chore: RulesetValidator readability

This commit is contained in:
Yair Morgenstern 2023-11-05 00:35:12 +02:00
parent 9b5ded43d4
commit 6a7d09b43a

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@ -276,10 +276,9 @@ class RulesetValidator(val ruleset: Ruleset) {
lines += "Nonexistent unit ${era.startingWorkerUnit} marked as starting unit when starting in ${}"
if ((era.startingMilitaryUnitCount != 0 || allDifficultiesStartingUnits.contains(
)) && era.startingMilitaryUnit !in ruleset.units
val grantsStartingMilitaryUnit = era.startingMilitaryUnitCount != 0
|| allDifficultiesStartingUnits.contains(Constants.eraSpecificUnit)
if (grantsStartingMilitaryUnit && era.startingMilitaryUnit !in ruleset.units)
lines += "Nonexistent unit ${era.startingMilitaryUnit} marked as starting unit when starting in ${}"
if (era.researchAgreementCost < 0 || era.startingSettlerCount < 0 || era.startingWorkerCount < 0 || era.startingMilitaryUnitCount < 0 || era.startingGold < 0 || era.startingCulture < 0)
lines += "Unexpected negative number found while parsing era ${}"
@ -310,9 +309,7 @@ class RulesetValidator(val ruleset: Ruleset) {
if (!ruleset.technologies.containsKey(prereq))
lines += "${} requires tech $prereq which does not exist!"
if (tech.prerequisites.asSequence().filterNot { it == prereq }
.any { getPrereqTree(it).contains(prereq) }) {
if (tech.prerequisites.any { it != prereq && getPrereqTree(it).contains(prereq) }) {
"No need to add $prereq as a prerequisite of ${} - it is already implicit from the other prerequisites!",
@ -378,29 +375,19 @@ class RulesetValidator(val ruleset: Ruleset) {
for (unique in improvement.uniqueObjects) {
if (unique.type == UniqueType.PillageYieldRandom || unique.type == UniqueType.PillageYieldFixed) {
if (!Stats.isStats(unique.params[0])) continue
val params = Stats.parse(unique.params[0])
if (params.values.any { it < 0 }) lines.add(
"${} cannot have a negative value for a pillage yield!",
for (unique in improvement.uniqueObjects
.filter { it.type == UniqueType.PillageYieldRandom || it.type == UniqueType.PillageYieldFixed }) {
if (!Stats.isStats(unique.params[0])) continue
val params = Stats.parse(unique.params[0])
if (params.values.any { it < 0 }) lines.add(
"${} cannot have a negative value for a pillage yield!",
if ((improvement.hasUnique(
|| improvement.hasUnique(
&& improvement.hasUnique(
) {
val hasPillageUnique = improvement.hasUnique(UniqueType.PillageYieldRandom, StateForConditionals.IgnoreConditionals)
|| improvement.hasUnique(UniqueType.PillageYieldFixed, StateForConditionals.IgnoreConditionals)
if (hasPillageUnique && improvement.hasUnique(UniqueType.Unpillagable, StateForConditionals.IgnoreConditionals)) {
"${} has both an `Unpillagable` unique type and a `PillageYieldRandom` or `PillageYieldFixed` unique type!",
@ -535,40 +522,47 @@ class RulesetValidator(val ruleset: Ruleset) {
val constrastRatio = nation.getContrastRatio()
if (constrastRatio < 3) {
val innerColorLuminance = getRelativeLuminance(nation.getInnerColor())
val outerColorLuminance = getRelativeLuminance(nation.getOuterColor())
val innerLerpColor: Color
val outerLerpColor: Color
if (innerColorLuminance > outerColorLuminance) { // inner is brighter
innerLerpColor = Color.WHITE
outerLerpColor = Color.BLACK
} else {
innerLerpColor = Color.BLACK
outerLerpColor = Color.WHITE
val suggestedColors = getSuggestedColors(nation)
val newOuterColor = suggestedColors.outerColor
val newInnerColor = suggestedColors.innerColor
var text = "${}'s colors do not contrast enough - it is unreadable!"
text += "\nSuggested colors: "
text += "\n\t\t\"outerColor\": [${(newOuterColor.r * 255).toInt()}, ${(newOuterColor.g * 255).toInt()}, ${(newOuterColor.b * 255).toInt()}],"
text += "\n\t\t\"innerColor\": [${(newInnerColor.r * 255).toInt()}, ${(newInnerColor.g * 255).toInt()}, ${(newInnerColor.b * 255).toInt()}],"
for (i in 1..10) {
val newInnerColor = nation.getInnerColor().cpy().lerp(innerLerpColor, 0.05f * i)
val newOuterColor = nation.getOuterColor().cpy().lerp(outerLerpColor, 0.05f * i)
if (getContrastRatio(newInnerColor, newOuterColor) > 3) {
text += "\nSuggested colors: "
text += "\n\t\t\"outerColor\": [${(newOuterColor.r * 255).toInt()}, ${(newOuterColor.g * 255).toInt()}, ${(newOuterColor.b * 255).toInt()}],"
text += "\n\t\t\"innerColor\": [${(newInnerColor.r * 255).toInt()}, ${(newInnerColor.g * 255).toInt()}, ${(newInnerColor.b * 255).toInt()}],"
text, RulesetErrorSeverity.WarningOptionsOnly
lines.add(text, RulesetErrorSeverity.WarningOptionsOnly)
lines.add(text, RulesetErrorSeverity.WarningOptionsOnly)
data class SuggestedColors(val innerColor: Color, val outerColor:Color)
private fun getSuggestedColors(nation: Nation): SuggestedColors {
val innerColorLuminance = getRelativeLuminance(nation.getInnerColor())
val outerColorLuminance = getRelativeLuminance(nation.getOuterColor())
val innerLerpColor: Color
val outerLerpColor: Color
if (innerColorLuminance > outerColorLuminance) { // inner is brighter
innerLerpColor = Color.WHITE
outerLerpColor = Color.BLACK
} else {
innerLerpColor = Color.BLACK
outerLerpColor = Color.WHITE
for (i in 1..10) {
val newInnerColor = nation.getInnerColor().cpy().lerp(innerLerpColor, 0.05f * i)
val newOuterColor = nation.getOuterColor().cpy().lerp(outerLerpColor, 0.05f * i)
if (getContrastRatio(newInnerColor, newOuterColor) > 3) return SuggestedColors(newInnerColor, newOuterColor)
throw Exception("Error getting suggested colors for nation "
private fun addBuildingErrorsRulesetInvariant(
lines: RulesetErrorList,
tryFixUnknownUniques: Boolean