From ce3258617ffb0b724eee74e14b54fc61572b482f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: flecheapolinienne <> Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2018 18:38:59 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Update Translations.json --- android/assets/jsons/Translations.json | 169 ++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 112 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-) diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/Translations.json b/android/assets/jsons/Translations.json index a97fa4913d..bda50181e1 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/Translations.json +++ b/android/assets/jsons/Translations.json @@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ "Load game":{ Italian:"Carica partita" Russian:"Загрузить игру" - French:"Chargement du jeu" + French:"Charger une partie" Romanian:"Incarca jocul" German:"Spiel laden" Dutch:"Spel laden" @@ -1584,7 +1584,7 @@ "Customs house":{ Italian:"Dogana" Russian:"Таможня" - French:"Maison des douanes" + French:"Douanes" Romanian:"Casa vamală" German:"Zollamt" Dutch:"Douanekantoor" @@ -2312,7 +2312,7 @@ "Information era":{ Italian:"Informatica" //[newEra] +translation Russian:"Информационная эра" //translation+ [newEra] - French:"Ére médiatique" + French:"Ère médiatique" Romanian:"Informației" Dutch:"Informatie" Spanish:"Era de la información" @@ -2349,7 +2349,7 @@ "Provides 2 free workers":{ Italian:"Offre 2 Lavoratori liberi" Russian:"предоставляет 2 бесплатных рабочих" - French:"Fournit 2 travailleurs libres" + French:"Fournit 2 travailleurs gratuits" Romanian:"Oferă 2 lucrători liberi" German:"Gibt 2 freie Arbeiter" Dutch:"Geeft 2 gratis werkers" @@ -2376,7 +2376,7 @@ "+33% great person generation in all cities":{ Italian:"+33% di generazione di Grandi Personaggi in tutte le città" Russian:"+ 33% к созданию великих людей во всех городах" - French:"+ 33% de génération géniale dans toutes les villes" + French:"+ 33% de génération de Grand Personnage dans toutes les villes" Romanian:"+ 33% generație mare de persoane în toate orașele" // German translation not sure Dutch:"+33% Geweldig persoon generatie in alle steden" @@ -2394,7 +2394,7 @@ "40% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born":{ Italian:"Il 40% del cibo viene immagazzinato dopo la nascita di un nuovo cittadino" Russian:"40% продовольствия сохраняется после рождения нового гражданина" - French:"40% de la nourriture est reportée après la naissance d'un nouveau citoyen" + French:"40% de la nourriture est préservée après la naissance d'un nouveau citoyen" Romanian:"40% din produsele alimentare sunt mentinute după ce se naște un nou cetățean" German:"40% vom Essensvorrat wird behalten, wenn ein neuer Bewohner geboren wird" Dutch:"40% van het voedsel word overgedragen na de geboorte van een nieuwe burger" @@ -2403,7 +2403,7 @@ "25% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born":{ Italian:"Il 25% del cibo viene immagazzinato dopo la nascita di un nuovo cittadino" Russian:"25% продовольствия сохраняется после рождения нового гражданина" - French:"25% de la nourriture est reportée après la naissance d'un nouveau citoyen" + French:"25% de la nourriture est préservée après la naissance d'un nouveau citoyen" Romanian:"25% din produsele alimentare sunt mentinute după ce se naște un nou cetățean" German:"25% vom Essensvorrat wird behalten, wenn ein neuer Bewohner geboren wird" Dutch:"25% van het voedsel word overgedragen na de geboorte van een nieuwe burger" @@ -2448,7 +2448,7 @@ "Empire enters golden age":{ Italian:"L'impero entra nell'Età dell'Oro" Russian:"Империя вступает в золотой век" - French:"L'Empire entre dans l'âge d'or" + French:"L'Empire entre dans un âge d'or" Romanian:"Imperiul intră în epoca de aur" German:"Das Reich tritt ein goldenes Zeitalter an" Dutch:"Het rijk betreed een gouden eeuw" @@ -2457,7 +2457,7 @@ "Free Great Artist Appears":{ Italian:"Appare un Grande Artista gratuito" Russian:"Появляется бесплатный великий художник" - French:"Grand artiste libre apparaît" + French:"Grand artiste gratuit apparaît" Romanian:"Artistul Mare apare gratuit" // German translation not sure Dutch:"Een gratis geweldige artiest verschijnt" @@ -2465,12 +2465,13 @@ } "Free great scientist appears":{ Italian:"Appare un Grande Scienziato" + French:"Grand scientifique gratuit apparaît" } "Culture cost of adopting new Policies reduced by 10%":{ Italian:"-10% costo in cultura per nuove politiche" Russian:"Колличество культуры для принятия новых общественных институтов -10%" - French:"Coût culturel de l'adoption de nouvelles polices réduit de 10%" + French:"Coût culturel de l'adoption de nouvelles politiques réduit de 10%" Romanian:"Costul culturii de adoptare a noilor politici a scăzut cu 10%" German:"Neue Sozialpolitiken brauchen 10% weniger Kultur" Dutch:"Aanschaffingskosten nieuwe sociaal beleiden verlaagd met 10%" @@ -2479,7 +2480,7 @@ "Provides 1 happiness per social policy":{ Italian:"Fornisce 1 felicità per politica sociale" Russian:"Обеспечивает 1 счастье за каждый общественный институт" - French:"Fournit 1 bonheur par politique sociale" + French:"Fournit 1 de bonheur par politique sociale" Romanian:"Oferă 1 fericire pe politică socială" German:"Gibt 1 Zufriedenheit pro Sozialpolitik" Dutch:"Levert 1 tevredenheid op per sociaal beleid" @@ -2488,7 +2489,7 @@ "Must be next to desert":{ Italian:"Deve trovarsi vicino al deserto" Russian:"Должно быть рядом с пустыней" - French:"Doit être à côté du désert" + French:"Doit être à côté d'un désert" Romanian:"Trebuie să fie lângă deșert" German:"Muss an eine Wüste grenzen" Dutch:"Moet aan een woestijn grenzen" @@ -2497,7 +2498,7 @@ "Enables construction of Spaceship parts":{ Italian:"Consente la costruzione di parti di navi spaziali" Russian:"Разрешает строительство частей космического корабля" - French:"Permet la construction de pièces de vaisseau spatial" + French:"Permet la construction de pièces du Vaisseau Spatial" Romanian:"Permite construcția de părți ale navelor spațiale" German:"Schaltet Arbeit an Raumschiffteilen frei" Dutch:"Ontgrendelt productie van ruimteschip onderdelen" @@ -2506,7 +2507,7 @@ "Increases production of spaceship parts by 50%":{ Italian:"+50% produzione di parti di navi spaziali" Russian:"Ускоряет производство частей космического корабля на 50%" - French:"Augmente la production de pièces de vaisseaux spatiaux de 50%" + French:"Augmente la production de pièces de Vaisseau Spatial de 50%" Romanian:"Crește producția de piese de navă spațială cu 50%" German:"Erhöht Produktion an Raumschiffteilen um 50%" Dutch:"Verhoogd de productiesnelheid van ruimteschips onderdelen met 50%" @@ -2515,7 +2516,7 @@ "Spaceship part":{ Italian:"Parte della nave spaziale" Russian:"Часть космического корабля" - French:"Pièce de navire spatial" + French:"Pièce de Vaisseau Spatial" Romanian:"Partea spațială a navei" German:"Raumschiffteil" Dutch:"Ruimteschip onderdeel" @@ -2523,28 +2524,34 @@ } "Can only be built in coastal cities":{ Italian:"Disponibile solo nelle città costiere" + French:"Peut seulement être construit dans les villes côtières" } "All military naval units receive +1 movement and +1 sight":{ Italian:"+1 Movimento e +1 Visione per ogni unità militare marittima" + French:"+1 de mouvement et +1 de vision à toutes les unités navales militaires" } "+1 production from all sea resources worked by the city":{ Italian:"+1 Produzione per ogni risorsa marittima sfruttata" + French:"+1 de production pour toutes les ressources maritimes exploitées par la ville" } "Connects trade routes over water":{ Italian:"Consente le rotte commerciali marittime" + French:"Connecter des routes commerciales maritimes" } "+1 production and gold from all sea resources worked by the city":{ Italian:"+1 Produzione e Oro da ogni risorsa marittima sfruttata dalla città" + French:"+1 de production et d'or pour toutes les ressources maritimes exploitées par la ville" } "+15% production of naval units":{ Italian:"+15% Produzione per le unità marittime" + French:"+15% à la production d'unités maritimes" } // Unit types "Civilian":{ Italian:"Civile" Russian:"Мирный" - French:"Civil" + French:"Civile" Romanian:"Civil" German:"Zivilist" Dutch:"Burger" @@ -2580,7 +2587,7 @@ "Mounted":{ Italian:"A cavallo" Russian:"Конный" - French:"Monté" + French:"Montée" Romanian:"Montat" German:"Kavallerie" Dutch:"Bereden" @@ -2589,7 +2596,7 @@ "Scout":{ Italian:"D'esplorazione" Russian:"Разведчик" - French:"Scout" + French:"Éclaireur" Romanian:"Cercetaș" German:"Kundschafter" Dutch:"Verkening" @@ -2619,7 +2626,7 @@ "Founds a new city":{ Italian:"Fonda una nuova città" Russian:"Основывает новый город" - French:"Trouve une nouvelle ville" + French:"Fonder une nouvelle ville" Romanian:"Creează un oraș nou" German:"Gründet eine neue Stadt" Dutch:"Sticht een nieuwe stad" @@ -2646,7 +2653,7 @@ "Rough terrain penalty":{ Italian:"Penalità su terreno grezzo" Russian:"Штраф грубой местности" - French:"Pénalité de terrain rugueux" + French:"Pénalité de terrain difficile" Romanian:"Зenalizare pentru teren accidentat" German:"Nachteil bei rauem Gelände" Dutch:"Nadeel in ruig terrein" @@ -2655,7 +2662,7 @@ "Bonus vs [unitType]":{ Italian:"Bonus contro [unitType]" Russian:"Бонус против [unitType]" - French:"Bonus vs [unitType]" + French:"Bonus contre [unitType]" Romanian:"Bonus vs [unitType]" German:"Vorteil gegen eine(n) [unitType]" // Gender sensitive Dutch:"Voordeel tegen [unitType]" @@ -2664,7 +2671,7 @@ "Penalty vs [unitType]":{ Italian:"Penalità contro [unitType]" Russian:"Штраф против [unitType]" - French:"Pénalité vs [unitType]" + French:"Pénalité contre [unitType]" Romanian:"Penalitate vs [unitType]" German:"Nachteil gegen eine(n) [unitType]" // Gender sensitive Dutch:"Nadeel tegen [unitType]" @@ -2673,7 +2680,7 @@ "Must set up to ranged attack":{ Italian:"Deve montare per attaccare a distanza" Russian:"Необходимо подготовится к дальнобойной атаке" - French:"Doit être configuré pour une attaque à distance" + French:"Doit être installé pour une attaque à distance" Romanian:"Trebuie să fie pregătit să atace" German:"Muss aufstellen um Fernattacken auszuführen" Dutch:"Moet opstellen voordat er een aanval op afstand kan worden gemaakt" @@ -2691,7 +2698,7 @@ "Limited Visibility":{ Italian:"Visibilità limitata" Russian:"Ограниченная видимость" - French:"Visibilité limitée" + French:"Visibilité réduite" Romanian:"Vizibilitate redusă" German:"Begrenzte Sichtweite" Dutch:"Gelimiteerd zicht" @@ -2738,47 +2745,61 @@ "May create improvements on water resources":{ Italian:"Può costruire miglioramenti sulle risorse acquatiche" + French:"Peut créer des améliorations de ressources maritimes" } "Can start an 8-turn golden age":{ Italian:"Può avviare un'Età dell'Oro di 8 turni" + French:"Peut commencer un âge d'or de 8 tours" } "Can build improvement: Landmark":{ Italian:"Può costruire il miglioramento: Punto di Riferimento" + French:"Peut construire l'amélioration suivante: Point de repère" } "Can discover a technology":{ Italian:"Può scoprire una tecnologia" + French:"Peut découvrir une technologie" } "Can build improvement: Academy":{ Italian:"Può costruire il miglioramento: Accademia" + French:"Peut construire l'amélioration suivante: Académie" } "Can undertake a trade mission, giving a large sum of gold":{ Italian:"Può compiere missioni commerciali, donando grandi quantità di Oro" + French:"Peut entreprendre une mission commerciale qui donne une large somme en or" } "Can build improvement: Customs House":{ Italian:"Può costruire il miglioramento: Dogana" + French:"Peut construire l'amélioration suivante: Douanes" } "Can speed up construction of a wonder":{ Italian:"Può accelerare la costruzione di una Meraviglia" + French:"Peut accélérer la construction d'une Merveille" } "Can build improvement: Manufactory":{ Italian:"Può costruire il miglioramento: Manifattura" + French:"Peut construire l'amélioration suivante: Manufacture" } "Cannot enter ocean tiles":{ Italian:"Può entrare nell'oceano" + French:"Ne peut pas entrer sur les tuiles océan" } "Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy":{ Italian:"Può entrare nell'oceano solo dopo Astronomia" + French:"Ne peut pas entrer les tuiles océan avant la découverte de l'Astronomie" } "+1 Visibility Range":{ Italian:"+1 raggio di Visione" + French:"+1 à la Portée de Vision" } "Double movement in coast":{ Italian:"Doppio movimento sulla costa" + French:"Double mouvement le long des côtes" } "Indirect Fire":{ Italian:"Fuoco indiretto (l'unità può sparare oltre le foreste o le colline)" + French:"Tir indirect" } // units can fire over forests/hills @@ -2794,7 +2815,7 @@ "[policyBranch] policy branch unlocked!":{ Italian:"Ramo sociale [policyBranch] sbloccato!" Russian:"Ветвь общественных институтов [policyBranch] разблокирована!" - French:"[policyBranch] branche de la politique déverrouillée!" + French:"Branche de politiques [policyBranch] déverrouillée!" Romanian:"[policyBranch] ramură de politică deblocată!" Dutch:" Het/De [policyBranch] beleid is ontgrendeld!" // depends on what brach it is Spanish:"¡Rama política [policyBranch] desbloqueada!" @@ -2804,14 +2825,14 @@ "Trade":{ Italian:"Scambia" Russian:"Торговля" - French:"Échanger" + French:"Échanges" Romanian:"Comerțul" Spanish:"Comerciar" } "Offer trade":{ Italian:"Offerta commerciale" Russian:"Предложить обмен" - French:"Offre d'échange" + French:"Offrir des échanges" Romanian:"Oferta comerciala" Spanish:"Ofrecer intercambio" } @@ -2832,14 +2853,14 @@ "Our trade offer":{ Italian:"La nostra \n offerta commerciale" Russian:"Наше предложение\n обмена" - French:"Notre offre \n commerciale" + French:"Notre offre d'échange" Romanian:"Oferta noastră \n comercială" Spanish:"Nuestra oferta" } "[otherCiv]'s trade offer":{ Italian:"Offerta commerciale \n di [otherCiv]" Russian:"Предложение обмена \n цивилизации [otherCiv]" - French:"L'offre commerciale \n de [otherCiv]" + French:"L'offre d'échange de [otherCiv]" Romanian:"ofertă de \n schimb a [otherCiv]" Spanish:"Oferta de [otherCiv]" } @@ -2853,14 +2874,14 @@ "Pleasure doing business with you!":{ Italian:"È un piacere fare affari con voi!" Russian:"С вами приятно иметь дело!" - French:"Plaisir de faire des affaires avec vous!" + French:"C'est un plaisir de faire des affaires avec vous!" Romanian:"Plăcerea face afaceri cu dumneavoastra!" Spanish:"¡Un placer hacer negocios contigo!" } "I think not.":{ Italian:"Non ci penso proprio!" Russian:"Думаю, нет." - French:"Je crois pas." + French:"Je ne crois pas." Romanian:"Asa nu!" Spanish:"Creo que no." } @@ -2874,13 +2895,14 @@ "Accept":{ Italian:"Accetta" Russian:"Принять" - French:"Accept" + French:"Accepter" Romanian:"Accepta" Spanish:"Aceptar" } "There's nothing on the table":{ Italian:"Non c'è niente da trattare" Russian:"Вы ничего не предложили" //Don't know how to properly translate this one, but i think this will do okay + French:"Rien n'est en jeu //Don't know how to properly translate this one, I went with the figurative sens e.g. nothing is in danger of being lost Spanish:"No hay nada sobre la mesa" } @@ -2888,11 +2910,13 @@ "Peace treaty":{ Italian:"Trattato di pace" Russian:"Мирный договор" + French:"Traité de paix" Spanish:"Tratado de paz" } "Gold per turn":{ Italian:"Oro per turno" Russian:"Золота за ход" + French:"Or par tour" Spanish:"Oro por turno" } @@ -2922,7 +2946,7 @@ "Egypt":{ Italian:"Egitto" Russian:"Египет" - French:"Egypte" + French:"Égypte" Romanian:"Egipt" Spanish:"Egipto" } @@ -2945,7 +2969,7 @@ "Settler":{ Italian:"Colono" Russian:"Поселенец" - French:"colonisateur" + French:"Colon" Romanian:"Colonist" Spanish:"Colono" } @@ -2959,7 +2983,7 @@ "Warlord":{ Italian:"Condottiere" Russian:"Военачальник" - French:"Chef militaire" + French:"Chef de guerre" Romanian:"General" Spanish:"Señor de la guerra" } @@ -3034,7 +3058,7 @@ "World size":{ Italian:"Dimensione della mappa" Russian:"Размер мира" - French:"La taille du monde" + French:"Taille du monde" Romanian:"Mărime universală" Spanish:"Tamaño del mundo" } @@ -3064,23 +3088,27 @@ "War":{ Italian:"Guerra" Russian:"Война" + French:"Guerre" Spanish:"Guerra" } "Peace":{ Italian:"Pace" Russian:"Мир" + French:"Paix" Spanish:"Paz" } "Declare war":{ Italian:"Dichiara guerra" Russian:"Объявить войну" + French:"Déclarer la guerre" Spanish:"Declarar guerra" } "[civName] has declared war on us!":{ Italian:"[civName] ci ha dichiarato guerra!" Russian:"Цивилизация [civName] объявила нам войну!" + French:"[civName] nous a déclaré la guerre!" Spanish:"¡[civName] te ha declarado la guerra!" } @@ -3116,7 +3144,7 @@ "Policies":{ Italian:"Politiche" Russian:"Общественные институты" - French:"Les politiques" + French:"Politiques" Romanian:"Politici" Spanish:"Políticas" } @@ -3172,14 +3200,14 @@ "Transportation upkeep":{ Italian:"Manutenzione dei trasporti" Russian:"Транспортировка" - French:"Entretien du transport" + French:"Entretien des transports" Romanian:"întreținerea trasportului" Spanish:"Mantenimiento de transporte" } "Unit upkeep":{ Italian:"Manutenzione dell'unità" Russian:"Поддержание содержания" - French:"Unité d'entretien" + French:"Entretien des unités" Romanian:"Întreținerea unității" Spanish:"Mantenimiento de unidades" } @@ -3187,7 +3215,7 @@ "Trades":{ Italian:"Trades" Russian:"Соглашения" - French:"Métiers" + French:"Échanges" Romanian:"Tranzacții" Spanish:"Comercio" } @@ -3201,14 +3229,14 @@ "Name":{ Italian:"Nome" Russian:"Имя" - French:"Prénom" + French:"Nom" Romanian:"Nume" Spanish:"Nombre" } "Closest city":{ Italian:"La città più vicina" Russian:"Ближайший город" - French:"La ville la plus proche" + French:"Ville la plus proche" Romanian:"Cel mai apropiat oras" Spanish:"Ciudad más cercana" } @@ -3239,7 +3267,7 @@ "Stone Works":{ Italian:"Scalpellino" Russian:"Каменные работы" - French:"Travaux de pierre" + French:"Ouvrages de maçonnerie" Romanian:"Lucrări de piatră" Spanish:"Cantería" } @@ -3322,14 +3350,16 @@ } "Lighthouse":{ Italian:"Faro" + French:"Phare" } "The Great Lighthouse":{ Italian:"Grande Faro" + French:"Grand Phare" } "Stable":{ Italian:"Scuderia" Russian:"Конюшня" - French:"Ecurie de cheval" + French:"Écurie" Romanian:"Grajd" Spanish:"Establos" } @@ -3350,7 +3380,7 @@ "Colloseum":{ Italian:"Colosseo" Russian:"Колизей" - French:"Colloseum" + French:"Collisée" Romanian:"Colloseum" Spanish:"Coliseo" } @@ -3371,7 +3401,7 @@ "Notre Dame":{ Italian:"Notre Dame" Russian:"Нотр-Дам" - French:"Notre Dame" + French:"Notre-Dame" Romanian:"Notre Dame" Spanish:"Notre Dame" } @@ -3385,6 +3415,7 @@ "Mint":{ Italian:"Zecca" Russian:"Монетный двор" + French:"Hôtel de la monnaie" Spanish:"Casa de la moneda" } "Machu Pichu":{ @@ -3411,12 +3442,13 @@ "Forge":{ Italian:"Fucina" Russian:"Кузница" - French:"Forger" + French:"Forge" Romanian:"Forja" Spanish:"Forja" } "Harbor":{ Italian:"Porto" + French:"Havre" } "University":{ Italian:"Università" @@ -3456,7 +3488,7 @@ "Ironworks":{ Italian:"Lavori in ferro" Russian:"Металлургический завод" - French:"Ferronnerie" + French:"Atelier métallurgique" Romanian:"Fierarie" Spanish:"Herrería" } @@ -3498,7 +3530,7 @@ "Forbidden Palace":{ Italian:"Palazzo Proibito" Russian:"Запретный дворец" - French:"Palais interdit" + French:"Cité Interdite" Romanian:"Palatul interzis" Spanish:"Palacio Prohibido" } @@ -3546,6 +3578,7 @@ } "Seaport":{ Italian:"Cantiere navale" + French:"Port" } "Public School":{ Italian:"Scuola pubblica" @@ -3599,7 +3632,7 @@ "Eiffel Tower":{ Italian:"Torre Eiffel" Russian:"Эйфелева башня" - French:"Le Tour Eiffel" + French:"La Tour Eiffel" Romanian:"Turnul Eiffel" Spanish:"Torre Eiffel" } @@ -3640,6 +3673,7 @@ } "Sydney Opera House":{ Italian:"Teatro dell'Opera di Sidney" + French:"Opéra de Sydney" } "Apollo Program":{ Italian:"Programma Apollo" @@ -3658,25 +3692,29 @@ "Spaceship Factory":{ Italian:"Fabbrica di astronave" Russian:"Завод космических кораблей" - French:"Usine du vaisseau spatial" + French:"Usine de Vaisseau Spatial" Romanian:"Fabbrica di astronave" Spanish:"Fábrica de Nave Espacial" } "SS Booster":{ //no translation that I know of Italian:"Propulsore dell'astronave" Spanish:"Potenciador (Nave espacial)" + French:"Propulseur du Vaisseau Spatial" } "SS Cockpit":{ //no translation that I know of Italian:"Abitacolo dell'astronave" Spanish:"Cabina (Nave espacial)" + French:"Cabine du Vaisseau Spatial" } "SS Engine":{ //no translation that I know of Italian:"Motore dell'astronave" Spanish:"Motor (Nave espacial)" + French:"Moteur-fusée du Vaisseau Spatial" } "SS Stasis Chamber":{ //no translation that I know of Italian:"Camera di stasi dell'astronave" Spanish:"Cámara de estasis (Nave espacial)" + French:"Chambre de biostase du Vaisseau Spatial" } @@ -3694,7 +3732,7 @@ "Scout":{ Italian:"Esploratore" Russian:"Разведчик" - French:"Eclaireur" + French:"Éclaireur" Romanian:"Explorator" Spanish:"Explorador" } @@ -3715,27 +3753,30 @@ "Bowman":{ Italian:"Guerriero con arco" Russian:"Меткий лучник" + French:"Archer" //IS THIS SAME AS ARCHER IN OTHER LANGUAGES=?? //In official Russian localization it's accurate archer :) Spanish:"Arquero experto" } "Work Boats":{ Italian:"Chiatta" + French:"Bateau de travail" } "Trireme":{ Italian:"Trireme" + French:"Trirème" } "Chariot Archer":{ Italian:"Arciere su carro" Russian:"Лучник на колеснице" - French:"Charrette archer" + French:"Char à archer" Romanian:"Arcer in caruta" Spanish:"Arquero en carro" } "Spearman":{ Italian:"Lanciere" Russian:"Копейщик" - French:"Lancier" + French:"Infanterie" Romanian:"Lancer" Spanish:"Lancero" } @@ -3750,6 +3791,7 @@ } "Ballista":{ Italian:"Ballista" + French:"Balliste" } "Swordsman":{ Italian:"Spadaccino" @@ -3768,7 +3810,7 @@ "Companion Cavalry":{ Italian:"Compania dei cavalieri" Russian:"Сопутствующая кавалерия" - French:"Compagnon cavalerie" + French:"Cavalerie accompagnante" Romanian:"Compania cavalerilor" Spanish:"Caballería de compañia" } @@ -3776,6 +3818,7 @@ // Medieval units "Galleass":{ Italian:"Galeazza" + French:"Galléasse" } "Crossbowman":{ Italian:"Balestriere" @@ -3786,7 +3829,9 @@ } "Longbowman":{ Italian:"Arciere con arco lungo" + French:"Archer longbow" Spanish:"Arquero de arco largo" + } "Trebuchet":{ Italian:"Trebuchet" @@ -3798,11 +3843,13 @@ "Longswordsman":{ Italian:"Guerriero con spada lunga" Russian:"Мечник (длинный меч)" + French:"Espadonnier" Spanish:"Espadachín de espada larga" } "Pikeman":{ Italian:"Picchiere" Russian:"Пикинер" + French:"Piquier" Romanian:"Suliţaş" Spanish:"Piquero" } @@ -3817,6 +3864,7 @@ // Renaissance units "Caravel":{ Italian:"Caravella" + French:"Caravelle" } "Cannon":{ Italian:"Cannone" @@ -3827,14 +3875,16 @@ } "Musketman":{ Italian:"Soldato con moschetto" - French:"Mousquetaire" + French:"Arquebusier" Spanish:"Mosquetero" } "Musketeer":{ Italian:"Moschettiere" + French:"Mousquetaire" } "Frigate":{ Italian:"Fregata" + French:"Frégate" } "Lancer":{ Italian:"Lanciere a cavallo" @@ -3868,6 +3918,7 @@ } "Ironclad":{ Italian:"Ironclad" + French:"Cuirassé" } // Great units @@ -3902,18 +3953,21 @@ // Social policies "Requires":{ - Italian:"Politiche sociali" + Italian:"Politiche sociali"//is some kind of mistake, seems to translate "social policies" Russian:"Требует" + French:"Requiert" Spanish:"Requiere" } "Adopt policy":{ Italian:"Adotta politica" Russian:"Принять общественный институт" + French:"Adopter la politique" Spanish:"Adoptar política" } "Unlocked at":{ Italian:"Si sblocca con" Russian:"Разблокируется в" + French:"Débloqué à" Spanish:"Desbloqueado en" } @@ -3921,6 +3975,7 @@ "Tradition":{ Italian:"Tradizione" Russian:"Традиция" + French:"Tradition" Spanish:"Tradición" } "+3 culture in capital and increased rate of border expansion":{