From 6325b3c3a286dcd7d3d5562c44d94325b27d7ebd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: yairm210 Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2021 23:28:07 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] 3.18.12 --- android/assets/jsons/translations/ | 2 +- android/assets/jsons/translations/ | 2 +- android/assets/jsons/translations/ | 2 +- android/assets/jsons/translations/ | 2 +- android/assets/jsons/translations/ | 2 +- android/assets/jsons/translations/ | 2 +- android/assets/jsons/translations/ | 2 +- android/assets/jsons/translations/ | 2 +- android/assets/jsons/translations/ | 2 +- android/assets/jsons/translations/ | 2 +- android/assets/jsons/translations/ | 2 +- .../assets/jsons/translations/ | 2 +- android/assets/jsons/translations/ | 2 +- android/assets/jsons/translations/ | 2 +- 14 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ index be6a4ce035..a1f0d56f85 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ @@ -3093,7 +3093,7 @@ Itzapalapa = Itzapalapa Ayotzinco = Ayotzinco Iztapam = Ixtapán Aztecs = Aztékové -Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = Zabitím [unitType] jednotky získá [amount]% její hodnoty [param] jako [stat] +Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = Zabitím [mapUnitFilter] jednotky získá [amount]% její hodnoty [costOrStrength] jako [stat] Pachacuti = Pachacútec Resistance is futile! You cannot hope to stand against the mighty Incan empire. If you will not surrender immediately, then prepare for war! = Odpor je marný! Nemůžete se postavit mocné Incké říši. Nevzdáte-li se ihned, připravte se na válku! diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ index 64b544a5f9..f5460d5d2b 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ @@ -2979,7 +2979,7 @@ Itzapalapa = Itzapalapa Ayotzinco = Ayotzinco Iztapam = Iztapam Aztecs = Azteken -Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = Erhalte [amount]% von getöteten [unitType] Einheiten [param] als [stat] +Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = Erhalte [amount]% von getöteten [mapUnitFilter] Einheiten [costOrStrength] als [stat] Pachacuti = Pachacútec Resistance is futile! You cannot hope to stand against the mighty Incan empire. If you will not surrender immediately, then prepare for war! = Widerstand ist zwecklos! Ihr könnt nicht darauf hoffen, sich gegen das mächtige Reich der Inka zu stellen. Wenn Ihr nicht sofort kapituliert, dann bereitet Euch auf einen Krieg vor! diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ index 7b8835ad82..a181966136 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ @@ -2971,7 +2971,7 @@ Itzapalapa = Itzapalapa Ayotzinco = Ayotzinco Iztapam = Iztapam Aztecs = Aztec -Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = Mendapat [amount]% dari [param] [unitType] musuh dalam bentuk [stat] untuk setiap unit yang dihabisi +Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = Mendapat [amount]% dari [costOrStrength] [mapUnitFilter] musuh dalam bentuk [stat] untuk setiap unit yang dihabisi Pachacuti = Pachacuti Resistance is futile! You cannot hope to stand against the mighty Incan empire. If you will not surrender immediately, then prepare for war! = Perlawananmu sia-sia! Jangan harap kamu tetap bertahan melawan Kekaisaran Inka yang hebat. Jika kamu tidak menyerah sekarang juga, bersiaplah untuk perang! diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ index de5de90087..f1e46d4720 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ @@ -2973,7 +2973,7 @@ Itzapalapa = Itzapalapa Ayotzinco = Ayotzinco Iztapam = Iztapam Aztecs = Azteca -Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = Ottieni [stat] pari al [amount]% della [param] di ogni unità [unitType] uccisa. +Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = Ottieni [stat] pari al [amount]% della [costOrStrength] di ogni unità [mapUnitFilter] uccisa. Pachacuti = Pachacuti Resistance is futile! You cannot hope to stand against the mighty Incan empire. If you will not surrender immediately, then prepare for war! = La resistenza è inutile. Non puoi sperare di ergerti contro il potente impero inca. Se non ti arrendi immediatamente, allora preparati a combattere! diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ index a49a89105c..f447adc182 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ @@ -3385,7 +3385,7 @@ Itzapalapa = イスタパラパ Ayotzinco = アヨツインコ Iztapam = イツタパム Aztecs = アステカ -Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = 敵の[unitType]を倒すごとに敵[param][amount]%分の[stat]で得る +Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = 敵の[mapUnitFilter]を倒すごとに敵[costOrStrength][amount]%分の[stat]で得る Pachacuti = パチャクティ Resistance is futile! You cannot hope to stand against the mighty Incan empire. If you will not surrender immediately, then prepare for war! = 抵抗は無益だ!強大なインカ帝国に対抗するのは無理だ。直ちに降伏しないならば、戦争の準備をしろ! diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ index 532bc791c9..caae09c670 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ @@ -3184,7 +3184,7 @@ Itzapalapa = 이차팔라파 Ayotzinco = 아요친코 Iztapam = 이스타팜 Aztecs = 아즈텍 -Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = 적 [unitType] 처치시 [param]의 [amount]% 에 해당하는 [stat] 획득 +Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = 적 [mapUnitFilter] 처치시 [costOrStrength]의 [amount]% 에 해당하는 [stat] 획득 Pachacuti = 파차쿠티 Resistance is futile! You cannot hope to stand against the mighty Incan empire. If you will not surrender immediately, then prepare for war! = 위대한 잉카 제국 앞에서는 저항도 도망도 무의미하다! 당장 항복하던지 전쟁을 준비해라! diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ index 21a6edb591..2c699b63ee 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ @@ -3410,7 +3410,7 @@ Ayotzinco = # Requires translation! Iztapam = Aztecs = Aztekowie -Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = Zdobądź [amount]% [param] zabitych jednostek [unitType] jako [stat] +Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = Zdobądź [amount]% [costOrStrength] zabitych jednostek [mapUnitFilter] jako [stat] Pachacuti = Pachacutec Resistance is futile! You cannot hope to stand against the mighty Incan empire. If you will not surrender immediately, then prepare for war! = Opór jest bezcelowy! Nie macie szans w starciu z potęgą imperium Inków. Jeśli jednak natychmiast się nie poddacie, gotujcie się do wojny! diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ index 2d0e556250..bfcf85d9e6 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ @@ -2976,7 +2976,7 @@ Itzapalapa = Итцапалапа Ayotzinco = Ауотцинко Iztapam = Ицтапам Aztecs = Ацтеки -Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = Получает [amount]% [param] уничтоженного [unitType] юнита в виде [stat] +Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = Получает [amount]% [costOrStrength] уничтоженного [mapUnitFilter] юнита в виде [stat] Pachacuti = Пачакутек Resistance is futile! You cannot hope to stand against the mighty Incan empire. If you will not surrender immediately, then prepare for war! = Сопротивление бесполезно! Не надейтесь выстоять против могущественной империи Инков! Если не сдадитесь немедленно, вам придется готовиться к войне! diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ index b31dde41cd..0726646140 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ @@ -2987,7 +2987,7 @@ Itzapalapa = 伊扎帕拉帕 Ayotzinco = 阿约特津科 Iztapam = 伊斯塔帕 Aztecs = 阿兹特克 -Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = 击杀敌方[unitType]单位后可获得[stat]( ≈ 已击杀单位的[param] × [amount]%) +Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = 击杀敌方[mapUnitFilter]单位后可获得[stat]( ≈ 已击杀单位的[costOrStrength] × [amount]%) Pachacuti = 帕查库特克 Resistance is futile! You cannot hope to stand against the mighty Incan empire. If you will not surrender immediately, then prepare for war! = 抵抗是徒劳的!你不能指望对抗强大的印加帝国。如果你不马上投降,那就准备开战吧! diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ index 02cae11086..dc9902617c 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ @@ -3056,7 +3056,7 @@ Itzapalapa = Itzapalapa Ayotzinco = Ayotzinco Iztapam = Iztapam Aztecs = Aztecas -Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = Obtené [amount]% de [param] de la unidad [unitType] eliminada como [stat] +Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = Obtené [amount]% de [costOrStrength] de la unidad [mapUnitFilter] eliminada como [stat] Pachacuti = Pachacútec Resistance is futile! You cannot hope to stand against the mighty Incan empire. If you will not surrender immediately, then prepare for war! = ¡La resistencia es inútil! No puedes esperar enfrentarte al poderoso Imperio Inca diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ index 94c9ebf3af..8c1a63eac4 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ @@ -2971,7 +2971,7 @@ Itzapalapa = Itzapalapa Ayotzinco = Ayotzinco Iztapam = Iztapam Aztecs = Aztekerna -Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = Tjäna [amount]% av dödade [unitType]-enheters [param] som [stat] +Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = Tjäna [amount]% av dödade [mapUnitFilter]-enheters [costOrStrength] som [stat] Pachacuti = Pachakutiq Resistance is futile! You cannot hope to stand against the mighty Incan empire. If you will not surrender immediately, then prepare for war! = Allt motstånd är förgäves! Du har ingen chans att stå emot det mäktiga Inkariket. Om du inte tänker ge dig omedelbart, förbered för krig! diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ index 551eca0708..b04a15b9b6 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ @@ -3476,7 +3476,7 @@ Itzapalapa = 伊紮帕拉帕 Ayotzinco = 阿約特津科 Iztapam = 伊斯塔帕 Aztecs = 阿茲特克 -Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = 擊殺敵方[unitType]單位後可獲得[stat]( ≈ 已击杀单位的[param] × [amount]%) +Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = 擊殺敵方[mapUnitFilter]單位後可獲得[stat]( ≈ 已击杀单位的[costOrStrength] × [amount]%) Pachacuti = 帕查庫特克 Resistance is futile! You cannot hope to stand against the mighty Incan empire. If you will not surrender immediately, then prepare for war! = 抵抗是徒勞的!你不能指望對抗強大的印加帝國。如果你不馬上投降,那就準備開戰吧! diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ index 675f96830a..863f27a697 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ @@ -3196,7 +3196,7 @@ Itzapalapa = Itzapalapa Ayotzinco = Ayotzinco Iztapam = Iztapam Aztecs = Aztekler -Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = öldürülen [unitType] birliğin [param] %[amount]'unu [stat] olarak elde edin +Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = öldürülen [mapUnitFilter] birliğin [costOrStrength] %[amount]'unu [stat] olarak elde edin Pachacuti = Pachacuti # Requires translation! diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ index ea022bc5be..1f4c909be5 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/ +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/ @@ -3121,7 +3121,7 @@ Itzapalapa = Ізатапалапа Ayotzinco = Айотзінго Iztapam = Ізтапа Aztecs = Ацтеки -Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = Заробити [amount]% від [unitType] ворожих [param] як [stat] за вбивство +Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [stat] = Заробити [amount]% від [mapUnitFilter] ворожих [costOrStrength] як [stat] за вбивство Pachacuti = Пачакутек Resistance is futile! You cannot hope to stand against the mighty Incan empire. If you will not surrender immediately, then prepare for war! = Спротив марний! Ти не можеш навіть сподіватись, що вистоїш проти могутньої імперії Інків. Якщо ти зараз негайно не здаєшся, то готуйся до війни!