From 94608f6cf867c54000acb4e3ed72ef4cc770c0a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fantaziu Ion Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2018 04:25:28 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Minor Translations --- android/assets/jsons/Translations.json | 120 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 120 insertions(+) diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/Translations.json b/android/assets/jsons/Translations.json index ddec66bb6d..af28cf4ece 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/Translations.json +++ b/android/assets/jsons/Translations.json @@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ } "Waiting":{ // Displayed when next turn is being...turned + Italian:"In attesa" + Russian:"В ожидании" + French:"Attendre" + Romanian:"Aşteptare" German:"Warten..." } @@ -117,10 +121,18 @@ } "Found city":{ + Italian:"Crea città" + Russian:"Создать город" + French:"Créer une ville" + Romanian:"Creați oraș" German:"Stadt gründen" } "Promote":{ + Italian:"Promuovere" + Russian:"Продвигать" + French:"Promouvoir" + Romanian:"Promova" German:"Befördern" } @@ -158,6 +170,10 @@ } "Production":{ + Italian:"Produzione" + Russian:"Производство" + French:"Production" + Romanian:"Producere" German:"Produktion" } @@ -178,6 +194,10 @@ } "GOLDEN AGE":{ + Italian:"L'ETÀ D'ORO" + Russian:"ЗОЛОТОЙ ВЕК" + French:"ÂGE D'OR" + Romanian:"EPOCA DE AUR" German:"GOLDENES ZEITALTER" } @@ -209,6 +229,10 @@ } "Load copied data":{ + Italian:"Carica i dati copiati" + Russian:"Загрузка скопированных данных" + French:"Charger des données copiées" + Romanian:"Încărcați datele copiate" German:"Aus ZWischenablage laden" } @@ -237,18 +261,34 @@ } "Show":{ + Italian:"Mostrare" + Russian:"Показать" + French:"Montrer" + Romanian:"Indica" German:"Zeigen" } "Hide":{ + Italian:"Nascondere" + Russian:"Спрятать" + French:"Cacher" + Romanian:"Ascunde" German:"Verstecken" } "worked tiles":{ + Italian:"celle lavorate" + Russian:"работачие плитки" + French:"carreaux travaillés" + Romanian:"plăci lucrate" German:"bearbeitete Felder" } "resources and improvements":{ + Italian:"risorse e miglioramenti" + Russian:"ресурсы и улучшений" + French:"ressources et améliorations" + Romanian:"resurse și îmbunătățiri" German:"Ressourcen und Verbesserungen" } @@ -326,10 +366,18 @@ } "Produce [thingToProduce]":{ // eg Produce gold + Italian:"Produrre [thingToProduce]" + Russian:"Производить [thingToProduce]" + French:"Produire [thingToProduce]" + Romanian:"Produce [thingToProduce]" German:"[thingToProduce] Herstellen" } "Nothing":{ // A city can choose to "idle" and produce nothing + Italian:"Niente" + Russian:"Ничего" + French:"Rien" + Romanian:"Nimic" German:"Faul dasitzen" } @@ -343,6 +391,10 @@ } "Pick a free tech":{ + Italian:"Scegli una tecnologia gratuita" + Russian:"Выберите бесплатную технику" + French:"Choisissez une technologie gratuite" + Romanian:"Alege o tehnologie gratuită" } "Research [technology]":{ // eg "Research Pottery" @@ -355,6 +407,10 @@ "Pick [technology] as free tech":{ + Italian:"Scegli [tecnology] come tecnologia libera" + Russian:"Выберите [technology] как бесплатную технику" + French:"Choisissez [technology] comme technologie libre" + Romanian:"Alegeți [tehnology] ca tehnologie gratuită" } "Units enabled":{ @@ -374,6 +430,10 @@ } "Wonder":{ + Italian:"Meraviglia" + Russian:"Чудо" + French:"Merveille" + Romanian:"Minune" German:"Wunder" } @@ -394,17 +454,33 @@ } "Reveals [resource] on the map":{ // As in "Reveals Coal on the map" + Italian:"Mostra [resource] sulla mappa" + Russian:"Показывает [resource] на карте" + French:"Révèle [resource] sur la carte" + Romanian:"Descoperă [resource] pe hartă" German:"Zeigt [resource] auf der Karte" } "XP for new units":{ + Italian:"XP per nuove unità" + Russian:"XP для новых юнитов" + French:"XP pour les nouvelles unités" + Romanian:"XP pentru unități noi" } "provide":{ // as in "Camp, Customs House provide +1 Gold" + Italian:"fornisce" + Russian:"даёт" + French:"fournir" + Romanian:"Asigura" German:"generieren" } "provides":{ // as in "Camp provides +1 Gold" (singular of above) + Italian:"fornisce" + Russian:"обеспечивает" + French:"fournit" + Romanian:"prevede" German:"generiert" } @@ -455,6 +531,10 @@ } "You have entered a golden age":{ + Italian:"Sei entrato in un'età dell'oro" + Russian:"Вы вошли в золотой век" + French:"Vous êtes entré dans un âge d'or" + Romanian:"Ați intrat într-o epocă de aur" German:"Ein goldenes Zeitalter ist eingetreten" } @@ -538,18 +618,34 @@ } "An enemy [unit] was destroyed while attacking [cityname]":{ + Italian:"Un'unità [unit] nemica è stata distrutta mentre attaccava [cityname]" + Russian:"Враг [unit] был уничтожен при атаке [cityname]" + French:"Un ennemi [unit] a été détruit en attaquant [cityname]" + Romanian:"Un inamic [unit] a fost distrus în timp ce ataca [cityname]" German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] wurde zerstört beim Angriff auf [cityname]" // Gender sensitive } "An enemy [unit] was destroyed while attacking our [ourUnit]":{ + Italian:"Un'unità [unit] nemica è stata distrutta mentre attaccava il nostro [ourUnit]" + Russian:"Враг [unit] был уничтожен, атакуя наш [ourUnit]" + French:"Un ennemi [unit] a été détruit en attaquant notre [ourUnit]" + Romanian:"Un inamic [unit] a fost distrus în timp ce atacă [ourUnit]" German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] wurde zerstört beim Angriff auf unsere(n) [ourUnit]" // Gender sensitive } "spotted near our territory":{ + Italian:"avvistato vicino al nostro territorio" + Russian:"пятнистый у нашей территории" + French:"repéré près de notre territoire" + Romanian:"reperat în apropierea teritoriului nostru" German:"wurde nahe unserer Grenzen entdeckt" } "spotted in our territory":{ + Italian:"avvistato nel nostro territorio" + Russian:"пятнистый на нашей территории" + French:"repéré sur notre territoire" + Romanian:"reperat pe teritoriul nostru" German:"wurde in unseren Grenzen entdeckt" } @@ -633,18 +729,34 @@ // Battle table "City strength":{ + Italian:"Forza della città" + Russian:"Сила города" + French:"Force de la ville" + Romanian:"Puterea orașului" German:"Stärke der Stadt" } "City health":{ + Italian:"Salute della città" + Russian:"Городское здоровье" + French:"Santé de la ville" + Romanian:"Sănătatea orașului" German:"Gesundheit der Stadt" } "Captured":{ // Shown in the battle table when attacking a civilian unit or a defeated city + Italian:"Catturato" + Russian:"Захваченный" + French:"Capturé" + Romanian:"Capturat" German:"Gefangen" } "Attack":{ + Italian:"Attacco" + Russian:"Атака" + French:"Attaque" + Romanian:"Atac" German:"Angreiffen" } @@ -933,6 +1045,10 @@ } "Whales":{ + Italian:"" + Russian:"" + French:"" + Romanian:"" German:"Wale" } @@ -1396,6 +1512,10 @@ German:"Massenmedien" } "Flight":{ + Italian:"Volo" + Russian:"Полет" + French:"Vol" + Romanian:"Zbor" German:"Flug" }