并给予他们启发!
@ -3731,7 +3711,6 @@ Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are conn
Strategic Resource = 战略资源
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses. = 你的领土内的战略资源需要建造相应的设施来开发,已开发的战略资源可以用来与其他文明贸易。\n建造/组建特定的项目(单位/建筑)时将会消耗相应的战略资源。如需要消耗1单位的马来组建1个骑手单位,\n没有马就不能组建骑手。当该单位或建筑被摧毁时,此资源将能再次使用。\n如果获取资源途径出现中断,需要该资源的单位将受到战斗力减成,直至重新获得该资源。
# Requires translation!
Unlike Luxury Resources, each Strategic Resource on the map provides more than one of that resource.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own.\nA full drilldown of resources is available in the Resources tab in the Overview screen. = 与奢侈资源不同,地图上显示的每个战略资源图标将提供多于1单位的该种资源。\n顶部信息栏显示了你拥有多少未使用的战略资源。\n在概览界面点击“资源”按钮可以查看你所拥有资源的完整信息。
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = 这座城市再也不能抵抗了!\n然而,要征服城市,请使用您的近战单位占领它。
@ -3793,7 +3772,6 @@ Certain buildings, and specialists in cities, generate Great Person points per t
Once enough points have been accumulaated, a Great Person of that type will be created!\nEach Great Person can construct a certain Great Improvement which gives large yields over time, or immediately consumed to provide a certain bonus now. = 当积累了足够的伟人点数时,就会诞生一个相应类型的伟人!\n伟人可以建造伟人设施,随着时间的推移,它会带来巨大的收益。另外,选择消耗掉伟人可以在当前回合立刻获得相应的奖励效果。
Great Improvements also provide any strategic resources that are under them, so you don't need to worry if resources are revealed underneath your improvements! = 伟人设施同时还有开发其所在地块战略资源的功能,所以请不必担心伟人设施所在地块的战略资源开发问题!
# Requires translation!
Removing Terrain Features = 清除地貌
Certain tiles have terrain features - like Flood plains or Forests - on top of them. Some of these layers, like Jungle, Marsh and Forest, can be removed by workers.\nRemoving the terrain feature does not remove any resources in the tile, and is usually required in order to work those resources. = 某些地块还拥有地貌——比如冲积平原或森林。其中一些地貌(如丛林、沼泽和森林)可以由工人清除。\n清除地貌不会移除地块中的任何资源,相反的,有时只有这样做才能开发这些资源。
@ -1223,6 +1223,9 @@ Deity = Deidad
#################### Lines from Nations.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Spectator =
Babylon = Babilonia
Nebuchadnezzar II = Nabucodonosor II
The demon wants the blood of soldiers! = ¡El demonio quiere la sangre de los soldados!
@ -1242,6 +1242,9 @@ Deity = 天神
#################### Lines from Nations.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Spectator =
Babylon = 巴比倫
Nebuchadnezzar II = 尼布甲尼薩二世
# Requires translation!
@ -1274,6 +1274,9 @@ Deity = Tanrı
#################### Lines from Nations.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Spectator =
Babylon = Babil
Nebuchadnezzar II = II. Nebukadnetsar
The demon wants the blood of soldiers! = Şeytan askerlerin kanını istiyor!
@ -1223,6 +1223,9 @@ Deity = Бог
#################### Lines from Nations.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Spectator =
Babylon = Вавилон
Nebuchadnezzar II = Навуходоносор II
The demon wants the blood of soldiers! = Демони хочуть крові воїнів!
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
Brazilian_Portuguese = 71
Traditional_Chinese = 62
Italian = 100
Traditional_Chinese = 63
Italian = 99
Polish = 96
Russian = 99
Lithuanian = 26
Romanian = 46
Korean = 99
Simplified_Chinese = 88
German = 98
Japanese = 100
Simplified_Chinese = 91
German = 99
Japanese = 99
Turkish = 75
English = 1
Ukrainian = 99
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ package com.unciv.build
object BuildConfig {
const val kotlinVersion = "1.3.71"
const val appName = "Unciv"
const val appCodeNumber = 444
const val appVersion = "3.9.8"
const val appCodeNumber = 445
const val appVersion = "3.9.9"
const val gdxVersion = "1.9.10"
const val roboVMVersion = "2.3.1"
@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
## 3.9.9
Civ is properly destroyed when liberating the last city of the civ
Replaced units are not shown in tech button even when replacing unique unit is in a different tech
Fixed main menu crash when returning from certain modded games
Resolved #2794 - Save games and maps cannot have slashes/backslashes, to avoid foldername/filename confusion
By alkorolyov:
- Basic spectator functionality - POC
- Console mode for multiple game automation - POC
Added an installation problem solution on Ubuntu - By illantalex
## 3.9.8
Resolved #2787 - AIs MUCH more likely to build the Apollo Program and win a scientific victory
@ -8,7 +24,7 @@ Removed tech exchange, as per Civ V
Resolved #2759 - Mark tiles for air unit attack range - By ninjatao
Translation updates
Translation updates🍎
## 3.9.7
Reference in New Issue
Block a user