diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translationsByLanguage/Japanese.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translationsByLanguage/Japanese.properties index 5e7dd3cf38..6a8e44828f 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translationsByLanguage/Japanese.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translationsByLanguage/Japanese.properties @@ -358,9 +358,9 @@ Ally = 味方 ## Diplomatic modifiers -You declared war on us! = この文明に宣戦布告 +You declared war on us! = 宣戦布告 # Requires translation! -Your warmongering ways are unacceptable to us. = +Your warmongering ways are unacceptable to us. = 戦争挑発行為 You have captured our cities! = 我々の都市の占領 We applaud your liberation of our conquered cities! = 占領された都市の解放 Years of peace have strengthened our relations. = 長年の平和 @@ -457,8 +457,8 @@ Declare war on [nation] = [nation]に対し宣戦布告 Luxury resources = 高級資源 Strategic resources = 戦略資源 replaces = 置き換え -[resourceName] not required = [resourceName]は不要です -Lost ability = 失われた能力 +[resourceName] not required = [resourceName]が不要 +Lost ability = 失う能力 National ability = 文明能力 # Nations @@ -584,32 +584,32 @@ Domination = 覇権 Cultural = 文化 # Requires translation! -Map shape = +Map shape = マップ形状 # Requires translation! -Hexagonal = +Hexagonal = 六角形 # Requires translation! -Rectangular = +Rectangular = 長方形 # Requires translation! -Show advanced settings = +Show advanced settings = 詳細設定 # Requires translation! -Hide advanced settings = +Hide advanced settings = 詳細設定を閉じる # Requires translation! -Map Height = +Map Height = マップの高さ # Requires translation! -Temperature extremeness = +Temperature extremeness = 極度な気候 # Requires translation! -Resource richness = +Resource richness = 資源の数 # Requires translation! -Terrain Features richness = +Terrain Features richness = 地形の特徴 # Requires translation! -Max Coast extension = +Max Coast extension = 海岸の長さ # Requires translation! -Biome areas extension = +Biome areas extension = バイオームエリア # Requires translation! -Water percent = +Water percent = 海の割合 # Requires translation! -Land percent = +Land percent = 陸の割合 HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! = 非常に実験的-警告を受けました! Online Multiplayer = オンラインマルチプレイヤー @@ -801,14 +801,14 @@ Next unit = 次のユニット Pick a policy = 政策を選ぶ Movement = 移動 Strength = 戦闘力 -Ranged strength = 遠距離戦闘力 +Ranged strength = 遠隔戦闘力 Bombard strength = 爆撃戦闘力 Range = 範囲 Move unit = ユニットを移動 Stop movement = 移動をやめる -Construct improvement = タイル整備 -Automate = 自動整備 -Stop automation = 自動整備をやめる +Construct improvement = 資源活用施設 +Automate = 自動建設 +Stop automation = 自動建設をやめる Construct road = 道路を建設 Fortify = 防衛 Fortify until healed = 回復するまで防衛 @@ -914,8 +914,8 @@ Wonders enabled = 遺産が建設可能 Tile improvements enabled = 次の資源活用施設が有効 Reveals [resource] on the map = 地図上に[resource]を表示する XP for new units = 新しく生産するユニットのXP -provide = 整備 -provides = 整備 +provide = 資源活用施設 +provides = 資源活用施設 City strength = 都市の強さ City health = 都市の耐久 Occupied! = 占領 @@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ Attack = 攻撃 Bombard = 爆撃 NUKE = 核 Captured! = 捕獲 -defence vs ranged = 防衛vs範囲 +defence vs ranged = 防衛vs遠隔攻撃ユニット # Requires translation! [percentage] to unit defence = [percentage]防衛有利 Attacker Bonus = 攻撃ボーナス @@ -935,13 +935,13 @@ Terrain = 地形 Hurry Research = 研究を開始 # Requires translation! -Conduct Trade Mission = +Conduct Trade Mission = 通商任務の開始 # Requires translation! -Your trade mission to [civName] has earned you [goldAmount] gold and [influenceAmount] influence! = +Your trade mission to [civName] has earned you [goldAmount] gold and [influenceAmount] influence! = [civName]への通商任務により、[goldAmount]ゴールドと影響力[influenceAmount]が得られました! # Requires translation! -Hurry Wonder = +Hurry Wonder = 遺産建設を急ぐ # Requires translation! -Your citizens have been happy with your rule for so long that the empire enters a Golden Age! = +Your citizens have been happy with your rule for so long that the empire enters a Golden Age! = 市民は長い間あなたの統治に満足しているため、文明は黄金時代に入ります! You have entered the [newEra]! = [newEra]に入りました [civName] has entered the [eraName]! = [civName]が[eraName]に入りました [policyBranch] policy branch unlocked! = [policyBranch] 社会制度がアンロック @@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ Global status = グローバルステータス Spaceship parts remaining = 残りの宇宙船部品数 Branches completed = 社会制度コンプリート数 # Requires translation! -Undefeated civs = +Undefeated civs = 残り文明 # Capturing a city @@ -1060,8 +1060,8 @@ Download map = マップをダウンロード Exit map editor = マップエディタを終了 [nation] starting location = [nation]の出現場所 Clear terrain features = 地物を消す -Clear improvements = 整備を消す -Clear resource = 資源活用施設を消す +Clear improvements = 資源活用施設を消す +Clear resource = 資源を消す Requires = が必要 Menu = メニュー Brush Size = ブラシサイズ @@ -1492,21 +1492,21 @@ Future Tech = 未来技術 # Requires translation! Who knows what the future holds? = # Requires translation! -+10% science and production in all cities = ++10% science and production in all cities = 全都市に+10%の科学力と生産力 # Requires translation! -Improves movement speed on roads = +Improves movement speed on roads = 道路の移動速度を改善 # Requires translation! -Enables conversion of city production to science = +Enables conversion of city production to science = 都市の生産力を科学力に転換できる # Requires translation! -Enables Research agreements = +Enables Research agreements = 研究協定を有効する # Requires translation! -Enables conversion of city production to gold = +Enables conversion of city production to gold = 都市の生産力をゴールドに転換できる # Requires translation! -Enables embarkation for land units = +Enables embarkation for land units = 地上ユニットの乗船が可能になる # Requires translation! -Enables embarked units to enter ocean tiles = +Enables embarked units to enter ocean tiles = 乗船ユニットが外洋タイルへ進出できる # Requires translation! -Increases embarked movement +1 = +Increases embarked movement +1 = 乗船ユニットの移動範囲+1 # Tech eras @@ -1565,9 +1565,9 @@ Fountain of Youth = 若返りの泉 # Natural Wonders Uniques # Requires translation! -Grants 500 Gold to the first civilization to discover it = +Grants 500 Gold to the first civilization to discover it = 最初に発見した文明に500ゴールド # Requires translation! -Grants Rejuvenation (all healing effects doubled) to adjacent military land units for the rest of the game = +Grants Rejuvenation (all healing effects doubled) to adjacent military land units for the rest of the game = 陸上軍事ユニットが隣接すると「回復速度2倍」の昇進を得る # Resources @@ -1638,45 +1638,45 @@ Barbarian encampment = 野営地 # Unit types # Requires translation! -Civilian = +Civilian = 市民ユニット # Requires translation! -land units = +land units = 陸上ユニット # Requires translation! -water units = +water units = 海上ユニット # Requires translation! -air units = +air units = 航空ユニット # Requires translation! -WaterCivilian = +WaterCivilian = 民間船 # Requires translation! -Melee = +Melee = 戦闘ユニット # Requires translation! -WaterMelee = +WaterMelee = 海軍ユニット # Requires translation! -Ranged = +Ranged = 遠隔攻撃ユニット # Requires translation! -WaterRanged = +WaterRanged = 海軍遠隔ユニット # Requires translation! -WaterSubmarine = +WaterSubmarine = 潜水ユニット # Requires translation! -Siege = +Siege = 攻城兵器 # Requires translation! -Mounted = +Mounted = 騎乗ユニット # Requires translation! -Scout = +Scout = 偵察ユニット # Requires translation! -Armor = +Armor = 機甲ユニット # Requires translation! -City = +City = 都市 # Units # Requires translation! -Founds a new city = +Founds a new city = 新しい都市を建設できる。 Worker = 労働者 # Requires translation! -Can build improvements on tiles = +Can build improvements on tiles = タイルに資源活用施設を建設できる。 # Requires translation! -Ignores terrain cost = +Ignores terrain cost = 地形を無視 Brute = 蛮族 Warrior = 戦士 Maori Warrior = マオリの戦士 @@ -1684,38 +1684,38 @@ Archer = 弓兵 Bowman = バビロニア弓兵 Work Boats = 作業船 # Requires translation! -Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = +Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = 天文学まで海上タイルに進出できない # Requires translation! -May create improvements on water resources = +May create improvements on water resources = 海にある資源の上に資源活用施設が作れる Trireme = 三段櫂船 # Requires translation! -Cannot enter ocean tiles = +Cannot enter ocean tiles = 海上ユニットへ進出できない Chariot Archer = 戦車弓兵 # Requires translation! -No defensive terrain bonus = +No defensive terrain bonus = 地形の防御ボーナスなし # Requires translation! -Rough terrain penalty = +Rough terrain penalty = 粗い地形でのペナルティ War Chariot = 重装チャリオット兵 Spearman = 槍兵 Hoplite = 重装歩兵 Persian Immortal = 不死隊 # Requires translation! -+10 HP when healing = ++10 HP when healing = 休憩時にHP+10 Composite Bowman = 戦闘弓射手 Catapult = カタパルト # Requires translation! -Must set up to ranged attack = +Must set up to ranged attack = 攻撃時に準備する必要がある Ballista = 投石機 Swordsman = 剣士 Mohawk Warrior = モホーク族の戦士 # Requires translation! -+33% combat bonus in Forest/Jungle = ++33% combat bonus in Forest/Jungle = 森林/ジャングルでの戦闘ボーナス+33% Legion = レギオン # Requires translation! -Can construct roads = +Can construct roads = 道路を建設できる Horseman = 騎兵 # Requires translation! -Can move after attacking = +Can move after attacking = 攻撃後に移動可能 Companion Cavalry = ヘタイロイ War Elephant = 軍用象 Galleass = ガレアス船 @@ -1723,13 +1723,13 @@ Crossbowman = 弩兵 Longbowman = 長弓兵 Chu-Ko-Nu = 連弩兵 # Requires translation! -Logistics = +Logistics = ロジスティックス # Requires translation! -1 additional attack per turn = +1 additional attack per turn = ターンごとに常用攻撃1 Trebuchet = トレビュシェット Hwach'a = 火車 # Requires translation! -Limited Visibility = +Limited Visibility = 限られた視野 Longswordsman = 長剣士 Pikeman = 長槍兵 Landsknecht = ランツクネヒト @@ -1738,76 +1738,76 @@ Camel Archer = ラクダ弓兵 Conquistador = コンキスタドール Mandekalu Cavalry = イスラム騎兵隊 # Requires translation! -Defense bonus when embarked = +Defense bonus when embarked = 乗船時の防御ボーナス # Requires translation! -Keshik = +Keshik = ケシク # Requires translation! -50% Bonus XP gain = +50% Bonus XP gain = 獲得経験値+50% Naresuan's Elephant = ナレースワンの象 Samurai = 侍 # Requires translation! -Combat very likely to create Great Generals = +Combat very likely to create Great Generals = 大将軍の獲得率が高い Caravel = キャラベル船 Turtle Ship = 亀甲船 # Requires translation! -+1 Visibility Range = ++1 Visibility Range = 視野+1 # Requires translation! -+2 Visibility Range = ++2 Visibility Range = 視野+2 Cannon = カノン砲 Musketman = マスケット兵 Musketeer = 銃士隊 Janissary = イェニチェリ Tercio = テルシオ # Requires translation! -Heals [amountHealed] damage if it kills a unit = +Heals [amountHealed] damage if it kills a unit = ユニットを倒すと[amountHealed]回復する Minuteman = ミニットマン Frigate = フリゲート艦 # Requires translation! -Ship of the Line = +Ship of the Line = 戦列艦 Lancer = 槍騎兵 Sipahi = スィパーヒー # Requires translation! -No movement cost to pillage = +No movement cost to pillage = 略奪時の移動ポイント消費なし Gatling Gun = ガトリング砲 Rifleman = ライフル兵 Cavalry = 騎兵隊 Cossack = コサック騎馬兵 Artillery = 大砲 # Requires translation! -Indirect Fire = +Indirect Fire = 間接射撃 Ironclad = 装甲艦 # Requires translation! -Double movement in coast = +Double movement in coast = 近海タイルでの移動2倍 Landship = 陸上船 # Requires translation! -Great War Infantry = +Great War Infantry = 第1次大戦歩兵 Foreign Legion = 外人部隊 # Requires translation! -+20% bonus outside friendly territory = ++20% bonus outside friendly territory = 自友国領外での戦闘ボーナス20% # Requires translation! -Foreign Land = +Foreign Land = 異国の地 Destroyer = 駆逐艦 # Requires translation! -Can attack submarines = +Can attack submarines = 潜水ユニットを攻撃できる Machine Gun = マシンガン Anti-Aircraft Gun = 対空砲 Infantry = 歩兵 Battleship = 戦艦 Submarine = 潜水艦 # Requires translation! -Bonus as Attacker [amount]% = +Bonus as Attacker [amount]% = 攻撃時に戦闘ボーナス[amount]% # Requires translation! -Invisible to others = +Invisible to others = 他文明には表示されない # Requires translation! -Can only attack water = +Can only attack water = 海上ユニットのみに攻撃可能 Carrier = 航空母艦 Triplane = 三翼飛行機 # Requires translation! -[percent]% chance to intercept air attacks = +[percent]% chance to intercept air attacks = [percent]%で空襲を阻止できる # Requires translation! -Requires Manhattan Project = +Requires Manhattan Project = マンハッタン計画を終わらせなければならない # Requires translation! -6 tiles in every direction always visible = +6 tiles in every direction always visible = 距離6以内のタイル常に視認 Great War Bomber = 第1次大戦爆撃機 Rocket Artillery = ロケット砲 Anti-Tank Gun = 対戦車砲 @@ -1818,9 +1818,9 @@ Tank = 戦車 Panzer = パンツァー Bomber = 爆撃機 # Requires translation! -Mechanized Infantry = +Mechanized Infantry = 機械化歩兵 # Requires translation! -Modern Armor = +Modern Armor = 現代機甲部隊 B17 = B17 Fighter = 戦闘機 Zero = ゼロ戦 @@ -1829,229 +1829,229 @@ Atomic Bomb = 原子爆弾 Nuclear Missile = 核ミサイル Great Artist = 大芸術家 # Requires translation! -Unbuildable = +Unbuildable = 建設不可 # Requires translation! -Can start an 8-turn golden age = +Can start an 8-turn golden age = 黄金時代8ターンを開始する。 # Requires translation! -Can build improvement: Landmark = +Can build improvement: Landmark = 特殊施設が建設可能:ランドマーク Great Scientist = 大科学者 # Requires translation! -Can hurry technology research = +Can hurry technology research = 技術研究を早める。 # Requires translation! -Can build improvement: Academy = +Can build improvement: Academy = 特殊施設が建設可能:アカデミー Great Merchant = 大商人 # Requires translation! -Can undertake a trade mission with City-State, giving a large sum of gold and [influenceAmount] Influence = +Can undertake a trade mission with City-State, giving a large sum of gold and [influenceAmount] Influence = 都市国家の領土内で「通商任務」を遂行することで、ゴールドとその都市国家に対する[influenceAmount]影響力ポイントを大量に得ることができる。 # Requires translation! -Can build improvement: Customs house = +Can build improvement: Customs house = 特殊施設が建設可能:税関 Great Engineer = 大技術者 # Requires translation! -Can speed up construction of a wonder = +Can speed up construction of a wonder = 遺産の建設速度を早める。 # Requires translation! -Can build improvement: Manufactory = +Can build improvement: Manufactory = 特殊施設が建設可能:製造所 Great General = 大将軍 # Requires translation! -Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = +Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = 周囲2タイル以内にいる自国のユニットに戦闘ボーナス+15% # Requires translation! -Khan = +Khan = カン # Requires translation! -Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = +Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = 隣接するユニットが1ターンにつき15ポイント多く回復できる。 # Promotions # Requires translation! -Pick promotion = +Pick promotion = 昇進を選ぶ # Requires translation! - OR = + OR = または # Requires translation! -Bonus vs [unitType] = +Bonus vs [unitType] = ボーナスvs[unitType] # Requires translation! -Penalty vs [unitType] = +Penalty vs [unitType] = ペナルティvs[unitType] # Requires translation! -Accuracy I = +Accuracy I = 命中率 I # Requires translation! -Accuracy II = +Accuracy II = 命中率 II # Requires translation! -Accuracy III = +Accuracy III = 命中率 III # Requires translation! -units in open terrain = +units in open terrain = 平坦な地形のユニット # Requires translation! -units in rough terrain = +units in rough terrain = 起伏に富んだ地形のユニットに # Requires translation! -Barrage I = +Barrage I = 一斉射撃 I # Requires translation! -Barrage II = +Barrage II = 一斉射撃 II # Requires translation! -Barrage III = +Barrage III = 一斉射撃 III # Requires translation! -Shock I = +Shock I = 陽動 I # Requires translation! -Shock II = +Shock II = 陽動 II # Requires translation! -Shock III = +Shock III = 陽動 III # Requires translation! -Drill I = +Drill I = 訓練 I # Requires translation! -Drill II = +Drill II = 訓練 II # Requires translation! -Drill III = +Drill III = 訓練 III # Requires translation! -Scouting I = +Scouting I = 斥候 I # Requires translation! -Scouting II = +Scouting II = 斥候 II # Requires translation! -Scouting III = +Scouting III = 斥候 III # Requires translation! -+1 Movement = ++1 Movement = 移動ポイント+1 # Requires translation! -Cover I = +Cover I = 援護 I # Requires translation! -Cover II = +Cover II = 援護 II # Requires translation! -+25% Defence against ranged attacks = ++25% Defence against ranged attacks = 遠隔攻撃に対する防御力+25% # Requires translation! -March = +March = 行軍 # Requires translation! -Charge = +Charge = 突進攻撃 # Requires translation! -wounded units = +wounded units = 負傷ユニット # Requires translation! -Mobility = +Mobility = 機動力 # Requires translation! -Volley = +Volley = 一斉射撃 # Requires translation! -Sentry = +Sentry = 歩哨 # Requires translation! -Extended Range = +Extended Range = 拡張範囲 # Requires translation! -+1 Range = ++1 Range = 射程+1 # Requires translation! -Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = +Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = 障害物に対して遠隔攻撃が実行される可能性があります # Requires translation! -Formation I = +Formation I = 隊列 I # Requires translation! -Formation II = +Formation II = 隊列 II # Requires translation! -Blitz = +Blitz = 電撃攻撃 # Requires translation! -Bombardment I = +Bombardment I = 爆撃攻撃 I # Requires translation! -Bombardment II = +Bombardment II = 爆撃攻撃 II # Requires translation! -Bombardment III = +Bombardment III = 爆撃攻撃 III # Requires translation! -Boarding Party I = +Boarding Party I = 乗船部隊 I # Requires translation! -Boarding Party II = +Boarding Party II = 乗船部隊 II # Requires translation! -Boarding Party III = +Boarding Party III = 乗船部隊 III # Requires translation! -Coastal Raider I = +Coastal Raider I = 沿岸襲撃 I # Requires translation! -Coastal Raider II = +Coastal Raider II = 沿岸襲撃 II # Requires translation! -Coastal Raider III = +Coastal Raider III = 沿岸襲撃 III # Requires translation! -Targeting I = +Targeting I = 標的捕捉 I # Requires translation! -Targeting II = +Targeting II = 標的捕捉 II # Requires translation! -Targeting III = +Targeting III = 標的捕捉 III # Requires translation! -Wolfpack I = +Wolfpack I = 連携攻撃 I # Requires translation! -Wolfpack II = +Wolfpack II = 連携攻撃 II # Requires translation! -Wolfpack III = +Wolfpack III = 連携攻撃 III # Requires translation! -Woodsman = +Woodsman = 木こり # Requires translation! -Double movement rate through Forest and Jungle = +Double movement rate through Forest and Jungle = 森林とジャングルの移動速度2倍 # Requires translation! -Heal Instantly = +Heal Instantly = 瞬時回復 # Requires translation! -Heal this Unit by 50 HP; Doing so will consume this opportunity to choose a Promotion = +Heal this Unit by 50 HP; Doing so will consume this opportunity to choose a Promotion = ユニットの体力を50回復する。ただし、他の昇進を選ぶ機会を見送ることになる。 # Requires translation! -Medic = +Medic = 衛生兵 # Requires translation! -Medic II = +Medic II = 衛生兵 II # Requires translation! -This unit and all others in adjacent tiles heal 5 additional HP per turn = +This unit and all others in adjacent tiles heal 5 additional HP per turn = 隣接するユニットのHPが1ターンにつき5ポイント多く回復。 # Requires translation! -This unit and all others in adjacent tiles heal 5 additional HP. This unit heals 5 additional HP outside of friendly territory. = +This unit and all others in adjacent tiles heal 5 additional HP. This unit heals 5 additional HP outside of friendly territory. = 隣接するユニットのHPが1ターンにつき5ポイント回復する。友好的な土地以外で、このユニットのHPが1ターンにつき5ポイント回復する。 # Requires translation! -Targeting I (air) = +Targeting I (air) = 標的捕捉(航空) I # Requires translation! -Targeting II (air) = +Targeting II (air) = 標的捕捉(航空) II # Requires translation! -Targeting III (air) = +Targeting III (air) = 標的捕捉(航空) III # Requires translation! -Air Repair = +Air Repair = 空中修復 # Requires translation! -Unit will heal every turn, even if it performs an action = +Unit will heal every turn, even if it performs an action = 別の行動を起こした場合でも毎ターン回復する。 # Requires translation! -Operational Range = +Operational Range = 作動範囲 # Requires translation! -+2 Range = ++2 Range = 射程+2 # Requires translation! -Sortie = +Sortie = 出撃 # Requires translation! -1 extra Interception may be made per turn = +1 extra Interception may be made per turn = 1ターンごとに1回の追加迎撃が可能になる # Requires translation! -Bonus when performing air sweep [bonusAmount]% = +Bonus when performing air sweep [bonusAmount]% = 掃射時のボーナス[bonusAmount]% # Requires translation! -Dogfighting I = +Dogfighting I = 空中戦術 I # Requires translation! -Dogfighting II = +Dogfighting II = 空中戦術 II # Requires translation! -Dogfighting III = +Dogfighting III = 空中戦術 III # Requires translation! -Bonus when intercepting [bonusAmount]% = +Bonus when intercepting [bonusAmount]% = 迎撃時のボーナス[bonusAmount]% # Requires translation! -Interception I = +Interception I = 迎撃 I # Requires translation! -Interception II = +Interception II = 迎撃 II # Requires translation! -Interception III = +Interception III = 迎撃 III # Requires translation! -Siege I = +Siege I = 攻城攻撃 # Requires translation! -Siege II = +Siege II = 攻城攻撃II # Requires translation! -Siege III = +Siege III = 攻城攻撃 III # Requires translation! -Evasion = +Evasion = 回避 # Requires translation! -Reduces damage taken from interception by 50% = +Reduces damage taken from interception by 50% = 迎撃によるダメージを50%軽減する。 # Requires translation! -Bonus when intercepting [amount]% = +Bonus when intercepting [amount]% = 迎撃時のボーナス[amount]% # Requires translation! -Ambush I = +Ambush I = 奇襲攻撃 I # Requires translation! -Ambush II = +Ambush II = 奇襲攻撃 II # Requires translation! -Armor Plating I = +Armor Plating I = 装甲 I # Requires translation! -Armor Plating II = +Armor Plating II = 装甲 II # Requires translation! -Armor Plating III = +Armor Plating III = 装甲 III # Requires translation! -+25% Combat Bonus when defending = ++25% Combat Bonus when defending = 防御時に戦闘ボーナス+25% # Requires translation! -Flight Deck I = +Flight Deck I = 航空甲板 I # Requires translation! -Flight Deck II = +Flight Deck II = 航空甲板 II # Requires translation! -Flight Deck III = +Flight Deck III = 航空甲板 III # Requires translation! -Can carry 1 extra air unit = +Can carry 1 extra air unit = 航空ユニットの輸送スロット1つ追加 # Requires translation! -Can carry 2 aircraft = +Can carry 2 aircraft = 航空ユニットの輸送スロット2つ追加 # Requires translation! -Haka War Dance = +Haka War Dance = 出陣の踊り「ハカ」 # Requires translation! --10% combat strength for adjacent enemy units = +-10% combat strength for adjacent enemy units = 隣接する敵ユニットの戦闘力-10% # Requires translation! -Rejuvenation = +Rejuvenation = 若返り # Requires translation! -All healing effects doubled = +All healing effects doubled = すべての治癒効果が倍増