Separated road automation to a separate file, but actually we have 2 completely different functions here, not sure if requires subdivision

This commit is contained in:
Yair Morgenstern 2024-02-02 00:14:39 +02:00
parent 88c7804490
commit 779fd51d9e
3 changed files with 341 additions and 321 deletions

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@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ object CivilianUnitAutomation {
if (unit.hasUnique(UniqueType.FoundCity))
return SpecificUnitAutomation.automateSettlerActions(unit, dangerousTiles)
return unit.civ.getWorkerAutomation().automateConnectRoad(unit, dangerousTiles)
if (unit.isAutomatingRoadConnection())
return unit.civ.getWorkerAutomation().roadAutomation.automateConnectRoad(unit, dangerousTiles)
if (unit.cache.hasUniqueToBuildImprovements)
return unit.civ.getWorkerAutomation().automateWorkerAction(unit, dangerousTiles)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
package com.unciv.logic.automation.unit
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2
import com.unciv.UncivGame
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.Civilization
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.NotificationCategory
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.NotificationIcon
import com.unciv.utils.Log
import com.unciv.utils.debug
private object WorkerAutomationConst {
/** BFS max size is determined by the aerial distance of two cities to connect, padded with this */
// two tiles longer than the distance to the nearest connected city should be enough as the 'reach' of a BFS is increased by blocked tiles
const val maxBfsReachPadding = 2
class RoadAutomation(val civInfo: Civilization, cachedForTurn:Int, cloningSource: RoadAutomation? = null) {
//region Cache
private val ruleSet = civInfo.gameInfo.ruleset
/** Caches BFS by city locations (cities needing connecting).
* key: The city to connect from as [hex position][Vector2].
* value: The [BFS] searching from that city, whether successful or not.
//todo: If BFS were to deal in vectors instead of Tiles, we could copy this on cloning
private val bfsCache = HashMap<Vector2, BFS>()
/** Caches road to build for connecting cities unless option is off or ruleset removed all roads */
internal val bestRoadAvailable: RoadStatus =
cloningSource?.bestRoadAvailable ?:
//Player can choose not to auto-build roads & railroads.
if (civInfo.isHuman() && (!UncivGame.Current.settings.autoBuildingRoads
|| UncivGame.Current.settings.autoPlay.isAutoPlayingAndFullAI()))
/** Same as above, but ignores the option */
private val actualBestRoadAvailable: RoadStatus =
/** Civ-wide list of unconnected Cities, sorted by closest to capital first */
private val citiesThatNeedConnecting: List<City> by lazy {
val result = civInfo.cities.asSequence()
.filter {
civInfo.getCapital() != null
&& it.population.population > 3
&& !it.isCapital() && !it.isBeingRazed // Cities being razed should not be connected.
&& !it.cityStats.isConnectedToCapital(bestRoadAvailable)
}.sortedBy {
if (Log.shouldLog()) {
debug("WorkerAutomation citiesThatNeedConnecting for ${civInfo.civName} turn $cachedForTurn:")
if (result.isEmpty())
else result.forEach {
/** Civ-wide list of _connected_ Cities, unsorted */
private val tilesOfConnectedCities: List<Tile> by lazy {
val result = civInfo.cities.asSequence()
.filter { it.isCapital() || it.cityStats.isConnectedToCapital(bestRoadAvailable) }
.map { it.getCenterTile() }
if (Log.shouldLog()) {
debug("WorkerAutomation tilesOfConnectedCities for ${civInfo.civName} turn $cachedForTurn:")
if (result.isEmpty())
else result.forEach {
/** Cache of roads to connect cities each turn */
internal val roadsToConnectCitiesCache: HashMap<City, List<Tile>> = HashMap()
/** Hashmap of all cached tiles in each list in [roadsToConnectCitiesCache] */
internal val tilesOfRoadsToConnectCities: HashMap<Tile, City> = HashMap()
//region Functions
* Automate the process of connecting a road between two points.
* Current thoughts:
* Will be a special case of MapUnit.automated property
* Unit has new attributes startTile endTile
* - We will progress towards the end path sequentially, taking absolute least distance w/o regard for movement cost
* - Cancel upon risk of capture
* - Cancel upon blocked
* - End automation upon finish
// TODO: Caching
// TODO: Hide the automate road button if road is not unlocked
fun automateConnectRoad(unit: MapUnit, tilesWhereWeWillBeCaptured: Set<Tile>){
if (actualBestRoadAvailable == RoadStatus.None) return
var currentTile = unit.getTile()
/** Reset side effects from automation, return worker to non-automated state*/
fun stopAndCleanAutomation(){
unit.automated = false
unit.action = null
unit.automatedRoadConnectionDestination = null
unit.automatedRoadConnectionPath = null
if (unit.automatedRoadConnectionDestination == null){
/** Conditions for whether it is acceptable to build a road on this tile */
fun shouldBuildRoadOnTile(tile: Tile): Boolean {
return !tile.isCityCenter() // Can't build road on city tiles
// Special case for civs that treat forest/jungles as roads (inside their territory). We shouldn't build if railroads aren't unlocked.
&& !(tile.hasConnection(unit.civ) && actualBestRoadAvailable == RoadStatus.Road)
// Build (upgrade) if possible
&& tile.roadStatus != actualBestRoadAvailable
// Build if the road is pillaged
|| tile.roadIsPillaged
val destinationTile = unit.civ.gameInfo.tileMap[unit.automatedRoadConnectionDestination!!]
var pathToDest: List<Vector2>? = unit.automatedRoadConnectionPath
// The path does not exist, create it
if (pathToDest == null) {
val foundPath: List<Tile>? = MapPathing.getRoadPath(unit, currentTile, destinationTile)
if (foundPath == null) {
Log.debug("WorkerAutomation: $unit -> connect road failed")
unit.civ.addNotification("Connect road failed!", currentTile.position, NotificationCategory.Units, NotificationIcon.Construction)
pathToDest = foundPath // Convert to a list of positions for serialization
.map { it.position }
unit.automatedRoadConnectionPath = pathToDest
debug("WorkerAutomation: $unit -> found connect road path to destination tile: %s, %s", destinationTile, pathToDest)
val currTileIndex = pathToDest.indexOf(currentTile.position)
// The worker was somehow moved off its path, cancel the action
if (currTileIndex == -1) {
Log.debug("$unit -> was moved off its connect road path. Operation cancelled.")
unit.civ.addNotification("Connect road cancelled!", currentTile.position, NotificationCategory.Units,
/* Can not build a road on this tile, try to move on.
* The worker should search for the next furthest tile in the path that:
* - It can move to
* - Can be improved/upgraded
* */
if (unit.currentMovement > 0 && !shouldBuildRoadOnTile(currentTile)) {
if (currTileIndex == pathToDest.size - 1) { // The last tile in the path is unbuildable or has a road.
unit.civ.addNotification("Connect road completed!", currentTile.position, NotificationCategory.Units,
if (currTileIndex < pathToDest.size - 1) { // Try to move to the next tile in the path
val tileMap = unit.civ.gameInfo.tileMap
var nextTile: Tile = currentTile
// Create a new list with tiles where the index is greater than currTileIndex
val futureTiles = pathToDest.asSequence()
.dropWhile { it != unit.currentTile.position }
.map { tileMap[it] }
for (futureTile in futureTiles) { // Find the furthest tile we can reach in this turn, move to, and does not have a road
if (unit.movement.canReachInCurrentTurn(futureTile) && unit.movement.canMoveTo(futureTile)) { // We can at least move to this tile
nextTile = futureTile
if (shouldBuildRoadOnTile(futureTile)) {
break // Stop on this tile
currentTile = unit.getTile()
// We need to check current movement again after we've (potentially) moved
if (unit.currentMovement > 0) {
// Repair pillaged roads first
if (currentTile.roadStatus != RoadStatus.None && currentTile.roadIsPillaged){
if (shouldBuildRoadOnTile(currentTile) && currentTile.improvementInProgress != {
val improvement = actualBestRoadAvailable.improvement(ruleSet)!!
currentTile.startWorkingOnImprovement(improvement, civInfo, unit)
* Uses a cache to find and return the connection to make that is associated with a city.
* May not work if the unit that originally created this cache is different from the next.
* (Due to the difference in [UnitMovement.canPassThrough()])
private fun getRoadConnectionBetweenCities(unit: MapUnit, city: City): List<Tile> {
if (city in roadsToConnectCitiesCache) return roadsToConnectCitiesCache[city]!!
val isCandidateTilePredicate: (Tile) -> Boolean = { it.isLand && unit.movement.canPassThrough(it) }
val toConnectTile = city.getCenterTile()
val bfs: BFS = bfsCache[toConnectTile.position] ?:
BFS(toConnectTile, isCandidateTilePredicate).apply {
maxSize = HexMath.getNumberOfTilesInHexagon(
WorkerAutomationConst.maxBfsReachPadding +
tilesOfConnectedCities.minOf { it.aerialDistanceTo(toConnectTile) }
bfsCache[toConnectTile.position] = this@apply
val cityTilesToSeek = HashSet(tilesOfConnectedCities)
var nextTile = bfs.nextStep()
while (nextTile != null) {
if (nextTile in cityTilesToSeek) {
// We have a winner!
val cityTile = nextTile
val pathToCity = bfs.getPathTo(cityTile)
roadsToConnectCitiesCache[city] = pathToCity.toList().filter { it.roadStatus != bestRoadAvailable }
for (tile in pathToCity) {
if (tile !in tilesOfRoadsToConnectCities)
tilesOfRoadsToConnectCities[tile] = city
return roadsToConnectCitiesCache[city]!!
nextTile = bfs.nextStep()
roadsToConnectCitiesCache[city] = listOf()
return roadsToConnectCitiesCache[city]!!
* Most importantly builds the cache so that [chooseImprovement] knows later what tiles a road should be built on
* Returns a list of all the cities close by that this worker may want to connect
internal fun getNearbyCitiesToConnect(unit: MapUnit): List<City> {
if (bestRoadAvailable == RoadStatus.None || citiesThatNeedConnecting.isEmpty()) return listOf()
val candidateCities = citiesThatNeedConnecting.filter {
// Cities that are too far away make the canReach() calculations devastatingly long
it.getCenterTile().aerialDistanceTo(unit.getTile()) < 20
if (candidateCities.none()) return listOf() // do nothing.
// Search through ALL candidate cities to build the cache
for (toConnectCity in candidateCities) {
getRoadConnectionBetweenCities(unit, toConnectCity).filter { it.getUnpillagedRoad() < bestRoadAvailable }
return candidateCities
* Looks for work connecting cities. Used to search for far away roads to build.
* @return whether we actually did anything
internal fun tryConnectingCities(unit: MapUnit, candidateCities: List<City>): Boolean {
if (bestRoadAvailable == RoadStatus.None || citiesThatNeedConnecting.isEmpty()) return false
if (candidateCities.none()) return false // do nothing.
val currentTile = unit.getTile()
var bestTileToConstructRoadOn: Tile? = null
var bestTileToConstructRoadOnDist: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE
// Search through ALL candidate cities for the closest tile to build a road on
for (toConnectCity in candidateCities) {
val roadableTiles = getRoadConnectionBetweenCities(unit, toConnectCity).filter { it.getUnpillagedRoad() < bestRoadAvailable }
val reachableTile = { Pair(it, it.aerialDistanceTo(unit.getTile())) }
.filter { it.second < bestTileToConstructRoadOnDist }
.sortedBy { it.second }
.firstOrNull {
unit.movement.canMoveTo(it.first) && unit.movement.canReach(it.first)
} ?: continue // Apparently we can't reach any of these tiles at all
bestTileToConstructRoadOn = reachableTile.first
bestTileToConstructRoadOnDist = reachableTile.second
if (bestTileToConstructRoadOn == null) return false
if (bestTileToConstructRoadOn != currentTile && unit.currentMovement > 0)
if (unit.currentMovement > 0 && bestTileToConstructRoadOn == currentTile
&& currentTile.improvementInProgress != {
val improvement = bestRoadAvailable.improvement(ruleSet)!!
bestTileToConstructRoadOn.startWorkingOnImprovement(improvement, civInfo, unit)
return true

View File

@ -1,22 +1,15 @@
package com.unciv.logic.automation.unit
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2
import com.unciv.Constants
import com.unciv.UncivGame
import com.unciv.logic.automation.Automation
import com.unciv.logic.automation.ThreatLevel
import com.unciv.logic.automation.civilization.NextTurnAutomation
import com.unciv.logic.automation.unit.UnitAutomation.wander
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.Civilization
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.NotificationCategory
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.NotificationIcon
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.diplomacy.RelationshipLevel
@ -28,16 +21,9 @@ import com.unciv.models.ruleset.unique.LocalUniqueCache
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.unique.UniqueType
import com.unciv.ui.screens.worldscreen.unit.actions.UnitActions
import com.unciv.ui.screens.worldscreen.unit.actions.UnitActionsFromUniques
import com.unciv.utils.Log
import com.unciv.utils.debug
import kotlin.math.abs
private object WorkerAutomationConst {
/** BFS max size is determined by the aerial distance of two cities to connect, padded with this */
// two tiles longer than the distance to the nearest connected city should be enough as the 'reach' of a BFS is increased by blocked tiles
const val maxBfsReachPadding = 2
* Contains the logic for worker automation.
@ -53,84 +39,16 @@ class WorkerAutomation(
) {
///////////////////////////////////////// Cached data /////////////////////////////////////////
val roadAutomation:RoadAutomation = RoadAutomation(civInfo, cachedForTurn, cloningSource?.roadAutomation)
private val ruleSet = civInfo.gameInfo.ruleset
/** Caches road to build for connecting cities unless option is off or ruleset removed all roads */
private val bestRoadAvailable: RoadStatus =
cloningSource?.bestRoadAvailable ?:
//Player can choose not to auto-build roads & railroads.
if (civInfo.isHuman() && (!UncivGame.Current.settings.autoBuildingRoads
|| UncivGame.Current.settings.autoPlay.isAutoPlayingAndFullAI()))
/** Same as above, but ignores the option */
private val actualBestRoadAvailable: RoadStatus =
/** Civ-wide list of unconnected Cities, sorted by closest to capital first */
private val citiesThatNeedConnecting: List<City> by lazy {
val result = civInfo.cities.asSequence()
.filter {
civInfo.getCapital() != null
&& it.population.population > 3
&& !it.isCapital() && !it.isBeingRazed // Cities being razed should not be connected.
&& !it.cityStats.isConnectedToCapital(bestRoadAvailable)
}.sortedBy {
if (Log.shouldLog()) {
debug("WorkerAutomation citiesThatNeedConnecting for ${civInfo.civName} turn $cachedForTurn:")
if (result.isEmpty())
else result.forEach {
/** Civ-wide list of _connected_ Cities, unsorted */
private val tilesOfConnectedCities: List<Tile> by lazy {
val result = civInfo.cities.asSequence()
.filter { it.isCapital() || it.cityStats.isConnectedToCapital(bestRoadAvailable) }
.map { it.getCenterTile() }
if (Log.shouldLog()) {
debug("WorkerAutomation tilesOfConnectedCities for ${civInfo.civName} turn $cachedForTurn:")
if (result.isEmpty())
else result.forEach {
/** Cache of roads to connect cities each turn */
private val roadsToConnectCitiesCache: HashMap<City, List<Tile>> = HashMap()
/** Hashmap of all cached tiles in each list in [roadsToConnectCitiesCache] */
private val tilesOfRoadsToConnectCities: HashMap<Tile, City> = HashMap()
/** Caches BFS by city locations (cities needing connecting).
* key: The city to connect from as [hex position][Vector2].
* value: The [BFS] searching from that city, whether successful or not.
//todo: If BFS were to deal in vectors instead of Tiles, we could copy this on cloning
private val bfsCache = HashMap<Vector2, BFS>()
//todo: UnitMovement.canReach still very expensive and could benefit from caching, it's not using BFS
///////////////////////////////////////// Helpers /////////////////////////////////////////
companion object {
/** For console logging only */
private fun MapUnit.label() = toString() + " " + getTile().position.toString()
* Each object has two stages, this first one is checking the basic priority without any improvements.
* If tilePriority is -1 then it must be a dangerous tile.
@ -146,178 +64,13 @@ class WorkerAutomation(
///////////////////////////////////////// Methods /////////////////////////////////////////
* Automate the process of connecting a road between two points.
* Current thoughts:
* Will be a special case of MapUnit.automated property
* Unit has new attributes startTile endTile
* - We will progress towards the end path sequentially, taking absolute least distance w/o regard for movement cost
* - Cancel upon risk of capture
* - Cancel upon blocked
* - End automation upon finish
// TODO: Caching
// TODO: Hide the automate road button if road is not unlocked
fun automateConnectRoad(unit: MapUnit, tilesWhereWeWillBeCaptured: Set<Tile>){
if (actualBestRoadAvailable == RoadStatus.None) return
var currentTile = unit.getTile()
/** Reset side effects from automation, return worker to non-automated state*/
fun stopAndCleanAutomation(){
unit.automated = false
unit.action = null
unit.automatedRoadConnectionDestination = null
unit.automatedRoadConnectionPath = null
if (unit.automatedRoadConnectionDestination == null){
/** Conditions for whether it is acceptable to build a road on this tile */
fun shouldBuildRoadOnTile(tile: Tile): Boolean {
return !tile.isCityCenter() // Can't build road on city tiles
// Special case for civs that treat forest/jungles as roads (inside their territory). We shouldn't build if railroads aren't unlocked.
&& !(tile.hasConnection(unit.civ) && actualBestRoadAvailable == RoadStatus.Road)
// Build (upgrade) if possible
&& tile.roadStatus != actualBestRoadAvailable
// Build if the road is pillaged
|| tile.roadIsPillaged
val destinationTile = unit.civ.gameInfo.tileMap[unit.automatedRoadConnectionDestination!!]
var pathToDest: List<Vector2>? = unit.automatedRoadConnectionPath
// The path does not exist, create it
if (pathToDest == null) {
val foundPath: List<Tile>? = MapPathing.getRoadPath(unit, currentTile, destinationTile)
if (foundPath == null) {
Log.debug("WorkerAutomation: ${unit.label()} -> connect road failed")
unit.civ.addNotification("Connect road failed!", currentTile.position, NotificationCategory.Units, NotificationIcon.Construction)
pathToDest = foundPath // Convert to a list of positions for serialization
.map { it.position }
unit.automatedRoadConnectionPath = pathToDest
debug("WorkerAutomation: ${unit.label()} -> found connect road path to destination tile: %s, %s", destinationTile, pathToDest)
val currTileIndex = pathToDest.indexOf(currentTile.position)
// The worker was somehow moved off its path, cancel the action
if (currTileIndex == -1) {
Log.debug("${unit.label()} -> was moved off its connect road path. Operation cancelled.")
unit.civ.addNotification("Connect road cancelled!", currentTile.position, NotificationCategory.Units,
/* Can not build a road on this tile, try to move on.
* The worker should search for the next furthest tile in the path that:
* - It can move to
* - Can be improved/upgraded
* */
if (unit.currentMovement > 0 && !shouldBuildRoadOnTile(currentTile)) {
if (currTileIndex == pathToDest.size - 1) { // The last tile in the path is unbuildable or has a road.
unit.civ.addNotification("Connect road completed!", currentTile.position, NotificationCategory.Units,
if (currTileIndex < pathToDest.size - 1) { // Try to move to the next tile in the path
val tileMap = unit.civ.gameInfo.tileMap
var nextTile: Tile = currentTile
// Create a new list with tiles where the index is greater than currTileIndex
val futureTiles = pathToDest.asSequence()
.dropWhile { it != unit.currentTile.position }
.map { tileMap[it] }
for (futureTile in futureTiles) { // Find the furthest tile we can reach in this turn, move to, and does not have a road
if (unit.movement.canReachInCurrentTurn(futureTile) && unit.movement.canMoveTo(futureTile)) { // We can at least move to this tile
nextTile = futureTile
if (shouldBuildRoadOnTile(futureTile)) {
break // Stop on this tile
currentTile = unit.getTile()
// We need to check current movement again after we've (potentially) moved
if (unit.currentMovement > 0) {
// Repair pillaged roads first
if (currentTile.roadStatus != RoadStatus.None && currentTile.roadIsPillaged){
if (shouldBuildRoadOnTile(currentTile) && currentTile.improvementInProgress != {
val improvement = actualBestRoadAvailable.improvement(ruleSet)!!
currentTile.startWorkingOnImprovement(improvement, civInfo, unit)
* Uses a cache to find and return the connection to make that is associated with a city.
* May not work if the unit that originally created this cache is different from the next.
* (Due to the difference in [UnitMovement.canPassThrough()])
private fun getRoadConnectionBetweenCities(unit: MapUnit, city: City): List<Tile> {
if (city in roadsToConnectCitiesCache) return roadsToConnectCitiesCache[city]!!
val isCandidateTilePredicate: (Tile) -> Boolean = { it.isLand && unit.movement.canPassThrough(it) }
val toConnectTile = city.getCenterTile()
val bfs: BFS = bfsCache[toConnectTile.position] ?:
BFS(toConnectTile, isCandidateTilePredicate).apply {
maxSize = HexMath.getNumberOfTilesInHexagon(
WorkerAutomationConst.maxBfsReachPadding +
tilesOfConnectedCities.minOf { it.aerialDistanceTo(toConnectTile) }
bfsCache[toConnectTile.position] = this@apply
val cityTilesToSeek = HashSet(tilesOfConnectedCities)
var nextTile = bfs.nextStep()
while (nextTile != null) {
if (nextTile in cityTilesToSeek) {
// We have a winner!
val cityTile = nextTile
val pathToCity = bfs.getPathTo(cityTile)
roadsToConnectCitiesCache[city] = pathToCity.toList().filter { it.roadStatus != bestRoadAvailable }
for (tile in pathToCity) {
if (tile !in tilesOfRoadsToConnectCities)
tilesOfRoadsToConnectCities[tile] = city
return roadsToConnectCitiesCache[city]!!
nextTile = bfs.nextStep()
roadsToConnectCitiesCache[city] = listOf()
return roadsToConnectCitiesCache[city]!!
* Automate one Worker - decide what to do and where, move, start or continue work.
fun automateWorkerAction(unit: MapUnit, dangerousTiles: HashSet<Tile>) {
val currentTile = unit.getTile()
// Must be called before any getPriority checks to guarantee the local road cache is processed
val citiesToConnect = getNearbyCitiesToConnect(unit)
val citiesToConnect = roadAutomation.getNearbyCitiesToConnect(unit)
// Shortcut, we are working a good tile (like resource) and don't need to check for other tiles to work
if (!dangerousTiles.contains(currentTile) && getFullPriority(unit.getTile(), unit) >= 10
&& currentTile.improvementInProgress != null) {
@ -326,7 +79,7 @@ class WorkerAutomation(
val tileToWork = findTileToWork(unit, dangerousTiles)
if (tileToWork != currentTile) {
debug("WorkerAutomation: %s -> head towards %s", unit.label(), tileToWork)
debug("WorkerAutomation: %s -> head towards %s", unit.toString(), tileToWork)
val reachedTile = unit.movement.headTowards(tileToWork)
if (reachedTile != currentTile) unit.doAction() // otherwise, we get a situation where the worker is automated, so it tries to move but doesn't, then tries to automate, then move, etc, forever. Stack overflow exception!
@ -341,14 +94,14 @@ class WorkerAutomation(
// Unit may stop due to Enemy Unit within walking range during doAction() call
if (unit.currentMovement > 0 && reachedTile == tileToWork) {
if (reachedTile.isPillaged()) {
debug("WorkerAutomation: ${unit.label()} -> repairs $reachedTile")
debug("WorkerAutomation: $unit -> repairs $reachedTile")
if (reachedTile.improvementInProgress == null && reachedTile.isLand
&& tileHasWorkToDo(reachedTile, unit)
) {
debug("WorkerAutomation: ${unit.label()} -> start improving $reachedTile")
debug("WorkerAutomation: $unit -> start improving $reachedTile")
return reachedTile.startWorkingOnImprovement(tileRankings[reachedTile]!!.bestImprovement!!, civInfo, unit)
@ -360,12 +113,12 @@ class WorkerAutomation(
if (tileHasWorkToDo(currentTile, unit)) {
val tileRankings = tileRankings[currentTile]!!
if (tileRankings.repairImprovment!!) {
debug("WorkerAutomation: ${unit.label()} -> repairs $currentTile")
debug("WorkerAutomation: $unit -> repairs $currentTile")
if (tileRankings.bestImprovement != null) {
debug("WorkerAutomation: ${unit.label()} -> start improving $currentTile")
debug("WorkerAutomation: $unit} -> start improving $currentTile")
return currentTile.startWorkingOnImprovement(tileRankings.bestImprovement!!, civInfo, unit)
} else {
throw IllegalStateException("We didn't find anything to improve on this tile even though there was supposed to be something to improve!")
@ -389,17 +142,17 @@ class WorkerAutomation(
.firstOrNull { unit.movement.canReach(it.getCenterTile()) } //goto most undeveloped city
if (closestUndevelopedCity != null && closestUndevelopedCity != currentTile.owningCity) {
debug("WorkerAutomation: %s -> head towards undeveloped city %s", unit.label(),
debug("WorkerAutomation: %s -> head towards undeveloped city %s", unit,
val reachedTile = unit.movement.headTowards(closestUndevelopedCity.getCenterTile())
if (reachedTile != currentTile) unit.doAction() // since we've moved, maybe we can do something here - automate
// Nothing to do, try again to connect cities
if ( > 10 && tryConnectingCities(unit, citiesToConnect)) return
if ( > 10 && roadAutomation.tryConnectingCities(unit, citiesToConnect)) return
debug("WorkerAutomation: %s -> nothing to do", unit.label())
debug("WorkerAutomation: %s -> nothing to do", unit.toString())
unit.civ.addNotification("${unit.shortDisplayName()} has no work to do.", currentTile.position, NotificationCategory.Units,, "OtherIcons/Sleep")
// Idle CS units should wander so they don't obstruct players so much
@ -407,62 +160,6 @@ class WorkerAutomation(
wander(unit, stayInTerritory = true, tilesToAvoid = dangerousTiles)
* Most importantly builds the cache so that [chooseImprovement] knows later what tiles a road should be built on
* Returns a list of all the cities close by that this worker may want to connect
private fun getNearbyCitiesToConnect(unit: MapUnit): List<City> {
if (bestRoadAvailable == RoadStatus.None || citiesThatNeedConnecting.isEmpty()) return listOf()
val candidateCities = citiesThatNeedConnecting.filter {
// Cities that are too far away make the canReach() calculations devastatingly long
it.getCenterTile().aerialDistanceTo(unit.getTile()) < 20
if (candidateCities.none()) return listOf() // do nothing.
// Search through ALL candidate cities to build the cache
for (toConnectCity in candidateCities) {
getRoadConnectionBetweenCities(unit, toConnectCity).filter { it.getUnpillagedRoad() < bestRoadAvailable }
return candidateCities
* Looks for work connecting cities. Used to search for far away roads to build.
* @return whether we actually did anything
private fun tryConnectingCities(unit: MapUnit, candidateCities: List<City>): Boolean {
if (bestRoadAvailable == RoadStatus.None || citiesThatNeedConnecting.isEmpty()) return false
if (candidateCities.none()) return false // do nothing.
val currentTile = unit.getTile()
var bestTileToConstructRoadOn: Tile? = null
var bestTileToConstructRoadOnDist: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE
// Search through ALL candidate cities for the closest tile to build a road on
for (toConnectCity in candidateCities) {
val roadableTiles = getRoadConnectionBetweenCities(unit, toConnectCity).filter { it.getUnpillagedRoad() < bestRoadAvailable }
val reachableTile = { Pair(it, it.aerialDistanceTo(unit.getTile())) }
.filter { it.second < bestTileToConstructRoadOnDist }
.sortedBy { it.second }
.firstOrNull {
unit.movement.canMoveTo(it.first) && unit.movement.canReach(it.first)
} ?: continue // Apparently we can't reach any of these tiles at all
bestTileToConstructRoadOn = reachableTile.first
bestTileToConstructRoadOnDist = reachableTile.second
if (bestTileToConstructRoadOn == null) return false
if (bestTileToConstructRoadOn != currentTile && unit.currentMovement > 0)
if (unit.currentMovement > 0 && bestTileToConstructRoadOn == currentTile
&& currentTile.improvementInProgress != {
val improvement = bestRoadAvailable.improvement(ruleSet)!!
bestTileToConstructRoadOn.startWorkingOnImprovement(improvement, civInfo, unit)
return true
* Looks for a worthwhile tile to improve
* @return The current tile if no tile to work was found
@ -533,7 +230,7 @@ class WorkerAutomation(
&& !civInfo.hasResource(tile.resource!!))
priority += 2
if (tile in tilesOfRoadsToConnectCities) priority += when {
if (tile in roadAutomation.tilesOfRoadsToConnectCities) priority += when { <= 5 -> 0 <= 10 -> 1 <= 30 -> 2
@ -672,15 +369,15 @@ class WorkerAutomation(
val improvement = ruleSet.tileImprovements[improvementName]!!
// Add the value of roads if we want to build it here
if (improvement.isRoad() && bestRoadAvailable.improvement(ruleSet) == improvement
&& tile in tilesOfRoadsToConnectCities) {
if (improvement.isRoad() && roadAutomation.bestRoadAvailable.improvement(ruleSet) == improvement
&& tile in roadAutomation.tilesOfRoadsToConnectCities) {
var value = 1f
val city = tilesOfRoadsToConnectCities[tile]!!
val city = roadAutomation.tilesOfRoadsToConnectCities[tile]!!
if ( >= 20)
// Bigger cities have a higher priority to connect
value += (city.population.population - 3) * .3f
// Higher priority if we are closer to connecting the city
value += (5 - roadsToConnectCitiesCache[city]!!.size).coerceAtLeast(0)
value += (5 - roadAutomation.roadsToConnectCitiesCache[city]!!.size).coerceAtLeast(0)
return value
@ -835,7 +532,6 @@ class WorkerAutomation(
val distanceToEnemyCity = tile.aerialDistanceTo(closestEnemyCity)
// Find our closest city to defend from this enemy city
val closestCity = civInfo.cities.minByOrNull { it.getCenterTile().aerialDistanceTo(tile) }!!.getCenterTile()
val distanceToCity = tile.aerialDistanceTo(closestCity)
val distanceBetweenCities = closestEnemyCity.aerialDistanceTo(closestCity)
// Find the distance between the target enemy city to our closest city
val distanceOfEnemyCityToClosestCityOfUs = { it.getCenterTile().aerialDistanceTo(closestEnemyCity) }.minBy { it }