diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Brazilian_Portuguese.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Brazilian_Portuguese.properties
index 71adc83e28..ca856996af 100644
--- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Brazilian_Portuguese.properties
+++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Brazilian_Portuguese.properties
@@ -220,16 +220,14 @@ Current leader(s): [leaders], you: [yourScore] = Líder(es) atual(is): [leaders]
Demands = Exigências
# Will be deprecated in a few versions
Please don't settle new cities near us. = Por favor, não funde novas cidades perto de nós.
- # Requires translation!
-Don't settle new cities near us. =
+Don't settle new cities near us. = Não funde novas cidades perto de nós.
Very well, we shall look for new lands to settle. = Muito bem, procuraremos novas terras para colonizar.
We shall do as we please. = Faremos o que quisermos.
We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have....implications. = Nós notamos sua nova cidade perto de nossas fronteiras, apesar de sua promessa. Isso terá... consequências.
# Will be deprecated in a few versions
Please don't spread your religion to us. = Por favor, não espalhe sua religião para nós.
- # Requires translation!
-Don't spread religion in our cities. =
+Don't spread religion in our cities. = Não espalhe sua religião para nós.
Very well, we shall spread our faith elsewhere. = Muito bem, espalharemos nossa fé em outros lugares.
We noticed you have continued spreading your faith, despite your promise. This will have...consequences. = Percebemos que você continuou espalhando sua fé, apesar de sua promessa. Isso terá...consequências.
@@ -260,8 +258,7 @@ Pledge to protect = Jurar proteção
Declare Protection of [cityStateName]? = Declarar proteção de [cityStateName]?
Build [improvementName] on [resourceName] (200 Gold) = Construir [improvementName] na [resourceName] (200 Ouro)
Gift Improvement = Presentear Melhoria
- # Requires translation!
-[civName] is able to provide [unitName] once [techName] [isOrAre] researched. =
+[civName] is able to provide [unitName] once [techName] [isOrAre] researched. = [civName] é capaz de fornecer [unitName] uma vez que [techName] [isOrAre] foi pesquisado.
is = é
are = são
@@ -1855,8 +1852,7 @@ Do you want to stage a coup in [civName] with a [percent]% chance of success? =
# Spy fleeing city
After the city of [cityName] was destroyed, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Depois que a cidade de [cityName] foi destruída, seu espião [spyName] fugiu de volta para o nosso esconderijo.
After the city of [cityName] was conquered, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Depois que a cidade de [cityName] foi conquistada, seu espião [spyName] fugiu de volta para o nosso esconderijo.
- # Requires translation!
-After the city of [cityName] was taken over, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. =
+After the city of [cityName] was taken over, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Depois que a cidade de [cityName] foi tomada, seu espião [spyName] fugiu de volta para nosso esconderijo.
Due to the chaos ensuing in [cityName], your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Devido ao caos que se seguiu em [cityName], seu espião [spyName] fugiu de volta para o nosso esconderijo.
# Promotions
diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Croatian.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Croatian.properties
index a4d40a7ae7..fc2c2391d6 100644
--- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Croatian.properties
+++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Croatian.properties
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Fastlane_short_description = 4X igra za izgradnju civilizacije otvorenog koda
# Documentation: https://f-droid.org/en/docs/Build_Metadata_Reference/#Description
# English to translate: https://github.com/yairm210/Unciv/blob/master/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/full_description.txt
-Fastlane_full_description = Reimplementacija najpoznatije igre za izgradnju civilizacije otvorenog koda - brza, mala, bez oglasa, besplatna zauvijek!\n\nIzgradi svoju civilizaciju, istraži tehnologije, proširi svoje gradove i porazi svoje neprijatelje!\n\nZahtjevi? greške? Želiš li pomoći razvoju? Popis obaveza za aplikaciju je na GitHub Issues\n\nPitanja? Komentari? Pridruži nam se na Diskordu na Discord ;)\n\nŽeliš li pomoći u prevođenju igre na svoj jezik? Pogledaj Wiki\n\nSvijet čeka! Hoćeš li izgraditi svoju civilizaciju u carstvo koje će izdržati test vremena?\n\nDopuštenje 'imaj puni pristup mreži' potrebno je za preuzimanja koja pokreće korisnik i značajku za više igrača. Sva ostala navedena dopuštenja su automatski uključena od strane API-a koji se koristi za implementaciju obavijesti o potezima više igrača. Mrežna dopuštenja koriste se za popis modova, preuzimanje modova, preuzimanje glazbe i za slanje/preuzimanje igara za više igrača. Niti jedna druga internetska komunikacija nije pokrenuta od strane Unciv.
+Fastlane_full_description = Reimplementacija najpoznatije igre za izgradnju civilizacije otvorenog koda - brza, mala, bez oglasa, besplatna zauvijek!\n\nIzgradite svoju civilizaciju, istražite tehnologije, proširite svoje gradove i porazite svoje neprijatelje!\n\nZahtjevi? greške? Želite li pomoći razvoju? Popis obaveza za aplikaciju je na GitHub Issues\n\nPitanja? Komentari? Pridružite nam se na Diskordu na Discord ;)\n\nŽelite li pomoći u prevođenju igre na svoj jezik? Pogledajte Wiki\n\nSvijet čeka! Hoćete li izgraditi svoju civilizaciju u carstvo koje će izdržati test vremena?\n\nDopuštenje 'imaj puni pristup mreži' potrebno je za preuzimanja koja pokreće korisnik i značajku više igrača. Sva ostala navedena dopuštenja su automatski uključena od strane API-a koji se koristi za implementaciju obavijesti o potezima više igrača. Mrežna dopuštenja koriste se za popis modova, preuzimanje modova, preuzimanje glazbe i za slanje/preuzimanje igara više igrača. Niti jedna druga internetska komunikacija nije pokrenuta od strane Unciv-a.
# Starting from here normal translations start, as described in
@@ -44,20 +44,20 @@ Civ V - Gods & Kings = Civ V - Bogovi i Kraljevi
# Obsolete Tutorial tasks - the active lines are moved to 'Lines from Events', much later in the tranlsation file.
# TODO remove after grace period which allows translators to copy and paste existing translations to the new format.
-Move a unit!\nClick on a unit > Click on a destination > Click the arrow popup = Pokreni jedinicu!\nKlikni na jedinicu > Klikni na odredište > Klikni na iskočnu strelicu
-Found a city!\nSelect the Settler (flag unit) > Click on 'Found city' (bottom-left corner) = Osnuj grad!\nOdaberi Naseljenika (jedinica sa zastavom) > Klikni na 'Osnuj grad' (donji lijevi ugao)
-Enter the city screen!\nClick the city button twice = Uđi u zaslon grada!\nDva puta klikni na dugme grada
-Pick a technology to research!\nClick on the tech button (greenish, top left) > \n Select technology > Click 'Research' (bottom right) = Odaberi tehnologiju za istraživanje!\nKlikni na dugme za tehnologije (zelenkasto, gore lijevo) > \n Odaberi tehnologiju > klikni 'Istraži' (dolje desno)
-Pick a construction!\nEnter city screen > Click on a unit or building (bottom left side) > \n Click 'add to queue' = Odaberi izgradnju!\nUđi u zaslon grada > Klikni na jedinicu ili zgradu (donja lijeva strana) > \n Klikni 'dodaj u red čekanja'
-Pass a turn!\nCycle through units with 'Next unit' > Click 'Next turn' = Propusti potez!\nKruži kroz jedinice pomoću 'Sljedeća jedinica' > Klikni 'Sljedeći potez'
-Reassign worked tiles!\nEnter city screen > Click the assigned (green) tile to unassign > \n Click an unassigned tile to assign population = Ponovno dodijeli obrađivana polja!\nUđi u zaslon grada > Klikni dodijeljeno (zeleno) polje za poništavanje dodjele > \n Klikni na nedodijeljeno polje za dodjelu stanovnika
-Meet another civilization!\nExplore the map until you encounter another civilization! = Sretni drugu civilizaciju!\nIstražuj kartu dok ne naiđeš na drugu civilizaciju!
-Open the options table!\nClick the menu button (top left) > Click 'Options' = Otvori tablicu opcija!\nKlikni dugme izbornika (gore lijevo) > Klikni 'Opcije'
-Construct an improvement!\nConstruct a Worker unit > Move to a Plains or Grassland tile > \n Click 'Construct improvement' (above the unit table, bottom left)\n > Choose the farm > \n Leave the worker there until it's finished = Izgradi unaprjeđenje!\nIzgradi jedinicu Radnika > Pomakni ga na polje Ravnica ili Travnjak > \n Klikni 'Izgradi unaprjeđenje' (iznad tablice jedinica, dolje lijevo)\n > Odaberi farmu > \n Ostavi radnika tamo dok ne završi
-Create a trade route!\nConstruct roads between your capital and another city\nOr, automate your worker and let him get to that eventually = Stvori trgovačku rutu!\nIzgradi ceste između svoje prijestolnice i drugog grada\nIli, automatiziraj svog radnika i pusti ga da eventualno dođe do toga
-Conquer a city!\nBring an enemy city down to low health > \nEnter the city with a melee unit = Osvoji grad!\nSpusti neprijateljski grad na nisko zdravlje > \nUđi u grad s jedinicom za blisku borbu
-Move an air unit!\nSelect an air unit > Select another city within range > \nMove the unit to the other city = Pokreni zračnu jedinicu!\nOdaberi zračnu jedinicu > Odaberi drugi grad u dometu > \nPomakni jedinicu u drugi grad
-See your stats breakdown!\nEnter the Overview screen (top right corner) >\nClick on 'Stats' = Pogledaj pregled svoje statistike!\nUđi u zaslon Pregled (gornji desni kut) >\nKlikni na 'Statistika'
+Move a unit!\nClick on a unit > Click on a destination > Click the arrow popup = Pokrenite jedinicu!\nKliknite na jedinicu > Kliknite na odredište > Kliknite na iskočnu strelicu
+Found a city!\nSelect the Settler (flag unit) > Click on 'Found city' (bottom-left corner) = Osnujte grad!\nOdaberite Naseljenika (jedinica sa zastavom) > Kliknite na 'Osnuj grad' (donji lijevi ugao)
+Enter the city screen!\nClick the city button twice = Uđite u zaslon grada!\nDva puta kliknite na dugme grada
+Pick a technology to research!\nClick on the tech button (greenish, top left) > \n Select technology > Click 'Research' (bottom right) = Odaberite tehnologiju za istraživanje!\nKliknite na dugme za tehnologije (zelenkasto, gore lijevo) > \n Odaberite tehnologiju > kliknite 'Istraži' (dolje desno)
+Pick a construction!\nEnter city screen > Click on a unit or building (bottom left side) > \n Click 'add to queue' = Odaberite izgradnju!\nUđite u zaslon grada > Kliknite na jedinicu ili zgradu (donja lijeva strana) > \n Kliknite 'dodaj u red čekanja'
+Pass a turn!\nCycle through units with 'Next unit' > Click 'Next turn' = Propustite potez!\nKružite kroz jedinice pomoću 'Sljedeća jedinica' > Kliknite 'Sljedeći potez'
+Reassign worked tiles!\nEnter city screen > Click the assigned (green) tile to unassign > \n Click an unassigned tile to assign population = Ponovno dodijelite obrađivana polja!\nUđite u zaslon grada > Kliknite dodijeljeno (zeleno) polje za poništavanje dodjele > \n Kliknite na nedodijeljeno polje za dodjelu stanovnika
+Meet another civilization!\nExplore the map until you encounter another civilization! = Sretnite drugu civilizaciju!\nIstražujte kartu dok ne naiđeš na drugu civilizaciju!
+Open the options table!\nClick the menu button (top left) > Click 'Options' = Otvorite tablicu opcija!\nKliknite dugme izbornika (gore lijevo) > Klikni 'Opcije'
+Construct an improvement!\nConstruct a Worker unit > Move to a Plains or Grassland tile > \n Click 'Construct improvement' (above the unit table, bottom left)\n > Choose the farm > \n Leave the worker there until it's finished = Izgradite unaprjeđenje!\nIzgradite jedinicu Radnika > Pomaknite ga na polje Ravnica ili Travnjak > \n Kliknite 'Izgradi unaprjeđenje' (iznad tablice jedinica, dolje lijevo)\n > Odaberite farmu > \n Ostavite radnika tamo dok ne završi
+Create a trade route!\nConstruct roads between your capital and another city\nOr, automate your worker and let him get to that eventually = Stvorite trgovačku rutu!\nIzgradite ceste između svoje prijestolnice i drugog grada\nIli, automatizirajte svog radnika i pustite ga da eventualno dođe do toga
+Conquer a city!\nBring an enemy city down to low health > \nEnter the city with a melee unit = Osvojite grad!\nSpustite neprijateljski grad na nisko zdravlje > \nUđite u grad s jedinicom za blisku borbu
+Move an air unit!\nSelect an air unit > Select another city within range > \nMove the unit to the other city = Pokrenite zračnu jedinicu!\nOdaberite zračnu jedinicu > Odaberite drugi grad u dometu > \nPomaknite jedinicu u drugi grad
+See your stats breakdown!\nEnter the Overview screen (top right corner) >\nClick on 'Stats' = Pogledajte pregled svoje statistike!\nUđite u zaslon Pregled (gornji desni kut) >\nKliknite na 'Statistika'
# Crash screen
@@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ New [civName]\n(formerly known as [cityName]) = Nova [civName]\n(prethodno pozna
# Diplomacy,Trade,Nations
-Requires [buildingName] to be built in the city = Zahtijeva se da [buildingName] bude izgrađen u gradu
-Requires [buildingName] to be built in all cities = Zahtijeva se da [buildingName] bude izgrađen u svim gradovima
-Provides a free [buildingName] in the city = Pruža besplatnu [buildingName] u gradu
+Requires [buildingName] to be built in the city = Zahtijeva da [buildingName] bude izgrađeno u gradu
+Requires [buildingName] to be built in all cities = Zahtijeva da [buildingName] bude izgrađeno u svim gradovima
+Provides a free [buildingName] in the city = Pruža besplatno [buildingName] u gradu
Requires worked [resource] near city = Zahtijeva obrađivani [resource] u blizini grada
Requires at least one of the following resources worked near the city: = Zahtijeva barem jedan od sljedećih resursa koji se obrađuju u blizini grada:
Wonder is being built elsewhere = Čudo se gradi negdje drugdje
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ Declare war = Objavi rat
Declare war on [civName]? = Objavi rat na [civName]?
[civName] will also join them in the war = [civName] će im se također pridružiti u ratu
An unknown civilization will also join them in the war = Nepoznata civilizacija će im se također pridružiti u ratu
-This will cancel your defensive pact with [civName] = To će ukinuti vaš obrambeni pakt s [civName]
+This will cancel your defensive pact with [civName] = To će ukinuti tvoj obrambeni pakt s [civName]
Go to on map = Idi na stavku na karti
Let's begin! = Počnimo!
[civName] has declared war on us! = [civName] nam je objavila rat!
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ We have cancelled our Defensive Pact with [civName]! = Otkazali smo naš Obrambe
[civName] and [targetCivName] have signed a Peace Treaty! = [civName] i [targetCivName] potpisali su Mirovni Sporazum!
[civName] and [targetCivName] have signed the Declaration of Friendship! = [civName] i [targetCivName] potpisali su Deklaraciju o Prijateljstvu!
[civName] has denounced [targetCivName]! = [civName] je osudila [targetCivName]!
-Do you want to break your promise to [leaderName]? = Želiš li prekršiti svoje obećanje [leaderName]?
+Do you want to break your promise to [leaderName]? = Želiš li prekršiti svoje obećanje prema [leaderName]?
Break promise = Prekrši obećanje
We promised not to settle near them ([count] turns remaining) = Obećali smo da se nećemo nastaniti u njihovoj blizini (preostalo [count] poteza)
They promised not to settle near us ([count] turns remaining) = Obećali su da se neće nastaniti u našoj blizini (preostalo [count] poteza)
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ Demands = Zahtjevi
# Will be deprecated in a few versions
Please don't settle new cities near us. = Molimo vas da ne naseljavate nove gradove u našoj blizini.
# Requires translation!
-Don't settle new cities near us. =
+Don't settle new cities near us. = Nemojte naseljavati nove gradove u našoj blizini.
Very well, we shall look for new lands to settle. = U redu, tražit ćemo nove zemlje za naseljavanje.
We shall do as we please. = Činit ćemo kako nam se prohtije.
We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have....implications. = Primijetili smo vaš novi grad blizu naših granica, unatoč vašem obećanju. Ovo će imati... implikacije.
@@ -223,11 +223,11 @@ We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have.
# Will be deprecated in a few versions
Please don't spread your religion to us. = Molimo vas da nam ne širite svoju religiju.
# Requires translation!
-Don't spread religion in our cities. =
+Don't spread religion in our cities. = Nemojte nam širiti svoju religiju.
Very well, we shall spread our faith elsewhere. = U redu, širit ćemo svoju vjeru drugdje.
We noticed you have continued spreading your faith, despite your promise. This will have...consequences. = Primijetili smo da ste nastavili širiti svoju vjeru, unatoč obećanju. Ovo će imati...posljedice.
-I've been informed that my armies have taken tribute from [civName], a city-state under your protection.\nI assure you, this was quite unintentional, and I hope that this does not serve to drive us apart. = Obaviješten(a) sam da su moje vojske uzele danak od [civName], grada-države pod vašom zaštitom.\nUvjeravam vas, ovo je bilo sasvim nenamjerno, i nadam se da nas to neće razdvojiti.
+I've been informed that my armies have taken tribute from [civName], a city-state under your protection.\nI assure you, this was quite unintentional, and I hope that this does not serve to drive us apart. = Obaviješten(a) sam da su moje vojske uzele danak od [civName], grada-države pod tvojom zaštitom.\nUvjeravam vas, ovo je bilo sasvim nenamjerno, i nadam se da nas to neće razdvojiti.
We asked [civName] for a tribute recently and they gave in.\nYou promised to protect them from such things, but we both know you cannot back that up. = Nedavno smo tražili od [civName] danak i oni su popustili.\nObećao si da ćeš ih zaštititi od takvih stvari, ali oboje znamo da to ne možeš poduprijeti.
It's come to my attention that I may have attacked [civName].\nWhile it was not my goal to be at odds with your empire, this was deemed a necessary course of action. = Primijetio sam da sam možda napao [civName].\nIako mi nije bio cilj biti u sukobu s vašim carstvom, ovo se smatralo nužnom akcijom.
I thought you might like to know that I've launched an invasion of one of your little pet states.\nThe lands of [civName] will make a fine addition to my own. = Mislio sam da biste željeli znati da sam pokrenuo invaziju na jednu od vaših malih zemlje ljubimca.\nZemlje [civName] bit će dobar dodatak mojoj.
@@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ City-States grow wary of your aggression. The resting point for Influence has de
[cityState] is being invaded by Barbarians! Destroy Barbarians near their territory to earn Influence. = Barbari su pokrenuli invaziju na [cityState]! Uništi Barbare u blizini njihovog teritorija da zaradiš Utjecaj.
[cityState] is grateful that you killed a Barbarian that was threatening them! = [cityState] je zahvalan što ste ubili Barbara koji im je prijetio!
[cityState] is being attacked by [civName]! Kill [amount] of the attacker's military units and they will be immensely grateful. = [cityState] je napadnut od [civName]! Ubij [amount] vojnih jedinica napadača i oni će ti biti neizmjerno zahvalni.
-[cityState] is deeply grateful for your assistance in the war against [civName]! = [cityState] je duboko zahvalan za vašu pomoć u ratu protiv [civName]!
-[cityState] no longer needs your assistance against [civName]. = [cityState] više ne treba vašu pomoć protiv [civName].
+[cityState] is deeply grateful for your assistance in the war against [civName]! = [cityState] je duboko zahvalan za tvoju pomoć u ratu protiv [civName]!
+[cityState] no longer needs your assistance against [civName]. = [cityState] više ne treba tvoju pomoć protiv [civName].
[cityState] cancelled the quests they had given you because you demanded tribute from them. = [cityState] je otkazao misije koje su vam dali jer ste od njih tražili danak.
War against [civName] = Rat protiv [civName]
We need you to help us defend against [civName]. Killing [amount] of their military units would slow their offensive. = Trebamo te da nam pomogneš u obrani od [civName]. Ubijanje [amount] njihovih vojnih jedinica bi usporilo njihovu ofenzivu.
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ Tribute Willingness = Spremnost na Danak
At least 0 to take gold, at least 30 and size 4 city for worker = Najmanje 0 za uzimanje zlata, najmanje 30 i grad veličine 4 za radnika
Take [amount] gold (-15 Influence) = Uzmi [amount] zlata (-15 Utjecaja)
Take worker (-50 Influence) = Uzmi radnika (-50 Utjecaja)
-[civName] is afraid of your military power! = [civName] se boji vaše vojne moći!
+[civName] is afraid of your military power! = [civName] se boji tvoje vojne moći!
Major Civ = Glavna Civilizacija
No Cities = Nema Gradova
@@ -364,11 +364,11 @@ Lost = Izgubljeno
# New game screen
Uniques = Unikati
-Promotions = promaknuća
+Promotions = Promaknuća
Load copied data = Učitaj kopirane podatke
Reset to defaults = Resetiraj na zadano
Select nations = Odaberi nacije
-Set available nations for random pool = Postavi dostupne nacije za slučajni skup
+Set available nations for random pool = Postavi dostupne nacije za nasumični skup
Available nations = Dostupne nacije
Banned nations = Zabranjeni narodi
Are you sure you want to reset all game options to defaults? = Jeste li sigurni da želite resetirati sve opcije igre na zadano?
@@ -380,9 +380,9 @@ Map Type = Tip Mape
Map file = Datoteka karte
Max Turns = Maksimalno poteza
Could not load map! = Nije moguće učitati kartu!
-Generated = Generirano
-Random Generated = Nasumično Generirano
-Which options should be available to the random selection? = Koje bi opcije trebale biti dostupne slučajnom odabiru?
+Generated = Generirana
+Random Generated = Nasumično Generirana
+Which options should be available to the random selection? = Koje bi opcije trebale biti dostupne nasumičnom odabiru?
Existing = Postojeće
Custom = Prilagođeno
Map Generation Type = Vrste Generiranja Mape
@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ Place Natural Wonders = Postavi Prirodna Čuda
Let the rivers flow = Neka rijeke teku
Spread Resources = Raširi Resurse
Create ancient ruins = Stvori drevne ruševine
-Floodfill = Prepravljeno popunjenje
+Floodfill = Poplavno popunjenje
[nation] starting location = [nation] početna lokacija
Any Civ = Bilo koja Civilizacija
Remove features = Ukloni značajke
@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ Player ID is already in your friends list! = ID igrača je već na vašoj listi
You have to write a name for your friend! = Morate napisati ime za svog prijatelja!
You have to write an ID for your friend! = Morate napisati ID za svog prijatelja!
You cannot add your own player ID in your friend list! = Ne možete dodati vlastiti ID igrača na svoju listu prijatelja!
-To add a friend, ask him to send you his player ID.\nClick the 'Add friend' button.\nInsert his player ID and a name for him.\nThen Click the 'Add friend' button again.\n\nAfter that you will see him in your friends list.\n\nA new button will appear when creating a new\nmultiplayer game, which allows you to select your friend. = Da biste dodali prijatelja, zamolite ga da vam pošalje svoj ID igrača.\nKliknite dugme 'Dodaj prijatelja'.\nUnesite njegov ID igrača i njegovo ime za njega.\nZatim ponovno kliknite dugme 'Dodaj prijatelja'.\n\nNakon toga vidjet ćete ga na svom popisu prijatelja.\n\nNovo dugme će se pojaviti kada kreirate novu\nigru više igrača, što vam omogućuje da odaberete svog prijatelja.
+To add a friend, ask him to send you his player ID.\nClick the 'Add friend' button.\nInsert his player ID and a name for him.\nThen Click the 'Add friend' button again.\n\nAfter that you will see him in your friends list.\n\nA new button will appear when creating a new\nmultiplayer game, which allows you to select your friend. = Da biste dodali prijatelja, zamolite ga da vam pošalje svoj ID igrača.\nKliknite dugme 'Dodaj prijatelja'.\nUnesite njegov ID igrača i njegovo ime za njega.\nZatim ponovno kliknite dugme 'Dodaj prijatelja'.\n\nNakon toga vidjet ćete ga na svom popisu prijatelja.\n\nNovo dugme će se pojaviti kada stvorite novu\nigru više igrača, što vam omogućuje da odaberete svog prijatelja.
Please input Player ID! = Molim unesite ID igrača!
The number of players will be adjusted = Broj igrača će biti prilagođeno
These [numberOfPlayers] players will be adjusted = Ovih [numberOfPlayers] igrača će biti prilagođeni
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ Set current user = Postavi trenutačnog korisnika
Player ID from clipboard = ID igrača iz međuspremnika
Player ID from friends list = ID igrača s liste prijatelja
To create a multiplayer game, check the 'multiplayer' toggle in the New Game screen, and for each human player insert that player's user ID. = Da biste kreirali igru više igrača, označite prekidač 'igra više igrača' na zaslonu Nova Igra i za svakog ljudskog igrača umetnite korisnički ID tog igrača.
-You can assign your own user ID there easily, and other players can copy their user IDs here and send them to you for you to include them in the game. = Tamo možete lako dodijeliti svoj korisnički ID, a drugi igrači mogu ovdje kopirati svoje korisničke ID-ove i poslati vam ih kako biste ih uključili u igru.
+You can assign your own user ID there easily, and other players can copy their user IDs here and send them to you for you to include them in the game. = Tamo možete lako dodijeliti svoj korisnički ID, a drugi igrači mogu ovdje kopirati svoje korisničke ID-ove i poslati ih vama kako biste ih uključili u igru.
Once you've created your game, the Game ID gets automatically copied to your clipboard so you can send it to the other players. = Nakon što stvorite svoju igru, ID Igre automatski se kopira u vaš međuspremnik kako biste ga mogli poslati drugim igračima.
Players can enter your game by copying the game ID to the clipboard, and clicking on the 'Add multiplayer game' button = Igrači mogu ući u vašu igru kopiranjem ID-a igre u međuspremnik i klikom na dugme "Dodaj igru više igrača"
The symbol of your nation will appear next to the game when it's your turn = Simbol vaše nacije pojavit će se pored igre kada ste na potezu
@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ Could not load game! = Nije moguće učitati igru!
Could not load game from clipboard! = Nije moguće učitati igru iz međuspremnika!
Could not load game from custom location! = Nije moguće učitati igru s prilagođene lokacije!
The file data seems to be corrupted. = Čini se da su podaci datoteke oštećeni.
-The save was created with an incompatible version of Unciv: [version]. Please update Unciv to this version or later and try again. = Spremanje je stvoreno s nekompatibilnom verzijom Unciva: [version]. Ažurirajte Unciv na ovu ili noviju verziju i pokušajte ponovno.
+The save was created with an incompatible version of Unciv: [version]. Please update Unciv to this version or later and try again. = Spremanje je stvoreno s nekompatibilnom verzijom Unciv-a: [version]. Ažurirajte Unciv na ovu ili noviju verziju i pokušajte ponovno.
You do not have sufficient permissions to access the file. = Nemate dovoljna dopuštenja za pristup datoteci.
Load [saveFileName] = Učitaj [saveFileName]
Are you sure you want to delete this save? = Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati ovo spremanje?
@@ -754,7 +754,7 @@ Overwrite = Prepiši
It looks like your saved game can't be loaded! = Izgleda da se vaša spremljena igra ne može učitati!
If you could copy your game data ("Copy saved game to clipboard" - = Ako možete kopirati svoje podatke o igri ("Kopiraj spremljenu igru u međuspremnik" -
paste into an email to yairm210@hotmail.com) = zalijepite u e-poruku na yairm210@hotmail.com)
-I could maybe help you figure out what went wrong, since this isn't supposed to happen! = Možda bih ti mogao pomoći da shvatiš što je pošlo po zlu, budući da se ovo ne bi trebalo dogoditi!
+I could maybe help you figure out what went wrong, since this isn't supposed to happen! = Možda bih vam mogao pomoći da shvatite što je pošlo po zlu, budući da se ovo ne bi trebalo dogoditi!
Missing mods: [mods] = Modovi koji nedostaju: [mods]
Load from custom location = Učitaj s prilagođene lokacije
Save to custom location = Spremi na prilagođenu lokaciju
@@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ Options = Opcije
## About tab
About = O igri
Version = Verzija
-See online Readme = Vidi PročitajMe na internetu
+See online Readme = Vidi Pročitajme na internetu
Visit repository = Posjeti repozitorij
Visit the wiki = Posjeti wiki
@@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ Screen = Zaslon
Screen Mode = Način rada Zaslona
Windowed = Prozorski
Fullscreen = Cijeli zaslon
-Borderless = Bez granica
+Borderless = Bez rubova
Screen Size = Veličina Zaslona
@@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ Show zoom buttons in world screen = Pokaži dugmad za zumiranje na zaslonu svije
Experimental Demographics scoreboard = Eksperimentalna Demografska tablica rezultata
Never close popups by clicking outside = Nikada ne zatvaraj skočne prozore klikom izvana
-Size of Unitset art in Civilopedia = Veličina umjeća Seta Jedinica u Civilopediji
+Size of Unitset art in Civilopedia = Veličina umjetničkog Seta Jedinica u Civilopediji
### Visual Hints subgroup
@@ -978,10 +978,10 @@ The city of [cityname] has started constructing [construction]! = Grad [cityname
An unknown civilization has started constructing [construction]! = Nepoznata civilizacija počela je graditi [construction]!
[cityName] has started working on [construction] = [cityName] je započeo radove na [construction]
[cityName] has expanded its borders! = [cityName] je proširio svoje granice!
-Your Golden Age has ended. = Vaše Zlatno Doba je završilo.
+Your Golden Age has ended. = Tvoje Zlatno Doba je završilo.
[cityName] has been razed to the ground! = [cityName] je sravnjen sa zemljom!
We have conquered the city of [cityName]! = Osvojili smo grad [cityName]!
-Your citizens are revolting due to very high unhappiness! = Vaši građani se bune zbog vrlo velikog nezadovoljstva!
+Your citizens are revolting due to very high unhappiness! = Tvoji građani se bune zbog vrlo velikog nezadovoljstva!
An enemy [unit] has attacked [cityName] = Neprijateljski [unit] je napao [cityName]
An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has attacked [cityName] ([amount2] HP) = Neprijateljski [unit] ([amount] Životnih Bodova) napao je [cityName] ([amount2] Životnih Bodova)
An enemy [unit] has attacked our [ourUnit] = Neprijateljski [unit] je napao našeg [ourUnit]
@@ -996,8 +996,8 @@ An enemy [unit] has captured our [ourUnit] = Neprijateljski [unit] je zarobio na
An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has captured our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = Neprijateljski [unit] ([amount] Životnih Bodova) je zarobio našeg [ourUnit] ([amount2] Životnih Bodova)
An enemy [unit] has destroyed our [ourUnit] = Neprijateljski [unit] je uništio našeg [ourUnit]
An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has destroyed our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = Neprijateljski [unit] ([amount] Životnih Bodova) uništio je našeg [ourUnit] ([amount2] Životnih Bodova)
-Your [ourUnit] has destroyed an enemy [unit] = Vaš [ourUnit] je uništio neprijateljskog [unit]
-Your [ourUnit] ([amount] HP) has destroyed an enemy [unit] ([amount2] HP) = Vaš [ourUnit] ([amount] Životnih Bodova) je uništio neprijateljskog [unit] ([amount2] Životnih Bodova)
+Your [ourUnit] has destroyed an enemy [unit] = Tvoj [ourUnit] je uništio neprijateljskog [unit]
+Your [ourUnit] ([amount] HP) has destroyed an enemy [unit] ([amount2] HP) = Tvoj [ourUnit] ([amount] Životnih Bodova) je uništio neprijateljskog [unit] ([amount2] Životnih Bodova)
An enemy [RangedUnit] has destroyed the defence of [cityName] = Neprijateljski [RangedUnit] je uništio obranu [cityName]
An enemy [RangedUnit] ([amount] HP) has destroyed the defence of [cityName] ([amount2] HP) = Neprijateljski [RangedUnit] ([amount] Životnih Bodova) uništio je obranu [cityName] ([amount2] Životnih Bodova)
Enemy city [cityName] has destroyed our [ourUnit] = Neprijateljski grad [cityName] je uništio našeg [ourUnit]
@@ -1019,7 +1019,7 @@ Nothing tried to intercept our [attackerName] = Ništa nije pokušalo presresti
An enemy [unit] was spotted near our territory = Neprijateljski [unit] je uočen u blizini našeg teritorija
An enemy [unit] was spotted in our territory = Na našem teritoriju uočen je neprijateljski [unit]
An enemy [unit] has destroyed our tile improvement [improvement] = Neprijateljski [unit] je uništio naše [improvement] unaprjeđenje na polju
-Your city [cityName] can bombard the enemy! = Vaš grad [cityName] može bombardirati neprijatelja!
+Your city [cityName] can bombard the enemy! = Tvoj grad [cityName] može bombardirati neprijatelja!
[amount] of your cities can bombard the enemy! = [amount] vaših gradova može bombardirati neprijatelja!
[amount] enemy units were spotted near our territory = [amount] neprijateljskih jedinica uočene su u blizini našeg teritorija
[amount] enemy units were spotted in our territory = [amount] neprijateljskih jedinica uočene su na našem teritoriju
@@ -1030,9 +1030,9 @@ After an attempted attack by our [nukeType], [civName] has declared war on us! =
After being hit by our [nukeType], [civName] has declared war on us! = Nakon što ga je pogodio naš [nukeType], [civName] nam je objavila rat!
The civilization of [civName] has been destroyed! = Civilizacija [civName] je uništena!
The City-State of [name] has been destroyed! = Grad-država [name] je uništen!
-Your [ourUnit] captured an enemy [theirUnit]! = Vaš [ourUnit] je zarobio neprijatelja [theirUnit]!
-Your captured [unitName] has been returned by [civName] = Vašeg zarobljenog [unitName] je vratila [civName]
-Your [ourUnit] plundered [amount] [Stat] from [theirUnit] = Vaš [ourUnit] je opljačkao [amount] [Stat] od [theirUnit]
+Your [ourUnit] captured an enemy [theirUnit]! = Tvoj [ourUnit] je zarobio neprijatelja [theirUnit]!
+Your captured [unitName] has been returned by [civName] = Tvojeg zarobljenog [unitName] je vratila [civName]
+Your [ourUnit] plundered [amount] [Stat] from [theirUnit] = Tvoj [ourUnit] je opljačkao [amount] [Stat] od [theirUnit]
We have captured a barbarian encampment and recovered [goldAmount] gold! = Zauzeli smo barbarski logor i povratili [goldAmount] zlata!
An enemy [unitType] has joined us! = Neprijateljska [unitType] nam se pridružila!
[unitName] can be promoted! = [unitName] može biti unaprjeđen!
@@ -1050,16 +1050,16 @@ We have found a crudely-drawn map in the ruins! = Pronašli smo grubo nacrtanu k
[unit] has no work to do. = [unit] nema posla.
You're losing control of [name]. = Gubiš kontrolu nad [name].
You and [name] are no longer friends! = Vi i [name] više niste prijatelji!
-Your alliance with [name] is faltering. = Vaš savez s [name] se koleba.
+Your alliance with [name] is faltering. = Tvoj savez s [name] se koleba.
You and [name] are no longer allies! = Vi i [name] više niste saveznici!
[civName] gave us a [unitName] as gift near [cityName]! = [civName] nam je poklonila [unitName] u blizini [cityName]!
[civName] has denounced us! = [civName] nas je osudila!
-[cityName] has been connected to your capital! = [cityName] je spojen s vašom prijestolnicom!
-[cityName] has been disconnected from your capital! = [cityName] je odspojen iz vaše prijestolnice!
+[cityName] has been connected to your capital! = [cityName] je spojen s tvojom prijestolnicom!
+[cityName] has been disconnected from your capital! = [cityName] je odspojen od tvoje prijestolnice!
Connect road completed = Spajanje ceste je završeno
-[civName] has accepted your trade request = [civName] je prihvatila vaš zahtjev za trgovinu
-[civName] has made a counteroffer to your trade request = [civName] je napravila protuponudu na vaš zahtjev za trgovinu
-[civName] has denied your trade request = [civName] je odbila vaš zahtjev za trgovinu
+[civName] has accepted your trade request = [civName] je prihvatila tvoj zahtjev za trgovinu
+[civName] has made a counteroffer to your trade request = [civName] je napravila protuponudu na tvoj zahtjev za trgovinu
+[civName] has denied your trade request = [civName] je odbila tvoj zahtjev za trgovinu
[tradeOffer] from [otherCivName] has ended = [tradeOffer] od [otherCivName] je završilo
[tradeOffer] to [otherCivName] has ended = [tradeOffer] prema [otherCivName] je završilo
[tradeOffer] from [otherCivName] will end in [amount] turns = [tradeOffer] od [otherCivName] završiti će za [amount] poteza
@@ -1074,20 +1074,20 @@ We have allied with [nation]. = Udružili smo se u savez s [nation].
We have lost alliance with [nation]. = Izgubili smo savez s [nation].
We have discovered [naturalWonder]! = Otkrili smo [naturalWonder]!
We have received [goldAmount] Gold for discovering [naturalWonder] = Dobili smo [goldAmount] Zlata za otkrivanje [naturalWonder]
-Your relationship with [cityStateName] is about to degrade = Vaš odnos s [cityStateName] će uskoro degradirati
-Your relationship with [cityStateName] degraded = Vaš odnos s [cityStateName] je degradirao
+Your relationship with [cityStateName] is about to degrade = Tvoj odnos s [cityStateName] će uskoro degradirati
+Your relationship with [cityStateName] degraded = Tvoj odnos s [cityStateName] je degradirao
A new barbarian encampment has spawned! = Iznjedrio je novi barbarski logor!
-Barbarians raided [cityName] and stole [amount] Gold from your treasury! = Barbari su upali u [cityName] i ukrali [amount] zlata iz vaše riznice!
+Barbarians raided [cityName] and stole [amount] Gold from your treasury! = Barbari su upali u [cityName] i ukrali [amount] zlata iz tvoje riznice!
Received [goldAmount] Gold for capturing [cityName] = Primljeno [goldAmount] Zlata za osvajanje [cityName]
Our proposed trade is no longer relevant! = Naša predložena trgovina više nije relevantna!
[defender] could not withdraw from a [attacker] - blocked. = [defender] se nije mogao povući od [attacker] - blokiran.
[defender] withdrew from a [attacker] = [defender] se povukao od [attacker]
By expending your [unit] you gained [Stats]! = Potrošnjom svojeg [unit] dobili ste [Stats]!
-Your territory has been stolen by [civName]! = Vaš teritorij je ukrala [civName]!
+Your territory has been stolen by [civName]! = Tvoj teritorij je ukrala [civName]!
Clearing a [forest] has created [amount] Production for [cityName] = Krčenje [forest] stvorilo je [amount] Proizvodnje za [cityName]
[civName] assigned you a new quest: [questName]. = [civName] vam je dodijelio novu misiju: [questName].
-[civName] rewarded you with [influence] influence for completing the [questName] quest. = [civName] vas je nagradio s [influence] utjecaja za dovršetak misije [questName].
-[civName] no longer needs your help with the [questName] quest. = [civName] više ne treba vašu pomoć s misijom [questName].
+[civName] rewarded you with [influence] influence for completing the [questName] quest. = [civName] te je nagradila s [influence] utjecaja za dovršetak misije [questName].
+[civName] no longer needs your help with the [questName] quest. = [civName] više ne treba tvoju pomoć s misijom [questName].
The [questName] quest for [civName] has ended. It was won by [civNames]. = [questName] misija za [civName] je završila. Osvojio ju je [civNames].
The resistance in [cityName] has ended! = Otpor u [cityName] je prestao!
[cityName] demands [resource]! = [cityName] zahtijeva [resource]!
@@ -1099,10 +1099,10 @@ Our [name] took [tileDamage] tile damage = Naš [name] pretrpio je [tileDamage]
An unknown civilization has adopted the [policyName] policy = Nepoznata civilizacija usvojila je politiku [policyName]
You gained [Stats] as your religion was spread to [cityName] = Dobili ste [Stats] jer se vaša religija proširila na [cityName]
You gained [Stats] as your religion was spread to an unknown city = Dobili ste [Stats] jer se vaša religija proširila na nepoznati grad
-Your city [cityName] was converted to [religionName]! = Vaš grad [cityName] je konvertiran u [religionName]!
-Your [unitName] lost its faith after spending too long inside enemy territory! = Vaša [unitName] izgubio je vjeru nakon što je predugo proveo unutar neprijateljskog teritorija!
-An [unitName] has removed your religion [religionName] from its Holy City [cityName]! = [unitName] je uklonio vašu religiju [religionName] iz svog Svetog Grada [cityName]!
-An [unitName] has restored [cityName] as the Holy City of your religion [religionName]! = [unitName] je obnovio [cityName] kao Sveti Grad vaše religije [religionName]!
+Your city [cityName] was converted to [religionName]! = Tvoj grad [cityName] je konvertiran u [religionName]!
+Your [unitName] lost its faith after spending too long inside enemy territory! = Vaš [unitName] izgubio je vjeru nakon što je predugo proveo unutar neprijateljskog teritorija!
+An [unitName] has removed your religion [religionName] from its Holy City [cityName]! = [unitName] je uklonio tvoju religiju [religionName] iz svog Svetog Grada [cityName]!
+An [unitName] has restored [cityName] as the Holy City of your religion [religionName]! = [unitName] je obnovio [cityName] kao Sveti Grad tvoje religije [religionName]!
You have unlocked [ability]! = Otključali ste [ability]!
A new b'ak'tun has just begun! = Novi b'ak'tun je upravo počeo!
A Great Person joins you! = Velikan vam se pridružuje!
@@ -1123,9 +1123,9 @@ EffectBeforeCause = true
Gained [amount] [unitName] unit(s) = Dobiveno [amount] [unitName] jedinica
Gained [stats] = Dobiveno [stats]
-You may choose a free Policy = Možete odabrati besplatnu Politiku
-You may choose [amount] free Policies = Možete odabrati [amount] besplatnih Politika
-You gain the [policy] Policy = Dobivate [policy] Politiku
+You may choose a free Policy = Možeš odabrati besplatnu Politiku
+You may choose [amount] free Policies = Možeš odabrati [amount] besplatnih Politika
+You gain the [policy] Policy = Dobivaš [policy] Politiku
You enter a Golden Age = Ulaziš u Zlatno Doba
You have gained [amount] [resourceName] = Dobili ste [amount] [resourceName]
You have lost [amount] [resourceName] = Izgubili ste [amount] [resourceName]
@@ -1265,7 +1265,7 @@ Avoid [terrain] = Izbjegavaj [terrain]
# Maya calendar popup
The Mayan Long Count = Majansko Dugo Brojanje
-Your scientists and theologians have devised a systematic approach to measuring long time spans - the Long Count. During the festivities whenever the current b'ak'tun ends, a Great Person will join you. = Vaši znanstvenici i teolozi osmislili su sustavni pristup mjerenju dugih vremenskih raspona - Dugo brojanje. Tijekom svečanosti kad god trenutačni b'ak'tun završi, Velikan će vam se pridružiti.
+Your scientists and theologians have devised a systematic approach to measuring long time spans - the Long Count. During the festivities whenever the current b'ak'tun ends, a Great Person will join you. = Tvoji znanstvenici i teolozi osmislili su sustavni pristup mjerenju dugih vremenskih raspona - Dugo brojanje. Tijekom svečanosti kad god trenutačni b'ak'tun završi, Velikan će vam se pridružiti.
While the rest of the world calls the current year [year], in the Maya Calendar that is: = Dok ostatak svijeta tekuću godinu naziva [year], u Kalendaru Maya to je:
[amount] b'ak'tun, [amount2] k'atun, [amount3] tun = [amount] b'ak'tun, [amount2] k'atun, [amount3] tun
@@ -1276,9 +1276,9 @@ Raze city = Sruši grad
Stop razing city = Zaustavi rušenje grada
Buy for [amount] gold = Kupi za [amount] zlata
Buy = Kupi
-Currently you have [amount] [stat]. = Trenutačno imate [amount] [stat].
+Currently you have [amount] [stat]. = Trenutačno imaš [amount] [stat].
Would you like to purchase [constructionName] for [buildingGoldCost] [stat]? = Želiš li kupiti [constructionName] za [buildingGoldCost] [stat]?
-You are buying a religious unit in a city that doesn't follow the religion you founded ([yourReligion]). This means that the unit is tied to that foreign religion ([majorityReligion]) and will be less useful. = Kupujete vjersku jedinicu u gradu koji ne slijedi religiju koju ste osnovali ([yourReligion]). To znači da je jedinica vezana uz tu stranu religiju ([majorityReligion]) i bit će manje korisna.
+You are buying a religious unit in a city that doesn't follow the religion you founded ([yourReligion]). This means that the unit is tied to that foreign religion ([majorityReligion]) and will be less useful. = Kupuješ vjersku jedinicu u gradu koji ne slijedi religiju koju ste osnovali ([yourReligion]). To znači da je jedinica vezana uz tu stranu religiju ([majorityReligion]) i bit će manje korisna.
Are you really sure you want to purchase this unit? = Jeste li zaista sigurni da želite kupiti ovu jedinicu?
Purchase = Kupi
No space available to place [unit] near [city] = Nema slobodnog prostora za postavljanje [unit] u blizini [city]
@@ -1386,7 +1386,7 @@ Attack = Napadni
Bombard = Bombardiraj
Captured! = Zauzeto!
-Cannot gain more XP from Barbarians = Ne možete dobiti više iskustva od Barbara
+Cannot gain more XP from Barbarians = Ne možeš dobiti više iskustva od Barbara
# Battle modifier categories
@@ -1431,7 +1431,7 @@ Spread [religionName] = Proširi [religionName]
Remove Heresy = Ukloni Herezu
Found a Religion = Osnuj Religiju
Enhance a Religion = Unaprijedi Religiju
-Your citizens have been happy with your rule for so long that the empire enters a Golden Age! = Vaši su građani toliko dugo bili zadovoljni vašom vladavinom da je carstvo ušlo u Zlatno Doba!
+Your citizens have been happy with your rule for so long that the empire enters a Golden Age! = Tvoji građani su toliko dugo bili zadovoljni tvojom vladavinom da je carstvo ušlo u Zlatno Doba!
You have entered the [newEra]! = Ušli ste u [newEra]!
[civName] has entered the [eraName]! = [civName] je ušla u [eraName]!
[policyBranch] policy branch unlocked! = [policyBranch] grana politike je otključana!
@@ -1535,7 +1535,7 @@ Complete [amount] Policy branches = Završi [amount] grana Politike
You have won a [victoryType] Victory! = Osvojili ste [victoryType] pobjedu!
[civilization] has won a [victoryType] Victory! = [civilization] je osvojila [victoryType] pobjedu!
Your civilization stands above all others! The exploits of your people shall be remembered until the end of civilization itself! = Vaša civilizacija stoji iznad svih ostalih! Podvizi vašeg naroda pamtit će se do kraja same civilizacije!
-You have been defeated. Your civilization has been overwhelmed by its many foes. But your people do not despair, for they know that one day you shall return - and lead them forward to victory! = Poraženi ste. Vaša civilizacija je preplavljena brojnim neprijateljima. Ali tvoj narod ne očajava, jer zna da ćeš se jednog dana vratiti - i povesti ih naprijed u pobjedu!
+You have been defeated. Your civilization has been overwhelmed by its many foes. But your people do not despair, for they know that one day you shall return - and lead them forward to victory! = Poraženi ste. Vaša civilizacija je preplavljena brojnim neprijateljima. Ali vaš narod ne očajava, jer zna da ćete se jednog dana vratiti - i povesti ih naprijed u pobjedu!
One more turn...! = Još jedan potez...!
Destroy [civName] = Uništi [civName]
Capture [cityName] = Zauzmi [cityName]
@@ -1578,12 +1578,12 @@ Replay = Ponovno reproduciraj
What would you like to do with the city of [cityName]? = Što želiš učiniti s gradom [cityName]?
Annex = Pripoji
-Annexed cities become part of your regular empire. = Pripojeni gradovi postaju dio vašeg redovnog carstva.
+Annexed cities become part of your regular empire. = Pripojeni gradovi postaju dio tvojeg redovnog carstva.
Their citizens generate 2x the unhappiness, unless you build a courthouse. = Njihovi građani stvaraju 2x više nezadovoljstva, osim ako ne izgradiš sudnicu.
-Your civilization may not annex this city. = Vaša civilizacija ne može pripojiti ovaj grad.
+Your civilization may not annex this city. = Tvoja civilizacija ne može pripojiti ovaj grad.
Puppet = Marioneta
-Puppeted cities do not increase your tech or policy cost. = Marionete ne povećavaju vašu cijenu tehnologije ili politike.
-You have no control over the the production of puppeted cities. = Nemate kontrolu nad proizvodnjom gradova marioneta.
+Puppeted cities do not increase your tech or policy cost. = Marionete ne povećavaju tvoju cijenu tehnologije ili politike.
+You have no control over the the production of puppeted cities. = Nemaš kontrolu nad proizvodnjom gradova marioneta.
Puppeted cities also generate 25% less Gold and Science. = Gradovi marionete također generiraju 25% manje zlata i znanosti.
A puppeted city can be annexed at any time. = Grad marioneta može se pripojiti bilo kada.
Liberate (city returns to [originalOwner]) = Oslobodi (grad se vraća [originalOwner])
@@ -1596,7 +1596,7 @@ Original capitals and holy cities cannot be razed. = Izvorne prijestolnice i sve
Destroy = Uništi
Destroying the city instantly razes the city to the ground. = Uništavanje grada instantno sravnjuje grad sa zemljom.
Keep it = Zadrži ga
-Remove your troops in our border immediately! = Smjesta uklonite svoje trupe s naše granice!
+Remove your troops in our border immediately! = Smjesta ukloni svoje trupe s naše granice!
Sorry. = Oprosti.
Never! = Nikada!
@@ -1639,7 +1639,7 @@ Can be built on = Može se izgraditi na
Cannot be built on = Ne može se izgraditi na
or [terrainType] = ili [terrainType]
Can be constructed by = Može se izgraditi od
-Can be created instantly by = Može se kreirati odmah od
+Can be created instantly by = Može se stvoriti odmah od
Defence bonus = Obrambeni bonus
Movement cost = Cijena kretanja
for = za
@@ -1709,7 +1709,7 @@ Gold cost modifier: [amount]%¤ = Modifikator cijene u zlatu: [amount]%¤
Science cost modifier: [amount]%⍾ = Modifikator cijene znanosti: [amount]%⍾
Culture cost modifier: [amount]%♪ = Modifikator cijene kulture: [amount]%♪
Faith cost modifier: [amount]%☮ = Modifikator cijene vjere: [amount]%☮
-Improvement build length modifier: [amount]%⏳ = Modifikatora dužine izgradnje unaprjeđenja: [amount]%⏳
+Improvement build length modifier: [amount]%⏳ = Modifikator dužine izgradnje unaprjeđenja: [amount]%⏳
Diplomatic deal duration: [amount] turns⏳ = Trajanje diplomatskog ugovora: [amount] turns⏳
Gold gift influence gain modifier: [amount]%¤ = Modifikator pojačanja utjecaja darovanjem zlata: [amount]%¤
City-state tribute scaling interval: [amount] turns⏳ = Interval razmjera za prikupljanje danka od grada-države: [amount] poteza⏳
@@ -1776,7 +1776,7 @@ Majority Religion: [name] = Većinska Religija: [name]
+ [amount] pressure = + [amount] pritiska
Holy City of: [religionName] = Sveti Grad: [religionName]
Former Holy City of: [religionName] = Bivši Sveti Grad: [religionName]
-Followers = Sljedbenici
+Followers = Slijedbenici
Pressure = Pritisak
# Religion overview screen
@@ -1785,7 +1785,7 @@ Pantheon Name: = Naziv Panteona:
Founding Civ: = Osnivačka Civilizacija:
Holy City: = Sveti Grad:
Cities following this religion: = Gradovi koji slijede ovu religiju:
-Followers of this religion: = Sljedbenici ove religije:
+Followers of this religion: = Slijedbenici ove religije:
Click an icon to see the stats of this religion = Kliknite na ikonu da biste vidjeli statistiku ove religije
Religion: Off = Religija: Isključeno
Minimal Faith required for\nthe next [Great Prophet]: = Minimalno Vjere potrebno za\nsljedećeg [Great Prophet]:
@@ -1795,7 +1795,7 @@ Number of civilizations * [amount] + [amount2] = Broj civilizacija * [amount] +
Estimated Number of civilizations * [amount] + [amount2] = Procijenjeni Broj civilizacija * [amount] + [amount2]
Religions already founded = Religije već osnovane
Available founder beliefs = Dostupna vjerovanja osnivača
-Available follower beliefs = Dostupna vjerovanja sljedbenika
+Available follower beliefs = Dostupna vjerovanja slijedbenika
Religious status: = Religijski status:
None = Nijedan
@@ -1816,9 +1816,9 @@ Move = Pokreni
After an unknown civilization entered the [eraName], we have recruited [spyName] as a spy! = Nakon što je nepoznata civilizacija ušla u [eraName], regrutirali smo [spyName] kao špijuna!
We have recruited [spyName] as a spy! = Regrutirali smo [spyName] kao špijuna!
-Your spy [spyName] has leveled up! = Vaš špijun [spyName] je prešao na novu razinu!
-Your spy [spyName] has leveled up [amount] times! = Vaš špijun [spyName] je prešao na novu razinu [amount] puta!
-Your spy [spyName] cannot steal any more techs from [civName] as we've already researched all the technology they know! = Vaš špijun [spyName] ne može ukrasti više tehnologija od [civName] jer smo već istražili sve tehnologije koje oni znaju!
+Your spy [spyName] has leveled up! = Tvoj špijun [spyName] je prešao na novu razinu!
+Your spy [spyName] has leveled up [amount] times! = Tvoj špijun [spyName] je prešao na novu razinu [amount] puta!
+Your spy [spyName] cannot steal any more techs from [civName] as we've already researched all the technology they know! = Tvoj špijun [spyName] ne može ukrasti više tehnologija od [civName] jer smo već istražili sve tehnologije koje oni znaju!
# Stealing Technology defending civ
An unidentified spy stole the Technology [techName] from [cityName]! = Neidentificirani špijun ukrao je Tehnologiju [techName] iz [cityName]!
@@ -1827,18 +1827,18 @@ A spy from [civName] was found and killed trying to steal Technology in [cityNam
A spy from [civName] was found and killed by [spyName] trying to steal Technology in [cityName]! = Špijun iz [civName] je pronađen i ubijen od strane [spyName] pokušavajući ukrasti Tehnologiju u [cityName]!
# Stealing Technology offending civ
-Your spy [spyName] stole the Technology [techName] from [cityName]! = Vaš špijun [spyName] ukrao je Tehnologiju [techName] iz [cityName]!
-Your spy [spyName] was killed trying to steal Technology in [cityName]! = Vaš špijun [spyName] je ubijen pokušavajući ukrasti Tehnologiju u [cityName]!
+Your spy [spyName] stole the Technology [techName] from [cityName]! = Tvoj špijun [spyName] ukrao je Tehnologiju [techName] iz [cityName]!
+Your spy [spyName] was killed trying to steal Technology in [cityName]! = Tvoj špijun [spyName] je ubijen pokušavajući ukrasti Tehnologiju u [cityName]!
# Rigging elections
-Your spy successfully rigged the election in [cityName]! = Vaš špijun je uspješno namjestio izbore u [cityName]!
-Your spy lost the election in [cityStateName] to [civName]! = Vaš špijun je izgubio izbore u [cityStateName] od [civName]!
+Your spy successfully rigged the election in [cityName]! = Tvoj špijun je uspješno namjestio izbore u [cityName]!
+Your spy lost the election in [cityStateName] to [civName]! = Tvoj špijun je izgubio izbore u [cityStateName] od [civName]!
The election in [cityStateName] were rigged by [civName]! = Izbore u [cityStateName] namjestila je [civName]!
-Your spy lost the election in [cityName]! = Vaš špijun je izgubio izbore u [cityName]!
+Your spy lost the election in [cityName]! = Tvoj špijun je izgubio izbore u [cityName]!
# City-Ctate Coups
Stage Coup = Izvedi puč
-Your spy [spyName] successfully staged a coup in [cityName]! = Vaš špijun [spyName] uspješno je izveo puč u [cityName]!
+Your spy [spyName] successfully staged a coup in [cityName]! = Tvoj špijun [spyName] uspješno je izveo puč u [cityName]!
A spy from [civName] successfully staged a coup in our former ally [cityStateName]! = Špijun iz [civName] uspješno je izveo puč u našem bivšem savezniku [cityStateName]!
A spy from [civName] successfully staged a coup in [cityStateName]! = Špijun iz [civName] uspješno je izveo puč u [cityStateName]!
A spy from [civName] failed to stage a coup in our ally [cityStateName] and was killed! = Špijun iz [civName] nije uspio izvesti puč u našem savezniku [cityStateName] i ubijen je!
@@ -1846,11 +1846,11 @@ Our spy [spyName] failed to stage a coup in [cityStateName] and was killed! = Na
Do you want to stage a coup in [civName] with a [percent]% chance of success? = Želiš li izvesti puč u [civName] s [percent]% šanse za uspjeh?
# Spy fleeing city
-After the city of [cityName] was destroyed, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Nakon što je grad [cityName] uništen, vaš špijun [spyName] je pobjegao natrag u naše skrovište.
-After the city of [cityName] was conquered, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Nakon što je grad [cityName] osvojen, vaš špijun [spyName] je pobjegao natrag u naše skrovište.
+After the city of [cityName] was destroyed, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Nakon što je grad [cityName] bio uništen, tvoj špijun [spyName] je pobjegao natrag u naše skrovište.
+After the city of [cityName] was conquered, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Nakon što je grad [cityName] bio osvojen, tvoj špijun [spyName] je pobjegao natrag u naše skrovište.
# Requires translation!
-After the city of [cityName] was taken over, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. =
-Due to the chaos ensuing in [cityName], your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Zbog kaosa koji je nastao u [cityName], vaš špijun [spyName] je pobjegao natrag u naše skrovište.
+After the city of [cityName] was taken over, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Nakon što je grad [cityName] bio zauzet, tvoj špijun [spyName] je pobjegao natrag u naše skrovište.
+Due to the chaos ensuing in [cityName], your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Zbog kaosa koji je nastao u [cityName], tvoj špijun [spyName] je pobjegao natrag u naše skrovište.
# Promotions
@@ -1917,7 +1917,7 @@ Are you SURE you want to delete this mod? = Jeste li SIGURNI da želite izbrisat
[mod] was deleted. = [mod] je izbrisan.
Updated = Ažurirano
Current mods = Trenutačni modovi
-Downloadable mods = Modovi koji se mogu preuzimati
+Downloadable mods = Modovi koji se mogu preuzeti
Category: = Kategorija:
All mods = Svi modovi
Rulesets = Skupovi pravila
@@ -1964,7 +1964,7 @@ Choose scenario = Odaberite scenarij
[stats] from every [param] = [stats] iz svakog [param]
[stats] from [param] tiles in this city = [stats] iz [param] polja u ovom gradu
[stats] from every [param] on [tileFilter] tiles = [stats] iz svakog [param] na poljima [tileFilter]
-[stats] for each adjacent [param] = [stats] za svaki susjedni [param]
+[stats] for each adjacent [param] = [stats] za svako susjedno [param]
Must be next to [terrain] = Mora biti pored [terrain]
Must be on [terrain] = Mora biti na [terrain]
+[amount]% vs [unitType] = +[amount]% protiv [unitType]
@@ -1973,7 +1973,7 @@ Must be on [terrain] = Mora biti na [terrain]
Can only be built on [tileFilter] tiles = Može se graditi samo na [tileFilter] poljima
Cannot be built on [tileFilter] tiles = Ne može se graditi na [tileFilter] poljima
Does not need removal of [feature] = Ne treba uklanjanje [feature]
-Gain a free [building] [cityFilter] = Dobijte besplatno [building] [cityFilter]
+Gain a free [building] [cityFilter] = Dobij besplatno [building] [cityFilter]
# Countables
@@ -2034,12 +2034,12 @@ ConditionalsPlacement = after
[stats] from [tileFilter] tiles without [tileFilter2] [cityFilter] = [stats] iz [tileFilter] polja bez [tileFilter2] [cityFilter]
[stats] from each Trade Route = [stats] od svake Trgovačke Rute
[stats] for each global city following this religion = [stats] za svaki globalni grad koji slijedi ovu religiju
-[stats] from every [amount] global followers [cityFilter] = [stats] od svakog [amount] globalnih sljedbenika [cityFilter]
+[stats] from every [amount] global followers [cityFilter] = [stats] od svakih [amount] globalnih slijedbenika [cityFilter]
[relativeAmount]% [stat] = [relativeAmount]% [stat]
[relativeAmount]% [stat] [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount]% [stat] [cityFilter]
[relativeAmount]% [stat] from every [tileFilter/buildingFilter] = [relativeAmount]% [stat] od svakog [tileFilter/buildingFilter]
[relativeAmount]% Yield from every [tileFilter/buildingFilter] = [relativeAmount]% prinosa od svakog [tileFilter/buildingFilter]
-[relativeAmount]% [stat] from every follower, up to [relativeAmount2]% = [relativeAmount]% [stat] od svakog sljedbenika, do [relativeAmount2]%
+[relativeAmount]% [stat] from every follower, up to [relativeAmount2]% = [relativeAmount]% [stat] od svakog slijedbenika, do [relativeAmount2]%
[relativeAmount]% [stat] from City-States = [relativeAmount]% [stat] iz Gradova-Država
[relativeAmount]% [stat] from Trade Routes = [relativeAmount]% [stat] iz Trgovačkih Ruta
Nullifies [stat] [cityFilter] = Poništava [stat] [cityFilter]
@@ -2053,7 +2053,7 @@ Provides a unique luxury = Pruža unikatni luksuz
Military Units gifted from City-States start with [amount] XP = Vojne jedinice darovane od Gradova-Država počinju s [amount] Iskustva
Militaristic City-States grant units [amount] times as fast when you are at war with a common nation = Militaristički Gradovi-Države daju jedinice [amount] puta brže kada ste u ratu s zajedničkom nacijom
Gifts of Gold to City-States generate [relativeAmount]% more Influence = Pokloni zlata Gradovima-Državama generiraju [relativeAmount]% više Utjecaja
-Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your ally for [amount] turns. = Može se potrošiti zlato za pripojenje ili pretvaranje Grada-Države u marionetu, koji je bio vaš saveznik [amount] poteza.
+Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your ally for [amount] turns. = Može se potrošiti zlato za pripojenje ili pretvaranje Grada-Države u marionetu, koji je bio tvoj saveznik [amount] poteza.
City-State territory always counts as friendly territory = Teritorij Grada-Države uvijek se računa kao prijateljski teritorij
Allied City-States will occasionally gift Great People = Saveznički Gradovi-Države povremeno će darivati Velikane
Will not be chosen for new games = Neće biti odabran za nove igre
@@ -2081,10 +2081,10 @@ May buy [baseUnitFilter] units with [stat] [cityFilter] = Mogu se kupiti [baseUn
May buy [buildingFilter] buildings with [stat] [cityFilter] = Mogu se kupiti [buildingFilter] zgrade s [stat] [cityFilter]
May buy [baseUnitFilter] units with [stat] for [amount] times their normal Production cost = Mogu se kupiti [baseUnitFilter] jedinice s [stat] za [amount] puta njihove normalne cijene Proizvodnje
May buy [buildingFilter] buildings with [stat] for [amount] times their normal Production cost = Mogu se kupiti [buildingFilter] zgrade s [stat] za [amount] puta njihove normalne cijene Proizvodnje
-[stat] cost of purchasing items in cities [relativeAmount]% = cijena kupnje [stat] stavki u gradovima [relativeAmount]%
-[stat] cost of purchasing [buildingFilter] buildings [relativeAmount]% = [stat] cijena kupnje [buildingFilter] zgrada [relativeAmount]%
-[stat] cost of purchasing [baseUnitFilter] units [relativeAmount]% = [stat] cijena kupnje [baseUnitFilter] jedinica [relativeAmount]%
-Enables conversion of city production to [civWideStat] = Omogućuje konverziju proizvodnje u gradu u [civWideStat]
+[stat] cost of purchasing items in cities [relativeAmount]% = Cijena [stat] kupnje stavki u gradovima [relativeAmount]%
+[stat] cost of purchasing [buildingFilter] buildings [relativeAmount]% = Cijena [stat] kupnje [buildingFilter] zgrada [relativeAmount]%
+[stat] cost of purchasing [baseUnitFilter] units [relativeAmount]% = Cijena [stat] kupnje [baseUnitFilter] jedinica [relativeAmount]%
+Enables conversion of city production to [civWideStat] = Omogućuje konverziju proizvodnje u [civWideStat] u gradu
Improves movement speed on roads = Unaprjeđuje brzinu kretanja po cestama
Roads connect tiles across rivers = Ceste povezuju polja preko rijeka
[relativeAmount]% maintenance on road & railroads = [relativeAmount]% održavanja cesta i željeznica
@@ -2112,7 +2112,7 @@ Units in cities cost no Maintenance = Jedinice u gradovima ne zahtijevaju Održa
Enables embarkation for land units = Omogućuje kopnenim jedinicama ukrcaj na brod
Enables [mapUnitFilter] units to enter ocean tiles = Omogućuje [mapUnitFilter] jedinicama da uđu na polja oceana
Land units may cross [terrainName] tiles after the first [baseUnitFilter] is earned = Kopnene jedinice mogu prelaziti [terrainName] polja nakon što se zaradi prvi [baseUnitFilter]
-Enemy [mapUnitFilter] units must spend [amount] extra movement points when inside your territory = Neprijateljski [mapUnitFilter] jedinice moraju potrošiti [amount] dodatnih bodova kretanja kada su unutar vašeg teritorija
+Enemy [mapUnitFilter] units must spend [amount] extra movement points when inside your territory = Neprijateljski [mapUnitFilter] jedinice moraju potrošiti [amount] dodatnih bodova kretanja kada su unutar tvojeg teritorija
New [baseUnitFilter] units start with [amount] Experience [cityFilter] = Nove [baseUnitFilter] jedinice počinju s [amount] Iskustva [cityFilter]
All newly-trained [baseUnitFilter] units [cityFilter] receive the [promotion] promotion = Sve novoobučene [baseUnitFilter] jedinice [cityFilter] dobivaju [promotion] promaknuće
[mapUnitFilter] Units adjacent to this city heal [amount] HP per turn when healing = [mapUnitFilter] Jedinice uz ovaj grad liječe se [amount] Životnih Bodova po potezu kada se liječe
@@ -2131,7 +2131,7 @@ Gain [amount] Influence with a [baseUnitFilter] gift to a City-State = Dobij [am
Resting point for Influence with City-States following this religion [amount] = Uporište utjecaja na Gradove-Države koje slijede ovu religiju [amount]
Notified of new Barbarian encampments = Obaviješten o novim Barbarskim logorima
Receive triple Gold from Barbarian encampments and pillaging Cities = Primi trostruko Zlata od Barbarskih logora i pljački Gradova
-When conquering an encampment, earn [amount] Gold and recruit a Barbarian unit = Kada osvojite logor, zaradite [amount] Zlata i regrutirajte jedinicu Barbara
+When conquering an encampment, earn [amount] Gold and recruit a Barbarian unit = Kada osvojite logor, zaradite [amount] Zlata i regrutirajte Barbarsku jedinicu
When defeating a [mapUnitFilter] unit, earn [amount] Gold and recruit it = Kada porazite [mapUnitFilter] jedinicu, zaradite [amount] Zlata i regrutirajte je
Starting in this era disables religion = Počevši od ove ere onemogućuje religiju
May choose [amount] additional [beliefType] beliefs when [foundingOrEnhancing] a religion = Može se odabrati [amount] dodatnih [beliefType] vjerovanja kada [foundingOrEnhancing] religiju
@@ -2173,14 +2173,14 @@ Triggers a global alert upon completion = Aktivira globalno upozorenje po završ
Cost increases by [amount] per owned city = Cijena se povećava za [amount] po gradu u vlasništvu
Cost increases by [amount] when built = Cijena se povećava za [amount] kada se izgradi
[amount]% production cost = [amount]% cijena proizvodnje
-Can only be built = Može se samo graditi
+Can only be built = Može se graditi samo
Must have an owned [tileFilter] within [amount] tiles = Mora se imati [tileFilter] u vlasništvu unutar [amount] polja
Enables nuclear weapon = Omogućuje nuklearno oružje
Must not be on [tileFilter] = Ne smije biti na [tileFilter]
Must not be next to [tileFilter] = Ne smije biti pored [tileFilter]
Indicates the capital city = Označava glavni grad
Moves to new capital when capital changes = Prelazi u novu prijestolnicu kada se prijestolnica promijeni
-Provides 1 extra copy of each improved luxury resource near this City = Omogućuje 1 dodatnu kopiju svakog unaprjeđenog luksuznog resursa u blizini ovog Grada
+Provides 1 extra copy of each improved luxury resource near this City = Pruža 1 dodatnu kopiju svakog unaprjeđenog luksuznog resursa u blizini ovog Grada
Destroyed when the city is captured = Uništeno kada je grad zauzet
Never destroyed when the city is captured = Nikada nije uništeno kada je grad zauzet
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured = Udvostručuje Zlato koje se daje neprijatelju ako je grad zauzet
@@ -2208,7 +2208,7 @@ Can generate a large amount of culture = Može generirati veliku količinu kultu
Can undertake a trade mission with City-State, giving a large sum of gold and [amount] Influence = Može poduzeti trgovačku misiju s Gradom-Državom, dajući veliku svotu zlata i [amount] utjecaja
Can transform to [unit] = Može se transformirati u [unit]
[relativeAmount]% Strength = [relativeAmount]% Snage
-[relativeAmount]% Strength decreasing with distance from the capital = [relativeAmount]% Snaga opada s udaljenošću od prijestolnice
+[relativeAmount]% Strength decreasing with distance from the capital = [relativeAmount]% Snage opada s udaljenošću od prijestolnice
[relativeAmount]% to Flank Attack bonuses = [relativeAmount]% bonusa za Bočni Napad
[relativeAmount]% Strength for enemy [mapUnitFilter] units in adjacent [tileFilter] tiles = [relativeAmount]% Snage za neprijateljske [mapUnitFilter] jedinice u susjednim [tileFilter] poljima
[relativeAmount]% Strength when stacked with [mapUnitFilter] = [relativeAmount]% Snage kada se složi s [mapUnitFilter]
@@ -2219,8 +2219,8 @@ Can transform to [unit] = Može se transformirati u [unit]
[amount] Range = [amount] Domet
[relativeAmount] Air Interception Range = [relativeAmount] Domet Presretanja iz Zraka
[amount] HP when healing = [amount] Životnih Bodova pri liječenju
-[relativeAmount]% Spread Religion Strength = [relativeAmount]% Snaga Širenja Religije
-When spreading religion to a city, gain [amount] times the amount of followers of other religions as [stat] = Kada širiš religiju u grad, dobij [amount] puta broj sljedbenika drugih religija kao [stat]
+[relativeAmount]% Spread Religion Strength = [relativeAmount]% Snage Širenja Religije
+When spreading religion to a city, gain [amount] times the amount of followers of other religions as [stat] = Kada širiš religiju u grad, dobij [amount] puta broj slijedbenika drugih religija kao [stat]
Can only attack [combatantFilter] units = Može napadati samo [combatantFilter] jedinice
Can only attack [tileFilter] tiles = Može napadati samo [tileFilter] polja
Cannot attack = Ne može napasti
@@ -2248,7 +2248,7 @@ All healing effects doubled = Svi učinci liječenja su udvostručeni
Heals [amount] damage if it kills a unit = Liječi se [amount] štete ako ubije jedinicu
Can only heal by pillaging = Može se liječiti samo pljačkom
Unit will heal every turn, even if it performs an action = Jedinica će se liječiti svaki potez, čak i ako izvede radnju
-All adjacent units heal [amount] HP when healing = Sve susjedne jedinice se liječe [amount] Životnih Bodova kada se liječe
+All adjacent units heal [amount] HP when healing = Sve susjedne jedinice liječe se [amount] Životnih Bodova kada se liječe
No Sight = Nema Vidokruga
Can see over obstacles = Može vidjeti preko prepreka
Can carry [amount] [mapUnitFilter] units = Može nositi [amount] [mapUnitFilter] jedinica
@@ -2257,7 +2257,7 @@ Cannot be carried by [mapUnitFilter] units = Ne može biti nošen [mapUnitFilter
[relativeAmount]% chance to intercept air attacks = [relativeAmount]% šanse za presretanje zračnih napada
Damage taken from interception reduced by [relativeAmount]% = Primljena šteta nastala prilikom presretanja smanjena za [relativeAmount]%
[relativeAmount]% Damage when intercepting = [relativeAmount]% Štete prilikom presretanja
-[amount] extra interceptions may be made per turn = [amount] dodatnih presretanja može se napraviti po potezu
+[amount] extra interceptions may be made per turn = Može se napraviti [amount] dodatnih presretanja po potezu
Cannot be intercepted = Ne može se presresti
Cannot intercept [mapUnitFilter] units = Ne mogu presresti [mapUnitFilter] jedinice
[relativeAmount]% Strength when performing Air Sweep = [relativeAmount]% Snage pri izvođenju čišćenja zraka
@@ -2266,7 +2266,7 @@ Cannot intercept [mapUnitFilter] units = Ne mogu presresti [mapUnitFilter] jedin
Earn [amount]% of the damage done to [combatantFilter] units as [civWideStat] = Zaradi [amount]% od štete učinjene [combatantFilter] jedinicama kao [civWideStat]
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [civWideStat] immediately = Nakon zauzimanja grada, primi [amount] puta njegovu [stat] proizvodnju kao [civWideStat] odmah
Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [civWideStat] = Zaradi [amount]% od [costOrStrength] ubijene [mapUnitFilter] jedinice kao [civWideStat]
-Earn [amount]% of [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [civWideStat] when killed within 4 tiles of a city following this religion = Zaradi [amount]% od [costOrStrength] [mapUnitFilter] jedinice kao [civWideStat] kada je ubijen unutar 4 polja od grada koji slijedi ovu religiju
+Earn [amount]% of [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [civWideStat] when killed within 4 tiles of a city following this religion = Zaradi [amount]% od [costOrStrength] [mapUnitFilter] jedinice kao [civWideStat] kada je ubijena unutar 4 polja od grada koji slijedi ovu religiju
May capture killed [mapUnitFilter] units = Može zarobiti ubijene [mapUnitFilter] jedinice
[amount] XP gained from combat = [amount] Iskustva dobiveno iz borbe
[relativeAmount]% XP gained from combat = [relativeAmount]% Iskustva dobiveno iz borbe
@@ -2313,8 +2313,8 @@ after which this unit is consumed = nakon čega je ova jedinica potrošena
Grants [stats] to the first civilization to discover it = Daje [stats] prvoj civilizaciji koja ga otkrije
Units ending their turn on this terrain take [amount] damage = Jedinice koje završe svoj potez na ovom terenu pretrpe [amount] štete
Grants [promotion] ([comment]) to adjacent [mapUnitFilter] units for the rest of the game = Dodjeljuje [promotion] ([comment]) susjednim [mapUnitFilter] jedinicama do kraja igre
-[amount] Strength for cities built on this terrain = [amount] Snaga za gradove izgrađene na ovom terenu
-Provides a one-time Production bonus to the closest city when cut down = Omogućuje jednokratni bonus Proizvodnje najbližem gradu kada se odsječe
+[amount] Strength for cities built on this terrain = [amount] Snage za gradove izgrađene na ovom terenu
+Provides a one-time Production bonus to the closest city when cut down = Pruža jednokratni bonus Proizvodnje najbližem gradu kada se odsječe
Tile provides yield without assigned population = Polje daje prinos bez dodijeljenog stanovnika
Nullifies all other stats this tile provides = Poništava sve ostale karakteristike koje ovo polje nudi
Only [improvementFilter] improvements may be built on this tile = Samo [improvementFilter] unaprjeđenja mogu se graditi na ovom polju
@@ -2325,7 +2325,7 @@ Rare feature = Rijetka značajka
Fresh water = Slatka voda
Rough terrain = Neravan teren
Deposits in [tileFilter] tiles always provide [amount] resources = Depoziti u [tileFilter] poljima uvijek pružaju [amount] resursa
-Can only be created by Mercantile City-States = Mogu ga stvoriti samo Trgovačkim Gradovima-Državama
+Can only be created by Mercantile City-States = Može biti stvoreno samo u Trgovačkim Gradovima-Državama
Stockpiled = U zalihi
City-level resource = Resurs na razini grada
Cannot be traded = Ne može se trgovati
@@ -2336,13 +2336,13 @@ Ensures a minimum tile yield of [stats] = Osigurava minimalni prinos polja od [s
Can be built outside your borders = Može se graditi izvan vaših granica
Can be built just outside your borders = Može se graditi u neposrednoj blizini vaših granica
Can only be built to improve a resource = Može se izgraditi samo za unaprjeđenje resursa
-Removes removable features when built = Uklanja uklonjive značajke kada je izgrađen
+Removes removable features when built = Uklanja uklonjive značajke kada je izgrađeno
Gives a defensive bonus of [relativeAmount]% = Daje obrambeni bonus od [relativeAmount]%
Costs [amount] [stat] per turn when in your territory = Stoji [amount] [stat] po potezu kada je na vašem području
Costs [amount] [stat] per turn = Stoji [amount] [stat] po potezu
Adjacent enemy units ending their turn take [amount] damage = Susjedne neprijateljske jedinice koje završe svoj potez pretrpe [amount] štete
Great Improvement = Veliko Unaprjeđenje
-Provides a random bonus when entered = Omogućuje nasumični bonus kada se uđe
+Provides a random bonus when entered = Pruža nasumični bonus kada se uđe
Unpillagable = Ne može se opljačkati
Irremovable = Ne može se ukloniti
Will not be replaced by automated units = Neće biti zamijenjeni automatiziranim jedinicama
@@ -2417,9 +2417,9 @@ for units without [promotion] = za jedinice bez [promotion]
vs cities = protiv gradova
vs [mapUnitFilter] units = protiv [mapUnitFilter] jedinica
when fighting units from a Civilization with more Cities than you = kada se borite s jedinicama iz Civilizacije s više Gradova od vas
-when attacking = kada se napada
+when attacking = kada napada
when defending = kada se brani
-when fighting in [tileFilter] tiles = kada se borite u poljima [tileFilter]
+when fighting in [tileFilter] tiles = kada se bori u poljima [tileFilter]
on foreign continents = na stranim kontinentima
when adjacent to a [mapUnitFilter] unit = kada je u blizini [mapUnitFilter] jedinice
when above [amount] HP = kada je iznad [amount] Životnih Bodova
@@ -2440,7 +2440,7 @@ when number of [countable] is more than [countable2] = kada je broj [countable]
when number of [countable] is less than [countable2] = kada je broj [countable] manji od [countable2]
when number of [countable] is between [countable2] and [countable3] = kada je broj [countable] između [countable2] i [countable3]
Free [unit] appears = Pojavljuje se besplatni [unit]
-[positiveAmount] free [unit] units appear = Pojavljuju se [positiveAmount] besplatnih [unit] jedinica
+[positiveAmount] free [unit] units appear = Pojavljuju se [positiveAmount] besplatne [unit] jedinice
Free [unit] found in the ruins = Besplatni [unit] je pronađen u ruševinama
Free Social Policy = Besplatna Društvena Politika
[positiveAmount] Free Social Policies = [positiveAmount] Besplatnih Društvenih Politika
@@ -2457,7 +2457,7 @@ Free Technology = Besplatna Tehnologija
[positiveAmount] Free Technologies = [positiveAmount] Besplatnih Tehnologija
[positiveAmount] free random researchable Tech(s) from the [era] = [positiveAmount] besplatnih nasumičnih Tehnologija koje se mogu istražiti iz [era]
Reveals the entire map = Otkriva cijelu kartu
-Gain a free [beliefType] belief = Steknite besplatno [beliefType] vjerovanje
+Gain a free [beliefType] belief = Dobij besplatno [beliefType] vjerovanje
Triggers voting for the Diplomatic Victory = Okida glasovanje za diplomatsku pobjedu
Instantly consumes [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource] = Instantno troši [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource]
Instantly provides [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource] = Instantno pruža [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource]
@@ -2472,11 +2472,11 @@ Triggers the following global alert: [comment] = Pokreće sljedeće globalno upo
Every major Civilization gains a spy once a civilization enters this era = Svaka glavna Civilizacija dobiva špijuna jednom kada civilizacija uđe u ovu eru
Promotes all spies [amount] time(s) = Promiče sve špijune [amount] puta
Gain an extra spy = Dobij dodatnog špijuna
-Doing so will consume this opportunity to choose a Promotion = Time ćete iskoristiti priliku za odabir Promaknuća
+Doing so will consume this opportunity to choose a Promotion = Time ćeš iskoristiti priliku za odabir Promaknuća
This Promotion is free = Ovo Promaknuće je besplatno
Turn this tile into a [terrainName] tile = Pretvori ovo polje u polje [terrainName]
-Provides the cheapest [stat] building in your first [positiveAmount] cities for free = Omogućuje najjeftiniju [stat] zgradu u vašim prvih [positiveAmount] gradova besplatno
-Provides a [buildingName] in your first [positiveAmount] cities for free = Omogućuje [buildingName] u vaših prvih [positiveAmount] gradova besplatno
+Provides the cheapest [stat] building in your first [positiveAmount] cities for free = Pruža najjeftiniju [stat] zgradu u vaših prvih [positiveAmount] gradova besplatno
+Provides a [buildingName] in your first [positiveAmount] cities for free = Pruža [buildingName] u vaših prvih [positiveAmount] gradova besplatno
Triggers a [event] event = Okida događaj [event]
[unitTriggerTarget] heals [positiveAmount] HP = [unitTriggerTarget] liječi se [positiveAmount] Životnih Bodova
[unitTriggerTarget] takes [positiveAmount] damage = [unitTriggerTarget] prima [positiveAmount] štete
@@ -2580,7 +2580,7 @@ relevant = relevantan
######### Unit Type Filters ###########
-Land = Kopnena
+Land = Kopno
Water = Pomorska
Air = Zračna
@@ -2640,8 +2640,8 @@ World = Svijet
######### Population Filters ###########
Unemployed = Nezaposlen
-Followers of the Majority Religion = Sljedbenici Većinske Religije
-Followers of this Religion = Sljedbenici ove Religije
+Followers of the Majority Religion = Slijedbenici Većinske Religije
+Followers of this Religion = Slijedbenici ove Religije
######### Terrain Filters ###########
@@ -2693,7 +2693,7 @@ any = bilo koji
######### beliefType ###########
Founder = Osnivač
-Follower = Sljedbenik
+Follower = Slijedbenik
Enhancer = Unaprjeditelj
Any = Bilo koji
@@ -2732,7 +2732,7 @@ Era = Era
Tech = Tehnologija
Policy = Politika
FounderBelief = VjerovanjeOsnivača
-FollowerBelief = VjerovanjeSljedbenika
+FollowerBelief = VjerovanjeSlijedbenika
UnitAction = RadnjaJedinice
Unit = Jedinica
UnitType = TipJedinice
@@ -2766,20 +2766,20 @@ Dead = Mrtav
#################### Lines from diplomatic modifiers #######################
You declared war on us! = Objavili ste nam rat!
-Your warmongering ways are unacceptable to us. = Vaši ratnohuškački putevi su nam neprihvatljivi.
+Your warmongering ways are unacceptable to us. = Tvoji ratnohuškački putevi su nam neprihvatljivi.
You have captured our cities! = Zauzeli ste naše gradove!
You have declared friendship with our enemies! = Proglasili ste prijateljstvo s našim neprijateljima!
-Your so-called 'friendship' is worth nothing. = Vaše takozvano 'prijateljstvo' ne vrijedi ništa.
+Your so-called 'friendship' is worth nothing. = Tvoje takozvano 'prijateljstvo' ne vrijedi ništa.
You have declared a defensive pact with our enemies! = Objavili ste obrambeni pakt s našim neprijateljima!
-Your so-called 'defensive pact' is worth nothing. = Vaš takozvani 'obrambeni pakt' ne vrijedi ništa.
+Your so-called 'defensive pact' is worth nothing. = Tvoj takozvani 'obrambeni pakt' ne vrijedi ništa.
You have publicly denounced us! = Javno ste nas osudili!
You have denounced our allies = Osudili ste naše saveznike
You refused to stop settling cities near us = Odbili ste zaustaviti naseljavanje gradova blizu nas
You refused to stop spreading religion to us = Odbili ste prestati širiti religiju prema nama
You betrayed your promise to not settle cities near us = Iznevjerili ste svoje obećanje da nećete naseljavati gradove blizu nas
You betrayed your promise to not spread your religion to us = Iznevjerili ste svoje obećanje da nam nećete širiti svoju religiju
-Your arrogant demands are in bad taste = Vaši arogantni zahtjevi su neukusni
-Your use of nuclear weapons is disgusting! = Vaša uporaba nuklearnog oružja je odvratna!
+Your arrogant demands are in bad taste = Tvoji arogantni zahtjevi su neukusni
+Your use of nuclear weapons is disgusting! = Tvoja uporaba nuklearnog oružja je odvratna!
You have stolen our lands! = Ukrali ste naše zemlje!
You destroyed City-States that were under our protection! = Uništili ste Gradove-Države koje su bile pod našom zaštitom!
You attacked City-States that were under our protection! = Napali ste Gradove-Države koje su bile pod našom zaštitom!
@@ -2790,7 +2790,7 @@ You spied on us! = Špijunirali ste nas!
You took the alliance we had with a City-State = Uzeli ste savez koji smo imali s Gradom-Državom
Years of peace have strengthened our relations. = Godine mira učvrstile su naše odnose.
Our mutual military struggle brings us closer together. = Naša međusobna vojna borba nas zbližava.
-We applaud your liberation of conquered cities! = Pozdravljamo vaše oslobađanje osvojenih gradova!
+We applaud your liberation of conquered cities! = Pozdravljamo tvoje oslobađanje osvojenih gradova!
We have signed a public declaration of friendship = Potpisali smo javnu deklaraciju o prijateljstvu
You have declared friendship with our allies = Proglasili ste prijateljstvo s našim saveznicima
We have signed a promise to protect each other. = Potpisali smo obećanje da ćemo štititi jedni druge.
@@ -2800,7 +2800,7 @@ Our open borders have brought us closer together. = Naše otvorene granice su na
You fulfilled your promise to stop settling cities near us! = Ispunili ste obećanje da ćete prestati naseljavati gradove u našoj blizini!
You fulfilled your promise to stop spreading religion to us! = Ispunili ste obećanje da ćete nam prestati širiti vjeru!
You gave us units! = Dali ste nam jedinice!
-We appreciate your gifts = Cijenimo vaše poklone
+We appreciate your gifts = Cijenimo tvoje poklone
You returned captured units to us = Vratili ste nam zarobljene jedinice
We believe in the same religion = Vjerujemo u istu vjeru
@@ -2895,7 +2895,7 @@ Monument = Spomenik
Granary = Žitnica
-Temple of Artemis = Artemidin hram
+Temple of Artemis = Artemidin Hram
'It is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon men's hearts, as for that subtle something, that quality of air, that emanation from old trees, that so wonderfully changes and renews a weary spirit.' - Robert Louis Stevenson = 'Šuma ne polaže pravo na ljudska srca toliko zbog svoje ljepote, koliko zbog tog nečeg suptilnog, te kvalitete zraka, te emanacije iz starih stabala, koja tako divno mijenja i obnavlja umoran duh.' - Robert Louis Stevenson
The Great Lighthouse = Veliki Svjetionik
@@ -3214,13 +3214,13 @@ Neribtum =
Ashur =
Ninveh = Niniva
# Requires translation!
-Nimrud =
+Nimrud = Nimrud
# Requires translation!
-Arbela =
+Arbela = Arbil
# Requires translation!
Nuzi =
# Requires translation!
-Arrapkha =
+Arrapkha = Arafa
# Requires translation!
Tutub =
# Requires translation!
@@ -3238,7 +3238,7 @@ Ana =
# Requires translation!
Haradum =
# Requires translation!
-Agrab =
+Agrab = Agraba
# Requires translation!
Uqair =
# Requires translation!
@@ -3246,13 +3246,13 @@ Gubba =
# Requires translation!
Hafriyat =
# Requires translation!
-Nagar =
+Nagar = Nagara
# Requires translation!
Shubat Enlil =
# Requires translation!
Urhai =
# Requires translation!
-Urkesh =
+Urkesh = Urkesh
# Requires translation!
Awan =
# Requires translation!
@@ -3277,15 +3277,15 @@ Corinth = Korint
Argos = Arg
Knossos = Knos
# Requires translation!
-Mycenae =
+Mycenae = Mikena
# Requires translation!
-Pharsalos =
+Pharsalos = Farsala
# Requires translation!
Ephesus =
# Requires translation!
Halicarnassus =
# Requires translation!
-Rhodes =
+Rhodes = Rodos
Eretria = Eretrija
Pergamon = Pergam
Miletos = Milet
@@ -3293,39 +3293,39 @@ Megara = Megara
# Requires translation!
Phocaea =
# Requires translation!
-Sicyon =
+Sicyon = Sicyon
# Requires translation!
-Tiryns =
+Tiryns = Tirint
Samos = Sam
Mytilene = Mitilene
# Requires translation!
-Chios =
+Chios = Hios
Paros = Par
# Requires translation!
-Elis =
+Elis = Elida
# Requires translation!
Syracuse =
Herakleia = Heraclea
# Requires translation!
-Gortyn =
+Gortyn = Gortynia
# Requires translation!
-Chalkis =
+Chalkis = Halkida
# Requires translation!
-Pylos =
+Pylos = Pilos
Pella = Pela
# Requires translation!
-Naxos =
+Naxos = Naksos
Larissa = Larisa
Apollonia = Apolonija
# Requires translation!
-Messene =
+Messene = Messene
# Requires translation!
-Orchomenos =
+Orchomenos = Orchomenus
Ambracia = Ambracia
Kos = Kos
Knidos = Knidos
# Requires translation!
-Amphipolis =
+Amphipolis = Amfipol
Patras = Patras
Lamia = Lamia
Nafplion = Nauplion
@@ -3337,7 +3337,7 @@ Wu Zetian = Wu Zetian
You won't ever be able to bother me again. Go meet Yama. = Više me nikada nećeš moći gnjaviti. Idi upoznaj Yamu.
Fool! I will disembowel you all! = Budala! Sve ću vas raskopati!
You have proven to be a cunning and competent adversary. I congratulate you on your victory. = Dokazao si se kao lukav i kompetentan protivnik. Čestitam ti na pobjedi.
-Greetings, I am Empress Wu Zetian. China desires peace and development. You leave us alone, we'll leave you alone. = Pozdrav, ja sam Carica Wu Zetian. Kina želi mir i razvoj. Ostavite nas na miru, mi ćemo tebe ostaviti na miru.
+Greetings, I am Empress Wu Zetian. China desires peace and development. You leave us alone, we'll leave you alone. = Pozdrav, ja sam Carica Wu Zetian. Kina želi mir i razvoj. Ostavi nas na miru, mi ćemo tebe ostaviti na miru.
My friend, do you think you can accept this request? = Prijatelju moj, misliš li da možeš prihvatiti ovaj zahtjev?
How are you today? = Kako si danas?
Oh. It's you? = Oh. To si ti?
@@ -3349,20 +3349,20 @@ Shanghai = Šangaj
Guangzhou = Guangzhou
Nanjing = Nanjing
# Requires translation!
-Xian =
+Xian = Xi'an
Chengdu = Chengdu
Hangzhou = Hangzhou
Tianjin = Tianjin
# Requires translation!
-Macau =
+Macau = Makao
Shandong = Šandung
Kaifeng = Kaifeng
# Requires translation!
-Ningbo =
+Ningbo = Ningbo
# Requires translation!
-Baoding =
+Baoding = Baoding
# Requires translation!
-Yangzhou =
+Yangzhou = Yangzhou
Harbin = Harbin
Chongqing = Chongqing
Luoyang = Luoyang
@@ -3371,38 +3371,38 @@ Taipei = Taipei
Shenyang = Shenyang
Taiyuan = Taiyuan
# Requires translation!
-Tainan =
+Tainan = Tainan
Dalian = Dalian
Lijiang = Lijiang
# Requires translation!
-Wuxi =
+Wuxi = Wuxi
Suzhou = Suzhou
# Requires translation!
-Maoming =
+Maoming = Maoming
# Requires translation!
-Shaoguan =
+Shaoguan = Shaoguan
# Requires translation!
-Yangjiang =
+Yangjiang = Yangjiang
# Requires translation!
-Heyuan =
+Heyuan = Heyuan
# Requires translation!
-Huangshi =
+Huangshi = Huangshi
# Requires translation!
-Yichang =
+Yichang = Yichang
Yingtian = Nanjing
# Requires translation!
-Xinyu =
+Xinyu = Xinyu
# Requires translation!
-Xinzheng =
+Xinzheng = Xinzheng
# Requires translation!
-Handan =
+Handan = Handan
Dunhuang = Dunhuang
# Requires translation!
Gaoyu =
# Requires translation!
-Nantong =
+Nantong = Nantong
# Requires translation!
-Weifang =
+Weifang = Weifang
# Requires translation!
Xikang =
China = Kina
@@ -3420,7 +3420,7 @@ O great Ramesses, Pharaoh of Egypt, bright as the Sun and mighty as the Nile! Lo
Mighty and eternal Ramesses, Egypt lasted for millenia, whereas other civilisations disappeared into dust after a few centuries. Amun-Ra blesses you again to lead Egypt and its people on the path of light. Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Moćni i vječni Ramzese, Egipat je trajao tisućljećima, dok su druge civilizacije nestajale u prahu nakon nekoliko stoljeća. Amon-Ra te ponovno blagoslivlja da vodiš Egipat i njegov narod na putu svjetlosti. Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti?
Thebes = Teba
# Requires translation!
-Memphis =
+Memphis = Memfis
Heliopolis = Heliopolis
Elephantine = Elefantina
Alexandria = Aleksandrija
@@ -3433,11 +3433,11 @@ Akhetaten = Eknaton
Hieraconpolis =
Abydos = Abid
# Requires translation!
-Asyut =
+Asyut = Asjut
# Requires translation!
Avaris =
# Requires translation!
-Lisht =
+Lisht = Al List
Buto = Buto
Edfu = Edfu
# Requires translation!
@@ -3445,7 +3445,7 @@ Pithom =
# Requires translation!
Busiris =
# Requires translation!
-Kahun =
+Kahun = Al Lahun
# Requires translation!
Athribis =
# Requires translation!
@@ -3459,30 +3459,30 @@ Oryx =
# Requires translation!
Sebennytus =
# Requires translation!
-Akhmin =
+Akhmin = Akhmim
Karnak = Karnak
Luxor = Luksor
# Requires translation!
El Kab =
# Requires translation!
-Armant =
+Armant = Armant
# Requires translation!
Balat =
# Requires translation!
-Ellahun =
+Ellahun = Al Lahun
# Requires translation!
Hawara =
Dashur = Dahšur
Damanhur = Damanhur
Abusir = Abusir
# Requires translation!
-Herakleopolis =
+Herakleopolis = Herakleopolis
# Requires translation!
Akoris =
# Requires translation!
-Benihasan =
+Benihasan = Beni Hassan
# Requires translation!
-Badari =
+Badari = Al Badari
Hermopolis = Hermopolis
# Requires translation!
Amrah =
@@ -3490,7 +3490,7 @@ Amrah =
Koptos =
Ombos = Ombos
# Requires translation!
-Naqada =
+Naqada = Nakada
# Requires translation!
Semna =
# Requires translation!
@@ -3512,11 +3512,11 @@ London = London
York = York
Nottingham = Nottingham
# Requires translation!
-Hastings =
+Hastings = Hastings
Canterbury = Canterbury
Coventry = Coventry
# Requires translation!
-Warwick =
+Warwick = Warwick
Newcastle = Newcastle
Oxford = Oxford
Liverpool = Liverpool
@@ -3525,37 +3525,37 @@ Brighton = Brighton
Norwich = Norwich
Leeds = Leeds
# Requires translation!
-Reading =
+Reading = Reading
Birmingham = Birmingham
# Requires translation!
-Richmond =
+Richmond = Richmond
Exeter = Exeter
Cambridge = Cambridge
# Requires translation!
-Gloucester =
+Gloucester = Gloucester
Manchester = Manchester
Bristol = Bristol
Leicester = Leicester
# Requires translation!
-Carlisle =
+Carlisle = Carlisle
# Requires translation!
-Ipswich =
+Ipswich = Ipswich
# Requires translation!
-Portsmouth =
+Portsmouth = Portsmouth
# Requires translation!
-Berwick =
+Berwick = Berwick
Bath = Bath
# Requires translation!
-Mumbles =
+Mumbles = Mumbles
Southampton = Southampton
Sheffield = Sheffield
# Requires translation!
-Salisbury =
+Salisbury = Salisbury
# Requires translation!
-Colchester =
+Colchester = Colchester
Plymouth = Plymouth
# Requires translation!
-Lancaster =
+Lancaster = Lancaster
Blackpool = Blackpool
Winchester = Winchester
Hull = Hull
@@ -3571,7 +3571,7 @@ Hello. = Pozdrav.
It's you. = To si ti.
Ancien Régime = Ancien Régime
Vive Napoleon I, First Consul and Emperor of France! After the glorious Revolution which suppressed the centuries-old monarchy, the French nation stood at the heart of Europe as a Republic, and intended to export its ideals to the entire European continent, either by diplomacy or war. The French Capital Paris was more than ever the world center of Culture, Arts, and Letters. With its Great Army, reputed as one of the greatest in the History, France fought gloriously all surrounding enemies, but eventually fell against the coalition of other European powers. = Živio Napoleon I, Prvi konzul i Car Francuske! Nakon slavne Revolucije koja je ugušila stoljetnu monarhiju, Francuska je nacija stajala u srcu Europe kao Republika i namjeravala izvoziti svoje ideale na cijeli Europski kontinent, bilo diplomacijom ili ratom. Prijestolnica Francuske Pariz bila je više nego ikada svjetski centar Kulture, Umjetnosti i Književnosti. Sa svojom Velikom Vojskom, koja je na glasu kao jedna od najvećih u Povijesti, Francuska se slavno borila protiv svih okolnih neprijatelja, ali je na kraju pala protiv koalicije drugih Europskih sila.
-Napoleon Bonaparte, ruler of the French people, will you rebuild the Empire to take revenge on your foes, and make again of its Capital the City of Lights? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Napoleone Bonaparte, vladaru Francuskog naroda, hoćeš li obnoviti Carstvo da se osvetiš svojim neprijateljima i ponovno od njegove Prijestolnice pretvoriš u Grad svjetla? Hoće li vaše tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti?
+Napoleon Bonaparte, ruler of the French people, will you rebuild the Empire to take revenge on your foes, and make again of its Capital the City of Lights? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Napoleone Bonaparte, vladaru Francuskog naroda, hoćeš li obnoviti Carstvo da se osvetiš svojim neprijateljima i ponovno od njegove Prijestolnice pretvoriš u Grad svjetla? Hoće li tvoje tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti?
Paris = Pariz
Orleans = Orléans
Lyon = Lyon
@@ -3579,14 +3579,14 @@ Troyes = Troyes
Tours = Tours
Marseille = Marseille
# Requires translation!
-Chartres =
+Chartres = Chartres
Avignon = Avignon
Rouen = Rouen
-Grenoble = Grenobl
-Dijon = Dižon
+Grenoble = Grenoble
+Dijon = Dijon
Amiens = Amiens
# Requires translation!
-Cherbourg =
+Cherbourg = Cherbourg
Poitiers = Poitiers
Toulouse = Toulouse
Bayonne = Bajona
@@ -3611,7 +3611,7 @@ Cannes = Cannes
Aix-En-Provence = Aix-En-Provence
La Rochelle = La Rochelle
# Requires translation!
-Bourges =
+Bourges = Bourges
Calais = Calais
France = Francuska
@@ -3631,16 +3631,16 @@ St. Petersburg = Sankt-Peterburg
Novgorod = Novgorod
Rostov = Rostov
# Requires translation!
-Yaroslavl =
+Yaroslavl = Jaroslavl
Yekaterinburg = Jekaterinburg
# Requires translation!
-Yakutsk =
+Yakutsk = Jakutsk
Vladivostok = Vladivostok
Smolensk = Smolensk
Orenburg = Orenburg
Krasnoyarsk = Krasnojarsk
# Requires translation!
-Khabarovsk =
+Khabarovsk = Khabarovsk
Bryansk = Brjansk
Tver = Tver
Novosibirsk = Novosibirsk
@@ -3648,11 +3648,11 @@ Magadan = Magadan
Murmansk = Murmansk
Irkutsk = Irkutsk
# Requires translation!
-Chita =
+Chita = Čita
Samara = Samara
Arkhangelsk = Arhangelsk
# Requires translation!
-Chelyabinsk =
+Chelyabinsk = Čeljabinsk
Tobolsk = Tobolsk
Vologda = Vologda
Omsk = Omsk
@@ -3665,10 +3665,10 @@ Perm = Perm
Voronezh = Voronjež
Pskov = Pskov
# Requires translation!
-Starayarussa =
+Starayarussa = Staraja Russa
Kostoma = Kostroma
# Requires translation!
-Nizhniy Novgorod =
+Nizhniy Novgorod = Nižnji Novgorod
Suzdal = Suzdalj
Magnitogorsk = Magnitogorsk
Russia = Rusija
@@ -3686,75 +3686,75 @@ Ave Caesar Augustus, Emperor of Rome and Dominus of the Roman Empire! Your empir
O glorious Imperator, your people celebrate you and ask for the glory of Rome! In these times of darkness, the Pax Romana will be a beacon of light for all! Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = O slavni Care, tvoj narod te slavi i traži slavu Rima! U ovim mračnim vremenima, Pax Romana će biti svjetionik za sve! Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti?
Rome = Rim
# Requires translation!
-Antium =
+Antium = Anzio
# Requires translation!
-Cumae =
+Cumae = Kuma
# Requires translation!
-Neapolis =
-Ravenna = Ravenna
+Neapolis = Napulj
+Ravenna = Ravena
# Requires translation!
-Arretium =
+Arretium = Arezzo
Mediolanum = Milan
# Requires translation!
-Arpinum =
+Arpinum = Arpino
# Requires translation!
-Circei =
+Circei = Circea
# Requires translation!
-Setia =
+Setia = Sezze
# Requires translation!
-Satricum =
+Satricum = Satricum
Ardea = Ardea
Ostia = Ostia
# Requires translation!
-Velitrae =
+Velitrae = Velletri
# Requires translation!
-Viroconium =
+Viroconium = Viroconium
# Requires translation!
-Tarentum =
+Tarentum = Taranto
Brundisium = Brindisi
# Requires translation!
-Caesaraugusta =
+Caesaraugusta = Cesaraugusta
# Requires translation!
-Caesarea =
+Caesarea = Cesarea
Palmyra = Palmira
# Requires translation!
-Signia =
+Signia = Signia
Aquileia = Akvileja
# Requires translation!
-Clusium =
+Clusium = Clusium
# Requires translation!
-Sutrium =
+Sutrium = Sutrium
Cremona = Cremona
Placentia = Piacenza
# Requires translation!
-Hispalis =
+Hispalis = Hispalis
# Requires translation!
-Artaxata =
+Artaxata = Artaxata
# Requires translation!
-Aurelianorum =
+Aurelianorum = Aurelianorum
# Requires translation!
-Nicopolis =
+Nicopolis = Nikopol
# Requires translation!
-Agrippina =
+Agrippina = Agrippina
Verona = Verona
# Requires translation!
-Corfinium =
+Corfinium = Corfinio
# Requires translation!
-Treverii =
+Treverii = Treviri
Sirmium = Sirmij
# Requires translation!
-Augustadorum =
+Augustadorum = Augustadorum
# Requires translation!
-Curia =
+Curia = Curia
# Requires translation!
-Interrama =
+Interrama = Interrama
# Requires translation!
-Adria =
+Adria = Adria
Harun al-Rashid = Harun al-Rašid
The world will be more beautiful without you. Prepare for war. = Svijet će biti ljepši bez tebe. Pripremi se za rat.
Fool! You will soon regret dearly! I swear it! = Budala! Uskoro ćeš jako požaliti! Kunem se!
-You have won, congratulations. My palace is now in your possession, and I beg that you care well for the peacock. = Pobijedio(la) si, čestitamo. Moja je palača sada u tvojem posjedu, i molim te da se dobro brinete za pauna.
+You have won, congratulations. My palace is now in your possession, and I beg that you care well for the peacock. = Pobijedio(la) si, čestitamo. Moja je palača sada u tvojem posjedu, i molim te da se dobro brini za pauna.
Welcome foreigner, I am Harun Al-Rashid, Caliph of the Arabs. Come and tell me about your empire. = Dobrodošao stranče, ja sam Harun Al-Rashid, Kalif Arapa. Dođi i pričaj mi o svom carstvu.
Come forth, let's do business. = Dođi, idemo poslovati.
Peace be upon you. = Neka je mir tebi.
@@ -3773,54 +3773,54 @@ Basra = Basra
Khurasan =
Anjar = Andžar
# Requires translation!
-Fustat =
+Fustat = Fustat
Aden = Aden
# Requires translation!
Yamama =
# Requires translation!
-Muscat =
+Muscat = Muskat
# Requires translation!
Mansura =
# Requires translation!
-Bukhara =
+Bukhara = Buhara
Fez = Fes
# Requires translation!
-Shiraz =
+Shiraz = Širaz
# Requires translation!
-Merw =
+Merw = Merv
# Requires translation!
-Balkh =
+Balkh = Balkh
# Requires translation!
-Mosul =
+Mosul = Mosul
# Requires translation!
-Aydab =
+Aydab = Aydabul
# Requires translation!
Bayt =
# Requires translation!
-Suhar =
+Suhar = Sohar
# Requires translation!
-Taif =
+Taif = Taif
# Requires translation!
-Hama =
+Hama = Hama
# Requires translation!
-Tabuk =
+Tabuk = Tabuk
# Requires translation!
-Sana'a =
+Sana'a = Sana'a
# Requires translation!
-Shihr =
+Shihr = Ash Shihr
Tripoli = Tripoli
Tunis = Tunis
# Requires translation!
-Kairouan =
+Kairouan = Kairuan
# Requires translation!
-Algiers =
+Algiers = Alžir
# Requires translation!
-Oran =
+Oran = Oran
Arabia = Arabija
George Washington = George Washington
-Your wanton aggression leaves us no choice. Prepare for war! = Vaša bezobzirna agresija ne ostavlja nam izbora. Pripremi se za rat!
-You have mistaken our love of peace for weakness. You shall regret this! = Zamijenili ste našu ljubav prema miru kao slabost. Požalit ćete zbog ovoga!
+Your wanton aggression leaves us no choice. Prepare for war! = Tvoja bezobzirna agresija ne ostavlja nam izbora. Pripremi se za rat!
+You have mistaken our love of peace for weakness. You shall regret this! = Zamijenili ste našu ljubav prema miru kao slabost. Požalit ćeš zbog ovoga!
The day...is yours. I hope you will be merciful in your triumph. = Dan... je tvoj. Nadam se da ćeš biti milostiv(a) u svom trijumfu.
The people of the United States of America welcome you. = Narod Sjedinjenih Američkih Država želi ti dobrodošlicu.
Is the following trade of interest to you? = Zanima li te sljedeća trgovina?
@@ -3858,13 +3858,13 @@ Minneapolis = Minneapolis
Pittsburgh = Pittsburgh
Oakland = Oakland
# Requires translation!
-Tampa Bay =
+Tampa Bay = Tampa Bay
Orlando = Orlando
Tacoma = Tacoma
Santa Fe = Santa Fe
Olympia = Olympia
# Requires translation!
-Hunt Valley =
+Hunt Valley = Hunt Valley
Springfield = Springfield
Palo Alto = Palo Alto
Centralia = Centralia
@@ -3878,21 +3878,21 @@ Sacramento = Sacramento
Reno = Reno
Salt Lake City = Salt Lake City
# Requires translation!
-Boise =
+Boise = Boise
Milwaukee = Milwaukee
Santa Cruz = Santa Cruz
Little Rock = Little Rock
America = Amerika
Oda Nobunaga = Oda Nobunaga
-I hereby inform you of our intention to wipe out your civilization from this world. = Ovim vas obavještavam o našoj namjeri da zbrišemo vašu civilizaciju s ovog svijeta.
-Pitiful fool! Now we shall destroy you! = Jadna budala! Sada ćemo vas uništiti!
+I hereby inform you of our intention to wipe out your civilization from this world. = Ovim te obavještavam o našoj namjeri da zbrišemo tvoju civilizaciju s ovog svijeta.
+Pitiful fool! Now we shall destroy you! = Jadna budala! Sada ćemo te uništiti!
You were much wiser than I thought. = Bio(la) si mnogo mudriji(ja) nego što sam mislio.
We hope for a fair and just relationship with you, who are renowned for military bravery. = Nadamo se poštenom i pravednom odnosu s tobom, koji je poznat po vojnoj hrabrosti.
I would be grateful if you agreed on the following proposal. = Bio bih ti zahvalan ako bi pristao(la) na sljedeći prijedlog.
Oh, it's you... = Oh, to si ti...
Bushido = Bushido
-Lord Oda Nobunaga, ruler of Japan, the land of the Rising Sun is at your command! Through history, Japanese people lived and died with honor, proud of their rich culture of arts and letters. Years of bloody civil wars, invasions of foreign powers, wealth but also great poverty, have never altered the strong will of the Rising Sun island, as the Bushido spirit has imbued the fields of battle and the Japanese society for millenia. At the end of the 19th century, under foreign influence, your people took the path of modernity, and in a few decades, made of Japan a land of technological innovation and powerful industry, with which only few nations can compete. = Gospodaru Oda Nobunaga, vladaru Japana, zemlja Izlazećeg Sunca je na tvojem zapovijedanju! Japanci su kroz povijest živjeli i umirali časno, ponosni na svoju bogatu kulturu umjetnosti i pisma. Godine krvavih građanskih ratova, invazije stranih sila, bogatstvo, ali i veliko siromaštvo, nikada nisu promijenili snažnu volju otoka Izlazećeg sunca, jer je duh Bushidoa tisućljećima prožimao bojna polja i Japansko društvo. Krajem 19. stoljeća, pod stranim utjecajem, vaš narod je krenuo putem moderne, i u nekoliko desetljeća od Japana napravio zemlju tehnoloških inovacija i moćne industrije, s kojom se samo nekoliko nacija može mjeriti.
+Lord Oda Nobunaga, ruler of Japan, the land of the Rising Sun is at your command! Through history, Japanese people lived and died with honor, proud of their rich culture of arts and letters. Years of bloody civil wars, invasions of foreign powers, wealth but also great poverty, have never altered the strong will of the Rising Sun island, as the Bushido spirit has imbued the fields of battle and the Japanese society for millenia. At the end of the 19th century, under foreign influence, your people took the path of modernity, and in a few decades, made of Japan a land of technological innovation and powerful industry, with which only few nations can compete. = Gospodaru Oda Nobunaga, vladaru Japana, zemlja Izlazećeg Sunca je na tvojem zapovijedanju! Japanci su kroz povijest živjeli i umirali časno, ponosni na svoju bogatu kulturu umjetnosti i pisma. Godine krvavih građanskih ratova, invazije stranih sila, bogatstvo, ali i veliko siromaštvo, nikada nisu promijenili snažnu volju otoka Izlazećeg sunca, jer je duh Bushidoa tisućljećima prožimao bojna polja i Japansko društvo. Krajem 19. stoljeća, pod stranim utjecajem, tvoj narod je krenuo putem moderne, i u nekoliko desetljeća od Japana napravio zemlju tehnoloških inovacija i moćne industrije, s kojom se samo nekoliko nacija može mjeriti.
O great daimyo, will you take on your hands the Japan destiny, for the Rising Sun to light the world? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = O veliki daimyo, hoćeš li preuzeti na svoje ruke sudbinu Japana, da Izlazeće Sunce osvijetli svijet? Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti?
Kyoto = Kyoto
Osaka = Osaka
@@ -3902,26 +3902,26 @@ Kagoshima = Kagošima
Nara = Nara
Nagoya = Nagoja
# Requires translation!
-Izumo =
+Izumo = Izumo
Nagasaki = Nagasaki
Yokohama = Yokohama
# Requires translation!
-Shimonoseki =
+Shimonoseki = Shimonoseki
# Requires translation!
-Matsuyama =
+Matsuyama = Macujama
Sapporo = Sapporo
# Requires translation!
-Hakodate =
+Hakodate = Hakodate
Ise = Ise
# Requires translation!
-Toyama =
+Toyama = Toyama
Fukushima = Fukušima
# Requires translation!
Suo =
# Requires translation!
-Bizen =
+Bizen = Bizen
# Requires translation!
-Echizen =
+Echizen = Echizen
# Requires translation!
Izumi =
# Requires translation!
@@ -3929,35 +3929,35 @@ Omi =
# Requires translation!
Echigo =
# Requires translation!
-Kozuke =
+Kozuke = Kozuke
# Requires translation!
-Sado =
+Sado = Sado
Kobe = Kobe
Nagano = Nagano
Hiroshima = Hirošima
# Requires translation!
-Takayama =
+Takayama = Takayama
Akita = Akita
Fukuoka = Fukuoka
# Requires translation!
-Aomori =
+Aomori = Aomori
Kamakura = Kamakura
# Requires translation!
-Kochi =
+Kochi = Kōchi
Naha = Naha
Sendai = Sendai
# Requires translation!
-Gifu =
+Gifu = Gifu
# Requires translation!
-Yamaguchi =
+Yamaguchi = Yamaguchi
# Requires translation!
-Ota =
+Ota = Ota
# Requires translation!
-Tottori =
+Tottori = Toturi
Japan = Japan
Gandhi = Gandhi
-I have just received a report that large numbers of my troops have crossed your borders. = Upravo sam primio izvješće da je veliki broj mojih trupa prešao vaše granice.
+I have just received a report that large numbers of my troops have crossed your borders. = Upravo sam primio izvješće da je veliki broj mojih trupa prešao tvoje granice.
My attempts to avoid violence have failed. An eye for an eye only makes the world blind. = Moji pokušaji da izbjegnem nasilje nisu uspjeli. Oko za oko samo čini svijet slijepim.
You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind. = Možeš me okovati, možeš me mučiti, možeš čak uništiti ovo tijelo, ali nikada nećeš zatvoriti moj um.
Hello, I am Mohandas Gandhi. My people call me Bapu, but please, call me friend. = Pozdrav, ja sam Mohandas Gandhi. Moji ljudi me zovu Bapu, ali molim te, zovi me prijatelju.
@@ -3969,9 +3969,9 @@ Gandhi, your people ask again to be led on the path of freedom. Under protection
Delhi = Delhi
Mumbai = Mumbai
# Requires translation!
-Vijayanagara =
+Vijayanagara = Vijayanagar
# Requires translation!
-Pataliputra =
+Pataliputra = Patna
Varanasi = Varanasi
Agra = Agra
Calcutta = Kolkata
@@ -3979,44 +3979,44 @@ Lahore = Lahore
Bangalore = Bangalore
Hyderabad = Hiderabad
# Requires translation!
-Madurai =
+Madurai = Madurai
Ahmedabad = Ahmedabad
# Requires translation!
-Kolhapur =
+Kolhapur = Kolhapur
# Requires translation!
-Prayaga =
+Prayaga = Prayagraj
# Requires translation!
-Ayodhya =
+Ayodhya = Ayodhya
# Requires translation!
Indraprastha =
Mathura = Mathura
# Requires translation!
-Ujjain =
+Ujjain = Ujjain
# Requires translation!
-Gulbarga =
+Gulbarga = Kalaburagi
# Requires translation!
-Jaunpur =
+Jaunpur = Jaunpur
# Requires translation!
-Rajagriha =
+Rajagriha = Rajgir
# Requires translation!
-Sravasti =
+Sravasti = Shravasti
# Requires translation!
-Tiruchirapalli =
+Tiruchirapalli = Tiruchirappalli
# Requires translation!
-Thanjavur =
+Thanjavur = Thanjavur
# Requires translation!
-Bodhgaya =
+Bodhgaya = Bodh Gaya
# Requires translation!
-Kushinagar =
+Kushinagar = Kushinagar
# Requires translation!
-Amaravati =
+Amaravati = Amaravati
# Requires translation!
-Gaur =
+Gaur = Gaur
# Requires translation!
-Gwalior =
+Gwalior = Gwalior
Jaipur = Jaipur
# Requires translation!
-Karachi =
+Karachi = Karachi
India = Indija
Otto von Bismarck = Otto von Bismarck
@@ -4034,7 +4034,7 @@ Berlin = Berlin
Hamburg = Hamburg
Munich = München
# Requires translation!
-Cologne =
+Cologne = Köln
Frankfurt = Frankfurt
Essen = Essen
Dortmund = Dortmund
@@ -4069,22 +4069,22 @@ Hamm = Hamm
Saarbrücken = Saarbrücken
Krefeld = Krefeld
# Requires translation!
-Pirmasens =
+Pirmasens = Pirmasens
Potsdam = Potsdam
Solingen = Solingen
Osnabrück = Osnabrück
Ludwigshafen = Ludwigshafen
Leverkusen = Leverkusen
# Requires translation!
-Oldenburg =
+Oldenburg = Oldenburg
# Requires translation!
-Neuss =
+Neuss = Neuss
Mülheim = Mülheim
Darmstadt = Darmstadt
Herne = Herne
Würzburg = Würzburg
# Requires translation!
-Recklinghausen =
+Recklinghausen = Recklinghausen
Göttingen = Göttingen
Wolfsburg = Wolfsburg
Koblenz = Koblenz
@@ -4112,45 +4112,45 @@ Diyarbakır = Diyarbakir
Izmir = Izmir
Kayseri = Kayseri
# Requires translation!
-Malatya =
+Malatya = Malatya
Mersin = Mersin
Antalya = Antalya
# Requires translation!
-Zonguldak =
+Zonguldak = Zonguldak
# Requires translation!
-Denizli =
+Denizli = Denizli
# Requires translation!
-Ordu =
+Ordu = Ordu
# Requires translation!
-Muğla =
+Muğla = Muđla
Eskişehir = Eskişehir
# Requires translation!
-Inebolu =
+Inebolu = İnebolu
Sinop = Sinop
Adana = Adana
Artvin = Artvin
# Requires translation!
-Bodrum =
+Bodrum = Bodrum
# Requires translation!
-Eregli =
+Eregli = Ereğli
# Requires translation!
-Silifke =
+Silifke = Silifke
# Requires translation!
-Sivas =
+Sivas = Sivas
Amasya = Amasya
# Requires translation!
-Marmaris =
+Marmaris = Marmaris
Trabzon = Trabzon
# Requires translation!
-Erzurum =
+Erzurum = Erzurum
# Requires translation!
-Urfa =
+Urfa = Urfa
Izmit = İzmit
Afyonkarahisar = Afyonkarahisar
# Requires translation!
-Bitlis =
+Bitlis = Bitlis
# Requires translation!
-Yalova =
+Yalova = Yalova
The Ottomans = Osmanlije
Sejong = Sejong
@@ -4166,51 +4166,51 @@ Wise Sejong, will you gift your people with the radiance of harmony and knowledg
Seoul = Seul
Busan = Busan
# Requires translation!
-Jeonju =
+Jeonju = Jeonju
# Requires translation!
-Daegu =
+Daegu = Daegu
# Requires translation!
-Pyongyang =
+Pyongyang = Pjongjang
# Requires translation!
-Kaesong =
+Kaesong = Kaesong
# Requires translation!
-Suwon =
+Suwon = Suvon
# Requires translation!
-Gwangju =
+Gwangju = Kwangju
# Requires translation!
-Gangneung =
+Gangneung = Gangneung
# Requires translation!
-Hamhung =
+Hamhung = Hamhung
# Requires translation!
-Wonju =
+Wonju = Wonju
# Requires translation!
-Ulsan =
+Ulsan = Ulsan
# Requires translation!
-Changwon =
+Changwon = Kangwon
# Requires translation!
-Andong =
+Andong = Andong
# Requires translation!
Gongju =
# Requires translation!
-Haeju =
+Haeju = Haeju
# Requires translation!
-Cheongju =
+Cheongju = Cheongju
# Requires translation!
-Mokpo =
+Mokpo = Mokpo
# Requires translation!
Dongducheon =
# Requires translation!
-Geoje =
+Geoje = Geoje
# Requires translation!
-Suncheon =
+Suncheon = Suncheon
# Requires translation!
-Jinju =
+Jinju = Jinju
# Requires translation!
Sangju =
# Requires translation!
-Rason =
+Rason = Rason
# Requires translation!
-Gyeongju =
+Gyeongju = Gyeongju
# Requires translation!
Chungju =
# Requires translation!
@@ -4307,34 +4307,34 @@ Great King Darius of Persia, the heaven casts its light upon you! Persian people
King Darius, the people of Persia await, longing for its past glory and power! Persia of the Immortals must reborn, to punish its foes and rebuild the gleaming Persepolis! Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Kralju Darije, ljudi Perzije čekaju, žudeći za prošlom slavom i moći! Perzija besmrtnika mora se ponovno roditi, kazniti svoje neprijatelje i ponovno izgraditi blistavi Persepolis! Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti?
Persepolis = Perzepolis
# Requires translation!
-Parsagadae =
+Parsagadae = Pasargada
Susa = Suza
Ecbatana = Ekbatana
# Requires translation!
-Tarsus =
+Tarsus = Tarsus
Gordium = Gordion
# Requires translation!
Bactra =
# Requires translation!
Sardis =
# Requires translation!
-Ergili =
+Ergili = Ergili
# Requires translation!
Dariushkabir =
# Requires translation!
-Ghulaman =
+Ghulaman = Ghulaman
# Requires translation!
-Zohak =
+Zohak = Zohak
Istakhr = Istahr
# Requires translation!
Jinjan =
# Requires translation!
-Borazjan =
+Borazjan = Borazjan
Herat = Herat
# Requires translation!
Dakyanus =
# Requires translation!
-Bampur =
+Bampur = Bampur
# Requires translation!
Turengtepe =
# Requires translation!
@@ -4342,7 +4342,7 @@ Rey =
# Requires translation!
Thuspa =
# Requires translation!
-Hasanlu =
+Hasanlu = Hasanlu
# Requires translation!
Gabae =
# Requires translation!
@@ -4350,17 +4350,17 @@ Merv =
Behistun = Bisotun
Kandahar = Kandahar
# Requires translation!
-Altintepe =
+Altintepe = Altintepe
# Requires translation!
-Bunyan =
+Bunyan = Bünyan
# Requires translation!
-Charsadda =
+Charsadda = Chārsadda
# Requires translation!
Uratyube =
Dura Europos = Dura-Europus
Aleppo = Alep
# Requires translation!
-Qatna =
+Qatna = Qatnabad
Kabul = Kabul
# Requires translation!
Capisa =
@@ -4405,7 +4405,7 @@ Izata =
# Requires translation!
Kampada =
# Requires translation!
-Kapisa =
+Kapisa = Kapisa
# Requires translation!
Karmana =
# Requires translation!
@@ -4434,82 +4434,82 @@ Aloha to Kamehameha the Great, who the heavens allowed to unite your people! O g
Wise and benevolent King, will you unite your people once again by wearing the bright mantle of the Lion of the Pacific? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Mudri i dobronamjerni Kralju, hoćeš li ponovno ujediniti svoj narod noseći svijetli plašt Lava s Pacifika? Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti?
Honolulu = Honolulu
# Requires translation!
-Samoa =
+Samoa = Samoa
Tonga = Tonga
# Requires translation!
-Nuku Hiva =
+Nuku Hiva = Nuku Hiva
# Requires translation!
-Raiatea =
+Raiatea = Raiatea
# Requires translation!
Aotearoa =
# Requires translation!
-Tahiti =
+Tahiti = Tahiti
# Requires translation!
-Hilo =
+Hilo = Hilo
# Requires translation!
Te Wai Pounamu =
# Requires translation!
-Rapa Nui =
+Rapa Nui = Uskršnji otok
# Requires translation!
-Tuamotu =
+Tuamotu = Tuamotu
# Requires translation!
-Rarotonga =
+Rarotonga = Rarotonga
# Requires translation!
-Tuvalu =
+Tuvalu = Tuvalu
# Requires translation!
-Tubuai =
+Tubuai = Tubuai
# Requires translation!
-Mangareva =
+Mangareva = Mangareva
# Requires translation!
-Oahu =
+Oahu = Oahu
# Requires translation!
-Kiritimati =
+Kiritimati = Kiritimati
# Requires translation!
-Ontong Java =
+Ontong Java = Ontong Java
# Requires translation!
-Niue =
+Niue = Niue
# Requires translation!
-Rekohu =
+Rekohu = Rekohu
# Requires translation!
-Rakahanga =
+Rakahanga = Rakahanga
# Requires translation!
-Bora Bora =
+Bora Bora = Bora-Bora
# Requires translation!
-Kailua =
+Kailua = Kailua
# Requires translation!
Uvea =
# Requires translation!
-Futuna =
+Futuna = Futuna
# Requires translation!
-Rotuma =
+Rotuma = Rotuma
# Requires translation!
-Tokelau =
+Tokelau = Tokelau
# Requires translation!
-Lahaina =
+Lahaina = Lahaina
# Requires translation!
Bellona =
# Requires translation!
Mungava =
# Requires translation!
-Tikopia =
+Tikopia = Tikopia
# Requires translation!
-Emae =
+Emae = Emae
# Requires translation!
-Kapingamarangi =
+Kapingamarangi = Kapingamarangi
# Requires translation!
-Takuu =
+Takuu = Takuu
# Requires translation!
-Nukuoro =
+Nukuoro = Nukuoro
# Requires translation!
-Sikaiana =
+Sikaiana = Sikaiana
# Requires translation!
Anuta =
# Requires translation!
-Nuguria =
+Nuguria = Nuguria
# Requires translation!
-Pileni =
+Pileni = Pileni
# Requires translation!
-Nukumanu =
+Nukumanu = Nukumanu
Polynesia = Polinezija
Ramkhamhaeng = Ramkhamhaeng
@@ -4523,65 +4523,65 @@ Father Governs Children = Otac Upravlja Djecom
O Great King Ramkhamhaeng, the Siamese people obey you with respect and fear! The beautiful and mysterious land of Siam is an ancient country in the heart of Southeast Asia, which was besieged by many foes, plagued by bloody war and great poverty, but eventually the smart and loyal Siamese people have endured and triumphed. Siam was a part of the Khmer Empire until the 13th century AD, before its brave people took arms and led a revolution to form the small Sukhothai kingdom. After many battles and diplomacy prowess, this tiny kingdom became a mighty empire, which would dominate South East Asia for more than a century. = O Veliki Kralju Ramkhamhaeng, Sijamski narod ti se pokorava s poštovanjem i strahom! Prekrasna i tajanstvena zemlja Siam je drevna zemlja u srcu Jugoistočne Azije, koju su opsjedali mnogi neprijatelji, prožeta krvavim ratom i velikim siromaštvom, ali na kraju su pametni i odani sijamski ljudi izdržali i pobijedili. Sijam je bio dio Kmerskog Carstva do 13. stoljeća po. Kr., prije nego što su se njegovi hrabri ljudi naoružali i poveli revoluciju da formiraju malo kraljevstvo Sukhothai. Nakon mnogih bitaka i diplomacije, ovo maleno kraljevstvo postalo je moćno carstvo, koje će dominirati Jugoistočnom Azijom više od jednog stoljeća.
Wise and powerful King Ramkhamhaeng, your people want to revive these days of glory! Can you make a new dawn break on Siam? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Mudri i moćni Kralju Ramkhamhaeng, tvoj narod želi oživjeti ove dane slave! Možeš li napraviti novu zoru na Sijamu? Hoće li tvoje tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti?
# Requires translation!
-Sukhothai =
+Sukhothai = Sukhothai
# Requires translation!
-Si Satchanalai =
+Si Satchanalai = Si Satchanalai
# Requires translation!
Muang Saluang =
# Requires translation!
-Lampang =
+Lampang = Lampang
# Requires translation!
-Phitsanulok =
+Phitsanulok = Phitsanulok
# Requires translation!
-Kamphaeng Pet =
+Kamphaeng Pet = Kamfaeng Fet
# Requires translation!
Nakhom Chum =
# Requires translation!
-Vientiane =
+Vientiane = Vientiane
# Requires translation!
-Nakhon Si Thammarat =
+Nakhon Si Thammarat = Nakhon Si Thammarat
# Requires translation!
Martaban =
# Requires translation!
-Nakhon Sawan =
+Nakhon Sawan = Nakhon Sawan
# Requires translation!
-Chainat =
+Chainat = Chai Nat
# Requires translation!
-Luang Prabang =
+Luang Prabang = Luang Prabang
# Requires translation!
-Uttaradit =
+Uttaradit = Uttaradit
# Requires translation!
-Chiang Thong =
+Chiang Thong = Chiang Thong
# Requires translation!
-Phrae =
+Phrae = Phrae
# Requires translation!
-Nan =
+Nan = Nan
# Requires translation!
-Tak =
+Tak = Tak
# Requires translation!
-Suphanburi =
+Suphanburi = Suphan Buri
# Requires translation!
Hongsawadee =
# Requires translation!
Thawaii =
# Requires translation!
-Ayutthaya =
+Ayutthaya = Ayutthaya
# Requires translation!
-Taphan Hin =
+Taphan Hin = Taphan Hin
# Requires translation!
-Uthai Thani =
+Uthai Thani = Uthai Thani
# Requires translation!
Lap Buri =
# Requires translation!
Ratchasima =
# Requires translation!
-Ban Phai =
+Ban Phai = Ban Phai
# Requires translation!
Loci =
# Requires translation!
-Khon Kaen =
+Khon Kaen = Khon Kaen
# Requires translation!
-Surin =
+Surin = Surin
Siam = Sijam
Isabella = Izabela
@@ -4604,39 +4604,39 @@ Valencia = Valencia
Zaragoza = Zaragoza
Pamplona = Pamplona
# Requires translation!
-Vitoria =
+Vitoria = Vitoria
Santander = Santander
Oviedo = Oviedo
Jaen = Jaén
Logroño = Logroño
Valladolid = Valladolid
# Requires translation!
-Palma =
+Palma = Palma
Teruel = Teruel
Almeria = Almería
Leon = León
Zamora = Zamora
# Requires translation!
-Mida =
+Mida = Mijas
Lugo = Lugo
Alicante = Alicante
Càdiz = Càdiz
Eiche = Elche
# Requires translation!
-Alcorcon =
+Alcorcon = Alcorcón
Burgos = Burgos
Vigo = Vigo
Badajoz = Badajoz
-La Coruña = A Coruña
+La Coruña = La Coruña
# Requires translation!
-Guadalquivir =
+Guadalquivir = Guadalquivir
Bilbao = Bilbao
San Sebastian = San Sebastián
Granada = Granada
Mérida = Mérida
Huelva = Huelva
Ibiza = Ibiza
-Las Palmas = les Palmes
+Las Palmas = Las Palmas
Tenerife = Tenerife
Spain = Španjolska
@@ -4645,69 +4645,69 @@ You are an abomination to heaven and earth, the chief of ignorant savages! You m
Fool! You have doomed your people to fire and destruction! = Budala! Osudio si svoj narod na vatru i uništenje!
We have been consumed by the fires of hatred and rage. Enjoy your victory in this world - you shall pay a heavy price in the next! = Bili smo proždrijeti požarima mržnje i bijesa. Uživaj u svojoj pobjedi u ovom svijetu - platit ćeš visoku cijenu u sljedećem!
I am Askia of the Songhai. We are a fair people - but those who cross us will find only destruction. You would do well to avoid repeating the mistakes others have made in the past. = Ja sam Askia od Songaja. Mi smo pošten narod - ali oni koji nas prijeđu čekaju samo uništenje. Dobro bi bilo da izbjegavaš ponavljanje grešaka koje su drugi činili u prošlosti.
-Can I interest you in this deal? = Mogu li vas zainteresirati za ovu nagodbu?
+Can I interest you in this deal? = Mogu li te zainteresirati za ovu nagodbu?
River Warlord = Riječni Gospodar Rata
Askia, leader of the Songhai people and greatest of all, may God watch your path towards glory! Songhai was under the rule of the mighty West African state of Mali until the middle of the 14th century. Great King Sunni Ali Ber fought for independance, and showed to all Songhai's power, by conquering territories and repelling many foes who sought to destroy the rising kingdom. Ultimately, conquest of the wealthy cities of Timbuktu and Jenne made Songhai an empire with enough economic power to survive for a century, until the empire bowed down before foes with advanced technology - muskets against spearmen. = Askia, vođo naroda Songaj i najveća od svih, neka Bog čuva tvoj put prema slavi! Songaj je do sredine 14. stoljeća bio pod vlašću moćne Zapadnoafričke države Mali. Veliki Sunitski Kralj Ali Ber borio se za neovisnost i svima pokazao Songajevu moć osvajanjem teritorija i odbijanjem mnogih neprijatelja koji su htjeli uništiti kraljevstvo u usponu. Naposljetku, osvajanje bogatih gradova Timbuktua i Jennea učinilo je Songaj carstvom s dovoljno ekonomske moći da preživi za stoljeće, sve dok carstvo nije pokleknulo pred neprijateljima s naprednom tehnologijom - mušketama protiv kopljanika.
King Askia, your people know there's still hope, that the hour of revenge is coming. Give them wealth and power, give them mighty weapons of iron and fire, to destroy any foe, for Songhai to revive! Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Kralju Askia, tvoj narod zna da još ima nade, da čas osvete dolazi. Daj im bogatstvo i moć, daj im moćna oružja od željeza i vatre, da unište svakog neprijatelja, da Songaj oživi! Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti?
Gao = Gao
# Requires translation!
-Tombouctu =
+Tombouctu = Timbuktu
# Requires translation!
-Jenne =
+Jenne = Djenné
# Requires translation!
-Taghaza =
+Taghaza = Taghaza
# Requires translation!
Tondibi =
# Requires translation!
-Kumbi Saleh =
+Kumbi Saleh = Koumbi Saleh
# Requires translation!
Kukia =
# Requires translation!
Walata =
# Requires translation!
-Tegdaoust =
+Tegdaoust = Tegdaoust
# Requires translation!
-Argungu =
+Argungu = Argungu
# Requires translation!
-Gwandu =
+Gwandu = Gwanda
# Requires translation!
-Kebbi =
+Kebbi = Kebbi
# Requires translation!
-Boussa =
+Boussa = Bussa
# Requires translation!
Motpi =
# Requires translation!
-Bamako =
+Bamako = Bamako
# Requires translation!
-Wa =
+Wa = Wa
# Requires translation!
Kayes =
# Requires translation!
-Awdaghost =
+Awdaghost = Aoudaghost
# Requires translation!
-Ouadane =
+Ouadane = Ouadane
# Requires translation!
-Dakar =
+Dakar = Dakar
# Requires translation!
Tadmekket =
# Requires translation!
Tekedda =
# Requires translation!
-Kano =
+Kano = Kano
# Requires translation!
-Agadez =
+Agadez = Agadez
# Requires translation!
-Niamey =
+Niamey = Niamey
# Requires translation!
Torodi =
# Requires translation!
Ouatagouna =
# Requires translation!
-Dori =
+Dori = Dori
# Requires translation!
Bamba =
# Requires translation!
-Segou =
+Segou = Ségou
Songhai = Songaj
Genghis Khan = Džingis-Kan
@@ -4718,10 +4718,10 @@ I am Temuujin, conqueror of cities and countries. Before me lie future Mongolian
I am not always this generous, but we hope you take this rare opportunity we give you. = Nisam uvijek tako velikodušan, ali nadamo se da ćeš iskoristiti ovu rijetku priliku koju vam pružamo.
So what now? = Pa što sada?
Mongol Terror = Mongolski Teror
-O great Temuujin, immortal leader of the mighty Mongol Empire! Your name alone was enough to make cities crumble, and the sound of the mighty Mongol cavalry to make your enemies flee! O Great Khan! Once Northern Asia united into a mighty people, producing one of the greatest armies the world has ever known, your skillful mounted archers conquered in only a few years, most of China, Eastern Asia, and even reached the gates of Europe at the West. With cunning diplomacy and brilliant warfare, you swept your enemies one after another, creating the greatest empire ever seen, reducing Roman or Greek conquests to minor achievements. = O veliki Temuujine, besmrtni vođo moćnog Mongolskog Carstva! Samo tvoje ime bilo je dovoljno da se gradovi ruše, a zvuk moćne Mongolske konjice da natjera tvoje neprijatelje u bijeg! O Veliki Kane! Nakon što se Sjeverna Azija ujedinila u moćni narod, stvarajući jednu od najvećih vojski koju je svijet ikada vidio, vaši vješti strijelci na konjima osvojili su u samo nekoliko godina veći dio Kine, Istočnu Aziju i čak stigli do vrata Europe na Zapadu. Lukavom diplomacijom i briljantnim ratovanjem, pomeli ste svoje neprijatelje jednog za drugim, stvarajući najveće carstvo ikada viđeno, svodeći rimska i Grčka osvajanja na niža postignuća.
+O great Temuujin, immortal leader of the mighty Mongol Empire! Your name alone was enough to make cities crumble, and the sound of the mighty Mongol cavalry to make your enemies flee! O Great Khan! Once Northern Asia united into a mighty people, producing one of the greatest armies the world has ever known, your skillful mounted archers conquered in only a few years, most of China, Eastern Asia, and even reached the gates of Europe at the West. With cunning diplomacy and brilliant warfare, you swept your enemies one after another, creating the greatest empire ever seen, reducing Roman or Greek conquests to minor achievements. = O veliki Temuujine, besmrtni vođo moćnog Mongolskog Carstva! Samo tvoje ime bilo je dovoljno da se gradovi ruše, a zvuk moćne Mongolske konjice da natjera tvoje neprijatelje u bijeg! O Veliki Kane! Nakon što se Sjeverna Azija ujedinila u moćni narod, stvarajući jednu od najvećih vojski koju je svijet ikada vidio, tvoji vješti strijelci na konjima osvojili su u samo nekoliko godina veći dio Kine, Istočnu Aziju i čak stigli do vrata Europe na Zapadu. Lukavom diplomacijom i briljantnim ratovanjem, pomeli ste svoje neprijatelje jednog za drugim, stvarajući najveće carstvo ikada viđeno, svodeći rimska i Grčka osvajanja na niža postignuća.
Divine Temuujin, battles and conquests run through the veins of the Mongols. Are you ready to shatter the will of your enemies? Will your cavalry ride in the steppes once again and strike as lightning and thunder? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Božanski Temuujin, bitke i osvajanja teku venama Mongola. Jesi li spreman slomiti volju svojih neprijatelja? Hoće li tvoja konjica još jednom jahati stepama i udarati poput munje i groma? Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti?
# Requires translation!
-Karakorum =
+Karakorum = Kharkhorin
# Requires translation!
Beshbalik =
# Requires translation!
@@ -4733,55 +4733,55 @@ Old Sarai =
# Requires translation!
New Sarai =
# Requires translation!
-Tabriz =
+Tabriz = Tabriz
# Requires translation!
Tiflis =
# Requires translation!
-Otrar =
+Otrar = Otrar
# Requires translation!
-Sanchu =
+Sanchu = Sanchu
# Requires translation!
-Kazan =
+Kazan = Kazanj
# Requires translation!
Almarikh =
# Requires translation!
-Ulaanbaatar =
+Ulaanbaatar = Ulan Bator
# Requires translation!
-Hovd =
+Hovd = Khovd
# Requires translation!
-Darhan =
+Darhan = Darkhan
# Requires translation!
-Dalandzadgad =
+Dalandzadgad = Dalanzadgad
# Requires translation!
-Mandalgovi =
+Mandalgovi = Mandalgovi
# Requires translation!
-Choybalsan =
+Choybalsan = Choibalsan
# Requires translation!
-Erdenet =
+Erdenet = Erdenet
# Requires translation!
Tsetserieg =
# Requires translation!
-Baruun-Urt =
+Baruun-Urt = Baruun-Urt
# Requires translation!
-Ereen =
+Ereen = Ereen
# Requires translation!
Batshireet =
# Requires translation!
-Choyr =
+Choyr = Choir
# Requires translation!
-Ulaangom =
+Ulaangom = Ulaangom
# Requires translation!
-Tosontsengel =
+Tosontsengel = Tosontsengel
# Requires translation!
-Altay =
+Altay = Altaj
# Requires translation!
-Uliastay =
+Uliastay = Uliastai
# Requires translation!
-Bayanhongor =
+Bayanhongor = Bayankhongor
# Requires translation!
-Har-Ayrag =
+Har-Ayrag = Har-Ayrag
# Requires translation!
-Nalayh =
+Nalayh = Nalaikh
# Requires translation!
Tes =
Mongolia = Mongolija
@@ -4878,7 +4878,7 @@ How are you doing? = Kako si?
What do you want now? = Što sad želiš?
Great Andean Road = Velika Andska Cesta
King Pachacuti Sapa Inca, maker of the world and ruler of Tawantinsuyu and the Inca people, your loyal subjects greet you! In the beginning, the small state of Cusco already showed the Incans were promised for greatness. They won many wars against powerful enemies, relentlessly crushing any army that dared oppose them, and forged a mighty empire stretching from Ecuador to Chile, the greatest ever seen in pre-Columbian America. Not just undaunted soldiers, Inca people were accomplished builders and artists, their magnificient and unequalled culture still fascinating the world today. = Kralj Pachacuti Sapa Inka, tvorac svijeta i vladar Tawantinsuyua i naroda Inka, pozdravljaju te tvoji vjerni podanici! U početku je mala država Cusco već pokazala da su Inke obećane za veličinu. Pobijedili su u mnogim ratovima protiv moćnih neprijatelja, nemilosrdno slamajući svaku vojsku koja im se usudila suprotstaviti, i stvorili su moćno carstvo koje se protezalo od Ekvadora do Čilea, najveće ikada viđeno u pretkolumbovskoj Americi. Ne samo neustrašivi vojnici, ljudi Inka bili su vrsni graditelji i umjetnici, njihova veličanstvena i nenadmašna kultura i danas fascinira svijet.
-O Emperor Pachacuti, honor your name of 'Earth Shaker'! Will you once again summon the power of the earth to unite all Incan people under the protection of Sapa Inca, the Son of the Sun? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = O Care Pachacuti, poštuj svoje ime 'Zemljotresac'! Hoćeš li još jednom prizvati snagu zemlje da ujedinite sve ljude Inka pod zaštitom Sapa Inca, Sina Sunca? Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti?
+O Emperor Pachacuti, honor your name of 'Earth Shaker'! Will you once again summon the power of the earth to unite all Incan people under the protection of Sapa Inca, the Son of the Sun? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = O Care Pachacuti, poštuj svoje ime 'Zemljotresac'! Hoćeš li još jednom prizvati snagu zemlje da ujediniš sve ljude Inka pod zaštitom Sapa Inca, Sina Sunca? Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti?
# Requires translation!
Cuzco =
# Requires translation!
@@ -4964,7 +4964,7 @@ As a true Viking, who knows not fear, time has come to unleash mighty armies of
Copenhagen = Kopenhagen
Aarhus = Aarhus
# Requires translation!
-Kaupang =
+Kaupang = Kaupanger
Ribe = Ribe
Viborg = Viborg
Tunsberg = Tønsberg
@@ -4992,7 +4992,7 @@ Odense = Odense
Aalborg = Aalborg
Stavanger = Stavanger
# Requires translation!
-Vorbasse =
+Vorbasse = Vorbasse
# Requires translation!
Schleswig =
Kristiansand = Kristiansand
@@ -5007,7 +5007,7 @@ Tromsoe = Tromsø
Vejle = Vejle
Koge = Køge
# Requires translation!
-Sandnes =
+Sandnes = Sandnes
Holstebro = Holstebro
Slagelse = Slagelse
Drammen = Drammen
@@ -5140,7 +5140,7 @@ Valletta = Valletta
Aristocracy = Aristokracija
Legalism = Legalizam
Oligarchy = Oligarhija
-Landed Elite = Prizemljena elita
+Landed Elite = Prizemljena Elita
Monarchy = Monarhija
Tradition Complete = Tradicija je Završena
Tradition = Tradicija
@@ -5332,7 +5332,7 @@ Sailing = Jedrenje
'So teach us to number our days, so that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.' - Bible Psalms 90:12 = 'Zato nas nauči brojiti naše dane, tako da možemo svoja srca posvetiti mudrosti.' - Biblija Psalmi 90:12
Calendar = Kalendar
'He who destroys a good book kills reason itself.' - John Milton = 'Onaj tko uništi dobru knjigu ubija sam razum.' - John Milton
-Writing = Pisanje
+Writing = Pismo
'Even brute beasts and wandering birds do not fall into the same traps or nets twice.' - Saint Jerome = 'Čak ni divlje zvijeri i ptice lutalice ne upadaju dvaput u iste zamke ili mreže.' - Sveti Jeronim
Trapping = Zamke
'Wisdom and virtue are like the two wheels of a cart.' - Japanese proverb = 'Mudrost i vrlina su kao dva kotača na kolima.' - Japanska poslovica
@@ -5518,7 +5518,7 @@ Only Polders can be built here = Ovdje se mogu graditi samo Polderi
Fallout = Radioaktivno Područje
-Oases provide fresh water to adjacent tiles, allowing farming where it would otherwise not be possible (similar to Rivers and Lakes). = Oaze daju svježu vodu susjednim poljima, omogućujući poljodjelstvo tamo gdje inače ne bi bilo moguće (slično Rijekama i Jezerima).
+Oases provide fresh water to adjacent tiles, allowing farming where it would otherwise not be possible (similar to Rivers and Lakes). = Oaze daju svježu vodu susjednim poljima, omogućujući poljoprivredu tamo gdje inače ne bi bilo moguće (slično Rijekama i Jezerima).
Flood plains = Poplavne ravnice
@@ -6115,10 +6115,10 @@ SS Stasis Chamber = SS Stasis Komora
Complete all the spaceship parts\nto win! = Dovrši sve dijelove svemirskog broda\nza pobjedu!
spaceship parts = dijelovi svemirskog broda
-You have achieved victory through mastery of Science! You have conquered the mysteries of nature and led your people on a voyage to a brave new world! Your triumph will be remembered as long as the stars burn in the night sky! = Postigli ste pobjedu kroz majstorstvo Znanosti! Osvojili ste misterije prirode i poveli svoje ljude na putovanje u vrli novi svijet! Tvoj trijumf će se pamtiti dokle god zvijezde gore na noćnom nebu!
+You have achieved victory through mastery of Science! You have conquered the mysteries of nature and led your people on a voyage to a brave new world! Your triumph will be remembered as long as the stars burn in the night sky! = Postigli ste pobjedu kroz majstorstvo Znanosti! Osvojili ste misterije prirode i poveli svoje ljude na putovanje u vrli novi svijet! Vaš trijumf će se pamtiti dokle god zvijezde gore na noćnom nebu!
Complete 5 policy branches and\nbuild the Utopia Project to win! = Dovrši 5 grana politike i\nizgradi Projekt Utopija za pobjedu!
-You have achieved victory through the awesome power of your Culture. Your civilization's greatness - the magnificence of its monuments and the power of its artists - have astounded the world! Poets will honor you as long as beauty brings gladness to a weary heart. = Postigli ste pobjedu kroz fenomenalanu moć svoje Kulture. Veličina vaše civilizacije - veličanstvenost njezinih spomenika i moć njezinih umjetnika - zapanjili su svijet! Pjesnici će vas poštovati sve dok ljepota unosi radost umornom srcu.
+You have achieved victory through the awesome power of your Culture. Your civilization's greatness - the magnificence of its monuments and the power of its artists - have astounded the world! Poets will honor you as long as beauty brings gladness to a weary heart. = Postigli ste pobjedu kroz fenomenalanu moć svoje Kulture. Veličina tvoje civilizacije - veličanstvenost njezinih spomenika i moć njezinih umjetnika - zapanjili su svijet! Pjesnici će vas poštovati sve dok ljepota unosi radost umornom srcu.
Capture all enemy Capitals\nto win! = Zauzmi sve neprijateljske Prijestolnice\nza pobjedu!
The world has been convulsed by war. Many great and powerful civilizations have fallen, but you have survived - and emerged victorious! The world will long remember your glorious triumph! = Svijet je potresen ratom. Mnoge velike i moćne civilizacije su pale, ali vi ste preživjeli - i izašli kao pobjednici! Svijet će dugo pamtiti vaš slavni trijumf!
@@ -6128,7 +6128,7 @@ Anyone should build [buildingFilter] = Svatko bi trebao izgraditi [buildingFilte
Win diplomatic vote = Osvojite diplomatsko glasanje
You have triumphed over your foes through the art of diplomacy! Your cunning and wisdom have earned you great friends - and divided and sown confusion among your enemies! Forever will you be remembered as the leader who brought peace to this weary world! = Pobijedili ste svoje neprijatelje umijećem diplomacije! Vaša lukavost i mudrost stekle su vam velike prijatelje - i podijelile i posijale pomutnju među vašim neprijateljima! Zauvijek ćeš biti zapamćen kao vođa koji je donio mir ovom umornom svijetu!
-Do things to win! = Čini stvari za pobjedu!
+Do things to win! = Činite stvari za pobjedu!
Have highest score after max turns = Imajte najveći rezultat nakon maksimalno poteza
@@ -6302,7 +6302,7 @@ Neuschwanstein = Neuschwanstein
'...the location is one of the most beautiful to be found, holy and unapproachable, a worthy temple for the divine friend who has brought salvation and true blessing to the world.' - King Ludwig II of Bavaria = '...lokacija je jedna od najljepših koja se može naći, sveta i nepristupačna, vrijedan hram za božanskog prijatelja koji je donio spasenje i istinski blagoslov svijetu.' - Bavarski kralj Ludwig II
-Recycling Center = Centar za Reciklažu
+Recycling Center = Reciklažni Centar
Great Firewall = Veliki Vatrozid
@@ -6339,200 +6339,200 @@ Marine = Marinac
#################### Lines from Events from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
-Move a unit! = Pokreni jedinicu!
-Click on a unit → Click on a destination → Click the arrow popup. = Klikni na jedinicu → Klikni na odredište → Klikni na iskočnu strelicu.
+Move a unit! = Pokrenite jedinicu!
+Click on a unit → Click on a destination → Click the arrow popup. = Kliknite na jedinicu → Kliknite na odredište → Kliknite na iskočnu strelicu.
-Found a city! = Osnuj grad!
-Select the Settler → Click on 'Found city'. = Odaberi Naseljenika → Klikni na 'Osnuj grad'.
+Found a city! = Osnujte grad!
+Select the Settler → Click on 'Found city'. = Odaberite Naseljenika → Kliknite na 'Osnuj grad'.
-Enter the city screen! = Uđi u zaslon grada!
-Click the city button twice. = Dva puta klikni na dugme grada.
+Enter the city screen! = Uđite u zaslon grada!
+Click the city button twice. = Dva puta kliknite na dugme grada.
-Pick a technology to research! = Odaberi tehnologiju za istraživanje!
-Click on the tech button → Select technology → Click 'Research' (bottom right). = Klikni na dugme za tehnologije → Odaberi tehnologiju → klikni 'Istraži' (dolje desno).
+Pick a technology to research! = Odaberite tehnologiju za istraživanje!
+Click on the tech button → Select technology → Click 'Research' (bottom right). = Kliknite na dugme za tehnologije → Odaberite tehnologiju → kliknite 'Istraži' (dolje desno).
-Pick a construction! = Odaberi izgradnju!
-Enter city screen → Click on a unit or building → Click 'add to queue'. = Uđi u zaslon grada → Klikni na jedinicu ili zgradu → Klikni 'dodaj u red čekanja'.
+Pick a construction! = Odaberite izgradnju!
+Enter city screen → Click on a unit or building → Click 'add to queue'. = Uđite u zaslon grada → Kliknite na jedinicu ili zgradu → Kliknite 'dodaj u red čekanja'.
-Pass a turn! = Propusti potez!
-Cycle through units with 'Next unit' → Click 'Next turn'. = Kruži kroz jedinice pomoću 'Sljedeća jedinica' → Klikni 'Sljedeći potez'.
+Pass a turn! = Propustite potez!
+Cycle through units with 'Next unit' → Click 'Next turn'. = Kružite kroz jedinice pomoću 'Sljedeća jedinica' → Kliknite 'Sljedeći potez'.
-Reassign worked tiles! = Ponovno dodijeli obrađivana polja!
-Enter city screen → Click the assigned tile to unassign → Click an unassigned tile to assign population. = Uđi u zaslon grada → Klikni dodijeljeno polje za poništavanje dodjele → Klikni na nedodijeljeno polje za dodjelu stanovnika.
+Reassign worked tiles! = Ponovno dodijelite obrađivana polja!
+Enter city screen → Click the assigned tile to unassign → Click an unassigned tile to assign population. = Uđite u zaslon grada → Kliknite dodijeljeno polje za poništavanje dodjele → Kliknite na nedodijeljeno polje za dodjelu stanovnika.
Got it = Shvaćam
-Meet another civilization! = Sretni drugu civilizaciju!
-Explore the map until you encounter another civilization! = Istražuj kartu dok ne naiđeš na drugu civilizaciju!
+Meet another civilization! = Sretnite drugu civilizaciju!
+Explore the map until you encounter another civilization! = Istražujte kartu dok ne naiđete na drugu civilizaciju!
-Open the options dialog! = Otvori dialog opcija!
-Click the menu button (top left) → Click 'Options'. = Klikni dugme izbornika (gore lijevo) → Klikni 'Opcije'.
+Open the options dialog! = Otvorite dialog opcija!
+Click the menu button (top left) → Click 'Options'. = Kliknite dugme izbornika (gore lijevo) → Kliknite 'Opcije'.
-Construct an improvement! = Izgradi unaprjeđenje!
-Construct a Worker unit → Move it to a Plains or Grassland tile → Click 'Construct improvement' → Choose the farm → Leave the worker there until it's finished. = Izgradi jedinicu Radnika → Pomakni ga na polje Ravnica ili Travnjak → Klikni 'Izgradi unaprjeđenje' → Odaberi farmu → Ostavi radnika tamo dok ne završi.
+Construct an improvement! = Izgradite unaprjeđenje!
+Construct a Worker unit → Move it to a Plains or Grassland tile → Click 'Construct improvement' → Choose the farm → Leave the worker there until it's finished. = Izgradite jedinicu Radnika → Pomaknite ga na polje Ravnica ili Travnjak → Kliknite 'Izgradi unaprjeđenje' → Odaberite farmu → Ostavite radnika tamo dok ne završi.
-Create a trade route! = Stvori trgovačku rutu!
-Construct roads between your capital and another city. Or, automate your worker and let him get to that eventually. = Izgradi ceste između svoje prijestolnice i drugog grada. Ili, automatiziraj svog radnika i pusti ga da eventualno dođe do toga.
+Create a trade route! = Stvorite trgovačku rutu!
+Construct roads between your capital and another city. Or, automate your worker and let him get to that eventually. = Izgradite ceste između svoje prijestolnice i drugog grada. Ili, automatizirajte svog radnika i pustite ga da eventualno dođe do toga.
-Conquer a city! = Osvoji grad!
-Bring an enemy city down to low health → Enter the city with a melee unit. = Spusti neprijateljski grad na nisko zdravlje → Uđi u grad s jedinicom za blisku borbu.
+Conquer a city! = Osvojite grad!
+Bring an enemy city down to low health → Enter the city with a melee unit. = Spustite neprijateljski grad na nisko zdravlje → Uđite u grad s jedinicom za blisku borbu.
-Move an air unit! = Pokreni zračnu jedinicu!
-Select an air unit → Select another city within range → Move the unit to the other city. = Odaberi zračnu jedinicu → Odaberi drugi grad u dometu → Pomakni jedinicu u drugi grad.
+Move an air unit! = Pokrenite zračnu jedinicu!
+Select an air unit → Select another city within range → Move the unit to the other city. = Odaberite zračnu jedinicu → Odaberite drugi grad u dometu → Pomaknite jedinicu u drugi grad.
-See your stats breakdown! = Pogledaj pregled svoje statistike!
-Enter the Overview screen (top right corner) → Click on 'Stats'. = Uđi u zaslon Pregled (gornji desni kut) → Klikni na 'Statistika'.
+See your stats breakdown! = Pogledajte pregled svoje statistike!
+Enter the Overview screen (top right corner) → Click on 'Stats'. = Uđite u zaslon Pregled (gornji desni kut) → Kliknite na 'Statistika'.
#################### Lines from Nations from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
# Requires translation!
-Rim-Sin II =
+Rim-Sin II = Rim-Sin II
# Requires translation!
-Smerdis =
+Smerdis = Smerdis
# Requires translation!
-Ilum-ma-ili =
+Ilum-ma-ili = Ilum-ma-ili
# Requires translation!
-Peshgaldaramesh =
+Peshgaldaramesh = Pešgaldarameš
# Requires translation!
-Ur-zigurumaš =
+Ur-zigurumaš = Urzigurumaš
# Requires translation!
-Semiramis =
+Semiramis = Semiramida
# Requires translation!
-Em =
+Em = Em
# Requires translation!
-Ishtar =
+Ishtar = Ištar
# Requires translation!
Bilit Taauth =
# Requires translation!
-Aruru =
+Aruru = Aruru
Islam = Islam
# Requires translation!
-Jason =
+Jason = Jason
Helena = Helena
# Requires translation!
-Alexa =
+Alexa = Aleksa
# Requires translation!
-Cletus =
+Cletus = Cletus
# Requires translation!
-Kassandra =
+Kassandra = Kasandra
# Requires translation!
-Andres =
+Andres = Andres
# Requires translation!
-Desdemona =
+Desdemona = Desdemona
# Requires translation!
Anthea =
# Requires translation!
Aeneas =
# Requires translation!
-Leander =
+Leander = Leander
Christianity = Kršćanstvo
# Requires translation!
-Li =
+Li = Li
# Requires translation!
-Chen =
+Chen = Chen
# Requires translation!
-Zhang =
+Zhang = Zhang
# Requires translation!
-Liu =
+Liu = Liu
# Requires translation!
-Yang =
+Yang = Jang
# Requires translation!
-Huang =
+Huang = Huang
# Requires translation!
-Zhao =
+Zhao = Zhao
# Requires translation!
-Wu =
+Wu = Wu
# Requires translation!
-Zhou =
+Zhou = Zhou
# Requires translation!
-Sun =
+Sun = Sun
Taoism = Taoizam
# Requires translation!
Refaat =
# Requires translation!
-Heba =
+Heba = Heba
# Requires translation!
-Salah =
+Salah = Namaz
Ahmed = Ahmed
Zakaria = Zaharija
# Requires translation!
-Bastet =
+Bastet = Bast
# Requires translation!
-Ma'at =
+Ma'at = Majet
# Requires translation!
-Nebhet =
+Nebhet = Nebet
# Requires translation!
-Tefenet =
+Tefenet = Tefenet
# Requires translation!
-Neuth =
+Neuth = Neit
# Requires translation!
-James =
+James = James
# Requires translation!
-Scarlett =
+Scarlett = Scarlett
# Requires translation!
-Mycroft =
+Mycroft = Mycroft
# Requires translation!
-Charlotte =
+Charlotte = Charlotte
# Requires translation!
-Gwendolyn =
+Gwendolyn = Gwendolyn
# Requires translation!
-Mr. Eks =
+Mr. Eks = Mr. Eks
# Requires translation!
-Dr. Grey =
+Dr. Grey = Dr. Grey
# Requires translation!
-Andrew =
+Andrew = Andrew
# Requires translation!
-Scott =
+Scott = Scott
# Requires translation!
-Anne =
+Anne = Anne
# Requires translation!
-Jean-Paul =
+Jean-Paul = Jean-Paul
Martine = Martina
# Requires translation!
-Lucien =
+Lucien = Lucien
# Requires translation!
-François =
+François = François
Augustine = Augustin
# Requires translation!
-Monsieur X =
+Monsieur X = Monsieur X
# Requires translation!
-Dr. Dupont =
+Dr. Dupont = Dr. Dupont
# Requires translation!
-Vipère =
+Vipère = Vipère
# Requires translation!
-Yvette =
+Yvette = Yvette
# Requires translation!
-Renard =
+Renard = Renard
Alexei = Aleksej
# Requires translation!
-Lena =
+Lena = Lena
Dmitry = Dmitar
Anastasia = Anastazija
Tatiana = Tatjana
Boris = Boris
# Requires translation!
-Doktor Seriy =
+Doktor Seriy = Doktor Serij
Mikhail = Mihail
Natacha = Nataša
# Requires translation!
-Zmeya =
+Zmeya = Zmeja
Flavius = Flavije
# Requires translation!
-Regula =
+Regula = Regula
# Requires translation!
-Servius =
+Servius = Servije
# Requires translation!
-Lucia =
+Lucia = Lucija
# Requires translation!
-Cornelius =
+Cornelius = Kornelije
# Requires translation!
Licina =
# Requires translation!
@@ -6540,8 +6540,8 @@ Canus =
# Requires translation!
Serpens =
# Requires translation!
-Agrippa =
-Brutus = Brutus
+Agrippa = Agripa
+Brutus = Brut
# Requires translation!
Solhofaat =
@@ -6555,46 +6555,46 @@ Temsaah =
Abyadh =
Mostafa = Mustafa
# Requires translation!
-Yusuf =
+Yusuf = Jusuf
# Requires translation!
Waddah =
# Requires translation!
Sameera =
# Requires translation!
-Gamal =
+Gamal = Gamal
# Requires translation!
Cousin =
# Requires translation!
-Felix =
+Felix = Feliks
Dennis = Denis
Edward = Eduard
# Requires translation!
-Prof. Rex =
+Prof. Rex = Prof. Rex
Eliza = Eliza
Mary = Marija
# Requires translation!
-Virginia =
+Virginia = Virginia
Barbara = Barbara
# Requires translation!
-Akaishi =
+Akaishi = Akaishi
Oki = Oki
# Requires translation!
-Hattori =
+Hattori = Hattori
# Requires translation!
-Morozumi =
+Morozumi = Morozumi
# Requires translation!
-Momochi =
+Momochi = Momochi
# Requires translation!
-Kawashima =
+Kawashima = Kawashima
Orin = Orin
# Requires translation!
-Sakanishi =
+Sakanishi = Sakanishi
# Requires translation!
-Kaede =
+Kaede = Kaede
# Requires translation!
-Mochizuki =
+Mochizuki = Mochizuki
Shinto = Šintoizam
# Requires translation!
@@ -6604,35 +6604,35 @@ Shanx =
# Requires translation!
Hormis =
# Requires translation!
-Sanjeev =
+Sanjeev = Sanjeev
# Requires translation!
-Ananda =
+Ananda = Ananda
Rani = Rani
# Requires translation!
-Parvati =
+Parvati = Parvati
Mukta = Mukta
# Requires translation!
-Karishma =
+Karishma = Karišma
# Requires translation!
Jyotsna =
Hinduism = Hinduizam
# Requires translation!
-Johann =
+Johann = Johann
# Requires translation!
-Marlene =
+Marlene = Marlene
# Requires translation!
-Wilhelm =
+Wilhelm = Vilim
Eva = Eva
# Requires translation!
-Heinz =
+Heinz = Heinz
# Requires translation!
-Horst =
+Horst = Horst
Carl = Karlo
# Requires translation!
-Viper =
+Viper = Viper
# Requires translation!
-Albrecht =
+Albrecht = Albrecht
Anton = Antun
Ibrahim = Ibrahim
@@ -6644,49 +6644,49 @@ Mahmut = Mahmut
# Requires translation!
Uveys =
# Requires translation!
-Roxelana =
+Roxelana = Rokselana
# Requires translation!
Safiye =
# Requires translation!
-Hafsa =
+Hafsa = Hafsa
# Requires translation!
-Kosem =
+Kosem = Kosem
# Requires translation!
-Nurbanu =
+Nurbanu = Nurbanu
Kim = Kim
# Requires translation!
-Park =
+Park = Park
Han = Han
Na = Na
Kong = Kong
# Requires translation!
-Yu =
+Yu = Yu
# Requires translation!
Ahn =
Da = Da
# Requires translation!
-Eun =
+Eun = Eun
Confucianism = Konfucijanizam
# Requires translation!
-Onatah =
+Onatah = Onatah
# Requires translation!
-Oneida =
+Oneida = Oneida
# Requires translation!
Oshadagea =
# Requires translation!
-Otetiani =
+Otetiani = Otetiani
# Requires translation!
-Genesee =
+Genesee = Genesee
# Requires translation!
-Dadgayadoh =
+Dadgayadoh = Dadgayadoh
# Requires translation!
-Otwtiani =
+Otwtiani = Otwtiani
# Requires translation!
-Kateri =
+Kateri = Kateri
# Requires translation!
-Onondakai =
+Onondakai = Onondakai
# Requires translation!
Honanyawus =
@@ -6699,102 +6699,102 @@ Shahzad =
Aga = Aga
Marjane = Marijana
# Requires translation!
-Peri =
+Peri = Peri
# Requires translation!
-Sartaj =
+Sartaj = Sartaj
Yasmin = Jasmina
Zoroastrianism = Zoroastrizam
# Requires translation!
-Tiki =
+Tiki = Tiki
# Requires translation!
-Hotu Matua =
+Hotu Matua = Hotu Matua
# Requires translation!
Rongo-ma-tane =
Kupe = Kupe
Haloti = Haloti
# Requires translation!
-Degei =
+Degei = Degei
# Requires translation!
-Babamik =
+Babamik = Babamik
# Requires translation!
-Kulu Lau =
+Kulu Lau = Kulu Lau
# Requires translation!
-Nangananga =
+Nangananga = Nangananga
# Requires translation!
-Turua =
+Turua = Turua
Aran = Aran
# Requires translation!
Chanarong =
# Requires translation!
-Kiet =
+Kiet = Kiet
Niran = Niran
# Requires translation!
-Virote =
+Virote = Virote
# Requires translation!
-Kulap =
+Kulap = Kulap
# Requires translation!
Mayuree =
# Requires translation!
Phueng =
Ratana = Ratana
# Requires translation!
-Tola =
+Tola = Tola
Buddhism = Budizam
# Requires translation!
-Rodrigo =
+Rodrigo = Rodrigo
Esmeralda = Esmeralda
Mathilda = Matilda
Ramona = Ramona
-Señor X = Gospodin X
+Señor X = Señor X
# Requires translation!
-Topolino =
+Topolino = Topolino
# Requires translation!
-Serpiente =
+Serpiente = Serpiente
# Requires translation!
-Garcia =
+Garcia = Garcia
# Requires translation!
-El Lobo =
+El Lobo = El Lobo
# Requires translation!
-Ahmadou =
+Ahmadou = Ahmadou
# Requires translation!
-Ayub =
+Ayub = Ayub
# Requires translation!
-Badru =
+Badru = Badru
# Requires translation!
-Bokhari =
+Bokhari = Bokhari
# Requires translation!
-Guedado =
+Guedado = Guedado
# Requires translation!
-Adhiambo =
+Adhiambo = Adhiambo
# Requires translation!
Chinaka =
# Requires translation!
-Laila =
+Laila = Laila
# Requires translation!
-Mariama =
+Mariama = Mariama
# Requires translation!
-Oni =
+Oni = Oni
# Requires translation!
-Asashōryū =
+Asashōryū = Asashōryū
# Requires translation!
-Tömöriin =
+Tömöriin = Tömöriin
# Requires translation!
-Zevegiin =
+Zevegiin = Zevegiin
# Requires translation!
-Jigjidiin =
+Jigjidiin = Jigjidiin
# Requires translation!
Enkhbat =
# Requires translation!
-Mönkhbayar =
+Mönkhbayar = Mönkhbayar
# Requires translation!
-Gündegmaa =
+Gündegmaa = Gündegmaa
# Requires translation!
-Ssima =
+Ssima = Ssima
# Requires translation!
Batachikhan =
# Requires translation!
@@ -6802,68 +6802,68 @@ Chulunny =
Tengriism = Tengrizam
# Requires translation!
-Metztli =
+Metztli = Metztli
# Requires translation!
Xitllali =
# Requires translation!
Chimalli =
# Requires translation!
-Quauhtli =
+Quauhtli = Quauhtli
# Requires translation!
-Teyacapan =
+Teyacapan = Teyacapan
# Requires translation!
Yaotl =
# Requires translation!
-Coatl =
+Coatl = Coatl
# Requires translation!
-Huitzilin =
+Huitzilin = Huitzilin
# Requires translation!
-Itzli =
+Itzli = Itzli
# Requires translation!
-Tepin =
+Tepin = Tepin
# Requires translation!
-Amaru =
+Amaru = Amaru
# Requires translation!
Apichu =
# Requires translation!
Pariapichiu =
Puma = Puma
# Requires translation!
-Quenti =
+Quenti = Quenti
# Requires translation!
-Suyuntu =
+Suyuntu = Suyuntu
# Requires translation!
-Uturuncu =
+Uturuncu = Uturuncu
# Requires translation!
-Purutu =
+Purutu = Purutu
# Requires translation!
Ozcollo =
# Requires translation!
-Jørgen =
+Jørgen = Jørgen
# Requires translation!
-Mette =
+Mette = Mette
# Requires translation!
-Henrik =
+Henrik = Henrik
# Requires translation!
-Niels =
+Niels = Niels
# Requires translation!
-Helle =
+Helle = Helle
# Requires translation!
-Frederik =
+Frederik = Frederik
Ida = Ida
Thea = Tea
# Requires translation!
-Freja =
+Freja = Freja
# Requires translation!
-Morten =
+Morten = Morten
Attila the Hun = Atila Hun
I grow tired of this throne. I think I should like to have yours instead. = Umoran sam od ovog prijestolja. Mislim da bih volio imati tvoj umjesto njega.
-Now what is this?! You ask me to add your riches to my great avails. The invitation is accepted. = Što je sad ovo?! Tražite od mene da dodam vaše bogatstvo mojim velikim koristima. Poziv je prihvaćen.
+Now what is this?! You ask me to add your riches to my great avails. The invitation is accepted. = Što je sad ovo?! Tražiš od mene da dodam tvoje bogatstvo mojim velikim koristima. Poziv je prihvaćen.
My people will mourn me not with tears, but with human blood. = Narod moj neće me oplakivati suzama, nego ljudskom krvlju.
-You are in the presence of Attila, scourge of Rome. Do not let hubris be your downfall as well. = Vi ste u prisutnosti Atile, biča Rima. Ne dopustite da oholost bude i vaša propast.
+You are in the presence of Attila, scourge of Rome. Do not let hubris be your downfall as well. = Ti si u prisutnosti Atile, biča Rima. Ne dopusti da oholost bude i tvoja propast.
This is better than you deserve, but let it not be said that I am an unfair man. = Ovo je bolje nego što zaslužuješ, ali neka se ne kaže da sam nepravedan čovjek.
Good day to you. = Dobar vam dan.
Scourge of God = Bič Božji
@@ -6898,93 +6898,93 @@ I am William of Orange, stadtholder of The Netherlands. Did you need anything? I
I believe I have something that may be of some importance to you. = Vjerujem da imam nešto što bi ti moglo biti od neke važnosti.
Once again, greetings. = Još jednom, pozdrav.
Dutch East India Company = Nizozemska Istočnoindijska Kompanija
-Greetings to the wise and brave Prince William of Orange, who freed the Netherlands and gave strength to the Dutch people. In 1568, you led a rebellion against Spanish dominion, to gain freedom for your people, and therefore starting the Eighty Years' War. Your actions were all aimed to create one of Europe's first modern republics, the Seven United Provinces. The rebellion was the meaning of your very life and death, as it was also the cause of your assassination in 1584. But your death has given even more pride and courage to your people, to fight for liberty against any oppressors. Carved in history as the 'Father of the Fatherland', your name is a symbol of Dutch independence for eternity. = Pozdrav mudrom i hrabrom Princu Vilimu Oranskom, koji je oslobodio Nizozemsku i dao snagu Nizozemskom narodu. Godine 1568. vodio si pobunu protiv Španjolske dominacije, kako bi dobio slobodu za svoj narod, i time započeli Osamdesetogodišnji rat. Sve tvoje akcije bile su usmjerene na stvaranje jedne od prvih modernih Europskih republika, Sedam ujedinjenih provincija. Pobuna je bila smisao samoga tvog života i smrti, kao što je bila i uzrok tvog ubojstva 1584. Ali tvoja smrt dala je još više ponosa i hrabrosti tvom narodu, da se bori za slobodu protiv svih tlačitelja. Urezano u povijest kao 'Otac domovine', vaše je ime zauvijek simbol Nizozemske neovisnosti.
-Brave Prince, your people ask for your wisdom to gain its freedom once more, and to illuminate the world with progressive and modern ideas. Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Hrabri prinče, tvoj narod traži tvoju mudrost kako bi ponovno stekao svoju slobodu, i osvijetlio svijet naprednim i modernim idejama. Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti?
+Greetings to the wise and brave Prince William of Orange, who freed the Netherlands and gave strength to the Dutch people. In 1568, you led a rebellion against Spanish dominion, to gain freedom for your people, and therefore starting the Eighty Years' War. Your actions were all aimed to create one of Europe's first modern republics, the Seven United Provinces. The rebellion was the meaning of your very life and death, as it was also the cause of your assassination in 1584. But your death has given even more pride and courage to your people, to fight for liberty against any oppressors. Carved in history as the 'Father of the Fatherland', your name is a symbol of Dutch independence for eternity. = Pozdrav mudrom i hrabrom Princu Vilimu Oranskom, koji je oslobodio Nizozemsku i dao snagu Nizozemskom narodu. Godine 1568. vodio si pobunu protiv Španjolske dominacije, kako bi dobio slobodu za svoj narod, i time započeli Osamdesetogodišnji rat. Sve tvoje akcije bile su usmjerene na stvaranje jedne od prvih modernih Europskih republika, Sedam ujedinjenih provincija. Pobuna je bila smisao samoga tvog života i smrti, kao što je bila i uzrok tvog ubojstva 1584. Ali tvoja smrt dala je još više ponosa i hrabrosti tvom narodu, da se bori za slobodu protiv svih tlačitelja. Urezano u povijest kao 'Otac domovine', tvoje je ime zauvijek simbol Nizozemske neovisnosti.
+Brave Prince, your people ask for your wisdom to gain its freedom once more, and to illuminate the world with progressive and modern ideas. Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Hrabri prinče, tvoj narod traži tvoju mudrost kako bi ponovno dobio svoju slobodu, i osvijetlio svijet naprednim i modernim idejama. Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti?
# Requires translation!
-Joost =
+Joost = Joost
# Requires translation!
-Hendrika =
+Hendrika = Hendrika
# Requires translation!
-Marten =
+Marten = Marten
# Requires translation!
-Anke =
+Anke = Anke
# Requires translation!
-Guus =
+Guus = Guus
# Requires translation!
-Mr. X =
+Mr. X = Mr. X
# Requires translation!
-Dr. Grijs =
+Dr. Grijs = Dr. Grijs
# Requires translation!
-Willem =
+Willem = Willem
# Requires translation!
-Thijs =
+Thijs = Thijs
# Requires translation!
-Neef =
+Neef = Neef
Amsterdam = Amsterdam
# Requires translation!
-Rotterdam =
+Rotterdam = Roterdam
# Requires translation!
-Utrecht =
+Utrecht = Utrecht
# Requires translation!
-Groningen =
+Groningen = Groningen
# Requires translation!
-Breda =
+Breda = Breda
# Requires translation!
-Nijmegen =
+Nijmegen = Nijmegen
# Requires translation!
-Den Haag =
+Den Haag = Den Haag
# Requires translation!
-Haarlem =
+Haarlem = Haarlem
# Requires translation!
-Arnhem =
+Arnhem = Arnhem
# Requires translation!
-Zutphen =
+Zutphen = Zutphen
# Requires translation!
-Maastricht =
+Maastricht = Maastricht
# Requires translation!
-Tilburg =
+Tilburg = Tilburg
# Requires translation!
-Eindhoven =
+Eindhoven = Eindhoven
# Requires translation!
-Dordrecht =
+Dordrecht = Dordrecht
# Requires translation!
-Leiden =
+Leiden = Leiden
# Requires translation!
-'s Hertogenbosch =
+'s Hertogenbosch = 's Hertogenbosch
# Requires translation!
-Almere =
+Almere = Almere
# Requires translation!
-Alkmaar =
+Alkmaar = Alkmaar
# Requires translation!
-Brielle =
+Brielle = Brielle
# Requires translation!
-Vlissingen =
+Vlissingen = Vlissingen
# Requires translation!
-Apeldoorn =
+Apeldoorn = Apeldoorn
# Requires translation!
-Enschede =
+Enschede = Enschede
# Requires translation!
-Amersfoort =
+Amersfoort = Amersfoort
# Requires translation!
-Zwolle =
+Zwolle = Zwolle
# Requires translation!
-Venlo =
+Venlo = Venlo
# Requires translation!
-Uden =
+Uden = Uden
# Requires translation!
-Grave =
+Grave = Grave
# Requires translation!
-Delft =
+Delft = Delft
# Requires translation!
-Gouda =
+Gouda = Gouda
# Requires translation!
-Nieuwstadt =
+Nieuwstadt = Nieuwstadt
# Requires translation!
-Weesp =
+Weesp = Weesp
# Requires translation!
-Coevorden =
+Coevorden = Coevorden
# Requires translation!
-Kerkrade =
+Kerkrade = Kerkrade
The Netherlands = Nizozemska
Gustavus Adolphus = Gustav Adolf
@@ -6996,27 +6996,27 @@ My friend, it is my belief that this settlement can benefit both our peoples. =
Oh, welcome! = Oh, dobrodošli!
Oh, it is you. = Oh, to si ti.
Nobel Prize = Nobelova Nagrada
-All hail Great King Gustavus Adolphus, founder of the Swedish Empire, and one of the most famous military tacticians. In the early 17th century, Sweden emerged as a great power in Europe under your reign, thanks to your wisdom, both in diplomacy and warfare. As king, you decided to reform Swedish laws to bring economic stability and prosperity to your people. Your allies, and also your enemies, called you the 'Lion of the North', witnessing your modern vision of warfare, and the prowess of your armies on the battlefield. As you triumphed in the Thirty Years' War, your name will be forever remembered as one of history's greatest generals. = Slava Velikom kralju Gustavu Adolfu, osnivaču Švedskog Carstva, i jednom od najpoznatijih vojnih taktičara. Početkom 17. stoljeća, Švedska se pojavila kao velika sila u Europi pod tvojom vladavinom, zahvaljujući tvojoj mudrosti, kako u diplomaciji tako i u ratovanju. Kao kralj, odlučio si reformirati Švedske zakone kako bi svom narodu donio ekonomsku stabilnost i prosperitet. Tvoji saveznici, ali i tvoji neprijatelji, prozvali su vas 'Lavom sjevera', svjedočeći tvojoj modernoj viziji ratovanja i junaštvu tvojih armija na bojnom polju. Kako si trijumfirao u Tridesetogodišnjem Tatu, tvoje će ime zauvijek biti zapamćeno kao jedan od najvećih generala u povijesti.
+All hail Great King Gustavus Adolphus, founder of the Swedish Empire, and one of the most famous military tacticians. In the early 17th century, Sweden emerged as a great power in Europe under your reign, thanks to your wisdom, both in diplomacy and warfare. As king, you decided to reform Swedish laws to bring economic stability and prosperity to your people. Your allies, and also your enemies, called you the 'Lion of the North', witnessing your modern vision of warfare, and the prowess of your armies on the battlefield. As you triumphed in the Thirty Years' War, your name will be forever remembered as one of history's greatest generals. = Slava Velikom kralju Gustavu Adolfu, osnivaču Švedskog Carstva, i jednom od najpoznatijih vojnih taktičara. Početkom 17. stoljeća, Švedska se pojavila kao velika sila u Europi pod tvojom vladavinom, zahvaljujući tvojoj mudrosti, kako u diplomaciji tako i u ratovanju. Kao kralj, odlučio si reformirati Švedske zakone kako bi svom narodu donio ekonomsku stabilnost i prosperitet. Tvoji saveznici, ali i tvoji neprijatelji, prozvali su te 'Lavom sjevera', svjedočeći tvojoj modernoj viziji ratovanja i junaštvu tvojih armija na bojnom polju. Kako si trijumfirao u Tridesetogodišnjem Tatu, tvoje će ime zauvijek biti zapamćeno kao jedan od najvećih generala u povijesti.
O noble King, will you lend your leadership and brilliant ideas to Sweden once again, to conceive strategies never seen before? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = O plemeniti Kralju, hoćeš li Švedskoj još jednom posuditi svoje vodstvo i briljantne ideje, kako bi osmislio strategije koje dosad nisu viđene? Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti?
# Requires translation!
-Leif =
+Leif = Leif
# Requires translation!
-Ingegard =
+Ingegard = Ingegärd
# Requires translation!
-Sören =
+Sören = Sören
# Requires translation!
-Ragnhild =
+Ragnhild = Ragnhild
# Requires translation!
-Lars =
+Lars = Lars
# Requires translation!
-Lina =
+Lina = Lina
# Requires translation!
-Herr Grå =
+Herr Grå = Herr Grå
Magnus = Magnus
# Requires translation!
-Vilma =
+Vilma = Vilma
# Requires translation!
-Kusin =
+Kusin = Kusin
Stockholm = Stockholm
Uppsala = Uppsala
Gothenburg = Göteborg
@@ -7024,7 +7024,7 @@ Malmö = Malmö
Linköping = Linköping
Kalmar = Kalmar
# Requires translation!
-Skara =
+Skara = Skara
Västerås = Västerås
Jönköping = Jönköping
Visby = Visby
@@ -7062,12 +7062,12 @@ Kiruna = Kiruna
Borgholm = Borgholm
Strängnäs = Strängnäs
# Requires translation!
-Sveg =
+Sveg = Sveg
Sweden = Švedska
Maria Theresa = Marija Terezija
Shame that it has come this far. But ye wished it so. Next time, be so good, choose your words more wisely. = Šteta što je došlo tako daleko. Ali ti si tako želio. Sljedeći put, budi tako dobar, mudrije biraj riječi.
-What a fool ye are! Ye will end swiftly and miserably. = Koja si ti budala! Skončat ćete brzo i jadno.
+What a fool ye are! Ye will end swiftly and miserably. = Koja si ti budala! Skončat ćeš brzo i jadno.
The world is pitiful! There's no beauty in it, no wisdom. I am almost glad to go. = Svijet je jadan! U tome nema ljepote, nema mudrosti. Gotovo mi je drago što idem.
The archduchess of Austria welcomes your Eminence to... Oh let's get this over with! I have a luncheon at four o'clock. = Nadvojvotkinja Austrije želi dobrodošlicu Vašoj Eminenciji u... Oh, završimo s ovim! Imam ručak u četiri sata.
I see you admire my new damask. Nobody should say that I am an unjust woman. Let's reach an agreement! = Vidim da se diviš mom novom damastu. Nitko ne smije reći da sam nepravedna žena. Dogovorimo se!
@@ -7076,25 +7076,25 @@ Diplomatic Marriage = Diplomatski Brak
Noble and pious Queen Maria Theresa, Holy Roman Empress and sovereign of Austria, the people revere your grace. After the death of your father King Charles VI, you inherited the throne of Austria during difficult economic and military times. But you used your wisdom and unflinching determination to fend off your foes and resolve any obstacles to stability and prosperity. With your husband Francis Stephen at your side as co-ruler, you assured your place as Empress of the Holy Roman Empire. During your reign, you reformed Austria in several domains, as you gifted it with a powerful army, a stable economic model, and an improved educational system. = Plemenita i pobožna Kraljice Marija Terezija, carice Svetog Rimskog Carstva i suverena Austrije, narod štuje tvoju milost. Nakon smrti tvojeg oca Kralja Karla VI., naslijedila si prijestolje Austrije u teškim gospodarskim i vojnim vremenima. Ali upotrijebila si svoju mudrost i nepokolebljivu odlučnost da se obraniš od svojih neprijatelja i riješiš sve prepreke stabilnosti i prosperitetu. Sa svojim suprugom Franjom Stjepanom uz sebe kao suvladarom, osigurali ste svoje mjesto Carice Svetog Rimskog Carstva. Tijekom svoje vladavine reformirala si Austriju u nekoliko domena, darujući joj moćnu vojsku, stabilan ekonomski model i poboljšani obrazovni sustav.
O Great Queen, proud and dignified, by the will of God and the Divine right, can you reach the height of prosperity and splendor the kingdom of Austria deserves? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = O Velika Kraljice, ponosna i dostojanstvena, Božjom voljom i Božanskim pravom, možeš li dosegnuti vrhunac blagostanja i sjaja kakav zaslužuje kraljevina Austrija? Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti?
# Requires translation!
-Ferdinand =
+Ferdinand = Ferdinand
# Requires translation!
-Johanna =
+Johanna = Johanna
# Requires translation!
-Franz-Josef =
+Franz-Josef = Franz-Josef
# Requires translation!
-Astrid =
+Astrid = Astrid
# Requires translation!
-Anna =
+Anna = Anna
# Requires translation!
-Hubert =
+Hubert = Hubert
# Requires translation!
-Alois =
+Alois = Alois
# Requires translation!
-Natter =
+Natter = Natter
# Requires translation!
-Georg =
+Georg = Georg
# Requires translation!
-Arnold =
+Arnold = Arnold
Vienna = Beč
Salzburg = Salzburg
Graz = Graz
@@ -7103,51 +7103,51 @@ Klagenfurt = Klagenfurt
Bregenz = Bregenz
Innsbruck = Innsbruck
# Requires translation!
-Kitzbühel =
+Kitzbühel = Kitzbühel
# Requires translation!
-St. Pölten =
+St. Pölten = Sankt Pölten
# Requires translation!
-Eisenstadt =
+Eisenstadt = Eisenstadt
# Requires translation!
-Villach =
+Villach = Villach
# Requires translation!
-Zwettl =
+Zwettl = Zwettl
# Requires translation!
-Traun =
+Traun = Traun
# Requires translation!
-Wels =
+Wels = Wels
# Requires translation!
-Dornbirn =
+Dornbirn = Dornbirn
# Requires translation!
-Feldkirch =
+Feldkirch = Feldkirch
# Requires translation!
-Amstetten =
+Amstetten = Amstetten
# Requires translation!
-Bad Ischl =
+Bad Ischl = Bad Ischl
# Requires translation!
-Wolfsberg =
+Wolfsberg = Wolfsberg
# Requires translation!
-Kufstein =
+Kufstein = Kufstein
# Requires translation!
-Leoben =
+Leoben = Leoben
# Requires translation!
-Klosterneuburg =
+Klosterneuburg = Klosterneuburg
# Requires translation!
-Leonding =
+Leonding = Leonding
# Requires translation!
-Kapfenberg =
+Kapfenberg = Kapfenberg
# Requires translation!
-Hallein =
+Hallein = Hallein
# Requires translation!
-Bischofshofen =
+Bischofshofen = Bischofshofen
# Requires translation!
-Waidhofen =
+Waidhofen = Waidhofen
# Requires translation!
-Saalbach =
+Saalbach = Saalbach
# Requires translation!
-Lienz =
+Lienz = Lienz
# Requires translation!
-Steyr =
+Steyr = Steyr
Austria = Austrija
Dido = Didona
@@ -7158,7 +7158,7 @@ The Phoenicians welcome you to this most pleasant kingdom. I am Dido, the queen
I just had the marvelous idea, and I think you'll appreciate it too. = Upravo sam imala sjajnu ideju, i mislim da ćeš je i ti cijeniti.
What is it now? = Što je sada?
Phoenician Heritage = Feničko Nasljeđe
-Greetings to you, revered Queen Dido, ruler of the legendary kingdom of Carthage. The great poet Virgil related your great history, how your husband Acerbas was murdered by your own brother, King Pygmalion of Tyre, to steal the treasures of your family that were rightfully yours. But you endured his pressure until you and your compatriots decided to flee and sail for new lands. The gods led you to the shores of North Africa, and with cunning diplomacy, you expanded the territory of your new home, and laid the basis for the future kingdom of Carthage. = Pozdrav tebi, štovana kraljice Didona, vladarice legendarnog kraljevstva Kartage. Veliki pjesnik Vergilije ispričao je tvoju veliku povijest, kako je vašeg muža Acerbasa ubio vaš rođeni brat, Kralj Pigmalion od Tira, kako bi ukrao blago tvoje obitelji koje ti je po pravu pripadalo. Ali izdržala si njegov pritisak sve dok ti i tvoji sunarodnjaci niste odlučili pobjeći i otploviti prema novim zemljama. Bogovi su te doveli do obala Sjeverne Afrike, a ti si lukavom diplomacijom proširila teritorij svog novog doma i postavila temelje budućeg kraljevstva Kartage.
+Greetings to you, revered Queen Dido, ruler of the legendary kingdom of Carthage. The great poet Virgil related your great history, how your husband Acerbas was murdered by your own brother, King Pygmalion of Tyre, to steal the treasures of your family that were rightfully yours. But you endured his pressure until you and your compatriots decided to flee and sail for new lands. The gods led you to the shores of North Africa, and with cunning diplomacy, you expanded the territory of your new home, and laid the basis for the future kingdom of Carthage. = Pozdrav tebi, štovana kraljice Didona, vladarice legendarnog kraljevstva Kartage. Veliki pjesnik Vergilije ispričao je tvoju veliku povijest, kako je tvojeg muža Acerbasa ubio tvoj rođeni brat, Kralj Pigmalion od Tira, kako bi ukrao blago tvoje obitelji koje ti je po pravu pripadalo. Ali izdržala si njegov pritisak sve dok ti i tvoji sunarodnjaci niste odlučili pobjeći i otploviti prema novim zemljama. Bogovi su te doveli do obala Sjeverne Afrike, a ti si lukavom diplomacijom proširila teritorij svog novog doma i postavila temelje budućeg kraljevstva Kartage.
Clever and proud Dido, the storm is coming and your people look for a shelter under your wise and powerful protection. Can you create a new and radiant Carthage able to cleave the darkness? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Pametna i ponosna Didona, oluja dolazi i tvoj narod traži zaklon pod tvojom mudrom i moćnom zaštitom. Možeš li stvoriti novu i blistavu Kartagu sposobnu rascijepiti tamu? Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti?
# Requires translation!
Hamilcar =
@@ -7182,29 +7182,29 @@ Gisgo =
Fierelus =
Carthage = Kartaga
# Requires translation!
-Utique =
+Utique = Utique
# Requires translation!
-Hippo Regius =
+Hippo Regius = Hippo Regius
# Requires translation!
-Gades =
+Gades = Cádiz
# Requires translation!
-Saguntum =
+Saguntum = Saguntum
# Requires translation!
Carthago Nova =
# Requires translation!
Panormus =
# Requires translation!
-Lilybaeum =
+Lilybaeum = Marsala
# Requires translation!
Hadrumetum =
# Requires translation!
-Zama Regia =
+Zama Regia = Zama Regia
# Requires translation!
Karalis =
# Requires translation!
-Malaca =
+Malaca = Málaga
# Requires translation!
-Leptis Magna =
+Leptis Magna = Leptis Magna
# Requires translation!
Hippo Diarrhytus =
# Requires translation!
@@ -7212,7 +7212,7 @@ Motya =
# Requires translation!
Sulci =
# Requires translation!
-Leptis Parva =
+Leptis Parva = Leptis Parva
# Requires translation!
Tharros =
# Requires translation!
@@ -7222,19 +7222,19 @@ Lixus =
# Requires translation!
Oea =
# Requires translation!
-Theveste =
+Theveste = Tébessa
# Requires translation!
Ibossim =
# Requires translation!
Thapsus =
# Requires translation!
-Aleria =
+Aleria = Aléria
# Requires translation!
Tingis =
# Requires translation!
Abyla =
# Requires translation!
-Sabratha =
+Sabratha = Sabrata
# Requires translation!
Rusadir =
# Requires translation!
@@ -7267,26 +7267,26 @@ Simonis =
# Requires translation!
Zoe =
# Requires translation!
-Ioanno =
+Ioanno = Ioánnou
# Requires translation!
Xene =
# Requires translation!
Euphrosyne =
Constantinople = Konstantinopol
# Requires translation!
-Adrianople =
+Adrianople = Adrianopol
Nicaea = Niceja
Antioch = Antiohija
# Requires translation!
-Varna =
+Varna = Varna
# Requires translation!
-Ohrid =
+Ohrid = Ohrid
Nicomedia = Nikomedija
# Requires translation!
Trebizond =
Cherson = Korsun
# Requires translation!
-Sardica =
+Sardica = Serdika
# Requires translation!
Ani =
# Requires translation!
@@ -7295,26 +7295,26 @@ Edessa = Edessa
# Requires translation!
Chalcedon =
# Requires translation!
-Naissus =
+Naissus = Niš
Bari = Bari
# Requires translation!
Iconium =
Prilep = Prilep
# Requires translation!
-Samosata =
+Samosata = Samsat
Kars = Kars
# Requires translation!
Theodosiopolis =
Tyana = Tijana
Gaza = Gaza
# Requires translation!
-Kerkyra =
+Kerkyra = Kerkira
# Requires translation!
Phoenice =
# Requires translation!
Selymbria =
# Requires translation!
-Sillyon =
+Sillyon = Silion
# Requires translation!
Chrysopolis =
# Requires translation!
@@ -7329,13 +7329,13 @@ Byzantium = Bizant
Boudicca = Budika
You shall stain this land no longer with your vileness! To arms, my countrymen. We ride to war! = Nećeš više kaljati ovu zemlju svojom podlošću! Na oružje, moji zemljaci. Jašemo u rat!
-Traitorous man! The Celtic peoples will not stand for such wanton abuse and slander - I shall have your balls! = Izdajnički čovječe! Keltski narodi neće podnijeti takvo bezobzirno zlostavljanje i klevetu - Imat ću vaša muda!
+Traitorous man! The Celtic peoples will not stand for such wanton abuse and slander - I shall have your balls! = Izdajnički čovječe! Keltski narodi neće podnijeti takvo bezobzirno zlostavljanje i klevetu - Imat ću tvoja muda!
Vile ruler, know you have won this war in name alone. Your cities lie buried and your troops defeated. I have my own victory. = Podli vladaru, znaj da si dobio ovaj rat samim imenom. Tvoji gradovi leže zakopani, a tvoje trupe poražene. Ja imam svoju pobjedu.
I am Boudicca, Queen of the Celts. Let no-one underestimate me! = Ja sam Budika, Kraljica Kelta. Neka me nitko ne podcjenjuje!
Let us join our forces together and reap the rewards. = Udružimo naše snage zajedno i uberimo plodove.
God has given good to you. = Bog ti dao dobro.
Druidic Lore = Druidsko Predanje
-May glory and honor always be upon you, Warrior Queen! In a time dominated by men, you successfully claimed the throne and the power, but also valiantly defied the mighty Roman Empire. Punished and humiliated by the hand of the Roman bloody invaders, you united your people and led a terrible revolt, to seek revenge. Many legions fell under your fierce attacks and you burned the city of London with your anger. While the Romans still kept ownership of your land after your final defeat, your actions nonetheless showed Rome that this land could never be fully conquered, making Nero himself consider to withdraw all troops and leaving Britain forever. = Neka slava i čast uvijek budu na tebi, Kraljice Ratnika! U vremenu kojim su dominirali muškarci, uspješno si zauzela prijestolje i moć, ali i hrabro prkosila moćnom Rimskom Carstvu. Kažnjen i ponižen rukom rimskih krvavih osvajača, ujedinila si svoj narod i povela strašnu pobunu, da tražiš osvetu. Mnoge su legije pale pod tvojim žestokim napadima i spalila si grad London svojim gnjevom. Dok su Rimljani još uvijek zadržali vlasništvo nad tvojom zemljom nakon tvojeg konačnog poraza, vaše akcije su ipak pokazale Rimu da ova zemlja nikada ne može biti u potpunosti osvojena, natjeravši Nerona da razmisli o povlačenju svih trupa i napuštanju Britanije zauvijek.
+May glory and honor always be upon you, Warrior Queen! In a time dominated by men, you successfully claimed the throne and the power, but also valiantly defied the mighty Roman Empire. Punished and humiliated by the hand of the Roman bloody invaders, you united your people and led a terrible revolt, to seek revenge. Many legions fell under your fierce attacks and you burned the city of London with your anger. While the Romans still kept ownership of your land after your final defeat, your actions nonetheless showed Rome that this land could never be fully conquered, making Nero himself consider to withdraw all troops and leaving Britain forever. = Neka slava i čast uvijek budu na tebi, Kraljice Ratnika! U vremenu kojim su dominirali muškarci, uspješno si zauzela prijestolje i moć, ali i hrabro prkosila moćnom Rimskom Carstvu. Kažnjen i ponižen rukom rimskih krvavih osvajača, ujedinila si svoj narod i povela strašnu pobunu, da tražiš osvetu. Mnoge su legije pale pod tvojim žestokim napadima i spalila si grad London svojim gnjevom. Dok su Rimljani još uvijek zadržali vlasništvo nad tvojom zemljom nakon tvojeg konačnog poraza, tvoje akcije su ipak pokazale Rimu da ova zemlja nikada ne može biti u potpunosti osvojena, natjeravši Nerona da razmisli o povlačenju svih trupa i napuštanju Britanije zauvijek.
O raging lioness, will you lead the Celts again under the glory of your name, to spread the fires of liberty, and achieve a final victory? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = O bijesna lavice, hoćeš li opet povesti Kelte pod slavom svog imena, da rašire vatru slobode i postignu konačnu pobjedu? Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti?
# Requires translation!
Crìsdean =
@@ -7363,47 +7363,47 @@ Truro =
Douglas = Douglas
Glasgow = Glasgow
# Requires translation!
-Cork =
+Cork = Cork
# Requires translation!
-Aberystwyth =
+Aberystwyth = Aberystwyth
# Requires translation!
-Penzance =
+Penzance = Penzance
# Requires translation!
-Ramsey =
+Ramsey = Ramsey
Inverness = Inverness
Limerick = Limerick
Swansea = Swansea
# Requires translation!
-St. Ives =
+St. Ives = St. Ives
# Requires translation!
Peel =
Aberdeen = Aberdeen
Belfast = Belfast
# Requires translation!
-Caernarfon =
+Caernarfon = Caernarfon
# Requires translation!
-Newquay =
+Newquay = Newquay
# Requires translation!
Saint-Nazaire =
# Requires translation!
-Castletown =
+Castletown = Castletown
Stirling = Stirling
Galway = Galway
# Requires translation!
-Conwy =
+Conwy = Conwy
# Requires translation!
-St. Austell =
+St. Austell = Saint Austell
# Requires translation!
Saint-Malo =
# Requires translation!
-Onchan =
+Onchan = Onchan
# Requires translation!
-Dundee =
+Dundee = Dundee
# Requires translation!
-Londonderry =
+Londonderry = Londonderry
Llanfairpwllgwyngyll = Llanfairpwllgwyngyll
# Requires translation!
-Falmouth =
+Falmouth = Falmouth
# Requires translation!
Lorient =
Celts = Kelti
@@ -7424,7 +7424,7 @@ Wendimu =
# Requires translation!
Li'ol =
# Requires translation!
-Demeke =
+Demeke = Déméké
# Requires translation!
Mulu Alem =
# Requires translation!
@@ -7444,7 +7444,7 @@ Adwa =
Lalibela = Lalibela
Gondar = Gondar
# Requires translation!
-Axum =
+Axum = Aksum
Dire Dawa = Dire Dawa
Bahir Dar = Bahir Dar
Adama = Adama
@@ -7453,30 +7453,30 @@ Awasa = Avasa
Jimma = Jimma
Jijiga = Jijiga
# Requires translation!
-Dessie =
+Dessie = Dese
Debre Berhan = Debre Berhan
# Requires translation!
-Shashamane =
+Shashamane = Šašamane
Debre Zeyit = Debre Zejit
Sodo = Sodo
# Requires translation!
-Hosaena =
+Hosaena = Hosaina
Nekemte = Nekemte
Asella = Asela
Dila = Dila
Adigrat = Adigrat
Debre Markos = Debre Markos
# Requires translation!
-Kombolcha =
+Kombolcha = Kombolča
Debre Tabor = Debre Tabor
# Requires translation!
-Sebeta =
+Sebeta = Sebeta
Shire = Shire
Ambo = Ambo
Negele Arsi = Negele Arsi
Gambela = Gambela
# Requires translation!
-Ziway =
+Ziway = Zivaj
Weldiya = Veldija
Ethiopia = Etiopija
@@ -7488,7 +7488,7 @@ Greetings, wayward one. I am known as Pacal. = Pozdrav, svojeglavac jedan. Pozna
Friend, I believe I may have found a way to save us all! Look, look and accept my offering! = Prijatelju, vjerujem da sam možda pronašao način da nas sve spasim! Pogledaj, pogledaj i prihvati moju ponudu
A fine day, it helps you. = Lijep dan, pomaže ti.
The Long Count = Dugo Brojanje
-Kneel before King Pacal the Great, son of the gods and protector of the Palenque domain! After your kingdom has been harassed for years by neighboring rivals, you struck back at the enemies of your people, defeating each of them and sacrificing their leaders as a retribution to the insults made to your ancestors. Your wisdom and hard will not only restored the glory of Palenque, but turned it into a magnificient city, as your people built the greatest monuments and architecture the world has ever known. = Klekni pred Kraljem Pakalom Velikim, sinom bogova i zaštitnikom domene Palenque! Nakon što su tvoje kraljevstvo godinama maltretirali susjedni suparnici, uzvratio si udarac neprijateljima svog naroda, porazivši svakog od njih i žrtvujući njihove vođe kao odmazdu za uvrede upućene tvojim precima. Tvoja mudrost i tvrda volja ne samo da su vratile slavu Palenqueu, već su ga pretvorile u veličanstveni grad, budući da je vaš narod izgradio najveće spomenike i arhitekturu koju je svijet ikada vidio.
+Kneel before King Pacal the Great, son of the gods and protector of the Palenque domain! After your kingdom has been harassed for years by neighboring rivals, you struck back at the enemies of your people, defeating each of them and sacrificing their leaders as a retribution to the insults made to your ancestors. Your wisdom and hard will not only restored the glory of Palenque, but turned it into a magnificient city, as your people built the greatest monuments and architecture the world has ever known. = Klekni pred Kraljem Pakalom Velikim, sinom bogova i zaštitnikom domene Palenque! Nakon što su tvoje kraljevstvo godinama maltretirali susjedni suparnici, uzvratio si udarac neprijateljima svog naroda, porazivši svakog od njih i žrtvujući njihove vođe kao odmazdu za uvrede upućene tvojim precima. Tvoja mudrost i tvrda volja ne samo da su vratile slavu Palenqueu, već su ga pretvorile u veličanstveni grad, budući da je tvoj narod izgradio najveće spomenike i arhitekturu koju je svijet ikada vidio.
Absolute King, your people need you to save the great Mayan culture and knowledge. Will you be able to read the movement of the stars, and find in the heavens the power to repel any foes? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Apsolutni Kralju, tvoj narod te treba da spasiš veliku kulturu i znanje Maja. Hoćeš li moći čitati kretanje zvijezda, i na nebu pronaći moć da odbiješ sve neprijatelje? Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti?
# Requires translation!
Camazotz =
@@ -7740,7 +7740,7 @@ Galleass = Galeas
Sea Beggar = Morski Prosjak
-Gatling Gun = Gatlingov Pištolj
+Gatling Gun = Gatlingova Strojnica
Carolean = Karolin
@@ -7781,7 +7781,7 @@ Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help
Welcome to Unciv! = Dobrodošli u Unciv!
Because this is a complex game, there are some tutorials to help familiarize you with it. These can be disbaled in the Options -> Display menu, but please hang on if you're new here! = Budući da je ovo složena igra, postoje neke poduke koje će vam pomoći da se s njom upoznate. One se mogu isključiti u izborniku Opcije -> Prikaz, ali pričekajte ako ste novi ovdje!
Your first mission is to found your capital city. This is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous. Many game bonuses apply only to your capital city, and it will be the center of your empire. = Vaša prva misija je osnovati svoj glavni grad. Ovo je zapravo važan zadatak jer će vaš glavni grad vjerojatno biti vaš najuspješniji. Mnogi bonusi igre odnose se samo na vaš glavni grad i on će biti središte vašeg carstva.
-How do you know a city location is appropriate? Luckily, the game has already chosen a good location for you. You can settle in this place, or maybe move a turn to found on a Hill (for Production and defence) or next to a Mountain (to gain access to the Observatory building later on). = Kako znate da je lokacija grada prikladna? Srećom, igra je već odabrala dobru lokaciju za vas. Možete se nastaniti na ovom mjestu ili možda premjestiti skretanje na Brdo (za proizvodnju i obranu) ili pored Planine (kako biste kasnije dobili pristup Zvjezdarnici).
+How do you know a city location is appropriate? Luckily, the game has already chosen a good location for you. You can settle in this place, or maybe move a turn to found on a Hill (for Production and defence) or next to a Mountain (to gain access to the Observatory building later on). = Kako znate da je lokacija grada prikladna? Srećom, igra je već odabrala dobru lokaciju za vas. Možete se nastaniti na ovom mjestu, ili možda pomaknuti potez za osnivanje na Brdu (za proizvodnju i obranu) ili pored Planine (kako biste kasnije dobili pristup Zvjezdarnici).
You'll likely want more cities later on. For these cities, you must go and find a good place. Looking for and founding on or near Luxury resources is a good rule of thumb. = Kasnije ćete vjerojatno htjeti više gradova. Za te gradove morate otići i pronaći dobro mjesto. Traženje i osnivanje na ili u blizini luksuznih resursa dobro je pravilo.
Luxury resources are tiles that have things like Gems, Cotton, or Silk (indicated by a yellow background of the resource icon). These resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as Iron. Cities cannot be built within 3 tiles of existing cities, which is another thing to keep in mind! = Luksuzni resursi su polja koje sadrže stvari kao što su Dragulji, Pamuk ili Svila (označeno žutom pozadinom ikone resursa). Ti resursi čine vašu civilizaciju zadovoljnom. Također biste trebali pripaziti na resurse potrebne za izgradnju jedinica, kao što je Željezo. Gradovi se ne mogu graditi unutar 3 polja od postojećih gradova, što je još jedna stvar koju treba imati na umu!
Cities will house Citizens, which can work tiles up to 3 tiles away from the city. This means you don’t have to settle cities right on or next to good tiles. Let’s say, for example, that you want access to some Iron – but the resource is in a desert area. You don’t have to settle your city in the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands. Your city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource. You only need to settle right on top of resources if you need them immediately. = Gradovi će udomiti Građane, koji mogu raditi na poljima udaljenim do 3 polja od grada. To znači da ne morate smjestiti gradove odmah na ili pored dobrih polja. Recimo, na primjer, da želite pristup malo Željeza - ali resurs je u pustinjskom području. Ne morate smjestiti svoj grad u pustinju. Možete se smjestiti nekoliko polja dalje u naprednijim zemljama. Vaš će grad rasti i na kraju dobiti pristup resursu. Jedino se morate nastaniti na samim resursima ako su vam potrebni odmah.
@@ -7829,12 +7829,12 @@ See also: Trade Route = Vidi također: Trgovačka Ruta
See also: Golden Age = Vidi također: Zlatno Doba
See also: Research Agreements = Vidi također: Sporazumi o Istraživanju
-As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = Kako gradovi rastu u veličini i utjecaju, morate se nositi s mehanikom zadovoljstva koje više nije vezano za svaki pojedinačni grad.\nUmjesto toga, cijelo vaše carstvo dijeli istu razinu zadovoljstva.\nKako vaši gradovi rastu u broju stanovnika, vidjet ćete da je sve teže održati svoje carstvo zadovoljnim.
+As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = Kako gradovi rastu u veličini i utjecaju, morate se nositi s mehanikom zadovoljstva koja više nije vezana za svaki pojedinačni grad.\nUmjesto toga, cijelo vaše carstvo dijeli istu razinu zadovoljstva.\nKako vaši gradovi rastu u broju stanovnika, vidjet ćete da je sve teže održati svoje carstvo zadovoljnim.
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = Osim toga, ne možete čak ni izgraditi nikakva gradska unaprjeđenja koja povećavaju zadovoljstvo dok ne završite s odgovarajućim istraživanjem.\nAko zadovoljstvo vašeg carstva ikada padne ispod nule, stopa rasta vaših gradova bit će povrijeđena.\nAko vaše carstvo postane ozbiljno nezadovoljno (kao što je naznačeno ikonom smješka na vrhu sučelja)\n vaše će vojske imati veliki penal udaren na njihovu ukupnu borbenu učinkovitost.
-This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn't do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = To znači da je vrlo teško brzo se proširiti u Uncivu.\nNije nemoguće, ali kao novi igrač to vjerojatno to ne biste trebali činiti.\nDakle što biste trebali učiniti? Opustite se, istražite i unaprijedite zemlju koju imate gradeći Radnike.\nNove gradove gradite tek nakon što pronađete mjesto za koje smatrate da je prikladno.
+This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn't do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = To znači da je vrlo teško brzo se proširiti u Unciv-u.\nNije nemoguće, ali kao novi igrač to vjerojatno to ne biste trebali činiti.\nDakle što biste trebali učiniti? Opustite se, istražite i unaprijedite zemlju koju imate gradeći Radnike.\nNove gradove gradite tek nakon što pronađete mjesto za koje smatrate da je prikladno.
Unhappiness = Nezadovoljstvo
-It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, your civilization will suffer many detrimental effects, increasing in severity as unhappiness gets higher. = Čini se da su vaši građani nezadovoljni!\nDon je nezadovoljna, vaša će civilizacija pretrpjeti mnoge štetne posljedice, koje će biti sve teže kako nezadovoljstvo bude veće.
+It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, your civilization will suffer many detrimental effects, increasing in severity as unhappiness gets higher. = Čini se da su vaši građani nezadovoljni!\nDok je nezadovoljna, vaša će civilizacija pretrpjeti mnoge štetne posljedice, koje će biti sve teže kako nezadovoljstvo bude veće.
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities.\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = Nezadovoljstvo ima dva glavna uzroka: Stanovništvo i gradovi.\n Svaki grad uzrokuje 3 nezadovoljstva, a svako stanovništvo, 1
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders. = Postoje 2 glavna načina za borbu protiv nezadovoljstva:\n izgradnjom zgrada za zadovoljstvo za vaše stanovništvo\n ili unaprjeđenjem luksuznih resursa unutar vaših granica.
@@ -7858,14 +7858,14 @@ See also City Blockade = Vidi također Blokada Grada
Victory Types = Vrste Pobjede
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = Nakon što naselite svoja prva dva ili tri grada, vjerojatno ste 100 do 150 poteza u igri.\nSada je dobro vrijeme da počnete razmišljati o tome kako, točno, želite pobijediti - ako već niste.
-There are four ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees and build the Utopia Project\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri\n - Diplomatic Victory: Build the United Nations and win the vote = Postoje četiri načina za pobjedu u Uncivu. To su:\n - Kulturna pobjeda: Završite 5 Grana Društvene Politike i izgradite Projekt Utopija\n - Pobjeda Dominacijom: Preživite kao posljednja civilizacija\n - Znanstvena Pobjeda: Budite prvi tko će izgraditi svemirski brod do Alpha Centauri\n - Diplomatska Pobjeda: Izgradite Ujedinjene Narode i pobijedite na izborima
-So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness, and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = Dakle, da sažmemo, ovo su osnove Unciva - Osnujte prosperitetni prvi grad, polako se širite kako biste upravljali zadovoljstvom i postavite se za uvjete pobjede koje želite ostvariti.\nOčito, postoji mnogo više od toga, ali važno je ne skočiti u dubinu prije nego što znate plivati.
+There are four ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees and build the Utopia Project\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri\n - Diplomatic Victory: Build the United Nations and win the vote = Postoje četiri načina za pobjedu u Unciv-u. To su:\n - Kulturna pobjeda: Završite 5 Grana Društvene Politike i izgradite Projekt Utopija\n - Pobjeda Dominacijom: Preživite kao posljednja civilizacija\n - Znanstvena Pobjeda: Budite prvi tko će izgraditi svemirski brod do Alpha Centauri\n - Diplomatska Pobjeda: Izgradite Ujedinjene Narode i pobijedite na izborima
+So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness, and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = Dakle, da sažmemo, ovo su osnove Unciv-a - Osnujte prosperitetni prvi grad, polako se širite kako biste upravljali zadovoljstvom i postavite se za uvjete pobjede koje želite ostvariti.\nOčito, postoji mnogo više od toga, ali važno je ne skočiti u dubinu prije nego što znate plivati.
Enemy City = Neprijateljski Grad
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = Gradovi se mogu osvojiti smanjivanjem njihovog zdravlja na 1, i ulaskom u grad s jedinicom za blisku borbu.\nBudući da se gradovi liječe svaki potez, najbolje je napadati dalekometnim jedinicama i koristiti svoje jedinice za blisku borbu da ih obranite dok grad ne bude poražen!
Luxury Resource = Luksuzni Resurs
-Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = Luksuzni resursi unutar vaše domene i s njihovim specifičnim poboljšanjima povezani su s vašom trgovinskom mrežom.\nSvaki jedinstveni Luksuzni resurs koji imate dodaje 5 zadovoljstva vašoj civilizaciji, ali dodatni resursi iste vrste ne dodaju ništa, pa ih koristite za trgovanje s drugim civilizacijama!
+Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = Luksuzni resursi unutar vaše domene i s njihovim specifičnim unaprjeđenjima povezani su s vašom trgovinskom mrežom.\nSvaki jedinstveni Luksuzni resurs koji imate dodaje 5 zadovoljstva vašoj civilizaciji, ali dodatni resursi iste vrste ne dodaju ništa, pa ih koristite za trgovanje s drugim civilizacijama!
Strategic Resource = Strateški Resurs
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses. = Strateški resursi unutar vaše domene i njihovo specifično unaprjeđenje povezani su s vašom trgovačkom mrežom.\nStrateški resursi vam omogućuju da trenirate jedinice i gradite zgrade koji zahtijevaju te specifične resurse, na primjer, Konjanik zahtijeva konje.
@@ -7887,10 +7887,10 @@ Injured Units = Ozlijeđene Jedinice
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive.\nUnits heal 10 health per turn in enemy territory or neutral land,\n 20 inside your territory and 25 in your cities. = Ozlijeđene jedinice nanose manje štete, ali se oporavljaju nakon poteza koji su bili neaktivni.\nJedinice se liječe 10 zdravlja po potezu na neprijateljskom teritoriju ili neutralnoj zemlji,\n 20 unutar vašeg teritorija i 25 u vašim gradovima.
Workers = Radnici
-Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles.\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = Radnici su vitalni za rast vaših gradova, budući da samo oni mogu izgraditi unaprjeđenja na poljima.\Unaprjeđenja povećavaju prinos vaših polja, omogućujući vašem gradu da proizvodi više i raste brže dok obrađuje istu količinu polja!
+Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles.\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = Radnici su vitalni za rast vaših gradova, budući da samo oni mogu izgraditi unaprjeđenja na poljima.\nUnaprjeđenja povećavaju prinos vaših polja, omogućujući vašem gradu da proizvodi više i raste brže dok obrađuje istu količinu polja!
Siege Units = Opsadne Jedinice
-Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = Opsadne jedinice su iznimno moćne protiv gradova, ali ih je potrebno Postaviti prije nego što mogu napadati.\nNakon što je vaša opsadna jedinica postavljena, može napadati s trenutnog polja,\n ali nakon što se premjesti na drugo polja, morat će se ponovno postaviti.
+Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = Opsadne jedinice su iznimno moćne protiv gradova, ali ih je potrebno Postaviti prije nego što mogu napadati.\nNakon što je vaša opsadna jedinica postavljena, može napadati s trenutačnog polja,\n ali nakon što se premjesti na drugo polje, morat će se ponovno postaviti.
Embarking = Ukrcaj na Brod
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn. = Nakon što je određena tehnologija istražena, vaše kopnene jedinice mogu se ukrcati na brod, dopuštajući im da prolaze kroz polja na vodi.\nUlazak ili izlazak iz vode traje cijeli potez.
@@ -7908,7 +7908,7 @@ Pillaging = Pljačkanje
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch.\nPillaging certain improvements will result in your units looting gold from the improvement. = Vojne jedinice mogu opljačkati unaprjeđenja, što ih liječi s 25 zdravlja i uništava unaprjeđenje.\nPolje se i dalje može obrađivati, ali će prednosti unaprjeđenja - statistički bonusi i resursi - biti izgubljeni.\nRadnici mogu popraviti ta unaprjeđenja, što traje manje vremena nego izgradnja unaprjeđenja od nule.\nPljačka određenih unaprjeđenja rezultirat će time da vaše jedinice opljačkati zlato iz unaprjeđenja.
Experience = Iskustvo
-Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. = Jedinice koje ulaze u borbu stječu iskustvo, koje se zatim može koristiti za promaknuća te jedinice.\nJedinice stječu više iskustva kada su u Bliskoj Borbi nego u Dalekometnoj borbi, i više kada napadaju nego kada se brane.
+Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. = Jedinice koje ulaze u borbu stječu iskustvo, koje se zatim može koristiti za promaknuća te jedinice.\nJedinice dobivaju više iskustva kada su u Bliskoj Borbi nego u Dalekometnoj borbi, i više kada napadaju nego kada se brane.
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. = Jedinice mogu dobiti samo do 30 Iskustva od Barbarskih jedinica - što znači do 2 promaknuća. Nakon toga, Barbarske jedinice neće pružati nikakvo iskustvo.
Combat = Borba
@@ -7927,11 +7927,11 @@ Be cautious when signing defensive pacts because they can bring you into wars th
The AI is very careful and will not accept defensive pacts with less than 80 influence. = Umjetna Inteligencija je vrlo oprezna i neće prihvatiti obrambene paktove s manje od 80 utjecaja.
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. = Ne natječu se sve nacije s vama za pobjedu.\nGradovi-države su nacije koje ne mogu pobijediti, ne može ih se trgovati i umjesto toga daju određene bonuse prijateljskim civilizacijama.
-Instead, diplomatic relations with City-States are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-State likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = Umjesto toga, diplomatski odnosi s Gradovima-Državama određeni su Utjecajem - mjerilom 'koliko vas Grad-Država voli'.\nUtjecaj se može povećati napadom na njihove neprijatelje, oslobađanjem njihovog grada, i davanjem količine zlata.
+Instead, diplomatic relations with City-States are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-State likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = Umjesto toga, diplomatski odnosi s Gradovima-Državama određeni su Utjecajem - mjerilom 'koliko se sviđate Gradu-Državi'.\nUtjecaj se može povećati napadom na njihove neprijatelje, oslobađanjem njihovog grada, i davanjem količine zlata.
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = Određeni bonusi se daju kada imate iznad 30 utjecaja.\nKada imate iznad 60 Utjecaja, i imate najveći utjecaj na njih od svih civilizacija, smatrate se njihovim 'Saveznikom', i dobivate dodatne bonuse i pristup Luksuznim i Strateškim resursima u njihovim zemljama.
While working the land is good, eventually your Citizens will want to Specialize. = Iako je obrada zemlje dobra, vaši će se Građani na kraju htjeti specijalizirati.
-Certain Buildings will also provide Specialist Slots. These slots will show up in the Citizen Management within the City Screen under Specialists. Each slot can be filled with a Citizen which will then become a Specialist. = Određene zgrade također će pružati Utore za Specijaliste. Ti će se utori pojaviti u Upravljanje Građanstvom unutar Zaslonu Grada pod Specijalisti. Svako mjesto može biti popunjeno Građaninom koji će tada postati Specijalist.
+Certain Buildings will also provide Specialist Slots. These slots will show up in the Citizen Management within the City Screen under Specialists. Each slot can be filled with a Citizen which will then become a Specialist. = Određene zgrade također će pružati Utore za Specijaliste. Ti će se utori pojaviti u Upravljanje Građanstvom unutar Zaslona Grada pod Specijalisti. Svako mjesto može biti popunjeno Građaninom koji će tada postati Specijalist.
Each Specialist will generate a certain amount of yield as indicated to the right of the available slots. = Svaki Specialist će generirati određenu količinu prinosa kao što je naznačeno desno od dostupnih utora.
While these are a great way to specialize the yield production of a City outside of the surrounding Tile Yields, Specialists have an additional value. Each one also generates Great Person Points each turn. With enough of them, a new Great Person will join your Nation. = Iako je ovo sjajan način da se specijalizira proizvodnja prinosa Grada izvan okolnih Prinosa Polja, Specijalisti imaju jednu dodatnu vrijednost. Svaki od njih također generira Bodove Velikana svaki potez. S dovoljno njih, novi Velikan će se pridružiti vašoj Naciji.
See also Great People = Vidi također Velikani
@@ -7939,7 +7939,7 @@ See also Great People = Vidi također Velikani
Great People = Velikani
Certain buildings, and specialists in cities, generate Great Person points per turn.\nThere are several types of Great People, and their points accumulate separately.\nThe number of points per turn and accumulated points can be viewed in the Overview screen. = Određene zgrade, i specijalisti u gradovima, generiraju bodove za Velikane po potezu.\nPostoji nekoliko vrsta Velikana, i njihovi se bodovi skupljaju zasebno.\nBroj bodova po potezu i akumulirane bodove možete vidjeti na zaslonu Pregled.
Alternatively, the Great Person points breakdown per city can be viewed in each City Screen (see UI Tips article). = Alternativno, pregled bodova Velikana po gradu može se vidjeti na svakom Zaslonu Grada (pogledajte članak Savjeti za Korisničko Sučelje).
-Once enough points have been accumulated, a Great Person of that type will be created!\nEach Great Person can construct a certain Great Improvement which gives large yields over time, or immediately consumed to provide a certain bonus now. = Nakon što se skupi dovoljno bodova, stvorit će se Velikan te vrste!\nSvak Velikan može izgraditi određeno Veliko Unaprjeđenje koje daje velike prinose tijekom vremena, ili se može odmah potrošiti kako bi se osigurao određeni bonus sada.
+Once enough points have been accumulated, a Great Person of that type will be created!\nEach Great Person can construct a certain Great Improvement which gives large yields over time, or immediately consumed to provide a certain bonus now. = Nakon što se skupi dovoljno bodova, stvorit će se Velikan te vrste!\nSvaki Velikan može izgraditi određeno Veliko Unaprjeđenje koje daje velike prinose tijekom vremena, ili se može odmah potrošiti kako bi se osigurao određeni bonus sada.
Great Improvements also provide any strategic resources that are under them, so you don't need to worry if resources are revealed underneath your improvements! = Velika Unaprjeđenja također pružaju bilo koje strateške resurse koji su ispod njih, tako da se ne morate brinuti ako se resursi otkriju ispod vaših unaprjeđenja!
See also Specialists = Vidi također Specijalisti
@@ -7964,9 +7964,9 @@ This is where you spend most of your time playing Unciv. See the world, control
⑤: The Diplomacy Button - shows the diplomacy manager where you can talk to other civilizations. = ⑤: Dugme za Diplomaciju - pokazuje upravitelja diplomacije gdje možete razgovarati s drugim civilizacijama.
⑥: Unit Action Buttons - while a unit is selected its possible actions appear here. = ⑥: Dugmad za Radnje Jedinice - dok je jedinica odabrana, njezine moguće akcije se pojavljuju ovdje.
⑦: The unit/city info pane - shows information about a selected unit or city. = ⑦: Prozor s informacijama o jedinici/gradu - prikazuje informacije o odabranoj jedinici ili gradu.
-⑧: The name (and unit icon) of the selected unit or city, with current health if wounded. Clicking a unit name or icon will open its civilopedia entry. = ⑧: Ime (i ikona jedinice) odabrane jedinice ili grada, s trenutnim zdravljem ako je ranjen(a). Klikom na naziv ili ikonu jedinice otvorit će se njen unos u civilopediji.
+⑧: The name (and unit icon) of the selected unit or city, with current health if wounded. Clicking a unit name or icon will open its civilopedia entry. = ⑧: Ime (i ikona jedinice) odabrane jedinice ili grada, s trenutačnim zdravljem ako je ranjen(a). Klikom na naziv ili ikonu jedinice otvorit će se njen unos u civilopediji.
⑨: The arrow buttons allow jumping to the next/previous unit. = ⑨: Tipke sa strelicama omogućuju skakanje na sljedeću/prethodnu jedinicu.
-⑩: For a selected unit, its promotions appear here, and clicking leads to the promotions screen for that unit. = ⑩: Za odabranu jedinicu, njezina promaknuća se pojavljuju ovdje, a klik vodi do zaslone promaknuća za tu jedinicu.
+⑩: For a selected unit, its promotions appear here, and clicking leads to the promotions screen for that unit. = ⑩: Za odabranu jedinicu, njezina promaknuća se pojavljuju ovdje, a klik vodi do zaslona promaknuća za tu jedinicu.
⑪: Remaining/per turn movement points, strength and experience / XP needed for promotion. For cities, you get its combat strength. = ⑪: Preostali/po potezu bodovi kretanja, snaga i iskustvo / Iskustvo potrebno za unaprjeđenje. Za gradove, dobivate njegovu borbenu snagu.
⑫: This button closes the selected unit/city info pane. = ⑫: Ovo dugme zatvara prozor s informacijama o odabranoj jedinici/gradu.
⑬: This pane appears when you order a unit to attack an enemy. On top are attacker and defender with their respective base strengths. = ⑬: Ovaj prozor se pojavljuje kada naredite jedinici da napadne neprijatelja. Na vrhu su napadač i branič sa svojim osnovnim snagama.
@@ -7974,9 +7974,9 @@ This is where you spend most of your time playing Unciv. See the world, control
⑮: The Attack Button - let blood flow! = ⑮: Dugme za napad - neka krv teče!
⑯: The minimap shows an overview over the world, with known cities, terrain and fog of war. Clicking will position the main map. = ⑯: Minikarta prikazuje pregled svijeta, s poznatim gradovima, terenom i ratnom maglom. Klikom će se pozicionirati glavna karta.
⑰: To the side of the minimap are display feature toggling buttons - tile yield, worked indicator, show/hide resources. These mirror setting on the options screen and are hidden if you deactivate the minimap. = ⑰: Sa strane minimape nalazi se dugmad za uključivanje/isključivanje značajki prikaza - prinos polja, pokazatelj rada, pokaži/sakrij resurse. Ove postavke zrcale opciju na zaslonu opcija i skrivene su ako deaktivirate minimapu.
-⑱: Tile information for the selected hex - current or potential yield, terrain, effects, present units, city located there and such. Where appropriate, clicking a line opens the corresponding civilopedia entry. = ⑱: Podaci o polju za odabrani heksagon - trenutni ili potencijalni prinos, teren, učinci, postojeće jedinice, grad koji se tamo nalazi i slično. Gdje je to prikladno, klikom na redak otvara se odgovarajući unos u civilopediji.
+⑱: Tile information for the selected hex - current or potential yield, terrain, effects, present units, city located there and such. Where appropriate, clicking a line opens the corresponding civilopedia entry. = ⑱: Podaci o polju za odabrani heksagon - trenutačni ili potencijalni prinos, teren, učinci, postojeće jedinice, grad koji se tamo nalazi i slično. Gdje je to prikladno, klikom na redak otvara se odgovarajući unos u civilopediji.
⑲: Notifications - what happened during the last 'next turn' phase. Some are clickable to show a relevant place on the map, some even show several when you click repeatedly. = ⑲: Obavijesti - što se dogodilo tijekom posljednje faze 'sljedećeg poteza'. Neka su klikajuća kako bi se pokazalo relevantno mjesto na karti, a na nekima se čak pokazuje nekoliko ako više puta kliknete.
-⑳: The Next Turn Button - unless there are things to do, in which case the label changes to 'next unit', 'pick policy' and so on. = ⑳: Dugme za Sljedeći Potez - osim ako nema stvari koje treba učiniti, u kojem slučaju se oznaka mijenja u 'sljedeća jedinica', 'odabira politiku' i tako dalje.
+⑳: The Next Turn Button - unless there are things to do, in which case the label changes to 'next unit', 'pick policy' and so on. = ⑳: Dugme za Sljedeći Potez - osim ako nema stvari koje treba učiniti, u kojem slučaju se oznaka mijenja u 'sljedeća jedinica', 'odaberi politiku' i tako dalje.
㉑: The Multiplayer Button - Here you can easily check your active multiplayer games. = ㉑: Dugme Igre Više Igrača - Ovdje možete jednostavno provjeriti svoje aktivne igre više igrača.
ⓐ: The overview button leads to the empire overview screen with various tabs (the last one viewed is remembered) holding vital information about the state of your civilization in the world. = ⓐ: Dugme za pregled vodi do zaslona pregleda carstva s raznim karticama (posljednja pogledana se pamti) koja sadrži vitalne informacije o stanju vaše civilizacije u svijetu.
ⓑ: The ♪Culture icon shows accumulated ♪Culture and ♪Culture needed for the next policy - in this case, the exclamation mark tells us a next policy can be enacted. Clicking is another way to the policies manager. = ⓑ: Ikona ♪Kultura prikazuje akumuliranu ♪Kulturu i ♪Kulturu potrebnu za sljedeću politiku - u tom slučaju, uskličnik nam govori da se sljedeća politika može usvojiti. Klikanje je još jedan put do upravitelja politikama.
@@ -8007,25 +8007,25 @@ Generating more ☮Faith will allow you to found a religion. = Generiranje više
Keep generating ☮Faith, and eventually a great prophet will be born in one of your cities. = Nastavite generirati ☮Vjeru, i na kraju će se veliki prorok roditi u jednom od vaših gradova.
This great prophet can be used for multiple things: Constructing a holy site, founding a religion and spreading your religion. = Ovaj veliki prorok može se koristiti za više stvari: Izgradnju svetog mjesta, osnivanje religije i širenje vaše religije.
-When founding your religion, you may choose another two beliefs. The founder belief will only apply to you, while the follower belief will apply to all cities following your religion. = Kada osnivate svoju religiju, možete odabrati još dva uvjerenja. Vjerovanje osnivača odnosit će se samo na vas, dok će se vjerovanje sljedbenika odnositi na sve gradove koji slijede vašu religiju.
+When founding your religion, you may choose another two beliefs. The founder belief will only apply to you, while the follower belief will apply to all cities following your religion. = Kada osnivate svoju religiju, možete odabrati još dva vjerovanja. Vjerovanje osnivača odnosit će se samo na vas, dok će se vjerovanje slijedbenika odnositi na sve gradove koji slijede vašu religiju.
Additionally, the city where you used your great prophet will become the holy city of that religion. = Osim toga, grad u kojem ste upotrijebili svog velikog proroka postat će sveti grad te religije.
Once you have founded a religion, great prophets will keep being born every so often, though the amount of Faith☮ you have to save up will be higher. = Nakon što osnujete religiju, veliki proroci će se nastaviti rađati povremeno, iako će količina ☮Vjere koju morate uštedjeti biti veća.
One of these great prophets can then be used to enhance your religion. = Jedan od ovih velikih proroka tada se može koristiti za unaprjeđenje vaše religije.
-This will allow you to choose another follower belief, as well as an enhancer belief, that only applies to you. = To će vam omogućiti da odaberete drugo vjerovanje sljedbenika, kao i vjerovanje unaprjeditelja, koje se odnosi samo na vas.
-Do take care founding a religion soon, only about half the players in the game are able to found a religion! = Budite oprezni s osnivanjem religije rano, samo oko polovica igrača u igri može osnovati religiju!
+This will allow you to choose another follower belief, as well as an enhancer belief, that only applies to you. = To će vam omogućiti da odaberete drugo vjerovanje slijedbenika, kao i vjerovanje unaprjeditelja, koje se odnosi samo na vas.
+Do take care founding a religion soon, only about half the players in the game are able to found a religion! = Pobrinite se da skoro osnujete religiju, samo oko polovica igrača u igri može osnovati religiju!
Beliefs = Vjerovanja
-There are four types of beliefs: Pantheon, Founder, Follower and Enhancer beliefs. = Postoje četiri vrste vjerovanja: vjerovanja Panteona, Utemeljitelja, Sljedbenika i Unaprjeditelja.
-Pantheon and Follower beliefs apply to each city following your religion, while Founder and Enhancer beliefs only apply to the founder of a religion. = Vjerovanja Panteona i Sljedbenika primjenjuju se na svaki grad koji slijedi vašu religiju, dok se vjerovanje Utemeljitelja i Unaprjeditelja primjenjuju samo na osnivača religije.
+There are four types of beliefs: Pantheon, Founder, Follower and Enhancer beliefs. = Postoje četiri vrste vjerovanja: vjerovanja Panteona, Utemeljitelja, Slijedbenika i Unaprjeditelja.
+Pantheon and Follower beliefs apply to each city following your religion, while Founder and Enhancer beliefs only apply to the founder of a religion. = Vjerovanja Panteona i Slijedbenika primjenjuju se na svaki grad koji slijedi vašu religiju, dok se vjerovanje Utemeljitelja i Unaprjeditelja primjenjuju samo na osnivača religije.
Religion inside cities = Religija unutar gradova
When founding a city, it won't follow a religion immediately. = Prilikom osnivanja grada, on neće odmah slijediti religiju.
The religion a city follows depends on the total pressure each religion has within the city. = Religija koju grad slijedi ovisi o ukupnom pritisku koji svaka religija ima unutar grada.
-Followers are allocated in the same proportions as these pressures, and these followers can be viewed in the City Screen. = Sljedbenici se dodjeljuju u istim omjerima kao i ovi pritisci, a ti se sljedbenici mogu vidjeti u Zaslonu Grada.
-You are allowed to check religious followers and pressures in cities you do not own by selecting them. = Dopušteno vam je provjeriti vjerske sljedbenike i pritiske u gradovima koji nisu u vašem vlasništvu odabirom istih.
+Followers are allocated in the same proportions as these pressures, and these followers can be viewed in the City Screen. = Slijedbenici se dodjeljuju u istim omjerima kao i ovi pritisci, a ti se slijedbenici mogu vidjeti u Zaslonu Grada.
+You are allowed to check religious followers and pressures in cities you do not own by selecting them. = Dopušteno vam je provjeriti vjerske slijedbenike i pritiske u gradovima koji nisu u vašem vlasništvu odabirom istih.
In both places, a tap/click on the icon of a religion will show detailed information with its effects. = Na oba mjesta dodirom/klikom na ikonu vjere prikazat će se detaljne informacije s njezinim učincima.
Based on this, you can get a feel for which religions have a lot of pressure built up in the city, and which have almost none. = Na temelju toga možete naslutiti koje religije imaju veliki pritisak u gradu, a koje gotovo nikakav.
-The city follows a religion if a majority of its population follows that religion, and will only then receive the effects of Follower and Pantheon beliefs of that religion. = Grad slijedi religiju ako većina stanovništva slijedi tu religiju, i tek tada će primiti učinke Sljedbeničkog i Panteonskog vjerovanja te religije.
+The city follows a religion if a majority of its population follows that religion, and will only then receive the effects of Follower and Pantheon beliefs of that religion. = Grad slijedi religiju ako većina stanovništva slijedi tu religiju, i tek tada će primiti učinke Slijedbeničkog i Panteonskog vjerovanja te religije.
Spreading Religion = Širenje Religije
Spreading religion happens naturally, but can be sped up using missionaries or great prophets. = Širenje religije događa se prirodno, ali se može ubrzati pomoću misionara ili velikih proroka.
@@ -8065,9 +8065,9 @@ Air Combat and Interception = Borba u Zraku i Presretanje
Air Combat is very similar to normal Combat, with a few wrinkles. Damage is still dealt using the same equations based on the relative Strength of the Attacking and Defending Unit. = Borba u Zraku je vrlo slična normalnoj Borbi, s nekoliko nabora. Šteta se i dalje nanosi korištenjem istih jednadžbi na temelju relativne Snage Napadačke i Obrambene jedinice.
However, before the Attacker and Defender fight, there is an added combat phase called Interception. If there is any unit with Interception Range that covers the target attacked tile, then it will attempt to Intercept the Attacking Air Unit. If multiple units can Intercept, the one with higher Intercept chance does it. = Međutim, prije borbe Napadača i Branitelja, postoji dodatna faza borbe koja se zove Presretanje. Ako postoji bilo koja jedinica s Dometom Presretanja koja pokriva ciljno napadnuto polje, tada će pokušati Presresti napadačku zračnu jedinicu. Ako više jedinica može Presresti, ona s većom šansom Presretanja presreće.
Generally Land/Naval Units have an Intercept Range of 2 Tiles, and Air Units have an Intercept Range of their Attack Range. = Općenito, Kopnene/Pomorske Jedinice imaju Domet Presretanja od 2 polja, a Zračne Jedinice imaju domet presretanja svog Dometa Napada.
-Ground and Naval Units don't require movement points to Intercept, just Attacks. Air Units cannot have moved nor attacked in the preceding turn. = Kopnene i Pomorske Jedinice ne zahtijevaju bodove kretanja za Presretanje, samo Napade. Zračne jedinice nisu se mogle pomaknuti niti napasti u prethodnom potezu.
+Ground and Naval Units don't require movement points to Intercept, just Attacks. Air Units cannot have moved nor attacked in the preceding turn. = Kopnene i Pomorske Jedinice ne zahtijevaju bodove kretanja za Presretanje, samo za Napade. Zračne jedinice nisu se mogle pomaknuti niti napasti u prethodnom potezu.
The Intercepting Unit rolls to see if it hits. Whether it hits or not costs an Attack, and most units (without Promotions) can only Attack Once per Nation's Turn. It does NOT cost Movement Points, but Air Units that have used their Movement cannot Intercept between turns. = Jedinica za Presretanje baca kocku se da vidi hoće li pogoditi. Bilo da pogodi ili ne, košta napad, i većina jedinica (bez Promaknuća) može napasti samo jednom po potezu nacije. NE košta bodove kretanja, ali Zračne Jedinice koje su iskoristile svoje Kretanje ne mogu Presresti između poteza.
-If the Intercepting Unit Hits, it deals damage according to the Combat Strength calculation to the Attacking Air Unit, potentially with any Strength Bonuses that apply to Interception. It does not receive damage from the Attacking Air Unit. = Ako Presretačka HJedinica Pogodi, ona nanosi štetu prema izračunu Borbene Snage Napadačkoj Zračnoj Jedinici, potencijalno s bilo kojim Bonusom Snage koji se primjenjuje na Presretanje. Ne prima štetu od napadačke Zračne Jedinice.
+If the Intercepting Unit Hits, it deals damage according to the Combat Strength calculation to the Attacking Air Unit, potentially with any Strength Bonuses that apply to Interception. It does not receive damage from the Attacking Air Unit. = Ako Presretačka Jedinica Pogodi, ona nanosi štetu prema izračunu Borbene Snage Napadačkoj Zračnoj Jedinici, potencijalno s bilo kojim Bonusom Snage koji se primjenjuje na Presretanje. Ne prima štetu od napadačke Zračne Jedinice.
After Interception resolves, the Attacking Air Unit and the Defending Unit in the targeted tile do Combat as normal, with damage dealt to both sides. = Nakon što se Presretanje razriješi, Napadačka Zračna Jedinica i Obrambena Jedinica u ciljanom polju Bore se kao i obično, uz štetu koja se nanosi objema stranama.
To help deal with Interceptions, see Air Sweeps. = Da biste se lakše nosili s presretanjem, pogledajte odjeljak Čišćenje Zraka.
@@ -8084,11 +8084,11 @@ Some units have the ability to Withdraw before a melee attack is struck. However
This is NOT the same as Fortify but they will still gain the Fortification Bonus. They will simply not utilize their Withdraw ability. Fortified units with the Withdraw ability will try to flee when attacked. = To NIJE isto što i Utvrđenje ali će i svejedno dobiti bonus za utvrđivanje. Oni jednostavno neće koristiti svoju sposobnost Povlačenja. Utvrđene jedinice sa sposobnošću Povlačenja će pokušati pobjeći kada budu napadnute.
City Tile Blockade = Blokada Polja Grada
-One of your tiles is blocked by an enemy: when an enemy unit stands on a tile you own, the tile will not produce yields and cannot be worked by a city this turn. City will reallocate population from a blocked tile automatically. = Neprijatelj je blokirao jedno od vaših polja: kada neprijateljska jedinica stoji na polju koju posjedujete, polje neće proizvesti prinose i grad je ne može obrađivati taj potez. Grad će automatski preraspodijeliti stanovništvo s blokiranog polja.
+One of your tiles is blocked by an enemy: when an enemy unit stands on a tile you own, the tile will not produce yields and cannot be worked by a city this turn. City will reallocate population from a blocked tile automatically. = Neprijatelj je blokirao jedno od vaših polja: kada neprijateljska jedinica stoji na polju koju posjedujete, polje neće proizvoditi prinose i grad ga ne može obrađivati taj potez. Grad će automatski preraspodijeliti stanovništvo s blokiranog polja.
Enemy military land units block tiles they are standing on. Enemy military naval units additionally block adjacent water tiles. To protect your tiles from blockade, place a friendly military unit on it or fight off invaders. = Neprijateljske vojne kopnene jedinice blokiraju polja na kojima stoje. Neprijateljske vojne pomorske jedinice dodatno blokiraju susjedna polja na vodi. Kako biste zaštitili svoja polja od blokade, postavite na njih prijateljsku vojnu jedinicu ili se borite protiv osvajača.
City Blockade = Blokada Grada
-One of your cities is under a naval blockade! When all adjacent water tiles of a coastal city are blocked - city loses harbor connection to all other cities, including capital. Make sure to de-blockade cities by deploying friendly military naval units to fight off invaders. = Jedan od vaših gradova je pod pomorskom blokadom! Kada su sva susjedna polja na vodi obalnog grada blokirane - grad gubi lučku vezu sa svim drugim gradovima, uključujući prijestolnicu. Pobrinite se za deblokadu gradova raspoređivanjem prijateljskih vojnih pomorskih jedinica da se bore protiv osvajača.
+One of your cities is under a naval blockade! When all adjacent water tiles of a coastal city are blocked - city loses harbor connection to all other cities, including capital. Make sure to de-blockade cities by deploying friendly military naval units to fight off invaders. = Jedan od vaših gradova je pod pomorskom blokadom! Kada su sva susjedna polja na vodi obalnog grada blokirana - grad gubi lučku vezu sa svim drugim gradovima, uključujući prijestolnicu. Pobrinite se za deblokadu gradova raspoređivanjem prijateljskih vojnih pomorskih jedinica da se bore protiv osvajača.
Spies! = Špijuni!
The first time a civ reaches the Renaissance era each nation gets one spy. Every time a civ reaches an era afterwards they get one more spy. = Prvi put kada civilizacija dosegne doba Renesanse svaka nacija dobiva jednog špijuna. Svaki put kad civilizacija dosegne eru nakon toga dobije još jednog špijuna.
@@ -8096,7 +8096,7 @@ Spies can be sent out to foreign cities to steal technology, rigging elections o
Only one spy per civ is allowed in each city. Spies that are not in any city are on vacation in your spy hideout. = U svakom gradu dopušten je samo jedan špijun po civilizaciji. Špijuni koji nisu ni u jednom gradu su na odmoru u vašem špijunskom skrovištu.
Spies set up in cities of major civilizations will try to steal technology at a rate which is based off of the science production in the city. Succeeding to steal technology will level up your spy. Failing to succeed will level up the defending spy if it is present. = Špijuni postavljeni u gradovima glavnih civilizacija pokušat će ukrasti tehnologiju brzinom koja se temelji na proizvodnji znanosti u gradu. Uspjeh u krađi tehnologije podići će razinu vašeg špijuna. Neuspjeh će podići razinu obrambenog špijuna ako je prisutan.
Spies set in city-states will try to rig the elections in order to gain influence and reduce the influence of other civilizations. Only one spy partaking in rigging the election can win. = Špijuni smješteni u gradovima-državama pokušat će namjestiti izbore kako bi stekli utjecaj i smanjili utjecaj drugih civilizacija. Samo jedan špijun koji sudjeluje u namještanju izbora može pobijediti.
-A spy that is rigging an election in a city-state may also stage a coup. The likelihood of success for the coup depends on your relative influence to the current ally of the city-state, your spy level, and the level of the spy that the current ally has in the city-state if present. Succeeding a coup will make you their new ally and reduce the influence of all other civs. Failing a coup will kill your spy and level up the defending spy if present. = Špijun koji namješta izbore u gradu-državi također može izvesti puč. Vjerojatnost uspjeha puča ovisi o vašem relativnom utjecaju na trenutnog saveznika grada-države, vašoj razini špijuna, i razini špijuna kojeg trenutni saveznik ima u gradu-državi ako je prisutan. Uspjeh puča učinit će vas njihovim novim saveznikom i smanjiti utjecaj svih ostalih civilizacija. Neuspjeh puča ubit će vašeg špijuna i podići razinu špijuna koji se brani ako postoji.
+A spy that is rigging an election in a city-state may also stage a coup. The likelihood of success for the coup depends on your relative influence to the current ally of the city-state, your spy level, and the level of the spy that the current ally has in the city-state if present. Succeeding a coup will make you their new ally and reduce the influence of all other civs. Failing a coup will kill your spy and level up the defending spy if present. = Špijun koji namješta izbore u gradu-državi također može izvesti puč. Vjerojatnost uspjeha puča ovisi o vašem relativnom utjecaju na trenutačnog saveznika grada-države, vašoj razini špijuna, i razini špijuna kojeg trenutačni saveznik ima u gradu-državi ako je prisutan. Uspjeh puča učinit će vas njihovim novim saveznikom i smanjiti utjecaj svih ostalih civilizacija. Neuspjeh puča ubit će vašeg špijuna i podići razinu špijuna koji se brani ako postoji.
Spies that are set up in your own cities will be conducting counter-intelligence. They reduce the success chance of other spies trying to steal your technology. = Špijuni koji su postavljeni u vašim gradovima provodit će protuobavještajne radnje. Oni smanjuju šanse za uspjeh drugih špijuna koji pokušavaju ukrasti vašu tehnologiju.
Spies at a higher rank have a higher chance of success. The max rank a spy can reach is rank 3. After a spy is killed it will revive after a certain amount of turns back at rank 1. = Špijuni na višem rangu imaju veće šanse za uspjeh. Maksimalni rang koji špijun može doseći je rang 3. Nakon što je špijun ubijen, oživjet će nakon određenog broja poteza natrag na rang 1.
Building buildings like the constabulary and police station will reduce the technology steal rate of spies in that city. = Izgradnja zgrada poput oružarnice i policijske postaje smanjit će stopu krađe tehnologije od strane špijuna u tom gradu.
@@ -8111,7 +8111,7 @@ Each binding has a button with an image looking like this: = Svako vezivanje ima
While hovering the mouse over the key button, you can press a desired key directly to assign it. = Dok ste mišem iznad dugmeta tipke, možete izravno pritisnuti željenu tipku kako biste je dodijelili.
Double-click the image to reset the binding to default. = Duplo kliknite na sliku da vratite vezanje na zadano.
Bindings mapped to their default keys are displayed in gray, those reassigned by you in white. = Vezovi mapirani na njihove zadane tipke prikazani su sivom bojom, a oni koje ste ponovno dodijelili bijelom.
-Conflicting assignments are marked red. Conflicts can exist across categories, like World Screen / Unit Actions. Note that at the moment, the game does not prevent saving conflicting assignments, though the result may be unexpected. = Konfliktne dodjele označene su crvenom bojom. Konflikti mogu postojati među kategorijama, kao što su Zaslon Svjetska / Radnje Jedinice. Imajte na umu da igra trenutačno ne sprječava spremanje konfliktnih dodjela, iako rezultat može biti neočekivan.
+Conflicting assignments are marked red. Conflicts can exist across categories, like World Screen / Unit Actions. Note that at the moment, the game does not prevent saving conflicting assignments, though the result may be unexpected. = Konfliktne dodjele označene su crvenom bojom. Konflikti mogu postojati među kategorijama, kao što su Zaslon Svijeta / Radnje Jedinice. Imajte na umu da igra trenutačno ne sprječava spremanje konfliktnih dodjela, iako rezultat može biti neočekivan.
For discussion about missing entries, see the linked github issue. = Za raspravu o unosima koji nedostaju, pogledajte povezani problem githuba.
Welcome to the Civilopedia! = Dobrodošli na Civilopediju!
@@ -8120,7 +8120,7 @@ How to find information = Kako pronaći informacije
Select categories with the buttons on top of the screen. Also up there is the button to leave Civilopedia and go back to where you were before. = Odaberite kategorije pomoću dugmeta na vrhu zaslona. Gore se nalazi i dugme za napuštanje Civilopedije i povratak tamo gdje ste bili prije.
Each category has a list of entries on the left of the screen, sorted alphabetically (with few exceptions). Clicking an entry will update the center pane were you are currently reading this. = Svaka kategorija ima popis unosa na lijevoj strani zaslona, poredan abecednim redom (uz nekoliko iznimaka). Klikom na unos ažurirat ćete središnji prozor u kojem ovo trenutačno čitate.
Lines can link to other Civilopedia entries, they are marked with a chain link symbol like this one. You can click anywhere on the line to follow the link. = Redci mogu povezivati na druge unose u Civilopediji, označene su simbolom lančane karike kao što je ova. Možete kliknuti bilo gdje na retku da biste slijedili vezu.
-The current category is special - all articles on general concepts are here. It is called 'Tutorials' because you can revisit these here, too. = Trenutna kategorija je posebna - svi članci o općim pojmovima su ovdje. Zove se 'Poduke' jer ih možete ponovno pogledati također ovdje.
+The current category is special - all articles on general concepts are here. It is called 'Tutorials' because you can revisit these here, too. = Trenutačna kategorija je posebna - svi članci o općim pojmovima su ovdje. Zove se 'Poduke' jer ih možete ponovno pogledati također ovdje.
What information can I find = Koje informacije mogu pronaći
The data shown is not dependent on your current game's situation, e.g. bonuses for the nation you are playing or difficulty modifiers will not affect the numbers. = Prikazani podaci ne ovise o trenutačnoj situaciji u igri, npr. bonusi za naciju koju igrate ili modifikatori težine neće utjecati na brojke.
However, it will reflect the mods you are playing! The combination of base ruleset and extension mods you select define the rules of a game, what objects exist and how they interact, and the Civilopedia mirrors these rules. = Međutim, odražavat će modove koje igrate! Kombinacija osnovnog skupa pravila i modova proširenja koje odaberete definiraju pravila igre, koji objekti postoje i kako međusobno djeluju, a Civilopedia odražava ta pravila.
@@ -8130,7 +8130,7 @@ The arrow keys allow navigation as well - left/right for categories, up/down for
UI Tips = Savjeti za Korisničko Sučelje
World screen = Zaslon svijeta
-Skip all units to end a turn quickly = Preskoči sve jedinice da brzo završiš potez
+Skip all units to end a turn quickly = Preskočite sve jedinice da brzo završite potez
Right-click or long press the "Next unit" button to open a popup menu which allows to end a turn without having to cycle through all units. If some units are automated, a dedicated button is available to move them before ending the turn. = Kliknite desnom tipkom miša ili dugo pritisnite dugme "Sljedeća jedinica" da biste otvorili skočni izbornik koji omogućuje završetak poteza bez potrebe za kruženjem kroz sve jedinice. Ako su neke jedinice automatizirane, dostupna je posebna tipka za njihovo pomicanje prije završetka poteza.
Toggle notification list display = Uključi/isključi prikaz popisa obavijesti
On the World screen, swipe the notification list to the right to temporarily hide it. Click the "Bell" button to display them again. = Na zaslonu Svijeta, povucite popis obavijesti udesno da biste ga privremeno sakrili. Pritisnite dugme "Zvono" da biste ih ponovno prikazali.
@@ -8143,19 +8143,19 @@ In the Units overview, the same upgrade menu is available by clicking the unit i
Additional controls for the construction queue = Dodatne kontrole za red čekanja za izgradnju
Right-click or long press a construction item to open a popup menu with additional controls, allowing to manage production of the same item in all cities, by issuing the commands from the same City Screen. = Kliknite desnom tipkom miša ili dugo pritisnite stavku u izgradnji da biste otvorili skočni izbornik s dodatnim kontrolama, omogućujući upravljanje proizvodnjom iste stavke u svim gradovima, izdavanjem naredbi s istog Zaslona Grada.
The "Disable" option moves an item to a separated "Disabled" tab, preventing its automatic queueing by the "Auto-assign city production" option. To move a disabled item back to its initial place, enter again the popup menu, and choose "Enable". = Opcija "Onemogući" premješta stavku na odvojenu karticu "Onemogućeno", sprječavajući njezino automatsko stavljanje u red čekanja opcijom "Automatski dodijeli proizvodnju u gradovima". Da biste onemogućenu stavku vratili na početno mjesto, ponovno uđite u skočni izbornik i odaberite "Omogući".
-Disabled items are set globally and persistent: they are not reset in a new game, or by restarting Unciv. = Onemogućene stavke postavljene su globalno i trajne: ne poništavaju se u novoj igri ili ponovnim pokretanjem Unciva.
+Disabled items are set globally and persistent: they are not reset in a new game, or by restarting Unciv. = Onemogućene stavke postavljene su globalno i trajne: ne poništavaju se u novoj igri ili ponovnim pokretanjem Unciv-a.
Show Great Person Points breakdown = Pokaži pregled Bodova Velikana
-In the right sidepanel, click a Great People row to display the details of Great Person Points (GPP) accumulated each turn by the current city, for this type of Great People. = Na desnoj bočnoj ploči, kliknite redak Velikani za prikaz pojedinosti o Bodovima Velikana (BV) akumuliranih svakim potezom po trenutnom gradu, za ovu vrstu Velikana.
-Click any of the Great People icons to display all GPP accumulated each turn by the current city, for all types of Great People. = Pritisnite bilo koju od ikona Velikana za prikaz svih BV-a prikupljenih svakim potezom po trenutnom gradu, za sve vrste Velikana.
+In the right sidepanel, click a Great People row to display the details of Great Person Points (GPP) accumulated each turn by the current city, for this type of Great People. = Na desnoj bočnoj ploči, kliknite redak Velikani za prikaz pojedinosti o Bodovima Velikana (BV) akumuliranih svakim potezom po trenutačnom gradu, za ovu vrstu Velikana.
+Click any of the Great People icons to display all GPP accumulated each turn by the current city, for all types of Great People. = Pritisnite bilo koju od ikona Velikana za prikaz svih BV-a prikupljenih svakim potezom po trenutačnom gradu, za sve vrste Velikana.
Tech screen = Zaslon Tehnologije
Queue multiple technologies in different branches = Stavite više tehnologija u red čekanja u različitim granama
-On the Tech screen, right-click or long press a technology to automatically queue it, even if this tech is in another branch than the item currently researched. Prerequisite techs to research will also be automatically queued. = Na zaslonu Tehnologije desnom tipkom miša kliknite ili dugo pritisnite tehnologiju da je automatski stavite u red čekanja, čak i ako je ta tehnologija u drugoj grani od one koja se trenutno istražuje. Preduvjetne tehnologije za istraživanje također će se automatski staviti u red čekanja.
+On the Tech screen, right-click or long press a technology to automatically queue it, even if this tech is in another branch than the item currently researched. Prerequisite techs to research will also be automatically queued. = Na zaslonu Tehnologije desnom tipkom miša kliknite ili dugo pritisnite tehnologiju da je automatski stavite u red čekanja, čak i ako je ta tehnologija u drugoj grani od one koja se trenutačno istražuje. Preduvjetne tehnologije za istraživanje također će se automatski staviti u red čekanja.
Right-click or long press multiple techs to append them to the research queue, whatever their branch is. = Desnom tipkom miša kliknite ili dugo pritisnite više tehnologija da ih dodate u red čekanja za istraživanje, bez obzira na njihovu granu.
Overview screens = Zasloni za pregled
Reveal known resources on world screen = Otkrijte poznate resurse na ekranu svijeta
In the Resources overview, click on a resource icon to center the world screen on tiles already discovered and providing this resource. = U pregledu Resursa, kliknite na ikonu resursa kako biste centrirali zaslon svijeta na već otkrivena polja koja pružaju ovaj resurs.
Alternatively, click on the "Unimproved" number to center the world screen only on owned (by you or your allied City-states) tiles where the resource is not improved. = Alternativno, kliknite na broj "Neunaprjeđeno" da centrirate zaslon svijeta samo na polja u vlasništvu (vaših ili vaših savezničkih Gradova-Država) gdje resurs nije unaprjeđen.
-If more than one tile is available, click repeatedly on the notification to cycle through all of them. = Ako je dostupno više od jednog polja, kliknite više puta na obavijest da biste kružili kroz sve njih.
+If more than one tile is available, click repeatedly on the notification to cycle through all of them. = Ako je dostupno više od jednog polja, kliknite više puta na obavijest da biste kružili kroz sva polja.
Show diagram line colors = Prikaži boje linija dijagrama
In Politics overview > Show diagram, you can click anywhere inside the diagram to display a table listing all relationship line colors and their meaning. = U Pregledu politike > Prikaži dijagram, možete kliknuti bilo gdje unutar dijagrama za prikaz tablice s popisom svih boja linija odnosa i njihovim značenjem.
Miscellaneous = Razno
@@ -8164,18 +8164,17 @@ External links support right-click or long press to copy the link to the clipboa
Example: The 'Open Github page' button on the Mod management screen. = Primjer: Dugme 'Otvori Github stranicu' na zaslonu za upravljanje Modovima.
Differences from Civilization V = Razlike u usporedbi s Civilizacijom V
-Production Focus\nIn Civilization V, the Food yield in a city is calculated first, then population grows by consuming stored food (growth), then production is calculated, and so on one by one the other stats are calculated. Thus, citizens can produce yields in the same turn as they are born. The city focus is set to Production to assign the newborn citizen to a hill so they'll contribute Production, and then manually reassigned to a growth tile on the next turn. Alternatively, you can set city focus to Gold (e.g. with Cerro de Potosi), Faith (e.g. with Mount Sinai) or whatever gains the most yields. In Unciv, citizens only start producing yields on the next turn, so you can ignore this whole concept = Fokus proizvodnje\nU Civilizaciji V, prvo se izračunava količina hrane u gradu, zatim populacija raste konzumiranjem uskladištene hrane (rast), zatim se izračunava proizvodnja, i tako jedna po jedna izračunavaju se ostale statistike. Dakle, građani mogu proizvoditi prinose u istom potezu kada su rođeni. Fokus grada postavljen je na Proizvodnju kako bi se novorođenog građanina dodijelilo na brdo kako bi doprinio Proizvodnji, a zatim se ručno premješta na polje rasta u sljedećem potezu. Alternativno, možete postaviti fokus grada na Zlato (npr. s Cerro de Potosi), Vjeru (npr. s Sinajsko Brdo) ili bilo što, što ima najviše prinosa. U Uncivu, građani počinju proizvoditi prinose tek u sljedećem potezu, tako da možete zanemariti cijeli ovaj koncept
-Science Queueing\nIn Civilization V, Science yield is calculated after production, so if you finish an item and have Science (or Gold) queued as a perpetual construction, the Production overflow from item will be converted into Science (or Gold), but the Production is not consumed, as this will only happen again on the next turn. By immediately swapping out your perpetual construction for an item on the next turn, you'll get this Science (or Gold) for free. This doesn't apply to Unciv, so don't bother. = Stavljanje Znanosti u Red Čekanja\nU Civilizaciji V, Science yield se izračunava nakon proizvodnje, tako da ako završite stavku i imate Znanost (ili Zlato) u redu čekanja kao trajnu izgradnju, Proizvodni preljev iz stavke bit će pretvoren u Znanost (ili Zlato), ali Proizvodnja se ne troši, jer će se to ponoviti samo na sljedećem potezu. Ako odmah zamijenite svoju trajnu izgradnju za stavku na sljedećem potezu, dobit ćete ovu Znanost (ili Zlato) besplatno. Ovo se ne odnosi na Unciv, pa se ne mučite.
+Production Focus\nIn Civilization V, the Food yield in a city is calculated first, then population grows by consuming stored food (growth), then production is calculated, and so on one by one the other stats are calculated. Thus, citizens can produce yields in the same turn as they are born. The city focus is set to Production to assign the newborn citizen to a hill so they'll contribute Production, and then manually reassigned to a growth tile on the next turn. Alternatively, you can set city focus to Gold (e.g. with Cerro de Potosi), Faith (e.g. with Mount Sinai) or whatever gains the most yields. In Unciv, citizens only start producing yields on the next turn, so you can ignore this whole concept = Fokus proizvodnje\nU Civilizaciji V, prvo se izračunava količina hrane u gradu, zatim populacija raste konzumiranjem uskladištene hrane (rast), zatim se izračunava proizvodnja, i tako jedna po jedna izračunavaju se ostale statistike. Dakle, građani mogu proizvoditi prinose u istom potezu kada su rođeni. Fokus grada postavljen je na Proizvodnju kako bi se novorođenog građanina dodijelilo na brdo kako bi doprinio Proizvodnji, a zatim se ručno premješta na polje rasta u sljedećem potezu. Alternativno, možete postaviti fokus grada na Zlato (npr. s Cerro de Potosi), Vjeru (npr. s Sinajsko Brdo) ili bilo što, što ima najviše prinosa. U Unciv-u, građani počinju proizvoditi prinose tek u sljedećem potezu, tako da možete zanemariti cijeli ovaj koncept
+Science Queueing\nIn Civilization V, Science yield is calculated after production, so if you finish an item and have Science (or Gold) queued as a perpetual construction, the Production overflow from item will be converted into Science (or Gold), but the Production is not consumed, as this will only happen again on the next turn. By immediately swapping out your perpetual construction for an item on the next turn, you'll get this Science (or Gold) for free. This doesn't apply to Unciv, so don't bother. = Stavljanje Znanosti u Red Čekanja\nU Civilizaciji V, prinos Znanosti se izračunava nakon proizvodnje, tako da ako završite stavku i imate Znanost (ili Zlato) u redu čekanja kao trajnu izgradnju, Proizvodni preljev iz stavke bit će pretvoren u Znanost (ili Zlato), ali Proizvodnja se ne troši, jer će se to ponoviti samo na sljedećem potezu. Ako odmah zamijenite svoju trajnu izgradnju za stavku na sljedećem potezu, dobit ćete ovu Znanost (ili Zlato) besplatno. Ovo se ne odnosi na Unciv, pa se ne mučite.
Double Aqueducts\nIn Civilization V, the game sells existing copies of the building for you before providing a free copy of the building. So, if you build an aqueduct in a city, and then in the turn of adopting Tradition Complete you sell a cheap building (e.g a shrine) beforehand, the game is unable to sell more than 1 building per turn, and thus you'll keep your aqueduct, together with the new free aqueduct. Not applicable to Unciv. = Dvostruki akvadukti\nU Civilizaciji V, igra prodaje postojeće kopije zgrade za vas prije nego što pruži besplatnu kopiju zgrade. Dakle, ako izgradite akvadukt u gradu, a zatim u potezu usvajanja Tradicija je Završena prethodno prodate jeftinu zgradu (npr. svetište), igra ne može prodati više od 1 zgrade po potezu, pa ćete tako zadržati svoj akvadukt, zajedno s novim besplatnim akvaduktom. Nije primjenjivo na Unciv.
Legalism Oxford\nIn Civilization V, national wonders such as Oxford University are considered culture buildings, so you can get them for free with Legalism. Not applicable to Unciv. = Legalizam Oxford\nU Civilizaciji V, nacionalna čuda kao što je Sveučilište Oxford smatraju se zgradama kulture, tako da ih možete dobiti besplatno uz Legalizam. Nije primjenjivo na Unciv.
-Roads and Forts\nIn Civilization V, you can't use roads and forts in enemy territory. In Unciv, you can use them, so instead of mindlessly constructing them everywhere when at war, you need to decide if and when they'll benefit you more than your opponents = Ceste i utvrde\nU Civilizaciji V, ne možete koristiti ceste i utvrde na neprijateljskom teritoriju. U Uncivu ih možete koristiti, pa umjesto da ih bezumno konstruirate posvuda dok ste u ratu, trebate odlučiti hoće li i kada više koristiti vama nego vašim protivnicima
-Citizen Conversion\nIn Civilization V, a citizen is born religious if the parent city is already converted. This is not the case in Unciv, which can lead to temporary deconversion of a city when it grows. = Preobraćenje građana\nU Civilizaciji V, građanin se rađa religiozan ako je matični grad već preobraćen. To nije slučaj u Uncivu, što može dovesti do privremene dekonverzije grada kada raste.
+Roads and Forts\nIn Civilization V, you can't use roads and forts in enemy territory. In Unciv, you can use them, so instead of mindlessly constructing them everywhere when at war, you need to decide if and when they'll benefit you more than your opponents = Ceste i utvrde\nU Civilizaciji V, ne možete koristiti ceste i utvrde na neprijateljskom teritoriju. U Unciv-u ih možete koristiti, pa umjesto da ih bezumno konstruirate posvuda dok ste u ratu, trebate odlučiti hoće li i kada više koristiti vama nego vašim protivnicima
+Citizen Conversion\nIn Civilization V, a citizen is born religious if the parent city is already converted. This is not the case in Unciv, which can lead to temporary deconversion of a city when it grows. = Preobraćenje građana\nU Civilizaciji V, građanin se rađa religiozan ako je matični grad već preobraćen. To nije slučaj u Unciv-u, što može dovesti do privremene dekonverzije grada kada raste.
Unassigned Citizens\nIn Civilization V, unassigned citizens are considered specialists, and subject to the same type of bonuses (e.g. Korea's ability). It can be worthwhile to leave citizens unassigned, instead of being assigned to a tile. Not applicable to Unciv. = Nedodijeljeni građani\nU Civilizaciji V, nedodijeljeni građani smatraju se specijalistima i podliježu istoj vrsti bonusa (npr. sposobnost Koreje). Može biti vrijedno ostaviti građane nedodijeljene, umjesto da budu dodijeljeni polju. Nije primjenjivo na Unciv.
-Settler Construction\nIn Civilization V, cities can't starve when constructing settlers, so you can assign all citizens to production tiles and none to food tiles. In Unciv, citizens keep consuming two food per turn. = Izgradnja doseljenika\nU Civilizaciji V, gradovi ne mogu gladovati kada grade naseljenike, tako da možete dodijeliti sve građane na polja za proizvodnju, a nijednog na polja s hranom. U Uncivu građani nastavljaju konzumirati dvije hrane po potezu.
+Settler Construction\nIn Civilization V, cities can't starve when constructing settlers, so you can assign all citizens to production tiles and none to food tiles. In Unciv, citizens keep consuming two food per turn. = Izgradnja doseljenika\nU Civilizaciji V, gradovi ne mogu gladovati kada grade naseljenike, tako da možete dodijeliti sve građane na polja za proizvodnju, a nijednog na polja s hranom. U Unciv-u građani nastavljaju konzumirati dvije hrane po potezu.
Water Melee Attack\nAs result of a Discord poll, Water Melee units can attack military land units on the shore, unlike in Civilization V. = Bliska Borba na Vodi\nKao rezultat ankete Diskorda, jedinice za blisku borbu na vodi mogu napasti vojne kopnene jedinice na obali, za razliku od Civilizacije V.
Tile improvements\nIn Civilzation V, workers start working on an improvement-under-construction at the beginning of movement. Unciv changes this, to allow players to assign workers to tiles, and then reconsider and change improvement or move them elsewhere. = Unaprjeđenja polja\nU Civilizaciji V, radnici počinju raditi na unaprjeđenju u izgradnji na početku poteza. Unciv to mijenja, kako bi omogućio igračima da dodijele radnike poljima, a zatim ponovno razmotre i promijene unaprjeđenja ili ih premjeste negdje drugdje.
-Forest and Jungle Visibility\nIn Unciv, forests and jungles are visible 1 tile outside visibility range. In Civilization V, this is the behaviour of hills and mountains, but not of forests and jungles, yet jungle and forest can block hills, and hill + forest can block mountain, indicating they're on the same elevation. This is considered to be a bug in the otherwise well-structured visibility logic in Civilization V. = Vidljivost šume i Džungle\nU Uncivu su šume i džungle vidljive 1 polje izvan raspona vidljivosti. U Civilizaciji V, ovo je ponašanje brda i planina, ali ne i šuma i džungle, ali džungla i šuma mogu blokirati brda, a brdo + šuma može blokirati planinu, što znači da su na istoj nadmorskoj visini. To se smatra greškom u inače dobro strukturiranoj logici vidljivosti u Civilizaciji V.
+Forest and Jungle Visibility\nIn Unciv, forests and jungles are visible 1 tile outside visibility range. In Civilization V, this is the behaviour of hills and mountains, but not of forests and jungles, yet jungle and forest can block hills, and hill + forest can block mountain, indicating they're on the same elevation. This is considered to be a bug in the otherwise well-structured visibility logic in Civilization V. = Vidljivost šume i Džungle\nU Unciv-u su šume i džungle vidljive 1 polje izvan raspona vidljivosti. U Civilizaciji V, ovo je ponašanje brda i planina, ali ne i šuma i džungle, ali džungla i šuma mogu blokirati brda, a brdo + šuma može blokirati planinu, što znači da su na istoj nadmorskoj visini. To se smatra greškom u inače dobro strukturiranoj logici vidljivosti u Civilizaciji V.
Founding Cities\nThe Settler is a unit that can found a new city. You can build a Settler unit in a city with at least 2 population, and then move them to a good location to found a new city. This will usually be your main way of acquiring more cities. = Osnivanje gradova\nNaseljenik je jedinica koja može osnovati novi grad. Možete izgraditi jedinicu Naseljenika u gradu s najmanje 2 stanovnika, a zatim ih premjestiti na dobru lokaciju kako biste osnovali novi grad. To će obično biti vaš glavni način stjecanja više gradova.
Food conversion to Production\nDuring the construction of a Settler, the city will not grow. Instead, the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and from there on every 4th, excess Food (Growth) is converted into Production, with the rest of the excess Food being lost. = Pretvorba hrane u proizvodnju\nTijekom izgradnje Naseljenika, grad neće rasti. Umjesto toga, 1., 2., 4., a odatle svaki 4., višak Hrane (Rast) pretvara se u Proizvodnju, a ostatak viška Hrane se gubi.
diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Czech.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Czech.properties
index 525a93ee52..9d1537b4dd 100644
--- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Czech.properties
+++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Czech.properties
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ Neo [cityName] = Neo [cityName]
Nova [cityName] = Nova [cityName]
Altera [cityName] = Altera [cityName]
# Requires translation!
-New [civName]\n(formerly known as [cityName]) =
+New [civName]\n(formerly known as [cityName]) = Nový [civName]\n(dříve známý pod názvem [cityName])
# Diplomacy,Trade,Nations
@@ -179,11 +179,11 @@ We have joined [allyCivName] in the war against [enemyCivName]! = Přidali jsme
[civName] has joined us in the war against [enemyCivName]! = Civilizace [civName] se k nám přidala ve válce proti [enemyCivName]!
# Team War
# Requires translation!
-You and [allyCivName] have declared war against [enemyCivName]! =
+You and [allyCivName] have declared war against [enemyCivName]! = My a [allyCivName] jsme vyhlásili válku civilizaci [enemyCivName]!
# Requires translation!
-[civName] and [allyCivName] have declared war against us! =
+[civName] and [allyCivName] have declared war against us! = [civName] a [allyCivName] nám vyhlásili válku!
# Requires translation!
-[civName] and [allyCivName] have declared war against [enemyCivName]! =
+[civName] and [allyCivName] have declared war against [enemyCivName]! = [civName] a [allyCivName] vyhlásili válku civilizaci [enemyCivName]!
[civName] cancelled their Defensive Pact with [otherCivName]! = Civilizace [civName] zrušila svůj obranný pakt s civilizací [otherCivName]!
[civName] cancelled their Defensive Pact with us! = Civilizace [civName] zrušila obranný pakt s námi!
@@ -197,9 +197,9 @@ Break promise = Porušit slib
We promised not to settle near them ([count] turns remaining) = Slíbili jsme nezakládat města poblíž jejich hranic ([count] tahy/ů zbývá)
They promised not to settle near us ([count] turns remaining) = Slíbili nezakládat města poblíž našich hranic ([count] tahy/ů zbývá)
# Requires translation!
-We promised not to spread religion to them ([count] turns remaining) =
+We promised not to spread religion to them ([count] turns remaining) = Slíbili jsme nešířit k nim náboženství (zbývá [count] kol)
# Requires translation!
-They promised not to spread religion to us ([count] turns remaining) =
+They promised not to spread religion to us ([count] turns remaining) = Slíbili nešířit k nám náboženství (zbývá [count] kol)
[civName] is upset that you demanded tribute from [cityState], whom they have pledged to protect! = Civilizace [civName] je nespokojena s vaším požadavkem po státu [cityState], který se zavázala chránit!
[civName] is upset that you attacked [cityState], whom they have pledged to protect! = Civilizace [civName] je nespokojena, že jste zaútočili na stát [cityState], který se zavázala chránit!
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ We asked [civName] for a tribute recently and they gave in.\nYou promised to pro
It's come to my attention that I may have attacked [civName].\nWhile it was not my goal to be at odds with your empire, this was deemed a necessary course of action. = Zjistili jsme, že jsme možná zaútočil na městský stát [civName], který je pod vaší ochranou.\nPřestože nebylo naším cílem být ve sporu s vaší říší, bylo to považováno za nezbytný postup.
I thought you might like to know that I've launched an invasion of one of your little pet states.\nThe lands of [civName] will make a fine addition to my own. = Asi byste měli vědět, že jsme zahájili invazi do jednoho vašich mazlíčků městských státu.\nÚzemí státu [civName] bude skvělým doplňkem našeho vlastního.
# Requires translation!
+THIS MEANS WAR! = Tohle znamená válku!
Return [unitName] to [civName]? = Vrátit jednotku [unitName] civilizaci [civName]?
The [unitName] we liberated originally belonged to [civName]. They will be grateful if we return it to them. = Jednotka [unitName], kterou jsme osvobodili, patřila původně k civilizaci [civName]. Budou nám vděční, pokud jim ji vrátíme.
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ Declare Protection of [cityStateName]? = Vyhlásit ochranu městského státu [c
Build [improvementName] on [resourceName] (200 Gold) = Postavit vylepšení [improvementName] na surovině [resourceName] (200 Gold)
Gift Improvement = Věnovat vylepšení
# Requires translation!
-[civName] is able to provide [unitName] once [techName] [isOrAre] researched. =
+[civName] is able to provide [unitName] once [techName] [isOrAre] researched. = [civName] může poskytnout jednotku [unitName] až, když [isOrAre] vystudované [techName].
is = je
are = jsou
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ City-States grow wary of your aggression. The resting point for Influence has de
[cityState] is deeply grateful for your assistance in the war against [civName]! = Městský stát [cityState] je velmi vděčný za vaši pomoc proti civilizaci [civName].
[cityState] no longer needs your assistance against [civName]. = Městský stát [cityState] již nepotřebuje vaši pomoc proti civilizaci [civName].
# Requires translation!
-[cityState] cancelled the quests they had given you because you demanded tribute from them. =
+[cityState] cancelled the quests they had given you because you demanded tribute from them. = Městský stát [cityState] zrušil úkoly, které vám zadal, jelikož jste po něm požadovali platbu.
War against [civName] = Válka proti civilizaci [civName]
We need you to help us defend against [civName]. Killing [amount] of their military units would slow their offensive. = Potřebujeme vás, abyste nás ochránili před civilizaci [civName]. Zničení [amount] jejich vojenských jednotek by mohlo zpomalit jejich postup.
Currently you have killed [amount] of their military units. = Aktualne jste zničili [amount] jejich vojenských jendotek.
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ Bottom left river = Řeka vlevo dole
Bottom right river = Řeka vpravo dole
Bottom river = Řeka dole
# Requires translation!
-Player =
+Player = Hráč
# Multiplayer
@@ -718,14 +718,14 @@ You can only resign if it's your turn = Odstoupit můžete pouze během vašeho
## Force resign button
# Requires translation!
-Force current player to resign =
+Force current player to resign = Vynutit odstoupení aktuálního hráče
# Requires translation!
-Are you sure you want to force the current player to resign? =
+Are you sure you want to force the current player to resign? = Jste si jisti, že chcete vynutit odstoupení aktuálního hráče?
# Requires translation!
-Skip turn of current player =
+Skip turn of current player = Přeskočit kolo aktuálního hráče
# Requires translation!
-Are you sure you want to skip the turn of the current player? =
+Are you sure you want to skip the turn of the current player? = Jste si jisti, že chcete přeskočit kolo aktuálního hráče?
Last refresh: [duration] ago = Poslední obnovení: před [duration]
Current Turn: [civName] since [duration] ago = Právě na tahu: [civName] od doby před [duration]
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ Could not load game from custom location! = Hru nelze načíst z vlastní pozice
The file data seems to be corrupted. = Soubor s daty je poškozený
The save was created with an incompatible version of Unciv: [version]. Please update Unciv to this version or later and try again. = Hra byla uložena v nekompatibilní verzi hry: [version]
# Requires translation!
-You do not have sufficient permissions to access the file. =
+You do not have sufficient permissions to access the file. = Nemáte dostatečná oprávnění pro přístup k souboru.
Load [saveFileName] = Načíst hru [saveFileName]
Are you sure you want to delete this save? = Jste si jisti, že chcete smazat tuto uloženou hru?
Delete save = Smazat uloženou hru
@@ -787,9 +787,9 @@ Load from custom location = Načíst z vlastní pozice
Save to custom location = Uložit hru na vlastní pozici
Could not save game to custom location! = Hru nelze uložit na vlastní pozici
# Requires translation!
-'[saveFileName]' copied to clipboard! =
+'[saveFileName]' copied to clipboard! = '[saveFileName]' bylo zkopírováno do schránky!
# Requires translation!
-Could not save game to clipboard! =
+Could not save game to clipboard! = Nepodařilo se uložit hru do schránky!
Download missing mods = Stáhnout chybějící mody
Missing mods are downloaded successfully. = Chybějící mody úspěšně staženy.
Could not load the missing mods! = Nepovedlo se načíst chybějící mody!
@@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ Version = Verze
See online Readme = Viz online Readme
Visit repository = Navštívít repozitář
# Requires translation!
-Visit the wiki =
+Visit the wiki = Navštívit wiki
## Display tab
Display = Zobrazení
@@ -966,7 +966,7 @@ You need to restart the game for this change to take effect. = K zavedení změn
# AutomationTab
# Requires translation!
-Automation =
+Automation = Automatizace
# AutoPlay
AutoPlay = Automatická hra
@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ The city of [cityname] has started constructing [construction]! = Město [cityna
[civilization] has started constructing [construction]! = Civilizace [civilization] začala stavět [construction]!
An unknown civilization has started constructing [construction]! = Neznámá civilizace začala stavět [construction]!
# Requires translation!
-[cityName] has started working on [construction] =
+[cityName] has started working on [construction] = Město [cityName] začalo pracovat na [construction]
[cityName] has expanded its borders! = Město [cityName] rozšířilo své hranice!
Your Golden Age has ended. = Náš zlatý věk skončil.
[cityName] has been razed to the ground! = Město [cityName] bylo srovnáno se zemí!
@@ -1104,9 +1104,9 @@ One of our trades with [nation] has been cut short = Jedna z našich obchodních
[nation] agreed to stop settling cities near us! = Národ [nation] souhlasí, že nebude budovat své města poblíž našich hranic!
[nation] refused to stop settling cities near us! = Národ [nation] vypověděl dohodu o nebudování měst poblíž našich hranic!
# Requires translation!
-[nation] agreed to stop spreading religion to us! =
+[nation] agreed to stop spreading religion to us! = Národ [nation] souhlasil, že k nám přestane šířit náboženství!
# Requires translation!
-[nation] refused to stop spreading religion to us! =
+[nation] refused to stop spreading religion to us! = Národ [nation] odmítl přestat k nám šířit náboženství!
We have allied with [nation]. = Uzavřeli jsme alianci s civilizací [nation].
We have lost alliance with [nation]. = Ztratili jsme alianci s civilizací [nation].
We have discovered [naturalWonder]! = Objevili jsme [naturalWonder]!
@@ -1204,7 +1204,7 @@ Next unit = Další jednotka
Fog of War = Válečná mlha
Pick a policy = Vybrat politiku
# Requires translation!
-Move Spies =
+Move Spies = Přemístit špehy
Movement = Pohyb
Strength = Síla
Ranged strength = Síla na dálku
@@ -1223,28 +1223,28 @@ Fortify = Opevnit se
Fortify until healed = Opevnit se do vyléčení
Fortification = Opevnění
# Requires translation!
-Guard =
+Guard = Hlídat
# Requires translation!
-Guarding =
+Guarding = Hlídání
Sleep = Spát
Sleep until healed = Spát do vyléčení
Moving = Pohyb
Set up = Nastavení
# Requires translation!
-Escort formation =
+Escort formation = Eskortní formace
# Requires translation!
-Stop Escort formation =
+Stop Escort formation = Rozpustit eskortní formaci
Paradrop = Výsadek
Air Sweep = Průlet
Add in capital = Přidat do hlavního města
Add to [comment] = Přidat do [comment]
Upgrade to [unitType] ([goldCost] gold) = Přestavba na jednotku [unitType] ([goldCost] zlata)
# Requires translation!
-Upgrade to [unitType]\n([goldCost] gold, [resources]) =
+Upgrade to [unitType]\n([goldCost] gold, [resources]) = Přestavba na jednotku [unitType]\n([goldCost] zlata, [resources])
# Requires translation!
-Transform to [unitType] =
+Transform to [unitType] = Přetvořit na [unitType]
# Requires translation!
-Transform to [unitType]\n([resources]) =
+Transform to [unitType]\n([resources]) = Přetvořit na [unitType]\n([resources])
Found city = Založit město
Promote = Povýšit
Health = Zdraví
@@ -1391,34 +1391,34 @@ Avoid Growth = Vyhýbat se růstu
Manual = Ručně
Please enter a new name for your city = Zadejte nové jméno pro město
# Requires translation!
-Please select a tile for this building's [improvement] =
+Please select a tile for this building's [improvement] = Vyberte políčko pro [improvement] této budovy
# Requires translation!
-Move to the top of the queue =
+Move to the top of the queue = Přesunout na začátek fronty
# Requires translation!
-Move to the end of the queue =
+Move to the end of the queue = Přesunout na konec fronty
# Requires translation!
-Add to the top of the queue =
+Add to the top of the queue = Přidat na začátek fronty
# Requires translation!
-Add to the queue in all cities =
+Add to the queue in all cities = Přidat na konec fronty
# Requires translation!
-Add or move to the top in all cities =
+Add or move to the top in all cities = Přidat nebo přesunout na vrch ve všech městech
# Requires translation!
-Remove from the queue in all cities =
+Remove from the queue in all cities = Odebrat ze fronty ve všech městech
# Requires translation!
-Disable =
+Disable = Deaktivovat
# Requires translation!
-Enable =
+Enable = Aktivovat
# Specialized Popups - Ask for text or numbers, file picker
Invalid input! Please enter a different string. = Neplatný vstup! Zadejte jiný řetězec.
# Requires translation!
-Invalid input! Please enter a valid number. =
+Invalid input! Please enter a valid number. = Neplatný vstup! Zadejte platné číslo.
Please enter some text = Zadejte nějaký text
# Requires translation!
-Please enter a file name =
+Please enter a file name = Zadejte název souboru
# Requires translation!
-File name: =
+File name: = Název souboru:
# Technology UI
@@ -1524,11 +1524,11 @@ Transportation upkeep = Údržba cest
Unit upkeep = Údržba jednotek
Trades = Obchodní dohody
# Requires translation!
-Current trades =
+Current trades = Probíhající obchodní smlouvy
# Requires translation!
-Pending trades =
+Pending trades = Obchodní smlouvy čekající na vyřízení
# Requires translation!
-Score =
+Score = Skóre
Units = Jednotky
Unit Supply = Zásobování
Base Supply = Základní zásoby
@@ -1541,7 +1541,7 @@ Name = Jméno
Closest city = Nejbližší město
Action = Činnost
# Requires translation!
-Upgrade =
+Upgrade = Vylepšení
Defeated = Poražený(á)
[numberOfCivs] Civilizations in the game = [numberOfCivs] civilizací ve hře
Our Civilization: = Naše civilizace:
@@ -1560,57 +1560,57 @@ Somewhere around [city] = Někde poblíž města [city]
Far away = Daleko
Status = Stav
# Requires translation!
-Current turn =
+Current turn = Aktuální kolo
# Requires translation!
-You =
+You = Vy
# Requires translation!
-Turn [turnNumber] =
+Turn [turnNumber] = Kolo [turnNumber]
Location = Pozice
# Requires translation!
-Unimproved =
+Unimproved = Nevylepšené
# Requires translation!
Number of tiles with this resource\nin your territory, without an\nappropriate improvement to use it =
We Love The King Day = Svátek Máme Rádi Krále
# Requires translation!
-WLTK+ =
# Requires translation!
Number of your cities celebrating\n'We Love The King Day' thanks\nto access to this resource =
# Requires translation!
-WLTK demand =
+WLTK demand = Požadavek MRK
# Requires translation!
-WLTK- =
# Requires translation!
-Trade offer =
+Trade offer = Obchodní nabídka
# Requires translation!
Resources we're offering in trades =
# Requires translation!
Number of your cities\ndemanding this resource for\n'We Love The King Day' =
# Requires translation!
-Politics =
+Politics = Politika
# Requires translation!
-Show global politics =
+Show global politics = Zobrazit globální politiku
# Requires translation!
-Show diagram =
+Show diagram = Zobrazit diagram
# Requires translation!
-Diagram line colors =
+Diagram line colors = Barvy čar diagramu
# Requires translation!
-At war with [enemy] =
+At war with [enemy] = Ve válce s: [enemy]
# Requires translation!
-Defensive pact with [civName] =
+Defensive pact with [civName] = Obranný pakt s civilizací [civName]
# Requires translation!
-Friends with [civName] =
+Friends with [civName] = Přátelství s civilizací [civName]
# Requires translation!
-an unknown civilization =
+an unknown civilization = neznámá civilizace
# Requires translation!
-[numberOfTurns] Turns Left =
+[numberOfTurns] Turns Left = Zbývá [numberOfTurns] tahů
# Requires translation!
Denounced [otherCiv] =
# Requires translation!
-Allied with [civName] =
+Allied with [civName] = V alianci s civilizací [civName]
# Requires translation!
-Civilization Info =
+Civilization Info = Informace o civilizaci
# Requires translation!
-Relations =
+Relations = Vztahy
# Requires translation!
Trade request =
# Requires translation!
@@ -1621,52 +1621,52 @@ Status\n(puppet, resistance or being razed) =
# Victory
# Requires translation!
-[victoryType] Victory =
+[victoryType] Victory = Vítězství typu [victoryType]
# Requires translation!
-Built [building] =
+Built [building] = Vybudováno [building]
# Requires translation!
Add all [comment] in capital =
# Requires translation!
-Destroy all players =
+Destroy all players = Zničit všechny hráče
# Requires translation!
-Capture all capitals =
+Capture all capitals = Obsadit všechna hlavní města
# Requires translation!
-Complete [amount] Policy branches =
+Complete [amount] Policy branches = Dokončit [amount] stromů sociální politiky
# Requires translation!
-You have won a [victoryType] Victory! =
+You have won a [victoryType] Victory! = Vyhráli jste vítězstvím typu [victoryType]!
# Requires translation!
[civilization] has won a [victoryType] Victory! =
Your civilization stands above all others! The exploits of your people shall be remembered until the end of civilization itself! = Vaše civilizace překonala všechny ostatní! Hrdinské činy vašich lidí nebudou zapomenuty až do konce civilizace samotné!
You have been defeated. Your civilization has been overwhelmed by its many foes. But your people do not despair, for they know that one day you shall return - and lead them forward to victory! = Byli jsme poraženi. Naše civilizace byla převálcována schopnostmi nepřátel. Naši lidé ovšem nezoufají, protože ví, že jednou se jejich vůdce vrátí. A dovede je k vytouženému vítězství!
-One more turn...! = Ještě jedno kolo...
+One more turn...! = Ještě jedno kolo...!
Destroy [civName] = Zničit [civName]
# Requires translation!
-Capture [cityName] =
+Capture [cityName] = Obsadit [cityName]
# Requires translation!
-Destroy ? * [civName] =
+Destroy ? * [civName] = Zničit ? * [civName]
# Requires translation!
-Capture ? * [cityName] =
+Capture ? * [cityName] = Obsadit ? * [cityName]
# Requires translation!
-Majority religion of ? * [civName] =
+Majority religion of ? * [civName] = Převládající náboženství ve městě ? * [civName]
Our status = Naše vyhlídky
Global status = Globální situace
Rankings = Pořadí
# Requires translation!
-Charts =
+Charts = Grafy
# Requires translation!
-Demographics =
+Demographics = Demografie
# Requires translation!
-Demographic =
+Demographic = Demografické
# Requires translation!
-Rank =
+Rank = Pořadí
# Requires translation!
-Value =
+Value = Hodnota
# Requires translation!
-Best =
+Best = Nejlepší
# Requires translation!
-Average =
+Average = Průměrné
# Requires translation!
-Worst =
+Worst = Nejhorší
# The \n here means: put a newline (enter) here. If this is omitted, the sidebox in the diplomacy overview will become _really_ wide.
# Feel free to replace it with a space and put it between other words in your translation
Turns until the next\ndiplomacy victory vote: [amount] = Tahy do další\nvolby diplomatického vítěze: [amount]
@@ -1680,23 +1680,23 @@ Continue = Pokračovat
Abstained = Zdržet se
Voted for = Hlasovat pro
# Requires translation!
-[number] votes =
+[number] votes = [number] hlasů
# Requires translation!
-[number] vote =
+[number] vote = [number] hlas
# Requires translation!
-No valid votes were cast. =
+No valid votes were cast. = Nebyly odevzdány žádné platné hlasy.
# Requires translation!
Minimum votes for electing a world leader: [number] =
# Requires translation!
-Tied in first position: [civNames] =
+Tied in first position: [civNames] = Na prvním místě remízují: [civNames]
# Requires translation!
-No world leader was elected. =
+No world leader was elected. = Nebyl zvolen žádný vládce světa.
# Requires translation!
-You have been elected world leader! =
+You have been elected world leader! = Byli jste zvoleni vládcem světa!
# Requires translation!
-[leaderName] of [civ] has been elected world leader! =
+[leaderName] of [civ] has been elected world leader! = [leaderName] civilizace [civ] byl zvolen vládcem světa!
# Requires translation!
-Replay =
+Replay = Přehrání
# Capturing a city
@@ -1706,10 +1706,10 @@ Annex = Anektovat
Annexed cities become part of your regular empire. = Anektovaná města se stanou normální součástí naší říše.
Their citizens generate 2x the unhappiness, unless you build a courthouse. = Jejich obyvatelé vytvářejí 2x tolik nespokojenosti dokud napostavíte Soud.
# Requires translation!
-Your civilization may not annex this city. =
+Your civilization may not annex this city. = Vaše civilizace nemůže anektovat toto město.
Puppet = Loutková vláda
# Requires translation!
-Puppeted cities do not increase your tech or policy cost. =
+Puppeted cities do not increase your tech or policy cost. = Města s loutkovou vládou nezvyšují cenu technologií nebo sociálních politik.
You have no control over the the production of puppeted cities. = Nemáme kontrolu nad produkcí ve městech s loutkovou vládou.
Puppeted cities also generate 25% less Gold and Science. = Města s loutkovou vládou také poskytují o 25% méně zlata a výzkumu.
A puppeted city can be annexed at any time. = Město s loutkovou vládou lze kdykoliv anektovat.
@@ -1719,12 +1719,12 @@ Raze = Vyhladit
Razing the city annexes it, and starts burning the city to the ground. = Vyhlazování města zároveň způsobí jeho anektování a započne srovnávání města ze zemí.
# Requires translation!
Razing the city puppets it, and starts burning the city to the ground. =
-The population will gradually dwindle until the city is destroyed. = Populace se bude postupně snižovat, až do úplného zmizení z mapy..
+The population will gradually dwindle until the city is destroyed. = Populace se bude postupně snižovat, až do úplného zmizení z mapy.
Original capitals and holy cities cannot be razed. = Původní hlavní města a svatá města nelze vyhladit.
Destroy = Zničit
Destroying the city instantly razes the city to the ground. = Zničení města okamžitě srovná město se zemí.
# Requires translation!
-Keep it =
+Keep it = Nechme to tak
Remove your troops in our border immediately! = Okamžitě odstraňte vaše jednotky z našeho území!
Sorry. = Omlouváme se.
Never! = Nikdy!
@@ -1735,7 +1735,7 @@ Sign Declaration of Friendship ([30] turns) = Podepsat Vyhlášení přátelstv
We are not interested. = Nemáme zájem.
We have signed a Declaration of Friendship with [otherCiv]! = Podepsali jsme Vyhlášení přátelství s civilizací [otherCiv]!
# Requires translation!
-[civName] and [otherCivName] have signed a Defensive Pact! =
+[civName] and [otherCivName] have signed a Defensive Pact! = Civilizace [civName] a [otherCivName] podepsaly mírový pakt!
[otherCiv] has denied our Declaration of Friendship! = Civlizace [otherCiv] odmítla Vyhlášení přátelství!
Basics = Základy
@@ -1747,7 +1747,7 @@ Unique to [civName] = Unikátní pro [civName]
Tutorials = Návody
Cost = Cena
# Requires translation!
-Turns to build =
+Turns to build = Tahů potřebných k vybudování
May contain [listOfResources] = Může obsahovat [listOfResources]
May contain: = Může obsahovat:
Can upgrade from [unit] = Lze vylepšit z jednotky [unit]
@@ -1755,7 +1755,7 @@ Can upgrade from: = Lze vylepšit z:
Upgrades to [upgradedUnit] = Vylepšení na [upgradedUnit]
Obsolete with [obsoleteTech] = Zastará s technologií [obsoleteTech]
# Requires translation!
-Can Transform to [upgradedUnit] =
+Can Transform to [upgradedUnit] = Může se přetvořit na jednotku [upgradedUnit]
Occurs on [listOfTerrains] = Nalézá se na [listOfTerrains]
Occurs on: = Nalézá se na:
Placed on [terrainType] = Umístěn na [terrainType]
@@ -1764,18 +1764,18 @@ Improved by [improvement] = Vylepšeno díky [improvement]
Bonus stats for improvement = Bonusové statistiky pro vylepšení
Buildings that consume this resource = Budovy spotřebovávající tuto surovinu
# Requires translation!
-Buildings that provide this resource =
+Buildings that provide this resource = Budovy poskytující tuto surovinu
# Requires translation!
-Improvements that provide this resource =
+Improvements that provide this resource = Vylepšení poskytující tuto surovinu
Buildings that require this resource worked near the city = Budovy vyžadující tuto surovinu poblíž města
Units that consume this resource = Jednotky spotřebovávající tuto surovinu
Can be built on = Může být vybudováno na
# Requires translation!
-Cannot be built on =
+Cannot be built on = Nemůže být vybudováno v terénu
or [terrainType] = nebo [terrainType]
-Can be constructed by = Může být postaven jednotkou
+Can be constructed by = Může být postaveno jednotkou
# Requires translation!
-Can be created instantly by =
+Can be created instantly by = Může být okamžitě postaveno jednotkou
Defence bonus = Obranný bonus
Movement cost = Náročnost pohybu
for = za
@@ -1786,15 +1786,15 @@ Loading... = Nahrávám...
Filter: = Filtr:
# Requires translation!
-Map is incompatible with the chosen ruleset! =
+Map is incompatible with the chosen ruleset! = Mapa není kompatibilní s vybranou sadou pravidel!
Base terrain [terrain] does not exist in ruleset! = Základní terén [terrain] v pravidlech neexistuje!
Terrain feature [feature] does not exist in ruleset! = Terénní prvek [feature] v pravidlech neexistuje!
Resource [resource] does not exist in ruleset! = Surovina [resource] v pravidlech neexistuje!
Improvement [improvement] does not exist in ruleset! = Vylepšení [improvement] v pravidlech neexistuje!
# Requires translation!
-Nation [nation] does not exist in ruleset! =
+Nation [nation] does not exist in ruleset! = Národ [nation] v sadě pravidel neexistuje!
# Requires translation!
-Natural Wonder [naturalWonder] does not exist in ruleset! =
+Natural Wonder [naturalWonder] does not exist in ruleset! = Přirodní div [naturalWonder] v sadě pravidel neexistuje!
# Requires translation!
non-[filter] =
@@ -1838,9 +1838,9 @@ Granted by: = Pochází od:
[bonus] with [tech] = [bonus] s [tech]
Difficulty levels = Stupně obtížnosti
# Requires translation!
-The possible rewards are: =
+The possible rewards are: = Možné odměny jsou:
# Requires translation!
-Eras =
+Eras = Éry
# Requires translation!
Embarked strength: [amount]† =
# Requires translation!
@@ -1848,7 +1848,7 @@ Base unit buy cost: [amount]¤ =
# Requires translation!
Research agreement cost: [amount]¤ =
# Requires translation!
-Speeds =
+Speeds = Rychlosti
# Requires translation!
General speed modifier: [amount]%⏳ =
# Requires translation!
@@ -1888,11 +1888,11 @@ Needs removal of terrain features to be built =
# Requires translation!
Air Intercept Range: [amount] =
# Requires translation!
-Unit type =
+Unit type = Typ jednotky
# Requires translation!
-Units: =
+Units: = Jednotky:
# Requires translation!
-Unit types =
+Unit types = Typy jednotek
# Requires translation!
Domain: [param] =
# Requires translation!
@@ -1904,7 +1904,7 @@ No yields =
# Requires translation!
Mod: [modname] =
# Requires translation!
-Search text: =
+Search text: = Hledat text:
# Requires translation!
Invalid regular expression =
# Requires translation!
@@ -1912,41 +1912,41 @@ Mod filter: =
# Requires translation!
-Combined- =
# Requires translation!
-Search! =
+Search! = Hledat!
# Requires translation!
-Results =
+Results = Výsledky
# Requires translation!
-Nothing found! =
+Nothing found! = Nic nenalezeno!
# Policies
# Requires translation!
-Adopt =
+Adopt = Osvojit
# Requires translation!
-Completed =
+Completed = Dokončené
# Requires translation!
-On adoption =
+On adoption = Při osvojení
# Requires translation!
-On completion =
+On completion = Při dokončení
# Requires translation!
-Cannot be adopted together with =
+Cannot be adopted together with = Nemůže být osvojeno společně s politikou
# Requires translation!
-Cannot be adopted before =
+Cannot be adopted before = Nemůže být osvojeno před
Adopt policy = Přijmout sociální politiku
Adopt free policy = Přijmout sociální politiku zdarma
Unlocked at = Odemkne se po
Gain 2 free technologies = Získáte 2 technologie zdarma
All policies adopted = Všechny politiky přijaty
# Requires translation!
-[branchName] branch =
+[branchName] branch = větev [branchName]
Policy branch: [branchName] = Větev sociální politiky: [branchName]
# Requires translation!
-Are you sure you want to adopt [branchName]? =
+Are you sure you want to adopt [branchName]? = Jste si jisti, že chcete osvojit politiku [branchName]?
# Religions
# Requires translation!
-Religions =
+Religions = Náboženství
Choose an Icon and name for your Religion = Zvolit ikonu a pojmenovat náboženství
Choose a name for your religion = Zvolte jméno pro své náboženství
Choose a [beliefType] belief! = Zvolit [beliefType] přesvědčení!
@@ -1958,25 +1958,25 @@ Choose a Religion = Vybrat nábožentví
Found Religion = Založit náboženství
Found Pantheon = Založit panteon
# Requires translation!
-Reform Religion =
+Reform Religion = Reformovat náboženství
# Requires translation!
-Expand Pantheon =
+Expand Pantheon = Rozšířit Panteon
Follow [belief] = Následovat [belief]
Religions and Beliefs = Náboženství a přesvědčení
Majority Religion: [name] = Většinové náboženství: [name]
+ [amount] pressure = + [amount] tlak
# Requires translation!
-Holy City of: [religionName] =
+Holy City of: [religionName] = Svaté město pro: [religionName]
# Requires translation!
-Former Holy City of: [religionName] =
+Former Holy City of: [religionName] = Bývalé svaté město pro: [religionName]
# Requires translation!
-Followers =
+Followers = Následovníci
Pressure = Tlak
# Religion overview screen
Religion Name: = Jméno náboženství:
# Requires translation!
-Pantheon Name: =
+Pantheon Name: = Jméno panteonu:
Founding Civ: = Zakládající civilizace:
Holy City: = Svaté město:
Cities following this religion: = Města následující toto náboženství:
@@ -1988,17 +1988,17 @@ Minimal Faith required for\nthe next [Great Prophet]: = Minimální víra potře
# Requires translation!
Religions to be founded: [amount] =
# Requires translation!
-Available religion symbols =
+Available religion symbols = Dostupné náboženské symboly
# Requires translation!
-Number of civilizations * [amount] + [amount2] =
+Number of civilizations * [amount] + [amount2] = Počet civilizací * [amount] + [amount2]
# Requires translation!
-Estimated Number of civilizations * [amount] + [amount2] =
+Estimated Number of civilizations * [amount] + [amount2] = Odhadovaný počet civilizací * [amount] + [amount2]
# Requires translation!
-Religions already founded =
+Religions already founded = Již založené náboženství
# Requires translation!
-Available founder beliefs =
+Available founder beliefs = Dostupné názory zakladatelů
# Requires translation!
-Available follower beliefs =
+Available follower beliefs = Dostupné názory následovníků
Religious status: = Náboženský status:
None = Žádné
@@ -2013,20 +2013,20 @@ Enhanced religion = Vylepšené náboženství
# so feel free to not translate these strings for now
# Requires translation!
-Spy =
+Spy = Špeh
# Requires translation!
-Spy Hideout =
+Spy Hideout = Úkryt špeha
# Requires translation!
-Spy present =
+Spy present = Špeh přítomen
# Requires translation!
-Move =
+Move = Přesunout
After an unknown civilization entered the [eraName], we have recruited [spyName] as a spy! = Poté, co neznámá civilizace vstoupila do éry [eraName], naverbovali jsme [spyName] jako špeha!
We have recruited [spyName] as a spy! = Naverbovali jsme [spyName] jako špeha!
# Requires translation!
-Your spy [spyName] has leveled up! =
+Your spy [spyName] has leveled up! = Váš špeh [spyName] zvýšil svou úroveň!
# Requires translation!
-Your spy [spyName] has leveled up [amount] times! =
+Your spy [spyName] has leveled up [amount] times! = Váš špeh [spyName] [amount]krát zvýšil svou úroveň!
# Requires translation!
Your spy [spyName] cannot steal any more techs from [civName] as we've already researched all the technology they know! =
@@ -2117,33 +2117,33 @@ Invalid ID! = Neplatné ID!
# Multiplayer options tab
# Requires translation!
-Enable multiplayer status button in singleplayer games =
+Enable multiplayer status button in singleplayer games = Povolit tlačítko pro status Hra více hráčů v hrách pro jednoho hráče
# Requires translation!
-Update status of currently played game every: =
+Update status of currently played game every: = Aktualizovat stav právě hrané hry každých:
# Requires translation!
-In-game, update status of all games every: =
+In-game, update status of all games every: = Během hry, aktualizovat stav všech her každých:
# Requires translation!
-Server address =
+Server address = Adresa serveru
# Requires translation!
-Check connection to server =
+Check connection to server = Zkontrolovat připojení k serveru
# Requires translation!
-Awaiting response... =
+Awaiting response... = Čekání na odpověď...
# Requires translation!
-Success! =
+Success! = Podařilo se!
# Requires translation!
-Failed! =
+Failed! = Nepodařilo se!
# Requires translation!
-Sound notification for when it's your turn in your currently open game: =
+Sound notification for when it's your turn in your currently open game: = Zvukové upozornění, když jste na tahu ve své aktuálně otevřené hře:
# Requires translation!
-Sound notification for when it's your turn in any other game: =
+Sound notification for when it's your turn in any other game: = Zvukové upozornění, když jste na tahu v jakékoli jiné hře:
# Requires translation!
-Notification [number] =
+Notification [number] = Upozornění [number]
# Requires translation!
-Chimes =
+Chimes = Zvuky
# Requires translation!
Choir =
# Requires translation!
-[unit] Attack Sound =
+[unit] Attack Sound = Zvuk útoku jednotky [unit]
# Mods
@@ -2153,15 +2153,15 @@ Update [modName] = Aktualizovat [modName]
Could not download mod list = Nelze stáhnout seznam modů
Download mod from URL = Stáhnout z adresy
# Requires translation!
-Please enter the mod repository -or- archive zip -or- branch -or- release url: =
+Please enter the mod repository -or- archive zip -or- branch -or- release url: = Zadejte repozitář modu -nebo- archivovaný zip -nebo- větev -nebo- url:
# Requires translation!
-That is not a valid ZIP file =
+That is not a valid ZIP file = Toto není validní ZIP soubor
# Requires translation!
-Invalid Mod archive structure =
+Invalid Mod archive structure = Neplatný struktura archivu modu
# Requires translation!
-Invalid link! =
+Invalid link! = neplatný odkaz!
# Requires translation!
-Paste from clipboard =
+Paste from clipboard = Vložit ze schránky
Download = Stáhnout
Done! = Hotovo!
Delete [modName] = Smazat [modName]
@@ -2171,28 +2171,28 @@ Updated = Aktualizován
Current mods = Stažené módy
Downloadable mods = Dostupné módy
# Requires translation!
-Category: =
+Category: = Kategorie
# Requires translation!
-All mods =
+All mods = Všechny mody
# Requires translation!
-Rulesets =
+Rulesets = Soubory pravidel
# Requires translation!
-Expansions =
+Expansions = Expanze
# Requires translation!
-Graphics =
+Graphics = Grafika
# Requires translation!
-Audio =
+Audio = Zvuky
# Requires translation!
-Maps =
+Maps = Mapy
# Requires translation!
-Fun =
+Fun = Zábava
# Requires translation!
-Mods of mods =
+Mods of mods = Mody modů
Mod info and options = Informace o modu a možnosti
Next page = Další strana
Open Github page = Otevřít webovou stranu na Githubu
# Requires translation!
-Link copied to clipboard =
+Link copied to clipboard = Odkaz zkopírován do schránky
Permanent audiovisual mod = Trvalý audiovizuální mod
Installed = Nainstalováno
Downloaded! = Staženo!
@@ -2220,11 +2220,11 @@ Stars ↓ = Hvězdičky ↓
Status ↓ = Status ↓
# Requires translation!
-Scenarios =
+Scenarios = Scénáře
# Requires translation!
-Error loading scenario: =
+Error loading scenario: = Chyba při načítání scénáře
# Requires translation!
-Choose scenario =
+Choose scenario = Vyberte scénář
# Uniques that are relevant to more than one type of game object
@@ -2259,9 +2259,9 @@ Cocoa = Kakao
# Requires translation!
Building '[buildingName]' is buildable and therefore must either have an explicit cost or reference an existing tech. =
# Requires translation!
-Nation [nationName] is not found! =
+Nation [nationName] is not found! = Národ [nationName] nenalezen!
# Requires translation!
-Unit [unitName] doesn't seem to exist! =
+Unit [unitName] doesn't seem to exist! = Zdá se, že jednotka [unitName] neexistuje!
# In English we just paste all these conditionals at the end of each unique, but in your language that
@@ -2299,7 +2299,7 @@ ConditionalsPlacement = after
[stats] from every specialist [cityFilter] = [stats] za každého specialistu [cityFilter]
[stats] per [amount] population [cityFilter] = [stats] za každé [amount] obyvatele [cityFilter]
# Requires translation!
-[stats] per [amount] social policies adopted =
+[stats] per [amount] social policies adopted = [stats] za [amount] osvojených sociálních politik
# Requires translation!
[stats] per every [amount] [civWideStat] =
[stats] in cities on [terrainFilter] tiles = [stats] ve městech na políčkách [terrainFilter]
@@ -2317,11 +2317,11 @@ ConditionalsPlacement = after
[relativeAmount]% [stat] from every follower, up to [relativeAmount2]% = [relativeAmount]% [stat] za každého stoupence, až do [relativeAmount2]%
[relativeAmount]% [stat] from City-States = [relativeAmount]% [stat] od Městských států
# Requires translation!
-[relativeAmount]% [stat] from Trade Routes =
+[relativeAmount]% [stat] from Trade Routes = [relativeAmount]% [stat] z obchodních cest
# Requires translation!
-Nullifies [stat] [cityFilter] =
+Nullifies [stat] [cityFilter] = Nulifikuje [stat] [cityFilter]
# Requires translation!
-Nullifies Growth [cityFilter] =
+Nullifies Growth [cityFilter] = Nulifikuje růst [cityFilter]
[relativeAmount]% Production when constructing [buildingFilter] buildings [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount]% produkce při stavbě [buildingFilter] budovy [cityFilter]
[relativeAmount]% Production when constructing [baseUnitFilter] units [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount]% produkce při stavbě [baseUnitFilter] jednotky [cityFilter]
[relativeAmount]% Production when constructing [buildingFilter] wonders [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount]% produkce při stavbě [buildingFilter] divu [cityFilter]
@@ -2382,7 +2382,7 @@ Sell [buildingFilter] buildings [cityFilter] =
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies [relativeAmount]% less than normal = Každé založené město zvyšuje cenu sociální politiky o [relativeAmount]% méně než obvykle
[relativeAmount]% Culture cost of adopting new Policies = [relativeAmount]% bodů kultury k přijetí nové sociální politiky
# Requires translation!
-[stats] for every known Natural Wonder =
+[stats] for every known Natural Wonder = [stats] za každý známý přírodní div
# Requires translation!
[stats] for discovering a Natural Wonder (bonus enhanced to [stats2] if first to discover it) =
# Requires translation!
@@ -2410,20 +2410,20 @@ All newly-trained [baseUnitFilter] units [cityFilter] receive the [promotion] pr
[relativeAmount]% City Strength from defensive buildings = [relativeAmount]% síla města z obranných budov
[relativeAmount]% Strength for cities = [relativeAmount]% síly pro města
# Requires translation!
-Costs [amount] [stockpiledResource] =
+Costs [amount] [stockpiledResource] = Stojí [amount] [stockpiledResource]
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[relativeAmount]% = +[relativeAmount]% strategických surovin produkovaných říší
Double quantity of [resource] produced = Dvojnásobné množství suroviny [resource]
Enables Open Borders agreements = Lze uzavřít Dohodu o otevřených hranicích
Enables Research agreements = Zpřístupní Vědecké dohody
Science gained from research agreements [relativeAmount]% = [relativeAmount]% výzkumu z výzkumných dohod
# Requires translation!
-Enables Defensive Pacts =
+Enables Defensive Pacts = Zpřistupní obranné pakty
When declaring friendship, both parties gain a [relativeAmount]% boost to great person generation = Při Vyhlášení přátelství získají obě strany [relativeAmount]% bonus k zisku velkých osobností
Influence of all other civilizations with all city-states degrades [relativeAmount]% faster = Vliv ostatnich civilizací na městské státy klesá o [relativeAmount]% rychleji
Gain [amount] Influence with a [baseUnitFilter] gift to a City-State = Získá [amount] Vlivu s darem [baseUnitFilter] městskému státu
Resting point for Influence with City-States following this religion [amount] = Klidový bod pro Vliv městských států následujících toto náboženství [amount]
# Requires translation!
-Notified of new Barbarian encampments =
+Notified of new Barbarian encampments = Upotorňuje na nové tábořiště barbarů
Receive triple Gold from Barbarian encampments and pillaging Cities = Získává trojnásobek zlata z Barbarských táborů a drancování měst
# Requires translation!
When conquering an encampment, earn [amount] Gold and recruit a Barbarian unit =
@@ -2446,13 +2446,13 @@ New spies start with [amount] level(s) =
Starting tech = Výchozí technologie
Starts with [tech] = Začíná s technologií [tech]
# Requires translation!
-Starts with [policy] adopted =
+Starts with [policy] adopted = Začíná s osvojenou sociální politikou [policy]
Triggers victory = Vyvolá vítězství
Triggers a Cultural Victory upon completion = Vyvolá kulturní vítězství po dokončení
# Requires translation!
-May buy items in puppet cities =
+May buy items in puppet cities = Může kupovat věci ve městech s loutkovou vládou
# Requires translation!
-May not annex cities =
+May not annex cities = Nemůže anektovat města
"Borrows" city names from other civilizations in the game = "Půjčují" si jména měst od jiných národů ve hře
Cities are razed [amount] times as fast = Města jsou vypalována [amount] krát rychleji
Receive a tech boost when scientific buildings/wonders are built in capital = Technologický bonus při postavení vědecké budovy či divu v hlavním městě
@@ -2480,14 +2480,14 @@ Cost increases by [amount] when built =
# Requires translation!
[amount]% production cost =
# Requires translation!
-Can only be built =
+Can only be built = Může být pouze postaveno
Must have an owned [tileFilter] within [amount] tiles = Musí být do vzdálenosti [amount] od vlastněného políčka [tileFilter]
Enables nuclear weapon = Umožní stavět jadernou zbraň
Must not be on [tileFilter] = Nesmí být na políčku [tileFilter]
Must not be next to [tileFilter] = Nesmí být vedle políčka [tileFilter]
Indicates the capital city = Označuje hlavní město
# Requires translation!
-Moves to new capital when capital changes =
+Moves to new capital when capital changes = Přesune se do nového hlavního města, pokud se změní
Provides 1 extra copy of each improved luxury resource near this City = Poskytuje 1 další kopii každé luxusní suroviny na území tohoto města
Destroyed when the city is captured = Bude zničeno po obsazení města
Never destroyed when the city is captured = Nikdy se nezničí při obsazení města
@@ -2495,9 +2495,9 @@ Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured = Dvojnásobek zlata pro nepří
Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities = Odstraní zvýšenou nespokojenost občanů v anektovaných městech
Connects trade routes over water = Propojí obchodní cesty přes vodu
# Requires translation!
-Automatically built in all cities where it is buildable =
+Automatically built in all cities where it is buildable = Automaticky postavené ve všech městech, kde to lze
# Requires translation!
-Creates a [improvementName] improvement on a specific tile =
+Creates a [improvementName] improvement on a specific tile = Vytvorí vylepšení [improvementName] na specifickém políčku
Founds a new city = Zakládá nové město
# Requires translation!
Can instantly construct a [improvementFilter] improvement =
diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Filipino.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Filipino.properties
index a10a7457c3..74da71c696 100644
--- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Filipino.properties
+++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Filipino.properties
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ StartWithCapitalLetter = true
# See https://yairm210.github.io/Unciv/Other/Translating/#diacritics-support for details!
# Most languages will not need these, feel free to ignore, or use "" to avoid the "requires translation" mark. Do NOT translate the "key" to the left of the equals sign!
# Requires translation!
-diacritics_support =
+diacritics_support = ""
# Requires translation!
unicode_block_start_character =
# Requires translation!
@@ -126,10 +126,8 @@ Requires at least one of the following: = Kailangan ng kahit isa ng sumusunod:
Requires all of the following: = Kailangan ang lahat ng sumusunod:
Leads to [techName] = Humantong sa [techName]
Leads to: = Humantong sa:
- # Requires translation!
-Enables: =
- # Requires translation!
-Disables: =
+Enables: = Pinapagana ang:
+Disables: = Hindi Pinapagana:
Current construction = Kasalukuyang ginagawa
Construction queue = Pila ng mga gagawin
@@ -181,12 +179,9 @@ We have joined [allyCivName] in the war against [enemyCivName]! = Umanib tayo sa
[civName] has joined [allyCivName] in the war against [enemyCivName]! = [civName] ay Umanib sa [allyCivName] sa digmaan laban sa [enemyCivName]!
[civName] has joined us in the war against [enemyCivName]! = [civName] ay umanib sa atin sa digmaan laban sa [enemyCivName]!
# Team War
- # Requires translation!
-You and [allyCivName] have declared war against [enemyCivName]! =
- # Requires translation!
-[civName] and [allyCivName] have declared war against us! =
- # Requires translation!
-[civName] and [allyCivName] have declared war against [enemyCivName]! =
+You and [allyCivName] have declared war against [enemyCivName]! = Ikaw at ang [allyCivName] ay nagdeklara ng digmaan laban sa [enemyCivName]!
+[civName] and [allyCivName] have declared war against us! = Ang [civName] at [allyCivName] ay nagdeklara laban sa atin!
+[civName] and [allyCivName] have declared war against [enemyCivName]! = Ang [civName] at [allyCivName] ay nagdeklara laban sa [enemyCivName]!
[civName] cancelled their Defensive Pact with [otherCivName]! = [civName] ay kinansela ang Kasunduang Pang-depensa sa [otherCivName]!
[civName] cancelled their Defensive Pact with us! = [civName] ay kinansela ang Kasunduang Pang-depensa sa atin!
@@ -199,15 +194,13 @@ Do you want to break your promise to [leaderName]? = Gusto mo bang sirain ang iy
Break promise = Sirain ang pangako
We promised not to settle near them ([count] turns remaining) = Nangako tayo na hindi tayo magtatayo ng tirahan malapit sa kanila ([count] mga turns ang natitira)
They promised not to settle near us ([count] turns remaining) = Nangako sila na hindi sila magtatayo ng tirahan malapit sa atin ([count] mga turns ang natitira)
- # Requires translation!
-We promised not to spread religion to them ([count] turns remaining) =
- # Requires translation!
-They promised not to spread religion to us ([count] turns remaining) =
+We promised not to spread religion to them ([count] turns remaining) = Ipinangako natin na hindi papalaganapin ang ating relihiyon sa kanila ([count] bilang na nalalabi)
+They promised not to spread religion to us ([count] turns remaining) = Ipinangako nila na hindi papalaganapin ang kanilang relihiyon sa atin ([count] bilang na nalalabi)
[civName] is upset that you demanded tribute from [cityState], whom they have pledged to protect! = [civName] ay naiinis na humingi ka ng parangal mula sa [cityState], na pinangako nilang protektahan!
[civName] is upset that you attacked [cityState], whom they have pledged to protect! = [civName] ay nagagalit na inatake mo ang [cityState], na pinangako nilang protektahan!
# Requires translation!
-[civName] is upset that you attacked [cityState], whom they are allied with! =
+[civName] is upset that you attacked [cityState], whom they are allied with! = [civName] ay hindi natutuwa na inatake mo ang [cityState], na kakampi nila!
[civName] is outraged that you destroyed [cityState], whom they had pledged to protect! = [civName] ay nagagalit na sinira mo ang [cityState], na pinangako nilang protektahan!
[civName] has destroyed [cityState], whom you had pledged to protect! = Sinira ni [civName] ang [cityState], na pinangako mong protektahan!
@@ -215,7 +208,7 @@ Unforgivable = Hindi kita mapapatawad
Afraid = Natatakot
Enemy = Kalaban
Competitor = Kakumpitensiya
-Neutral = Hindi kaano-ano
+Neutral = Hindi kaano-ano
Favorable = Maaaring paboran
Friend = Kaibigan
Ally = Kakampi
@@ -230,28 +223,22 @@ Current leader(s): [leaders], you: [yourScore] = Kasalukuyang pinuno: [leaders],
Demands = Mga Kagustuhan
# Will be deprecated in a few versions
Please don't settle new cities near us. = Mangyaring huwag manirahan sa mga lungsod na malapit sa amin.
- # Requires translation!
-Don't settle new cities near us. =
+Don't settle new cities near us. = Huwag ka magtayo ng lungsod malapit sa amin.
Very well, we shall look for new lands to settle. = Magaling, maghahanap na lamang kami ng mga bagong lupaing titirhan.
We shall do as we please. = Gagawin namin ang aming kagustuhan.
We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have....implications. = Nakita namin ang iyong bagong lungsod malapit sa aming hangganan, sa kabila ng iyong pangako. Magkakaroon ito ng....implikasyon.
# Will be deprecated in a few versions
- # Requires translation!
-Please don't spread your religion to us. =
- # Requires translation!
-Don't spread religion in our cities. =
- # Requires translation!
-Very well, we shall spread our faith elsewhere. =
- # Requires translation!
-We noticed you have continued spreading your faith, despite your promise. This will have...consequences. =
+Please don't spread your religion to us. = Pakiusap huwag palaganapin ang inyong relihiyon sa amin.
+Don't spread religion in our cities. = Huwag magpalaganap ng relihiyon sa aming mga lungsod.
+Very well, we shall spread our faith elsewhere. = Paumanhin, sa ibang lugar na lamang kami magpapalaganap ng aming paniniwala
+We noticed you have continued spreading your faith, despite your promise. This will have...consequences. = Napansin namin na ipinagpatuloy ninyo ang pagpapalaganap ng inyong paniniwala sa kabila ng inyong pangako. Magkakaron ito ng... kaparusahan.
I've been informed that my armies have taken tribute from [civName], a city-state under your protection.\nI assure you, this was quite unintentional, and I hope that this does not serve to drive us apart. = Napag-alaman sa akin na ang aking mga hukbo ay kumuha ng tributo mula sa [civName], isang lungsod-estado sa ilalim ng iyong proteksyon.\nTinitiyak ko sa iyo, ito ay medyo hindi sinasadya, at umaasa ako na hindi ito magsilbi upang ihiwalay tayo.
We asked [civName] for a tribute recently and they gave in.\nYou promised to protect them from such things, but we both know you cannot back that up. = Humingi kami ng tributo kay [civName] kamakailan at nagbayad sila.\nNangako kang protektahan sila mula sa mga ganoong bagay, ngunit alam nating pareho na hindi mo iyon kayang gawin.
It's come to my attention that I may have attacked [civName].\nWhile it was not my goal to be at odds with your empire, this was deemed a necessary course of action. = Napag-alaman ko na maaaring inatake ko ang [civName], isang lungsod-estado sa ilalim ng iyong proteksyon.\nBagama't hindi ko layunin ang makipag-away sa iyong imperyo, ito ay itinuring na isang kinakailangang hakbang ng pagkilos.
I thought you might like to know that I've launched an invasion of one of your little pet states.\nThe lands of [civName] will make a fine addition to my own. = Naisip ko na baka gusto mong malaman na naglunsad ako ng pagsalakay sa isa sa iyong inaalagaan na maliit na estado.\nAng mga lupain ng [civName] ay gagawa ng magandang karagdagan sa aking sarili.
- # Requires translation!
Return [unitName] to [civName]? = Ibalik ang [unitName] kay [civName]?
The [unitName] we liberated originally belonged to [civName]. They will be grateful if we return it to them. = Ang [unitName] na ating pinalaya ay orihinal na pagmamay-ari ng [civName]. Magpapasalamat sila kung ibabalik natin ito sa kanila.
@@ -275,7 +262,7 @@ Declare Protection of [cityStateName]? = Magdeklara ng proteksyon sa [cityStateN
Build [improvementName] on [resourceName] (200 Gold) = Gumawa ng [improvementName] sa [resourceName] (200 Ginto)
Gift Improvement = Iregalo ang Pagpapabuti
[civName] is able to provide [unitName] once [techName] [isOrAre] researched. = [civName] ay kayang magbigay ng [unitName] sa sandaling ang [isOrAre] [techName] ay nasaliksik na.
-is = ""
+is = ay
are = mga
Diplomatic Marriage ([amount] Gold) = Diplomatikong Pagsasama ([amount] Ginto)
@@ -290,8 +277,7 @@ City-States grow wary of your aggression. The resting point for Influence has de
[cityState] is being attacked by [civName]! Kill [amount] of the attacker's military units and they will be immensely grateful. = Ang [cityState] ay inaatake ng [civName]! Pumatay ng [amount] umaaatake na yunit-militar at sila ay lubos na magpapasalamat.
[cityState] is deeply grateful for your assistance in the war against [civName]! = Ang [cityState] ay lubos na nagpapasalamat sa iyong tulong sa digmaan laban sa [civName]!
[cityState] no longer needs your assistance against [civName]. = Hindi na kailangan ng [cityState] ang iyong tulong laban sa [civName].
- # Requires translation!
-[cityState] cancelled the quests they had given you because you demanded tribute from them. =
+[cityState] cancelled the quests they had given you because you demanded tribute from them. = Ang [cityState] ay tumigil sa mga quests na kanilang ibinigay dahil ikaw ay humingi ng tributo sa kanila.
War against [civName] = Digmaan laban sa [civName]
We need you to help us defend against [civName]. Killing [amount] of their military units would slow their offensive. = Kailangan namin ng iyong tulong upang ipagtanggol kami laban sa [civName]. Ang pagpatay ng [amount] ng kanilang yunit-militar ay magpapabagal sa kanilang opensiba.
Currently you have killed [amount] of their military units. = Sa kasalukuyan [amount] ng kanilang mga yunit- militar ang napatay mo.
@@ -341,7 +327,7 @@ Sum: = Kabuuan:
Trade = Kalakalan
Offer trade = Mag-alok ng kalakalan
-They'll decide on their turn = Magdedesisyon sila sa kanilang turno
+They'll decide on their turn = Magdedesisyon sila sa kanilang tira
Retract offer = Bawiin ang alok
What do you have in mind? = Ano ang balak mo?
Our items = Ang ating mga aytem
@@ -349,7 +335,7 @@ Our trade offer = Ang ating mga alok
[otherCiv]'s trade offer = Ang mga alok ni [otherCiv]
[otherCiv]'s items = Ang mga aytem ni [otherCiv]
+[amount] untradable copy = +[amount] kopya na di mabibigay
-+[amount] untradable copies = +[amount] kopyang di mabibigay
++[amount] untradable copies = +[amount] mga kopyang di mabibigay
Pleasure doing business with you! = Ikinagagalak ko makipagnegosyo sa iyo!
I think not. = Sa tingin ko hindi.
That is acceptable. = Katanggap-tanggap yan.
@@ -360,7 +346,7 @@ Peace Treaty = Kasunduang Pangkapayapaan
Agreements = Mga Kasunduan
Defensive Pact = Kasunduang Pang-depensa
Open Borders = Malayang Pagdaan
-Gold per turn = Ginto kada turno
+Gold per turn = Ginto kada tira
Cities = Mga Lungsod
Technologies = Mga teknolohiya
Declarations of war = Mga deklarasyon ng digmaan
@@ -375,7 +361,7 @@ Non-existent city = Nawalang lungsod
[resourceName] not required = [resourceName] di kinakailangan
# Requires translation!
-Lost ability (vs [originalUnit]): [ability] =
+Lost ability (vs [originalUnit]): [ability] = Nawala ang abilidad (laban sa [originalUnit]: [ability])
Upgrade all [count] [unit] ([cost] gold) = I-upgrade lahat [count] [unit] ([cost] gold)
National ability = Pambansang Kakayahan
[firstValue] vs [secondValue] = [firstValue] laban sa [secondValue]
@@ -435,7 +421,7 @@ No Barbarians = Walang Barbaro
Disable starting bias = Pagbawalan ang panimulang pagkiling
Raging Barbarians = Nagngangalit na mga Salbahe
No Ancient Ruins = Walang Sinaunang Guho
-No Natural Wonders = Walang Natatanging Lugar
+No Natural Wonders = Walang Likas na Yaman
Allow anyone to spectate = Pahintulutan ang kahit sino na magobserba
Victory Conditions = Mga Kondisyon ng Tagumpay
Scientific = Siyentipiko
@@ -562,7 +548,7 @@ Rivers = Ilog
Load = I-load
Save = I-save
New map = Bagong mapa
-Empty = Walang laman
+Empty = Bakante
Save map = I-save ang mapa
Load map = I-load ang mapa
Delete map = Tanggalin ang mapa
@@ -598,38 +584,38 @@ Continent: [param] ([amount] tiles) = Kontinente: [param] ([amount] tiles)
Resource abundance = Dami ng mapagkukunan
Change map to fit selected ruleset? = Baguhin ang mapa upang umangkop sa mga napiling ruleset?
# Requires translation!
-Area: [amount] tiles, [amount2]% water, [amount3]% impassable, [amount4] continents/islands =
+Area: [amount] tiles, [amount2]% water, [amount3]% impassable, [amount4] continents/islands = Lugar: [amount] na tiles, [amount2]% tubig, [amount3]% hindi madadaanan, [amount4] mga kontinente/isla
Do you want to leave without saving the recent changes? = Gusto mo bang umalis nang hindi naitabi ang mga kamakailang pagbabago?
Leave = Umalis
Do you want to load another map without saving the recent changes? = Gusto mo bang mag-load ng isa pang mapa nang hindi naitabi ang mga kamakailang pagbabago?
River generation failed! = Pumalya ang paggawa ng mga ilog!
# Requires translation!
-Please don't use step 'Landmass' with map type 'Empty', create a new empty map instead. =
+Please don't use step 'Landmass' with map type 'Empty', create a new empty map instead. = Huwag gamitin ang 'Landmass' sa 'Bakante' na uri ng mapa, gumawa na lamang ng bagong bakanteng mapa.
This map has errors: = May mga pagkakamali sa mapa na ito
The incompatible elements have been removed. = Ang mga hindi tugmang elemento ay inalis na.
# Requires translation!
-Current map: World Wrap =
+Current map: World Wrap = Kasalukuyang mapa: World Wrap
# Requires translation!
-Overlay image =
+Overlay image = Overlay image
# Requires translation!
-Click to choose a file =
+Click to choose a file = Pumili ng file
# Requires translation!
-Choose an image =
+Choose an image = Pumili ng image
# Requires translation!
-Overlay opacity: =
+Overlay opacity: = Overlay opacity
# Requires translation!
-Invalid overlay image =
+Invalid overlay image = Inbalidong overlay image
# Requires translation!
-World wrap is incompatible with an overlay and was deactivated. =
+World wrap is incompatible with an overlay and was deactivated. = Ang World wrap ay hindi magagamit kasama ang overlay kaya ito ay hindi muna pinagana
# Requires translation!
-An overlay image is incompatible with world wrap and was deactivated. =
+An overlay image is incompatible with world wrap and was deactivated. = Ang overlay image ay hindi magagamit kasama ang world wrap kaya ito ay hindi muna pinagana
# Requires translation!
-Choose a Wesnoth map file =
+Choose a Wesnoth map file = Pumili ng Wesnoth na map file
That map is invalid! = Ang mapa na iyan ay hindi pwede!
# Requires translation!
-("[code]" does not conform to TerrainCodesWML) =
+("[code]" does not conform to TerrainCodesWML) = ("[code]" ay hindi sumusunod sa TerrainCodesWML)
# Requires translation!
-Use for new game "Select players" button: =
+Use for new game "Select players" button: = Gamitin sa bagong laro ang "Select players" na boton:
Enter a description for the users of this map = Maglagy ng deskripsyon para sa mga gumagamit nitong mapa
## Map/Tool names
@@ -642,7 +628,7 @@ Sprout vegetation = Sumibol ng mga halaman
Spawn rare features = Maglagay ng mga bihirang tampok
Distribute ice = Mamahagi ng yelo
Assign continent IDs = Magtalaga ng ID sa mga kontinente
-Place Natural Wonders = Maglagay ng mga likas na kamanghaan
+Place Natural Wonders = Maglagay ng mga likas na yaman
Let the rivers flow = Hayaan na umagos ang mga ilog
Spread Resources = Ikalat ang mga pagkukunan
Create ancient ruins = Gumawa ng mga sinaunang guho
@@ -699,7 +685,7 @@ Please input Player ID! = Pakilagyan mo po ang ID ng manlalaro!
The number of players will be adjusted = Ang bilang ng mga manlalaro ay iaayos
These [numberOfPlayers] players will be adjusted = Itong [numberOfPlayers] na manlalaro ay iaayos
# Requires translation!
-[numberOfExplicitPlayersText] to [playerRange] actual players by adding random AI's or by randomly omitting AI's. =
+[numberOfExplicitPlayersText] to [playerRange] actual players by adding random AI's or by randomly omitting AI's. = [numberOfExplicitPlayersText] hanggang [playerRange] na manlalaro kapag nagdadagdag o bawas ng anumang AI
Set current user = Ilagay ang kasalukuyang user
Player ID from clipboard = ID ng manlalaro sa clipboard
Player ID from friends list = ID mula sa listahan ng mga kaibigan
@@ -732,17 +718,17 @@ You can only resign if it's your turn = Pwede ka lang sumuko kapag pagkakataon m
## Force resign button
# Requires translation!
-Force current player to resign =
+Force current player to resign = Pwersahin ang kasalukuyang player na sumuko
# Requires translation!
-Are you sure you want to force the current player to resign? =
+Are you sure you want to force the current player to resign? = Sigurado ka ba talaga na pupwersahin mo ang kasalukuyang player na sumuko?
# Requires translation!
-Skip turn of current player =
+Skip turn of current player = Laktawan ang tira ng kasalukuyang player
# Requires translation!
-Are you sure you want to skip the turn of the current player? =
+Are you sure you want to skip the turn of the current player? = Sigurado ka ba talaga na gusto mong laktawan ang tira ng kasalukuyang player?
Last refresh: [duration] ago = Huling pagbabago: [duration] ang nakararaan
-Current Turn: [civName] since [duration] ago = Kasalukuyang turno: [civName] noong [duration] ang nakararaan
+Current Turn: [civName] since [duration] ago = Kasalukuyang tira: [civName] noong [duration] ang nakararaan
Seconds = Segundo
Minutes = Minuto
Hours = Oras
@@ -772,7 +758,7 @@ Current saves = Kasalukuyang tinabi
Show autosaves = Ipakita ang mga agarang tinabi
Saved game name = Tinabi na laro
# This is the save game name the dialog will suggest
-[player] - [turns] turns = [player] - [turns] turno
+[player] - [turns] turns = [player] - [turns] na tira
Copy to clipboard = Kopyahin sa clipboard
Copy saved game to clipboard = Kopyahin ang tinabi na laro sa clipboard
Could not load game! = Di kayang i-load ang laro!
@@ -781,7 +767,7 @@ Could not load game from custom location! = Hindi kayang mag-load mula sa pinili
The file data seems to be corrupted. = Parang may sira ang datos ng file.
The save was created with an incompatible version of Unciv: [version]. Please update Unciv to this version or later and try again. = Itong tinabi na laro ay hindi tugma sa bersyon ng Unciv: [version]. Pakitaas ang bersyon ng Unciv sa bersyong ito at subukan itong muli.
# Requires translation!
-You do not have sufficient permissions to access the file. =
+You do not have sufficient permissions to access the file. = Wala kang permiso para buksan ang file.
Load [saveFileName] = I-load ang [saveFileName]
Are you sure you want to delete this save? = Sigurado ka ba na gusto mong tanggalin ang tinabing laro na ito?
Delete save = Tanggalin ang tinabi
@@ -801,9 +787,9 @@ Load from custom location = Mag-load mula sa piniling lokasyon
Save to custom location = Itabi sa piniling lokasyon
Could not save game to custom location! = Hindi kayang itabi ang laro sa piniling lokasyon!
# Requires translation!
-'[saveFileName]' copied to clipboard! =
+'[saveFileName]' copied to clipboard! = '[savefileName]' ay nakopya sa clipboard!
# Requires translation!
-Could not save game to clipboard! =
+Could not save game to clipboard! = Hindi mai-save ang laro sa clipboard!
Download missing mods = I-download ang mga nawawalang mod
Missing mods are downloaded successfully. = Matagumpay na na-download ang mga nawawalang mod.
Could not load the missing mods! = Hindi kayang ma-load ang mga nawawalang mod.
@@ -815,23 +801,23 @@ Could not find a mod named "[modName]". = Hindi kayang mahanap ang mod na may pa
Options = Opsyons
## About tab
-About = Tungkol
+About = Patungkol
Version = Bersyon
See online Readme = Tignan ang online na Readme
-Visit repository = Bumisita sa repositoryo
+Visit repository = Bisitahin ang repository
# Requires translation!
-Visit the wiki =
+Visit the wiki = Bisitahin ang wiki
## Display tab
-Display = Pagpapakita
+Display = Grapiks
### Screen subgroup
Screen = Screen
Screen Mode = Screen Mode
-Windowed = Naka-window
-Fullscreen = Buong Screen
-Borderless = Walang border
+Windowed = Windowed
+Fullscreen = Fullscreen
+Borderless = Borderless
Screen Size = Laki ng Screen
@@ -867,10 +853,10 @@ Reset = Magsimula muli
Show zoom buttons in world screen = Ipakita ang zoom na button sa screen ng mundo.
Experimental Demographics scoreboard = Eksperimental na Talaan ng mga Demograpiko
# Requires translation!
-Never close popups by clicking outside =
+Never close popups by clicking outside = Hindi magsasara ang popups sa pag pinindot ng labas
# Requires translation!
-Size of Unitset art in Civilopedia =
+Size of Unitset art in Civilopedia = Laki ng Unitset art sa Sibilopedya
### Visual Hints subgroup
@@ -887,7 +873,7 @@ Unit icon opacity = Linaw ng icon ng yunit
### Performance subgroup
# Requires translation!
-Performance =
+Performance = Performance
Continuous rendering = Tuloy-tuloy na pag-render
When disabled, saves battery life but certain animations will be suspended = Pag na-disable, humahaba ang buhay ng baterya pero ipagpapaliban ang ibang mga animasyon
@@ -897,20 +883,20 @@ Check for idle units = Suriin ang mga walang ginagawa
Auto Unit Cycle = Kusa na Pumili ng mga Yunit
Move units with a single tap = Pumunta gamit ng isang pindot
# Requires translation!
-Move units with a long tap =
+Move units with a long tap = Pagalawin ang mga yunits sa mahabang pindot
Auto-assign city production = Kusang italaga ang produksyon sa lungsod
Auto-build roads = Kusang gawin ang mga daan
Automated workers replace improvements = Kusang gagawin ng mga manggagawa ang mga pagbubuti
-Automated units move on turn start = Kusang paggalaw ng mga yunit sa simula ng turno
+Automated units move on turn start = Kusang paggalaw ng mga yunit sa simula ng tira
# Requires translation!
-Automated units can upgrade =
+Automated units can upgrade = Automated units ay kusang makakapag-upgrade
# Requires translation!
-Automated units choose promotions =
+Automated units choose promotions = Automated units ay makakapili ng mga promosyon
# Requires translation!
-Cities auto-bombard at end of turn =
+Cities auto-bombard at end of turn = Ang mga lungsod ay kusang magpapasabog sa dulo ng tira.
Order trade offers by amount = Magbigay ng alok ayon sa dami
-Ask for confirmation when pressing next turn = Humingi ng kumpirmasyon kapag pipindot ng susunod na turno
-Notifications log max turns = Sukdulan ng mga turno sa mga abiso
+Ask for confirmation when pressing next turn = Humingi ng kumpirmasyon kapag pipindot ng susunod na tira
+Notifications log max turns = Hangganan ng mga tira sa mga abiso
## Language tab
@@ -934,7 +920,7 @@ Downloading... = Nagdodownload...
Could not download music! = Di ma-download ang musika!
—Paused— = —Nakatigil—
# Requires translation!
-—Default— =
+—Default— = -Default-
—History— = —Kasaysayan—
## Advanced tab
@@ -946,9 +932,9 @@ Landscape (fixed) = Pahalang (di-nagbabago)
Portrait (fixed) = Patayo (di-nagbabago)
Auto (sensor adjusted) = Awtomatiko (inaayos ng sensor)
# Requires translation!
-Enable using display cutout areas =
+Enable using display cutout areas = Paganahin ang pagpapakita sa mga lugar na naputol
# Requires translation!
-Hide system status and navigation bars =
+Hide system status and navigation bars = Itago ang system status at navigation bars
Font family = Pamilya ng font
Font size multiplier = Paglaki ng font size
Default Font = Panimulang Font
@@ -956,15 +942,15 @@ Default Font = Panimulang Font
Max zoom out = Pinakamataas na pagtingin sa malayo
Enable Easter Eggs = Paganahin ang mga Easter Eggs
# Requires translation!
-Enable Scenarios (experimental) =
+Enable Scenarios (experimental) = Paganahin ang mga Senaryo (experimental)
# Requires translation!
-Enlarge selected notifications =
+Enlarge selected notifications = Palakihin ang mga piniling abiso
Generate translation files = Gumawa ng files para sa pagsasalin
Translation files are generated successfully. = Ang mga files ng pagsasalin ay matagumpay na nabuo.
Fastlane files are generated successfully. = Ang mga fastlane na files ay matagumpay na nabuo.
# Requires translation!
-Update Mod categories =
+Update Mod categories = Iupgrade and Mod categories
## Keys tab
Keys = Mga Pinipindot
@@ -992,16 +978,16 @@ You need to restart the game for this change to take effect. = Kailangan mo i-re
# AutomationTab
# Requires translation!
-Automation =
+Automation = Automasyon
# AutoPlay
AutoPlay = Kusang Paglaro
Show AutoPlay button = Ipakita ang pindutan ng Kusang Paglaro
# Requires translation!
-Multi-turn AutoPlay amount =
+Multi-turn AutoPlay amount = Dami ng Multi-turn AutoPlay
AutoPlay until victory = Kusang Paglaro hanggang manalo
-Start AutoPlay = Simulan ang Kusang Paglaro
+Start AutoPlay = Simulan ang AutoPlay
# Requires translation!
AutoPlay End Turn =
# Requires translation!
@@ -1040,7 +1026,7 @@ The city of [cityname] has started constructing [construction]! = Ang lungsod ng
[civilization] has started constructing [construction]! = Nagsimulang gumawa ang [civilization] ng [construction]!
An unknown civilization has started constructing [construction]! = Isang di-kilalang sibilisasyon ang nagsimulang gumawa ng [construction]!
# Requires translation!
-[cityName] has started working on [construction] =
+[cityName] has started working on [construction] = [cityName] ay nagsimula sa pagbuo ng [constructions]
[cityName] has expanded its borders! = Lumawak ang hangganan ng [cityName]!
Your Golden Age has ended. = Natapos na ang ating Ginintuang Panahon.
[cityName] has been razed to the ground! = [cityName] ay sinira hanggang sa lupa!
@@ -1052,7 +1038,7 @@ An enemy [unit] has attacked our [ourUnit] = Isang kalaban na [unit] ang sumalak
An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has attacked our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = Isang kalaban na [unit] ([amount] HP) ang sumalakay sa ating [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP)
Enemy city [cityName] has attacked our [ourUnit] = Ang kalaban na lungsod ng [cityName] ay umatake sa ating [ourUnit]
# Requires translation!
-Enemy city [cityName] has attacked our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) =
+Enemy city [cityName] has attacked our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = Ang kalaban na lungsod [cityName] ay inatake ang ating [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP)
An enemy [unit] has captured [cityName] = Isang kalaban na [unit] ang sumakop sa [cityName]
An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has captured [cityName] ([amount2] HP) = Isang kalaban na [unit] ([amount] HP) ang sumakop sa [cityName] ([amount2] HP)
An enemy [unit] has raided [cityName] = Isang kalaban na [unit] ang lumusob sa [cityName]
@@ -1089,11 +1075,11 @@ Your city [cityName] can bombard the enemy! = Ang ating lungsod ng [cityName] ay
[amount] enemy units were spotted near our territory = [amount] na kalaban ang namataan malapit sa ating sinasakupan
[amount] enemy units were spotted in our territory = [amount] na kalaban ang namataan sa loob ng ating sinasakupan
# Requires translation!
-A(n) [nukeType] from [civName] has exploded in our territory! =
+A(n) [nukeType] from [civName] has exploded in our territory! = A(n) [nukeType] galing sa [civName] ay sumabog sa ating teritoryo!
# Requires translation!
-A(n) [nukeType] has been detonated by [civName]! =
+A(n) [nukeType] has been detonated by [civName]! = A(n) [nukeType] ay pinasabog ng [civName]
# Requires translation!
-A(n) [nukeType] has been detonated by an unknown civilization! =
+A(n) [nukeType] has been detonated by an unknown civilization! = A(n) [nukeType] ay pinasabog ng hindi kilalang sibilisasyon!
After an attempted attack by our [nukeType], [civName] has declared war on us! = Pagkatapos ng pagtatangkang atake ng ating [nukeType], [civName] ay nagdeklara ng digmaan laban sa atin!
After being hit by our [nukeType], [civName] has declared war on us! = Pagkatapos matamaan ng ating [nukeType], nagdeklara ng digmaan ang [civName] sa atin!
The civilization of [civName] has been destroyed! = Nawasak na ang sibilisasyon ng [civName]!
@@ -1125,22 +1111,22 @@ You and [name] are no longer allies! = Hindi na kayo magkakampi ni [name].
[cityName] has been connected to your capital! = Konektado na sa ating kabisera ang lungsod ng [cityName]!
[cityName] has been disconnected from your capital! = Naputol ang koneksyon na galing sa ating kabisera ang lungsod ng [cityName]!
# Requires translation!
-Connect road completed =
+Connect road completed = Kumpleto na ang pagkunekta sa kalsada
[civName] has accepted your trade request = Tinanggap ng [civName] ang alok natin na magpalitan
[civName] has made a counteroffer to your trade request = Gumawa ng isang panibagong alok ang [civName] batay sa ating alok na magpalitan!
[civName] has denied your trade request = Tinanggi ng [civName] ang ating alok na magpalitan
[tradeOffer] from [otherCivName] has ended = Tapos na ang alok na [tradeOffer] ng [otherCivName]
[tradeOffer] to [otherCivName] has ended = Tapos na ang ating alok na [tradeOffer] para sa [otherCivName]
-[tradeOffer] from [otherCivName] will end in [amount] turns = [tradeOffer] mula kay [otherCivName] ay magwawakas sa loob ng [amount] turno
-[tradeOffer] from [otherCivName] will end next turn = [tradeOffer] mula kay [otherCivName] ay magtatapos sa susunod na turno
+[tradeOffer] from [otherCivName] will end in [amount] turns = [tradeOffer] mula kay [otherCivName] ay magwawakas sa loob ng [amount] na tira
+[tradeOffer] from [otherCivName] will end next turn = [tradeOffer] mula kay [otherCivName] ay magtatapos sa susunod na tira
One of our trades with [nation] has ended = Isa sa mga palitan natin sa [nation] ay natapos na
One of our trades with [nation] has been cut short = Isa sa mga palitan natin sa [nation] ay naputol
[nation] agreed to stop settling cities near us! = Sumang-ayon ang [nation] na huminto sa pagtatag ng mga lungsod na malapit sa atin!
[nation] refused to stop settling cities near us! = Tumanggi ang [nation] na huminto sa pagtatag ng mga lungsod na malapit sa atin!
# Requires translation!
-[nation] agreed to stop spreading religion to us! =
+[nation] agreed to stop spreading religion to us! = [nation] ay pumayag na itigil ang paglaganap ng relihiyon sa atin!
# Requires translation!
-[nation] refused to stop spreading religion to us! =
+[nation] refused to stop spreading religion to us! = [nation] ay hindi pumayag na itigil ang paglaganap ng relihiyon sa atin!
We have allied with [nation]. = Kakampi na natin ang [nation].
We have lost alliance with [nation]. = Hindi na natin kakampi ang [nation].
We have discovered [naturalWonder]! = Nadiskubre natin ang [naturalWonder]!
@@ -1210,13 +1196,13 @@ due to entering the [eraName] = dahil sa pagpasok sa [eraName]
due to constructing [buildingName] = dahil sa pagtayo ng [buildingName]
due to gaining a [unitName] = dahil sa pagtanggap ng [unitName]
due to founding a city = dahil sa pagtatag ng isang lungsod
-due to discovering a Natural Wonder = dahil sa pagdiskubre ng isang Likas na Kamanghaan
+due to discovering a Natural Wonder = dahil sa pagdiskubre ng isang Likas na Yaman
due to our [unitName] defeating a [otherUnitName] = dahil sa pagwawagi ng ating [unitName] sa [otherUnitName]
due to our [unitName] being defeated by a [otherUnitName] = dahil sa pagkatalo ng ating [unitName] sa [otherUnitName]
due to our [unitName] losing [amount] HP = dahil sa pagkabawas ng ating [unitName] ng [amount] HP
due to our [unitName] being promoted = dahil sa pagtaas ng ranggo ng ating [unitName]
# Requires translation!
-due to expending our [unitName] =
+due to expending our [unitName] = dahil sa paggamit ng ating [unitName]
from the ruins = mula sa mga guho
# World Screen UI
@@ -1225,20 +1211,20 @@ Working... = Tinatrabaho...
Waiting for other players... = Hinihintay ang iba pang mga manlalaro...
Waiting for [civName]... = Naghihintay para kay [civName]...
in = loob ng
-Next turn = Sunod na turno
-Confirm next turn = Kumpirmahin ang susunod na turno
+Next turn = Sunod na tira
+Confirm next turn = Kumpirmahin ang susunod na tira
Move automated units = Igalaw ang mga na-automeyt na yunit
[currentPlayerCiv] ready? = handa ka ba [currentPlayerCiv]?
-1 turn = 1 turno
-[numberOfTurns] turns = [numberOfTurns] mga turno
-Turn = Turno
-turns = mga turno
-turn = turno
+1 turn = 1 tira
+[numberOfTurns] turns = [numberOfTurns] na tira
+Turn = Tira
+turns = mga tira
+turn = tira
Next unit = Sunod na yunit
Fog of War = Ulap ng Digmaan
Pick a policy = Pumili ng Patakaran
# Requires translation!
-Move Spies =
+Move Spies = Pagalawin ang mga Espiya
Movement = Paggalaw
Strength = Lakas
Ranged strength = Pangmalayong lakas
@@ -1257,17 +1243,17 @@ Fortify = Kutaan
Fortify until healed = Kutaan hanggang gumaling
Fortification = Kuta
# Requires translation!
-Guard =
+Guard = Guwardiya
# Requires translation!
-Guarding =
+Guarding = Binabantayan
Sleep = Matulog
Sleep until healed = Matulog hanggang gumaling
Moving = Gumagalaw
Set up = Ihanda
# Requires translation!
-Escort formation =
+Escort formation = Pormasyon ng escort
# Requires translation!
-Stop Escort formation =
+Stop Escort formation = Ihinti ang pormasyon ng escort
Paradrop = Lumundag sa ere
Air Sweep = Air Sweep
Add in capital = Idagdag sa kabisera
@@ -1388,14 +1374,14 @@ Specialists = Espesyalista
[specialist] slots = [specialist] puwang
Food eaten = Mga kinakain
Unassigned population = Bakanteng populasyon
-[turnsToExpansion] turns to expansion = [turnsToExpansion] turno para magpalawak
+[turnsToExpansion] turns to expansion = [turnsToExpansion] na tira para magpalawak
Stopped expansion = Nahinto ang pagpapalawak
-[turnsToPopulation] turns to new population = [turnsToPopulation] turno para sa bagong populasyon
+[turnsToPopulation] turns to new population = [turnsToPopulation] na tira para sa bagong populasyon
Food converts to production = Pagkain ay ginagawang produksyon
-[turnsToStarvation] turns to lose population = [turnsToStarvation] turno para mawalan ng populasyon
+[turnsToStarvation] turns to lose population = [turnsToStarvation] na tira para mawalan ng populasyon
Stopped population growth = Nahinto ang paglaki ng populasyon
-In resistance for another [numberOfTurns] turns = Pag-aalsa sa loob ng [numberOfTurns] turno
-We Love The King Day for another [numberOfTurns] turns = Mananatili Ang Araw ng Ating Mahal na Hari sa loob ng [numberOfTurns] turno
+In resistance for another [numberOfTurns] turns = Pag-aalsa sa loob ng [numberOfTurns] na tira
+We Love The King Day for another [numberOfTurns] turns = Mananatili Ang Araw ng Ating Mahal na Hari sa loob ng [numberOfTurns] na tira
Demanding [resource] = Hinihingi ang [resource]
Sell for [sellAmount] gold = Ibenta sa halagang [sellAmount] ginto
Sell = Ibenta
@@ -1404,7 +1390,7 @@ Free = Libre
[greatPerson] points = [greatPerson] puntos
Great person points = Puntos para sa Dakilang Tao
Current points = Kasalukuyang puntos
-Points per turn = Puntos kada turno
+Points per turn = Puntos kada tira
Convert production to gold at a rate of 4 to 1 = Ipagpalit ang 4 produksyon sa 1 ginto
Convert production to science at a rate of [rate] to 1 = Ipagpalit ang produksyon sa siyensya sa palitan ng [rate] sa 1
Convert production to [stat] at a rate of [rate] to 1 = Ipagpalit ang produksyon sa [stat] sa palitan ng [rate] sa 1
@@ -1418,28 +1404,28 @@ Move to city = Lumipat sa lungsod
Reset Citizens = I-reset ang mga Mamamayan
Citizen Management = Pamamahala ng Mamamayan
# Requires translation!
-Citizen Focus =
+Citizen Focus = Foucs ng Mamamayan
Avoid Growth = Umiwas sa Paglago
# Requires translation!
-Manual =
+Manual = Manual
Please enter a new name for your city = Mangyaring maglagay ng bagong pangalan para sa iyong lungsod
Please select a tile for this building's [improvement] = Mangyaring pumili ng tile para sa [improvement] ng gusali
# Requires translation!
-Move to the top of the queue =
+Move to the top of the queue = Ilipat sa taas ng pila
# Requires translation!
-Move to the end of the queue =
+Move to the end of the queue = Ilipat sa dulo ng pila
# Requires translation!
-Add to the top of the queue =
+Add to the top of the queue = Idagdag sa taas ng pila
# Requires translation!
-Add to the queue in all cities =
+Add to the queue in all cities = Idagdag sa pila ng lahat ng lungsod
# Requires translation!
-Add or move to the top in all cities =
+Add or move to the top in all cities = Idagdag o ilipat sa taas ng pila sa lahat ng mga lungsod
# Requires translation!
-Remove from the queue in all cities =
+Remove from the queue in all cities = Alisin sa mga pila ng lahat ng mga lungsod
# Requires translation!
-Disable =
+Disable = Hindi Ipagana
# Requires translation!
-Enable =
+Enable = Ipagana
# Specialized Popups - Ask for text or numbers, file picker
@@ -1569,7 +1555,7 @@ Our Civilization: = Ang Ating Sibilisasyon:
Known and alive ([numberOfCivs]) = Kilala at Buhay ([numberOfCivs])
Known and defeated ([numberOfCivs]) = Kilala at Natalo ([numberOfCivs])
Tiles = Mga tiles
-Natural Wonders = Mga Likas na Kamanghaan
+Natural Wonders = Mga Likas na Yaman
Treasury deficit = Pagkukulang sa pananalapi
Unknown = Hindi kilala
Not built = Hindi naitayo
@@ -1580,10 +1566,10 @@ Near [city] = Malapit sa [city]
Somewhere around [city] = Sa paligid ng [city]
Far away = Malayo
Status = Katayuan
-Current turn = Kasalukuyang turno
+Current turn = Kasalukuyang tira
# Requires translation!
-You =
-Turn [turnNumber] = Turno [turnNumber]
+You = Ikaw
+Turn [turnNumber] = ika-[turnNumber] na tira
Location = Lokasyon
Unimproved = Hindi pinagbuti
Number of tiles with this resource\nin your territory, without an\nappropriate improvement to use it = Bilang ng mga tile na may ganitong mapagkukunan\n sa iyong teritoryo, nang walang isang\n hindi naaangkop na pagpapabuti sa paggamit nito
@@ -1627,13 +1613,13 @@ You have won a [victoryType] Victory! = Nanalo ka ng [victoryType] na Tagumpay!
[civilization] has won a [victoryType] Victory! = Nanalo ang [civilization] ng [victoryType] na Tagumpay!
Your civilization stands above all others! The exploits of your people shall be remembered until the end of civilization itself! = Ang iyong sibilisasyon ay higit sa lahat! Ang mga pagsulong ng iyong mga tao ay maaalala hanggang sa katapusan ng sibilisasyon mismo!
You have been defeated. Your civilization has been overwhelmed by its many foes. But your people do not despair, for they know that one day you shall return - and lead them forward to victory! = Ikaw ay natalo. Ang iyong sibilisasyon ay dinaig ng maraming kalaban nito. Ngunit ang iyong mga tao ay hindi nawalan ng pag-asa, dahil alam nila na isang araw ay babalik ka - at akayin sila pasulong sa tagumpay!
-One more turn...! = Isa pang turno...!
+One more turn...! = Isa pang pagkakataon...!
Destroy [civName] = Wasakin ang [civName]
Capture [cityName] = Kunin ang [cityName]
Destroy ? * [civName] = Wasakin ? * [civName]
Capture ? * [cityName] = Bihagin ? * [cityName]
# Requires translation!
-Majority religion of ? * [civName] =
+Majority religion of ? * [civName] = Karamihan sa relihiyon ng ? * [civName]
Our status = Ang ating katayuan
Global status = Pandaigdigang katayuan
Rankings = Mga Ranggo
@@ -1660,11 +1646,11 @@ Voted for = Bumoto para sa
[number] votes = [number] na mga boto
[number] vote = [number] na boto
# Requires translation!
-No valid votes were cast. =
+No valid votes were cast. = Walang balidong boto ang inilagay.
# Requires translation!
-Minimum votes for electing a world leader: [number] =
+Minimum votes for electing a world leader: [number] = Pinakamababang boto sa pagluklok ng pinuno ng mundo: [number]
# Requires translation!
-Tied in first position: [civNames] =
+Tied in first position: [civNames] = Nagpantay sa unang posisyon: [civNames]
No world leader was elected. = Walang nahalal bilang pinuno ng mundo.
You have been elected world leader! = Ikaw ay nahalal bilang pinuno ng mundo!
[leaderName] of [civ] has been elected world leader! = [leaderName] ng [civ] ay nahalal bilang pinuno ng mundo!
@@ -1677,7 +1663,7 @@ Annex = Isanib
Annexed cities become part of your regular empire. = Ang mga pinagsanib na lungsod ay magiging bahagi ng iyong regular na imperyo.
Their citizens generate 2x the unhappiness, unless you build a courthouse. = Ang kanilang mga mamamayan ay nagdudulot ng 2x na kalungkutan, maliban kung magtatayo ka ng isang hukuman.
# Requires translation!
-Your civilization may not annex this city. =
+Your civilization may not annex this city. = Hindi maaaring i-annex ng sibilisasyon mo ang lungsod na ito.
Puppet = Papet
Puppeted cities do not increase your tech or policy cost. = Hindi pinapataas ng mga papet na lungsod ang gastos sa teknolohiya o polisiya.
You have no control over the the production of puppeted cities. = Wala kang kontrol sa paggawa ng mga papet na lungsod.
@@ -1686,9 +1672,9 @@ A puppeted city can be annexed at any time. = Ang isang papet na lungsod ay maaa
Liberate (city returns to [originalOwner]) = Palayain (babalik ang lungsod sa [originalOwner])
Liberating a city returns it to its original owner, giving you a massive relationship boost with them! = Ang pagpapalaya sa isang lungsod ay nagbabalik nito sa orihinal nitong may-ari, na nagbibigay sa iyo ng napakalaking pagpapalakas ng relasyon sa kanila!
Raze = Tupukin
-Razing the city annexes it, and starts burning the city to the ground. = Sinasama ang lungsod sa imperyo kapag ito'y tinutupok, at nagsismulang sunugin ito mula sa lupa.
+Razing the city annexes it, and starts burning the city to the ground. = Sinasama ang lungsod sa imperyo kapag ito'y tinutupok, at nagsisimulang sunugin ito mula sa lupa.
# Requires translation!
-Razing the city puppets it, and starts burning the city to the ground. =
+Razing the city puppets it, and starts burning the city to the ground. = Ang pagsira sa lungsod ay gagawin itong manika, at nagsisimulang sunugin ito mula sa lupa.
The population will gradually dwindle until the city is destroyed. = Ang populasyon ay unti-unting bababa hanggang sa masira ang lungsod.
Original capitals and holy cities cannot be razed. = Ang mga orihinal na kabisera at mga banal na lungsod ay hindi maaaring sirain.
Destroy = Wasakin
@@ -1698,9 +1684,9 @@ Remove your troops in our border immediately! = Alisin mo agad ang iyong mga tro
Sorry. = Paumanhin.
Never! = Hindi kailanman!
-Offer Declaration of Friendship ([30] turns) = Mag-alok ng Deklarasyon ng Pagkakaibigan ([30] turno)
+Offer Declaration of Friendship ([30] turns) = Mag-alok ng Deklarasyon ng Pagkakaibigan ([30] na tira)
My friend, shall we declare our friendship to the world? = Aking kaibigan, ipahayag ba natin ang ating pagkakaibigan sa mundo?
-Sign Declaration of Friendship ([30] turns) = Pumirma ng Deklarasyon ng Pagkakaibigan ([30] turno)
+Sign Declaration of Friendship ([30] turns) = Pumirma ng Deklarasyon ng Pagkakaibigan ([30] na tira)
We are not interested. = Hindi kami interesado.
We have signed a Declaration of Friendship with [otherCiv]! = Pumirma tayo ng Deklarasyon ng Pagkakaibigan sa [otherCiv]!
[civName] and [otherCivName] have signed a Defensive Pact! = [civName] at [otherCivName] ay pumirma ng Kasunduang Pang-depensa!
@@ -1753,7 +1739,7 @@ Terrain feature [feature] does not exist in ruleset! = Ang tampok sa kalupaan na
Resource [resource] does not exist in ruleset! = Ang mapagkukunan na [resource] ay wala sa ruleset!
Improvement [improvement] does not exist in ruleset! = Ang pagbubuti na [improvement] ay wala sa ruleset!
Nation [nation] does not exist in ruleset! = Ang nasyon ng [nation] ay wala sa ruleset!
-Natural Wonder [naturalWonder] does not exist in ruleset! = Ang likas na kamanghaan na [naturalWonder] ay wala sa ruleset!
+Natural Wonder [naturalWonder] does not exist in ruleset! = Ang likas na yaman na [naturalWonder] ay wala sa ruleset!
# Requires translation!
non-[filter] =
@@ -1809,13 +1795,13 @@ Science cost modifier: [amount]%⍾ = Pagbabago ng gastos sa siyensya: [amount]%
Culture cost modifier: [amount]%♪ = Pagbabago ng gastos sa kultura: [amount]%♪
Faith cost modifier: [amount]%☮ = Pagbabago ng gastos sa pananalig: [amount]%☮
Improvement build length modifier: [amount]%⏳ = Pagbabago sa haba ng pagtayo ng pagbubuti: [amount]%⏳
-Diplomatic deal duration: [amount] turns⏳ = Haba ng diplomatikong kasunduan: [amount] turno⏳
+Diplomatic deal duration: [amount] turns⏳ = Haba ng diplomatikong kasunduan: [amount] na tira⏳
Gold gift influence gain modifier: [amount]%¤ = Pagbabago sa paglaki ng impluwensys sa mga regalong ginto: [amount]%¤
-City-state tribute scaling interval: [amount] turns⏳ = Agwat ng pagsukat ng tributo sa mga lungsod-estado: [amount] turno⏳
+City-state tribute scaling interval: [amount] turns⏳ = Agwat ng pagsukat ng tributo sa mga lungsod-estado: [amount] na tira⏳
Barbarian spawn modifier: [amount]%† = Pagbabago sa pagsulpot ng mga kampo ng Salbahe: [amount]%†
Golden age length modifier: [amount]%⌣ = Pagbabago sa haba ng ginintuang panahon: [amount]%⌣
Adjacent city religious pressure: [amount]☮ = Relihiyosong presyur sa magkatabi na lungsod: [amount]☮
-Peace deal duration: [amount] turns⏳ = Haba ng mga kasunduan ng kapayapaan: [amount] turno⏳
+Peace deal duration: [amount] turns⏳ = Haba ng mga kasunduan ng kapayapaan: [amount] na tira⏳
Start year: [comment] = Panimulang taon: [comment]
Pillaging this improvement yields [stats] = Ang pagnanakaw sa pagbubuti na ito ay magbibigay ng [stats]
Pillaging this improvement yields approximately [stats] = Ang pagnanakaw sa pagbubuti na ito ay nagbubunga ng humigit-kumulang [stats]
@@ -1926,7 +1912,7 @@ After an unknown civilization entered the [eraName], we have recruited [spyName]
We have recruited [spyName] as a spy! = Kinuha natin si [spyName] bilang isang espiya!
Your spy [spyName] has leveled up! = Ang iyong espiya [spyName] ay naglevel up!
# Requires translation!
-Your spy [spyName] has leveled up [amount] times! =
+Your spy [spyName] has leveled up [amount] times! = Ang iyong espiya [spyName] ay naglevelup ng [amount] na beses!
Your spy [spyName] cannot steal any more techs from [civName] as we've already researched all the technology they know! = Ang iyong espiya [spyName] ay hindi na kayang magnakaw ng techs sa [civName] dahil alam na natin dahil lahat ng teknolohiya na alam nila!
# Stealing Technology defending civ
@@ -1942,33 +1928,33 @@ Your spy [spyName] was killed trying to steal Technology in [cityName]! = Ang iy
# Rigging elections
Your spy successfully rigged the election in [cityName]! = Ang iyong espiya ay nagtagumpay sa pagdaya ng eleksiyon sa [cityName]!
# Requires translation!
-Your spy lost the election in [cityStateName] to [civName]! =
+Your spy lost the election in [cityStateName] to [civName]! = Ang iyong espiya ay natalo sa eleksyon sa [cityStateName] laban sa [civName]!
# Requires translation!
-The election in [cityStateName] were rigged by [civName]! =
+The election in [cityStateName] were rigged by [civName]! = Ang eleksyon sa [cityStateName] ay dinaya ng [civName]!
# Requires translation!
-Your spy lost the election in [cityName]! =
+Your spy lost the election in [cityName]! = Ang iyong espiya ay natalo sa eleksyon sa [cityName]!
# City-Ctate Coups
# Requires translation!
-Stage Coup =
+Stage Coup = Magpasimula Kudeta
# Requires translation!
-Your spy [spyName] successfully staged a coup in [cityName]! =
+Your spy [spyName] successfully staged a coup in [cityName]! = Ang iyong espiya [spyName] ay matagumpay na nagpasimula ng kudeta sa [cityName]!
# Requires translation!
-A spy from [civName] successfully staged a coup in our former ally [cityStateName]! =
+A spy from [civName] successfully staged a coup in our former ally [cityStateName]! = Isang espiya galing sa [civName] ay matagumpay na nagpasimula ng kudeta sa dati nating kakampi [cityStateName]!
# Requires translation!
-A spy from [civName] successfully staged a coup in [cityStateName]! =
+A spy from [civName] successfully staged a coup in [cityStateName]! = Isang espiya galing sa [civName] ay matagumay na nagpasimula ng kudeta sa [cityStateName]!
# Requires translation!
-A spy from [civName] failed to stage a coup in our ally [cityStateName] and was killed! =
+A spy from [civName] failed to stage a coup in our ally [cityStateName] and was killed! = Isang espiya galing sa [civName] ay nabigong magpasimula ng kudeta sa kakampi nating [cityStateName] at ito ay napaslang!
# Requires translation!
-Our spy [spyName] failed to stage a coup in [cityStateName] and was killed! =
+Our spy [spyName] failed to stage a coup in [cityStateName] and was killed! = Ang ating espiya [spyName] ay nabigong magpasimula ng kudeta sa [cityStateName] at ito ay napaslang!
# Requires translation!
-Do you want to stage a coup in [civName] with a [percent]% chance of success? =
+Do you want to stage a coup in [civName] with a [percent]% chance of success? = Gusto mo bang magpasimula ng kudeta sa [civName] na may [percent]% na maaari itong magtagumpay?
# Spy fleeing city
-After the city of [cityName] was destroyed, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Pagkatapos masira ang siyudad ng [cityName], ang iyong espiya [spyName] ay bumalik sa ating pagtaguan.
-After the city of [cityName] was conquered, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Pagkatapos masakop ang siyudad nd [cityName], ang iyong espiya [spyName] ay bumalik sa ating pagtaguan.
+After the city of [cityName] was destroyed, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Pagkatapos masira ang siyudad ng [cityName], ang iyong espiya [spyName] ay bumalik sa ating pinagtataguan.
+After the city of [cityName] was conquered, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Pagkatapos masakop ang siyudad nd [cityName], ang iyong espiya [spyName] ay bumalik sa ating pinagtataguan.
# Requires translation!
-After the city of [cityName] was taken over, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. =
+After the city of [cityName] was taken over, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Pagkatapos akuin ang siyudad ng [cityName], ang iyong espiya [spyName] ay bumalik sa ating pinagtataguan.
Due to the chaos ensuing in [cityName], your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Dahil sa kaguluhan na nagaganap sa [cityName], ang iyong espiya [spyName] ay bumalik sa ating pagtaguan.
# Promotions
@@ -1991,9 +1977,9 @@ Path to [promotion] is ambiguous = Landas para sa [promotion] ay malabo
# Multiplayer Turn Checker Service
-Enable out-of-game turn notifications = Paganahin ang mga abiso ng turno sa labas ng laro
+Enable out-of-game turn notifications = Paganahin ang mga abiso ng tira sa labas ng laro
Out-of-game, update status of all games every: = Labas ng laro, baguhin ang kalagayan ng mga laro kada:
-Show persistent notification for turn notifier service = Ipakita ang patuloy na abiso para sa serbisyo ng tagaulat ng turno
+Show persistent notification for turn notifier service = Ipakita ang patuloy na abiso para sa serbisyo ng tagaulat ng tira
# These are on Options-Advanced
Take user ID from clipboard = Kunin ang ID ng manlalaro mula sa clipboard
Doing this will reset your current user ID to the clipboard contents - are you sure? = Ang paggawa nito ay magre-reset ng iyong kasalukuyang ID sa mga nilalaman ng clipboard - sigurado ka ba?
@@ -2010,8 +1996,8 @@ Check connection to server = Tignan ang koneksyon sa server
Awaiting response... = Hinihintay ang sagot...
Success! = Tagumpay!
Failed! = Pumalya!
-Sound notification for when it's your turn in your currently open game: = Tunog na abiso para sa turno mo sa kasalukuyan mong bukas na laro:
-Sound notification for when it's your turn in any other game: = Tunog na abiso para sa kapag turno mo na sa iba pang laro:
+Sound notification for when it's your turn in your currently open game: = Tunog na abiso para sa tira mo sa kasalukuyan mong bukas na laro:
+Sound notification for when it's your turn in any other game: = Tunog na abiso para sa kapag tira mo na sa iba pang laro:
Notification [number] = Abiso [number]
Chimes = Mga Kuliling
Choir = Koro
@@ -2100,9 +2086,9 @@ Gain a free [building] [cityFilter] = Kumuha ng libreng [building] [cityFilter]
# Countables
# Requires translation!
-Remaining [civFilter] Civilizations =
+Remaining [civFilter] Civilizations = Natitirang [civFilter] na mga Sibilisasyon
# Requires translation!
-Owned [tileFilter] Tiles =
+Owned [tileFilter] Tiles = Pagmamayaring [tileFilter] Tiles
# Unused Resources
@@ -2172,12 +2158,12 @@ Nullifies Growth [cityFilter] = Nagpapawalang-bisa ng Paglaki [cityFilter]
[relativeAmount]% Production when constructing [baseUnitFilter] units [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount]% Produksyon kapag gumagawa ng [baseUnitFilter] na yunit [cityFilter]
[relativeAmount]% Production when constructing [buildingFilter] wonders [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount]% Produksyon kapag nagtatayo ng [buildingFilter] kamanghaan [cityFilter]
[relativeAmount]% Production towards any buildings that already exist in the Capital = [relativeAmount]% Produkyson patungo sa mga gusaling itinayo na sa Kabisera
-Provides military units every ≈[amount] turns = Nagbibigay ng mga yunit-militar kada ≈[amount] turno
+Provides military units every ≈[amount] turns = Nagbibigay ng mga yunit-militar kada ≈[amount] na tira
Provides a unique luxury = Nagbibigay ng isang natatanging karangyaan
Military Units gifted from City-States start with [amount] XP = Nagsisimula sa [amount] XP ang mga regalong yunit-militar mula sa mga Lungsod-Estado
Militaristic City-States grant units [amount] times as fast when you are at war with a common nation = Militaristikong Lungsod-Estado ay magbibigay ng yunit na [amount] bases na mas mabilis kapag kayo'y may parehong kaaway na nasyon
Gifts of Gold to City-States generate [relativeAmount]% more Influence = Regalong ginto sa mga Lungsod-Estado ay magbibigay ng [relativeAmount]% mas maraming Impluwensya
-Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your ally for [amount] turns. = Maaaring magbayad ng Ginto para angkinin ang Lungsod-Estado na kaalyado mo nang [amount] na turno.
+Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your ally for [amount] turns. = Maaaring magbayad ng Ginto para angkinin ang Lungsod-Estado na kaalyado mo nang [amount] na tira.
City-State territory always counts as friendly territory = Palaging tinatrato bilang teritoryo ng kaibigan ang teritoryo ng Lungsod-Estado
Allied City-States will occasionally gift Great People = Mga kaalyado na Lungsod-Estado ay paminsan-minsan na magreregalo ng Dakilang Tao
Will not be chosen for new games = Hindi mapipili sa mga bagong laro
@@ -2221,9 +2207,9 @@ Sell [buildingFilter] buildings [cityFilter] = Ibenta ang mga gusaling [building
[relativeAmount]% Gold cost of acquiring tiles [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount]% gastos sa Ginto ng pagkuha ng bagong tiles [cityFilter]
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies [relativeAmount]% less than normal = Mababawasan ng [relativeAmount]% sa normal na gastos sa kultura sa bawat tinatag na lungsod
[relativeAmount]% Culture cost of adopting new Policies = [relativeAmount]% gastos sa Kultura sa bawat bagong pinagtibay na Patakaran
-[stats] for every known Natural Wonder = [stats] sa kada kilalang Likas na Kamanghaan
+[stats] for every known Natural Wonder = [stats] sa kada kilalang Likas Yaman
# Requires translation!
-[stats] for discovering a Natural Wonder (bonus enhanced to [stats2] if first to discover it) =
+[stats] for discovering a Natural Wonder (bonus enhanced to [stats2] if first to discover it) = [stats] sa pagdiskubre ng natural na Likas Yaman (ang bonus ay napapalago sa [stats2] sa kung sinong unang makadiskubre nito)
[relativeAmount]% Great Person generation [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount]% paggawa ng Dakilang Tao [cityFilter]
[relativeAmount]% Gold from Great Merchant trade missions = [relativeAmount]% Ginto mula sa mga misyong pangkalakal ng mga Dakilang Negosyante
Great General provides double combat bonus = Ang Dakilang Heneral ay nagbibigay ng doble na karadagdagang kalamangan sa labanan
@@ -2240,7 +2226,7 @@ Land units may cross [terrainName] tiles after the first [baseUnitFilter] is ear
Enemy [mapUnitFilter] units must spend [amount] extra movement points when inside your territory = Mga kalaban na [mapUnitFilter] yunit ay kailangang magbayad ng [amount] karagdagang puntos sa paggalaw kapag nasa loob ng iyong nasasakupan
New [baseUnitFilter] units start with [amount] Experience [cityFilter] = Mga bagong [baseUnitFilter] yunit ay magsisimula sa [amount] Experience [cityFilter]
All newly-trained [baseUnitFilter] units [cityFilter] receive the [promotion] promotion = Lahat ng bagong sanay na [baseUnitFilter] yunit [cityFilter] ay makakatanggap ng [promotion] promosyon.
-[mapUnitFilter] Units adjacent to this city heal [amount] HP per turn when healing = [mapUnitFilter] na mga yunit na katabi ng lungsod na ito ay tatanggap ng [amount] HP kada turno kapag nagpapagaling
+[mapUnitFilter] Units adjacent to this city heal [amount] HP per turn when healing = [mapUnitFilter] na mga yunit na katabi ng lungsod na ito ay tatanggap ng [amount] HP kada tira kapag nagpapagaling
[relativeAmount]% City Strength from defensive buildings = [relativeAmount]% Lakas ng Lungsod mula sa mga pangdepensa na gusali
[relativeAmount]% Strength for cities = [relativeAmount]% Lakas para sa mga lungsod
Costs [amount] [stockpiledResource] = Gastos [amount] [stockpiledResource]
@@ -2341,7 +2327,7 @@ Can transform to [unit] = Maaaring magbago ang anyo sa [unit]
[relativeAmount]% Strength for enemy [mapUnitFilter] units in adjacent [tileFilter] tiles = [relativeAmount]% Lakas para sa mga yunit ng kaaway [mapUnitFilter] sa katabing [tileFilter] na mga tile
[relativeAmount]% Strength when stacked with [mapUnitFilter] = [relativeAmount]% Lakas kapag kasamang nakapatong sa [mapUnitFilter]
[relativeAmount]% Strength bonus for [mapUnitFilter] units within [amount] tiles = [relativeAmount]% bonus na Lakas para sa [mapUnitFilter] na mga yunit na nasa [amount] tile na layo
-[amount] additional attacks per turn = [amount] dagdag na atake kada turno
+[amount] additional attacks per turn = [amount] dagdag na atake kada tira
[amount] Movement = [amount] Galaw
[amount] Sight = [amount] Tanaw
[amount] Range = [amount] Saklaw
@@ -2379,7 +2365,7 @@ May heal outside of friendly territory = Maaaring gumaling sa labas ng teritoryo
All healing effects doubled = Doble ang lahat ng mga pagpapagaling na epekto
Heals [amount] damage if it kills a unit = Gumaling ng [amount] na pinsala kapag ito'y makapatay ng isang yunit
Can only heal by pillaging = Nagpapagaling lamang sa pagnanakaw
-Unit will heal every turn, even if it performs an action = Gumagaling ang yunit kada turno, kahit may ginagawa ito
+Unit will heal every turn, even if it performs an action = Gumagaling ang yunit kada tira, kahit may ginagawa ito
All adjacent units heal [amount] HP when healing = Lahat ng katabi na yunit ay gumagaling ng [amount] HP
No Sight = Walang Paningin
Can see over obstacles = Maaaring makakita lampas sa mga hadlang
@@ -2389,7 +2375,7 @@ Cannot be carried by [mapUnitFilter] units = Hindi kayang dalhin ng mga [mapUnit
[relativeAmount]% chance to intercept air attacks = [relativeAmount]% pagkakataon na puksain ang mga atake sa ere
Damage taken from interception reduced by [relativeAmount]% = Pinsalang dulot ng pagtagpo ay nababawasan ng [relativeAmount]%
[relativeAmount]% Damage when intercepting = [relativeAmount]% Pinsala kapag nagtatagpo
-[amount] extra interceptions may be made per turn = [amount] dagdag na pagtagpo ang pwedeng gawin kada turno
+[amount] extra interceptions may be made per turn = [amount] dagdag na pagtagpo ang pwedeng gawin kada tira
Cannot be intercepted = Hindi maaaring matagpo
Cannot intercept [mapUnitFilter] units = Hindi kayang humarang ng mga [mapUnitFilter] units
[relativeAmount]% Strength when performing Air Sweep = [relativeAmount]% Lakas kapag gumagawa ng Air Sweep
@@ -2421,7 +2407,7 @@ Rough terrain penalty = May parusa sa mga magaspang na lupain
Can enter ice tiles = Maaaring pumasok sa yelong tiles
Cannot enter ocean tiles = Hindi makakapasok sa mga karagatan na mga tiles
May enter foreign tiles without open borders = Maaaring pumasok sa mga dayuhang tile nang walang bukas na hangganan
-May enter foreign tiles without open borders, but loses [amount] religious strength each turn it ends there = Maaaring pumasok ng dayuhang lupa ng walang malayang hangganan, ngunit nababawasan ng [amount] na relihiyosong lakas kada turno na nagtatapos ito doon
+May enter foreign tiles without open borders, but loses [amount] religious strength each turn it ends there = Maaaring pumasok ng dayuhang lupa ng walang malayang hangganan, ngunit nababawasan ng [amount] na relihiyosong lakas kada tira na nagtatapos ito doon
[amount] Movement point cost to disembark = [amount] gastos sa Paggalaw upang makaalis sa sinasakyang bangka
[amount] Movement point cost to embark = [amount] gastos sa Pagkilos na puntos para sumakay ng barko
All units move through Forest and Jungle Tiles in friendly territory as if they have roads. These tiles can be used to establish City Connections upon researching the Wheel. = Lahat ng unit na gumagalaw sa Kakahuyan at Kagubatan na tiles sa teritoryo ng kaibigan ay parang may mga kalsada sila. Maaaring gamitin ang mga tile na ito upang magtatag ng Mga Koneksyon sa Lungsod sa pagsasaliksik sa Gulong.
@@ -2448,7 +2434,7 @@ once = isang bsses
after which this unit is consumed = pagkatapos nito ay inaalay na ang yunit
# Requires translation!
Grants [stats] to the first civilization to discover it =
-Units ending their turn on this terrain take [amount] damage = Ang mga unit na nagtatapos sa kanilang turno sa lupain na ito ay tatanggap ng [amount] ng pinsala
+Units ending their turn on this terrain take [amount] damage = Ang mga unit na nagtatapos sa kanilang tira sa lupain na ito ay tatanggap ng [amount] ng pinsala
Grants [promotion] ([comment]) to adjacent [mapUnitFilter] units for the rest of the game = Nagbibigay ng [promotion] ([comment]) sa katabi na [mapUnitFilter] yunit para sa buong laro.
[amount] Strength for cities built on this terrain = [amount] Lakas para sa mga lungsod na nakatayo sa lupain na ito
Provides a one-time Production bonus to the closest city when cut down = Nagbibigay ng isang beses na bonus sa Produksyon sa pinakamalapit na lungsod kung saan pinutol ito
@@ -2478,9 +2464,9 @@ Can be built just outside your borders = Maaaring itayo sa labas lamang ng iyong
Can only be built to improve a resource = Maaari lamang itayo upang magpabuti ng isang pagkukunan
Removes removable features when built = Tinatanggal ang mga naaalis na tampok kapag binuo
Gives a defensive bonus of [relativeAmount]% = Nagbibigay ng dagdag na depensa ng [relativeAmount]%
-Costs [amount] [stat] per turn when in your territory = May bayad ng [amount] [stat] kada turno kapag nasa loob ng iyong nasasakupan
-Costs [amount] [stat] per turn = May bayad ng [amount] [stat] kada turno
-Adjacent enemy units ending their turn take [amount] damage = Mga katabi na yunit ng kalaban na magtatapos ng turno nila ay makakatanggap ng [amount] pinsala
+Costs [amount] [stat] per turn when in your territory = May bayad ng [amount] [stat] kada tira kapag nasa loob ng iyong nasasakupan
+Costs [amount] [stat] per turn = May bayad ng [amount] [stat] kada tira
+Adjacent enemy units ending their turn take [amount] damage = Mga katabi na yunit ng kalaban na magtatapos ng tira nila ay makakatanggap ng [amount] pinsala
Great Improvement = Dakilang Pagbubuti
Provides a random bonus when entered = Nagbibigay ng sapalarang bonus kapag napuntahan
Unpillagable = Di kayang nakawin
@@ -2625,7 +2611,7 @@ Free [unit] found in the ruins = Libreng [unit] matatagpuan sa mga guho
Free Social Policy = Libreng Patakarang Panlipunan
[positiveAmount] Free Social Policies = [positiveAmount] Libreng Sosyal na Patakaran
Empire enters golden age = Ang imperyo ay pumapasok sa Ginintuang Panahon
-Empire enters a [positiveAmount]-turn Golden Age = Imperyo'y pumapasok sa isang [positiveAmount]-turnong Ginintuang Panahon
+Empire enters a [positiveAmount]-turn Golden Age = Imperyo'y pumapasok sa isang [positiveAmount]-tirang Ginintuang Panahon
Free Great Person = Libreng Dakilang Tao
[amount] population [cityFilter] = [amount] populasyon [cityFilter]
[amount] population in a random city = [amount] population sa isang di-matukoy na lungsod
@@ -2707,7 +2693,7 @@ upon conquering a city = kapag nakalusob sa isang lungsod
upon founding a city = kapag nagtatatag ng isang lungsod
# Requires translation!
upon building a [improvementFilter] improvement =
-upon discovering a Natural Wonder = kapag nakadiskubre ng isang Likas na Kamanghaan
+upon discovering a Natural Wonder = kapag nakadiskubre ng isang Likas na Yaman
upon constructing [buildingFilter] = kapag nagtatayo ng [buildingFilter]
upon constructing [buildingFilter] [cityFilter] = kapag nagtatayo ng [buildingFilter] [cityFilter]
upon gaining a [baseUnitFilter] unit = kapag nadagdagan ng [baseUnitFilter] yunit
@@ -2732,10 +2718,10 @@ upon gaining the [promotion] status =
# Requires translation!
upon losing the [promotion] status =
upon losing at least [amount] HP in a single attack = kapag nabawasan ng hindi bababa ng [amount] HP sa isang pagatake
-upon ending a turn in a [tileFilter] tile = kapag nagtapaos ang turno sa isang [tileFilter] na tile
+upon ending a turn in a [tileFilter] tile = kapag nagtapaos ang tira sa isang [tileFilter] na tile
# Requires translation!
upon discovering a [tileFilter] tile =
-for [amount] turns = abot sa [amount] turno
+for [amount] turns = hanggang sa [amount] na tira
# Requires translation!
hidden from users =
# Requires translation!
@@ -2920,7 +2906,7 @@ your =
Featureless = Walang Tampok
Fresh Water = Sariwang Tubig
non-fresh water = Di-sariwang Tubig
-Natural Wonder = Likas na Kamanghaan
+Natural Wonder = Likas na Yaman
Impassable = Di-madaanan
Luxury resource = Marangyang Pinagkukunan
Strategic resource = Estratehikong Pinagkukunan
@@ -2991,7 +2977,7 @@ Target Unit =
Our influence with City-States has started dropping faster! = Ang ating impluwensya sa mga Lungsod-Estado ay nagsimulang bumaba nang mabilis!
all healing effects doubled = lahat ng nakapagpapagaling na epekto ay nadoble
The Spaceship = Ang Sasakyang Pangkalawakan
-Units ending their turn on [Mountain] tiles take [50] damage = Mga yunit na magtatapos ng turno sa mga [Mountain] na tile ay tatanggap ng [50] pinsala
+Units ending their turn on [Mountain] tiles take [50] damage = Mga yunit na magtatapos ng tira sa mga [Mountain] na tile ay tatanggap ng [50] pinsala
Maya Long Count calendar cycle = Ikot ng kalendaryo ng Mahabang Pagbibilang ng mga Maya
# Requires translation!
Meet another civilization =
@@ -5086,7 +5072,7 @@ It's time to erase the City-State of [cityState] from the map. You will be great
Find Player = Hanapin ang Manlalaro
You have yet to discover where [civName] set up their cities. You will be rewarded for finding their territories. = Hindi mo pa nakikita ang mga lungsod ng [civName]. Ika'y bibiyayaan sa paghahanap ng kanilang mga teritoryo.
-Find Natural Wonder = Hanapin ang Likas na Kamanghaan
+Find Natural Wonder = Hanapin ang Likas na Yaman
Send your best explorers on a quest to discover Natural Wonders. Nobody knows the location of [naturalWonder] yet. = Ipadala ang iyong pinakamagaling na manggagalugad sa isang ekspedisyon upang hanapin ang mga likas na kamanghaan. Wala pang nakakahap sa lokayon ng [naturalWonder] sa ngayon.
Give Gold = Magbigay ng Ginto
@@ -5980,7 +5966,7 @@ Win diplomatic vote = Ipanalo ang diplomatikong boto
You have triumphed over your foes through the art of diplomacy! Your cunning and wisdom have earned you great friends - and divided and sown confusion among your enemies! Forever will you be remembered as the leader who brought peace to this weary world! = Nagtagumpay ka sa iyong mga kalaban sa pamamagitan ng sining ng diplomasya! Ang iyong katusuhan at karunungan ay nakakuha sa iyo ng mga dakilang kaibigan - at nahati at naghasik ng kalituhan sa iyong mga kaaway! Magpakailanman ay aalalahanin ka bilang pinunong nagdala ng kapayapaan sa pagod na mundong ito!
Do things to win! = Gumawa ng mga bagay para manalo!
-Have highest score after max turns = Magkaroon ng pinakamalaking score pagkatapos maabot ang katapusan na turno.
+Have highest score after max turns = Magkaroon ng pinakamalaking score pagkatapos maabot ang katapusan na tira.
#################### Lines from Beliefs from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
@@ -7235,7 +7221,7 @@ Introduction = Introduksyon
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Maligayang pagdating sa Unciv!\nDahil ito ay isang kumplikadong laro, may mga pangunahing gawain upang matulungan kang maging pamilyar sa laro.\nAng mga ito ay tunay na opsyonal, at maaari mong subukan ang laro nang mag-isa!
# Requires translation!
-Welcome to Unciv! =
+Welcome to Unciv! = Maligayang
# Requires translation!
Because this is a complex game, there are some tutorials to help familiarize you with it. These can be disbaled in the Options -> Display menu, but please hang on if you're new here! =
# Requires translation!
@@ -7253,10 +7239,10 @@ The first thing coming out of your city depends on the strategy you want to foll
# Requires translation!
But feel free to experiment with your own build orders! =
-In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention. = Sa iyong unang mga turno, magkakaroon ka ng napakakaunting mga pagpipilian, ngunit habang lumalaki ang iyong sibilisasyon, gayon din ang bilang ng mga bagay na nangangailangan ng iyong pansin.
+In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention. = Sa iyong unang mga tira, magkakaroon ka ng napakakaunting mga pagpipilian, ngunit habang lumalaki ang iyong sibilisasyon, gayon din ang bilang ng mga bagay na nangangailangan ng iyong pansin.
Culture and Policies = Kultura at mga Patakaran
-Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = Sa bawat turno, ang kulturang nakuha mo mula sa lahat ng iyong lungsod ay idinaragdag sa kultura ng iyong Sibilisasyon.\nKapag mayroon ka na ng sapat na kultura, maaari kang pumili ng Sosyal na Polisiya, bawat isa ay nagbibigay sa iyo ng partikular na bonus.
+Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = Sa bawat tira, ang kulturang nakuha mo mula sa lahat ng iyong lungsod ay idinaragdag sa kultura ng iyong Sibilisasyon.\nKapag mayroon ka na ng sapat na kultura, maaari kang pumili ng Sosyal na Polisiya, bawat isa ay nagbibigay sa iyo ng partikular na bonus.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = Ang mga patakaran o polisiya ay isinaayos sa mga sangay, na ang bawat sangay ay nagbibigay ng isang bonus na kakayahan kapag ang lahat ng mga patakaran sa sangay ay pinagtibay.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = Sa bawat patakarang pinagtibay, at sa bawat lungsod na binuo,\n tumataas ang halaga ng pagpapatibay ng isa pang patakaran - kaya pumili nang matalino!
@@ -7392,7 +7378,7 @@ The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must
After Conquering = Pagkatapos ng Pagsakop
When conquering a city, you can choose to liberate, annex, puppet, or raze the city. = Kapag nasakop na ang lungsod, pwede mo itong palayain, isanib, o sunugin.
-\nLiberating the city will return it to its original owner, giving you a massive diplomatic boost with them!\n\nAnnexing the city will give you full control over it, but also increase the citizens' unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\n\nPuppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state!\n\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed!\nYou cannot raze a city that is either the starting capital of a civilization or the holy city of a religion. = \nMagbabalik ang lungsod sa orihinal nitong may-ari kapag pinalaya ito, na magbibigay sa iyo ng malaking diplomatikong tulong sa kanila!\n\nAng pagsasanib sa lungsod ay magbibigay sa iyo ng ganap na kontrol dito, ngunit madaragdagan din ang kalungkutan ng mga mamamayan ng 2x!\nMaaari itong mabawasan. sa pamamagitan ng pagtatayo ng hukuman sa lungsod, ibinabalik sa normal ang kalungkutan ng mamamayan.\n\nAng pagpapet sa lungsod ay mangangahulugan na wala kang kontrol sa produksyon ng lungsod.\nHindi tinataas ng lungsod ang iyong gastos sa teknolohiya o patakaran.\nMaaari ang isang papet na lungsod na maisasama anumang oras, ngunit hindi maibabalik sa isang papet na estado ang mga nasanib na lungsod!\n\nAng pagsunog sa lungsod ay magpapababa ng populasyon nito ng 1 bawat turno hanggang sa masira ang lungsod!\nHindi mo maaaring sirain ang isang lungsod na alinman sa panimulang kabisera ng isang sibilisasyon o ang banal na lungsod ng isang relihiyon.
+\nLiberating the city will return it to its original owner, giving you a massive diplomatic boost with them!\n\nAnnexing the city will give you full control over it, but also increase the citizens' unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\n\nPuppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state!\n\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed!\nYou cannot raze a city that is either the starting capital of a civilization or the holy city of a religion. = \nMagbabalik ang lungsod sa orihinal nitong may-ari kapag pinalaya ito, na magbibigay sa iyo ng malaking diplomatikong tulong sa kanila!\n\nAng pagsasanib sa lungsod ay magbibigay sa iyo ng ganap na kontrol dito, ngunit madaragdagan din ang kalungkutan ng mga mamamayan ng 2x!\nMaaari itong mabawasan. sa pamamagitan ng pagtatayo ng hukuman sa lungsod, ibinabalik sa normal ang kalungkutan ng mamamayan.\n\nAng pagpapet sa lungsod ay mangangahulugan na wala kang kontrol sa produksyon ng lungsod.\nHindi tinataas ng lungsod ang iyong gastos sa teknolohiya o patakaran.\nMaaari ang isang papet na lungsod na maisasama anumang oras, ngunit hindi maibabalik sa isang papet na estado ang mga nasanib na lungsod!\n\nAng pagsunog sa lungsod ay magpapababa ng populasyon nito ng 1 bawat tira hanggang sa masira ang lungsod!\nHindi mo maaaring sirain ang isang lungsod na alinman sa panimulang kabisera ng isang sibilisasyon o ang banal na lungsod ng isang relihiyon.
# Requires translation!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! =
@@ -7504,12 +7490,12 @@ Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barri
Keyboard = Keyboard
If you have a keyboard, some shortcut keys become available. Unit command or improvement picker keys, for example, are shown directly in their corresponding buttons. = Kung may keyboard ka, magagamit mo ang ilang shortcut key. Ang pag-utos ng yunit o pagpili ng pagbubuti, halimbawa, ay direktang ipinapakita sa kanilang mga kaukulang pindutan.
On the world screen the hotkeys are as follows: = Sa world screen eto ang mga pinipindot:
-Space or 'N' - Next unit or turn\n'E' - Empire overview (last viewed page)\n'+', '-' - Zoom in / out\nHome - center on capital or open its City Screen if already centered = Space or 'N' - Sunod na yunit o turno\n'E' - Buod ng imperyo (huling pinakita na pahina)\n'+', '-' - Zoom in / out\nHome - sentro sa kabisera or buksan ang city screen kapag ito'y nakasentro na
+Space or 'N' - Next unit or turn\n'E' - Empire overview (last viewed page)\n'+', '-' - Zoom in / out\nHome - center on capital or open its City Screen if already centered = Space or 'N' - Sunod na yunit o tira\n'E' - Buod ng imperyo (huling pinakita na pahina)\n'+', '-' - Zoom in / out\nHome - sentro sa kabisera or buksan ang city screen kapag ito'y nakasentro na
F1 - Open Civilopedia\nF2 - Empire overview Trades\nF3 - Empire overview Units\nF4 - Empire overview Diplomacy\nF5 - Social policies\nF6 - Technologies\nF7 - Empire overview Cities\nF8 - Victory Progress\nF9 - Empire overview Stats\nF10 - Empire overview Resources\nF11 - Quicksave\nF12 - Quickload = F1 - Buksan ang Sibilopedya\nF2 - Buod ng mga Palitan ng Imperyo\nF3 - Buod ng mga yunit sa Imperyo\nF4 - Buod ng Diplomasya ng Imperyo\nF5 - Mga Sosyal na Patakaran\nF6 - Mga Teknolohiya\nF7 - Buod ng mga Lungsod ng Imperyo\nF8 - Usad ng Tagumpay\nF9 - Buod ng mga Stats ng Imperyo\nF10 - Buod ng mga mapagkukunan ng Imperyo\nF11 - Madalian na pagtabi\nF12 - Madalian na pag-load
# Requires translation!
Ctrl-R - Toggle tile resource display\nCtrl-Y - Toggle tile yield display\nCtrl-O - Game options\nCtrl-S - Save game\nCtrl-L - Load game\nCtrl-U - Toggle UI (World Screen only) =
# Requires translation!
-All of these can be reassigned. =
+All of these can be reassigned. = Ang lahat ng ito ay maaaring mabago.
This is where you spend most of your time playing Unciv. See the world, control your units, access other screens from here. = Dito gugugol ang karamihan ng iyong oras sa paglalaro ng Unciv. Silipin ang mundo, utusan ang mga yunit, at tignan ang mga screens mula rito.
# Requires translation!
@@ -7900,12 +7886,12 @@ Settler Construction\nIn Civilization V, cities can't starve when constructing s
# Requires translation!
Water Melee Attack\nAs result of a Discord poll, Water Melee units can attack military land units on the shore, unlike in Civilization V. =
# Requires translation!
-Tile improvements\nIn Civilzation V, workers start working on an improvement-under-construction at the beginning of movement. Unciv changes this, to allow players to assign workers to tiles, and then reconsider and change improvement or move them elsewhere. =
+Tile improvements\nIn Civilzation V, workers start working on an improvement-under-construction at the beginning of movement. Unciv changes this, to allow players to assign workers to tiles, and then reconsider and change improvement or move them elsewhere. = Pagreporma sa Tile\nSa Civilization V, ang mga manggagawa ay nagsisimula sa paggawa sa ginagawang-reporma sa umpisa ng kanilang galaw. Binago ito ng Unciv, upang payagan ang mga players na magassign ng manggagawa sa mga tiles, at magbago ng isip at reporma o gumalaw sa iba pang lugar.
# Requires translation!
-Forest and Jungle Visibility\nIn Unciv, forests and jungles are visible 1 tile outside visibility range. In Civilization V, this is the behaviour of hills and mountains, but not of forests and jungles, yet jungle and forest can block hills, and hill + forest can block mountain, indicating they're on the same elevation. This is considered to be a bug in the otherwise well-structured visibility logic in Civilization V. =
+Forest and Jungle Visibility\nIn Unciv, forests and jungles are visible 1 tile outside visibility range. In Civilization V, this is the behaviour of hills and mountains, but not of forests and jungles, yet jungle and forest can block hills, and hill + forest can block mountain, indicating they're on the same elevation. This is considered to be a bug in the otherwise well-structured visibility logic in Civilization V. = Paganinag sa Gubat at Kagubatan\nSa Unciv, ang mga gubat at kagubatan ay aninag ng 1 tile sa labas ng layo sa paganinag. Sa Civilization V, ito ang gawi ng mga bulubundukin at mga bundok, pero hindi ang gubat at kagubatan, ngunit ang mga kagubatan at gubat ay maaaring matakpan ang mga bulubundukin, at bulubundukin + gubat ay makakasagabal sa bundok, na nagpapahiwatig na pantay sila ng elebasyon. Ito ay maituturing na bug sa maayos na lohika ng paganinag sa Civilization V.
# Requires translation!
-Founding Cities\nThe Settler is a unit that can found a new city. You can build a Settler unit in a city with at least 2 population, and then move them to a good location to found a new city. This will usually be your main way of acquiring more cities. =
+Founding Cities\nThe Settler is a unit that can found a new city. You can build a Settler unit in a city with at least 2 population, and then move them to a good location to found a new city. This will usually be your main way of acquiring more cities. = Pagtayo ng mga Lungsod\nAng Settler ay isang yunit na makakapagtayo ng bagong lungsod. Maaari kang bumuo ng isang Settler yunit sa isang lungsod na may atlis 2 populasyon, pagkatapos ay lumipat sa isang magandang lugar para itayo ang bagong lungsod. Ito ay isa sa mga paraan para makakuha ng bagong mga lungsod.
# Requires translation!
-Food conversion to Production\nDuring the construction of a Settler, the city will not grow. Instead, the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and from there on every 4th, excess Food (Growth) is converted into Production, with the rest of the excess Food being lost. =
+Food conversion to Production\nDuring the construction of a Settler, the city will not grow. Instead, the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and from there on every 4th, excess Food (Growth) is converted into Production, with the rest of the excess Food being lost. = Pagconvert ng Pagkain sa Produksyon\nHabang gumagawa ng isang Settler, the lungsod ay hindi lalago. Sa halip, ang Una, Pangalawa, Pangapat, and sa kada kasunod na Apat, ang sobrang Pagkain (Paglago) ay mapupuno sa Produksyon, at ang matitirang Pagkain ay mawawala.
diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/French.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/French.properties
index 6db41ced42..561899695f 100644
--- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/French.properties
+++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/French.properties
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ Demands = Demandes
# Will be deprecated in a few versions
Please don't settle new cities near us. = Veuillez ne pas fonder de villes près de chez nous.
# Requires translation!
-Don't settle new cities near us. =
+Don't settle new cities near us. = Ne fondez pas de villes près de chez nous.
Very well, we shall look for new lands to settle. = Très bien, nous chercherons d'autres terres à coloniser.
We shall do as we please. = Nous faisons ce qu'il nous sied.
We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have....implications. = Nous avons remarqué votre nouvelle ville près de nos frontières, malgré votre promesse. Cela aura des... conséquences.
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have.
# Will be deprecated in a few versions
Please don't spread your religion to us. = Veuillez ne pas diffuser votre religion chez nous.
# Requires translation!
-Don't spread religion in our cities. =
+Don't spread religion in our cities. = Ne diffusez pas de religion chez nous.
Very well, we shall spread our faith elsewhere. = Très bien, nous diffuserons notre foi ailleurs.
We noticed you have continued spreading your faith, despite your promise. This will have...consequences. = Nous avons remarqué que vous avez continué à diffuser votre foi, malgré votre promesse. Cela aura des... conséquences.
@@ -1846,10 +1846,10 @@ Our spy [spyName] failed to stage a coup in [cityStateName] and was killed! = No
Do you want to stage a coup in [civName] with a [percent]% chance of success? = Voulez-vous monter un coup d'État dans [civName] avec [percent]% de chance de réussite ?
# Spy fleeing city
-After the city of [cityName] was destroyed, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Après que la ville de [cityName] ait été détruite, notre espion [spyName] a fui vers son repaire !
-After the city of [cityName] was conquered, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Après que la ville de [cityName] ait été conquise, notre espion [spyName] a fui vers son repaire !
+After the city of [cityName] was destroyed, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = La ville de [cityName] ayant été détruite, notre espion [spyName] a fui vers son repaire !
+After the city of [cityName] was conquered, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = La ville de [cityName] ayant été conquise, notre espion [spyName] a fui vers son repaire !
# Requires translation!
-After the city of [cityName] was taken over, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. =
+After the city of [cityName] was taken over, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = La ville de [cityName] ayant changé d'affiliation, notre espion [spyName] a fui vers son repaire !
Due to the chaos ensuing in [cityName], your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = En raison du chaos dans [cityName], notre espion [spyName] a fui vers son repaire !
# Promotions
diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/German.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/German.properties
index 992bcbc793..556f4acd7a 100644
--- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/German.properties
+++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/German.properties
@@ -214,16 +214,14 @@ Current leader(s): [leaders], you: [yourScore] = Aktuelle(r) Tabellenführer: [l
Demands = Forderungen
# Will be deprecated in a few versions
Please don't settle new cities near us. = Bitte gründet keine neuen Städte in unserer Nähe.
- # Requires translation!
-Don't settle new cities near us. =
+Don't settle new cities near us. = Gründet keine neuen Städte in unserer Nähe.
Very well, we shall look for new lands to settle. = Nun gut, wir werden uns nach neuem Land umsehen, um es zu besiedeln.
We shall do as we please. = Wir werden tun, wie es uns beliebt.
We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have....implications. = Wir haben eure neue Stadt in der Nähe unserer Grenzen bemerkt, entgegen eures Versprechens. Dies wird....Konsequenzen haben.
# Will be deprecated in a few versions
Please don't spread your religion to us. = Bitte verbreite deine Religion nicht bei uns.
- # Requires translation!
-Don't spread religion in our cities. =
+Don't spread religion in our cities. = Verbreite deine Religion nicht in unseren Städten.
Very well, we shall spread our faith elsewhere. = Nun gut, wir werden unseren Glauben anderswo verbreiten.
We noticed you have continued spreading your faith, despite your promise. This will have...consequences. = Wir haben bemerkt, dass du deinen Glauben, trotz deines Versprechens, weiterverbreitet hast. Das wird...Konsequenzen haben.
@@ -1848,8 +1846,7 @@ Do you want to stage a coup in [civName] with a [percent]% chance of success? =
# Spy fleeing city
After the city of [cityName] was destroyed, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Nachdem die Stadt [cityName] zerstört wurde, ist dein Spion [spyName] zurück in unser Versteck geflohen.
After the city of [cityName] was conquered, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Nachdem die Stadt [cityName] erobert wurde, ist dein Spion [spyName] zurück in unser Versteck geflohen.
- # Requires translation!
-After the city of [cityName] was taken over, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. =
+After the city of [cityName] was taken over, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Nachdem die Stadt [cityName] eingenommen wurde, ist dein Spion [spyName] in unser Versteck geflohen.
Due to the chaos ensuing in [cityName], your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Durch das herrschende Chaos in [cityName] ist dein Spion [spyName] zurück in unser Versteck geflohen.
# Promotions
diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Indonesian.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Indonesian.properties
index b5ad97959d..7cb4a0e600 100644
--- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Indonesian.properties
+++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Indonesian.properties
@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ See also = Lihat juga
Requires at least one of the following: = Memerlukan setidaknya salah satu dari hal-hal berikut ini:
Requires all of the following: = Memerlukan semua hal berikut ini:
-Leads to [techName] = Membuka [techName]
-Leads to: = Membuka:
+Leads to [techName] = Menuju ke [techName]
+Leads to: = Menuju ke:
Enables: = Mengaktifkan:
Disables: = Menonaktifkan:
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ Demands = Tuntutan
# Will be deprecated in a few versions
Please don't settle new cities near us. = Tolong jangan dirikan kota baru di dekat kami.
# Requires translation!
-Don't settle new cities near us. =
+Don't settle new cities near us. = Jangan dirikan kota baru di dekat kami.
Very well, we shall look for new lands to settle. = Baiklah, kami akan mencari tanah baru untuk menetap.
We shall do as we please. = Kami akan berlaku sesuai keinginan kami.
We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have....implications. = Kami menyadari kota yang baru kau dirikan di dekat perbatasan kami meskipun kau berjanji. Kau akan menerima....konsekuensinya.
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have.
# Will be deprecated in a few versions
Please don't spread your religion to us. = Tolong jangan menyebarkan agamamu kepada kami.
# Requires translation!
-Don't spread religion in our cities. =
+Don't spread religion in our cities. = Jangan menyebarkan agama di kota kami.
Very well, we shall spread our faith elsewhere. = Baiklah, kami akan menyebarkan kepercayaan kami di tempat lain.
We noticed you have continued spreading your faith, despite your promise. This will have...consequences. = Kami telah memerhatikan kau masih terus menyebarkan kepercayaanmu, meskipun kau telah berjanji. Ini akan mempunyai... konsekuensi.
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ Provides [amountOfCulture] culture at 30 Influence = Menyediakan [amountOfCultur
Provides 3 food in capital and 1 food in other cities at 30 Influence = Menyediakan 3 makanan di ibu kota dan 1 makanan di kota lain pada 30 Pengaruh
Provides 3 happiness at 30 Influence = Menyediakan 3 kebahagiaan pada 30 Pengaruh
Provides land units every 20 turns at 30 Influence = Menyediakan unit darat setiap 20 giliran pada 30 Pengaruh
-Give a Gift = Berikan Hadiah
+Give a Gift = Berikan sebuah Hadiah
Gift [giftAmount] gold (+[influenceAmount] influence) = Hadiahkan [giftAmount] emas (+[influenceAmount] pengaruh)
Relationship changes in another [turnsToRelationshipChange] turns = Hubungan berubah dalam [turnsToRelationshipChange] giliran lagi
Protected by = Dilindungi oleh
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ Use for new game "Select players" button: = Gunakan untuk tombol "Pilih pemain"
Enter a description for the users of this map = Isi deskripsi untuk pengguna peta ini:
## Map/Tool names
-My new map = Peta baru saya
+My new map = Peta baruku
Generate landmass = Buat daratan
Raise mountains and hills = Naikkan pegunungan dan perbukitan
Humidity and temperature = Kelembapan dan suhu
@@ -1849,7 +1849,7 @@ Do you want to stage a coup in [civName] with a [percent]% chance of success? =
After the city of [cityName] was destroyed, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Setelah kota [cityName] dihancurkan, mata-matamu, [spyName], telah melarikan diri ke tempat persembunyian kita.
After the city of [cityName] was conquered, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Setelah kota [cityName] ditaklukkan, mata-matamu, [spyName], telah melarikan diri ke tempat persembunyian kita.
# Requires translation!
-After the city of [cityName] was taken over, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. =
+After the city of [cityName] was taken over, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Setelah kota [cityName] dikuasai, mata-matamu, [spyName], telah melarikan diri ke tempat persembunyian kita.
Due to the chaos ensuing in [cityName], your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Dikarenakan kekacauan di [cityName], mata-matamu, [spyName], telah melarikan diri ke tempat persembunyian kita.
# Promotions
@@ -1905,8 +1905,8 @@ Download [modName] = Unduh [modName]
Update [modName] = Perbarui [modName]
Could not download mod list = Tidak dapat mengunduh daftar mod
Download mod from URL = Unduh mod dari URL
-Please enter the mod repository -or- archive zip -or- branch -or- release url: = Harap masukkan repositori mod -atau- zip archive -atau- branch -atau- url rilis:
-That is not a valid ZIP file = Berkas ZIP ini tidak sah
+Please enter the mod repository -or- archive zip -or- branch -or- release url: = Harap masukkan repositori mod -atau- zip arsip -atau- cabang -atau- url rilis:
+That is not a valid ZIP file = Itu bukanlah berkas ZIP yang sah
Invalid Mod archive structure = Struktur arsip Mod tidak sah
Invalid link! = Tautan tidak sah!
Paste from clipboard = Tempel dari papan klip
@@ -3271,8 +3271,8 @@ Naxos = Naxos
Larissa = Larissa
Apollonia = Apollonia
Messene = Messene
-Orchomenos = Orchomenos
-Ambracia = Ambracia
+Orchomenos = Orkhomenos
+Ambracia = Ambrakia
Kos = Kos
Knidos = Knidos
Amphipolis = Amfipolis
@@ -3457,7 +3457,7 @@ France offers you this exceptional proposition. = Prancis mengajukan beberapa ha
Hello. = Halo.
It's you. = Itu kau.
Ancien Régime = Rezim Kuno
-Vive Napoleon I, First Consul and Emperor of France! After the glorious Revolution which suppressed the centuries-old monarchy, the French nation stood at the heart of Europe as a Republic, and intended to export its ideals to the entire European continent, either by diplomacy or war. The French Capital Paris was more than ever the world center of Culture, Arts, and Letters. With its Great Army, reputed as one of the greatest in the History, France fought gloriously all surrounding enemies, but eventually fell against the coalition of other European powers. = Vive Napoleon I, Konsul Pertama dan Kaisar Prancis! Setelah Revolusi berjaya yang menekan monarki tua yang berabad-abad, bangsa Prancis berdiri di jantung Eropa sebagai Republik, dan mempunyai maksud untuk menyebarkan ide-idenya ke seluruh benua Eropa, mau dari diplomasi atau peperangan. Ibu Kota Prancis Paris menjadi pusat Kebudayaan, Seni dan Surat dunia. Dengan Pasukan Hebatnya, bereputasi sebagai salah satu yang terhebat, Prancis melawan musuh-musuh di sekitarnya secara berjaya, namun pada akhirnya jatuh saat melawan koalisi kekuatan Eropa lainnya.
+Vive Napoleon I, First Consul and Emperor of France! After the glorious Revolution which suppressed the centuries-old monarchy, the French nation stood at the heart of Europe as a Republic, and intended to export its ideals to the entire European continent, either by diplomacy or war. The French Capital Paris was more than ever the world center of Culture, Arts, and Letters. With its Great Army, reputed as one of the greatest in the History, France fought gloriously all surrounding enemies, but eventually fell against the coalition of other European powers. = Vive Napoleon I, Konsul Pertama dan Kaisar Prancis! Setelah Revolusi berjaya yang menekan monarki tua yang berabad-abad, bangsa Prancis berdiri di jantung Eropa sebagai Republik, dan mempunyai maksud untuk menyebarkan ide-idenya ke seluruh benua Eropa, mau dari diplomasi atau peperangan. Ibu Kota Prancis Paris menjadi pusat Kebudayaan, Seni dan Surat dunia. Dengan Pasukan Hebatnya, bereputasi sebagai salah satu yang terhebat, Prancis melawan musuh-musuh di sekelilingnya secara berjaya, namun pada akhirnya jatuh saat melawan koalisi kekuatan Eropa lainnya.
Napoleon Bonaparte, ruler of the French people, will you rebuild the Empire to take revenge on your foes, and make again of its Capital the City of Lights? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Napoleon Bonaparte, penguasa orang-orang Prancis, akankah engkau membangun kembali Kekaisaran untuk membalaskan dendam kepada musuh-musuhmu, and membuat lagi Ibu Kota Kota Cahaya? Akankah kekaisaran barumu bersinar sepanjang zaman sejarah?
Paris = Paris
Orleans = Orleans
@@ -3580,7 +3580,7 @@ Tarentum = Tarentum
Brundisium = Brundisium
Caesaraugusta = Kaisaraugusta
Caesarea = Kaisarea
-Palmyra = Palmyra
+Palmyra = Palmira
Signia = Signia
Aquileia = Akuileia
Clusium = Clusium
@@ -5493,7 +5493,7 @@ Zero = Zero
B17 = B17
-Paratrooper = Penerjun Payung
+Paratrooper = Pasukan Penerjun Payung
Tank = Tank
diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Italian.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Italian.properties
index 366f2de494..43bdb9b593 100644
--- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Italian.properties
+++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Italian.properties
@@ -220,16 +220,14 @@ Current leader(s): [leaders], you: [yourScore] = Attualmente in testa: [leaders]
Demands = Richieste
# Will be deprecated in a few versions
Please don't settle new cities near us. = Smetti di fondare città vicino a noi.
- # Requires translation!
-Don't settle new cities near us. =
+Don't settle new cities near us. = Smetti di fondare città vicino a noi.
Very well, we shall look for new lands to settle. = Ti porgiamo le nostre scuse, eviteremo di fondare città nelle vostre vicinanze.
We shall do as we please. = Colonizzeremo la terra che ci pare e piace.
We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have....implications. = A quanto pare le tue promesse di non espandere i tuoi territori adiacenti ai nostri erano solo parole al vento. Sappi che ci saranno conseguenze.
# Will be deprecated in a few versions
Please don't spread your religion to us. = Smetti di diffondere la tua religione nei nostri territori.
- # Requires translation!
-Don't spread religion in our cities. =
+Don't spread religion in our cities. = Smetti di diffondere la tua religione nei nostri territori.
Very well, we shall spread our faith elsewhere. = Scusate il disturbo, diffonderemo la nostra religione da un'altra parte.
We noticed you have continued spreading your faith, despite your promise. This will have...consequences. = Contava così poco la nostra amicizia perché continuassi a diffondere la tua religione nonostante le tue promesse? Sappi che ci saranno conseguenze.
@@ -1852,10 +1850,9 @@ Our spy [spyName] failed to stage a coup in [cityStateName] and was killed! = La
Do you want to stage a coup in [civName] with a [percent]% chance of success? = Vuoi tentare un colpo di stato ai danni di [civName]? (Probabilità di riuscita [percent]%)
# Spy fleeing city
-After the city of [cityName] was destroyed, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Dopo la distruzione di [cityName], la tua spia [spyName] è tornata nel tuo covo.
-After the city of [cityName] was conquered, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Poiché [cityName] è stata conquistata, la tua spia [spyName] è tornata nel tuo covo.
- # Requires translation!
-After the city of [cityName] was taken over, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. =
+After the city of [cityName] was destroyed, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Dopo la distruzione di [cityName], la tua spia [spyName] è tornata al covo.
+After the city of [cityName] was conquered, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Poiché [cityName] è stata conquistata, la tua spia [spyName] è tornata al covo.
+After the city of [cityName] was taken over, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Dopo la conquista di [cityName], la tua spia [spyName] è tornata al covo.
Due to the chaos ensuing in [cityName], your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = A causa dei disordini nella città [cityName], la tua spia [spyName] è tornata nel tuo covo.
# Promotions
diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Latin.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Latin.properties
index f564d74ab5..acd6dd8581 100644
--- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Latin.properties
+++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Latin.properties
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ Demands = Postulata
# Will be deprecated in a few versions
Please don't settle new cities near us. = Quaesimus, nolite oppida nova prope nos condere.
# Requires translation!
-Don't settle new cities near us. =
+Don't settle new cities near us. = Ne condatis nova oppida prope nos.
Very well, we shall look for new lands to settle. = Bene, novum agrum ad cultionem investigemus.
We shall do as we please. = Faciamus ut velimus facere.
# Requires translation!
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have.
# Will be deprecated in a few versions
Please don't spread your religion to us. = Quaesimus, nolite religionem vestram ad nos sternere.
# Requires translation!
-Don't spread religion in our cities. =
+Don't spread religion in our cities. = Ne sternatis religionem in urbibus nostris.
Very well, we shall spread our faith elsewhere. = Bene, alibi sternamus.
# Requires translation!
We noticed you have continued spreading your faith, despite your promise. This will have...consequences. =
@@ -1386,7 +1386,7 @@ Show unit destination = Indica locum quem it
Swap units = Muta locos
Construct improvement = Aedifica meliorationem
Automate = Se agere
-Stop automation = Non facias sine imperato
+Stop automation = Ne agas sine imperato
Construct road = Aedifica viam
Fortify = Fortifica
Fortify until healed = Fortifica donec vales
@@ -2044,7 +2044,7 @@ Enhanced religion = Religio amplificata
# so feel free to not translate these strings for now
Spy = Emissarius
-Spy Hideout = Spelunca emissariorum
+Spy Hideout = Locus occultus emissariorum
Spy present = Locus emissarii
Move = Moveo
@@ -2081,13 +2081,13 @@ Do you want to stage a coup in [civName] with a [percent]% chance of success? =
# Spy fleeing city
# Requires translation!
-After the city of [cityName] was destroyed, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. =
+After the city of [cityName] was destroyed, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Postquam urbs [cityName] erat destructa, [spyName], qui/quæ erat emissarius tuus, refugit ad locum occultum nostrum.
# Requires translation!
-After the city of [cityName] was conquered, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. =
+After the city of [cityName] was conquered, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Postquam urbs [cityName] erat capta, [spyName], qui/quæ erat emissarius tuus, refugit ad locum occultum nostrum.
# Requires translation!
-After the city of [cityName] was taken over, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. =
+After the city of [cityName] was taken over, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Postquam urbs [cityName] erat assumpta, [spyName], qui/quæ erat emissarius tuus, refugit ad locum occultum nostrum.
# Requires translation!
-Due to the chaos ensuing in [cityName], your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. =
+Due to the chaos ensuing in [cityName], your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Ob nubem insequentem in urbe, quæ erat [cityName], [spyName], qui/quæ erat emissarius tuus, refugit ad locum occultum nostrum.
# Promotions
@@ -3024,9 +3024,9 @@ ModOptions = Optiones Mutationis
Event = Eventus
EventChoice = Electio Eventus
# Requires translation!
-Conditional =
-TriggerCondition = Vegetatrum
-UnitTriggerCondition = Vegetatrum de Centuria
+Conditional = Condicionalis
+TriggerCondition = Condicio Vegetans
+UnitTriggerCondition = Condicio Vegetans de Centuria
UnitActionModifier = Adiectio Actionis Centuriae
MetaModifier = Adiectio Adiectionis
@@ -6522,7 +6522,7 @@ Atomic Theory = Theoria Atomica
Ecology = Oecologia
'Computers are like Old Testament gods: lots of rules and no mercy.' - Joseph Campbell = 'Computatra sunt similia deis Veteris Testamenti: regulae multae et nulla clementia.' - Joseph Campbell
Computers = Computatra
-'A good rule for rocket experimenters to follow is this: always assume that it will explode.' - Astronautics Magazine, 1937 = 'Regula bona sequenda factore experimenti radii igniferi hæc est: semper asciscas eum iri displosum.' - Astronautics Magazine, MCMXXXVII
+'A good rule for rocket experimenters to follow is this: always assume that it will explode.' - Astronautics Magazine, 1937 = 'Regula bona sequenda factore experimenti radii igniferi hæc est: semper exspectes eum iri displosum.' - Astronautics Magazine, MCMXXXVII
Rocketry = Radius Ignifer
'The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.' - The Holy Bible: Romans, 13:12 = 'Nox præcessit, dies autem appropinquavit. Abjiciamus ergo opera tenebrarum, et induamur arma lucis.' - ad Romanos 13:12
Lasers = Laser
@@ -7146,7 +7146,8 @@ Anti-Aircraft Gun = Pistolium contra Vehiculum Aerium
Destroyer = Navis Venatoria
-Zero = Nil
+Zero = Zerum
+# https://latin-dictionary.net/definition/39194/zerum-zeri
# Requires translation!
@@ -7362,7 +7363,7 @@ Pyramid = Pyramis
Terracotta Army = Legio Terrae Coctae
-'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu = 'Videas milites tuos quasi liberos tuos, et sequentur te, et ad valles altissimas; videas eos quasi filios amatos tuos, et coibunt tecum et ad mortem.' - Sun Tzu
+'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu = 'Videas milites tuos quasi liberos tuos, et sequentur te, et ad valles altissimas; videas eos quasi filios tuos amandos, et coibunt tecum et ad mortem.' - Sun Tzu
Amphitheater = Amphitheatrum
@@ -7394,7 +7395,7 @@ Constabulary = Vigiles
Leaning Tower of Pisa = Turris Inclinata Pisis
# Requires translation!
-'Don't clap too hard - it's a very old building.' - John Osbourne =
+'Don't clap too hard - it's a very old building.' - John Osbourne = 'Ne valde plaudatis - aedificium admodum antiquum est.' - John Osbourne
Coffee House = Domus Cafearia
@@ -7417,7 +7418,7 @@ Recycling Center = Centrum de Regyratione
Great Firewall = Murus Magnus Incendiarius
# Requires translation!
-'Distrust and caution are the parents of security.' - Benjamin Franklin =
+'Distrust and caution are the parents of security.' - Benjamin Franklin = 'Diffidentia et cautio sunt parentes securitatis.' - Benjaminus Franklinius
CN Tower = Turris CN
'Nothing travels faster than light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special rules.' - Douglas Adams = 'Nullum velocius it quam lux nisi fortasse nuntium malum, quod paret regulis suis specialibus.' - Douglas Adams
@@ -9287,11 +9288,12 @@ Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotion
Combat = Proelium
# Requires translation!
-Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
+Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. = Centuriae et urbes interficuntur proelio, quod aliquantis variis aestimationibus afficitur.\nCenturia omnis habet aestimationem 'fundamentalem' certam proelii, quae potest aliqualibus condicionibus, promotionibus et locis meliorari.
# Requires translation!
-Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
+Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. = Cum faciunt propinquitatis oppugnationem et defensionem, centuriae utuntur aestimatione 'potentiae,' quae tum fiat aestimatio fundamentalis proelii.\nCum faciunt oppugnationem longinquitatis, utantur 'potentiâ oppugnationis longinquæ.'
# Requires translation!
-Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependent on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
+Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependent on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. = Oppugnationes longinquitatis possunt ex longinquo fieri, dependent de aestimatione 'ambitûs.'\nCum oppugnationes propinquitatis permittunt defensori retaliando damnare oppugnatorem, oppugnationes longinquitatis non permittunt.
Research Agreements = Concordiae de Scientia
# Requires translation!
@@ -9325,7 +9327,7 @@ Certain buildings, and specialists in cities, generate Great Person points per t
Alternatively, the Great Person points breakdown per city can be viewed in each City Screen (see UI Tips article). =
Once enough points have been accumulated, a Great Person of that type will be created!\nEach Great Person can construct a certain Great Improvement which gives large yields over time, or immediately consumed to provide a certain bonus now. = Quando satis calculi sint accumulati, persona magna ejus generis creetur!\nPersona magna omnis potest construere aliqualem meliorationem magnam, quae paulatim det productum magnum, aut nunc confestim sumi ad praebendum praemium aliquale.
# Requires translation!
-Great Improvements also provide any strategic resources that are under them, so you don't need to worry if resources are revealed underneath your improvements! =
+Great Improvements also provide any strategic resources that are under them, so you don't need to worry if resources are revealed underneath your improvements! = Meliorationes magnae etiam praebent mercem strategematicam quae cumque subest eis, sic non necesse solliciteris, num merces sub meliorationibus tuis patefaciantur!
See also Specialists = Et videas Specialistas
Removing Terrain Features = Summovere Adjuncta Humorum
@@ -9346,7 +9348,7 @@ F1 - Open Civilopedia\nF2 - Empire overview Trades\nF3 - Empire overview Units\n
# Requires translation!
Ctrl-R - Toggle tile resource display\nCtrl-Y - Toggle tile yield display\nCtrl-O - Game options\nCtrl-S - Save game\nCtrl-L - Load game\nCtrl-U - Toggle UI (World Screen only) =
# Requires translation!
-All of these can be reassigned. =
+All of these can be reassigned. = Omnia de his possunt denuo assignari.
# Requires translation!
This is where you spend most of your time playing Unciv. See the world, control your units, access other screens from here. =
@@ -9490,7 +9492,7 @@ The Maya measured time in days from what we would call 11th of August, 3114 BCE.
Unciv only displays ය B'ak'tuns, ඹ K'atuns and ම Tuns (from left to right) since that is enough to approximate gregorian calendar years. The Maya numerals are pretty obvious to understand. Have fun deciphering them! = Unciv modo ostendit ය B'ak'tun, ඹ K'atun et ම Tun (a laeva ad dextram), quia satis sunt ad approximandum annos Calendarii Gregoriani. Notae numerorum Mayenses sunt bene manifestae ad intellegendum. Beeris cum interpreteris eas!
# Requires translation!
-Your cities will periodically demand different luxury goods to satisfy their desire for new things in life. =
+Your cities will periodically demand different luxury goods to satisfy their desire for new things in life. = Urbes tuae periodo poscent merces luxurias varias ut satisfaciant suum desiderium rerum novarum.
# Requires translation!
If you manage to acquire the demanded luxury by trade, expansion, or conquest, the city will celebrate We Love The King Day for 20 turns. =
# Requires translation!
@@ -9556,7 +9558,7 @@ This is a work in progress. =
# Requires translation!
For technical reasons, only direct keys or Ctrl-Letter combinations can be used. =
# Requires translation!
-Using the Keys page =
+Using the Keys page = Usus paginae plectrorum
# Requires translation!
Each binding has a button with an image looking like this: =
# Requires translation!
@@ -9646,7 +9648,7 @@ Alternatively, click on the "Unimproved" number to center the world screen only
# Requires translation!
If more than one tile is available, click repeatedly on the notification to cycle through all of them. =
# Requires translation!
-Show diagram line colors =
+Show diagram line colors = Ostendere colores linearum diagrammatis
# Requires translation!
In Politics overview > Show diagram, you can click anywhere inside the diagram to display a table listing all relationship line colors and their meaning. =
Miscellaneous = Res miscellaneae
diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Polish.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Polish.properties
index 7395e09a65..62fa4ea518 100644
--- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Polish.properties
+++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Polish.properties
@@ -2267,15 +2267,15 @@ Cannot be intercepted = Nie może zostać przechwycony
Cannot intercept [mapUnitFilter] units = Nie można przechwycić jednostki [mapUnitFilter]
[relativeAmount]% Strength when performing Air Sweep = [relativeAmount]% †Siły bojowej podczas Oczyszczania nieba
[relativeAmount]% maintenance costs = [relativeAmount]% niższe koszty utrzymania
-[relativeAmount]% Gold cost of upgrading = Bonus [relativeAmount]% mniej ¤Złota za ulepszanie
-Earn [amount]% of the damage done to [combatantFilter] units as [civWideStat] = Kiedy atakuje [combatantFilter] wykrada [civWideStat] o wartości [amount]% zadanych mu obrażeń
-Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [civWideStat] immediately = Po zdobyciu miasta otrzymasz [amount] punktów [stat] za każdy 1 punkt [civWideStat] generowany przez to miasto
-Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [civWideStat] = [costOrStrength] pokonanych jednostek (typu [mapUnitFilter]) zamienia się w [amount]% na [civWideStat]
-Earn [amount]% of [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [civWideStat] when killed within 4 tiles of a city following this religion = [costOrStrength] jednostek (typu [mapUnitFilter]) zniszczonych w promieniu 4 pól od miasta wyznającego tę religię zostanie zamieniona w [amount]% na [civWideStat]
+[relativeAmount]% Gold cost of upgrading = Tańsze ulepszanie o [relativeAmount]% ¤Złota
+Earn [amount]% of the damage done to [combatantFilter] units as [civWideStat] = Atakując [combatantFilter] wykrada [civWideStat] o wartości [amount]% zadanych mu obrażeń
+Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [civWideStat] immediately = Po zdobyciu miasta otrzymasz bonus [civWideStat] w wysokości [amount] ciokrotności jego produkcji [stat]
+Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [civWideStat] = [amount]% [costOrStrength] pokonanych jednostek (typu [mapUnitFilter]) otrzymasz jako [civWideStat]
+Earn [amount]% of [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [civWideStat] when killed within 4 tiles of a city following this religion = [costOrStrength] jednostek (typu [mapUnitFilter]) zniszczonych w promieniu 4 pól od miasta wyznającego tę religię zostanie zamieniona na [amount]% na [civWideStat]
May capture killed [mapUnitFilter] units = Może przejmować zniszczone jednostki [mapUnitFilter]
-[amount] XP gained from combat = [amount] PD zdobytych w walce
-[relativeAmount]% XP gained from combat = [relativeAmount]% więcej PD uzyskiwanych z walki
-Can be earned through combat = Można zdobyć przez bitwę
+[amount] XP gained from combat = [amount] więcej PD zdobywanych w walce
+[relativeAmount]% XP gained from combat = [relativeAmount]% więcej PD zdobywanych w walce
+Can be earned through combat = Można zdobyć w bitwie
[greatPerson] is earned [relativeAmount]% faster = Jednostki [greatPerson] będą generowane [relativeAmount]% szybciej
Invisible to others = Niewidoczny dla innych
Invisible to non-adjacent units = Widoczny tylko dla bezpośrednio sąsiadujących jednostek
diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Russian.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Russian.properties
index 28cb6d0910..336c14cb5f 100644
--- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Russian.properties
+++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Russian.properties
@@ -214,16 +214,14 @@ Current leader(s): [leaders], you: [yourScore] = Текущий лидер(ы):
Demands = Требования
# Will be deprecated in a few versions
Please don't settle new cities near us. = Пожалуйста, не основывайте новых городов рядом с нами.
- # Requires translation!
-Don't settle new cities near us. =
+Don't settle new cities near us. = Не основывайте новых городов рядом с нами.
Very well, we shall look for new lands to settle. = Хорошо, мы найдем другие земли для поселений.
We shall do as we please. = Мы поступим, как сочтём нужным.
We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have....implications. = Мы заметили ваш новый город около наших границ. Это может повлечь... последствия.
# Will be deprecated in a few versions
Please don't spread your religion to us. = Пожалуйста, не распространяйте свою религию на нас.
- # Requires translation!
-Don't spread religion in our cities. =
+Don't spread religion in our cities. = Не распространяйте религию на наши города.
Very well, we shall spread our faith elsewhere. = Очень хорошо, мы распространим нашу веру в другом месте.
We noticed you have continued spreading your faith, despite your promise. This will have...consequences. = Мы заметили, что вы продолжили распространять вашу веру, несмотря на ваши обещания. Это будет иметь... последствия.
@@ -1847,9 +1845,8 @@ Do you want to stage a coup in [civName] with a [percent]% chance of success? =
# Spy fleeing city
After the city of [cityName] was destroyed, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = После разрушения [cityName], ваш шпион [spyName] скрылся.
-After the city of [cityName] was conquered, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = После захвата [cityName], ваш шпион [spyName] скрылся.
- # Requires translation!
-After the city of [cityName] was taken over, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. =
+After the city of [cityName] was conquered, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = После завоевания [cityName], ваш шпион [spyName] скрылся.
+After the city of [cityName] was taken over, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = После захвата [cityName], ваш шпион [spyName] скрылся.
Due to the chaos ensuing in [cityName], your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Из-за хаоса, воцарившегося в [cityName], ваш шпион [spyName] скрылся.
# Promotions
diff --git a/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/BuildConfig.kt b/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/BuildConfig.kt
index 4e55434e0d..40edbe782b 100644
--- a/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/BuildConfig.kt
+++ b/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/BuildConfig.kt
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ package com.unciv.build
object BuildConfig {
const val kotlinVersion = "1.9.24"
const val appName = "Unciv"
- const val appCodeNumber = 1079
- const val appVersion = "4.14.12-patch2"
+ const val appCodeNumber = 1080
+ const val appVersion = "4.14.13"
const val gdxVersion = "1.12.1"
const val ktorVersion = "2.3.12"
diff --git a/changelog.md b/changelog.md
index b801d7a6ab..612023317b 100644
--- a/changelog.md
+++ b/changelog.md
@@ -1,3 +1,31 @@
+## 4.14.13
+Resolved - "Stats from tiles" uniques work with terrain + improvement filter combos
+Resolved - resource icons in city screen look good with resistance
+Temporarily ignore touhidurr notifications - bad user experience
+chore: code linting
+perf(mem): Only create terrainOverlay images when needed
+perf(mem): SIGNIFICANT memory save, removed 2 unnecessary groups per tile by only assigning when they actually contain units
+perf(mem): Create one TileSetStrings shared across all terrain emojis
+Fixed translations
+Fixed icons
+Resolved - Fixed city names disappearing
+hexarealm: Fix Snow Lake edge name - By RobLoach
## 4.14.12
Allow unit triggers to be used in unit-triggered events
diff --git a/core/src/com/unciv/UncivGame.kt b/core/src/com/unciv/UncivGame.kt
index 079cc22fd9..92bf170a63 100644
--- a/core/src/com/unciv/UncivGame.kt
+++ b/core/src/com/unciv/UncivGame.kt
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ open class UncivGame(val isConsoleMode: Boolean = false) : Game(), PlatformSpeci
companion object {
- val VERSION = Version("4.14.12-patch2", 1079)
+ val VERSION = Version("4.14.13", 1080)
/** Global reference to the one Gdx.Game instance created by the platform launchers - do not use without checking [isCurrentInitialized] first. */
diff --git a/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/1080.txt b/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/1080.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5dd32f7b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/1080.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Resolved - "Stats from tiles" uniques work with terrain + improvement filter combos
+Resolved - resource icons in city screen look good with resistance
+Temporarily ignore touhidurr notifications - bad user experience
+chore: code linting
+perf(mem): Only create terrainOverlay images when needed
+perf(mem): SIGNIFICANT memory save, removed 2 unnecessary groups per tile by only assigning when they actually contain units
+perf(mem): Create one TileSetStrings shared across all terrain emojis
+Fixed translations
+Fixed icons
+Resolved - Fixed city names disappearing
+hexarealm: Fix Snow Lake edge name - By RobLoach
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fastlane/metadata/android/hr/full_description.txt b/fastlane/metadata/android/hr/full_description.txt
index 2c89e9ae2d..2fff627f6c 100644
--- a/fastlane/metadata/android/hr/full_description.txt
+++ b/fastlane/metadata/android/hr/full_description.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
Reimplementacija najpoznatije igre za izgradnju civilizacije otvorenog koda - brza, mala, bez oglasa, besplatna zauvijek!
-Izgradi svoju civilizaciju, istraži tehnologije, proširi svoje gradove i porazi svoje neprijatelje!
+Izgradite svoju civilizaciju, istražite tehnologije, proširite svoje gradove i porazite svoje neprijatelje!
-Zahtjevi? greške? Želiš li pomoći razvoju? Popis obaveza za aplikaciju je na GitHub Issues
+Zahtjevi? greške? Želite li pomoći razvoju? Popis obaveza za aplikaciju je na GitHub Issues
-Pitanja? Komentari? Pridruži nam se na Diskordu na Discord ;)
+Pitanja? Komentari? Pridružite nam se na Diskordu na Discord ;)
-Želiš li pomoći u prevođenju igre na svoj jezik? Pogledaj Wiki
+Želite li pomoći u prevođenju igre na svoj jezik? Pogledajte Wiki
-Svijet čeka! Hoćeš li izgraditi svoju civilizaciju u carstvo koje će izdržati test vremena?
+Svijet čeka! Hoćete li izgraditi svoju civilizaciju u carstvo koje će izdržati test vremena?
-Dopuštenje 'imaj puni pristup mreži' potrebno je za preuzimanja koja pokreće korisnik i značajku za više igrača. Sva ostala navedena dopuštenja su automatski uključena od strane API-a koji se koristi za implementaciju obavijesti o potezima više igrača. Mrežna dopuštenja koriste se za popis modova, preuzimanje modova, preuzimanje glazbe i za slanje/preuzimanje igara za više igrača. Niti jedna druga internetska komunikacija nije pokrenuta od strane Unciv.
+Dopuštenje 'imaj puni pristup mreži' potrebno je za preuzimanja koja pokreće korisnik i značajku više igrača. Sva ostala navedena dopuštenja su automatski uključena od strane API-a koji se koristi za implementaciju obavijesti o potezima više igrača. Mrežna dopuštenja koriste se za popis modova, preuzimanje modova, preuzimanje glazbe i za slanje/preuzimanje igara više igrača. Niti jedna druga internetska komunikacija nije pokrenuta od strane Unciv-a.