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synced 2025-03-14 20:06:22 +07:00
Translations update (#5965)
* Polish translations (#5964) * Update Polish.properties Translated some technology names * Update Polish.properties Some translations of: - City names - Temples - Buildings * Update Polish.properties Some random translations * Update Indonesian.properties (#5948) Co-authored-by: PLynx <pawelrys2011@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: kensvin <63847755+Kensvin28@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ Civilizations = Peradaban
Map Type = Tipe Peta
Map file = Berkas peta
# Requires translation!
Max Turns =
Max Turns = Giliran Maks
Could not load map! = Tidak dapat memuat peta!
Invalid map: Area ([area]) does not match saved dimensions ([dimensions]). = Peta tidak valid: Area ([area]) tidak sesuai dengan dimensi yang disimpan ([dimensions]).
The dimensions have now been fixed for you. = Dimensinya sudah diperbaiki untukmu.
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ Domination = Dominasi
Cultural = Kebudayaan
Diplomatic = Diplomatik
# Requires translation!
Time =
Time = Waktu
Map Shape = Bentuk Peta
Hexagonal = Segienam
@ -533,9 +533,9 @@ off = mati
Show pixel units = Tampilkan gambar unit
Show pixel improvements = Tampilkan gambar peningkatan
Enable nuclear weapons = Perbolehkan senjata nuklir
Show tile yields = Tunjukkan penghasilan daerah
Show tile yields = Tampilkan penghasilan daerah
# Requires translation!
Show unit movement arrows =
Show unit movement arrows = Tampilkan panah pergerakan unit
Continuous rendering = Rendering berkelanjutan
When disabled, saves battery life but certain animations will be suspended = Jika tidak dijalankan, menghemat daya baterai, tetapi animasi tertentu akan dihentikan
Order trade offers by amount = Susun penawaran perdagangan berdasarkan jumlah
@ -1172,7 +1172,7 @@ Click an icon to see the stats of this religion = Klik ikon untuk melihat statis
Religion: Off = Agama: Dimatikan
Minimal faith required for\nthe next [Great Prophet]: = Iman minimal yang diperlukan untuk\n[Great Prophet] selanjutnya:
# Requires translation!
Religions to be founded: =
Religions to be founded: = Agama yang akan didirikan:
Religious status: = Status agama:
None = Tidak ada
@ -3229,7 +3229,7 @@ Discipline = Disiplin
[amount]% Strength for [unitType] units which have another [unitType2] unit in an adjacent tile = [amount]% Kekuatan untuk unit [unitType] yang bersebelahan dengan unit [unitType2]
Military Tradition = Tradisi Militer
# Requires translation!
[amount]% XP gained from combat =
[amount]% XP gained from combat = [amount]% XP dari pertarungan
Military Caste = Kasta Militer
Professional Army = Prajurit Profesional
Honor Complete = Kehormatan Lengkap
@ -5334,13 +5334,13 @@ May buy [baseUnitFilter] units with [stat] [cityFilter] = Dapat membeli [baseUni
May buy [buildingFilter] buildings with [stat] for [amount] times their normal Production cost = Dapat membeli [buildingFilter] bangunan dengan [stat] untuk [amount] kali harga normal produksinya
Triggers victory = Memicu kemenangan
# Requires translation!
Cannot build [baseUnitFilter] units =
Cannot build [baseUnitFilter] units = Tidak bisa membuat unit [baseUnitFilter]
Can be purchased for [amount] [stat] [cityFilter] = Bisa dibeli untuk [amount] [stat] [cityFilter]
Must not be next to [terrainFilter] = Harus tidak di sebelah [terrainFilter]
# Requires translation!
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat2] immediately =
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [stat2] immediately = Saat menaklukkan sebuah kota, langsung menerima [amount] kali produksi [stat]nya sebagai [stat2]
# Requires translation!
[amount] XP gained from combat =
[amount] XP gained from combat = [amount] XP dari pertarungan
Deal [amount] damage to adjacent enemy units = Memberi [amount] kerusakan untuk unit musuh sekitar
when at war = saat sedang berperang
when not at war = saat tidak sedang berperang
@ -408,8 +408,8 @@ Inner Sea =
Number of City-States = Liczba Państw-Miast
One City Challenge = Wyzwanie Jednego Miasta
No Barbarians = Bez Barbarzyńców
# Requires translation!
Raging Barbarians =
Raging Barbarians = Szalejący Barbarzyńcy
No Ancient Ruins = Bez Starożytnych Ruin
No Natural Wonders = Bez Cudów Natury
Victory Conditions = Warunki Zwycięstwa
@ -558,12 +558,12 @@ You can only resign if it's your turn = Możesz zrezygnować tylko podczas swoje
Last refresh: [time] [timeUnit] ago =
# Requires translation!
Current Turn: [civName] since [time] [timeUnit] ago =
# Requires translation!
Minutes =
# Requires translation!
Hours =
# Requires translation!
Days =
Minutes = Minut
Hours = Godzin
Days = Dni
# Save game menu
@ -599,14 +599,14 @@ Could not save game to custom location! = Nie udalo się zapisać do niestandard
Options = Opcje
# Requires translation!
About =
# Requires translation!
Display =
# Requires translation!
Gameplay =
# Requires translation!
Sound =
# Requires translation!
Advanced =
Display = Ekran
Gameplay = Rozgrywka
Sound = Dźwięk
Advanced = Zaawansowane
Locate mod errors = Zlokalizuj błędy modyfikacji
# Requires translation!
Debug =
@ -709,10 +709,10 @@ Our [attackerName] was attacked by an intercepting [interceptorName] = Nasz [att
Our [interceptorName] intercepted and attacked an enemy [attackerName] = Nasza jednostka [interceptorName] przychwyciła i zaatakowała wrogi [attackerName]
An enemy [unit] was spotted near our territory = Wroga jednostka [unit] została zauważona w pobliżu naszego terytorium
An enemy [unit] was spotted in our territory = Wroga jednostka [unit] została zauważona wewnątrz naszego terytorium
# Requires translation!
Your city [cityName] can bombard the enemy! =
# Requires translation!
[amount] of your cities can bombard the enemy! =
Your city [cityName] can bombard the enemy! = Twoje miasto [cityName] może zbombardować wroga!
[amount] of your cities can bombard the enemy! = [amount] twoich miast może zbombardować wroga!
[amount] enemy units were spotted near our territory = Zauważono [amount] wrogich jednostek w pobliżu naszego terytorium
[amount] enemy units were spotted in our territory = Zauważono [amount] wrogich jednostek wewnątrz naszego terytorium
A(n) [nukeType] exploded in our territory! = Pocisk: [nukeType] został zdetonowany na naszym terytorium!
@ -1090,8 +1090,8 @@ Unit Supply =
Base Supply =
# Requires translation!
Total Supply =
# Requires translation!
In Use =
In Use = W użyciu
# Requires translation!
Supply Deficit =
# Requires translation!
@ -1248,8 +1248,8 @@ or [terrainType] =
Can be constructed by =
Defence bonus = Premia do obrony
Movement cost = Koszt ruchu
# Requires translation!
Open terrain =
Open terrain = Otwarty Teren
Rough Terrain = Trudny Teren
for = dla
Missing translations: = Brakujące tłumaczenia:
@ -1556,8 +1556,8 @@ Invalid ID! = Nieprawidłowe ID
Mods = Mody
Download [modName] = Pobierz [modName]
# Requires translation!
Update [modName] =
Update [modName] = Zaktualizuj [modName]
Could not download mod list = Nie można pobrać listy modów
Download mod from URL = Pobierz mod z URL
# Requires translation!
@ -1572,8 +1572,8 @@ Are you SURE you want to delete this mod? = Czy jesteś pewny, że chcesz usun
Updated =
# Requires translation!
Current mods =
# Requires translation!
Downloadable mods =
Downloadable mods = Mody do pobrania
# Requires translation!
Mod info and options =
# Requires translation!
@ -1582,10 +1582,10 @@ Next page =
Open Github page =
# Requires translation!
Permanent audiovisual mod =
# Requires translation!
Installed =
# Requires translation!
Downloaded! =
Installed = Zainstalowane
Downloaded! = Pobrane!
# Requires translation!
[modName] Downloaded! =
# Requires translation!
@ -1635,10 +1635,10 @@ Must be on [terrain] = Musi być na [terrain]
+[amount]% vs [unitType] = +[amount]% vs [unitType]
+[amount] Movement for all [unitType] units = +[amount] ruchu dla wszystkich jednostek [unitType]
+[amount]% Production when constructing [param] = +[amount]% do produkcji, gdy wznosisz [param]
# Requires translation!
Can only be built on [tileFilter] tiles =
# Requires translation!
Cannot be built on [tileFilter] tiles =
Can only be built on [tileFilter] tiles = Może zostać zbudowany wyłącznie na [tileFilter]
Cannot be built on [tileFilter] tiles = Nie może zostać zbudowany na [tileFilter]
# Requires translation!
Does not need removal of [feature] =
# Requires translation!
@ -1720,8 +1720,8 @@ Palace = Pałac
Indicates the capital city = Wskazuje stolicę
Monument = Pomnik
# Requires translation!
Destroyed when the city is captured =
Destroyed when the city is captured = Będzie zniszczony przy zdobyciu miasta
Granary = Spichlerz
# Requires translation!
@ -1814,8 +1814,8 @@ Cost increases by [amount] per owned city = Koszt wzrasta o [amount] za każde p
Great Wall = Wielki Mur Chiński
Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (obsolete upon Dynamite) = Każda lądowa jednostka wroga musi zużyć dodatkowy 1 punkt ruchu by wejść na twoje terytorium (przestarzały po odkryciu dynamitu)
# Requires translation!
Temple =
Temple = Świątynia
Burial Tomb = Grobowiec
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured = Podwaja Złoto przekazane przeciwnikowi jeśli miasto jest przejęte
@ -1994,8 +1994,8 @@ Statue of Liberty = Statua Wolności
# Requires translation!
[stats] from every specialist [cityFilter] =
# Requires translation!
Military Base =
Military Base = Baza Wojskowa
# Requires translation!
'Come to me, all who labor and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.' - New Testament, Matthew 11:28 =
@ -2107,7 +2107,7 @@ Infantry = Piechota
Information era = Epoka Informacyjna
Future era = Epoka Atomu
Future era = Przyszłość
#################### Lines from Nations from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -2244,7 +2244,7 @@ The Blessings of Heaven be upon you. Empress Wu Zetian, most beautiful and haugh
# Requires translation!
You, great Queen, who, with cunning and beauty, rose from the position of lowly concubine to that of Divine Empress - your people call out to you to lead them! Great China is once again beset on all sides by barbarians. Can you defeat all your many foes and return your country to greatness? Can you build a civilization to stand the test of time? =
Beijing = Pekin
Shanghai = Shanghaj
Shanghai = Szanghaj
Guangzhou = Kanton
Nanjing = Nankin
Xian = Xian
@ -3618,8 +3618,8 @@ Let's have a nice little War, shall we? =
If you need your nose bloodied, we'll happily serve. =
# Requires translation!
The serbian guerilla will never stop haunting you! =
# Requires translation!
Belgrade =
Belgrade = Belgrad
War lingers in our hearts. Why carry on with a false peace? = Nie pozostawiasz nam wybor. Wojna musi się rozpocząć.
You gormless radger! You'll dine on your own teeth before you set foot in Ireland! = Bardzo dobrze, to nie zostanie Tobie zapomniane.
@ -3708,12 +3708,12 @@ Piety = Pobożność
Philantropy = Filantropia
# Requires translation!
Gifts of Gold to City-States generate [amount]% more Influence =
# Requires translation!
Aesthetics =
Aesthetics = Estetyka
# Requires translation!
Resting point for Influence with City-States is increased by [amount] =
# Requires translation!
Scholasticism =
Scholasticism = Scholastyka
# Requires translation!
Allied City-States provide [stat] equal to [amount]% of what they produce for themselves =
# Requires translation!
@ -3732,8 +3732,8 @@ Patronage Complete =
Influence of all other civilizations with all city-states degrades [amount]% faster =
# Requires translation!
Triggers the following global alert: [param] =
# Requires translation!
Patronage =
Patronage = Mecenat
# Requires translation!
Naval Tradition =
@ -3754,8 +3754,8 @@ Sovereignty = Niezależność
# Requires translation!
[amount]% [stat] =
Scientific Revolution = Naukowa rewolucja
# Requires translation!
[amount] Free Technologies =
[amount] Free Technologies = [amount] Darmowych technologii
Rationalism Complete = Ukończony Racjonalizm
[stats] from all [stat] buildings = [stats] ze wszystkich budynków [stat]
Rationalism = Racjonalizm
@ -3777,7 +3777,7 @@ Democracy = Demokracja
Freedom Complete = Ukończone Swobody
# Requires translation!
+[amount]% yield from every [tileImprovement] =
Freedom = Swobody
Freedom = Wolność
Populism = Populizm
Militarism = Militaryzm
@ -4066,19 +4066,19 @@ Electricity = Elektryczność
'Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.' - Henry Ford = 'Nic nie jest trudne, jeśli podzieli się to na mniejsze zadania.' – Henry Ford
Replaceable Parts = Części Zamienne
'The introduction of so powerful an agent as steam to a carriage on wheels will make a great change in the situation of man.' - Thomas Jefferson = 'Pojawienie się napędzanego parą wozu na kołach, znacząco zmieni obraz ludzkości.' – Thomas Jefferson
# Requires translation!
Railroads =
Railroads = Kolej
'And homeless near a thousand homes I stood, and near a thousand tables pined and wanted food.' - William Wordsworth = 'I stałem, bezdomny, pośród tysiąca domów i pośród tysiąca stołów marniałem i łaknąłem strawy.' – William Wordsworth
Refrigeration = Chłodzenie
# Requires translation!
'I once sent a dozen of my friends a telegram saying 'flee at once-all is discovered!' They all left town immediately.' - Mark Twain =
# Requires translation!
Telegraph =
Telegraph = Telegraf
'The whole country was tied together by radio. We all experienced the same heroes and comedians and singers. They were giants.' - Woody Allen = 'Radio połączyło cały kraj. Wszyscy słuchaliśmy tych samych bohaterów, komediantów i piosenkarzy. To byli giganci.' – Woody Allen
Radio = Radio
'Aeronautics was neither an industry nor a science. It was a miracle.' - Igor Sikorsky = 'Aeronautyka nie była przemysłem, ani nauką. Była cudem.' – Igor Sikorsky
Flight = Lot
Flight = Lotnictwo
'Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.' - Albert Einstein = 'Ktoś, kto potrafi bezpiecznie prowadzić samochód, całując dziewczynę, nie wkłada w pocałunek wystarczająco dużo serca.' – Albert Einstein
Combustion = Silnik Spalinowy
@ -4129,8 +4129,8 @@ Advanced Ballistics =
Particle Physics = Fizyka Kwantowa
# Requires translation!
'The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has readily made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one.' - Albert Einstein =
# Requires translation!
Nuclear Fusion =
Nuclear Fusion = Fuzja Nuklearna
'The impact of nanotechnology is expected to exceed the impact that the electronics revolution has had on our lives.' - Richard Schwartz = 'Nanotechnologia wpłynie na nasze życie jeszcze bardziej niż rewolucja elektroniczna.' – Richard Schwartz
Nanotechnology = Nanotechnologia
@ -5032,13 +5032,13 @@ Stone Circles =
# Requires translation!
Follower =
# Requires translation!
Asceticism =
Asceticism = Ascetyzm
# Requires translation!
[stats] from every [param] in cities where this religion has at least [amount] followers =
# Requires translation!
Cathedrals =
Cathedrals = Katedry
# Requires translation!
May buy [buildingFilter] buildings with [stat] [cityFilter] =
@ -5062,14 +5062,14 @@ May buy [baseUnitFilter] units with [stat] for [amount] times their normal Produ
# Requires translation!
Liturgical Drama =
# Requires translation!
Monasteries =
# Requires translation!
Mosques =
Monasteries = Klasztory
# Requires translation!
Pagodas =
Mosques = Meczety
Pagodas = Pagody
# Requires translation!
Peace Gardens =
@ -5192,8 +5192,8 @@ Pyramid =
Terracotta Army = Terakotowa Armia
# Requires translation!
Amphitheater =
Amphitheater = Amfiteatr
# Requires translation!
@ -5209,8 +5209,8 @@ Great Mosque of Djenne =
# Requires translation!
[unit] units built [cityFilter] can [param] [amount] extra times =
# Requires translation!
Grand Temple =
Grand Temple = Wielka Świątynia
# Requires translation!
@ -5235,8 +5235,8 @@ Coffee House =
Neuschwanstein = Neuschwanstein
# Requires translation!
Recycling Center =
Recycling Center = Centrum Recyklingu
# Requires translation!
Limited to [amount] per Civilization =
@ -5259,15 +5259,15 @@ Population loss from nuclear attacks [amount]% [cityFilter] =
Hubble Space Telescope = Teleskop Hubble'a
# Requires translation!
Cathedral =
Cathedral = Katedra
# Requires translation!
Mosque =
# Requires translation!
Pagoda =
Mosque = Meczet
Pagoda = Pagoda
#################### Lines from Difficulties from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
@ -5920,8 +5920,8 @@ Adwa =
Lalibela =
# Requires translation!
Gondar =
# Requires translation!
Axum =
Axum = Aksum
# Requires translation!
Dire Dawa =
# Requires translation!
@ -5976,8 +5976,8 @@ Gambela =
Ziway =
# Requires translation!
Weldiya =
# Requires translation!
Ethiopia =
Ethiopia = Etiopia
# Requires translation!
Pacal =
@ -6065,8 +6065,8 @@ Ixinche =
Zaculeu =
# Requires translation!
Kabah =
# Requires translation!
The Maya =
The Maya = Majowie
# Requires translation!
Receive a free Great Person at the end of every [comment] (every 394 years), after researching [tech]. Each bonus person can only be chosen once. =
# Requires translation!
@ -6079,8 +6079,8 @@ I didn't want to do this. We declare war. =
I will fear no evil. For god is with me! =
# Requires translation!
Why have you forsaken us my lord? =
# Requires translation!
Bratislava =
Bratislava = Bratysława
# Requires translation!
We have wanted this for a LONG time. War it shall be. =
@ -6097,8 +6097,8 @@ By god's grace we will not allow these atrocities to occur any longer. We declar
May god have mercy on your evil soul. =
# Requires translation!
I for one welcome our new conquer overlord! =
# Requires translation!
Jerusalem =
Jerusalem = Jerozolima
#################### Lines from Policies from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
Reference in New Issue
Block a user