diff --git a/android/Images/UnitIcons/Ironclad.png b/android/Images/UnitIcons/Ironclad.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..218830d36c Binary files /dev/null and b/android/Images/UnitIcons/Ironclad.png differ diff --git a/android/assets/game.atlas b/android/assets/game.atlas index 81c9059d66..5f3bb1d412 100644 --- a/android/assets/game.atlas +++ b/android/assets/game.atlas @@ -188,322 +188,322 @@ BuildingIcons/Hydro Plant index: -1 BuildingIcons/Ironworks rotate: false - xy: 449, 33 + xy: 1892, 1493 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Library rotate: false - xy: 592, 163 + xy: 551, 61 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Lighthouse rotate: false - xy: 551, 61 + xy: 653, 61 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Machu Pichu rotate: false - xy: 872, 1319 + xy: 974, 1319 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Market rotate: false - xy: 1178, 1319 + xy: 1280, 1319 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Military Academy rotate: false - xy: 612, 1217 + xy: 612, 1115 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Mint rotate: false - xy: 816, 1217 + xy: 714, 1115 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Monastery rotate: false - xy: 714, 1115 + xy: 612, 911 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Monument rotate: false - xy: 612, 911 + xy: 918, 1217 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Museum rotate: false - xy: 816, 1115 + xy: 714, 1013 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/National College rotate: false - xy: 1020, 1217 + xy: 918, 1115 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Notre Dame rotate: false - xy: 918, 1115 + xy: 816, 1013 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Nuclear Plant rotate: false - xy: 714, 911 + xy: 612, 707 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Observatory rotate: false - xy: 612, 707 + xy: 1122, 1217 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Opera House rotate: false - xy: 918, 1013 + xy: 816, 911 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Oxford University rotate: false - xy: 714, 809 + xy: 612, 605 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Palace rotate: false - xy: 612, 605 + xy: 1224, 1217 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Paper Maker rotate: false - xy: 1224, 1217 + xy: 1122, 1115 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Porcelain Tower rotate: false - xy: 1020, 911 + xy: 918, 809 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Public School rotate: false - xy: 714, 605 + xy: 612, 401 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Research Lab rotate: false - xy: 1122, 911 + xy: 1020, 809 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/SS Booster rotate: false - xy: 1530, 1217 + xy: 1428, 1115 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/SS Cockpit rotate: false - xy: 1428, 1115 + xy: 1326, 1013 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/SS Engine rotate: false - xy: 1326, 1013 + xy: 1224, 911 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/SS Stasis Chamber rotate: false - xy: 1224, 911 + xy: 1122, 809 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Sistine Chapel rotate: false - xy: 1224, 809 + xy: 1122, 707 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Solar Plant rotate: false - xy: 1020, 605 + xy: 918, 503 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Spaceship Factory rotate: false - xy: 918, 503 + xy: 816, 401 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Stable rotate: false - xy: 1632, 1115 + xy: 1530, 1013 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Stadium rotate: false - xy: 1530, 1013 + xy: 1428, 911 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Stock Exchange rotate: false - xy: 1224, 707 + xy: 1122, 605 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Stone Works rotate: false - xy: 1020, 503 + xy: 918, 401 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Stonehenge rotate: false - xy: 918, 401 + xy: 816, 299 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Sydney Opera House rotate: false - xy: 1326, 707 + xy: 1224, 605 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Taj Mahal rotate: false - xy: 1224, 605 + xy: 1122, 503 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Temple rotate: false - xy: 1122, 503 + xy: 1020, 401 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/The Great Library rotate: false - xy: 1020, 401 + xy: 918, 299 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/The Great Lighthouse rotate: false - xy: 918, 299 + xy: 1632, 911 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/The Louvre rotate: false - xy: 1632, 911 + xy: 1530, 809 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/The Oracle rotate: false - xy: 1530, 809 + xy: 1428, 707 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/The Pyramids rotate: false - xy: 1428, 707 + xy: 1326, 605 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Theatre rotate: false - xy: 1224, 503 + xy: 1122, 401 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/University rotate: false - xy: 1428, 605 + xy: 1326, 503 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Walls rotate: false - xy: 1224, 401 + xy: 1122, 299 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Windmill rotate: false - xy: 1428, 503 + xy: 1326, 401 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 BuildingIcons/Workshop rotate: false - xy: 1530, 503 + xy: 1428, 401 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 @@ -615,77 +615,77 @@ ImprovementIcons/Fishing Boats index: -1 ImprovementIcons/Landmark rotate: false - xy: 1892, 1289 + xy: 592, 163 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ImprovementIcons/Lumber mill rotate: false - xy: 668, 1319 + xy: 770, 1319 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ImprovementIcons/Manufactory rotate: false - xy: 974, 1319 + xy: 1076, 1319 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ImprovementIcons/Mine rotate: false - xy: 714, 1217 + xy: 612, 1013 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ImprovementIcons/Oil well rotate: false - xy: 1020, 1115 + xy: 918, 1013 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ImprovementIcons/Plantation rotate: false - xy: 1224, 1115 + xy: 1122, 1013 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ImprovementIcons/Quarry rotate: false - xy: 612, 401 + xy: 1428, 1217 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ImprovementIcons/Railroad rotate: false - xy: 1326, 1115 + xy: 1224, 1013 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 OtherIcons/Railroad rotate: false - xy: 1326, 1115 + xy: 1224, 1013 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ImprovementIcons/Road rotate: false - xy: 816, 605 + xy: 714, 503 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ImprovementIcons/Trading post rotate: false - xy: 1020, 299 + xy: 1632, 809 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 @@ -734,42 +734,42 @@ OtherIcons/Fire index: -1 OtherIcons/MenuIcon rotate: false - xy: 1586, 1319 + xy: 1688, 1319 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 OtherIcons/Pentagon rotate: false - xy: 918, 911 + xy: 816, 809 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 OtherIcons/Shield rotate: false - xy: 1530, 1115 + xy: 1428, 1013 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 OtherIcons/Sleep rotate: false - xy: 1122, 707 + xy: 1020, 605 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 OtherIcons/Star rotate: false - xy: 1632, 509 + xy: 1530, 407 size: 100, 94 orig: 100, 94 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 OtherIcons/Stop rotate: false - xy: 816, 299 + xy: 1632, 1013 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 @@ -804,14 +804,14 @@ PolicyIcons/Aristocracy index: -1 PolicyIcons/Citizenship rotate: false - xy: 1530, 451 + xy: 1428, 349 size: 50, 50 orig: 50, 50 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 PolicyIcons/Civil Society rotate: false - xy: 1428, 349 + xy: 1632, 452 size: 50, 50 orig: 50, 50 offset: 0, 0 @@ -923,35 +923,35 @@ PolicyIcons/Meritocracy index: -1 PolicyIcons/Militarism rotate: false - xy: 1530, 399 + xy: 1428, 297 size: 50, 50 orig: 50, 50 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 PolicyIcons/Military Caste rotate: false - xy: 1582, 451 + xy: 1480, 349 size: 50, 50 orig: 50, 50 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 PolicyIcons/Military Tradition rotate: false - xy: 1582, 399 + xy: 1480, 297 size: 50, 50 orig: 50, 50 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 PolicyIcons/Monarchy rotate: false - xy: 1944, 1237 + xy: 1684, 452 size: 50, 50 orig: 50, 50 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 PolicyIcons/Oligarchy rotate: false - xy: 1428, 297 + xy: 1944, 1237 size: 50, 50 orig: 50, 50 offset: 0, 0 @@ -1175,98 +1175,98 @@ ResourceIcons/Iron index: -1 ResourceIcons/Ivory rotate: false - xy: 1892, 1493 + xy: 1892, 1391 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ResourceIcons/Marble rotate: false - xy: 1076, 1319 + xy: 1178, 1319 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ResourceIcons/Oil rotate: false - xy: 1122, 1217 + xy: 1020, 1115 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ResourceIcons/Pearls rotate: false - xy: 1020, 1013 + xy: 918, 911 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ResourceIcons/Sheep rotate: false - xy: 1632, 1217 + xy: 1530, 1115 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ResourceIcons/Silk rotate: false - xy: 1428, 1013 + xy: 1326, 911 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ResourceIcons/Silver rotate: false - xy: 1326, 911 + xy: 1224, 809 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ResourceIcons/Spices rotate: false - xy: 714, 299 + xy: 1632, 1115 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ResourceIcons/Stone rotate: false - xy: 1122, 605 + xy: 1020, 503 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ResourceIcons/Sugar rotate: false - xy: 1530, 911 + xy: 1428, 809 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ResourceIcons/Uranium rotate: false - xy: 1326, 503 + xy: 1224, 401 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ResourceIcons/Whales rotate: false - xy: 1632, 707 + xy: 1530, 605 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ResourceIcons/Wheat rotate: false - xy: 1530, 605 + xy: 1428, 503 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 ResourceIcons/Wine rotate: false - xy: 1326, 401 + xy: 1224, 299 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 @@ -1322,7 +1322,7 @@ StatIcons/Malcontent index: -1 StatIcons/Movement rotate: false - xy: 918, 1217 + xy: 816, 1115 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 @@ -1343,7 +1343,7 @@ StatIcons/Production index: -1 StatIcons/RangedStrength rotate: false - xy: 1224, 1013 + xy: 1122, 911 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 @@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@ StatIcons/Science index: -1 StatIcons/Strength rotate: false - xy: 1632, 1013 + xy: 1530, 911 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 @@ -1609,217 +1609,217 @@ TechIcons/Iron Working index: -1 TechIcons/Machinery rotate: false - xy: 770, 1319 + xy: 872, 1319 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Masonry rotate: false - xy: 1280, 1319 + xy: 1382, 1319 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Mass Media rotate: false - xy: 1382, 1319 + xy: 1484, 1319 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Mathematics rotate: false - xy: 1484, 1319 + xy: 1586, 1319 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Metal Casting rotate: false - xy: 1688, 1319 + xy: 1790, 1239 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Metallurgy rotate: false - xy: 1790, 1239 + xy: 612, 1217 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Military Science rotate: false - xy: 612, 1115 + xy: 714, 1217 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Mining rotate: false - xy: 612, 1013 + xy: 816, 1217 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Nanotechnology rotate: false - xy: 612, 809 + xy: 1020, 1217 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Nuclear Fission rotate: false - xy: 816, 1013 + xy: 714, 911 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Optics rotate: false - xy: 816, 911 + xy: 714, 809 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Particle Physics rotate: false - xy: 1122, 1115 + xy: 1020, 1013 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Pharmaceuticals rotate: false - xy: 816, 809 + xy: 714, 707 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Philosophy rotate: false - xy: 714, 707 + xy: 612, 503 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Physics rotate: false - xy: 612, 503 + xy: 1326, 1217 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Plastics rotate: false - xy: 1122, 1013 + xy: 1020, 911 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Pottery rotate: false - xy: 918, 809 + xy: 816, 707 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Printing Press rotate: false - xy: 816, 707 + xy: 714, 605 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Radio rotate: false - xy: 1428, 1217 + xy: 1326, 1115 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Rifling rotate: false - xy: 918, 707 + xy: 816, 605 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Robotics rotate: false - xy: 714, 503 + xy: 612, 299 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Rocketry rotate: false - xy: 612, 299 + xy: 1530, 1217 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Sailing rotate: false - xy: 1122, 809 + xy: 1020, 707 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Satellites rotate: false - xy: 1020, 707 + xy: 918, 605 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Scientific Theory rotate: false - xy: 918, 605 + xy: 816, 503 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Steam Power rotate: false - xy: 1428, 911 + xy: 1326, 809 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Steel rotate: false - xy: 1326, 809 + xy: 1224, 707 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/The Wheel rotate: false - xy: 1326, 605 + xy: 1224, 503 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Theology rotate: false - xy: 1122, 401 + xy: 1020, 299 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Trapping rotate: false - xy: 1632, 809 + xy: 1530, 707 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 TechIcons/Writing rotate: false - xy: 1428, 401 + xy: 1326, 299 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 @@ -2006,93 +2006,100 @@ UnitIcons/Horseman orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 -UnitIcons/Knight +UnitIcons/Ironclad rotate: false - xy: 1892, 1391 + xy: 449, 33 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 -UnitIcons/Lancer +UnitIcons/Knight rotate: false xy: 1790, 1341 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 -UnitIcons/Longbowman +UnitIcons/Lancer rotate: false - xy: 653, 61 + xy: 1892, 1289 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 -UnitIcons/Longswordsman +UnitIcons/Longbowman rotate: false xy: 566, 1319 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 +UnitIcons/Longswordsman + rotate: false + xy: 668, 1319 + size: 100, 100 + orig: 100, 100 + offset: 0, 0 + index: -1 UnitIcons/Musketeer rotate: false - xy: 714, 1013 + xy: 612, 809 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 UnitIcons/Musketman rotate: false - xy: 1326, 300 + xy: 1632, 504 size: 100, 99 orig: 100, 99 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 UnitIcons/Pikeman rotate: false - xy: 1326, 1217 + xy: 1224, 1115 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 UnitIcons/Rifleman rotate: false - xy: 1020, 809 + xy: 918, 707 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 UnitIcons/Scout rotate: false - xy: 816, 503 + xy: 714, 401 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 UnitIcons/Settler rotate: false - xy: 714, 401 + xy: 1632, 1217 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 UnitIcons/Spearman rotate: false - xy: 816, 401 + xy: 714, 299 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 UnitIcons/Swordsman rotate: false - xy: 1428, 809 + xy: 1326, 707 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 UnitIcons/Trebuchet rotate: false - xy: 1530, 707 + xy: 1428, 605 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 @@ -2106,21 +2113,21 @@ UnitIcons/Trireme index: -1 UnitIcons/Warrior rotate: false - xy: 1122, 299 + xy: 1632, 707 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 UnitIcons/Work Boats rotate: false - xy: 1224, 299 + xy: 1632, 605 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 UnitIcons/Worker rotate: false - xy: 1632, 605 + xy: 1530, 503 size: 100, 100 orig: 100, 100 offset: 0, 0 @@ -2232,21 +2239,21 @@ UnitPromotionIcons/Coastal_Raider_III_(Civ5) index: -1 UnitPromotionIcons/Coastal_Raider_II_(Civ5) rotate: false - xy: 1734, 517 + xy: 1632, 430 size: 20, 20 orig: 20, 20 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 UnitPromotionIcons/Coastal_Raider_I_(Civ5) rotate: false - xy: 1480, 379 + xy: 612, 277 size: 20, 20 orig: 20, 20 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 UnitPromotionIcons/Cover_II_(Civ5) rotate: false - xy: 612, 277 + xy: 1734, 517 size: 20, 20 orig: 20, 20 offset: 0, 0 @@ -2372,28 +2379,28 @@ UnitPromotionIcons/Shock_II_(Civ5) index: -1 UnitPromotionIcons/Shock_I_(Civ5) rotate: false - xy: 1756, 517 + xy: 1632, 408 size: 20, 20 orig: 20, 20 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 UnitPromotionIcons/Siege_(Civ5) rotate: false - xy: 1480, 357 + xy: 1654, 430 size: 20, 20 orig: 20, 20 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 UnitPromotionIcons/Targeting_III_(Civ5) rotate: false - xy: 1502, 379 + xy: 634, 277 size: 20, 20 orig: 20, 20 offset: 0, 0 index: -1 UnitPromotionIcons/Targeting_II_(Civ5) rotate: false - xy: 634, 277 + xy: 1756, 517 size: 20, 20 orig: 20, 20 offset: 0, 0 diff --git a/android/assets/game.png b/android/assets/game.png index ae3c61870f..574ac7fe20 100644 Binary files a/android/assets/game.png and b/android/assets/game.png differ diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/Units.json b/android/assets/jsons/Units.json index a3c13b912d..70c21cc6db 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/Units.json +++ b/android/assets/jsons/Units.json @@ -350,6 +350,17 @@ uniques:["Bonus vs City 200%","No defensive terrain bonus","Must set up to ranged attack","Limited Visibility","Indirect Fire"], hurryCostModifier:20 }, + { + name:"Ironclad", + unitType:"WaterMelee", + movement:3, + strength:45, + cost: 250, + requiredTech:"Steam Power", + requiredResource:"Coal", + uniques:["Bonus vs City 33%","Double movement in coast"], + hurryCostModifier:20 + }, /* Great people */ diff --git a/core/src/com/unciv/logic/civilization/CivilizationInfo.kt b/core/src/com/unciv/logic/civilization/CivilizationInfo.kt index 0c93699320..67fe46d7ce 100644 --- a/core/src/com/unciv/logic/civilization/CivilizationInfo.kt +++ b/core/src/com/unciv/logic/civilization/CivilizationInfo.kt @@ -180,6 +180,8 @@ class CivilizationInfo { // we don't modify the iterator as we're using it for (city in cities) civResources.add(city.getCityResources()) for (dip in diplomacy.values) civResources.add(dip.resourcesFromTrade()) + for(resource in getCivUnits().map { it.baseUnit.requiredResource }.filterNotNull().map { GameBasics.TileResources[it] }) + civResources.add(resource,-1) return civResources } diff --git a/core/src/com/unciv/logic/map/UnitMovementAlgorithms.kt b/core/src/com/unciv/logic/map/UnitMovementAlgorithms.kt index f1dcc6cc7a..de0309cbd2 100644 --- a/core/src/com/unciv/logic/map/UnitMovementAlgorithms.kt +++ b/core/src/com/unciv/logic/map/UnitMovementAlgorithms.kt @@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ class UnitMovementAlgorithms(val unit:MapUnit) { && (to.baseTerrain == "Hill" || to.terrainFeature == "Forest" || to.terrainFeature == "Jungle")) return 4f + if(unit.hasUnique("Double movement in coast") && to.baseTerrain=="Coast") + return 1/2f + return to.lastTerrain.movementCost.toFloat() // no road }